
(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.485,642 B2 Lin (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 1, 2016

(54) SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR REQUESTING (56) References Cited AND PROVIDING LOCATION-BASED ASSISTANCE U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 7,783,305 B2* 8/2010 Ross ...... HO4M 3.4936 (75) Inventor: Hung Yuan Lin, New Taipei (TW) 340,426.18 8,244,832 B1* 8/2012 McGuire ...... HO4W 4/20 (73) Assignee: Hung Yuan Lin, Taipei (TW) 455,121 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (Continued) patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 534 days. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS TW 2003.01432 T 2003 (21) Appl. No.: 13/071,665 TW I241799 10/2005 TW 200742833 11/2007 (22) Filed: Mar. 25, 2011 Primary Examiner — Phuoc Nguyen (65) Prior Publication Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Bacon & Thomas, PLLC US 2012/OOO5285 A1 Jan. 5, 2012 (57) ABSTRACT (30) Foreign Application Priority Data The present invention provides a method for requesting location-based assistance executed on a mobile device of an Mar. 26, 2010 (TW) ...... 99.109 162 A assistance requester, and a method and system for providing Mar. 26, 2010 (TW) ...... 99205370 U location-based assistance executed on a server of a joint assistance service provider. The present invention integrates (51) Int. Cl. mobile positioning and telecommunications technologies to G06F 5/16 (2006.01) provide assistance provision information. In the present H0474/22 (2009.01) invention, an assistance request module of the mobile device G06O 10/10 (2012.01) is activated for execution to locate the assistance requester; HO4M 1/725 (2006.01) assistance request information containing the assistance (Continued) requester's location information is transmitted to the server (52) U.S. Cl. of the joint assistance service provider. Then, the mobile CPC ...... H04W 4/22 (2013.01); G06Q 10/10 device is connected to a social networking website or an (2013.01); H04M 1/72541 (2013.01); H04M assistance provider via the server of the joint assistance 1/72561 (2013.01); H04M 2242/04 (2013.01); service provider to receive real-time assistance provision H04M 2242/30 (2013.01); H04W 4/02 information. The present invention improves conventional (2013.01); H04W 8/24 (2013.01) assistance request methods as well as assistance provision (58) Field of Classification Search timings. Also, the assistance request information, containing CPC ...... H04L 67/18: H04W 4/02; H04W 4/22: the assistance requester's location information, is analyzed H04W 76/007; H04W 4/021; G06F to provide more accurate assistance-related data to the 17/30864; G06Q 30/06; H04M 3/42348; assistance provider. Therefore, the present invention allows HO4M 3/5116 the efficiency of providing assistance to be improved. USPC ...... 709/206, 227 See application file for complete search history. 26 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets

310 Assistance request information from the \ assistance requester's mobile device is received

320 the assistance request information is processed V to determine whether the assistance request is of an emergency type or non-emergency type 330 y The assistance request information is gathered and analyzed to generate an assistance service list 340 y The assistance-related data, along with the assistance requester's location information, is provided to an assistance provider 350 By connecting to a social networking website, an TV instant messaging service, an online discussion site, a bulletin board system (BBS), or a widget, the assistance request information is ther transmitted thereto US 9,485.642 B2 Page 2

(51) Int. Cl. 2005/0015501 A1* 1/2005 Kaplan ...... G06Q 30/06 HO4W 4/O2 (2009.01) TO9,228 HO4W 8/24 (2009.01) 2005/0227666 A1* 10/2005 Cheng ...... 455,404.1 2007/0038516 A1* 2/2007 Apple et al...... TO5/14 (56) References Cited 2007. O168537 A1*ck 7, 2007 Misra ...... HO4L S9.

2007/0287.473 A1* 12/2007 Dupray . ... 455,456.1 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2008/0028038 A1* 1/2008 Kaplan ...... G06Q 10/06 2002/0171581 A1* 11/2002 Sheynblat et al. ... 342/357.09 ck 709/217 2004/00883.45 A1 5/2004 Zellner ...... G06Q 50/24 2008/0227473 A1* 9/2008 Haney ...... 455,457 TO9/200 2009/0182885 A1* 7/2009 Sang ...... G06Q 30/06 2004/O13915.6 A1* 7/2004 Matthews ...... G06Q 30/01 TO9,228 TO9.204 2010, 0124900 A1* 5, 2010 Lui et al...... 455,404.2 2004/0243664 A1* 12/2004 Horstemeyer ...... B6OR 25,102 TO9/200 * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Nov. 1, 2016 Sheet 1 of 12 US 9,485,642 B2



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U.S. Patent US 9,485,642 B2

US 9,485,642 B2 1. 2 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR REQUESTING system for providing location-based assistance. The present AND PROVIDING LOCATION-BASED invention integrates mobile positioning and telecommuni ASSISTANCE cations technologies to release assistance request informa tion and provide assistance provision information, thereby BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION allowing the whole assistance provision process to be more effective and speedy. The present invention overcomes the 1. Field of the Invention above-mentioned drawbacks of a conventional assistance The present invention relates to a system and a method for provision process by improving the assistance request providing location-based assistance, and more particularly, method as well as the assistance provision timing. The to a system and a method for providing location-based 10 present invention takes advantage of the popularity of assistance that uses a mobile device to connect to a website mobile devices. An assistance requester only needs a simple SeVe. set of keyboard inputs on his/her mobile device to continu 2. Description of the Related Art ously transmit request signals, which contain the requester's Nowadays, cell phones are so popular that nearly every location information in the present invention, the assistance one owns one on average. To some people, a cell phone is 15 request information, containing the assistance requester's even an indispensable article in everyday life that they need location information, is analyzed to provide more precise to carry around all the time. On the other hand, the devel assistance-related data to an assistance provider. Therefore, opment of location-based services has been growing rapidly, the present invention provides a new method for requesting since more and more people are using their cell phones to assistance and can improve the efficiency of providing access the , while cell phones featuring mobile assistance. positioning functions are gaining popularity. Location-based An object of the present invention is to provide a method services allow users to acquire the service they need based for requesting location-based assistance executed on a on where they are. For example, a user heading for a certain mobile device of an assistance requester. The method location can first locate himself/herself using a mobile includes the following steps: executing an assistance request device capable of mobile positioning, and then retrieve map 25 module to locate an assistance requester, the assistance information from a service provider. request module activated via a keyboard of the mobile The use of location-based services covers a wide range. device; and transmitting assistance request information con Taiwan Patent Application Publication No. 2003.01432 taining the assistance requester's location information to a relates to providing content and information according to a server of a joint assistance service provider, the server user's location information sent from the mobile device. 