
THE VOICE OF CHICAGO’S GAY, LESBIAN, BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 June 3, 2009 • vol 24 no 36 www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com Arrests on Halsted: Radicals Clash with Police

By YASMIN NAIR 29-31. This reporter was a participant in the pharmaceutical industry and the effects of in- convergence (but not in the nighttime events of tellectual property rights laws; the politics of Gay Idol Reports of an event on the night of May 30 have May 30) and spoke to fellow attendees as well as passing; the ex-gay movement; gentrification surfaced amidst rumors that a group of straight members of Bash Back! and eyewitnesses. and squatting and confronting sexual assault in Semis page 21 people marched through Lakeview’s North Hal- Preliminary reports indicate that there was no queer communities. There were also several cau- sted Street, and then set upon and attacked a straight onslaught or march upon gays/queers. cuses designed for the transgender community, group of gay individuals. What is known is that Instead, the people we spoke to indicate that genderqueers and cisgender people. (“Cisgen- a gathering involving a large group of people the trouble arose between police and Bash der” refers to “someone who is comfortable in resulted in several arrests. Back! convergence attendees. The only reports the gender he or she was assigned at birth.) Windy City Times has spoken to several sourc- of straight people marching down Halsted came Following a full day of such meetings, a es who were at or around the supposed events. from those who admitted to only having heard group of convergence attendees numbering The main participants involved in the event that on hearsay. from 100-200 got on the Red Line el. There were participants in a three-day convergence The Bash Back! convergence was organized were approximately two to three cars filled with organized by a local radical queer group Bash around several workshops and caucuses. Work- Turn to page 5 Back! Chicago. The event took place from May shop topics included the growth of the AIDS Obama Proclaims Pride Month Illinois union page 4 bill on hold By WES LAWSON

At the end of a long day of meetings within the Illinois House, State Rep. Greg Harris decided not to bring Senate Bill 1716 or House Bill 2234 to the floor on Sunday, for one crucial reason: the economy. “We are still engaged in the financial disaster that is currently gripping Illinois. This is not a Prop 8 time to put the bill on the house floor,” said Harris via telephone May 31. “This is not unique Ruling: to Illinois, as states like California are in similar Reactions page 6 financial crises, so right now, we just want to make sure that people aren’t going to be out on the street.” SUMMER “This bill will be a high-profile and contro- versial vote,” Harris continued. “It’s only been around a couple of months, and it definitely has been gathering steam recently. But right now, MOVIE/MUSIC we’re voting on measures to provide services for senior citizens and other financial things. This nightspots is a terrible time to bring it up both strategi- n cally and politically. Were we not embroiled in pick it up PREVIEW these financial affairs, this would be a different take it home story.” One of the bills Harris is attempting to pass is House Bill 3923, a health-insurance reform bill that will give consumers appeal rights, transpar- ency into insurance rates and profits, and other pages 11, 14-18 protections that will be available for the first time in Illinois. Also being voted on was House Indigo Girls’ Amy Ray (clockwise, from bottom left), , Jason Antone, Pet Shop Bill 7, which calls for campaign-finance reform Boys’ Neil Tennant and are all part of Windy City Times’ summer music/movie Turn to page 6 www.WindyCityQueercast.com preview.

CHICAGO’S BIGGEST GLBT CONTEST! Produced by Windy City Media Group THE FINALS AT PRESENT SIDETRACK SATURDAY, JUNE 13 See page 19 for more details 2 June 3, 2009

The 34th Annual Phonograph & Music Box Show & Sale Saturday & Sunday, June 13 & 14, 2009 Featuring the WORLD’S LARGEST SELECTION of

• cylinder & disc • horned & upright phonographs • high quality music boxes • roller organs • vintage radios • rare 78 r.p.m. & cylinder records • early coin-operated phonographs & music boxes • hard-to-find parts & service for your machines SHOW HOURS Sat., June 13, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun., June 14, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. GENERAL ADMISSION Sat. & Sun. $8 per person (Good both days) PREVIEW ADMISSION $40 per person during setup on Fri., June 12, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.



NEWS N.H. next for gay marriage? 4 Obama and Pride Month 4 Abortion doctor killed 4 Interim alderman chosen 5 Halsted arrests 5 Responses to Prop 8 ruling 6 Civil-union bill on hold 6 Chicagoans’ protest 7 Pro-life rally is countered 7 Durnil on ‘’ 8 Queer prom; Quotelines 9 Larry Pike and Chicagoan Dick Uyvari Views—Monroe, Wikhelm 10 (right) were recently honored by the International Gay Bowling Organization. SUMMER MUSIC/MOVIES Read more on page 22. Amy Ray of Indigo Girls 11 Photo courtesy of Dick Uyvari KATM: Summer movie preview 14 Bradley Cooper interview 15 Pop Making Sense 16 Cyndi Lauper; Neil Tennant 17 Swing Out Sister 18

ENTERTAINMENT Billy Masters 20 Gay Idol semifinals 21

OUTLINES Calendar 18 Real estate; classifieds 19 Sports: Uyvari’s honor 22 Sports: Sky, Red Stars 22 Homofrecuencia held its fifth Queer Prom at the National Museum of Mexican Art, 1852 W. 19th. See more images on page Cover photos and credits (from top): Windy City Gay Idol 9, www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com and semifinal by Kirk Williamson; official portrait of President Barack Obama; and a photo of the May 26 Prop 8 protest www.QueerTVNetwork.com in Chicago by Emmanuel Garcia Photo by Emmanuel Garcia

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May 27, 2009 contest (right) #989 Can you Phil DaBeatz? We certainly felt DaBeatz on the Mad Boy Party Cruise with DJ Phil DaBeatz —ExxonMobil does not inSIDE Meet your new Bears, beards and beers at International Mr. Bucks. Leather! page 16 page 8 add orientation and gender identity to policy Photo of Mr. Massachusetts (Brendan O’Hara) courtesy of O’Hara views & LETTERS amy & stephen Read very effective downtown viewpoints by local activist Victor Salvo and the White House’s www.WindyCity Jeffrey Crowley (left), Queercast.com and a powerful letter about young Black gays in Chicago.

‘SPRING’ into action TVN Parker Posey (right) talks with Windy City QueerTVNetwork.com Times about her movie with Amy Poehler and Rachel Dratch. Also on the entertainment front, Check out our we chat with Glenn Doug- video channel for las Packard of the new videos weekly reality-TV show Brooke www.QueerTV Knows Best. Network.com 4 June 3, 2009 Splaine said opponents of same-sex marriage ing less than domestic terrorists and should N.H. next sought language that would enable anyone who Abortion doctor be treated as such by our society and law en- objected to same-sex marriage to be exempt forcement.” to OK from the state’s anti-discrimination law, which killed in He added, “Dr. Tiller was an extraordinarily prohibits discrimination based on race, gender, Kan. church brave and committed person who refused to be gay marriage? and sexual orientation, among other things. But intimidated as he defended the the reproduc- their efforts, he said, were rejected. By ANDREW DAVIS tive rights of all women—the price for his un- By Lisa Keen Splaine acknowledged, however, that he ex- flinching bravery was his life. My heart goes out Keen News Service George Tiller, 67, one of the few doctors in the pects the June 3 vote in the House to be “very to his family, friends and co-workers. I know Dr. nation who performed late-term abortions, was close” still. The first bill lost by one vote in Tiller would want nothing less than every pro- After two aborted take-offs, same-sex marriage shot to death in a Wichita, Kan., church May April, but passed minutes later on a “reconsid- choice person in the country re-doubling our ef- in New Hampshire is once again poised at the 31. eration” vote 186-179. The House voted a third forts to protect the fragile right to privacy that top of the runway. On Wed., June 3, the state Suspect Scott Roeder, 51, is in custody; he time when the Senate sent it a revision of the he so valiantly defended and cherished.” legislature is expected to pass its third version was located almost 200 miles away near Kansas first bill, passing the bill on a 178-167 vote. of a same-sex marriage equality bill and the gov- City, according to . Then, Gov. John Lynch said he would sign the ernor stands ready to sign it into law. Because of his controversial stance and ac- legislation but only if it included additional lan- New federal lawsuit If New Hampshire does approve the bill, it will tions, Tiller had heard and experienced harsh guage making clear that religious institutions become the sixth state to do so since Massachu- words and violence. There were protests outside challenges Prop 8 were exempt. The Senate passed the second bill, setts became the first, in 2004, and Connecticut his clinic, his house and his church; the clinic By Lisa Keen but the House balked on a 186-188 vote. the second, in 2008. had been bombed; and, 16 years ago, a pro-life Keen News Service If the legislature passes and the governor Openly gay State Rep. Jim Splaine said a Sen- advocate shot him in both arms. signs the bill as expected, New Hampshire will ate-House conference committee voted May 29 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Executive In a move gay-rights groups say could be detri- become the fourth state this year to provide to recommend this third version of the same- Director Rea Carey said in a statement that the mental to the cause of equal rights, one of the equal rights to gay couples under its marriage sex marriage bill—one that adds one additional “[t]he cold and calculated killing of Dr. George nation’s best-known conservative attorneys, and laws—following Iowa, Vermont (which takes ef- sentence. That sentence states: “Each religious Tiller, apparently because he was a provider of a U.S. solicitor general under President George fect in September) and Maine. The New Hamp- organization, organization, association, or soci- abortion services to women utilizing their pro- W. Bush, has filed a lawsuit in federal court shire law would take effect Jan. 1. ety has exclusive control over its own religious tected rights to end pregnancies, accomplishes aimed at defeating Proposition 8. The California legislature has twice passed doctrine, policy, teachings and beliefs regarding nothing except the harvesting of a bitter crop Theodore Olson has teamed up with well- same-sex marriage equality legislation only to who my marry within their faith.” of fear and intimidation among our American known Democratic attorney David Boies to file a have it vetoed by Governor Arnold Schwarzeneg- It is expected the sentence will win the votes people, and especially reproductive service pro- lawsuit in U.S. District Court in San Francisco on ger. The California Supreme Court last year ruled of those few members of the House who aban- viders and the women who need them. But we behalf of two same-sex couples. Olson told the that the state constitution required equal treat- doned the second version of the same-sex mar- cannot and must not yield to fear and intimida- Associated Press that he and Boies “wanted to ment of gay couples in marriage licensing, thus riage bill out of a sudden fear that it might tion; instead, we must continue to stand strong be a symbol of the fact that this not a conserva- striking down a statute that banned gay mar- force Catholic-affiliated fraternities, such as the with reproductive health service providers.” tive or a liberal issue.” riage. But last November, voters approved a bal- Knights of Columbus, to rent their meeting halls Terry Cosgrove—president and CEO of the But nine of the country’s largest gay legal and lot measure, Proposition 8, that re-created that for same-sex marriage receptions. One member Chicago-based pro-choice organization Person- political organizations warned that such law- ban by writing it into the state constitution. The suggested the second version of the bill might al PAC, and a longtime gay activist—e-mailed suits could “set the fight for marriage back.” state supreme court last month ruled that ballot also force the group to provide benefits to a Windy City Times that “[t]he cold-blooded mur- Read the entire article online at www. initiative was valid, thus upholding the consti- same-sex spouse of a member. der of Dr. Tiller in a church demomstarates yet WindyCityMediaGroup.com. tutional ban on gay marriage. Splaine said neither of the two initial versions again what a complete fraud the label ‘pro-life’ Find national news and the world roundup ©2009 Keen News Service of the bill created such threats. is to describe the anti-abortion and anti-birth online as well. “Religious organizations do have the right control movement is in the U.S. They are noth- to set their own standards and requirements of membership and participation,” said Splaine in a seniors should be allowed to live their lives blogpost Friday. But he said the additional sen- Obama signs with dignity and respect. tence makes it “even clearer.” Pride Month My Administration has partnered with the LGBT community to advance a wide range of proclamation initiatives. At the international level, I have President Barack Obama has signed off on joined efforts at the United Nations to decrimi- Margo M. Jacquot a proclamation establishing June as Lesbian, nalize homosexuality around the world. Here Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month at home, I continue to support measures to Psy.D., CSADC, BCETS 2009. bring the full spectrum of equal rights to LGBT The proclamation is as follows: Americans. These measures include enhanc- Helping the LGBTQ Forty years ago, patrons and supporters of ing hate crimes laws, supporting civil unions the Stonewall Inn in resisted po- and Federal rights for LGBT couples, outlaw- communities create lice harassment that had become all too com- ing discrimination in the workplace, ensuring mon for members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, adoption rights, and ending the existing “Don’t better, more ful lling and transgender (LGBT) community. Out of Ask, Don’t Tell” policy in a way that strength- lives and relationships this resistance, the LGBT rights movement in ens our Armed Forces and our national secu- America was born. During LGBT Pride Month, rity. We must also commit ourselves to fighting we commemorate the events of June 1969 and the HIV/AIDS epidemic by both reducing the commit to achieving equal justice under law number of HIV infections and providing care for LGBT Americans. and support services to people living with HIV/ LGBT Americans have made, and continue AIDS across the . to make, great and lasting contributions that These issues affect not only the LGBT com- continue to strengthen the fabric of American munity, but also our entire Nation. As long as society. There are many well-respected LGBT the promise of equality for all remains unful- leaders in all professional fields, including the filled, all Americans are affected. If we can arts and business communities. LGBT Ameri- work together to advance the principles upon cans also mobilized the Nation to respond to which our Nation was founded, every American the domestic HIV/AIDS epidemic and have will benefit. During LGBT Pride Month, I call played a vital role in broadening this country’s upon the LGBT community, the Congress, and response to the HIV pandemic. the American people to work together to pro- Due in no small part to the determination mote equal rights for all, regardless of sexual Improving intimacy Repairing relationships and dedication of the LGBT rights movement, orientation or gender identity. more LGBT Americans are living their lives NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, Presi- Healing from abuse, trauma, addiction, anxiety, openly today than ever before. I am proud to dent of the United States of America, by virtue be the first President to appoint openly LGBT of the authority vested in me by the Constitu- depression, uncertainty about sexuality, loss of a relationship candidates to Senate-confirmed positions in tion and laws of the United States, do hereby the first 100 days of an Administration. These proclaim June 2009 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, individuals embody the best qualities we seek and Transgender Pride Month. I call upon the North and Northwest Suburbs in public servants, and across my Administra- people of the United States to turn back dis- tion—in both the White House and the Federal crimination and prejudice everywhere it ex- agencies—openly LGBT employees are doing ists. their jobs with distinction and professional- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set ism. my hand this first day of June, in the year of The LGBT rights movement has achieved great our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Inde- www.junipercenterchicago.com progress, but there is more work to be done. pendence of the United States of America the LGBT youth should feel safe to learn without two hundred and thirty-third. 847-759-9110, ext.1 the fear of harassment, and LGBT families and June 3, 2009 5

HALSTED from cover corral the group down Cornelia into a dead-end as Dobbs put it, “over the top, from what I Temporary street. According to Leo, “there were two police saw.” He said that “ did not at all this group and, according to several accounts, cars who sectioned the block off and pushed us give a calm response and were too aggressive,” alderman in members engaged in a peaceful but celebratory into a dark street corner. I ran out of the block and that he did not hear them say, “clear the 26th Ward party on the train. According to one Bash Back! so as not to be trapped.” He said that he saw street.” Another witness who was not part of member, who self-identified as “Leo,” there altercations between police officers and group the group was Gary Airedale, a member of the Hector Villagrana has been named as the tem- were dancing and chanting of slogans like “This members. musical group Flesh Hungry Dogs, who was porary alderman of Chicago’s 26th Ward, replac- train is for faggots only” and “One in Ten is There have been consistent reports of at least loading a truck with fellow members for a show ing Billy Ocasio, who has accepted a position not enough, recruit, recruit, recruit!” Leo said one injury, sustained by someone when a police at Hydrate, 3458 N. Halsted. He said, “I saw a with Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn, according to Chica- that while some people who got on the trains car apparently ran over their foot. Dobbs said bunch of guys marching on Halsted; I assumed goist.com. did get off upon seeing the large group, several that he saw two police cars, one behind the it was a gay march but it wasn’t really orga- Villagrana was Ocasio’s chief of staff and will also joined in on the dancing. Bill Dobbs, an other, and the gap between them widened at nized. I saw lots of cop cars herd them down be the alderman until Mayor Richard Daley ap- activist based in New York City, was on one of one point. According to him, one of the cars Cornelia eastbound from Halsted. There may points a new one; Daley has 60 days to do so. the cars and was with the group as it rode the sped up to make up the distance and then have been a skirmish, but it was too dark to Villagrana told WBEZ, “Residents won’t feel a train all the way down to the 95th/Dan Ryan slammed on the brakes. He also said that he see.” Taylor Ross was also present as the events difference or see a difference. The day to day stop and then back to the North Side. The group saw somebody being arrested on the ground, unfolded and spoke to members of the group af- operations at the office will still function as be- disembarked at Belmont. and two people being taken to a police van and terwards. His second-hand reports corroborate fore.” Dobbs emphasized that he was in the middle that he believed the police had truncheons out. the accounts of Dobbs and Leo: that “the police Windy City Times has reported on the brewing of the crowd and, therefore, not able to see Dobbs added that “from what I could see, the headed them off onto Cornelia.” Ross said that controversy involving Ocasio’s personal recom- everything. He said that the group was “ex- police were very aggressive and even dangerous he heard people “were good about videotaping mendation as his successor—the Rev. Wilfredo cited, with high energy, but pretty orderly.” and quite possibly unprofessional.” and taking down police officers’ information.” De Jesús of New Life Covenant Church. He also noted that “people came out of bars According to Dobbs, Leo and several reports He also felt that “the police overreacted; the De Jesús is pastor of New Life Covenant Church, and restaurants to see what the excitement was from the convergence, there were four arrests. situation could have been diffused in an easier 1147 N. Western (office: 2704 W. North)—an about.” According to him and Leo, the group Leo said that, to the best of his knowledge, the way.” institution that has taken a hard line against moved up Halsted, and traffic was “accommo- charges ranged from resisting arrest to assault- The Chicago Police Department did not re- same-sex relationships. According to a position dating” in letting the group move by. At one ing police officers. All four were released the turn a call requesting details and its version of paper on gays and lesbians by the Assemblies of point, four or five police cars appeared. Police next morning. events. God—with which the church is affiliated—” [h] officers emerged from the cars and began to Both felt that the response of the police was, omosexual behavior is sin because it is disobe- dient to scriptural teachings” and “ [h] omo- sexual behavior is sin because it is contrary to God’s created order for the family and human relationships,” among other beliefs. In addition, De Jesús commented in an October 2008 Christi- anity Today article that “opposing abortion and homosexuality [had] been the paramount moral issues for him” until the treatment of illegal im- migrants captured his attention. Not surprisingly, many gay-rights advocates are against De Jesús’ possible appointment to city council.

