

Melvin H. Kaplan

J Clin Invest. 1946;25(3):331-336. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI101713.

Research Article

Find the latest version: https://jci.me/101713/pdf STUDIES OF STREPTOCOCCAL FIBRINOLYSIS. I. THE DISSIMI- LARITY OF SERUM PROTEASE AND TRYPSIN AS INDICATED BY THE SEPARATE SPECIFICITIES OF THEIR KINASES, FIBRINOLYSIN AND ENTEROKINASE1 By MELVIN H. KAPLAN (From the Respiratory Diseases Commission Laboratory, Regional Station Hospital, Section 2, Fort Bragg, North Carolina) (Received for publication September 5, 1945) It was first observed in 1933 that culture filtrates ment with catalytic monomolecular theory (8). of f8-hemolytic streptococci were capable of lysing Fibrinolysin is thus a kinase, and the fibrinolysin human clots (1). The active agent, termed reaction may be regarded as analogous to the trans- fibrinolysin, showed no effect on proteins other formation of trypsinogen into trypsin by entero- than fibrin, and only slight effect on the fibrin of kinase (9). animal species (2). Although extensive investi- The present report is an extension of previous gation of the chemical, bacteriological, and im- studies on the nature of the lytic agent in strepto- munological aspects of this phenomenon followed, coccal fibrinolysis (4). The striking parallelism the underlying mechanism of the reaction remained between the activation of the lytic factor and tryp- little understood. However, in 1938, the observa- sinogen is but one aspect of the close similarity of tion was made that streptococcal fibrinolysis oc- these two . Serum protease and trypsin curred only in the presence of an accessory plasma have been found to be similar with respect to the component (3). This substance, apparently de- following properties: activity at alkaline pH (10, ficient in some species, was termed lytic factor. 11), inhibition by animal and plant antiproteases In a previous report (4), it was shown that the (12, 8), clotting effect on normal and hemophilic lytic factor was similar in properties to the serum blood (13, 14, 6) and inhibition by (15 to protease, an which occurs regularly in an 17). Several studies have referred to the blood inactive state in normal blood (5, 6). Like the enzyme as serum (5, 18), or even as serum protease, the lytic factor was associated with plasma trypsin (17, 19, 20), and in several in- the serum euglobulin fraction. Preparations of the stances, consideration has been given to the prop- lytic factor and the inactive protease could be acti- osition that the protease and trypsin may be vated by treatment with chloroform with the pro- identical. duction of comparable amounts of proteolytic ac- In the present report, it is demonstrated that tivity. This same activation reaction occurred al- serum protease and trypsin are not identical. Evi- most instantaneously in the presence of fibrinolysin dence for the dissimilarity of the two enzymes is (7, 4). Thus, the function of fibrinolysin in strep- based upon the separate specificities of their acti- tococcal fibrinolysis was the conversion of the lytic vators, fibrinolysin and enterokinase. In addition, factor into the active protease. it is shown that neutralizing antibodies to fibrinoly- The transformation of the lytic factor into the sin are without effect on enterokinase. A recent serum protease by fibrinolysin is in essential agree- independent study (8) has also suggested differ- ences in 1This investigation was supported through the Com- the two enzymes as indicated by reaction mission on Acute Respiratory Diseases, Board for the with inhibitors and extent of hydrolysis of casein. Investigation and Control of Influenza and Other Epi- It may be concluded from these observations that demic Diseases in the Army, Preventive Medicine Service, the two proteolytic enzymes are different.2 Office of the Surgeon General, United States Army, and by grants from the Commonwealth Fund, the W. K. Kel- 2 Evidence that the normal protease is distinct from pan- logg Foundation, the John and Mary R. Markle Founda- creatic trypsin has raised the question of an adequate no- tion and the International Health Division of the Rocke- menclature for this enzyme system (8). It is agreed that feller Foundation to the Board for the Investigation and the present usage of the terms, serum protease for the ac- Control of Influenza and Other Epidemic Diseases for the tive enzyme, and lytic factor for the zymogen form, is not Commission on Acute Respiratory Diseases. without objection. However, it is believed that the sug- 331 332 MELVIN H . XAPLAN

