Sign Patterns with a Nest of Positive Principal Minors D. D. Olesky 1 M. J. Tsatsomeros 2 P. van den Driessche 3 March 11, 2011 Abstract T A matrix A 2 Mn (R) has a nest of positive principal minors if P AP has positive leading principal minors for some permutation matrix P . Motivated by the fact that such a matrix A can be positively scaled so all its eigenvalues lie in the open right-half-plane, conditions are investigated so that a square sign pattern either requires or allows a nest of positive principal minors. Keywords: Principal minor; Nested sequence; P-matrix; Q-matrix; Sign- nonsingularity; Positive stability; Potential stability; LU factorization. AMS Subject Classifications: 15B35, 15A18, 05C22. 1Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada V8W 3P6 (
[email protected]). 2Mathematics Department, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99164-3113, U.S.A. (
[email protected]). 3Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada V8W 3R4 (
[email protected]). 1 1 Introduction Given A = [aij] 2 Mn (R), we consider its sign pattern A, namely, an array with entries αij = sign aij 2 f+; −; 0g. For convenience, we identify A with the sign pattern class of A, that is, the set fB = [bij] 2 Mn (R) : sign bij = sign aij for all i; jg and write A 2 A. Sign pattern A requires property X if every B 2 A has property X , and A allows property X if there exists B 2 A that has property X . A matrix A possesses a leading positive nest if the leading principal minors of A are positive.