
J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.17.5.520 on 1 September 1964. Downloaded from

J. clin. Path. (1964), 17, 520

The fibrinolytic mechanism in haemostasis: A review

J. L. STAFFORD From the Haematology Department, St. George's Hospital, London

Circulating blood must remain fluid: if it does not, forces engaged in this endless yet beneficial conflict. the culminating thrombosis is a pathological event There is one further point to be borne in mind, with definable sequelae. It is unlikely, on teleo- intravascular thrombosis in pathology is primarily logical grounds, that such a defensive mechanism a venous phenomenon with occlusive effects on a should exist only in moments of peril. Hence a moving stream, whereas the minor wear-and-tear general if tacit assumption has developed that thrombotic episodes acknowledged to be incidental clotting is not an episodic but a continuous process to everyday life occur largely in the capillary bed, (Macfarlane, 1945; Roos, 1957) which normally is parts of which, intermittently, may be shunted out never allowed to progress to a physical end-point of the general circulation and thus become stagnant. unless vascular integrity is in jeopardy. But if the The physiological significance of fibrinogen maintenance of fluidity, in circumstances which appears to depend solely on its polymerization to permit the possibility of clotting, is a physiological followed by gelation and subsequent con- necessity, then one must conceive a homeostatic densation (clot retraction). This chain reaction is system in which equilibrium is maintained by the governed, and the fluidity of blood maintained, by balance of equal yet opposing forces (Astrup, 1962). two proteolytic acting in opposition,

It is in this context of a continuous physiological and , each derived from a naturallycopyright. requirement, as distinct from episodic pathological circulating plasma precursor prothrombin or changes, that must bejudged. Moreover, plasminogen (Figure 1). we are dealing with a biological system dependent Study of the clinical effects of enhanced poly- upon protein 'activity' which can be expressed only merization is relatively simple because a clot can be as a resultant of these balanced opposing forces: seen and felt. The opposite is not so, for fibrinogeno- the function of single protein moieties cannot be lysis in vivo (degradation of fibrinogen while still in measured in isolation. solution in contrast to destruction of fibrin) can

It is important to appreciate that haemostasis is only be assessed in terms of haemostatic failure:http://jcp.bmj.com/ governed, also, by the effects of both time and minimal enhancement is probably a natural event motion: in physiology, the persistence of free flow for which there is some evidence of diurnal variation must directly influence the sequence of events. (Fearnley, Balmforth, and Fearnley, 1957), but Study in vitro can never simulate the interplay of grades of severity are difficult to define until absolute on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected * RCALU\~:~ PLATE LETS $prothrombin

...... ~~~~~~.:...... clo IBRINOGEN ~~~~~~~~~~retraction

FIG. 1. Intrinsic haemostasis. The chain reaction of PLASMIN fibrinogen conversion is influenced by calcium andplatelets, and governed by the opposing effects of thrombin and plasminogen plasmin. 520 J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.17.5.520 on 1 September 1964. Downloaded from

The fibrinolytic mechanism in haemostasis: A review 521 reduction in circulating fibrinogen concentration not prolong the half-life although manifestly becomes measureable. Such excessive fibrinolysis altering intrinsic sequences. can, however, be observed in two different patho- logical contexts: enhancement of the lytic mechanism THE VASCULAR MILIEU may lead to systemic defibrination and thence to bleeding or, in contrast, actual thrombosis may be Whilst it is convenient to discuss fibrinolysis or restricted and even, in suitable circumstances, coagulation as apparently distinct processes, it is corrected. axiomatic that the physiological significance of the one mechanism can be judged only in terms of the SURVIVAL OF FIBRINOGEN other: and any apparent pathological enhancement of either mechanism must also be viewed in the For the purpose of this review it has been necessary possible context of simultaneous retardation of the to assume that the elaboration of fibrin and the other. process of its dissolution occur constantly, any such Figure 2 shows that each intrinsic system is conception implying a perpetual consumption of the governed by the interaction of globulins in biological principal substrate. The biological half-life of solution and these, in turn, are influenced by their fibrinogen seems to be shorter than that of most relative molecular concentration and their proximity plasma proteins (this may also be true of pro- to metallic ions and to cell and vessel surfaces. In thrombin, factors V, VIII, and less readily assayable certain circumstances, to these features must be clotting proteins); the fibrinogen half-life has been added the effect of flow rate and, should fibrinogen estimated in man to be four to six days (Madden ever polymerize, the apparently specific yet selective and Gould, 1952; Hammond and Verel, 1959) and attraction of the surface so formed for some of the somewhat less in dogs (Lewis, Ferguson, and moieties taking part, whereby their local effect is Schoenfeld, 1961) and rabbits (Cohen, Holloway, concentrated. Matthews, and McFarlane, 1956). This method of

assessment may not be valid, however, as isotopic FACTORS TAKING PART copyright. labelling of fibrinogen and its re-introduction into the blood stream demonstrably leads to sequestra- Plasmin and thrombin are formed whenever tion: moreover, Lewis et al. (1961) have shown that impairment of vascular integrity permits the entry systemic administration of or does of pre-formed tissue activators, 'extrinsic activation'.

