OPEN SESSION: There was one member of public who wished to speak (see attached notes).


Held on Wednesday 30th October at 7.00pm

PRESENT: Cllr W S Rippon-Swaine (Town Mayor) Cllr S Burgess-Kennar Cllr N J Chard Cllr L C Ford Cllr R Frampton Cllr J D Heron Cllr G J O’Reilly Cllr M A Steele Cllr S M Stokes Cllr B H Terry Cllr M H Thierry Cllr A Wiseman Cllr B Woodifield

IN ATTENDANCE: Mr T Simpson, Town Clerk Mrs J Stannard, Deputy Town Clerk George Whittingham, Student Advisor Lisa Devine, Student Advisor

The Deputy Town Clerk reported that apologies for absence had been received from Cllr J Terry and Student Advisors Eleanor Bowen, Katy Perriman and Ailsa Poulter.


Cllrs Ford, Heron, Rippon-Swaine, Thierry and Woodifield declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 5 – Funding of Cemeteries, as they are District Councillors – see F/5460 below.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Meeting held on 25th September 2013, having been circulated, be approved and signed as a correct record.


The Town Mayor presented grant aid cheques to representatives of Forest Forge and 3rd Ringwood Scout Group.

Nikki Cartlidge, General Manager of Forest Forge, said that the grant would be invaluable to the company and it was great to have the support of the local Council. She gave a summary of current activities and forthcoming events.

Dave Gillam of 3rd Ringwood Scout Group said that the large extension of the Group’s building was underway and the grant for racking in the new store room was very much appreciated as some additional costs had been incurred during construction.

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It was noted that the October meeting of this Committee had been cancelled.


Cllr Burgess-Kennar presented the minutes of the Planning, Town & Environment Committee meeting held on 4th October 2013.

It was noted that Cllr Stokes had reported her apologies for this meeting.

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Planning, Town & Environment Committee meeting held on 4th October 2013 be received, and that Cllr Stokes’ apologies be recorded.


Cllr Heron presented the minutes of the Policy & Finance Committee meeting held on 16th October 2013.

F/5062 – Cllr Steele requested that this item be referred back to Committee for further discussion, bearing in mind expected constraints on the Council’s budget for the next financial year.

As this item had been discussed in private session, it was necessary to exclude the public and press.


RESOLVED: That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it was advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded and they were instructed to withdraw (Annex A attached).


Cllr Steele said that Members had been informed at the Policy & Finance Committee meeting that the Council may need to make savings of £10,000 in the next financial year. He was of the opinion that the Council could make savings by not employing a Technical Officer and instead buying in support if required.

Cllr Rippon-Swaine felt that the last postholder had offered unbeatable value for 7 hours a week. A list of 28 projects that had been worked on was circulated for Members information.

Cllr Heron said that, although Standing Orders allowed for an item to be referred back to Committee, he felt that this should only be used if significant new information became available. All information had been available at the time of the meeting and there was no new evidence to justify a referral back.

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However, other Members felt that the decision should be taken by Council when there was more certainty about the budget for 2014/15 and what projects would actually require technical support.

RESOLVED: That F/5062 be referred back to Policy & Finance Committee for further consideration.


RESOLVED: That the public and press be re-admitted to the meeting.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Policy & Finance Committee meeting held on 16th October 2013, with the exception of F/5058, be received.


Cllrs Ford, Heron, Rippon-Swaine, Thierry and Woodifield declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item, as they are District Councillors.

Members considered a recommendation from Policy & Finance Committee (F/5058 refers) regarding the funding of cemeteries in District.

Cllr Heron summarised the options available to the Council. It could request a revenue contribution from the District Council towards the running costs of the cemetery; ask that Council Tax be recalculated to avoid double taxation for Ringwood residents; or pass the responsibility for maintenance of the cemetery to the District Council.

Members were not in favour of the final option, and on balance agreed that the small amount of savings that might be achieved for Ringwood residents did not justify further action.

RESOLVED: That no further action be taken regarding the funding of cemeteries.


The Town Clerk reported that, once again, the District Council had agreed to suspend parking charges on one afternoon in the four week period immediately prior to Christmas Eve to assist locally organised Christmas events. He had asked the Chamber of Commerce if they wished to nominate a date; they had requested Friday 13th December, but had given no reason for this choice or any indication that an event would be organised.

Members were disappointed that the Chamber of Commerce had not organised a special event and felt that it would be more beneficial for local residents to nominate a Saturday in December, when families would be able to take advantage of free parking.

RESOLVED: That the District Council be requested to suspend parking charges on the afternoon of Saturday 14th December.

