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The Rose Thorn Archive Student Newspaper Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Scholar The Rose Thorn Archive Student Newspaper Winter 12-14-2007 Volume 43 - Issue 11 - Friday, December 14, 2007 Rose Thorn Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Rose Thorn Staff, "Volume 43 - Issue 11 - Friday, December 14, 2007" (2007). The Rose Thorn Archive. 167. THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS ROSE-HULMAN REPOSITORY IS TO BE USED FOR PRIVATE STUDY, SCHOLARSHIP, OR RESEARCH AND MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. SOME CONTENT IN THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS REPOSITORY MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. ANYONE HAVING ACCESS TO THE MATERIAL SHOULD NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE BY ANY MEANS COPIES OF ANY OF THE MATERIAL OR USE THE MATERIAL FOR DIRECT OR INDIRECT COMMERCIAL ADVANTAGE WITHOUT DETERMINING THAT SUCH ACT OR ACTS WILL NOT INFRINGE THE COPYRIGHT RIGHTS OF ANY PERSON OR ENTITY. ANY REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION OF ANY MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS REPOSITORY IS AT THE SOLE RISK OF THE PARTY THAT DOES SO. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspaper at Rose-Hulman Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rose Thorn Archive by an authorized administrator of Rose-Hulman Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. T HE R OSE T HORN R OSE -H ULMAN I NSTITUTE OF T ECHNOLOGY T ERRE H AUTE , I NDIANA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2007 ROSE-HULMAN.EDU/THORN/ VOLUME 43, ISSUE 11 Prospective students Visiting come to see what “#1” is News Briefs all about By Kyle Kamischke Rose Chris Casillas Turn right, save C o p y E d i t o r ast Friday, the Rose- the environment Hulman Admissions The United Parcel Service (UPS) has LOffice hosted Campus managed to cut down on 31,000 met- Visitation Day for prospective ric tons of CO2 emissions and three students. The event began million gallons of gas. They achieved at Hatfield Hall and was fol- this impressive feat by nearly elimi- lowed by tours given by stu- nating left-hand turns from their dent volunteers, a question delivery routes. The company uses a and answer session hosted by software program to map out every the Admissions Office, as well one of its delivery routes and reduce as a “department fair” where the number of left hand turns to as all of the academic depart- few as possible without extending the ments, as well as Rose-Hul- route. The drop of the left hand turn man Ventures and ROTC, set also resulted in 28.5 million fewer up booths and answer any Andrew Carlson / Rose Thorn Andrew Carlson / Rose Thorn Andrew Carlson / Rose Thorn miles traveled by their delivery trucks. questions parents may have. UPS currently has more than 95,000 According to Jared Gould- “I go to a small school so it Josh, from Merrillville, IN, is Kaylin, a prospective biomedi- delivery trucks. ing, Assistant Director of makes sense to look at a small looking at Rose because it has cal engineer, is looking at Rose Admissions, there were 24 campus like this. It also has a a great engineering program. because it is one of the best seniors and six juniors that good reputation.” He is also looking into Purdue schools in the country and has Ask, and you shall were scheduled to attend — Nick, a prospective Chem- University. a small campus. the program. “This was one istry major from Aurora, IN receive of the smaller programs be- cause of the time of year and having these programs since our core philosophy of every- lot of help from Nancy Apple, The search engine will be- it’s the end of the semester.” there are only five of us and body matters.” Visit Coordinator, who is in gin branding itself as “the Internet’s The distribution of students at least 90 students and fam- The program starts in the charge of getting students least intrusive search engine.” This is attending the program was ily members that attend the afternoon with a welcome confirmation materials as being done in an effort to be differ- mostly from the Midwest, event.” from either Lisa Norton, Di- well as a list of the faculty ent from Google and Microsoft, who with the majority of the stu- “One of the best parts of rector of Admissions, or Jim members able to attend the store search data for 18 months. The dents being from Indiana, the program is when we pa- Goecker, Dean of Admissions Campus Visitation Day. The privacy control that will be employed Illinois, and Ohio, with the rade all of those students, and