SFB The Farthest Star Campaign Archive 2008 October -December

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 01:27 am: Edit Rich, I thank you for making me go back to my therapist. I had hoped I'd forgotten.

By Sean O'Carroll (Terryoc) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 02:06 am: Edit Glenn, what I was trying to say (which I should have made explicit) is that IF the death probe were to be used in future, then some of the changes given to the probe might help weaken it a bit, if that's considered desirable by the GM.

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 03:04 am: Edit Sheap: I disagree. That level of firepower is equivalent to what 3 NCLs carry, or possibly even a bit better. Furthermore, it has NO power balance problems. It goes plasma speed and rearms all weapons (if I'm reading the description right). If you're talking about being able to move and arm that many weapons each turn, you're really talking more like 5 or so NCLs. Coupled with the fact that there's no degradation of combat ability until 600 points have damage have been recieved, I'd say that it'd take more like 1000+ BPV to be even. More if it was stationary or relied on spd 20 drones. Because flying around at spd 32 means that you can pretty much ignore spd20s, and not having shields means that you don't have to protect a down shield and are free to use that speed to it's fullest to avoid seeking weapons. Let me put it this way, which would you say is more powerful, a ship with 6 shields of 30 points each, or a ship with a single 180 point shield?

Not to mention that a 2x2 board has at least 3x the running room of a 1x1 board. With that kind of regenration and speed, he can around as long as he wants and come back in to force a confrontation on the last turn or two before the stalemate clock ends.

Now, if the origional scenario had automatated rules for the probe, then yes, it's probably balanced vs. 600 BPV. But a human behind the wheel will at least double the effectiveness of any monster.

Re: stalemate and planetary damage, I believe it requires 50 points of damage on a planet to reset the clock. That'd require a fairly close-range pass to do in one turn. And after a certain amount of damage is scored (50 per side?), that won't reset the clock any more.

Disclaimer: none of this is intended to criticize Dale (or anyone else) for sending the monster. In the absence of any direct experiance, I think it's perfectly reasonable to assume that a given scenario is balanced and could be used as such in a campaign.

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 10:04 am: Edit Sean, after re-reading your first post, I see your point. I apologize for assuming what I assumed.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 12:08 pm: Edit It has also been brought to my attention that the Death Probe scenario (as published) is fought on a 1x1 map. Our campaign uses a 2x2 map. This gives the beast a LOT more running room, which may be what "breaks" it in the game.

Normally I prefer to handle these things behind the scenes. I believe that the hand of a good GM, like that of God, should be invisible. But, since it's all out in the open now, here's what I'm going to rule:

Rich, you have a choice.

A) The Death Probe happened. NCL crippled, BATS gone, 2x GBDP destroyed. The planet is NOT permanently destroyed BUT all its development IS. Therefore you will need to RE-develop the planet with freighters.

B) The Death Probe didn't happen. Instead you get to deal with a Juggernaut. You and Jon (or whomever) will fly that battle and the results stand.

In EITHER case, the Death Probe, at least until I "patch" it for the campaign, is gone and will be removed from my encounter tables. It's way down on a third-tier branch anyway, but if it's unbalanced on a 2x2 map, it shouldn't be available.

By Peter Thoenen (Eol) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 12:11 pm: Edit The main issue I seen was how fast firepower goes down. The Fed's can do about (off the cuff here) 250 points per two turns .. so 8 turns to kill the Death probe and 6 turns to cripple.

Problem is attrition:

T1: DP cripple Fed, DP 200 T2: DP kill Fed T3: DP crippled Fed, DP 150 (as fed dead) T4: DP kill Fed T5: repeat

The Fed's have more FP but also have it reduce.

Also not sure DP rules but shouldn't it have simply charged the planet shooting ships in range and then concentrated on the plan running away afterward? I don't have SM9 handy or CL37 but is the DP smart or dumb?

By Peter Thoenen (Eol) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 12:28 pm: Edit Also here is how you play this smartly:

1: Charge in kill base to stop repair ... play the 8 turns repair, 2 break stalemate.

DP only loses v. fixed assets if they let the fixed assets keep repair capabilities.

I do think though had the Fed's not had those bases and had that BPV is ships they would have taken this.

I am also not a SFB master and reading Sheap's plan it might have been plausible.

By John Trauger (Vorlonagent) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 12:57 pm: Edit Another alternative is to put the probe under a requirement to engage. If not the fleet, engage the planet.

Outside some pre-determined range, say 30, it must seek the planet like a seeking weapon.

That limits the Probe to more or less a 30-hex radius around the planet and it is forced to close to get within that radius.

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 01:05 pm: Edit Turn 3 of Requiem completed.

I hit with a bunch of QWTs (very long range weapons), though Tom blunted their effect by eliminating the splash from most of them. Phasers were lackluster - particuarly the ph-4's. The #1, 2, 5, 6 shields of the CA are roughly at 50% (a little more).

PPDs stripped the left side shields off the DW(L). Combined with phasers and a lucky range-18 bolt from the CA, the DW(L) is now crippled with only about a half-strength #4 left.

However, the DW(L) will be docking to something. I'm pretty sure it will be the LCD, though there's some question out there. That will keep Tom from shooting it again.

Battle to continue with turn 4 sometime soon.

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 02:14 pm: Edit John, Peter, Modifications in a campaign don't work unless perfected. Dale's solution is best. The rules in S1 are quite clear as to how the probe works. If the death probe doesn't work well in this campaign, then it shall be removed, not modified. This is a bad time to playtest new rules.

By John Trauger (Vorlonagent) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 03:01 pm: Edit Glenn,

I'm not trying to second-guess Dale or suggest that he change his ruling.

All I'm suggesting is a way to fix the Probe for next time.

By Michael C. Grafton (Mike_Grafton) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 04:29 pm: Edit Means to balance the Death Probe could also REQUIRE the Death Probe to not fire at the planet until it is in "facility targeting range" (5 hexes) of the planet.

Thus the darn probe has to come to the planet to avoid stalemate. Or giving the defender reinforcements every 6 turns or so.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 04:57 pm: Edit HIJINKS AROUND THE HYPERMASS

In a system dominated by a black hole, a Peladine DD is confronted by an Orion CR, who attempts to drive the Peladine off and raid the system!


ORION FLEET: CR+ (3x PL-F; no cloak).

Both sides WS-III, starting in the center of their opposite maps (about 50 hexes apart on the diagonal). Black Hole in the "true center" of the 2x2 map. Speed max.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 05:00 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Intercept! Counting Coup at Colony-7 The Peladine Press On The Tortoise and the Hellcat Between a Rock and a Hard Place Cartman's Probe Hijinks Around the Hypermass

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: Requiem for a Homeworld

BATTLES COMPLETED: Ruin at Remus-3 No Sanctuary

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 05:02 pm: Edit Obviously, I have decided not to end the campaign at this time. I do appreciate the support from several of you and am glad that you're enjoying the game that much.

I am probably taking a few days off from the BBS and game in an effort to recharge my batteries, so replies to any questions may be slow in coming.

I ask you all to remember: THIS IS A GAME. We play for fun. PLEASE do not get so spun up as to take things personally. Please don't flamespray the GM or the BBS. Please don't write each other nasty or snippy emails. Just... chill.

Even though Rich may have been the catalyst for this latest cluster, this is by far not the first meltdown I've had to deal with, even recently. It really does need to be the last, though.

I need to recover my own sense of enjoyment in this campaign if it's to continue.

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 05:19 pm: Edit I like to volunteer to play the Ortion in this one... [HIJINKS AROUND THE HYPERMASS]

(Funny- - - I sense that I've been down this road before with the same ships)


By Francois Lemay (Princeton) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 05:35 pm: Edit If the Peladine need a Captain, I will fly the DD+ vs the Orions.

Seems like George and I live in the same time zone.

Let me know.

Cheers Frank

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 06:17 pm: Edit Guys, I appreciate it, but I believe Rich and Glenn are flying this one tabletop (or was that SFBOL?). If this is NOT the case, you two can certainly have it.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 06:22 pm: Edit Oh, and as I mentioned earlier, "Cartman's Probe" may turn out to be a Juggernaut. But, please... no jokes about "Cartman's Juggernaut". I mean, really. Some things are too gauche even for South Park.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 06:25 pm: Edit KZINTI CAPTAIN NEEDED for the scenario "The Peladine Press On" (details above)! Kerry Mullan has volunteered to fly the Peladine, he just needs an opponent. Anyone?

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 06:43 pm: Edit I believe we also need captains for "Counting Coup at Colony-7". Lyran or Kzinti. Any volunteers? Post here, and you can get in touch with the Kzinti and Lyran admirals.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 06:51 pm: Edit RED STAR RISING

An Andromedan Intruder attacks the Gorn system "Red". Can the Gorn drive the Andros off and protect their valuable shipyard?

GORN FLEET: BS w/PAM, VIP, Y170/175 3x P-C, 1x P-R, Small Shipyard, 2xGB P- IV; 2x F-ES, MON+ SupP Lcd, BDD+ Thecos, Fed POL+ Flashing Pink.


Both sides WS-III, speed-max. Gorn hold the map center around the planet.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 06:51 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Intercept! Counting Coup at Colony-7 The Peladine Press On The Tortoise and the Hellcat Between a Rock and a Hard Place Cartman's Probe Hijinks Around the Hypermass Red Star Rising

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: Requiem for a Homeworld

BATTLES COMPLETED: Ruin at Remus-3 No Sanctuary

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 07:20 pm: Edit Dale and I have resolved this now. I once again repeat to him, to Jeremy, to Jon, and to all of you, that my post was not only uncalled for, but stupid and not productive. I can only ask you all for your tolerance and forgiveness, along my guarantee that it won't happen again.

This Cartman ain't peeing in anyone else' coffee. Well, except maybe Jon's since he seems to like it.

To that end, Jon, the Death Probe has magically morphed into a Juggernaught, and gone back in time to the start of battle at this Fed system. all other data remains the same. Interested in trying again, or do you want me to try to find a different Juggie skipper for this one? Let me know...

Glenn, Dale has approved me as Orion Captain against your Peladine DD, and mailed me my instructions. Let me know (here, call, or e-mail) when you want to do it.

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 07:20 pm: Edit Francois and George, Thanks for the volunteering for HIJINKS.

Since this is a small small fight, I'll be using this to get my feet a little wetter in SFBOL. Rich has already agreed with me to play the Orion.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 07:32 pm: Edit Dale if possible I can take the lyran in coup at colony 7. Obviously this is only if Marc agrees and a captain can be found for the KZI.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 08:32 pm: Edit I will happily fly the Juggernaut, but if we don't do it tonight, it would have to wait until Tuesday. But I guess Jon has first priority on it if he wants it.

I'm also happy to fly the Andromedans in Red Star Rising, however that would definitely have to wait until Tuesday due to the size.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 08:35 pm: Edit Rich, I don't mind playing, but under two conditions. First is that I know which Juggie I'll be using, and second is that we can wait a week before starting. I have 2 essays due next week, and put off working on them to play the Death Probe.

Other than that, Bring It On.

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 08:55 pm: Edit

I think Jon means, he doesn't know which Juggie he'll be using. That's just a guess. Just want to keep things clear.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 09:27 pm: Edit Use the Juggernaut B from CL.

To clarify a few things.

The Juggernaut gains nothing from bombarding the planet, unless it is post- scenario "Campaign Bombardment" as covered in the campaign rules.

Hits to the planet do NOT reset the stalemate clock.

Anything else? Otherwise, have fun.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 09:29 pm: Edit Kerry, I'm sure Marc would be happy to have you fly for him. Do you have his email? Drop him a line.

That makes TWO Kzinti captains we need. Bueller?

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 09:38 pm: Edit Gents, I'd love to fly some of these battles as the Kzinti, but my time is clobbered. I'm basically slammed from now until Oct 18. I have an opportunity to play SFB on Oct 19, and again on the 26th, but otherwise, it will be catch as catch can on the weeknights. I'm in the middle of huge project at work that it is going to put me in from of more flag officers than you can shake a stick at. Obviously, I need to focus on the day job.

I will be going to Council, and Dale and I may be able to knock out a campaign game if we both stink up the joint in the Tourney. If you have a game that you want Dale and I to play out if we get the opportunity, let us know.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 12:07 am: Edit Jon, you're on for next week. Let me know your schedule. Bill, thanks for the offer; if Jon and I can't make our schedules work next week, you're "back-up."

Glenn, we just spoke by phone, I'm just posting here for everyone else that we'll likely start the Peladine/Orion battle on Saturday night, and hopefully more on Sunday...

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 01:50 am: Edit Rich, I have no idea how much effort and time I'll be putting into these essays, and given the lack of progress today, I'll have to pass this on to Sheap. Me beating you twice in a row just wouldn't be fair. ;p

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 02:04 am: Edit Heh. No prob, Jon. Thanks.

Paging Bill Wilson, please pick up the white paging phone, Bill Wilson, please pick up the white paging phone...



By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 06:04 am: Edit Baa.

I'll be available Tuesday and later weeknights next week as well as next weekend (of those days, Tuesday is the least desirable, but it's also the soonest). When's good for you?

This will be my third Juggernaut battle - hopefully the first one that actually uses the Juggernaut's special abilities. In the first one I had to get stuck in web, which turned the Juggernaut into basically a phaser-4 base. The second one, for the Juggernaut battle group, my opponent had to "prevent me from reaching the planet" and I just flew right past him, resulting in a scenario where no shots were fired.

Juggernauts are fun. They are incredibly agile and tough, and the Beta series Juggernaut that isn't stupid about its shields is very difficult to damage. Unlike the Death Probe, the Juggernaut very much does have a use for its maneuverabiltiy, since it has Gorn-like weapons arcs and that gaping hole in its butt. * cough *

It is easy to put damage on the Juggernaut, but hard to make that damage stick. It is very much like an Andromedan in that respect. But also like an Andromedan, once you put some hurt on it, it falls apart quickly.

Since the Juggernaut operates under fairly conventional ship rules, you will I'm sure find the EW situation much more satisfactory. The main difference is that it can use 6 points EACH of ECM and ECCM, however it does not really have the power to do this very often.

I feel the fleet is advantaged in this battle, simply due to size. The Juggernaut is just over 500 BPV, this fleet is... what, 700?

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 01:27 pm: Edit Fleet does have a BPV advantage, but has the "ball and chain" of the BATS and a couple of ground bases. Facing the JUG-B is:

CB USS Coral Sea (162 BPV) CSa+ USS Prometheus (143 BPV) NCLa+ USS Prince of Wales (124 BPV) FFG USS Rickover (75 BPV) BATSF+ (230 BPV) 2 GBDP (28 BPV)

Plus you can expect my 10% COI to be spent on special warheads for drones, TB, MRS, F7, etc.

BPV of 762. Total BPV (including pre-paid drone speeds) will be around 850.

But my "ship" BPV is 504 (around 565 when drones/COI is considered).

JUG-B is listed at 512 BPV, but...

Couple of things to clarify about the JUG-B:

1. The rules conflict about whether the JUG has to pay the energy for its armor, as listed on the SSD. The rules in CL33 (SL246) say it doesn't. I remember SPP stating that the rule was correct, ignore the info on the SSD, but can't find it.

2. Assuming No. 1, above, isn't paid, and I know the JUG doesn't have to pay for life support. Does it have to pay for fire control? (I assume it does...)

3. The SSD shows TBs and BPs for the JUG, but it doesn't have any transporters or shuttles (shuttles were actually converted to those nasty Shriek missiles). It can't be boarded or docked to, so the BPs and shuttle track seem superfluous. It doesn't appear to be able to beam TB. I don't know if it can drop a TB or not...

Schedule: Most weeknights are pretty good for me, after 6 PM CST. I also usually have time Sunday afternoons/evenings. Friday nights and Saturdays are sometimes sketchy because those times usually belong to the wife!

Maybe we can get started Tuesday? FYI, I already have my forces/map ready on SFBOL, and I'll try to get turn 1 EA done tonight...

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 01:49 pm: Edit Hunh...it looks like I'm the one that actually asked SPP about this before. I found this:

By Steve Petrick (Petrick) on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 04:17 pm: Edit

Richard Sherman:

Juggernaut Alpha (the original) did not use T-bombs, but was surprised by their existence (leading to its destruction). That subsequent Juggernauts would have them (they are allowed to make purchases under commander's Options by the existing rules) seems reasonable. The question of whether or not their transporter system (whatever it is) can lay them is at this juncture unknown. The Dummy T- bombs are there simply because they appear automtically with regular T-bombs.

There were originally no rules preventing the Juggernaut from being boarded (the original scenario did not provide that the Armor blocked transporters or otherwise deal with boarding attempts). Boarding parties were added (robots) and appear also on Juggernaut Alpha (see the fate of the "Fate's Hand" in the story where it meets Juggernaut Alpha). Further, they give the Juggernaut something to have for Commander's Options.

The rotating shield operates as the rules for it state and is not tied to the cost for operating the armor (which, as noted, should not be there).

The original juggernaut did not pay an energy cost, and copying from a size class 2 SSD resulted in the energy cost for the armor being kept. That error is mine alone. The ship should not pay to have its armor operational.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 02:04 pm: Edit Dale,

Barring any official action, it looks like Bill and I might need a ruling on whether the JUG-B can beam/use TB and BP, and pay for FC.

My view on it:

1. JUG-B can't be boarded, and can't board anything else. Rules already state it can't be boarded and, because it has no TRAN on SSD, can't beam off her BP for offensive actions. They do defend the ship, but against what, I have no idea (other than Randy Green's story involving JUG-A)...

2. Because it has no TRAN, it can't beam out TB or fake TB. Because it does have a shuttle bay (even though the shuttles were converted to something else), it can drop TB, according to the regular rules. It has 1 shuttle bay for this purpose (i.e., eligible to drop 1 TB per turn).

3. It pays for fire control, like any other ship. Use of EW, in particular ECCM, supports this decision. O-EW can also affect it, and it cannot ignore the EW of other units, or natural ECM (SL246 already states that the JUG-B cannot use EM).

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 02:24 pm: Edit

I swear, I can't leave you kids alone for a minute. OK. Here's what I say:

1. Jug-B can't be boarded or board. 2. What you said. But note that a shuttle bay can drop a T-bomb every other impulse, limited by the shuttle launch rate, not 1/turn. 3. Yep.

Note also that the Jug-B gets no points for CO's in this scenario. So, I don't believe it will have any T-bombs in any case.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 02:56 pm: Edit NO CO's for Juggie?

Poor Juggie...

By Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias) on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 03:25 pm: Edit Don't tempt me to draw a cute Juggernaut picture... XD

Or a lolcat picture. "Can Juggernaut haz some COs nao plz?"

By Ken Burnside (Ken_Burnside) on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 04:01 pm: Edit "Wurld Duminashun. Ur doin' it rong."

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 04:09 pm: Edit "Juggiekat... haz ur buckit LOL."

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 04:15 pm: Edit The AAR in the next CL specifies that the Juggernaut does not pay to use its armor, and then there's also SPP's ruling quoted above. It pays 0 for life support (no crew) and this is reflected on the SSD. It does have to pay for fire control and uses EW (mostly) normally (6 each ECM/ECCM instead of 6 total, and no EM).

The only way I can think of that the Juggernaut might use its BPs is if it forced a docking and tried to capture a ship (which it would then not be able to operate, but might tow off the map, I guess).

SPP's ruling allows Juggernaut Beta to use T-bombs, but apparently, Dale is giving no points to buy them with. That is unfortunate from a drone-defense standpoint.

Against speed-32 drones, I might complain, but these are speed-20

It has four shuttle boxes but only two "shuttles" (the Shrieks). Presumably the other two boxes are empty or full of spare Shriek parts, those worker robots it has, or something else that doesn't affect combat.

By Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias) on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 07:27 pm: Edit As for the Kzinti... I really wish I'd been around earlier in the campaign, to get my feet wet with more of the smaller battles. :3 I'm still settling into my new job, so not sure that I have the time/energy to spare for playing in any big battles.

Colony-7 is important enough to the Kzinti that I'd rather not risk messing it up, personally. If Jeremy and Kerry can arrange to play that on the 19th or something, that's fine with me.

If it becomes necessary, I could look at playing Colony 8 myself (since it's not as critical), but if someone else is willing to step up to the plate for the Kzinti, I'm quite happy to have them handle it.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 07:59 pm: Edit Mischa; if you draw the Andro's as cat-eared Beholders, what would you do to make the Juggernaught look cute?

Wait. Don't answer that.

I don't think my brain could handle the cute-overload.

By Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias) on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 08:54 pm: Edit Juggernaut-tan. :F

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 09:05 pm: Edit *brain a-splode*

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 11:13 pm: Edit For either KZI battle I have I will try to work with whatever opponent takes up the gauntlet. I am pretty much free from 6 pm on mon-thur and both weekend days.

In both battles there are a ton of drones etc. so the sooner each starts the better. If the KZI admiral wants to wait 2 more weeks before starting the colony fine by me, but any possibility the peladine battle can occur earlier so some progress can start?

I think eventually the KZI has to try and damage opposing fleets by risking his to prevent further loss of ground, but maybe there is a lot of room left to be sacrificed?

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 11:34 pm: Edit Colony-7? Colony-8? The Kzinti and their CAH-RAZ-zy system names. By Ken Burnside (Ken_Burnside) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 12:00 am: Edit Colony is the phonetic spelling of


By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 12:00 am: Edit Yes, I have to admit, the slow progress of the Kzinti/Lyran battles last turn has me eager to see these get started.

I don't want to have to adjudicate them, but I will if they are the only thing holding up the turn. So let's get going!


By Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 12:07 am: Edit If no one else is willing to take on the Kzinti/Peladine battle, I can try to fight it, but I'd like at least a week to see how things at work settle down first.

As for the system names... well, the methodology was chosen by my predecessor, so I simply continued the trend. (I like to think my ship names make up for it!) But the Peladine system names are even worse... :3

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 12:33 am: Edit Requiem for a Homeworld Turn 4

The ISC units circled the battlestation at long range (18-20) at speed 12. Meanwhile the Romulan forces consolidated near the battlestation. The one exception was that of the Romulan fighter squadron, which while under EM, approached the ISC squadron. At the fighters approach, the CAp Executer turned off to join the LAS Trailblazer, while the other ships turned in to confront the fighter squadron. At range 11, the fighters dropped EM, launched a wave of plasma and fired their phasers at the DN Concordium. The DN- Concordium, CAT Constable and CAT Chaosbreaker returned fire and destroyed two fighters with precision phasers. A few impulses later, the CATs would slip into range 10 and bolt four S-torps, killing two additional fighters. The other Romulan units weren’t quiet while this was occurring. The battlestation launched an R torp and the Paravian DW's added six QWTs. Mass phaser-IV and phaser-I fire later in the turn reduced one of the DN's forward shields by half. The KVL Venerable Leader bolted two R torps at range 20 but even with the their legendary weapons officer, missed with both.

The turn ended with the ISC turning away from an incoming R-torp, six QWTs and five D-torps. The Romulans have begun to repair the Paravian DWL. By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 03:21 am: Edit Mischa: I strongly suggest you at least start the Peladine battle. Deferring because you aren't confident of your skills may lead to a situation where I have to adjudicate, and there is no guarantee that adjudication will be in your favor. Frankly, you are better off fighting it.

As a side note, I have no objection to Jon flying your fleet in battle if you trust him to remain objective.

That said, I am more than happy to have another Kzinti captain, as we have Col-7 to fly as well.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 05:30 am: Edit If nobody else will do it I can maybe captain one of the Kzinti battles this week, though I am hardly a Kzinti specialist. Is it the Kzinti or their opponents that need captains?

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 09:20 am: Edit I believe its the KZI that needs captains. Both battles are full fleet battles with heavy drone ability for the KZI.

The Peladine battle is basically a full ftr fleet against a DN led peladine force.

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 09:35 am: Edit I also need a Klingon captain for Intercept. Given Jeremy's schedule, I doubt he has time for it - though he could gainsay me of course. Preferably, someone who can play during the day.

John Carroll, do you object to Dale playing the Klingon fleet?

By John Carroll (Jcwl) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 02:03 pm: Edit Ted,

I have spoken to Dale concerning this and have no problem with him flying this battle.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 02:16 pm: Edit Right, now I just need the time. Ted, I'll do what I can but this is liable to have to wait until after Council. After that I should have plenty of time.

On the other hand if there's any OTHER suitable captain, FEEL FREE to chime in. As I mentioned above it is not my preference to fly player fleets against other player fleets... as campaign GM, I tend to feel bad when they go boom...

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 03:10 pm: Edit John, Dale - that's fine. Just keep in mind that my last day at my old job is the 20th. I'll have the most time during this time period. After that, I'll be busy at the new job (but will be able to have some time during the days). No pressure at all - just letting you know my schedule.

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 03:13 pm: Edit Requiem, Turn 5.

No fire this turn. The ISC outran my R torp and QWTs. I landed my two remaining fighters on the BATS. I conducted some repairs on the DWL. At the current rate, it will be turn 12 before it can come back out and play again without taking serious damage - but I might just do that depending on how things go. He repaired 2 shields on the #6 of the CA. On 5.32 I launched an eneveloper R from the base (revealing the previously launched R to be fake).

Hopefully, battle will continue this weekend. This promises to be a very long, drawn out affair.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 03:43 pm: Edit Absolutely. I don't mean to put the screws to people; I've said it before, this is not a race.

Just be advised, it has always been my policy that, if all other battles are concluded and ANY BATTLE is holding up the entire turn for everyone, I reserve the right to give it a short deadline and then resolve it by adjudication, in order to keep the campaign moving.

That's one of the reasons I deliberately "space out" my announcements of battles, to keep a reasonable flow, and not see all the "small" battles done in a few days and have the "large" battles drag on (and potentially be subject to adjudication).

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 03:48 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Intercept! Counting Coup at Colony-7 The Peladine Press On The Tortoise and the Hellcat Between a Rock and a Hard Place Cartman's Probe Hijinks Around the Hypermass Red Star Rising

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: Requiem for a Homeworld

BATTLES COMPLETED: Ruin at Remus-3 No Sanctuary

By Peter Thoenen (Eol) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 04:00 pm: Edit HIJINKS AROUND THE HYPERMASS <-- EITHER RED STAR RISING <-- GORN

I can do either of these but I have a funky schedule as I am now in Doha, Qatar (GMT +3).

What this means in real terms is my opponent would have to play during the day US time and the earlier the better. Also Middle Eastern weekends are Friday/Saturday (one day offset)

If somebody wants to fly one of these against me and can work with my time zone I volunteer to fly them.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 04:15 pm: Edit BATTLE REPORT:


A Lyran squadron thunders over the Gorn border, moving into the system "Ivory" on an attack vector!

The Gorn, however, are more than ready...

LYRAN/PELADINE FLEET: Lyran Fleet: BCbp+, CLp+, Pel. DD+.

GORN FLEET: BS w/PAM, Y170/175; CCF Tyranicon, BDD+ - Fire Lizzard, CV - Archeopteryx, 6x G-18s and 6x G-10s, CLE - Dragonscale, DDE - Guardian of the Egg.

Both sides WS-III, with the Gorn holding the map center.

After a brief failed attempt to negotiate whilst at full battle readiness, the Lyran fleet pivots and disengages at high warp, leaving the Gorn with only a warning of future possibilities.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 04:21 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Intercept! Counting Coup at Colony-7 The Peladine Press On Between a Rock and a Hard Place Cartman's Probe Hijinks Around the Hypermass Red Star Rising BATTLES IN PROGRESS: Requiem for a Homeworld

BATTLES COMPLETED: Ruin at Remus-3 No Sanctuary The Tortoise and the Hellcat

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 04:23 pm: Edit Peter: I believe the Peladine admiral is flying 'Hijinks' personally. However, we could really use you for 'Red Star Rising'.

Anybody interested in taking on the Gorns with the Andromedans for this scenario? See Peter's post, above.

And Peter... don't suppose I could interest you in flying the Klingons in

'Intercept!', could I?

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 06:31 pm: Edit I'm available to play the Andromedans against Peter, if there are no objections.

The only thing is I won't be around this weekend and will only have Mon-Wed (Thurs is iffy) available for next week. Council of Five Nations after that (Where

I'll finally get to meet the GM in person )

I'm on disability leave at the moment , so I can adjust to play at whatever time suits you Peter.


By Peter Thoenen (Eol) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 06:57 pm: Edit George: Well I get home at 19:00 my time so we can play any day starting

Sunday starting at whatever time 19:00 where you is

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 08:04 pm: Edit Well, I'm US(East Coast EDT) [GMT -4 hrs] so 1900 Sunday your time should put me at 1200 Sunday my time (correct?)

As I said, I won't be around for the weekend but we can move it ahead a day

(Mon) and we'll be on the same page from there on. B^)

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 09:58 pm: Edit Correct, The Peladine admiral is getting his feet wet for the second time in SFBOL. The Queen is very concerned. Rich, the Fed, will take the Orion. Looks to be a close Plasma-based battle around a black hole. We're looking to start some time after 7pm MT on Saturday.

Micha: Yeah, my system names blow but based on the name, I can visualize the location of my systems without the use of a map as a reference.

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Friday, October 03, 2008 - 11:35 pm: Edit I'd be willing to fly some of these games, but given my relative skill to some of the players here, I'd prefer to handle an NPC ship, rather than a players fleet. At least for now.

I'm finding that I'm not quite as good as I thought I was. I'm not bad, but SFBOL has a lot of very high quality players. Give me a few months, tho, and I think (hope) I'll be doing alright!

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Saturday, October 04, 2008 - 01:42 am: Edit Apparently I am slated to fly the Kzinti against the Peladine. I don't actually have the Peladine rules, but I've ordered them (I assume they're in SSJ1, right? That's what I ordered). Can somebody give me a quick overview on what's up with the Peladine?

If anyone wants to trade me a different battle, though, that would be just ducky.

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Saturday, October 04, 2008 - 02:20 am: Edit Sheap,

Go to this link here. This leads to Jessica's Orsini's site which will have all the Peladine ships not included in the SSJ1.


By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Saturday, October 04, 2008 - 02:20 am: Edit Mmm... found Jessica Orsini's site, seems to be essentially conventional ships with lots of labs, center hull, ordinary plasma, ordinary drones.

Basically that's it, right? No special rules, really.

But WOW, they seem to be exceptionally well armed. 2 P1 + 9 P2 + 2 P3 + SSFF AND two drone racks on the CC. They're like super-Gorns with drones and extra batteries and labs (and more phasers and better arcs more than making up for the use of inferior P2s).

By Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias) on Saturday, October 04, 2008 - 02:56 am: Edit I trust you to at least stem the tide of Peladine aggression, Will!

Please? ^_^

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Saturday, October 04, 2008 - 03:13 am: Edit Yeah, I'll fly the battle in a competent fashion. I'm just more used to seeing the

Kzinti as targets, not in the mirror

And I have bombers! Awesome, that makes everything much more fun.

I have to say though that even for the Kzinti, this is something of a drone-heavy fleet.

What kind of fighters are on the Peladine SRV?

By Peter Thoenen (Eol) on Saturday, October 04, 2008 - 03:19 am: Edit George: Works for me, see you 19:00 Monday my time. Also that is a work night for me so only can get 3 hours in per night.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Saturday, October 04, 2008 - 04:14 am: Edit Who's the Kzinti admiral? I thought it was Mischa and I sent email to him but it bounced (this is why he is called bouncy perhaps).

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Saturday, October 04, 2008 - 04:17 am: Edit In other news: Rich, I can start Tuesday at 7 PM Pacific. Maybe up to an hour earlier, if that's too late for you. Let me know if this is OK.

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Saturday, October 04, 2008 - 07:46 am: Edit William, The SRV is carrying 6 P-1 fighters, basically drone armed with 2xP3

By Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias) on Saturday, October 04, 2008 - 12:22 pm: Edit Hmmm, my email inbox doesn't seem to be anywhere near full. William, if you can't get ahold of me directly try contacting me through Dale for info.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Saturday, October 04, 2008 - 12:52 pm: Edit Two messages here:


Suzanne and I have dinner tonight, so I could be as much as an hour late. You posted 7 PM MT (which 8 PM CT here), so I'm hoping I won't be that late. But you know Suzanne...


I think 7 PM Pacific is 9 PM Central, right? If so, that's ok. Up to an hour earlier is ok too. I'll log on around 8:00-8:15 and wait for ya! (My set-up and EA is done...)

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Saturday, October 04, 2008 - 12:53 pm: Edit Glenn,

Big Change! SHE has dinner plans, but I might not have to go! More later...!

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Saturday, October 04, 2008 - 06:03 pm: Edit Rich: 7 PM Pacific is in fact 9 Central. I'll see you approximately then, perhaps somewhat earlier.

Mischa: New mail sent to new address.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Saturday, October 04, 2008 - 07:57 pm: Edit Glenn,

We're on as soon as you're free. I'm "baching" it tonight. It's 5:50 PM your time, and I'm free now...

See you at SFBOL...

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Saturday, October 04, 2008 - 08:38 pm: Edit Rich, Just got home. I'll be on before 7pm mt

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Sunday, October 05, 2008 - 02:03 am: Edit HIJINKS AROUND THE HYPERMASS

Initial Battle Report

We got thru DF on 3.17. First two turns was just jockeying for position around the hole. On impulses 2.28 and 2.30, The Peladine DD launched two shuttles, and on 3.02, launched his third and last. The Orion CR slid just inside range 10 to the hole to gain a hex, and insure it reached range 15 or less before impulse 3.05. On turn 3, the Orion doubled the left engine, and moved speed 26. The Peladine announced speed 15, and began to turn in.

The Orion took a chance, and didn't use mid-range phaser fire against the first shuttle. I just didn't know if any of them were an SP, and he launched all three of his shuttles.

The DD launched his first plasma (strength 20), as the Orion close with both his ship and the shuttles. On impulse 3.16, the DD turned directly in towards the Orion at about range 13. The Orion launched 2 of his type-F plasmas, and shot a P1 at each of the 2 near shuttles, crippling them both. Next impulse, 3.17, the Peladine DD launched his other plasma (strength 20), and the CR fired his other two P1 to kill the 2 crippled shuttles (I didn't want him to recover them), leaving the third untouched...for now.

On 3.17, the Orion is only 9 hexes from the black hole, moving B @ 26, and turn mode is satisfied. The Peladine is at about range 11 from the pirate, moving E @ 22, but has to move several more hexes before a turn.

Plasmas are inbound. The Peladine is down 2 shuttles, and the Pirate is out of heavy phasers this turn. The second half of the turn should be exciting...