30 generating an assistance service list based on the assistance Taiwan Patent Application Publication No. 1241799 relates request information. to a service system that automatically selects and provides The method for requesting location-based assistance information. Taiwan Patent Application Publication No. according to the present invention further includes: trans 200742833 relates to a method that automatically transforms mitting the assistance request information and a dynamic the content format so that it can be identified and read by 35 URL link to a social networking website, an instant mes nearly all of the mobile devices. Moreover, location-based saging service, an online discussion site, a bulletin board services have been used to provide emergency assistance, system (BBS), or a widget, wherein the dynamic URL link like the “Emergency Report e-Platform launched in Tai enables a user to connect to the server of the joint assistance wan. When an assistance requester uses a cell phone to dial service provider for obtaining the assistance service list. 911, the cell phone will be located by nearby cell sites, 40 The method for requesting location-based assistance which also records the assistance requester's location infor according to the present invention further includes: trans mation at the same. mitting the assistance request information and a dynamic However, the foregoing methods all require cell sites to URL link to a mobile device of an emergency contact person record and transmit mobile device users location informa pre-specified by the assistance requester, wherein the tion. Thus, the positioning accuracy is more prone to be 45 dynamic URL link enables the emergency contact person to affected by the amount and density of cell sites. In areas connect to the server of the joint assistance service provider where cell-site density is sparse, positioning result would be for obtaining the assistance service list. less accurate. Besides, the foregoing methods only store the The method for requesting location-based assistance assistance requester's location information but fail to utilize according to the present invention further includes: the it, and the assistance providers are rather limited. 50 mobile device being connected via the server of the joint In addition, there are some emergency situations where an assistance service provider to a social networking website, assistance requester cannot speak to an assistance provider, an instant messaging service, an online discussion site, a like in a ransom case. The service provider may thus fail the bulletin board system (BBS), or a widget to receive real-time opportunity to give first aid for not knowing the assistance assistance provision information. requester's needs. Moreover, the assistance requester's loca 55 The method for requesting location-based assistance tion may constantly change; recording only the initial loca according to the present invention further includes: deter tion cannot help the Subsequent assistance process. For the mining a method and frequency of transmission according to reasons stated above, it is necessary to develop a system and the assistance requester's settings. method that is able to digitally analyze the information about The method for requesting location-based assistance the assistance request and requester's location, and that is 60 according to the present invention further includes: execut also able to do a planning and to release the information, so ing a tracker program in the background to obtain location that the efficiency of providing assistance can be improved. updates of the assistance requester and transmitting updated assistance request information. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Another object of the present invention is to provide a 65 method for providing location-based assistance used to The present invention aims to provide a method for jointly provide assistance to an assistance requester having requesting location-based assistance, and a method and a mobile device. The method includes the following steps: US 9,485,642 B2 3 4 receiving assistance request information containing the In the aforementioned system for providing location assistance requester's location information from the mobile based assistance, the assistance request module of the device; analyzing the assistance request information to gen mobile device is activated for execution by the sequence of erate an assistance service list containing assistance-related keyboard inputs, and the assistance request module trans data which contains the assistance requester's location infor 5 mits the assistance request information containing the assis mation; and providing the assistance service list to an tance requester's location information to the server. assistance provider. In the aforementioned system for providing location The method for providing location-based assistance based assistance, the server provides a dynamic URL link to according to the present invention further includes: connect an emergency contact person or a user browsing content of ing to a social networking website, an instant messaging 10 the Social networking website, the instant messaging service, service, an online discussion site, a bulletin board system the online discussion site, the bulletin board system, or the (BBS), or a widget to transmit assistance request informa widget, so that the emergency contact person or the user can tion thereto. connect to the server to obtain the assistance service list. The method for providing location-based assistance 15 In the aforementioned system for providing location according to the present invention further includes: provid based assistance, the server provides an assistance request ing an assistance request dialogue interface for the assis dialogue interface for the assistance requester to communi tance requester to communicate with a user browsing con cate with a user browsing content of the Social networking of the Social networking website, the instant messaging website, the instant messaging service, the online discussion service, the online discussion site, the bulletin board system, site, the bulletin board system, or the widget. or the widget, or for the assistance requester to communicate In the aforementioned system for providing location with the assistance provider. based assistance, the mobile device selects an emergency The method for providing location-based assistance level of the assistance request information according to the according to the present invention further includes: provid assistance requester's settings and determines a method and ing a dynamic URL link to an emergency contact person or 25 frequency of transmitting the assistance request information. a user browsing content of the Social networking website, In the aforementioned system for providing location the instant messaging service, the online discussion site, the based assistance, when the assistance request information is bulletin board system, or the widget, so that the emergency of an emergency type, the mobile device executes a tracker contact person or the user can connect to a server of a joint program in the background to obtain location updates of the assistance service provider to obtain the assistance service 30 assistance requester and transmits updated assistance list. request information to the server and an emergency contact In the aforementioned method for providing location person pre-specified by the assistance requester. based assistance, the assistance-related data contains maps In the aforementioned system for providing location of the assistance requester's location, route plans for assis based assistance, the mobile device transmits the assistance tance provision, Surrounding area map search, or assistance 35 request information via a text message to a mobile device of provision information search. the emergency contact person pre-specified by the