Financial Aid. “We have Admissions Office staff take by the company is called “AskEraser” furthest student being from many of them volunteers, had Dr. Western, the Presi- turns doing various aspects of and will be unveiled next Tuesday. Nebraska. into Hatfield Hall for the dent, as well as various faculty the program. is hoping this will bring more The Admissions Office’s campus tours,” explains members speak to give a dif- The program is put on 19 traffic to its site. The company is cur- Campus Visitation Day is in- Goulding. “We are able to ferent perspective outside of times a year, with the majority rently the fifth largest search engine tended to “condense the visit split [the prospective stu- the admissions office.” After of the visits occurring during in the U.S. with a three percent mar- down and include all of cam- dents] into smaller groups… the welcoming, the prospec- the summer, late fall, and ear- ket share. Google has the largest mar- pus in a single afternoon. It and address personal ques- tive students are given tours ly spring. The most popular ket share with 55 percent followed by also helps to bring campus to tions and concerns and it is of the campus and then return time for students to visit cam- Yahoo at 19 percent and Microsoft at them,” explained Goulding, as close to one on one with to Hatfield Hall for a question pus is during March, since 14 percent. “[We] use Hatfield Hall, which the families as possible. The and answer session, listen to “more students are visiting is a great showpiece and al- experiences [the families] Career Services speak, as well their top choices,” according lows us to use a great facility have had elsewhere is that as information about the costs to Goulding. It’s also a popu- on campus.” Goulding also they are in a group of at least and financial aid available. lar time since the deadline for San Francisco to explained that “we are able to 9-10 different families,” con- The event is organized by a decision to be admitted to encourage solar reach a lot more students by tinues Goulding. “We go by the Admissions Office with a Rose-Hulman is May 1. Scott Gallmeier power usage - or Kevin Burke, who mentioned is not the sculptor’s first work. He Staff Writer how he was “extremely proud” of has been sculpting for twenty-nine The city of San Francisco an- progress of this sort in Terre Haute, years now and he has sculptures in nounced a plan to give companies riday December 7 marked citing the other two sculptures of four continents and twenty-seven and residents rebates and govern- the coming of “The Sprit of this series began by Art Spaces, states. ment-funded loans to bring down FSpace,” a sculpture by Bob Inc. The dedication was seen as a The dedication of “The Spirit of the cost of installing solar panels. The Esmer, to Terre Haute’s art com- portion of the entire art revival of Space” was the beginning of a long proposal would give $3000 to $5000 munity. The sculpture was placed downtown Terre Haute which also weekend of festivities for Terre to city residents and up to $10,000 early on Friday in front of the includes recent sculptures in front Haute. Downtown Terre Haute, an for companies to install solar pan- Swope Art Museum in downtown of many area businesses. organization to help in the pro- els on their roofs. Currently, it would Terre Haute. The sculpture is part The sculpture itself is comprised motion and rejuvenation of Terre cost $24,000 to install a 3-kilowatt so- of a series of sculptures being of four major parts, two copper Haute’s downtown area, was hand- lar panel system. The city rebate and brought to Terre Haute by the local pieces and two “clamshell” piec- ing out reindeer antlers, elf hats, other refunds available through state organization Art Spaces, Inc. es that come together to take on and Santa hats to passing pedes- and federal tax credits would drop the The sculpture dedication the form of a traditional tabletop trians. There also was an event en- cost to $11,000. The plan will need to brought out dozens of citizens globe. The artist, Bob Esmer, feels titled “Party on the Pavement,” an be approved by legislators and voters from the Wabash Valley, including that this sculpture has a “syner- event designed and organized by before it can fully take effect. some from Rose-Hulman. Also in getic” sense about it, when four of the Vigo County School Corpora- ed at Swope Museum attendance was Terre Haute’s May- these pieces come together. This tion for the local school children. New sculpture dedicat The “Spirit” of art In this issue of the Rose Thorn..
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