
Biology 453 LAB PRACTICAL 1, WINTER 2014

Slide 1 (35mm slides) Slide of frog neurulation with visible neural plate 1. Identify the stage of development pictured in this slide. (Neurulation)

Slide 2 (35 mm slide) Slide with chick development? 2. Identify the structure that is directly posterior to this (point to neural groove, but don’t say it). (Hensen’s Node)

Slide 3 (35 mm slide) Sagittal section frog embryo during gastrulation. Visible Archenteron and blastocoel 3. Identify the structure at the pointer. (Archenteron)

Slide 4 (35 mm slide) 35 mm slide of frog In early cleavage – sectional view 4. What term describes this cleavage pattern: holoblastic or meroblastic? (Holoblastic)

Slide 5 (35 mm slide) Transverse section, late neurulation of chick (pointer on neural tube). 5. Identify the germ layer origin of the structure lateral to the arrow. Be specific. Epimere/Paraxial mesoderm (mesoderm ½) 6. Identify the structure at the arrow. (DHNC) 7. Identify the germ layer that surrounds this space (point to coelom). Be specific. (Lateral Plate Mesoderm) mesoderm ½

Slide 6 (35 mm slide) Whole mount of frog gastrulation point to dorsal lip 8. Identify this structure (dorsal lip)

Station 1 Microscope A. Slide of Amphioxus in transverse section through pharynx with visible ovaries. Pointer at ovaries. Microscope B. Whole Mount Slide of Lamprey. Pointer at subpharyngeal gland. 9. Is specimen A amphioxus or lamprey. (amphioxus) 10. In specimen A, identify the structure at the pointer. (ovaries) 11. What type of cross-section is specimen A? (transverse) 12. In specimen B, identify the structure at the pointer (subpharyngeal gland)

Station 2 Microscope A. Whole mount of lamprey (avoid subpharyngeal gland; pointer on heart). Microscope B. Transverse section of amphioxus (pointer on endostyle). 13. How many shared derived chordate traits are visible in microscope A? 2 14. Identify the structure posterior to the pointer in microscope A. Liver 15. In specimen B, identify the (adult) vertebrate homolog of the structure at the pointer. Thyroid gland 16. Specimen B belongs to which of the following clades: Vertebrata, Chordata, Gnathostomata, or Amniota? Chordata

Station 3 Microscope A. Frog skin microscope slide. Pointer on mucous gland Microscope B: 48 hr. Whole View Chick Embryo. Pointer on Otic capsule. 17. The unique features in Specimen A indicate that it is member of which narrowly defined clade? Lissamphibia 18. In specimen A, identify the structure at the pointer. (mucous gland or multicellular mucous gland) 19. In specimen B, identify the structure at the pointer. (Otic capsule)

Station 4 A. Antler (without velvet) B. Pronghorn C. Antelope horns without W. Gar in a jar X. Preserved Shark in Jar Y. Teleost in Jar Z. Hagfish 20. Identify the specimen(s) A-C, which is/are shed yearly? (A, B) 21. Identify the specimen(s) A-C that contain bone when present on a living animal. (B, C) 22. In specimen W, identify the scale type. (ganoid) 23. List the specimen(s) W-Z whose skin /scales contain a dentine layer: (X)

Station 5 Microscope X. Slide of snake skin (arrow pointed at chromatophores) A. BIrd claws B. Beaver skin C. snake skin shed E. Cycloid scales (whole) 24. Identify the germ layer origin of the structure at the arrow in X. (neural crest) 25. Identify the tissue type that is deep to the structure indicated by the arrow in X. (loose connective tissue) 26. List the letter(s) A-E that is/are in the same taxonomic group as X. (C)

Station 6 A) Down feather B) Flightless feather C) Contour feather D) filoplume under microscope X) Pigeon 27. List the letter(s) A-D of the structure(s) that has hooks. 28. Identify 1 function of specimen D. display/attraction, tactile feedback 29. In specimen X, Identify the structure indicated at the pin. Uropygial gland

