Acalyptris Platani (Mьller-Rutz) in the Crimea, Ukraine – The

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Acalyptris Platani (Mьller-Rutz) in the Crimea, Ukraine – The Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 2011, Volumen 21, Numerus 2 DOI: 10.2478/v10043-011-0011-5 ISSN 1648-6919 ACALYPTRIS PLATANI (MÜLLER-RUTZ) IN THE CRIMEA, UKRAINE – THE EASTERNMOST RECORD OF THE SUB-MEDITERRANEAN SPECIES IN EUROPE (INSECTA: LEPIDOPTERA: NEPTICULIDAE) Jonas R. STONIS, Andrius REMEIKIS Department of Zoology, Vilnius Pedagogical University, Studentų St. 39, LT-08106 Vilnius, Lithuania. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. Based on the material collected by the authors in the Crimea (Karadag Nature Reserve), Aca- lyptris platani (Müller-Rutz, 1934) is recorded in Eastern Europe (Ukraine) for the first time. It represents the easternmost record of this Sub-mediterranean nepticulid species in Europe, once again confirming faunal links of southern Crimea with Mediterranean region. Adults, male and female genitalia, and leaf- mines of A. platani are illustrated and provided together with a distribution map. Key words: Nepticulidae, Acalyptris platani, Platanus, Europe, Sub-mediterranean fauna INTRODUCT I ON The staticis group: 1) A. staticis (Walsingham, 1907), known from Spain (incl. Canary Islands: Tenerife); Nepticulidae are a family of minute monotrysian moths larvae on Limonium pectinatum; 2) A. pyrenaica Laš- of the microlepidopteran grade with a worldwide tůvka & Laštůvka, 1993, known from Spain, Germany distribution and nearly 830 described species. Their (host-plant unknown) (Laštůvka & Laštůvka 1993); morphology, biology, taxonomic composition and his- 3) A. maritima Laštůvka & Laštůvka, 1997, known from tory of description have been reviewed by Puplesis and Italy, Greece and Croatia; larvae on Limonium vulgare Diškus (2003). Only the North European nepticulid (Laštůvka & Laštůvka 1997); 4) A. limonii Laštůvka & fauna can be considered exhaustively studied (e.g., Laštůvka, 1998, known from Greece and Croatia; larvae van Nieukerken 1985, 1996; Johansson et al. 1990; on Limonium vulgare (Laštůvka & Laštůvka 1998); Laštůvka & Laštůvka 1997). Particularly valuable and 5) A. lesbia van Nieukerken & Hull, 2007, known from exhaustive for the genus Acalyptris is a taxonomic Greece; larvae on Limonium gmelinii van Nieukerken revision of Acalyptris platani and A. staticis groups in (2007). Europe and Mediterranean by van Nieukerken (2007). A new record of Acalyptris platani (Müller-Rutz) in Currently, the checklist of the European fauna of Aca- Eastern Europe (Ukraine) is based on the results of lyptris includes nine species divided into two groups fieldwork in the Karadag Reserve (the Crimea) in 2009 (van Nieukerken 2007) listed below. by A. Remeikis and J. R. Stonis. The platani group: 1) Acalyptris minimella (Rebel, 1926), Adults, male and female genitalia, also leaf-mines of the known from Portugal, Spain (incl. Ibiza, Mallorca), species are photographed and provided together with a France (incl. Corsica), Italy (incl. Sicily, Sardinia), distribution map. Croatia, Slovenia, Greece and North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia); larvae on Pistacia lentiscus, P. tere- binthus; 2) A. platani (Müller-Rutz, 1934), known from MATER I AL AND M ETHODS Portugal, Spain, France (incl. Corsica), Italy (incl. Si- cilia), Switzerland, Croatia, Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Genitalia were prepared following the method de- Turkey and Iran (also the first record in Ukraine (the scribed by Puplesis and Diškus (2003). Female geni- Crimea) as described in the current paper); larvae on talia and abdominal pelts of both sexes were stained Platanus spp.; 3) A. loranthella (Klimesch, 1937), with Chlorazol Black (Direct Black 38/Azo Black) known from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Hun- and mounted in Euparal. Forewing length was mea- gary, Italy (incl. Sicily), Romania and Greece; larvae sured along the costa from the wing base to the apex on Loranthus europaeus; 4) A. pistaciae van Nieuke- of the cilia. For wingspan measurement, the forewing rken, 2007, known from Greece (Crete, Rhodes), length was doubled and thorax width added. Adults Cyprus and Turkey; larvae on Pistacia terebinthus and and genitalia photographs were made by A. Remeikis P. lentiscus (van Nieukerken 2007). using a Leica DM2500 microscope and Leica DFC420 90 Stonis J. R., Remeikis A. camera. Morphological terms follow Puplesis and RESULTS Robinson (2000). This study was possible thanks to the material collected European Acalyptris as representatives of the Medi- by the authors during fieldwork in the Karadag Nature terranean and Sub-mediterranean fauna Reserve (the Crimea, Ukraine, 35°11'E, 44°54'N) at The genus Acalyptris Meyrick is most diverse in tropi- ca. 40 m in 2009 (Fig. 1A, B). All specimens were cal regions, including the Neotropics, where previous reared from