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, October 05, 2008 - 02:23 am: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Intercept! Counting Coup at Colony-7 The Peladine Press On Between a Rock and a Hard Place Cartman's Probe Red Star Rising

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: Requiem for a Homeworld Hijinks Around the Hypermass

BATTLES COMPLETED: Ruin at Remus-3 No Sanctuary The Tortoise and the Hellcat

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Sunday, October 05, 2008 - 09:22 pm: Edit Rich, I'm on SFBOL now. I'll stay on as long as I can. Also, the file I saved appears to be corrupt (not working at all). When I saved it last night, I had a wierd message (don't remember what) but I think it was my computer. Within minutes of our stopping, my internet access was lost (outage in area). If you can , much would be appreciated so we can continue.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Sunday, October 05, 2008 - 11:31 pm: Edit Hijinks Around the Hypermass Conclusion

Also known as...

How Not to Fly an Orion Near a Black Hole...

Well, gang...score a kill for Glenn!

I was doin' great, blew up two shuttles, scored a couple of torp hits on Shield #5 on Glenn, taking it down to 1 box, and turned away from his torps, confident that I would run them out and phaser them down.

Speed 26 is PLENTY good to avoid the black hole right? Right?

[enter sound of crickets chirping here]

But See, inside range 5, a black hole will pull you on impulse 27. On impulse 27, speed 26 doesn't move. Not really a problem...unless you're at range 3 to the black hole on impulse 26...


My exec totally bitch-slaps me as our atoms are ripped apart.

Everyone may commence laughing now. Gawd knows I am.

Ahem...this concludes my report.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, October 05, 2008 - 11:40 pm: Edit

It was kind of funny to watch. Good job you guys.

(BTW - I'm Purple_Drazi. I figured you knew).

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, October 05, 2008 - 11:41 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Intercept! Counting Coup at Colony-7 The Peladine Press On Between a Rock and a Hard Place Cartman's Probe Red Star Rising

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: Requiem for a Homeworld

BATTLES COMPLETED: Ruin at Remus-3 No Sanctuary The Tortoise and the Hellcat Hijinks Around the Hypermass

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Sunday, October 05, 2008 - 11:54 pm: Edit Sorry, Dale, I didn't know. I would've said hello. My bad.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Monday, October 06, 2008 - 12:05 am: Edit Rich; having flown a battle around that Hypermass myself earlier in the campaign, I can tell you that keeping an eye on the range to the hypermass was stressful, as well as sling shotting around several times.

That you got sucked in can only be chalked up to stress.

Who knows, maybe your ship will emerge in a random location elsewhere, rather than be destroyed?

Did I mention that flying around the hypermass is stressful?

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Monday, October 06, 2008 - 12:20 am: Edit Not stressful, I had the range tracker up. Just careless. Didn't see that I didn't move on impulse 27.

And to be clear, it wasn't one of my ships. It was...uhhh...one of Dale's?

And I'm pretty sure Dale's build capacity is better than all of ours...combined. If he wants...

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Monday, October 06, 2008 - 12:40 am: Edit Umm...

Out of curiosity, was that the same CR+(FFF) that I beat in that same system two turns ago?

'Cause if it was... roflmao. And yes, I am certain that Dale can out produce us, but I don't think he wants this to become a game of Us vs Dale.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, October 06, 2008 - 01:05 am: Edit Yes, yes it was, Jon. Remember: Crime doesn't pay.

And no, I don't. The campaign is about YOU GUYS. I am your faciliator and moderator but it wouldn't be fair (under the current setup) for me to play "against" you, as I hold all the cards... randoms are there to distract, entertain and liven things up, NOT to dominate the game.

Now who knows, someday, if the campaign went the right way, we could turn this into Everyone (left) versus the Andros, but I expect that we will retire the game before we get to that point.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, October 06, 2008 - 01:06 am: Edit Rich: no worries, should have declared myself, just thought you knew.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, October 06, 2008 - 01:09 am: Edit Christ, my posts are starting to look like John Erwin Hacker's. OK, THIS GORN is going to lay off the smilies for a while. Deal.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Monday, October 06, 2008 - 01:37 am: Edit Imperial Klingon Emperor;

The Vudar ship, in conjunction with the Royal Hydran Navy, have found merit with your statements concerning their origins.

To that end, the Vudar DWS "Eyes on the Stars" (best translation) will set forth to attempt to locate other Vudar ships in the Farthest Stars, and communicate with them, and seek for themselves their own place in the greater scheme of things. They will not be hindered by the Royal Hydran Navy, and we can only hope they will receive a warm welcome wherever they go.

-- Royal Hydran Admiral

((Persistent, roving NPCs that are helpful. Whod'a thunk? Nice one Dale.))

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Monday, October 06, 2008 - 03:13 am: Edit Don't feel too bad, I once fell into a black hole too, when I was very new to SFB. It went a little like this: My Fed frigate vs his Kzinti frigate. (It was a big general free-for-all, but the other players didn't factor in). He had fired all his drones, disruptor and phasers (I had cleverly juked some drones into the black hole) and so I wasn't too worried about his tractor beam.

It turns out you CAN kill someone with only a tractor beam and no other weapons, given appropriate terrain

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, October 06, 2008 - 03:17 am: Edit Ironically, my first published Term Paper was about fighting around a black hole.

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Monday, October 06, 2008 - 08:38 am: Edit Requiem: Turn 6, a little of turn 7. He comes back in and shoots down my enveloping R and 6 QWTs (after they had moved 25 or so hexes). Phaser fire is "eh", and bounces off the DN's reinforcement. PPDs from the DN severly damage the shields of the LCD, but don't bring it down. PPD extends into impluse 7.1 - but the last pulse is blocked by reinforcement.

Turn 7 he seems to be switching gears, slowing down. Right now, we're on opposite sides of the planet, him going speed 8, around range 18. Last thing before we breaked he fired like 6 ph-1 from the DN at a GAS shuttle and rolled, like, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3 - or something like that. Poof.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Monday, October 06, 2008 - 11:33 am: Edit William Wilson wrote (excerpt):

"Don't feel too bad, I once fell into a black hole too, when I was very new to SFB."

Oh yeah, Bill, THAT makes me feel better! I've been playing SFB since 1983!

But hey, I work for the Sheriff's Office here...what business did I have flying a Pirate anyway?

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Monday, October 06, 2008 - 06:01 pm: Edit Sheap and I are scheduled to start the KZI vs Pealdine battle on Wed night.

As the KZI have about 20+ drone launching units the turns may be a litle lengthy til turn 3 so we'll see how many turns we can get through.

Kerry By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Monday, October 06, 2008 - 06:40 pm: Edit Looks to be an ugly fight. The Peladine Queen will be silently observing from time to time.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, October 06, 2008 - 07:50 pm: Edit

BTW, Duffy, feel free to fly the Andros vs. Gorns with Peter.

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 04:28 am: Edit My personal favorite tractor story is the one about a PFL that almost pushed a B10 into a planet.

By David Slatter (Davidas) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 05:26 am: Edit Presumably the planet had no atmosphere - b/c IIRC, atmosphere breaks tractors.

By Peter Thoenen (Eol) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 08:43 am: Edit George / Dale:

I started Red Star Rising (1.7) but not going to be able to continue or finish. Work pissing me off right now and getting exiled to Djibouti shortly for a a couple month stint .. what I am saying is my heart just isn't in SFBOL right now. I apologize for saying I would do this and for wasting your time George. I can transfer the fleet to anybody who wants it though to be honest only on 1.7 so easy to just star afresh.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 09:46 am: Edit Djibouti...garden spot.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 11:04 am: Edit Peladine SRV is not in SFBOL. I guess it is the same as the SR, only with six fighters and associated ready racks, and no other changes?

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 11:57 am: Edit Peter

No worries, like I said before in another context, "real life happens".

As it turned out my "real life" got a hold of me after we played yesterday and now has me busy for the rest of the week anyways . I could have played today but then wouldn't be able to continue till next weds/thurs. So it works out for the best as it is.

Have a safe and uneventful stint.

Dale With Peter having to bow out and my availability postponed till mid next week earliest, if you want to have two other players play this game. It is fine by me.


By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 12:57 pm: Edit Depending on what happens with the Juggernaut battle tonight, I will re- volunteer to fly the Andromedans. The Kzinti/Peladine battle is likely to take ages, but it won't be every night. However, the Juggernaut battle could also potentially take a while, in which case I would not have time for a third battle. The Juggernaut battle could also be extremely brief and violent, in which case I would happily play the Andromedans.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 03:45 pm: Edit No worries guys. So Sheap, are you willing to fly the Gorns vs. the Andros? Assuming you have time that is.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 03:45 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Counting Coup at Colony-7 The Peladine Press On Between a Rock and a Hard Place Cartman's Probe Red Star Rising

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: Requiem for a Homeworld Intercept!

BATTLES COMPLETED: Ruin at Remus-3 No Sanctuary The Tortoise and the Hellcat Hijinks Around the Hypermass

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 03:58 pm: Edit [IC]

Previously, on September 27, 2008, the Hydran Admiral sent the following message to the Federation:

"Dearest Federation Admiral;

This season, a Subspace Vortex swallowed a Vudar DWS and deposited it in Hydran space near the Federation border. They have asked the Royal Navy to assist them in returning to the Klingon Empire. However, we ourselves do not border the Klingons, and while we do know of a path, it would take the Vudar ship some 6 years to return the Klingons, and pass through an active war zone.

We ask if you happen to border the Klingon peoples, or know of a route that the Vudar vessel could take from Regulus to Klingon space in a relatively short amount of time.

With regards;

Royal Hydran Admiral

On September 28, I replied with:

"Sorry Jon, but I don't border the Klingons either, and honestly have no idea where they are. I actually don't border many players..."

NOW, I see the following message, posted above, AFTER the Klingon Emperor himself has disavowed knowledge or ownership:

"Imperial Klingon Emperor;

The Vudar ship, in conjunction with the Royal Hydran Navy, have found merit with your statements concerning their origins.

To that end, the Vudar DWS "Eyes on the Stars" (best translation) will set forth to attempt to locate other Vudar ships in the Farthest Stars, and communicate with them, and seek for themselves their own place in the greater scheme of things. They will not be hindered by the Royal Hydran Navy, and we can only hope they will receive a warm welcome wherever they go.

-- Royal Hydran Admiral

((Persistent, roving NPCs that are helpful. Whod'a thunk? Nice one Dale.))" ------I can only conclude that it is the Hydran's intent to send this ship into Federation space. If this occurs, it is done without permission from Star Fleet.

I sternly remind the Hydran government that any entry into Federation space without advance permission is considered an "act of aggression" (except in the case of the Lyrans, which would not be an Act of War) and will be dealt with most harshly.

Since the Federation withdrawal from the Romulan conflict and the declared closure of free navigation in Federation space (except system Shakespeare [now excluding the Lyrans]), we have three times suffered violation of our policy. Each time we have responded with only words. Even on the last occasion, involving a KNOWN and DELIBERATE violation by the Lyrans, compounded by an abuse of our "free-entry" policy at Shakespeare, we allowed the offending vessels to leave despite having more than enough combat power to effect an arrest.

No more. You want in, you have to ask. If I say no, then any later entry is considered a hostile act. It's MY house. Now, not only is the door locked, but I just set the alarm and picked up my pistol.

My last point - and this is for BOTH the Hydrans and the Lyrans. I do not accept, nor do I allow, "free exploration" of territory, especially mine. Exploration at this point has only one purpose, to map the territory of others and look at their fleets and system defenses. In other words, the gathering of valuable strategic intelligence. I will not allow that.

Hydran, I STRONGLY suggest that you either keep your Vudar SC within Hydran territory, or send it in a direction other than Federation space. And before you try to feign ignorance, do not forget that I am already in possession of e-mails from you, as a result of our last "misunderstanding" at Vulcan, that YOU ALREADY KNOW both systems south of Regulus are Federation.

Keep out.


I got a match, Jon. Ya wanna light it for me?

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 04:01 pm: Edit Let's see how the Juggernaut battle goes before I agree to anything else.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 05:12 pm: Edit [IC] Dearest Federation Admiral;

You appear to be under the impression that the Vudar ship in question is acting as an agent of the Royal Hydran Navy, something which I can say is false. They came to us, looking for a way home, and when they were denied by the Klingons (communications gladly assited by the Royal Admiralty), they decided to take their fate into their own hands, and have made their own choice.

While the Royal Navy is willing to accept the Vudar vessel as a guest, they are not Hydran. They are their own people. If this is premptive declaration that the Federation is enahncing their isolationist policies to include ships that are unaffiliated with any major government, then we shall pass this information along to the Vudar, and give them directions away from your borders with the Royal Kingdom. But we do respect your decision to maintian your soverignty, despite the worrysome signs on your part.

-- Royal Hydran Admiral

[OOC] The Vudar are not affiliated with the Hydrans, Rich. Apparently Dale decided to throw us a curveball and place an encounter of a crewed ship that isn't immediately hostile. I don't control them, Dale does.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 06:09 pm: Edit [IC]


I expected you to post the above.

Two points:

1. I don't believe you. I have VERY GOOD REASONS (and if you really think about it, you also know what those reasons are) for not believing you.

2. Even if I'm wrong (despite my well-founded belief), you are in contact with the Vudar vessel, and it IS IN YOUR TERRITORY. You have ample opportunity to tell that ship what the situation is regarding Federation borders, where known Federation space is, and the severe consequences for a violation.

No crew, ESPECIALLY ONE FAR FROM HOME WITH NO SUPPORT (if in fact that is the case, which I very much doubt), would take such an unacceptable and unjustifiable risk with their very lives.

This ship is in your space, YOU are therefore responsible. You even posted as much AFTER the Klingon Emperor replied to you:

"Imperial Klingon Emperor:

As you disavow any knowledge or responsibility for that ship and crew, they have become the responsibility of the Royal Hydran Navy. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you.

-- His Royal Highness King Hydraxacette XVII"

You either stand down the ship, or it and you will suffer the consequences next turn. I promise you, those consequences will be severe, not just words as they have been in the past.

You've received all the warnings and chances I'm going to give you. The next move is yours. I wonder, will we still be at peace on Turn 13?


Wow. I get to be totally paranoid. Too much fun, this is. So how long do crazy

Feds get to stay in power anyway?

Jon, yeah I know the Vudar are a separate race, not Klingon or Hydran vassals (well, ok, maybe Klingon in the historical universe, who knows?). They got good ships, actually. I really like their IPGs and the ship designs. They kinda fly like Feds a little...

By Michael C. Grafton (Mike_Grafton) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 06:39 pm: Edit And if the Hydrans could ADD some Vudar ships to their fleet (exile race crews) it would add some nice capabilities.

1) DF Ion cannon would be fine to make one shield "the weakest one" prior to hellbore attacks.

2) IPGs would be sweet in fleet defense. Especially if you get the tech to add to your screening vessels. Imagine a FF with an IPG and some gatlings as a dedicated drone defense vessel.

3) Ion Storm generators would also be great. Just pull your fighters into the atmosphere and BAM! Then pursue the crippled remnants.

4) Now all you need are some Tholians and to add "web pass" to your stinger fighters!

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 07:17 pm: Edit There won't be any technology admixing in this campaign Mike. Dale has said this many times.

[IC] Dearest Federation Admiral;

We have apoligized in the past for the intrusions on Cook, Vulcan and Foster. Once again, we entered those systems looking for Tholians, and once our error was discovered, we left, post haste. The error was our alone.

As for your first point, we are unsure of your meaning. If you are refering to the above mention of our vessels entering your territory, then the Royal Navy has set those mistakes behind us, and have since respected your private borders.

In regards to your second point, you seem to have assumed that this errant Vudar vessel is located in a system adjacent to one of your own. This is not the case, I can assure you. They have been made aware of your declarations, and to quote;


"We have listened in on the communications you have provided us, Hydran. Your warnings about the Federation seem to be truthful. One ship cannot stand against an Empire, let alone one so fearful. We will take your advice."

Once the Klingon Emperor disavowed responsibility for the ship, we took responsibility for them as they are guests, and we their hosts. Surely the Federation understands the basic concepts of aiding those in need?

The Royal Hydran Kingdom will not attack the Federation, as you seem to be afraid of. We have enemies that must be dealt with. Not neighbours who pretend that if they can turn their back on the outside world, the outside world will turn their back on them.

-- Royal Hydran Admiral

[OOC] Dude, seriously, what are you talking about in point 1 there? The only thing I can think of was those explorations that were diplomatically replused by you. Unless this is another aspect to your paranoia? Friend Computer does not like Paranoia, Citizen.

By John Carroll (Jcwl) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 08:01 pm: Edit All Parties,

The Vudar from THIS reality are indeed subject of His Imperial Majesty Klothar IV, Emperor of all the Klingons. The Vudar ship in question was NEVER built in Vudar in this reality. Please refrain from attempting to involve the Vudar subjects of the Klingon Empire in any dispute caused by this 'Vudar' scout vessel.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 08:15 pm: Edit Bill,

I'm online at SFBOL, waiting for ya!


Now, now, no fair asking me an "in character" question out of character. Tsk, Tsk.

If you want to know, you'll have to ask "Vice-Admiral Sherman."

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 08:19 pm: Edit Klingon Emperor,

I was unaware that the PLANET Vudar was in our reality. They're not on my map. Nevertheless, I meant no offense. My apologies.

R. Sherman, VADM, commanding Star Fleet Far Stars Sector

By Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 08:49 pm: Edit The Kzinti possess a Vudar CA, but it was found abandoned. Presumably whatever crew accompanied it evacuated it either before or after its appearance in this region known as the Far Stars. It is currently manned by Kzinti crew, who have learned to operate its systems, although we have been unable to reverse engineer its technology beyond that needed to maintain it.

(( And a fun ship it is to play too! Maybe I'll have to play more Vudar ships in the future. ))

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 10:24 pm: Edit The Royal Hydran Admiral echoes the apologies of the Federation Admiral to the Klingon Emperor.

By John Carroll (Jcwl) on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 11:08 pm: Edit Federation Admiral,

Contact us thru the Tholian embassy in your territory and we may enter talks...

The Klingon commitment to the Far Stars Coalition remains in force and as strong as ever.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 01:45 am: Edit Two turns played in Cartman's Juggernaut. Both turns were fairly uneventful.

Juggernaut started in upper right corner. Feds started facing B, with an ECM drone apiece on the board under WS-3 rules. The base started 3 hexes in dir E from the planet, orbiting and rotating clockwise with rotation speed 2.

Turn 1, the Juggernaut flew toward the planet at an average speed of 21, turning to D about halfway through. The Feds launched two MRS (one from the BATS, one from the CB) and six F-7s (two from CS, two from NCL, one from BATS, one from FFG). The Fed ships flew in a leisurely circle around the planet at speed 12 and the F-7s stayed within a couple of hexes of it. No weapons fired on turn 1.

Turn 2, the Juggernaut continued in dir D at an average speed of 28, turning to E once reaching the equator. The Feds continued circling at speed 12, just west of the planet; the F-7s did similar, only slightly slower. On impulse 32 the Juggernaut reached R25 from the BATS's MRS and fired 3xP4, doing 7 damage and crippling it. Feds held fire, since the Juggernaut shield would make weapons fire more or less futile.

Please keep tactical commentary to a minimum until the scenario is complete.

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 07:56 am: Edit First turn and a half (roughly) of Intercept! played out.

The Klingons adopted a high-medium-high speed plot to engage the Roms. Roms go speed 16 all turn with erratic manuevers, high ECM, and ECPs. The SPC goes speed 9 and loans massive EW, so that the Klingons are facing 16 ECM (13 in the case of the GCA); however, the SPC is flying with none. At range 25 or so the Roms let fly an R and two S torps. Klingons respond with three scatterpacks and 18 launched drones. The Klingons reach range 15 to the main Rom force and range 22 to the SPC. Rather than try to shoot through the massive ECM, they fire disrupters at the SPC. The LWOs have the usual telling effect, with the Klinks scoring 22 damage on the SPC's #6 - bringing it down to two boxes. The Klingons then turn away to outrun the torps.

Turn 2, the Roms drop EM and increase speed to 26 (19 for the SPC). The Klingons start at 28 and then drop to 20. Roms pursue, reaching range 11 as of impluse 24 or so. Roms use three or four T-bombs to annhiliate the first wave of SP and launched drones. Klingons have outrun the two S torps and have the option of outrunning the R torp. They launch drones in turn (all but the D6D and F5S drones so far). Roms have burned three drones with phasers, will outrun three more (Dale spread them out so I'd have to deal with some of them) - but are facing the rest.

Battle to continue next week.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 10:23 am: Edit [definitely IC] Hydran,

You last wrote to me (excerpt):

"In regards to your second point, you seem to have assumed that this errant Vudar vessel is located in a system adjacent to one of your own. This is not the case, I can assure you."

However, in your 9/27 e-mail, you wrote (excerpt):

"We ask if you happen to border the Klingon peoples, or know of a route that the Vudar vessel could take from REGULUS (emphasis added) to Klingon space in a relatively short amount of time."

Oops. Caught you. Care to try again? you TOLD me that the ship wanted a route to Klingon space from Regulus. Regulus. You remember that system, right? It's the one that now borders not one, but two Federation worlds, and YOU KNOW IT.

And you wonder why I'm worried about having you on my borders. Even if the ship is not "currently" at Regulus, based on what you wrote, I think any person would conclude my alleged "assumption" is pretty reasonable.



By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 10:33 am: Edit [IC]

Hydran Admiral, I commend to you an ancient Romulan proverb:

Don't wrestle with a pig. The pig likes it, and you get dirty.

Maximus Emperor, Romulus [end IC]

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 11:02 am: Edit Federation Admiral;

Regulus was merely the system that is closest to the current position of the Vudar vessel in question. I do not understand what threat you feel exsists. We are fully aware of Stellar Cartography, and we made our statements for the purpose of expiditing the aid to the Vudar ship. Romulan Preator; We do not know what this 'pig' is. However, if our attempts to help the helpless are met with such blind distrust and paranoia, then we shall disengage.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 12:20 pm: Edit [IC]

"Ancient Tholian Proverb: Don't poke the hibernating bear. He'll wake up hungry, and bite your head off."

We Tholians are content to leave the sleeping bear on our northern border asleep. However, if the Hydrans want to poke him, more power to them. We're not happy about the Feds bailing out of the Far Stars Coalition in the middle of the Romulan War, but we are also not about to provoke them out of their declared neutrality. We have enough enemies who want to kill us as it is.


Sorry I've been so out of the loop guys. I've been crazy busy at work. Ted, it will likely be a few more days before I get a handle on my schedule in the near future. Once that's better understood, we can set up a date for Iconia.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 03:19 pm: Edit Uhhhmm...did Ted just imply that I was a pig?

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 03:48 pm: Edit In lipstick, apparently...

By Michael Parker (Protagoras) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 05:06 pm: Edit A pig is a filthy animal!

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 05:10 pm: Edit I always thought it was:

Don't wrestle with a pig. No matter who wins you both smell and get dirty and the pig likes it.

Many people replace "pig" with "lawyer" for polite conversation.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 05:55 pm: Edit Jeremy Gray wrote: "Ancient Tholian Proverb: Don't poke the hibernating bear. He'll wake up hungry, and bite your head off."

That's an ancient THOLIAN proverb? So the Tholians have bears?

I'd like to officially note that the Tholians are hereby nominated for having what must be the absolutely SCARIEST wild animal ever.

A Tholian Bear...I shudder to think of what it looks like...or what it eats...or the method by which it kills...

Where's Loren Knight when you need him?

By John Trauger (Vorlonagent) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 06:00 pm: Edit It stands to reason that the Tholian Homeworld has a whole eco-system, unless they were an advanced race's science project.

If you think a thoian bear is scary, how 'bout a Tholian T-Rex?

By Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 06:26 pm: Edit Tholian mosquitoes? <.< Or bees... that sting you with stingers filled with lava?

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 06:47 pm: Edit The Tholian world that arrived in the Milky Way appears to be artificial, so it's possible that it doesn't contain any "animals" at all except domesticated and un- eradicable pests.

Is PD Tholians published yet?

By Robert Snook (Robert) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 07:12 pm: Edit "except domesticated and un-eradicable pests" ie. Humans, Klingons, Romulans, Hydrans, Kzinti, etc.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 07:26 pm: Edit PD Tholians isn't published yet. But any ideas or proposals you have for the Tholians is wrong, as will be confirmed in PD Tholians.


(Just kidding Loren!)

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 08:06 pm: Edit ROBERT!!!!! Hey there, long time no see.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 08:24 pm: Edit Robert!!!

Holy crap! How are ya? Shoot me an e-mail and let me know the latest!

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 08:29 pm: Edit Yeah, what he said.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Thursday, October 09, 2008 - 01:26 am: Edit Peladine Press On

As the peladine I came screaming in at 25 hexes moved(27/20). During the last 8 imps launched ECM drones and then lined up for a R15 shot.

Bolted R, S and 11 p1's. Into his EFF, and both torps hit phasers sucked but I'm OK with it. 20 ints which weren't too bad except for the 6 power hits. Launched 2 enveloping S torps and tehn turned off on 31. On 32 launched 2 Gtorps to get the fast load cycle going.

Launched 14 admins to help with drone defense on imp 31.

KZI launched his ftr fleet and late in the turn put out some 40 drones split up to small stacks except for 2 scatters. The front edge is at R9 or so with the back being at R20 or so.

His CVS alphae'd my DD and took 6 or so shield dam after 2 rein. Continueing friday.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Thursday, October 09, 2008 - 01:30 am: Edit One turn played in Peladine Press On.

Much as you'd expect, the Kzinti launched fighters and bombers, and then the fighters and bombers launched drones. The Kzinti ships also launched drones. Then the Peladine launched fighters, and they launched drones, and then the Peladine ships launched some drones. Then the Kzinti launched some scatterpacks, and then those launched drones. And then the Peladine launched some shuttles, some of which may or may not be scatterpacks, and those haven't launched any drones. All in all, excepting the Peladine shuttles which don't seem to understand the proper etiquette, many drones were launched (a bit over 50). After all this the Peladine turned off.

There was also a Peladine plasma bolt from R15, with an R and an S torp, which hit the Kzinti EFF and did 35 damage after phasers were factored in, destroying about half of the ship (though no drone hits). That stunk. Meanwhile the CVS fired 4 standard disruptors and 5P1 at the Peladine DD from R15, and scored 10 points altogether, destroying about half of the front shield. But at least I don't have to dodge an R-torp for a few turns.

Up next: turn 2. I suspect there will be drones launched.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Thursday, October 09, 2008 - 02:21 am: Edit Watching this unfold, I have visions of the Macross Missle Massacre.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Friday, October 10, 2008 - 01:58 am: Edit One more turn played in Cartman's Juggernaut. It was a tough turn for the Feds; everything that could go wrong did.

Short summary: * Game was delayed by about an hour due to a combination of me getting home late and technical problems with Rich's SFBOL. I ended up having to send him my save file, and as I have an unusual configuration (J1.57) this caused even further delays while he tried to deal with my settings. * One of the two GBDPs was destroyed. * Federation FFG took nine internals as well, losing 1p1+1p3 and a photon. * Federation fleet did not get in position to fire their photon torpedoes; as a result no permanent damage was scored to the Juggernaut. * A Federation drone wave lost its lockon due to interference from the planet.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Friday, October 10, 2008 - 11:43 am: Edit A frustrating experience to be sure. I had set up a nice run to try a range 8 strike against the Juggernaut with support from one of the ground bases.

But then my SFBOL decided to wig out, I got booted, and couldn't get the game back. When I got Bill's file, it took more than 30 minutes to figure out my way thru how Bill had stuff organized.

My frustration caused mistakes. I completely forgot about how planets interfere with lock-ons. Bill didn't, and maneuvered appropriately. I then mis-timed my acceleration (although it looks like I allocated for it properly), and "forgot" to boost the ECM on the FFG (which I knew would be his target - it would've been mine if I were him). I missed getting range 8 simultaneous with his reaching range 5 to the planet...by one hex.

He blasted the GBDP into oblivion, and HETted away. The excellent damage roll against the FFG was only icing on the cake.

About the only good thing that I can say happened to the Feds this turn is that the Juggie did use 22 points of phaser energy blowing me up, so that if I do decide to chase him now, he'll have to make a choice between pouring on the speed and not completely re-filling his capacitor, or topping off and me possibly catching him. One of my few remaining advantages is that most of my ships can maintain a good pursuit speed while holding photons. OTOH, without the BATS or at least a GBDP, I don't have enough firepower to blast thru 100 points of rotating shield plus 60 points of armor on his nose unless I reach range 5 or less - which Bill will avoid like the plague. We shall see...

Oh, and one other minor good thing...I saved the BATS' MRS...recovered it before Juggie was able to blow it away...

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Saturday, October 11, 2008 - 05:28 am: Edit A grueling turn #2 played in Peladine Press On.

Drones, drones, drones, drones Drones, drones, drones, drones Drones, drones, drones, drones plasma. Drones, drones, drones, drones wild weasel. Drones, drones, drones, drones plasma. Drones, drones, drones, drones Drones, drones, drones, drones plasma.

Much ammunition was expended, but little actual losses. * One Peladine admin shuttle was destroyed by disruptor fire from the CVS. * Peladine had targeted one EPT and a type-G on the CVS, one EPT on a bomber, and another type-G on the 2-seat AAS fighter. The CVS weaseled the incoming plasma, and the EPT and type-G ended up scoring 10 and 4 points, respectively, after flying through the forest of Kzinti phasers. Kzinti drones aren't having much more luck flying through the forest of Peladine phasers, helped somewhat by Kerry rolling about 90% 1-3 on p3 dice. That said, there are still 50 drones on the map. There are always more drones. * Peladine SRV fired two standard S-torps at the MEC, which it's running out. * CVS and escorts recovered a few fighters, with others nearby. The SRV got in position to recover some of its fighters early next turn. * Eventually, some really long range phaser fire managed to knock the bomber that got hit by the EPT down to degraded status. Bombers is tough. * Kzinti bombers from the planet, having popped up long enough to salvo some drones, landed again to rearm. * Turn 3 is sort of a rearm turn for both sides. The Kzinti fighters and bombers are all low on ammo (or in the bay) but the Peladine are low on plasma. * Peladine launched a couple envelopers around the end of the turn but they are so far away it will hardly matter.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Saturday, October 11, 2008 - 05:33 am: Edit T2 of Peladine press on I had my SR come in at high speed and then slow down once he caught up. His MEC went to spd 29 just as I dropped from 28 to 14. As the MEC was R10 to the SR I sent a pair of torps at him to force him to turn off. He did and led them to pasture. I do a loop with my forward ships at med speed like 12 or so. This is to allow me a better chance to defend against them. So the Kzin had the CVS weasel 4/14 for incoming plasma and snagged both an enveloper and a G. Another enveloper and G went right down the middle and took heavy phaser fire. This hit a ftr for 4 and a bomber for 10 on the enveloper. Late in the turn I fired 11 p1s from R20 at the hurt bomber hitting for 2.

Otherwise I pretty much mowed through some drones. The 14 shuts and ftrs could not roll above a 3 for 10 or so rolls. I was counter droning with every drone I could get my hands on, although Sheap nicely ADDed 6 drones as he fled from the just launched torps.Overall the SR is a little outa position with 7 or so drones following it, but the ftrs are 3 hexes from it.

KZI launched another 60 or so drones T2 burning through ftr drones and most of the bombers as well.So for T3 the ftrs are starting to be reloaded, but other than having some 40 drones in flight(although probably 8 will be caught by a tbomb), turn 3 is looking up. At EOT I launched a pair of Envelopers, but as he's mostly running anyway it may not matter(I am light on torps as well just having ftorps and 1 G left).

Monday looks to be the next date.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Saturday, October 11, 2008 - 10:13 pm: Edit Rich: I'm not sure we agreed on a time to resume tomorrow. When's good? I know you preferred "morning," but morning is a big tent.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Sunday, October 12, 2008 - 10:58 am: Edit Bill, it's 10 am CST, and I've got about 90 minutes before the wife says it's time to go. I should also have some time this evening after 8 pm CST.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Sunday, October 12, 2008 - 11:46 am: Edit Just lost the rest of my morning. The wife says it's my turn to make breakfast, and she wants French Toast.

And so it begins...

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Sunday, October 12, 2008 - 02:36 pm: Edit hmm, ok.

Well, there's not usually going to be much chance of me playing at 10 am CST. I don't even get up that early for work!

8 pm CST would be perfect. I'll log on sometime in advance of that and should be there whenever you are. By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Monday, October 13, 2008 - 02:23 am: Edit Cartman's Juggernaut now in mid-turn-5.

Turn 4 the Juggernaut fleed in terror and the Feds trundled after it. Due to acceleration limits the Feds couldn't close the range, and it ran out to the right map edge (actually about 8 hexes away from the edge). At this point the wall in space intervened and the Juggernaut was forced to turn to fight. The Juggernaut fired three rear-facing P4s at the CB, denting its #1 shield for 22 points. The Feds, who did not reach range 8, held fire.

Turn 5, the Feds finally ran down the Juggernaut. The Feds went 24/23 and the Juggernaut went 10. The Feds spewed scatterpacks, launched drones, and took a range-8 alpha strike on the Juggernaut's front shield. The dice were hot, and the Feds did 178 points of damage, wiping out the rotating shield and front armor and doing 18 internals. They then turned off, spewing more drones and scatterpacks. The Juggernaut accelerated up to 29 and pursued.

On Impulse 14, Rich's wife and a rules error arose simultaneously. We therefore saved for intervention by Dale (in the rules problem, not the wife; not even Dale can help with that).

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Monday, October 13, 2008 - 02:38 am: Edit Rich: We didn't set a time to resume, since you had to leave in a hurry. I can't do it tomorrow due to Kzinti vs. Peladine, but I have other days this week.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Monday, October 13, 2008 - 11:59 am: Edit Cartman's Juggernaut

What Bill said. I'd add that the Feds have done a total of 24 in on the Juggie, for insignificant hits other than one of his 2 tractors...'course, he really only needs one (1 trac, 3 P3, 3 warp, and 17 fluff).

If I don't somehow get drone hits doing some decent weapon hits on him, two ships will die. If I DO somehow manage to do that, he'll "only" kill one ship.

So far this turn, I've only managed to get him to use 4 P3 and 4 P1 killing drones or shuttles, but there are at least 3 more drones - hopefully more - that he'll have to deal with.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Monday, October 13, 2008 - 12:01 pm: Edit Bill,

Tuesday night should be good. 8 PM CST?

