Augustana College

HIST 121 and HIST 315

Concepts addressed: Emergence of the Modern United States 1877-1900

Timeline: The American West 1873 Joseph Glidden invented barbed wire 1876 Battle of Little Bighorn 1877 Gustavus Swift improved refrigeration 1884 Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 1887 Dawes Severalty Act 1889 North and South Dakota, Montana, and Washington became states 1890 Idaho and Wyoming gained statehood 1890 Battle of Wounded Knee 1893 Turner frontier thesis presented 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson

Period Goals & Key Concepts: The American South and West • Understand the idea of the New South, and its role in the post-war South. • Characterize the Jim Crow South for African Americans. • Compare and contrast the views of Washington and Dubois. • Trace the Indian wars and policy after Reconstruction. • Detail farming, cattle and sod busting on the Western frontier. • Grasp the significance of Turner's frontier thesis of American history

Timeline: Labor & Industry 1869 First transcontinental railroad finished 1869 Knights of Labor established 1870 Standard Oil of Ohio incorporated 1876 Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone 1877 Railroad Strike 1879 Incandescent light bulb invented 1882 Standard Oil Trust created 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act 1886 Haymarket Affair 1886 American Federation of Labor established 1889 Andrew Carnegie's "Gospel of Wealth" 1890 Jacob Riis's 1892 Homestead Steel Strike 1892 Ellis Island opened 1894 Pullman Strike

Period Goals & Key Concepts: Industrializing America • Trace the rise and extent of America's industrial revolution. • Describe the role and reactions to entrepreneurs: namely Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Morgan. Development of this review sheet was made possible by funding from the US Department of Education through South Dakota’s EveryTeacher Teacher Quality Enhancement grant. • Characterize the reaction of the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor. • Understand the major labor fights of the period and their ultimate successes or failures. • Understand the new immigration and its relationship to urbanization and labor. • Explain the concepts of Social Darwinism and Reform Darwinism. • Trace the nativist reactions to immigration.

Timeline: Gilded Age Politics 1875 Greenback party started 1876-1877 Election of Rutherford B. Hayes 1877 Munn v. 1879 's 1880 James A. Garfield elected president 1881 Death of Garfield and inauguration of Chester A. Arthur as president 1884 Election of Grover Cleveland 1886 Wabash Railroad v. Illinois 1887 Interstate Commerce Commission created 1890 Sherman Anti-Trust Act 1890 Sherman Silver Purchase Act 1892 Populist Party founded 1892 Grover Cleveland elected second time 1893 Depression 1896 William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" speech 1896 Election of William McKinley 1899 Thorstein Veblen's The Theory of the Leisure Class

Period Goals & Key Concepts: Gilded Age Politics • Understand the political issues and themes of Gilded Age politics. • Trace the rise, appeal, and impact of populism in the late nineteenth century.

Timeline: The U.S. Abroad in the Late Nineteenth Century 1867 United States purchased Alaska 2/9/1898 de Lome letter made public 2/15/1898 Sinking of the USS Maine 4/25/1898 Declaration of war against Spain 1898 Hawaii annexed 12/10/1898 Treaty of Paris 1899 Rudyard Kipling's "The White Man's Burden"

Period Goals & Key Concepts: The U.S. Abroad in the Late Nineteenth Century - Explain the American motivations for imperialism abroad. • Chronicle the US road to war with Spain. • Trace the post-1898 US involvement in former Spanish possessions and China. • Characterize the domestic debate concerning American imperialism.

Essay I Review Questions: I. The Populist "Moment" is one of the most important of the last 125 years. Describe who the Populists were and the events and/or organizations important to their organization. What did the

Development of this review sheet was made possible by funding from the US Department of Education through South Dakota’s EveryTeacher Teacher Quality Enhancement grant. Populists hope to achieve? Were they successful? Why or why not? Also, speculate on why Populism as a movement is significant.

II. Three concepts crucial to the late nineteenth century are urbanization, industrialization, and immigration. First, explain and set the parameters for each phenomenon. Now, speculate on the interconnectedness of each development, on the road to shaping a "modern America."

Development of this review sheet was made possible by funding from the US Department of Education through South Dakota’s EveryTeacher Teacher Quality Enhancement grant.