Undershore Road N B3054 Avenue Road

New Street The Admirals’ Heritage Trail A35 Gosport Street B3054 18. Burrard Neale Monument Monument Lane Railway 22. Millyford Bridge Tree Marks Heritage Centre P Station Boldrewood P P B3056 P Bus Stop P WC 12. St Barbe Museum + Art Gallery WC 22. Wooson’s Hill Tree Marks LYNDHURST 14. St Thomas’ Railway 22. Knightwood Inclosure Tree Mark Church Captains Row Station P Quay Road Knightwood Oak A35 High Street IOW Ferry P Bus Stop P Terminal Church Lane13. Bellevue WC B3056 House

Queen Katherine Road A337 15. East Grove 16. Press P Gang Cottage

WC Bath Road 17. Burrard Grove Rd 24. P Neale Gas Lamp WC Castle

BEAULIEU BLACKFIELD P WC Bailey’s WC Hard P P WC P HERITAGE TRAIL SITES WC 1. Admiral Sir William Cornwallis 2. Captain John Whitby RN 3. Mary Anne Theresa Whitby 23. Buckler’s 4. All Saints’ Church, Church Hill, Hard Milford-on-Sea A337 5. Milford House, Milford-on-Sea 6. Newlands, Milford-on-Sea 20. St John the Baptist P Church, Lepe 7. Hawker's Cottage, Country BOLDRE 8. Hurst Castle, Keyhaven SWAY Park 9. Saltmaking 21. Tweed House 10. Admiral Man at Pennington House Touzi Twins 11. Rear Admiral John Peyton at 19. St Mary’s Church, Priestlands 12. St Barbe Museum + Art Gallery, Lymington 18. Burrard Neale 13. Bellevue House, High Street, 12. St Barbe Museum Monument Lymington + Art Gallery 14. St Thomas’ Church, High Street, 14. St Thomas’ Church 16. Press Gang Lymington Cottage 15. Sir George Rose Sartorius 13. Bellevue 11. Priestlands House 15. East Grove at East Grove 16. Press Gang Cottage - LYMINGTON Bath Road, Lymington 17. Burrard Neale Gas Lamp 17. Burrard Neale Gas Lamp, P WC Bath Road, Lymington 18. Burrard Neale Monument, A337 Monument Lane, A337 EVERTON 19. Sir George Rose Sartorius’ Grave, 1,2 & 3 4. All Saints’ Church St Mary’s Church, South Baddesley 10. Pennington House MILFORD-ON-SEA Graves of Admiral 5. Milford House 20. St John the Baptist Church, Boldre Cornwallis, Captain 21. The Touzi Twins at Tweed House, Boldre 6. Newlands John Whitby and Theresa Whitby 22. Tree Marks South Lawn 9. Saltmaking 23. Buckler’s Hard Hotel 24. 1,2,3&4. All Saints’ Church B3058 KEYHAVEN MARSHES 5. Milford House Lymington seawall Footpath KEYHAVEN P Ro ad WC P New Forest Tour Bus Routes WC 7. Hawker’s Cottage

www.thenewforesttour.info 8. Hurst July - September Castle

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