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It was noted that the Council’s response to consultation on this document, and supporting documents, would be considered and determined by Planning, Town & Environment Committee on 1st November, as the deadline for responses was 15th November and there would be no time to refer back to Council for confirmation.

RESOLVED: That this information be noted.


It was noted that amended plans had been submitted and would need to be considered and observations determined by Planning, Town & Environment Committee on 1st November, as there would be no time to refer back to Council for confirmation.

RESOLVED: That this information be noted.


There was no Member who wished to be considered for election to the NALC Larger Councils Committee.

RESOLVED: That no nomination be made to the NALC Larger Councils Committee.


The Town Mayor reported:

1) A letter of thanks had been received from the organisers of Ringwood Carnival for the Council’s support. The groundstaff had done a great job preparing the Village Green for the funfair. The weather was fine and crowds were out in force to enjoy the processions. Many people commented on the successful unveiling of the Jubilee Lamp and how beautiful it now looks. The street collection raised almost £4,500, which will be distributed to local charities. On behalf of the Council, he congratulated the volunteers on the Carnival Committee who put a tremendous amount of effort into organizing the event each year.

2) The Environment Agency had been at work this month clearing a significant blockage from under the main Avon bridge on the Castleman Trailway and removing the earth embankment on the downstream side of the large culverts. As part of the same project, vegetation maintenance is planned for the lower part of the Bickerley Stream, which should help to alleviate local river levels in that area during flood conditions. In the event of a very large flood, Ringwood would still be at some risk of flooding, but this work, in addition to the flood defence scheme, should help to minimise that risk.

3) A grant application had been received from Ringwood Rotary for the annual Christmas Eve festivities in the town for this year. As this is a very important annual event, and it would be too late to wait until the next appropriate Policy & Finance meeting, the Chairman of that Committee had approved a grant of £150.

4) He announced that, after 50 years in local government, the Town Clerk, Mr Terry Simpson, had made the decision to retire in April 2014, although due to annual leave his Page 4 of 4

last working day would be 28th February. Members agreed that Mr Simpson would be sorely missed for his expertise, professionalism and hard work.


District Councillor Ford reported that, in her capacity as Chairman of the District Council, she had presented the New Forest Access for All Awards and was delighted that Ringwood Gateway had won the Community Facilities category.

District Councillor Woodifield had submitted a written report (Annex B). She referred to the District Council’s decision to no longer provide sand bags free of charge to residents and said that a list of flood protection products would shortly be available on its website. The Town Clerk reported that, at the request of Cllr Wiseman, a bid would be included in next year’s budget for the Town Council to provide sandbags.

District Cllr Thierry reported that Screwfix had won the Appeal against the District Council’s decision to refuse its Planning Application to extend opening hours to Saturdays and Sundays. As a result, the District Council may have to pay costs.

District Councillor Heron reported that discussions were ongoing about the spending of s106 developers’ contributions and there would be a need for the Town Council to make decisions early in the near year on allocation of these funds.

County Councillor Rippon-Swaine presented his written report (Annex C).


Planning, Town & Environment 10.00am Friday 1st November Recreation, Leisure & Open Spaces 7.00pm Wednesday 6th November Policy & Finance 7.00pm Wednesday 20th November Full Council 7.00pm Wednesday 27th November

There being no further business, the Town Mayor closed the meeting at 8.17pm.

APPROVED 27th November 2013


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Accessibility celebrated at awards ceremony

An optician, a wildlife reserve, a public services hub and a pub are all proud winners of New Forest Access for All Awards 2013. Winners and highly commended businesses and community facilities were announced at an awards evening held at New Forest District Council’s Appletree Court office in Lyndhurst on Monday 21 October.

The awards, for businesses and local facilities, are given in recognition of the welcome given to people with access needs. They are organised by charity group New Forest Access For All (NFAFA), and supported by NFDC. Council Chairman Cllr Christine Ford presented the certificates. The awards recognise commitment to accessibility and an understanding of the problems often encountered by members of the community with reduced mobility. Now in its fifth year, there were four categories: recreation, community facilities, retail and food.

The overall winners in each category were and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust’s Testwood Lakes (recreation); The Ringwood Gateway, Ringwood (community facilities); SpecSavers, High Street (retail) and The Rising Sun, Wootton (Food).