Vessel wall source of activator 9plasminogen http://jcp.bmj.com/ * Fibrinogen-rich, cell-poor plasmatic 'clear zone'...... *. . .. A.., *:*...... *.l...... *...... , Physiological Lamin&irflow I...... Axial~~~~~~~~~ccelll distribution.:i t i u i n ...... :..:, ...... r::..::...... ::::::.x...... { ...... free. flow...... I Platelet-rich intermediate zone I t -. I on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected Cell and vessel Variable concentrations Lipoprotein l. surface adsorption of clotting and lytic macromolecules of calcium ions globulin factors I WJmhi ...... NRWX - Specific surface adsorption IIIIIIIIIII B Pathological of interacting proteins FI.RIN Platelet surface adherence POLY ~~~~~~...... occlusion Endothelial disease ..n 1111 I Extrinsic, tissue, E m~ activating factors FIG. 2. The effect ofenvironment on the haemostatic equilibrium. A A theoretical venule or capillary, free from the influence of turbulence or pulsatile flow. B A similar sized vessel in w,iich occlusion, endothelial disease, or encroachment by tissue factors may alter the floiv pattern. J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.17.5.520 on 1 September 1964. Downloaded from

522 J. L. Stafford If factors normally in equilibriur n within the lysis, or influence the stability of the fibrinogen vascular tree are in any way stimul; ated, 'intrinsic molecule during its polymerization. These include activation', this is assumed to be iniitiated by the ionic calcium, the globulin fibrin-stabilizing factor so-called contact factors (XII anId XI) when (Lorand, 1961; Laki, 1962) and the ubiquitous thrombin is formed, and by the relea,se of activator platelets (Figure 4). Each of these acts upon clot substances from the vessel wall when(ever plasmino- generation or the formation and function of plasmin; gen is to be converted to plasmin. each may also influence the vessel wall in its Intrinsic activation of fibrinolysis or coagulation release of or in its association each comprises three preparatory phaases leading to with the contact factors. They represent the lowest the establishment of potent proteolyt;ic enzymes: in common multiples of the coagulation-fibrinolysin a moving stream this may be ephenneral but with equation. stagnation the effect can be explosive and, through Any constant interplay between lysis and co- autocatalysis, progressive within the Ilimits imposed agulation must employ either a retarding mechanism only by the local concentration of precursors which halts fibrinogen polymerization before the (Figure 3). It must be emphasized that this discussion complexed molecules come out of solution- takes no account of any encroaci hrment of the degradation of fibrin monomer-or means whereby circulation by tissue fluids, this being relevant only the fibrin polymer is immediately degraded before it in the pathological context of vasccular damage. becomes large enough to attract platelet adherence There is no convincing evidence to implicate or to obstruct flow. These events, which are occurring extrinsic factors in natural intravas scular homeo- simultaneously, involve proteolytic sequences and stasis, but the entrance of a small arr iount of tissue thus relatively small, presumably intensely electro- fluid into the circulation is probablly constant as negative, peptide radicles are constantly being witnessed by the presence in plasma of small amounts detached from their parent structures. This is of anti-tissue-thromboplastins. In fibriinolysin stimu- most easily assessed in relation to the by-products of lation there is at present no evidence to suggest the thrombin degradation of fibrinogen (fibrinopeptides) constant circulation of anti-activator substances. or of plasmin degradation of fibrin (fibrin lysates):copyright. Whilst there is detailed knowledge of contact doubtless this is true at all links in chain reactions activation and the sequential generatic rn of thrombo- where an inactive protein precursor is converted plastin (prothrombin activator), pheinomena which into active proteolysis. may be studied because the time takei is sufficiently Macfarlane (1964) likens the sequential generation slow, there is no such knowledge abotat plasminogen of thromboplastin and prothrombin-thrombin con- activator which may lurk, pre-fo:rmed, in the version to a radio amplifier circuit. Using this vascular endothelium but, equally prc ibably, may be analogy, the transitory accumulation of peptide generated locally yet too rapidly for ct irrent methods by-products may serve to check or limit the reaction http://jcp.bmj.com/ to measure. as a whole, on the principle of negative feed-back. Thus some of the functions loosely termed anti- FACTORS COMMON TO CLOTTING AND)nLYSIS Some thrombin or anti-plasmin result from the reaction factors directly affect both coagulatic ~nand fibrino- which they serve to restrict. Environmental features INTRINSIC- may thus be disturbed. As this biological phenome- HADlOSTASIS occurs in the vascular it is relevant to note COAGULATION non bed,

that contact factors are associated with those on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected SURFACE STIMULATION SURFACE STIMUL&TION governing vascularpermeability (Spector, 1957; Mar- ( Contact ) lco golis, 1958a and b; Mill, Elder, Miles, and Wilhelm, ACTIVATOR GENERATION ACTIVATOR GENERATION 1958) and pain (Keele, 1957) and with bradykinin (Thromboplastin) (Lewis, 1962) whilst the negatively charged fibrino- 10. of PROTEOLYTIC CONVERSION PRSOTEOLYTIC CONVERSION peptides may influence the migration leucocytes OF INACTIVE PRECURSOR 4 O'.p J fibrin may TO THROMBIN (Sawyer and Pate, 1953) and lysates t4 )FTOIIVE.MCURR antagonize histamine (Copley, 1962). if t:a be a FIBRINOGEN The Hageman factor (XII) may indeed balance (Polymer) FINRIN MONOMER (Degrmdation)0 principal connecting link in the homeostatic CLOT LYSIS between lysis and polymerization, but, probably r this protein is FIG. 3. Intrinsic haemostasis. Both fibrin activation because only a minute amount of 'olysin it is an may pass thre, utilized, there is no convincing evidence that and clot generation through e similar phases, Its in which event, whilst thromboplastin g'eneration takes essential prerequisite in intrinsic fibrinolysis. role several minutes, the time taken to elabor'ate plasminogen in thromboplastin generation is enzymic (Ratnoff, activator is too short to measure. Davie, and Mallett, 1961) and the possibility of a J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.17.5.520 on 1 September 1964. Downloaded from

