THE FARMER in the SEMI-ARID TROPICS of WEST AFRICA: a Partially Annotated Bibliography
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THE FARMER IN THE SEMI-ARID TROPICS OF WEST AFRICA: A Partially Annotated Bibliography Research Bulletin No. 4, Volume 2 International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Abstract Resume This is a p a r t i a l l y annotated bibliography of Ce repport est une bibliographie partiellement formally and semi-formally published documents anno cee de documents publies ou a f a i b l e d i f - on socioeconomic aspects of farm and v i l l a g e fusion portant sur les aspects socio-economiques production systems in the semi-arid tropics of des systemes de production i la ferme et au v i l - West A f r i c a . These references were used in lage dans les zones tropicales semi-arides de preparing the companion volume to t h i s report by l'Affique de l'Ouest. Ces references ont ete the same authors e n t i t l e d Farm and village pro- utilisees dans la preparation du rapport d'accom- duction system in the semi-arid tropics of West pagneement a c e t t e b i b l i o g r a p h i e , publie par les Africa: an interpretative review of research memes auteurs sous le t i t r e Farm and village (ICRISAT Research B u l l e t i n no. 4, Volume 1, production systems in the semi-arid tropics of October 1981). West Africa: an interpretitive review of re- search (ICRISAT Research B u l l e t i n No. 4, Volume A t o t a l of 1045 references are included, 1 october 1981). 661 of them w i t h annotations from various ' Cette bibliographie comprend en tout 1045 sources. Most of them are dated from 1960 to references, dont 561 ayant des annotations de 1980, and cover material r e l a t i n g to ten coun- sources diverses. La plupart des references tries: Benin, Camaroon, Chad, Gambia, Ghana, dater it de 1960 a 1980 et se rapportent aux dix M a l i , Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, and Upper Volta. pays suivants: Benin, Cameroun, Gambie, Ghana, The l i t e r a t u r e cited is predominantly socio- Haute-Volta, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, et economic in nature, and mainly concerns rainfed Tchad La litterature citee est principalement crops. Livestock and i r r i g a t i o n are considered de nature socio-economique et porte sur les c u l - only in the context of t h e i r interactions with tures pluviales. L'elevage et l'irrigation n'o rainfed crop production. n'ont ete abordes que dans le contexte de leur The l i t e r a t u r e 1s arranged by t o p i c , leurcaction avec la production de ces cultures. author, and country and cross-referencing has been employed. The topics include methodology, La litterature est groupee par sujet, external institutions, community structure, auteur, et pays; un systeme de croisement de norms and beliefs, land, labor, capital and references a aussi ete utilise. Les sujets cash f l o w s , goals and management, crops, l i v e - incluent sont les suivants: methodologie, insti- stock, level of l i v i n g , v i l l a g e - l e v e l studies, t u t i o n s exterieures, structure de la communaute, and bibliographic studies. Some of the semi- normes et croyances, sol, main-d'oeuvre, capital formally published documents cited were acquired et f l u x de l i q u i d i t e , buts et gestion, cultures, by the authors and are available f o r reference elevage, niveau de vie, etudes de village et in the ICRISAT l i b r a r y , 1n Patancheru, Andhra etudes bibliographiques. Quelques-uns des Pradesh, I n d i a . documents a faible diffusion ont ete acquis par les auteurs et se trouvent & la bibliotheque de I'ICRlSAT, a Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, Inde. THE FARMER IN THE SEMI-ARID TROPICS OF WEST AFRICA: A Partially Annotated Bibliography Ismael OUEDRAOGO Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Agricultural Economics Michigan State University M a r k D. N E W M A N Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University David W. NORMAN Professor of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University ICRISAT Research Bulletin No.4, Volume 2 International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ICRISAT Patancheru P.O. Andhra Pradesh 502 324. India November 1982 The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRlSAT) is a nonprofit scientific educational institute receiving support from a variety of donors through the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. Donors to ICRlSAT include governments and agencies of Australia. Belgium, Canada. Federal Republic of Germany, France, India, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands. New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway Sweden. Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, and the following international and private organizations Asian Development Bank, European Economic Community, Ford Foundation, Interna- tional Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Development Research Centre, International Fertilizer Develop- ment Center, International Fund for Agricultural Development, the Leverhulme Trust, and the United Nations Development Programme All responsibility for the information in this publication rests with ICRlSAT. where trade names are used this does not constitute endorsement of or discrimination against any product by the Institute Correct citation OUEDRAOGO. I , NEWMAN, M D and NORMAN. DW 1982 The farmer in the semi-and tropics of West Africa: a partially annotated bibliography Research Bulletin No 4, Vol 2, Patancheru, A P . India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics The bibliography is published by ICRlSAT as Contribution no 74-304-B, Kansas Slate University Agricultural Experiment Station. Manhattan, KS 66506, USA CONTENTS Preface V Explanatory Notes vi Key to Numerical Topic Classification vii List of Acronyms and Abbreviations viii BENIN 1 CAMEROON 1 CHAD 4 GAMBIA 6 GHANA 8 MALI 13 NIGER 19 SENEGAL 28 UPPER VOLTA 45 NIGERIA 52 GENERAL 81 Author Index 109 Subject Index 118 PREFACE This bibliography arises out of an assignment we would also like to express our gratitude for help requested by ICRISAT concerning a review on the provided by individuals linked one way or another socioeconomic aspects of farm and village produc- with work in the region. Specific individuals are tion systems in the semi-arid tropical region of West Madame Felix of ORSTOM, Madame Jeanguyot and Africa. Monsieur Dumont of IRAT, Mr. R. Longhurst of the In undertaking a review of this nature, especially Institute of Development Studies, University of Sus- in a short time span, one inevitably becomes greatly sex, Dr. W. Morris of Purdue University, Dr. C. indebted to a large number of individuals. Without Eicher of Michigan State University and Messrs. their support it would have been impossible to deBenk and Lauer of the Sahel Documentation undertake this assignment. Unfortunately we can- Center, Michigan State University. not hope to name all those that have contributed Also without the continuous support of ICRISAT one way and another to the study. However, some of personnel stationed in West Africa it would have them are as follows. In Senegal we wish to express been impossible to have undertaken this project. We our gratitude to the Director General of ISRA, Mon- wish to specifically thank the following individuals sieur Fall, and Monsieur Pochtier at CNRA, Bam- who were so helpful: Phil Serafini, Pat Pattanayak, bey, and Monsieur Faye and Monsieur Niang in the Willhem Stoop, Shad Okiror and B.B. Singh. A spe- Unite Experimental at Kaolack Also a special cial word of gratitude is also due to Claude Char- word of gratitude is due to Monsieur Diop.Directeur reau who was so long-suffering and hospitable. du Centre National de Documentation Scientifique Without his unending support and encouragement et Technique, who produced a comprehensive com- it would have been very difficult to have completed puter listing of papers on Senegal relevant to the the assignment. However a long list of acknowl- subject matter of the review. In Gambia a special edgements would not be complete unless we word of gratitude is due to Mr. Lowe, Project Man- express our gratitude to the support of our wives. ager of the Rural Development Project. In Mali Dr. F. Linda Norman in particular spent a great deal of Traore was most helpful in facilitating our work. In time helping and putting together the final Niger assistance was provided by Dr. M. Garba, documents. Director of INRAN, Mr. Challon of UNDP, and Finally we wish to thank ICRISAT for asking us to USAID Niamey. In Nigeria we are very grateful for undertake this assignment. The intellectual stimu- the help provided by Drs. Abalu and Krishnaswamy lus that we have received is very significant, and we of IAR at Ahmadu Bello University. In addition to hope it will have an impact beyond the bounds of the these specific individuals in the various countries present project. October, 1981 V EXPLANATORY NOTES This volume, which comprises a supplement to 3. Literature on socioeconomic subjects has been Vol.1 of ICRISAT's Research Bulletin No.4, emphasized in the bibliography. This means that published in 1981, consists of a partially annotated references to papers on technical subjects have bibliography. The references included have generally been omitted. However, selected papers annotations, as follows. collected personally on trips to various countries, known to be difficult to obtain or not documented elsewhere, have been included.