Studies on Malagasy , 1. The Family Gallieniellidae (Araneae, Gnaphosoidea)


ABSTRACT On the basis of the sclerotized anterior spin- ognized. Gallieniella includes the type species G. nerets, obliquely depressed endites, and flattened mygaloides Millot and the new species G. blanci oval posterior median eyes, the family Gal- and G. betroka, all from Madagascar, and the new lieniellidae Millot is transferred from the Clu- species G. jocquei from the Comoro Islands. The bionoidea to the Gnaphosoidea. The presence of new genus Legendrena includes four new species a small but distinct apical segment on the anterior (L. angavokely, L. perinet, L. tamatave, and L. spinnerets suggests that gallieniellids are relatively rolandi) from Madagascar. plesiomorphic gnaphosoids. Two genera are rec-

INTRODUCTION The taxonomic history ofthe spider family resemblances to mygalomorphs are superfi- Gallieniellidae is relatively brief. The only cial, and that other araneomorph spiders ex- previously known species, Gallieniella my- ist which have similarly elongated chelicerae; galoides, was described by Millot (1947) on he specifically mentioned tetragnathids, ar- the basis of two male specimens from Mad- chaeids, Myrmarachne, Desis, and some an- agascar. As his choice of specific name in- yphaenids as examples, and even more im- dicates, Millot was impressed by the myga- pressively elaborated chelicerae occur in some lomorph-like appearance of the ocular area Malagasy clubionoids as well. Nonetheless, and, especially, the chelicerae, which are Millot was uncertain ofthe proper taxonomic greatly elongated and bear a long, heavy fang position of Gallieniella; although he thought (figs. 1-3). Millot realized, however, that these the genus was clearly a member ofthe "Dion-

' Curator, Department of Entomology, American Museum of Natural History; Adjunct Professor, Department of Biology, City College, City University of New York.

Copyright © American Museum of Natural History 1984 ISSN 0003-0082 / Price $1.95 2 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 2801

FIGS. 1-4. Gallieniella mygaloides Millot, cephalothorax and abdomen. 1-3. Male. 4. Female. 1, 4. Dorsal view. 2. Ventral view. 3. Lateral view. ychia" (i.e., a two-clawed hunting araneo- amined any specimens of G. mygaloides. morph), Millot was unable to decide whether Nonetheless, placement of the genus some- it deserved a family of its own (the Gallien- where within the Clubionidae was accepted, iellidae) or should be placed as a separate at least implicitly, by workers such as Kae- subfamily (the Gallieniellinae) within the stner (1968) and Kaston (1972), who did not family Clubionidae. include the Gallieniellidae in their lists ofex- Roewer (1954), in his catalog of spiders, tant spider families. preferred the latter placement but gave the Millot's alternative view of familial status group only tribal status (as the Gallienielleae) for the genus was supported, however, by Le- within the clubionid subfamily Corinninae, gendre (1967), who had the good fortune to coordinate with the Tracheleae, Oedigna- recollect G. mygaloides at the type locality theae, and Corinneae. The association ofGal- and obtained the first known females of the lieniella with corinnines was not supported species. Legendre also observed several in- by any discussion of evidence, however, and dividuals in the field, occurring together with it is very unlikely that Roewer actually ex- (and probably preying on) ants (of similar 1 984 PLATNICK: GALLIENIELLIDAE 3

FIGS. 5-8. Gallieniella sp., juvenile. 5. Labium and endites, ventral view. 6. Chelicerae, posterior view; arrow indicates position of cheliceral gland pit. 7. Cheliceral gland pit, medial view. 8. Pores of cheliceral gland, medial view.

general appearance) and moving with such a series on gnaphosoid spiders, deals with the extreme agility that they could be distin- available gallieniellid material, which has al- guished from the ants and captured only with lowed a reappraisal ofboth the diversity and great difficulty. More recent authors, such as relationships of the group. Levi (1982) and Brignoli (1983), have fol- At Professor Legendre's request, the stud- lowed Legendre's treatment and accepted the ied material has been distributed among the Gallieniellidae as a valid family closely allied collections of the Museum National d'His- to the Clubionidae. toire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN), the Ameri- Through the generosity of Professor Ro- can Museum of Natural History, New York land Legendre ofthe Universite des Sciences (AMNH), and the British Museum (Natural et Techniques du Languedoc, Montpellier, I History), London (BMNH). Special thanks have recently had the opportunity to study go to Dr. Rudy Jocque of the Musee Royal significant collections of ground- and litter- de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren (MRAC), dwelling spiders taken in Madagascar by sev- who collected, recognized as gallieniellids, and eral French workers, notably Drs. R. Le- made available for inclusion in this paper the gendre, J.-M. Betsch, and J. Millot. The pres- first specimens ofthe family taken outside of ent paper, the first in a series devoted to these Madagascar. I am also indebted to Ms. Joan fascinating collections and the twenty-first in Whelan of the American Museum for assis- 4 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 2801