The fibrinolytic mechanism in haemostasis: A review 523

Vessel Contact wall Factors stimulation XI-XII

Calcium ions .+ Fibrin- stabilising Antithromboplastins Anti-activators , -factor 4 C * :::::::.-. :. Platelets ...... "I_ --'--Activators Thromboplastins

Plasminogen FIBRINOGEN Prothrombin


Fibrin ...... Antiplasmins monomers

Fibrinogen lysates ibrinopeptides FIG. 4. The various factors which maintain the intrinsic polymerisation haemostatic equilibrium, ionic calcium, fibrin stabilizing factor, and platelets being common denominators. gelation The physiological role played by antithrombins and anti- activators is conjectural: fibrinogen lysates and fibrino- peptides may exert a retarding influence, and the surface SURFACE ADSORPTION presented after polymerization has a crucial effect on subsequent events. copyright. similar role in fibrinolysis has been reviewed by equal amounts in the bladder and the renal pelvis, Niewiarowski and Prou-Wartelle (1959) and by there is speculation about its origin from the blood latridis and Ferguson (1961, 1962). stream or from functioning kidney tissue. The high concentration of activator in prostatic and lung ACTIVATORS OF PLASMINOGEN This activation is a tissue can become clinically significant if these are proteolytic reaction and the resultant plasmin has a roughly handled during operation. somewhat smaller molecule than its precursor http://jcp.bmj.com/ plasminogen. The presence in plasma of a minute OTHER ACTIVATORS In addition to naturally occurr- trace of activator is probably normal (Fearnley, ing factors, artificial activators have been studied. 1953; Sawyer, Fletcher, Alkjaersig, and Sherry, Some, such as chloroform (Tagnon, 1942), achieve 1960), but this is so readily released from blood this effect by reducing antiplasmin activity. The vessel walls after relatively trivial stress that it is bacterial extract, , from the haemolytic difficult to be certain. Nor is it yet known whether streptococcus, was the first to be introduced (Tillett a sequence and and is of clinical importance all plasminogen activation follows similar Garner, 1933) on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected in man. Physical exercise and adrenaline injection because it can now be given intravenously. Of (Biggs, Macfarlane, and Pilling, 1947), emotional or bovine substrates, streptokinase seems to require a traumatic shock (Macfarlane and Biggs, 1946), and co-factor, pro-activator, before it can convert the administration of pyrogens or drugs, such as plasminogen: this may also be true in the human or, nicotinic acid, which act on vessel walls, will each in this instance, plasminogen may be capable of release activator into the plasma. The principal site serving in both roles (Ablondi and Hagan, 1957; for plasma activator formation appears to be the Kline, 1960). vessel wall itself (Kwaan, Lo, and McFadzean, 1957; Finally, plasmin itself can activate plasminogen Todd, 1959) but other forms of plasminogen (autocatalysis) as can other proteolytic enzymes activator are found in almost all body tissues and such as , a matter of consequence in acute secretions (Astrup and Permin, 1947; Albrechtsen, pancreatitis. 1957) with the possible exception of liver where plasminogen itself is elaborated. , found ANTI-ACTIVATORS The function of plasminogen in normal urine (Williams, 1951), is the form most activator is also subject to the retarding influence of readily available for study and, as it appears in inhibitor proteins in vitro. This may have little or no J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.17.5.520 on 1 September 1964. Downloaded from

524 J. L. Staffrd significance in the normal circulation but the rapid (Ratnoff, 1953; Ambrus and Markus, 1960): it will development of anti-activator activity in shed blood, also digest certain protein components of the after its contact with glass, can vitiate laboratory coagulation system-factor V, factor VIII (anti- results. Plasminogen activator is stable in whole haemophilic), and prothrombin (Fletcher, Alkjaersig blood or plasma and Flute (1960) clearly demon- and Sherry, 1959; Donaldson, 1960; McNicol, strated that its apparent lability, as shown by Douglas, and Bayley, 1962). Its digestion of casein Fearnley and Lackner (1955), is due to the rise in permits comparative measurement of activity, but as the function of anti-activator rather than to any this is scarcely physiological, many different methods reduction in activator activity. Careful avoidance have been devised to assess the lysis of fibrin itself of contact with wettable surfaces and a rigidly under controlled conditions. applied cold technique, during which the plasma Such laboratory methods are based either on sample is retained between 0 and 40C., reduce the external visible lysis of a fibrin plate (Astrup and development ofanti-activatorfunction to a minimum. Mullertz, 1952) when the proteolytic is added from outside, or on internal lysis promoted by PLASMINOGEN This is a naturally circulating in- incorporating the fibrinolytic agent within the clot active beta-globulin with a molecular weight which itself. In the latter, the breakdown of 1311-fibrinogen may be as high as 140,000 (Shulman, Alkjaersig, and can be measured by the iodine released (Shulman Sherry, 1958) or as low as 83,800 (Davies and and Tagnon, 1950; Clement and McNicol, 1959) or Englert, 1960). Sgouris, Inman, McCall, Hyndman, a standardized clot (Christensen, 1949), containing and Anderson (1960) have described a technique red cells (Blix, 1962; Howell, 1964a), can be formed for its preparation from the Cohn fraction III paste with standardized substrates: this approach at least usually discarded in the preparation of gamma simulates the spatial relationship between the globulin from outdated blood (Oncley, Melin, various interacting components and the end-point Richert, Cameron, and Gross, 1949). It is stable in can be judged as the time taken for total lysis plasma and comes down with the 'euglobulin' (Hawkey and Stafford, 1964).