MATERIALS AND METHODS 7.4, equal to one-fourth that of the original volume of serum. 1. Fibrinolysin. The source of fibrinolysin was a highly 5. Trypsinogen.6 The preparation of trypsinogen was active fibrinolytic strain (No. 98) of group A P-hemolytic a partially purified product in the form of an ammonium streptococcus isolated from the blood of a patient with sulfate filter cake which contained about 50 per cent am- erysipelas. It was not successfully typed by means of 37 monium sulfate. The solution of trypsinogen employed available Lancefield typing sera3 (23). Fibrinolysin was contained 1.0 mgm. per ml. in 0.005N HCI. obtained by alcoholic precipitation (2) from the Seitz 6. Enterokinase.' The enterokinase was prepared from filtrate of an 18-hour culture in beef-heart infusion broth pig duodenal contents and was obtained as an ammonium containing 0.05 per cent added dextrose. The precipitated sulfate filter cake. Solutions of enterokinase were made fibrinolysin was redissolved in a volume of buffered saline in buffered saline at the desired concentration. It was one-half that of the original filtrate, and then dispensed in found that 0.5 mgm. of enterokinase activated completely 5 ml. lots into small ampules. These ampules were either 1.0 ml. of the above trypsinogen solution in 30 minutes at dried by the lyophile process or stored in the frozen state 370 C. at -700 C. Both methods of storage yielded highly stable 7. Buffered saline. The buffered saline was a solution and completely soluble products. of 0.01M phosphate in 0.85 per cent sodium chloride at 2. Fibrinogen. The product employed was a lyophilized pH 7.4. preparation of human fibrinogen,4 Fraction I (24), sepa- 8. Measurement of proteolytic activity. For the determi- rated from pooled plasma by alcoholic fractionation. The nation of proteolytic activity, three substrates were used: fibrinogen solution used contained 0.09 per cent fibrinogen fibrin, gelatin, and hemoglobin. in buffered saline (0.30 gram Fraction I per 100 ml. of from a. Fibrin method. The fibrin substrate was a standard buffer). Clots formed this fibrinogen preparation fibrinogen- clot in which was incorporated the were readily lysed by fibrinolysin, indicating that the prep- mixture to be tested. Assays of the amount of proteolytic aration contained lytic factor in adequate amount. activity were made by diluting serially the test material 3. Thrombin. The thrombin preparation was a 1:10 di- with buffer in 1.0 ml. volumes. To 1.0 ml. of each di- lution of a clotting globulin5 prepared from rabbit blood. lution were added 1.0 ml. of fibrinogen solution, and 0.2 4. Lytic factor. The method used for the preparation ml. of thrombin. Clotting occurred within 2 minutes. of lytic factor was essentially that described by Milstone The tubes were incubated for 12 hours in a water bath at (3). The precipitate obtained after dilution of serum with 370 C. At the end of this period, the tubes were read for 19 volumes of distilled water and acidification to pH 5.5 the highest dilution of test mixture which completely was finally dissolved in a volume of buffered saline, pH lysed the fibrin clot. b. Gelatin method. Gelatin liquefaction was measured gested terms, and plasminogen, which emphasize viscosimetrically with Ostwald viscosity tubes in a con- the plasma source of the protease, should not be adopted stant temperature bath of 37.50 C. The gelatin was a 3 until the normal protease is differentiated from other pro- per cent solution in 1/20 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, and teases which may be found in human and animal plasmas contained thymol as a bacteriostatic agent. The following (21, 22, 5). A suitable alternative is the more conserva- procedure was employed: tive nomenclature, serum tryptase and serum tryptogen, Four ml. of gelatin were mixed with 2.0 ml. of the test which has been employed previously (5, 18), and which preparation, and 5.0 ml. of this mixture were immediately does not imply identity with the trypsin system. On transferred to a viscosity tube. The temperature of the grounds of accuracy, the use of the term reagents was adjusted to 37.50 before mixing. Viscosity for fibrinolysin merits