FIGS. 9-12. 9, 10. Gallieniella sp., juvenile. 11, 12. G. mygaloides Millot, male, leg IV. 9. Ocular area, dorsal view. 10. Left posterior lateral and posterior median eyes, dorsal view. 11. Trichobothnal base, dorsal view. 12. Tarsal organ, dorsal view. tance with the scanning electron microscope, Corinninae as limited, for example, by Roew- to Dr. Mohammad Shadab of the American er (1954). Given this situation, a compelling Museum for providing illustrations, and to argument against associating the gallieniel- Dr. Charles Dondale of the Biosystematics lids with clubionids can only come from de- Research Institute for a helpful review of the rived characters shared with other groups in- manuscript. All measurements presented be- stead. I suggest that such characters do exist. low are in millimeters; abbreviations for eyes Millot (1947, p. 159), for example, noted are standard for the Araneae. that "C'est avec les Clubionides qu'il mani- festerait le plus d'affinites, bien que les pieces buccales, entre autres, ne soient guere 'clu- RELATIONSHIPS bionesque'." Indeed, these unclubionid-like It is not surprising that no special charac- endites bear a distinct oblique depression (figs. ters of Gallieniella have been cited by any 2, 5). Obliquely depressed endites are char- author as evidence for a relationship to the acteristic of gnaphosoids rather than clu- Clubionidae, for (as has been widely recog- bionoids. So far as I am aware, the only taxa nized in recent years) there seems to be no currently placed in the Clubionidae that have known synapomorphy uniting the taxa clas- such endites are the Australian molycriines sically placed in that family. The same am- and the Mediterranean cybaeodines. The first biguity exists with regard to the subfamily ofthese groups is almost certainly misplaced; 1984 PLATNICK: GALLIENIELLIDAE 5 their greatly thickened anterior spinnerets synapomorphy within the superfamily and suggest that they may in fact be the closest that the gallieniellids are therefore one ofthe relatives of the prodidomine gnaphosoids. more plesiomorphic groups of gnaphosoids. The second group is more problematical; cy- baeodines were originally placed by Simon GALLIENIELLIDAE MILLOT (1893) as a subfamily of Gnaphosidae, co- Hemicloeinae, Drassodi- Gallieniellidae Millot, 1947, p. 159 (type genus ordinate with his Gallieniella Millot). nae, and Cithaeroninae. More recent workers Gallieniellinae: Millot, 1947, p. 159. have assigned the group to the Clubionidae; Gallienielleae: Roewer, 1954, p. 605. Roewer (1954), for example, considered it a tribe ofthe Liocraninae. The type genus, Cy- DIAGNOSIS: The combined presence of baeodes, contains two Mediterranean species, obliquely depressed endites (fig. 5), flattened known only from females, that do have and irregularly oval posterior median eyes slightly depressed endites. However, in the (figs. 9, 10), and sclerotized but proximally African genus Andromma, which Simon (cor- and distally subcontiguous anterior spinner- rectly, I suspect) considered a close relative ets bearing a small apical segment (figs. 2, of Cybaeodes, no such depressions are ap- 13-16) will distinguish gallieniellids from all parent; as will be demonstrated elsewhere, a other spiders. third genus (Baeriella) assigned to the group DESCRIPTION: Medium-sized ecribellate by Simon (1903) is just a misplaced gna- entelegyne araneomorph spiders. Carapace phosid. Ifthe depressed endites ofCybaeodes longer than wide, almost circular in dorsal are plesiomorphic for a group including at view, widest between coxae II and III, slightly least that genus and Andromma, then that narrowed opposite coxae I, truncated ante- group may represent the closest relative of riorly, where overshadowed at middle by all the current Gnaphosoidea; alternatively, ocular tubercle (fig. 9), slightly invaginated at the character may simply be a parallelism middle ofposterior margin; surface finely re- between Cybaeodes and true gnaphosoids. ticulate (fig. 9), with lightened elevated lateral If, as the endites suggest, gallieniellids are margins and reflexed posterior margin; ce- gnaphosoids, they should also have two other phalic area slightly elevated; thoracic groove characters that seem synapomorphic for the longitudinal, often pitlike, set back about five- superfamily, namely sclerotized anterior sevenths ofcarapace length. Eight eyes in two spinnerets and flattened, oval or irregularly rows on blackened elevated ocular tubercle, shaped (rather than round) posterior median posterior row wider than anterior; AME cir- eyes. To my knowledge, neither of these fea- cular, dark, directed obliquely rather than tures is found among clubionoids (except, straight forward, ALE and PLE oval, light, again, for the molycriines), and both do in PME flattened, irregularly oval, light (figs. 9, fact occur in gallieniellids (figs. 1-4, 9, 10). 10); lateral eyes larger than medians; medians Hence, the family is transferred here to the much closer to laterals than to each other; Gnaphosoidea. lateral eyes of each side separated by their The position ofthe gallieniellids within the diameter or less; MOQ wider than long, wid- Gnaphosoidea cannot yet be established, for er in back than in front; clypeus low. Chelic- no cladogram ofthe superfamily has ever been erae moderately to greatly elongated, dorsally produced, and some of the relevant groups depressed at insertion, medially flattened at (such as the and Trochanter- least on proximal two-thirds; promargin with iidae) have yet to be examined in the modern three teeth, retromargin with two; cheliceral literature. However, the anterior spinnerets gland openings in pit near most proximal of gallieniellids are notable in that they bear tooth (figs. 6-8). Endites flattened, elongated, a small, but distinct, apical segment (figs. 13- narrowed opposite insertion of trochanters, 16). No such segment exists in at least the obliquely depressed (fig. 5), with thick an- vast majority of true Gnaphosidae; because teromedian scopula and anterolateral serrula one does occur in at least some Ammoxen- consisting ofsingle row ofteeth. Labium large, idae and Cithaeronidae, it seems likely that truncated anteriorly. Sternum longer than the fusion of the two segments represents a wide, truncated anteriorly, with rebordered 6 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 2801

