Haverford College Athletic Annual 1895-96
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O" ^^o}' V 1bavettov6 (Lollc^i #1 \S95'^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/haverfordcollege1896have G. W. RUSSELL. IMPORTER (.)F Diamonds and Precious Stones, Jio. 22 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PHll^RDEliPHlfl. -@- -@- -@- -@- -@- -@- -@- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass. Traveling, Crystal, Ormolu, French /7>I iSSit^l/C^ French English Hall, wLrVJ^IVO Dresden, German China. GOLD, SILVER, and NICKEL WATCHES. H. W, S R. SMEDLEY Medals Trophies DEALERS IN Class Pins Etc. Lumber Leading Colleges, Schools and Clubs all over the country are constantly sending . AND us orders. All our work of this charac- ter is from special designs, which we take pleasure in preparing and sending on request. ]. E. Caldwell & Co. Diamond Merchants 902 Chestnut Street ARDMORE, PA. Jewelers Silversmiths Importers of Art Objects Philadelphia SPECIAL Announcement ' Henry t. Coates & Co. 1326 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA Golf and Bicycle Costumes ranging FROM $20 ALL THE NEW AND STANDARD BOOKS ANNOUNCED BY THE VARIOUS '' Exact reproduction of the " Clans of Scotland llaviTronl PUBLISHERS ARE SOLD IN OUR RETAIL liyiiiiiasiiiiii lii'curds DEPARTMENT AT PRICES AS LOW AS These Designs and the Fabric will not be found THOSE OF ANY BOOKSTORE IN Runn'g High |umi', THE ^" elsewhere in America j.' 5 ft. 5 in. COUNTRY. High Kick, IN ADDITION TO S ft. 6 in. OUR REGULAR STOCK IN SINGLE SUIT LENGTHS ONLY HoR. Bar Jump, WE HAVE HUNDREDS OF CHOICE AND 8 ft. 3 in". BEAUTIFUL BOOKS Stand'g High Tump, THAT CANNOT BE 4 ft. 5.' 2' in." FOUND IN OTHER BOOKSTORES. THESE Pitting Shut, APPEAL TO THE SCHOLAR BOOK- 33 ft. AND Your attention is called to a select assortment of LOVER. SPECIAL PATTERNS made for us in Scotland FINE STATIONERY HENRY T. COATES & CO. THOMPSON & CO. 1326 CHESTNUT STREET Nos. It 00 and n02 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. THE FIRST TO HAVE THE NEW BOOKS anufacturer of m For the Lawn. Medals, For the Garden. For the Conservatory. CharmSt Seeds For the Farm. ^ For Everybody Class Pins, Anywhere. Souvenir Spoons, ii^rite lis ijoiir R>anfs. and Prize Cups, ^eiid us ijour names to fie put on our jKaiting Mists for Catafogues. C, S, nOWELL, Jeweler, r\ ohnson & Stokes, South Eighth Street "^ PHILADELPHIA.DHIl Anpi 1 217=219 Market Street, ALL COLLnOE AND SCHOOL PINS KEPT IN STOCK. U DESIGNS FURNISHED. Philadelphia. Athletic Cuts In this Annual are taken fpon^ Photographs by this fipn^. -@- -§>- -©• "^•^ Special Rates to Students. -m- -m- -m- ^a^:^^6 Lieading Photogpaphcps, Photoerapliod lij- nilbert& ltu« 1030 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. J. H. AND A. G. ScATTERGOOD, '95 Foot-Ball Team. The Philadelphia ^^'^^^'^ and Bkycle ^ Headquarters. WHY? We are manufacturers, not agents. We carry an immense stock of carefully selected goods. Our prices are fair for quality of goods furnished. Because Our salesmen and clerks are courteous. If you wish to live long, eat well, sleep jieacefully, and be happy, ride The Spalding Bicycle. Most conveniently situated and best conducted riding school in the city. Women, S.30 a. m. to 2 r. m.: men, 2 p. m. to 6 r. m. Bicycle and athletic clothing for women as well as for men. Please remember, we have a complete line of everything athletic, not only as to implements but clothing. Catalogues mailed free on application. a. G. SPALDING & BR©S. New York. Chicago. 1216 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. JL\K Cbautaiuiua S\>0tcin of le^ucation, Cbautauciua, Cbautauqua Xahc, 1R. juj. Lewis Miller, President. 1S96. John H. Vincent, Chancellor. ASSEMBLY DEPARTMENT. CHAUTAUQUA BOYS' CLUB. University Extension Lbcture Course, directors. Lbctubes, Addresses, and Sermons, W. G. ANDERSON, M. D., Yale University Gymnasium. Illustrated Lectures, J. A, BABBITT, A. B., Haver/ord College Gyinnasium. Readings and Recitations, Concerts and Recitals, Practical Talks, Entektainmknts, Entertainments, CuiBs AND Classes. Observation Classes, Reading Courses, lliniTforti roilpjrc COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. Gymnastics, Atliletir Associalion. Athlbtics, WM. R. harper, r^iKci/al. Camping, Swimming, Schools of Modern Languages and Sciences, Records Broken, 1896 Boating. School of Pedagogy, Schools of Sacred Literature, THE "DOLPHIN" CREW. School of Music, putting shot, For the season nf 1896 a small cruiser, the " Dolphin," will be put School of Fine in Arts, ommission. This little vessel will have a Hush deck.und will have berths J. A. Lester, '96, School of Physical Education, for ten pcisoiis in ihc main cabin and forecastle. There will also be a 33 ft- 9 >" galley, from which regular meals School of Expression, will be served. The motive power will be supplied by a ten and one-half horsepower Wing gas engine, which running high School of Practical Arts. Jump, combines compactness with perfect safety and extreme simplicity of management. The boat will be in charge E. CONKLIN, of a thoroughly competent '99, officer, and boy crews will he SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL shipped each week for cruises about the EDUCATION. 