fraction after dilution with acidified distilled water: Plasmin apparently digests fibrinogen by hydro-copyright. the plasma euglobulin fraction or the fibrinogen- lysis of peptide bonds as arginine and lysine residues: free serum euglobulin fraction can thus be utilized synthetic substrates containing esters of these amino- to provide a convenient laboratory source (Howell, acids may act as competitive inhibitors (Troll, 1963; Hawkey and Stafford, 1964). Sherry, and Wachman, 1954). The remarkable The plasminogen molecule is probably larger than capacity for attacking fibrin in vivo is inhibited by plasmin (Shulman et al., 1958), and there is thus a certain plasma proteins collectively called anti- direct analogy with the relation in size of pro- plasmins. thrombin to thrombin and of fibrinogen to fibrin. http://jcp.bmj.com/ The conversion of plasminogen to plasmin appears ANTIPLASMINS (INHIBITORS) Normal plasma or to involve the removal of a moiety so laying bare a serum exhibits a considerable excess of antiplasmin centre of activity: as in other biological systems a activity, perhaps thirty-fold the potential quantity relatively small alteration in configuration may of plasmin (Norman, 1958; Fletcher et al., 1959); radically change protein function. Kline (1960) is this is relevant to any discussion of a dynamic convinced that the proactivator necessary in the equilibrium. Such inhibitory mechanisms may also to its streptokinase reaction is plasminogen in another have a beneficial tendency to restrict plasmin on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected guise, in which either two active centres are un- digestion of fibrin. At least two antiplasmin plasma covered or a different surface radicle is exposed so proteins exist: an alpha 1 globulin and a more that two separate reactions may occur. rapidly acting alpha 2 globulin (Norman and Hill, Plasminogen may have a specific affinity for 1958). Platelets also exert antiplasmin activity. fibrin (Back, Ambrus, and Markus, 1959) whereby it The reactions with plasmin of these circulating can be adsorbed to the fibrin surface; it may be, inhibitors are markedly affected if the protein however, that it is the activator factors which alone substrate, fibrin, is present. This is because fibrin is possess this affinity. The fact that one or both can be more avid for the on plasmin than is concentrated by specific attraction to fibrin surfaces anti-plasmin: conversely fibrinogen, although also a leads to the ready conversion of plasmin at the site substrate, seems to be less avid (Celander and Guest, where it is required yet with minimum influence from 1957). Thus a homeostatic bias promotes the anti-plasmins. destruction of fibrin but permits the preservation of fibrinogen. PLASMIN In vitro this proteolytic enzyme has The three-dimensional significance of the surface substrate specificity for both fibrinogen and fibrin provided by formed fibrin is the basis for an attract- J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.17.5.520 on 1 September 1964. Downloaded from

