ISSN (Print) : 2249-1880 SAMVAD: SIBM Pune Research Journal, Vol X, 26-31, June 2016 ISSN (Online) : 2348-5329 Case Study: The Uberisation of Supply Chain Venkatesh Ganapathy* Associate Professor, Presidency School of Business, Bangalore, India;
[email protected] Abstract Uber, a technology company, provides a platform for customers who wish to source a taxi ride on their smart phones. This case study analyses the impact of Uberisation on supply chains and addresses the risk Uberisation entails for traditional necessitated innovations across the supply chain. firms that are unable to leverage the smartphone app technology. This development based on app technology has Keywords: Innovations, Supply Chain, Technology, Uber, Uberisation 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review Uber is a well-known taxi aggregator that is famous across The objective of this review is to trace the evolution of the globe for its path-breaking service process innova- technology based apps. tion. Uber, a technology company, provides a platform for The World Bank’s “ICT for Greater Development customers who wish to source a taxi ride on their smart Impact” strategy seeks to transform delivery of public phones. Due to digital matching of demand and supply, services, generate innovation and improve competitive- capacity utilization of the vehicle is optimum and this ness2. leads to an affordable pricing mechanism for the services. Software development has flourished along with the This creates a win-win situation for the taxi aggregator development of smart phone technology. Transportation services, customers and drivers. industry has benefited from this new smart phone app The Uber model has become so popular that it has technology.