Mark Ishaug. Photo by Tracy Baim

MAY JUNE s m t w t f s s m t w t f s 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 MAY6 MAY JUNEJUNE E Lg @MIN MAY JUNE7pm 7pms m s t m w t t w f t s f s s m s t m w t t w f t s f s 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 AFC urges swift s m t w t f s s m t w ATLt f s 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 6 730pm E Lg E Lg @MIN @MIN 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 E Lg 3 @MIN4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 8 9 7 8 7 9 8 10 9 11 10 12 11 13 12 13 action on funding SEA CON 7pm @CON @WAS 7pm 5pm 7pm 6pm 6pm ATL ATL 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 730pm 730pm 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 AIDS Foundation of Chicago has issued a press ATL10 11 10 12 11 13 12 14 13 15 14 16 15 16 14 15 14 16 15 17 16 18 17 19 18 20 19 20 DET @ATL WAS730pm 730pm 11am 7pm SEA SEA CON CON @CON @WAS@CON @WAS release asking Illinois’ legislative leaders to 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 5pm 5pm 7pm 7pm 6pm 6pm6pm 6pm 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 SEA CON @CON17 @WAS18 17 19 18 20 19 21 20 22 21 23 22 23 21 22 21 23 22 24 23 25 24 26 25 27 26 27 negotiate the state budget. As it stands, HIV/ @DET @IND 5pm SAC 7pm 6pm 6pm DON’T12pm 7pm MISS OPENING7pm NIGHT! DET DET @ATL @ATL WAS WAS 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 730pm 730pm 11am 11am 7pm 7pm AIDS agencies will receive only 50 percent of 31 DET @ATL 24 WAS25 24 26 25 27 26 28 27 29 28 30 29 30 28 29SYLVIA28 30 29 FOWLES30 730pm 11am 7pm last year’s funds. FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 7:30PM @DET @IND@DET @IND USASAC Gold MedalistSAC & Sky Center 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 12pm 7pm12pm 7pm 7pm 7pm “In the midst of one of the most severe eco- @DET @IND SAC 31 31 JULY 12pm 7pm AUGUST 7pm nomic downturns in decades, the Illinois Gen- 31 s m t w t f s s m t w t f s eral Assembly concluded its spring session on MAYMAY 1 2 3 4 JUNEJUNE JULY1 JULY AUGUSTAUGUST @SA CON the constitutional budget deadline of May 31 by s mJULYs tm wt tw 7pmft sf s s mAUGUSTs tm wt tw ft 7pmsf ms s t m w t t w f t s f s s m s t m w t t w f t s f s 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 failing to pass a modest, temporary tax increase. s @SACm @PHOt w INDt 1 f21 s 2 s1 m21 @INDt32 w43 t 54 @ATLf65 s 6 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 4 1 1 9pm 9pm 730pm E Lg 6pm E Lg 6pm@MIN @MIN @SA @SA CON CON Had they taken action, the General Assembly 1 2 3 4 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 1 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 12 13 14 15 16 17 @SA18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3 43 54 65 76 87 98 9 5 CON6 5 7 6 8 7 9 8 10 9 11 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 @SEA @IND 7pm @DET7 87 98 109 1110 @NY1211 MIN1312 7pm 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 could have greatly reduced state’s $7 billion 8pm 12pm 5pm 630pmATL 7pmATL @SAC @PHO@SAC @PHOIND IND @IND @IND @ATL @ATL 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 730pm 6 730pm7 8 9pm 9pm9pm 9pm 730pm 730pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 budget gap and preserved services for hundreds 10 1110 1211 @SAC1312 @PHO1413 1514 IND1615 16 14 1514 1615 1716 @IND1817 1918 201219 @ATL132012 14 13 15 14 16 15 17 16 18 17 18 9 10 9 11 10 12 11 13 12 14 13 15 14 15 SA NY9pm @9pmWAS @730pmCON PHO 6pm DET 6pm 5pm 1130am 6pm 230pm SEA SEA 7pmCON CON @CON @7pm@@WASSEACON @WAS@SEA @IND @IND @DET @DET @NY MIN@NY MIN of thousands of vulnerable Illinoisans, including 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 5pm 5pm 9 7pm 10 7pm11 12 6pm 13 6pm8pm6pm 14 6pm8pm15 12pm 12pm 5pm 5pm 630pm 7pm630pm 7pm 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 17 @SEA1817 1918 2019 @IND2120 2221 2322 23 21 @DET2221 2322 2423 2524 2625 @NY271926 MIN202719 21 20 22 21 23 22 24 23 25 24 25 16 17 16 18 17 19 18 20 19 21 20 22 21 22 people living with and at risk of HIV,” according 8pm LA 12pm 5pm @LA NY 630pm 7pm 7pm DET DET 9pm@ATL @ATL 730pm WASSA WASSA NY @WASNY @WAS@CON @CON PHO PHO DET DET 19 20 21 22 730pm23 730pm24 25 16 11am17 11am18 19 20 7pm5pm 21 7pm5pm22 1130am 6pm1130am 6pm 230pm 230pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm to the release. @CON 30 31 24 SA2524 2625 2726 NY2827 @WAS2928 3029 30 PHO 26 DET27 26 28 27 29 28 30 29 31 30 31 26 27 26 28 27 29 28 29 5pm 1130am 6pm 230pm @NY28 2928 3029 7pm 30 7pm 23 24 23 25 24 25 “The AIDS Foundation of Chicago urges legis- @DET @@INDDET @IND 3pm SAC SAC LA LA @LA @LA NY NY SEPTEMBER26 27 12pm 28 7pm12pm29 7pm 30 31 23 7pm 24 7pm25 26 27 28 29 7pm 7pm 9pm 9pm 730pm 730pm 31 31 LA @LA NY lative leaders and Governor Quinn to immediate- 7pm 9pm 730pm 30 31 30 31 s m t w t f s @NY @NY ly convene for budget negotiations,” said Mark HOME30 HOME31 PRE-SEASON 3pm 3pm 1 2 3 4 5 @NY SEPTEMBERSEPTEMBER Ishaug, AFC’s president and CEO. “The new fiscal WAS AWAY3pm AWAY PRE-SEASON JULYJULYSEPTEMBER 730pm AUGUSTAUGUST s m s t m w t t w f t s f s year starts in 30 days, ample time to solve this 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 WNBA ALL-STAR GAME HOME HOMEHOME PRE-SEASONHOME PRE-SEASON @DETs ms tm wt INDtw ft DETsf s s ms tm wt tw ft sf s 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 5 5pm 7pm 7pm PLAYOFFS BEGINHOME SEPT. 16 HOME PRE-SEASON WAS WAS AWAY AWAYAWAY PRE-SEASONAWAY PRE-SEASON problem. Leaving a solution to the last minute 11 221 332 443 54 1 1 730pm 730pm 13 14 15 16 17 @SA18 @SA19 All game times listed are Central Daylight Time. WAS AWAY AWAY PRE-SEASONCON 6 CON7 6 8 7 9 8 10 9 11 10 12 11 12 WNBA ALL-STARWNBA ALL-STAR GAME GAME will cause needless disruption for people living 7pm 730pm7pm E-League Celebrity All-Stars in a 7pm 7pm * @DET @DET IND IND DET DET 5 665 776 887 998 10109 111110 1211 Basketball2 BattleWNBA32 of the4 3ALL-STAR Sexes54 GAME65 76 5pm 87 5pm8 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm PLAYOFFS PLAYOFFSBEGIN SEPT. BEGIN 16 SEPT. 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 with HIV and the agencies that serve them.” @DET @SAC @@PHOSAC @PHO INDIND IND DET @IND @IND @ATL13 @ATL14 13 15 14 16 15 17 16 18 17 19 18 19 All game timesAll gamelisted timesare Central listed Daylight are Central Time. Daylight Time. 5pm 9pm 9pm9pm 9pm 730pm7pm 730pm 7pm PLAYOFFS BEGIN6pm SEPT.6pm 16 6pm 6pm All Sky home games played at E-League CelebrityE-League All-Stars Celebrity in aAll-Stars in a An estimated 42,000-44,000 people are liv- 12 131312 141413 151514 161615 171716 181817 1918 9 All game109 times1110 listed12 are11 Central1312 Daylight1413 Time.1514 15 * * 27 28 29 30 For tickets, Basketball Battle Basketball of the BattleSexes of the Sexes @SEA @SEA @IND @IND UIC@DET Pavilion,@DETE-League 525 Celebrity S. RacineAll-Stars in @a NY MIN@NY20 MIN21 20 22 21 23 22 24 23 25 24 26 25 26 ing with HIV in Illinois—and as many as 8,000- 8pm 8pm 12pm 12pm Schedule5pm is5pm subject to change. 630pm 7pm630pm 7pm * Basketball Battle of the Sexes 19 202019 212120 222221 232322 242423 252524 2625 16 1716 1817 1918 2019 2120 2221 22 All Sky homeAll Sky games home played games at played at 10,000 people with HIV in our state are infected @CON @CON For information on the Chicago Sky call 866.SKY.WNBA SA SA NY @NYWAS @WAS PHO PHO DET27 DET28 27 29 28 30 29 30 5pm 5pm 1130am 6pm1130am 6pm 230pm 230pm television Allbroadcast Sky7pm homeschedule,7pm games played at7pm 7pm UIC Pavilion,UIC Pavilion, 525 S. Racine 525 S. Racine with the virus but don’t know it. CHICAGOSKY.NETSchedule is Schedulesubject to is change. subject to change. 26 272726 282827 292928 303029 3130 31 please23 visitUIC chicagosky.net.2423 Pavilion,2524 2652525 S.2726 Racine2827 2928 29 or visit LA LA Schedule@ LAis subject@LA to change. NY NY For more about the foundation, see www. 7pm 7pm Video streaming9pm live at chicagosky.net9pm 730pm 730pm For informationFor informationon the Chicago on theSky Chicago Sky television broadcasttelevision schedule, broadcast schedule, 30 3130 31 aidschicago.org. For information on the Chicago Sky please visit chicagosky.net.please visit chicagosky.net. @NY television@NY broadcast schedule, 3pm 3pm SEPTEMBERSEPTEMBER please visit chicagosky.net. Video streamingVideo live streaming at chicagosky.net live at chicagosky.net s ms tm wt tw ft sf s Video streaming live at chicagosky.net HOMEHOMEHOMEHOME PRE-SEASON PRE-SEASON 1 21 32 43 54 5 WAS WAS AWAYAWAYAWAY AWAYPRE-SEASON PRE-SEASON 730pm 730pm5/27/09 NELSON 6 76 87 98 109 1110 1211 12 WNBAWNBA ALL-STAR ALL-STAR GAME GAME @DET @DET IND IND DET DET 5pm 5pm 7pm 7pm 7pmChicago7pm SkyPLAYOFFSPLAYOFFS BEGIN SEPT. BEGIN 16 SEPT. 16 RADERS 13 1413 1514 1615 1716 1817 1918 19 All game timesAll game listed times are listedCentral are Daylight Central Time. Daylight Time. 4716 E-League E-LeagueCelebrity All-StarsCelebrity inAll-Stars a in a IZIL * Basketball * Basketball Battle of the Battle Sexes of the Sexes 20 2120 2221 2322 2423 2524 WIndy2625 26 City Half Page sr All SkyAll home Sky gameshome gamesplayed playedat at BROWN 27 2827 2928 3029 30 UIC Pavilion,UIC Pavilion, 525 S. 525Racine S. Racine Schedule Scheduleis subject isto subject change. to change. LEGUAY / MITRA For informationFor information on the Chicago on the Sky Chicago Sky 7.6” x 9” television televisionbroadcast broadcast schedule, schedule, please visitplease chicagosky.net. visit chicagosky.net. WIndy City Times Video streamingVideo streaming live at chicagosky.net live at chicagosky.net 6 June 3, 2009 heterosexuals in walking down the aisle should cago professor of women’s and gender studies, Reactions to the not be denied their right to be a part of this and Windy City Times columnist: “Every kick is a ridiculous institution called marriage. I think boost.” So said a Chicago activist in 1977, after Prop 8 decision that the Prop 8 decision should inspire the LGBT voters in , led by Anita Bryant, repealed a COMPILED BY ANDREW DAVIS community to unite even more. It’s only a mat- gay-rights law. ter of time. If Iowa now allows same-sex mar- The sentiment captures what is most impor- Windy City Times asked various individuals how riage, then California (the state that used to set tant about Prop 8. If it boosts us forward—as they felt about last week’s decision about Prop- social trends) will follow. it appears to be in California—then we’ll have osition 8. Here is what they had to say: —Robert Castillo and John Pennycuff, a Chi- turned defeat into victory. —Achy Obejas, writer: The decision was cow- cago couple who married in California June 27, But here’s my worry. Yes, I know about the ardly but extremely narrow. In the long run, this 2008: Despite the recent California Supreme many benefits marriage brings. And I understand is a tiny stumbling block—a pebble, really—on Court decision, we are confident that California the cultural importance of marriage as a mark the road to equality. will once again allow same-sex couples to wed. of acceptance. But marriage won’t get at the —Sharon Gless, actress (Hannah Free, and TV’s We also look forward to making sure that our roots of homophobia. It would make a much big- Queer As Folk and Cagney & Lacey): I am shocked marriage is recognized here in Illinois as a mar- ger difference to campaign in school districts and saddened by the court decision made in riage and not as a civil union. around the country for safe schools and compre- California May 26. I have just completed the —Victor Salvo, writer/activist: We are stron- hensive sex education. That would pull oppres- film, Hannah Free, which deals with this very gest when we are under assault and those who sion up by its roots. Please: Let’s not become subject—two women who have been partners rabidly fight us are on the wrong side of history. marriage-focused. for 60 years are forbidden to be together at the (They just don’t know it.) We must remember —Rev. Deborah Lake: Throughout history— end of their lives. it’s not necessary to convince everyone who is both biblically and legally—marriage was a We should all be allowed to define our own against gay marriage to be for it. Our dignity, means for men to own women and their chil- families, and this ruling on Prop 8 is a slap in our persistence—our savvy—and the real-world dren. Why not use civil unions as a means to the face to true family values. I am a fifth-gen- experiences of Massachusetts, Vermont et al will redefine what it means to be a loving couple and eration Californian, and for the first time in my eventually make the topic of gay marriage so family? life, I am ashamed of my home state.” ho-hum that the rest of the population will no —Gary Cozette, one-half of a gay Chicago —Jeannie Tanner, musician: Time is on longer care enough to vote against it. We may couple that married last year in California: While our side, along with younger voters. I’m more have lost this battle, but we will win the war. the California Supreme Court has recognized the interested in civil unions and civil rights, but —John D’Emilio, University of Illinois at Chi- 18,000 gay civil-marriage commitments made in those who would choose to join the ranks of the

John Pennycuff (left) and Robert Castillo. Switch to RCN & SAVE. Photo by Emmanuel Garcia California last year, including our own, the court turned its back on the fundamental civil-rights struggle of our time. It is deeply disappointing Get a special low price on Digital TV. that the court has permitted 50+1 percent of California voters to abolish the legally recog- nized civil rights of gay and lesbian citizens. Un- fortunately, it seems that “separate but equal” Start with Digital TV will be the lasting legacy of the California Su- preme Court in Barack Obama’s America. • Signature Digital TV with over 195 channels Read what more people had to say including 45 digital music channels about the Prop 8 decision online at www. WindyCityMediaGroup.com. • 47 HD channels included in your package $ 95 (HD converter required) BILL from cover • Upgrade to access over 100 HD channels in the wake of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s • Watch HIS on RCN Video ON DEMAND— resignation in November. Midnight on May 31 was the deadline for 24 the hottest movies from the top gay studios a month for 6 months* bringing the civil-union bill before the House including: HIS Video, Cityboyz, Next Door and, although Harris did not bring it up, he Studios, Cody Cummings and more wants all of those people keeping an eye on Plus FREE the bill to remain optimistic. “The human-rights bill in Illinois [which for 6 months: barred discrimination against LGBT individu- als in the workplace] took 30 years to pass,” Harris said. “The fact that this civil-rights bill Movies & Entertainment Pack $9.99/mo. is now ready to be read to the Senate some MTV2 LOGO & 18 months after it was initially conceived is GUIDELINES 27 great channels including: remarkable. It seems like a long time because LOGO SIZES people feel impatient, but this has moved at a rapid pace, thanks to lobbyists and legisla- tors across the state.”


RULES FOR USE OF THE MTV2 LOGO Harris added that people should be opti-

1. The MTV2 logo is available in two sizes: REGULAR and SMALL. Please use them appropriately, it is important to use the SMALL version when the logo is one inch or smaller. mistic because many legislators have come 2. The word “MTV2” inside the dog is not a font. It is art, DO NOT CHANGE IT.

3. The MTV2 logo in its entirety is art, and must be used as provided to you. It is our brand identity. 4. Do not add drop shadows or halos to the logo. around to support the measure in the last 5. Do not place art (or patterns) within the “dog” logo.