FIGS. 13-16. Legendrena sp., juvenile. 13, 14. Spinnerets of left side. 15, 16. Apical segment of anterior spinneret. 13, 15. Posterior view. 14, 16. Distal view. lateral margins and small sclerotized exten- vestibule from which apparently arise four sions to and between coxae. Leg formula 4123; narrow tracheae, with median pair almost at least posterior femora with spines; tarsi immediately divided into two tracheoles (only with two dentate claws but no claw tufts; tro- one juvenile Legendrena examined). Male chanters unnotched; metatarsi without palpal tibia with at least one apophysis, fe- preening combs; tarsi with two rows, meta- male palp with dentate claw. tarsi and tibiae with single row of tricho- INCLUDED GENERA: Gallieniella, Legen- bothria; trichobothrial bases rugose (fig. 1 1); drena. tarsal organ capsulate (fig. 12). Abdomen long, DISTRIBUTION: Known only from Mada- bearing six spinnerets, anteriors sclerotized, gascar and the Comoro Islands. conical, subcontiguous for their entire length, with small medially directed apical segment GALLIENIELLA MILLOT (figs. 13-16), medians long, narrow, one-seg- mented, posteriors wider than medians, with Gallieniella Millot, 1947, p. 158 (type species by apical segment about one-third as long as bas- original designation Gallieniella mygaloides al segment; colulus represented at most by Millot). setae. Respiratory system with anterior book- DIAGNOSIS: The more elongate and non- lungs and single posterior spiracle situated porrect chelicerae ofboth sexes (figs. 1-4), as near base of spinnerets, leading into short well as the unicolored and non-enlarged tibia 1984 PLATNICK: GALLIENIELLIDAE 7

