.1lumb. 47. 1571



Stopping Portions of G01iernment Road in Block II, Puniu Survey District.

[L.S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in me by the Public ·works Act, 1928, and of I every other power and authority in anywise enabling mo in this behalf, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as stopped the Government road described in the Schedule hereto, such road being no longer required.

SCHEDULE. --~------Approximate I Are.as of the Pieces Adjoining or passing through Shown on Plan or Road hereby stopped. ------

A. R. P. 0 0 32·3 Part Lot I, D.P. 25657, being part Allotment 245, Puniu Parish P.W.D. 111056 (S.O. 31340.) 0 1 24·6 Part Allotment 249, Puniu Pa,rish, D.P. 159 P.W.D. 110210 (S.O. 31176.)

Situated in Block II, Puniu Survey District ( R.D.). In the Auckland Land District : as the same are more particularly delineated on the plans marked as above mentioned, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Welliugton, and thereon coloured green.

Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 31st day of May, 1941. H. T. ARMSTRONG, Minister of Public Works.

Goo SAVE THE Kma ! (P.W. 70/2/8/0/1.) A 1572 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 4

Dec/µring that the Course of the Waimea Stream in Blocks L Now, therefore, I, Cyril Louis Norton NewaU, the Governor­ and LVIII; Hokonui Survey District, shall be altered or General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance diverted. and exercise of the powers conferred upon me by section eight of the Scenery Preservation Amendment Act, 1910, do hereby revoke the reservation for scenic purposes over [L.s.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General. the land described in the Schedule hereto. A PROCLAMATION. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by SCHEDULE. I section two hundred and seven of the Public Works ALL tl,iat area in the Westland Land District containing by Act, 1928, and of every other power and authority in anywise admeasurement 2 a,cres 2 roods ~5 perches, more or less, enabling me in this behalf, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, being portion of Reserve 1449, Block II, Brunner Survey the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do District, and bounded as follows : · Towards the north by hereby proclaim and declare that the course of the Waimea the Midland Railway for a distance of 1150 links ; towards Stream shall be altered or diverted within the area of land the east by a line bearing 196° 26' for a distance of 100 links ; described in the Schedule hereto. towards the south by the right bank of the Arnold River ; and towards the west by Molloy's Creek. As the same is more particularly 'delineated on the plan marked L. and S. SCHEDULE. 604, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands THOSE portions of Lot 7, D.P. 518, being parts Section 44, and Survey, at , and thereon bordered. red. Block L, Hokonui Survev District, Lots 1 and 2, D.P. 99, being parts Section 182, Block LVIII, Hokonui Survey Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ District, Section 247, Blocks L and LVIII, Hokonui Survey General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued District, and Road Reserve, Blocks L and LVIII, Hokonui under the Seal of that Dominion, this 5th day of Survey District. June, 1941. In the Southland Land District ; as the same are more J. G. BARCLAY, particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D, ()8909, For the Minister in Charge of Scenery Preservation. deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Wellington. Gou SA VE THE KING ! (L. and S. 604.). Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-, General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 31st day of Appointment of Member of Board of Native Affairs. May, 1941. H, T, ARMSTRONG, Minister of Public ":orks. C. L. N. NE\VALL, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. Goo sAvE THE KING! At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 4th (P.:yv. 70/18/66/0.) day of June, 1941, Present: T~IE HON. IV. NASH PRRSIDING IN COUNCIL. Revoking the Reservation over Portion of a Scenic Reserve in URSUANT to the provisions of subsection one (g) the W eatland Land District. P of section three of the Board of Native Affairs Act, 1934-35, and all other powers Him enabling, His [L.s.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General. Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth A PROCLAMATION. hereby appoint HEREAS the land described in the Schedule hereto James Simon Jessep, Esquire, W is portion of a reserve duly set apart for scenic purposes: to be a member of the Board of Native Affairs con­ And whereas the said land is no longer suitable for scenic stituted under the said section three. purposes by reason of the absence of bush of scenic value T. R. AICKIN, , thereon: Acting Clerk of the Executive Council.


Declaring Portions of Road in Block II, Puniu Survey District, to be Government Road.

C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 4th day of J1me, 1941. Present: THE HoN. W. NASH PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. N pursuanc.c and exercise of the powers vested in him by the Public Wo.rks Act, 1928, and of all other powers I in anywise enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby order and declare that the portions of road described in the Schedule hereto shall, on and after the date of this Order in Council, become Government road.


Approximate Areas of the Portions of Road declared to Adjoining or passing through Shown on Plan Pe Government Road.

A. R. P. O O 32·3 Part Lot 1, D.P. 25657, being part Allotment 245, Puniu Parish P.W.D. 111056 (S.O. 31340.) 0 1 24·6 Part Allotment 249, Puniu Parish, D.P. 159 l'.W.D. 110210 (S.O. 31176.)