6. The logo can be colored in any way, as long as it is in accordance with the design used. The logo can be a one or two color design. Please see color chart for proper color usage. several months. GOOD COLOR USAGE BAD COLOR USAGE “I think when we began about two years ago, some legislators thought this issue 7. The word “MTV2” should always be in one color. 8. Always include the appropriate trademark symbol by placing the TM underneath the left front leg. wasn’t important to their districts. They now LOGO CHECKLIST DO NOT BLEED THE LOGO OFF THE PAGE. DO NOT TILT THE LOGO. DO NOT TWIST HE LOGO. see that they are wrong. This is an issue that DO NOT STRETCH VERTICALLY OR HORIZONTALLY. DO NOT BEND THE LOGO. cuts across the state,” said Harris. The General Assembly could be reconvening as early as next week to further discuss the economy and other issues, but Harris does not Call 8 6 6 . 32 7. 7161 today. want to put a timeline or a definite date on the civil-union bill. He does want everyone Check us out on the web at rcn.com/spring to remain positive and see how much they’ve accomplished thus far. Offer valid for new customers only and expires June 30, 2009. Offer not available in all areas. *$24.95 a month is a promotional rate and is valid for 6 months from installation date; thereafter, regular retail rate applies. Rate includes the monthly service charge for digital TV; add-ons not included. In the event of a change in the retail rate for any services, RCN reserves the right to modify the aforementioned monthly promotional rate in proportion to said change. If customer service selections change (whether voluntarily or due to non-payment) remaining service charges revert to RCN standard “I have never seen such an outpouring of individual service monthly charges. All sales subject to credit check. All rates subject to applicable taxes, franchise fees and other government-imposed charges and fees and are not included in the price. Check your RCN Residential Sales Order Form for additional terms and conditions or log onto rcn. heartfelt conviction among my colleagues. com. No substitutions. Showtime offer: after 6 months regular retail rate applies. Starz offer: after 6 months regular retail rate applies. Cable TV: A digital converter is required and account must be in good standing. Converter available starting at $3.95 a month. HD converters are $9.95 a month. HD channel count includes premium and pay-per-view channels. HD programming requires HD converter and HD television. Satisfaction Guarantee: RCN will refund or credit the monthly recurring service charge only; customer will be responsible for installation charges, usage fees (such as Pay-Per-View, toll) It’s an incredible testament to the people in and applicable recurring charges. Refunds or credits are contingent upon complete disconnect from an eligible RCN bundled service package within 30 days from date of install and return of all RCN-owned and provided equipment in satisfactory working condition. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. ©2009 RCN Telecom Services of Illinois, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 6635 0609 this community that shows that they are in it for the long haul,” said Harris. June 3, 2009 7

The crowd outside Center on Halsted May 26 on the evening of the Prop 8 decision. Photo by Tracy Baim

sponsibility to clean up their mess,” said Thayer, Chicagoans to thunderous applause. Quite a diverse crowd turned up—one that protest reflected many races, ages and sexual orienta- tions. After the speeches, the crowd took to the Prop 8 decision Lakeview streets, marching through Boystown— BY WES LAWSON even though thunder, lightning and rain began to impose on the march. Some 30 years after the late San Francisco poli- Everyone seemed to have the same reasons for tician Harvey Milk led the LGBT community out being there: They felt there was nowhere else of the Castro with the chant, “Out of the closet where their presence was more needed. and into the streets,” Chicago’s gay commu- “What else would I be doing today? Sitting at nity marched down Halsted utilizing the same my house watching TV?” said Margaret Adams, chant. who was there with her partner of almost five After California’s anti-same-sex marriage ini- years, Susan Johnson. “We need to be here. We tiative Proposition 8 was upheld May 26, al- need to be out in the streets, demanding equal- most a thousand people, led by Join The Impact ity no just in marriage, but in every aspect of Chicago and Gay Liberation Network, gathered life. I’m tired of being treated as a second-class outside the Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted citizen.” in the early evening hours. Giant rainbow flags “It’s two steps forward, two steps back today,” were passed out and hundreds of people brought said John Pembleton, a resident of Streator, Ill., their own homemade signs. who drove almost four hours to come to the ral- Speakers included several prominent gay Chi- ly. “This is a sad day for Californians, but there’s cago activists, including Andy Thayer, one of a light at the end of the tunnel for us in Illinois. the co-founders of the Gay Liberation Network As many of the signs today have said, ‘5 [states] in Chicago. He, like most of the speakers, talk- down, 45 to go.’” ed about what a terrible blow this was for the There are many more photos of the protest on- movement, and how odd it was that it occurred line at www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com. under a Democrat-led government. “The Democrats gave us the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, and now it’s their re-

Countering pro-lifers

Pro-life organization Americans for Life held a rally/march May 22 in downtown Chicago— and were met by several counterdemonstrators. According to one of the those opposing the event—Terry Cosgrove, president and CEO of pro-choice group Personal PAC— the protest supporters ”held a rally at the Thompson Center against both abortion [and LGBT] rights and then marched to Federal Plaza.” Photos courtesy of Cosgrove 8 June 3, 2009

all female, non-glam leaning, pre-teen mosh pit directly in front of the stage. VIEWPOINT So what happened? Did supposition about ’s sexual- all the arriving celebrities would start the stroll ing, “I’m going to Disney World” into one of the ity prevent him from becoming the next Ameri- around the red carpet. was directly seemingly hundreds of cameras that had rushed can Idol? Was the whole event so contrived that in front of us stumping for some outlet and Di- the stage. the decision was made based upon who might J. ana DeGarmo was up a bit, nearly unrecogniz- Since we had to leave our phones, camera and have a bigger commercial career for the record michael able with her black-and-blue dyed hair. We saw anything else in the car, it wasn’t until I fished label? , Kimberley Locke, , Paris Ben- mine out of the trunk that I was able to post I hope not, but have a sinking feeling that at durnil nett, Jason Castro and others pass us by. The my disappointment and dismay to my face book some level, it did. The pink ceiling is alive and crowd surged as the doors to the Nokia opened and twitter accounts. One on my staff in NYC well today in America. and it was our cue to take our seats. had already sent me an email asking me if I was In the few days since this travesty, I have We found our seats, and the stage was alive okay and wondered if I had rushed the stage in heard all sorts of rumors. Adam’s defeat was en- This is with crew making all the final set ups. We could disbelief. gineered by the Christian Right as revenge for American Idol? easily see the judges table, and lost count try- My first post was “America got it wrong.” I Carrie Prejean and Prop 8. Fundamentalists in ing to figure out just how many AI logos were didn’t want to be a spoiler to my west coasters; Arkansas set up robo-dialing systems that guar- This is American Idol. The show is one of those in the massive theater. The place is huge. The yet a flood of acknowledgement followed. What anteed Kris’ success. Of the 100 million votes, rare events that draws us together as a coun- stage was cloaked with down lighting, but we surprised me was a comment to a friend’s com- 35 million came from Arkansas followed by try, albeit, a worldwide phenomenon, and cap- could spy Ryan on his final walk-through of the ment that said something like, “come on, it’s Wisconsin! The producers affect the outcome, tures the intrigue of many of us. We gape at night. only American Idol” anyway. It is hard to sort out the reality about the shameless, cheer the underdog, sneer the With palpable excitement and anticipation, at Blasphemous. reality television. cheesy, and secretly channel our inner diva each exactly 4:48 p.m., Ryan, Kris and Adam took the After sitting through the live show, it has to Most of the people I talk to have had one of week as we arm chair quarterback (if you’ll al- stage and faced a camera upstage for the initial be clear to anyone that Adam Lambert is clearly two reactions. The first is that, “It’s okay, I’m low me to mix metaphors) along the way of this shot. The show was off and running. more talented as a singer and entertainer than gay and I voted for Kris because he is cute with epic struggle. The next two hours are a blur of headliners, . Even Kris acknowledged this after the a ‘k’!” or the second is that “you’re making more And this year, we listened to the whispers of commercial breaks, and discussions with those announcement. After I got to my apartment out of it.” the electronic media about a certain contes- around you about who was next in the show’s and watched the show on tape delay in L.A., I know, painfully, that I live in an increas- tant’s sexuality. Beyond the early season parlor line up. There had been a rumor floating in the I wondered why I didn’t hear the same crowd ingly isolated homogeneous world of friends. games of supposition, the whispers escalated house that David Bowie would take the stage reactions on the show as I did in the audience. We spend our days talking to each other more into finale week shouts in the mainstream mass for a duet with Adam. jazzed us, In the taped version of the show, the live audi- and more, which in fact limits our understanding media. NPR, really? Cyndi Lauper was beautifully subdued in her ence seemed to be limited to visual bumps of of those who values and attitudes are different From a personal and professional point of view, dulcimer performance, Black Eyed Peas were the commercial breaks; unless you were in the than ours and at some level creates a sense of I have watched befuddled, bemused and intent kinetic, Lionel Richie made us party—”fiesta complacency that we must combat. and my Idol frenzy reached a peak when on the forever”—and KISS rocked like never before. The Where you stand affects what you see. Those Friday before the final results show, I received only real clunker of the night was Rod Stewart of us who enjoy some level of access, power, an e-mail from On Camera Audiences: “Congratu- who physically and vocally tripped many times privileged, and position must not think that our lations, because of your place on the waiting list during the short performance. Perhaps he was a experience is the experience. Just because we you have been invited to attend American Idol little bit too well steeled for the evening. are okay with where we are individually or even finale show.” Confident that Adam had this in What I know for sure is that any time Adam as a movement doesn’t mean that we are for all the bag, I could not wait to see the crowning— took the stage the crowd was nearly uncontrol- of us. anointing—of the new American Idol. lable with their devotion and adulation. The As the dust settles, I think the outcome mat- I invited my research fellow and the son of an signs for him outnumbered Kris 4-1 … unless it ters—for as much as it doesn’t say as it actu- academic colleague. This out young man shamed came to the small but disturbingly “knoticeable” ally does say. Did even the supposition about me earlier this year with his encyclopedic knowl- Kougars for Kris signs created by those who had Adam’s sexuality stop people from voting for edge of American Idol. I lost the argument that stretched the limits of their Orange County be- him? Did his creative arrangements, dyed hair, was the third runner-up her dazzler machines and cricket crafters to make eyeliner and nail polish make some voters pause season. (Don’t have this argument; you will lose. their presence to be known. about what that those accoutrements might She was seventh, but it does make for a great It was time. Dim the lights. After a “certified mean? Given the demographics that are known bet with the uninitiated.) vote” of a record-breaking numbers, the next to watch American Idol, I would say that the We were smug in our early arrival time of 11:15 American Idol is Kris Allen. answer is yes. They are the sight and sound gen- a.m. to only realize that there were already hun- What? eration. dreds of people ahead of us in the line at the The audience was stunned. Even the large American Idol does matter, as it serves as Nokia Theatre, many in “Ravinia” style picnics. screens in the theater seemed to not believe it— a mirror to what is going on in our collective Our moment came and were issued tickets for it seemed to take a long time to get Kris’ name society. For me, does Adam not winning affect the show: 832, 833, 834, 835—good enough to posted as the winner. His prize—to sing that my personal life? This isn’t about me. I am of secure us main-floor seating. As the hour ap- syrupy hurricanes and windstorms drivel that a certain age, with certain privileges and cer- was the song for the winner. The crowd noise, Adam Lambert on the cover of the May 15, tain access. I don’t need to be coy about my proached we stumbled upon the red carpet arriv- 2009 cover of . als and stood and watched in the hot afternoon mostly of disbelief, drowned out whatever he sexuality, nor worry that my livelihood would sun. We could see the TV Guide platform where was singing through his painful-to-watch- con- be compromised by who I am. And most likely, tortions. We left the theater to Kris Allen say- probably, the outcome is not about you reading this article. What matters is how this plays out in the broader culture. Our image matters, and the way Wednesday, that we are perceived is the way in which people June 10 assign us their reality. That needs to change— 7:30 p.m. and someday soon, having an openly gay Ameri- Poetry with can Idol, or “fill in the blank” will be one of Maureen Flannery & those hallmarks. It’s about the teenager who Donna Pucciani sees and Adam Lambert identifies with him and then is bolstered to take the next step in their life journey. This is about the public psyche Thurs., June 11 message that something so mainstream can em- 7:30 p.m. brace someone different than the norm. This is Kate Harding Have your why this vote matters. Lessons from the In the final analysis, maybe it was that the Fat-o-Sphere premiums Danny Gokey voters were more likely to vote for Kris Allen than to vote for Adam Lambert, because they embraced more of themselves in increased him than in Adam. Or at least they were told to. After all, Kris is destined for the career of Taylor 5233 N. Clark recently? Hicks while Adam is headed to the “also-ran” (773) 769-9299 status of Chris Daugherty and Jennifer Hudson. See me: J. Michael Durnil, Ph.D., serves as the senior Charles T. Rhodes, vice president of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. Durnil, a 25-year resi- Agent dent of the Chicago area, previously served 2472 N. Clark as the Vice President for Governmental Affairs wcfbooks@.com and University Outreach at Roosevelt Univer- www.womenandchildrenfirst.com 773.281.0890 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company sity. On June 12, Durnil will begin serving as Parking Available (not in NJ) the acting president of GLAAD while a search Wheelchair Accessible State Farm Indemnity Company (NJ) Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois for a new president is finalized. June 3, 2009 9 Prom-enade QUOTELINES Q BY REX WOCKNER “Gay politics? What gay politics? I city’s former mayor, after the Council passed a don’t see any gay politics. I see a few bill May 5 to recognize same-sex marriages from lazy, torpid, unimaginative—certainly pas- other states and countries. sionless—‘organizations’ that maintain they fight for us when what they do is relatively “Only in America would the notion of useless. It has never been otherwise. I am a nearly naked fundamentalist Christian afraid we have never ever had a decent gay beauty queen tossing her processed hair and organization, outside of ACT UP, that accom- parading brand new pageant-bought plastic plished what we need to accomplish—which is breasts across a Las Vegas stage in front of to free ourselves from the tyranny of THEM!” millions of television viewers with all the mod- — Activist, author and playwright Larry Kramer esty of a blue ribbon heifer at a county live- to The Daily Beast, April 10. stock fair (the same fundamentalist Christian beauty queen who would later tell a television “At its core, (this bill) simply chang- reporter that she heard God whispering in her es the term ‘civil union’ to ‘civil mar- ear as she answered a celebrity-worshipping riage.’ Given the cultural, historical and reli- Internet gossip columnist’s question about gay gious significance of the word marriage, this marriage) be treated as anything other than an is a meaningful change. I have heard, and I occasion for high comedy and mirth.” — Jour- understand, the very real feelings of same-sex nalist Michael Rowe writing about Miss Califor- couples that a separate system is not an equal nia USA/Miss USA first runner-up Carrie Prejean system. That a civil law that differentiates at Salon.com, May 4. between their committed relationships and those of heterosexual couples undermines both their dignity and the legitimacy of their families.” — New I don’t Hampshire Gov. John Lynch see any announcing May 14 that he gay politics. will sign a bill passed by —Larry Kramer the Legislature to legalize

same-sex marriage. Lynch Magnolia Pictures of courtesy Photo requested the addition of some specific language pro- tecting certain rights of re- Homofrecuencia, an LGBT youth-driven radio program, invited high school students and ligious entities that oppose supporters to celebrate the event known as Queer Prom 2009. Now in its fifth year, this year’s gay marriage—and legislative and gay leaders theme was “Amor sin fronteras” (“Love Without Borders”), a message inspired by the dif- said the changes were fine with them. “I was asked earlier if I was gay. ... ferent topics youth talk about weekly on air at 90.5 FM WRTE Radio Arte. The event, held on Well, I can answer this way: I’m very gay May 29 at the National Museum of Mexican Art, 1852 W. 19th, opened its doors to over 150 “All hell is going to break loose. We and happy. I’m very happy to be here for my people, including youth and adult chaperones. may have a civil war. The black community gay friends. I’ve never been with a woman, The event was promoted as a fun and safe space for LGBT youth to bring same-sex dates, is just adamant against this. What you’ve got so I guess I’m straight, OK? But I’m straight express their gender identity and celebrate the prom unapologetically. Among the services to understand is 98 percent of my constitu- enough to know the difference between right at the event was a community resource area with sponsor organizations like Calor, Broadway ents are black and we don’t have but a hand- and wrong. I am straight enough to know that Youth Center and Young Chicago Authors. In addition, the Metropolitan Area Group for Ignit- ful of openly gay residents. Secondly, at least if you want to marry whoever you want to ing Civilization and the Pilsen Wellness Center collaborated to test over 60 people with a 70 percent of those who express themselves to marry you should be able to.” — Singer Patti rapid HIV test—a resource that proved to be very popular among attendees. For more info on me about this are opposed to anything dealing LaBelle at the first Miami Beach Gay Pride, April Homofrecuencia, visit www.wrte.org/homofrecuencia. Photos and text by Emmanuel Garcia; with this issue. The ministers think it is a sin, 18. She served as grand marshal. see more at www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com and www.QueerTVNetwork.com and I have to be sensitive to that.” — Wash- ington, D.C., Council member Marion Barry, the —Assistance: Bill Kelley FESTIVAL Celebrate Wine in the Garden Learn about new varietal trends as you sample from a selection of more than 250 wines, presented by boutique wineries and popular favorites. Enjoy gourmet food, wine presentations, and live music. Stroll through the most spectacular gardens the Midwest has to offer.

