Of Chibath Zion in German
Page Nine THE JEWISH POST Thursday, September 30, 1911 . 30, 1943 Page Eight THE JEWISH POST Many communal leaders amon,g,the ~olish a;n? · h r "'8" "JrJrn in 1804 in Lissa, the Baltic Jews, formerly WIth Ka 1l":C e ~;.:) L • h indentJfJe~ PO~ltJ , . p;,'us"ia Fr,r about fIfty years e , cal m 0 vern en t s which the S~)vlets consIder East "J .... r' the commumty of acted as 1.a, )1 . H' inimical, faced additional difficultIes. Som~ were Thorn, but without remllneratI,on. IS imprisoned; the whereabouts of ot~ers IS, ~n wife hpt a little store frr)n; ~\'hlc~'lfey known The two leaders of the JewIsh. SOCIalIst party in Poland (The Bund) , Henryk Alter and The Precursors drew their livelihood. WhIle. s I a young man, In. 1009C·J-:,.l 'lIS . thoughts turned Victor Erlich, arrested in 1939, then released and to the subject of "lsh;;v E~etz Isra~L " again arrested, on the allege~ groun~ that they In 1861. his v;ork Denshath ZI~n had sought to influence SovIet soldIers to 1f:1-~ appeared, \;;hich made a deep Impres~lOn down their arms and make peace with the NaZIS. in various circle,. Two more edltJ~ns The first intimation the public had of the dea.th followed ,ub.,equeml)', and a translat~on of the two leaders came in a letter from Ma:;Clm Of Chibath Zion in German. His scheme of wo,rk which ar-Torn Russia Litvinov, the Soviet Ambass~dor to the Umte? he submits therein was consIdered so States, to William Green, presIdent of the Amer1- important and practical tha~ i'vI~s~~ Hess can Federation of Labor, The date of the execu afterwards outlines It fully III hIS Ro~e tion originally given as December, 1942, was 1830 1881 and Jerusalem", He quot~s KalI~cher s late~ corrected to, December, 1941.
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