FREE PRO-C-GROUPS by Lim Chong-Keang Ph.D. Thesis In
1· FREE PRO-C-GROUPS by Lim Chong-Keang Ph.D. Thesis in Mathematics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. 1971 ABSTRACT For any class C of finite groups, closed under the formation of subgroups, quotients and finite products, we .1 consider the category PC of pro-f-groups, i.e. inverse limits of f-groups. We construct left adjoints F to forget~ functors from PC to various underlying categories and prove tripleableness ., , theorems for these adjoint pairs. A necessary and sufficient ~, .; ", condition for a topological space X to be embedded in F(X) is found. A formula for the cardinality of the free prof1nite group on any set is obtained. We look at certain closed subgroups of F(X) , in particular, we prove that the Sylow p-groups G of a free profinite p group, generated by a set, are free pro-p-groups in the sense of Serre, and we obtain a formula for the minimal number of generators of G • A characterization of pro-nilpotent groups p 1s given and it is shawn that the free pro-nilpotent group on n generators is isomorphic to the closedmult1plicative subgroup of î{{T ,T , ••• ,T }} generated by 1+T ,1+T , ••• ,1+T • l 2 n l 2 n :f '" " SHORT TITLE FREE PRO-C-GROUPS Lim Chang-Keang l 1 1 1{ } \ J J 1 nEE PRo-C-GROUPS by LimChong-Keang A Theais Submitted in Partial Pulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OP PHlLOSOPHY Department of Kathematies HcGill University Montreal, Quebec, canada. , 197 1 (ii) 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION NOTATIONS CHAPTER 0 PRELIMINARIES ·...........
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