The fibrinolytic mechanism in haemostasis: A review 525 ive hypothesis introduced by Sherry and his points plasmin exerts its proteolytic effects but, as colleagues to explain the physiological mechanism this enzyme is also fibrinogenolytic, changes may involved in clot destruction or (Sherry, perhaps occur during the early phase if enough Fletcher, and Alkjaersig, 1959a; Sherry, Lindemeyer, plasmin exists at these sites. As polymerization Fletcher, and Alkjaersig, 1959b). In the interstices proceeds, both end-to-end and side-to-side bonding of thrombi, because of the physical affinity of occurs. Ultimately the fibrin band or filament plasminogen for fibrin, the local concentration of provides a surface to which plasminogen activator plasminogen is relatively high whilst that of anti- and thrombin are attracted. Whether the plasminogen plasmin is relatively low, unless there is a patho- molecules are involved because they are trapped in logical excess of platelets. Thus, when circulating the mesh or also because of specific adsorption is plasma activator diffuses into an area of thrombosis, still not known. the intrinsic clot plasminogen is activated and the The surface attraction of these moieties is resultant plasmin, unimpeded by antiplasmin, is depicted in relation to a broad band of fibrin readily able to digest its fibrin substrate. Any molecules polymerized by side-to-side bonding diffusion of plasmin back into the general circulation (Figure 5). Ionic calcium, platelets, and the serum is relatively innocuous because plasma antiplasmins globulin 'fibrin-stabilizing factor (fsf)' seem to serve to protect fibrinogen in solution. enjoy some special relationship denied to the other The difficulty of distinguishing between activation circulating factors. The fibrin-stabilizing factor, now of one factor and the inhibition of its antagonist has known as factor XIII, serves in the process of led to somewhat complex explanations of what may conversion of the early monomeric fibrin molecule, be a relatively simple interplay of plasma proteins. which is urea-soluble, to the urea-insoluble polymer This difficulty is most apparent when protein capable of clot retraction. Calcium may promote interaction is related to adjacent non-protein additional linkages between factor XIII and these components: ionic calcium classically enhances fibrin molecules, rendering them less susceptible to coagulation yet Fearnley (1961) has reported it to attack by plasmin (Bickford and Sokolow, 1961). inhibit fibrinolysis. Bruce (1964) has shown, however, In the normal course of events, the fibrin mono- copyright. that calcium probably influences plasmin function by mers will condense to form fibrin polymer, assuming activating the antiplasmin inhibitors. that sufficient thrombin is present. Excess free plasmin, if it is in sufficient concentration to nullify THE PHYSICAL CHARACTER OF FIBRIN the inhibitory power of the antiplasmins, will attack fibrinogen as well as fibrin, and the poly- Whatever might be thought of the physiological peptide fragments so formed can physically interfere role played by plasmin the topic is not readily with any polymerization taking place in the immedi- amenable to scientific proof: most of the current ate vicinity. The polypeptide fragment or breakdown http://jcp.bmj.com/ knowledge of fibrinolysis has been gleaned from product becomes incorporated within the polymer observed pathology, when either coagulation or but, as it lacks correct configuration, the resultant fibrinolysis has established hegemony over the other. clot is friable and subsequent clot retraction is In pathological states of venous or arterial defective. Bang, Fletcher, Alkjaersig, and Sherry thrombosis the adsorptive capacity of the fibrin (1962) have studied the electron microscopic surface is apparently decisive: furthermore, the features of this defective fibrin mesh. Excessive coincidence of endothelial abnormality or the accumulation of these relatively large breakdown on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected consequence of occlusion results in a changed moieties may ultimately block further polymeriz- flow pattern. In these circumstances the interplay of ation, and indeed, may also provoke haemorrhagic protein moieties is conditioned by features which are episodes by their effect on the vascular endothelium absent from normal physiology. At this point in (Fletcher, Alkjaersig, and Sherry, 1962), a point to discussion it is thus necessary to consider the be borne in mind during the phase of excessive physical qualities of the fibrinogen molecule and of intravascular fibrinolysis induced by thrombolytic its polymer (Scheraga, 1958). therapy (Flute, 1964). Reference to the work of Hall and Slayter (1959) and to the many papers by Laki (1951, 1962) and by THE FIELD OF ACTION Lorand (1961) permits some visualization of the fibrin surface. The fibrinogen molecule possibly If, indeed, there is continuous destruction of comprises a spiral chain with three separated areas fibrinogen in vivo, irrespective of the actual thrombo- of more complex folding. It is converted after tic deposition offibrin, then one must question where contact with thrombin into a fibrin monomer in the vascular tree this event is taking place. and then polymerized. It is not known at which Rheological studies must take account of the J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.17.5.520 on 1 September 1964. Downloaded from

526 J. L. Stafford

fibrin lyates calciu

.::::::::1:E::San'f4..mia 7n a

plasminogen + PLASMIN fsf thrombin ACTIVATOR Q_/

FIG. 5. The surfaces offered by fibriii (shaded) and comprising side-to-side bonded fibrin monomers. To this, thrombin and activator are specifically adsorbed: plasminogen and the fibrin stabilizing factor (fsf) may also be attracted. Antiplasmins may be trapped within the clot mesh and thus inhibit plasminogen conversion; the by-products, fibrinopeptides and fibrin lysate polypeptides, may also have a retarding influence. Calcium may have a cardinal role of enhancing thrombin and antiplasmin activity, and serving as a cationic bridge for other protein linkages. copyright. turbulence engendered by arterial pulsation or the induced by pathological changes, may result in a eddying where veins receive tributaries: only in local ascendency of thrombin over plasmin- capillaries is laminar flow likely to be constant, and polymerization of fibrinogen rather than its lytic in vessels of such small calibre the actual distribution destruction. Especially might this be so if inflamm- of cell particles is subject to the sigma phenomenon ation of the vein wall or atherosclerotic changes in (Scott-Blair, 1958) whereby blood alters its apparent the arterial intima provide focal points for the viscosity with changing conditions of flow. Copley aggregation of platelets.

(1953, 1962) discusses the significance of laminar One might speculate further that the essential http://jcp.bmj.com/ flow and its production of a relatively immobile difference between these two intravascular fields of outer, intimal, zone of plasma which at its extreme action is emphasized during the process of ageing: edge may present a single line offibrinogen molecules. with senescence, capillary fragility and its attendant At one time Copley suggested that fibrin itself might bleeding contrasts with the occlusive tendency in be directly opposed to the vessel wall but this has larger vessels. This does not necessarily conflict with not attracted credence. the morphological concept underlying 'fibrinous for the vasculosis' (Lendrum, 1955, 1963) for this is based Possibly there are two fields of action on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected depredations of thrombin and plasmin. In the on extravascular escape of plasma molecules. capillary bed a protracted physiological form of Clearly the equilibrium between fibrinolysis and guerrilla skirmishing is dominated by plasmin: here coagulation in the tissues must be governed by the permeability of the endothelial barrier to different laws, and the fate suffered by the fibrinogen encroachment by tissue moieties, the intermittent molecule can scarcely be comparable. The exercise nature of flow in alternately functioning or stagnant in semantics involving the word 'fibrinoid' (Pagel networks, and the relatively greater proportion of 1951; Movat and More, 1957; Lendrum, Fraser, plasma to cells induced by the sigma effect may Slidders, and Henderson, 1962) is due in large provide an environment optimally designed to cope measure to a failure to acknowledge that intra- with the myriad but minor breaches of vascular vascular and extravascular polymerization of integrity-'wear-and-tear'. In the venous or arterial fibrinogen need not necessarily and, indeed, can streams, however, which should not normally be scarcely ever, be identical. stagnant, the greater flow rate, larger proportion of Extravascular (tissue) proteolysis, as opposed to cells to plasma, and the different nature of the vessel that evoked by intrinsic haemostatic mechanisms, walls, allow only isolated forays which, as they are may involve a sequence of different yet related J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.17.5.520 on 1 September 1964. Downloaded from