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VIEWPOINT VOL. 24, No. 36, June 3, 2009 The combined forces of Windy City Times, legitimate basis upon which to deny or withhold Associated Press, ““I think the issues involved founded Sept. 1985, and Outlines newspaper, founded May 1987. legal rights.” are ones that you know where the president REV. But California’s same-sex couples and their al- stands.” PUBLISHER & Executive EDITOR IRENE lies knew the knot on this issue was not securely When society narrowly defines marriage as the Tracy Baim tied. Proposition 8, so rightly dubbed “Propo- union between a man and a woman, it is not MONROE sition Hate,” would be the determining factor. only policing the sexual behaviors of lesbian and Assistant Publisher Terri Klinsky MANAGING Editor Andrew Davis And it was. gay people, but society is also policing the sexu- Business manager Cynthia Holmes With six months now passed since the historic al behaviors of heterosexuals. Handcuffing mar- Director of New Media Jean Albright day in Nov. 4, 2008 that threw LGBTQ Americans riage to a heterosexual paradigm merely chokes ART DIRECTOR Kirk Williamson under the bus, and symbolically removed black its possibility of ever flourishing and lasting, account managerS: Amy Matheny, Kirk Proposition Williamson, Cynthia Holmes Americans, with the election of Barack Obama especially as we are coming to understand the Promotions director Cynthia Holmes hate redux as this nation’s first African American president, fluidity of not only gender and sexual identities NIGHTSPOTS MANAGING Editor Kirk Williamson from riding on the back of the bus, I’m confused but also of the constant changing configuration National Sales Rivendell Media, 212-242-6863 The California Supreme Court ruled again on in terms of where my seat is on this bus ride of family units. SENIOR WRITERS Bob Roehr, Rex Wockner, Marie same-sex marriage. This time it did to uphold J. Kuda, David Byrne, Tony Peregrin, Lisa Keen, toward democracy being both African American But with heterosexual marriage being so sa- Yasmin Nair, Emmanuel Garcia Proposition 8, restricting marriage to one man and lesbian and bicoastal. cred, opponents to same-sex marriage fail to see TheatER Editor Scott C. Morgan and one woman. In a 6-1 decision, the justices Yes, I live in Massachusetts, the first state in how it is constantly desecrated on any given Cinema WRITER Richard Knight, Jr. decided that Prop 8 would remain part of the the nation to legalize same-sex marriage. And weeknight by being slotted for family entertain- BOOKS WRITER Yasmin Nair state constitution. And the 18,000 same-sex ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WRITERS on May 17 Massachusetts celebrated five years ment—television shows like “The Bachelor” that Mary Shen Barnidge, Jim Edminster, Steve Warren, couples that ran to the altar to legally conse- of marriage equality. But one of my jobs—coor- cavalierly join people together for high Nielsen Lawrence Ferber, Mel Ferrand, Catey Sullivan, crate their nuptials before November 4, 2008, dinator of the African-American Roundtable at ratings. Zachary Whittenburg, Jonathan Abarbanel well they’re the lucky ones, since our right to the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies and Min- To me, democracy is an ongoing process where Columnists/Writers: Yvonne Zipter, Susie marry can be so easily taken away by the pull Day, Jorjet Harper, Lee Lynch, Steve Starr, Joe istry at the Pacific School of Religion—is in Cali- people are part of a participatory government Rice, Dan Woog, Marie-Jo Proulx, Lisa Keen, Chris of a lever. fornia. I’m free to marry as long as I stay within working to dismantle all existing discriminatory Crain, Charlsie Dewey, Michael Knipp, Mark Corece, For a fleeting moment in 2008 we saw democ- the five states that now offer me the right to. laws that truncate their full participation in so- Sabine Neidhardt, Sam Worley, Billy Masters, John racy work for same-sex couples in California. In The fight for marriage equality in the U.S. is ciety. The work of democracy is rooted in justice Fenoglio a 4-3 decision, the California Supreme Court in PHOTOGRAPHERS Kat Fitzgerald, Mel Ferrand, similarly to my ancestors’ fight for freedom. In and social change allowing us to see, along this Steve Becker, Steve Starr, Emmanuel Garcia May of that year ruled that a “separate and un- their day, before the Civil War in 1861, the U.S. troubling human time line, those faces and to ARTISTS/CARTOONISTS Alison Bechdel, Mikeoart equal” system of domestic partnership for same- consisted of nineteen free states and fifteen hear those voices in society of the damned, the CIRCULATION sex couples is not only blatantly discriminatory, slave states. As a matter of fact, in the 2004 disinherited, the disrespected, and the dispos- Circulation director Jean Albright but it is also unconstitutional. presidential race between John Kerry and George sessed. Distribution: Ashina, Allan, Dan, John, Renee, Sue and Victor The Court upheld the democratic process, of- Bush where marriage equality was a hot-button Democracy can only begin to work when those fering same-sex couples “marriage” and not issue, the election map results between Kerry’s relegated to the fringes of society can begin to “marriage lite” with civil unions and put forth blues states and Bush’s red states corresponded sample what those in society take for granted as the following statement: to the pre-civil war free states and slave states, their inalienable right. “In contrast to earlier times, our state now rec- respectively. A government is ethically bankrupt when it le- ognizes that an individual’s capacity to establish As LGBTQ Americans we’re not in slavery, but gally frames a minority group’s civil rights as a a loving and long-term committed relationship we are certainly in a civil war. Whereas President ballot question. with another person and responsibly to care for Lincoln acted on behalf of my ancestor’s civil If I waited for slaveholders to free my ances- Copyright 2009 Lambda Publications Inc./Windy City Media and raise children does not depend upon the rights, Obama is immovable on ours. tors predicated on a ballot vote we all wouldn’t Group; All rights reserved. Reprint by permission only. individual’s sexual orientation, and, more gener- When Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was asked be living in the America we know today. Back issues available for $3 per issue (postage included). Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, drawings, ally, that an individual’s sexual orientation—like for a response to California’s ruling he told the and photographs submitted if they are to be returned, and a person’s race or gender—does not constitute a no responsibility may be assumed for unsolicited materials. All rights to letters, art and photographs sent to Windy City Times will be treated as unconditionally assigned ered a lefty or fringe issue, but now falls dead- ment for LGBT civil rights has been weakened for publication purposes and as such, subject to editing and comment. The opinions expressed by the columnists, center in American political discourse. In an by fragmentation. Those first impressions are cartoonists, letter writers, and commentators are their own April, 2009 CBS News poll, just 28% of respon- wrong. and do not necessarily reflect the position ofWindy City WIK Times. Publication of the name, photograph, or likeness of dents indicated that same-sex relationships do While the number and reach of publications a person or organization in articles or advertising in Windy WIKHOLM not deserve legal recognition. Forty-two percent that depend on ink on paper is declining, our City Times is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of such person or organization. While supported marriage equality while 25% preferred voices are amplified by the growth of electronic we encourage readers to support the advertisers who make civil unions. An argument in favor of same-sex publications and social networks. Towleroad. this newspaper possible, Windy City Times cannot accept marriage is nearly as likely to be found in the com, queerty.com, dailykos.com, about.com, Fa- responsibility for advertising claims. pages of the New York Times, Newsweek, or Time cebook and Myspace groups, and Twitter feeds (773) 871-7610 FAX (773) 871-7609 e-mail: [email protected] 1 of 18,000 Magazine as in the Windy City Times. are just a few of the new communications chan- At this writing, same-sex marriages are or nels LGBT people are using to broadcast our con- www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com My partner, Michael, and I are members of the shortly will be officially recognized in Connecti- cerns and opinions. In addition to Web sites for radio: WindyCityQueercast.com 18K club, the group of roughly 18,000 same-sex cut, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts and Vermont. print media, such as www.windycitymediagroup. video: QueerTVNetwork.com couples the California Supreme Court allowed to New Hampshire may follow in June, and New com. Jersey and New York are on the cusp. President Traditional activist organizations like the Hu- WINDY CITY MEDIA GROUP, remain married in its ruling supporting Proposi- 5315 N. Clark St. #192, Chicago, IL 60640 USA tion 8, but that same ruling made the 18K club Obama has promised to oppose DOMA, and even man Rights Campaign, National Gay and Lesbian (MAILING ADDRESS ONLY) one of the world’s most exclusive. No one else Republican presidential hopeful, Utah Governor Task Force, National Center for Lesbian Rights, gets in. and practicing Mormon Jon M. Huntsman sup- Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund and Windy City Times Deadline every Wednesday. ports federally recognized civil unions. While dozens of others continue to fight for marriage Nightspots Deadline Wednesday prior to street date. While we are thrilled that California continues Identity (BLACKlines and En La Vida): Now to recognize our 26-year relationship, the exclu- the civil unions favored by Huntsman and Presi- equality, but ad hoc meet-ups organized through online only sion of others from marriage is infuriating and dent Obama fall short of marriage equality, they social networks, viral videos, blog posts, short- Deadline The 10th of month prior. the unequal treatment we experience outside do grant most or all of the legal benefits of mar- lived single-issue Web sites and other electronic OUT! Resource Guide ONLINE www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com the state means our marriage is beset with dis- riage to same-sex spouses. forms of spontaneous and often instantaneous appointments. Yet the history of the movement for LGBT activism are growing in number and impor- Our relationship goes unrecognized in most equality and other movements for civil rights tance. www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com places, including the state of Illinois, where we has shown that promises made are not neces- The profusion of new opportunities to be heard www.WindyCityQueercast.com www.QueerTVNetwork.com now live. That means we still need to carry pow- sarily promises kept. Despite our community’s and new opportunities to organize empowers ers of attorney so we will not have to experi- enthusiastic support for the Obama campaign, each of us to take action. Whether you are in- ence the tragedy suffered by Lisa Pond who was the administration has not moved quickly to clined to post on DailyKos, organize a meetup kept from the bedside of her dying partner by a advance LGBT civil rights and has made no pub- through a social network, create a vid- Florida hospital. lic effort to lead Congress to rescind DOMA or eo or send a check to the National Center for When we think about buying a house, we create the promised federally recognized civil Lesbian Rights, please use the tool that fits you “Windy City Media Group generated have to consider whether one of us will lose it unions. The extraordinary economic challenges to demand that the president make good on his enormous interest among their readers in this year’s LGBT Consumer Index to diminished income and estate taxes if the faced by the Obama administration have bought promises to fight for LGBT civil rights, rescind Survey. Out of approximately 100 other dies, since the federal government does them some patience, but as time passes, it DOMA, and provide federal benefits to same-sex print and online media partners who not grant same-sex spouses Social Security sur- grows harder to see the president’s inaction on spouses. participated in the survey, Windy vivor benefits or the estate tax breaks enjoyed our issues as anything but politically expedient Wik Wikholm is the publisher of glbtq.com, City was the best performing regional foot-dragging. the world’s largest encyclopedia of gay, lesbi- by opposite-sex spouses. While the Defense of media in the U.S. Only survey partners At first glance, the decline of LGBT print media an, bisexual, transgender and queer culture. Marriage Acts remains on the books, we will be with a nationwide footprint were that has accelerated during the last five years reminded every April 15 that we are not “Mar- able to generate a greater number of can give the impression that our voices have ried Filing Jointly,” but “Single,” bachelors in responses.” ­­—David Marshall, Research the eyes of the IRS. been muted, and the profusion of new online Director, Community Marketing, Inc. This is not equality, but promising signs modes of activism that are often ad hoc and abound. Same-sex marriage is no longer consid- short-lived can be read as a sign that the move- June 3, 2009 11 GOINGS-ON WINDY CITY TIMES’ ENTERTAINMENT SECTION

A WHOLE BLUE WORLD Indigo Girls (above) are part of WCT’s summer movie/music issue. The special section starts below and continues on page 14. CALENDAR THEATER SPORTS Art time. ‘Love’ affair. Getting ready Page 18. Page 13. to rumble.

Photo courtesy of Photo by Liz Lauren Page 21. Danny Kopelson Photo courtesy of Chicago Sky

of “Cordova,” a cut on an earlier . Both go a voting booth they can just vote the way Ray of light: songs have a dreamy, liquid quality studded they want to vote. Do we need to legislate it and with islands of very concrete imagery. Is the not worry about what people want because it’s Talking with similarity accidental? like the civil-rights movement, people just need AR: It’s this thing that happens in me when I to catch up, or are we misreading everything? I an Indigo Girl write songs about colonialism and imperialism, haven’t figured it out yet. that idea of consuming the earth and wrestling WCT: You have an impressive ability to let by Sarah Terez Rosenblum with our greediness and how things shift over things roll off your back—artistic criticism, time, and the way the paradigm sort of always political events—but at the same time re- Folk/rock duo Emily Saliers and Amy Ray, a.k.a. stays the same. In “Cordova,” I’m wrestling with tain the sense of urgency needed to work for the Indigo Girls, make up a hearty pair, surf- a very close relationship, born out of activism, change. What enables you to walk that line? ing their career’s crests and hollows for over two between an indigenous person steeped in this AR: Emily and I have been mentored by peo- decades, occasionally drifting, but never capsiz- rich history of activism and a white person. I ple in the indigenous community, like Winona ing, always remaining reliably afloat. Despite try to use concrete images because it’s a really LaDuke, and I have to say, that’s their strong recently being dropped from Disney Records, big idea and I don’t want to say it in a big way; point. Even with Obama as president, they still the Indigo Girls continue to approach life with I want to say it in small, day-to-day ways. And work against the grain. But they have a sense a Zen-infused cocktail of acceptance and opti- yeah, “Sugar Tongue” grew out of some of the of humor and a way of letting things roll off mism. Currently on tour in support of their al- same inspirations. when they don’t win, but also immediately go- bum, Poseidon and the Bitter Bug, Indigo Girls Amy Ray. I think when I write about those things, it’s ing back to keeping their eye on the prize. Not hit Illinois June 26. Recently, Ray shared her independent longer. We’re independent now be- in this sensual way, because I don’t want it to even a blink; they just get back to work. That’s thoughts on her writing, nature as anger man- cause we got dropped by our last label. It was feel hard. It’s not edgy to me, it’s bigger than how you have to be or you’ll be defeated. I also agement, and how she keeps on keepin’ on. so obvious to me, and had been for probably that. Everything that makes us so soft and rich have this greater belief that there’s a mystery to Windy City Times: You play Ravinia almost 10 years, that we needed to be doing our own and corpulent is gotten on the backs of people the balance of things, and we’re not gonna win every summer. What do you like about that thing, because we really aren’t the kind of band that are suffering. Obviously, there are more nu- everything, but if we aren’t doing any work, the venue? that flourishes in a major label environment. ances, but on a black-and-white level, it’s real- balance is gonna be so thrown off that we’ll lose Amy Ray: It’s good to have a place we’ve WCT: On the new album, you re-recorded ity. I write more around sensuality and nature everything. In a way, I have low expectations at played enough to build up a relationship with “Driver’s Education,” a song previously re- and landscape and softness of human skin as the same time as high ones. It’s this Zen place the audience and an understanding of how the leased on one of your solo records. Why? opposed to the way we ravage the earth and that just works for me. show goes. We like that specific venue a lot. AR: Mitchell [Froom, producer of Poseidon and steal people from one country into enslavement. WCT: After complimenting your amicability, If we hate a venue, we don’t play it again but the Bitter Bug] said that song kinda stuck with I just go the route that’s soft because I want I’m wondering if there is anything that just when we go back to places, it means we’re into him, and I had always thought it might be a fun there to be a juxtaposition that feels weird to pisses you off? them. song to do with Emily. So I asked if he wanted to you. AR: Oh, God. I mean, I’m sort of intolerant. I WCT: Indigo Girls started out independent, try it. He liked the idea, so we just went for it. WCT: You’ve said Prop 8’s passage didn’t just don’t suffer fools. I don’t like authority at then signed with a major label fairly early on. WCT: Speaking of your solo work, Emily shock you. What were your thoughts on the all. Everyday bureaucratic situations really make Having gone indie again, what are your feel- sometimes attends your performances. What’s recent Iowa Supreme Court ruling? me mad. You go to get something done, and ings about your career trajectory? it like to see her in front of you rather than AR: It’s interesting to see where things go well someone says they can’t take care of it, some- AR: We started in 1980, in high school, tour- beside you? and where they don’t. It depends on who’s in one else has to, but they totally have the power ing up and down the East Coast, developing an AR: It makes me pretty nervous because I power in the court system and it’s also impor- to take care of it. I have to be disciplined about audience before we got offered a record deal in know her critical mind. I know what she’s listen- tant to do the work on the ground, go one-on- my temper. I used to have a real anger problem, a weird, out-of-the-blue circumstance in ‘88. We ing for, so I really want to do well. Typically, we one with people and get the community to not but I moved to the woods and it changed. wanted to see what it would be like to have a have her up to play. She’ll grab a and do be scared. California was a wake-up call. You Indigo Girls will be at Ravinia in Highland little help, so we got to be part of a label [Epic a big ol’ solo at the end. It’s always kind of a don’t know if there’s a disconnect between what Park Friday, June 26, at 7 p.m. Tickets are Records] that, at the time, was really develop- shared moment when she’s there. people want and what’s legislated, or maybe $34-$175; see www.Ravinia.org. ing artists. Now, the industry is so different that WCT: Back to the new album. Your song, progressive people actually don’t want gay mar- The summer music/movie issue continues singer- are usually better off staying “Sugar Tongue,” seems lyrically reminiscent riage and they’re afraid to say it, but when they on page 14. 12 June 3, 2009 is the immediate empathy generated by the ac- THEATER REVIEW tors, guided by Matthew Miller’s briskly efficient direction—in particular, the charismatic Brenda Graceland Barrie as the grieving Sara and the enchanting La Cage Playwright: Ellen Fairey Jackson Challinor as her underaged cavalier, aux At: Profiles Theatre, 4147 N. Broadway although Darrell W. Cox lends a winsome edge Folles. Phone: 773-549-1815; $25-$30 to the latter’s youth-obsessed poppa (“Cock- Runs through: June 28 blocked by my own boy! This is some mytho- logical shit we’re dealing with!”). And William BY MARY SHEN BARNIDGE Anderson’s scenic design, with its protean tomb- stone/coffee table and its sweeping mural of No, the title doesn’t refer to Elvis Presley’s the city skyline peering over the “bone orchard” Memphis estate. This Graceland is the cemetery walls, keeps us located even in the cramped on the North Side of Chicago, resting place to quarters of the Profiles storefront. several historically significant families. In Ellen Ultimately, however, it is Fairey’s off-center, cousin and exit. Then, there are two “delivery THEATER REVIEW Fairey’s play, however, it is also the hub of a but never mean-spirited, humor that rivets our boys” who appear to be other-worldly guardian giddy universe where going-on-40 New Yorker attention on these ships passing in their screw- angels, but don’t really contribute materially to La Cage aux Folles Sara Caruso, in town for her father’s funeral, ball night, all the way up to the bittersweet the story. Meanwhile members of the choir, each Playwright: Jean Poiret can: 1) wake up in bed with an aging tomcat, resolution—whose very uncertainty, ironically, in turn, reveal unsuspected musical talents lead- At: Theatre Building, 1225 W. Belmont who might have been drinking with her daddy makes us want to know more of these charac- ing to a predictable feel-good conclusion riddled Phone: 773-327-5252 $22-$27 on the last night of his life, 2) be seduced (with ters and how their fortunes fare following these with enough loose ends to unravel everything. Runs through: July 11 charming innocence) by her host’s precocious events. Playwright Javon Johnson peoples the play teenage son the next day and 3) revile her with familiar folk: the self-important church BY JERRY NUNN brother’s ex-girlfriend, more recently their late THEATER REVIEW Deacon, the choir pianist who drinks, the feisty papa’s mistress—a turn of affairs that led the but wise old lady, the hip-hop kid and so on. The Bohemian Theatre Ensemble presents the spurned swain to abandon his career plans and Sanctified But Johnson forgets basics such as exposition, musical La Cage aux Folles at the Theatre Build- take up smoking dope “like a man going to the Playwright: Javon Johnson and Rick Sims so all we get are two-dimensional stick figures ing for the summer months. Perfect to celebrate electric chair.” At: Congo Square Theatre, Chicago rather than real people. Is Rev. Jones married? Is Pride Month, this production takes the feather This play encompasses enough backstory for Center for the Performing Arts he new to the congregation? We never find out, boas and the tap shoes out of the closet. For a Robert Altman movie, but Fairey deftly brings Phone: 312-733-6000; $40 nor is his conflict with Brother Deacon resolved those of you who have not seen the original the dramatic arc to a satisfying resolution in Runs through: June 14 or the future of the church settled. Also, for French movie or the American version, The Bird- just 75 minutes. Granted, the individual’s search reasons unknown, two teen-agers sing with the cage, the story is fairly straightforward. Two for closure after the abrupt loss of a dominat- BY JONATHAN ABARBANEL crusty choir oldtimers and the guardian angels gay men, Georges and Albin, own a drag club ing parent is a quest whose duration can be ex- have no power. In character development and outside their home. When Georges’ son becomes panded or reduced to fit any time frame within A savvy cast and snappy musical numbers are story, Sanctified is a lazy, shallow sitcom fleshed engaged, their life together is quickly invaded the limits of tolerance, but Fairey never allows the saving graces of Sanctified, providing an en- out with songs. by the very conservative parents of their son’s the progress of the grieving children who grudg- tertaining show in the service of a really bad But Johnson and Rick Sims provide break-out fiancé. ingly accept solace from well-meaning strangers play. songs for many characters, and the cast deliv- The topic of the show is still relevant today. to feel rushed. Nor do the unlikely circumstanc- Sanctified is a comedy about a baptist church ers the goods in styles ranging from traditional When mom comes to visit this summer, the porn es—the interruptive roar of low-flying jet planes with an aging and declining membership re- gospel to soul to R&B to rap. Indeed, Sanctified collection goes in storage. By showing Albin from the annual lakefront Air and Water show, luctant to embrace change, yet change is what intermittently discusses whether some types of being forced to change himself when relatives for example—under which their comfort is de- young Pastor Jones initiates by inviting his music are inappropriate for celebrating God’s drop in, this gives the audience something they rived stretch our credulity entirely beyond its opera singer cousin to direct the painfully bad glory, but this topic is given only passing at- can all relate with. In 1996 The Birdcage missed limits. church choir. But in Johnson’s nearly invisible tention, as are several other spiritual issues in a this opportunity, picking comedy over touching A major catalyst to our suspension of disbelief script she doesn’t do much except argue with her transparent reach for meaning. Still, Sanctified moments. It was more poignant to see this ex- leaps to rockin’ life when Samuel G. Roberson, pressed more thoroughly with this production. Jr. breaks into the unexpected “Tougher than My Also in 1996, I was acting in a small indepen- God” rap or Donica Henderson delivers the soul- dent movie with Michael Kingston, who stars as ful “In Your Eyes,” or the drop-dead hilarious El- Georges. He has grown as an actor and provides lis Foster (with virtually no singing voice) snaps the centerpiece for the show. into the rousing “A Little Talk with Jesus.” It was nice to spot Ryan Lanning, of Windy The talents of veteran performers such as Er- City Gay Idol fame, as Hannah and her sisters nest Perry, Jr., John Steven Crowley (big man, showing they can-can. big voice) and Laura E. Walls are beyond dispute Placing the orchestra in the balcony was a cre- yet put to minimal use by director Derrick Sand- ative touch. The movable pink set pieces added ers. A gifted guide for actors and with good lit- a spark. But what really brought the show to erary sense, Sanders seems satisfied with schtick life were the characters. Although the director/ this time around. Playwright Johnson has a good set designer, Stephen M. Genovese, could have premise but only a first-draft script. He needs to tightened things up a bit, audiences this sum- cut out the lazy parts, develop real characters, mer should break out of their own cages and deepen the content and pull the story lines to- go see this highly entertaining colorful extrava- gether at the end. He should remember that an ganza. entertainment vehicle need not be superficial to be funny. SPOTLIGHT