Situated in Block II, Puniu Survey District (Auckland R.D.). In the Auckland Land District; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plans marked as above mentioned, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at vVellington, and thereon coloured green. T. R. AICKIN, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. (P.W. 70/2/8/0/1.) JUNE 12.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1573

Licensing Eric George Alexander C'rray to use and occupy a And whereas it is expedient that the vesting of the said Part of the Foreshore at Horelce, in Hokianga Harbour, as land as hereinbefore referred to should he cancelled, and a 8ite for a Motor-garage. the W aitemata County Council has duly consented to such cancellation : C. L. N. NEW ALL, Governor-General. ~ow, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of ORDER IN COUNCIL. the Dominion of New Zealand, act;ng by and with the advice At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 4th day and consent of the Executive Com,cil of the said Dominion, of June, 1941. mid iu pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred upon him by subsection one of section ten of the Present: Pnblic Reserves, Domains, and National Parks Act, 1928, THE HoN. W. NAsn PRESIDING rn CouNCIL. doth hereby cancel the vesting in the Waitemata County URSUANT to the Harbours Act, 1923, His Excellency Council of the land described in the Schedule hereto. P the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby license and permit Eric George Alexander Gray, of Horeke (herein­ after cailed " the licensee," which term shall include his executors, administrators, or assigns, unless the context SCHEDULE. requires a different construction) to use and occupy a part of NORTH AUCKLAND La.ND DISTRICT. t.he foreshore and land below low-water mark at, Hmeke, in Hokianga Harbour, as shown on approved plan marked ALL that area containing by admeasuremcnt 14 acres, more M.D. 6326 and deposited in the office of the Marino Department or less, being portion of Allotment 1 l 0A, Parish of W aiwera, at ,Vellington, for the purpose of maintaining thereon a motor­ and being all the land comprised in Certificate of Title, garage as shown on the said plan, such license to he held and Volume :393, folio 267, Auckland Registry. enjoyed by the licensee upon and subject to the terms and conditions set forth m the Schedule hereto :- T. R. AICKIN, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. SCHEDULE. (L. and S. 6/9/27.) (1) This license is subject to the Foreshore License Regula­ tions 1940, and the provisions of those regulations shall, so far as applicable, apply hereto. ( 2) The term of the license shall be fourteen years from the 13th day of April, 1941. (3) The premium sum payable by the licensee shall he one Withdrawing Land frorn the Operation of the Kauri-gum pound (£1), and the annual sum so payable five pounds (£5). Industry Act, 1908. T. R. AICKIN, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. ·Domain Board appointed to have Control o.f the Te N gutu-o-te­ Manu Domain. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 4th day of June, 1941. C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General. Present: ORDER IN COUNCIL. THE HON. W. NASH PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 4th day of June, 1941. HEREAS by section one hundred and sixty-two of W the Land Act, 1924, it is enacted that the Governor­ Present: General may, by Order in Council, on the recommendation THE HON. W. NASH PRESIDING IN CoUNCIL. of the Land Board, declare that any land comprised in a N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by kauri-gum reserve shall, from a date to be specified in the I section forty-four of the Public Reserves, Domains, and Order, cease to he subject to the Kauri-gum Industry Act, National Parks Act, 1928, His Excellency the Governor­ 1908, and on and after the date so specified the land to which General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the Order relates shall become subject to the provisions of the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said the Land Act, 1924 : Dominion, doth hereby appoint And whereas the Land Board of the North Auckland John Crabb Barclay, Land District has duly passed a resolution recommending John Bryson Murdoch, that the portion of the Hohoura Kauri-gum Reserve Exten• Ylorrison Charles McIntyre, sion No. 2, as described in the Schedule hereto, be excepted Albert Edward Luscombe, from the operations of the Kauri-gum Industry Act, 1908, George Preece, and and it is expedient to give effect to such recommendation; William Walsh Now, therefore, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor­ to he the Tc Ngutu-o-te-Manu Domain Board, having control General of the Dominion of N cw Zealand, in pursuance and of the land described in the Schedule hereto ; and doth exercise of the power and authority conferred upon me by hereby appoint Friday, the sixth day of June, one thousand section one hundred and sixty-two of the Land Act, 1924, nine hundred and f<;,rty-one, at two o'clock p.m., as the time and acting by and with the advice and consent of the when, and the Domain Pavilion as the place where, the first Executive Council of the said Dominion, do here by order meeting of the Board shall he held. and declare that the portion of the Hohoura Kauri-gum Reserve Extension No. 2, as described in the Schedule SCHEDULE. hereto, shall, from the fifteenth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one, cease to be subject to the Kauri• TARANAKI LAND DrsTRIOT.-TE Nauru-o-TE-MANU DoMAIN. gum Industry Act, 1908. SECTION 40, Block XVI, Kaupokonui Survey District : Area, 50 acres, more or less. T. R. AICKIN, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. SCHEDULE. (L. and 8. 1/251 ) NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT. ALL that area in the l\fangonui County, containing by Cancelling the Vesting of a Reserve in the Waitemata County adm!lasurement 2,083 acres, approximately, being part Council. · Hohoura Kauri-gum Reserve Extension No. 2, shown on, :S.O. plan 30671L as Sections 9, 10, 16, part 26, 28, 29, 30, part 38, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, part 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General. 55, and part 56, Block V, Hohoura East Survey District, and Section 47, Block VI, Hohoura East Survey District. ORDER IN COUNCIL. As the same is more particularly delineated on the plan At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 4th day marked L. and S. 7 /85 lA, deposited in the Head Office, of June, 1941. Lands and Survey Department, at Wellington, and thereon Present: edged red. (North Auckland plan, S.O. 30671L.) THE !ION. W. NASH PRESIDING IN CouNCIL. T. R. AICKIN, HEREAS the land described in the Schedule hereto is Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. W a reserve vested in the W aitemata County Council for a landing-place: (L. and S. 7 /851.) 1574 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No; 47