Chairman of New Forest Access For All, Joan Cundill, commented: “The standard of nominations and the services offered by the winners has been very high again this year. This is the NFAFA’s chance to recognise and thank those businesses and organisations which go out of their way to welcome people with access needs.” Cllr Ford added: "The New Forest Access For All Awards are an excellent opportunity to highlight the needs of the less-able members of our community. The council is pleased to be involved in bringing this to the attention of the business community and celebrating those who get it right.” To find out more about NFAFA, visit

2013 Winners and nominators’ comments: Recreation Winner: HIWWT Testwood Lakes Nominated by two schools for children with special needs. “The staff were extremely helpful and put in a great deal of effort to make sure the activities were suitable for the young people. The site is also wheelchair accessible.” Highly commended: Dog Kind Gang Warily

Community Facilities Winner: The Ringwood Gateway, Ringwood “The building provides level access, new disabled toilets and an accessible garden area in a central location for residents and visitors.” Highly commended: Long Meadow zig zag, ( Town Council) Lymington Library

Retail Winner: SpecSavers, Lymington High Street “Nominated by a customer in a wheel chair who could not access the shop. Within a week of being made aware the manager had organised a portable ramp.” Highly commended: Waitrose Supermarket, Hythe

Food Winner: The Rising Sun, Wootton

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Annex B “Lots of dedicated disabled parking, accessible WC, large single level conservatory and ramped access to the bar. The staff are extremely helpful and the food is good!” Highly commended: The Walhampton Arms, Walhampton

Developers Contributions have been awarded to:

Rugby Pitches, Newlands Corner, Fawley - £80,000 3G sports surface, Lloyds Recreation Ground, - £19,450 Feasibility Study, Woodside Pavilion Lymington - £20,000 Feasibility Study, Lymington Football and Cricket Pavilion - £20,000 Feasibility Study, Pennington Common Playground - £10,000 Feasibility Study, Lymington Meadows Playground - £10,000 Footpath/access enhancements, – exact cost to be agreed Footpath sign, - £500


Cllr E J Heron, the Environment Portfolio Holder, advised the Panel that the second phase of the introduction of the kerbside collection of glass for recycling had commenced, with the delivery of boxes. Collections would start on 7 October 2013. Cllr Heron also referred to recent press coverage that suggested that, under European legislation, the Council would need to introduce a separated collection system for materials for recycling. He reassured members that the current system, of the weekly collection of commingled materials for recycling, in a plastic sack, together with the glass recycling box, would continue into the future. Cllr Vickers, the Planning and Transportation Portfolio Holder, reported that all Members of the Council would shortly be receiving an invitation to attend a meeting during October on the use of S106 monies in their area over the coming year. This year both amenity and transportation projects would be considered together. It was hoped that the next round of meetings would be as productive as those held last year, where resources had been directed constructively and some process had been put in place in those areas where there had been uncertainty on how to move forwards.

Cllr Vickers advised the Panel that the public consultation on the proposed alterations to the Sites and Development Management Document would commence at the end of September. He was pleased to report that both the Inspector and Natural had given initial indications that they were happy with the proposals. Cllr Vickers also drew Members’ attention to the response that would be submitted shortly in respect of Government proposals to further widen permitted development rights. Cllr Vickers expressed his profound disquiet at the implications of the proposals for this District.


The Panel considered the recommendations of the Task and Finish Working Group that had reviewed the Council’s policy on the provision of sand bags, free of charge, to households and businesses that were threatened by flooding. This was within the context that the Council was not under a statutory obligation to provide sandbags, and that purpose-made flood protection products were now readily available, at an affordable price, and were more effective than sandbags. There were also operational and safety concerns associated with providing this service to the public, through a busy depot, sometimes at unsocial hours, when employees were heavily engaged in the overall response to an emergency. It was Government policy that property owners should take responsibility for protecting their own properties.


The Panel considered a detailed report that analysed the issues associated with current problems with the collection of developers’ contributions where the developer made a case that the development would not be viable should some or all of the normally required contributions be paid. Members were also advised of

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Annex B recent draft government guidance on the evaluation of viability, which reinforced the interpretation that this Council was currently placing on the criteria to be applied and the weight to be accorded to this factor. The government continued to assert that developers and landowners should be able to realise a competitive return from the development, and that contributions should not act as a barrier to development. The Panel was advised that this Council always undertook a separate evaluation of a planning proposal, not relying on the figures provided by the developer. They used the residual value approach that was a well-established methodology for assessing a number of valuation scenarios, and particularly suited to the evaluation of the appropriate level of financial contributions. It was now accepted practice that, in the current economic climate, in order to cover reasonable risk associated with a development, the developer should look to achieve a profit margin of 20%. A profit margin of 15% was deemed to be marginal by banks and other sources of finance. The Panel discussed the various scenarios set out in Appendix 2 to the report, which explored why, in a number of cases that had been of concern to the Planning Development Control Committee, the inability of the development to support financial contributions had been established. It was noted that, at some time in the future, it may be constructive to compare the projected end value used by the developer, for this purpose, against the final sale figure for the development as published on the Land Registry website. Such comparisons must however be treated with caution as market fluctuations could have a marked effect on values within a relatively short period of time.

