LETTER FROM BERLIN THE MAGAZINE OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICY 220 I Street, N.E., Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20002 202-861-0791 www.international-economy.com Germany’s Wirecard Scandal
[email protected] The largest accounting fraud in the country’s postwar history. By Klaus C. Engelen hile all of Europe broke. When Wirecard took the place of the world electronic payment trans- is still in the grip of Commerzbank AG in the DAX in action services as well as the issuing of of the worst pan- September 2018, the fintech’s shares physical cards. According to its promo- demic in a century, were worth about €20 billion. tion material, Wirecard authorized and Germany’s po- Its Austrian CEO Markus Braun, processed payments for about 280,000 Wlitical and financial establishments are who owned 7 percent of Wirecard, merchants, issued credit and prepaid also haunted by the Wirecard AG scan- was a billionaire. Now Braun (51) is in cards, and provided technology for dal. It is turning out to be the largest detention awaiting trial with two other contactless smartphone payments. case of accounting fraud in the coun- company executives. His second-in- Clients included German discounters try’s post-war history. The sad story is command Jan Marsalek (40), also Aldi and Lidl as well as nearly one that most of the political and financial Austrian, who was in charge of the hundred airlines. Since January 2006, establishments at all levels aided and company’s Asian business, has van- the group included a bank with a full abetted the mega-fraud.