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Monday, October 13, 2008 - 04:15 pm: Edit OK. By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Monday, October 13, 2008 - 05:19 pm: Edit Finished turn 7 of Requiem.

Tom turned in at slow speed, using the planet to block line of sight to the BATS. Most of the turn was uneventful, though towards the end we had some stuff. I landed some shuttles back on their units for more WWs. I had been expecting to settle in for the long haul, but with Tom turning in looks like we might have some fun coming up.

The DefSats launched torps - Tom kept lockon to most of them. He bolted 4 S plasmas, killing an MRS shuttle. His phasers were hot, killing another MRS shuttle. He also launched another S torp at one of my DefSats (ID'd using a probe).

My return fire *finally* scored some minor internals on the CA. I hit with one bolt from the KVL, though the phasers were quite hot. The #2 on the CAp is now down, with #1, #6 damaged. He has 8 internals, including a rear torp, a ph-3, a power, and some fluff.

At the end of the turn I docked the LCD to the BATS. More shuttles on the planet executed atmospheric flight to opposing hex sides. Not too much repairs on the DW(L) this turn - I had expected him to fire PPDs at the LCD, on which he had already scored some heavy shield damage. However, he didn't, so I ended up wasting some reinforcement.

Battle to continue soon - hopefully Tues night.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Monday, October 13, 2008 - 09:22 pm: Edit Kerry: I'm still at work, implying likely late arrival home. Hope to be online as soon as practical. Might need to reschedule for Thursday/Friday/Weekend, but hopefully not.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Monday, October 13, 2008 - 10:21 pm: Edit Still trapped in work mode; it looks like my days of wild hedonism have caught up with me. How late are you around?

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Monday, October 13, 2008 - 10:25 pm: Edit I can stay up til about 1 ish central so about 3.5 hours from now. We might get 16 imps or so done in that timeetc. Otherwise I can continue later this week and am open all day sat most of the day sunday.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Monday, October 13, 2008 - 10:30 pm: Edit OK, I think I better wave off for today then, no telling if or when I'll finish here. I have all Thursday and Friday evening plus the entire weekend free. Tomorrow is out as I have more Juggernaut scheduled. By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Monday, October 13, 2008 - 10:34 pm: Edit So lets try thurs and then saturday we can do an all dayer to burn through some turns.

So thursday at the usual time? and sat at say 10 mountain or do you want to start it earlier on sat?

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Monday, October 13, 2008 - 11:06 pm: Edit Starting earlier than 10 mountain on Saturday would have to be played by ear. It depends on if I end up working late on Friday or not. If I'm up late then ... no. But if I turn in early then I'll be up early. Have nothing else going on on Saturday and maybe Paul will have the new client version with drone target tracking by then which will really speed things up. But basically Saturday morning is ok.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Tuesday, October 14, 2008 - 10:27 am: Edit Well then just throw me out a time to start on sat. Hopefully we can get the turn down to under 6 hours per.

I am pretty much good from 10 am til about 2 am sunday, anywhere in there.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Tuesday, October 14, 2008 - 02:59 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Counting Coup at Colony-7 Between a Rock and a Hard Place Red Star Rising

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: Requiem for a Homeworld Intercept! Cartman's Juggernaut The Peladine Press On

BATTLES COMPLETED: Ruin at Remus-3 No Sanctuary The Tortoise and the Hellcat Hijinks Around the Hypermass

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Tuesday, October 14, 2008 - 09:57 pm: Edit On my way home now, should be on by 7:30 (Pacific) or so for Juggernaut.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Tuesday, October 14, 2008 - 10:39 pm: Edit I heard you got company. No worries, I'll be around the rest of the night, or can resume on some future day if you're booked all evening. By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - 03:50 am: Edit Turn 5 completed in Juggernaut. Rich continues to roll well.

The turn was sort of a bad one for the Juggernaut. While no fatal damage was scored, the Juggernaut took about 15 extra internals, including a P4, from rear- facing phasers to get to close range on the Feds, only to have the Shrieks shot down by a legendary ADD gunner. I had a clear shot to kill the Frigate with shrieks, but thought I could hit the NCL with one so I fired at it instead and that worked out badly. Several scatter-packs were launched and shot down, and some mines were laid. All but five Federation drones (not counting ECM drones) were shot down; the base and the CB's MRS chipped in two more at the end of the turn. Those five drones are one hex dead astern of the Juggernaut.

The Juggernaut knocked out the NCL's #4 shield and scored 33 internals on it, wiping out all the fluff, three phasers and the drone but no torps and only nine power. The FFG retains its moderate damage from before, nine internals, enough to sting but not enough to kill.

Near end of turn the bases did 4 damage to the #5 armor and 20 damage to the #6 armor with range-25 phaser 4's and prox photons.

The good news for the Juggernaut: Only one P4 is down, only the #1 armor is down, no pesky flag bridge hits, nobody's in range of the scout sensors on the base, the Feds are almost out of drones, the shield is coming back up and the Fed ships are on a photon reload turn with all their phaser caps empty and are only three or four hexes away, including the NCL which is three hexes dead ahead.

The good news for the Feds: No ships destroyed or even crippled (yet) although the NCL is hurt, no damage to the BATS, all the F7s are still intact (have launched one drone apiece) and the Juggernaut can't take another shot like the first one.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - 01:52 pm: Edit CARTMAN'S JUGGERNAUT

(I officially dub Bill's ship the "Cheesy Poof")

Fed perspective

Bill is being quite generous in his description. Were it not for luck with my weapons fire, this battle would already be over. As it is, Bill will definitely kill one, and likely kill two, warships. It once again proves the maxim that good play with good ships can defeat blind luck.

Given the current power state of all ships involved. I will be very surprised if he doesn't try to do in the CB or CS. If he does so, he has the game all but won, because the two wounded ships and the one that would remain would not be enough to penetrate the Juggernaut shield from any angle. He can then just round up the cripples, and end by blowing the base.

I'm not sure why Bill believes the Juggernaut cannot take another shot similar to what he has already received. He has taken a total of 38 internals, lost 6 power and 1 P4, and still has plenty of fluff left. He also has a DC rating of 8. Time and initiative are completely his.

I mis-timed the launch of most SP I attempted to use, resulting in their destruction pre-launch. I even managed to get a shuttle killed that was manned and eligible to fire, but forgot. The 6 F7's have contributed a grand combined total of 1 point of armor damage to the Juggernaut.

The Shriek deployment shocked me. Given my formation at the time, I just "knew" he had targeted the FFG for destruction. I only labbed them on a lark. It was quite the surprise to see them target the NCL which, though wounded, was on the far side of my formation. Perhaps Bill didn't think I would use ADDs (he would've just shot down a counter-drone), but I still had six phasers left (2 P1 and 4 P3) to assist the NCL. The FFG was outside my defensive envelope except for the ADD, so it would've been a sure kill.

Now, Juggie will have to expend weapons on the FFG if he wants it (as well as the NCL, or CS, or CB).

Wouldn't it be funny if the FFG was the only one to survive the debacle...

The late night (thanks to the unplanned house guests) got me tired towards the end, and I currently have no idea with Bill's phaser capacitor status is. I'm pretty sure he used at least 18 or 19 power this turn. With 6 power down for next turn, that means he'll have about 37 for movement, weapons, and EW (assuming he fully powers his shield...which he may not since I don't have phots).

The long night continues...

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - 01:59 pm: Edit IIRC I fired 23 points out of phasers last turn.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - 09:27 pm: Edit Rich, let me know if you're going to be online tonight. If not, I'll probably stay at work for a few more hours.

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - 09:53 pm: Edit Intercept!

Played out the rest of turn 2 today. I dodged, tractored, and shot down a bunch more drones while I closed in. Late turn, I accelerated to 30 and he accelerated to 28. However, I managed to get a range 8 shot, and I took it against the F5C. My dice were *amazingly* hot. Very, very freakishly good. I hit with all but one bolt and rolled extremely well on phasers. I did about 100 damage, which destroyed the F5C. The explosion (11 points) damaged the #4 of the remaining ships, but the F5S which took it on the #3. Dale declared catastrophic damage, and managed to have the boom get away. He also beamed the LWO off of the F5C and onto the BTK. I fired a few more ph-1 at the boom, taking it down to just a few boxes.

I then turned away dir E while Dale turned right direction A. When I turned I brought some more plasma to bear. I launched 2 S torps and an F torp. I also bolted two more F torps at the BT, hitting with both and doing 15 damage to the #3 shield. At the end of the turn I launched the Gorn shuttles I had sitting on the balcony. That gave me 5 more ph-3, which shot down or wounded five more drones. Three drones remain for me to deal with, two wounded and one unwounded.

Play to continue with turn 3. My main fleet is range 12 to the Klingons and the SPC is range 22 to the Klingons.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - 09:59 pm: Edit Bill, just got free (9 PM CST). Going on-line now. I can at least get my EA done if you're still at work.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - 10:10 pm: Edit Yeah, I'm still at work. I already did my EA, or most of it at any rate. I'm not sure when I'll be home, but it probably won't be for another 60 minutes at least. So we will probably have to reschedule unless you want to stay up late again, I have Friday and Sunday.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - 11:56 pm: Edit Friday's out. What can you do on Sunday? I got the morning until maybe 11 AM CST, or a few hours Sunday night...

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Thursday, October 16, 2008 - 12:34 am: Edit Morning before 11 AM CST is pretty early for me just because of time zones, but there's a chance. Sunday night is wide open. If we can play Sunday morning by ear, then that's good, otherwise shoot for Sunday night.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Thursday, October 16, 2008 - 04:43 pm: Edit I keep forgetting about the time difference. What this means is that I'll likely have some time to give Friday night, after 10:30 PM, my time.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Thursday, October 16, 2008 - 06:10 pm: Edit Well, too late for you isn't any better than too early for me. But I do have all night Friday if you can make it. Let me know.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Thursday, October 16, 2008 - 09:58 pm: Edit Kerry: On my way home now. Will log on when I can.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Friday, October 17, 2008 - 03:46 am: Edit 16 more impulses played in Peladine Press On.

Kzinti lost about a billion drones to a T-bomb, but the MW drone escaped the carnage. The oncoming rush of drones from last turn used up much of the Peladine's drone defense, as the fighters used all their phasers and most of their drones defensively. One armored drone hit a Peladine fighter for six points. There was relatively little launching done this turn, just two rack drones from the CVS and a couple defensive drones from the Peladine since all the Kzinti fighters and bombers are reloading. The Kzinti only managed to get four of their fighters back into various shuttle bays, including the damaged 2-seater. One of the worst misfeatures of the AAS is that it's very slow and difficult to land under engine power without seriously messing up the maneuverability of your ships. There's a lot of empty space in the CVS shuttlebay.

One of the Peladine long range EPTs turned out to be targeted on bomber #2, which was still out flying around from its pre-scenario launch. But the bomber flew behind the planet and the plasma is now inevitably doomed to burn up in the atmosphere. This did, however, mess up the bomber's landing approach. The Kzinti still have one other bomber hovering in the atmosphere as well, although there's relatively little for it to do.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the CVS plotted speed 14 and moved toward the SR, which unexpectedly parked for the first half of the turn with massive EW, then went speed 6. The MEC finished running out the plasma, then turned back in at speed 15, and is now about eight hexes behind the CVS. The Peladine BC and DN floated around way in the back of the battle and the DD and DW moved up to cover the all-but-inert SR. The CVS, SR and DW are all now within 5 hexes of each other. The DW launched two F-torps (the G is still rearming, but he might fastload). The DD is moving a little slower than the DW so it is two hexes further back, and has fired only one G-torp.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Friday, October 17, 2008 - 08:13 am: Edit Peladine pressses on:

T3.16 complete.

Originally KZI was all Dir F with bombers dir C. My plan for the turn was to go moderate to fast speed and take out the 2 bombers and the base unless he gives me something other than fleeing with his other ships. IMP 3 the KZI turned the CVS to A at spd 14 then to B on imp 10. Launched a pair of MRS on imp 1. Game on!

Ftrs, shuttle swarm, and my 1 deployed TBomb take out all most of the drones out there. Ftrs had to time a HET to destroy the submunitions from the T4MW. As well the SR who went high ECM and slow has used 4 phasers, all its sensors and a drone for counter droning.

Pretty much the entire rest of my fleet has turned dir F(except the DN who is at R8 is still E due to TM of 5). The spd 14 CVS is at R4 to 60 plasma that will impact for full(on imp 19 or 20) unless a big speed change, decel or HET comes in the near future. The DW is at R6, SR at R5(pointed away), DD +DN at R8, BC at R11 to the CVS. The CVS has a good shot to take on whichever target it wants but will most likely take some plasma in response.

DD(spd 14)+DW(spd 28) have fastloads available, DN+BC have 2 Fs and a pair of fastloads each. I have yet to fire a P1(only have 17) so the rest of T3 should be interesting.

Due to my TBomb drop last turn one of a pair of swordfish drones was able to get a RW to the SR through the dropped shield. There are still some 8 drones incoming although 1 is at R14 or so with about 5 drones in the R6-8 range.

Continuing sat morning at 12 noon central/10 am pacific.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Friday, October 17, 2008 - 11:26 am: Edit Sheap just so I am clear(yeah playing at 2am gets confusin) on tracking for the CVS. So far this turn you have landed 3 ftrs via tractor?

As well I have the CVS shuttle situation as follows:

Start 3 shuts.

T1 scatter recovered middle of T2 like 2.15 Shut 2 is MRS curently at R8 to your ship Shut 3 is the destroyed WW used on T2 to get around my enveloper

Hmm it is seeming more and more like hte CVS is Running as there is no WW available.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Friday, October 17, 2008 - 07:19 pm: Edit T1 SP was recovered on 2.5. Otherwise yes.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 04:31 am: Edit CARTMAN'S JUGGERNAUT

16 more impulses done. Heavy damage to CB, and a few more internals (14 or so) to Juggie.

3:30 am. Very tired. Bill will fill in the detail. By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 04:51 am: Edit 16 more impulses played in Cartman's Juggernaut. Now on turn 6, impulse 16.

Everyone started fairly close so it was obvious there would be some damage dealt.

Juggernaut fired 2 P4s and 10 P1s at the CB, on the #4 shield through no shift at range 3. This caused some damage to the CB, scoring 49 internals after reinforcement. CB lost three phasers (2P3 + 1 left P1), 15 power, a drone, a photon, the batteries, and miscellany. The CB is a pretty tough ship though, and while it's hurt, it's definitely still in the fight. Complicating matters are that its #4 shield is down and its #1 shield is almost down, so it will be maneuver-impaired.

The Juggernaut then ran over the NCL's T-bomb because, well, I just can't stand to have a T-bomb on the map without ramming it.

The Fed ships split up, more or less, and achieved a split-shield attack on the Juggernaut, forcing me to take some damage even though the shield was still up. I ended up taking about 20 damage to the #5 armor and also about a dozen more internals, losing three power and two more P3s. The internals are starting to add up as the Juggernaut is now down eight warp and eight phasers (7P3 + 1 P4) but still has half its fluff. In addition the #6 armor is at 20, the #5 is at 10, and the #1 is down.

The Juggernaut phasered down some drones, but ran out of phasers (used most on the CB at turn start) and ended up eating one, but it hit the shield. 33 points remain on the shield this turn after phasers from the bases, Fed ships, and the drone hit.

After the furious engagement, the Feds moved off in dir A toward the base, except the CB which is still going in dir F; the Juggernaut recently turned to B. The Juggernaut has only two RA P4s remaining to fire, having used everything else on the CB or on drones, and the Feds are pretty much empty too, being it's a reload turn on the photons and everyone fired their rear facing phasers already.

Overall though Rich now has a choice. Further engagements will certainly lead to destroyed ships. The Juggernaut's combat power is still not significantly impaired, whereas the Feds have two cruisers right on the edge of crippled and moderate damage to the frigate. Another 60-80 point strike would destroy or gut either the CB or the NCL at this point. Only the CS remains intact. They can disengage, abandoning the base to certain destruction; they can continue to fight, possibly defeating the Juggernaut but certainly losing ships; or they can try to dock with the base and repair themselves, but that can take a while, during which the Juggernaut will still be on the hunt.

The Juggernaut has lost its Shrieks, but the Federation is drone-impaired at this point as well.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 08:21 am: Edit Kerry: Looks like I'll be a little late today - work emergencies seriously impacting my sleap schedule. I'll be on when I wake up. Perhaps noonish, or 12:30.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 01:24 pm: Edit Just want to post my appreciation for our 'captains-for-hire' that are flying these long battles. I know they can get tedious and difficult at times. I hope you are having fun, and appreciate you helping the campaign move forward by flying them!

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 03:51 pm: Edit Sheap on waiting, sent you an Email so let me know.


By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 04:03 pm: Edit Any expected Farstar activity today or tomorrow?

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 04:33 pm: Edit Ted and I squeezed another turn of Intercept in, getting to 3.32... I'll let him report on it when he gets time.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 05:26 pm: Edit Yeah me and Sheap were supposed to be playing 4 hours ago, but I think juggernaught wore him out last night so we'll start when he gets up and is ready to play.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 08:14 pm: Edit OK, that was fun.

So my company has this wacky idea that starting in late October, nobody is allowed to make any changes to anything until after Christmas.

This results in a mad rush to get everything done at the last minute. Although I had all my *planned* stuff done, there are apparently certain other things that only I can do. This means I get paged. Over and over. Then dragged in. And it all has to be done by yesterday, heh.

So anyway, my apologies for not attending the battle today.

Maybe I can be on in a little while, if you're still around. Don't wait up.

And I should not have agreed to fly two battles at once. I end up having to cancel about half the time. I won't do that again.

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 08:40 pm: Edit Battle Report: Intercept!

We played out turn 3. I ran away and slowly swung around back into him. My launched Pl-F destroyed the F5C boom - so it is gone for good now (LWO is still on board the BT, though). The Klink BT, D6D, and F5S fled for a while to outrun 2*S-torps while the C8K pursued for a while. I eventually hit for 7 damage on the #4 with two S torps, though he did use up a lot of ph-3 shots to chew them up.

The C8 achieved range 15 and hit with 5/6 disrupters for 15 damage on the #3 of the BDD Revenge. The C8 then turned off while the BT turned in. The BT fired its 8 disrupters at range 20 at the SPC, hitting with *all* of them for 16 damage on the #2 of the SPC (which now has damaged #2 and #6 shields). On imp 32 I fired 20*ph-1 at the C8's #2, doing 27 damage. I did 19 shield hits after reinforcement.

Naturally, he's launched a lot of drones. I will have to swim through them to get to him. Currently, he's approaching me on the oblique (his #2) and he is crossing my T (#1).

Battle to continue...

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 08:52 pm: Edit Minor corrections: The BT7K took 4 to the #4 after reinforcement; the C8K hit with 4/6 disruptors and did 12 to the BDD Revenge's #3. ;)

At least, if I remember right.

By Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 11:10 pm: Edit Just to let Sheap know, I appreciate him taking on the Colony 8 battle. I'm certain he's doing a better job than I could've. So thanks for being willing to take time out of a very busy schedule to help out. :3

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Monday, October 20, 2008 - 02:15 am: Edit Cartman's Juggernaut played through turn 7. This was an uneventful period in the game.

The last half of turn 6 was spent with the Fed ships moving toward the base and the Juggernaut moving to stay out around range 25-26. A drone launched from the MRS hit the Juggernaut for 12, but it was absorbed by the shield. Juggernaut ended turn with 21 points remaining on the shield, and no further fire was exchanged. FFG fixed its damaged warp engine as AWR and the Juggernaut repaired a P3.

Turn 7 both sides desperately needed a reload turn - the Feds to recharge photons and reload their drone racks (assuming they have any ammo left), and the Juggernaut to recharge phasers. The Feds went slow and the damaged CB and NCL moved into the base's hex at end of turn. The base launched its MRS, now repaired. The FFG and CS circled the planet again. End of turn, the CB and NCL repaired some APR and the FFG fixed a box on its down #6 shield. The Juggernaut fixed 4 boxes on the #1 armor, its P4 (full strength), and a second P3. No fire exchanged this turn except that the Juggernaut shot down a type-IV drone that was nearby.

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Monday, October 20, 2008 - 09:20 am: Edit Played turn 8 in Requiem.

Tom melted another DW (the Osprey) with PPDs and killed two DefSats with envelopers. I did.... squat. Slaughter to continue later.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Monday, October 20, 2008 - 12:53 pm: Edit (IC)

Hydran Admiral, Shakespeare Sector:

After careful consideration, and based upon the recommendation of the Station Shakespeare commander (W. Disney, Commodore), Star Fleet has decided to permit your FCR supply mission through the Shakespeare system, and into Peladine space to resupply your LNH "S2U."

However, we wish to express both our dismay and our displeasure at the Peladine attack on a neutral power (the Kzinti). Especially in light of the fact that, while you are not a combatant, you have indicated support for this unwarranted attack. This is made all the more concerning since it appears, based on the forces sent, that the Lyrans are also very much involved in this attack and, different than the Peladine, have shown themselves to be politically unreliable. You appear to be allied with these two at-war powers.

Therefore, while we will allow this transit (and see below), we do so because you have expressly indicated that it is a re-supply mission only for your LNH ship operating in Peladine space. It is not within the unique role of the Shakespeare system to prohibit such traffic, especially when the Peladine have also expressely authorized it.

The decision to make this announcement public was unilaterally made by the Federation to allow the Kzinti knowledge of Hydran activities that may indirectly (and hopefully not directly) impact them.

Please note that this permission is granted for just this one transit, and cannot and will not be accepted as precedent for any later requests from you or anyone else. Each request will be judged on a case-by-case basis, with the primary factor being the security of the system, and of the Federation.

Since permission is granted, please refer to the previously sent protocols for warships in the Shakespeare system. These protocols MUST be exactly adhered to. Any deviation or otherwise threatening or offensive behavior will result in immediate revocation of permission to transit the system, and may result in further penalties authorized by the Shakespeare Colony, Peladine Republic, and/or the United Federation of Planets.

Lastly, if you wish to rest at Shakespeare station or the colony itself during your transit(instead of remaining outside the system), you are welcome to do so. You will have to submit the ship for inspection while obeying all other protocols. I understand that, while our restrictions are severe, Shakespeare has the finest recreational facilities in the quadrant, and are capable of supporting (and providing entertainment for) a wide variety of species, including Hydran.

Please contact Commodore Disney if you wish to book a stay.

(OOC) Jon, let me know if you need to know anything else.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Monday, October 20, 2008 - 01:45 pm: Edit Sheap mind sending me a time when you wish to pick up our battle then?

As well was there an opponenet for the KZI/Lyran battle so I can start on it(JGray??). Just want to keep forward progress going on all these.


By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Monday, October 20, 2008 - 02:08 pm: Edit Can't do it today, only want to do tomorrow if you end up booked other days.

Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday would all be good.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Monday, October 20, 2008 - 02:21 pm: Edit So let's try wed then?

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Monday, October 20, 2008 - 03:47 pm: Edit Wednesday is good. I can do 6pm or later, Pacific time. And I promise not to flake!

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Monday, October 20, 2008 - 04:37 pm: Edit K see you at 6 pm pacific wed night then.

Kerry By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 12:02 am: Edit Cartman's Juggernaut cancelled tonight. Bill was tied up at work. We'll try again Thursday night.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 09:48 am: Edit "was"

You make that sound like past tense

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 12:34 pm: Edit

Border collies won't let you leave the field?

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 12:46 pm: Edit

Curse those "Sheap" dogs anyway...

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 03:44 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Counting Coup at Colony-7 Between a Rock and a Hard Place Red Star Rising

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: Requiem for a Homeworld Intercept! Cartman's Juggernaut The Peladine Press On

BATTLES COMPLETED: Ruin at Remus-3 No Sanctuary The Tortoise and the Hellcat Hijinks Around the Hypermass

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 03:44 pm: Edit GORN CAPTAIN NEEDED!

As Peter has had to bow out due to real-life stuff, we need a Gorn captain to fly "Red Star Rising" (above) against the Andros.

Interested parties post here!

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 04:52 pm: Edit ENGARDE AT ETTINHEIM Returning in force to deal with the Andromedan Cobra that defeated them before in the Ettinheim system, the Klingons are joined by an Orion mercenary - which is fortunate, as the Andromedans brought a friend, too...

KLINGON FLEET: Orion DW Nazgul (w/Ion Cannon and 2xDisr-22); E4B Trustworthy, E4B Keeper, E4B Devoted.


Both sides start at WS-III, speed-max, with the Andros holding the center field.

John (the Klingon Admiral) and I plan to fly this tabletop on Friday.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 04:53 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Counting Coup at Colony-7 Between a Rock and a Hard Place Red Star Rising Engarde at Ettinheim

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: Requiem for a Homeworld Intercept! Cartman's Juggernaut The Peladine Press On

BATTLES COMPLETED: Ruin at Remus-3 No Sanctuary The Tortoise and the Hellcat Hijinks Around the Hypermass

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 05:58 pm: Edit I'll take a crack at being the Gorn for Red Star Rising, if the Gorn admiral doesn't mind. I've only got one more midterm this week, so that won't be much of a problem.

By John Trauger (Vorlonagent) on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 07:49 pm: Edit Good luck to the Klinks.

They're gonna need it.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 08:05 pm: Edit Jon: Works for me. As the Gorn admiral is even slower responding than his namesake, go ahead and get started.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 10:54 pm: Edit So, who am I playing against, and would Sunday evening, say at 7PM be good for a start time?

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 11:42 pm: Edit I'm curious of the delay of the continuation, "The Peladine Press On".

Inquiring Peladine minds want to know. Especially the Queen's.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Thursday, October 23, 2008 - 12:04 am: Edit For "The Peladine Press ON" I am guessing Sheap is having work woes. We were scheduled to play all day sat(he got called into work) and tonight(3 hrs ago) but I have heard nothing from him about missing tonight.

We are on 3.16.

So Sheap tell me when you are free. I can probably do after 8pm pacific on friday and anytime saturday. Let me know what schedule works for you.


By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Thursday, October 23, 2008 - 01:42 am: Edit Jon

I guess you will be playing me. Sunday, 7:00 pm, your time is fine... just which time zone are you in (CST, PST, etc.)


By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Thursday, October 23, 2008 - 02:07 am: Edit Mountain. Looks like I have a few units to put into play, so I may take a little longer in setup. I may just open a game early and do setup beforehand.

By Marc Baluda (Marc) on Friday, October 24, 2008 - 01:51 am: Edit Federation Ambassador:

The Lyran Empire is most grateful for your patience with our transgressions. With that said, we feel compelled to note that you label us "politically unreliable." This is ignorant.

We have never broken a treaty. We have taken actions which we have not disclaimed . . . but we have never failed to live up to an obligation or a promise. Our allies can count on us, and any government who chooses not to ally with us cannot. That is a most reliable condition. You cannot cite one instance of our violation of a treaty's terms. You stand corrected.

Perhaps what is unreliable is the commitment the Federation made to the Coalition?

But this is unfair to your people. Changes in Administration arise as a result of the pendulum that swings with the whims of the democratic masses and a failed political system. You will evolve, in time, to appreciate the discipline, grace and security of a new system of government. There are no great political shifts to debate - simply succession of the dominant, be it by guile or by fire. But this is most reliable.

We are indebted to your people for your forbearance. We will assist when adversity arises, and such adversity will prove our reliability.

Lyran Ambassador to the Great and Democratic Federation of Planets

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Friday, October 24, 2008 - 04:18 am: Edit My deepest apologies for not showing up on Wednesday. I thought I would make it, but I fell asleep on the floor. At work. Heh.

Let's shoot for Saturday. I have the whole day, and I mean that. I *might* be able to play tonight (Friday) but really it's hit or miss and with me lately that has usually turned into a miss.

In other news: Turn 8 and the first half of turn 9 played in Juggernaut.

Turn 8, nothing happened. The Fed ships piddled around near the base. Both the CB and the NCL were in position to dock, but only the CB actually did. Of course docking takes the whole turn so the CB was not considered docked, but basically just sat still the whole turn doing nothing. Juggernaut stayed out at R26+. End of turn events were the most interesting part of the turn, as the NCL repaired a lab(!), the CB repaired an APR, and the FFG repaired a shield box. The Juggernaut repaired four more front armor and used EDR to repair a whopping six engine boxes, all successful. Now there are only two points of engine damage, plus all P4s operable, and eight points of armor back on the #1. Juggernaut is again in fighting shape (albeit with only half its fluff, three CDR used and damaged armor all down the left side).

Turn 9, the Feds plotted VERY slow speed (3 or 4 for all ships except the CB, which is docked this turn), with high or max ECM. Juggernaut has 70 points of shield and no EW, plotted speed 10, but then suddenly jumped up to 26 and turned in. Impulse 11, the Feds launched two shuttles (the third of four from the base, and the last one from the CS). The Juggernaut killed one with 2P4 at R17 which turned out to be a scatterpack, has ignored the other one so far which is probably a scatterpack too as the base has a fair supply of drone ammo on board.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Friday, October 24, 2008 - 11:45 am: Edit Well then how about we start at 10:30 am pacific on saturday. If this is not OK then let me know otehrwise I will be online at that time.


By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, October 24, 2008 - 06:01 pm: Edit BATTLE REPORT:


Turn 1, the Andros started near the planet and came out at speed-30. The Klinks ran at speed-20, Orion DW not doubling. The Klingons fired 6 disruptors at R15, doing a leak point to the COB and putting 17 in the panels. They then turned off and began to slip out, as the DW came in and fired as well. Less luck, she hit with 1 Disr. and the Ion Cannon missed. Then she turned out too. The Andros pressed on, swimming past the speed-20 drones the Klinks had thrown out. They were able to get R5 on the Orion and fired 2 TRHs, 2 TRLs, and 7 Ph-2s at the DW's #5 shield. Blowing it down, they scored 27 in, crippling the Orion, then turned off and ran.

T2, the Andros went 20 and did their best to reload. The Klinks came in and made another shot, this time hammering the COB's aft panels. 3 hull leaks were scored as they fired their disruptors in volleys of 2. The Orion DW doubled an engine to keep her distance, and did some repairs, but was in sad shape.

T3, the Andros looped back around and pressed, having to use phasers on drones. They got R8 on the E4s, but could get no closer due to drones. Firing all TRs and bearing phasers, they scored 12 in on the E4B Trustworthy. They then turned off and beamed out a T-bomb, which caught all three SPs the Klinks had launched. The Klinks put more pain on the COB, but this time rolled poorly, and it was able to repair 1 box of hull.

T4, The Andros ran again, this time though only at speed-15, having opened up the distance (and gasping for breath). The Klinks followed at 18 or so, and again fired at the COB, keeping those panels full (but failing to leak). One E4 had to fire at the COQ as the range kept it from firing at the COB, and it put 6 into the COQ's aft panels. T5, The Andros turned around for a battle pass, plotting 30/20 split, but the Klingons anticipated this and ran hard all turn to keep the range open. They got a shot in at the COB, hitting the front panels this time. The Orion was cruising near the top of the map, nothing doubled, still trying to make repairs. The COQ hit it with a DizzyDev, pulling it closer to the onrushing Andros.

T6, the Andros blitzed in at 30. The E4s fired at the COB with 4 disruptors, but hit average and failed to do internals. The Orion turned and ran, but at speed-16, no doubling, she couldn't get there before the Andros took a R5 shot (R7 on the COB). The stealth bonus and the ECM from not having active fire control saved her, as the COQ was literally dry and had no more reserve power to do more than make it a 1-shift. The Andros gutted her down to a handful of boxes, and then turned off. The DW ran off the map, and with the COB still holding together, and one E4 gimped, the Klingons disengaged rather than face another barrage.

Had they pressed on they might have bagged the COB (its panels were degraded and close to full front AND back), but likely would have lost at least 1 E4 doing so, and would have been unable to deal with the COQ in any case.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, October 24, 2008 - 06:17 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Counting Coup at Colony-7 Between a Rock and a Hard Place Red Star Rising

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: Requiem for a Homeworld Intercept! Cartman's Juggernaut The Peladine Press On

BATTLES COMPLETED: Ruin at Remus-3 No Sanctuary The Tortoise and the Hellcat Hijinks Around the Hypermass Engarde at Ettinheim

By John Trauger (Vorlonagent) on Friday, October 24, 2008 - 06:34 pm: Edit Engarde at Ettinheim

Could the COQ have taken the COB on board? I know the COQ has only one space of hangar but IIRC each space is enough for a medium size satship.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, October 24, 2008 - 06:46 pm: Edit Yes, although the COQ was sucking wind and 4 points of power to recover the COB would have really hurt. Also, (G19.25) states that a mothership can absorb energy from a sat ship's "destroyed" PA panel, but says nothing about the sat ship being able to release power to the mothership by dropping panels that way... and of course, it can't dissipate while in the hanger.

By John Trauger (Vorlonagent) on Friday, October 24, 2008 - 07:14 pm: Edit I thought a mothership could absorb released energy from a satship regardless of the reason for the released power.

The COB would have to fill any empty panel and battery space first...

Unfortunatley I'm at work and have no rules handy. there should be definite language somewhere, probably in the satship rules.

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Friday, October 24, 2008 - 07:38 pm: Edit John, I've posted a question relating to that on the SFB Q&A thread. I did a little research . . .

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Friday, October 24, 2008 - 07:42 pm: Edit I am pretty sure this interaction is defined in the rules but I don't remember what the rules say. I will look it up when I get home.

By John Carroll (Jcwl) on Friday, October 24, 2008 - 08:21 pm: Edit Press release from His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Klothar IV, Emperor of All the Klingons:

This day, over Ettenheim, forces of the Klingon Deep Space Fleet and an allied Orion vessel, engaged forces of the Andromedans. Despite their valor and skill, they met defeat at the hands of this extragalactic menace. No fault attachs itself to the brave warriors that enagaed the foe this day.

Upon review of such information as is available it has become painfully obvious that the usefulness of the E4 series of frigates has declined to the point where their relevance in modern space warfare is seriously in doubt. We direct the Naval Designs Bureau to either develop a refit that makes the E4 series combat effective again or to develop a replacement for the E4. We decree that the prototype that results from this effort MUST be in the stocks building within 6 months at the latest. We further direct the Naval Designs Bureau to update the Klingon fighter fleet to improve its combat effectiveness as well.

As our brave Warriors face this new foe, which uses systems and tactics unlike those of any other force we have ever faced, we must provide them with tools adequate to the task.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, October 25, 2008 - 01:51 pm: Edit So, it looks as if the COQ could have beamed the COB back aboard and saved it from death. Of course that's irrelevant now as the Klinks disengaged; but I shall keep note for future battles.

