Atlanta Orchid Society Newsletter

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Atlanta Orchid Society Newsletter The Atlanta Orchid Society Bulletin Affiliated with the American Orchid Society, the Orchid Digest Corporation and the Mid-America Orchid Congress 2001 Recipient of the American Orchid Society’s Distinguished Affiliated Societies Service Award Newsletter Editor: Danny Lentz Society Librarian: Elaine Jacobson Volume 45: Number 10 October 2004 OCTOBER EVENTS The Meeting: 8:00 PM Monday, October 11 at Atlanta Botanical Garden - Day Hall Speaker: Mr. Howard Gunn The speaker at AtOS's October meeting will be Howard Gunn from California who will talk about Bulbophyllums. Howard has been growing orchids since 1965 in separate intermediate and warm greenhouses. Howard grows over 350 Bulbophyllums along with Paphs, Phrags, and other orchids and has 29 AOS awards. Howard has traveled in Australia, Mexico, and Ecuador, which has added to his knowledge of growing orchids from seeing them in situ. Greengrowers: Peach State Orchids, 920 Homer Rd., Woodstock, GA 30188 Saturday October 2 from 9:00 to 2:00 Bill will have special sale prices for Greengrowers, 25-50% off plants that are not in bud. Come out and visit the largest orchid nursery in our area. Peach State has many thousands of orchids available from a large number of genera. You can get directions from the Peach State website at, or call Bill at (770) 751-8770. Inside This Issue Atlanta Orchid Society 2004 Officers…………………………………………..….…………… Page 2 Collector’s Item……Pescatorea lehmannii Reichb. f. …..…Ron McHatton…...…….……... Page 2 Events Out and About………………Dates for your Calendar…………...……….…….……… Page 3 Minutes of the September Meeting …..……..….…….…...……….………….…………….… Page 3 The September Exhibition Table (with notes by Ron McHatton)……….…………………..... Page 4 Dillon/Peterson Essay Competition……………………………………………………………. Page 6 AtOS and SMOS Fall Show….David Mellard….……………………………………………… Page 7 Notes from Ervin Granier’s Presentation………Danny Lentz and David Mellard……………. Page 9 A Note on Using the Current Orchid Name…..David Mellard and Ron McHatton………….. Page 10 Finding Orchid Hybrid Information on the RHS Web Site…Danny Lentz……………...……. Page 13 A Note on Oncidium Alliance Name Changes…….Helga Gray…………………….………… Page 15 Third Quarter Ribbon Judging Results……..Rob Rinn………………………………………… Page 15 All contents © Atlanta Orchid Society unless otherwise noted. Page 2 October 2004 THE ATLANTA ORCHID SOCIETY COLLECTOR’S ITEM Pescatorea lehmannii Reichb. f. Officers Pes-ka-TORE-ee-ah lay-MAN-ee-eye President Tribe: Cymbidieae Evan Dessasau, III Subtribe: Stanhopeinae 2431 Elkhorn Drive Decatur, GA 30034 Etymology: In honor of M. Pescatore, French patron of the 404-241-4819 orchids Vice-President/Programs David Mellard The genus Pescatorea currently comprises some 16 3409 Regalwoods Drive species distributed from Costa Rica through Ecuador. Plants Doraville, GA 30340 are without pseudobulbs, consisting of fan-like growths of 770-270-5758 thin, folded leaves. Inflorescences are one-flowered and Secretary produced from within the leaf axils. The lip callus is large, Sandy Phillips fleshy, either ribbed or glandular and extends beyond the sides 870 Virginia Circle NE of the narrow column. Atlanta, GA 30306 404-874-1417 All species in the genus are epiphytes in very wet forests and require abundant water throughout the year. Treasurer Depending on the species, they are found at elevations from Scott Smith 481 W. Ontario Ave. 100 meters to 1000 meters (330 – 3300 feet) and respond well Atlanta, GA 30310 to intermediate conditions. Their thin leaves dictate 404-752-6432 moderately shady conditions to avoid sunburning of the Immediate Past President foliage and sufficient airmovement and humidity to avoid Linda Miller fungal and bacterial leaf spotting. 135 Pheasant Drive Pescatorea lehmannii grows in southwestern Colombia Marietta, GA 30067 770-953-2853 and northwestern Ecuador. Flowers are typically about 5cm (2”) across although those of selected clones can reach 8cm Directors (3”). The extent of purple blotching on the sepals and petals Term Expiring 2004 can vary form a simple apical blotch to nearly covering the Frank Decaminada entire flower as shown in the photo below. (770) 992-8309 Andrew Dott 404-256-7858 Term Expiring 2005 Mark Reinke 404-622-4872 Jeff Whitfield 706-675-3583 Term Expiring 2006 Richard Ackerman 770-978-6109 Fred Missbach 404-237-1694 Photo courtesy of Andy’s Orchids Page 3 October 2004 Events Out and About MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER MEETING • The meeting was called to order by President Evan Dessasau III. October The minutes were approved as written. Saturday, 10/2. Greengrowers at • David Mellard reminded everyone to send in your proxy for Peachstate Orchids. Bill will have American Orchid Society officer elections. Seemingly, your only special prices, see page 1. choices are to vote for the suggested officers, withhold your