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Spring 1996 Alumnus Taylor University Fort Wayne

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Together in His Service . . .

TaylorUniversity PERSPECTIVE Fort Wayne Campus

1025 West Rudisill Blvd. Fort Wayne, 46807

President: Dr. Jay Kesler Provost: Dr. Daryl Yost On a recent Friday morning, I found my self in the Ramseyer Vice President Fort Wayne Campus: Chapel of Founder's Hall for one of our thrice-weekly Dr. Robert Nienhuis chapel services. Chapel began, as it often does, with Vice President for University Relations: singing led by a worship team composed of students from Dr. Charles Jaggers our campus. Director of University Relations: Mrs. Sherri Harter Matt and Megan were on the keyboards and Patrick was Director of Alumni/Church Relations: playing the drums. Greg was on the electric bass and Dave Rev. William Gerig played the guitar and sang. Amy and Angela provided vocal leadership.

FORT WAYNE ALUMNUS is published periodically by Taylor University, Fort It was a rich time of worship with these students leading us in choruses and songs focused Wayne Campus for alumni, friends, faculty on our great Savior. Gazing over the crowd of students and staff gathered in the chapel, I and staff by the Office of University Rela- was overwhelmed with gratitude for the privilege of joining with this group in praise and tions. Inquiries and comments should be worship. directed to: Taylor University - Fort Wayne

Campus, Office of University Relations, 1 025 West Rudisill Blvd., Fort Wayne, IN 46807. That evening I returned to the chapel for a gathering of quite a different sort. It was "Loopy Talent Twix," an event sponsored by the Student Activities Council. Numerous groups of Photography: students had prepared musical selections, skits and dramatic monologues for presentation. Jim Garringer Some of the numbers, like Kevin's rendition of "Tornado Shde," made us laugh, while others, like AJ's dramatic presentation of "Poem Name," made us think. Writers: Mark Vermilion Sherri Harter Two very different events in Ramseyer Chapel in one day. Two events dominated by some Lisa Paul Corrinne Mahorney very talented students. We worshiped. We laughed. We celebrated our friendship.

Our students are the best! ! They have a deep love of God and truly enjoy worshiping Him.

Taylor University complies with all federal They also enjoy one another and have a lot of fun performing with and for one another. and state nondiscrimination laws. Taylor

University is an equal-opportunity institu- In a time when people lament the lack of purpose and senseless violence so frequently seen

tion. Direct inquiries to the Office of the in young people, I celebrate a group of college students who know both how to pray and President, Taylor University, Upland, IN how to laugh.

46989. 3 1 7-998-520 1 , or the Office of Civil Rights, Washington, DC. Thank You, dear Father, for the students of Taylor Fort Wayne. Deepen their love for You and for orie another. May their lives always be lived in the Joy of the Lord. Amen.

On the Cover. .

The Fort Wayne Campus . . . together in His service. Dr. Robert Nienhuis Vice President Fort Wayne Campus

Togothaf m Hin Service TRAIN UP A CHILD.

rain up a child in the way he to practice, much to her coach's dismay. should go and in the end he God honored her commitment and prac- Shani decided to attend Taylor Fort will not departfrom it (Prov- tice times were changed. Through her Wayne after she discovered it had many erbs 22:6). T decision to attend the Bible Club meet- things to offer her, an authentic Chris- ings, she gained respect by others, but tian atmosphere, for her aching spirit; Shani Gray was trained from childhood also realized the accountability that came friendly students, professors and staff, to beheve that if you do your best, your with that recognition. for her hurting heart; and criminal jus- hard work will pay off. It usually does, tice, her intended major not offered at but for her, it did not come without a As she entered her final high school many other Christian colleges, for her cost. year, all the joys of being a senior academic challenge. seemed evident. Shani had the top grades As a child, Shani was raised to do well of her class, was basically "guaranteed" Shani came to Taylor Fort Wayne after in school, make good friends, respect a scholarship to a four year college, and a summer of grief to find healing for her her family and above all, love the Lord. had the love and support of her parents wounds. She found a balm in the chap- For the most part, these came easily for and family. As parents tell their chil- els, friends and professors. "Christ is her. Academics were not difficult for dren, nothing comes easily. Shani evident in the lives on the Fort Wayne her (in fact, she was the valedictorian of learned this disappointing truth in al- campus." her senior class), she made friends who most every area of her life that year. upheld the same moral values with which she was instilled (after a short bout, As valedictorian of her class, and there- Shani Gray during her elementary years, in trouble fore class speaker, she was unable to making), loved and obeyed her parents make her speech as she had prepared it. and family, and from the age of eight On her way to the platform on gradua- she has loved and served the Lord. tion day, she was handed the speech she

had written only to find it had been Her commitment to live out her Chris- censored. And, the four year scholar- tianity started at a young age. Having ships she was "guaranteed" were never made the decision to follow Christ only offered to her... a valedictorian with no four years earlier, at the age of 12, she where to go. To add to her grief, her became the assistant Sunday School father had left her family that spring. 0- teacher for the junior class (ages 1 1 6). With no where to go, and broken lives She took full responsibility for the class and dreams, hope seemed too much to at 16 and became the Sunday School hold on to. secretary then as well. Her responsibili- ties did not there. her end With mother This, as with all that God allows us to go involved in Youth for Christ, Shani had through, has worked together for a heritage of Christian service to fulfill. good. Growing up Shani never had to choose what to think and be- Her feet were firmly planted as she lieve. Her parents had always entered high school. While Shani did done her thinking for her. Her not want to be involved in YFC, she father had given her goals and decided if she did not, would. It who dreams; when he left, she had took awhile to build a solid group, but to think on her own. Now, she the by time Shani was a high school was left to wonder whose faith junior, 20-30 people consistently met she had, her mom's or her own? for Bible Club. The only conflict for her Although she faced difficult was her emerging involvement in bas- struggles during what should ketball. Bible Club was held Tuesday have been the best year of her afternoons, and basketball practice was life, they have also made her held each afternoon after school, unless who she is today. She learned there was a basketball game. Not letting that even though it looked go of what was dear to her, she decided like she had it all, she didn't she would attend Bible Club and go late have it without God. FORT WAYNE


The Taylor University Theological Studies Center at Fort Wayne, in partnership with

other seminaries, is being developed and implementation of this partnership is set for

summer 1996! Two seminary level courses will be taught this summer, fall and next spring, with plans for additional instruction being offered based on registration. The courses taught this summer will be instructed by Winnebrenner Theological Seminary

faculty, and fall courses will be instructed by Taylor University faculty. The concept of

a theological studies center is based on cooperative programs and instruction of each participating seminary. A one year certificate will be offered by Taylor University and

degrees attained will be granted by the sponsoring seminaries. The Center is the first of Dr. Brent Baker its kind with the idea to knit various seminaries in a consortium arrangement. The cost Dean of Students for graduate level study is $ 1 70 per credit hour, with the standard course being three credit hours. To register or for additional information, contact Stephen Resch, Associate Dean

for Lifelong Learning, at 219-456-21 11.

GRADUATE STUDIES PARLEZ-VOUS FRANCAIS? TUFW is once again offering summer graduate courses in education. Dr. Jay Beginning this fall, TUFW will add Platte taught the first graduate class in French to her list of foreign languages Taylor's history and returns to the class- taught on campus. Students pursuing a room this summer to teach Computer Mr. Mark Burritt bachelor of arts degree must demon- Skills Classroom Application again. The Director ofAccounting strate the equivalent of two years of increasing use of technology in the class- Services/Bookstore foreign language study for graduation, room and the growing need for teachers through either demonstrating proficiency to be adequately prepared for this tech- of the foreign language in placement nology is a large reason for the graduate tests or in classroom instruction. Cur- class' success. The three credit hour rently, Spanish, Greek and Hebrew are course will be offered both summer ses- the languages offered on the Fort Wayne sions at a cost of For more $525.00. campus. information, contact the Taylor Fort Wayne Admissions Office.

Mrs. Shanna Cliapman Donor Services

' ' J^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l

Pictured: Dr. Rick Gray, TUFW Url?an Ministries; Justice Franklin Cleckley; Dr. Joseph Jones, TUFW Criminal Justice. Justice Franklin Cleckley is a native of West Virginia, a state that claims court last Mrs. Teresa Rciiuschisel black residency of less than five percent. He was appointed to the state's supreme year is Virginia's American Justice and only the 17th Director of Admissions by Governor Gaston Caperton. He first African African American to hold a seat in any state's supreme court. Justice Cleckley spoke at a special lecture on Taylor Fort Wayne's campus. February 15. during BIcuk History Month. CAMPUS UPDATE


The American Chaplaincy Training School (ACTS), a nonprofit organization which education department sponsored a lec- ture with the 1995 National Teacher offers specialized training for those who minister to offenders and their families, is now of the Year, Mrs. Elaine Griffin. Griffin is headquartered at Taylor Fort Wayne. The school offers a course in contextual ministry native within criminal justice settings with their goal to equip students with theoretic concepts a of New York and was chosen because of her extraordinary and ministry skills to effectively support institutional chaplaincy programs and commu- innova- tions in curriculum and staffing, nity-based ministries directed toward at-risk groups. ACTS, founded in 1985, hosts an her annual residence school where chaplains, ministers and volunteers nationwide come multicultural vision for education, and her success in integrating school and together for a week of intensive study. ACTS saw its largest residence gathering in her community in two remote Alaskan vil- history last summer. The 13th annual ACTS, under the leadership of Dr. W. Thomas lages over the past 20 years. Griffin, Beckner, ACTS president and TUFW faculty member, is scheduled for June 9-14, 1996. teaching excellence Upon completion of the course, a student will earn three hours of undergraduate or whose range of spans subject areas from kindergarten through graduate college credit. For more information contact Taylor University at 2 1 9-456-2 111. high school, is credited with expanding and significantly improving the educa- tional, social and cultural environments of Akhiok and Chiniak villages on Kodiak Island, Alaska.


Taylor Fort Wayne announces its devel- opment of an English major, planned to begin fall of 1996. The major will pre- pare students for professions that re- quire strong communication skills, the ability to think critically, and evaluate and synthesize material. The curriculum

is planned for gradual implementation The 1995 ACTS graduates, the largest group of graduates in ACTS' history! with additional course offerings to be added upon academic approval.


Two new majors are coming to the criminal justice department and three new majors are B.S. DEGREE OFFERED being added to the Christian ministry department. IN BUSINESS

Students can major in criminal justice or now choose to major in law and justice, or justice The business department excitedly an-

and ministry. For pre-law students, the law and justice major is specifically designed to nounces the addition of a new degree to meet the expectations articulated by law schools throughout the United States. Those its program. This fall, TUFW students desiring to serve as chaplains, program administrators, or specialists in parachurch will be able to receive a bachelor of arts organizations or public/private agencies, will find the justice and ministry major better or science in business. The addition of suited for them. the business information applications

(bachelor of science in business ) degree,

At TUFW students have been able to receive a degree in Christian ministries with a underthedirectionof Dr. BobAldredge, basis. concentration in five areas, but beginning Fall 1 996, they will have the option to major in will be implemented on a gradual pastoral, youth and urban ministries. The three areas, as well as cross cultural and music allowing 1996 incoming freshmen the

ministries, will still be offered as concentrations of the Christian ministries major. opportunity to pursue the degree. " FORT WAYNE FOCUS UPLAND UPDATE JEREMIAH PEOPLE TO PERFORM TAYLOR UPLAND STUDENTS LEAP FOR RECORD Taylor University presents the Jeremiah People, Sub-freezing temperatures did not deter Friday, April 26. the 501 Taylor Upland students who par- ticipated in a unique observation of Leap The Jeremiah People, '96. Year The students circled the 1 . 1 a ministry of The Continentals, mile will be performing campus loop for a giant game of leap frog. a brand new musical entitled, The leapers attempted to set a world record "Everyday Heroes. for number of contestants in the game. Inter-Class Council (ICC) officers sent The program explores the heart the tabulated results to officials of the of today 's family Guinness Book ofWorldRecords for hope- in a musical/comedy format, ful inclusion in a first-time category. and examines the lives and relationships of ordinary people BASKETBALL TEAMS who are also extraordinary heroes. ENJOY SUCCESSFUL SEASONS


With one of the most difficult schedules in the past four years, the TUFW men's bas- ketball team turned a slow beginning into a winning season. Bud Hamilton, team coach, said, "The improved play of Rick Merrill, who broke a school record with eight three-point baskets in one game, the floor leadership of Jon Yeh, and the con- sistent play of Chad Leichty and Jason Berkhalter contributed to the turn around." Seniors Chad Leichty, Jason Berkhalter, The Trojan and Lady Trojan basketball Mark Hammond and Jon Yeh will be leav- teams advanced to conference tourna- ing with numerous accomplishments. ment finals and combined for 47 wins during the 1995-96 season. The Lady Trojans entered the conference tourna- ment as top seed but were eliminated for March 8, marked the official date that SEMESTER TVFWjuniors were "bagged" by the Fort ABROAD the second straight year in the champion- Wayne Alumni Office. As freshmen, stu- ship game. Overall, the women set or tied dents receive Taylor leather key chains, as Kelly Phillips, TUFW junior and Chris- nine records this year. sophomores they are inducted into the tian ministries major is studying abroad alumni association and receive a class this semester at Daystar University, The Trojans rebounded from last year's mug, asjuniors they receive garment bags, Nairobi, Kenya. Besides studying, non- 17-14 record as they rolled to a 23-12 and as seniors they receive a towel at academic activities for Kelly have included record and an at-large bid to the NAIA graduation symbolizing servanthood, visiting the Maasai tribe, going on a safari Division II National Tournament in along with their diplomas. Nate Hoot, Tui and teaching English toorphan street boys. Nampa, Idaho. Three of the Trojans' 12 Walcott and Dr. Nienhuis enjoyed the In a letter received by Kelly, she says, losses came at the hands of top-ranked pizza and fellowship. "Most of the students here are not Chris- and defending national champion Bethel, tians so I am excited for the work God has including a 76-62 loss in the conference for me here." championship game. Public Relations Studies: Non-Traditional Ministry

Taylor Fort Wayne in- Outside of class, he has helped several organizations who have similar missions; Whentroduced public relations students gain valuable internship experi- develop a stronger overall communication as a major in 1993, Lance ence with nonprofit organizations. environment. Stiver was the first to sign up. Stiver, then a freshman, knew he had a In January, Stiver interned for the Ameri- In addition to a strong ministry focus in the heart for ministry, but did not sense a can Red Cross. This summer, he has his public relations program, there is also a calling to traditional vocational ministry sights set on either Promise Keepers in strong professional orientation. Even this like his father. Instead, he wanted to use Denver, or Focus on the Family in Colo- side of the program has given students a his communication skills in more of a non- rado Springs, Colorado. Others have served chance to be salt and light in the Fort traditional ministry role. as interns or done class projects for a Wayne community. Students gain a strong number of nonprofits: Concordia Theo- base in biblical ethics that many are un- Now a junior, he is one of more than a logical Seminary, StillWater Ministries, willing to compromise. This causes them, dozen students who have majors or minor Abundant Life Ministries, Senator Dan at times, to stand out. areas of concentration in Christian minis- Coates, local Christian radio stations and tries and some area of communication others. Vermilion shares the story of a public (public relations or communication stud- relations professional who came into one ies). And the numbers continue to rise. In Junior Hans Kindsgrab has chosen to classroom to give a guest lecture. In his fact, enough Christian ministries majors double-major in Christian ministries and lecture, he clearly showed that his organi- have declared communication minors that public relations, with the primary inten- zation had violated ethical standards for they are the largest minors on campus. tion of being a pastor. Hans shares, I think the profession. The students were "kind,

its a great combination because public but firm" in asking him tough questions The director of Fort Wayne's communica- relations will help me be a better spoken, about his actions. tion arts department, Mark Vermilion, be- written and interpersonal communicator. lieves the combination is a strong and It will help me be a better pastor. Vermilion noted. After the lecture, he natural one.... asked me to come and give a workshop on

In addition to helping students be better ethics to his public relations staff. My Public relations has as one of its primary pastors, public relations prepares them to students made him stop and think about roles to keep relationships strong between serve other vital communication roles in how unethical his orgcmization had been. an organization and its various constitu- the church and parachurch organizations. encies. That organization may be a hospi- tal, a corporation, a government entity or Students are trained to: write and design a Christian university. But it may also be newsletters, brochures, posters, annual a parachurch or church ministry. And reports, books and manuals; work with understanding how to communicate well other forms of media and the news media; in these ministry contexts is crucial to the plan and promote special events such as effectiveness of the ministry. conferences and concerts; work with fund raising campaigns and My heart is in ministry. I've worked for donors; work in corporations and for-profit entities, but cross-cultural my foremost calling is to church and min- ministries; istry organizations. I think that is why I develop readily connect with students who have an interdependent interest in being ministn' communicators. relationships with other

Vermilion has used his ministry research, experience and influence for the benefit of his students — both in and out of class.