The COQ really *was* dry as a bone, though. I think I had 2 points in batteries left. Beaming the COB aboard would have probably meant forgoing arming the TRHs, at least for one turn. But, given the way it could have worked, probably worth it.

By my (new) understanding of the rules, the COB could have been beamed aboard, then flushed its panels. The energy then would go to the COQ's panels, which could in turn be flushed (by turning them off) and used to refill the batteries.

Of course, to do that, I'd have to get clear of those sniping disruptors (the main reason the COB never pulled a "panel flush" during the game).

By Paul Franz (Andromedan) on Saturday, October 25, 2008 - 02:03 pm: Edit Dale, The tough part is getting the COB to slow down to be under speed 10 for the required length of time.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, October 25, 2008 - 02:35 pm: Edit Yes, that would have been a problem.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Saturday, October 25, 2008 - 05:04 pm: Edit yeah an ED solves that prob in 2 imps

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Saturday, October 25, 2008 - 05:30 pm: Edit Peladine Press On ends in disaster for the Kzinti.

CVS attacked only to be surprised by a sudden speed increase by the DD-class ships. It fired at the DD, scoring about 30 points, with some long range sniper fire from the MEC chipping in another 4-ish internals. But incoming plasma torpedoes pelted the CVS to death, with it eventually needing to be finished off by the MEC to prevent its capture. Other Kzinti ships/fighters/etc fled the scene in shame (except the freighter, too slow to get away).

Bottom line, I botched the battle. The Peladine were certainly advantaged, first in terms of BPV, second in terms of simply being the Peladine, which are way too strong. But basically I ended up putting too much effort into simply operating the battle and not enough left over to command the battle.

After last session I was pretty much doomed as I had no way to get away from the oncoming plasma... this session I did what I could but it just wasn't enough.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Saturday, October 25, 2008 - 05:47 pm: Edit Peladine presses on: T 3,16 CVS is at R5-8 of a spd 14 DD and spd 28 DW. Both ships launch all real and psuedo torps, KZI dances not knowing which are real or psuedo. Ends up taking damage to 3 shields. I was able to put a pair of tbombs into his way as well and then used batts on my big ships to reach range 3 on DN and R8 with the BC.

While torps were impacting I fired the p1's on all ships and then bolted some 4 Ftorps(hit with 1). Then at R3 I was able to get another 15 p2's into the CVS. It ended up taking 94 from launched torps and another 70 or so from phasers. By end of turn it had 2 apr, shuttles, and tracs left. I was unable to prevent self destruction but all the rest bugged out except for the freighter who couldn't reach the board edge in time..

DW took 15 or so ints but only lost 4 power and 2 phasers outa it. The MEC coulda sacrificed itslef to ensure self destruction but Sheap went with the roll to save the MEC.

By Paul Franz (Andromedan) on Saturday, October 25, 2008 - 06:53 pm: Edit Kerry, Actually ED does not solve the issue in 2 impulses. Yes, it can help recover more quickly. But G19.442 says "The Sat Ship cannot exceed a practical speed of 10 during the complete turn (32 impulses) after it is launched or for 16 impulses before it is recovered"

So the COB could have ED'd but then it has to be dead in space for 16 impulses while the COQ needs to circle the wagons waiting for the 16 impulses to be up.

The big problem is that you have the Klingons nice and close and they are not just sitting around doing nothing. Can we say dead meat.

So if the mothership needs to recover its Sat Ship usually it is best to plan for it near the beginning of the turn. Having the Sat Ship go speed 10 and the mothership slow down also, to keep within 5 hexes and have a speed change plotted for later in the turn.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Saturday, October 25, 2008 - 07:40 pm: Edit Paul that's totally true. So if you are being chased planning spd 10 is best, so is DDing it 6 or more hexes forward to facilitate it. Most of the time though you can arrange for pickup after an attack run so the opponents should have some distance to cover.

Of course it is a cobra so dieing is generally its purpose . Now Pressing is finished is there an opponent for Counting Coup at Colony-7? Just want to get it started as it is a heavy drone battle as well so it may take some time.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, October 26, 2008 - 12:49 am: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Counting Coup at Colony-7 Between a Rock and a Hard Place Red Star Rising

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: Requiem for a Homeworld Intercept! Cartman's Juggernaut

BATTLES COMPLETED: Ruin at Remus-3 No Sanctuary The Tortoise and the Hellcat Hijinks Around the Hypermass Engarde at Ettinheim The Peladine Press On

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, October 26, 2008 - 12:51 am: Edit Kerry: I believe you were slated to fly the Lyrans in "Counting Coup". Do we have a Kzinti captain lined up?

Sheap: You interested in flying the Kzinti again?

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Sunday, October 26, 2008 - 01:13 am: Edit Yep Dale I am slated in as the lyrans. I thought Mischa stated earlier that he wished Jeremy to play the KZI. It does not matter to me who plays them as long as we can get a schedule that works for both of us.

Again I am mainly 6:30-12 pm central and open most weekends. Obviously I am a poor day captain as I have no availability. If that works for anyone then cool. Sheaps schedule worked fine for me if he wishes to go again with an added 15 drones racks on his side.

As well this one looks like the most drones I have seen yet so it may be slow going due to moving 50+ drones around, but it looks like a good force match-up.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Sunday, October 26, 2008 - 02:30 am: Edit Well. I am not sure Mischa will trust me with his ships again after the debacle of the last battle (this is why I prefer the monster battles - if I botch it, it doesn't really matter!). If so, then I will fly it but ONLY after the Juggernaut battle is complete. I think two battles at once is too much for me to play. So if Jeremy wants it, I'm all for that.

That said, I think with the new target arrows I could play essentially an unlimited number of drones at this point with no trouble. Fighters are still a bit of work although this battle doesn't have those.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Sunday, October 26, 2008 - 08:28 am: Edit Gents, I'm happy to fly a battle, but I'm spending a lot of long hours at work lately - might impact availability.

I can probably play from 8-11 pm EST most weeknights in the coming couple of weeks (11pm being a drop dead time - I'm back up at 5am). Friday is an obvious exception. My available weekends over the next few weeks are also limited: 2 Nov, 8-9 Nov, and 16 Nov are the only weekend days I'm likely to be available between now and Thanksgiving.

Again, I'm happy to get started on a battle, it may just take a while to finish (and the onion peeling contest in Iconia is still lurking out there too).

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, October 26, 2008 - 03:13 pm: Edit Guys, I have no preference for a captain between you. Sheap, you are a good player, and you can't win them all. I am sure Mischa would not complain.

Campaigns are a great thing in that you CARE about the ramifications of battles. They can also be a BAD thing for the same reason. Nobody should ever get bent out of shape at a freelance captain for doing his best and losing the field. Likewise, a freelance captain shouldn't walk around with the "hubcap of shame" around his neck if he loses one.

I am not speaking of Mischa, but rather all the Admirals. If you can't unclenche on that, then you should fly it yourself.

"Serious campaign battle" or not, the point of a GAME is FUN.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, October 26, 2008 - 03:15 pm: Edit That said, since Sheap wants to wait until after the Juggernaut battle, IF Kerry's schedule can match up with Jeremy's, AND you guys can make it work, feel free to get started.

Jeremy, if you're going to fly the Zin, you might want to check out this new 'target arrow' feature Sheap is talking about, I hear it's nifty.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Sunday, October 26, 2008 - 09:35 pm: Edit Oh, Mischa hasn't said anything to me about losing the battle. We agreed up front that it was probably a losing battle. I just feel bad for losing it in such an embarrassing way, that is, getting a carrier blown up with nothing to show for it (although, granted, there have certainly been worse disasters in the history of war, heh). Partly it is because I made a couple of really obvious blunders and one or two subtler mistakes that I still think I should not have made.

Anyway, I don't think it's a huge deal. I just feel sheapish. Moving on now

And I will be happy to fly the other Kzinti battle but really, my schedule won't permit it until after Juggernaut is over. That would be true regardless.

Also, target arrows are fantastic. Klingon, Kzinti, and Federation commanders rejoice.

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Sunday, October 26, 2008 - 11:10 pm: Edit What are target arrows?

By Paul Franz (Andromedan) on Sunday, October 26, 2008 - 11:46 pm: Edit Target arrows are a new feature just added to the latest SFU Online Client. When a seeking weapon is highlighted it will show an arrow to the target (if the target it known).

Sample showing a target arrow

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Sunday, October 26, 2008 - 11:55 pm: Edit Cool! But isn't that drone out of arc?

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Sunday, October 26, 2008 - 11:56 pm: Edit I think they are arrows that show what target direction it is.ie when you have 50- 70 drones out knowing what each drone is targetted on and the direction it's heading makes it easier for the drone user.

Well if Jeremy wants the battle how about we start on tuesday then at 8 pm east? I pretty much do not mind doing every day so if Jeremey is it OK to do tues-thur then from 8-11 east?

Jeremy let me konow your weekend avail as I am open except for sun morn. If friday am is good for you as well I have this friday off from my gaming group so I can play anytime after 6 pm friday til anytime sat so whatever works for you during that time I can adjust my schedule to fit.

Obviously if Mischa wishes for anything differnt just let me know and I'll fight whoever he gets in the KZI chair. The battle looks to be very tight for hte first 5 turns til reloads are done or if Mishca has gone to the Y175 refit the first 7-8 turns will be tight. These are the kind of battles I like where the fleets are close in firepower and rolls/strategy makes a difference.


By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Monday, October 27, 2008 - 12:43 am: Edit To use the target arrows make sure you updated to the latest client. There was a client out for a while that has target arrows but damage allocation is broken. But the latest version fixes the damage problem.

One thing I am already doing: Add some extra "seeking weapons" (maybe just shuttles) to the map in some out of the way corner and target them each on one enemy ship. Then I can assign them to F-keys and quickly see where enemy ships are on the map with keyboard shortcuts. (The keyboard shortcut selects the "seeking weapon" and then the big arrow points right to the enemy ship). This makes it easy to find enemy ships that might be buried under mounds of drones or whatever.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Monday, October 27, 2008 - 01:14 am: Edit Turn 9 of Juggernaut complete.

The first half had already been played; the second half involved some sniping as the Juggernaut broke off its charge and headed up in dir A.

The base hit the Juggernaut with 6 OEW, which is annoying. Between OEW, generated EW, ECM drones and lent EW, the Juggernaut basically can't do anything without a 2- or 3-shift.

The Juggernaut smoked an F7 with a P4 and crippled another with 2P1, but not before the F7s all launched their second type-VI drones. These finished the turn two hexes behind the Juggernaut.

The Juggernaut then fired a P4 at the CS, but rolled a 6 and after the 3-shift this resulted in only 1 damage being done, which was reinforced away. On 31, the Juggernaut turned to B, putting its RA P4s on the FFG's damaged #6 shield and fired, scoring 6 points, which knocked down the repaired shield and did three internals: warp, battery, hull. That's the last of the hull. Some more split shield fire from the base, NCL, and fighters managed to score a combined 10 points to the #5 and #6 armor of the Juggernaut, which are both now pretty ragged, but still exist.

EOT the Juggernaut repaired another P3; that's four CDR repairs now. The CB repaired two boxes on the #1 shield and the base repaired drone, two impulse, two battery on the CB (but these are G17 repairs, which fall apart at the end of the scenario). The NCL made an EDR attempt, but rolled badly and only managed to fix one right warp.

Next turn... more smiting! This turn the Juggernaut has the initiative!

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Monday, October 27, 2008 - 08:57 pm: Edit Kerry, I'm should be available to fly the Kzinti tomorrow night at 8pm. Can probably go again on Thursday night (same time). Dale and I are planning to start Iconia on Wed night.

Mischa, if you have any special instructions, please let me know.

By Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias) on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 12:52 am: Edit Sure, Jeremy. I assume I can send them to you by email? I'm not sure I have it myself, but I've asked Dale about it.

I'll try to send them off during the day tomorrow, probably around noonish.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 03:30 am: Edit First 16 impulses of turn 10 of Juggernaut played.

Turn started off slowly. Juggernaut went 10, Feds went 9 (for NCL) or 13 (for CS/FFG) and the CB stayed docked. Juggernaut shot down the type-VI drones from the F7s as well as 5 drones from the scatterpack (one was a type-IV with one space of armor that took 3p3 to kill). This used up all the functioning P3s plus the RA P1s and one LS P1. The base maintained 6 OEW on the Juggernaut but the Juggernaut countered with 6 ECCM.

The Fed FFG/CS launched some drones, then turned off to A. They had an unshifted R8 shot on the Juggernaut's rear but did not take it. The Juggernaut came around to F and is now about R9 from the FFG/CS, due east and maybe one or two hexes in dir A. The NCL is also going A, but is next to the base.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 10:50 am: Edit Jeremy see you tonight then, I shuold be on by 8 pm eastern.

Kerry By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 12:19 pm: Edit Guys, until such time as I get an answer in the rules question thread about XP for DefSats, count them as Heavy Fighters for XP purposes.

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 12:31 pm: Edit Red Star Rising (Turn 1.32)

(Sorry , I wasn't feeling welll yesterday and stayed offline and didn't get to post this till today)

Well Jon and I got to hack out our first turn and it went pretty good for the Andromedans so far.

The Andros started in the right-top corner of the map with the Intruder and both Cobras going spd. 30, and the Eel, two hexes behind them, at spd. 26 all turn (heading E).

The Gorns had the Basestation (with all of the pods, mods and SCD) two hexes out and off the planets #6 position; while the Monitor was on the opposite side of the planet also 2-hex away, going at spd. 14 all turn. The POL+ and the BDD were 1-hex away (off the #1 and #4 spots) traveling at spd 17 and 20,respectively; with the 2x F- ES ships were also 2-hex away (off the #5 position) making a run for it away from the battle.

Impulse 1- 18:

As the Andromedans slipped a few impulses before turning south, the Monitor eased upwards while the POL and BDD made a beeline to meet them.

Impulse 19:

I realized that if his ships continue at their present course and speed for the rest of the turn two options will play out.

I could turn back in and get a range 5 (or maybe even a range 3) on either the BDD or the POL while the Monitor was still at least 10 away from my nearest ship.

Or I continue on my present course, close to point-blank with Monitor but would have to eat a plasma sandwich from him and have his two light ships chasing my group.

I dedided to chance it. I turned back in toward the POL and BDD and into closer range of the P4s.

Impulse 28: At range 15. the Eel puts 6 O-EW onto the POL.

Impulse 32:

The Intruder does get to range 3 of both ships, with Cobra #1 directly behind him (rng 4) and Cobra #2 is off the his #5 (also rng 4). [It's a head-to-head face off and the kitchen sinks start flying.]

The Eel throws another 6 O-EW, this time on the BDD. (both ships were 17 hexes out from the BS, so they couldn't get any EW support)

The BS launches a plasma and the Monitor launches two more (rng. 10)

The POL launches a drone (... no shuttle was launched this turn)

(I forego adding EW and accept the +1 shift on both his ships, I figured that both the Base and the GBDP would be able to negate any ECM I could put up, so I didn't want to waste battery power by trying)

First up, the BS and GBDP(+1 shift for atmos.), both rng. 21, fire 5x P4s and roll really well [2, 2, 2, 3 and 1 for the GBDP] doing 14 dmg to Cobra #1. Next, the POL, fighting a +2 shift, misses with the OL photon and only 5 dmg. from the 3x P1s. Lastly, the BDD, with a +1 shift bolts all three torps and hits with just one F, but rolls well with his 6x P1s (13 dmg) bringing it up to a total of 42 onto Cobra #1's forward panel netting two hull as damage.

Then came the Andros response. The Intruder and Cobra #1 unload everything onto the POL turning it into a ball of expanding gas and taking out its drone in the process (OK... 102 damage was a bit of a overkill, but my luck with hvy. weapon rolls had always been pretty poor up until now, especially with EW shifts and I wanted to make sure the ship and the drone went away)

Cobra #2 [range 4] fires all but 2 P2s onto the BDD, bringing it forward shield down to 3 boxes. It also takes another 7 damage on it's #4 from the POL exploding (I forgot that even though the BDD had come up fom behind the POL during the last couple of impulses, since the POL is a nimble ship, it moves after the BDD and therefore was technically behind it at that point when it exploded)

Turn 2 continues Wednesday night

B^) By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 01:31 pm: Edit Hmm. Fly forward into the enemy and get blown up. Sounds like Jon's been reading your book, George!

Seriously, thanks for the report, keep 'em coming (and have fun with the battle!). Thanks to both you and Jon for helping get this done! :D

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 01:32 pm: Edit Ted, any thoughts on a good day to continue "Intercept!"?

I know you're busy. ;)

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 02:44 pm: Edit Yeah, I just started my new job. It's going great. However, I have the usual "new job" stuff. My guess is that I can play during the day for a few hours on a couple- three days next week. What's your availability?

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 03:17 pm: Edit I wasn't expecting the Pol to survive the battle anyways. I was hoping that the photon would at least hit before it got destroyed.

I know what I did wrong, and will act to rectify this situation next session.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 06:16 pm: Edit Jon: Just jerkin' yer chain there Tex. ;)

Ted: Mondays and Thursdays tend to be "less good". Tues, Wed or Friday daytime I can arrange with some notice; let me know!

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 10:45 pm: Edit Counting Coup at Colony-7 Turn 1 finished

KZI Launhed 4 ecm drones and 25 or so other drones near end of turn and launched 3 shuts on 32.

Around imp 24 fired all bearing disr into lyran CC doing 22 dam from R27(8 was reinforced away). Then turned off a few imps later, not firing any phasers.

Lyran waited for imp 32 and r22-24 to fire and barely got DWs to within R22(R23 to the SDF though). Dws fired at freshly launched shuts and pinged them. Everything else was fired at the SDF including all bearing p1's. I rolled a little better than avg and did 29 through the #2 for 15 in. The ints were weak except for 2 power, 2(of the 3 it has) control spaces and a drone.

So continueing on wed night By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 11:27 pm: Edit Ground bases aren't affected by atmosphere. Shouldn't have had that shift against the Cobra.

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - 09:18 am: Edit Ted,

We need to get back to the Romulus battle. How is this weekend looking?

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - 09:32 am: Edit Tom, I was thinking about that this morning. Let me check with WWWH and get back to you.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - 05:29 pm: Edit Kerry,

I'm going to have to back out on you tonight. Today has been hell at work, and it ain't over yet. When this pain is over, I'm going to go have a stiff drink and get some sleep.

I'll leave it up to you and Dale on who I play tomorrow night. I'd like to get Iconia started, but I wlso want to keep advancing our ball as well. You guys can flip George Duffy or something to decide who gets the honor of shooting at me tomorrow. I'm flexible.

Again, sorry I can't make it, but I'm likely to still be at work come 8pm. I wonder if I can find a cot and just sleep here?

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - 06:00 pm: Edit np at all. You can have tomorrow for iconia if you like any posibility of knocking some out over the weekend?

I am avail after 4:30 pm sat or after 1:30 pm sunday both eastern times. I think we can pretty reliably knock out a turn or more a night so it'll go pretty quickly.

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - 07:30 pm: Edit John Smith

Thanks for the input, we hadn't done EoT yet so it will be an easy fix to add the extra damage.

Dale Yeah, I guess sending him a copy via e-mil just before we played helped. *insert: EVIL GRIN here*


Thanks for thinking of me, but I'll stick with just Monsters, Pirates and Extra-

Galactic Invaders for now


By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - 08:12 pm: Edit Guys, since my time to play Jeremy is *also* Thursday and/or Sunday, it doesn't matter to me who flies what when. I know Jeremy has told me he's busy Saturday, so that's out for both of us.

If you guys will have more time Sunday to fly than I will, perhaps I should do Thurs. afternoon/evening and you two should take Sunday.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - 09:14 pm: Edit Home. Got that stiff drink. Eyeballing bed.

Thanks for understanding guys. Dale, I'll see you tomorrow evening. Kerry, I should be all systems go for Sunday at 1:30 eastern.

I wish I was back on sea duty.

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - 09:32 pm: Edit Dale, Any chance you can provide the experience info for the crews of both Peladine battles? No rush, just trying to work on my spreadsheet. Thanks.


By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - 09:45 pm: Edit Glenn,

I really don't want to get roped into calculating everyone's XP for every battle. I sent everyone a spreadsheet by Ted Fay that should allow you to calculate it yourself using the XP rules in Advanced Missions; let me know if you need me to re-send you a copy.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - 10:17 pm: Edit Rich: I don't remember if we were supposed to play tonight or not. I'm online, but work is running late. So if I'm AFK, don't be amazed.

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - 10:57 pm: Edit Dale, you're awesome. Info received.

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - 11:11 pm: Edit Jon

I thought we had a game tonight, I waited around for a couple of hours.

We can reschedule for the weekend. Just let me know what times will be good to play.


By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Thursday, October 30, 2008 - 01:14 am: Edit Turn 10 complete in Juggernaut.

Juggernaut sped up to 26 and moved in dir F to R8 of the FFG and CS, which turned off to F as well. The Juggernaut also rammed the three drones launched earlier, which did 42 damage to the shield. The Juggernaut then tried to kill the CS's ECM drone with P1s, but didn't consider (erm... know about) the ECM drone's built-in ECM and hence the ECM drone was not destroyed. Instead the Juggernaut then fired 3P4 at the CS, rolling well and knocking the shield down to 1 box, then turned to A to get the RA P4s in arc and rolled well again, scoring 15 internals on the CS, which knocked out three power, both P3s and a battery (due to the CS's massive shortage of aft hull). Juggernaut also killed another F7 with the off-side P4; now three remain in the formation (the crippled one having flown back to the base and can land next turn).

Late in the turn the Juggernaut turned back to F and the Fed ships turned to E, almost directly away from the Juggernaut. The NCL approximately formed up with the FFG and CS. The bases and F7s tried to do another split-shield thing but the Juggernaut used 6 battery for ECM and this forced all the F7s to auto-miss. The base P4s scored some damage to the shield but only 3 fired (2 BATS, 1 ground) and it didn't really matter. At EOT the Juggernaut ran over another drone, ending the turn with 40 points of shield remaining.

Repairs: Left warp as AWR for Juggernaut (5th repair), 1 shield box and photon torpedo(!) for the FFG (2nd repair), an APR for the NCL (4th repair), two labs and another impulse repaired by the base on the CB, plus two more boxes on the CB's #1 shield under D9.2.

I think this is the first time I have ever seen a frigate repair a photon torpedo. Tentative plans to resume on Friday if I don't have work and/or a halloween party.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Thursday, October 30, 2008 - 02:00 am: Edit George, I though we agreed to an afternoon, from 2-6 my time, as I had other commitments in the evening.

How are you for sunday, 7PM Mountain?

By Peter Thoenen (Eol) on Thursday, October 30, 2008 - 02:39 am: Edit


ECM drone's built-in ECM

Didn't know this one either, whats the rule ref?

By Michael Lui (Michaellui) on Thursday, October 30, 2008 - 02:50 am: Edit FD9.12

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Thursday, October 30, 2008 - 02:53 am: Edit I assume he means that it loans to both itself and it's target. I don't know if any rule that gives it extra ECM for itself.

By Marc Baluda (Marc) on Thursday, October 30, 2008 - 12:57 pm: Edit I was not aware that an ECM drone receives it's own generated ECM. I know that you can use an ECM drone to escort other drones, thereby providing them with ECM. I'll have to review FD9.12.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, October 30, 2008 - 02:01 pm: Edit Guys, please keep in mind my policy on "do-overs". That is, we don't do them. So, if this turns out to have been a rules mistake, apply it to future games/turns, but no going back and inflicting more damage on the CS, for example.

It is the responsbility of both parties to get the rules right; and if a mistake is made, move on and deal with it. ;)

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Thursday, October 30, 2008 - 02:09 pm: Edit No do-over needed here. I fired, rolled dice, then while calculating damage Rich pointed out the rule and I said "curses." But I am pretty sure we played it right.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, October 31, 2008 - 12:31 am: Edit Got through 3 turns of Iconia.

I'll let Jeremy add his recollections, but basically, the Roms came out and lobbed plasma - 1 Enveoped R, 3x Enveloped Gs, 3x standard Gs. The Thols fired photons as proxes and did 12 to the #1 of the KE. Then the Roms turned off, and they fired the Kitchen Sink into the #6 of the BH Nightwing. Rolling INCREDIBLY well, they tore it up bad.

The base and ground bases fired Ph-4s doing 7 to the #1 of one of the DDPs.

T2, they fired off another bunch of phasers and disruptors as the Nightwing was fading out, doing an additional 9 in.

The BHs and KE faded out and turned off. The Thols ran out the plasma (without IDing the standard Gs), then turned back in. The BATS and GBDPs did another 7 to the #1 of the same DDP.

T3, the Nightwing no longer had enough power to reach the base AND cloak, so she faded in and ran for it. The other ships remained under cloak. Again the Thols fired and rolled INCREDIBLY well, doing 11 in after blowing down the fresh #4 shield. They then turned off, and the BATS/GBDPS did 7 more to the #4 of the same DDP.

The Nightwing reached the base a gutted wreck, and managed to turn a fresh shield to the Thols. She only has 2 power left, but it will be enough to power the shields while she docks for repairs. Meanwhile, the KE and remaing BH & BHB have moved out towards the receding Thols, and next turn will have plasma ready.

The Roms have their fighters in the air, but so far they've just been doing circles around the base, a deterrant to any close-range fu the Thols might try.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Saturday, November 01, 2008 - 05:43 am: Edit 17 impulses of turn 11 played in Juggernaut.

The Juggernaut went speed 10, the Feds went slow also, about 7-9 for all their ships. The CS/FFG turned to D and headed back toward the planet, the NCL, which was feeling its cheerioats, turned up to A to face the Juggernaut alone. Everybody including the MRSs launched drones, total of five.

Because of the angles, the Juggernaut could not keep the base phasers and the NCL on the same shield arc and, although the shield swung wildly back and forth stopping damage, the NCL managed to plant a 16-point photon squarely in the nose of the Juggernaut, scoring 10 internals, which included two power, a ph-3 and three control (scoring on the shield generator, and leaving a general shortage of control boxes overall, though uncontrollage is not an immediate problem). Out of 61 total internals scored on the Juggernaut so far, there have been 7 control/shield hits but only 23 cargo/hull hits, and not a single sensor or scanner hit. The CS chipped in three points of long range phasers, which reduced the #6 armor to two boxes, and the BATS chipped in two standard photons at R12, which missed.

The Juggernaut returned fire with 3P4 at R5, firing into a 2-shift, but no matter how you slice it this was going to do some damage. It knocked out the NCL's #2 shield and did nine internals, then the Juggernaut HET'ed 180 degrees and fired the other 3P4, which left the NCL a wreck with three power, two control, a photon torpedo, and of course the probe remaining (which it is now eligible to arm as a weapon... heh), but no excess damage hits were scored. The Juggernaut then accelerated up to 15 away from the Fed everything and is now 2-4 hexes away from the pursuing drones.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, November 02, 2008 - 01:35 am: Edit KOMBAT AT KYTHANIL

Patrolling in the ISC system of Kythanil, a pair of ISC destroyers are surprised by the arrival of an Orion heavy battle raider! Hails to the incoming Orion go unanswered, and the battle is joined...

ISC FLEET: DD- Hunter, DD- Rovillar


The ISC hold the center of the map near the planet, with the Orion coming in from the corner. Both sides WS-III, speed-max.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, November 02, 2008 - 01:36 am: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Kombat at Kythanil

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: Requiem for a Homeworld Intercept! Cartman's Juggernaut Counting Coup at Colony-7 Red Star Rising Between a Rock and a Hard Place

BATTLES COMPLETED: Ruin at Remus-3 No Sanctuary The Tortoise and the Hellcat Hijinks Around the Hypermass Engarde at Ettinheim The Peladine Press On

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Sunday, November 02, 2008 - 04:52 am: Edit Juggernaut played through 13.24. Recollections fuzzy, but basically: * Juggernaut hit the NCL with 2 more P4 at long range, knocking out all the power. * The CB finally undocked from the base after a long series of repairs * Much Star Fleet Lawyers was played regarding EDR rules, then shuttlebay rules * The Juggernaut attempted to fly around behind the CB on its undocking turn and strike it in the down #4 shield, but came up a couple hexes short and had to break off the charge due to oncoming CS/FFG plus a scatterpack in the face. CB still only at speed 1 however.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Sunday, November 02, 2008 - 08:55 am: Edit Kerry,

I'm still good for 1:30 today. See you then.


By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Sunday, November 02, 2008 - 06:57 pm: Edit Counting Coup finished up

T2 we close to R14 ish and each unload on another. I dangled my SR out and it did great. First it OEW hit 3 of his ships and then I grabbed all ecm drones at the right time. It was able to take the BT fire on one impulse(leaving a 1 pt shield) and then turn off. After turning the CLs had a crappy shot on the SR so lit up my DWL for 8 or so ints.

Lyrans hit one CL with alpha for 44 ints on average rolls. After the ints it had like 10 power, 2 p3s, 3 drones, 3 disr.

KZI had drones close in and I had launched some shuts earlier for defense(4) and they and the MRS Chewed through some, as well a pair of tbombs were able to get 10 from the ship launches. By EOT I had some 6 ship launched R5 to ships with 3 scatters at R11 or so and ship launches at R20(with only about half the ships launched drones). We and around R19 with the lyrans on the KZI #1 and being in lyran #3.

T3 I had a full 40 or so drones incoming and he had further ships launches to back em. I was really concerned with an overrun especially as imp 1 KZI were going spd 24. I had plotted a slow turn around with SC3's and the DWs doing a 12/19 plot.

Using all ESGs, 4 tbombs, and non-p1's on most ships let me hack through the wave. He came to R15 of the SR and again got hit with OEW, but by blowing batts and using all his channels he got it down to no shift on all but a CL. His fire did 21 ints through the fresh #3 killing some phasers but hitting a ton of fluff, LYR SR is just a beast on fluff. After he turned off(to basically allow him to get close to the board edge), I was able to hit his CLC with 40 ints around imp 25. As the CLC has a little more meat it has like 14 power left but still was a wreck. By turn end he could just reach the edge so they took off.

This lyran force is pretty fierce as it just has a ton of phasers and a great power curve. The KZI CL is just the opposite otehr than having drones, it has a weak curve, and shielding. KZI BT did a great job.

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Sunday, November 02, 2008 - 07:23 pm: Edit JonB

It was my mistake earlier in the week, I misread the time. I'll be online for the rest of the night and will be availble at 7:00 MST


By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Sunday, November 02, 2008 - 07:29 pm: Edit Agree with everything Kerry said. The Kzinti force was just falling behind in the damage department and it was clear after two of the CL hulls got hammered that this was not going to end up in the Kzinti's favor, so I bailed out before I got anything killed. The ships should (barely) be repairable, but if I had hung out for another turn or two, the BT and CD were going to find themselves fighting a Lyran fleet on their own. I was making nice progress at banging down a lot of Lyran shields and getting some internals, but it just didn't match up with the heavy hits the little guys were taking.

This Kzinti fleet is probably an outstanding group defending a fixed point, but they had a hard time fighting a roving battle. The Lyrans had a subtaintial power edge, and had a significant advantage in Ph-1s. The only way this Kzinti fleet wins in a battle like this is to get in close and make the drones count for hits, but Kerry's careful manuevering insured I would not get there without losing 2-3 CLs...too much to make this work

Again, my regrets to Mischa for not getting anything substaintial done. Its been a while since I played a large group of Kzinti ships in a fleet battle. I learned a few things here, and I hope to do better next time around.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, November 03, 2008 - 12:10 am: Edit Got through 2 more turns of Iconia tonight. The BH Nightwing managed to dock with the base, repairing another IMP as APR using CDR. The following turn, it repaired another using its last CDR point, and got 1 point back on her #4 shield.

Meanwhile, the BATS repaired 3 IMP and half-repaired one RWarp. While all THAT was going on, the KE and BHs uncloaked, and the KE launched an R-torp at the Thols, then they all re-cloaked (I could not get to effective G-torp range). The Thols fired some disruptors, scoring 4 points to the #2 of one BH. The KE and BHB & BH turned back in to the base, then hooked back out as the Tholians ran out (and shot out) the R. The GBDPs also fired at the R to avoid letting it hit for one point.

Then the Thols gunned it up to speed 24. The Roms had PERHAPS been contemplating decloaking for another plasma launch, but in the face of that, turned back in to the base, staying under cloak. On 5.32, 5xGSF launched a D- torp each in the face of the onrushing Tholians (although they are well outside D- torp range if they turn off).

The Tholians are now fully loaded and will be able to hold photons for a change instead of arm them.

Turn 6, we'll see what happens.

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Monday, November 03, 2008 - 12:49 am: Edit Red Star Rising

Completed another two turns tonight.

First thing we did was add the missing damage point from the erroneous +1 shift that wasn't suppose to be there, it netted a P2 for him (grrr...).

Turn 2- The Intruder beams out a couple of t-bombs in front of the BDD to make sure he turns off and not go for the anchor. He does so. The rest of the turn has the Intruder and Eel going one way with the 3 evelopers chasing the Eel, while the two Cobras go in the opposite direction to get on the far side of the Basestation. The two F-ES make for the edge of the map and leave at the end of the turn.

Turn 3- The Intruder and Eel both turn back in and move at a slower pace(spd 20) and get a parting shot at the BDD's #5 for 6 damage. The Cobras continue circling wide on the BS(range 26) with Cobra #1 still keeping his forward panels away from a long distance shot. Both the BDD and the Monitor turn back toward the planet and get close to the BS's P4s for cover.

Cobra #1 still continues to bleed off the previous damage. to be continued...


By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Monday, November 03, 2008 - 12:56 am: Edit Juggernaut played through turn 13. It was only 8 impulses, but they sucked.

Previously I had allowed the CS to get to R8 in the hopes that he would fire, allowing me to attack the next turn against a weakened force; the plan backfired when he scored a photon jackpot. Base P4s and such chipped in to knock out the shield and score about 30 internals, knocking out the other half of the shield generator, the RS P4, several P3s and five power. It was really an extraordinary amount of damage for the range as the phasers were also well above average. I returned fire with 3P4 which knocked out most of the CS's #5 shield (both flank shields are now basically ruined).

Next turn: Juggernaut has no pants! But the Federation ships that have photons armed are in no position to catch it.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Monday, November 03, 2008 - 11:39 am: Edit Let it never be said that it's better to be good than lucky.

I definitely ain't good.

FWIW, my luck has run hot, then cold, then hot again. I was 11/21 photons hit/shot before the Prometheus took her narrow salvo shot, followed by massed fire from the BATS. Now, it's 16/27. That's good, but not extreme.