Phe Suutkern Bide of Portion of Fulford Street, and the Eiu1tern Also the eastern side of all that portion of street in the Side of Portion of Muunt Edgecumhe Street, in the Borough said land district and borough known as Mount Edgecumbe of , exempted from the PravisioM of Section 128 Street fronting the said Section 398. of the Public W orkB Act, 1928, BUbject to a Condition as to As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan .. tl/,e 13uilding-line. marked P.W.D. 110711, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured red. C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General. T. R . .A.ICKIN, ORDER IN COUNCIL. Acting Clerk of the Executive Council (P.W. 51/1345.) .At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 4th day of June, 1941. Appointing a Member of the Patea Harbour Board. Present: THE HoN. W. NASH PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by the I ·HIS Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion Public Works Act, 1928, and of all other powers in of New Zea.land, in exercise of the power and authority anywise enabling hini .ii)_ this behalf, His Excellency the conferred upon him by section twenty-eight of the Harbours Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting Act,. 1923, and of all other powers and aut4orities enabling by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council him in that behalf, doth hereby appoint - of the said Dominion, doth hereby approve of the following l"l'Solution passed by the New Plymouth Borough Council Frederick Rams bottom on the seventeenth day of February, one thousand nine to be a member of the Patea Harbour Board as a representative hundred and forty-one, viz. :--,- · of the electors of the combined district of the Patea. Borough " The New Plymouth Borough Council, being the and the Waverley Town District Subdivision of the Patea local authority having control of the streets in the Harbour District,· to fiU an extraordinary vacancy on the , ',Borough of New Plymouth, by resolution declares that Board caused by the failure of the said combined district ·the provisions of section one hundred and twenty-eight to elect the required number of representatives. of the Public Works Act, 1928, shall not apply- As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ " (a) To the southern side of the portion of Fulford General, this 7th day of June, 1941. Street adjoining Section 398, Town of New D. WlLSON, Plymouth, Certificate of Title, Volume 13, For the Minister of Marine; folio 300, Tar/1,naki Registry : nor "(b) To the eastern 'side of the portion of Mount Judge of Ass.essment Court under the Urban Farm Edgecumbe Street adjoining the said Section Lanil Ratmg Act, 1932, appo>iln.ted. 398, New Plymouth" ; the sides a,;,.d portions of streets affected by such .resolution C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General. being described in the Schedule hereto ; subject to the con­ URSUANT to section nine of the Urban Farm dition that no building · cir part of a building shall at any P Land Rating Act, 1932, I, Cyril Louis Norton tj:me be erec.ted on the land :fronting the southern side of Newall, the 'Governor-General of the Dominion of New the portion of Fulford Street ( described in the Schedule hereto) Zealand, hereby appoint within a distance of thirty- three feet from the centre-line of the said portion of street. Felix· Hector Levien, Esquire, Stipendiary Magistrate, Auckland, to be the Judge of the Assessment Court for the City of Auckland. SCHEDULE. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ THE southern side of all that portion of street, situated in General, this 7th day of June; 1941. the Taranaki Land District, Borough of New Plymouth, known as Fulford Street, :fronting Seetion 398, Town of W. E. PARRY, Minister of Internal Affairs. New Plymouth. (I.A. 103/2/28.)

Notices under the Re,gulation11 Act, 1936.

OTICE is hereby given in · pursuance of the Regulations Act, 1936, of the making of regulations and orders N as under:-

Authority for Enactment. Short Title or Subject-matter. Serial . Date of IPrice (Postage, Number. I Enactment. Id. extra).

The Health Act, 1920 .. .. The Camping-ground Regulations Extension 1941/85 4/6/41 ld. Order 1941, No. 1 The Primary Industries Emergency The Phosphatic Fertilizer Control Notice 1941 1941/86 12/6/41 6d. · Regulations 1939 ·

·Copies can be purchased at the Government Printing and Stationery Office, Lambton Quay; Wellington. Prices for quantities supplied on application. Copies may be ordered by quoting serial number. . E. V. PAUL, Government .Printer.

Appovntment of Stipendiatry Magistrate. App-0int11ng Commissioners of the . Lower ,ClJIJ,tka Rwer Trust. Department of Justice, Wellington, ·9th June, 1941. IS . Excellency the Governor-General has been, N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred H · pleased, in pursuance of the provisions of I on me by section three, subsection one, of th\l section 12 of the Magistrates' Courts Act, 1928, to Lower Clutha River Improvement Act, 1938, I, Hubert appoint Thomas Armstrong, the Minister of Public Works, do Charles Rutherford Orr Walker, Esquire, . hereby appoint-. to be ·a Stipendiary Magistrate io exercise criminal Peter Keller, -Of Dunedin, Civil Engineer, and civil jurisdiction within New Zealand for the Andrew Alex Jensen, of Stirling, Farmer, and period from the 5th dii,y of June, 1941, to the 4th day Joh:n Graham Weir, of Stirling, Farmer, of June, 1942, or until ·such ea;lier. date upon which to be Commissioners. of the Lower Clutha BJ.ver Trust. the said Charles Rutherford' Orr Walker may cease to hold 9ffi!Je as. Chairman of·. the Auckland Armed Forces D.ated at Wellington, this 11th day of June, 1941. Appeal Board. H. T. ARMSTRONG, Minister of Public Works. H. G. R. MASON, Mimster of Justice. (P.W. 48/15/1.) JUNE 12.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1575

