University of Central Florida STARS Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2004-2019 2019 The Rhetoric of Camp: Adam Lambert's Identification and Division Strategies in His American Idol Performances Isabelle Lanthier University of Central Florida Part of the Rhetoric and Composition Commons Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Masters Thesis (Open Access) is brought to you for free and open access by STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2004-2019 by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. STARS Citation Lanthier, Isabelle, "The Rhetoric of Camp: Adam Lambert's Identification and Division Strategies in His American Idol Performances" (2019). Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2004-2019. 6442. THE RHETORIC OF CAMP: ADAM LAMBERT’S IDENTIFICATION AND DIVISION STRATEGIES IN HIS AMERICAN IDOL PERFORMANCES by ISABELLE VIVIANE LANTHIER H.B.A., University of Toronto, 2014 A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the Department of Writing and Rhetoric in the College of Arts and Humanities at the University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida Spring Term 2019 Major Professor: Angela Rounsaville © 2019 Isabelle Viviane Lanthier ii ABSTRACT This study analyzes camp style as a rhetorical strategy for Burkean rhetorical identification. Through a case study of Adam Lambert’s use of this style on American Idol in 2009, this study produced a rhetorical theory of camp that challenges the typically dialectical relationship between identification and its opposite: division.