Torino International Airport to Pattemouche, Pragelato Turin, Italy

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Torino International Airport to Pattemouche, Pragelato Turin, Italy Directions to Pattemouche, Pragelato Turin, Italy 119 km – about 1 hour 35 mins Torino International Airport Strada San Maurizio, 12, 10072 Caselle Torinese Torino, Italia - 011 567 6361 1. Head north on Strada San Maurizio go 140 m total 140 m 2. Turn left to stay on Strada San Maurizio go 59 m total 200 m 3. Slight left to stay on Strada San Maurizio go 74 m total 280 m 4. Slight left to stay on Strada San Maurizio go 500 m About 2 mins total 800 m 5. Take the ramp onto Strada San Maurizio/SP2 go 1.1 km Continue to follow SP2 total 1.9 km About 2 mins 6. Continue onto Raccordo Autostradale Torino-Aeroporto di Caselle (signs for Torino go 7.6 km Centro/Tangenziale) total 9.5 km About 4 mins 7. Take exit 1 toward Susa go 900 m About 2 mins total 10.4 km 8. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for Tangenziale ovest-Sud/Savona/Piacenza and merge go 13.5 km onto A55 total 23.9 km About 8 mins 9. Take the exit toward Bardonecchia go 700 m About 1 min total 24.6 km 10. Merge onto A55 go 2.9 km Toll road total 27.5 km About 2 mins 11. Continue onto A32 (signs for Susa) go 59.5 km Partial toll road total 86.9 km About 36 mins 12. Take exit 7-Oulx Est toward Corso Torino/SS24 go 180 m total 87.1 km 13. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for Oulx/Sauze d'Oulx/Cesana/Claviere/Sestriere/ go 11.9 km Monginevro and merge onto Corso Torino/SS24 total 99.0 km Continue to follow SS24 Go through 1 roundabout About 14 mins 14. At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Via Roma/SR23 heading to Sestriere/S. Sicario go 1.2 km Continue to follow SR23 total 100 km Go through 1 roundabout About 3 mins 15. Turn left onto Via Pinerolo/SR23 go 17.7 km Continue to follow SR23 total 118 km Go through 1 roundabout About 17 mins 16. At the roundabout, take the 1st exit go 120 m total 118 km 17. Continue straight onto Via Rohrbach go 650 m About 2 mins total 119 km 18. Continue straight onto Frazione Pattemouche go 350 m About 1 min total 119 km 19. Turn right go 44 m total 119 km Pattemouche, Pragelato Turin, Italy These directions are for planning purposes only. You may find that construction projects, traffic, weather, or other events may cause conditions to differ from the map results, and you should plan your route accordingly. You must obey all signs or notices regarding your route..
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