I'm going to try to take more hurt to the Juggie in the next turn or two, but it'll likely be the last window I have. The shield generator will be back on-line at the beginning of turn 16. I'll have turns 14 and 15 to try to make something happen.

The bad news is that the NCL is dead in the water, and the CB is still short a photon. Between it and the FFG (which repaired and reloaded her never-shot B tube), I've got 5 photons, but - as Bill said - both ships are out of position, especialy the CB. The CB is limited to speed 11 on turn 14, and 22 on turn 15. The CS will have a difficult choice since it has to reload...try to pursue and land whatever phaser damage it can, or form up with the CB and reload her photons. Not helping the situation (and Bill knows this) is that, other than the CB and the single D-rack on the BATS, I'm pretty much out of drones (except ECM drones). I can get a couple more SP out, but not before they'll make a difference.

Basically turn 14 will be a set up for the chase that will probably happen on turn 15. If Bill does everything right (and he has so far except for some inconsequential things), he'll likely take another light-to-moderate volley of damage from me using bearing phasers at the beginning of turn 14, and then escape from the pursuing ships. He may kill/mission-kill the FFG, since it has at least some chance to land photons on turn 14 if it turns back in. If he does, that'll leave the damaged CB and CS to deal with before the end game against the BATS. By Jim Davies (Mudfoot) on Monday, November 03, 2008 - 03:36 pm: Edit It seems the Juggernaut is a better balanced fight than the Death Probe...

An epic battle.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Monday, November 03, 2008 - 07:03 pm: Edit Bill,

I left before we discussed schedules. My bad. Today has been hell, and I'm still at work (6 PM CST). I'll try to get on-line tonight to at least get EA done. If you're around, we might get in another 1/4 to 1/2 turn...

Otherwise, Wednesday night (after 8 PM CST) looks good for my next opportunity...

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Monday, November 03, 2008 - 07:07 pm: Edit KOMBAT AT KYTHANIL

If you need a volunteer to fly the Orion in this one, you have one.

'Course, given my last performance in an Orion cruiser, I think Tom will be only too happy to see me at the helm...

"A Black hole! Really? Where?"

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Monday, November 03, 2008 - 10:52 pm: Edit My EA is done (unsurprisingly), but I have no time to play tonight or tomorrow. Let's shoot for Wednesday at or slightly after 8PM CST.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, November 03, 2008 - 11:22 pm: Edit Two more turns of Iconia done (finished Turn 7). I'll let Jeremy do the honors this time.

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Wednesday, November 05, 2008 - 08:55 am: Edit



If you need a volunteer to fly the Orion in this one, you have one. I just saw you post Rich. You're welcome to fly the Orions. My only concern is getting our schedules to line up. We didn't have much luck last time.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Wednesday, November 05, 2008 - 07:11 pm: Edit I don't think I'm going to be able to make it tonight, due to work. Tomorrow could be iffy as well (50/50). Friday or the weekend would be solid for sure.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Wednesday, November 05, 2008 - 08:56 pm: Edit Two messages:


Can't hurt to give it a shot. I've got a new schedule at work that will hopefully stabilize things for me, and will include an extra day off every other week. How soon do you want to start (I'd like to finish the Juggernaut battle if possible)?


No prob on tonite. Guess I'll be an observie tonite! Tentative for Thursday as well, got it. Unfortunately, Friday is out for me except for late night (which might work for you anyway). Saturday night is 50/50 for me, but Sunday evening should be good.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Wednesday, November 05, 2008 - 10:57 pm: Edit Tom if my schedule works any better I can fly the orion.

I am normally 7-12 pm mon-thur and have one weekend day off after 1 pm all central timezones. Usually sat is better for me but I only bowl sundays til one then have the rest of the day to game.

Of course if you wish to give Richard a shot go ahead, otherwise let me know what's good for you.


By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, November 06, 2008 - 01:38 am: Edit We finished Turn 9 of Iconia. It doesn't look good for the Romulans. After firing a bunch of plasma, cloaking, and running back for the base with the KE damaged, the Roms weren't able to stop the Thols from getting R7 on the planet (Tbombs kept them from getting the R3 they wanted) and forming a blobular web around their ships. The BATS was sadly screened by the planet.

With the bulk of the Tholian fleet now hidden inside globular web at what will amount to R4 from the BATS' orbit, it doesn't look good for the Roms. Jeremy performed the manuever brilliantly. This is the kind of thing that I'd expect to only work once, but where things are, I think it's going to work well for him.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, November 06, 2008 - 02:21 am: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Kombat at Kythanil

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: Requiem for a Homeworld Intercept! Cartman's Juggernaut Red Star Rising Between a Rock and a Hard Place

BATTLES COMPLETED: Ruin at Remus-3 No Sanctuary The Tortoise and the Hellcat Hijinks Around the Hypermass Engarde at Ettinheim The Peladine Press On Counting Coup at Colony-7

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Thursday, November 06, 2008 - 10:36 am: Edit Regarding Iconia (Between a Rock and a Hard Place) I sent Dale an email with my tactical analysis and commentary. While Romulans are usually disadvantaged against Tholians, I believe the current tactical situation is not hopeless for the Romulans.

Nevertheless, I have full faith in Dale to make the correct tactical decisions. My commentary is just that - I'm not actually flying and don't have the full feel for what is going on.

Dale, I'm fine with whatever decisions you make.

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Friday, November 07, 2008 - 08:32 pm: Edit Kerry,

Rich asked first so he gets first crack at the battle. If we can't get it done, then you can take a shot.


We can start whenever you have time. It's not a big battle and should go quickly. By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Friday, November 07, 2008 - 10:04 pm: Edit I'll be around late tonight as well as most of the weekend... just let me know

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 08, 2008 - 12:36 am: Edit THE END OF AN EMPIRE

As Ted is stepping down as Romulan Admiral, and truthfully, the Romulans day is done in the campaign as a power, the following battles have been resolved by adjudication and discussion.



(This was worked out with the Tholian Admiral with input from the Romulan Admiral). After the Tholians surprised the Romulan fleet by forming a globular web close to the planet, things took a brutal turn. Forced to crash the web or see the base battered down, the KE Audax, BH Moonwing, and BHB Starwing went out in a blazing ball of glory that took out the Tholian DDP Division and crippled the DDP Igneous (and inflicting explosion damage on the shields of the remaining Tholian ships – in fact, Igneous was crippled in the explosion). The Tholians then came out of the web and overran the base, while the BH Nightwing (docked and under repairs) undocked and managed to disengage under cloak.

The final engagement was brief and glorious. The BATS was destroyed, but in return destroyed the CCP Gladiator. The DDP Igneous died in the explosion of the base and the CCP, and the CCP Warrior was also crippled. The DefSat was destroyed, and the facing GBDP had been destroyed prior.

The crippled CCP Warrior, DDP(L) Staunch, and DDS Prism (combined with troops transferred from the dying ships) nonetheless possessed enough troops to take down Iconia.



Ted and I played out 19 impulses today, enough that the outcome is clear. The C8K turned IN, and made a R7 alpha-strike on the FHK, backed up by a R12 standard strike from the BT7K. Followed up by 7 more ph-1s that rolled INCREDIBLY well the next impulse, the FHK was thoroughly damaged. Not crippled – but in an intercept battle, it would have no time for repairs beyond CDR and EDR before fighting again. Thus, it was gimped. However, in so doing, the C8K had overcommitted itself. We talked through the rest – the C8K was anchored and killed, while the BT7K and D6DB (along with F5SB) disengaged.



This battle was tough to adjudicate. Both Tom and Ted had their views on what would eventually happen – yet both, ironically, expected to fail in the end if it played out to its logical, 100-turn conclusion. However, since the campaign turn should not wait until the NEXT presidential election, based on their input, I have come up with the following adjudication:

After a long and painful battle, the mighty ISC fleet managed to kill the remaining 3 DefSats (2 had already been killed in play). They also managed to kill the MCD and one of the Paravian DWs (the one previously wrecked). In turn they took some moderate damage (campaign repairable) but had their shields thoroughly wrecked thus that they would be no match for the fleet coming in from Intercept! (above). Rather than lose hulls to no further end, they chose to disengage, leaving the Roms in control of their homeworld – for now.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 08, 2008 - 12:39 am: Edit I would like to express my thanks to Ted, for coming into the campaign KNOWING he was inheriting a beleagered race besieged by 4 races, and playing things out to the cliff.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 08, 2008 - 12:40 am: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED:

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: Cartman's Juggernaut Red Star Rising Kombat at Kythanil

BATTLES COMPLETED: Ruin at Remus-3 No Sanctuary The Tortoise and the Hellcat Hijinks Around the Hypermass Engarde at Ettinheim The Peladine Press On Counting Coup at Colony-7 Between a Rock and a Hard Place Requiem for a Homeworld Intercept!

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Saturday, November 08, 2008 - 01:21 am: Edit Kombat at Kythanil

Started and two full turns played. Orion has launched 2 enveloping Plasma-S (which were/are being run out by ISC). Other than that, not much else has happened other than some mid-range position jockeying.

But hey...I'm a Pirate doncha' know, and I promise there'll be some fireworks in this one! Arrrr!

To quote the esteemed Mr. Gray (again): we need more Pow Pow!

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Saturday, November 08, 2008 - 01:25 am: Edit Bill,

Was there tonight and tried to get your attention, but no joy.

If I can on Saturday evening and you're there, we'll try again, but I'm very iffy for Saturday evening.

On Sunday, I'm gonna play Tom for about an hour in the morning. If you're there Sunday evening, we'll play. If not, me and Tom will do our thing at Kythanil.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Saturday, November 08, 2008 - 01:26 am: Edit I gotta say, I got nothin' but props for my man Ted. It was a tough and dirty job, Ted. Nicely done.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Saturday, November 08, 2008 - 09:44 am: Edit Sorry about that. I fell asleep.

I'll be around Saturday, but if you're not, no worries. Sunday evening also is good for me.

By Peter Thoenen (Eol) on Saturday, November 08, 2008 - 10:29 am: Edit So what happens to the Romulans now? I mean they are definitely going to be destroyed but whats the mechanics of that? Do they sue for peace and become subjects of the ISC? Do Tholians / ISC it split? etc etc

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Saturday, November 08, 2008 - 10:36 am: Edit If it's allowed, the Romulans will surrender to the Lyrans.

By Paul Franz (Andromedan) on Saturday, November 08, 2008 - 10:38 am: Edit Or they could be a random monster kind of thing like the Andromedans. Guerrilla warfare, that kind of thing.

By Michael C. Grafton (Mike_Grafton) on Saturday, November 08, 2008 - 11:17 am: Edit Romulans join the Orions...

Their ships should be fairly good at it...

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 08, 2008 - 11:59 am: Edit The Romulans have been reduced to 1 system (their homeworld). They will likely hole up there and try to hold off as long as they can.

Their ships will likely seek asylum in Lyran or non-Coalition space. Given their map and the cloak, several may make it.

By Peter Thoenen (Eol) on Saturday, November 08, 2008 - 12:38 pm: Edit Ahh .. well I expect the ISC or Tholians to take the Homeworld next turn

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 08, 2008 - 12:58 pm: Edit The Roms will no doubt leave some ships behind to guard the homeworld (they have two surviving DNs, and both cannot fit in one legal battle fleet). But we shall see.

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Saturday, November 08, 2008 - 07:35 pm: Edit Ted, I love a player who doesn't quit early on and plays the game to the bitter end. I'm that way. Huge, I mean HUGE kudos to you!

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Sunday, November 09, 2008 - 12:20 am: Edit Cartman's Juggernaut

The end on turn 14.23.

Bill will post the details later (I'm tired and have a cold...going to bed).

The Juggernaut was crippled, and disengaged off of the map. Massed fire from the BATS, CB and CS on the first impulses, combined with yet another lucky photon strike - this one from the FFG who landed both her photons plus two solid phaser shots before being damaged again and driven off - effectively ended the Juggernaut's rampage.

While the Fed NCL is near death and all ships but the BATS have varying degrees of damage, because of the presence of the BATS, the only loss to Fed forces is GBDP Beta.

I'm thankful to Bill for his play and style, and thankful to Dale and all for their patience in this controversial (caused by me) battle. I am happy it is behind now. After a poor start, it did turn out to be a long, tense, and exciting game. By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Sunday, November 09, 2008 - 12:23 am: Edit Juggernaut complete.

Turn 14 was simple. The Juggernaut, with its shields knocked out and all the armor facing the Federation down, needed to get out of range to repair. I plotted speed 29 all turn to preserve the ability to either disengage by acceleration or to fly off the map, or to fly down into the corner to repair if the Fed damaga scored this turn wasn't too bad.

Feds were in a weak position to attack as the ships that were armed were out of position, and the ships that were in position were empty. The CB sped up to 11, its max, but was basically not a factor. The CS stopped to TAC - unfortunate for me as my other plan, which I almost did but decided not to, was to HET back to E (showing my good armor) and try to run it down - that would have worked out quite nicely, actually. Ah well. The FFG, up north, was fully armed but not really in position.

Impulse 1 the BATS fired P4s and left me uncontrolled, which was a bummer. This made me decide to take a shot on the frigate, score whatever damage I could and then disengage.

I turned up to A and traded R6 fire with the frigate. Photons auto-hit at that range, and phasers added a few more for 37 total damage, which left me with only 14 power remaining. My return fire penetrated the #1 shield and scored about ten internals. Long-range fire from the BATS off-side P4s and the ground base scored a few more insignificant internals.

I then turned to B/C and flew off the map on impulse 32, smoking an inert scatterpack on my way past.

RESULTS: CS: Lightly damaged, not crippled CB: Moderate damage, not crippled (but very close to it, once the temporary G17 repairs evaporate) NCL: Smoking wreck, but not destroyed FFG: Moderate damage, not crippled BATS: Undamaged GBDP Alpha: Undamaged GBDP Beta: Destroyed Juggernaut: Disengaged, crippled

By Michael C. Grafton (Mike_Grafton) on Sunday, November 09, 2008 - 03:12 pm: Edit "I then turned to B/C and flew off the map on impulse 32"

I thought if you were uncontrolled you couldn't turn? I have to re-read the rules on "uncontrolled"

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, November 09, 2008 - 05:12 pm: Edit Mike: No, an uncontrolled ship can't HET, use EM, quick reverses, mid-turn speed- changes, or E-Decel. It also has its turn mode increased by one.

In any case, the campaign clause of "no do-overs" would make it irrelevant, but it's good to know.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, November 09, 2008 - 05:13 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED:

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: Red Star Rising Kombat at Kythanil

BATTLES COMPLETED: Ruin at Remus-3 No Sanctuary The Tortoise and the Hellcat Hijinks Around the Hypermass Engarde at Ettinheim The Peladine Press On Counting Coup at Colony-7 Between a Rock and a Hard Place Requiem for a Homeworld Intercept! Cartman's Juggernaut

By Paul Franz (Andromedan) on Sunday, November 09, 2008 - 05:47 pm: Edit BTW, when it comes to being uncontrolled, it does not take effect until the turn AFTER your last control space is destroyed. So when the Juggernaut lost its last control space on Impulse 1 of Turn 14, it was still not considered uncontrolled until Turn 15.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Sunday, November 09, 2008 - 06:07 pm: Edit Yeah, when I said "uncontrolled" I didn't mean "uncontrolled as of right this instant" but rather "unavoidably going to be stuck with being uncontrolled for a while." I would have had to take several turns out to basically just do EDR and hope to get lucky. I could have done this on turn 14 but if either the bridge or the shield generator repair failed I would have been in big trouble.

I probably should have done this starting on turn 12, when I was starting to suffer a serious control space shortage, but wanted to hit the CB while it was coming out of dock and/or pull the CS away from it rather than let all the Fed ships form up and get reorganized. I was not expecting significant internals on turn 13 much less to take enough damage to lose the shield generator, and by then I was seriously hosed no matter how you slice it.

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Sunday, November 09, 2008 - 07:45 pm: Edit Curiosity Question: With the Juggernaut undestroyed, what is its repair capabilities between scenarios and will it still be a wandering monster?

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Sunday, November 09, 2008 - 08:02 pm: Edit CL33, P. 19 describes the Juggernaut as being able to fully repair itself from serious damage in "a few hours."

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Sunday, November 09, 2008 - 08:21 pm: Edit uh oh.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, November 09, 2008 - 08:32 pm: Edit

By Ken Burnside (Ken_Burnside) on Monday, November 10, 2008 - 04:09 pm: Edit So the strategy isn't to blow up the Juggernaut.

But to get it to disengage towards your enemies.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - 02:35 am: Edit Any new progress on "Red Star Rising" or "Kombat"?

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - 10:40 am: Edit We've made it through four turns of Kombat at Kythanil. So far damage has been limited to the #6 shield of one ISC DD being reduced by 2/3rds and the Orion having to burn 2 warp. I couldn't make it Sunday night and need to reschedule with Rich.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - 12:02 pm: Edit I have essays due which prevent me from spending time on Red Star. Are these the only remaining conflicts this turn?

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - 01:45 pm: Edit Yep, these are the last two battles.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - 02:02 pm: Edit Tom,

I have time every evening this week from about 7 PM to 10:30 PM CST (including tonight). Thursday evening I can go later. Additionally, I'm off on Friday and have time morning or evening. Saturday is out, but I have time Sunday morning or evening as well.

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - 02:24 pm: Edit Rich,

I can play tonight at 7pm CST (8pm EST).

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - 05:42 pm: Edit George; I can make some time tonight and tomorow night, then sunday evening to get a couple turns in.

I will be on SFBOL.

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - 06:32 pm: Edit Jon,

Tonight is iffy but I'll try. I'm good for the rest of the week, including the daytimes. If I don't see you tonight I'll be on tomorrow night.


By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - 11:51 pm: Edit We were able to get through four more turns of "Kombat at Kythanil". The Orion has taken 10-14 internals while the ISC ships have lost 3 or 4 shields. The next 2-3 turns will probably decide the victor.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, November 12, 2008 - 05:15 pm: Edit More blood for Lord Arioch!

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Thursday, November 13, 2008 - 01:52 am: Edit Battle Update; Red Star Rising

Turn 4 was very close to a debacle for the Andros.

The Intruder closed to R10 from the base, 8 from the ships and 12 from the planet when it announced DizzyDeving. For it's efforts, it got a face full of everything but the kitchen sink. 94 damage later, and the Intruder was down half its control spaces, and a couple phasers.

It successfully displaced to 2 hexes away from the planet, where it got another 41 damage to the rear panels from phasers from the other ground base and the ships.

Then the BS spoke again, with 2 P-4s and a carronade shot from the Thelcos (I wanted the guarenteed damage from the carronade, rather than the iffy bolt). 40 damage later, and the Intruder had full panels and started taking internals seriously. Lost phasers and a PA panel.

Then a launched plasma-F from the Monitor hit the Intruder for 7 more, doing more phasers, a TRH, and another PA. Then the Thelcos brought her last plasma into arc and hit with a bolt at R7. 7 more damage, a third PA, another Bridge hit (4/6 control spaces destroyed) and the only weapon the Intrder has left is the RS TRH, as well as a total of 8 power hits between the 4 volleys.

Damage to the Gorn?


Turn 5 begins with a 5 point panel facing a lot of gorn ships, including P-4s. Not seeing much joy in the future for the Intruder.

-- Captain-Killer Jon Berry

By John Smith (Johnsmith) on Thursday, November 13, 2008 - 02:07 am: Edit Blood and souls!

By John Trauger (Vorlonagent) on Thursday, November 13, 2008 - 12:47 pm: Edit having dis-deved into combat, one wonders if the Intruder can successfully run away.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Thursday, November 13, 2008 - 04:14 pm: Edit The only good Intruder is a dead Intruder.

Hammer the thing!

By Stacy Brian Bartley (Bartley) on Thursday, November 13, 2008 - 04:18 pm: Edit

Thank you Jeremy "Tecumseh" Gray! regards Stacy

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Thursday, November 13, 2008 - 05:20 pm: Edit Here's a link to an image of the current status of the Intruder. http://www3.telus.net/public/berryjon/RSR_Intruder_EoT4.jpg

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Thursday, November 13, 2008 - 06:40 pm: Edit It's hopeless, unless it has time to run and repair.

By John Trauger (Vorlonagent) on Thursday, November 13, 2008 - 06:45 pm: Edit I'm assuming the battle is lost and that the Intruder's primary focus now is saving it's bacon before it gets fried.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Thursday, November 13, 2008 - 08:33 pm: Edit There are still 2 Cobras and and Eel to blow up. It's not over yet, but the Intruder is pretty much mission-killed as it is. 5:01 and 5:02 will tell.

By Paul Franz (Andromedan) on Thursday, November 13, 2008 - 08:46 pm: Edit Agreed the Intruder at the moment needs to run and hope for the best. As long as the batteries survive it can live.

By John Trauger (Vorlonagent) on Thursday, November 13, 2008 - 08:55 pm: Edit ...And those batteries are unfilled. Once its batteries are filled or toasted, the threat of panel-implosion looms. Considering it's been hit fore and aft and lost 3 panels, I'm mildly surprised it hasn't already imploded.

Not only is the Intruder mission-killed, it should be the satships' ride out of the combat zone. Losing it could lose the entire strike force.

Since I'm on the sidelines in this campaign, I have no idea how orphaned satships work. Do the Andros have a player running them?

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Thursday, November 13, 2008 - 10:05 pm: Edit Batteries are full, (I put 21 points in from destroyed panels, and he couldn't flush all the power he could at EoT) but I think George will use every trick in the book to empty them this turn. I'm just hoping to hit batteries before I hit drones. Go implosion!

The player running the Andros is Dale. George is the captain for this battle. As for abandoned SatShips, I have no clue.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Thursday, November 13, 2008 - 11:58 pm: Edit Kombat at Kyanthil

[assumes persona of Orion 2nd officer]

Captain's dead. Exec's just...gone. Oh, man. Game over, man. Game over!

How do I get outa this chicken-•••• outfit?

[glances over at yeoman calmly moving fallen pieces of what used to be the bridge out of the way]

Hey! Why don't we put her in charge?

As everyone including me knew, Tom methodically and in a quite gentlemanly fashion handed my hat to me. Orion BRH - crippled and disengaged.

2 ISC DD (without rear-f refits even) - no damage.

Oh yeah, I got schooled. Never even landed a plasma once (well, ok, I landed a couple of plasma-D's, but hey, do those really count?). My poor #4 shield...I feel violated.

It was a lotta fun though! This pirate says "WHEEEE....hack, cough, cough...!"

Hey, whaddaya want from me? At least there wasn't any black hole around. Oh wait! ••••, missed the planet completely! Next time...

Uhm...Dale? Can I have another pirate ship? Dale? Hello?

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Friday, November 14, 2008 - 10:07 am: Edit Don't feel too bad. IMO, 2*ISC DD clearly outgun a single BR - and he has the option of running one of the DDs away from plasma and keeping the heat on you. Plus it's Tom.

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Friday, November 14, 2008 - 10:27 am: Edit It was a BRH (2 S torps, 2 Dracks) not a BR. Thing can have 70 freakin power when doubled.

I did end up having one DD run out an EPT while the other one closed and did the crippling. But he wasn't doubling anything and was limited to speed 20 for most of the turn.

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Friday, November 14, 2008 - 10:49 am: Edit Hmmm. BRH is more challenging - but 8*Ph-1 and 4*F-torp is nothing to sneeze at when at close range. Plus, they take damage fairly well for SC4 ships. I'd still say you outgunned him, but there was definitely the risk of losing one of the DDs.

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Friday, November 14, 2008 - 11:01 am: Edit Of course 8 P1s and 4 Ftorps are nothing to sneeze at at close range. Try getting there. It's easier said then done. An EW is a factor. I believe I had one unshifted shot in 12 turns.

When it comes to two smaller ships taking on one larger, generally the larger has the advantage.

By Michael C. Grafton (Mike_Grafton) on Friday, November 14, 2008 - 12:56 pm: Edit Well, Tom, could you write up a short article about this?

I for one would be interested. By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Friday, November 14, 2008 - 06:01 pm: Edit Yeah, yeah, I had the advantage, and I lost anyway.

Jeez, guys...It's Tom friggin' Carroll!

Cut me some slack!

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Friday, November 14, 2008 - 08:36 pm: Edit

Sorry Rich


Well, Tom, could you write up a short article about this?

Mike, on the battle?

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 15, 2008 - 12:46 am: Edit

Tom, one of these days I will make you break a sweat.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 15, 2008 - 12:46 am: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED:


BATTLES COMPLETED: Ruin at Remus-3 No Sanctuary The Tortoise and the Hellcat Hijinks Around the Hypermass Engarde at Ettinheim The Peladine Press On Counting Coup at Colony-7 Between a Rock and a Hard Place Requiem for a Homeworld Intercept! Cartman's Juggernaut Kombat at Kythanil By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Saturday, November 15, 2008 - 02:05 am: Edit


Tom, one of these days I will make you break a sweat.

Hey, I made him disengage once and I was only advantaged by about 20% of BPV!

By Michael C. Grafton (Mike_Grafton) on Saturday, November 15, 2008 - 06:36 pm: Edit Tom, yes indeed.

Us (very) low tier players could use the insight.

And JUST tourney reports is kinda narrow...

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Saturday, November 15, 2008 - 07:16 pm: Edit Mike (or Michael),

I'll see what I can do.

And when I see "Over Educated?: Yep. 4 degrees, working on #5!" in your profile I call BS on the "(very) low tier player" stuff.

SFB is just tiddlywinks for someone like you. You're just too busy to know that.

By Michael C. Grafton (Mike_Grafton) on Saturday, November 15, 2008 - 09:16 pm: Edit Tom, unfortunately, there is no one here in Charleston (or overseas in Afghanistan) for me to play.

So I have to just enjoy the mileu and pore over the rules to look for termpapers. And write fiction.

YOU, on the otherhand are apparently the best SFB guy in history.

And YES, I am still working on degree #5; back to grad school this January. Should take 3 or 4 semesters for a MS in Environmental Science.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Saturday, November 15, 2008 - 09:32 pm: Edit George; Online right now, hoping to get a start on turn 5.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Sunday, November 16, 2008 - 12:36 am: Edit BATTLE REPORT; Red Star Rising Andro's Disengage with the Intruder Crippled, the Cobra's both damaged and the Eel intact.

Gorn damage to the BDD is repairable due to the shipyard and base, and campaign repairs. Or just one of those options. The Flashing Pink is quite dead. My apologies to the Gorn Admiral.

Basically, the Andro's can't get to close to the base without loosing something, and the Gorn, with only the BDD as a reasonably mobile unit, can't go chasing them around. So they leave.

Thank's for the game, George!

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Sunday, November 16, 2008 - 11:35 am: Edit I do believe that's a wrap on turn 12...

Cue ending...

Roll credits...

Start prep for...TURN 13, the SEQUEL! (to the sequel, to the sequel, to the sequel, to the...you get the idea...)

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, November 16, 2008 - 01:06 pm: Edit Yes, this concludes Turn 12.

I'll start work on maps for Turn 13 tonight/tomorrow. It should go fast now that we've eliminated "detection radius" for fleets larger than 700 BPV (I won't have to check every system for that, and sometimes look up the BPV of units that the admiral didn't list).

I am HOPING to have those out early this week, and get Turn 13 orders in well before Thanksgiving.

By Peter Thoenen (Eol) on Sunday, November 16, 2008 - 02:10 pm: Edit Wow at only turn 12

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Sunday, November 16, 2008 - 04:08 pm: Edit It's only been what, two years since we've started? That's a turn every two months.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, November 16, 2008 - 04:13 pm: Edit I believe it's been about 20 months - we started in March of 2007.

We've covered 12 turns and thereby 6 years... moving into Y176 now I believe.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 - 07:57 pm: Edit Tholian Turn 13 orders submitted.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 - 08:01 pm: Edit I've set the campaign turn deadline for Wed, Nov 26, but of course, earlier is better... 1/9 turn orders in already!

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 - 12:02 am: Edit Federation orders just submitted 2 minutes ago...

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 - 12:51 am: Edit 3/9 orders received!

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 - 11:41 am: Edit Andromedan orders sent. >8)

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 - 06:25 pm: Edit Well, that makes 4/10 orders in with the evil Andro overloards voting. ;P

More seriously, still holding at 3/9!

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 - 10:44 pm: Edit If Ted gets to be the Andromedan then I think the only fair thing for everyone else is that I play as his Fleet Captain.... it all balances out in the end. >;P


By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 - 11:09 pm: Edit Hey, you didn't loose anything in that battle over Red. Although it was close for the Intruder. Certainly nothing captured.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 - 11:12 pm: Edit

[Insert short video of Federation commissioning ceremony of my new "Eel" class scout...USS Barbrady]

By Eli Patterson (Rakishan) on Thursday, November 20, 2008 - 02:38 pm: Edit When the Lyran government betrayed their Kzzzzinti alliesss, it wasss an "adjussstment" to better consssolidate the Lyran territoriesss. When the Lyranssss crossssed our mutually agreed upon border with an exxxploratory fleet of war ssshipsss, it wassss to prove our intent to invade. If Ivory'sss defendersss had not arrived in the nick of time, the sssyssstem would have sssurely fallen to the Lyran war machine. They have proven time and again to be untrussstworthy.

We will have no more of it.

It isss with cold blooded heartsss that the Gorn Confederatttion declaresss war on the Lyran government.

"Cry 'havoc' and let ssslip the velociraptorsss of war."

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, November 20, 2008 - 05:46 pm: Edit Guys, see the emergency notice under announcements. We may need to move shop here very shortly.

Anyone with the ability or knowledge on how to easily back up the archives of this topic, let me know (via email if neccessary); I would appreciate that being done.

In the meantime, I hear there is a backup BBS in the works, and if worse comes to worse, we can use the SFB topic on the FedCom BBS (http://www.starfleetgames.com/federation/phpbb2/).

By Paul Franz (Andromedan) on Thursday, November 20, 2008 - 05:47 pm: Edit Dale, I can archive the whole topic to a text file. Is that good enough?

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, November 20, 2008 - 05:49 pm: Edit Also, any lurkers or captains who want to stay in the loop for the campaign, send me an email with "Farthest Stars" in the header (my addy is in my profile) and I'll keep you up to date if the BBS goes dark for more than a couple days. The possibility of creating a Yahoo Group for the campaign always exists, if need be.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, November 20, 2008 - 05:49 pm: Edit Paul, that would be AWESOME and I would greatly appreciate it!

By Marc Baluda (Marc) on Thursday, November 20, 2008 - 08:25 pm: Edit Gornzzzszzzz: we told you we would "trust, but verify" from the very beginning. We sent a squadron without a scout to evidence the fact that we were not entering the system to conquer it, nor to push into your space, but we were prepared to deal with any funny business. You ignore the simple fact that our squadron could not have advanced. We chose to verify your intentions after one of your supposed allies saw fit to warn us.

We note you sent an exploration freighter into our space most recently, presumably to map a route. The fact that you were caught with a full fleet, including a carrier squadron, assembling on an otherwise peaceful border must be most embarassing for you. Arrival of "defenders in the nick of time" is an interesting way of recharacterizing your staging of an invasion fleet. Nonetheless, we accept your declaration of war as unavoidable, given that you stopped talking to our diplomats a year ago. If this is a misunderstanding on our part please let us know.

If not, rest assured that we will treat your people well in the coming apocalypse.

By Paul Franz (Andromedan) on Thursday, November 20, 2008 - 09:16 pm: Edit Archive copy of the Topic is sent.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, November 20, 2008 - 10:13 pm: Edit Got it Paul, thanks.

Now at least the sordid history of the Farthest Stars will not die out in an ignomious internet fart.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 22, 2008 - 10:20 pm: Edit 4/9 turn orders received!

By John Carroll (Jcwl) on Sunday, November 23, 2008 - 09:39 am: Edit You got the Klingon orders right?

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, November 23, 2008 - 12:40 pm: Edit Yeah.

By John Carroll (Jcwl) on Sunday, November 23, 2008 - 04:15 pm: Edit Kool B)

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, November 23, 2008 - 09:27 pm: Edit 5/9 orders in!

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Monday, November 24, 2008 - 05:30 pm: Edit Hrm, that leaves the Gorn, Lyrans, Kzinti and ISC we're waiting on then?

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, November 24, 2008 - 08:58 pm: Edit 6/9 orders now in.

Just waiting on Lyran, Kzinti and Peladine orders.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, November 24, 2008 - 11:02 pm: Edit Reminder, turn deadline is Wed., Nov 26th!

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Monday, November 24, 2008 - 11:44 pm: Edit Peladine orders in.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Tuesday, November 25, 2008 - 12:41 am: Edit Here, kitty-kitty.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Tuesday, November 25, 2008 - 12:46 am: Edit That makes 7 in.

Just waiting on the damned cats. Come on fellas, get the scotch tap off your footpads and get your orders in!

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Tuesday, November 25, 2008 - 01:10 am: Edit

I have a pooper-skooper if needed.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Tuesday, November 25, 2008 - 02:42 pm: Edit Kzinti and Lyran orders received!

Since they are in a couple days early, I can get started on them before the big holiday. Don't expect results till next week, but if I can, I will.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Tuesday, November 25, 2008 - 05:08 pm: Edit Just spent a couple hours working on a new master spreadsheet that, while it soaked a couple hours, will reduce time and error for this and all future turns.

Now to start sorting the turns...

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Tuesday, November 25, 2008 - 07:13 pm: Edit ALL HAIL DALE, LORD OF...Administrata?

Hey, what happened to that guy...what's his name...Arioch? Something about blood or bleeding...maybe he was a hemophiliac?

[note to self...never poke the game master, or the animals...and we sure got a lot of those in this campaign... 3 kinds of cats, dogs, two kinds of lizards, birds, a couple of dolphin types...heck, we even got talking rocks! Oh yeah, and then there's the Klingons...]

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Tuesday, November 25, 2008 - 08:15 pm: Edit The note to self came a little late.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 04:43 pm: Edit All encounter reports sent! First round of battles to be announced shortly!

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 05:50 pm: Edit Wow, that was blazing fast Dale! By Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 05:50 pm: Edit I think I have one battle that I think I'll try and poke Jon into playing against me... if only because it looks quite amusing. Should be fun to do to let off some steam... XD

The new format is a little weird, and will take some getting used to... but I think I can see how it's a little more efficient than the older one. :3

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 06:53 pm: Edit The new form really helped. You can see in your Encounter reports how I have it laid out, and it's ten times faster than doing it in Word. Just amazed I didn't figure this out sooner.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 06:54 pm: Edit /me sputters at his encounters...