support. It has not been employed efflux times at 37.50 were determined at 20-minute in- in the present series of studies because of the firmly es- tervals. The amount of proteolytic activity was then tablished position of the term fibrinolysin in the literature measured by the percentage of decrease in the efflux time of streptococcal infection, with which the studies from this of the substrate-enzyme mixture. The initial efflux time laboratory have been essentially concerned. was- determined by extrapolation to zero time. 3Type specific rabbit sera were supplied through the c. Hemoglobin method. The hydrolysis of hemoglobin generosity of Drs. Homer T. Swift and Rebecca C. Lance- was measured by the liberation of tyrosine and tryptophane field. as determined colorimetrically by the method of Folin 4The preparation of Fraction I was obtained through and Ciocalteu (25) as modified by Anson (26). The the courtesy of Drs. E. J. Cohn, J. T. Edsall, and S. hemoglobin substrate was a 2.2 per cent solution buffered Howard Armstrong, Jr. It was prepared by the Depart- by 0.1 M phosphate at pH 7.5. The color value of the ment of Physical Chemistry, Harvard Medical School, digestion filtrate was read in terms of mgm. of pure tyro- Boston, Mass., from blood collected by the American Red sine as determined from a calibration curve. Cross, under a contract, recommended by the Committee on Medical Research, between the Office of Scientific Re- 6 The preparations of trypsinogen and enterokinase were search and Development and Harvard University. obtained through the courtesy of Dr. J. N. Northrop and 5 Hemostatic Globulin, Lederle Laboratories, Inc. Dr. M. Kunitz. I. DISSIMILARITY OF SERUM PROTEASE AND TRYPSIN 333

EXPERIMENTAL in the reaction mixtures greater than that possessed by the enterokinase alone. In these experiments then entero- 1. Attempted activation of serum protease by entero- kinase did not activate the lytic factor. kinase Activation of serum protease was attempted by the ad- 2. Attempted activation of trypsinogen by fibrinolysin dition of varying amounts of enterokinase to solutions of The transformation of trypsinogen into trypsin in the lytic factor. The activation mixtures contained 1.0 ml. presence of enterokinase is a typical enzyme reaction of lytic factor and 1.0 ml. of a given enterokinase solution catalyzed by enterokinase (9). The activation reaction in buffer at pH 7.4. After incubating these mixtures for 0, 1, 2, and 4 hours at 370 C., 4.0 ml. of gelatin were added, occurs readily at neutrality, and in this respect is similar and the amount of proteolytic activity present tested by to the fibrinolysin reaction. However, trypsinogen also gelatin liquefaction. undergoes autocatalytic activation at neutrality. Auto- The solutions of enterokinase tested included the fol- catalysis may be minimized by employing a dilute solu- lowing concentrations: 0.5 mgm. per ml., 2.0 mgm. per ml., tion of trypsinogen and by keeping the trypsinogen in and 8.0 mgm. per ml. The lowest concentration tested, i.e., acid solution until ready for use. Using the procedure 0.5 mgm. per ml., was sufficient to effect complete activa- described by Kunitz (9), an attempt was made to activate tion of a trypsinogen solution within 30 minutes at 370 C. trypsinogen by means of fibrinolysin. Consequently, the range of enterokinase concentration em- Reaction mixtures were made up which contained 1.0 ployed was sufficiently wide to test for any possible acti- ml. of trypsinogen in 0.005 N HCI, 1.0 nml. of a concen- vation effect on lytic factor. It was found, however, that trated solution of fibrinolysin, and 3.0 ml. of M/50 concentrated enterokinase solutions also possessed ap- phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. Incubation was carried out preciable amounts of proteolytic activity, due to the pres- for 30 minutes at 370 C. At the end of this period, ence of an associated enzyme impurity. Accordingly, it a 1.0 ml. aliquot sample was withdrawn, and imme- was necessary to run suitable controls to take this factor diately tested for proteolytic activity by the hemoglobin into account. method. Since the rate of autocatalytic transformation of The results of these experiments showed that activation trypsinogen to trypsin is appreciable under the conditions of lytic factor did not occur at any of the concentrations of temperature and pH