Having discussed the methodology applied, in some detail, the Panel concluded that there would not be any benefit in convening a task and finish working group to explore this issue further at this stage. It was recognised that the crash in the property market meant that, at the moment, viability was an issue and the Council was unable to acquire sufficient funds through this route to fulfil its policy objectives with respect to affordable housing. The housing market was however now improving and it could be anticipated that this situation should resolve, in the normal course of events, in the foreseeable future.

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30th October 2013



Traffic Management Schemes 2013-2014 – (County Traffic Management Programme)  Hightown Road, Crow Lane, Ringwood – speed limit review. Assessment of speed limit (and implementation, if appropriate). Speed surveys to be arranged. Will need DfT signs approval (completion expected Autumn 2013).  Ringwood Town Centre (Pedestrian Signing) –New pedestrian direction signing in Town Centre. All orders have been placed. First sign now erected and due for completion by the end of Autumn 2013. Awaiting delivery of other signs.  Linford Road – review speed limit for an extension of the 30 mph past the Church Hall.

Traffic Management Programme 2013-2014 – Agency Programme (NFDC)  Hightown Road – Cycle Route – detailed design and phased implementation. Start date subject to design principles being agreed with Members, alternative proposals will be developed for Members consideration Autumn 2013. Also linked to allocation of additional developers’ contributions. Design options being assessed.  A338 Salisbury Road to Town Centre including Gravel Lane –cycle route (Reserve Scheme).  Christchurch Road near Willow Drive – Environmental Enhancements – Ongoing (Residents meeting held 26 April 2012 to discuss results of parking survey and outline options. Officers to prepare options for consideration, including alternative route for proposed cycle path). ON HOLD.

Maintenance Work: (Low Cost Safety Programme)  C159 Gorley Road – installation of dark grey coloured surfacing at Butlers Lane and Southampton Road junction and refurbishment of ‘Give Way’ markings. Provision of new ‘Local Shops’ sign at the junction with Butlers Lane. Scheme to be agreed. (Approximate completion Q3/Q4 2013 Duration 2 days).

Traffic Management Schemes 2013-2014 – (Reserve Programme)  Christchurch Road – investigate provision of pedestrian crossing. Feasibility and possible construction of a pedestrian refuge island near the War Memorial roundabout. NFDC are to do a feasibility study using HCC funding in 2013/14. Annex C

HCC & Junior School  HCC to re-roof a classroom block next year  Work will start in July 2014 and expected to be completed by the beginning of September.

HCC CARE HOMES  12-week consultation on future of Council-run residential care provision has ended  HCC spends £1 million per day on adult care and provides 15% of care home provision in Hampshire  Four old Care Homes considered no longer ‘fit for purpose’ and need to improve quality care to provide independence and choice  Residents, their families, staff & local communities were encouraged to take part  HCC Cabinet will make decision at special meeting on 9 December 2013  Meeting can be viewed live on HCC webcast  Cllr Liz Fairhurst is new Executive Member for Adult Social Care & Public Health, combining her Executive Member for Health & Wellbeing


 HCC unemployment benefit claimants down by 712  Young unemployed claimants decreased by 250  HCC youth unemployment is 12.8%; South East regional rate is 18% & national 20.7%


 15th Oct – Forest Forge Theatre Co AGM  17th Oct – HCC Central Area Road Safety Council meeting

W Steve Rippon-Swaine FRICS DipGS Hampshire County Councillor


 14th Oct – Civic Trust Award assessors visit to the Gateway  21st Oct – Furlong Developments meeting at the Gateway  21st Oct – Presentation of ‘Access for All’ Winner for the Gateway  25th Oct – Environment Agency/Natural England visit to River Avon  26th Oct – Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Service in Parish Church Full Council – 30th October 2013


Mr Don Cole asked if work by the Environment Agency to clear the culverts underneath the Castleman Trailway had been completed. He circulated photographs to Members. He had thought that the work would enable water from the ditch and meadow to drain through but, in his opinion, sufficient clearance work had not been carried out.

The Town Mayor reported that the culverts had been cleared and he had been assured by the Environment Agency that this would make a difference during periods of heavy rainfall.