In his interpersonal communication class, he spends much of the semester develop- ing biblical foundations for communica- tion and relationships. In his public speak- ing and public relations courses, he helps students make applications to nonprofit, parachurch and church settings. ALUMNI BANQUET 1996 COME ON HOME MAY 17

5:00 p.m. Fellowship Hour - 6:00 p.m. Banquet Gerig Activities Center

REPORTS -Insights from the past! Dr. Paul Clasper, Grandson of FWBC Founder Henry Roth

-View of the Present and Vision for the Future | Dr. Robert Nienhuis Vice President TUFW


-Class of 1996 - Our Newest Alumni

-Class of 1946 - 50th Anniversary -1996 Distinguished Alumnus Award -1996 Distinguished Friend Award

CLASS REUNIONS BASKETBALL REUNIONS 20th Anniversary Reunion 1976 National Champions NCCAA Division II You do not need to be an alumnus or a member of one of these classes or teams to attend. Come and enjoy your friends in one of the reunions or just come for an evening of fellowship and inspiration.

CLASS REUNIONS 1946 -50th Year 1971 -25th Year 1936 1951 1961 1976 1986 1941 1956 1966 1981 1991

1 personally invite the class of 1946 to our GOLDEN ANNIVERSAR Y Reunion begins with a

12 noon lunch in Founders Hall -John Caddy 1946 Class President 25th Anniversary Reunion 1971 NCCAA District Champions


$34,200 pledged to the Alumni Scholarship Program by 854 Alumni

29 Callers talked to 1,008 Alumni

308 Alumni sent in pledges by mail

546 Alumni made pledges by phone


ze. Barbara is esident of the MORS jatmen's First

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, Box 127 A,

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, Iowa, where

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II Chronicles, Ibook written )ngue transla-

i on page 32


Together in His Service

'diic .•>,'i. .

God so loved the world that he gave . .

This is the motivation and the model for all of our lives. Our life properly understood is a stewardship of the time, talents and resources. It is to me a great mystery, yet a great source ofjoy, to realize that God allows us to be co-participants with Him in carrying out His divine purposes. There would be no Taylor University without the support of individuals committed to being faithful to the great commission by their giving. I speak in gratitude for future generations who will be impacted by these gifts as indeed we all are by God's unspeakable gift of Jesus Christ to the world.

Tradition and Heritage . . . There are numerous times when we are reminded that the traditions and heritage of Taylor University are very permanently impressed on our minds. It is on those occasions that we hope Taylor University will never change. It is amazing how all of us who work at Taylorfeel the same.

Obviously, financial resources do not assure us that Taylor will always be what each might remember; however, your gifts will help keep the people and academic programs in place that bring pleasure to our Heavenly Father.

The faithful financial support from alumni, friends and employees of Taylor University is very important to her stability. We express gratitude for that

Duryl R. Yost faithfulness. Taylor University is your University and it is dependent on your Provost/Executive Vice President support. May we count on you for the future?

You do Thank you! one of tl Two little words yet so important! Two little words that seem to be enjoy y< inadequate to convey our deepest appreciation for yourfinancial gifts and come fo prayer support over the past year.

We may not say it often enough and we may not say it well enough, so let me

say it again — Thank You!

1936 Thank you for standing with us in this ministry. Thank you for helping 1941 Bob Nienhiiis students obtain a Christian education in preparation for a lifetime of Vice President ministry. Thank you for making a difference. Fort Wayne Campus I perse

President's Associates L $1000+

Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harter Miss Mary Edith Reiff Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bagshaw Mr. and Mrs. Norvis Hill Mr. and Mrs. Gale Rickner Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Barcalow Mr. Charles Jacobs Dr. and Mrs. Roger Ringenberg Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Baumgartner Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ruble Dr. and Mrs. David Biberstein Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Justice Mr. and Mrs. John Sanner Mr. and Mrs. James Blum Mrs. Highla Ellen Kiessling Mr. and Mrs. Maurice C. Scholl Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bolinger Mr. and Mrs. Foster Klopfenstein Miss Hazel Shoup Mr. and Mrs. Leland Boren Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Koehn Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Sprunger Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Brandenberger Mr. and Mrs. Donald Laskowski Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sprunger Mrs. Faye Clauser Mr. and Mrs. Harold Laymon mr. and Mrs. Loren Sprunger Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Cooley Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sprunger Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Duke Mr. Carl Mason Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Carl Egly Mr. and Mrs. Roger McKuhen Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stroup Rev. Cyril Eicher Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. McNeal Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Updegrove Dr. and Mrs. Wendell P. Eicher Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Muselman Mr. and Mrs. David Vinton Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Eubank Mr. and Mrs. Carl Muselman Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Whiteford Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Fry Dr. and Mrs. Robert Nienhuis Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Wight Dr. and Mrs. Wesley Gerig Dr. and Mrs. Jay Platte Mr. and Mrs. Amos Zehr Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gilpin

10 Ambassadors $500-999.99

;e. Barbara is Mr. Robert Albro Dr. and Mrs. Jared F. Gerig Mr. and Mrs. DeVon A. Phillips esident of the Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Amstutz Rev. and Mrs. William Gerig Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quay )atmen's First Mr. and Mrs. J. Steven Amstutz Mr. and Mrs. Harley Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Resch

, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Von Balsiger Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Grile Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Riewald Rev. and Mrs. Richard Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Guth Rev. and Mrs. Gerald Ringenberg teaching and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hamilton Rev. and Mrs. Paul Robbins ncis College, Mr. and Mrs. Arlan Birkey Mr. and Mrs. L. Shirl Hatfield Mr. and Mrs. James Saddington Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Brubaker Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jacobson Miss LaVera Sauder e psychology Miss Wava Bueschlen Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keller Miss Lorene Schindler Rev. and Mrs. Lowell Burrus Mr. and Mrs. Howard Koenigshof Mr. and Mrs. David A. SchoU

Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Carnahan Mr. and Mrs. John L. Laymon Dr. and Mrs. John Schutt :ently retired Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Cherrie Mr. and Mrs. Hubert D. Lochner Mr. and Mrs. Everett Shull jlismPellow- Mr. Gaylord L. Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Longcor Mr. and Mrs. Ted Tiernon oved back to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cornell Mr. and Mrs. James W. Martin Mr. Floyd Updegrove ping in Chris- Rev., and Mrs. William Cox Mr. and Mrs. Larry Martz Mrs. Catharine VanZile church, Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Eloranta Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Messick Ms. Mildred Vogel First Mr. and Mrs. Rex G. Forbes Mr. and Mrs. Merle D. Moser, Sr. Mrs. Vera VonGunten n. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forster Mr. Paul W. Moser Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wanner

Mrs. Ella Fox Dr. and Mrs. Ted D. Nickel Mr. and Mrs. John Warner 1 (Carlson) Miss Geraldine Gerig Mr. and Mrs. Milton Noble Mr. and Mrs. Howard White ome from Ec-

r 36 years of

le serving one then will be Harvesters , Box 127 A, $200-499.99

Mr. and Mrs. Don Abnet Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Cleven Mr. and Mrs. Lynn A. Gerig

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Adkins Miss Eunice J. Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Gerig ited the 30th Mr. and Mrs. Rex Altenburg Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Conrad Mrs. Berniece Getz the ministry, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Alvis Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Gifford j, Iowa, where Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Amstutz Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cooper Mr. John Ginter Dr 1 7 years at Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Amstutz Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cox Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ginter r boys. Rev. J. Pritchard Amstutz Mr. and Mrs. Warren Crawfis Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldner Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Amstutz Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crowder Mrs. Vivian Gordon e Doriot are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Balsiger Ms. Maxine Dafforn Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Grabill Mrs. Helen Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Davis Mr. and Mrs. William Graham vith Wycliffe Mr. and Mrs. Duane Baughman Ms. Norma R. DeLancey Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Gratz Uo see if they

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Belknap Dr. and Mrs. Robert Dettmer Mr. and Mrs. Max Gruber laya. Roger is Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bertsche Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ditmer Rev. and Mrs. Tillman Habegger 1 1 Chronicles. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Biberstein Mrs. Ruth Double Mrs. Mildred Hakes Ibook written Mr. and Mrs. Norman Birkey Mr. Thomas A. Drummond Rev. and Mrs. Donald Hamm inguetransla- Mr. Merlin R. Birky Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Drummond Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haney Rev. and Mrs. Virgil N. Bixler Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dynes Rev. and Mrs. Stephen Harrigan Miss Georgia A. Black Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Eckelbarger Mrs. Arthur P. Hartman / oil page 32 Mr. and Mrs. Marvin C. Bland Dr. Paul Erdel Mr. and Mrs. Max Hawkins Miss Bernice Blore Ms. Dottie Erickson Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hawkins Ms. Marjorie Bonner Rev. and Mrs. Bob Fansler Mrs. Blanche Haycock Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Bowers Dr. and Mrs. Dale Ferrier Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hayes Mrs. Lois H. Brandenburg Mr. and Mrs. David Foust Rev. and Mrs. Forrest Hayes

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Brandon Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fruechtenicht Miss Glenda J. Hebblethwaite Mrs. Ruth Burns Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gallaway Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heffner Rev. and Mrs. Warren W. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Gamble Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Heidelberg Mr. and Mrs. James Byers Mrs. Helen E. Gase Miss Nancy Helm Ms. Glenna Cairl Mr. and Mrs. Robert Geldien Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Herman Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carey Mrs. Evelyn R. Gentis Dr. and Mrs. Grant Hoatson Mr. and Mrs. William Carley Mr. and Mrs. Garri George Dr. and Mrs. Warren Hoffman Miss Dolores Y. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gerard Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoke Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cavender Miss Elda E. Gerber Mr. Jay Hollinger Mr. and Mrs. William Cearbaugh Miss Prudence Gerber Mr. Max Holycross Mr. and Mrs. Abner Gerig Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. Chancy Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H. Gerig Rev. and Mrs. Wilton Hull Rev. and Mrs. John Cherrie Mr. and Mrs. Darrell L. Gerig Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Hummel Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Clapp Dr. and Mrs. Donald Gerig Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hutchison Rev. and Mrs. Burley N. Clay Dr. and Mrs. Lester Gerig Dr. and Mrs. Harry Hyde

'ai>c -k").

11 Harvesters cont. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ochs Mr. and Mrs. Pat Patterson

Mr. and Mrs. Homer L. Inniger Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paxson Mr. and Mrs. Loris Jacobs Mrs. Esther Perry Mr. and Mrs. Ottis Johnson Miss Amy D. Philips Mr. Terry D. Jones Mr. and Mrs. J. Gaylord Phillippe Miss Pamela Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pitzer Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kelly Mrs. Carol J. Ponchot Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kenny Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Powell Rev. and Mrs. James Key Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pritchard Mrs. Loveta Kiester Mrs. Naomi Rakestraw Mr. and Mrs. James Kimbel Ms. Mary A. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kinningham Mr. and Mrs. Trent Reimschisel Mrs. Norman W. Kunkel Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Renner Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Lane Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rieser Mr. and Mrs. Berdell Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Morris J. Ringenberg

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Lehman Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Ringenberg Mr. and Mrs. Claren Lehman Mr. and Mrs. George F. Robbins Mrs. Dorothy H. Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Rodocker Being at Taylor has taught Mr. and Mrs, Weldon Lehman Miss Cleo K. Roth me how to respond to the Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer E. Lehman Mr. and Mrs. E. David Roth challenges of life that I will Miss Kelly Lerch Rev. and Mrs. Ellis C. Roth encounter. I've been Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lichtenberger Mr. and Mrs. James Roth stretched as an individual to Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Liechty Mrs. Marilyn Roth Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Light Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rowe embrace life with a positive Clifford attitude believing God's Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood Mr. and Mrs. John Rupp Mr. and Mrs. Harold Longardner Rev. and Mrs. Ronald Scharfe faithfulness will carry me. Mrs. Nola Loose Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Schlatter Taylor will always be special Miss Donna M. Lutton Miss Evelyne Schmidt to me even after I have Mrs. Naomi E. Macy Mr. Eugene Schwab graduated. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Malone Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schwartz — Sarah C. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Malone Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott You do Dr. and Mrs. C. Joseph Martin Mr. and Mrs. Manford Shank one of tl Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shaw enjoy y( Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Mattax Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sherrow Mr. and Mrs. R. G. McCampbell Miss Kathy Showalter come fo Mr. and Mrs. James McClain Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Simmons Mr. and Mrs. David McDeavitt Ms. Gertrude Slusser Mr. and Mrs. John Meek Mr. and Mrs. C. Carl Smith Miss Mary Mengel Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Smith Mr. and Mrs. Dean Messick Mr. and Mrs. L. Dale Smith 1936 Mr. and Mrs. Morris M. Messick Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith Mr. and Mrs. Chelsey C. Miller Ms. Floridene Snyder 1941 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Miller Mr. Richard Sommer Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Willis Sommer Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sommers I perse Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Miller Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Sowles Mr. and Mrs. William A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Sprunger Mr. and Mrs. James Miner Mr. and Mrs. Royle Sprunger Mr. and Mrs. Brice L. Minger Rev. and Mrs. Clayton Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Loris L. Minger Miss Susan Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mishler Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Matt Misner Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Steiner Dr. Hadley Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Stout Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mitchell Ms. Sonja Strahm Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morand Miss Mary Stucky The memories and Mr. and Mrs. Duane A. Moser Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tiernon experiences I've had at Mr. Dwight Moser Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Tracey Taylor are irreplaceable. It Mr. Harry Moser Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Tracy is while here that I trained Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Moser Mr. and Mrs. Robert Troxel the pastorate, married for Rev. and Mrs. William Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Richard Troyer sweetheart, my high school Mr. and Mrs. Richard Musser Mrs. Kae Linnet Turay and forged strong Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Myers Mr. and Mrs. Paul Turner friendships. I have been Mr. and Mrs. Roland A. Myers Mr. Daniel Van Gerpen

taught many things here at Mr. WiUard H. Naas Mr. and Mrs. J. David VonGunten Taylor but probably the most Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nantz Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Wagley important of all was the Rev. and Mrs. George W. Nantz Mr. and Mrs. John Wanner ability to teach myself. For Mr. and Mrs. David Nesbitt Rev. and Mrs. Max Wanner this I will always be grateful. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Neuenschwander Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Warner — Matt Brown Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Neuenschwander Mr. and Mrs. Wallace G. Warstler Ms. Margaret A. Norman Miss Joan Weber Mr. and Mrs. Kip Nussbaum Mr. and Mrs. Willis E. Welty

12 Harvesters cont. Mrs. Daisey Williams Dr. and Mrs. Daryl Yost Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.Winzeler Mrs. Marceil Zehr Mrs. Wilma Wetter Rev. and Mrs. J. Harlan Wright Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Zimmerman Rev. and Mrs. Gareth Wiederkehr Mrs. Alma Yerks Mr. and Mrs. George A. Zuercher Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wild Mrs. Clorinda E. Yoder Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Zuercher j^e. Barbara is esident of the

patmen's First

', Missouri. Alumni teaching and

ricis College, e psychology Mrs. Jane Ache Rev. and Mrs. William Beougher Rev. and Mrs. Lowell Burrus Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Adams Mrs. Vicki Berchtold Dr. and Mrs. James Buswell Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Adams Mr. and Mrs. David Berggren Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Butcher cently retired Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Royal Berntson Dr. and Mrs. John Butler Rev. and Mrs. Otha Aden Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Berryman Mr. and Mrs. James Byers j^lismFellow- Mr. Robert Albro Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bettinger Rev. and Mrs. John Caddy [oved back to Mr. and Mrs. Joel Alsdorf Rev. and Mrs. Douglas Beutler Ms. Judith Caddy ping in Chris- Mrs. LaVaun Altman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beutler Rev. and Mrs. Michael Cadrette church, First Mr. and Mrs. Jose Alvarez Dr. and Mrs. David Biberstein Ms. Glenna Cairl n. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Alvis Rev. and Mrs. Daniel Binkley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caley Rev. and Mrs. Blanchard Amstutz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Binkley Mrs. Kristin Calvert 1 (Carlson) Mrs. Irene Amstutz Mr. and Mrs. Warren Binkley Mr. Charles Cameron omefromEc- Rev. J. Pritchard Amstutz Mr. and Mrs. Arlan Birkey Mr. Gregory Camp Rev. and Mrs. Jonathan Amstutz Mr. Merlin R. Birky Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Caraher r 36 years of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Amstutz Mrs. Mildred Bissett Dr. and Mrs. Clark Card le serving one Rev. and Mrs. Ronald Amstutz Rev. and Mrs. Virgil Bixler Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Carey then will be Rev. and Mrs. Tillman Amstutz Mr. and Mrs. Von Bixler Dr. Jacqueline Carl ,, Box 127A, Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Amstutz Miss Georgia Black Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carnes Mr. and Mrs. E. Gerald Anderson Rev. and Mrs. Patrick Black Miss Dolores Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Bley Mr. F. Meacham Cash Miss Nancy Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bliszack Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cash Dr. and Mrs. Wendell Anderson Miss Alice Blodgett Miss Vicki Cashel Miss Mary Andrea Miss Adriana Boender .Rev. and Mrs. Darel Caulkins ited the 30th Mr. and Mrs. Richard Andrews Mrs. Mary Boise Rev. and Mrs. Wayne Caulkins the ministry, Mr. and Mrs. John Armant Ms. Esther Bolles Miss Florence Cavender Iowa, where Mrs. Frieda Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bond Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cavender j, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Donald Booth Mr. and Mrs. William Cearbaugh or 17 years at Mr. and Mrs. G. William Ashley Mr. and Mrs. Leland Boren Rev. and Mrs. George Cecil r boys. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Augsburger Mr. and Mrs. Marcos Botas Rev. and Mrs. Nelson Chamberlin