assistance Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a requester, the text message containing a dynamic URL link system for providing location-based assistance used to so that the emergency contact person can connect to the jointly provide assistance to an assistance requester having server to obtain real-time assistance provision information. a mobile device, wherein the system includes a server which 40 The present invention simplifies the process for request comprises: a mobile device connection module receiving ing assistance and is capable of providing important, useful assistance request information containing the assistance information to the assistance requester. And after the assis requester's location information from the mobile device, tance request information is received, said request informa wherein the assistance requester's location information is tion, containing the assistance requester's location informa obtained by executing an assistance request module of the 45 tion, is analyzed so that more useful information can be mobile device; an assistance request information analysis provided to the assistance provider and the assistance pro module receiving and analyzing the assistance request infor vision process can be more effective. Moreover, by connect mation to generate an assistance service list for providing ing to a social networking website, instant messaging Ser assistance-related data which contains the assistance vice, online discussion site, bulletin board system, or widget, requester's location information; and an assistance request 50 the assistance requester's families or friends are able to dialogue management module for an assistance provider to provide further help or seek other assistance; therefore, the communicate with the assistance requester. assistance provision efficiency is even increased. Also, in the In the aforementioned system for providing location method for requesting location-based assistance and the based assistance, the assistance-related data contains maps system and method for providing location-based assistance of the assistance requester's location, route plans for assis 55 according to the present invention, the emergency level of an tance provision, Surrounding area map search, or assistance assistance request can be determined; thus, the present provision information search. invention can be applied to non-emergency assistance In the aforementioned system for providing location requests as well. based assistance, the server further comprises an external module connection module which connects to a social 60 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS networking website, an instant messaging service, an online discussion site, a bulletin board system (BBS), or a widget FIG. 1A is a schematic view showing a system for to transmit assistance request information thereto. providing location-based assistance according to an embodi In the aforementioned system for providing location ment of the present invention; based assistance, the assistance request module of the 65 FIG. 1B is a block diagram showing the structure of the mobile device is activated for execution by a sequence of system for providing location-based assistance according to keyboard inputs. an embodiment of the present invention; US 9,485,642 B2 5 6 FIG. 2 is a flow chart showing a method for requesting route plans to the location for providing assistance, map location-based assistance according to an embodiment of the search for the location’s Surrounding area, or assistance present invention; provision information search, so that the assistance provider FIG. 3 is a flow chart showing a method for providing 10 can provide assistance based on said data. In an embodi location-based assistance according to an embodiment of the ment of the present invention, the provider 10 may be a user present invention; accessing the server 120 or a user browsing the content of FIG. 4A is a representation of the screen display of an the server 120. As such, the requested assistance as defined assistance requester's mobile device according to an in the present invention is not limited to emergency assis embodiment of the present invention, showing the user tance; it may, in a broad meaning, include any assistance for interface for selecting the type of assistance from a menu 10 required information. For example, the requester may bar: inquire where the nearest gas station is, or whether there is FIG. 4B is a representation of the screen display of an a beef noodle Soup house nearby. assistance requester's mobile device according to an In an embodiment of the present invention, an assistance embodiment of the present invention, showing the user request module needs to be installed on the mobile device interface for selecting the request transmission method; 15 110 of the requester first; besides, the mobile device 110 is FIG. 5A is a representation of the screen display of an required to have a positioning function. When the assistance assistance requester's mobile device according to an requester needs assistance. S/he can simply activate the embodiment of the present invention, showing the user assistance request module for execution by using a keyboard interface for providing account information; of the mobile device 110 to provide predetermined inputs. FIGS. 5B, 5C and 5D are representations of the screen The predetermined inputs preset by the requester may be display of an assistance requester's mobile device according provided using a single function key or using a sequence of to an embodiment of the present invention, showing the user keys. When the assistance request module of the mobile interface for editing account settings and personal informa device is activated for execution by a sequence of keyboard tion; and inputs, assistance request information containing the assis FIG. 6 is a representation of the screen display of an 25 tance requester's location information is transmitted to a assistance requester's mobile device according to an server 120 of a joint assistance service provider. The assis embodiment of the present invention, showing the assistance tance request module can determine the type of assistance request dialogue interface. request information that the requester is asking for by the FIG. 7 is a representation of the screen display showing sequence of keyboard inputs. It should be noted that the an assistance service list according to an embodiment of the 30 keyboard inputs are not limited to those provided through a present invention. physical keyboard of a mobile device, but may include those provided through a touch screen of a mobile device. For DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE example, the assistance requester using a touch screen may PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS select the type of assistance from a menu bar as shown in 35 FIGS. 4A and 4B; by tapping a particular icon on the touch The present invention now will be described more fully screen, the requester can start the execution of the assistance hereinafter with reference to the accompanying drawings, in request module. For example, if the requester needs emer which preferred embodiments of the invention are shown. It gency assistance. S/he can press the keys #911 it on the is to be understood that all kinds of alterations and changes mobile device 110 in sequence, or alternatively, S/he can tap can be made by those skilled in the art without deviating 40 the "emergency assistance' icon from the menu bar shown from the spirit and the scope of the invention. This descrip on the touch screen, and the assistance request module will tion is not to be taken in a limiting sense, but is made merely start execution and transmit assistance request information for the purpose of illustrating the general principles of the containing the assistance requester's