5 ft, 8 in. lake and life in a camp, which will be established in connection with the ' " Dolphin at a point near Chautauqua. A hoy may be shipped for one, J. W. SKAVER, M. D., President. two, three, or six weeks. W. G. ANDERSON, M. D., Dea,t. INFORMATION. Normal Courses in Gymnastics, Medical Gymnastics, For all information regarding the Chautauqua Assembly, rooms, board DeLSARTE tSYSTBM, railroaiis, and expenses, address ATHLETICS—Tennis. Base-Ball, Dr. W. a. DUNCAN. Sec'y C. A., Syracuse, N. Y. Boxing and Fencing, For further information regarding the Boys' Club, address Rowing, Swimminc;. JAS. A. BABBITT, flaver/ord College, Havkrford, Pa. tfiSANITARY GOODS Oo >^ $:. D Z) > JQ Zl m .. > (3 a; E o O g m 3 o a r° Q " a: Q (fi G) ft o s, o I a C £ o o CO CnS o w X o C3 CO Zl C (3 aavMo HoiHi^ X S this Third Annual Report of Haverford Athletics goes forth to accomplish its mission, we trust that it may receive the same cordial reception as in years past, and may increase the pride in the heart of every Alumnus toward his Alma Mater. The unwonted interest in athletic matters during the present year will doubtless make such a publication as this one of special interest, and an earnest effort has been made to obtain all desiraljle information, and make the work most comprehensive in its value. We realize that certain historical portions have been most superficially covered, but this is due to the extreme difficulty and delay in obtaining data, and, while we crave pardon for all omissions, the endeavor to avoid the same has been a most conscientious one. The writer would extend his most sincere thanks to the Alumni who have so willingly assisted him, to Captains Lester and Wood, of the Cricket and Foot-ball Teams respectively, for valuable help, and to Messrs. W. J. Taylor, C. R. Hinchman, and the firm of Gilbert & Bacon, who have so generously aided him with the illustrations. JAS. A. BABBITT. Havertord College, June ist, 1S96. Ii"t(igruphi?'l by (iilhcrl & Ra-^ Cricket Team, 1S96. Ibapcrfor^CoUeGeHtblcticHnnual . 1805-00 , . PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF HAVERFORD ATHLETICS . UY . JAMES A. BABBITT, Instructor in Physical Training. FRANKLIN PRINTINQ CO., 616-18 MINOR STREET. PHIL*. r D D T h Jfoot=BaII Season 1895. SCORES OF GAMES. Name. Points. Name. Points. Haverford, 26 Alumni, o Haverford, o West Chester o Haverford 6 University of Pennsylvania, '99, 26 Haverford 5 Franklin and Marshall o Haverford 6 Haijdonfield 4 Haverford, 12 Merion, 8 Haverford 5 Dickinson, 4 Haverford 4 Johns Hopkins, 16 Haverford j4 Ursinus o Haverford, 24 Swarthmore, o Haverford 20 Wilmington V. M. C. A., 4 Total, 142 Total, 62 Haverford, . 142 Points. Opponents, . 62 " INDIVIDUAL POINTS SCORED BV THE TEAM. Name. Position. Touch-downs. Alsop, Full-back, ... 6 Haines Half-back, Wood, Tackle, . Thomas, Half-back, Lester, Guard, . J. H. Scattergood Halfback, A. G. Scattergood End, . LOWRY, Half-back, Goals from Touch-downs, . Hinchman, 10; Lester, 6; Varney, 2. Goals from Field, . Lester, i ; Hinchman, i. 13 Photograiihcil i.\ i.ilijeri & Ihi Foot-Ball Team. a foot^36all IRctrospcct. By L. H. Wood, '96. Tlie season of 1S95 was a most successful one for Haverford, although it oiiened with but little promise. The first few games showed what miglit be expected of a team made up so largely of new material, and the outlook for a successful season was most gloomy; but, after one or two defeats, a football spirit seemed to seize the men, and the college as a whole became so much interested, that, by the end of the season, Haverford had two elevens on the field which would have rendered good account of themselves against any team among the smaller colleges. The great success of the season was, of course, the victory over Swarthmore. This game is recognized at both colleges as the most important one of the season, and every effort is made to place the best possible team on the field at that time. The team, this year, was selected from the best men in college—parental objections being temporarily waived—and, for the first time in several years, Haverford students and friends could watch a really representative team striving for Haverford honors. The game was interesting, though one-sided, and was especially free from disagreeable incidents. The Haverford players proved themselves in good condition, and played with the samespiiit and dash from start to finish. Too much praise cannot be bestowed upon the men for their faithful and earnest work in preparation, and especially that for the Swarthmore game. The college is also much indebted L- H. Wood, Captain, '95 Team. IS H -st?^v -« ; to Dr.