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G Abhandlungen Der Geologischen Bundesanstalt ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at ABHANDLUNGEN DER GEOLOGISCHEN BUNDESANSTALT G Abh. Geol. B,A. ISSN 0378-08641 ISBN 3-85316-007-7 Band 56/2I |S . 419-438 Wien, Dezember 1999 Geologie ohne Grenzen Redaktion: Festschrift 150 Jahre Geologische Bundesanstalt Harald Lobitzer & Pavol Grecula New data on the Hettangian brachiopod fauna of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria, Bavaria) MILOS SIBÜK 15 Text-Figures and 4 Plates Osterreich Bayern Nördliche Kalkalpen Hettang Österreichische Karte Brachiopoden 1:50.000, Blätter 94, 95 Taxonomie Contents Zusammenfassung 419 Abstract 419 1. Introduction 419 2. Localities 420 3. Systematic descriptions 421 4. Conclusion 437 Acknowledgements 437 References 437 Neue Daten zur Brachiopodenfauna des untersten Lias (Hettang) in den Nördlichen Kalkalpen (Österreich, Bayern) Zusammenfassung Von 11 Lokalitäten des untersten Lias der Nördlichen Kalkalpen werden neue Ergebnisse zur Brachiopodenfauna mitgeteilt. Vier Taxa, da­ von eine Gattung und drei Arten, werden neu beschrieben: Saubachia gen. n. inflata sp. n., Homoeorhynchia solitaria sp. n. und Tetrarhynchia inopinata sp. n. Weiters wird die Gattung Grestenella gen. n. aufgestellt mit der Typusart Rhynchonella austriaca SUESS, 1854 aus den Grestener Schichten. Abstract New material of the Hettangian brachiopods is described, and 4 new taxa (Saubachia gen. n. inflata sp. n., Homoeorhynchia solitaria sp. n., and Tetrarhynchia inopinata sp. n.) are established. Moreover, a new genus Grestenella gen. n. is erected for Rhynchonella austriaca SUESS, 1854 from the Gresten Beds. 1. Introduction study confirms this preliminary statement and offers new, more detailed information on this interesting fauna. The attention This paper was preceded by a short review of the Early has been focused on some localities of the Hettangian grey Liassic brachiopods of the Northern Calcareous Alps (SIBÜK, beds - Kendibach Formation - of the Osterhorn block and on 1993), where it was stated that Hettangian brachiopod fauna similar outcrops W of it - localities Eiberg and Ampelsbach in has its own character and importance, and that it differs sub­ Tyrol, and Mittenwald in Bayern ("Grauer Basiskalk" sensu stantially from the younger "Hierlatz-type" fauna. The present FABRICIUS (1966, p. 47) in the Karwendel syncline). Author's address: Dr. MILOS SIBÜK, Geological Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Rozvojovä 135, 165 00 Praha 6. 419 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at GOLEBIOWSKI (1990, p. 179-182 ) studied several Triassic/ 2. Saubachgraben - on western side of Zwölferhorn Jurassic boundary sections in detail, and stated that despite (PLÖCHINGER, 1975; BÖHM, 1992, p. 129). The material comes their appurtenance to different tectonic units they show strong partially from KRYSTYN'S samples S 1/2, S 1/8, S 1/12, S 4/15 lithological and biofacial similarities. He determined the cha­ (= Planorbis Zone, pers. comm.). Kendlbach Beds - grey racteristic terebratulid species from the Lowermost Liassic thin-bedded limestones and marls: Piarorhynchia aff. juvenis beds as Lobothyris sp. or Lobothyris punctata (SOWERBY), and (QUENSTEDT), Saubachia inflata sp. n., Lobothyris delta spiriferid species as Spiriferina cf. walcotti or Spiriferina wal- (NEUMAYR), Zeilleria sp. (? sp. n.). cotti (SOWERBY). This material is determined in the present 3. Hochleitengraben near Gaissau, Salzburg (BÖHM, paper as Lobothyris delta (NEUMAYR) and Spiriferina ex gr. 1992, p. 122, Text-Fig. 44). Kendlbach Formation, brachio­ walcotti (SOWERBY). In the meantime, studies of the Middle and pods come from the grey marls and marly limestones, and Upper Hettangian brachiopods from Steinplatte and Adnet from lower parts of a massive packstone bed with yellow were finished (SIBLI'K, 1993a; SIBÜK in BÖHM et al., 1999). cherts (? Lower Hettangian according to BÖHM): Tetrarhyn- In the following text the characteristic or new Hettangian chia inopinata sp. n., Callospiriferina haueri (SUESS), Zeilleria species are dealt with, badly preserved material and some aff. subnumismalis (DAVIDSON) and Zeilleria sp. (? sp. n.). other finds are only shortly mentioned. Most specimens de­ 4. Glasenbachklamm on southern margin of city of scribed in this publication come from my own samplings and Salzburg (BÖHM, 1992, p. 110): the sample of grey marly li­ these will be deposited partly in the Museum of the mestone (? Kendlbach Beds ) with 3 specimens of Lobothy­ Geological Survey in Vienna, and partly in the Institute of ris delta (NEUMAYR) housed in the Institut für Geologie und Geology and Palaeontology of the University Innsbruck. Paläontologie der Universität Innsbruck. Some other specimens were borrowed for the study