location information to invention. the server 120 of the joint assistance service provider. FIG. 1A is a schematic view showing a system for 45 Different sequences of keyboard inputs are set to correspond providing location-based assistance according to an embodi to respective assistance request information; therefore, the ment of the present invention; FIG. 1B is a block diagram requester's particular request can be sent to the server 120 showing the structure of the system. In one embodiment of for the assistance service provider to know what kind of the present invention, a system for providing location-based assistance the requester needs. assistance is employed to jointly provide assistance to an 50 In another embodiment of the present invention, an assis assistance requester having a mobile device 110. The system tance requester wants to know whether there is a gas station includes a server 120 of a joint assistance service provider. nearby. The requester may, for example, select and tap a The server 120 is capable of communicating with the mobile particular icon on the screen of the mobile device 110; the device 110 as well as an external module 130. When the assistance request module will then start execution and assistance requester needs to request assistance, the mobile 55 transmit assistance request information containing the device 110 can be used to execute an assistance request requester's location information to the server 120 of the joint module to locate the assistance requester and generate assistance service provider. The server 120 thus receives this information Such as the requester's latitude and longitude assistance request containing the information that the coordinates; the assistance request information containing requester wants to search for a gas station nearby. the assistance requester's location information is then trans 60 During the process of installing the assistance request mitted to the server 120 of the joint assistance service module, the assistance requester needs to edit account set provider. The server 120 receives the assistance request tings to verify his/her identity and the identification number information and Subsequently analyzes it to generate an of the mobile device 110. For example, the assistance assistance service list (as shown in FIG. 7) for providing requester may need to edit information such as his/her further assistance-related data. The aforementioned assis 65 account, password, name, phone number, tance-related data contains information that is related to the account, instant messaging account, online discussion site assistance requester's location, Such as maps of the location, user account, BBS user account, identification number of the US 9,485,642 B2 7 8 mobile device owned by the emergency contact person (at person or the social networking website 130, is either least one number should be provided), etc. FIGS.5A, 5B, 5C generated by the mobile device 110 itself or obtained from and 5D are representations of the screen display of an the server 120 of the joint assistance service provider. assistance requester's mobile device, showing the user inter In the above-mentioned embodiment, the server 120 of a face for editing account settings and personal information. 5 joint assistance service provider comprises an emergency The assistance requester needs to first register an account assistance request management module 121, a non-emer using the user interface as shown in FIG. 5A. After that, s/he gency assistance request management module 122, an assis can use the user interface as shown in FIGS. 5B-5D to tance request dialogue management module 123, an assis further edit the account settings and personal information. tance request information analysis module 124, an external After the assistance requester finishes installation of the 10 module connection module 125, a mobile device connection assistance request module, it is set to the “automatic login' module 126, an assistance service history database 127, an mode; that is, when the mobile device 110 is turned on, the assistance request information determination module 128, assistance request module will automatically log in the user, and a user information database 129. In the embodiment, so that the assistance requester can execute the module at when the assistance requester uses the mobile device 110 to any time. After the assistance requester executes the assis 15 send out assistance request information, the server 120 of the tance request module, the mobile device 110 will transmit joint assistance service provider receives the information assistance request information containing the assistance through the mobile device connection module 126. The requester's location information to the server 120 of the joint assistance request information determination module 128 of assistance service provider. When editing the settings of the the server 120 then determines whether the request is an assistance request module, the assistance requester can emergency assistance request or a non-emergency assistance assign different emergency levels to his/her assistance request. If the request is for emergency assistance, it will be requests and set the method and frequency of transmitting processed by the emergency assistance request management the assistance request information. For example, the assis module 121, which will send out a message requesting high tance requester may set that if the assistance request infor priority emergency assistance; if the request is for non mation is of an emergency type, it will be simultaneously 25 emergency assistance, it will be processed by the non transmitted to a mobile device 20 of an emergency contact emergency assistance request management module 122. On person pre-specified by the assistance requester. Moreover, the other hand, after the mobile device connection module if the assistance request module detects that the sequence of 126 receives the assistance request information, the infor keyboard inputs provided by the assistance requester to the mation will be sent to the assistance request information mobile device 110 is of an emergency type, the assistance 30 analysis module 124 at once to be processed and analyzed, request module will execute a tracker program in the back so that the assistance requester's location information can be ground to obtain location updates of the assistance requester effectively utilized. For example, such information can be and transmit updated assistance request information to the used to provide a dynamic display of maps showing the server 120 and the mobile device 20 of the emergency requester's location, provide a service for searching the contact person. 35 maps of the requester's Surrounding area, provide a route In an embodiment of the present invention, after the plan from the assistance provider's location to the request assistance requester executes the assistance request module, er's location, or provide other assistance-related data (Such it will start to locate the mobile device 110 to obtain the as the emergency report line number or website link directed location information, such as the latitude and longitude to the Coast Guard Administration if a rescue on the sea is coordinates of the mobile device 110. The mobile position 40 needed). For the assistance provider 10, the assistance ing techniques used on the mobile device may include GPS, request information analysis module 124 also generates an A-GPS, Cell ID positioning and cell-based positioning, but assistance service list showing all the available information are not limited to the above methods. After the process of for providing assistance, so that the assistance provider 10 locating the mobile device 110 finishes, the assistance can soon decide what to do based on the information. request module will gather all the positioning data, the 45 In the above-mentioned embodiment, the server 120 of assistance requester's personal data, and other data related to the joint assistance service provider connects to an external providing assistance; the assistance request module then module 130 via the external module connection module 125. uses the gathered data to generate the assistance request The external module 130 may be a social networking information to be transmitted to the server 120, or further website (e.g. , , , , Pixnet, transmitted to the mobile device 20 of the emergency contact 50 Xuite, etc.) on which the assistance requester or a person person. The assistance request information and a dynamic other than him/her has registered an account, an instant URL link can be transmitted from the mobile device 110 to messaging service (e.g. Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! the mobile device 20 of the emergency contact person or a Messenger, etc.), an online discussion site with message Social networking website 130 via a text message or a boards, a bulletin board system (BBS), or a widget. In an posting; the text message contains a dynamic URL link, so 55 embodiment of the invention, as long as the assistance that the emergency contact person or a user of the Social requester has logged in his/her account of the external networking website 130 can click on the dynamic URL link module 130, the external module connection module 125 to connect to the server 120. As a result, the emergency can transmit the assistance request information thereto. contact person or the user of the Social networking website Alternatively, the external module connection module 125 130 can retrieve the assistance service list or obtain other 60 can send a message to a widget, and the widget will notify assistance-related data from the server 120. Further, the user the widget user in time; the message may contain a dynamic of the social networking website 130 may forward the URL link, so that the widget user can click on it and connect posting to allow more users of the Social networking website to the server 120. In another embodiment, the external 130 to know that the assistance requester needs assistance. module 130 may be any public website that the server 120 It should be noted that the assistance request information 65 of the joint assistance service provider can send assistance and the dynamic URL link transmitted from the mobile request information to. In an embodiment of the present device 110 to the mobile device 20 of the emergency contact invention, after the mobile device connection module 126 US 9,485,642 B2 10 receives the assistance request information containing the perform an analysis, the assistance service history database assistance requester's location information, the mobile 127 or the user information database 129 of the server may device connection module 126 may transmit the information provide data thereto. directly to the external module connection module 125 to In an embodiment of the present invention, the assistance generate an assistance request message, and then the exter request module installed in the mobile device 110 may have nal module connection module 125 will transmit the assis different versions. When the mobile device 110 connects to tance request message to the external module 130. Alterna the server 120 of the joint assistance service provider and the tively, the mobile device connection module 126 may, after server 120 receives no information regarding emergency receiving the assistance request information, transmit the assistance request, the server 120 will check the version of information to the assistance request information determi 10 nation module 128 and the assistance request information the assistance request module. If there is a newer version analysis module 124; after the determination and analysis available, a notice will come up that inquires whether the process, an assistance service list is generated, and the mobile device 110 needs an updated version of the assis content of the list is then processed for generating an tance request module. The mobile device 110 may connect assistance request message. The external module connection 15 to the server 120 via the Internet, wireless network or module 125 will then send the assistance request message to telecommunications network, such as GSM, Bluetooth, Wi the external module 130, wherein the assistance request Fi, WiMAX, GPRS, 3G, 3.5G, etc. The server 120 may also message shall be generated according to the content type connect to a social network (the external module) via the offered by the external module 130. For example, if the Internet, wireless network or telecommunications network. external module 130 is a social networking website, a In an embodiment of the present invention, the assistance message (containing the assistance request information) provider 10 can select one of the options shown on the which can be posted thereon will be generated. Accordingly, assistance service list to provide assistance provision infor a user browsing the content of the external module 130 will mation to the server 120; after collecting the information, the be informed of the incident and can provide emergency server 120 may further transmit it to integrate with the assistance or further help; the user can also connect to the 25 assistance-related data. Besides, a user of the external mod server 120 of the joint assistance service provider to find out ule 130 can provide assistance provision information to the or inquire assistance-related data. server 120 via the external module connection module 125. In the above-mentioned embodiment, the server 120 of FIG. 2 is a flow chart showing a method for requesting the joint assistance service provider may also provide an location-based assistance according to an embodiment of the assistance request dialogue interface through the assistance 30 present invention. Any assistance requester having a mobile request dialogue management module 123, so that the assis device can use this method when S/he needs assistance. In an tance requester can communicate with the assistance pro embodiment of the present invention, before applying this vider 10 or with a user browsing the content of the external method, the assistance requester needs to install an assis module 130. When the assistance requester has transmitted tance request module in the mobile device first. Moreover, the assistance request information via the mobile device 110. 35 after installation, the assistance requester needs to edit the and the assistance provider 10 or a user browsing the content module settings to provide personal information used for of the external module 130 has thus been informed of the assistance request and provision; personal information may incident, the assistance provider 10 or a user browsing the include an account for using the module, password, name, content of the external module 130 can select one option phone number, e-mail address, Social network account, shown on the assistance service list to request a dialogue 40 instant messaging account, online discussion site user with the assistance requester. After receiving this request, account, BBS user account, identification number of the the server 120 will then provide an assistance request mobile device owned by the emergency contact person, etc. dialogue interface through the assistance request dialogue After the assistance requester Successfully installs the assis management module 123. As a result, data transmitted by tance request module into the mobile device, the module is the assistance provider 10 or a user browsing the content of 45 set to the “automatic login' mode; that is, when the mobile the external module 130 can be forwarded by the assistance device is turned on, the module will automatically log in the request dialogue management