vote or not return the proxy. David mentioned a fourth option to vote for Howard Saturday, 10/9. American Orchid Bronstein for President and Sue Eloe for Executive Vice President, Society monthly judging, Atlanta which requires a form, found at the following web site. Center, 2 pm, ABG basement ( Time is of the workshop. If entering plants, please essence. arrive before 1:30 pm to allow time for • Our participation in the Atlanta Orchid Show is appreciated research and paperwork. beginning on Thursday, November 11 with show set up through the show breakdown on November 14. We are important to the success of Monday, 10/11. AtOS Monthly the show, even if we can only participate for a few hours. • Paul Turner and Roy Harrow will be organizing the Atlanta Orchid Meeting at ABG. Howard Gunn will Society exhibit for the show. be speaking on Bulbophyllums. • Volunteers are needed for clerks (administrative/runners/ribbon placement) Friday morning and afternoon for AOS judging. Even if you Wednesday, 10/6 to Sunday, 10/10. have no experience, it takes only five minutes to learn the job. American Orchid Society members • David hopes to convince Good Morning Atlanta to introduce and meeting in Denver, Colorado. Pre- cover the orchid show to encourage public participation. Here is a star registration is recommended. For quality volunteer opportunity. more information, visit the DOS • Reba Herzfeld and Terri Hansen are co-chairs for Hospitality. This website at year the Atlanta Orchid Society members will be providing the catering, instead of hiring caterers. A structured sign up sheet, with food events.html categories, is available. You will be reimbursed reasonable costs for your food contribution. AtlOS will furnish honey-baked hams and Monday, 10/11. Atlanta Orchid turkeys. Breakfast and lunch will be provided (cold food only). We will Society monthly meeting, ABG, Day be feeding 30-50 people per day. Hall, 8 p.m. Howard Gunn will talk • In the past, there have been few participants in the Art Exhibit, featuring orchids in use; for example, corsages and floral arrangements. about Bulbophyllums. Help requested to encourage participation. • An email will be sent requesting sponsors for trophies for the show. November • Roy Harrow thanked everyone for their participation in the orchid Monday, 11/8. Atlanta Orchid Society auction at his home last month. $125 was raised for the orchid society monthly meeting, ABG, Day Hall, 8 and a good time was had by all. p.m. The topic and speaker are to be • The Decatur Garden Club would like a speaker on orchids. determined. • The Atlanta Botanical Garden seeks volunteers who can answer questions about orchids in the conservatory. Friday to Sunday, 11/12 to 11/14. • Greengrowers at Peachtree State Orchids in Woodstock will be held Atlanta and South Metro Orchid the weekend of September 18th and also on October 2nd. In October, Societies Fall Show and Sale, ABG, discounts of up to 50% will be given on those orchids not in bud. Day Hall. Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. • Mr. Ervin Granier from St. Gabriel, La. (near Baton Rouge) was our to 5 p.m.; Sunday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. See guest speaker. He is well known for growing blue Cattleyas and article and schedule of events in this specimen plants. To date, he has received 107 AOS Awards. He gave newsletter for more details. Contact: an interesting slide presentation followed by his unique cultural David Mellard, Show Chair. methods, and treatments for pests and fungus. You can find his web site at • Thanks to Liz Wyman and Charlotte Gladner and others for Saturday, 11/13. American Orchid providing refreshments. Thanks to all who brought in plants, filling two Society monthly judging, Atlanta tables, for the raffle. Center, 2 pm, ABG basement workshop. If entering plants, please There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. arrive before 1:30 pm to allow time for Respectfully submitted, Sandy Phillips research and paperwork. Page 4 October 2004 SEPTEMBER 2004 EXHIBITION TABLE AWARDS with notes by Ron McHatton CLASS 1: CATTLEYA ALLIANCE Blue Lc. (Sunset Flare x S. J. Bracey) Lyda Red Ctna. Capri ‘Lea’ AM/AOS Collier/Reinke Red Laelia crispa Rinn White Cattleya Fort Motte ‘Leopard’ Collier/Reinke White Cattleya labiata Collier/Reinke (Blue) Lc. (Sunset Flare x S. J. Bracey) : Laeliocattleya S. J. Bracey is one of those wonderful old breeders that shows up in an amazing list of modern hybrids. It’s Lc. (Sunset Flare x S. J. Bracey) influence is the source of the incredible deep color of things like Blc. Owen Holmes and Blc. Oconee. In general it imparts very strong inflorescences with up to four flowers. In addition it is fragrant and imparts its fragrance to its progeny. When bred to purple Cattleyas, the result is an intensification of purple color. When bred to yellows, the result is very often iridescent copper like that of Lc.
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