Mr. Gordon Aupperle Dr. and Mrs. Terry J. Bovinet Rev. and Mrs. Mervin Charles e Doriot are Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Aupperle Mr. Joe Boway Rev. and Mrs. John Cherrie vith Wycliffe Rev. and Mrs. Noboru Ayabe Rev. and Mrs. William Bowles Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Christenson ? to see if they Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bagshaw Miss Donna Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Christian faya. Roger is Mrs. Dorothy Baker Mr. and Mrs. H. Daniel Boyll Rev. Robert Chroninger

1 1 Chronicles, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Baker Mr. Rodney Boze Mr. Timothy Claassen Ibook Miss June Baker Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Brandenburg Rev. and Mrs. David Clapper written Mr. Robert Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Braun Mr. and Mrs. Terry Clark ingue transla- Miss Dorothy Ball Rev. Sue Breiner Mrs. Faye Clauser Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Barcalow Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Brenneman Rev. and Mrs. Burley Clay ii on page 32 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Barrand Rev. and Mrs. Wayne Brenneman Rev. and Mrs. Donald Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. James Brian Mr. and Mrs. Maurice dinger Mr. and Mrs. Harold Basehore Mrs. Janet Brown Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clyde Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bassous Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brubaker Miss Brenda Cochran Rev. and Mrs. Robert Bateman Rev. Raymond Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cole Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bauer Mrs. Emma Buehle Rev. and Mrs. Daniel Cole Mr. and Mrs. James Baxter Miss Wava Bueschlen Mr. and Mrs. Greg Collins Rev. and Mrs. Richard Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bunker Mr. and Mrs. Rick Collins Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Beauchamp Mr. and Mrs. Jay Burden Mrs. Evelyn Colsten Mrs. Evon Becker Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Burger Miss Sheila Combs Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Becker Mrs. Mable Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Conrad Mrs. Lois Bedford Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Carl Constable Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bedford Rev. and Mrs. Daniel Burkey Dr. and Mrs. Ian Cook Miss Carol Beerbower Miss Agnes Burley Rev. and Mrs. John Cook Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bell Miss Helen Burley Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Cooke Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burley Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Cooley Dr. and Mrs. Randall Bell Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burnett Miss Barbara Coon Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bellman Mr. and Mrs. Roger Burns Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Corbin

Dr. and Mrs. James Bennett Rev. and Mrs. Warren Burns Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Cordier Mrs. Veda Ruth Bennett Rev. and Mrs. Mark Burritt Mr. and Mrs. John Cornell

'age .->J).

13 Alumni cont. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Fields Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fleischer Rev. and Mrs. William Cox Rev. Thomas Florence Miss Donna Craft Mr. and Mrs. Rex Forbes Miss Loretta Crall Miss Shirley Force Mr. and Mrs. Warren Crawfis Rev. and Mrs. Duane Ford Miss Dawn Criswell Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forster Mr. and Mrs. Kenn Critton Mr. Gary Fortney Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Croad Mrs. Mary Ann Frater Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crockett Rev. and Mrs. Dean Freed Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cross Rev. and Mrs. Harland Friend Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Culver Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fritcha Miss Linda Cummins Ms. Marian Fritz Dr. and Mrs. Charles Cureton Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fritz Mr. and Mrs. Donald Danz Rev. and Mrs. Randy Fudge Mrs. Suzanne Darrah Mrs. Lydia Fuller Mrs. Elizabeth Davis Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gardner Mr. Keith D. Davis Mr. John and Dr. Dixie Garner Mr. and Mrs. Keith Douglas Davis Miss Donna Gamier Mr. and Mrs. Keith L. Davis Miss Brenda Garver Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Davis Mrs. Helen Gase Miss Olive DeCamp Dr. and Mrs. Marcelo Gavilanez Rev. and Mrs. Paul DeMerchant Rev. and Mrs. James Geahlen Mr. and Mrs. Roy DeMerchant Miss Evelyn Geiser Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Demorest Mr. and Mrs. Robert Geldien Ms. Sandra DeMoss Mr. and Mrs. Garri George Rev. John DePriest Miss Elda Gerber Ms. Lois Dickinson Miss Prudence Gerber Miss Mahala Diller Rev. and Mrs. Dale Gerig Mr. and Mrs. Burl Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Gerig Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobush Dr. and Mrs. Donald Gerig You do Mrs. Jeanne Dockery Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Gerig Mr. and Mrs. David Donaldson Miss Geraldine Gerig one of tl Rev. and Mrs. Roger Doriot Rev. Harold Gerig enjoy y< Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Doud Mrs. Idella Gerig come fo Mrs. Isabelle Drake Dr. and Mrs. Jared Gerig Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gerig Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan Mr. and Mrs. John Gerig Rev. and Mrs. Howard Dunlap Miss Joy Gerig Taylor University has given Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. Leon Gerig me the chance to serve Rev. and Mrs. Daniel Dyck Dr. and Mrs. Lester Gerig 1936 Christ through leadership. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Dye Mrs. Mildred Gerig 1941 And through that leadership. Mr. and Mrs. Gary East Miss Sharon Gerig Christ has taught me three Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ebbesen Dr. and Mrs. Wesley Gerig things: To lead by example, Mrs. Lavinia Ebersole Rev. and Mrs. William Gerig to abide in Him alone, and to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Eby Dr. and Mrs. Zenas Gerig I perse see the life-changing power Miss Clara Eicher Miss Margaret Germain of accountability groups! Rev. Cyril Eicher Mrs. Ruth Germain Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eicher Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Gibson L Taylor has been much more Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Eicher Mr. and Mrs. Myer Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Larry Eicher Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Gifford than a University to me. It 's Mr. and Mrs. Ms. Norma Gill been the anvil on which Peter Eicher Dr. and Mrs. Wendell Eicher Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gilpin Christ has shaped me into a Rev. and Mrs. Robert Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Orton Gilpin tool ready to be used, ready Dr. Paul Erdel Rev. Charles Glenn to bring others into His Ms. Dottie Erickson Mr. Orlando Gonzalez kingdom. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Eskew Dr. and Mrs. Truman Gottschalk — Lance Stiver Mrs. Pricilla Etter Rev. and Mrs. Bradley Grabill Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eubank Dr. and Mrs. Paul Grabill Dr. and Mrs. Tim Evearitt Miss Cynthia Graeff Dr. and Mrs. Quinton Everest Mr. and Mrs. Paul Graham Rev. and Mrs. James Evilsizor Miss Vicki Gramling Mr. Alex Falder Mr. and Mrs. Cari Gray Mr. Larry Falor Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gray Mrs. Julia Farley Mr. and Mrs. William Greene Mr. and Mrs. Troy Feay Miss Amy Grieser Mrs. Tammy Fedele Mr. and Mrs. Randy Grieser Mr. and Mrs. Max Felger Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Grile Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Feliciano Mr. David Gropp Miss Sherry Ferber Miss Janet Grubbs Mrs. Eleanor Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gruber Dr. and Mrs. Dale Ferrier Mr. and Mrs. Max Gruber Miss Harriet Fields Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gunther

14 cont. Alumni Rev. and Mrs. Wilton Hull Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Krause Rev. Earnest Hummer Rev. and Mrs. Paul Kreiss Rev. and Mrs. Earl Guth Mrs. Ruby Huston Mr. and Mrs. John Krinn Mr. and Mrs John Haagen Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hutchison Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kuehnert Rev. and Mrs. Tillman Habegger Dr. and Mrs. Harry Hyde Miss Kathlyn Kulp ce. Barbara is Mr. and Mrs. James Hacker Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hyde Mrs. Aletha Kutschke esident of the Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott Haddix Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hyland Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kwaczala :)atmen's First Mr. and Mrs. Jason Haines Mr. and Mrs. John Imler Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lambert , Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Max Haines Mr. and Mrs. David Ipe Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lampton Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hale Mr. and Mrs. Fred Isch Mr. and Mrs. Phil Landfair teaching and Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Hall Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jackson Rev. and Mrs. Robert Langdon acis College, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haller Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. James Lantz Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Haller Miss Vicki Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Larson e psychology Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Alan Latino Rev. and Mrs. Marvin Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Jaeger Dr. Anna Belle Laughbaum Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haney Mrs. JoAnn Jerauld Miss Roberta Lay cently retired Mrs. Helen Hanna Rev. and Mrs. Dewey Johnson Ms. Anita Laymon ilismPellow- Rev. and Mrs. Robert Harle Mr. and Mrs. Larry Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lee oved back to Rev. and Mrs. Henry Harmon Miss Lois Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lee ping in Chris- Miss Lola Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Johnson Rev. and Mrs. Richard Leever church, First Mr. and Mrs. Russell Harpest Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Lehman Rev. and Mrs. Stephen Harrigan Miss Erin Jones Mrs. Dorothy Lehman n. Rev. and Mrs. William Harrigan Mrs. Lillian Jones Rev. and Mrs. Harold Lehman Miss Ardis Harris Ms. Martha Jones Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Leightner 1 (Carlson) Rev. and Mrs. Matthew Hartsell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Leightner omefromEc- Rev. and Mrs. Rick Hartsell Miss Pamela Jordan Rev. and Mrs. Dale Leinbach r 36 years of Rev. and Mrs. Sanford Hashimoto Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jonker Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leman le serving one Rev. and Mrs. Neal Hauser Mr. and Mrs. Richard Joy Miss Rebecca Lemon then will be Mrs. Ada Hausser Rev. and Mrs. George Kacena Rev. and Mrs. William Lepley ,, Box I27A, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Haworth Rev. and Mrs. Niles Kageyama Miss Kelly Lerch Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hayes Rev. and Mrs. Charles Kauffman Miss Lynnette Leslie Rev. and Mrs. Forrest Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kaufman Rev. and Mrs. Billy Lewis Rev. and Mrs. Glen Head Mrs. Jacci Kaufman Rev. and Mrs. Dale Lewis Miss Edna Heaton Mr. and Mrs. Lon Ray Keaton Mr. Jon Leyse Miss Glenda Hebblethwaite Mr. and Mrs. Kent Keener Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Liechty Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Heidelberg Rev. and Mrs. Levi Keidel Mr. and Mrs. Gary Livengood ited the 30th Dr. and Mrs. Ray Hein Mr. and Mrs. Paul Keidel Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon Loewen , the ministry. Miss Nancy Helm Mr. and Mrs. David Keller Rev. and Mrs. Phillip Logan , Iowa, where j Mr. and Mrs. Edward Helzerman Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keller Rev. and Mrs. Martin Longcor Dr 17 years at Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Helzerman Mrs. Florence Kelley Mrs. Mary Lontz r boys. Mrs. Shirley Henry Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Orlan Loraas Mr. and Mrs. John Henshall Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kent Mr. and Mrs. Adrean Louis e Doriot are Rev. Arthur Herbert Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Keplar Miss Donita Luginbill ^ith Wycliffe Mr. and Mrs. D. Kent Herzer Miss Margaret Kerby Miss Peggy Lundy Rev. and Mrs. James Hibschman Rev. and Mrs. Stan Kesler Miss Cheryl MacDonald ; to see if they Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hicks Rev. and Mrs. James Key Rev. and Mrs. G. Robert Magary faya. Roger is Rev. and Mrs. Warren Hiebert Rev. and Mrs. Donald Kidd Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mahler 1 1 Chronicles, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins Ms. Barbara Kilmer Mrs. Mildred Mankin Ibook written Mr. and Mrs. Norvis Hill Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kimm and Mrs. Ronald Mann ingue transla- Mr. and Mrs. Rex Hill Major and Mrs. Lawrence Kinde Mr. Jay Marquart

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hinton Mr. and Mrs. J. Lewis King Mr. and Mrs. Gary Martens Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hirons Rev. and Mrs. John Kingrey Mr. and Mrs. James Martin i on page 32 Rev. and Mrs. Daniel Hirschy Mr. and Mrs. David Kiningham Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Martin Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hirschy Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kirby Mr. Mike Martin Miss Shirley Hirschy Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Kirby Mrs. Virginia Marullo Dr. and Mrs. Grant Hoatson Miss Kathleen Kirchenbauer Rev. and Mrs. Paul Mast Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hodge Rev. and Mrs. Clarence Kirchner Rev. and Mrs. Mark Masterson Mrs. Ariel Hodgson Miss Jeanine Klay Rev. and Mrs. Ric Mathew Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kleiner Miss Sarah Mathew Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Hogg Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Klopfenstein Rev. and Mrs. Paul Mays Miss Mary Hoke Rev. and Mrs. Floyd Klotzbach Rev. and Mrs. John McCurdy Mr. Stephen Holbrook Miss Denise Kneubuhler Mr. and Mrs. David McDeavitt Ms. Phyllis Holdeman Mrs. Sylvia Knuth Miss Margie McDowell Mr. and Mrs. Robert HoUowell Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Koehn Miss Jacala McGrew Mrs. Debra Honn Mr. and Mrs. William Koehnlein Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mcintosh Miss Lorissa Hoot Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Kolier Rev. and Mrs. Donald Mcintosh Rev. and Mrs. Jacob Hostetler Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Koons Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKee Mr. Donald Huffman Miss Genevieve Kooy Mr. and Mrs. Willard McKenney Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hugger Mr. Gerald Korn Mrs. Rita McKenzie Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hughes Miss Margaret Korta Rev. and Mrs. Harold McKnight Mr. and Mrs. James Hughes Rev. and Mrs. Donald Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Roger McKuhen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hughes Mr. Jonathon Kraner Mr. and Mrs. Kelly McMichael

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hull Miss Beatrice Kranich Mr. and Mrs, Rodney McQiiillin (li^c .•>:).