Plans are underway to bring Stephen Sondheim and Hugh Wheeler’s classic 1973 musical A Little Night Music back to Broadway soon. But more than likely, it won’t feature a full orchestra like the 28-piece one featured in Light Opera Works’ upcoming production this week. Since A Little Night Music is one of Sondheim’s most sophisticated and romantic scores, see it locally to get the best aural effect. A Little Night Music plays at Cahn Auditorium at Northwestern University, 600 Emerson, Evanston. Performances are 2 p.m. June 5, 7 and 14; and 8 p.m. June 6, 12 and 13. Tickets are $30-$88; call 847-869-6300 or visit www.lightoperaworks.com. Photo by Rich Foreman. June 3, 2009 13 overlapping screen-projected subtitles, but ev- ences may be disappointed by the absence of ery instant that we stare at the bare-bones type- a conventional “happy ending,” Kapil offers script, we miss important information conveyed satisfaction in that the foolish parties involved ONLINE elsewhere by other means. It’s enough to make in the deception emerge wiser for their experi- even the most verbally adept—itself, a transla- ence. So do we, having been forced to explore THIS WEEK... tive process—playgoer weep in frustration. the boundaries of language and their importance Fortunately, the plot is a familiar one: Deaf in the meeting—and severance—of differing Frieda (“Free” to her intimates) and hearing minds. Maggie are a lesbian couple. Free has a het hear- This theme could easily have been rendered lu- THEATER ing sister, Victoria (aka “Vic”), who has a habit gubrious or, worse, pedantic, but Kapil takes full of picking the wrong boyfriends. Currently, she’s advantage of the humor intrinsic in mistaken- REVIEW OF: smitten with a visiting academic specializing in identity scenarios to ease any mental fatigue Sanskrit literature. It is Free, however, who ini- generated by her cognitive aerobics (and give tiates the e-mail correspondence that wins the sharp-eyed spectators an opportunity to learn —Buried Child affections of the shy Indic scholar. The problem? how to talk dirty in ASL). Rajesh Bose, Liz Tan- Thanks to the fanciful sobriquets associated nebaum, Cheryl Graeff and Arlene Malinowski with that medium, Professor Ram believes that deftly sidestep stereotypes to create affable Free’s contemplatively brainy discourse is actu- personalities deserving of our sympathies, while www.windycitymediagroup. ally that of the shallow and airheaded Vic. Sandy Shinner’s direction and Jeff Bauer’s scenic com This misunderstanding can’t continue forever, design keeps us always firmly oriented in this of course—not in its 1897 prototype, Edmond polyglot universe so reflective of our own in- Rostand’s Cyrano de Bergerac, and not in this creasingly complex world. 2009 Chicago premiere, either. But while audi-

Love Person. Photo by Liz Lauren

THEATER REVIEW Love Person Prairie Avenue Gallery Playwright: Aditi Brennan Kapil At: Victory Gardens Theatre at 1900 South Prairie Avenue • Chicago the Biograph, 2433 N. Lincoln Phone: 773-871-3000; $20-$48 Runs through: June 14 Pride Show BY MARY SHEN BARNIDGE

“You can’t think in two languages at once!” in- ARTISTS sists a character in Aditi Brennan Kapil’s roman- Rick Aguilar Eric P. Jorgenson tic comedy, but that’s exactly what our author Steve Becker Andrea Kaspryk challenges us to do. The adventures of the four Renee Brown Mary King conversation-crossed lovers in the play—whose Kat Fitzgerald Riva Lehrer title is a literal translation from American Sign Language of the word “lover”—are recounted Jorjet Harper Carmen Noriega in English (written and spoken), the aforemen- Juarez Hawkins Betty Lark Ross tioned American Sign Language (voiced and Lisa Howe-Ebright Otis Richardson unvoiced), Sanskrit (Devanagari and Roman Carol James Erik R.Sosa alphabet), poetry (Bhavabhuti and Yeats), and David Johnson Travis the artificially abbreviated idiom generated by satellite-telephone and text message technolo- gy. Oh, Victory Gardens Theatre provides us with Opening Party: CRITICS’ PICS Sunday, June 7, noon-4 p.m.

The History Boys, TimeLine Theatre, Music, food and mingling through Aug. 2. This clever, stylish tale of Labrys Chicago presents musicians bright British schoolboys and their teach- Christine Kent, Lisa Danielson and Kat Fitzgerald. ers explores the purpose of education and the nature of truth. It’s an off-Loop mega- Hours: Sat., June 13, noon-3 p.m.; hit completely sold-out through June 21, so Sat., June 20, noon-3 p.m.; book tix now. JA The Lesson, Court Theatre, through Sun., June 21, noon-3 p.m.; June 7. Time is running out to catch this Closed pride weekend (June solid revival of August Wilson’s 1990 Pulit- 27-28); and open every zer Prize-winning drama—the 1920s entry in his landmark 10-play cycle exploring the Saturday and Sunday in lives of African Americans in each decade July, noon-3 p.m. of the 20th century. Go now, or pray for an By appt.: 312-907-7909 Above: Locker Room, extension. SCM by Steve Becker. Rock ‘n’ Roll, Goodman Theatre, through On Facebook: Left: Hatshepsuts’ Daughters, June 7. VH1 says that every life story has a Prairie Avenue Gallery by Jorjet Harper. sound track, and in Tom Stoppard’s account or http://tinyurl.com/pzbu2a of the Czech revolution, and the Beach Boys are there to cheer on freedom’s champions. MSB Unveiled, 16th Street Theatre, through June 7. Rohina’s one-woman series of monologues illuminate the personalities of five very different women, their sole com- monality being that each chooses to wear the veil or Hijab of the Muslim faith. With distilled strength and understated power, Rohina delivers a piece that’s compelling, vital and urgently important even in our so- called post-racial society. CS —By Abarbanel, Barnidge, Morgan and Sullivan From left: Strength, by Kat Fitzgerlad. The Girl Who Cried Gold, by Erik R. Sosa. Phoenixx, by David Johnson. Clos’et’ed, by Carol James. 14 June 3, 2009 Elliott’s jaunty roaring ‘20s comedy Easy Virtue. Baron Cohen returns July 10 with another con- with its delightful line-up of classics. It kicks As usual, Pride month is gay central—if you’re troversial “gotcha” comedy featuring his über off July 14 with 1950’s Hollywood noir Sunset looking at the cable line-up, that is. June brings gay fashionista character, Bruno. Already one Boulevard and includes 1958’s Cat on a Hot Tin KNIGHT us the return of HBO’s sexy vampire series True of the most talked-about movies of the summer Roof with Paul Newman as closeted football Blood, with its hot male cast members and a slew (check out that sizzling trailer) the finished film player Brick moaning to wife Liz Taylor over his AT of gay characters; Kathy Griffin’s queer-friendly will hopefully help spark national discussion dead “best friend” Skipper; hilarious Judy Hol- THE My Life on the D List (featuring Bette Midler about homophobia. July 15 finally brings us the liday in 1950’s Born Yesterday; Anthony Perkins in the opening episode); the revamped Project next to last installment of the Harry Potter se- as sexually confused hotel keeper Norman Bates MOVIES Runway; and a batch of gay-themed movies and ries, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. But in Alfred Hitchcock’s 1960 masterpiece Psycho; specials on Here!, LOGO and other cable chan- whether Hogwarts headmaster Dumbledore’s gay and concludes with the much-loved 1983 cross- nels celebrating Our People. But gay pride at the sexuality will be part of the plot remains under dressing comedy Tootsie. Duck Soup and Young Cineplex this summer? Not so much—though lock and key. Mr. Lincoln are also part of the lineup. And you there are some major exceptions and some gay read it here first: The lovely success of the Queer friendly pictures enroute. August Cinema 101 film series at the Center on Halsted, A few of the summer’s highlights: Doubt co-stars Meryl Streep and Amy Adams re- put together by local gay film critics (including team in Nora Ephron’s chick flick comedyJulie & yours truly) is spawning a sequel, Queer Cinema June Julia Aug. 7. Will Streep, who plays Julia Child 102, that ends the summer with a series featur- The Proposal, a romantic comedy with Sandra in the film and has become an unlikely summer ing overlooked camp films (and, boy, there are a Summer movie Bullock hooking up with the previously men- box-office champ (thanks to Mamma Mia! and lot of them). Stayed tuned for further details. tioned hottie Ryan Reynolds and support from The Devil Wears Prada) score again? That same Keep your eyes peeled for Humpday, a “bro- preview 2009 out actor Denis O’Hare, arrives June 10 while day, hottie Channing Tatum stars in G.I. Joe: mantic comedy” in which indie comedic favorite Cheri—a turn-of-the-century “cougar” romance The Rise of Cobra, a good bet for those with a Mark Duplass (The Puffy Chair) and Josh Leonard By Richard Knight, Jr. drama in the Merchant-Ivory mold arriving here military fetish. On Aug. 14, gay writer-director play two straight, competitive best friends who June 26—stars ethereal beauty Michelle Pfeiffer Todd Graff, who wrote the delightful (though dare each other into making a gay porn for an Hollywood has decreed that the summer movie romanced by hunky Rupert Friend, looks luscious unfairly overlooked) Used People and sharply amateur porn festival and The Making of the season starts long before June’s first gay pride and includes Kathy Bates in the cast. Cutie-pie observed Camp returns with Bandslam, a sort of Boys, a historical documentary about the play flag is hoisted, so we’ve already seen Hugh Jack- bad boy-in-training Shia LaBeouf and Megan rock-and-roll High School Musical featuring Lisa and film The Boys in the Band, America’s first man’s butt and Ryan Reynolds’ guns enliven the Fox return the same weekend for Transformers: Kudrow and a David Bowie cameo. Brokeback “openly gay” themed play and movie. Neither otherwise by-the-numbers X Men Origins: Wol- Revenge of the Fallen along with sexy Josh Mountain director Ang Lee’s highly anticipated has announced Chicago theatrical dates. verine; Christian Bale in the bone-crunching, Duhamel and all those gay robots (okay, maybe Taking Woodstock with comedian Demetri Mar- Finally, what of the much anticipated Jim Car- (appropriately) machine-like Terminator Salva- that’s just my read…). tin as Elliot Tiber—the gay man who made it rey-Ewan MacGregor mostly true mega-gay pris- tion; and cutie-pie Chris Pine successfully tak- possible for organizers to use his family’s farm on romance comedy I Love You Phillip Morris? ing the helm of the Enterprise in the season’s July as the location for the historic Woodstock music Shockingly passed over by distributors at this first real crowd pleaser, Star Trek. But as usual, Public Enemies, the big-budget 1930s epic festival, and came out in the process—arrives in year’s Sundance, the movie has recently been none of these blockbusters has included any gay filmed in and around Chicago and starring Chicago Aug. 21. acquired by Consolidated Pictures who have an- characters. The merry month of May also gave us Johnny Depp as outlaw John Dillinger kicks off Locally, the Music Box brings back by popu- nounced a February 2010 release date—which the delightful gay audience favorite Every Little the month with Billy Crudup as closeted, cross- lar demand its Classic Matinee series with a provides something to look forward to next win- Step, the history of A Chorus Line, Kirby Dick’s dressing J. Edgar Hoover and Chandler Williams monthlong tribute to the swashbuckling films of ter. controversial documentary Outrage—which ruf- as his “housemate” Clyde Tolson in the support- Errol Flynn in June and another devoted to Musi- Check out my archived reviews at www. fled feathers in both the mainstream and LGBT ing cast. No word yet on how Hoover’s sexuality cals and Comedies of the Depression Era includ- windycitytimes.com or www.knightatthemov- press (whether you’re pro or con on the outing or his relationship with Tolson will be portrayed ing the sublime Easy Living, It Happened One ies.com. Readers can leave feedback at the issue don’t miss it)—and gay director’s Stephan in the film (if at all). Then, Borat creator Sacha Night, 42nd Street, and others from July 4-Aug. latter Web site. 9. The Chicago Outdoor Film Festival which takes CULTURE CLUB place in Grant Park will be gay central this year Windy City Media Group invites you to VSReWUO\RbVSO\U`gW\QV Enter for your chance to win tickets to see 1Z]aW\U8c\S ! Maya Angelou

speaking at the Chicago Foundation for Women 24th Annual Luncheon Thursday, Sept. 17 Hyatt Regency Chicago bWQYSba(%%!"'" #]`ObQeSP]`U


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2008/09 Season Sponsor: Production Sponsors: Production Corporate Sponsor: Media Sponsor: Mary Winton Green Avy & Marcie Stein Pioneer Press WRITERS’ Mary Pat Studdert THEATRE Contest courtesy of Windy City Media Group. windycitymediagroup.com For details on the Chicago Foundation for Women event, see cfw.org June 3, 2009 15 man watching a testosterone fuelled, dude BC: It’s more like, “Oh, he says two things [de- comedy. Come on! The first jokes in the movie faming] homosexuals, what’s that about?” It’s ‘In the Life’ running are “Don’t text me, it’s so gay” on your char- more that you read what your character says and acter’s answering machine and you yelling learning about him. It’s more about that than Stonewall special In the Life—the only national public tele- out a car window, “Paging Dr. Faggot” when having a moral position on what your character vision program documenting the people and you go to pick up one of your friends. is saying. issues shaping the gay experience—kicks off BC: And I say both of those things and we WCT: I understand you’re doing a sequel to a season of pride with “Summer of Stone- filmed that on a beautiful street in West Hol- The Hangover already, is that true? wall,” a three-part miniseries celebrating the lywood at 8:30 a.m., so you can just imagine. BC: I don’t know what the truth to that is 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. … Every time, I was like, “Don’t we have it? We other than I know that Warner Bros. believes in The program runs on WTTW-11 Monday, have to go again?” it and is excited about the potential of it but I June 29, at 12 a.m. WCT: [Whispering] “Paging Dr. Faggot.” think we gotta wait and see. This special hour-long episode features re- BC: Yeah—“Bradley, louder!” WCT: You very sensibly started out your ca- flections and firsthand accounts from long- WCT: So when your character—I can’t even reer playing a gay character in Wet Hot Amer- time activists such as Cleve Jones, Lady remember his name, I’ve blocked it out— ican Summer. Bunny, Larry Kramer, Phyllis Lyon and Torie BC: Phil. BC: The irony of that scene was that you have Bradley Cooper. Osborn. WCT: So when you see something like that this sort of raunchy comedy and then this very See www.inthelifetv.org. MOVIE SPECIAL on the page as Bradley Cooper the actor, do serious, very passionate love scene between you kind of wince? Or do you say, “It’s great two men in the middle of the movie. You know, Bradley Cooper: to play another jerk like The Wedding Crash- filmed beautifully and that was fantastic. ‘Hannah Free’ ers guy?” WCT: Was there any hesitation about that? Putting the ‘heart’ BC: Yes. I was still in school when I did the premiering audition. I only had the sides and then when I in ‘heartthrob’ miraculously got the role they sent me the script in San Francisco By Richard Knight, Jr. The world-premiere screening of Hannah and I was like, “Oh, wow, um, that’s the scene, Free—a lesbian-themed film starring Sharon uh?” And I think for like half a day I thought, Talk about being comfortable in your own skin. Gless that was shot in Chicago—will take “Should I do this?” and then I thought, “What On first meeting rising Hollywood heartthrob place June 28 at the Frameline Film Festi- am I crazy? Of course I should do it” and I’m so Bradley Cooper—who stars in the wacky bach- val in San Francisco’s Castro Theater. Rosie glad I did. Because, Michael Ian Black, first of elor party gone wrong comedy The Hangover— O’Donnell will introduce the movie. all is a fantastic guy and— the straight actor, without prompting, compli- The independent film shot in Chicago also WCT: And you’re a very cute couple. mented his gay interviewer (yours truly) on his stars Taylor Miller (All My Children), Maureen BC: I think so. I think so. [Laughs] Thank looks and his attire. “This is why your gay fan Gallagher, Ann Hagemann, Kelli Strickland you. base is going through the roof,” I laughed. “I and Jacqui Jackson. The film was written by WCT: Didn’t you also go up for the role that was raised well,” Cooper responded, as we pro- Claudia Allen, based on her stage play of the James Franco played in Milk? ceeded to have a delightful conversation about same name, and directed by Wendy Jo Carlton. Read an interview BC: I did. I auditioned for that role, yeah. The Hangover (which opens June 5 and is hilari- Allen and Windy City Media Group Publisher WCT: You’re so cool about all this—this ously offensive, a la the Jude Apatow comedies), Tracy Baim executive-produced the movie. with actress Parker “gay heartthrob” stuff. playing gay in his very first movie and an up- For more information see: www.hannahfree. BC: But I think those lines; those barriers have coming gay role, among other things. Posey (above) online com, www.twitter.com/hannahfree or the been hurdled, I think. Bradley Cooper: Did you like the movie? Hannah Free page on Facebook. at www.WindyCity Read much more of Richard Knight, Jr.’s, Windy City Times: I…did. Individual show tickets have sold out, but interview with Bradley Cooper online at www. BC: You’re lying! [Laughs] MediaGroup.com. some show and party tickets may remain. WindyCityMediaGroup.com. WCT: I am not! I liked parts of it. I’m a gay Visit www.frameline.org.