described, a control was run simul- of enterokinase tested. A representative experiment is taneously to measure the amount of proteolytic activity given in Table I, in which the enterokinase solution autocatalytically produced in 30 minutes. As an addi- tional control, activation of a third trypsinogen solution TABLE I was simultaneously carried out by the addition of 0.5 mgm. of enterokinase. Attempted activation of serum lytic factor by enterokinase TABLE II Reaction mixture Proteolytic activity. Change in Attempted activation of trypsinogen by fibrinolysin No. , viscosity ofrelativegela- .Lytic Entero- Fibrino SSaline factor kinase lysin Reaction mixture ml. ml. ml. ml. per cent No. Proteolytic activity. 1 1.0 1.0 1.2 Tryp- Fibrino- Entero- tfrosineIncrease in 2 1.0 1.0 0 sinogen lysin kinase 3 1.0 1.0 1.4 ml. ml. ml. ml. mgm. per 100 ml. 4 1.0 1.0 28.0 1 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.9 2 1.0 4.0 2.0 3 1.0 4.0 0.1 employed contained 0.5 mgm. per ml. This amount 4 1.0 1.0 3.0 14.0 of enterokinase of itself showed a very slight amount of activity on gelatin; that it did not activate lytic fac- tor, however, is indicated by the fact that after 4 hours The degree of proteolysis (Table II) resulting from at 370 C., the enterokinase-lytic factor mixtures possessed the action of the fibrinolysin-trypsinogen mixture was es- approximately the same amount of activity as the entero- sentially the same as that due to the trypsinogen alone. kinase solution alone. This was in marked contrast to Thus the amount of trypsin formed in the presence of the rapid activation of lytic factor by fibrinolysin, shown fibrinolysin may be attributed simply to the autocatalytic in the table by the considerable activity of the fibrinolysin- activation of the enzyme. This small amount of activity lytic factor mixture. produced autocatalytically, however, was in marked con- Similar results were obtained using human fibrinogen- trast to the proteolytic action resulting from the entero- thrombin clots as substrate. Mixtures of 1.0 ml. of kinase-trypsinogen mixture. The evidence strongly indi- enterokinase and 1.0 ml. of lytic factor were incubated cated that trypsinogen is not catalytically activated by for 12 hours at 50 C., before testing by the fibrin method fibrinolysin, under conditions suitable for the action of described. In no case was the amount of activity present enterokinase. 334 MELVIN H. KAPLAN

3. Effect of anitifibrinolysini on enterokinase TABLE III The sera of patients convalescent from infection due to Failure of antifibrinolysin to inhibit the enterokinase ,8-hemolytic streptococci frequently contain antibodies to activation of trypsinogen streptococcal fibrinolysin (27, 1), and it is generally ac- Reaction mixture cepted that the development of such antibodies is a spe- Units of trypsin* -ntero______- p activated by en- Units of trypsin cific immunological response to streptococcal infection activated by Serum terokinase previ- enterokinase in (28, 29). In addition, immunochemical studies (30) have Entero- anti- Tryp- ouslyosyicbtd absence of kinase fibrino- sinogen incbtid antifibrinolysin indicated that the reaction between fibrinolysin and anti- lysin fibrinolysin fibrinolysin is similar to,'the union of toxin and antitoxin in zitro. The reaction may then be regarded as a true mgm. per ml. ml. ml. antigen-antibody reaction in which the antigen, fibrinoly- 1.00 0.5 1.0 16 16 sin, is a kinase. 0.50 0.5 1.0 16 16 Since the activities of fibrinolysin and enterokinase are 0.25 0.5 1.0 16 16 demonstrated under similar physico-chemical conditions, 0.125 0.5 1.0 8 8 0.06 0.5 1.0 4 4 it is possible that their analogous functions are due to 0.03 0.5 1.0 2 2 structural similarities. In the present experiment, an at- 0 0.5 1.0 <1 <1 tempt was made to determine whether evidence of such similarity could be obtained by testing the action of anti- * Units of trypsin is defined in terms of the reciprocal fibrinolysin on enterokinase. Immunological evidence for of the highest dilution of the reaction mixture which lysed the structural similarity of the two kinases might then completely a standard fibrin clot in 12 hours at 370 C. provide suggestive evidence of the relationship between trypsin and serum protease. terokinase. It is to be concluded that fibrinolysin and The effect of antifibrinolysin on the activating proper- enterokinase