I, the presence of spines on the posterior tib- bearing long fang with distinct ventral tu- iae, and the scopulate tarsi, are diagnostic. bercle at about two-thirds its length; two most DESCRIPTION: Carapace with pair of long distal promarginal teeth largest, widely sep- dark paramedian setae on clypeus and about arated, retromarginal teeth widely separated, three pairs along edge of scarcely delimited proximal tooth much larger than distal. Leg posterior declivity. Chelicerae greatly elon- spination (only surfaces bearing spines list- gated, especially in males, not porrect, me- ed): femora III, IV dl-0-0; tibiae: III v2-2- dially flattened along full length, males with 2; IV v2-4-2. Legs light brown except for yel- tubercle on fang. Endites abruptly narrowed lowish tarsi and longitudinal prolateral and opposite insertion of trochanters. Labium retrolateral yellowish stripes on femur I. Ab- distinctly widened at base, wider than long. domen dark gray with scattered white scales Sternum widely separating coxae IV, with and short dark setae. Palpal tibia with four scattered stiffsetae. Posterior tibiae with ven- apophyses: very long sinuous retrolateral, long tral spines. No segments of leg I enlarged, triangular dorsal, short triangular prolateral, tibia I not bicolored. Tarsi and distal halves and long ventrally directed ventral; embolus of metatarsi lightly scopulate. Males without with long terminal coil (figs. 17-19). dorsal abdominal scutum. Male palpal tibia FEMALE: As in male, except for the follow- with at least three apophyses. Bulb with large, ing. Total length, not including chelicerae, conspicuous proximal subtegulum, distal te- 5.1 1. Carapace 2.05 long, 1.69 wide. Eye sizes gulum, and proximally originating embolus and interdistances: AME 0.05, ALE 0.08, expanded at base, extending along prolateral PME 0.05, PLE 0.08; AME-AME 0.12, surface, coiling around retrolateral surface, AME-ALE 0.02, PME-PME 0.15, PME-PLE supported by semicircular translucent func- 0.04, ALE-PLE 0.07; MOQ length 0.20, front tional conductor. Epigynum with antero- width 0.22, back width 0.25. Chelicerae median ledges. shorter than in male, extending forward dis- tance about one-third ofcarapace length, with anteromedian row oflong stiffsetae, without Gallieniella mygaloides Millot ventral tubercle on fang; promarginal and re- Figures 1-4, 11, 12, 17-21 tromarginal teeth smaller than in male, sub- equal. Femur II with prolateral yellow stripe Gallieniella mygaloides Millot, 1947, p. 159, figs. on distal half. Palpal femur and patella with A-G (male holotype from Tsiafajavona, Tan- distal dorsal spine, tibia with one prolateral anarive, Madagascar, should be in MNHN, lost). and two dorsal spines, tarsus with single Legendre, 1967, p. 796, figs. 1, 2. proximal prolateral and dorsal spines. Epig- DIAGNOSIS: Males can be recognized by the ynum with small posterior spermathecae and large dorsal tibial apophysis and the long ter- large membranous coiled anterior ducts (figs. minal coil of the embolus (figs. 17-19), fe- 20, 21). males by the uniformly narrow median epig- VARIATION: As indicated by Legendre ynal ducts (figs. 20, 21). (1967, p. 797), males vary significantly in the MALE: Total length, not including chelic- length of the chelicerae, with the paturon erae, 4.37. Carapace 1.87 long, 1.66 wide, ranging from scarcely longer than that of the dark chestnut brown. From above, anterior female to the full development described and eye row recurved, posterior row slightly re- illustrated above; in some specimens, even curved; from front, anterior row slightly re- the right and left chelicerae vary in their de- curved, posterior row very slightly pro- gree of development. curved; eye sizes and interdistances: AME MATERIAL EXAMINED: MADAGASCAR: 0.04, ALE 0.06, PME 0.05, PLE 0.06; AME- Fianarantsoa: Anjavidilava, massif de l'An- AME 0. 13, AME-ALE 0.02, PME-PME 0. 14, dringitra, elevation 2000 m., Berlese of moss PME-PLE 0.05, ALE-PLE 0.06; MOQ length from soil in dense sclerophyll montane forest, 0.19, front width 0.21, back width 0.24. Jan. 15, 1971 (J.-M. Betsch, AMNH), 19; Clypeal height at AME almost twice their Itremo, Aug. (J. Millot, MNHN), 26, 12; diameter. Chelicerae extending forward dis- Tsarafidy, elevation 1450 m., Berlese oflitter tance about seven-tenths of carapace length, from dense humid montane forest, Mar. 9, 8 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 2801

FIGS. 17-21. Gallieniella mygaloides Millot. 17. Palp, prolateral view. 18. Palp, ventral view. 19. Palp, retrolateral view. 20. Epigynum, ventral view. 21. Epigynum, dorsal view. 1967 (J.-M. Betsch, BMNH), 26. Tananarive: ince (December 1962; C. Blanc), deposited Col du Tsiafajavona, massif de l'Ankaratra, in MNHN. elevation 2400 m., taken with ants, Feb. 1967 ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a pa- (R. Legendre, J.-M. Betsch, AMNH), 26, 1Q; tronym in honor of the collector of the ho- same data (MNHN), 16; Station Forestiere lotype. d'Angavokely, elevation 1780 m., litter from DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of G. degraded dense sclerophyll montane forest, mygaloides but can be distinguished by the Feb. 2, 1967 (J.-M. Betsch, BMNH), 12. smaller dorsal tibial apophysis and the short- DISTRIBUTION: Known only from montane er terminal embolar coil (figs. 22-24). localities in central Madagascar. MALE: As in G. mygaloides, except for the following. Total length, not including chelic- erae, 3.38. Carapace 1.54 long, 1.35 wide, Gallieniella blanci, new species pars cephalica orangish brown, pars thoracica Figures 22-24 orange, darkened along posterior margin; TYPE: Male holotype from "Sud Madagas- surface with scattered recumbent white scales. car," presumably somewhere in Tulear Prov- From front, anterior eye row straight; eye sizes 1 984 PLATNICK: GALLIENIELLIDAE 9

