VOL. 2 • NUM 11 www.LaPrensaTEXAS.com 17 de Marzo de 2019 Cambios Ambientales About the Cover Non-Profit Our Environment Meat Based Live SPURSCAST at Artist Highlight Matters Environmental Guadalupe Patricia Ortiz Gardopia Here Is Why Destruction Cultural Arts Center By AnArte Gallery By R.Eguia By Dr. Ricardo Romo By Isa Fernández By R.Eguia 2 La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO 17 de Marzo de 2019 This grass roots publication is the life Let’s Talk About it... source for a community that is not easily afforded viable access to diverse and ac- Facebook cessible media. San Antonio and the sur- rounding counties have become accustomed By Yvette Tello Eliseo Moreno: doomed regardless of what over and tell you what to do, to relevant news brought to them in both English and Spanish since 1913. Climate change causes rising “Climate change will happen we do.” drive, eat, hike up gas prices sea levels due to the melting as it’s happened for 4 bil- and so on. It’s the only pur- Steve A Duran Sr. CEO/Publisher of the polar ice caps which lion years on earth; it never David Martin Repya: pose is control. The climate
[email protected] contribute to greater storm has remained the same. Our “Just look at what has been is and will always change, Ramon Chapa Jr. damage; warming ocean lives are short and human going on in Australia..It is regardless of our efforts.” Co-Publisher
[email protected] temperatures are associ- beings have only been on shocking.” Yvette Tello ated with stronger and more Penelope Perez: Executive Vice President frequent storms; additional “Climate change has
[email protected] rainfall, particularly dur- such an awful stigma Roxanne Eguia Editor In Chief ing severe weather events, associated with the
[email protected] leads to flooding and other semantics.