module 123 to the mobile user, so that the assistance requester can execute the module device 110 of the assistance requester, using the mobile at any time. When the assistance requester executes the device connection module 126. On the other hand, the assistance request module, the mobile device will transmit assistance requester can make a reply to the assistance 50 the assistance requester's information to the server of a joint provider 10 or a user browsing the content of the external assistance service provider. The assistance requester can module 130 through the assistance request dialogue inter also set the method and frequency of transmitting the face. Thus, both sides can communicate with each other. assistance request information, or alternatively use the FIG. 6 is a representation of the screen display of an default setting. For example, the assistance requester may assistance requester's mobile device, showing an example 55 set that if the assistance request information is of an emer where the assistance requester is having a dialogue with the gency type, it will be transmitted via a text message every assistance provider 10 or a user browsing the content of the 10 minutes, or further, it will be simultaneously transmitted external module 130 through the assistance request dialogue to the mobile device of the emergency contact person interface. pre-specified by the assistance requester. Moreover, if the In an embodiment of the present invention, the server 120 60 assistance request module detects that the sequence of of the joint assistance service provider can record all the keyboard inputs provided by the assistance requester to the incidents related to assistance request and assistance provi mobile device is of an emergency type, the assistance sion to its assistance service history database 127 for future request module will execute a tracker program in the back inquiries. Moreover, the server 120 can use the user infor ground to obtain location updates of the assistance requester mation database 129 to store user information, including the 65 and transmit updated assistance request information to the assistance requester's personal information. When the assis server and the mobile device of the emergency contact tance request information analysis module 124 needs to person. The assistance requester can use a simple set of US 9,485,642 B2 11 12 keyboard inputs, which may be in sequence, to activate the whether the assistance request is of an emergency type or mobile devices assistance request module for execution. non-emergency type; if the request is for emergency assis With reference to FIG. 2, when the assistance requester tance, it will be processed with high priority. In step 330, the needs to request assistance. S/he provides a sequence of assistance request information is gathered and analyzed to preset keyboard inputs to the mobile device, as shown in 5 generate an assistance service list, which utilizes the assis step 210. In step 220, the sequence of keyboard inputs tance requester's location information to give assistance activates the assistance request module; thus, the module provision plans and contains assistance-related data. Then in starts execution to locate the assistance requester and then step 340, the assistance-related data, along with the assis gathers all the positioning data, the assistance requester's tance requester's location information, is provided to an personal data, a hyperlink directed to the server 120 of the 10 joint assistance service provider, and other data related to assistance provider, the assistance-related data may contain providing assistance to generate the assistance request infor maps of the assistance requester's location, route plans for mation. The positioning techniques used in this step may assistance provision, Surrounding area map search, or assis include GPS, A-GPS, Cell ID positioning and cell-based tance provision information search. For example, the infor positioning, but are not limited to the above methods. Then 15 mation can be used to provide a dynamic display of maps in step 230, the assistance request information is transmitted showing the requester's location, provide a service for to the server of the joint assistance service provider, wherein searching the maps of the requester's Surrounding area, the server comprises an external module connection module provide a route plan from the assistance provider's location to post the assistance request information. The server may to the requester's location, or provide other assistance further transmit the assistance request information to the related data. As such, the assistance provider can, through mobile device of the emergency contact person pre-specified the assistance service list, quickly obtain all the detailed by the assistance requester, so that a user of the server and information related to assistance provision; this can help the emergency contact person can both be informed of the speed up the process for providing assistance. In step 350, by incident. The method and frequency of transmitting the connecting to a social networking website, an instant mes assistance request information is in accordance with the 25 saging service, an online discussion site, a bulletin board assistance requester's settings. For example, the assistance system (BBS), or a widget, the assistance request informa requester may have set that, if the assistance request infor tion is then transmitted thereto; the social networking web mation is of an emergency type, it will be transmitted to the site may be one on which the assistance requester or a person mobile device of the emergency contact person via a text other than him/her has registered an account. Furthermore, message. And the text message contains a dynamic URL 30 the assistance requester may obtain real-time assistance link, so that the emergency contact person can connect to the provision information via his/her mobile device. The server to retrieve the location information of the assistance method for providing location-based assistance of this requester or obtain other assistance-related data. Also, as invention further includes: providing an assistance request shown in step 240, if the assistance request information is of dialogue interface for the assistance requester to communi an emergency type, a tracker program will be executed in the 35 cate with the assistance provider or a user browsing content background to obtain location updates of the assistance of the Social networking website, the instant messaging requester. In step 250, the updated assistance request infor service, the online discussion site, the bulletin board system, mation is transmitted to the server and the mobile device of or the widget. After the assistance requester transmits the the emergency contact person. Then in step 260, after the assistance request information through the mobile device, assistance request information is received by the server, the 40 the assistance provider or the user browsing content of the mobile device connects, via the server, to a social network Social networking website, the instant messaging service, the ing website, an instant messaging service, an online discus online discussion site, the bulletin board system, or the sion site, a BBS, or a widget for obtaining assistance widget, who is informed of the incident, can select one provision information; the Social networking website may be option shown on the assistance service list to request a one on which the assistance requester or a person other than 45 dialogue with the assistance requester. Thereafter, the assis him/her has registered an account. In an embodiment of the tance request dialogue management module can forward the present invention, the assistance requester's location infor data transmitted by the assistance provider or the user mation