mining larvae following a standard method stu dies have shown the phenomenon of predomination described by Puplesis and Diškus (2003). Two reared of Acalyptris in the Neotropical fauna (Puplesis & specimens (female adults) were fixed in 70% alcohol Diškus 2003; Šimkevičiūtė et al. 2009). Among the and kept in a freezer for molecular studies. Currently, recognized nepticulid species in Belize, 48% belong to all specimens are deposited in the collection of VPU, the genus Acalyptris (Puplesis & Robinson 2000). In the with a proposed further re-deposition to the collection western part of the Amazon basin, this genus comprises of ZIN (except for specimens fixed in alcohol). about 50% of the fauna (Puplesis et al. 2002a, b). A great diversity of Acalyptris is also known from South Africa A (Scoble 1983). The genus is also abundant in desert and steppe regions of Central Asia (Puplesis 1990, 1994; Puplesis & Diškus 1995, 2003). 6 species 4 of 2 Number 0 Italy Spain Czech France Greece Cyprus Austria Croatia Ukraine Portugal Bulgaria Hungary Slovakia Slovenia Republic Romania B Germany Switzerland Figure 2. Number of Acalyptris species per European country (after data provided by van Nieukerken 2007 and original). Figure 1. Collecting locality in the Crimea (Ukraine). A – Karadag Reserve (western view); B – Botanical Park of the Reserve (‘Biostanciya’, 35°11'E, 44°54'N at ca. 40 m) where all plane trees were infested with Acalyptris platani (eastern view). Abbreviations of institutions: KBS – Karadag Biological Figure 3. Approximate distribution range of Acalyptris platani Station, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Biostanciya, in Europe (after data provided by van Nieukerken 2007 and the Crimea, Ukraine; VPU – Biosystematics Division, original). Remarks: a star indicates a new record of A. pla- Department of Zoology, Vilnius Pedagogical University, tani; additionally, A. platani was reported for western Asia Vilnius, Lithuania; ZIN – Zoological Institute, Russian (van Nieukerken 2007): Turkey, Iran and Georgia; however, Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia. the latter record still needs verification. 91 Acalyptris platani in the Crimea In Europe, Acalyptris forms a small fraction (a total of Abdomen brown, with yellow inconspicuous anal tufts. 9 species) of the nepticulid fauna. Most of Acalyptris Legs yellow-cream. species occur in Greece (7), also Spain (4) and Croatia Females (Fig. 4A). Forewing length 2.2–2.3 mm, (4) (Fig. 2). wingspan 4.7–4.9 mm. Antenna with ca. 26 segments. All European Acalyptris species mainly occur within Hindwing lancelolate, without white androconial scales. Mediterranean or Sub-mediterranean regions. The lat- Otherwise similar to male. ter region represents a large ecoregion in the temperate Male genitalia (Fig. 5A–F). Vinculum anteriorly and mixed forest biome (with hot dry summer and mild, posteriorly concave, but in the specimens from Karadag rainy winter). anterior incision tends to be shallower than usual. Other- wise as in the species descriptions given by Johans- Documentation of the specimens of Acalyptris platani son et al. (1990), Laštůvka and Laštůvka (1997) and collected in the Karadag Reserve van Nieukerken (2007). Tegumen narrowly rounded, Males (Fig. 4B). Forewing length 1.9–2.3 mm, wing- forming specific pseuduncus; uncus band-shaped, span 4.2–5.0 mm. Head: palpi cream; frontal tuft with short central process (indistinct in ventral view). brown-cream, on vertex brown to fuscous (differently Gnathos with long and almost pointed central element coloured tufts distinctly separated); collar inconspicu- (caudal tip usually weakly sclerotized in the specimens ous, comprised of dark cream piliform scales; scape from Karadag) and with a prominent inner lobe at the and pedicel yellowish cream (not white, as usual in the base. The shape of the inner lobe may vary, usually right species); flagellum pale grey-brown in proximal half, and left lobes slightly asymmetrical. Transtilla without dark cream in distal half; antenna with 28–29 segments transverse bar but, in contrast to the descriptions by (not 34, as usual in the species). Thorax yellowish cream Johansson et al. (1990), Laštůvka and Laštůvka (1997) (not brown, as common in the species). Forewing basal and van Nieukerken (2007), sublateral process of valva 1/4 yellowish cream densely irrorated with pale brown less developed, almost invisible and right valva joined scales, followed by broad yellowish cream fascia to with left one via sclerotized juxta. Carinae of aedeagus 1/2; distal part of wing fuscous to brown apically, with ending in tiny forked lobes, tightly fused to ventral pro- yellowish cream tornal and costal spots united in a cess; pair of lateral carinae straight and pointed. Vesica second fascia; cilia shiny cream; cilia line, in contrast with numerous very small triangular cornuti and one to the general description
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