YOU GUYS!?!?! AGAIN?!?!? BOTH OF YOU!?!?!?

Frak this. I'm gonna kill you all and remove you from my posterior once and for all.

Oh, the nice people I'll be nice too. It's the *repeats* I'm gonna go ballistic on.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 06:57 pm: Edit SPITTING INTO THE WIND

A small group of Andromedan Sleds drops into Kzinti Colony-1, attacking in the face of all odds (or reason).

KZINTI FLEET: BATS(3xP-C,P-R,PAM) Triskelion, SCD, GMG; SF(1) Midnight Eye, F-AL(1).

ANDROMEDAN "FLEET" (snicker): 1x CS, 2x GUN.

Both sides WS-III, speed max!

As Mischa said, he and Jon will fly this one tabletop - enjoy guys!

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 07:02 pm: Edit HEAD TO HEAD

The Peladine war machine, having rolled over Kzinti Colony-9, and defeated the forces in Colony-8 and taken the system, warps towards Colony-4, ready to repeat its successes. But it runs into a joint Kzinti/Klingon fleet warping towards Colony-8, apparently intent on retaking the system.

The two fleets meet in open space, between systems... ready for war.

KZINTI/KLINGON FLEET: DN(1) Akira Kogami, CC(3) Ryuquir; BT7K Ambuscade, D6SB Widowmaker, D6B Barbarous.

PELADINE FLEET: DN+,BC+,SRV+,DW,DD + 6xp-1 fighters.

Both sides WS-II, speed-max! As usual, setup is on a 2x2 map with both sides roughly 50 hexes apart to start.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 07:04 pm: Edit Mischa; do I get to play the Kzinti in that one?

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 07:07 pm: Edit WAR MACHINE

The dreaded Juggernaut, repelled from Federation space, now turns to the Hydrans, attacking the system of Cobra.

HYDRAN FLEET: BATS (Y170, Y175 HBM, HBM, PAM) 12*ST-2, SCD; THR Falling Free (3xST-2), TR Hail, LM Excelsior (3xST-2).


Both sides WS-III, speed max!

Edited by request of Dale by J. Sexton

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 07:09 pm: Edit MENACE AT MTHURA

An Andromedan group mounts an unexpected attack on the ISC system of Mthura! Can the peaceable defenders hold out?


ISC FLEET: BATS Safehold(Y170, Y175, D-rack refit); 5th DD Squadron (DDL- Admirable, DD- Enforcer, DD- Obloth).

Both sides WS-III, speed-max!

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 07:15 pm: Edit THE FOLLY OF MEN (GODZILLA) The Gorn mean business, and launch an attack to the Lyran system of Blood Star with a full BB-led fleet. The Lyrans had a DW squadron moving south along the same route, but turned around when they detected the Gorn monstrosity. Dropping into the system, which has a Variable Pulsar, the Gorn prepare for the assault!

GORN FLEET: BB Godzilla(6xG-18); SRV Cheater of Ice (6x G-18), CS Death Stomp, BTF+ ThunderTail.

LYRAN FLEET: BATS (175), PAM, HBM, 6xZ-1(I-M drns); DWLbup Sabre, DWbup+ Star Scourge, DWbup+ Lifetaker, DWbup+ Hrath's Whiskers.

The BATS is on the far side of the planet from the Pulsar and does not rotate; the planet has no atmosphere. Pulsar set up in the far corner; Gorn fleet to come in from opposite corner. Planet in middle. Both sides WS-III, speed-max.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 07:20 pm: Edit TO SKIN A CAT

The Lyrans continue to press their attack on the Kzinti, despite the declaration of war by the Gorn, and launch a massive attack on Kzinty Colony-2.

LYRAN FLEET: DNbp+ Stained Axe, CC+ Sorcerer, DWLbp Maimer, DWbup+ Battlehand, DWbp+ Plunderer, SR+ (P-SC) Starseeker.

KZINTI FLEET: MB(3xP-C,P-R,PAM), MCD; DN(3) Yuna Konnyaku, CD(2) Gradius, CLC+(1) Mystic, CL+(1) Spectyr, CL+(3) Spirit.

Both sides WS-III, speed max; Kzinti set up their MB and fleets near the planet (center of map) with the Lyrans coming in from a corner.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 07:25 pm: Edit I CAN SEE RUSSIA FROM MY HOUSE

The Federation CLa+ Alaska is on patrol in the system of Bradbury when some THING enters the system from BEYOND. They say there's no devil, but there is... straight out of hell...!

Can the Alaska prevail?

FEDERATION FLEET: 2 DefSats, 2 GBDP; CLa+ Alaska.

MONSTER: The Planet Crusher.

Fed forces WS-III, speed-max. Monster victory conditions adjusted by Fed BPV as per rules; Fed ship begin near planet, Monster approaching from corner. By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 07:27 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Spitting Into the Wind Head to Head War Machine Menace at Mthura The Folly of Men (Godzilla) To Skin a Cat I Can See Russia From My House



By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 07:49 pm: Edit Dale, I think you can put 'Spitting into the Wind' into the Resolved pile. It's kinda onesided. Also, what are my orders as the Andro in that battle?

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 07:54 pm: Edit Jon: It is one-sided, but if you and Mischa want to get it flown, you're welcome to do so. The Andros are on a rather kamikaze-like run: they are to inflict as much damage as possible before dying.

By Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 08:28 pm: Edit Awww, c'mon... I've got a GMG there! I want a chance to board those suckers... : 3

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 09:08 pm: Edit NO!

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 10:05 pm: Edit Anyone interested in flying the Andros in the "MENACE AT MTHURA" battle?

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 10:11 pm: Edit I may, if I can get at least one of my battles down first. Speaking of, I've offered the Juggie to Mischa, so any advice for him on that regard would be loved if it helped him get blown up faster. ;)

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 10:15 pm: Edit Actually, I believe I have already given Sheap dibs on the Juggernaut battle.

As for "Menace at Mthura", if you want to fly it, Jon, you're welcome - otherwise we'll need a captain.

And, I'm assuming from the banter that "Spitting Into the Wind" is a no-fly battle (I should just mark it resolved and adjudicate it)?

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 11:08 pm: Edit I think Mischa wants to see if he can capture of of the Sleds or something. Other than that...

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 11:10 pm: Edit Unlikely, given that they have PA Panels. But, if you guys want to fight it, go ahead. If you don't, I will adjudicate it.

Let me know.

By Jean Sexton (Jsexton) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 11:13 pm: Edit Please note that WAR MACHINE has been edited.


By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 11:32 pm: Edit



I don't think the Kzinti can protect the mobile base if the Lyrans are determined to destroy it, but I'm not sure what its strategic value is. Other than that, it looks like a great fight.

Do the Lyrans have enough DWs in their navy? Geez.



Andromedans in general are difficult to capture, but when there are no displacement devices in the fleet, it's a little easier, PAs or no PAs. I am not sure what a Galactic power would do with them, though.


HEAD TO HEAD What pods are on the Klingon tug? If it's a blank tug I think the Peladine have the edge, if it's a battle tug then the Kzinti/Klingons may be ahead.



That is the best title ever.

The Planet Crusher has an advantage in that the P4s on the planet cannot plink it to death before it gets into range to clobberize them, and the monster has a good chance of splattering a ground base the instant it comes into range. The monster's slow speed actually is an advantage against the ground bases and DefSats which cannot touch it until it comes close. However, I think the Federation, with careful play, will win the scenario. They may have just enough drones to score a couple hits even through MCIDS. The CL has thin shields for a Federation ship and I would expect it to take some damage.



I am happy to have the Juggernaut back in fighting trim... hopefully the DAC will not have so many '2's in it this time. The absence of ground bases also makes for a happy Juggernaut.

While in most cases I would not have claimed a monster battle in advance, the Juggernaut has come to me. It shall be an heirloom of my kingdom. All those who follow in my bloodline shall be bound to its fate, for I will risk no hurt to the Juggernaut... It is... precious to me, though I buy it with great pain.

My schedule is largely open on weeknights and weekends starting on Tuesday.

I'll fly Menace at Mthura if nobody else has claimed it by the time the Juggernaut battle is resolved. I have learned my lesson about trying to fly two battles at once.

Oh hey, bonus! The Hydran forces got smaller in an edit. By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Thursday, November 27, 2008 - 12:07 am: Edit Dale, Once a player has determined he wants to play the Peladine fleet, I'll need to send instructions to that player.

By Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias) on Thursday, November 27, 2008 - 12:22 am: Edit The MB should've been upgraded to something better long ago... however, it rarely seemed to be in danger until I suddenly no longer had the resources to upgrade it with. XD

As for capturing Andromedan sleds... c'mon, that'd give me 3 POLs to... uh...

Okay, it'd just be cool to have them. <.<

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Thursday, November 27, 2008 - 12:35 am: Edit Sheap; my best evening would be next Thursday. Class has come to an end, and I don't have work yet. I'll be available all day.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, November 27, 2008 - 12:38 am: Edit HEAD TO HEAD clarification... the "BT7K" is indeed a Klingon Battle Tug with the K-refit.

By the way, the Peladine DW has a Legendary Navigator, too.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, November 27, 2008 - 12:41 am: Edit Sheap: Please schedule your game with Jon Berry for "War Machine" at your mutual convenience! If we don't have an Andro captain for "Menace at Mthura" by the time you're done, you're welcome to it.

Glad you liked the titles.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Thursday, November 27, 2008 - 12:50 pm: Edit I'm feelin' all mavericky.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, November 27, 2008 - 03:25 pm: Edit CAPTAINS NEEDED!

We need Kzinti and Gorn captains. In addition to the battles already announced, there are MANY MORE Gorn/Kzinti battles against the Lyrans.

I've got Kerry Mullan slated to fly several of the Lyran fleets, but he'll need an opponent - any takers? By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, November 27, 2008 - 03:38 pm: Edit WAR THROUGH THE WORMHOLE

The Lyrans are back through the Wormhole, linking up with the fleeing remnants of the Romulan fleet in an attempt to take the Iconia system from the Tholians. The Tholians, though, have help from the ISC-controlled Carnivons, and are ready for such an attempt...

THOLIAN/ISC FLEET: Carnivon YDN, CCH Avenger, DDP(L) Staunch, DD Vigilant, DDS Prism, LMON Phalanx (FTR Pallet w/ 6xSP-III, 6xSP-II).

LYRAN/ROMULAN FLEET: BCbp+ Bloodshedder, BCbp+ Ravager, DWbup+ Firecat, NTGu Black Rain [MB- cargo], Romulan SE Owl of the Halls.

Both sides at WS-III, speed-max. The Tholian DDs begin pinwheeled with web near the planet, and the rest of the Tholian/ISC units begin inside the web.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, November 27, 2008 - 03:38 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Spitting Into the Wind Head to Head War Machine Menace at Mthura The Folly of Men (Godzilla) To Skin a Cat I Can See Russia From My House War Through the Wormhole



By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Thursday, November 27, 2008 - 09:12 pm: Edit Yeah I am slated to fly the posted lyran and I'll probably do the big Peladine fleet one as well.

I am open to playing 6 days a week and would like to have 3 or so games ongoing for the forseeable future. Unluckily my availability is(all central) 6:30 pm to 12 ish mon-thursday most weekends I can play 12 or so hours.

So for the Peladine battle, Gorn BB battle, and To skin a cat can they be the initial battles to run?

For war through the wormhole can I get the thol FCR again. As I am new to the whole FCR thing I get it as the following: DN, CC(12) 3 DDs(18) mon(7) 12 ftrs(6) 6 hexes of prelaid web(1.5) for a total of 44.5 allocated there what am I missing?

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Thursday, November 27, 2008 - 09:54 pm: Edit Kerry, likely because I can't add. Sending Dale an e-mail on it. Some fighters are going to get left out of that battle line.

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Thursday, November 27, 2008 - 10:09 pm: Edit I have a hankering to play the Gorn BB - just because. Although as a Rom player I was at war with the Gorn, I hold no animosity towards the Gorn player - and I'll fly the fleet as if it were my own in the campaign. OK with that?

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Friday, November 28, 2008 - 02:00 am: Edit Just FYI to all...

Until December 11, my availability is somewhat limited. I can handle small stuff (like the Alaska battle), but that's about it.

After December 11 however, and for the next five weeks (until January 15), I should be able to help out with some of the big battles coming up.

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Friday, November 28, 2008 - 08:05 am: Edit WAR THROUGH THE WORMHOLE

THOLIAN/ISC FLEET (Revised): Carnivon YDN, CCH Avenger, DDP(L) Staunch, DD Vigilant, DDS Prism, LMON Phalanx (FTR Pallet w/ 3xSP-III), 6 Hexes of Web.

DN (flagship, 40), CCH (-12), 3 DDs (-18), LMON (-7) 12 ftrs (-1.5), 6 hexes of prelaid web (-1.5). 0 FCR Remaining.

Again, sorry about that gents. Thanks for pointing it out Kerry. ______

As the Tholian Admiral, I've directed the Lyrans to withdraw. No word from Marc yet on what his decision will be (understandable with Thanksgiving). We're both "Aggressive", so no real room for "diplomacy" here. Any negotiating is being done with the business end of a gun at point blank range in this case. If it comes to that, it should be glorious.

I took a few minutes to review at the ESG-web interaction. This is the first time I've really ever looked that hard at it. Nasty.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Friday, November 28, 2008 - 11:06 am: Edit ESG-Web interaction can be best described as 'first come - first served'. Just don't leave holes in your web.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, November 28, 2008 - 01:27 pm: Edit Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Ted, my main concern with you flying for the Gorn is your schedule. Kerry's got priority on that, and his availability is (central time)"6:30 pm to 12 ish mon- thursday most weekends I can play 12 or so hours".

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, November 28, 2008 - 10:10 pm: Edit SNAKEBITE LEATHER

An Andromedan exploratory fleet warps into Tholian territory, intent on a recon in force. The Tholians mobilize their lone DN to the defense...

THOLIAN FLEET: Base Station Indefatiguable (Y170 refit), PAM, HBM (6xSP- III),Small Shipyard, 6 hexes of web (range 1 around BS); DP Triumph of the Holdfast.


Both sides WS-III, speed max!

Jeremy's flying this one with his brother-in-law over the holiday, so he'll post the report when it's done!

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, November 28, 2008 - 10:10 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Spitting Into the Wind Head to Head War Machine Menace at Mthura The Folly of Men (Godzilla) To Skin a Cat I Can See Russia From My House War Through the Wormhole

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: Snakebite Leather


By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Friday, November 28, 2008 - 10:16 pm: Edit Interesting . . . It's a Tholian DP. Does that mean there's contact between the Tholians and a photon-based race or does that mean that that is not a necessary requirement for the Tholians to acquire photons?

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, November 28, 2008 - 10:25 pm: Edit It's not neccessary for the Tholians to acquire photons. Jeremy and I do have a "gentleman's agreement", however, on SC 3 and 4 photon ships, in that they are built 1 in 3 with "standard" (disruptor-armed) hulls. This is a carryover kludge from our old Babylon 5 campaigns, in which some hulls are "uncommon" (1 in 3).

However, in THIS campaign, they were at least briefly allied to the Feds under the previous Federation Admiral (who shall remain nameless).

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Friday, November 28, 2008 - 10:31 pm: Edit Glenn, I have maintained a limited number of photon armed ships (it can get absurd otherwise). I will not go into ship totals in my fleet, but approx 25% of my cruisers carry photons and about 10% of my destroyers do (it was a little higher before some losses in the Rom campaign). I'd be lying if I said any of my DNs didn't have photons at this point, but overall, I don't have that many photon armed ships. The battle in Iconia last turn saw the biggest concentration of them to date (5 in one battle).

By Jeremy Gray (Gray) on Friday, November 28, 2008 - 10:39 pm: Edit SNAKEBITE LEATHER Completed.

Chris and I played this one tonight after another helping of turkey. Not really much the Andros could do without committing suicide. The DP adopted anchor status in the web around the BS, and waited for the Andros to approach. Chris closed to range 8 and took a shot at the DP (knocking down most of its #1), but the return fire was brutal. The combined fire of the DP and the BS crippled the Python before the Andros displaced away. With the Tholians unable to immediately chase, the Andros opted to disengage rather than give the DP a chance to get underway and hunt them down. All three Andros successfully disengaged. I hindsight, I should have targetted the Cobra...it would have blown.

I think the Andros could really cause the Tholians some headaches, provided there is a web set up like I've used in some systems (radius 2 around a plant with a base orbiting at range 1), and if they either have lots of sat ships or lots of TRHs. In this battle they had neither, and the DP was just way too big for a few TRLs and Ph-2s to threaten.

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Friday, November 28, 2008 - 10:50 pm: Edit Personally, I never had complaints, I just didn't know. I think photon-armed Tholians were the coolest thing, as long as I'm flying this. Does this mean WCasters and Neo-Tholians will eventually make their appearances? (shudders slightly. Not alot, but slightly)

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, November 28, 2008 - 10:56 pm: Edit Glenn: Yes, Webcasters and Neos will eventually make their appearance. But they will be balanced by the arrival of the Seltorian Tribunal, who will fight against the Tholians. ;) By Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias) on Saturday, November 29, 2008 - 02:34 pm: Edit As a big Seltorian fan, I look forwards to the opportunity of flying more of their ships. I know I didn't fare too well the one time previously I used them, but they're still fun. :3

Personally, I'm still planning to do something about Spitting into the Wind (if only for fun and practice), and I've talked a bit with Dale about flying another battle that I don't believe has been announced yet.

To Skin a Cat is probably the most critical one of the Kzinti this turn, so I'm hoping I can recruit a skilled captain to fly on my behalf.

I'm also hoping the Klingons will be willing to fly Head to Head, although I suspect they have several battles of their own to worry about. If we can't find anyone, I may fly it myself, but I'll probably try to talk Jon (or someone) into a practice battle beforehand so I can get used to flying against plasma again.

That all said, it's been (literally) years since I flew a major fleet battle (more than 4 ships), so yeah... :3

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Saturday, November 29, 2008 - 03:26 pm: Edit Thursday is good for me. I will have work, but perhaps I can leave early that day. It's unlikely I'll be able to start before 5 PM Pacific time. I also have Friday and the weekend.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 29, 2008 - 03:58 pm: Edit BATTLE REPORT: WAR THROUGH THE WORMHOLE

The Lyran fleet drops to WS-0 and attempts to negotiate with the Tholians (and ISC-controlled Carnivon YDN). The Coalition ships don't respond, however, and the Tholians continue juicing up the web. The Lyrans wait as long as they can (due to the Stalemate clock), then turn and enter the wormhole, going back the way they came (escorting some Romulan ships along the way).

The Masters switch channels to ESPN...

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 29, 2008 - 03:59 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Spitting Into the Wind Head to Head War Machine Menace at Mthura The Folly of Men (Godzilla) To Skin a Cat I Can See Russia From My House BATTLES IN PROGRESS:

BATTLES RESOLVED: Snakebite Leather War Through the Wormhole

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 29, 2008 - 04:03 pm: Edit The Gorn Admiral has selected Frank LeMay to fly for him in "The Folly of Men (Godzilla)". Frank, Kerry, get started at your convenience!

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 29, 2008 - 04:40 pm: Edit KZINTI CAPTAIN NEEDED!

We need a Kzinti captain for "To Skin a Cat", above. Any takers?

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 29, 2008 - 06:10 pm: Edit Jeremy's signed up to fly the Kzin/Klink fleet against Kerry in "Head to Head". You guys get started at your convenience. ;)

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Saturday, November 29, 2008 - 06:48 pm: Edit Might be willing to to Skin a Cat. Will get back to ya soon.

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Saturday, November 29, 2008 - 07:27 pm: Edit Kerry, email me please at the email address in my profile. I'll have some important information.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 29, 2008 - 07:52 pm: Edit BATTLE REPORT:


A Mind Monster attacks the secret Orion system of Tortuga, threatening to destroy the pirate's coveted weapon system database!

ORION FLEET: BS Devil's Den (w/ 2xHBM - 4xZ-V), Small Shipyard, AR Grim Reaper (1xIon Cannon, 2xPhot, 2xDrone-A), DW(L) Demon (1xIon Cannon, 2xPhot), DW Spectre (1xIon Cannon, 2xPh-G), DWS Enchantress (2xSpecial Sensors, 1xDrone-A). All drones medium speed.

ENCOUNTER: Mind Monster

Orions WS-I, speed max. ______

The Orions squadron, sorely lacking is labs, turned to a limited number of probe drones to collect the massive amount of data required. Drawing probe drones from the Base Station's stocks, the fighters added several probe drone waves of their own. The DWS able to able collect data in relative safety with a single scout channel, but the remaining Orion crews had to risk the bliss of a mind wipe to save the system. After a few turns, it became clear this would not be enough, and shuttles began launching from every Orion shuttle bay. This accelerated to pirates' transition to vegetative states, but they finally got the information collection rate up to a meaningful level.

After 20 turns of collecting data, and with less than 25% of their crews still in control of their bodily functions, it was learned that the Orions needed a probe to destroy the death probe. A PROBE! With the only one probe launcher in the entire system on the base, this was going to be close.

The ships broke off and raced back to the planet, getting in position to distract the Monster if the probe missed. Fortunately, luck favored the pirates and probe fired at range 3 hit and destroyed the thing! At was just one turn away from reaching Tortuga!

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, November 29, 2008 - 07:54 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Spitting Into the Wind War Machine Menace at Mthura To Skin a Cat I Can See Russia From My House

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: The Folly of Men (Godzilla) Head to Head

BATTLES RESOLVED: Snakebite Leather War Through the Wormhole Tortuga On My Mind

By Francois Lemay (Princeton) on Saturday, November 29, 2008 - 09:11 pm: Edit Re The Folly of Men;

Kerry, Sent you an email to play Monday night 7:30 pm EST.

My EA is done for T1 and I'm all set up.

Let me know.

Cheers Frank

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Saturday, November 29, 2008 - 09:20 pm: Edit Re; Tortuga: Wow, an Orion-only system. Interesting.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, November 30, 2008 - 12:00 am: Edit REQUIEM REDUX

The Romulan homeworld, having just barely managed to fend off the ISC onslaught, is assaulted again... this time by the Klingons. "And Admiral... they have a B10."

Is this the final FINAL answer for the Rom contestant?

KLINGON FLEET: B10K Invincible (LD) [8x ZV fighters (med-spd drones)], BT7K Enfilade (LWO), D6DB Thunderchild (LSO), CL Vudan, F5C Glory (LWO).

ROMULAN FLEET: CON Senator (LC), GCA+ Glorious Prize, PDWL Peregrine, PDW Osprey (LE), GBDD+ Revenge (LMM); BATS w/PAM, 2x HBM, 4x G-SF, LCD.

Both sides WS-III, speed max.

John Carroll (the Klingon Admiral) and I will be playing this one tabletop, working away on it on Fridays. If we get a chance we'll even take some pics (we're playing with minis).

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, November 30, 2008 - 12:01 am: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Spitting Into the Wind War Machine Menace at Mthura To Skin a Cat I Can See Russia From My House Requiem Redux

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: The Folly of Men (Godzilla) Head to Head

BATTLES RESOLVED: Snakebite Leather War Through the Wormhole Tortuga On My Mind

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Wednesday, December 03, 2008 - 05:10 pm: Edit [Federation Admiral leaves his office and walks out to the big grassy field...] [looks around...]

[sees no one...]

[hears crickets chirping...]

[lays down and stares up at sky...]

[takes nap...*]

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Wednesday, December 03, 2008 - 05:29 pm: Edit Mischa and I are planning on doing 'Spitting' on the 12, most likely.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, December 03, 2008 - 07:34 pm: Edit Rich: if you're bored, you can volunteer to fly for the Kzinti in "To Skin a Cat"...

John and I will start "Requiem Redux" on Friday.

By Francois Lemay (Princeton) on Thursday, December 04, 2008 - 09:38 pm: Edit Looking forward to those pics Dale !

Cheers Frank

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Thursday, December 04, 2008 - 10:02 pm: Edit The Folly of men started.

T1 Gorn trundles in at spd 17 nearly all eccm(BT has 0 up) lyran DW squadron comes out 15/26. On 20 or so all forward gorns goto 6 ecm(ecps and lent from sr) We reach R15 on I31 with DWs looking into a 1 shift. So I fire to just damage him a little, but Gorn wisely blew batts to nudge it into a 2 shift. Ended up taking 30% off the BT #1.

Gorn held fire ending turn at R13 R27 to base. Continueing on sat 5 pm east.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Friday, December 05, 2008 - 12:58 am: Edit 4 turns played of War Machine. The Hydrans have gotten the worst of it so far due mostly to a hostile DAC. I have powered my shield to 100 the entire time so far.

To sum up: Hydrans have: THR (their CF) with down #1 shield and 3 phaser hits, LM (their CC) with down #6 shield and most weapons destroyed, and TR (their CL) with #1 and #4 almost down and 3 phaser hits.

Turn 1 was a standard approach turn. I plotted about 20 moves, the Hydrans floated around nearish the base but didn't hide behind it, instead they came out toward me but stayed within about R8 of it.

Turn 2 I plotted 19 moves with a 10/28 plot taking advantage of the Juggernaut triple acceleration. Hydrans went 21 all turn with 12 ECM except on the Traveller which had less. Near start of turn the Hydrans fired standard hellbores at R15 and turned off. It was a decent shot but one missed due to EW leaving two hits which scored 20 damage, only 12 of which stuck. At this point my acceleration kicked in and I reached R10 on the Traveller's rear shield, scoring 22 damage, 1 internal after reinforcement, which hit a ph-G. I then HET to bring my rear P4s into arc, which did 5 more damage hitting a warp and the other ph-G. Having HET away I had no choice but to fly off, and the Hydrans, without hellbores, had little incentive to chase me. We ended the turn at about R15-ish.

Turn 3 the Hydrans went 15 with 12 ECM, I went 15 also. We both looped around and turned in, reaching R8 at end of turn. I had the option of ending at R9, but went ahead and closed to R8 centerline. I fired at the Traveller again with 4P4 through a 2-shift, knocking out the front shield and scoring a couple of internals, which hit a ph-2.

Turn 4 the Hydrans had their hellbores armed and I knew they would be in the mood to do some damage. I considered many plans in EA, prompting Jon to ask why he could allocate four ships faster than I could allocate one. I eventually settled on the most conservative plan with a high-speed dash to force him to fire early in the turn, followed by a drop to medium speed. The Hydrans suprised me by all going different speeds - the CF 28, the LM 15, and the CL 7. He did fire his hellbores, plus the base P4s and some P1s/P2s from all the ships except the CF, scoring about 35 damage on the shield and 57 with hellbores, of which 37 stuck. I decided not to HET away immediately and instead just turned, letting the CF come into R4 at which point I opened up on it with 10xP1s and took out the front shield, scoring 5 internals of which three were phasers (2p2+1p1). Ouch! I then HET away and threatened him with my rear P4s, which forced him to turn off. He was enough faster than the LM that they got separated by about six hexes, and I ended up firing at the LM with my rear 2P4s, a side P4, and this knocked out the #6 shield and did a few internals. I had some more P1s and the overall net was 28 internals, which included out both hellbores, two warp, two fusions, all four p1s and a ph-g. Yow.

Toward EOT, I launched my Shrieks, and in response he launched his six fighters on impulse 22, but they would not have their gatlings armed in time to defend the ship. The CF slowed down to 7 which turned out to be key. Unfortunately (for me), he was able to turn the LM to get his undamaged gatling in arc, and he managed to catch up to the CF which also had two gatlings, and altogether they shot down both shrieks.

On impulse 32 I turned in, killed two stingers with p4s and ended the turn R4 from the four remaining Stingers, R13-16 from his ships, and R21 from the BATS. I fired a lot of phasers on turn 4, but on turn 5 Jon is in no position to press the attack - his two ships that still have weapons are slow and have down front shields, and the LM has lost almost all its weapons. I am in good shape with 12 damage to my #2/#3/#5 armor and 13 to my #6, all from hellbores.

The CL repaired, over time, two boxes on each of its #1 and #4 shield.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Friday, December 05, 2008 - 02:50 am: Edit We didn't schedule a time to resume. Tomorrow's most likely bad, but I have the whole weekend.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Friday, December 05, 2008 - 01:05 pm: Edit I'm working the entire weekend, and my next best time is Monday evening.

By Michael Lui (Michaellui) on Friday, December 05, 2008 - 04:53 pm: Edit Sheap

You are applying the Hellbore damage to the Juggernaut wrong. All the damage from the Hellbores goes straight onto the shield. A range 8 Hellbore would do 13 to the shield, 19 if overloaded. And any damage that penetrates the shield goes straight into the armor belt behind it. SL246.462 was written to be generic because PPDs still have a splash effect and EPTs still envelop their target regardless or whether or not it has shields. Read E10.51.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Friday, December 05, 2008 - 05:54 pm: Edit I can play Monday evening, how about 6 PM Pacific? I might be able to get on a little early as I did yesterday.

I think we played it right, but I don't have the rule in front of me to quote from it. I'll double check when I get home.

By Michael Lui (Michaellui) on Friday, December 05, 2008 - 06:29 pm: Edit


E10.51 Unshielded Targets: If a hellbore is fired at a drone.....or other unit that does not have shields (such as monsters) or which have only one shield....simply apply the full enveloping base damage to the target as you would from any other direct fire weapon. However, all of the enveloping hellbore damage is still resolved as a separate volley.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, December 05, 2008 - 07:56 pm: Edit Got through Impulse 3.2 of "Requiem Redux".

Turn 1, the Klingons swiftly targeted the Paravian DWL, hammering its #1 down. The Roms launched a huge spread of plasma that they followed in, forcing the Klingons to turn off (and launch drones). The Paravian DWs launched QWTs. The Klinks blew down the #1 of the Gorn BDD. The Gorn BDD launched all its plasma at the Vudar CL, which said those famous words ("That plasma is fake - I just KNOW it is!").

Late in the turn, the CON launched a second R, complicating matters.

T2, the Vudar CL ate 48 points of plasma on the nose (having phasered it down a bit). This was swiftly followed up by 6 ph-1s from the CON through the down shield, and 4 Ph-4s from the distant BATS. BATS rolled terribly, doing only 1 point. But the CL took around 31 internals total (including plasma damage).

At that point the Klinks continued to pound on the Paravian DWL at longish range, hammering down a couple shields and doing a handful of internals. But the Paravian DWL launched QWTs at the F5C before turning off again. The Paravian DW launched QWTs at the damaged VCL; the G-SF fighters launched D-torps at the VCL.

Many drones were killed by T-bombs. Many drones were phasered down by aft phasers of the GCA+ and CON. Many drones were broken by the BATS' sensor channels.

The Klingons meanwhile phasered down the 1x R, 3x S (from the CON and GCA+) to nothing, vaping them unidentified. The 6x QWTs from the Paravians hit the BT for 1 point each on the #2; the second R from the CON hit for 16 points after phaser damage on the same shield (that was the real one).

The Vudar CL caught hell, eating phasers from the DWs through down shields and getting hit by 3x QWT and 4x D torp also. Despite multiple vollys I failed to hit a single Ion torp. The turn ended with the VCL 1 hex away from the Paravian DWL, off of their #2 and #6 respectively.

Turn 3, the Paravian DWL plotted speed-0, and anchored the VCL at range-1. It had also plotted 0. The DWL launched 3x OL QWTs at the tractored VCL, which in reply fired 3x OL ICs at it (hitting the undamaged #2). Meanwhile, the F5C hit the DWL with 2x OL disruptors at r8, and the B10 hit with 3/8 disruptors at R10 (terrible rolls). The DWL survived, and TAC'd on 3.2 to bring a fresh shield to face the VCL (still has a down shield to the onrushing Klinks).

On 3.2, the 3x OL QWTs hit the VCL through a down shield (and half the splash spilled through a down shield also), blowing it to hell. The explosion nearly brought down the previously-fresh #3 on the beleagured DWL...

And that's where we had to leave it, with the GCA+ and the CON looping back in to the fight even as the Klinks maintain their distance from the base. More when our schedules allow; pics to follow when I get 'em uploaded!

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Friday, December 05, 2008 - 08:57 pm: Edit Sheap; Sure. See you then.

Micheal; We're playing correct. Re-read the Juggie rules concerning the shield. The Hellbore treats the Juggie as an unshielded target, and the damage is divided 6 ways. Unless the damage comes from the RA, the damage element over the #4 is ignored.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, December 05, 2008 - 09:11 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Spitting Into the Wind Menace at Mthura To Skin a Cat I Can See Russia From My House

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: The Folly of Men (Godzilla) Head to Head Requiem Redux War Machine

BATTLES RESOLVED: Snakebite Leather War Through the Wormhole Tortuga On My Mind

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, December 05, 2008 - 09:27 pm: Edit OK, as threatened:

Battle scene, end of Turn 1... using 2x SKA for the 2x Paravian DW, and a WYN Orca for the VCL... http://home.att.net/~dalemckee/1.32.jpg

Same scene, from a different angle... Klinks running for the map edge, tailed by plasma... huge drone waves heading off the Rom ships. Note the VCL heading in at the fleet... http://home.att.net/~dalemckee/1.32a.jpg

Overview, Turn 3.2... All Rom ships moving speed-20 except Paravian DWL (speed-0); Klingons around 20, but the F5C is going 10. The Vudar CL is upside- down as it just blew up. ;) http://home.att.net/~dalemckee/3.2.jpg

Close up of the Gorn CA+ "Glorious Prize" and the CON+ "Senator" as they move to engage the Klingons. http://home.att.net/~dalemckee/gcacont3.jpg

The death of the Vudar Light Cruiser! Note the onrushing Klinks. Only the BT has unfired disruptors at this point... that Paravian is going to die anyway, though.



By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Friday, December 05, 2008 - 11:33 pm: Edit Since the only players that have expressed an interest in flying the Andros in 'Menace at Mthura' are busy flying the 'War Machine' battle, I guess I have time to fly ships in another battle. Who needs a captain?

By Marc Baluda (Marc) on Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 12:43 am: Edit I have several battles pending. Want to fly Lyrans?

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 12:56 am: Edit "To Skin a Cat" still needs a Kzinti captain.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 12:57 am: Edit Tom, what's your schedule like? If you can find someone to fly "Menace at Mthura" from VW or another thread, I'm fine with it...