Make a date with Thru June 14 Only! PRESENTED BY THE Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University and the Sara Lee Foundation June 16 & 17, 2009 By Aditi Brennan Kapil “A richness, invention and 7:30pm “A funny, audacious, multilingual heart that cannot be meditation on relationships” denied” - Chicago Sun-Times - Chicago Sun-Times Jeff Recommended “A special adventure in NEDERLANDS DANS THEATER I playgoing” - Chicagolandtheatrereviews.com “Clarity of the production is a tribute to director First Chicago performances in over 35 years! Sandy Shinner and 4 EASY WAYS TO PURCHASE TICKETS her four intensely PHONE: 800.982.ARTS(2787) focused actors” ONLINE: Ticketmaster.com - Chicago Sun-Times IN PERSON: Auditorium Box Offi ce, 50 E. Congress Parkway Tix: $20-48 GROUPS (10+): 312.431.2357 victorygardens.org 773.871.3000 auditoriumtheatre.org

Presenting Sponsor Offi cial Hotel Partner 16 June 3, 2009 and Amanda Lepore’s “My Laube’s myspace page soon. Pool All the Love * Pussy.” Even gossip queen Pool All the Knowledge is available now. Perez Hilton branches out IAMX’s Chris Corner is the alternative-music into music with the limp scene’s answer to Cabaret’s Master of Ceremo- Melody novelty “My Penis.” Even nies. On Kingdom of Welcome Addiction, Berlin- Gardot. with a lengthy guest list, based IAMX’s third outing, Corner exposes his Tee lets his personality vulnerable side, as heard on “I Am Terrified.” beam in neon lights above Fear not, he remains an over-the-top theatrical all others on Club Badd. showman on the title track and “An I for an I.” POP She has lent her voice The duet with “My Secret Friend” is to worthy causes; now Me- quite an eerie union. Although Corner was in the MAKING kole Wells is going to be trip-hop pioneering group the Sneaker Pimps, he running to benefit AIDS matures into welcoming piano and drums, as op- SENSE Foundation of Chicago. posed to a keyboard and drum kit, on “The Stu- This year, the out cabaret pid, the Proud” and “Running.” After sold-out crooner is training to run tours stateside, IAMX returns to Chicago with a ing School of Seven Bells a trio. Last month, the a half-marathon. To help performance at Subterranean, 2011 W. North, on New York based group opened for Black Moth Su- get more pledges and raise Saturday, June 6. Kingdom of Welcome Addiction per Rainbow at Bottom Lounge with an upbeat awareness for her effort, is out now via Metropolis Records. set. Highlighting the night were the ethereal Many have come out as fans of the Logo real- Wells is hosting a fundrais- I barely had time to wipe the sweat from my “Half Asleep” and the finale “Sempiternal/Ama- ranth.” Opening for Tori Amos or Heap would be ity show RuPaul’s Drag Race, including Vanessa er at Mary’s Attic, 5400 N. Clark, on Wed., June brow caused by Melody Gardot’s steamy 2008 Williams and Morningwood’s Chantal Claret. This 17, at 7:30 p.m. Joining Wells on stage for the debut, Worrisome Heart. She is back with My One a much-needed window of opportunity for the competition not only launched young hopefuls event are Rhe , January Valdez and and Only Thrill on Verve Forecast. Here, Gardot talented School of Seven Bells. The EP Face to into reality stardom, but it also served as a Marvin Tate. Expect Wells to sing her own cata- returns to play the role of the temptress. The Face on High Places and the full-length Alpin- platform for RuPaul to get new music out. Mate- log and cover greats like Phyllis Hyman, but she young jazz singer uses her voice as an instru- isms are out now. rial from his latest, Champion, has its roots in will use her music as a tool to deliver a meaning- ment on “Who Will Comfort Me” as a salute to The first compilation in the Just Dance se- the breakout show. “Cover Girl” found its way ful, uplifting message. Sarah Vaughn. Gardot’s vocal timing is impec- ries boasts big names and today’s sought after into every episode and “Lady Boy” is inspired After performing at South by Southwest, cable, adding a healthy dose of sultriness on remixers. Rihanna’s “Disturbia,” Ne-Yo’s “Mad,” by contestant Ongina. A slimmed down Chi Chi multi-instrumentalist Anna Laube returns with “Your Heart Is As Black As Night.” On the set’s ’ “Human” and ’s “Touch LaRue heads to the other side of the camera and her refreshing sophomore effort, Pool All the sole cover, “Over the Rainbow,” she fuses bossa My Body” have been reworked for a seamless stars in the video for “Jealous of My Boogie.” Love * Pool All the Knowledge. Laube’s carefree nova with soft jazz. But her breathless whisper inclusion here. International stars Utada, Duffy RuPaul’s longtime friend Lady Bunny cameos on spirit shines brightly throughout the set. Her perfectly suits “Deep within the Corners of My and Annet Artani, along with Victoria Secret the priceless “Throw Ya Hands Up.” The predomi- playing is a welcomed addition on Mind.” The new material and arrangements uti- model Alina, keep the mix rolling. On Guru Josh nantly upbeat and undefeatable Champion is out “Kihei Blues.” “I Left My Heart in San Francisco” lize the elements that made “Worrisome Heart” Project’s “Infinity,” the signature saxophone now. is not a remake of Tony Bennett’s signature, hav- so hot. Gardot will have many, including Michael lines seem to be lifted from “Flashdance (What a Feeling).” This does not prevent this vocal mix DJ and producer Larry Tee co-wrote RuPaul’s ing a folk meets jazz flavor. “More Than Friends” Buble and Il Divo, tugging at their collars. anthem “Supermodel (You Better Work).” Now has Laube delving deeper into blues and jazz, Identical twin sisters Alejandra and Claudia from being the set’s strongest moment. Just Tee is releasing his first artist album, Club Badd. but hanging on to her folk roots. As she sings Deheza of School of Seven Bells recall Imogen Dance is out now, just in time for summer. As a DJ, he issued the genre defining compilation “Blue Angel,” it seems impossible not to be en- Heap and Sarah McLachlan harmonizing flaw- In case anybody is wondering, Boy George has The Electroclash Mix in 2003. Club Badd’s single, amored by her. Laube sites Bob Dylan and Lu- lessly. The sisters also play guitar and keyboards, been released from jail after a four-month term “Licky,” is catchy as hell as guest Princess Su- cinda Williams as influences, which carries over with Benjamin Curtis from Secret Machines mak- for false imprisonment. perstar repeats, “L-I-licky-C-K-licky-Y, L-licky-I- onto “I Found Love” and “Om Namah Shivaya C-licky-K-Y” over a hard-driving beat. Here, Tee (Ulysses).” Expect the video to the catchy You Back” which hit the iTunes Dance Top 10 also updates Internet sensation Kelly’s “Shoes” “Hippie Boyfriend” to appear on the promising List. Both tracks made the Top 25 on the Bill- board club charts. There will be a CD-release party Sunday, June 14, at Minibar, 3341 N. Halsted, at 7 p.m. An- tone will perform live at 8 p.m. Antone’s music is on iTunes, PerfectBeat. com and in retail stores. For more information, visit www.jasonantone.com or www.myspace. com/jasonantone.

Ciara taking listeners on a ‘Ride’ LaFace/Jive Records multi-platinum re- cording artist Ciara is set to rule the summer thanks to her third album, Fantasy Ride, which Jason Antone. Photo by Gerry Garcia was released May 5. She has already hit the charts with her singles “Never Ever” (featur- Jason Antone: ing Young Jeezy) and “Love Sex Magic” (with Ready to ‘Move’ you Justin Timberlake). However, there has been On June 9, openly gay Chicago native Jason some controversy because of the inclusion of Antone will release his debut full-length studio “Turntables,” which features embattled singer album, Start To Move, on Chickie Records. The Chris Brown. CD is described in a press release as “[a] col- Ciara, 23, takes on a greater creative role on lection of melody-driven pop .” her latest effort by co-writing a major portion Antone’s first foray onto the scene in 2006 of Fantasy Ride and serving as co-executive with the official release of self-penned dance producer. In addition to Timberlake, she is also single “With You.” In 2007, he released “Be joined by all-star producers Danja, Tricky Stew- Free” (co-written with Georgie Porgie) fol- art, Polow Da Don and Rodney Jerkins. lowed by the 2008 single “Love’s Gonna Lead


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Windy City Times 1/12 H 5 X 2.125 June 3, 2009 17

