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Copyright Statement University of Plymouth PEARL 04 University of Plymouth Research Theses 01 Research Theses Main Collection 2018 Algorithmic Sovereignty Roio, Denis University of Plymouth All content in PEARL is protected by copyright law. Author manuscripts are made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only the published version using the details provided on the item record or document. In the absence of an open licence (e.g. Creative Commons), permissions for further reuse of content should be sought from the publisher or author. Copyright Statement This copy of the thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognise that its copyright rests with its author and that no quotation from the thesis and no information derived from it may be published without the author's prior consent. University of Plymouth ALGORITHMIC SOVEREIGNT# by $!"IS ROIO A thesis submitted to University of Plymouth in partial fulflment for the degree of D !T " # P$%LOSOP$( %anuary &'() A*+nowledgments %t has been an honor for me to be part of the Planetary Collegium and to get to know professors* colleagues and the visionary researches being conducted. %'m particularly grateful to #rancesco +onico for engaging my curiosity about this research group* back at %'EA -../ when we met on a terrace in 'ingapore* and later making it possible for me to enroll in this journey under the supervision of Antonio Caronia* with the beneft of engaging some of the most inspiring mentors % could ever desire as Derrick De 1erckhove* Pierluigi Capucci* +i)e Phillips* 2ill 'cott* 3eo4 !o5* 2oasia 1rysa* 2ane 3rant and professor "oy Ascott. All my loving gratitude for encouraging this research and supporting it through all difficulties goes to my partner Debra* who also inspired an important part of this thesis* and my mother %nes and my father 3iancarlo. Among the fellow travellers that have been indispensably precious to complete this thesis are #rancesca 7ria who lead the D8!,9T project* +arco 'achy whose doctoral research at &eicester University should be seen as complementary to mine. As it is evidently described in the research* communities have a very important role through all the work done at #or this thesis in particular % would li)e to thank the community of Devuan 39U:&inux and other fellow developers #ranco ;9extime" &an<a* En<o =1atola<> 9icosia* Daniel "Centurion; "eurich* 3abriele "Asbesto" ?averio* %van ;Para<yd" 2elin@iA and the inspiring and modest women* activist and ?en elder known as ;3olinux". %'m also e5tremely grateful for all the encouragement* suggestions and inspiring dialogues toB Annalisa Peli<<a* Cecile &andman* 'tefania +ilan* #ederico 7onelli* 3eert &ovin)* ,vgeny +oro<ov* $ellekin 'Colf* 9atacha "oussel* Adnan $ad<i* #rancesco 9achira* Christian +ara<<i* 'tephanie "othenberg* "enDe "idgeway* 'tefano &ucarelli* Andreas 7roeckman* Christian 9old* 'usanne 2asch)o* "ob van 1ranenburg* Patrice "iemens* 7rian $olmes* +ario !anali* %n)e Arns* 2ohn $opkins* Ted 7yfeld* 'imona &evi* Andrea +ayr* #elix 'talder* +auri<io Teli* 7irgitta 2EnsdEttir* "ichard +. 'tallman* Edward A. 'han)en* 2osephine 7osma* Aviva "ahmani* +arc 3arrett* Andreas 7roekmann* 'usanne 2asch)o* Armin +edosh* %na ?werger* 2ohn Cooper F!* 3eorge PEr* Adam Arvidsson* Ti<iano 7onini* Cornelia 'ollfran)* David 3arcia* Alessandro &udovico* Ti<iana 3emin* Gito !ampanelli* (ann +oulier87outang* 3iorgio 3ri<iotti* Ti<iana Terranova* Andrea #umagalli* +argrit 1ennedy* Christina von 7raun* 7ernard &ietaer* &avinia $anay "aja* Amos 7ianchi* !iro Aniello* $anieh Abbasini)* $aytham 9awar* Antonio "adici* Andrea 3u<<o* Alvise 3ottieri* 3adalla el 7adawi* Gen<ha Christawan* %rene Agrivine* 7ronac #erran* +att "atto* #abi 7orches* Gicky 'inclais* Daniel $assan* Anja 1anngieser* Tatiana 7a<<ichelli* Enrico 7isen<i* #rancesco 9achira* Calter Palmetshofer* Ted 7yfeld* August 7lac)* Tatiana de la and Pablo !aedes. % would also li)e to thank all the organisations Hand all the colleagues working in them) that have valued my work and that of the team at throught the years* as well partnered with us in projectB the European !ommission* Caag 'ociety* '* 'tadtwerkstatt* iDAT HPlymouth University)* the %nstitute of 9etwork Cultures* The !ity of Amsterdam* The City of 7arcelona* the 9ational Endowment for 'cience Technology and arts H9,'TAI* Centre d'Économie de la 'orbonne H!,'I* The Centre for Peace 'tudies in Croatia* Princeton Univ. H+ath dept.I* Trento Univ.