is being continuously updated, and the updated browsing content of the Social networking website, the assistance request information is being continuously trans instant messaging service, the online discussion site, the mitted to the server and the emergency contact person. The 50 bulletin board system, or the widget to the assistance updated assistance request information is further forwarded requester's mobile device; on the other hand, the assistance to the Social networking website, instant messaging service, requester can make a reply back So that both sides can online discussion site, BBS, or widget, so that their users can communicate with each other. The method for providing be informed of the latest updates of the assistance requests location-based assistance of this invention further includes: location to know about his/her movement. However, when 55 receiving updated assistance request information continu applying the method for requesting location-based assis ously, wherein the updated assistance request information tance of the present invention as described above, the order contains the updated information about the assistance of the steps are interchangeable; the steps may occur con requester's location. By having the two-way communication currently, and the step order may be altered. and continuously receiving the updated assistance request FIG. 3 is a flow chart showing a method for providing 60 information, the assistance provider or the user browsing location-based assistance according to an embodiment of the content of the Social networking website, the instant mes present invention, wherein the method includes the follow saging service, the online discussion site, the bulletin board ing steps. In step 310, assistance request information from system, or the widget can know about the assistance request the assistance requester's mobile device is received; the er's latest information regarding his/her location and assis assistance request information contains the assistance 65 tance request. This will help speed up the process for requester's location information. Then in step 320, the providing assistance. However, when applying the method assistance request information is processed to determine for providing location-based assistance of the present inven US 9,485,642 B2 13 14 tion as described above, the order of the steps are inter enables a user to connect to the server of the joint assistance changeable; the steps may occur concurrently, and the step service provider for obtaining the assistance service list. order may be altered. 3. The method according to claim 1, further including: A method for requesting and providing location-based transmitting the assistance request information and a assistance according to the present invention is not limited 5 dynamic URL link to a mobile device of an emergency to emergency assistance, but can also be applied to non contact person pre-specified by the assistance requester, emergency assistance. For example, it can be applied to the wherein the dynamic URL link enables the emergency commonly-used knowledge Q&A service, where a user contact person to connect to the server of the joint assistance browsing content of the server of a joint assistance service service provider for obtaining the assistance service list. provider, the Social networking website, the instant messag 10 4. The method according to claim 1, further including: the ing service, the online discussion site, the bulletin board mobile device being connected via the server of the joint system, or the widget can use this method to provide assistance service provider to a social networking website, assistance; the user can also use an assistance request an instant messaging service, an online discussion site, a dialogue interface described above to have two-way com bulletin board system (BBS), or a widget to receive real-time munication with the assistance requester. 15 assistance provision information. While this invention has been described by way of 5. The method according to claim 1, 2 or 3, further examples and in terms of preferred embodiments, it is to be including: understood that this invention is not limited hereto, and that determining a method and frequency of transmission various changes and modifications can be made by those according to the assistance requester's settings. skilled in the art without departing from the spirit and scope 6. The method according to claim 1, 2 or 3, further of this invention. It is intended that the scope of the including: invention be defined by the claims appended hereto. executing a tracker program in the background to obtain location updates of the assistance requester and trans What is claimed is: mitting updated assistance request information. 1. A method for requesting location-based assistance 25 7. The method according to claim 1, wherein the assis executed on a mobile device of an assistance requester, tance service list is received by the mobile device from the including the following steps: server, the mobile device returns an assistance service deter executing an assistance request module to obtain infor mined by selecting the assistance service list under the mation on the assistance requester's location, the assis control of the assistance requester, and the server provides tance request module activated via a keyboard of the 30 the two-way dialogue based on the assistance service. mobile device; and 8. The method according to claim 7, the assistance request transmitting assistance request information containing the dialogue management module carry out the two-way dia assistance requester's location information from the logue between the assistance provider of the assistance mobile device to a server of a joint assistance service service and the assistance requester. provider of an assistance service selected by the assis 35 9. The method according to claim 1, wherein the location tance requester, the server analyzing the assistance based assistance having a plurality of different types, and the request information and generating an assistance ser assistance request module activated via a touchscreen or Vice list containing assistance-related data that is keyboard of the mobile device by selecting a respective one related to the assistance requester's location informa of said different types of location-based assistance upon tion based on the assistance request information, the 40 pressing a preset function key displayed on said touchscreen server then providing the assistance service list to the or a preset sequence of keys of said keyboard. assistance service provider of the assistance service 10. A method for providing location-based assistance used Selected by the assistance requester, and to jointly provide assistance to an assistance requester the server executing an assistance request dialogue man having a mobile device, the method including the following agement module to enable an assistance provider to 45 steps: carry out a two-way dialogue with the assistance receiving assistance request information containing the requester via the server and via an assistance request assistance requester's location information from the dialogue interface displayed on the mobile device, and mobile device; to provide assistance based on the assistance-related analyzing the assistance request information to generate data of the assistance service list, 50 an assistance service list containing assistance-related wherein the mobile device selects an emergency level of data that is related to the assistance requester's location the assistance request information according to the information; assistance requester's settings and determines a method the server executing an assistance request dialogue man and frequency of transmitting the assistance request agement module to enable an assistance provider of an information, and 