WCT: I read that you had written the song ‘Yes’ man: “Pandemonium” for Kylie Minogue. Neil Tennant talks NT: We were asked a couple of years ago By Lawrence Ferber to write some songs for Kylie’s album and we wrote some songs and she’d record them. We What the world needs now is pop, sweet pop, particularly liked this one, and a really good, according to Neil Tennant of The . funny song called “You’re The Exception That The openly gay duo—Tennant and tech whiz Proves the Rule,” which we just stuck in our Chris Lowe—deliver just that on their 10th stu- ballet. We needed a funny tune. But, in fact, dio album, Yes (Astralwerks). Keeping up with, the lyrics—this was another example of imag- if not staying ahead of the Joneses, the Pet ining I was someone and as it was going to be Shop Boys enlisted hot UK hitmeisters Xenoma- sung by a woman; I imagined it was Kate Moss nia (Kylie Minogue, Sugababes, New Order) as singing about Pete Doherty when she was going producers. As of late they’ve also worked with out with him. Cyndi Lauper. “in” artists Girls Aloud (scribing their infectious WCT: What artists are you listening to single, “The Loving Kind”) and Lady Gaga, and these days, and do you like the new wave of NUNN ON ONE: MUSIC are writing a 2010 ballet for London’s Salder’s Neil Tennant of Pet Shop Boys. synthy pop from and New Zealand Wells Theatre. On June 10 they kick-off a “high- like Ladyhawke and Empire of the Sun? Cyndi Lauper: tech” international concert tour. actually the most pure pop of all of them. It’s NT: Yes. I particularly love “My Delirium”by ‘True’ to herself Windy City Times: In what ways does Yes quite amazing at this stage in events to be do- Ladyhawke. Empire have got one really good by JERRY NUNN stand out from the rest of your catalog, and ing that. If you listen to our first album, Please, song, but I’m worried they look like MGMT how does it represent an evolution for the next to this, Please sounds terribly dark. clones. Cyndi Lauper is showing a rainbow of “true col- Pet Shop Boys? WCT: We need some uplift during this Read the rest of an entertaining ors” on Friday, June 12, at Milwaukee’s PrideF- Neil Tennant: It’s such a bright, beautiful global recession. interview with Neil Tennant online at www. est. This girl is still having fun and spoke one to album. I think the first half is almost like a NT: We do. I think the PSB always make more WindyCityMediaGroup.com. Nunn about her recent projects. greatest-hits. One very catchy, beautiful song sense in a recession as well. That’s Chris’ theo- Windy City Times: Hi, Cyndi. I met you at a 6_3_09_windy_odd_size:Layoutafter another in a different style. It’s the1 most5/28/09 ry. 4:37 PM Page 1 signing at Tower Records years ago. You were stylistically varied PSB album, and I think it’s in a rush to open for Cher. What a great live show you put on that night; you had such a connection with the audience. Now we get to see you live again at Milwaukee PrideFest! Are you still able to walk out into the audi- ence without getting mobbed? Cyndi Lauper: I love going into the audience. NEW THIS YEAR! VIDEO SCREENS FOR EVERY PAVILION SHOW It’s sharing a moment together. You can’t get more connected then holding hands and singing JULY JUNE OHN EGEND and sharing music. EMMYLOU HARRIS J L INDIA.ARIE WCT: You looked great singing at the Ameri- PATTY GRIFFIN 07 20 can Idol finale. How was that experience? SHAWN COLVIN VAUGHN ANTHONY CL: I had a blast with Alison [Iraheta]. She BUDDY MILLER SECOND CONCERT JUST ADDED AND GOING FAST! has such a great voice and I think we are going LAWN VIDEO SCREEN! to see big things from her in the future. The Idol system is very interesting to me. Times have INDIGO GIRLS JUNE PATTI LUPONE AUG changed. When I first started out there was a WITH SPECIAL GUEST AND THE CSO REUNITE real viable club scene; [it was] hard to develop BRANDI CARLILE 08 26 FRESH FROM HER TONY AWARD FOR a live audience now the traditional way. And GYPSY while the [Internet] age makes getting music to people easier, getting gigs seems harder. Idol JUNE DIANA KRALL is like music boot camp. They cram a lot of live HVOROSTOVSKY AUG experience into one season. 28 IS RIGOLETTO WCT: The 30 Rock episode with you spoof- JAMES CONLON CONDUCTS THE CSO 15 ing “We are the World” was hilarious. How did IN VERDI’S TREASURED MASTERWORK you get involved with the project? FEATURING DMITRI HVOROSTOVSKY. OE OCKER JUNE CL: It was a blast. The show’s producers in- J C LAWN VIDEO SCREEN! 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF vited me. I love the show so I was thrilled to be WOODSTOCK LAWN PARTY! 29 asked. KICK BACK, RELAX, ENJOY A CHEESEBURGER OR A HOT DOG LONDIE AT ENATAR AUG WCT: is a great album. AND CHOOSE FROM A SELECTION OF SALADS. FOOD WILL BE B /P B What tracks are you playing at PrideFest? SERVED 5-7 P.M. $38 INCLUDING LAWN TICKET. WITH SPECIAL GUEST THE DONNAS 17 CL: A girl’s gotta have some secrets. Come on FOLLOW US ON TWITTER FOR A CHANCE TO WIN TICKETS TO SEE THE DONNAS BACKSTAGE. down and you’ll find out. It is going to be once MUSIC OF ABBA JUNE kick-ass party. AS PERFORMED BY WCT: Any plans to release “Rain On Me?” It ARRIVAL FROM 30 sounds like classic Cyndi to me. AUG PAVILION DANCE AREA BONNIE RAITT CL: Absolutely. ALMOST SOLD OUT! WCT: I just interviewed , who TAJ MAHAL 21/22 co-produced and co-wrote several tracks on the album Bring Ya to the Brink. He said you MAHLER’S JULY are working on more tracks with him. What SONG OF THE EARTH new things can we expect? 10 CL: I love working with Rich. He is a talented “THE PERFORMANCE OF DAS LIED VON DER ERDE AUG WAS BLESSED WITH EXCELLENT VOCAL SOLOISTS. MICHELLE TONY BENNETT and we work very easily together. We hope to DEYOUNG, A PROVEN MAHLER SINGER, BROUGHT AN EARTHY be getting together soon to start work on new YET SUMPTUOUS VOICE AND BEAUTIFULLY DIRECT EMOTIONAL 28/29 EXPRESSION TO HER SINGING, ESPECIALLY HER POIGNANT tracks. ACCOUNT OF THE FAREWELL.” WCT: Why do you think you have such a con- — NEW YORK TIMES nection with the gay community? CL: I’ve always had a personal connection with the community even before my music career took 847-266-5100 • WWW.RAVINIA.ORG off. I’m a bit of a misfit and an outsider in my younger days. Featured Sponsor: Season Sponsors: Media Sponsors: WCT: Is your tour “Girls Night Out” with Rosie O’Donnell coming to Chicago? CL: Not on this run. WCT: Well, then audiences from all over better make that trip to PrideFest! For more information and to purchase tick- ets visit www.pridefest.com. Sponsor: Keene H. Addington II Memorial Concert; In honor of Sandra K. Crown 18 June 3, 2009 WHAT TO DO? Friday, June 5 Wednesday, June 3 force. of two sessions 10:30 a.m. - Out at the Zoo. Youth Pride Center pic- rie Avenue Historic District, Keith 4 Women Only, dedicated to new women noon and 12:30 p.m. - 2 p.m. Center nic at Lincoln Park Zoo. Noon. (Team House, one of the few remaining his- artists and hosted by Kat Fitzgerald. 9 on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted culture@ building, scavenger hunt, new member toric homes along Prairie Ave., 1900 p.m. Uncommon Ground, 1401 W. De- centeronhalsted.org or 773-661-0763 orientation and more!) Free. youthpri- S. Prairie Ave. former home of Woman von Ave. 773-465-9801 www.uncom- Center on Halsted Look for volunteers in [email protected] or 773-690-6790 Made Gallery monground.com bright red T-shirts collecting donations Printer’s Row event, panel from the Sapphic Adventures (previously Chicago Citywide Pride Speaker: Esera Tuaolo, at LGBT bars from Lakeview to Ander- book Out and Proud in Chicago: An Lesbian Brunch Group), a professional former professional football defen- sonville to Edgewater. Alow-in-the- Overview of the City’s Gay Movement: lesbian social organization. Kankakee sive lineman in the National Football dark Center on Halsted rubber bracelet Tracy Baim, Marie J. Kuda, William Kel- River State Park, River Walk Shelter, League for nine years, including par- for a donation of any amount. ley and Jorjet Harper, 3:30 p.m., 525 S. 5314 Illinois Route 102, Bourbonnais, ticipant in Super Bowl XXXIII with the Coming Out Online opening reception. State, 2nd floor IL. www.meetup.com/sapphicadven- Falcons 8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m. 2nd floor installation of 48 paintings Qigong Eva Wong, gentle movements to tures. Light breakfast. Kraft Foods Inc, Three by Doug Smithenry based on teens reduce stress, build stamina. Level 1, coming out on webcams. 3rd floor, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Level 2 (with L1 as Lakes Drive, Northfield. RSVP by May Monday, June 8 28. www.citywidepride.info Christa Lohman; Love = Love: Protest- prerequisite) next day 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Diversity and Aging in the 21st Cen- ART TO ART through Sept. 7. $14.50 ing Prop 8, a photo essay from the Registration $100 for first day or $200 Cirque Shanghai tury: The Power of Inclusion Marriott Doug Smithenry and Christa Lohman will be – $19.50 adults, $12.50 – $14.50 kids. Nov. 15, 2008 political action in Chi- both. Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Hal- cago. Both shows through July 5. $5. sted St. www.aidschicago.org/events/ Chicago Downtown Magnificent Mile. the subjects of a joint art reception at Center Pepsi® Skyline Stage® Navy Pier, 600 Preregistration (by May 31) $250/at E. Grand Ave. 800-745-3000 or www. Center on Halsted. 3656 N. Halsted, qigong.php. Through June 7 on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted. www.centeronhalsted.org Ride For AIDS Chicago produced by Test door $300. Info [email protected] or ticketmaster.com/shanghai 202-434-2803 Gay Liberation Network meeting 7 p.m. Equality Illinois First Friday celebrates Positive Aware Network to raise funds Image of painting courtesy of Pride 6 - 8 p.m. at Sidetrack, Glass for HIV/AIDS services in the Chicago Glamour of Boystown Chicago Calendar Danny Kopelson Gerber/Hart Library1127 W.Granville release benefit show. The event sup- Ave. www.gerberhart.org Bar, 3347 N. Halsted St. area. Two day, 190 mile biking Evan- Museum of Contemporary Art First ston to south central Wisconsin, return ports Center on Halsted’s Anti-Violence Ladies at the Hoover-Leppen Theatre, Project and Cease Fire, the Campaign major four night show features to- Friday’s theme is “Vacation” and the trip on June 7. www.rideforaids.org annual Gay Pride event, music, food, 773-989-9400 ext. 246 to Stop the Shooting. $10. 9 p.m. Cir- night: Spider Saloff performs Entertain- cuit Nightclub 3641 N. Halsted Wed., June 3 ing Guest “World Premiere” 7:30 p.m. dance. 6 - 10 p.m. Cash bar till 9:30 Sexuality and Spirituality by p.m. 21+ Advance $11/$8 members aChurch4Me? 10 a.m. - noon. Free. Youth Pride Center Photo Day. Several Tix $30/40 at www.centeronhalsted. professional photo packages to choose org/coh/calendar/events.cfm#702. or door $16/$8 for members. www. (Next discussion June 20, same time mcachicago.org and location.) MCC at the Center on from. Location and info: youthpride- Through June 6 [email protected] Out & Proud in Chicago re-airing here Windy City Gay Naturists Non-Naked Pi- Halsted, 2nd Floor Conference Room, and in other cities of the 2008 WTTW nochle Party. Location and RSVP 312- 3656 N. Halsted.www.achurch4me.org documentary about the lives of LGBT 494-2654 before Wed. June 3 [email protected] 773-661-0936 Tuesday, June 9 Chicagoans. www.wttw.com 773-583- Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go “Boy I Am” (2006) The experiences 5000 Saturday, June 6 Blind annual fundraising eventfor both of three young Female-to-Male trans- Alexian Brothers Bonaventure House Neo-Futurists & About Face Theater. people. Part of Sex +++ Film Series 2nd Founders Day celebration. 11 a.m.- 30 Queer Plays in 60 Straight minutes & 4th Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Free. RSVP Thursday, June 4 by the Neo-Futurists. 8 p.m. Tix $20 for seats. Seats unsaved at at 7p.m. American Veterans for Equal Rights noon awards honoring Mayor Richard available online. Neo-Futurarium, 5153 Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, 800 monthly meeting, 7 p.m. Center on M. Daley and Janet Haas of the Sup- N. Ashland Ave.www.neofuturists.org S. Halsted 312-413-5353 Halsted Jim Darby 773-752-0058 portive Housing Providers Association 773-275-5255 Fundraiser and social mixer in support Erotic Identities, Gender Identities of Illinois. 1-3 p.m. music by Bumpus. Women & Children First at Printer’s of the 2009 National LGBTI Health and LGBT Aging doors 6:30 p.m. $10 donation. Bonaventure House Row Bookfair. Features authors such Summit (scheduled for Aug. 14 – 18) Howard Brown Health Center, 4025 N. outdoor parking lot 825 W. Wellington, as Lynda Barry, Elizabeth Berg, Sara Pa- 6 - 9 p.m. $25 Raffles include tix to Sheridan. www.howardbrown.org mi- west of Halsted. www.bonaventure- retsky, Barbara D’Amato, Bill Ayers and Mikhail Baryshnikov. Sidetrack, 3349 [email protected] 773-388- house.org/foundersday 2009 Bernardine Dohrn. Full schedule www. N. Halsted 8876 Amigas Latinas Gala, Siempre Latina “An CIRQUE IT OUT chicagotribune.com/entertainment/ Lesbian Book Discussion Group: Pa- Qweirdo recurring showcase of Chicago’s Evening of Elegance” benefits. Amigas Latinas 7:30 p.m. - midnight. Center events/printersrow. Through June 7. tience and Sarah 7:30 p.m. Gerber/ Cirque Shanghai will premiere at Navy Pier, top gay comedians/improvisers on Hart Library, 1127 W. Granville. www. Thursdays. During June, benefits Lamb- on Halsted. Info on tix and rsvp: info@ 600 E. Grand. amigaslatinas.org Sunday, June 7 gerberhart.org [email protected] da Legal. 9 p.m. $8. 773-880-0199 iO, 773-381-8030 upstairs, Del Close Theatre, 3541 N. Chicago Rowing Union learn-to-row Stonewalled, 40 years of Pride and Open Mic hosted by Kat Fitzgerald Clark, www.chicago.ioimprov.com sessions, open to all, regardless physi- Prejudice by aChurch4Me? 11 a.m. cal ability, each Saturday and Sunday (continues same time on June 14 and and sponsored by SHURE. Uncommon through June. 8 a.m. - 10 a.m. Skokie. 21 and 9 a.m. on June 28 with an 8:15 Ground, 1401 W. Devon Ave. 773-465- Friday, June 5 Register www.chicagorowingunion.org a.m. breakfast. MCC at Center on Hal- 9801 www.uncommonground.com Bombs Away! new musical from the cre- Men of the Righteously Outrageous sted, Hoover-Leppen Theater, 3656 N. Trying To Understand Transgender Is- ators of Bailiwick’s hit Dr. Sex through Twirling Corps (ROTC) Chicago annual Halsted.www.achurch4me.org info@ sues, 7 p.m. Lakeview Presbyterian July 18. Mary’s Attic. $15. Tix 773 883 fundraiser, Armed and Fabulous. 8 p.m. achurch4me.org 773-661-0936 Church, 716 W. Addison. www.lakev- 1090 or www.bailiwick.org $20/$25. Show 8:30 with guest MC Teri Prairie Avenue Gallery Pride Show iewpresbyterian.org larissa@lakev- Career Impact Day for individuals who Yaki. Open bar until 9:30 p.m. Hydrate opening reception noon-4 p.m. Food, iewpresbyterian.org are new to, or just entering the work 3458 N Halsted St music, mingling with the artists. Prai-

that’s an accurate descrip- the Night was dedicated to Kazuhiko Yanagi- tion? da. If you don’t mind, could you discuss his Swing Out Sister: Well, I sup- impact on both of you? pose we’re not country, blues, SOS: Kazu’s dedication and enthusiasm played techno... I’m flattered that our a vital part in our continued success in . sound doesn’t fall into any par- His tragic death in a road accident came as a ticular category, but I suppose great shock to us and his friends and family. if it has to, that will do. I prefer WCT: How did you decide which cities and to call it P-zazz! venues to visit on this tour of the United WCT: On Beautiful Mess, you States? Chicagoans would’ve loved to have revisit your classic single seen you two in concert! “Breakout,” but you put an SOS: And we would have loved to have come even more gorgeous twist on to Chicago—it’s our kind town! We have been Swing Out Sister. it. What led you to redo that made very welcome here in the past. Unfortu- particular song? nately, due to time restrictions, this tour is short MUSIC SOS: We were rehearsing for our and sweet. Hopefully, you will have us back next forthcoming tour and decided we may as well time! Swing Out Sister’s record it to see what it sounded like. WCT: What musicians helped shaped your WCT: How do you feel your music has evolved sound, i.e., who are your musical influences? ‘Mess’ intentions over the years? SOS: How long do we have here?!!! If we Tori Amos’ newest by ANDREW DAVIS SOS: With ease. We are a little more relaxed; start with a few of Chicago’s sons and daugh- If nothing else, Tori Amos’ newest CD— there are still a lot of the same ingredients but ters: Minnie Ripperton, Herbie Hancock, Donny Abnormally Attracted to Sin (released May Swing Out Sister has been delivering slinky, so- the recipes have changed! We are confident Hathaway, Leroy Hutson, , Ram- 19)—is certainly unique. phisticated jazz-pop for well over two decades enough to take a less-is-more approach. Well, sey Lewis, Charles Stepney—is there something Every track on the album will be accompa- now—and the duo ( and Andy almost... in the water?!!! nied by a corresponding “visualette,” featuring Connell) shows no sign of slowing down with its WCT: To what do you attribute your popular- Read the entire interview with Swing Out footage that has been captured over the past latest CD, Beautiful Mess. In an e-mail interview, ity in Japan? Sister online at www.WindyCityMediaGroup. year. Shot in HD and Super 8, the visualettes Swing Out Sister discussed the album, the music SOS: A very loyal following, discerning listen- com. will incorporate a documentary style. Among industry and Japan. ers—and we love going there! the tracks are the title song, “Flavor,” “Maybe Windy City Times: Your style of music has WCT: Your [2001] album Somewhere Deep in California” and “Lady In Blue.” been called “sophisti-pop.” Would you say June 3, 2009 19 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE B&B FOR SALE: W/8 acres $440,000, 4 acres $360,000. FOR RENT THREE + BEDROOMS Terms. On Golf Course. 5 guest suites & owners unit. IN THE HEART OF BOYS TOWN: Three bedroom -spacious OUT OF TOWN Est. 1989. www.kablehouse.com Griffin Agency HOUSE apartment, hardwood floors, updated kitchen, Broker 815-734-4888. (06/10/09-4) AFFORDABLE VACATION RENTAL CONDOS: Weekends, dishwasher, microwave. Great deck overlooking Ever dream of a home on an all weekly, monthly rates. Listing numbers are as follows; private yard. Great location! $1,800/ mo (includes sports lake for less than $500,000? HOUSES Chicago 173308 Satellite Beach FL 165321 Beaver heat) Laundry in building. Available 7/1/09. Call HISTORIC HOMES FOR SALE: Historic homes in Elgin Island, MI 170165 Detroit, MI 205861 & 160224 Lake 847-749-5031. (06/24/09-4) Well starting under $100,000. Enjoy great restaurants, rec of Egypt, IL 165050. Mention this ad for a discount 3 BEDROOM-EDGEWATER: 3 Bedroom on 3rd floor of here center, cultural events, symphony, Fox River, bike trails, www.VRBO.com. (05/27/09-1) vintage building. Recently remodeled. Near Loyola, Metra access. Contact Tom at Vintage Home Realty RedLine, Beaches, and next door to Devon Market you go! at 847-622-8665 or www.TomsVintageHomes.com. STUDIO Grocery. $1,150/ mo, heat Included. glennb@ (05/06/09-4) 1525 W. ESTES AVE. - ROGERS PARK STUDIO: Spacious amrealty.com or 847-343-2993. (06/24/09-4) Visit tommysunn21.com studio apartment with heat included. Laundry in 1337 W BARRY AVE: Huge Lakeview Duplex - to see these fantastic lake homes CONDO building. Close to lake, transportation & shopping. 3BR/2.5BA. Hwfl, wbfp, skylights, in unit laundry just one hour from Chicago in STUDIO CONDO FOR SALE AT 4880 N. MARINE DR.: Credit/background check are required. $565/mo w/ room, AC, dishwasher, private deck, yard, steps away Northwest Indiana. Who better to Living space, open kitchen, bathroom and walk in no dep. Call 773-392-4550. www.landstarrealty.com. from great restaurants, theatres and transportation. call than your own SUNN? closet. Building security system, laundry facility and (06/10/09-2) $2,800/mo includes parking. Jeremy Veenstra, roof deck patio.Excellent public transportation for city Krain Corp. 773-870-9651 jeremy@krain-chicago. DO YOU DREAM OF BEING AN INNKEEPER?: 4 Unit Ele- life. Price $119,000. Seller motivated. Contact, Mark TWO BEDROOM com (06/24/09-4) gant B&B in Gay friendly Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Turn- Nash, Realtor 847-425-3823. (05/20/09-2) EAST ROGERS PARK: Large 2 br, 2 bath, dining room, key view at www.iknoweureka.com. Brokered by Charles eat-in kitchen w/dishwasher, private deck, central heat Edwards Coldwell Banker K-C REALTY (07/15/09-13) & air, at lake front, excellent transportation, parking available. [email protected] (06/10/09-2) CLASSIFIEDS ANNOUNCEMENTS THERAPY FOR LGBTQ INDIVIDUALS & COUPLES: from their home offices. Join the voice of Chicago’s PAINTERS EDGEWATER NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE: Chicago: Supportive, affirming, psychotherapy for individuals, GLBT community since 1985. Please email resume to: 15th Annual Edgewater Neighborhood Garage Sale. Near- couples and families depression, anxiety, relationship/ [email protected]. ly 200 sellers. Broadway (1200W) to Clark (1500W), family conflicts, trauma and abuse. Please call Jackie AIDE/COMPANION: For physically challenged young adult CHICAGOLAND Ridge (5600N) to Devon (6400N). Saturday, June 6, at 773-275-7710 or www.jacquelynsinger.com female. Lakeview. p/t. Benefits. Travel.773-972-9340. 9am - 4pm. (6/03/09-1) (5/20/09-26) (6/10/09-2) EXPERIENCED THERAPIST OFFERING SAFE, SUPPORTIVE, GAY PAINTERS CLEANING SERVICES COMPASSIONATE COUNSELING: Helping individuals INTERPRETER and couples make more satisfying choices, overcome FOR YOUR AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE/ENGLISH obstacles, battle feelings of inadequacy and indecision. INTERPRETING NEEDS: To consult with you or your Specialties in coming out, coming out of marriage, company with your ADA needs. Diana Thorpe CI/ INTERIOR gender/trans issues, anxiety, depression, trauma, CT/NIC Master, Nationally Certified Interpreter, substance abuse. Northwest Suburbs & Chicago. 773-401-1339, or e-mail [email protected] EXTERIOR 847-824-9590 or www.LindaSLevi.com (5/20/09-26) [P-TB] RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL DECKS MASSAGE THERAPY CHICAGO MALE MASSAGE REVIEWS: Find over 50 FAUX male massage therapists in Chicago on MassageM4M. com - Hundreds of reviews of each gay friendly male CALL US TODAY massage therapists. www.massagem4m.com/chicago FOR YOUR (7/01/09-4) HEALING DANCE OF TOUCH!: A very relaxing, therapeu- FREE ESTIMATE tic, full-body massage. 10 minutes SW of the Loop. Take care of yourself. $55/hr. Longer sessions available. Call CHESTNUT CLEANING SERVICES: We’re a house cleaning Tim 773-368-9798 for appointment. (7/01/09-8) service for homes, small businesses and small buildings. 773-269-1953 We also have fabulous organizational skills (a separate PERSONAL TRAINER [email protected] function at a separate cost that utilizes your assis- PROFESSIONAL PERSONAL TRAINER: Together achieve tance) for what hasn’t been cleaned in many months any goal! Gym/Boxing/Weight Loss! Train in World Gym or years due to long-term illness, depression, physical/ across Sears or Gym close Cumberland BlueLine. Ask mental challenges, for the elderly, if you have down- about Conrad: 773-383-2199. (5/27/09-4) Present our Display Ad sized and more. Depressed about going home to chaos? at time of Estimate for We can organize your chaos, straighten out your chaos, PHOTOGRAPHY help you make sense of your chaos and finally clean PORTRAITS MAKE GREAT GIFTS: Portraits. Figurative. 10%discount what is no longer chaos. Can we help you? Bonded and Headshots. Color. B&W. 25 years experience. “I’ll work on Labor! insured. Chestnut Cleaning Service: 312-332-5575 with you to get the shots that are just right.” Info: (4/30/10-tk) 312-260-7935. Website: www.morrowphoto.com. (7/29/09-26) CONTRACTORS SHANNON CONTRACTORS: We specialize in all your REMODELING residential and commercial building requirements. From REHAB & REMODELING KITCHENS & BATHROOMS: Over WEDDING/ COMMITMENT SERVIC- new construction, rehabs, all carpentry, porches, decks, 25 years of experience serving Chicago and surround- ES patios, electrical, drywall and painting. Licensed, in- ing suburbs. Emergency plumbing services available. WEDDING/ COMMITMENT CEREMONY OFFICIANT: Minis- sured and bonded. Call Brendan Coyle 312-307-6515, Fully licensed and insured. Free estimates. Contact ter or officiant services available for weddings or com- [email protected] (6/10/09-6) Steve 847-791-2216 or [email protected] mitment ceremonies. Willing to travel to Iowa. Contact KGM PLUMBING, INC. 847-583-8988: Professional (12/16/09-52) 815-338-6352 or [email protected] (7/01/09-12) plumbing contractor offering Residential and Commercial HELP WANTED plumbing repairs, complete sewer & drain rodding, WEDNESDAY MORNING NEWSPAPER DELIVERY: Four ROOMATE WANTED WINDOW TREATMENTS flood controls, toilet repairs, water heaters, sump- hours, $56. Must have car and insurance. Please call GWM SEEKS ROOMMATE: To look for apartment in WONDERING WHAT to do with those windows?: pumps, repiping and more. Licensed*Bonded*Insured. Jean at 773-871-7610. Lakeview/Boystown area. Up to $750 rent+utilities. Call me! I take care of it all from design through instal- (11/11/09-26) WINDY CITY MEDIA GROUP IS LOOKING FOR SALES May get a dog, not a must. Barry: 773-557-9765 lation, customizing to your needs. JOSEPH RICE Inte- REPRESENTATIVES: We are looking for self-starters with [email protected]. (6/17/09-4) riors, Inc. Full Decorating Services with a specialty in COUNSELING a strong desire to succeed. Ideal candidates should have window treatments for over 24 years. 773-271-2361. LICENSED PSYCHOTHERAPY: 20 years experience experience in the sales industry, and a demonstrated TRAVEL (10/21/09-52) providing counseling and clinical hypnotherapy. I ability to succeed on their own. Candidates should DEERPATH LODGE, SAUGATUCK: Women! Handsome specialize in relationship issues, childhood trauma, and have the ability to create and sell multimedia packages private suites with view of river, nature preserve; recurrent patterns that inhibit potential. Individuals including one or more of the following: print, web, email heated pool, hot tub, kayaks, nature trails. Near and couples. Starla Sholl, LCSW, PC, 773.878.5809, blast, podcast and sponsorships. Leads will be furnished beaches, golf, galleries, gay bars, wineries, microbrew- [email protected] www.starlasholl.com. but cold calling is a must. This is an independent eries. www.wherethedeerplay.com 888-DEERPATH, contractor position; all sales representatives work 269-857-DEER. (6/03/09-4) 20 June 3, 2009 PRESENT BILLY MASTERS