FIGS. 22-27. 22-24. Gallieniella blanci, new species. 25-27. G. betroka, new species. 22, 25. Palp, prolateral view. 23, 26. Palp, ventral view. 24, 27. Palp, retrolateral view. and interdistances: AME 0.05, ALE 0.07, at AME 1.5 times their diameter. Chelicerae PME 0.05, PLE 0.06; AME-AME 0.09, extending forward distance about three-fifths AME-ALE 0.02, PME-PME 0. 12, PME-PLE ofcarapace length, with short setae and white 0.04, ALE-PLE 0.05; MOQ length 0.15, front scales anteriorly; ventral tubercle of fang at width 0.19, back width 0.22. Clypeal height about halfits length; retromarginal teeth sub- 10 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 2801 equal. Leg spination: femora I-IV dl -0-0; near small hook-shaped apophysis originat- tibiae as in G. mygaloides. Femora yellowish ing from base of embolus; terminal embolar orange, patellae, tibiae, and metatarsi oran- coil and functional conductor very small, em- gish brown, tarsi light tan. Dorsum of ab- bolus divaricated distally (figs. 25-27). domen with about six light hairline chevrons FEMALE: Unknown. posteriorly. Dorsal tibial apophysis short, OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: One male prolateral apophysis absent; terminal em- taken with the holotype (AMNH). bolar coil and functional conductor shorter DISTRIBUTION: Known only from southern than in G. mygaloides (figs. 22-24). Madagascar. FEMALE: Unknown. OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: None. Gallieniella jocquei, new species DISTRIBUTION: Known only from southern Figures 28-32 Madagascar. TYPES: Male holotype and female paratype from the Ilang Ilang plantations at Miringoni, Gallieniella betroka, new species Moheli, Comoro Islands (November 5-13, Figures 25-27 1983; R. Jocque), deposited in MRAC. TYPE: Male holotype taken under a rock at ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a pa- Betroka, Tulear, Madagascar (August 1948; tronym in honor ofthe collector ofthe types. J. Millot), deposited in MNHN. DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of G. be- ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun troka but lack a basal embolar apophysis and in apposition taken from the type locality. have a differently shaped retrolateral tibial DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those ofG. joc- apophysis (figs. 28-30); females differ from quei in having a bifid retrolateral tibial those of G. mygaloides in having anteriorly apophysis, lacking a dorsal tibial apophysis, widened median epigynal ducts (figs. 31, 32). having a greatly reduced terminal embolar MALE: As in G. mygaloides, except for the coil, and having a distally divaricated em- following. Total length, not including chelic- bolus, but can be distinguished by the pres- erae, 3.87. Carapace 1.68 long, 1.53 wide. ence of a basal embolar apophysis (fig. 26) From front, posterior eye row very slightly and by the differently shaped retrolateral tib- recurved; eye sizes and interdistances: AME ial apophysis (fig. 27). 0.06, ALE 0.07, PME 0.06, PLE 0.07; AME- MALE: As in G. mygaloides, except for the AME 0. 12, AME-ALE 0.01, PME-PME 0. 14, following. Total length, not including chelic- PME-PLE 0.06, ALE-PLE 0.07; MOQ length erae, 4.95. Carapace 2.05 long, 1.87 wide, 0.20, front width 0.24, back width 0.26. pars thoracica with scattered white scales. Eye Clypeal height at AME roughly equal to their sizes and interdistances: AME 0.06, ALE 0.08, diameter. Chelicerae extending forward dis- PME 0.06, PLE 0.08; AME-AME 0.16, tance about eight-ninths of carapace length, AME-ALE 0.02, PME-PME 0.18, PME-PLE fang bearing narrow tubercle as thick as fang 0.08, ALE-PLE 0.09; MOQ length 0.21, front at that point; promarginal teeth evenly sep- width 0.28, back width 0.30. Clypeal height arated, middle tooth largest, retromarginal at AME 1.5 times their diameter. Chelicerae teeth both near most distal promarginal tooth. extending forward distance about seventeen- Leg spination: femora I-IV d 1-0-0; tibiae: III twentieths of carapace length, with white v2-2-2; IV v2-3-2. Legs dark brown except scales anterolaterally; ventral tubercle offang for light brown tarsi, metatarsi, and proximal larger than in G. mygaloides; retromarginal halves ofposterior patellae, longitudinal pro- teeth subequal. Leg spination: femora II-IV lateral and retrolateral yellowish stripes on dl -0-0; tibiae as in G. mygaloides. Femur II femur I, and longitudinal dorsal yellowish with distal prolateral and retrolateral yellow- stripes on posterior tibiae. Abdomen with ish stripes. Abdomen light gray, dorsum with white scales concentrated in cardiac area. three narrow, vaguely indicated lighter chev- Retrolateral tibial apophysis bifid, short ven- rons posteriorly. Retrolateral tibial apophysis tral lobe surmounted by stiff setae, dorsal bifid, short ventral lobe surmounted by stiff apophysis absent, prolateral apophysis tri- setae, dorsal apophysis absent, prolateral angular, ventral apophysis small; embolar apophysis large, triangular, ventral apophysis base without apophysis; terminal embolar coil 1 984 PLATNICK: GALLIENIELLIDAE I1I


