3ECp)7~,;~0 BEFORE THE IA/t J~' MAY ) 2008/OO9 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION D- PSC8C 80SC OF SOUTH (2AROLINACAROLINA OC_I°INQOC/IETlhiG DEp;<DE&x' ]' APPLICATION OF ]BASISIBASIS RETAIL, INC,,INC„D/B/AD/B/A ]BASIS,IBASIS, ) FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND )DOCKZrNO NECESSITY TO PROVIDE LONG DISTANCE ) DOCKET NO.200 F 8 TELECOMMUNICATIONSTELECOMMUMCATIONS SERVICES AND FOR ALTERNATIVE ) REGULATION OF ITS LONG DISTANCE SERVICE OFFERINGS ) " iBasis Retail, he,,Inc., doing business as "iBasis,""iBasis, ("iBasis Retail" or "Applicant")"Applicant" ) pursuant to S.C.S.C. Code Ann. §it 58-9-280 as amended,amended, 26 S.C.S.C. Reg.Reg, 103-823, and Section 253 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, respectfullyrespectfully submitssubmits thisthis Application forfor Authority to Provide Long Distance Services within the State of South Carolina. In addition, Applicant requestsrequests that the Commission regulate its futurefuture longlong distance business service,service, consumer card, and any operator service offerings as described below inin accordanceaccordance with the principles and procedures established forfor alternative regulation in Orders No. 95- 1734 and 96-55 in Docket No. 95-661-C, and as modified by Order No. 2001-997 in Docket No. 2000- 407-C consistent with such regulationregulation grantedgranted toto other competitive interexchangeinterexchsnge carriers. Applicant proposes to offer interexchange telecommunications services toto customers from allall points within the State of South Carolina. Specifically, Applicant intends toto offer prepaid calling card services throughout South Carolina.Carolina, Customers with service,service, billing and repair inquiries, and complaints may reachreach iBasisiBasis Retail using its toll free customercustomer service number.number.
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