15 Alumni cont. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker Mr. and Mrs. Paul Parks Miss Sharon Meek Miss Lisa Paul Miss C. Patricia Meier Rev. and Mrs. Etan Pelzer Mr. and Mrs. Don Meyer Mrs. Norene Peoples Rev. and Mrs. Jerrold Meyer Miss lola Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Dean Meyers Mrs. Esther Perry Mr. and Mrs. Duwain Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perry Mr. and Mrs. Michael Michaels Rev. and Mrs. Robert Peters Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miike Rev. and Mrs. Gerald Petersen Miss Marilyn Millar Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Miller Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pfeiffer Mr. and Mrs. Christian Miller Miss Amy Phillips Mr. Jerry Miller Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pickard Mr. and Mrs. John Miller Miss Patricia Pittsenbarger Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Miller Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pitzer Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miller Dr. and Mrs. Daryl Piatt Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller Dr. and Mrs. Jay Platte Miss Sharon Miller Mrs. Betty Pollock Taylor University has helped Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Miller Mrs. Carol Ponchot me to broaden my Mr. and Mrs. Loren Millikan Rev. and Mrs. Steven Ponchot

-C perspective of life. My Rev. Edmund Mills Rev. and Mrs. Victor Poser -C education has provided Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mills Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Powell -1< many opportunities for me to Mr. and Mrs. Matt Misner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prasuhn Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Tim Prentice -1' gain experience working locally in my field of study. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Moening Mr. and Mrs. Charles Proctor Also, the spiritual emphasis Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Mohr Mr. and Mrs. Walter Putt Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quay of community life here has been a real encouragement Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Moore Rev. and Mrs. Paul Rager Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Moore Mr. and Mrs. William Ragle to me through my experience Mr. and Mrs. Roger Morehead Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsey at Taylor. You do Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Morehead Rev. and Mrs. Roy Ramseyer — Nate Hoot one of tl Rev. and Mrs. Clinton Moser Ms. Nancy Raney Mrs. Evelyn Moser Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rapp enjoy y< Rev. and Mrs. William Mueller Rev. and Mrs. Donald Rashley come fo Mrs. Bessie Mumaugh Mrs. Dorothy Read Mrs. Betta Murdick Mr. and Mrs. Jon Reed Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Muselman Miss Julia Reef Mr. and Mrs. Carl Muselman Mr. and Mrs. David Reichhart Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Musselman Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Reifel Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Myers Mr. and Mrs. Trent Reimschisel 1936 Miss Petula Myers Mrs. Laurel Reinking 1941 Rev. and Mrs. William Myers Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Repp Rev. and Mrs. Donald Nabinger Mrs. Clara Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nantz Rev. and Mrs. Philip Reynolds Rev. and Mrs. George W. Nantz Mrs. JoAnn Rhea I perse Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Nantz Rev. and Mrs. Donald Rice Mrs. Helen Nash Rev. and Mrs. Randall Rice Mr. and Mrs. Duane Nayrocker Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Rice

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neel. Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Claude Richards Mr. and Mrs. David Nesbitt Rev. and Mrs. John Richardson Rev. and Mrs. E. H. Neuenschwander Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rieser Mr. and Mrs. Edward Neuenschwander Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rife Miss Kristine Neuenschwander Mr. and Mrs. James Riggs Mrs. Jean Neuenschwander Rev. and Mrs. Gary Ringenberg Dr. Robert Neuenschwander Rev. and Mrs. Gerald Ringenberg My four years here at Taylor Mrs. Ruth Neuenschwander Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Ringenberg have definitely been life- Miss Arlene Newcombe Dr. and Mrs. Roger Ringenberg changing. Fort Wayne has Mr. and Mrs. David Nickel Mr. and Mrs. Orville Roach challenged me intellectually, Miss Janet Nickel Rev. and Mrs. Paul Robbins spiritually, and socially. I Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Nickel Miss Rebecca Roberts thank Godfor allowing me Mr. and Mrs. Donald Noble Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Robinson the great experience of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Noel Mr. and Mrs. Myron Rodebaugh Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. James Nott Mrs. Renee Rodrigues Janelle Gunsolley — Mr. and Mrs. Kip Nussbaum Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rohrs Rev. and Mrs. Norman Okasako Mr. and Mrs, William Rosenberger Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ong Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross Mr. and Mrs. David Osborne Mr. and Mrs. E. David Roth Dr. and Mrs. Grant Osborne Rev. and Mrs. Ellis Roth Rev. and Mrs. Randy Oser Mr. and Mrs. James Roth Miss Tara Pammett Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rowe Mrs. Esther Parker Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ruch Miss Kari Parker Rev. and Mrs. Michael Rucinski

16 Alumni cont. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Smith Mr. and Mrs. Richard Troyer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trusdle Miss Sally Rudy Mrs. Susan Smith Miss Arlene Tucker Rev. and Mrs. David Rupp Rev. and Mrs. Wesley Smith Mrs. Florence Tucker ce. Barbara is Mr. and Mrs. John Rupp Ms. Floridene Snyder Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Rupp Dr. Olie Solomon Dr. and Mrs. John Tuckey esidentof the Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rupp Mr. Richard Sommer Rev. and Mrs. Dhaniel Turay batmen's First Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sommer Rev. Wildan Tuttle Rev. and Mrs. Calvin Rychener , Missouri. Mrs. JoAnne Sandonato Rev. and Mrs. Wendall Sousley Miss Verna Unruh Sovine Vale Miss Inez Sassaman Dr. and Mrs. Carl Mr. and Mrs. Robert teaching and Miss Norma Sassaman Mr. and Mrs. James Sowers Rev. and Mrs. David VanGorkom ncis College, Miss LaVera Sauder Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Sowles Rev. and Mrs. Paul VanGorkom e psychology Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Scantlin Mr. Kenneth Speakman Mr. and Mrs. Kent VanWagner Mr. and Mrs. Glen Schade Rev. and Mrs. Richard Speicher Mr. and Mrs. John Venters Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Schierling Mrs. Noretta Spencer Miss Millie Vermillion Rev. and Mrs. Jake Schierling Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Spenst Mr. and Mrs. Craig Vincent cently retired Mr. Scott Schindler Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Sprunger Rev. and Mrs. Mark Vincent jlismFellow- Mr. and Mrs. Roger Schladenhauffen Mr. and Mrs. Kent Sprunger Miss Constance Vollmar oved back to Mr. Wayne Sprunger Mr. and Mrs. Kent VonGunten Mr. Kurt Schlatter ping in Chris- Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schlatter Miss Jill Stacker! Mrs. Vera VonGunten church, First Rev. and Mrs. Olen Schlatter Miss Ruth Stahl Mr. and Mrs. William VonGunten n. Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Schlatter Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stahly Miss Julie Waggoner Rev. and Mrs. Philip Schlatter Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stairhime Miss Michelle Wagler 1 (Carlson) Rev. and Mrs. Stephen Schlatter Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Stalter Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Wagley Rev. and Mrs. Arnold Schmidt Miss TyAnn Standeford Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wagner ome from Ec- Mr. and Mrs. David Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. C. Kent Stapleton Miss Mary Wagner r 36 years of

Miss Evelyne Schmidt Rev. and Mrs. Clayton Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner le serving one Mr. and Mrs. Duane Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wagstaff Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schoenhals then will be Mr. and Mrs. David A. Scholl Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Steiner Rev. and Mrs. Phil Wahl , Box 127A, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schrock Mr. Gerald Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Ramar Wakenight Rev. and Mrs. Robert Schrock Mr. and Mrs. Ira Steiner Mrs. Stephanie Walk Rev. and Mrs. Rex Schrolucke Mr. and Mrs. John Steiner Ms. Irene Walker Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schumacher Rev. and Mrs. Lyle Steiner Miss Laura Walker Mrs. Linda Schumacher Rev. and Mrs. Matthew Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Randall Walker Miss Carol Schuman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walters ited the 30th Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwab Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Steingass Miss Betty Walti the ministry. Rev. and Mrs. Albert Schwartz Miss Rosemary Stelz Rev. and Mrs. Max Wanner

Miss Traci Schwarzkopf Mr. and Mrs. James Stilson Miss Mildred Wanner , Iowa, where Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scott Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stitzer Ms. Pauline Wanner Dr 17 years at

Mrs. Leora Scudder Mr. and Mrs. John Stiverson Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warner r boys. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Seek Rev. and Mrs. Weldon Stockwell Mr. and Mrs. John Warner Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Seely Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Stout Mrs. Marie Warner e Doriot are Mrs. Nancy Seibert Dr. and Mrs. David Stout Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Warner vith Wycliffe Mr. and Mrs. Garry Senkel Ms. Sonja Strahm Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Warren Uo see if they Mrs. Esther Shady Mr. Russell Strickler Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warren faya. Roger is Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shank Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stroup Rev. and Mrs. John Warren Mr. and Mrs. Brent Shaw Rev. and Mrs. Peter Strubhar Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Waterman II Chronicles,

Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Paul Strunk Mr. and Mrs. Larry Watkins [book written Miss Sharon Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Clark Study Rev. and Mrs. Wayne Watson •ngue transla- Mrs. Carissa Shell Mr. and Mrs. Neal Suddard Rev. Greg Wayne Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Shields Rev. and Mrs. Burch Surbrook Mr. and Mrs. David Webb d on page 32 Ms. Bonilynn Short Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sutherland Dr. Alice Joy Weddle Miss Carol Shoulders Rev. and Mrs. Richard Swedberg Miss Joann Weddle Miss Hazel Shoup Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sweemer Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Welbaum Miss Kathy Showalter Mrs. Sue Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. James Welty Rev. and Mrs. Merle Showers Mr. and Mrs. Vance Swope Mr. and Mrs. Paul Welty Miss Charmaine Siekmann Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Tate Ms. Jerriann Heiser Wenger Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siktberg Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas West Mr. Maurice Simmons Rev. and Mrs. Robert Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Gary Westgerdes Mrs. Evelyn Simons Mr. and Mrs. Glen Terui Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wheeler Miss Elizabeth Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Dingeman Teuling Mr. and Mrs. Carl White Mr. and Mrs. Dale Singer Mr. and Mrs. Jay Thayer Miss Virginia White 4 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sivits Mrs. Peggy Thomas Rev. and Mrs. William Whiteman Rev. and Mrs. Robert Skinner Ms. Nellie Thum Mr. and Mrs. L. Edward Widniark Mr. and Mrs. David Skofstad Mr. Eric Tichenor Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wiebe Ms. Helen Slagle Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Tidwell Rev. and Mrs. Gareth Wiederkehr Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sleasman Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ticrnon Ms. Naomi Wiederkehr Miss Gertrude Slusser Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wiggin Ms. Mary Smart Rev. and Mrs. James Tolbert Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wild Rev. and Mrs. Berman Smith Rev. and Mrs. Ellis Tolly Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wild Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Smith Mr. and Mrs. James Torbett Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wilhelm Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith Mr. and Mrs. James Townsend Mrs. Daisey Williams Mr. and Mrs. Max Smith Rev. Robert Treat Rev. David Williams CliiC Jjl.

17 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wong Alumni cont. Rev. and Mrs. Richard Woolever Ms. Nancy Worden

Rev. and Mrs. Gilbert Williams Rev-: and Mrs. J. Harlan Wright Rev. and Mrs. Samuel Williams Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wright Mrs. Shirlee Williams Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wright Mrs. Elizabeth Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wulliman Mr. David Willis Mr. George Yarian Mr. and Mrs. William Willis Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yingling Miss Janet Wilson Rev. and Mrs. Donald Young Ms. Mildred Wilson Mr. Ronald Yount Mrs. Nancy Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zehr Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wilson Mrs. Marceil Zehr Mr. and Mrs. William Winn Mr. and Mrs. Glide Zeider Rev. and Mrs. Bryce Winleregg Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zerull Rev. and Mrs. Richard Wischmeier Mr. and Mrs. John Zick Mr. and Mrs. Lew Wolfe Mrs. Pauline Zimmerman Rev. Neil Wolfe Rev. and Mrs. John Zurcher

-c -c Friends -1'


Mrs. G'Nell Abel Mrs. Joyce Billings Mr. and Mrs. William Abel Mrs. Louise Billman Mr. and Mrs. Don Abnet Mr. and Mrs. Norman Birkey Mr. and Mrs. Richard Aberholt Ms. Susan Bixel Mr. and Mrs. Roy Adkins Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Bixler You do Ms. Myrna Akin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black Mr. and Mrs. Billy Allen Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bland one of t Mr. and Mrs. Rex Altenburg Mr. Given Blaugh enjoy y. Mrs. Patricia Altmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Norris Blocker come fo Mr. and Mrs. Albert Amstutz Miss Bernice Blore Mrs. E. Angalene Amstutz Mr. and Mrs. James Blum Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Amstutz Mr. and Mrs. John Blum Mr. and Mrs. Harold Amstutz Miss Helen Boehm Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bohn Being at TUFW has been a Mr. and Mrs. J. Steven Amstutz Mrs. Hilda Bolinger very growing experience for Mrs. Margie Andrews 1936 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bolinger me. Taylor has provided not Mr. and Mrs. Carl Artherhults 1941 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Aschleman Ms. Marjorie Bonner only a place, but also an Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bowers atmosphere promoting Mrs. Sharon Aspden Mr. and Mrs. Charles Atkerson Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bowman growth. Various ministry Mr. Donald Attebury Mr. and Mrs. William Boyden I perse opportunities have Mr. and Mrs. Brent Baker Mrs. Mathilda Boyers challenged me to leave my Mr. and Mrs. Roy Balsiger Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brand comfort zone and because of Mrs. Marcella Balsiger Mr. and Mrs. William Brandeberry this, grow closer to the Lord. Mr. and Mrs. Von Balsiger Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Brandenberger I have been challenged both Mrs. Helen Barrett Mrs. Lois Brandenburg mentally and spiritually in Mrs. Alice Barto Mr. and Mrs. John Brandon the classroom. I Also, have Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Baumgartner Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brandt found excellent role models Ms. Dorotha Beasley Mr. and Mrs. Orville Bremer here who love the Lord and Dr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Beckner Mr. and Mrs. John Brenneman have taken the time to help Mr. and Mrs. Dean Beer Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bresnahan me grow as an individual. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beery Mrs. Charna Bricker — Dehhv Fox Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Beitler Mr. R. H. Brodhead Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Belknap Mr. and Mrs. David Brown Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bell Mr. and Mrs. James Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beltz Mr. and Mrs. William Brown Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bender Mr. Richard Brundage Ms. Michelle Bendt Miss Marilyn Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Benz Mrs. Charlotte Bullington Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bertsch Mrs. Edna Bump Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bertsche Mr. Kenneth Burkart Mrs. Darlene Best Mrs. Charlotte Burns Mrs. Ethyl Best Mrs. Ruth Burns Mr. and Mrs. James Betz Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Burry Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Biberstein Mrs. Betty Bushkill Mr. and Mrs. Alyn Biddle Mr. and Mrs. Ned Byall Mr. and Mrs. William Bidlack Mr. Ned Byer Mrs. Doris Billiard Mr. and Mrs. James Byers

18 Friends cont. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Drummond Mr. and Mrs. G. Greg Goodwin Dr. and Mrs. Richard Dugan Mrs. Renee Gordon Ms. Anette Calicoat Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Duncan Mrs. Vivian Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Campbell Mr. Franklin Dunlap Mrs. Mary Grabowski Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Durham Mrs. Barbara Grafton ce. Barbara is Mr. William Cappelli Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dynes Mr. and Mrs. William Graham esidentof the Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carey Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ebler Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gratz Datmen's First Mr. and Mrs. William Carley Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Eckelbarger Dr. and Mrs. Richard Gray , Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carnahan Mr. and Mrs. Carl Egly Ms. Katherine Greene Mrs. Barbara Carrasco Mrs. Ida Egly Mr. and Mrs. Jack Griggs teaching and Mrs. Carol Cartwright Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eicher Mr. and Mrs. William Grossman ncis College, Mr. David Caston Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Eisenach Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Gruber Mr. and Mrs. William Cearbaugh Mrs. Joan Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Guth e psychology Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chaney Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elmer Mrs. Hilda Gutwein Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Eloranta Mr. and Mrs. Robert Guy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chapman Rev. and Mrs. Marvin Engbrecht Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hadsell cently retired Miss Connie Engdahl Mildred Hakes Mrs. Jeanette Chappell Mrs. ;lismFellow- Mrs. Bernita Charles Mr. and Mrs. Barry Ernst Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hamilton oved back to Mr. and Mrs. Winston Charles Mrs. Grace Esterline Ms. Susanna Hamilton ping in Chris- Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cherrie Mrs. Susanna Ezsol Rev. and Mrs. Donald Hamm church, First Mr. Vern Chovan Rev. and Mrs. Bob Fansler Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Clapp Mr. and Mrs. Chester Fegley Mr. Herman Hammond Mrs. Clella Clark Mr. and Mrs. James Felger Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamrick Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clark Mr. Paul Fetter Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hanni 1 (Carlson) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cleven Mr. and Mrs. Archie Fisher Mr. Robert Hansbarger ome from Ec- Clevenger Mrs. Eloise Fisher Mr. Clovis Harper Mr. and Mrs. Richard r 36 years of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Clouser Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher Mr. and Mrs. David Harrold >e serving one Miss Peggy Cochran Mrs. Martha Fleck Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harter then will be Mrs. Maxine Collie Mrs. Margaret Fleming Mrs. Arthur P. Hartman ., Box 127 A, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Collins Ms. Joan Floor Mr. and Mrs. Max Hawkins