Station 7 Microscope A. Transverse section of Bird Skin (Pointer at developing feather barbs) Microscope B. Transverse section of Skin (Pointer at sudoriferous eccrine gland) 30. In specimen A, identify the germ layer that forms the structure at the arrow. (ectoderm) 31. In specimen A, identify the structure that is directly below the arrow. (dermal papilla) 32. In specimen B, identify what is the secretion method of the gland at the pointer. (eccrine or merocrine) 33. In specimen B, identify the tissue type deep to the gland at the pointer. (adipose tissue)

Station 8 A. Armadillo with a pointer at the osteoderm (1) B. Whole toad with tubercles (2) & parotid gland (3) 34. In specimen A, which tissue layer does structure 1 develop from: dermis, epidermis, or hypodermis? (dermis) 35. In specimen B, identify the structure labeled 2. (tubercles) 36. In specimen B, identify the structure labeled 3. (poison gland)

Station 9 Microscope A. mammal slide with arrow at sebaceous gland Microscope B. Teleost slide 37. In specimen A, identify the structure at the arrow. (sebaceous gland) 38. In specimen A, identify the clade that best describes the group with this type of skin. (Mammalia or mammal(s)) 39. In specimen B, identify the type of scale at the pointer. (elasmoid) 40. In specimen B, list one function of the glands seen in the specimen. (lubrication/reduce friction/drag in water, anti-microbial, osmotic balance, other – alarm substances???)

Station 10 A. Alligator skull: Foramen Magnum (X), exoccipital (1) B. Human Skull, ventral view: basioccipital (2), temporal (3) C. Bowfin skull: opercular (4), exoccipital (5) 41. List the bone(s) (1-5) that is/are derived from dermatocranium. 3, 4 42. What structure runs through structure X? Spinal cord 43. What is the skull design of specimen B? Synapsid

Station 11 A. Alligator skull: (1) Premaxilla (2) Pterygoid B. Lizard skull: (3) Maxilla C. Python skull: Quadrate (4) D. Sea Turtle skull: Supraoccipital (5), Articular (6) 44. What is the name of the most narrowly defined clade that includes specimens A-D? Diapsid/Diapsida 45. Identify the bone labeled 2 in specimen A. Pterygoid 46. List the number(s) (1-6) of bone(s) that is/are derived from splanchnocranium. 4, 6

Station 12 A. Shark neurocranium: Meckel's Cartilage (1), Palatoquadrate (2) B. Teleost skull (Perch): Hyomandibula (3), Angular/Articular (4), Hyoid Arch (5) C. Alligator skull: Quadrate (6), Palatine (7), Posterior nares (X) 47. What is the structure labeled 1 in specimen A? Meckel’s cartilage 48. List the number(s) (3-7) in specimens B & C that is/are homologous to the structure 2 in specimen A. 6 49. List the number(s) (3-7) that represent elements of the jaw hinge in specimens B-C. 4, 6 50. What is the structure labeled X in specimen C? Posterior/Internal nares

Station 13 A. Human Skull: Palatine (1), Occipital condyle (2) B. Cat Skull: Tympanic Bulla (3), maxilla (4), dentary (5) C. Sea turtle Skull: D. Rattlesnake skull: E. Tuatara skull: 51. List the letter(s) of the specimen(s) (A-E) that is/are example(s) of a modified diapsid skull design. C, D 52. List the letter(s) of the specimen(s) (A-E) that is/are kinetic. D 53. List the number(s) of the structure(s) (1-5) that is/are shared derived trait(s) of the Clade Mammalia. 3

Station 14 A. Shark wax neurocranium & splanchnocranium: (1) Gill arches B. Bisected cat skull: Turbinates (2) C. Python Skull: Columella (3), Maxilla (4) 54. List 1 homolog found in a cat, of structure 1 from specimen A. Hyobranchial arch, larynx or Tracheal cartilages 55. What is the evolutionary origin (neurocranium, splanchnocranium, or dermatocranium) of structure 2 in specimen B? Neurocranium 56. The bone labeled 3 in specimen C serves what function? Transmission/amplification of sound/ Hearing 57. What bone is anterior to the bone labeled 4 in specimen C? Premaxilla