Appointments; Promotions, Transfers, and Resignations of Captain P. B. 0. Davidson, N.Z. Dental Corps, relinquishes Officers of the New Zealand Military Forces. the appointment of Dental Officer, Mobilization Camp, Trentham, and is appointed Dental Officer, Mobilization Army Department, Camp, Papakura. Dated 17th l\fay, 1941. Wellington, 4th June, 1941. Lieutenant G. Crossley is granted the temporary rank of IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased Captain. Dated 21st May, 1941. H to approve of the following appointments, promotions, Lieutenant (temp.) E. M. Prichard, 9th Heavy Battery, transfers, and resignations of officers of the New Zealand 9th Heavy Regiment, to be Captain (temp.), and is Military Forces :- appointed Instructor in Gunnery (Coast and Anti­ STAFF. aircraft), School of Artillery, Fort Dorset. Dated 1st June, 1941. Captain W. J. Smeeton, N.Z. Staff Corps, relinquishes Lieutenant (temp. Captain) N. A. Stephenson, 18th Heavy the appointment of Adjutant, Mobilization Camp, Battery, 11th Heavy Regiment, to be Captain (temp.), Papakura, is appointed Commandant, Northern Military and is appointed Instructor in Gunnery (Coast and District School of Instruction, Narrow Neck, and is Anti-aircraft), and Assistant Staff Officer, Artillery granted the temporary rank of Major while so employed. (Coast and Anti-aircraft), Southern Military District. Dated 24th May, 1941. Dated 1st June, 1941. Captain F. M. ,Jenkins, D.C.M., N.Z. Staff Corps, relin­ Lieutenant (temp. Captain) A. B. Chappell, 14th Heavy quishes the appointment of District Supply Transport Battery, 10th Heavy Regiment, to be Captain (temp.), Officer, Central Military District, Wellington, and is and is appointed Instructor in Gunnery (Coast and appointed Chief Instructor, Army Service Corps, Army Anti-aircraft), and Assistant Staff Officer, Artillery School of Instruction, Trentham. Dated 28th August, (Coast and Anti-aircraft), Northern Military District. 1940. Dated 1st June, 1941. Lieutenant and Quartermaster (temp.) T. B. Dale, N.Z. Lieutenant (temp.) C, 0. Duigan, 10th Heavy Battery, Permanent Staff, relinquishes the appointment of 9th Heavy Regiment, to be Captain (temp.) and is Quartermaster, No. 1 Training Battalion, Mobilization appointed Instructor in Gunnery (Coast and Anti­ Camp, Papakura, and is appointed Supervising Quarter­ aircraft), and Assistant Staff Officer, Artillery (Coast master, Northern Military. District. Dated 22nd April, and Anti-aircraft), Central Military District. Dated 1941. 1st June, 1941. Lieutenant G. E. L. Dawson, N.Z. Staff Corps, relinquishes Captain C. A. Blazey is appointed District Supply and the appointment of Adjutant, 1st Battalion, The Transport Officer, Central Military District, Wellington. Waikato Regiment, Hamilton, and is appointed Instruc­ Dated 28th August, 1940. tor, Northern Military District School of Instruction, Transvaal Walter Exton to be Lieutenant (temp.), and is Narrow Neck. Dated 1st May, 1941. appointed Assistant District Mechanical Transport Technical Officer, Southern Milit,ary District. Dated N.Z. STAFF CORPS. 1st April, 1941. The undermentioned Captains are granted the tempomry Lieutenant I. H. Galbraith is attached to the Camp Pay rank of Major. Dated 12th May, 1941 :- Office, Mobilization Camp, Trentham. Dated 15th April, G. H. Macan. 1941. F. M. Jenkins, D.C.M. Lieutenant (temp.) G. B. Murray, The Auckland (East Coast) Mounted Rifles, to be Lieutenant (temp.), and is REGIMENT OF ROYAL N.Z. ARTILLERY. appointed Assistant Area Officer, No. 2 Area, Paeroa. Da.ted 15th April, 1941. W.O. I (Regimental Sergeant-Major) Joseph Douglas 2nd Lieutenant C. E. A. Buller, The New Zealand Scottish Broadhurst to be Lieutenant and Quartermaster (temp.), Regiment, to be Lieutenant (temp.), and is attached and is attached to the Branch of the Quartermaster­ temporarily to the Camp Instructional Staff, Mobilization General, Army Headquarters, Wellington, for ammuni­ Camp, Trentham. Dated 16th April, 1941. tion and artillery duties. Dated 8th ]\fay, 1941. Captain and Quartermaster (temp.) W. Dingle, The Waikato W.O. I (Regimental Sergeant-Major) Albert Prestney to Regiment, to be Lieutenant (temp.), and is appointed be Lieutenant and Quartermaster (temp.), and is Quartermaster, Area No. 4, Hamilton. Dated 21st appointed District Officer, 10th Heavy Regiment, N.Z. April, 1941. Artillery, Wellington. Dated 8th May, 1941. Lieutenant C. E. Taylor relinquishes the appointment of W.O. I (Regimental Sergeant-:lfajor) George Leonard Company Commander, 19th Company (Oamaru), National Dawson to be Lieutenant and Quartermaster (temp.), Military Reserve, and is appointed Assistant Area Officer, and is appointed Quartermaster, 10th Heavy Regiment, No. 11 Area, Oamaru. Dated 22nd April, 1941. N.Z. Artillery, Wellington. Dated 8th May, 1941. 2nd Lieutenant S. Payton is granted the temporary rank N.Z. TEMPORARY STAFF. of Lieutenant. Dated 7th l\fay, 1941. Lieutenant J. A. S. Coppard relinquishes the appointment Lieutenant-Colonel S. D. Mason, C.B.E., E.D., relinquishes of Assistant Adjutant, Waiouru Military Camp, and is the appointment of Camp Commandant, Burnham appointed Assistant Adjutant, Mobilization Camp, :Military Camp, is appointed to command the 3rd N.Z. Papakura. Dated 16th May, 1941. Infantry Brigade, and is granted the temporary rank of Colonel while so employed. Dated 1st March, 1941. Lieutenant H. R. Holloway, B.D.S., N.Z. Dental Corps, (NoTE.-This officer performed the duties of Brigade relinquishes the appointment of Dental Officer, 1Iobiliza­ Commander, 3rd N.Z. Infantry Brigade from 1st to tion Camp, Trentham, and is appointed Dent.al Officer, 22nd December, 1940.) Mobilization Camp, Burnham. Dated 19th May, 1941. Lieutenant-Colonel (temp. Colonel) S. D. Mason, C.B.E., Lieutenant P. F. Foote, B.D.S., N.Z. Dental Corps, E.D., relinquishes command of the 3rd N.Z. Infantry relinquishes the appointment of Dental Officer, Mobiliza­ Brigade, and the temporary rank of Colonel, and resumes tion Camp, Burnham, and is appointed Dental Officer, the appointment of Camp Commandant, Burnham l\fohilization Camp, Papakura. Dated 19th l\fay, 1941. Military Camp. Dated 30th April, 1941. Lieutenant L. O'B. Fitzmaurice, Reserve of Officers, The Major T. A. H. Oliphant, M.C., resigns his commission. Wellington West Coast Regiment, to be Lieutenant Dated 24th May, 1941. (temp.), and is appointe_d Company Commander, No. 3 Captain R. S. Beveridge relinquishes the appointment of Training Battalion, Mobilization Camp, Trentham. Quartermaster, Central Military District School of Dated 17th April, 194-J. Instruction, and is appointed Supervising Quartermaster, Howard Farquharson Fleming to be 2nd Lieutenant Central i\filitary District. Dated 21st February, 1941. (temp), and is appointed Platoon Commander, Guards, Captain (temp. Major) C. B. Menzies, 1st Battery, 1st Vital Points, Centrai Military District. Dated 17th Field Regiment, to be Major (temp.), and is appointed April, 194 l. Instructor in Gunnery (Field), and Assistant Staff Officer, Captain L. A. ,T. Emery, l'if.C., Retired List, to be 2nd Artillery (Field), Northern Military District. Dated Lieutenant (temp.), and is appointed Platoon Com­ 27th April, 1941. nmnder, Guttrds, Vital Points, Central Military District. Captain W. H. S. Gee relinquishes the appointment of Dated 17th April, 1941. Assistant Area Officer, No. 2 Area, Paeroa, and is Harold Wain Frear to be 2nd Lieutenant (temp.), and is appointed Assistant Area Officer, No. 1 Area, Auckland. appointed Platoon Commander, Guards, Vital Points, Dated 21st April, 1941. Central Military District. Dated 17th April, 1941. Lieutenant (temp. Captain) G. R. Powles, 8th Battery, 8th Medium Regiment, N.Z. Artillery, to be Captain Alexander Thomas Macdonald to be 2nd Lieutenant (temp.), and is appointed Instructor in Gunnery (Field), (temp.), and i, appointed Assistant Quartermaster, and Assistant Staff Officer (Field), Central Military Mobilization Camp, Burnham. Dated 20th l\foy, 1941. District. Dated 27th April, 1941. Captain L. W. Lake is appointed Adjutant, 1st Battalion, QuEEN ALExANDRA's (WELLINGTON vVEsT CoAsT) MouNTED The Waikato Regiment, Hamilton, vice Lieutenant RIFLES. G. E. L. Dawson, N.Z. Staff Corps. Dated 1st l\fay, Captain (temp.) W. Ricketts, D.C.~L, is granted the 1941. temporary rank of llfajor. Dated 1st February, 1941. 1576 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 47

