Detailed Table of Contents
CONTENTS Acknowledgments xv Diodore of Tarsus, Preface to Commentary on Introduction 1 Psalm 118 27 Theodore of Mopsuestia, from Commentary on Galatians 30 CHAPTER 1 John Chrysostom, from Homily 3 32 BIBLICAL TRADITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS: SOURCES OF AUTHORITY 5 Latin Interpretation Jerome, Prefaces to the Vulgate Version of the New EXTS AND ANON 11 1. T C Testament: The Four Gospels 34 Papias of Hierapolis Jerome, The Prologue to Genesis 35 Eusebius, from Ecclesiastical History 11 Jerome, from Letter 18A (to Pope Damasus) 36 Marcion of Sinope Augustine, from De doctrina Christiana 42 Irenaeus of Lyons, from Against Heresies 12 Pelagius, from Commentary on Romans 51 Tertullian, from Against Marcion 12 Cappadocian Interpretation Irenaeus of Lyons Basil the Great, from On the Holy Spirit 52 Irenaeus of Lyons, from Against Heresies 14 Gregory of Nyssa, from Treatise on the Inscriptions of the Psalms 54 Some Early Lists of the Books of the Bible Gregory of Nyssa, from Commentary on the Song of The Muratorian Fragment 15 Songs 61 The Canon of Origen, in Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History 16 Medieval Interpretation The Canon of Eusebius of Caesarea, in Gregory the Great, from Morals on the Book of Job 67 Ecclesiastical History 17 Bonaventure, Prologue to Breviloquium 76 The Catalog in the Codex Claromontanus 18 Bonaventure, “On the Third Commandment of The Canon of Athanasius, in Festal Epistle 18 the Decalogue” 82 The Canon of Jerome, in Letter 53 Thomas Aquinas, “Can One Passage of Holy (to Paulinus) 19 Scripture Bear Several Senses?” 85 Reformation
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