FIGS. 28-32. Gallieniella jocquei, new species. 28. Palp, prolateral view. 29. Palp, ventral view. 30. Palp, retrolateral view. 31. Epigynum, ventral view. 32. Epigynum, dorsal view. and functional conductor small, embolus di- III v2-2-2; IV vl-3-2. Epigynum with small varicated distally (figs. 28-30). posterior spermathecae and large membra- FEMALE: As in male, except for the follow- nous coiled anterior ducts. ing. Total length, not including chelicerae, OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: None. 4.90. Carapace 1.80 long, 1.53 wide. From DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the Com- front, posterior eye row very slightly pro- oro Islands. curved; eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.07, ALE 0.07, PME 0.06, PLE 0.07; AME- AME 0.09, AME-ALE 0.01, PME-PME 0.14, LEGENDRENA, NEW GENUS PME-PLE 0.06, ALE-PLE 0.05; MOQ length TYPE SPECIES: Legendrena angavokely, new 0.19, front width 0.23, back width 0.27. Che- species. licerae extending forward distance about two- ETYMOLOGY: The generic name is in honor fifths ofcarapace length, as in G. mygaloides. ofProfessor Roland Legendre, in recognition Leg spination: femora III, IV dl -0-0; tibiae: of his contributions to our knowledge of gal- 12 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 2801 lieniellids and other Malagasy spiders, and is slightly recurved, posterior row very slightly feminine in gender. procurved; eye sizes and interdistances: AME DIAGNOSIS: The less elongate but porrect 0.05, ALE 0.06, PME 0.05, PLE 0.06; AME- chelicerae of both sexes (figs. 33-36), as well AME 0.09, AME-ALE 0.02, PME-PME 0. 12, as the bicolored and enlarged tibia I (fig. 37), PME-PLE 0.06, ALE-PLE 0.05; MOQ length the absence of spines on all tibiae, and the 0.17, front width 0.19, back width 0.22. unscopulate tarsi, are diagnostic. Clypeal height at AME only slightly greater DESCRIPTION: Carapace bearing only short than their diameter. Chelicerae extending weak clypeal setae, without setae along edge forward distance about three-eighths of car- of posterior declivity. Chelicerae only mod- apace length; promargin with three closely erately elongated, even in males, porrect, spaced teeth, ofwhich middle tooth is largest, bearing several pairs of long bristles ante- retromargin with two widely separated sub- riorly, proximal two-thirds flattened medi- equal teeth. Labium as long as wide. Leg spi- ally, bearing short laterally directed fang nation (only surfaces bearing spines listed): without tubercle. Endites smoothly narrowed femora I-IV dl-0-0. Legs light brown, fem- opposite insertion of trochanters. Labium ora with prolateral and retrolateral dark scarcely widened at base, length/width ratio brown stripes, patella I and proximal two- variable. Sternum narrowly separating coxae thirds of tibia I dark brown. Abdomen dark IV, with scattered weak setae. Tibiae without gray except for narrow transverse white dor- spines. Femur, patella, and tibia I moderately sal band at about half its length, with scat- to greatly enlarged, tibia I distinctly bico- tered iridescent scales and long dark setae; lored. Tarsi and distal halves of metatarsi dorsal scutum extending almost half of ab- without scopulae. Males with dorsal abdom- dominal length. Palpal tibia with single large inal scutum. Male palpal tibia with only one distally narrowed dorsal apophysis; cym- apophysis. Bulb with inconspicuous subteg- bium narrowed proximally (figs. 38-40). ulum, proximal tegulum, distally originating FEMALE: As in male, except for the follow- triangular prolateral embolus, and elongate ing. Total length, not including chelicerae, translucent functional conductor. Epigynum 3.06. Carapace 1.57 long, 1.18 wide. Eye sizes with anterolateral ledges. and interdistances: AME 0.05, ALE 0.07, NOTE: Males and females have not been PME 0.05, PLE 0.08; AME-AME 0.09, collected together, are paired here primarily AME-ALE 0.02, PME-PME 0.12, PME-PLE on the basis of similarities in coloration, and 0.06, ALE-PLE 0.05; MOQ length 0.18, front may therefore be mismatched, particularly as width 0.19, back width 0.22. Chelicerae ex- all four known species apparently occur with- tending forward distance about one-tenth of in the environs ofthe Perinet railway station carapace length. Labium slightly longer than in eastern Madagascar. wide. Leg spination: femora: I dl -0-0, p0-0- 1; II-IV dl-0-0. Abdominal scutum absent. Palpal femur with dorsal distal spine, patella Legendrena angavokely, new species with prolateral proximal and dorsal distal Figures 33-36, 38-42 spines, tibia with prolateral proximal and TYPE: Male holotype from Angavokely, dorsal median and distal spines, tarsus with Tananarive, Madagascar (February 21, 1967; prolateral proximal spine. Epigynum with R. Legendre), deposited in MNHN. anterolateral ledges invaginated (to receive ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun tip oftibial apophysis?), ducts relatively short in apposition taken from the type locality. (figs. 41, 42). DIAGNOSIS: Males can be recognized by the OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: MADA- long, distally narrowed tibial apophysis (figs. GASCAR: Tamatave: Foret de Didy, An- 38-40), females by the relatively short epig- dranonandevy, bushes, Mar. 1947 (J. Millot, ynal ducts (figs. 41, 42). MNHN), 22; same data (AMNH), 2Q; Foret MALE: Total length, not including chelic- d'Analamazaotra, near Perinet railway sta- erae, 2.99. Carapace 1.46 long, 1.19 wide, tion, Feb. 1967 (R. Legendre, MNHN), 12. dark reddish brown. From above, both eye DISTRIBUTION: Known only from central rows recurved; from front, anterior row and eastern Madagascar. 1984 PLATNICK: GALLIENIELLIDAE 13