The fibrinolytic mechanism in haemostasis: A review 527 enzymic reactions. Although not germane to this a finding which may be equated with the plasminogen review, it is of interest to refer to work on the activator properties of disintegrated leucocytes release of tissue plasminogen activator (Albrechtsen, reported by Gans (1964) and long recognized in 1957) and that in milk (Astrup and Sterndorff, 1953), abscess formation. Endothelial lysosomes, if they saliva (Albrechtsen and Thaysen, 1955), and tears exist, by being particularly susceptible to local (Storm, 1955). Von Kaulla (1963) speculates upon hypoxia or damage, might actively contribute to the the importance of interaction between components induction of capillary permeability (Miles and of the fibrinolytic system in the process of fertiliz- Wilhelm, 1960). ation, as seminal fluid contains plasminogen Plasma kinins, which evoke pain, are released activator (von Kaulla and Shettles, 1953). The into the plasma after surface contact stimulation significance of lysis within the lymph system, which (Armstrong, Jepson, Keele, and Stewart, 1957). contains a substantial proportion of the body One of these, , is an active form of an fibrinogen pool, has not yet been assessed, but in inactive plasma precursor, kallikreinogen, which is the joint cavities Lack (1963) has made a close similar in many respects to plasminogen. Kallikrein study of the importance of fibrinolysis in relation to may be an enzyme which is quite distinct from joint function and synovial integrity. plasmin, or it might be this latter moiety after it has been modified by some inhibitor or activator, LOCAL FEATURES consequent upon contact; its formation is thus The dynamic equilibrium between coagulation and intimately concerned with factor XII. Kallikrein fibrinolysis allows the clotting system to correct differs from plasmin as it does not attack casein or endothelial defects with a haemostatic fibrin seal fibrin, nor is it inhibited by epsilon aminocaproic while the fibrinolytic system prevents further acid (Eisen, 1963). One might speculate upon the progress to occlusion by removing any fibrin relationship between the normal endothelial surface, scaffolding once the endothelium is repaired. the contact factors, plasma kinins, and permeability There remain three local features which must be factors: but there is little objective physiological brought into any consideration of the fibrinolytic evidence upon which to base this conjecture. copyright. maintenance of vascular patency: the nature and function of endothelium (Altschul, 1954; Warren, PLATELETS The effect of fibrinolysis on these cell 1964), the part played by platelets (Holemans and fragments depends on whether they are intact, when Gross, 1961), and the presence of proteins other than their surface adsorptive qualities may contribute those directly involved in haemostasis, chylo- calcium ions and certain protein molecules, or microns and low-density lipoproteins (Greig, 1956; disrupted. Their being intact will also influence Pappenhagen, Kopel, and Olwin, 1963; Howell, fibrinolysis according to whether they remain 1964a and b). discrete and mobile, or become sticky, undergo http://jcp.bmj.com/ viscous metamorphosis and clump. THE ENDOTHELIUM Albrechtsen (1957) and Todd Their function should only be assessed having (1959) have shown plasminogen activator activity in regard to their simultaneous involvement in clotting the intact vessel wall, and Warren (1963) has clearly and in clot retraction. Johnson and Schneider (1953) demonstrated this to be present in isolated endo- first showed platelets to contain an antiplasmin, thelial cells themselves. In his review of endothelial inhibiting fibrinolysis. Bierstedt (1958) found isolated

ultrastructure, Palade (1961) stresses the physio- intact platelets to possess an opposite, accelerating, on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected logical necessity for an ample and continuous effect which Holemans and Gross (1961) believe to be exchange across the capillary wall between plasma due to surface adsorption of a proactivator which and interstitial fluid. In this context this implies they differentiate from plasminogen activator. movement inwards of plasminogen activator and the Platelets do not carry or contain measurable reverse flow of degradation products, fibrin mono- plasminogen but during the phenomenon of clump- mer, or the partially polymerized fibrinogen referred ing they may become intimately linked with to by Copley (1962). An earlier belief in mural pores fibrinogen--'platelet fibrinogen' (Johnson, Smathers, has been superseded by the electron microscopic and Schneider, 1952). Electron microscopy of demonstration of sack-like calveolae intracellulares artificially induced platelet aggregates (Poole, 1959) which open onto the cell surface or move across the and platelet thrombi (Poole, French, and Cliff, cytoplasm. Any such carrier structure bears a 1963; Rodman, Mason, and Brinkhous, 1963) does resemblance to the lysosome (de Duve, 1963) and not necessarily show fibrin to be present between may thus be related to the activity of intracellular adjacent cell margins, and their agglomeration in the acid . Lack (1963) has demonstrated so-called 'white bodies' occasionally seen to that certain lysosomes contain plasminogen activator, circulate in physiological circumstances still requires

