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D6CUMENT RESUME ED 229 310 SO 014 653 TITLE United States Academy of Peace Act. Hearingbefore the Subcommittee on Education, Arts and Humanitiesof the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, United States Senate, Ninety-Seventh Congress, Second Session on S.1889 to Establish the UnitedStates Academy of Peace, and for Other Purposes. , INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. Senate N Committee on Labor and Human Resources. PUB DATE 21 Apr 82 NOTE 307p.; Not available in paper copy dueto small print type throughout much of the original document. Best copy available. PUB TYPE Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials (090) EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available fromEDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Conflict Resolution; Federal Legislation;Hearings; Information Services; *Institutes (Training Programs); Organizational Objectives;*Peace; Professional Training; Program Descriptions; illiT Research ' IDENTIFIERS *Testimony Congress 97th ABSTRACT , Tes9Dony of witnesses, including senatorsand professors, newspaper articles,press releases, communications, and other publications in support of legislationthat would create a Department or Academy of Peace and Conflict'Resolutionare provided. The academy vcould have 3 major functions:(1) to perform and assist research aboUk internationalpeace and peacemaking;(2) to educate and train--directly wad indirectly--personsacross the natiOn from government, private eiterprise, and oluntary associationsabout international peace and peacemaking skills;and (3) to establish an information service in the fteld ofpeace learning. To be located within easy reach of Washington,D.C., the academy would be governed by a 15-member board; consisting of 4 membersfrom Congress (2 members from each major Oblitical party fromthe Senate and the House of Representatives) and 11 members nominatedby the President and approved by the Senate. (RH) r , *********************************************************************** * Re'productions supplied by EDRSare the best that can be made * * from the original document. * *********************************************************************** cp BEST COPY ANAILIWLt r--I tr. UNITED STATES ACADEMY OF PEACE ACT U.S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION cp. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EOUCATION r\I EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER IERIC .X/Ths document has been nproduced as r\I ... CZ) rece,ved 'fon, th t>efS On o, organuahon LLJ %no, changes have been made to mprovt HEARING ,eproductoon Ooatav Ponts of vIew or opmons stated In INS docu BEFORE THE ment do not necessanty f OW CUM( offictsI NIE oosvon of oolft1, 4 sr SUBCOMM MEE 'ON ? EDUCATION, ARTS AND HUMANITIES OF THE 4'- f COMMIYHE Og LIBOR IND HUMAN RESOURCES UNITEDSTATES SENATE NINETY-SEVENTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON , S. 1889 TO ESTABLISH THE UNITED STATES ACADEMY OF PEACE, AND , FOR OTHER PURPOSES 1 APRIL 21; 1982 4 * , 9 Printed for the um of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources , -....... U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE i 97-968 0 WASHINGTON : 1982 4.:.., 4 COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND HUMAN RESOURCES, ORRIN G HATCH, Utah,Chiorman ROBERT T STAFFORD, Vermont EDWARD M KENNEDY, Massachusetts DAN QUAYLE, Indiana JENNINGS RANDOLPH, West Virgmm s PAULA HAWKINS, Flonda CLAIBORNE PELL, Rhode Island DON NICKLItS, Oklahoma THOMAS F EAGLETON, Missouri LOWELL P WEICKER, Ja . Connecticut DONALD W RIEGLE, Ja , Michigan GORDON J HUMPHREY, Nay, Hampshire, HOWARD M METZENBAUM, Ohio JEREMIAH DENTON, Alabama SPARK M MATSUNAGA, Hawaii 'JOHN P EAST, North Carolina GEORGEW Perm Jr,Chief Counsel EENN M PATCH, Staff Director and General Counsel LAWRENCE C HOROWITZ...MD .Minonty Staff Director SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION, ARTS AND HUMANITIES ROBERT T STAFFORD, Vermont,Chairman JOHN P EAST. North Carolina CLAIBORNE PELL RhodeIsland DON QUAYLE. Indiana EDWARD M KENNEDY, Massachusetts LOWELL P WEICKER, JRConnecticut JENNINGS RANDOLPH, West Virginia JEREMIAH DENTON. Alabama THOMAS F EAGLETON. Missoun ORRIN G HATCH, Utah (Ex Officio) POLLY GAULT. Professional Staff Member DAVID V EVANS, Mirtonty Professwnal Staff Member CONTENTS CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF WITNESSES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1982 , Page 4 Hatfield, Hon Mark 0, a US Senator from the State of Oregon Jepsen, Hon Roger W 8 , a US Senator from the State of Iowa .. .. 30 I. Brown, Hon George E, Jr a Representative in Congress from the State of California..... .....) . .. .. .. 33 Glickman, Hon Dan, a Representative m Congress from T the State of Kansas. 