FIGS. 33-37. 33-36. Legendrena angavokely, new species, cephalothorax and abdomen. 37. L. ro- landi, new species, leg I. 33, 34, 36, 37. Male. 35. Female. 33, 35. Dorsal view. 34. Ventral view. 36, 37. Lateral view.

Legendrena perinet, new species MALE: As in L. angavokely, except for the Figures 43-45 following. Total length, not including chelic- erae, 3.71. Carapace 1.87 long, 1.55 wide, TYPE: Male holotype from the Foret d'An- light reddish brown. From front, anterior eye alamazaotra, near the Perinet railway station, row straight; eye sizes and interdistances: Tamatave, Madagascar (September 20, 1958; AME 0.06, ALE 0.10, PME 0.08, PLE 0.09; J. Lepointe), deposited in MNHN. AME-AME 0.05, AME-ALE 0.02, PME- ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun PME 0.12, PME-PLE 0.05, ALE-PLE 0.04; in apposition taken from the type locality. MOQ length 0.17, front width 0.18, back DIAGNOSIS: Males can be recognized by the width 0.28. Clypeal height at AME twice their expanded palpal tibia (figs. 43-45). diameter. Chelicerae extending forward dis- 14 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 2801


FIGS. 38-42. Legendrena angavokely, new species. 38. Palp, prolateral view. 39. Palp, ventral view. 40. Palp, retrolateral view. 41. Epigynum, ventral view. 42. Epigynum, dorsal view. tance about two-sevenths ofcarapace length, Legendrena tamatave, new species distal one-third flattened laterally, where bor- Figures 49-53 dered by short setae on elevated bases. La- bium longer than wide. Leg spination (leg IV TYPE: Male holotype from the Foret d'An- missing): femora I-III d 1-0-0. Only proximal alamazaotra, near the Perinet railway station, halfoftibia I dark brown; femur, patella, and Tamatave, Madagascar (December 14, 1955; tibia I only moderately enlarged. Dorsum of collector unknown), deposited in MNHN. abdomen without white band, with only in- ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun distinct transverse band ofwhite scales. Dor- in apposition taken from the type locality. sal apophysis ofpalpal tibia apically hooked, DIAGNOSIS: Males can be recognized by the segment expanded ventrally (figs. 43-45). basally hooked tibial apophysis (figs. 50, 5 1), FEMALE: Unknown. females by the relatively long epigynal ducts OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: None. (figs. 52, 53). DISTRIBUTION: Known only from eastern MALE: As in L. angavokely, except for the Madagascar. following. Total length, not including chelic- 1 984 PLATNICK: GALLIENIELLIDAE 15

FIGS. 43-48. 43-45. Legendrena perinet, new species. 46-48. L. rolandi, new species. 43, 46. Palp, prolateral view. 44, 47. Palp, ventral view. 45, 48. Palp, retrolateral view. erae, 4.28. Carapace 2.14 long, 1.62 wide. 0.09, ALE-PLE 0.05; MOQ length 0.20, front From front, anterior eye row straight; eye sizes width 0.13, back width 0.31. Clypeal height and interdistances: AME 0.05, ALE 0.09, at AME twice their diameter. Chelicerae ex- PME 0.06, PLE 0.09; AME-AME 0.10, tending forward distance about one-third of AME-ALE 0.04, PME-PME 0.19, PME-PLE carapace length, distal one-third flattened lat- 16 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 2801