Station 15 A. Alligator Skull: 1) Jugal 2) maxilla B. Rockfish skull: 3) quadrate 4) premaxilla C. Perch skull: 5) opercular bone D. Human skull: 6) Palatine, 7) jugal/zygomatic, 58. List the letter(s) of the following bones (1-7) that is/are involved in cranial kinesis for that specimen? 3, 4, 5 59. List the letter(s) of the following (A-D) that have a secondary bony palate. A, D 60. List the structures (1-7) that comprise part of a zygomatic arch. 7

Station 16 A. Bowfin skull: 1) Hyomandibula, 2) preopercular B. Rockfish skull: 3) Maxilla, 4) hyoid arch, 5) dentary C. wax shark neruocranium: 6) occipital area 7) Otic capsule, 8) orbital capsule, 9) olfactory capsule, 61. What is the name of the bone labeled 2 in specimen A? preopercular 62. List the number(s) (1-5) of the endochondral bone(s) (1-5) in A & B. 1, 4 63. List the number(s) of the features 6-9 in Specimen D that pertain to the otic region. 7

Station 17 A. Sea turtle lower jaw: (1) articular B. Teleost (perch) skull: (2) premaxilla C. Cat lower jaw: condyloid process (3) D. Python lower jaw: (4) compound bone, (5) dentary, 64. List the letter(s) of the specimen(s) (A-D) that belong to the clade Synapsida. C 65. Name the mammalian homolog to the structure labeled 2 in specimen B. premaxilla 66. Identify the structure labeled (4) on specimen D. compound bone 67. List the number(s) of the bones (1-5) that is/are derived exclusively from dermatocranium. 2, 3, 5

Station 18 A. Marsupial lower jaw: angular process (1), coronoid process (2) B. Alligator lower jaw: articular (3) C. Snapping turtle lower jaw: posterior dentary (4) D. Human (or cat) ear : incus (5), (6), (7) 68. List the numbers of the structures/bones labeled (1-7) that are homologous to one another. 3 and 6 69. What is the evolutionary origin (neurocranium, splanchnocranium, or dermatocranium) of the structure 4 in skull C (be specific)? Dermatocranium 70. What is the evolutionary origin of the structure 7 in skull D (be specific)? Splanchnocranium Arch 2

Station 19 A. Bird thoracic vertebra B. Human axis C. Human lumbar vertebra D. Bird cervical vertebra X. Opisthocoelous vertebra (ungulate) 1) postzygapophysis, 2) transverse process, 3) prezygapophysis, 4) neural arch/spine Y. Snake vertebra 71. List the letters (A-D) in order from anterior to posterior in the vertebral column. B, D, A, C 72. Identify the number (1-4) for the prezygapophysis on specimen X. 3 73. What centrum shape is represented in specimen X? Opisthocoelous 74. What is the unique function of the specialized additional processes above the centrum on specimen Y? Prevent torsion

Station 20 A. Ungulate metatarsal B. Horse femur C. Horse astragalus D. Tibia/Fibula of porcupine E. Frog skeleton - 1) femur, 2) urostyle 75. Arrange bones A-D from most proximal to most distal. B, D, C, A 76. Identify the bone distal to the bone labeled 1. Tibio-fubula 77. Name structure 2 AND its homology in a mammal. Urostyle, caudal vertebrae

Station 21 A. Cat skeleton – 1) Metacarpal, 2) Carpal, 3) Phalanx B. Articulated lizard skeleton – 4) Lizard cervical vertebra, 5) Lizard humerus, 6) Lizard clavicle, 7) Lizard scapula 78. Identify the bone labeled 1. Metacarpal 79. Identify the foot posture of specimen A. Digitigrady or Digitigrade 80. Identify the label of the bone(s) (4-7) that are of dermal origin. 6 81. Identify the bone dorsal to the bone labeled 7. Suprascapula

