1.Names and Addresses of the Civilians That Have Been Killed

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1.Names and Addresses of the Civilians That Have Been Killed Dear Oromo Diasporas we kindly request you to relay our petition to the international communities to pay due attention to the crimes againist humanity and war crimes going on in Oromia region by checking this document detail y & Cross cheking respect fully-To- USA, UN, UN Security Council, European Union, the British council, Amnesty international, Human rights watch, AU- etc. See details 1.Names and Addresses of the Civilians that have been killed(Assassination) by The Ethiopian Forces(army) with in 2&1/2( two and half)years in west wollega zone of Oromia region-5 Districts.Namely-Guliso,Aira,Genji,Yubdo &Boji Chokorsa N Name District(Wore Kebele Marital Remarks o Age Sex da) Status date 1 Abashure Bulcha 30 M Genji Boneya Dobie Single 15 May 20 2 Lalisa Teferi 20 M Genji Kapi >> 15 May 20 Sufar is alocality name guracho/Sufar 3 Gutu Indalu 18 M Guliso Maru >> Not known 4 Dawit Hanbisa 23 M Guliso Tegie >> >> 5 Imane Garoma 55 M Guliso Tegie Maried 6 Habte Tadase 48 M Guliso Nawir galawo Maried 13 Dec. 20 Taken out from jail&killed 7 Sura Markos 22 M Guliso Chalia 01 >> Not known His flesh eaten by hyena 8 Dingeta Guteta 56 M Guliso Chalia 01 >> >> He is ateacher 9 Bulti Elias 25 M Guliso Chalia 01 Single >> 10 Iyasu Wagari 17 M Guliso Jarso birbir Single >> 11 Lalisa Arega 24 M Genji Kapi guracho Single >> 12 Chanaka Kasaye 19 M Guliso Tegie Single >> 13 Kenasa Bodesa 25 M Aira Homi suchi Single >> 14 Gemechu Garomsa 33 M Yubdo Jarso komto Single >> 15 Hirpa Tamane 23 M Guliso Tegie Single >> 16 Mitiku Rufo 28 M Yubdo Jarso Maried >> 17 Tolasa Fida 65 M Guliso Maru Maried >> Former Dergue Military 18 Tolina Daba 18 M Genji Boneya Dobie Single >> 19 Misgana Tolina 51 M Guliso Galawo gute Maried >> 20 Ashagire Gemechu 35 M Guliso Wara Dalle Single >> 21 Thomas Saketa 26 M Guliso Tegie Single >> 22 Wondimu Kenasa 24 M Guliso Jarso birbir Single 18 Jun. 20 23 Ayana Wakdjira 21 M Guliso Jarso birbir Single >> 24 Kebena Sutuma 20 M Genji Embraro Single 9 Jun. 20 Was in prison 25 Yisiak Challa 18 M Genji Kapi guracho Single >> 26 Bikila Birasa 25 M Guliso Jarso birbir Maried >> 27 Gari Terefa 33 M Guliso Maru >> >> 28 Amenu Shifera 35 M Guliso Wara Dalle >> >> 29 Samuel Imiru 26 M Genji Kapi guracho Single >> 30 Degaga Tadesa 23 M Aira Homi Suchi Single >> 31 Joro Gebisa 65 M Guliso Tegie galawo Maried >> IN front of his families 32 Wondimu Melaku 45 M Guliso Tegie galawo >> >> His flesh eaten by hyena 33 Mekuria 47 M Guliso Dilla Town Maried >> 34 Biyena Teshome 35 M Guliso Dilla Town Maried >> He is a teacher 35 Desta Kajela 38 M Guliso Hawate Suchi Maried >> Evangelist 36 Solomon Biru Kajela 45 M Guliso Inanani korme >> 15 Dec. 20 On street(taken from prison) 37 Lalisa Gabayo 28 M Guliso Chalia 01 >> >> 38 Masabe Hunde 60 M Bodji Chokorsa Chalia mole >> >> Above 60years 39 Tolesa Shifera 25 M Bodji Chokorsa Muklami Single >> 40 Alamu Gemeda 30 M Genji Gudeya Gudji Single >> 41 Ebasa Abshale 22 M Guliso Maru Single >> 42 Bulti Abera 27 M Guliso Wara Dalle Single >> 43 Dinka Saketa 30 M Aira Homi suchi Single >> 44 Bonsa Hanbisa 19 M Guliso Tegie Single >> 45 Dula Hanbisa 27 M Guliso Tegie Single >> 46 Tagazu Likasa 36 M Guliso Jarso Lalo Maried >> Evangelist 47 Gadisa Tolasa 40 M Guliso Sanki Dano Maried >> 48 Leti Tesgera 11 M Guliso Sanki Dano Single >> 11yrs old(while watching cow) 49 Kebena Temesgen 29 M Boji Chokorsa Chalia mole >> >> While on Wood work 50 Gizau Tafase 45 M Guliso