40 Defienback, Hon John, former Member, House of Representatives,president, Christian College Coalition, Washington, D C., Dr George WJohason, president, george Mason University, Fairfax, Va, Dr. James Laue, director, I center for metropolitan studies, University of Missouri, St Lows, Mo, and Hon Moorhead Kennedy., former FS0 with StateDepartment and Iranian hostage directors'Cathedral Peace Institute, New York.a panel . .. 48 Conrad, Dr Davia, codirector, Center for World Mucatjon,University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt,Dr Jerry Either, director, American Friends Service Committee, Providence, RI, Dr Joseph Fahey, director, Peace Studies Institute, Manhattan tollege, Bronx, N Y., Dr.Kenneth Brown, director, Peace Studies Program, Manchester College, NorthManchester, Ind , Dr Karl Mattson. Gettysburg College, Gettysburg.Pa., an Dr Bryant Wedge. director, Center for Conflict Resolution, GeorgeMason L4wersity, a panel .. ... 83 Boulding, Dr Elise, chair, Department of Sociology, DartmouthCollege, N H, Bernie Freitag, -v'rce president. National EducationAssociation, Washing- ton, D C , Milton (Mike) C Mapes, executive director, NationalPeace Acad- emy Campaign, Washington, D C, and Dr ,Roberta Balstad Ntller, execu- tive director, Consortium of Social Science Association, Washington,D.C a panel . ... 130 Purcell, Mary, president, Artierican A&%-ociation ofUniversity Women, Wash- ington, D C , Patty Bankson, director. YMCA of the United States,Wash.. ington office, Dr Zelle Andrews, director, Peace AdvoCacyProject, United Church of Christ, New York, Dr Joseph F Cloud,executive director, Metro- politan Human Relations of Nashville andDavidson County, Nashville. Tenn, and Rev Jonathan Barton, New Jersey Council of Churches, PrinCe- ton. N J , a panel . 166 Hayashi, Miyo, National Peace Academy,Campaign,steering/ action commit- tee, Illinois Consultation on 'Ethnicity in Education and 1 Task Mental Health Force,United NationalReform, Nuclear OverkillMoratorium iNOMOR). _World Without War Council. Hyde ParkPeace Council, Budd- hist Temple of Chicago .. , 180 STATEMENTS . - Birkhead, Guthrie S. dean, Maxwell School of Citizenshipand Pubhc Affairs, Syracuse University, prepared statement 208 Boulding, Dr Elise, chair, Department of Sociology, DartmouthCollege. N H, Bernie Freitag, vice president, National EducationAssociation, Washing. ton, D C Milton (Mike) C Mapes, executive director. NationalPeace Acad- emy Campaign, Washington. C . and Dr Roberta Balstad Miller, execu- tive director, Consortium of Social Science panel . Association. Washington. D C, a 130 Prepared statement 132 IV Page Brown, Hon. George E., Jr., a Represenative in Congress from the Stitte of - California - . 33 Prepared statemed 4 36 ' tonrad, Dr, David, codkector, Center for World Education, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt., Dr. Jerry Elmer, director, American Friends Service Committee, Providence, R.L, Dr. Joseph Fahey, director, Peace Studies Institute,1 Manhattan College, Bronx, N.Y., Dr. Kenneth Brown, director, Peace Studies Program, Manchepter College, North Manchester, Ind., Dr. Karl Mattson, Gettysburg College, crettysburg, Pa., and Dr. Bryant Wedge, director, Center for Conflict Resolution, George Mason University, a panel 83 Dollenback, Hon. John, former Member, House of Representatives, president, Christian College Coalition, Washington, Pt.; Dr. George W. Johnson, president, George Mason University, Fairfax, Va., Dr. James Laue, director, center for metropolitan studies, University of Missouri, St. Louis, Mo., and Hon. Moorhead Kennedy, former FS0 with State Departmegt and Iranian .1; hostage director, Cathedral Peace Institute, New York, a panel 48 Durenberger, Hon. Dave, a U.S.Senator from the State of Minnesota, pr,P pared, statement t 20.... 6 Fagg, Lawrence W., research professor, department of physics, Catholic Uni- : versity of America, prepared statement 214 1 Friends Committee on National Legislation, Edward F, Snyder, executive secretary, prepared statement ,-. 246 Glickman, Hon. Dan, a Representative in Congress from, thelateofsKansas... 40 Prepared statement 43 Goldman, Ralph M., professor, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, ,,, Calif., prepared statement .... r-112 , Haney, Eleanor Humes and Wilma Scott Heide, joint prepared statement 219 Hayashi, Mir), National Peabe Academy, Campaign, steering/action corrirriit- i tee, Illinois Consultation on Ethnicity in Education and Mental Health Task Force, United National '''Reform, Nuclear Overkill Moratorium (NOMOR), World Withgut War Council, Hyde Park Peace Council, Budd-, 0 hist Temple of Chicage , 180 , Prepared statement t,, 183 Hatfield-, Hon. Mark 0., a U.V. Seilator from-the State of Oregon , 8 Prepared statement 10 Heide, Wilma SeoMPh. D., professor ofi nnovative and experimental studies and women's st&dies, Illinois' Public Affairs University, Sangamon State, Springfield, Ill., prepared statement . ,., 216 Hesburgh, Rev. Theodore, C.S.C., president, University of Notre Dame, Indi- ana, prepared statement , 201 Inouye, Hon. Daniel K., a U.S. Senator from the State, of Hawaii, prepared statement 189