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 01:13 am: Edit BTW, I have no objection to Tom (or Jeremy) flying Lyrans if it is okay with the Lyran admiral (Marc). As long as you guys can seperate out your Admiral's role when you're in the Captain's chair, and there is no complaining or aspersions afterward. ;)

By Michael Lui (Michaellui) on Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 04:17 am: Edit Jon

I did read SL246.462. Now, if that last line was meant to be "were a shielded target." instead of "an unshielded target." then you would divide the hellbore damage into 6 portions. As it is the hellbore damage is divided into direct fire hellbore damage and enveloping hellbore damage because enveloping damage is treated as a separate volley. So you could drop the shield on one impulse with regular weapons and enveloping hellbore fire and the next impulse shoot DF hellbores and enveloping hellbores to pierce the armor and do 2 volleys of internals.

However I will post the question in the Q+A section.

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 12:00 pm: Edit Dale,

I can usually play Sunday afternoons and sometimes Sunday evenings. I'm also often available Monday thru Thursday from say 8:30pm to 11:30pm EST.

Regarding the cat battles, I don't have a dog (har har) in them but since I had a bit of a run in with the Lyrans this turn, I suppose I should play the Kzinti.

By William T Wilson (Sheap) on Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 01:13 pm: Edit By SPP's ruling we were playing things almost right, with the exception that apparently the Juggernaut is not usually allowed to allocate leftover enveloping damage to the #4 or to the rotating shield, but must take it on the armor. So it looks like I owe you a few points of armor damage (4, I think).

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 01:34 pm: Edit Tom, Kerry will be flying the Lyrans, so contact him and schedule the game when you can. Thanks!

By Peter Thoenen (Eol) on Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 02:22 pm: Edit Just FYI was chatting with Ken Rotar and while he doesn't post much on the BBS he is a SFBOL'er.

He mentioned he was looking to captain some fights and he is free most days / night / any time. Contact him at: [email protected] if you need a decent captain to fly against

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 02:28 pm: Edit Great! I will add him to the list. I can also probably add a new battle to the queue if we have captains available to fly!

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 02:32 pm: Edit I've emailed Ken to get an idea of his availability and race preferences.

BTW, Peter, any time YOU have time, the Gorn can always use your help again.

By Michael Lui (Michaellui) on Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 03:26 pm: Edit Sheap

Actually it's not allowed to take leftover hellbore damage to the rotating or #4 "shield". If it were taking an enveloping R inside range 10 it could take one of the leftover 4 points to the #4 and one to the rotating as the R EPT doesn't care which armor belt/shield is the strongest/weakest.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 08:59 pm: Edit Michael; as a Hydran I have a distinct lask of Plasma in my fleets. ;)

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 10:22 pm: Edit The Folly of Men T2

Again start is BB/CS/BT are R13 to the 4 DWs(one L) and R27 to the Base.

Lyran does a spd 26/19/25 plot to turn a quick corner if Gorn goes slow. This only allows for 1 FX disr though.

Gorn does a 28/17 split on the front ships except the tug does 13 and the SRV is 9/13 on imp 14. The front 2 ships outrun the EW vehicle from imp 7-28 getting lent EW after that.

The DWs run their little heinies off dropping Tbombs out to cause manuevering probs. Gorn follows and just when the BB is able to reach R10 to the group Batts gets R15 to OEW it, John holds fire. Then he turns the BB in so DWs turn out and head back towards the rear elements ending at R15 to the BTF and 22 to the SRV.

As they close the lyran ambush goes off and all notice 3 GBDP4 on the planet at R15! He keeps comin.

The other two closed on the base with the BB launching a psuedo R at the base on imp 18. From imp 27-30 I fire the wad of P4s at the CS while its at R10 from base R12 from GBDP4. Over the 4 imps I get around 21 ints in 3 groups, hitting 5 power, 5 phasers and a ftorp.

BB ends turn at R7, CS at R8 and all ftrs, shuts launch from the pair. The BB fires p1s at the MRS crippling it, and killing one of the 2 ecm drones on the base.

Next turn will be interesting! Should happen tomorrow after 2 pm east. It looks like the INT exchange may come quickly dependent upon the BBs strategy.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 10:28 pm: Edit LYRAN CAPTAIN NEEDED!

We're going to need another Lyran captain for a battle against the Gorn (to be announced). Kerry's at his limit, so anyone out there willing/able to fly Lyrans? Let me know!

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 10:28 pm: Edit double post delete

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 11:59 pm: Edit Dale, I don't care if I'm the next empire to crash, but •••• it to hell, this is really really really . . . really . . . fun as hell, and you're awesome for moderating it. I just think its important to say this from time to time.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, December 07, 2008 - 02:08 pm: Edit Thanks Glenn, I'm glad you're having fun. That's the whole point of a campaign.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Sunday, December 07, 2008 - 07:49 pm: Edit The Folly of Men through 3.13

BB and CS both start at spd 17(from R7/8 to base), others are spd 17(tug) and spd 12 SRV.

Lyran DWs do a spd 26/30 split for turning ability, but move every imp. DWs look to have a perfect run to the BTF or SRV which is 7 hexes behind BTF.

Gorn has different plans. By using tractors properly the BB/CS are able to do some Quick turns to chase the DWs. For the base they launch 5 dtorps at ftrs, and have the 6 BB ftrs, 4 shuts, and 2 SRV ftrs(R17 start) coming at batts. There also is a launched Rtorp that will impact at R9 launched late last turn.

As base can't fire til imp 5-7 the ships reach R9 before I can get a good shot. So I play defensive on the base and phaser his ftrs/shuts and incoming Rtorp. All told ftrs are all crippled and some 6 are killed. His Dtorps hit 3 ftrs crippling one and wounding 2 others. Rtorp turns out to be psuedo #2.

The Dws are able to close on the rear elements with the BB/CS coming around behind them. With the BTF interposing itself between the SRV I have to shoot at it or get to within R5 of his heavy elements. Over 2 imps I hit it with 35 ints(5 phasers, 6 power, 2 torps) and then the DWs turned off. The BB just hit one DW for 17 on the rears with 8p1's so the next couple imps should see that DW taking ints from further phaser or other fire.

We are supposed to be playing the rest of the turn 3 mins ago so it may happen tonight or some other time.

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Sunday, December 07, 2008 - 08:01 pm: Edit Dale, That being said . . . I really need to find a derelict Andromedan Imposer. Just j/king

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, December 07, 2008 - 08:08 pm: Edit Kerry: be sure to save the game at the end of the scenario so we have a record of ship damage.

Glenn: Oh, you'll find an Imposer, all right... it just won't be a derelict! (j/k) By Paul Franz (Andromedan) on Sunday, December 07, 2008 - 10:12 pm: Edit Dale, I will take a game. Give me a game and a side and tell me the Admirals email address so I can get the low down on how they want it played.

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Sunday, December 07, 2008 - 11:36 pm: Edit Paul,

There is an NPC Andromedan force needing a captain.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, December 08, 2008 - 03:22 am: Edit Paul, your choice of "Menace at Mthura" (detailed 11/27, Andros vs. ISC - you'd take Andros) or a "Ivory Hunters", below (you'd fly Lyrans). Let me know!

And thanks!

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, December 08, 2008 - 03:30 am: Edit IVORY HUNTERS

As the Gorn fleets set sail across the vast sea of stars to invade the Lyrans, a Lyran fleet slips in a side route and discovers a lightly-defended Gorn base in the system named Ivory!

GORN FLEET: BS w/PAM, Y170/175; BDD+ Fire Lizzard.

LYRAN FLEET: BCbp+ Blaze of Glory, DWbup+ Gray, DWbup+ Snakekiller, Orion SALo+ Mercenary (2x SpecSens, Drone-A Racks, OAKDISC).

Both sides at WS-III, speed max. Planet in center of 84x60 map with base.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, December 08, 2008 - 03:31 am: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Spitting Into the Wind Menace at Mthura To Skin a Cat I Can See Russia From My House Ivory Hunters

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: The Folly of Men (Godzilla) Head to Head Requiem Redux War Machine BATTLES RESOLVED: Snakebite Leather War Through the Wormhole Tortuga On My Mind

By Paul Franz (Andromedan) on Monday, December 08, 2008 - 09:25 am: Edit I will be happy to fly the Andros in the "Menace at Mthura" battle. Who should I contact about setting up a time?

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Monday, December 08, 2008 - 12:08 pm: Edit Tom Carroll in the ISC vs. Paul Franz in the Andros.

THAT's gonna draw an audience...

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, December 08, 2008 - 02:43 pm: Edit I've got Ken Rotar signed up to fly "Ivory Hunters". We need a Lyran captain, be it Paul or anyone else...

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, December 08, 2008 - 02:59 pm: Edit Ken's schedule, btw: Any days between 2pm est and 9pm est.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, December 08, 2008 - 07:56 pm: Edit Paul: talk to Tom Carroll for his schedule (he's flying the ISC).

I'll email you about the Andros.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, December 08, 2008 - 08:00 pm: Edit Paul: Email sent.

By Paul Franz (Andromedan) on Monday, December 08, 2008 - 09:15 pm: Edit Email sent to Tom.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Tuesday, December 09, 2008 - 10:30 pm: Edit To Skin a Cat T1

Tom kept the range open and ran with High EW, at spd 12. He launched a MRS from the base which I crippled at R25 with 5 disr and 2 p1. The follow up on his ships was weak, but I knocked half of the CDs #1 off(it only had 8 ecm compared to 10 for the others).

Tom Hit one of my DWs and knocked its #1 down to 5 boxes.

T2 is gonna be next wed most likely as I am gone this weekend.

Frank the gorn comes on thurs, email me if you wanna try wed night as well(tomorrow). By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 01:37 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Spitting Into the Wind Menace at Mthura I Can See Russia From My House Ivory Hunters

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: The Folly of Men (Godzilla) Head to Head Requiem Redux War Machine To Skin a Cat

BATTLES RESOLVED: Snakebite Leather War Through the Wormhole Tortuga On My Mind

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 01:38 pm: Edit The Masters are pleased to see some progress as they switch from watching "The

Dog Whisperer" on NatGeo.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 01:38 pm: Edit LYRAN CAPTAIN NEEDED for the scenario "Ivory Hunters", above...

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 03:26 pm: Edit I can volunteer to bang that one out Friday night/this weekend if the Gorn side commander is available, and Marc will have me as the Lyran commander.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 04:43 pm: Edit Marc tells me he has no objections, Rich. You have his email - drop him a line.

I've also sent you your opponent's email; Ken doesn't check the BBS, so you'll need to contact him as well. I've let him know you'll be flying the Lyrans.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 04:48 pm: Edit Dale,

Will do. Also, can you send me Ken Rotar's contact info?

I see you listed availability, above, so we have a shot at getting started on Friday night... By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 05:00 pm: Edit Sent.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 07:21 pm: Edit Dale and all,

A question on knowledge of officers and OC status. Are these known to the opponents? In other words if I have a legendary captain aboard do I have to tell em or only when I do something that can be easily figured out?

Don't mind either way, but just want to abide by the rules when if I play a battle with an officer in it.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 08:20 pm: Edit It's been a general policy that officers are announced. It saves arguments later. There have been some instances where an officer is not listed on a player's system page, but on his manifest, and so has to be announced at the battle's beginning instead of beforehand, but yeah.

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 11:12 pm: Edit Two turns of MENACE AT MTHURA completed.

The 5th DD Squadron maintained a close patrol near the Battlestation as the ISC await the Andromedans. The Andromendans meanwhile have been approaching at moderate speed and are now approximately 25,000km from the Battlestation. Fireworks expected next turn.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 11:29 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Spitting Into the Wind I Can See Russia From My House Ivory Hunters

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: The Folly of Men (Godzilla) Head to Head Requiem Redux War Machine To Skin a Cat Menace at Mthura

BATTLES RESOLVED: Snakebite Leather War Through the Wormhole Tortuga On My Mind

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Thursday, December 11, 2008 - 08:39 am: Edit Just making sure:

KZINTI/KLINGON FLEET: DN(1) Akira Kogami, CC(3) Ryuquir; BT7K Ambuscade, D6SB Widowmaker, D6B Barbarous.

PELADINE FLEET: DN+,BC+,SRV+,DW,DD + 6xp-1 fighters.

Both sides WS-II, speed-max! As usual, setup is on a 2x2 map with both sides roughly 50 hexes apart to start.

For this game the WS is 2 for both fleets?


By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, December 11, 2008 - 11:26 am: Edit Yep.

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Thursday, December 11, 2008 - 04:19 pm: Edit Dale, no, sorry. The DW has a lengendary navigator. To start, the Peladine have the ability to start in a separate location.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, December 11, 2008 - 04:43 pm: Edit Glenn: No, the *DW* has the ability to start in a seperate location. Not the entire fleet.

And, as I've said before, it would help immensely if you guys would list your officers in parentheses in the SYSTEMS page, instead of only on your manifest. Not trying to pick on Glenn - several of you do this. ;)

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, December 11, 2008 - 04:46 pm: Edit Re-reading (G22.82), in fact, this does not apply. It allows a LN to modify the ENTRY hex, if he is entering the map during the scenario - NOT his starting on- map starting position.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, December 11, 2008 - 04:51 pm: Edit Kerry, Glenn: However, due to the LN, the DW should be at WS-III.

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Thursday, December 11, 2008 - 04:53 pm: Edit /\-----Feels very picked on, and justifiably.

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Thursday, December 11, 2008 - 05:11 pm: Edit Hmmmm, I may have put that badly. Dale, I'll continue to strive to keep all important info on the correct spreadsheet. By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, December 11, 2008 - 05:42 pm: Edit

No harm done Glenn.

And no hard feelings about it. It would help in the future if EVERYONE would list both the ship name and any legendaries in the systems page, instead of the just the manifest.

RIGHT: BC Irreducible, DW+ Endangerer(LN), FF+ Nueghor.


I know it's a bit more work for you guys - but it translates into a LOT more work for me if you don't. ;)

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Thursday, December 11, 2008 - 05:45 pm: Edit

yeah for me I was just wondering if it was a typo. WS 2 just means I get to work a little harder... eww of course it means the envelopers work just as well ;).

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, December 11, 2008 - 05:51 pm: Edit No, neither fleet was fully prepared to meet the other where/when it did. They were both going in ready to shoot, but the intercept couldn't be anticipated perfectly by either side.

In other news, Real Life (tm) keeps interfering with our attempts to continue "Requiem Redux". Maybe tonight, maybe next week... this afternoon didn't pan out.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, December 11, 2008 - 05:52 pm: Edit On a seperate yet related note, I've noticed a couple of you not tracking your XP. It's no skin off my nose, but don't complain when your opponents start showing up with some Outstanding Crews (and you have none). ;)

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Saturday, December 13, 2008 - 01:04 pm: Edit Ivory Coast update

First turn is done. Gorn BDD is at speed 0 and maintaining station with the Base station, which is in range 3 orbit around Ivory.

The Lyrans are approaching at moderate speed from the southeast. The only fire this turn was from the Lyran BC on the Gorn BDD, hitting with 3 disruptors, all of which was bounced.

We play again at 1 pm CST on Sunday. By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, December 13, 2008 - 02:00 pm: Edit ON A PALE HORSE

Even as the war with the Lyrans is off to a hot start, the remote Gorn system of Pale, behind the lines, is visited by a lone Orion... aiming to misbehave.

GORN FLEET: BS (no refits, no modules).

ORION FLEET: CA+ (1x PL-S, 2x PL-F; D-racks, OAKDISC; *no* cloak).

Both sides WS-III, speed-max! The base is orbiting the planet at R3; the planet is in the middle of an 84x60 map.

Pat Dillman has volunteered to fly the Orion; I'll ask Ken Rotar if he wants the Gorn, but otherwise, we'll need a Gorn captain!

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, December 13, 2008 - 02:05 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Spitting Into the Wind I Can See Russia From My House On a Pale Horse

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: The Folly of Men (Godzilla) Head to Head Requiem Redux War Machine To Skin a Cat Menace at Mthura Ivory Hunters

BATTLES RESOLVED: Snakebite Leather War Through the Wormhole Tortuga On My Mind

By Peter Thoenen (Eol) on Saturday, December 13, 2008 - 02:35 pm: Edit Dale / Pat: I can play the Gorn BS IF AND ONLY IF Pat can play tomorrow (Sunday) between 8am (eastern) until 3pm eastern and we can finish in a single sitting. If not, will pass until I get stable in my life (basically I got some downtime tomorrow but as I am in Djibouti and work Monday I got odd hours)

By Ken Rotar (Sir_Krotar) on Saturday, December 13, 2008 - 03:29 pm: Edit If Peter can play the game tomorrow, that's cool. Otherwise I will play the Gorn BS. By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, December 13, 2008 - 04:13 pm: Edit Got ya. I'll email Pat and let him know.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, December 13, 2008 - 04:13 pm: Edit

BTW, sorry, it's Pat HILLman. Got confuzzled.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Saturday, December 13, 2008 - 11:57 pm: Edit Spitting into the Wind started;

You know you're in for a weird battle when the most powerful mobile unit in the scenario is a Large *Freighter*.

Turn 1, lots of EW, speeds 12 for everyone. The Kzinti started out by beaming up BPs from the GMG to the F-AL and SF. The SF launched ECM drones to cover itself and the Freighter. The Midnight Eye bounced up to 18 on 1:16, and the turn ended pretty uneventfully with people closing range.

We should resume late next week.

By Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias) on Sunday, December 14, 2008 - 12:01 am: Edit SPITTING INTO THE WIND

After a couple false starts, turn 1 completed.

I'm probably overextending myself... I'm too used to flying around with a proper fleet. Good thing the enemy isn't one. <.< Got a couple of drones spread out, as well as a scatterpack trailing behind. Should be able to at least force him to use a few T-bombs.

It really is showing how much I need to practice more with SFBOL. I had to get Jon's help to remember how to do transporter operations, and messed up on announcing a speed change... oh yeah, and ECM/ECCM too. Gah.

Definitely glad I'm doing this, before any more serious fleet battles...

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, December 14, 2008 - 08:22 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: I Can See Russia From My House On a Pale Horse

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: The Folly of Men (Godzilla) Head to Head Requiem Redux War Machine To Skin a Cat Menace at Mthura Spitting Into the Wind

BATTLES RESOLVED: Snakebite Leather War Through the Wormhole Tortuga On My Mind Ivory Hunters

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Sunday, December 14, 2008 - 09:31 pm: Edit IVORY HUNTERS is concluded (mostly).

Ken and I played through turn 4. At that point, we resolved in through "negotiation."

The Lyrans had come into range 14-15 and parked, with their Orion SAL acting as a scout 3 hexes behind. All had ECM drones. On initial approach during turn 2, the Lyran BC launched her MRS, but the Gorn BS fired on it, crippling it. The BC immediately sucked it back in, and DC teams immediately got to work on, but it wouldn't appear again.

The Gorn BDD was parked at speed 0 with the BS. After three turns of trading shots, the Gorn BDD had a down #1 shield and 8 internals, and the BS had a slightly damaged #5 and a heavily damaged #2. Other than the Lyran MRS, the Gorns concentrated on the DW Gray, reducing her #2 shield by half. Additionally, a G-torp did 2 points to her #1 shield. Other than that, the Lyrans were unharmed.

The Orion SAL salvoed the majority of her drones. Using an SP, she got out 14 drones in a pattern with most targeted on the BS, but a few (4 I beleive) were targeted on the BDD. I forgot about how effective those big D-racks on the BS could be, and he easily shot all the drones down by using over half his available D-torps. The SAL could only do that type of attack once because she didn't have the Y175 refit. By the end of her 2-turn launch sequence, and subtracting all the ECM drones she bought, the SAL only had 10 spaces of drones left (4 loaded, 6 in reloads).

Neither player had a real EW advantage, but at the range the Lyrans chose, 10 disruptors and copious P1 were telling. The only thing unusual that happened is that the BDD launched a WW. Ken stated that he wanted the extra ECM, which was fine by me as two of the three Lyran warships took an unshifted shot on the BS (and 3 shifted disruptors from the third ship), doing 26 damage.

At the end of turn 4, the BS's #2 shield was facing the Lyrans with only 9 boxes left on it, and the Lyran weapons would all be up and ready to fire on 5.1. Although a plasma-S was inbound, Ken judged that he just didn't have enough stand-off firepower or maneuvering units to force the issue with the Lyrans or hurt them at range. And since I had no need to rush...

The Gorn BDD disengaged with light damage after sending her BP to planet surface. The Gorn BS, after hearing that the Lyran would attempt capture, self- destructed, sending her BP and survivors to the planet surface as well.

So ended the space battle.

Dale will resolve the planetary assault because neither Ken nor I had the value of the Ivory system at the time. However, the breakdown Dale has to resolve is as follows:

Gorns ------each hex side has 11 BP, 3 GDS, and the control station (equivalent of 19 BP per hexside). 23 BP from the BDD and BS, plus maybe a couple militia. Any shuttles Dale wants to give credit for (maximum of 3 admin and 2 GAS). max. total offense = 127 + maybe shuttles* max. casualty pot. = 143 + maybe shuttles*

*divided between 6 sites

Lyrans (incl. standard complement on each ship) ------83 marine squads 6 HW squads 2 commandoes 5 admin shuttles 4 GAS shuttles 1 MRS shuttle militia? max. total offense = 127 + militia? max. casualty pot. = 119 + militia?

If Lyrans can concentrate planetside before Gorns can push them off, they can win easily. If not, and with favorable dice, the Gorn have a good chance.

Thanks to Marc and Eli for allowing Ken and I to fly this one. It was quick, but fun.

By Patrick Hill (Dread_Lord) on Sunday, December 14, 2008 - 10:21 pm: Edit heh, actually it is only Pat "Hill"

This campaign looks really cool, and I am excited to be a part of it!

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, December 14, 2008 - 10:31 pm: Edit Pat, sorry again for mangling your name, but welcome aboard, glad to have you.

We always need interested captains!

By Michael Lui (Michaellui) on Monday, December 15, 2008 - 04:32 am: Edit Sheap and Laz

Okay, here's how the damage to the Juggernaut breaks down assuming the Rotating Shield has been over the #1 Armor Belt each time it has been struck by Hellbores and no "Direct Fire" Hellbores were used:

T2: 20 Hellbore damage

A. Armor Belts #3 and #5 are the 2 weakest at 30 points each. That means the 20 points are divided by 3 scoring 7 on both 3+5, leaving 6 points to resolve.

B. The next 2 weakest are the #2 and #6 at 40 points each. That's 2 on both the 2+6 leaving 2 points.

C. The next weakest is the #1 at 60 points. That gets 1 but is ignored because the Rotating Shield was protecting it leaving 1 point.

D. The #4, being the strongest shield, only gets 1. And that is also ignored because the hellbore fire did not come from that direction.

T4: 57 Hellbore damage

A. 3+5 are still the 2 weakest at 23 points each. Therefore the 57 points are divided by 3 scoring 19 on each and leaving 19 points to resolve.

B. 2+6 are still the next 2 weakest at 38 points each. They get 5 points each and leaves 9.

C. The #1 is still the next strongest and gets 5. Again, still protected by the shield, this damage is ignored and leaves 4 points.

D. The #4 will always be the strongest and the last 4 points is ignored. Summary:

The Juggernaut has 33 points of armor left on Armor Belts 2+6, 4 points left on 3+5, and a pristine #1 at the end of Turn #4.

Looking at it from a damaged point of view the Juggernaut has 7 points of damage on Armor Belts 2+6, 26 points of damage on 3+5, and a pristine #1 at the end of Turn #4.

These totals come out to 66 damage. Quite a lot more than the 49 you currently have allocated and in very inconvenient locations for the Juggernaut. The Juggernauts back end is getting a mite drafty and placing the RS over either the #3 or #5 will not help as that will just mean the belt the shield is not placed over takes half the damage rather than one-third on both. IE: The Rotating shield is just a very powerful "specific reinforcement" to Hellbores.

Of course this also assumes the Juggernaut has not done any repairs to its armor and if it did the damage done may change significantly depending on which belts were repaired and when.

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Monday, December 15, 2008 - 08:33 am: Edit Why are you treating the armor like shields?

Per Steve Petricks post:

Step #2: Resolve the damage. Hellbores fired from directly ahead will, under (SL246.462) divide their damage evenly between the Juggernaut's six shield arcs. Any damage they would score against the #4 shield arc is lost (SL246.462).

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Monday, December 15, 2008 - 10:27 am: Edit Tom is right. The Juggie acts like an unshielded Jindo except for the caveats of the #4 and the shield.

All that is owed on the Juggie armor belts is the extra point on each of the 2/3/5/6 due to mis-allocation of the lieu damage.

By Ken Rotar (Sir_Krotar) on Monday, December 15, 2008 - 01:30 pm: Edit Regarding Ivory Hunters, the BS and BDD each bought 3 extra BP.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, December 15, 2008 - 02:20 pm: Edit

Thanks Ken! And thanks for flying! By Marc Baluda (Marc) on Monday, December 15, 2008 - 03:13 pm: Edit Ken, thanks for flying this. I'm sure we can give you some more battles if you're game. Cheers.

By Michael Lui (Michaellui) on Monday, December 15, 2008 - 03:43 pm: Edit There is actually a discrepancy with SPPs post. I have e-mailed him about it.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, December 15, 2008 - 05:27 pm: Edit Michael: Enough, dude. The point in my campaign is to fly fun battles, not argue them to death. Let it alone.

Of course I don't object to you asking rules questions in the proper thread, but please stop beleagering my players with a game in progress about nits. Thanks.

By Andrew J. Koch (Droid) on Monday, December 15, 2008 - 07:42 pm: Edit Just a nit Dale; it's spelled beleaguer

I'll e-mail you

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Monday, December 15, 2008 - 08:28 pm: Edit Head to Head Peladine(DN,BC,DW,DD,SRV) VS KZI DN,BT,CC,D6B,D6Bs

Start at WS II so have a lotta power stuck into finishing torps.

Closed under erratics on the big ships and all else stayed out 6 hexes behind. At R15 to DN, SRV got hit at R22 with 14 of 20 disr(12 woulda hit the DN). So SRV lost most of the shield.

All turned off after launching drones ended at R14 to forward ships 17 to D6BS. Continueing sunday night.

By Ken Rotar (Sir_Krotar) on Tuesday, December 16, 2008 - 01:07 pm: Edit Sure Marc, I'll fly more.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Tuesday, December 16, 2008 - 03:14 pm: Edit I CAN SEE RUSSIA FROM MY HOUSE

The ship was already at battlestations by the time the turbo-lift got there. Commander Stevens entered the bridge.


Science Officer Palin looked up from her deep scan monitor. “Library computer confirms that the bogey is, in fact, a Planet Crusher, sir.” Everyone on the bridge – on the entire ship – knew this history of the dreaded Planet Crusher. Seven uninhabited planets in system L-370. Two more in system L-374, plus the entire ship and crew of a Constitution-class cruiser. The defeated attack on the Klingon homeworld. And of course Sheboygan III. The Rigelians still kept the burnt out shell of the first monster as a monument to all the lives lost. Now, another one comes for the colonists on Bradbury, and USS Alaska. Since the organization of the Far Stars is controlled by the immoral super-powerful beings only known as “the Masters,” Stevens could only assume that this was some kind of test or game for their entertainment. However, he had no illusions about how real the threat to Bradbury, and his ship, was.

“Comm, signal Starfleet, get me the location of any other ship or auxiliary that can help us.”

“Sir, as we expected, the Planet Crusher is emitting some kind of very powerful interference, preventing sub-space communications. We can reach Bradbury on local direct-beam, who signal all planetary defenses are ready and at your disposal, but that’s about it, sir.”

Silence. Stevens looked at his bridge crew. “Gentlemen, we’re on our own. Palin, options for defeating this thing?”

“Sir, it appears from the records that Planet Crushers actually come in two types. The first, which was encountered by two heavy cruisers, had an extremely thick neutronium hull and was essentially immune to our weaponry. It was defeated by detonating a large anti-matter explosion through the bow of it. The second, defeated over Klinshai according to what the Klingons told us, was destroyed by massed weapons fire, including disruptors, phasers, and drones. However, the Klingons indicated that Planet Crusher’s hull was actually a weaker neutronium- valadium alloy. I should point out the Klingons also had 3 warships and heavier planetary defenses than what is at our disposal. The third, encountered by USS Endeavor, was defeated by a smaller anti-matter explosion from a suicide shuttle, but Endeavor reported that weapons fire appeared to be effective against the hull. All encounters reported that the Crusher is highly maneuverable, but not very fast. Her highest recorded speed was warp 1.82. Endeavor also reported that the thing will unerringly seek planetary orbit to fire its primary anti-proton weapon, but that it can be temporarily “distracted” by a ship closing to within 20,000 kilometers. That’s it, sir.”

Stevens gave one short nod. He didn’t much care for Palin, and didn’t think much of her skills as a science officer, but her report was enough for him to act. The only Federation ships to encounter a Crusher were Constitution class starships. His precious Alaska, an old Province class and the only ship he had ever commanded, didn’t have near the heavy weaponry and defenses of those ships. As every officer in Star Fleet knew, we fight with what we have, not with what we wish for. Old for a Commander, especially one qualified to command starships, Stevens believed he had been passed over for promotion stemming from a personal incident years ago involving using his influence as a Starfleet officer to receive better billeting for his family than his rank normally merited. He smiled to himself. Stevens knew that one way or another, Alaska would also likely be his last command. He said in low voice to himself, "So let’s see what the old girl can do."

“Helm, break orbit and plot an intercept course. Weapons, charge phasers and overload both photons. Signal the shuttle bay to prepare a scatter-pack. Get the crews into the F7s. Comm, signal Bradbury to interlock firing solutions with us, and then update our log buoy. Engineer, prepare for sustained 100% output and energize the armor plating. Get the damage control teams to their stand-by stations.”

A chorus of “aye, sir!” sounded around the bridge.

As the bridge bent to their tasks, Stevens pressed a stud on his chair. “All hands, we are about to engage a Planet Crusher. It means to have Bradbury for lunch. We’re going to convince it that this is a meal not worth eating. But Bradbury isn’t defenseless, so even if we can’t kill it, we must hurt it badly enough that Bradbury’s satellites and her one facing gun can finish her. Let’s get it done. Out.”

------Because the Planet Crusher is a monster governed by scenario driven and limited movement and fire orders, Dale has okayed me to do this one solitaire, so I'm "officially" starting the thing. However, I'm still going to do it on-line, just as soon as Comcast can get me my friggin' Internet connection (and my •••• phone) back...

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Tuesday, December 16, 2008 - 05:16 pm: Edit

Rich, excellent, and btw, GREAT write up. You slay me.

Ken: You and Pat Hill should schedule a time to fly "On a Pale Horse" at your convenience, and I'll have more battles soon.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Tuesday, December 16, 2008 - 05:17 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: On a Pale Horse

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: The Folly of Men (Godzilla) Head to Head Requiem Redux War Machine To Skin a Cat Menace at Mthura Spitting Into the Wind I Can See Russia From My House

BATTLES RESOLVED: Snakebite Leather War Through the Wormhole Tortuga On My Mind Ivory Hunters

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 12:32 am: Edit I CAN SEE RUSSIA FROM MY HOUSE

Yay! Internet's back up. Got set up and one turn done. CL Alaska now 14 hexes away from the Crusher and closing. An F7 was launched on impulse 32. The SP launch is coming...

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 12:01 pm: Edit WHITE STRIPE WALLOP

A Gorn carrier group leads the attack against the Lyrans in White Stripe! A Peladine DW arrives just in time to reinforce the beseiged Lyrans...

GORN FLEET: CCH Desiricon, HDV Victor, 12x G-18, BDA Scorcher, BDA Jawbreaker, BDS+ Black Vigil.

LYRAN FLEET: BATS (175), PAM, HBM, 2xZ-1(I-M drns), Med. Shipyard, 6xGBDP; TGCp (w/BP) Clawed Provisioner, DWLbup Snakeflayer, DWbup+ Shadowstalker.


Both sides WS-III, speed max! Lyran/Peladine begin within 5 hexes of the planet (which is in the center of an 84x60 map).

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 01:52 pm: Edit The Peladine's DW in White Stripe is "Heinlein"

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 02:34 pm: Edit

Cool, thanks Glenn.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 03:12 pm: Edit Ken Rotar and Rich Sherman will be flying "White Stripe Wallop". You guys already have each others' contact info, so go to it!

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 03:53 pm: Edit DOG SOLDIERS

The Carnivons are back, marauding into Hydran space again after their passage through Fed space!

CARNIVON FLEET: YDN Fenris, YCA Garm, 2x YCL Maugrim and Aragh, YDD Brynach , YFF Briavel.

HYDRAN FLEET: MON 001(12xST-2), LM Exempary (6xST-2).

Both sides WS-III, speed-max; Hydrans set up near the planet, which is in the center of an 84x60 map.

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 04:03 pm: Edit You can kiss the Hydran fleet goodbye.....

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 04:10 pm: Edit BATTLE REPORT: OUT OF ETTINHEIM

Reinforcments have arrived, as the Klingons send a C8-led force into Ettinheim to roust the marauding Andros there. The Andros, outgunned, promptly disengage, displacing into the great unknown from whence they came!

KLINGON FLEET: 2x GBD4, C8K Kang, D6SB Stealth, F5B Fearless; Orion DBR Hellspawn (w/3xDisr-22, 2xDrone-A (w/Medium Speed Drones)).


By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 04:10 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: On a Pale Horse White Stripe Wallop Dog Soldiers

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: The Folly of Men (Godzilla) Head to Head Requiem Redux War Machine To Skin a Cat Menace at Mthura Spitting Into the Wind I Can See Russia From My House

BATTLES RESOLVED: Snakebite Leather War Through the Wormhole Tortuga On My Mind Ivory Hunters Out of Ettinheim

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 04:56 pm: Edit GORN CAPTAIN NEEDED: Ken Rotar's won't be flying White Stripe Wallop. Any takers?

By Michael Lui (Michaellui) on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 05:11 pm: Edit Why doesn't that Lord Marshal have any Stinger-Hs listed?

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 06:06 pm: Edit Because they're not there?

By Michael Lui (Michaellui) on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 07:29 pm: Edit He decided not to use Stinger-Hs?


By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 08:59 pm: Edit Because when I got the fleet from Dale at the very begninning of the game, there were *no* Stinger-H's in the fleet (even on the command hulls), and I never had the chance to put them onto that ship.

Speaking of; Looking for a captain to fly Dog Soldiers. Victory is not a goal, but I do have an objective. I'll be busy with a couple larger battles, including finishing the Juggie battle once Sheap and I can get back together. E-Mail me if you want a simple mission to fly.