Miss Eunice J. Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Flowers Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hawkins Mr. Gaylord Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foelber Mrs. Blanche Haycock Mr. and Mrs. Donald Converse Mrs. Evelyn Ford Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes Mr. and Mrs. James Cook Mr. and Mrs. Richard Forrester Mrs. Wilma Hayward Mr. Randal Cooksey Ms. Stacie Foster Mr. and Mrs. Richard Healy Mrs. Helen Cooley Mr. and Mrs. David Foust Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heffner ited the 30th Mr. and Mrs. Roger Cooley Mrs. Ella Fox Mr. Roy Heffron the ministry. Rev. and Mrs. Ronald Francis Mr. Nathan Helms Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Cooper !., Iowa, where Mrs. Dorothy Frank Mr. Lawrence Helmsing Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cooper 3r 17 years at Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Corbin Mr. and Mrs. Robert French Mr. Richard Henz r boys. Mrs. Rebecca Corbitt Mrs. Robin Frey Ms. Verna Herbst Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Coulter Mr. and Mrs. Ford Frick Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Herman e Doriot are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cox Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fruechtenicht Mrs. Opal Herrberg vith Wycliffe Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cramer Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Fry Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hetzel Mr. and Mrs. David Creek Mr. and Mrs. Richard Furlick Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks Uo see if they Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crowder Mr. and Mrs. Neal Galbraith Mr. Steve Hicks (aya. Roger is Mr. Jerry Crumrine Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gallaway Mrs. Mary Ann Hightshue II Chronicles, Mr. and Mrs. Dean E. Cornell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gallogly Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hines Ibook written Mr. and Mrs. Mick Cupp Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gamble Mr. William Hjelm ingue transla- Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Curley Mr. Thomas Gamboe Miss Miriam Hoffman Ms. Maxine Dafforn Ms. Sylvia Garza Dr. and Mrs. Warren Hoffman Mr. John Davies Mr. Daniel Gentile Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoke i on page 32 Mrs. Marjorie DeArmond Mrs. Evelyn Gentis Mr. Jay Hollinger Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dekorne Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gerard Mr. Max Holycross Mrs. Catherine Delagrange Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gerber Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Honegger Mr. and Mrs. Dale Delagrange Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gerber Mr. and Mrs. George Hook Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn DeLancey Mr. and Mrs. Abner Gerig Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Hoot Ms. Norma DeLancey Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H. Gerig Dr. E. Randall Horton Mr. and Mrs. Edward DeLong Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Gerig Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Horton Mr. and Mrs. Jerry DeMars Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gerig Mr. and Mrs. Jay Howell Mrs. Edith Deming Mrs. Berniece Getz Mr. John Howell Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Demorest Mr. and Mrs. David Getz Mrs. Mary Howell Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DeMuth Mrs. Stephanie Geyer Mrs. Pat Huffman Mr. and Mrs. Orville Detraz Mrs. Evleen Ghali Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hughes Dr. and Mrs. Robert Dettmer Ms. Pamela Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Hummel Mrs. Effie Dexter Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gilmer Ms. Joann Hummel Mrs. Cynthia De Young Mr. John Ginter Mr. Victory Ingram Mrs. Joanne Diilman Mr. Vernon Ginter Mr. and Mrs. Homer Inniger Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ditmer Dr. and Mrs. Howard Glen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ludicello Mrs. Ona Dodge Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gloyd Mrs. Regina Jacobs Mrs. Ruth Double Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldner Mr. and Mrs. Loris Jacobs Mrs. Carolyn Downey Mr. and Mrs. Harley Goldsmith Mr. Charles Jacobs Mr. Willard Dreisbach Ms. Bertilda Gonzalez Mrs. Charlotte Jensen age j.">.

19 Friends cont. Mrs. Nola Loose Rev. and Mrs. Paul Loucks Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jewett Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lude Mrs. Beulah Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Harry Luginbill Ms. Kathryn Johnson Miss Donna Lutton Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Vance Lytle Mr. and Mrs. Ottis Johnson Mrs. Naomi Macy Rev. and Mrs. Weyburn Johnson Mr. William Mahey Mrs. Ada Jones Mrs. Gladys Mailer Mr. Dan Jones Mr. and Mrs. Martin Malone -I Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jones Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Malone Ms. Jane Hubbard Jones Miss Lois Mannix Mr. Terry Jones Mr. Lester Marker Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Justice Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marquart Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kan- Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Marshall Mrs. Pearl Keefer Mrs. Arvilla Martin Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Larry Martz Ms. Donna Keuneke Mr. and Mrs. Edward Masloob I personally feel that Taylor Mrs. Highla Ellen Kiessling Mr. Carl Mason has helped to make me what Mrs. Loveta Kiester Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mason -C I am today. God has given Mr. and Mrs. James Kimbel Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Mason -c me the privilege of having a Mrs. Barbara King Mr. and Mrs. John Mathews superb education from a -r Mrs. Sandy Kinghorn Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Mattax superb university filled with -1' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kiningham Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mavis rich tradition. I truly have Mrs. Gladys Kipfer Mr. Louis Mayle been blessed. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kirchenbauer Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McAfee — Jason Berkhalter Mr. and Mrs. Owen Kistler Mrs. Ramona McAuliffe Miss Ornell Kitchen Mrs. Garnett McBane Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Klemer Mr. and Mrs. R. G. McCampbell You do Rev. and Mrs. J. Mark Klinepeter Mr. and Mrs. James McClain Ms. Connie Klingler Mr. and Mrs. John McCollum one of t Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Klinker Ms. Pamela McCord enjoy y. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Klopfenstein Mr. Paul McCormick come fo Mr. and Mrs. Victor Knape Mr. and Mrs. Audie McCray Mr. Monty Knepler Mr. Edward McDougal Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kneuss Miss Joyce McNamara Mrs. Virginia Knoll Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. McNeal Mr. and Mrs. Steven Koch Mrs. Grace McVay Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Koehn Ms. Christine Meade 1936 Mr. Howard Koenigshof Mr. and Mrs. John Meek 1941 Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Krill Miss Mary Mengel Mrs. Norman Kunkel Mr. V. Edward Merillat Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Kuntz Mr. and Mrs. Edward Messal Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kupferer Mr. and Mrs. Dean Messick I perse Mr. and Mrs. Danny Lahrman Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Messick Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Lane Mr. and Mrs. Morris Messick Mrs. Elnora Langham Mr. and Mrs. James Messinger Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Langston Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meyer Mr. William Lankford Mr. and Mrs. Chelsey Miller Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lantz Mr. and Mrs. George Miller Mrs. Thais LaRue Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller Mr. and Mrs. Donald Laskowski Mr. and Mrs. Glen Miller Mr. and Mrs. Harold Laymon Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller Mrs. Midred Lederman Mr. James Miller The professors and faculty at Dr. and Mrs. John Lee Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller Taylor are a constant Mr. and Mrs. Berdell Lehman Mr. and Mrs. William Miller example of Christians in the Mr. and Mrs. Claren Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Brice Minger real world. What they stand Mrs. Dorothy Lehman Mr. and Mrs. James Miner for and what they teach is Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Loris Minger the foundation for my Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mishler dedication ofputting Christ Ms. Emilie Lasher Dr. and Mrs. William Miskelly in my career. This is what Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchel Taylor means to me. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lichtenberger Dr. Hadley Mitchell — Emily Fish Mr. and Mrs. Dean Lichtensteiger Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moats Mr. and Mrs. Robert Light Mrs. Frances Monroe Mr. and Mrs. Fred Linn Dr. and Mrs. John Moran Mrs. Ann Litwiller Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morand Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Litzenberg Mrs. Florence Morehead Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Lochner Mrs. Corabel Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lockwood Mr. and Mrs. John Morr Mr. and Mrs. Harold Longardner Miss Dorothy Moser Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Longcor Mr. and Mrs. Duane Moser

20 Friends cont. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pritchard Mrs. Jennifer Shipman Mr. and Mrs. Mark Prowell Mrs. Ronnie Shipman Mr. Dwight Moser Mrs. Mary Jo Putt Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shoaf Miss Earlene Moser Mr. and Mrs. Gaylen Rainforth Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Short ce. Barbara is Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Moser Mrs. Naomi Rakestraw Mr. and Mrs. John Short esidentof the Mr. Harry Moser Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ralston Mr. and Mrs. Everett ShuU Mr. and Mrs. Howard Moser Mr. John Ramos Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shupperd Datmen's First

Mr. and Mrs. Merle D. Moser Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rash Mrs. Gloria Sidell , Missouri. Mr. Paul Moser Ms. Mary A. Reed Miss Ruth Silvers Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Moughler Miss Mary Edith Reiff Mr. James Sims teaching and Mrs. Nancy Mulder Mr. Rick Reiff Mrs. Mary Sipla ncis College, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Muntzinger Mr. Ed Reinhard Mr. and Mrs. C. Carl Smith e psychology Mrs. Lucy Murphy Miss Sylvia Reinhard Mr. and Mrs. L. Dale Smith Mrs. Lula Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Paul Renner Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith Mr. and Mrs. Richard Musser Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Resch Ms. Phyllis Smith cently Mr. and Mrs. James Myers Mr. George Rex Ms. Ramona Smith retired Mr. and Mrs. Roland Myers Mr. and Mrs. James Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith elismFellow- Mr. Willard Naas Mr. and Mrs. Gale Rickner Mr. and Mrs. Estal Smuts oved back to Ms. Evelyn Nafziger Mr. and Mrs. Don Rietdorf Mrs. Helen Smuts ping in Chris- Mr. Robert Neeson Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rinehart Mr. and Mrs. James Snyder church, First Mrs. Susan Neptune Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ringenberg Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Snyder in. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nevil Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ringenberg Mrs. Frances Soldner Mr. and Mrs. James Newell Mr. Simon Ringenberg Mr. and Mrs. Willis Sommer a (Carlson) Dr. and Mrs. Ted D. Nickel Mr. and Mrs. Darin Ringger Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sommers ome from Ec- Dr. and Mrs. Robert Nienhuis Ms. Alicia Rivera Mr. and Mrs. Edward Souers Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nieter Mr. George Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Terry Spohr r 36 years of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Niswander Mrs. Susan Robertson Mr. Edward Sprunger )e serving one Mr. Joe Nixon Ms. Gloria Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Sprunger then will be Mr. and Mrs. Milton Noble Mr. and Mrs. Phil Robrock Mrs. Irena Sprunger I, Box 127A, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Norman Mr. and Mrs. Merle Rocke Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sprunger Ms. Margaret Norman Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Rodocker Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Sprunger Mr. and Mrs. David Nussbaum Mrs. Lura Roebuck Mr. and Mrs. Ornell Sprunger Mr. Thomas Nylund Mr. Kenneth Rohrer Mr. and Mrs. Otis Sprunger Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ochs Mrs. Gertrude Rohrs Mr. and Mrs. Royle Sprunger Mr. Willi Oertner Mr. and Mrs. David Rollins Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sprunger ited the 30th Mrs. Julia Oldenkamp Miss Cleo Roth Mr. and Mrs. John Staehle the ininistry. Mrs. Beverley Oliver Mrs. Gladys Roth Ms. Linda Startup

., Iowa, where Mr. Jay Oliver Mrs. Marilyn Roth Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Osborn Mrs. Alice Roush Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Steiner 3r 17 years at Mr. and Mrs. Willis Outcalt Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ruble Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Steury r boys. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Oyer Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rupp Miss Elizabeth Stieglitz Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Paff Mr. and Mrs. William Russell Miss Lavada Stieglitz e Doriot are Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Parton Mr. and Mrs. James Saddington Mr. and Mrs. Lester Strahm vith Wycliffe Mr. and Mrs. George Patrick Mr. and Mrs. John Sanner Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Strait 'to see if they Mr. and Mrs. Pat Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scare Mr. Jeffrey Strauss faya. Roger is Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pattison Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Schamerloh Mr. and Mrs. John Strom II Chronicles. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paxson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schantz Mrs. Irene Stucky Ms. Teri Payne Rev. and Mrs. Ronald Scharfe Miss Mary Stucky Ibook written Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peake Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scheiderer Ms. Cheryl Studebaker )ngue transla- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pebley Mrs. Lois Schepman Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stutzman Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Peck Miss Lorene Schindler Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Sullivan / on page 32 Mr. and Mrs. Ned Pellmann Mr. and Mrs. Marion Schindler Mr. and Mrs. Edward Summers Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Pepple Mr. and Mrs. William Schindler Mr. and Mrs. Francis Surelle Mrs. Zoa Marie Pequignot Mr. and Mrs. Maurice C. Scholl Dr. and Mrs. Jon Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Darryle Pharr Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Scholz Mrs. Helen Sweeney

Mr. and Mrs. J. Gaylord Phillippe Mr. Jacob Schrock Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swihart Mr. and Mrs. DeVon A. Phillips Ms. Ruth Schroeder Mr. and Mr. Jack Talbert Mrs. Irene Phillips Mrs. Earl Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. Denver Taylor Rev. and Mrs. Ronald Phipps Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schwab Mr. and Mrs. Dick Taylor Mrs. Edith Pierce Mr. Eugene Schwab Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Piatt Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schwartz Mrs. Ruth Taylor Mr. Ken Podor Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Schweikhardt Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Thatcher Ms. Jacqueline Ponce Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schweitzer Ms. Edna Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ponsot Mr. Charles Scott Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson Mr. Wayne Porter Mrs. Marlene Scott Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tiernon Mr. Gregory Postel Mr. Daniel Seeley Mr. Michael Toomey Ms. Annmarie Potts Mr. and Mrs. Manford Shank Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Tracey Mrs. Rebecca Powell Ms. Ruth Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Tracy Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Powell Mr. Philip Sharpc Mr. and Mrs. C. James Tranter Ms. Shirley Powell Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tra.xler Mr. and Mrs. David Prahl Dr. and Mrs. Gary Sheeler Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tripp Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pressler Mrs. Helen Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Troxcl Cii^C .Kl Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pribble Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sherrow Mr. and Mrs, Keith Tucker

21 Friends cont. Mr. Henry Welty Mr. and Mrs. Willis E. Welty Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wendt Mr. and Mrs. Paul Turner Mr. Keith Wenger Mr. Floyd Updegrove Mrs. Wilma Wetter

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Updegrove Mr. J. Richard Wetzler Mr. Jeffrey Vallosio Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weyeneth Mrs. Jan VanDeusen Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wheeler Mrs. Janet VanDyke Mr. and Mrs. Charles White Mr. Daniel VanGerpen Mr. Sam White Mr. and Mrs. Michael VanHuisen Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Whiteford -I Mrs. Dorothy VanVleet Mr. and Mrs. Carl Williams Mrs. Catharine VanZile Mr. and Mrs. Donald Williams Mr. Adam Varnell Mr. and Mrs. Leamon Williams Mr. and Mrs. George Varnell Mr. Norman Williams -^ Mr. and Mrs. WilliamVamell Mr. Warren Williamson Mr. and Mrs. David Vinton Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wilson Ms. Mildred Vogel Mr. H. Alden Winslow

Mr. and Mrs. J. David VonGunten Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Winzeler Mr. and Mrs. Lee VonGunten Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wittwer The education at Taylor is Ms. Deborah Vreeland Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Woodman outstanding! The professors Ms. Beverly Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wren here are incredible. Never Mrs. Mabel Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Wuertemberger have I been so challenged Ms. Ruby Wall Mr. and Mrs. James Wyatt and stretched to make use of Ms. Susan Walstra Mrs. Edith Wyse abilities. The teachers ~~ my Ms. Carolyn Walters Mrs. Alma Yerks excellent in are not only Mr. and Mrs. Todd Walters Mrs. Clorinda Yoder their teaching methods, but Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wanner Ms. Florabelle Yoder in their concern for the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware Mr. and Mrs. Peter Yoder students cmd their love for Ms. Pamela Warner Mrs. Dorothy Young the Lord is evident. The Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Warsinski Dr. and Mrs. Daryl Yost education experience that I Mr. and Mrs. Wallace G. Warstler Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zehr You do have received will no doubt Mr. Darryl Waters Mr. and Mrs. Amos Zehr one of t help me throughout my Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waters Mrs. Martha Zeigler Waters L. enjoy y^ lifetime. Mr.and Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. C. Zimmerman — Nicole Wireman Ms. Mandy Waters Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Zimmerman come fo Ms. Willie Wattley Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. James Weber Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zintsmaster Miss Joan Weber Mr. and Mrs. George Zuercher Mrs. Thelma Weddle Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Zuercher Ms. Robin Wehr Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zurcher

I perse

I praise Godfor giving me the privilege of studying here at TUFW. During my experience here, the Lord has drawn me closer to Himself enabled me to see the world through His eyes, and allowed nw to see more clearly His specific will for

my life. The training I receive in the classroom and in the off-campus outreach ministries I am involved in have been humbling, challenging, stretching, and very practical — Henry Farrurr l^^l J 22 WBCLAVBCY

ce. Barbara is esident of the oatmen's First

, Missouri.