are probably not closely related in structure. ties of enterokinase was determined as follows: Pro- gressive dilutions in 1.0 ml. volumes were made of an DISCUSSION enterokinase solution containing 1.0 mgm. per ml. To each dilution was added 0.5 ml. of a 1/10 dilution of a The similarity between serum protease and convalescent serum which possessed an elevated anti- trypsin with respect to their physico-chemical fibrinolysin titer.7 After incubation for 30 minutes at properties and their physiological effects has sug- 370 C., 1.0 ml. of trypsinogen solution was added to each gested their possible identity. However, recent tube, and activation of the trypsinogen allowed to occur for 30 minutes at 37° C. At the end of this period, 1.0 evidence (8) has suggested certain dissimilarities ml. samples were withdrawn from each mixture and tested in the activities of the two enzymes. Both the for proteolytic activity by the fibrin method. The results trypsin-inhibitor in the pancreas and the serum thus obtained were compared with a series of controls, in inhibitor were found to exert a proportionately which activation of trypsinogen by the given amounts of lesser effect on serum protease than on crystal- enterokinase was allowed to occur in the absence of antifibrinolysin. In these control tests, the trypsinogen line trypsin; and secondly, crystalline trypsin was and enterokinase mixtures were first incubated for 30 capable of hydrolyzing casein after hydrolysis by minutes at 370 C. The serum was added after this pe- serum protease had apparently gone to comple- riod of activation. After these mixtures were incubated tion. for an additional 30 minutes at 370 C., 1.0 ml. aliquots The present study has provided additional evi- were withdrawn and tested for proteolytic activity. Units in of trypsin activity were defined in terms of the reciprocal dence support of the view that trypsin and of the highest dilution of the reaction mixture which com- serum protease are not identical. The proof of pletely lysed the standard fibrin clot in 12 hours at 37° C. the non-identity of the two enzyme systems is Table III shows that the number of units of trypsin based on the separate and complete specificities of activated in 30 minutes by enterokinase-antifibrinolysin their activators, enterokinase and fibrinolysin. mixtures was no different than the amount of trypsin ac- tivated in the absence of antifibrinolysin. As expected, the Trypsinogen and lytic factor are catalytically rate of activation varied with the enterokinase concentra- activated under the same physico-chemical con- tion; however, at no concentration was activation in- ditions. However, the catalytic action of each hibited by antifibrinolysin. This failure of the serum to kinase is specific for its corresponding enzyme inhibit enterokinase over a wide range of concentration system. The different specificities of the two indicates that antifibrinolysin does not combine with en- kinases under the same conditions suggest that there are probably structural differences in their 7 The titer of antifibrinolysin in the serum was 625, as determined by the method described in a succeeding paper enzyme substrates, trypsinogen and lytic factor. (31). A further indication of the non-identity of tryp- I. DISSIMILARITY OF SERUM PROTEASE AND TRYPSIN 335 sin and serum protease was suggested by the fail- of trypsinogen. The evidence indicates that fibri- ure of serum which contained specific immuno- nolysin and enterokinase are kinases of different logical antibodies to fibrinolysin to inhibit the structure and of separate specific activities. It is activity of enterokinase. The exact significance inferred that trypsin and serum protease are not of this observation is difficult to evaluate because identical. of the limited knowledge concerning both the The author takes pleasure in acknowledging the assist- chemical basis of kinase action and the mechanism ance of Sgt. Curtis Hoover, S/Sgt. Howard E. Duke, of immunochemical neutralization. However, in T/Sgt. Louis P. Codifer, and Bettie Wooten. accordance with accepted principles of enzyme- and immunochemistry, the neutralization of fibri- BIBLIOGRAPHY nolysin, in all probability, may be attributed either 1. Tillett, W. S., and Garner, R. L., The fibrinolytic ac- tivity of hemolytic streptococci. J. Exper. 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