Town of Weathersfield, Vermont Notice of Public Hearing Pursuant to the provisions of Title 24, Section 4385, of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, the Select Board will hold the first of two public hearings on Tuesday, August 19, 2014, at 7:00pm, in the Martin Memorial Hall in Ascutney to consider re-adopting two chapters in the Town of Weathersfield Town Plan. The second public hearing will be held on Monday, September 15, 2014, at 7:00pm, in the West Weathersfield Fire Station in Perkinsville. Copies of the Town Plan -- Economic Development Chapter and the Town Plan -- Utilities and Facilities Chapter are available for public review. The chapters with their accompanying reports can be viewed at the Town of Weathersfield’s website. Interested persons may also request a print or digital copy by emailing the Zoning Administrator at
[email protected]. Persons wishing to comment on the Plan may do so in writing to the Select Board prior to the meeting or by appearing in person. Dated at Town of Weathersfield, Windsor County, State of Vermont, this 22nd day of July, 2014 N. John Arrison, Chairperson ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT draft approved by the Weathersfield Planning Commission The Town of Weathersfield seeks new economic development for the purposes of · serving local residents, · encouraging local food production · providing local employment and · helping to broaden the tax base PRESENT ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Historically agriculture and mills were the basis of Weathersfield’s local economy. As a small rural town today, Weathersfield relies significantly on jobs located in other towns. Local economic activities currently include home occupations, small stores, restaurants, contractors, gasoline/service stations, professional offices, offices, campgrounds, forestry, small scale agriculture, town government, and the Weathersfield School.