The familiar words of the song. Wind Beneath My Wings, have been on my Hps numerous times teaching and over the last several months as the prayers of WBCL's listeners have literally "carried" us through ncis College,

the changes of life. The instant death (in a car accident) of our beloved co-worker, Jeff Carlson, e psychology who was operations manager and morning announcer for 18 years, left us reeling in grief. But the prayers, cards and letters of thousands have brought healing and renewed hope to the WBCL team. cently retired 3lismFellow- With Sharathon '96, the reorganization of WBCL, relicensing of both stations and equipment installation oved back to already facing us for early 1 996, that Friday in December found us asking how we could ever go on ping in Chris- with such a heavy load amidst our grief. Ultimately we found that the answer was not profound. church, First

It was a matter of leaning totally on God while simply putting one foot in front of the other in. to get the job done. And that has brought us to this point of praise as we have watched God do what we could never have done for ourselves. n (Carlson) ome from Ec-

r 36 years of We are praising God for: )e serving one then will be Sharathon '96, where the goal of $750,000 was exceeded by $85,000. The amount beyond the goal 1, Box 127A, will be used to purchase the $ 1 20,000 digital studio equipment package which Jeff had been researching for the nine months prior to his death. The equipment installation will be completed in late summer in Studio A which will be renamed the Jeff Carlson Studio.

Tim Yazel, who joined us on March 1, as assistant manager for operations. What a joy ited the 30th to have someone on the team with both electronic and computer expertise. the ministry.

., Iowa, where

The finalizing of the applications for relicensing both 90.3 FM and 89.5 FM. This lengthy application Dr 17 years at must be filed with the Federal Communications Commission every six years. r boys.

The finalizing of the application for a new 501.C3 tax exemption number. Under WBCL's reorganization as e Doriot are vith Wycliffe Taylor University Broadcasting, Inc., a tax exemption separate from that of Taylor University to see if they was necessary so we could continue as a not-for-profit organization. The hours on this application for both the I laya. Roger is Federal IRS and the State IRS made relicensing seem like a "piece of cake!" II Chronicles, is still Taylor University, (WBCL owned by Ibook written but is now a separate corporation with a separate board of directors.) mguetransla-

Phil Reaser, who will join us on May 6, as morning announcer. Having worked in secular radio i on page 32 for many years as a non-believer, Phil is excited to be able to share his faith via Christian radio.

Pray for Phil as he and his family move from Alaska where Phil is an instructor at Alaska Bible Institute.

The accomplishments of the last few months are not a matter of "been

there, done that," but the reality of God is here! God is doing this!

-Char Binkley, General Manager

age J J).

23 Memorial Gifts

In Memory: From: Fred and Violet Millikan Loren and Jeanne Millikan

Walter Froelich Raymond Tripp

-I Beverly Beckley Raymond Tripp

Joe and Mary Klopfenstein Barbara King

Rhoda Ringenberg Harold Ebler Ian and Ruth Cook Joy Gerig Emerald and Gwen Gerig Lois Since coming to Taylor, my Weed Simon Ringenberg life has made a dramatic Don and June Rediger -c change. My outlook on life -c and the way I view things is Irene Moellering Paul and Ruth Steiner better now. -1' so much My Earl and Lydia Fuller professors that I have had -r have really challenged me to Eddison Reynolds Lawrence and Naomi Heidelberg grow spiritually and gain a Poorman's Heating & Air Conditioning deeper desire to know God in a way like never before. Harvey Ache Spencer PTO Most importantly, my relationship with God has You do Ruth Ache Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Parton changed and the happiness I Mr. and Mrs. William Russell one of t now have in knowing God is enjoy y^ so exciting. Clifford Grabill Thomas Nylund Jeremy Short come fo — Glen and Maxine Head Cyril Eicher Larry and Janice Roth Jean Tye Helen Snyder Alpha Delta Kappa 1936 1941 Bryan Heindel Wayne and Doris Heindel

Herald Welty Fran Kuzeff Bill and Joyce Gerig I perse Bill and Joyce Adkins Ted and Mary Lepper Duane and Kathryn Baughman Michael and Dixie Lough Ted and Rose Ann Nickel Ronald and Karen Flickinger Joyce and Marion Zuercher Darol and Kay VanMeter Robert and Cynthia Gerard Danny and Marjorie Dafforn Taylor University means Ian and Ruth Cook more than just academics Anita Laymon and career training. It means Garr Consulting growing in the Lord and Lawrence and Naomi Heidelberg building friendships that last LaVera Sauder a lifetime. James and Juanita Baxter — Estefana Ponce Sylvan and Ruth Coulter Clayton and Lilah Steiner Prudence Gerber Fred and Pauline Geyer Alice Joy Weddle David and Donna Harrold Suzanne Horton Norval and Margie Rich Eddie and Clara Reynolds Jeffery and Victoria Ling

24 Memorial Gifts cont. Michael and Reneau Kan- Helen Heiser In Memory of Herald Welty cont: Eduardo Zunzunegui Violet George Forrest and Lu Durham Harvey Braun Tim and Mitzi BuUman Mary ce. Barbara is Bernice Getz Dennis and Carol Bunn Willis and Jama Mitchell esident of the Richard and Sharleen Price Dennis and Julia Eakes-Zvosec Donavon and Ladonna Gerig aatmen's First Ira and Ina Steiner Mr and Mrs Jerry Welty Kent and Lois Vongunten

, Missouri. Hazel N. Shoup Maxine and Glen Head Dennis and Sue Litzenberg Tillman Habegger Paul and Ruth Steiner Philip Sharpe Evelyne Schmidt Carl and LaVaun Marquart Garr Consulting Group teaching and Mrs Alvin Bump Cyril and Mildred Eicher Edgar and Esther Shady ncis College, Barbara Fleming Decatur Missionary Church Helen Sherman e psychology Dale Brubaker Wava Bueschlen Carl and Lavada Williams Stephen and Char Binkley Elosie Grile Gerald and Sheryl Rocke Brent and Sharon Davis Melvin and Mabel Ehresman Robert and Gail Calcutt cently retired Don and Mildred Yeoman Walter and Joann Sprunger Floyd and Rosemary Dilley ;]ismFellow- Gaylord Conrad Margaret Anderson Doug and Pam Barcalow to Pamela Seidel Gerald and Alilcia Steiner Naomi Crompton oved back Wilbur Thompson Sam White Richard and Carol Dugan ping in Chris- Hubert and Dorothy Lochner Christian Homemakers' Class, M. Amdre Garr, Jr. church, First James and Patricia Welty First Missionary Church Allied Physicians Naomi Pollitt Mary Ethel Mengel Reese and Jeanette Chappell Harold and Naomi Jewett Gerald and Betty Wulliman Mr. and Mrs. George Hook n (Carlson) Roswell and Virginia Story Norma VonGunten James and Carolyn Johnson ome from Ec- Willis and Faith Outcalt Wilmer Lehman Vernon and Wilma Peterson r 36 years of William and Rose Marginson Carl and Beulah Egly Alice Roush Woodburn Missionary Church Theodore and Deloras Latuerberg Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Rupp )e serving one Madge Miller Daniel and Cheryl Price Daniel Seely then will be

Bob and Rene Weyeneth William and Eunice Cox Hanan Shaheen :, Box 127A. Ed and Phyllis Helmke David and Margaret Meek Royal and Elaine Sprunger Clovis Harper Milton and Helen Noble Dwight and Marie Steiner Susan King Earl and Dorothy Steiner Henry Welty Blanche Fuller Central District of the Missionary Church Lyle and Thelma Steiner Lynda Bennett

ited the 30th the ministry. Business Industry & , Iowa, where Matching Gift Companies 3r 1 7 years at r boys.

e Doriot are Allied Physicians, Inc. Ford Motor Company Moss Engineering Corporation vith Wycliffe Allied Corporation Foundation Fort Wayne Printing Company, Inc. Motorola Foundation Amoco Foundation, Inc. Fort Wayne Track Club Myers Plumbing Heating & Air ; to see if they Archer Daniels Midland Company Garr Consulting Group Nationwide Foundation (aya. Roger is Artisan Interiors, Inc. Gen Corp Foundation, Inc. NBD Bancorp II Chronicles, AT&T Foundation GLM Transport, Inc. National City Bank Ibook written Banc Ohio National Bank, National City Rule Service Nemco, Inc. Golden Sewer )ngue transla- Bancorp Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company New Revelation Hair Care Center Bellwood Chiropractic Office GTE Service Corporation Norfolk Southern Foundation Berne Apparel Company Harlan Cabinets, Inc. North American Philips Corporation / on page 32 BK Farms, Inc. Harper Collins Publishers, Inc. Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Bridgedale Terrace Apartments Hercules, Inc. Peoria Heights High School Bristol-Myers Fund, Inc. Hoch Insurance Agency, Inc. Performance Truck Sales, Inc. Bristol Myers Squibb Huntington Community Care Center Phelps Dodge Foundation Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company Indiana Power Company Poorman's Heating & Air Conditionins Brown Funeral Home, Inc. Indiana Fiber Recycling Prudential Foundation Burns Wedding Service International Business Machines Corp. RR Donnelley and Sons Company Cars and Parts ITT Corporation Sonoco Products Company

Caterpillar Foundation J C Penney Company, Inc. South Side Booster Club Central Soya Kat Industrial Division SPX Foundation Central District Missionary Church Keebler Company Foundation Super Valu Stores, Inc. C F C Distributors KeyCorp Swiss Craft Precision Grinding C L Beatty Insurance, Inc. Kipfer Nutritional Consulting Textron, Inc. Cooper Tire and Rubber Company Klopfenstein Furniture Tokheim Company Dana Corporation Foundation Lincoln National Corporation Tri-State Associates Deister Machine Company M & R Pizza of Bluffton, IN, Inc. TRINOVA Corporation Dow Chemical Company May Sotres Foundation, Inc. 20th Century Homes. Inc. Drummond Construction McCampbell Enterprises United Technologies Corporation Dutch Made Cabinetry Mennonite Mutual Aid Association Whirlpoi)! Foundation Eli Lilly & Company Milan Center Feed & Grain, Inc. Winco Printing Ford Matching Gift Program Montgomery Ward Foundation Wood-Mi/cr Producls. Inc. age jJi.

25 r Churches

Aboite Lutheran Church, Crescent Avenue United Methodist, Fort Wayne, IN Fort Wayne, IN

*Agape Ministry, Dayton Christian Schools, Inc., Muncie, IN Dayton, OH *Albany United Church of Christ, *Decatur Church of God, Albany, IN Decatur, IN * American Baptist Church of Michigan, Defiance Area Youth For Christ, East Lansing, MI Defiance, OH Anderson Mennonite Church, *Dover Baptist Temple, -^ Fort Wayne, IN Dover, OH Antwerp United Methodist Church, *Edgerton Christian Church, Antwerp, OH Edgerton, OH Apostolic Christian Church-North, Evangelical Mennonite Church, Bluffton, IN Archbold, OH *Beaverton United Methodist, Evangelical Mennonite Church, Beaverton, MI Grabill, IN -c Believers Bible Fellowship, Fairview Missionary Church, -c Churubusco, IN Angola, IN Baptist -1' Bethany Church, Faith Chapel United Methodist Church, Peoria, IL Huntington, IN -1' Bethel Bible Church, Fellowship Missionary Church, Edwards, IL Fort Wayne, IN Beulah Missionary Church, First Baptist Church, Goshen, IN Bryan, OH Blackhawk Baptist Church, First Baptist Church, Fort Wayne, IN Coldwater, MI You do *Bohon Road Baptist, First Baptist Church, Harrodsburg, one of t KY Decatur, IN Brenneman Memorial Missionary, enjoy y First Baptist Church, Goshen, IN Fort Wayne, IN come fo *Broadway Christian Church, First Baptist Church, Fort Wayne, IN Gregory, MI Brookside Community Church, First Baptist Church, Fort Wayne, IN Kendallville, IN Taylor University Fort *Calvary Chapel Worship Center, First Baptist Church, Wayne means opportunity. It Auburn, IN Montpelier, IN 1936 provides opportunity to look Calvary Evangelical Church, First Baptist Church, 1941 at things in new ways and Van Wert, OH Morenci, MI Calvin East United Presbyterian, broaden my education. It First Christian Church, , MI provides opportunity to make Kendallville, IN Central Mennonite Church, new friends, to build new First Christian Union Church, Archbold, OH relationships, to make Fort Wayne, IN Central Mennonite Church, practical application of new First Church of Christ, Leo, IN Hicksville, skills, and to participate in OH *Chapel Hill Missionary Church, First Church of internships that provide God, Union, MI Defiance, OH valuable training for my new Christian Service Foundation, Inc., First Church of God, vocation in pastoral Fort Wayne, IN Wauseon, OH ministries. It provides Christian Homemakers Class, First Church of Nazarene, opportunity to interact with Fort Wayne, IN Decatur, IN dedicated caring faculty, Christian & Missionary Alliance, First Church of the Nazarene, staff and students who also Muncie, IN Grand Rapids, MI profess Jesus Christ as Church in Mentor, First Missionary Church, Savior. Mentor, OH Berne, IN — Terry Courtright *Church of Christ, First Missionary Church, Montpelier, IN Fort Wayne, IN *Church of Messiah. First United Presbyterian Church, Detroit, MI West College Corner, IN *Church of Nazarene, Forest Hills Bible Chapel, Grand Rapids, MI Grand Rapids, MI Countryside Chapel United Methodist, Fort Wayne Area Youth for Christ, Convoy, OH Fort Wayne, IN Countryside Wesleyan Church, Grabill Evangelical Mennonite Church, Marion, IN Grabill, IN Covenant Christian Center, Grace Bible Church, Fort Wayne, IN Sun City, AZ

26 Churches cont. Mayfair Bible Church, St. Joseph United Methodist Church, Flushing, MI Fort Wayne, IN Grace Bible Church, Mona Shores Baptist Church, *St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Washington, IL Muskegon, MI Uniondale, IN Grace Missionary Church, Mt. Victory Church, *St. Peters Church of Christ-Fiat, ce. Barbara is Mooresville, IN Decatur, IN Baltic, OH esident of the Evangehcal Mennonite, Mills United Methodist, Grace Nevada Trinity United Methodist Church, oatmen's First Morton, IL Fremont, IN Berne, IN , Missouri. Grosse Pointe Baptist Church, New Hope United Brethren Church, Trinity Wesleyan Church, Grosse Pointe Wood, MI Camden, MI Lima, OH teaching and Groveland Missionary Church, New Life Lutheran, Union Chapel Ministries, ncis College, Groveland, IL Fort Wayne, IN Muncie, IN Harvester Avenue Missionary, *New Testament Fellowship Church, *Vevay Assembly, e psychology Fort Wayne, IN Payne, OH Vevay, IN *Heritage United Methodist, North Christian Church, Victory Barn Church Youth Group, Clearwater, FL Fort Wayne, IN Edgerton, OH cently retired *Hillside Missionary Church, *Northview Christian Life, Wakarusa Missionary Church, elismFellow- South Bend, IN Carmel, IN Wakarusa, IN oved back to *Hope Fellowship, *Novi United Methodist, Washington Center United Methodist, ping in Chris- Loogootee, IN Novi, MI Columbia City, IN church, First *Interfaith Fellowship, Oak Grove Church of God, Waynedale Baptist Church, Inc., Green Bay, WI Columbia City, IN Fort Wayne, IN in. Jonesville Christian Church, *Ovid Community, Westview Alliance Church, Jonesville, IN Anderson, IN Fort Wayne, IN n (Carlson) Kentwood Community Church, Park United Brethren Church, Willon Creek Community Church, ome from Ec- Kentwood, MI Bluffton, IN Barrington, IL r 36 years of Lake Chapel United Methodist, People's Bible Church, Willoughby Hills Friends Church, )e serving one Fort Wayne, IN Goshen, IN Willoughby, OH then will be *Lakeside Baptist Church, *Pettisville Missionary Church, Woodburn Missionary Church, [, Box 127A, South Range, WI Pettisville, OH Woodburn, IN Living Faith Missionary Church, Pleasant Hill Missionary Church, Woodlawn United Methodist, Yoder, IN Bronson, MI Somerset, IN *Living Stones Fellowship, Plymouth Wesleyan Church, Word of Liberty Church, Crown Point, IN Plymouth, IN New Haven. IN Maple Grove Mennonite Church, *Rose Hill Church of God, Young River Ministries, Topeka, IN Paulding, OH Farmington, MI ited the 30th

*Maplewood Mennonite Church, Scranton Road Baptist Church, Youth for Christ, • the ministry. Fort Wayne, IN Cleveland, OH Indianapolis, IN ., Iowa, where Maranatha Church of God, Somerset United Methodist Church, Zion United Methodist Church, 3r 1 7 years at Fort Wayne, IN Somerset, OH Huntington, IN r boys. Mayland Community Church, Sonrise at Aboite United Methodist, Terre Haute, IN Fort Wayne, IN e Doriot are vith Wycliffe

to see if they Participated in Church Matching Grant Program during 1995-96 Academic Year. ^ laya. Roger is

II Chronicles, [book written mgue transla-

Estates and Foundations i on page 32

Yergens-Rogers Foundation Blanche E. Bradford Estate Terveer A. Ginter Estate Foellinger Foundation Mary C. and Perry Spencer Foundation

age .->>.