55 assistance service selected by the assistance requester wherein when the assistance request information is of an to carry out a two-way dialogue with the assistance emergency type, the mobile device executes a tracker requester via the server and via an assistance request program in the background to obtain location updates dialogue interface on the mobile device; and of the assistance requester and transmits updated assis the assistance provider providing assistance based on the tance request information to the server and an emer 60 assistance related data of the assistance service list, gency contact person pre-specified by the assistance wherein the mobile device selects an emergency level of requester. the assistance request information according to the 2. The method according to claim 1, further including: assistance requester's settings and determines a method transmitting the assistance request information and a and frequency of transmitting the assistance request dynamic URL link to a social networking website, an instant 65 information, and messaging service, an online discussion site, a bulletin board wherein when the assistance request information is of an system (BBS), or a widget, wherein the dynamic URL link emergency type, the mobile device executes a tracker US 9,485,642 B2 15 16 program in the background to obtain location updates wherein the mobile device selects an emergency level of of the assistance requester and transmits updated assis the assistance request information according to the tance request information to the server and an emer assistance requester's settings and determines a method gency contact person pre-specified by the assistance and frequency of transmitting the assistance request requester. information, and 11. The method according to claim 10, further including: wherein when the assistance request information is of an connecting to a social networking website, an instant mes emergency type, the mobile device executes a tracker saging service, an online discussion site, a bulletin board program in the background to obtain location updates system (BBS), or a widget to transmit assistance request of the assistance requester and transmits updated assis information thereto. 10 12. The method according to claim 11, further including: tance request information to the server and an emer providing an assistance request dialogue interface for the gency contact person pre-specified by the assistance assistance requester to communicate with a user browsing requester. content of the Social networking website, the instant mes 18. The system according to claim 17, wherein the assis saging service, the online discussion site, the bulletin board 15 tance-related data contains maps of the assistance request system, or the widget, or for the assistance requester to er's location, route plans for assistance provision, Surround communicate with the assistance provider. ing area map search, or assistance provision information 13. The method according to claim 11, further including: search. providing a dynamic URL link to an emergency contact 19. The system according to claim 17, wherein the server person or a user browsing content of the Social networking further comprises an external module connection module website, the instant messaging service, the online discussion which connects to a Social networking website, an instant site, the bulletin board system, or the widget, so that the messaging service, an online discussion site, a bulletin board emergency contact person or the user can connect to a server system (BBS), or a widget to transmit assistance request of a joint assistance service provider to obtain the assistance information thereto. service list. 25 20. The system according to claim 19, wherein the server 14. The method according to claim 10, wherein the provides a dynamic URL link to an emergency contact assistance-related data contains maps of the assistance person or a user browsing content of the Social networking requester's location, route plans for assistance provision, website, the instant messaging service, the online discussion Surrounding area map search, or assistance provision infor site, the bulletin board system, or the widget, so that the mation search. 30 emergency contact person or the user can connect to the 15. The method according to claim 10, wherein the server to obtain the assistance service list. assistance service list is received by the mobile device from the server, the mobile device returns an assistance service 21. The system according to claim 19, wherein the server determined by selecting the assistance service list under the provides an assistance request dialogue interface for the control of the assistance requester, and the server provides 35 assistance requester to communicate with a user browsing the two-way dialogue based on the assistance service. content of the Social networking website, the instant mes 16. The method according to claim 15, the assistance saging service, the online discussion site, the bulletin board request dialogue management module carry out the two-way system, or the widget, or for the assistance requester to dialogue between the assistance provider of the assistance communicate with the assistance provider. service and the assistance requester. 40 22. The system according to claim 17 or 19, wherein the 17. A system for providing location-based assistance used assistance request module of the mobile device is activated to jointly provide assistance to an assistance requester for execution by a sequence of keyboard inputs. having a mobile device, wherein the system includes a 23. The system according to claim 22, wherein the assis tance request module of the mobile device is activated for server which comprises: execution by the sequence of keyboard inputs, and the a mobile device connection module receiving assistance 45 request information containing the assistance request assistance request module transmits the assistance request er's location information from the mobile device, information containing the assistance requester's location wherein the assistance requester's location information information to the server. is obtained by executing an assistance request module 24. The system according to claim 17, wherein the assis of the mobile device; 50 tance service list is received by the mobile device from the an assistance request information analysis module receiv server, the mobile device returns an assistance service deter ing and analyzing the assistance request information to mined by selecting the assistance service list under the generate and provide an assistance service list contain control of the assistance requester, and the server provides ing assistance-related data that is related to the assis the two-way dialogue based on the assistance service. tance requester's location information and that is pro 55 25. The system according to claim 24, the assistance vided to an assistance service provider of an assistance service including executing the two-way dialogue. service requested by the assistance requester, and 26. The system according to claim 17, wherein the loca an assistance request dialogue management module for tion-based assistance having a plurality of different types, enabling an assistance provider to carry out a two-way and the assistance request module activated via a touch dialogue with the assistance requester via the server 60 screen or keyboard of the mobile device by selecting a and via an assistance request dialogue interface dis respective one of said different types of location-based played on the mobile device; assistance upon pressing a preset function key displayed on wherein the assistance provider provides assistance based said touchscreen or a preset sequence of keys of said on the assistance related data of the assistance service keyboard. list,