* 9&9et* '%D9fonds* Copenhagen %nstitute of %nteraction Design* %T University of !openhagen* The Danish 'ociety of Engineers* The Ars ,lectronica Center* The Transmediale festival* Distrowatch* Gereniging 9&UU3* $artware +edien1unst Gerein* 'Alliance and PU7&%!G %!,&ab* the #ree 'ofware #oundation* all the squatters of Amsterdam, The Disruption 9etwork &ab** the 1ingdom of Piracy* the +UTE maga<ine* the $ackmeeting* the #reaknet brotherhood* the +etro lografx association and all my former colleagues at the 9etherlands +edia art %nstitute H+ontevideoKTime 7ased ArtsI. This research is dedicated to the memory of my beloved professor: Antonio !aronia. Author's declaration At no time during the registration for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy has the author been registered for any other University award without prior agreement of the Doctoral College Fuality 'ub8Committee. Cork submitted for this research degree at the University of Plymouth has not formed part of any other degree either at the University of Plymouth or at another establishment. This study was fnanced with the aid of a studentship from 3ruppo !abassi. PublicationsB • 'achy* +.* "oio* D.* &ucarelli* '.* &ietaer* 7.* L 7ria* #. H-.MNI. DO. O Design of 'ocial Digital Currency* D!,9T Project Deliverable submitted to the European !ommission. • 7ianchi* A. L "oio* D. H-.MMI. #rames from the life and death of 2ean Charles de +ene<es. %n Computers, Privacy and Data Protection: an Element of Choice Hpp. M.M8 M.PI. 'pringer • "oio* D. H-.MMI ;"eKthink "eKdesign." Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research P Cord count of main body of thesisB O/QRQ. 'ignedS.. Denis "oio DateS.. MR +arch -.M/ Abstract This thesis describes a practice based research journey across various projects dealing with the design of algorithms* to highlight the governance implications in design choices made on them. The research provides answers and documents methodologies to address the urgent need for more awareness of decisions made by algorithms about the social and economical conte5t in which we live. Algorithms consitute a foundational basis across di4erent felds of studiesB policy making* governance* art and technology. The ability to understand what is inscribed in such algorithms* what are the consequences of their execution and what is the agency left for the living world is crucial. (et there is a lack of interdisciplinary and practice based literature* while specialised treatises are too narrow to relate to the broader context in which algorithms are enacted. This thesis advances the awareness of algorithms and related aspects of sovereignty through a series of projects documented as participatory action research. ne of the projects described* Devuan* leads to the realisation of a new, worldwide renown operating system. Another project* "sup;* consists of a minimalist approach to mission critical software and literate programming to enhance security and reliability of applications. Another project* D8 !,9T, consisted in a R year long path of cutting edge research funded by the EU commission on the emerging dynamics of participatory democracy connected to the technologies adopted by citi<en organi<ations. +y original contribution to knowledge lies within the function that the research underpinning these projects has on the ability to gain a better understanding of sociopolitical aspects connected to the design and management of algorithms. %t suggests that we can improve the design and regulation of future public* private and common spaces which are increasingly governed by algorithms by understanding not only economical and legal implications* but also the connections between design choices and the sociopolitical conte5t for their development and execution. Contents 1 Establishing a theoretical framework 5 1.1 Beyond the ethics of free and open source . .7 1.2 Practical scenarios for algorithmic sovereignty . .8 1.3 Practice based methodology . 13 1.4 Personal facts . 15 1.5 Algorithms in the digital dimension . 17 1.6 Economy in the digital dimension . 20 1.7 Labour in the digital dimension . 25 1.8 Literature and algorithms . 32 2 The Bitcoin experience 34 2.1 The glory of algorithms . 37 2.2 The activist sacrifice . 40 2.3 The utopia of neutrality . 41 3 Decentralized Citizen Engagement Technologies 43 3.1 Research across fields and disciplines . 46 3.2 Scaling down technological expectations . 49 3.3 Freecoin’s readable and sharable keys . 49 4 Dowse: making visible the invisible 53 4.1 Methodology: artist lead tech iterations . 56 4.2 The Narrative Counts . 58 4.3 Functional transparency . 58 4.4 Status of the project . 59 5 Devuan: the anatomy of a fork 62 5.1 The Debian project . 63 5.2 The legacy init system: sysvinit . 65 5.3 The controversial innovation: systemd . 66 5.4 Summary of arguments for sysvinit . 67 5.5 The General Resolution vote . 69 5.6 Response to the GR vote . 74 5.7 The aftermath of systemd in Debian . 78 5.8 The Debianfork declaration . 82 5.9 General response to Devuan . 85 5.10 Devuan is born . 85 5.11 Conclusion . 87 6 Artistic interlude: entropy and design for living settlements 90 1 6.1 OBREDIM: a design methodology going well beyond Permaculture . 93 6.2 Seven Layers and REALBOTANIK . 94 7 sup: an alternative model for UNIX privilege escalation 97 7.1 Implementation details . 99 7.2 sup’s sourcecode . 102 8 Gufo Volante: live coding for data analysis 116 9 Decentralised Citizens Owned Data Ecosystem 120 9.1 Concept and economic analysis in DECODE .
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