Islam in Eastern Europe and the Russian Federation
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Islam in Eastern Europe and the Russian Federation Islam in Albania Bartl, Peter. Die albanischen Muslime zur Zeit der nationalen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung (1878-1912). Wiesbaden : O. Harrassowitz, 1968. Memorial Library stacks. call number: DR701 S5 B42 Islam in the Balkans Muslim identity and the Balkan state / Hugh Poulton, Suha Taji-Farouki, editors. Washington Square, N.Y. : New York University Press in association with the Islamic Council, 1997. Memorial Library stacks. call number: DR27 M87 M88 1997 Norris, H. T. Islam in the Balkans : religion and society between Europe and the Arab world / H.T. Norris. Columbia, S.C : University of South Carolina Press, 1993. Memorial Library stacks. call number: DR23 N67 1993 Popović, Alexandre. Cultures musulmanes balkaniques / Alexandre Popović. Beylerbeyi, Istanbul : Editions Isis, 1994. Memorial Library stacks. call number: DR27 M87 P66 1994 Popović, Alexandre. L'islam balkanique : les musulmans du sud-est européen dans la période post-ottomane / Alexandre Popović. Berlin : Osteuropa-Institut an der Freien Universität Berlin ; Wiesbaden : In Kommission bei O. Harrassowitz, 1986. Memorial Library stacks. call number: DR27 M87 P67 1986 Popović, Alexandre. Les musulmans des Balkans à l'époque post-ottomane : histoire et politique / Alexandre Popović. Beylerbeyi, Istanbul : Editions Isis, 1994. Memorial Library stacks. call number: DR27 M87 P674 1994 Zheliazkova, Antonina. Razprostranenie na isliama v zapadnobalkanskite zemi pod osmanska vlast : XV-XVIII vek / Antonina Zheliazkova. Sofiia : Izd-vo na Bulgarskata akademiia na naukite, 1990. Memorial Library stacks. call number: BP65 B28 Z48 1990 Islam in Bulgaria Raichevski, Stoian. Bulgarite mokhamedani / Stoian Raichevski. Sofiia : Universitetsko izd-vo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski", 1998. Memorial Library stacks. call number: DR64.2 M8 R5 1998 Islam in Austro-Hungary The Remains of Islamic Budapest. Balic, Ismail. Zur Geschichte der Muslime in Österreich. in Heine, Susanne. Islam zwischen Selbstbild und Klischee. Wien : Böhlau, 1995. Islam in the Russian Federation (Monographs) Abdulatipov, R. G. (Ramazan Gadzhimuradovich) Sud´by islama v Rossii : Istoriia i perspektivy / R.G. Abdulatipov. Moskva : Mysl´, 2002. Memorial Library stacks. call number: BP65 R8 A65 2002 Islam in politics in Russia and central Asia : (early eighteenth to late twentieth centuries) / Edited by Stéphane A. Dudoignon and Komatsu Hisao. London ; New York : Kegan Paul, 2001. Memorial Library stacks. call number: BP65 R8 I85 2001 Khairetdinov, D. Z. (Damir Ziniurovich) Musul´manskaia obshchina Moskvy v XIV-- nachale XX veka / D.Z. Khairetdinov. N. Novgorod : Dukhovnoe upravlenie musul´man Nizh. Novgoroda i Nizhegorodskoi oblasti : Nizhegorodskoe Islamskoe medrese "Makhinur" : Islamskoe medrese "Medina", 2002. Memorial Library stacks. call number: BP65 R8 K48 2002 Muslim communities reemerge : historical perspectives on nationality, politics, and opposition in the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia / Andreas Kappeler, Gerhard Simon, Georg Brunner, editors of the German edition ; Edward Allworth, editor of the English edition ; translations from the German by Caroline Sawyer. Durham : Duke University Press, 1994. Memorial Library stacks. call number: DK34 M8 M8713 1994 Muslim religious institutions in Imperial Russia : the Islamic world of Novouzensk District and the Kazakh Inner Horde, 1780-1910 / Allen J. Frank. Leiden : Brill, 2001. Memorial Library stacks. call number: DK511 V65 F73 2001 Postsovetskoe musul´manskoe prostranstvo : religiia, politika, ideologiia : sbornik statei / [redaktsionnaia kollegiia, Malashenko A.V., Miloslavskii G.V. (otvetstvennyi redaktor), Naumkin V.V.]. Moskva : Rossiiskii tsentr strategicheskikh i m[e]zhdunar. issledovanii, 1994. 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