FIGS. 49-53. Legendrena tamatave, new species. 49. Palp, prolateral view. 50. Palp, ventral view. 51. Palp, retrolateral view. 52. Epigynum, ventral view. 53. Epigynum, dorsal view.

erally, where bordered by short setae on el- 0.05, PLE 0.09; AME-AME 0. 13, AME-ALE evated bases. Labium longer than wide. Leg 0.04, PME-PME 0.17, PME-PLE 0.09, ALE- spination: femora III, IV dl -0-0. Transverse PLE 0.06; MOQ length 0.17, front width 0.22, white band on abdominal dorsum interrupt- back width 0.27. Clypeal height at AME 1.5 ed at center. Palpal tibia with small basally times their diameter. Chelicerae extending hooked dorsal apophysis; cymbium greatly forward distance about one-sixth ofcarapace narrowed proximally, embolus apically length. Labium wider than long. Leg spina- hooked (figs. 49-51). tion as in L. angavokely. Transverse white FEMALE: As in L. angavokely, except for band on abdominal dorsum interrupted at the following. Total length, not including che- middle. Palpal tarsus with additional dorsal licerae, 3.47 (but abdomen shriveled). Car- proximal spine. Epigynum with long lateral apace 1.92 long, 1.44 wide. Eye sizes and ledges and long ducts (figs. 52, 53). interdistances: AME 0.05, ALE 0.07, PME OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: MADA- 1984 PLATNICK: GALLIENIELLIDAE 17

GASCAR: Tamatave: Foret d'Analamaza- DISTRIBUTION: Known only from eastern otra, near Perinet railway station, Feb. 1, 1958 Madagascar. (J. Lepointe, MNHN), 1Y. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from eastern LITERATURE CITED Madagascar. Brignoli, Paolo M. 1983. A catalog of the Araneae described be- Legendrena rolandi, new species tween 1940 and 1981. Manchester, 755 PP. Figures 37, 46-48 Kaestner, Alfred TYPE: Male holotype from the Foret d'An- 1968. Invertebrate zoology: rela- alamazaotra, near the Perinet railway station, tives, , Myriapoda. New Tamatave, Madagascar (no date; R. Le- York, 472 pp. Kaston, Benjamin J. gendre), deposited in MNHN. 1972. How to know the spiders, second edi- ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a pa- tion. Dubuque, 289 pp., 647 figs. tronym in honor of the collector of the ho- Legendre, Roland lotype. 1967. A propos de l'enigmatique Gallieniella DIAGNOSIS: Males can be recognized by the mygaloides J. Millot 1947, type de la cusps on the palpal tibia (fig. 48). nouvelle famille des Gallieniellidae (Ar- MALE: As in L. angavokely, except for the aneae, Dionychia). Compt. Rendu Acad. following. Total length unknown (abdomen Sci. Paris, vol. 265, pp. 796-799, figs. missing). Carapace 1.68 long, 1.40 wide. Eye 1, 2. sizes and interdistances: AME 0.05, ALE 0.09, Levi, Herbert W. 1982. Araneae. In Parker, Sybil B. (ed.), Syn- PME 0.05, PLE 0.08; AME-AME 0.1 1, opsis and classification of living organ- AME-ALE 0.03, PME-PME 0.16, PME-PLE isms. New York, vol. 2, pp. 77-95. 0.06, ALE-PLE 0.05; MOQ length 0.19, front Millot, Jacques width 0.21, back width 0.26. Clypeal height 1947. Une araignee malgache enigmatique, at AME almost twice their diameter. Chelic- Gallieniella mygaloides n. g., n. sp. Bull. erae extending forward distance about two- Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., ser. 2, vol. 19, sevenths of carapace length, distal one-third pp. 158-160, figs. A-G. flattened laterally, where bordered by short Roewer, Carl F. setae on elevated bases. Labium longer than 1954. Katalog der Araneae. Bremen, vol. 2, wide. Leg spination: femora: I dl-0-0, p0-0- pt. 1, 923 pp. Simon, Eugene 1; II-IV dl -0-0. Patella and tibia I with ven- 1893. Histoire naturelle des araignees. Paris, tral fringe of setae (fig. 37). Abdomen miss- vol. 1, pt. 2, pp. 257-488, figs. 216-490. ing. Dorsal apophysis on palpal tibia bearing 1903. Note sur une araignee myrmecophile de cusps retrolaterally (fig. 48). la Republique Argentine, Baeriella FEMALE: Unknown. myrmecophila, n. sp. Bull. Soc. Ent. OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: None. France, pp. 270-272, figs. 1-3.