Station 22 A. Opossum skeleton – 1) Ischium, 2) Pubis, 3) Epipubic bone B. Frog skeleton – 4) Urostyle, 5) Pubis, 6) Ischium C. Pigeon skeleton – 7) Ilium, 8) Pubis 82. List the numbers (1-8) that correspond to the pubis (pubic bone). 2, 5, 8 83. Identify the bone labeled 3. Epipubic bones 84. List the letter(s) (A-C) of the specimen(s) with a synsacrum. C

Station 23 1. Human Skeleton – 1) scapular spine, 2) olecranon process 85. Identify structure 1. Scapular spine 86. Identify structure 2. Olecranon process 87. Identify each of the regions of the vertebral column visible in this specimen from the occipital condyles to the articulation with the ilium. Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral

Station 24 A. Penguin 1) Carpometacarpus B. Chicken – 2) Pygostyle, 3) Coracoid, 4) Sternum, 5) Furcula 88. Identify the bone labeled 1. Carpometacarpus 89. Name structure 2 in specimen B AND it’s homology in . Pygostyle, caudal vertebrae 90. List the number(s) (2-5) that is/are dermal bone(s) of specimen B. 5

Station 25 A. Dogfish Shark pectoral girdle - 1) scapulocoracoid, 2) basal pterygiophores, 3) radial ptergygiophores, 4) ceratotrichia. B. Perch mounted skeleton with (W) lepidotrichia in posterior (soft-rayed) dorsal fin C. Dried skull of Perch with pectoral girdle and fins attached – X) cleithrum, Y) scapula, Z) operculum 91. Identify the structure labeled 2 in specimen A. Basal pterygiophores 92. Is structure 4 in specimen A homologous to the structure marked W in specimen B? Yes/No? No 93. The tail type of specimen B is a shared derived trait of which clade of vertebrates? Teleostii 94. List the letter(s) (X-Z) that is/are homologous to structure 1 in specimen A. Y

Station 26 A. Bowfin mounted skeleton: 5) caudal fin, 4) anal fin, 3) dorsal fin, 2) pelvic fin, 1) pectoral fin B. Seal Femur C. Seal Humerus D. Pelvic girdle of a female Dogfish Shark 95. What is the name of the fin labeled 2 in specimen A? Pelvic fin 96. Identify the tail shape of specimen A. Hemi-homocercal 97. Identify the bone(s) (B-C) that articulate(s) with the acetabulum. 98. Presence of appendage D is a shared, derived trait of which clade of vertebrates? Gnathostomata

Station 27 A. Alligator skeleton 99. Name the dermal bones visible in the postcranial skeleton of specimen A. Gastralia, Interclavicle 100. What feature is ventral to the caudal vertebrae of specimen A? Hemal arches

1. Frog Pectoral Girdle 2. Alligator scapulocoracoid 3. Flamingo Scapula & Coracoid 4. Tuna – large cleithrum/scapulocoracoid 5. Mammal Scapula BONUS A. Place the specimens in their correct evolutionary position, on this phylogeny. 4, 1, 5, 2-3

1. Gar skull 2. Pipefish skull 3. Gharial head 4. Barracuda skull 5. Shark jaw BONUS B. List the number(s) of the skull(s) with some degree of cranial kinesis. 1 (optional), 2, 4, 5

Hagfish skin microscope slide BONUS C. Identify the specimen to it’s most narrowly define taxonomic Clade. Cyclostomata

1. Bat wing & bird wing 2. Horse hoof – lizard claws 3. Ganoid scales & alligator osteoderms 4. Polar bear fur section – feathers 5. Rattle from rattlesnake – porcupine quills BONUS D. List the pairs of specimen(s) that is/are homologous: 2, 3