27 '



You do f/| -^ one of t enjoy y^ come fo

1936 1941

I perse

J \. J I


30 's 40 's cont. 50 's cont

Elda g36 and Prudence Gerber g39 about the many opportunities they are hav- a letter carrier for the Post Office. Barbara is have moved from Fort Wayne to Swiss Vil- ing to serve and encourage others. secretary for the senior vice-president of the lage in Berne, Indiana. Their new address is Trust-Real Estate division of Boatmen's First Harris fs47, after working 1350 West Main St, Suite 233, Berne, Indi- Howard many National Bank of Kansas City, Missouri. ana, 46711. years as a sign painter in the Detroit, Michi- gan area, has retired and moved with his wife Jackie Carl g53 is in a teaching and

to Gulf Shores, Alabama. They celebrated administrative role at St. Francis College, BUILDING NAMED their 30th wedding anniversary this year and Fort Wayne, as chairman of the psychology AFTER ALUMNUS are pleased that their two sons are very active and counseling department. Christians in the Hope Baptist Church, a John g36 and Bernice (Moore) Tuckey mission of Bob Jones University in Ander- Arlene Newcombe g53 recently retired fs36 were recently honored by the Davison son, South Carolina. after serving with Child Evangelism Fellow- Missionary Church. The Tuckeys began the ship for 42 years. She has moved back to church in 1957 in the town fire hall. After 50' Michigan where she will be helping in Chris- many years in other pastorates and as Michi- tian education at her home church. First gan district superintendent, the Tuckeys (in Baptist, Temperance, Michigan. Don and Betty (Blosser) Young retirement) have returned to be actively in- g50 g50 retired on July 9, 1995, from the pastor- volved in the Davison Church again. The Lester g58 and Sharon (Carlson) ate after serving seven churches over a per- church built a new gym/educational com- Meisenheimer fs58 returned home from Ec- iod of 44 years. All but one of those churches plex in 1991 and have now named it the Dr. uador in early April after over 36 years of were Missionary Churches and most in John E. Tuckey Family Center. Rev. Allen missionary service. They will be serving one Northern Indiana. They are at home at 218 Sudmann g83 is senior pastor of the church. year on home ministry and then will be

Center Street, Berne, Indiana, 467 1 1 . Pres- retiring. Theri address is RRl, Box 127A, ently, Don serves part-time on staff at Grace Walnut, Illinois, 61376. 40' Missionary Church, Celina, Ohio, in pasto- ral care. Burley g44 and Alice (Cone) Clay g44 60 's were honored on January 28, 1996, at their Abe g52 and Marie Schierling fs52 are

church. Redeemer Missionary Church, To- back in St. Petersburg, Florida, after giving Jim Key g61 just celebrated the 30th ledo, Ohio. Dr. John Moran, president of the a year of their retirement to spearhead a new anniversary of his ordination to the ministry. Missionary Church, presented gold watches camp project in the Dominican Republic. He and his family live in Eldora, Iowa, where

to them for their 50 years of faithful pastoral They were a great help to the mission and the Jim has been State Chaplain for 1 7 years at ministry. All six Clay children were present national church, and had a wonderful time Iowa State Training School for boys. along with three grandchildren and two great renewing friendships from their many years grandchildren. Relatives present who are of missionary service in the Dominican. Roger fs62 and Suzanne Doriot are Fort Wayne alumni were: sister Ruth (Clay) involved in a special project with Wycliffe

Germain g46; children David g73 and Bill g53 and Barbara (Fowler) Bowles Bible Translators while waiting to see if they Doris (Dyck) Clay g73, John Clay fs73, fs52 reside in Independence, Missouri. Bill can get a visa to return to Irian Jaya. Roger is

Daniel fs80 and Carolyn (Talley) Clay is a bivocational pastor, serving the Trinity working on the book of Ruth and I Chronicles, g78, Darwin g86 and Polly (Clay) Dunten United Methodist Church of Henrietta, Mis- introducing a translators' handbook written

fs86; nieces Margaret g80 and Judy souri, for the last 16 years while working as in simple English for mother tongue transla- Germain fs80; and grandchildren Scott

g91 and Kathy (Motter) Huguen fs91. AliiDini Notes continued on page 32

Eudene Keidel g44 has just recently published her third book, African Fables

Book #3. She and her husband Levi, al-

though retired missionaries, are still active in

ministry. For almost two months last year they volunteered their services to World

Radio Network (WRN) in McAllen, Texas.

WRN is the North American extension of

Radio Station HCJB, Quito, Ecuador. It has six stations along the U.S. -Mexican border.

Vernon Petersen g45 has accepted the position as visitation pastor for the Grabill Missionary Church.

Ira Gene g46 and Ina Steiner g34 are now living in the Woodcrest Retirement Com-

munity in Decatur, Indiana. They are excited Can von identify the 1979 Aliiiiini AdMsory Ihntril .' Aiiswcf on pnyc .k^.


The new Fort Wayne Campus Alumni Council has officially started! The new council meets at least twice a year and will support,

seeks to preserve the heritage of Fort Wayne Bible College and serve as a liaison between alumni and the University. Your 1995-96

Rev. Cyril Eicher Class of 1932 Retired pastor Member emeritus Miss Cara Glassie Class of 1995 Receptionist, Rev. Ricliord Baxter Huff & Campbell Class of 1970 Purpose: Insurance Director of Career "As a member of the alumni council, I hope Development, Student that in some way I can help to assure and Ministries, Taylor maintain the support of the many alumni of World Outreach and Highlight: Fort Wayne Bible College and Summit Chris- Conferences, TUFW Serving as a Resident Assistant for two years. tian College for Taylor University, Fort "I learned so much and grew under the lead- Campus. I so greateful that Tay- Wayne am ership of the Student Life Administration." lor is continuing the ministry programs that Purpose: we were committed to in the former institu- Highliglit: "Being a part of the Alumni Council will dons." "I remember the tremendous experiences enable me to do the best I can to see that the Highlight: with the Annual Youth Conferences. God quality I have known in Taylor Fort Wayne Having the opportunity to have shared in the really moved! It was my pleasure to serve as continues for the benefit of future students." training and character development of thou- faculty advisor for over 10 years." Purpose: sands of students who enrolled in the pro- grams; especially during the 15 years he "I desire that alumni and friends are well served as of Students. informed about the dynamic events taking Dean place on this campus. I also desire that alumni Mr. Dan Herr would provide prayer and financial support Class of 1984 so the campus can continue and enlarge its and 1989 programs." Full time sales, Mr. Tim Everly on staff at a Class of 1995 local church Youth pastor

Purpose: Dan hopes to serve as a liaison between the current status of the college and the opinions Highlight: and beliefs of the former students. Mr. Arlan Birkey Meedng and marrying the love of his life, Highlight: Class of 1964 Haydee. Flood of because everybody was Associate Professor The 1982, sandbagging and classes were dismissed. of Religion, TUFW Miss Joy Gerig Class of 1952, 1966 Retired faculty member, and director of Purpose: Mrs. Susi Christian service Arlan hopes to be a liaison between current (Laymon) Jones Member emeritus students, alumni and the council. Class of 1971 Highlight: School teacher Youth conferences. Among his memories: and children's special speakers, Uteraliy wall-to-wall con- music director Purpose: ferees in the dorm, kids from his home church, at her home church To continue to build the council and to com- ensemble music and the comicality. municate the activities of our alma mater to

keep alumni informed, which will build sup- Purpose: port. "To encourage good relations between the Highlight: community, alumni and University; and cause of Christian service. "I Being the director the alumni to be involved in the University, giving enjoyed helping the students by them more than just financially." practical experience. Even today, they call to

tell me how the experiences helped them." 30 CAMPUS ALUMNI COUNCIL

encourage and assist in the advancement and development of the Fort Wayne campus of Taylor University. The council also

council representatives and a highlight of their college experience and/or their purpose for serving on the council follows:

Miss Corrinne Mahorney Cla.ssofl996 Mr. Matt Level Class president Class of 1993 Customer sen'ice representative for Miss Evelyne NBD Schmidt Highlight: Class of 1960 Highlight: "Years down the road, when I am remember- Retired bookkeeper, ing back to this part of my life, the thing I will Putting together the Baccalaureate service. SCC: Purpose: remember the most will be this year, my current senior year. Five of friends and I have To see that more alumni scholarships are my swithcboard given. shared a house and have formed the closest receptionist, TUFW friendships. We have shared in each others' Member emeritus happiness, sadness and fears. We have prayed together and watched as God has answered

our prayers! I thank the Lord for everything

I've learned and every blessing I've received." Highlight: Miss Tamara Lugar "For me, it was a joy to be under the teaching Class of 1994 of godly men and women who helped estab- Assistant to the " lish me in my Christian faith. Registrar, TUFW Purpose:

Mr. Verlin Rice "As a member of the Alumni Council, my Class of 1973 desire and prayer is to assist in some way to Case Manager, promote our alumni and assist in making Child Protective various decisions." Highlight: Services

"Not until I stepped on the campus of SCC did I realize what Christ did for me. Thanks Highlight: to my brothers, sisters and the faculty from Falling in love with his wife. the Fort Wayne campus who impacted me!" Purpose: To bring awareness, unity and healing by bringing together people who represent Dr. Carl Sovine FWBI, FWBC, SCC and TUFW. Class of 1969 Mrs. Lois (Haycock) Counselor McKiihen President of the Class of 1968 Alumni Council E.xecutive Assistant

to the President Mrs. Violet (Egly, of Wood-Mizer Ringenberg Products, Inc. Highlight: Class of 1945 Housewife Marrying Tamra. Purpose:

Highlight: "I have gained an expanded opportunity to "The College provided a systematically move the work which the Lord began years taught biblical foundation for successful life Purpose: ago into an increased effectiveness for His and world view, offered numerous leader- "As a member of the Alumni Council, I hope Kingdom. I simply desire that the alumni ship and personal developement opportuni- to help promote interest in Taylor by encour- join with me in sharing this vision for an old ties, and built cherished lifelong friendships." aging greater prayer support, more alumni friend." Purpose: giving, and recommending our fine Chris-

"To return a few shovels full of the mountain tian higher education program to prospec- given to me by the College; and to focus tive students, parents and churches." creativity, prayer and action on identifying Highlight: and enhancing the opportunities God is bring- "The privilege to have been taught by men ing to TUFW through and for the alumni." and women who emphasized godly living, learning, obedience to God and a servant attitude."

31 60 's cont. 70's cont. 80 's cont.

tors (MTT's) to use all over the world. MTT's Bruce g72 and Linda (Roath) Masopust John g81 and Julie Gerig are in Russian are nationals who are translating the Bible g74 are serving at the Pine Trail Camp in language study in St. Petersburg, Russia. from English (or another major language) Saugatuck, Michigan, where Bruce is the They are serving there with World Partners, back into their mother tongue. executive director. and are involved in the St. Petersburg Chris- The Doriots have been working in Bible tian College. translation and church planting in the Nalja Janet Nickel g74, former Sierra Leone tribe in Irian Jaya with UFM International missionary, has been reassigned by World Chris (Morgan) Warren g81 and her since 1975. Most of the New Testament has Partners, the missionary arm of the Mission- husband Bryan have moved to Ridgeley, been translated. The Nalja tribe of 8,000 ary Church. Due to the continuing strife in West Virginia. Bryan is a prison guard in the people now has 14 functioning indigenous Sierra Leone, Janet left in January for a new federal prison in Cumberland, Mary- churches, and about 2,000 baptized believ- ministry in Russia with the Co-Mission. This land. Last Christmas was very special to ers. Visas for Irian Jaya/Indonesia have been is a one year opportunity and Jan would ap- them as they traveled to Romania to bring preciate your prayers. very difficult to obtain or retain recently, so home a new four-year-old daughter named the Doriots will wait a year or so before lonela Marianna. Our congratulations to the Wayne g75 and Carolyn (Paxson) Allen attempting to get a new visa. Warrens. fs71 have completed their deputation minis-

try and are hoping to arrive in Jamaica some- Steve Morley g65 and his men's basket- time in April. Wayne will be a professor at ball team finished third in the Southwestern GREAT OPPORTUNITY Jamaica Theological Seminary and the College (Phoenix) NCCAA Division 2A na- Carribean Graduate School of Theology with tional tournament held at Faith Baptist Bible Jackie Huggins g83 has been asked to be special emphasis on developing a world mis- College in Ankeney, Iowa. one of the speakers at URBANA '96. She sions program. has served with Wycliffe Bible Translators Dave Osborne g67 and family have been since graduation and, along with Carol Larry Lewis g76 and his family are liv- living in Royal Oak. Michigan, for many Pebley g83, has been working in the Phil- ing in Yorba Linda, California, where Larry years. Dave is in his 26th year as an elemen- ippines translating the New Testament for is the vice-principal of the Friends Christian tary public school music teacher. the Kagayanen people. Jackie appreciates Middle School. our prayer support as she prepares to speak

Bob g69 and Joan (Duthie) Parker g69 to 18,000 young people in December at Russ Rogers, RD in Schultz and Dean are residing in Royal Oak, Michigan. Bob is URBANBA '96. of Men 1976-1979, was back on campus as an operations manager for the Sports Au- speaker for the February Spiritual Renewal thority in Livonia, Michigan, and runs a week and the Staley Distinguished Christian custom imprint sportswear business on the Jim Marstaller g82 , his wife Myra, and Scholar Lecture Series. Russ is now a re- side. The business is called Diamond and children Jonathan (10), and Malia (2), are search and organization development spe- Court Lettering. involved in beginning a new church in Naples, cialist with Inter Act Associates, a human Maine. Jim was ordained by the Conserva- resource development consulting firm based tive Baptist denomination 1 1 years ago and in Chicago, Illinois. His clients have included JO'S is excited about the possibilities for the new Nabisco, General Motors, Inland Steel, Cornerstone Gospel Church. Matsushita, American Dental Associates, Marty (Orndorff) Ellis husband g71, UCLA, , the Provin- Stan, and children, Christopher (15), Eliza- Marcus g82 and Brenda Warner were cial Government of , Canada, and beth (10), and Benjamin (6), are living in saddened by the death of their baby boy bom many others. It was a great week to have Dothan, Alabama. They are active in their March 13, 1996. He was bom with only half Russ back on campus and to be spiritually church and Christian school where Stan has of his heart and died later the same day. renewed and challenged. been administrator for the last four years and Marcus teaches at a Christian School in the Indianapolis area. Their address is 245 Marty has been teaching. She is presently Tim g78 and Glenda (Nussbaum) recovering from a bout with myasthenia Parkview Place, Carmel, Indiana, 46032. Stephenson g78 have gone west to live in gravis. Their daughter Stephanie is four years old. Colorado Springs, Colorado. Tim is working in the national headquarters of the Christian Martha (Rupp) Paxson g83 lost her and Missionary Alliance as the director of husband Joe to cancer on December 30, employee benefits. His main responsibility is ALUMNI SERVING IN 1995. Martha married Joe some years ago RUSSIA to oversee the medical and retirement ben- WITH CO-MISSION after his first wife died, leaving him with six efits plans for all C&MA workers. children. Two more children were added to Please pray for these alumni friends who are the family and Martha now has six children serving in the former Soviet Union with the still living at home. Her address is: 7564 S Co-Mission. 150 E, Poneto, Indiana. 46781. 80 's John Erdel g80 Rachelle (Steiner) Nelson g89 Bob g84 and Ruth (Scull) Batson fs 73 Todd Nelson John g80 and Lorena Erdel left the g93 are living in Sylmar, California, where Bob Janet Nickel United States in January to begin service in g74 is the pastor of the Foothill Baptist Church Sevall Russia under the direction of the Co-Mis- Jon g68 and Ruth directs the worship team and serves (Reavis) Sevall sion. They are supported by World Partners Judy g67 as church secretary. Preparing to go to Russia: of the Missionary Church and are looking for Janet (Mast) Longcor long term missionary service. g79 Bill Lepley g84, his wife Sally, and fam- Mark Longcor g78 ily have moved from ministry at the Faith Missionary Church in Flint, Michigan, to 32 .