No. 9 (TAIERI) SQUADRON J\foUNTED RIFLES. Ernest Horace Bryant, M.R.C.S. (Eug.J, L.R.C.P. (Lond.), Alexander Klee to be 2nd Lieutenant and Quartermaster to be Lieutenant, is posted to the 9th Field Ambulance, (temp.). Dated 1st April, 1941. and is granted the temporary rank of Captain. Dated 8th llfay, 1941. N.Z. ARTILLERY. N.Z. CHAPLAINS DEPARTMENT. Lieutenant (temp.) H. S. Roper, 38th Battery, 12th Field Regiment, is granted the temporary rank of Captain. The R.ev. Alexander Sa.lmond to be Cha plain, 4th Clails Dated 5th February, 1941. (Presbyterian), Area 5. Dated 18th March, 1941. With reference to the no.tice published in the New Zealand Gazette No. 10, dated 6th February, 1941, relative to N.Z. ARMY NURSING SERVICE. Lieutenant A. D. Morris, after the words " to be Lieu­ The undermentioned to be Staff Nurses:- tenant," ad,l "with seniority from 7th February, 1936." Dated 23rd April, 1941- Tlie undermentioned to be 2nd Lieutenants (temp.}, and are posted to the 9th Heavy Regiment. Dated 5th May, J\IIiss Elga Marie Stevenson. 1941 :- Miss Moana Winifred Cauuell. Miss Margar~t, Evelyn Ward. Harold William Revell (9th Heavy Battery). Miss Alice Isabella Murray. Harold Hamon Blampied (9th Heavy Battery). Miss Edith Lenora Allan. Ross Collins (10th Heavy Battery). Miss Margaret Cuoningham Dean. Miss Ellen Jessie Scott. THE WAIKATO REGIMiiiNT. Miss Constance Warrington. Lieutenant G. M. Watson, 1st Battalion, is granted the Miss Georgina Catherine Groves. temporary rank of Captain. Dated 1st May, 1941. Miss Sheila Pemberton. Miss Dorothy Jean Hume Hards. Miss Evelyn Wilson Adams. ,THE CAN'rERBURY REGIMENT. Miss Helen Jean Coles. The undermentioned ·. Lieutenants, 1st Battalion, are Miss Gwenith Maude Mitchell. granted t.he temporary rank of Captain. Dated 29th April, 1941 :- Dated 13th J\fay, 1941- W. L. Harrison. Miss Jean Myrtle Caird. R. J. Stevens. Miss Vera Mado!ine Town. Miss Alice Mary Fenton. THE NELSON, MARLBOROUGH, AND WEST COAST REGIMENT. Miss Ngaire Magilton Bain. Miss Rowena Jeau Ward. Lieutenant L. A. Palmer, from the Reserve of Officers, to Miss W1lliamina Matilda Gunn. be Lieutenant, with seniority from 1st March, 1941, and Miss Isabel Mary Simpson. is posted to the 1st Battalion. Dated 24th April, 1941. Miss Minnie Peake. Miss Margaret Adel'!ide Hilton Prior. NATIONAL MILITARY RESERVE. Miss Margaret Mary Hartnett. Major M. H. R. Jones, M.C., is appointed .to command the Miss Dulcie Helen Hoyte. 19th Company (Oamaru), vice Lieutenant C. E. Taylor, Miss Barbar a Bassett. N.Z. Temporary Staff. Dated 22nd April, 1941. Miss Olga Ena Larsen. Lieutenant A. L. Flux, from the Reserve of Officers, Miss Althea Maria Goldsmith. Supplementary List, to be Lieutenant, and is posted to Miss Ethel Mildred Walker. the 1st Company (Whangarei). Dated 6th May, 1941. Miss Constance Eileen Mary Rogers. William Stephen Dawson to be 2nd Lieutenant (temp.), and Miss Beatrice Annie Berry. is posted to the 4th Battalion (Dunedin). Dated 1st Miss Grace Ellen Trevithick. April, 1941. Miss Florence J\fay llfoFarlane. Miss Adriana Ellen Hollowav. N.Z. ARMY SERVICE CORPS. Miss Eva Tavlor. • M:iss Freda Perry. 2nd Lieutenant (temp.) J. B. Smythe, 2nd Composite Miss Mildred Gibb-Brown. Company, is granted the temporary rank of Lieutenant. Miss Anne Lucy Fyers. Dated 1st April, 1941. Miss Sarah Eileen Georgina Sherrard. 2nd Lieutenant (temp.) L. H. Miller, 2nd Composite Com­ Miss Winifred Bell. pany, is granted the temporary rank of Lieutenant. Miss May Harvey. Dated 2nd April, 1941. Miss Jessie Leila Suffrin. 2nd Lieutenant (temp.) P. G. Porteous, 2nd Composite F. JONES, Minister of Defence. Company, is gra.nted the temporary rank of Lieutenant. Dated 4th April, 1941. 2nd Lieutenant (temp.) G. H. Leopard, 2nd Composite Appointments and Promotions of O.fficers of the Royal New Company, is granted the temporary rank of Lieutenant. Zealand, Air Force. Dated 3rd April, 1941.