7 J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.17.5.520 on 1 September 1964. Downloaded from

528 J. L. Stafford explanation. Johnson and McKenna (1963) have reacting molecules cannot occasionally upset the shown that the clotting of relatively low platelet equilibrium. concentrations forms a coarse fibrin network, The work at St. George's Hospital referred to in this whilst very high platelet concentrations form paper was made possible by grants from the Medical significantly less fibrin without clot retraction. Research Council and from the St. George's Hospital The role of platelets in the lysis of formed thrombi Research Fund. is plainly different from any function they may serve in the moving plasma stream. REFERENCES Ablondi, F. B., and Hagan, J. J. (1957). Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. (N. Y.), LIPOPROTEINS In vitro, low-density lipoproteins, 95, 195. chylomicron suspensions, and phospholipid prepar- Albrechtsen, 0. K. (1957). Brit. J. Haemat., 3, 284. -, and Thaysen, J. H. (1955). 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P., Alkjaersig, N., and Sherry,S. (1959). J.clin. Invest. on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected surface adsorption. This can, perhaps, be more 38, 1096. , - readily appreciated in relation to the large surfaces (1962). Ibid., 41, 896. Flute, P. T. (1960). In Proc. 7th Congr. europ. Soc. Haemat., pt. 2, of cells and the vessel lining, but all the moieties p. 894, London 1959. Karger, Basel. taking part present surfaces. It remains to be seen (1964). Proc. roy. Soc. Med., in the press. Gans, H. (1964). Thrombos. Diathes. haemorrh. (Stuttg.), 10, 379. whether macromolecules, such as lipoproteins, Green, J., and Thompson, W. B.(1962). Biochem. J., 84, 74P. fibrinogen itself, or fibrinogen breakdown products, Greig, H. B. W.(1956). Lancet, 2, 16. Hall, C. E., and Slayter, H.S. (1959). J. biophys. biochem. Cytol., 5, 11. are capable of exerting a significant physical Hammond, J. D. S., andVerel, D.(1959). Brit. J. 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Johnson, S. A., and McKenna, J. L. (1963). Thrombos. Diathes. von Kaulla, K. N. and Shettles, L. B. (1953). Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. (N. Y.), haemorrh. (Stuttg.), 9, 102. 83,692. and Schneider, C. L. (1953). Science, 117, 229. Warren, B. A. (1963). Brit. J. exp. Path., 44, 365. , Smathers, W. M., and Schneider, C. L. (1952). Amer. J. Physiol., (1964). The Structure and Function of Endothelium. Ph.D. Thesis, 170, 631. Oxford University. Keele, C. A. (1957). Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 50, 477. Williams, J. R. B. (1951). Brit. J. exp. Path., 32, 530. Kline, D. J. (1960). Amer. J. Cardiol., 6, 398. Kwaan, H. C., Lo, R., and McFadzean, A. J. S. (1957). Clin. Sci., 16, 241. Appendix Lack, C. H. (1963). Personal communication. Laki, K. (1951). Arch. Biochem., 32, 317. This has been a review of the intrinsic mechanisms (1962). Sci. Amer., 206, 60. hence a Lendrum, A. C. (1955). J. clin. Path., 8, 180. governing fibrinolysis; only passing reference has ,Fraser, D. S., Slidders, W., and Henderson, R. (1962). Ibid., 15,401. been made to extrinsic or tissue activation, and synthetic - (1963). Canad. med. Ass. J,, 88, 442. inhibitors such as epsilon-aminocaproic acid have not Lewis, G. P. (1962). In British Postgraduate Medical Federation, been discussed. Since thrombolytic therapy became The Scientific Basis ofMedicine (Annual Review), p. 242. Lewis, J. H., Ferguson, E. E., and Schoenfield, C. (1961). J. Lab. clin. feasible, however, these subjects have particular clinical Med., 58, 247. significance; moreover, pathologists may soon be called Lorand, L. (1961). In and Fibrinolysins, edited by upon to provide adequate laboratory surveillance, R. L. MacMillan and J. F. Mustard, p. 333. Pitman, London. which this form of treatment Macfarlane, R. G. (1945). Proc. roy. Soc. Med., 38, 399. failing should never be (1964). Nature, Lond. 202, 498. undertaken. and Biggs, R. (1946). Lancet, 2, 862. It would be premature to select or to recommend McNicol, G. P., Douglas, A. S., and Bayley, C. (1962). Lancet, 2, 1297. methods of fibrinolysin assay: this subject is still relatively Madden, R. E., and Gould, R. G. (1952). Fed. Proc., 11, 252. Margolis, J. (1958a). Nature (Lond.), 181, 635. new, and modifications or improvements have yet to be ((1958b). J. Physiol. (Lond.), 144, 1. assimilated. In experienced hands, some techniques can Merskey, C., Gordon, H., and Lackner, H. (1960). Brit. med. J., 1, 219. provide reproducible results, but probably the most Miles, A. A., and Wilhelm, D. L. (1960). In The Biochemical Response important single feature is the selection of reagents which to Injury. A Symposium edited by H. B. Stones, p. 51. Blackwell, Oxford. are as free as possible from contamination by other Mill, P. J., Elder, J. M., Miles, A. A., and Wilhelm, D. L. (1958). factors capable of influencing proteolysis; and this Brit. J. exp. Path., 39, 343. selection is governed by the facility of local commercial Movat, H. Z., and More, R. H. (1957). Amer. J. clin. Path., 28, 331. Niewiarowski, S., and Prou-Wartelle, 0. (1959). Thrombos. Diathes. supply. The following recent British references, which are