80's cont. 80's cont. 90 's

Grabill, Indiana, where Bill has accepted the Mark Pyles g87, his wife Stephanie, and Kent Kessler g91 is the assistant pastor position of senior pastor for the Grabill Mis- their children Olivia and Christian are now at Hanfield United Methodist Church in sionary Church. serving in the Dominican Republic with Cal- Marion, Indiana. He is a 1994 graduate of vary Ministries, Inc. Their main responsibil- Asbury Theological Seminary. Trent fs84and Laura (Coffman) Sailor ity is to establish a Christian Training Cen- g84 left for England on April 1, 1996. They ter, a school whose mission is to prepare for Greg Carlyle g92 is now on staff with will be working under the direction of One ministry those who feel the call of God on Fort Wayne Area Youth for Christ. He is the

Way Ministries, 8266 E. Sunrise Drive, Syra- their lives. campus life coordinator for Northrup High cuse, Indiana, 46567. School and Carroll Middle School. His wife Kent Ulman g87 completed a Master of Tami (Miller) g96 will complete her studies Bob g85 and Nancy (Hodges) Vale g85 Divinity degree at Southern Baptist Semi- here at TUFW and graduate May 18. 1996. are living in Springfield, Georgia. Nancy is nary last May. In November, Kent, Nancy teaching pre-school at Marlow Elementary (Watt) fs80, Sarah (13), Elizabeth (11),

School and Bob is the pastor for youth and Timothy (9) and Ruth (3) moved to Rantoul, ALUMNI FAITHFULLY

Christian education at the Springfield United Illinois, where Kent is the pastor of the First SERVE NORTHEAST Methodist Church. Baptist Church. INDIANA YOUTH

Mark g85 and Lori (Sonnentag) Ron Williams g87, along with his responsi- The Northeast Indiana Office of Youth for Vincent g85 moved to Elkhart, Indiana, this bilities as director of Student Life at Fellow- Christ (Auburn, IN) has been greatly im- past summer as Mark was asked to direct a ship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, has pacted by alumni of Fort Wayne Bible Col- joint program for two denominations: the joined Kingdom Building Ministries as an lege. We praise God for the faithful service Mennonite Church and the General Confer- associate itinerant. Ron has served at Fel- of these alumni and for the hundreds of youth ence Mennonite Church. Lori continues her lowship for over five years and his wife in Northeast Indiana whose lives have been role as minister of youth for the Indiana- Laura (Skees) g87 is a high school social changed by the power of Christ. Michigan Mennonite conference. Mark's joint studies teacher for Fort Wayne Community Ron Hege g66 (19 years) program is a five-year stewardship educa- Schools. Executive Director tion project for all the U.S. and Canadian Ken Conrad g71 (17 years) churches of both denominations. Writing Anita (Artz) Oechsle fs88 and her hus- Assistant Director materials, teaching, administration and much band Joel lost their house and everything in Bob Kraft g85 (11 years) traveling are all part of this project. it in January when a Navy F-14 crashed into Club JV Director

their home outside Nashville, Tennessee. Rick CoUins fs86 (1 1 years) We are grateful they were not home at the Club JV Staff ALUMNI IN CHURCH PLANTING time and their lives were spared. They would Two recent additions: SHARE THEIR VISION certainly appreciate your prayer support. Lynn Loewen g85 (first year) DeAnn Ludeker g94 TUU Cal Rychener g81 and his wife Susan Janelle (DeMond) Bauer g89 and her (Patrick) g81 moved to Peoria, Illinois, in husband Mark recently lost their new born 1990 to begin a new Evangelical Mennonite son Nathaniel Mark. Nathaniel was bom on Wendy (Hay) Ingram g93 and her hus- Church. This seeker-targeted church called January 3, 1996, with very serious problems band Michael are living in Charlotte. North Northwoods Community Church has grown and passed away on the evening of January 6. Carolina. They attend Garr Memorial Church to a Sunday morning attendance of over The Bauers are in the process of launching a and Wendy teaches in the church's day school 1,000. Cal was invited to be the workshop new Missionary Church in Merrillville, Indi- leader for the annual January Pastor's Insti- ana, called New Community. They expect to Clark Woods g93. after eight years in tute held at First Missionary Church, Fort have the "grand opening" on Easter Sunday Fort Wayne, is moving back to his home Wayne. this Spring. Please remember the Bauers and area. Fort Washington. Maryland. Clark plans

their daughter Jana in prayer as they seek to to complete his M.BA. at Bowie State Uni- Mike Cadrette g85 and his wife Sharon continue ministry while they work through versity while beginning career negotiations (Wilson) fs78 have been involved in starting the heart break and disappointment of losing in Washington, D.C. a new Missionary Church in St. Clair, Michi- Nathaniel. Their address is 48 Indian Trail, gan. Mike was on campus for a week in Merrillville, IN, 46410-4754. Deb (Gavranic) Kirk g94 and her hus- January to address students enrolled in se- band Dave have moved to Kirkwood. Mis- nior seminar for Christian Ministries majors Richard Dugan, Vice President for souri. They are enjoying living near St. Louis coordinated by Dr. David Biberstein g66. Academic Affairs 1982-1994, is presently and ministering to the youth of a church in The St. Crossroads Community Church of working in the Stewardship Department of Kirkwood. Clair is developing rapidly and is going off the Missionary Church, Inc. and his wife district subsidy one year ahead of schedule. Carol is on the staff of WBCL. In December Petula Myers g94 is attending Bali State Dick was diagnosed with a rare form of University, Muncie, Indiana, working on a

cancer called mantel cell lymphoma. The master's degree in TESL (Teaching English

treatment for this type of cancer is relatively As a Second Language). She is also a gradu-

Tim Yazel g86 is part-time pastor at new and quite intense. Dick had a total of six ate assistant and teaches four days a w eek in Faith Community Church in New Haven, treatments over a period of 12 weeks at the the Intensive English Institute. Next summer

Indiana, and on March 1, 1996, he joined the Loyola Cancer Research Center in Chicago. she is planning to teach English in full-time staff of our own radio station WBCL The Dugans would appreciate our prayer Kazakhistan. as an engineer. Welcome to the family, Tim. support at this time.

33 90'sconL WEDDINGS cont. BIRTHS cont

Janet Wilson g94 moved back to Fort Erica Galbraith g96 and Gabe Drake 1996. Their address is Rt 1. Box 430, Pine- Wayne from Loogootee, Indiana, and now were married March 2, 1996, in Cincinnati. wood, Minnesota 56664. works for ARC. She graduated with a major Ohio. They plan to live in Cincinnati with in psychology. future plans to serve on the mission field in To Jeffg89 and Sharon (Barron) Eagen

Venezuela. g87 a son, Austin Jeffrey, born March 1, Joe Boway g95 has been working for 1996 in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Brothers many years, before and during his student Chris Mathew g96 and Ken Snyder were and sisters are Joshua (8), Alyssa (6), Emily years, with the Lutheran Bible Translators in married on December 16, 1995, in Gregory, (4) and John (2). Their address is RR#1, Box the preparation of the Krahn translation of Michigan. Chris' father Ric Mathew g72 351 A, Mildford, Pennsylvania, 18337. the New Testament. Joe is from Liberia and performed the ceremony and her sister is a member of the Krahn tribe. All the years Sarah g95 and Peggy (Freese) Brown g94 To Jim g89 and Laurie Gippert twin of hard work have resulted in the Krahn New were also in the wedding party. The Snyders girls, Rebekah Grace and Hannah Louisa, Testament being sent to the printers just are living in Fort Wayne, Indiana. born November 20, 1995. Other children are

is before Christmas, 1995. Joe seeking the Caleb (age 6) and Rachel (age 3 ). The Gipperts Lord's will for his next step, possibly return- are serving with Youth With a Mission Stra- ing to his troubled country or beginning BIRTHS tegic Frontiers in Colorado Springs, Colo- graduate studies here in the United States. rado. They are making preparations to leave

fall of 1996 for ministry in Central Asia. Tim Claassen g95 is attending Asbury To Gordon g78 and Anne Marie Nickel Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. a son, Landon James, born February 9, 1 996. To Tom g90 and Patty (Owens) Schakat is the of Chris- Gordon Headmaster Plymouth fs86 a son. Noah Thomas, born October 10, tian Academy. The Nickel's address is 7950 Rosemary Stelz g95 has accepted a 1995. Tom is associate pastor at Zion Mis- position as secretary to the English depart- Kaiser, Canton, Michigan, 48187. sionary church in Elkhart and their address is ment of Wheaton College. She assists 14 2206 Prairie Street, Elkhart, Indiana, 465 17. professors and is secretary to the chair of the To Kevin and Lorraine (Meek) Roth department. Included in her responsibilities g82 a daughter. Amy Elizabeth, bom De- To Brian g91 and Deborah (Messinger) are planning the Writing and Literature Con- cember 17, 1995. Lorraine is the former Eicher g93 a daughter, Alysia Danae, born ference and the "Wheaton in England" trip secretary to the vice president. January 16, 1996. Brian is youth pastor at for next year. She plans to begin graduate Grace Church in Mooresville, Indiana. Their studies in the fall. To Phil and Beth (Louks) Landfair g83 address is 1305 Autumn, Mooresville, Indi- a daughter, Sarah Elizabeth, bom December ana, 46158. WEDDINGS 11, 1995. Beth and Phil live at 7490 Reisert Drive, West Milton, Ohio, 45383. To Jon g91TUU, employee TUFW 1991-94, and Stacy (Watterson) Ford Susan Metzger g91 and Keith Smith To Hal g83 and Susan (Zimmerman) g92TUU a daughter, Natalie Ruth, born were married October 21,1 995, in Bronson, Lehman g82 a daughter, Stephanie Joy, born November 8, 1995. Big sister Hannah wel- Michigan. Susan is working in LaGrange, June 29, 1995, in Elizabethton, Tennessee. comed her home. Jon and Stacy are on the Indiana, and Keith works in Orland, Indiana. The Lehmans live in Fort Wayne and are staff at Camp Barakel, Fairview, Michigan. looking for a missionary aviation position. Janetta Fleehart g95 and Chris To Brian g91 and Jenny Gerig a daugh- McCormick fs93 were married December To Tim g87TUU and Joan (Ronde) ter, Dakota Eliza, bom December 19, 1995. 2, 1995, at Avalon Missionary Church in Smith g85 a daughter, Geena Marie, born Dakota has a big brother Kiah who also Fort Wayne. Jenny works in the office of May 6, 1995. Her brother Douglas is three. welcomed her into the family. One Church, One Offender. They live at 733 The Smiths live at 7 Armstrong Crescent SE Candlelite Ct, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 46807. in Calgary, Alberta. Canada. T2J 0X2. To Louis and Susan (Ball) Griffith g91 a daughter, Abigale Jean, born October 12, Haydee Neptune g95 and Tim Everly To Bill g88 and Ruth ( Wampler) Davis 1995. Their address is 3821 Wayne Trace, g95 were married July 29, 1995, at Faith g88 a son, Dalton Benjamin Paul, born De- Fort Wayne, Indiana, 46806. Grandma Dee United Methodist Church, Fort Wayne. Tim cember 9, 1995. Sisters, Kathryn and Brit- and Grandpa Brad Ball g86 are living nearby is the director of youth ministries at the tany and brother. Rex. welcomed their baby and enjoy their seventh grandchild. Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Fort brother. Wayne. Greg Carlyle g92 participated in To Gary g92 and Leann Martens a son, the wedding. To Scott g88 and Susan (Kornhaus) Benjamin James, born January 23, 1995. Stombaugh g88 a daughter, Anna Eliza- Gary and Leann served in the Dominican Christa Allaby g96 and Jason Bartlett beth, born Febmary 10, 1996. Sister Meredith Republic with New Horizons Ministries and were married May 27. 1995, in Sarnia, is 18 months old. Their address is 1504 are now living in Marion, Indiana, where Ontario, Canada. Participants in the wed- Capitol Avenue, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 46806. Gary is setting up the computer network in ding were Joy Duncan g96 and Kristin the New Horizons offices. (O'Malley) Calvert g95. The Bartletts re- To Graham g88 and Lori (Fazio) West side in Kitchner, Ontario. fs86 a son, Matthew Graham, born February To Jason g93 and Laura Hoffman a son,

29, 1 996. their address is 74 1 8 El wood Drive, Joshua Aaron, born June 19, 1995. Their Rebecca Pancake and Eric Flood g96 Charlotte, North Carolina, 28227. address is 1848 Crescent Avenue, Fort were married July 22, 1995, at Calvary Wayne, Indiana, 46805. Temple Worship Center in Auburn, Indiana. To Greg and Sue (Downey) Collins g89 a daughter, Hanna Marie, born January 17,

34 .


To Stuart and Catharina (Crowder) braska; Trade River and Grantsburg, Wis- ering newspapers with his son, Zachary (9). Miller g95 a son, Micah Stuart, born Decem- consin; and Lawson at Dassel, Minnesota. In Tim was the father of six children; pastor of

ber 1 3, 1 995 . Their address is 328 East Cherry retirement he was summer camp pastor at the Bethel Center Church of the Brethren, Hart- Street, Bluffton, Indiana, 46714. Cokato Camp Grounds. His wife Mary ford City, Indiana; and was continuing his

Evelyn (Ringenberg) fs43 lives at 570 Sev- studies at Taylor University, Upland. Zachary

IN MEMORY enth Street East, Cokato, Minnesota, 5532 1 survived the accident and is still recovering in the hospital. He was born with spina bifida

Esther Roth g23 passed away December Roma (Welty) Probst fs48 died June and is known as the family's "miracle child."

27, 1995. 20, 1995. Tim is survived by his wife, Rosanne, four sons and one daughter.

Harriet (Hiles) Tuttle g30 passed away Frances Staley fs49 died July 1 8, 1995, November 29, 1995, in Omaha, Nebraska. following heart surgery in Fort Myers, Jeff Carlson, 1978-1995 WBCL, was Florida. Fran was employed in the business killed in an automobile accident on Decem-

Evelyn (Himebaugh)Maheyfs35 passed office of Fort Wayne Bible College for sev- ber 8, 1995, as he was returning from the away March 7, 1995, in Sun City, Arizona. eral years. transmitter site in Archbold, Ohio. Jeff was host of Rise and Shine, station operations Alfred Clough g40 died in Lutheran Janet (Ford) Hefner g54 died October manager, Mid-Morning engineer, host of

Hospital, Fort Wayne, on Sunday, March 1 0, 29, 1 995, in Kenton, Ohio. She is survived by Saturday Night Gospel Sing, co-host of Kids' 1996. Al served the Lord as a pastor from her husband Rev. Joseph Hefner g55, five Kaleidoscope, Sharathon anchor and partici-

1940 until 1982. Five of those years he was sons and six grandchildren. pant in countless public appearances. Jeff is the district superintendent of the North Michi- survived by his 1 1 year-old daughter Darci gan Conference of the Wesleyan Church. Edna Manyan g58 and g60 passed away and his wife Beckie. For 14 years he was a bi- vocational pastor, November 18, 1995. working in maintenance and purchasing at Nelson Gould, former faculty mem- Taylor University, while pastoring the Bryan Heindel g89 passed away De- ber, passed away December 20, 1995. Mr. Farrville United Church of Christ. cember 12, 1995. Bryan was diagnosed with Gould lived in Warsaw, Indiana, at the time

a brain tumor just a year and a half before his of his death. He is survived by his wife, Jean, Richard Swedberg g43 died December death. He was youth pastor at Living Faith and sons Tony, Phillip, Nelson g62TUU and 23, 1995, at Abbot-Northwestern Hospital in Missionary Church in Yoder, Indiana. David g83.

Minneapolis, Minnesota, at the age of 83. Richard pastored several Evangelical Free Tim Terrell fs93 and his daughter

Churches in the midwest including Rose Hill Miranda Joy (2) died February 1, 1996, in an and Longford, South Dakota; Loomis, Ne- automobile-train accident. They were deliv-

From page 29- 1 979 Alumni Advisory Board (1 to r): Evelyne Schmidt, Max Wanner, Ruth Dunlap, Dick Baxter, Howard Dunlap. Clarence Gerig, Miriam Welty, Rick Herman, Joy Gerig.


We want to know what is happening in your life. Please complete and send this form to: Alumni Office, Taylor University Fort Wayne, 1025 W. Rudisill Blvd., Fort Wayne, IN 46807. E-Mail: [email protected]

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35 Instit te of > a. o ^1 LA

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