Kurfesa Maried >> He is a Teacher 51 Samuel Imiru 35 M Genji Kapi guracho >> >> 52 Dawit Ayana 22 M Guliso Sage Guji >> >> In his fathe’rs Compound 53 Eyasu Angose 35 M Guliso Inanani korme Maried >> 54 Tamiru Gari 50 M Guliso Inanani korme >> >> 55 Bikila Djira 18 M Guliso Kusaye Single >> 56 Ebasa Regea 31 M Guliso Maru Maried >> 57 Dereje Tagazu 21 M Guliso Kusaye Single >> 58 Gutu Alamayo 32 M Guliso Kusaye Maried >> 59 Fedasa Temesgen 20 M Guliso Maru Single >> 60 Bikila Temesgen 19 M Guliso Maru Single >> 61 Guyasa Beshir 22 M Guliso Maru Single >> 62 Abriham Gemechu 52 M Guliso Chalia kusaye Maried 19 Jan. 21 Killed In his residence 63 Lalisa Asfaw 18 M Genji Boneya Dobie Single >> After being arrested 64 Gemechu Chali 17 M Guliso Gudji Warabu Single >> His flesh eaten by hayena 65 Driba Chala 18 M Aira Kure Sinlge >> 66 Driba Tesfa 20 M Aira Kure Single >> 67 Takalu Amuma Jano 40 M Aira Wayu koli Maried 25 Jan. 21 Injured on 21/4/2013 68 Alamu Gudeto 21 M Genji Gudeya Guji Single 9 Jun. 20 Was in prison 69 Lijalem Mitiku 27 M Guliso Guliso 01 Single >> 70 Ifa Hamba 17 M Guliso Guji warabu Single >> 72 Eba Ayana 18 M Genji Gudeya Guji Single >> 73 Dabela Taera 25 M Genji Gudeya Guji Single >> 74 Driba Chala 23 M Genji Gudeya Single >> 75 Dabala Tabor 34 M Genji Gudeya Maried >> 76 Bodena Bulcha 32 M Genji Gudeya Maried >> 77 Hundasa Ayele 26 M Guliso GulisoTown Maried 1 Feb. 21 Killed on street 78 Tolesa Daba 19 M Genji Boneya Dobie Single >> 79 Kebena Bushan 23 M Guliso Jarso birbir Single >> 80 Ayana Wawaya 20 M Genji Bikiltu Ankori Single >> 81 Abeya Kajella 18 M Genji Kapi guracho Single >> 82 Gemechu Abdeta 19 M Yubdo Jarso komto Single >> 83 Dinka Teso 17 M Genji Embraro Single >> 84 Mathewos Yadeta 36 M Aira Keta Abakorma Maried >> A father of 3 Childrens 85 Marga Tamena 33 M Aira Keta Abakorma Maried >> A father of 4Childrens 86 Chera Tamiru Sirna 18 M Guliso Jarso birbir Single >> 87 Abriham Tagazu 25 M Guliso Inanani korme Single >> 88 Belina Negese 22 M Genji Gudeya Guji Single 22 May 20 89 Leti Yohanis Bari 14 M Guliso Jarso Birbir Single 4 Feb. 21 14 yrs old(None violence) 90 Lucha Jabesa Balacho 16 M Genji Kapi guracho Single 26 May 19 His flesh eaten by hyena 91 Ayana Jirata 42 M Guliso Guduru Gomi Maried 5 Feb.21 In his coffee plant 92 Tamirat Tefera 24 M Guliso Jarso Birbir Single >> After being arrested 93 Girma Garbe 30 M Guliso Bedas Dilla Maried >> 94 Wandimu Garbe 35 M Guliso Bedas Dilla Maried >> 95 Belina Nagase 20 M Genji Gudeya Guji Single 22 May 20 96 Idosa Bula 36 M Guliso Galawo gute Maried >> 97 Bijiga Imiru 35 M Aira Lalo Suchi Maried Not known 98 Idosa Gashu 20 M Aira Lalo Suchi Single Not known 99 Fromsa Wayuma 18 M Boji Chokorsa Tulu guracha Single 20 Feb. 21 100 Nasir Musa 20 M Aira Lalo Suchi Single Not known Grade-12 101 Sada Kadire 18 M Aira Lalo Suchi Single Not known Grade-8 102 Markos Tefera 17 M Aira Lalo Suchi Single Not known 103 Kade Fayera 18 M Aira Lalo Suchi Single Not known 104 Roba Denu 17 M Aira Lalo Suchi Single Not known 105 Abdi Dingeta 20 M Guliso Chalia 01 Single 28 Feb. 21 Out Fromprison jail in Guliso 106 Moti Imiru 35 M Guliso Wara Dalle Maried Not known A father of 2 chilrens 107 Adugna Megersa 38 M Guliso W/Dilla Maried >> Deals with Qeros 108 Hika 21 M Guliso Dilla gogolla Single >> Taken outof jail & killed(Qero) 109 Idosa Mekonin 22 M Aira W/ Wayu garjo Single 20 Mar. 21 Qero 110 Lalisa Tadesa 33 M Boji Chokorsa Chalia mole Maried 21 Mar.21 Farmer 111 Mathewos Abata 40 M Guliso Nawir galawo Maried 22 Mar. 21 Farmer 112 Gutu Qalbesa Di’esa 19 M Guliso Chalia 01 Single 24 Mar. 21 Was officially