haemorrh. (Stuttg.), 3, 593. additional to those in the main text, are cited by title for copyright. Nilsson, 1. M., and Olow, B. (1962). Ibid., 8, 297. those who wish to read further into the technical aspects Norman, P. S. (1958). J. exp. Med., 108, 53. , and Hill, B. M. (1958). Ibid., 108, 639. of this subject. Oncley, J. L., Melin, M., Richert, D. A., Cameron, J. W., and Gross, GENERAL TECHNIQUE P. M. Jr. (1949). J. Amer. chem. Soc., 71, 541. Pagel, W. (1951). J. cin. Path., 4, 137. Palade, G. E. (1961). Circulation, 24, 368. The investigation of plasminogen activators using a Pappenhagen, A. R., Kopel, J. L., and Olwin, J. H. (1963). Thrombos. quantitative fibrinolytic method (Anderson, 1962). Diathes. haemorrh. (Stuttg.), 9, 164. Determination of fibrinolytic activity of whole blood with Poole, J. C. F. (1959). Quart. J. exp. Physiol., 44, 377. special reference to the effects of exercise and fat feeding

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Cassells-Smith, and Ellis, 1963). The clinical assessment APPENDIX REFERENCES of fibrinolysis (Flute, 1963). The laboratory control of thrombolytic therapy (Hawkey and Howell, 1964a). Anderson, A. J. (1962). Biochem. J., 83, 7P. Intravenous streptokinase in the treatment of retinal Billimoria, J. D., Drysdale, J., James, D. C., and Maclagen, N. F. vascular occlusion (Hawkey and Howell, 1964b). (1959). Lancet, 2, 471. Bloom, A. L. (1962). Brit. J. Haemat., 8, 129. Thrombolytic therapy (McNicol, 1963). Studies in vitro Caspary, E. A., and Kekwick, R. A. (1957). Biochem. J., 67, 41. and in vivo of a preparation of urokinase (McNicol, Chakrabarti, R., and Fearnley, G. R. (1962). J. clin. Path., 15, 228. Gale, and Douglas, 1963a). Treatment of peripheral Clark, M. L., Hawkey, C. M., Howell, M. B., Rees, R. S. O., and Stubbs, J. (1964). Postgrad. med. J., in the press. arterial occlusion by streptokinase perfusion (McNicol, Cotton, L. T., Flute, P. T., and Tsapogas, M. J. C. (1962). Lancet, 2, Reid, Bain, and Douglas, 1963b). The effects of chlor- 1081. propamide on intermittent claudication and fibrinolysis Dewar, H. A., Stephenson, P., Horler, A. R., Cassells-Smith, A. J., (Tsapogas, Cotton, Flute, and Murray, 1962a). Lysis of and Ellis, P. A. (1963). Brit. med. J., 1, 915. Fearnley, G. R., and Chakrabarti, R. (1962). Lancet, 2, 128. experimental thrombi by streptokinase (Tsapogas, Flute, P. T. (1963). Proc. roy. Soc. Med., 56, 411. Flute, Cotton, and Milroy, 1962b). Feasibility of adequate Hawkey, C. M., and Howell, M. B. (1964a). J. clin. Path., 17, 287. thrombolytic therapy with streptokinase in peripheral , -, (1964b). Ibid., 17, 363. Kekwick, R. A., Mackay, M. E., Nance, N. H., and Record, B. R. S. arterial occlusions (Verstraete, Amery, and Vermylen, (1955). Biochem. J., 60, 671. 1963). Kowalski, E., Kopec, M., and Niewiarowski, S. (1959). J. clin. Path., This list, which is by no means exhaustive, can be 12, 215. by reference to Human Blood Coagulation MacKay, M., Maycock, W. d'A., and Combridge, B. S. (1962). supplemented Nature, (Lond.), 195, 1206. (Biggs and Macfarlane, 3rd ed., 1962), McNicol, G. P. (1963). Proc. roy. Soc. Med., 56, 414. Therapy (Douglas, 1962) and the symposium on fibrino- Gale, S. B., and Douglas, A. S. (1963a). Brit. med. J., 1, 909. lysis in this Journal (J. clin. Path., 1964, 17, 305-370). Reid, W., Bain, W. H., and Douglas, A. S. (1963b). Ibid., 1, 1508. Ogston, D., and Fullerton, H. W. (1962). Ibid., 2, 1288. A chapter on the fibrinolytic enzyme system (McNicol Thornes, R. D. (1963). J. clin. Path., 16, 87. and Douglas) is to be included in the forthcoming Tsapogas, M. J., Cotton, L. T., Flute, P. T., and Murray, J. G. Recent Advances in Clinical Pathology (Series IV, 1964) (1962a). Lancet, 1, 1213. and a issue of the British Medical Bulletin , Flute, P. T., Cotton, L. T., and Milroy, S. D. (1962b). Brit. J. complete Surg., 50, 334. (Vol. 20, No. 3, September, 1964) is devoted to this Verstraete, M., Amery, A., and Vermylen, J. (1963). Brit. med. J., 1, subject. 1499. copyright. http://jcp.bmj.com/ on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected