Technology used in the military

By: Mike Marino


● The ship was made in about 4000 BC by the Ancient Egyptians is was a wooden sail boat. ● In 1200 BC the Greeks were making ships that were about 100 feet long and could carry 90- 180 tons of cargo. ● The Romans made even bigger ships that could carry 1000 people and 1000 tons of cargo.

Anicent Technology

● Some things that were used way back in the day was things such as catapults, towers, and battering rams.

● Catapult – were used to hurl projectiles from a distance

● Siege towers- protected soldiers when trying to get close to enemy walls, Archers usually on top

● Battering rams- used to break through walls/gates.

Invention of

● China invented the first in the 12th century after they invented powder in the 9th.

● The ancestor of the firearm is the lance(a tube filled with black powder that was attached to the end of a spear and acted like a )

● The first gun was used in the piskapainan war.

● The oldest surviving gun was made from bronze and dates back to 1288.

American Revolution

● Technology used: Mortars, Cannons, Land Mines, Submarines ● Mortars(1453) – that at low velocities, short ranges, and high arcing trajectories ● Cannon- that uses to launch a projectile. ● Land Mines(3rd Century)- deivce, underground and destorys enemy targets and they pass over or near it.

American Revolution Cont.

● Submarine(1620)– Watercraft capable of independent operation underwater. ● First invented bu Cornelius Drebbel a Dutchman ● First military submarine was the Turtle(1775) ● Tried using Turtle to sink a British warship HMS Eagle but failed.

Civil War

● Technology used : , Gatling gun, Telegraph, IronClad

● Grenades- Originated from known as Zhen Tian Lei(gunpowder was packed into ceramic or metal containers). A is a small that can be thrown by hand.

● Gatling gun- Early . Was invented in 1861 by Dr. Richard J Gatling an American inventor. First used in the Civil War.

● Ironclad(1859)- Steam propelled warship that was protected bu iron or steel armor plates

● Telegraph(1792) – Long distance transmission of messages.

World War 1

● Technology used: Machine , Airplanes, , Flame throwers ● Machine Guns(Mid 19th century) – A fully automatic mounted or portable firearm ● Airplanes(1903) – Aircraft that is capable of flight using wings ● Tanks(1915)- Tracked, Armored fighting vehicles designed for front-line combat ● (1900) -

designed to project a long controllable stream of fire World War 2

● Technology used : The Atomic Bomb, Radar, ASDIC (Sonar)

● Atomic Bomb(1945) – Explosive device that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions

● Radar(RAdio Detection And Ranging)(1904) – Object detection system which uses radio waves to determine the range, altitude, direction, or speed of objects

● Sonar(SOund Navigation And Ranging)(1916) - Technique that uses sound propagation to navigate, communicate with, or detect objects on or under water.

Osama Bin Laden

● Technology used: Face Recognition, Black Hawks, Predator drones, Night Vision ● Face Recognition- A computer application used for identifying a person from a digital image ● Black Hawks- Stealth helicopter used to transport the Navy Seals ● Predator Drones- An unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) ● Night Vision- The ability to see in low light


Future Technologys

● Meshworms- Size of a fingertip, moves like a earthworm, can fit into the tiniest of places and record temperature and record sound

● Microwave Ray Gun- Injects blasts of sound into a persons head from a couple hundred yards away

● Space Laser- send a powerful destructive beam onto earth

● Flybot- Size of a lightning bug, can fly into areas to dangerous for soldiers

● Super Drone- Reach speeds of 4000 mph and fly at altitudes of 100,000 feet