-- Royal Hydran Admiral

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, December 18, 2008 - 01:50 am: Edit BATTLE REPORT:


Not liking the odds, the Gorn fleet turns and disengages while still outside of effective gun range of the base.

The Masters switch back to watching Animal Planet...

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, December 18, 2008 - 01:51 am: Edit HYDRAN and CARNIVON CAPTAINS NEEDED for "Dog Soldiers", above. Any takers? By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, December 18, 2008 - 01:51 am: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: On a Pale Horse Dog Soldiers

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: The Folly of Men (Godzilla) Head to Head Requiem Redux War Machine To Skin a Cat Menace at Mthura Spitting Into the Wind I Can See Russia From My House

BATTLES RESOLVED: Snakebite Leather War Through the Wormhole Tortuga On My Mind Ivory Hunters Out of Ettinheim White Stripe Wimpout

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Thursday, December 18, 2008 - 10:58 am: Edit I'd love to fly the Carnivons in DOG SOLDIERS but I'm rather booked with two battles as is. Maybe if I finish the Menace at Mthura battle Sunday, I'll be able to play it.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Thursday, December 18, 2008 - 11:29 am: Edit Tom, if you want a challenge, play the Hydrans. You know you want to...

Until my SFBOL is unborked, I'll have to pass on any games myself. I'm still committed to War Machine and Spitting into the Wind, and will prioritize those when I am able.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, December 18, 2008 - 02:02 pm: Edit Tom: There appears to be no rush. There are plenty of battles still in play, and many more yet un-announced.

Jon: Hope you get your SFBOL working soon!

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, December 18, 2008 - 05:20 pm: Edit BLOOD OF MY ENEMY

Another Gorn carrier squadron, this one of old pre-war hulls, launches an attack on the Lyran system of Enemy's Blood! The odds are against them, but look better than White Stripe. Can they prevail?

GORN FLEET: CCF Tyranicon, CV Archeopteryx, 6x G-18s and 6x G-10s, CLE Dragonscale, DE Guardian of the Egg, LSC Prowler

LYRAN FLEET: BATS (175), 3xP-C1, 1xP-R9, PAM, HBM, 4xGBDP; BCbp+ Soul of Steel, CWLbp Icefire, Pel. DD+ Spitting Cat.


Both sides WS-III, speed-max, with the Lyrans/Peladine setting up within 5 hexes of the planet (which is in the center of an 84x60 map).

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, December 18, 2008 - 05:21 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: On a Pale Horse Dog Soldiers Blood of My Enemy

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: The Folly of Men (Godzilla) Head to Head Requiem Redux War Machine To Skin a Cat Menace at Mthura Spitting Into the Wind I Can See Russia From My House

BATTLES RESOLVED: Snakebite Leather War Through the Wormhole Tortuga On My Mind Ivory Hunters Out of Ettinheim White Stripe Wimpout

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Thursday, December 18, 2008 - 06:25 pm: Edit BLOOD OF MY ENEMY

Scheduled start for just the set up is Friday, 12/19, at 7PM CST. Game to start Sunday, 12/21, at 1 PM CST.

Once again, I've got Marc's Lyrans (and Peladine) and Ken's got Eli's Gorns.

Glenn, you've got 2 DD+ in the mix, but I need to know if they have Y175 refits. Since no officers were posted for either side, I assume none are present.

Once again, Ken and I are proud to present: KITTEN vs. LIZARD!

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Thursday, December 18, 2008 - 06:48 pm: Edit


Tom, if you want a challenge, play the Hydrans. You know you want to...

Well the reason I'm interested in the Carnivons is that I have some of them in my fleet and I'd like to brush up on the rules and tactics.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Thursday, December 18, 2008 - 07:01 pm: Edit Fair enough. Good luck with them (not that you'll need it).

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Thursday, December 18, 2008 - 10:35 pm: Edit SFBOL is fixed! Sheap, when can we get back together?

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Thursday, December 18, 2008 - 10:51 pm: Edit Finished T3 of Folley of men

Frank did a real nice job with the BB having it hit high spd and begin to chase down some DWs.

I was using my DWs to deal damage and draw some firepower away from the base, and encouraging bolting. Unluckily the gorn obliged and with a high roll on bolts being a 3 it went bad.

Overall I was able to get 5 more ints on the BTF and hitting little weaponry. It stands at down 4 p1, 2p3, 3 batt, 2 ftorp and 7 power.

2 of the DWs are untouched, Batts still fresh, DWL took 22 in(disr, esg, 3 ph) and another DW took 25 or so in with a lot of mizia-losing 2 disr, 2 phasers, and 4 power but keeping both ESGs.

Also bad for the DWL is it is at R4 to the BB who is able to hit it with 12 p1's on imp 1. So the DWL may need food badly very soon.

My only good news is that the other 3 DWs have space to run and get near the BATTs again. As well they are at R10-12 to CS and BTF with BB around 10 hexes further left(R13 to closest DW).

Cont tues night By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Friday, December 19, 2008 - 12:44 am: Edit I CAN SEE RUSSIA FROM MY HOUSE

I got a bit of a late start, so I only did two more turns, to turn 3.32.

But two exciting turns (for a solitaire game).

I knew the CL couldn't sustain combat forever once she started taking damage, so I decided to put my best foot forward first.

Launched the F7 on 1.32 and my SP on 2.2, ballistically targeted and set to release at range 6. Meanwhile, the CL did an overrun.

Yes, I said overrun.

It didn't start out well, as the moment I entered range 6, the Crusher shot at me...and rolled a 1, of course. Fortunately, I had 12 reinforcement, pluse 4 more from batteries, on my #6, so I lost the shield and 1 armor.

I executed my overrun, getting all phasers in arc, and shot at range 0. The Crusher took 79 (out of 289), and I took 8 feedback to shield #1.

Unfortunately, I didn't have enough speed to get outside range 6 before the end of the turn. In fact, because of the Crusher's "0" turn mode, I was still at range 2 on impulse 2.32, with the Crusher directly behind me.

Oh, the F7 shot baby drones and both phaser-3s, and did nothing. MCIDS shot out the drones from the F7 and the one from my ship.

On 3.01, I shot 4 p1 and 2 P3, and the Crusher once again unlease it's weapon. Because of trying to reload and putting on some speed, I only had 5 reinforcement. This time, luck was on my side. Crusher rolled a six, so I only took 5 to the #4. Meanwhile my phasers to Crusher up to 108/289. The F7 made it 109/289 on 3.04. the Alaska moved off and is resolved to come around the rear of the Crusher, taking it down the #2 side this time.

Crusher. Okay, I officially dub this thing "Wesley."

Later in the turn, Wesley moved close enought to trigger the SP. 6 Drones came in. On the first MCIDS shot, Wesley got 2 of 3. I got all excited on the second shot, 'cause he whiffed! 0 out of 3! Woohoo! Excitement was short-lived though, as his 3rd and final round before impact went 3 of 3, so I hit with only 1 drone. Wesley now at 121/289, and is likely going to kill my admin shuttle before I can recover it. I still have one small surprise though... End of turn, CL is at range 8, coming up from the rear port quarter with photons hot. F7 is still flying around 4-8 hexes away. Wesley is 34 hexes from planetfall at Bradbury, where my GBDP and DEFSATs await.

Overall, I did good damage early, but things are going to get a little harder from here on out. It's going to be close, I think...unless the dice lords favor me.

Thank gawd this thing can't fix itself...

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Friday, December 19, 2008 - 04:30 am: Edit Rich, Both DD+s don't have the Y175. Sorry. But they're both still good ships without the drone upgrades.

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Friday, December 19, 2008 - 10:08 am: Edit


So the DWL may need food badly very soon

ROFL. I loved that video game - the old version.

By Patrick Hill (Dread_Lord) on Friday, December 19, 2008 - 10:35 am: Edit ON A PALE HORSE

We played through 5 turns, with the Orion CA "Unknowable" (me) lazily turning in circles trying to run the base out of resources.

On turn 1 the Unknowable closed to range 12 and shot all the plasma available which brought out a weasle (and also lost most of it's #1 in the process)

The next few turn were spent reloading and regenerating the #1.

Turn 5 the Orion came in again, but this time launched from range 13 in order to avoid an incoming S and with only an S an F and a D, so it wasn't enough of a threat to pull out a weasel and the powerful base phasers pretty much obliterated the incoming plasma.

We will start up again on Sunday at 2 Eastern. I'll have to get trickier to crack this nut!

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, December 19, 2008 - 01:54 pm: Edit Pat, make sure you and Ken are both aware of the Stalemate Rule for this one (S2.27).

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, December 19, 2008 - 01:56 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Dog Soldiers Blood of My Enemy

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: The Folly of Men (Godzilla) Head to Head Requiem Redux War Machine To Skin a Cat Menace at Mthura Spitting Into the Wind I Can See Russia From My House On a Pale Horse

BATTLES RESOLVED: Snakebite Leather War Through the Wormhole Tortuga On My Mind Ivory Hunters Out of Ettinheim White Stripe Wimpout

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Friday, December 19, 2008 - 04:08 pm: Edit BATTLE REPORT, AMENDED

IVORY HUNTERS: The ability of the Orion to land on the planet proved key in making the ground assault an overwhelming success. Ivory falls to the Lyran invaders.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Friday, December 19, 2008 - 08:50 pm: Edit Attention Leader of the Interstellar Concordium;

We apologize for airing this communication in public, but we have no means of provate communication with you.

However, we must ask you one simple question: Is the Carnivon Horde fleet currently in Umbrella officially allied with you?

-- Royal Hydran Admiral

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Friday, December 19, 2008 - 11:05 pm: Edit Royal Hydran Admiral, The Interstellar Concordium is not allied with the Carnivons at your system.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Friday, December 19, 2008 - 11:14 pm: Edit Thank you for your response.

-- Royal Hydran Admiral

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Saturday, December 20, 2008 - 12:38 am: Edit I CAN SEE RUSSIA FROM MY HOUSE

Battle concluded on turn 8.12.

Sarah's view from her house is secure.

USS Alaska, using judicious use of moderate (14-20) and slow (6-9) speeds, made two more overrun strikes on Wesley, one on turn 6, and the coup de grace on turn 8. Not wanting to risk more feedback damage (especially on turn 8), photons were shot at range 2, but were accurate nevertheless. All 6 photon shots landed during the game (not hard when the longest range was 2), and phasers were above average (phasers did more damage the photons, actually).

Helping the heaping of damage, I got a total of 2 drone hits; one early on from the SP, and another slipped through on turn 8 on the same impulse as my final strike. Without the second drone hit, Wesley would've made range to the DEFSATS this turn, possibly killing one of them, but also possibly being killed by them. The ground bases would not have been a factor until turn 9.

Planet Crusher totals ------289 turn 2.22 - 72/289 - Alpha turn 3.01 - 108/289 - phasers turn 3.04 - 109/289 - F7 turn 3.29 - 121/289 - drone turn 4.08 - 122/289 - F7 turn 5.20 - 124/289 - F7 turn 6.10 - 156/289 - photons turn 6.12 - 198/289 - phasers turn 6.20 - 200/289 - F7 turn 8.10 - 232/289 - photons turn 8.12 - 244/289 - drone turn 8.12 - 292/289 - phasers CL Alaska had a TB on board, and a transporter charged, but I never found just the right time to place it.

About the only bad thing that happened (other than my mis-timed egress from overrun at the end of turn 2) was that I made a poor move with my F7, accidentally allowing Wesley to get range 3 on it, where the MCIDS promptly shot and killed it. This was especially heart-breaking, as the F7 did manage to contribute an above-average 6 damage over the course of the battle before it was destroyed (again, phasers were accurate).

The only damage sustained by Alaska was 1 armor box destroyed (on turn 2). Wesley got four shots with his main weapon, rolling a 1,6,4, and 3. CL shields at end game were: 1/12/16/11/16/-. Repairs to the #1 shield (6 boxes) after the feedback from the turn 2 strike also saved me from internals on turn 8.

Wesley was stopped 13 hexes from Bradbury.

It looks like, in this Universe, Stevens keeps Alaska!

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, December 20, 2008 - 01:50 am: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Dog Soldiers Blood of My Enemy

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: The Folly of Men (Godzilla) Head to Head Requiem Redux War Machine To Skin a Cat Menace at Mthura Spitting Into the Wind On a Pale Horse

BATTLES RESOLVED: Snakebite Leather War Through the Wormhole Tortuga On My Mind Ivory Hunters Out of Ettinheim White Stripe Wimpout I Can See Russia From My House

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, December 21, 2008 - 04:00 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Dog Soldiers Blood of My Enemy

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: The Folly of Men (Godzilla) Head to Head Requiem Redux War Machine To Skin a Cat Menace at Mthura Spitting Into the Wind

BATTLES RESOLVED: Snakebite Leather War Through the Wormhole Tortuga On My Mind Ivory Hunters Out of Ettinheim White Stripe Wimpout I Can See Russia From My House On a Pale Horse

By Patrick Hill (Dread_Lord) on Sunday, December 21, 2008 - 04:37 pm: Edit ON A PALE HORSE

(or the Folly of the Unknowable)

Well, the Orion CA Unknowable was feeling ok about it's situation, slowly drawing out weasels from the base station (although I did mess up my second battle pass by not sending out enough plasma and from too far away and thus didn't get that last weasel out - which certainly went a long way to losing me the game)

However the Unknowable officers must have sighted a large number of incoming Gorn reinforcements (S2.27 says that if no internals are scored or no manned shuttle is destroyed in 10 turns then the attackers must withdraw). With a ship armed with three turn weapons, that equals only about three good battle passes, and with two weasels on the base station that doesn't leave much wiggle room.

So realizing that I didn't have time to play the patient approach I dove into the bases guns hoping a front brick would let me close to bolting range. However p4s are so mean at range 5 and some poor maneuvering on my part with the incoming Gorn Plasma S, even though I did mange to get some of those internals with full bolts the return fire was plenty to gut my ship.

With self destruct charges in place the Unknowable quickly passed into the Great Unknown. A fun game that presented a tough challenge, but one that I believed I learned a great deal about how to approach a base when you don't have overwhelming odds. I'll have to send the next of kin of the captain of the

Unknowable a copy of Sun Tzu

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Sunday, December 21, 2008 - 11:49 pm: Edit Menace at Mthura completed.

Turn 3. Andros closed to range 9 on BATS. The BATS launched a D torp and an F torp and fired the PPD at Cobra1. Meanwhile the ISC DD Squadron end the turn five or so hexes beyond the BATS on the opposite side from the Andros.

Turn 4. The Andros closed, shooting down the plasma to get a range 5 shot. With a heavy EW shift against them, they total 47 damage against the BATS, which after shield reinforcement, took 1 armor hit. Meanwhile the BATS fired four phaser-IVs at Cobra1 and gutted it. The Andros then turned off and the DD Squadron closed to range 7 and fired everything on Cobra2, doing 24 or so internals. Unfortunately for Cobra2, it moved into arc of the BATS remaining unfired phaser-IVs which fired and gutted it. Both Cobras were destined to die in EA. At that point the INS and Eel beat a quick retreat.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, December 21, 2008 - 11:58 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Dog Soldiers Blood of My Enemy

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: The Folly of Men (Godzilla) Head to Head Requiem Redux War Machine To Skin a Cat Spitting Into the Wind

BATTLES RESOLVED: Snakebite Leather War Through the Wormhole Tortuga On My Mind Ivory Hunters Out of Ettinheim White Stripe Wimpout I Can See Russia From My House On a Pale Horse Menace at Mthura By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, December 21, 2008 - 11:59 pm: Edit Still need a Hydran captain for "Dog Soldiers". Any takers?

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Monday, December 22, 2008 - 12:22 am: Edit Head to Head til T2.27

Start with: DN at R14 BC at R17 DW at R19 DD at R20 SRV at 22

To his main fleet. All my non scout ships go spd 31/30 til 17 then each drops down to 18 or so.

His forces all run at SPD 28 through imp 26 at least. I get the joy of facing 2 turns of ship drone launches plus a scatter. Due to the speed I am going I can fly past them and use 3 tbombs to take out groups killing around 25 drones this way. Other than that I use all the DN p2's as p3s in killlin drones and launch a lot of shuts in the hopes of them shooting some(they killed 3 total outa 4 ftrs, and 11 or so shuts). Both the BC and DN have to tractor 3 each. On imp 21 or so when I am dropping down to normal spds the KZI/KLI turn in, not yet in FA. With the use of tractor tricks they are able to turn to D on 24/25. On 21 I had launched some 130 plasma from the BC, DN. He deceled all non-scouts and ended up using a weasel from the BT to take out 2 torps and a lot of p3s to kill another. He still has a S and R inbound. Opon reaching R8 on 23 I bolted a S+F and threw 8 p1s at his D6Bs #5 shield. My high roll was a single 4 on the p1's. 26 ints later it is hurt slightly.

I was able to get a shift on his fire from most of his ships and they all hit the DN from R8 with non-full disr(total like 10 disr and 18 p1's with a 2 shift on all but 4 disr/7 p1's). Jeremy rolled like total crap except for the unshifted fire and did 39 to my DN which I reinforced to not take ints.

We had to save on imp 27 so will continue sometime this week. The Decel really surprised me as I thuoght he was running for the edge. Now he will be around for the forseeable future.

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Monday, December 22, 2008 - 12:23 am: Edit If no one wants it... I'll have a go at it

But only if Jon gives the ok on it


By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Monday, December 22, 2008 - 01:24 am: Edit George - Sure. I'll send you an e-mail.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, December 22, 2008 - 02:28 pm: Edit Tom, George, you guys coordinate and get going on "Dog Soldiers" when you can.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Monday, December 22, 2008 - 11:49 pm: Edit The Folley of men T4 Continues:

IMP 1 BB fires 10 p1, bolts: 3 dtorps, 2 ftorps, and a Storp. hits with it all and does 92 dam to the rear of the DWL. DWL explodes on 70th hit.

Lyrans tried 3 seperate rams, but Gorn was able to stop them by different routes. One was by launch of an RTorp at the DW so it ran away in fear. Late in the turn 4 p1's from R22 did 1 int which hit the DWs last bridge so I have that to look forward to next turn.

The other 2 DWs were trying to coordinate a Ram and inadvertantly impacted each others spheres 2 imps before they reached the target due to trying to avoid other torps incoming(dang SS killed me). Then everything ran away taking bolts and remaining phasers from his forces hurting shields but no ints.

I was able to kill a whopping nother ftr of his and injure #10 so only 3 of them remining.

At the very end of the turn the spd 16 BB tried to turn around near board edge and almost involuntarily fled even after tractoring 2 other ships, but an onlooker diagramed how the BB had to move to stay on map so its at the bottom edge facing away from the base.

All ships are wheezing, so turn 5 is most likely a recovery turn as the gorn is light on plamsa and the DWs number 2 functional and a very hurt one at R1 to the base. BATTS and P4 GBases are untouched still.

By Francois Lemay (Princeton) on Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 11:18 am: Edit Many thanks to Weapon Status Zero, the onlooker who helped out !

It would have been embarrassing indeed if the BB had forced itself to disengage inadvertantly !

As Kerry said, T5 and most likely T6 ( Pulsar next burst BTW is T6 ) will be reload turns. Great fun !

Cheers Frank

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 11:11 pm: Edit To Skin a Cat T2 finished

As usual KZI launched a ton of drones. I am not sure if I have yet seen any drone without armor

Lyran ran away for first 14 or so imps then turned in. As KZI have ecm drones and Basically 4 full channels available he is able to ensure no shift for himself. I have been lucky to get no shift against 1 of his ships. My SR again came in and made 12 attempts to kill ecm drones getting 4(he launched 2 more after I killed 2).

I launched 2 MRS he launched 1 which got pounded on the imp aftter I reached R15(9 dam). Eventually we exchanged pain. I was able to get 34+2 ints on a CL(2 phasers, 1 disr 9 power). Tom got 15+14+1+3 on a DW(all disr, 4 phaser, 1 ESG, 7 power).

Then I basically killed 8 or so drones with phasers and some ESGs. 4 ESGs are used with 2 of those still up on the SR. Still some 30 drones incoming, but 10-15 are coming in from R16+.

We ended the turn in the 8-14 hex range with the SR at R8 to his big 3. I have some 8 shuts deployed for added P3s and threw 2 Tbombs out so I could get some free labs on 10 or so drones.

Continueing sat at 4 east

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 08:24 am: Edit


As usual KZI launched a ton of drones. I am not sure if I have yet seen any drone without armor

Gotta love those type-I half armor drones.

Kerry, I made a mistake telling you that you could tractor land the MRS with your DN. I hadn't realized at the time that the DN was going too fast to do so.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 10:51 am: Edit Right Tom that was my Question.J1.62 cond 2 was the one I was thinking about. As I was spd 17 and MRS was spd 8 max it is at death dragging spds. I was unsure if on imp 32 you are considered maintaining that spd for tractor considerations as you are not actually moving from 32 til imp 1.

I can just put the shut back a hex then if the tractor is illegal? As well annotate any batt usage for the R3 tractor involved in the action? Is that a good resolution? I am not so worried about the tractor energy, definitely did not want to Death drag the MRS hence the question at the time.

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Thursday, December 25, 2008 - 12:37 am: Edit On the armored drones thing, y'all know that - for purposes of accounting for restricted and limited warheads - there's no such thing as "1/2 a space" right? That means that all those drone using a 1/2 space of armor actually count as a full space used (the rule says to "round up").

In Phoenix right now for the holidays, otherwise I'd give a more precise rules citation. But I do know that it means the Kzinti, even with 50% percent restricted availability, cannot literally armor every drone (by using 1/2 space accounting, thereby making 50% x .5 spaces = 100% 1/2 space armored drones). That's a no-no.

Just fyi.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Thursday, December 25, 2008 - 01:08 am: Edit Well on hte armored drones thing. To be fair I've only killed some 12 or so drones due to them being spd 20's and not yet reaching me. With the armored drones they could also be t4 drones as I am only IDing through phaser fire ie it's taking 6 damage to die by phaser or ESG.

As well with scatters one can pick which reload drones are put there so if the KZI has 20 spaces of reloads he could load 10 spaces of armored drones into the scatter and use the non-armored for actual reloads. So hte KZI may just be concentrating his good drones initially and I'll eventually run into the reg old t1ms after T4. I don't mind as much for the ships as taking 6 damage is easier than taking 12 and for turn 3 there are quite a few drones within the needed range to impact. So T3 should be interesting to say the least.

Only good thing is soon it will be reload time for the KZI which allows me a little breathing room, well or I can just destroy the racks- but the DAC is not really helping there as of yet.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Thursday, December 25, 2008 - 02:50 pm: Edit Let us just remember to keep the mid-game rules kibbitzing to a minimum shall we?

And, no do overs.

Merry Christmas!

By Richard Sherman (Rich) on Thursday, December 25, 2008 - 09:00 pm: Edit Happy Hanukkah (day 4)!!!

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Thursday, December 25, 2008 - 09:44 pm: Edit Ah, that's how you spell it. And to you, too! Rich.

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Friday, December 26, 2008 - 09:11 pm: Edit


I can just put the shut back a hex then if the tractor is illegal? As well annotate any batt usage for the R3 tractor involved in the action? Is that a good resolution? I am not so worried about the tractor energy, definitely did not want to Death drag the MRS hence the question at the time.

Yeah, we'll just move the shuttle back and considered the tractor to never have happened.


In Phoenix right now for the holidays, otherwise I'd give a more precise rules citation. But I do know that it means the Kzinti, even with 50% percent restricted availability, cannot literally armor every drone (by using 1/2 space accounting, thereby making 50% x .5 spaces = 100% 1/2 space armored drones). That's a no-no.

I know you mean well but do you really think I took 100% armored drones?!?

As Kerry has pointed out, a lot of the drones shot down have been scatterpack drones and those can be any type of drone in your storage.

By Tom Carroll (Sandman) on Friday, December 26, 2008 - 09:38 pm: Edit Quote:

I don't mind as much for the ships as taking 6 damage is easier than taking 12

If a drone actually hits a ship, I'd be both surprised and happy.

While on the subject of drones, I'd like to thank Paul Franz for adding the drone target arrows to SFBOL. It's made it much easier to move drones.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Saturday, December 27, 2008 - 12:20 am: Edit John Carroll and I flew through 5 turns of "Requiem Redux" today. I have no inclination, ability or recollection to give a detailed battle report; this was flown tabletop in a long session. But, the battle has devolved into a whirling dervish of a furball. I'll try to summarize...

The mangled DWL, that I was sure was going to die, was able to tractor the passing DW with points it had allocated to tractor (to anchor the VCL) but had not used, at R3. The DW bumped its speed up to 24, and so towed, they made speed-12 back towards the base. The BT, the only unit which as yet had not fired, vollied its disruptors at the DWL, but it TAC'd to bring its only remaining shield to bear, and it survived with only light damage (beyond what it had already taken).

At some point in there, the Condor launched an Enveloped-R and a standard S at the BT, followed up by an S from the GCA+ and three QWTs from the DW. The BT was heading the wrong way and going to slow, and so she got clobbered... 25 Internals or so, and ALL her shields are in shreds.

The Klinks got a good whack in on the CON, blowing down her #6 and doing about 20 internals. They later managed to knock the front shield down by half and ding the #3 and 4 shields.

The GBDD+ kept up a stream of F and G torps to keep everyone busy but with its caved in front shield, was unable to get too aggressive. Its managed to repair about 6 boxes on the #1 shield now, but is still down half its phasers.

The PDW has fired QWTs every turn, and the constant volleys have stressed Klingon timing. It only took one hit for 4 points to her #6.

The GCA had the #3 nearly blown down, but has taken no internals.

The D6D has taken moderate shield damage to her flank shields from phasers. In the last turn, the GCA launched 2 S-torps (1 60 pt., 1 30 pt) and fired 6x ph-1s at the BT, scoring 1 more internal. The DWL has managed to dock with the BATS for repairs. The BT7K was herded up to the map edge and then E-deceled and weaseled, shedding 1x enveloped S, a standard S, and 3x QWTs. It's stopped dead, but is so far from the BATS and the action as to be safe for long enough to get back up to speed.

The G-SFs managed to survive long enough to land, reload, and relaunch, and just nailed the F5C with 4x D-torp @ 7 points each... doing about 18 in. The CON was herded away by a massive drone wave, and lobbed 1 S at the F5C as well; the F5C was saved from being creamed on 8.1 by Stupid Tractor Tricks from the B10 on 7.32.

The CON managed to lure the huge drone horde into special sensor range of the base, and it started making them GO AWAY.

I think that's it. The fleets are spread out over everywhere. The Roms would love to capitalize on the BT7K's misfortune, but have no opportunity. The B10 is a juggernaut, it has taken several QWT hits and a few light plasma hits and it hasn't even gotten a shield down to 50% yet. What a monster.

Turn 8.1 to begin in a week or two!

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Saturday, December 27, 2008 - 10:39 pm: Edit To skin a Cat knocked off T3+4.

Throughout all of these the KZI is able to get a 1 shift on most of the DWs and thats killin me, mainly ECM drones. As well my rolls have been average at best, Toms slightly better than average. Out of 60 or so ints I have yet to hit a drone, and only 1 disr.

T3 Tom alphas my DWL for 46(24 ints)+4+2 ints knocking out most of the rightside. My return fire gets ints on the CLC in 8+8+3 or so. As well to deal with the 50 or so drones out there I drop a shield for Tbombs on a DW at R25 to his base. So there was a quick 7 ints from the base and MCD.

After the dust clears I use 4 more ESGs and everything else I have to stop the drones on T3 and kill all but 3 of them which shuttles kill early T4. I was very afraid of the KZI following the drones into OL land, and am more than happy with how T3 worked(well except those 7 ints still bother me a little).

T4 KZI started at R15 to my CC and 17 to all else. He ran to the base at spd 12 or so with 9-12 ecm up. I used the SR and my MRS to fire into the rear of a CL without a shift of R15, 4 disr+5p1 and R17 6 disr. After rolling poorly I do 14 dam. After that KZI head for the base and I aspend some 5 disr+9 p1's to kill 2 R15 shuttles(again I was rolling crap). Tom retunred the favor by firing 11 p1's at R24 and doing 3 dam to a MRS.

All his ships reached base, I am at R21 or so to it. He reloaded drones all turn

T5 starts tues night.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Saturday, December 27, 2008 - 11:18 pm: Edit Mischa and I are planning on finishing Spitting into the Wind on Monday. We should both be up by 1100 Mountain, and plan to go until it is done, one way or the other.

By George Duffy (Sentinal) on Sunday, December 28, 2008 - 02:42 pm: Edit Tom Carroll,

Sorry, I won't be available until Tuesday evening the earliest....

We can schedule our "Dog Soldiers" game from that time onward (including daytimes). Drop me an e-mail on what time (EST) you want to set it up.


By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Sunday, December 28, 2008 - 07:01 pm: Edit Folley of men finished T5 and til 6.23.

T5 he took a R20 shot with phasers of 12 or so doing 14 dam to a 5 point shield(hey he had 1 3 roll and a single 6 roll) the ints were minor.

I killed his MRS and 2 ftrs and then retreated.

T6 he has about half his plasma back and starts to close on Base. Pulsar goes off on imp 24. On imp 17 I thought I had my DW blocked by planet. Frank saw it was not so fired at R20 an R and stuff doin 16 in. In the next couple imps BB turned off so I fired all bearing p4's and disr over 3 imps. BB used 4 batts fro ECM change and then took 20 dam to his #2.

Both BTF and CS are at R28 or so repairing like the dickens. We saved on 6.23 on 6.24 the pulsar goes off so thats some free damage at least.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, December 28, 2008 - 09:29 pm: Edit ONE LAST DUTY

The Romulan KRL Subjugator, with its Paravian scout escort, is cut off behind enemy lines with no chance of escape. With one last duty to perform, it launches a suicide run on the Gorn system of Eminiar!

ROMULAN FLEET: KRL Subjugator (LE), PDWS Owl GORN FLEET: BS w/PAM, VIP, Y170/Y175, 1xGWS, 2xGB P-IV, HBB, 5x DEF, 2x G- 52; Mon+ SupP - Facet (LE), DNF - Dragon of Three Stars, CLF ThunderChild.

Both sides WS-III, speed max. The Gorn units set up with 5 hexes of the planet in the middle of a 42x60 map, with the Roms coming in from a corner.

Any takers on this one? I realize it's very one-sided. ;)

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Sunday, December 28, 2008 - 09:36 pm: Edit BATTLES ANNOUNCED: Dog Soldiers Blood of My Enemy One Last Duty

BATTLES IN PROGRESS: The Folly of Men (Godzilla) Head to Head Requiem Redux War Machine To Skin a Cat Spitting Into the Wind

BATTLES RESOLVED: Snakebite Leather War Through the Wormhole Tortuga On My Mind Ivory Hunters Out of Ettinheim White Stripe Wimpout I Can See Russia From My House On a Pale Horse Menace at Mthura

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Monday, December 29, 2008 - 03:48 am: Edit Head to Head

Got 3 imps in until my connection died. D6S runs at spd 28 while the rest of his force sits and spins. D6S fired 5 p3s at one of 2 incoming torps and then got hit for 7.

Inbound are about 20 drones, and one Pl G. All main ships have OEW against them although the CC, BT, and DN have MRS launched to help with this in like 4 imps. I have yet to launch any of my MRS. As the KZI have some 30 p3s avail plus 5 ADDs my drones may do littlle but an off chance for a hit is there.

By Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith) on Monday, December 29, 2008 - 08:55 pm: Edit UPDATE: Spitting Into the Wind

Alright, maybe we didn't finish it at this time. A combination of starting late, and Mischa lagging (I crashed once), meant we only put down two turns so far today.

One of the Gunboats has been taking damage to the Forward Panels, requiring reinforcement. Andros have been shooting a lot of drones, t-bombing 6 out of the way.

Game goes slow, due to limited speeds of ships. (Only the Freighter and drones are moving faster than 12)

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, December 29, 2008 - 09:51 pm: Edit

Thanks for the updates guys. Continue spilling blood for Lord Arioch...

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Monday, December 29, 2008 - 10:41 pm: Edit Folley of men through T8

T6 pulsar did a whopping 3 dam to all, and will burst again on T11.

Gorns went out to reload for T7 coming back in on T8. Lyran Docked the 2 Hurt DWs and started repair on one T7 continuing on both T8.

BB came to R18 of one hurt docked DW and fired a full alpha bolt on it. Hitting with the R and S doing some 25 damage to it. As I had a 5 point shield +2 reinf facing it it took more int. At EOT it repaired most of its hull and 2 imp so its at like 15 power. The other hurt DW finished up more repairs getting its dam down to 3 control, trans, and an ESG.

Due to a lucky set of P4's from the base the BB#2 took 20 more damage there. Of course the 7 disr and 4 other p4s did 4 total dam so it all balances. At EOT after Repairs BB has a 15 point #2.

The BB then turned off with CS+SRV at R25 and BB at R30 still. Both CS and BTF continue to EDR with most weapons and energy producing back. I think BTF is down like 2 p1, 3 warp. CS like 3 warp 2 p1 and a p3.They each have 2 "2" tracs left.

Continueing thurs.

By Dale McKee (Brigman) on Monday, December 29, 2008 - 10:59 pm: Edit I would like to express special appreciation to Kerry Mullan and Francois LeMay for their continued service as captains in the campaign!

It is greatly appreciated and I hope you guys are having fun! By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 09:03 am: Edit Hey Dale I really enjoy this campaign. Most of the battles are interesting and it is a campaign so losses hurt. Unluckily losses are pretty hard to arrange .

By Francois Lemay (Princeton) on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 09:47 am: Edit I am having fun Dale ! Thanks to you and the Admirals for the opportunity to fly their fleets.

Looking forward to more battles in FSC !

Cheers Frank

By Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar) on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 04:15 pm: Edit Dale, you already know how I feel about this campaign. Keep it rolling.

By Kerry E Mullan (Nomad17) on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 11:05 pm: Edit To Skin a Cat T5

Kzin went all to base. Then threw out 2 or more ECM drones per ship, except for the internally docked CL spirit.

The lyrans started around R22 and closed at Spd 10-12. KZI whacked the DNs MRS and then alphaed the remaining at a DW just killing the shield and doin 1 in. I shot at his remaining CL with a shift of 1 on most ships(due to Tom shifting at a really good time). Doing some 16 in, getting 4 or so power, disr 3 phasers.

End of the turn we are at R13 or so with my most hurt DW behind the planet.

My DWs have taken a beating having 18/23/22 power and have 0/3/2 disr. All others are untouched. KZI has 2 ships docked, the other CL slightly damaged. Next turn could be bloody.