from the 5. Eiberg, the quarry S of Kufstein, Tyrol (GOLEBIOWSKI, Institute of Palaeontology, University of Vienna (coll. KRYSTYN 1991). The complete collection was made by GOLEBIOWSKI and GOLEBIOWSKI from Saubachgraben, Ampelsbach, and KRYSTYN in the grey beds (sample no. 34 of Psiloceras Steinplatte and Eiberg) and from the Institute of Geology and johnstoni age, according to KRYSTYN, pers. comm.): Sauba­ Palaeontology, University of Innsbruck (coll. SPIELER). chia inflata sp. n., Spiriferina ex gr. walcotti (SOWERBY), Callo­ Moreover, the specimens of Rhynchonella austriaca SUESS spiriferina haueri {SUESS) and Lobothyris delta (NEUMAYR). from the Gresten Beds (coll. SUESS and ZUGMAYER) housed in 6. Vorderer (Unterer) Ampelsbach N of Achenkirch, Tyrol the Geological Survey and in the Institute of Palaeontology, (HAHN, 1911; QUENSTEDT, 1951). Some specimens come University of Vienna were at disposal for the comparison with from KRYSTYN'S sample no. 84/5/6 (Planorbis Zone, KRY­ my rhynchonellid material. Based on these old collections STYN'S pers. comm.). Grey limestones with sandy admixture only, a new genus Grestenella gen. n. was established. ("Grestener Fazies" in QUENSTEDT, 1951) and marls with pe- lecypods yielded: Tetrarhynchia inopinata sp. n., Callospiri­ ferina haueri (SUESS), Lobothyris andleri (OPPEL), Zeilleria 2. Localities perforata (PIETTE), Zeilleria sp.(? sp. n.). 7. Mittenwald - "Marmor Graben" on the right bank of the In the present paper described brachiopod fauna comes Isar, NE of Mittenwald, Bavaria (ULRICH, 1960; FABRICIUS, from the following localities (localities 1-7 are developed in 1966, Text-Fig. 19). The greyish and rusty-brown marls and the Lower Hettangian grey facies; brachiopods from the lo­ higher up also thin-bedded marly limestones belong accor­ calities 10 and 11 are listed only): ding to SPIELER (pers. comm.) to the uppermost parts of the 1. Breitenberg - SW of St. Wolfgang, Salzkammergut Tiefengraben Member and to the lowermost parts of the (SUESS & MOJSISOVICS, 1868; NEUMAYR, 1879; BLIND, 1963; Breitenberg Member. The limestones just underlying the bed BÖHM, 1992, p. 131). Grey limestones and marls of the with psiloceratids yielded: Piarorhynchia aff. juvenis Planorbis Zone with rich pelecypod fauna yielded: "Rhyn­ (QUENSTEDT), Saubachia inflata sp. n. and Lobothyris andleri chonella" sp., Liospiriferina cf. pichleri (NEUMAYR), Lobothyris (OPPEL). delta (NEUMAYR), Zeilleria sp. (? sp. n.). Overlying yellowish- 8. Steinplatte - Kammerköhralm area, Salzburg, near brown micrites (Megastoma Zone according to KRYSTYN, Waidring (RAKÜS & LOBITZER, 1993, Text-Figs. 4-5).Two bra­ pers. comm., his sample 91/126) contained Zeilleria aff. ba- chiopod specimens coming from the "Cardinia" coquina, tilla (GEYER) (PI. 3, Fig. 7). NNE of the Steinplatte top (1869 m) were at disposal only (coll. KRYSTYN, his sample no. 11 = Megastoma Zone, pers. comm.): Homoeorhynchia solitaria sp. n. 1L 9. Fonsjoch W of Achensee, Tyrol (VORTISCH, 1926; ,l# " LANGE, 1952; BLIND, 1963). Variegated - yellow, ochreous I \ and red - compact micritic limestones. The brachiopods are «? ' STEINB rare, coming mostly from the Megastoma Zone (according to SAUBACHGRABEN # *CHGRABEN r jl Salzburg \- SPIELER, pers. comm.): Calcirhynchia (?) cf. plicatissima GLAS (QUENSTEDT), Lobothyris andleri (OPPEL) and Zeilleria sp. LWIIII *CH? S BREITENBERG ENB .HiiinjiU *"[?> HOCHLEITENGRABEN 10. Christlumkopf. The locality is situated about 350 m AMPELSBACH-1 "'•'J t STEINPLATT SW of Christlumkopf (1758 m), SW of Achenkirch, Tyrol, and J^«ITTENWALbLLli'«• MKOPF E«L Ij!' can be well reached from the Moosenalm. About 40 cm thick NllllJUJA «VHRISTLU IJ-U-* (J, FONSJOCH bed of red biomicritic and crinoid-bearing limestones under­ o lying Adnet Limestone yielded the brachiopod fauna very si­ Innsbruck milar to that of Marmorea Zone of Steinplatte described by ß SIBLI'K (1993a), and most probably of the same age (SPIELER, nfflTrflTnrmifflU pers. comm.): Prionorhynchia greppini (OPPEL), Homoeo­ 1 ,TALIA rhynchia (?) prona (OPPEL), Piarorhynchia aff. juvenis (QUEN­ J lit STEDT) (PI. 2, Fig. 6), Cuneirhynchia retusifrons (OPPEL), Text-Fig. 1. Hettangian localities referred to in the text. 420 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at Liospiriferina cf. obtusa (OPPEL), Linguithyris aspasia tifrons GEYER (1889, PI. 6, Figs. 25-31) differing by the (ZITTEL), Linguithyris sp., Bakonyithyris apenninica (ZITTEL) character of umbonal parts, and in Rhynchonella zugmay- and Zeilleha mutabilis (OPPEL). eri GEMMELLARO (1878, PI. 31, Figs. 50-60). 11. Steinbachgraben - Langbath Zone, SW of Neukir- The sectioned flat, most probably conspecific specimen chen, Upper Austria (SIBÜK, 1993, 1997). The locality was has the following inner characters: Lateral umbonal
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