The Missionary Society

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The Missionary Society A' ^ THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT ^ ' V H * * * \ OF * THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF / g r t - PRINTED AT THE CONFERENCE OFFICE, 200 MULBEKKY-8TKKKT. 1854. NEC, r , OFFICERS AND MANAGERS Officers. R e v . BISHOP WAUGH, President, BISHOP MORRIS, 1st Vice-President, BISHOP JANES, 2(1 do. BISHOP SCOTT, 3d do. BISHOP SIMPSON, 4ih do. BISHOP BAKER, 5th do. B IS H O P A M E S , 6ih do. S. M A R T IN D A L E , 7th do. H E M A N B A N G S , 8th do. J. P. DURBIN, Corresponding Secretary, THOMAS CARLTON, Treasurer, LEROY SWORMSTEDT, Assistant do. M r . JOHN B. EDWARDS, Rec. Sec. Managers. B ish o p W a u g h ,Jam es A y a r s , J. R a y n o r , “ M o r r is , Jam es F l o y , J. B . E d w a r d s, “ Ja n e s , M . L . S c u d d e r , J. M ’L e a n , “ S c o t t , J. B . H a g a n y , Joh n F a l c o n e r , “ S im pson , R . S. F o s t e r , W m. A . C o x , " B a k e r , L. M . V in c e n t , W m . T r u s l o w , “ A m es, J. H . P e r r y , E . L. F a n c h e r , J. P . D u r b in , J. M . R e id , S . P . P a t t e r s o n , T . C a r l t o n , Z. N . L e w is , D r . S. A. P u r d y , Z. P h il l ip s , J. B . W a k e l e y , D r . W . C . P alm er T . E . B o n d,F r a n c is H a l l , D . S . D u n com b, L e r o y S w o r m s t e d t ,H e n r y M o o r e , C. C. L e ig h , D . I*. K id d e r , W . B . S k id m o r e , E . H . B r o w n , A be l S t e v e n s , J. B . O a k l e y , J. H . T a f t , N a t h a n B a n o s , D r . J. L . P h e l p s , M . F - O d e l l , H em an B a n g s ,R a l p h M e a d , W . W . C o r n e l l , S . M a r t in d a l e , D r . A. S . P u r d y , B . W . B e n so n , D avid T e r r y ,D r . S . T hrockmorton T . A . H o w e , J o h n K e n n a d a y , P . E. C o on, H . M . F o r r e s t e r , R. M . H a t f ie l d , F. G o d in e , W . W - W h it e , H . H u s t e d , 0 . L o v e l a n d , N oah W ork a l l . Jo h n S . P o r t e r , STANDING COMMITTEES. Committee on Foreign Populations. Foreign German Committee. R e v . T . C a r l t o n , R e v . J. H . P e r r y , A . S t e v e n s , A b e l S t e v e n s , D . T e r r y , J. H . T a f t , J. B. W akeley, J. R a y n o r , D r . A . S. P u r d y , W m . B. S k id m ore, F . G o d in e , D . S . D un co m b, J. F a l c o n e r . B . W . B e n so n . South American Committee. Legacy Committee. R e v . L . M . V in c e n t , E . L . F a n c h e r , J. B . O a k le y , R e v . J. Floy, D. D., C . C. L e ig h , B . W . B en so n , P . E . C oon, F r a n c is H a l l , J. M ’L e a n , J. R a y n o r , T . A . H o w e . H . M . F o r r e s t e r . China Committee. Auditing Committee. R e v . D . P. K id d e r , D . D.* J. B. E d w a r d s , J. M . R e id , D r . W . C. P a lm e r , J. H . T a f t , W . W . C o r n e l l , S. P . P a t t e r s o n , W . A. Cox, D r . S . A . P u r d y , E . H . B r o w n , M . F . O d e l l . N . W o r r a l l . Committee on Domestic Missions. Finance Committee. R e v . Z . P h i l l i p s , R ev . T homas C a r l t o n , O . L o v e l a n d , Z . N . L e w is , H e n r y M o o r e , J. B. H a g a n y , E . H . B r o w n , W . B . S k id m o r e , W . W . W h it e . R . M e a d . Estimating Committee. Publishing Committee. R e v . N . B a n g s, D. D ., R e v . J. P. Durbin, D. D., T . C a r l t o n , T . C a r l t o n , R . S. F o s t e r , D . D ., Z. P h illip s , Dr. J. L. P h e lp s . A . S t e v e n s . African Committee. R e v . J. P. Durbin, D. D., M . L . S c u d d e r , T . E . B o n d , M . D ., D r . S. Throckmorton, W . T r u s l o w , W . W . C o r n e l l , W . A . Cox. ACT OF INCORPORATION, A N A C T to incorporate the Missionary Society o f the Methodist Epis­ copal Church. Passed April 9, 1839. SECTION I. Robert R. Roberts, Joshua Soule, Elijah Hedding, James O. An­ drew, Beverly Waugh, Thomas A. Morris, Daniel Ostrander, Nathan Bangs, Thomas Mason, George Lane, Francis Hall, Joseph Smith, Peter Badeau, D. M. Reese, M. D., George Innis, M. Houseworth, Philip Romaine, L. S. Burling, J. P. Aimes, John Valentine, W il­ liam Gale, Abraham Stagg, Erastus Hyde, Henry Moore, James Harper, Thomas Brown, Peter Macnamara, William B. Skidmore, Stephen Dando, J. B. Oakley, Henry Worrall, George Suckley, T . Bartlett, M . D ., G . Coutant, J. L . Phelps, M . D ., B. F . Howe, Israel D. Disosway, G. P. Disosway, Benjamin Disbrow, Ralph Mead, Jotham S. Fountain, Samuel Martin ; and all persons who now are, or hereafter may become, associated with them, are hereby constituted a body corporate, by the name of “ The Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church and by that name and style shall be capable of purchasing, holding, and conveying, such real estate as the purposes of the Corporation shall require j but the annual income of the real estate to be held by them shall not exceed the sum of five thousand dollars. SECTION II. T h e object of the said Corporation is to diffuse more generally the blessings of education, civilization, and Christianity throughout the United States and elsewhere. SECTION III. The management and disposition of the affairs and property of the said Corporation shall be vested in a Board of Managers, to be annu­ ally elected at a meeting of the Society to be called for that purpose, and held in the city of N ew -York, at such time, and on such notice, as the Board of Managers for the time being shall previously pre­ scribe. Such Board shall consist o f not less than thirty-two lay members, and of so many clerical members, not exceeding that num­ ber, as shall be determined upon at such annual meeting, and each of whom shall be a minister in good and regular standing in the Methodist Episcopal Church. The Board of Managers shall have power to fill any vacancy that may happen until the ensuing annual 6 ACT OF INCORPORATION. election ; thirteen members of the Board at any meeting thereof shall be a sufficient number for the transaction of business ; and at any meeiing of the Society twenty-five members of the Society shall be a sufficient quorum.* SECTION IV. The persons named in the first section of this Act shall be the first Board of Managers of such Corporation, and shall hold their offi­ ces until the next annual election, or until others shall be elected in their places. SECTION V. The said Corporation shall possess the general powers, and be subject to the liabilities imposed in and by the third title of the eigh­ teenth chapter of the first part of the Revised Statutes.
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