“I like the top.”—Adam Lambert tells US Maga- was supposed to kiss co-star Yani Gellman. I did zine his preference—when it comes to which some digging and discovered that’s not the full bunk on the tour bus he’d prefer. After hearing story. Neither Chris nor the producers felt it was how it came out, he said, “That’s inappropriate” a good match of actor and role. The brass re- and burst into giggles....yes, giggles! portedly considered his performance “uneven,” has shown his colors as a bitchy while he “was unhappy with the direction of the queen. It started when he shared his views on character.” We’ve heard from Engen directly that the “American Idol” outcome on his Web site— he’s most definitely not homophobic because, and put it in the “Unlimited Membership” sec- “many of my dearest friends are homosexuals”— tion that people pay for. (I’m the last person a phrase we never get tired of! Chrissy claims he to criticize him for that!) His piece was called only called in sick once during his 16 months on “Silence Broken,” the gist of which was that he didn’t like Adam Lambert based on his version of “Ring of Fire.” After saying he thought his “ears would bleed,” he called it “contrived, awful, and slightly frightening.” You’d think Clay would realize there’d be a backlash. Everyone reprinted the diatribe. With- in 24 hours, he responded with an even longer missive, making it clear that he was only stating his opinion based on a single hearing of La Lam- bert. “I hope no one actually believed that blood truly poured forth from my ears when I hear him. I obviously meant it as a colorful statement to imply that I did not enjoy what I heard.” I’m cu- rious what this says about Clay’s fans. Surely no one who frequents www.BillyMasters.com would take such prose literally. THIS IS IT!!! But what prompted him to write this in the first place? Could it be Clay’s frustration at be- ing shut out by the “Idol” producers and man- agement since he declared his independence FINALS AT from them? Was he mad that Adam didn’t re- spond to his pleas for a collaboration? If he was so hell-bent on meeting Adam a few weeks ago (a story broken in this column and picked up ev-

SIDETRACK erywhere else), why is he now publicly bashing him? Why indeed. 3349 N. Halsted When asked about Claygate, Adam took a sec-$5 cover ond out of his life to sayAT this: ROSCOE’S “I’m glad he’s YOU get CAN- WIN: SATURDAY, JUNE 13 ting headlines now though,Designing because Women: he wasn’t Season One before. If he wants to ride my coattails about it, on DVD 1pm door/4pm start • $10 cover good for him.” Awww. Is Cway jeawous of Adam Wambert? Maybe Adam can sing at the upcoming gay SPECIAL nuptials of a certain fella named Farrell. Oh, PERFORMANCES BY: you’ve got the right family. But the wrong boy. the show, and only had one meeting with the Colin Farrell’s gay brother, Eamon, will be get- brass. Ultimately he felt that “as an actor, and SUZANNE ting married to his partner Steven Mannion as a human being, I deserve better than to be this summer. Alas, they can’t marry in Ireland forced to do something I don’t feel is right on PALMER where gay marriages are not legal (although civil many levels.” Of course, he doesn’t say exactly unions are fine). I hear they’d like to make it a what those wrong things were. Whatever they AND wedding/family holiday, and are leaning towards were, they they were wrong for him and he did Spain. indeed quit. In case anyone’s wondering, he’s a JASON Another familiar name married his longtime single dad with sole custody of his 10-year-old ANTONE boyfriend. The last name is Gere but, like the son. above item, don’t get too excited. This is about By the way, his role was recast with Michael Richard’s younger brother, David. “My brother Muhney, formerly on Veronica Mars. is gay and he got married in that brief period Our “Ask Billy” question is also about a shirt- when gay marriage was allowed in California. less guy. Rod in Phoenix writes: “I heard that They have two great kids and he’s a wonderful Robert Pattinson buffed up for the next ‘Twilight’ father.” movie. Any truth to that?” We’ve got a pair of unlikely theatre stories Yes and no. We’ve obtained some hi-res shirt- that warrant attention. Well, three stories if you less pics from the set which show a seriously GRAND PRIZE AT FINALS: count Adam Lambert getting a standing ovation toned Pattinson. But something didn’t look quite Over $5000 in cash and prizes! when he sat down in the audience of “Hair.” But right. We passed them along to our tech squad that’s not a story—it’s a quip (with photos of case and discovered that most of those muscles $1000 in cash, American Airlines tickets, Adam and the cast posted on BillyMasters.com). are actually painted on! Yes, his body has been Broadway in Chicago tickets, and more! First up is a big screen remake of “Guys and contoured! Why didn’t I think of that?? I’m sure Dolls” being helmed by Guy Ritchie for his boy- part of the reason it looks so realistic is that he’s friend Jason Statham. If that doesn’t work out, eaten a meal or two since the last film, but I’d the pair will try to develop an original movie chalk this one up to an award-winning makeup SPONSORED BY: musical. Awfully gay projects for someone Chris team. You can see every inch of him on BillyMas- Ciccone alleged is homophobic, n’est ce pas? ters.com. Does the image of Hugh Jackman and Daniel When body makeup is the new lipo, it’s defi- Craig together do anything for you? If so, brace nitely time to end yet another column. Be sure yourselves—the pair is signed to hit Broadway to check out www.BillyMasters.com—at least this fall in the play “A Steady Rain,” which is after you go to Clay’s site. Unlike Miss Aiken, I about two Chicago police officers who get naked answer each and every letter. So feel free to drop and shower together. OK, perhaps that last part a note to [email protected] and I promise is just wishful thinking, but I’d still go! to get back to you before Adam bitchslaps Clay * Windy City Media Group includes Windy City Times, Nightspots and WindyCityQueercast.com If you believe all the hoopla, actor Chris En- (or vice versa)! Until next time, remember, one gen quit The Young and the Restless because he man’s filth is another man’s bible. June 3, 2009 21 Billings documentary Indigo Girls, Halem to premiere June 19 at June 27 gala Trans actress Alexandra Billings is the subject Women’s Health Foundation (WHF) has an- of “Schoolboy to Showgirl: The Alexandra Bill- nounced the second annual “Below the Belt” ings Story,” a part of the Out & Proud in Chicago gala to take place on June 27, 5:30-11 p.m., at Sippin’ Summer series that will premiere Friday, June 19, at 8:30 632 W. Deming. in the courtyard & on the roof deck p.m. on WTTW-11. Grammy Award-winning musicians Indigo Girls The documentary follows Billings’ journey will entertain with a private 45-minute perfor- through many transitions— from fear to fear- mance, and award-winning comic (and former lessness, from sickness to health, from loneliness Chicagoan) Jessica Halem will host. to love, and from male to female. Learn how she Limited seating is available and tickets are survived a suicide attempt and conquered AIDS, currently on sale at www.belowthebeltgala.org. addiction, ignorance, and much more. Billings was recently named the grand marshal of Chicago’s 2009 Pride Parade. ‘Idol’ at Rosemont “Schoolboy to Showgirl” will also be re-broad- All top 10 American Idol finalists from the lat- cast on Monday, June 22, at 2 a.m. and Tuesday, est season will take the stage on a 50-city tour June 23, at 4 a.m. It will run on WTTW Prime beginning July 5. (Channel 11.2 or Comcast 243) on Sunday, June The American Live! Tour 2009 tour will 21, at 7 p.m.; Monday, June 22, at 1:30 and 7 stop at Allstate Arena, 6920 N. Mannheim, a.m.; and Wed., June 24, at 4 p.m. Rosemont, on Wed., Sept. 2, at 7 p.m. Tickets are $43.50-$69.50 each; see www.Ticketmaster. com. thanks to our friends at

...... TThheeVViiddeeoo BBaarr TM present 33334499 NNoorrtthh HHaallsstteedd wwwwww..SSiiddeettrraacckkCChhiiccaaggoo..ccoomm Windy City Gay Idol - Sidetrack Join your friends in Cherry Bar for a special u•video Tuesday, June 9th from 6-9pm as we support the upcoming 2009 National LGBTI Health Summit to be held in Chicago. $25 donation Includes 2009LGBTIHealth.org drink ticket & door prizes

Ladies and gentleman, meet your 12 finalists in the Windy City Gay Idol competition, who rose above the rest in a fierce semifinal round on Saturday, May 30 at Sidetrack, 3349 N. Halsted. These terrific twelve will take the stage one final time to vie for the title on Sat., June 13 at Sidetrack. Pick up next week’s Windy City Times and Nightspots for a fun Windy City Gay Idol voter’s guide. For more pictures, visit Windy City Media Group’s Facebook fan page. Photos by Kat Fitzgerald, www.MysticImagesPhotography.com. 22 June 3, 2009 tion to the Center on Halsted where a youth rec- Indiana; Camp Day Activation, July 22, against reation room bears their names. New York; “Breast Cancer Awareness Night,” Au- Uyvari gives credit to his life partner La Pat gust 28, against New York; and Fan Appreciation for allowing him the time and energy to spend Night, Sept. 12, against Detroit. on these projects. La Pat supported him uncon- To purchase tickets for any 2009 Sky home ditionally, but died in June 2008; they would game, please call 866-SKY-WNBA or visit www. have celebrated their 40th anniversary on May chicagosky.net. 25. Pike of Denver was recognized for his contri- butions to bowling and the deaf community. He Dykes Pedaling currently serves as President of the Rainbow Al- Bikes get-togethers liance for the Deaf, a national organization for Dykes Pedaling Bikes is getting together once the deaf, and has served in many capacities with a month on Saturdays (June 6, July 11, Aug. 1, organizations serving Denver’s deaf community. Sept. 5 and Oct. 3) for lakefront rides. Uyvari is the first Chicago resident to win IG- The group meets at 9 a.m. at the totem pole BO’s highest honor. at Addison and Lake Shore Drive in Lakeview, and then rides to Grant Park, stopping briefly Larry Pike (left) and Dick Uyvari. Photo courtesy of Uyvari Ride for AIDS at “Queens Landing” (across Lake Shore Drive from Buckingham Fountain) at about 9:40 a.m. to meet additional riders. They then ride north py where, following a successful career in real June 6-7 SPORTS/RECREATION Ride for AIDS Chicago—a two-day, 180-mile and have brunch at Tweet, 5020 N. Sheridan, at estate, he and his partner Joe La Pat touched bicycle ride fundraiser produced by Test Positive 10:30 a.m. Helmets are required. many lives. Uyvari co-founded and co-chaired Aware Network (TPAN) to raise funds for HIV/ Dykes Pedaling Bikes is sponsored by the Uyvari receives the Strike Against AIDS fundraising project that AIDS services in the Chicago area—will take Windy City Cycling Club, the Lesbian Community raised more than $500,000 for AIDS Service place June 6-7. Care Project and dykediva.com. For more info, honor from IGBO agencies from 1984-1992. He also established The International Gay Bowling Organization The ride takes place annually the first week- e-mail [email protected] or visit www.windy- an Athletes Against AIDS charity that raised (IGBO) honored Chicago’s Dick Uyvari with its end of June in recognition of the date scientists citycyclingclub.com. funds through the gay leagues to make bowling Fellowship Award at the organization’s 29th began to notice the unusual disease that would affordable to bowlers with HIV. annual meeting and tournament, held over Me- later be known as AIDS. The goal of Ride for With his passion for the sport of bowling and morial Day weekend in Oklahoma City. The Fel- AIDS Chicago is to return 100% of pledge dollars Red Stars’ the city of Chicago, it was only natural that he lowship Award is IGBO’s highest honor and is to its beneficiaries. Now in its sixth year, the would become involved when the Windy City schedule changes presented to two individuals each year that best anticipated amount is $800,000. was selected to host the Gay Games in 2006. In The Chicago Red Stars have announced a pair represent the organization’s motto—unity, fel- Riders leave Evanston June 6 to journey to addition to Uyvari serving as co-director of the of changes to the team’s 2009 home schedule, lowship and communication. Denver’s Larry Pike Wisconsin, along the shores of Lake Geneva. bowling event and all that entailed, he and his adjusting two games to more family-friendly also received the award. Participants will return to Evanston the next partner, through a series of challenge grants, di- start times. Uyvari was singled out for his record of service day, following the winding roads of southeast rect contributions and scholarships were instru- The Red Stars will kick off the second half of in the bowling community and philanthropy. Wisconsin and shaded bicycle paths of northeast mental in ensuring that Gay Games 2006 was the the inaugural home season against Kristine Lilly He served on IGBO’s first board of directors and Illinois and then into the city. first Gay Games to finish ‘in the black’ in over 20 and the Boston Breakers at 3 p.m. Sunday, June was instrumental in founding Chicago’s first gay See www.rideforaids.org years. Through their efforts a scholarship fund 21, instead of Saturday, June 20. In addition, bowling tournament; He served as president, sec- was established where individuals could sponsor the Red Stars’ July 26 match with the Washing- retary or treasurer in more than a dozen Chicago athletes from other countries. He and his part- ton Freedom will also be adjusted to a 3 p.m. leagues. He also represented Chicago’s leagues Sky’s season ner sponsored athletes from all over the world start time; the game was originally scheduled in IGBO for nearly ten years and co-directed the including a lesbian soccer team from Soweto, starts June 6 at 7 p.m. only IGBO tournament ever hosted in Chicago. South Africa. They also made a generous dona- The women’s basketball team the Chicago Sky Call 866-WPS-2009 or visit www.chicagored- Uyvari was also recognized for his philanthro- will start its fourth season on the road Saturday, stars.com to reserve seats. June 6, against the Minnesota Lynx. The home FORWARD opener will be played at UIC Pavilion Friday, June ELLA MASAR 12, at 7:30 p.m., against the Atlanta Dream. Rowing lessons In a warm-up of sorts, the Chicago Sky will start June 6 take on a group of male celebrities in a basket- Chicago Rowing Union, Chicago’s LGBT row- ball game scheduled for Tuesday, June 2, at the ing team, is offering introductory rowing ses- UIC Pavilion at 7 p.m. Among the men who will sions on weekends starting Saturday-Sunday, be playing are actors Larenz Tate, Donald Faison June 6-7. All practices are held 8-9:50 a.m. at follow (TV’s Scrubs), Frankie Muniz (TV’s Malcolm in the the Dammrich Rowing Center, 3220 W. Oakton, Middle) and Michael Clarke Duncan as well as Skokie; carpool options are available. singer Brian McKnight and rapper Nelly. Tickets The sessions are open to everyone, regardless the are $15-$225 each; see www.wnba.com/sky. For of physical ability. Enrollment is limited to 12 more information about the game, call 866-SKY- individuals. WNBA. See www.ChicagoRowingUnion.org. stars Special game nights for the Sky this season include: “Go Red for Women,” June 27, against Washington; “Go Green Night,” July 10, against

Belting it out

CHICAGO’S WOMEN’S PROFESSIONAL SOCCER TEAM KICKS OFF APRIL 19TH AT PARK. Dave Samber of Polo Cafe and Catering, and a supporter of many community charities, SEASON TICKETS AS LOW AS $10 PER GAME! sang the national anthem in Chicago’s Wrigley Field May 30 before the Chicago Cubs took on the Los Angeles Dodgers. The Cubs prevailed 7-0. Samber told Windy City Tiems, “It’s quite an honor to lead our National Anthem; I was more excited than nervous to sing at CHICAGOREDSTARS.COM 866-WPS-2009 Wrigley Field, still the most revered of Chicago venues.” Photo courtesy of Samber June 3, 2009 23

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We’re feeling it. Coast to coast, nationwide. We’re taking pride in the diversity of our communities and our incredible employees. Happy Pride Month, America.

Macy’s is extremely proud to be part of Chicago Pride 2009!

When: Thursday, June 4 at 12pm Where: 1st Floor

Get an exclusive preview of The Chicago Gay Men’s Chorus 2009 Pride Concert, Over the Rainbow, with a magical performance from the show! Listen to a stirring musical number from this moving production that honors the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall riots and the legend that is Judy Garland. Gather in unity for the excitement and feel inspired.

Don’t miss The Chicago Gay Men’s Chorus 2009 Over the Rainbow Pride Concert at the Lakeshore Theatre! Performance dates are Friday, June 26 at 7pm and 10:30pm and Saturday, June 27 at 3pm and 7pm. For tickets, visit www.lakeshoretheatre.com or call the box offi ce at 773-472-3492.

Looking for more information about The Chicago Gay Men’s Chorus and additional Pride Month events? Visit www.cgmc.org or call 773-296-0541.

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