N.Z. MEDICAL CORPS. Air Department, With reference to the notice published in the New Zealand, Wellington, 3rd June, 1941. Gazotte No. 140, dated 23rd November, .1939, relative to Lieutenant-Colonel C. H. Tewsley, C.J\f.G., D.S.O., 1 HIS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased M.D., F.R.C.S. (Edin.}, after the words "to be . to approve of the following appointments and Lieutenant-Colonel, N.Z. Medical Corps," add "with promotions of officers of the Royal New Zealand Air ]'orce :- seniority from 10th January, 1936." Major J. S. Hudson, 111.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), GENERAL DUTIES' BRANCH. from the Reserve of Officers, to be Major (temp.), with seniority from 20th September, 1936, and is posted to the Appointment, 1st Field Ambulancr, Dated 8th ,January, 1941. Lynn Bryce McKenzie is granted a temporary commission Lieutenant-Colonel W. W. McKinney, E.D., Retired List, in the Reserve of Officers, Section II, Class A, in the to be Major (temp.), and is posted to the 14th Field. rank of Pilot Officer. Dated 16th ,January, 1941. Ambulance as Quartermaster. Dated 29th April, 1941. Captain L. S. Davis, l\LB., Ch.B., ceases to be posted to Promotions. Central Military District (wwttached), and is posted to Flying Officer (Acting Flight Lieutenant) Wilfred :Maurice Northern Military District (unattached). :Qatcd 8th Chalk Williams, D.F.C., to be Flight Lieutenant (temp.). April, 1941. Dated 1st Januarv, 1941. With reference to the notice published in the New Zealand, Pilot Officer Frede;ick William Hall-Jones to be Flying Gazette No. 41, dated 15th May, 1941, relative to Officer (temp.). Dated 1st January, 1941. Lieutenant (Acting Ca.ptain) H. H. North., III.B., Ch.B., for " to he C,i ptain " substitute " is granted the temporMy ADMINISTRATIVE AND SPECIAL DUTIES BRANCH, rank of Captain." Appointment. With reference to the notice published in the New Zealand, Gazette No. 41, dated 15th May, 1941, relative to William George Turnbull is granted a temporary com• Lieutenant F. A. Sundstrum, M.B., Ch.B., for " to be mission in the rank of Pilot Officer. Dated 3rd March, Captain " substitute " is granted the temporary rank 1941. of Captain." F. JONES, Minister of Defence. .JUNE 12.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE . 1577

Deputy Registrar of :Marriages, &c., appointed. 3. The Minister will respectfully recommend the Governor-General to make regulations in the terms set Registrar-General's Office, out in the Schedule hereto (herein called "the pro­ Wellington, 3rd June, 1941. posed special regulations"), and will move the N pursuance and exercise of tho power and authority Executive Council to give its advice and consent to I conferred on me by the Marriage Act, 1908, and the the making of the proposed special regulations. Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1924, I, Gilbert Graham 4. In accordance with the provisions of section 9 of Hodgkins, Deputy Registrar-General, do hereby appoint the said Act, the regulations in relation to the plan Francis Xavier O'Neill as finally approved by the Minister will not be brought into force unless the Governor-General in Council is to 'be the Deputy of the Registrar of Births and Deaths for satisfied that the material proposals contained in the the District of Denniston. plan and in the regulations have been submitted to G. G. HODGKINS, and have been approved by a majority of the persons Deputy Registrar-General. engaged as principals in the industry, or have been approved by persons employing a majority of the workers engaged in the industry. Deputy Registrar of Ma,rriages, &:c., appointed. And it is further notified that the Minister will forthwith after the 27th day of .Tune, 1941, refer to Registrar-General's Office, the Bureau for consic!eration anv recommendations or Wel1ington, 4th June, 1941. objections relating to this provisional plan that may ·1N pursuance and exercise of the power and authority be received by him pursuant to the said Act, and all conferred on me by the Marriage Act, 1908, and the such recommendations or objections should accordingly Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1924, I, Gilbert Graham be delivered to the Minister not later than the last­ Hodgkins, Deputy Registrar-General, do hereby appoint mentioned date. Cyril Gladstone Anderson to be the Deputy of the Registrar of Marriages and of Births SCHEDULE. and Deaths for the District of l\forrinsville. PROPOSED SPECIAL REGULATIONS. G. G. HODGKINS, 1. These regulations may be cited as the Industrial Deputy Registrar-General. Efficiency (Storage-battery) Regulations 1941. 2. These regulations shall be deemed to be special regulations within the meaning of the Licensed Indus­ .Appointments in the P.ublic Service. tries General Regulations 1940 (hereinafter called " the general regulations"), which shall apply as hereby Office of the Public Service Commissioner, modified in relation to the industry referred to in the Wellington, 4th .Tune, 1941. next succeeding regulations. HE Public Service Commissioner has made the 3. These regulations shall apply in relation to the T following appointments in the Public Service:- industry referred to in the Industry Licensing Basil Herbert Humphrey (Storage-battery Manufacture) Notice 1938, and therein described as follows:- to be Registrar of Births and Deaths for the District of Otahuhu at , on and from the 14th day " The manufactu_re and/or assembly of secondary of May, 1941." or storage cells and batteries commonly known as wet batteries, or any part or parts thereof." John Manson Sutherland 4. 'rhe Bureau shall, unless in any case it considers to be Registrar of Marriages and Registrar of Births it impracticable or unnecessary so to do, refer to the and Deaths at Kaikoura, on and from the 21st day Committee for consideration and report every applica­ of May, 1941. tion by any person for or relating to a license includ­ Cyril Gladstone Anderson ing an application relating to conditions to which a to be Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths of license is or is proposed to be made subject and every proposal by the Bureau materially to vary the terms Maoris at Morrinsville, on and from the 12th day of or conditions of a license: May, 1941. Provided that no determination of the Bureau shall G. T. BOLT, Secretary. be invalidated or affected by non-compliance with this regulation. Notice of Provisional Plan for $forage-battery M(Jjnu- 5. Subject to Regulation 2: 9 of the General Regula­ facturing and .Assembling Industry. tions the Committee shall consist of nine persons. 6. Subject to Regulation 8 hereof the Minister shall, In the matter of the Industrial Efficiency Act, 1936. before making any appointment of a person to be a member of the Committee, give public notice in the HEREAS, pursuant to section 9 of the above­ Gazette notifying his intention to make such appoint­ W entitled Act, the Minister of Industries and ment and calling upon licensees to submit to him in Commerce instructed the Bureau of Industry to prepare writing, not later than a date to be specified in the an industrial plan for the organization of the industry notiee and to be at least three weeks after the date referred to in the Industry Licensing (Storage-battery of first publication of the notice, the names of persons Manufacture) Notice 1938, as "the manufacture and/or to be appointed. assembly of secondary or storage cells and batteries 7. Subject to Regulation 8 hereof the Minister shall commonly known as, wet batteries, or any part or parts not make any appointment to the Committee until after thereof": the date specified in the notice published pursuant to And whereas the Bureau thereupon proceeded to Regulation 6 hereof, and shall not appoint to be a· prepare a. provisional plan and submitted the same to member of the Committee any person whose name has the Minister: not been submitted to him pursuant to notice given And whereas in the opinion of the Minister the under Regulation 6 hereof. appointment of a Special Industrial. Committee is 8. Regulations 6 and 7 hereof shall not apply to an desirable in connection with the said mdustnal plan: appointment at the time of which there are at least Now therefore, pursuant to the said Act, the five continuing or concurrently appointed members of l\finist;r hereby gives public notice that the material the Committee who prior to appointment have been proposals contained in the plan are as follows:- nominated pursuant to Regulation 6 hereof. 1. The organization of the industry will be effected 9. Every appointment to membership of the Com­ bv means of- mittee shall take effect on the day on which notice of . (a) The maintenance of the licensing system now the appointment is published in the Gazette or any in force. later date specified or referred to in such notice. (b) The continued application to the said indu~try 10. Every member of the Committee shall hold office of the Licensed Industries General Regulat10ns during the :Minister's pleasure, and may at any time 1940 as modified by the proposed special be removed from office by the Minister by notice in regulations hereinafter referred to. . writing published in the Gazet.te; and if any appoint­ (c) 'rhe appointment of an Industrial Committee ment be expressed to be for a stated term it shall be not exceeding nine members in . manner t~ be understood and taken to be an appointment for a prescribed by the proposed special regulat10ns. period expiring at the end of that term, and shall expire accordingly unless the person. :'ppointed be 2 The Industry Licensing (Storage-battery Manu­ previously at the pleasure of the Mmister removed facture) Notice i938 w_ill continue. in force with the from office. consequence that the mdustry will be able to be Dated at Wellington, this 5th day of June, 1941. carried on only purnuant to a license issued under Part III of the said Act and fa conformity with the terms D. G. SULLIVAN, and conditions of such license. Minister of Industries and Commerce. 1578 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 47