elected Qero 113 Degefa Itana 45 M Guliso Jarso Badeso Maried >> Farmer 114 Ayana Mathewos 35 M Guliso Chalia 01 Maried >> After being arrested(Shot) 115 Mengistu Merga 20 M Guliso Kurfesa Single Not known 116 Faisa Nigatu 18 M Guliso Kurfesa Single Not known 117 Gurmu Megersa 40 M Guliso Kurfesa Maried Not known 118 Yonas Regasa 45 M Guliso Kurfesa Maried Not known 119 Shuramu Kumera 42 M Guliso Guliso 01 Maried Not known 120 Driba 35 M Guliso Guliso 02 Maried Not known 121 Sanbeto Hanbisa 28 M Guliso Guliso 01 Single Not known 122 Gudina Hanbisa 25 M Guliso Guliso 01 Single Not known 123 Amlake Worku 30 M Guliso Guliso 02 Maried Not known 124 Driba Ireso 35 M Guliso Guliso 02 Maried Not known 125 Jijo 38 M Guliso Guliso 02 Maried Not known 126 Yase 25 M Guliso Guliso Town Single Not known 127 Eba Teso 23 M Guliso Galawo Gute Single 3 Apri. 21 Caught from the market Eba Teso Inocent Oromo youth from Galawo Gute came to the market in Chalia Town on 3 April 2021 and caught by Oromia Special forces& militias and then fired by two bullets finally found dead the same day.The Ethiopian constitution article 32 grants freedom of movement&article 15 grants the right to life,sory so many things are theoretical in Ethiopia. Deaths summary No Woreda Total no of peoples Percent/% (District) Killed/Assassination 1 Guliso 79 62% 2 Genji 23 18% 3 Aira 16 13% 4 Yubdo 3 2% 5 Bodji Chokorsa 5 4% Total 127 The Ethiopian constitution article 15 grants for every one the right to life.This are the rough figures of the peoples that have been killed in the last 21/2years or after command post has begun to rule west oromia with their names that we got from the community and familes from 5 Districts or Woredas.There are still alots of peoples killed ,but we couldn’t get their names.
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    Oromia Region, Area brief Regional Overview Oromia (sometimes spelled Oromiya, in the Oromo language) is one of the nine regions of Ethiopia. The 2007 census reported its population at over 28 million, making it the largest state in terms of both population and area. Oromia shares a boundary with every Region of Ethiopia except for the Tigray Region. With an estimated area of 353,006.81 square kilometers, this region has an estimated population density of 76.93 people per square kilometer. The region includes the former major Ethiopian provinces Arsi, Bale, Hararghe, Illubabor, Kaffa, Shewa, Sidamo, and Welega provinces. Its current capital is officially Addis Ababa (Oromo: Finfinne). Administratively, Adama serves as a center for the regional state. Other important cities and towns include Adama, Ambo, Asella, Bishoftu, Dembidolo, Fiche, Gimbi, Goba, Jimma, Metu, Negele Boran, Nekemte, Shashamane and Waliso. The Regional infant mortality rate is 76 infant deaths per 1,000 live births, similar to the nationwide average of 77; at least half of these deaths occurr in the infants’ first month of life. Low latrine coverage and little awareness of basic hygiene practices across many parts of the region are having a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of children and their families. In view of the above Save the Children in collaboration with the government and other key allies’ works to achieve MDG 4 and 5 by reducing maternal, newborn and child deaths. As part of our EVERYONE campaign we work to raise awareness in communities about safe delivery and child caring practices. We also work with relevant partners to improve the WASH services and practices at household and facility level.
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