Sittings of Magistrates' Cowrt discontinued. to the intersection of the eastern boundary of Port­ land Qnay with the southern boundary of Dart Street; thence in an easterly direction along the Department of Justice, said southern boundary of Dart Street to the eastern Wellington, 9th June, 1941. end of the street; thence by a right line across Dart Street; thence first in a westerly and then IS Excellency the Governor-General has been in a northerlv direction along the northern boundary H pleased to direct that sittings of the Magistrates' of Dart Street and the eastern boundary of the Court at Blacks be discontinued as from the 10th day Hawera-Wanganui Main Highway to a point 2 chains of .June, 1941. measured in a northerly direction along the said H. G. R. MASON, Minister of .Justice. eastern boundary of the main highway from its inter­ section with the north-western boundary of Rakaupiko Road; thence by a right line across the said main Courthoiise appointed. highway; thence in a southerly direction along the western boundary of the said main highway to th.e eastern end of the Patea River Bridge, the whole area being indicated by the plan marked TT. 1662, Department of Justice, deposited in the office of the Transport Department Wellington, 9th June, 1941. at ·wellington, and thereon coloured green. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been H pleased to appoint Dated at Wellington, this ]0th day of June, 194L The Courthouse, Omakau, D. WILSON, For the Minister of Transport. to be a place wherein a Magistrates' Court shall be (TT. 9/15/252.) held. H. G. R. MASON, Minister of Justice. Declaring Area to be a Closely Populated Locality f()r Revoking a Warrant excluding Streets from Limitation the Purp()ses of the Motor-1,'ehicles Amendment Act, as to Speed imposed by the Motor-vehicles Amend­ 1936, Section 3. ment Act, 1936, Section 3. N terms of section 3 of the Motor-vehicles Amend­ I ment Act, 1936, the Minister of Transport does N terms of section 3 of the Moto.r-vehicles Amend­ hereby declare the area described in the, Schedule. hereto I ment Act, 1936, and of all other powers enabling to be a closely populated locality for the purposes of him in that behalf, the Minister of Transport does the. said section to the intent that a person driving hereby revoke that portion of the Warrant dated the any motor-vehicle on any road, street, or other place 8th day of October, 1937, and published in the New to which the public have access therein, shall be subject Zealwnd Gazette No. 70 of the 14th day of October, to the maximum speed limit of thirty miles an honr 1937, at page 2341, in so far as it applies to the fixed by the said section. streets described in the Schedule hereto.

SCHEDULE. SCHEDULE. SlTUA'rED within the Takapuna Borough- SITUATJW within Kairanga County- Shakespeare Road ( all that portion from its junction All that portion of the - Hima­ with •raharoto Road to its junction withi Alma. tangi Main Highway No. 832 extending from a line Road, a distance of approximately 45 chains). aeross the said main highway at a distance of 11 Taharoto Road ( all that portion from its junction chains measured in a south-westerly direction along with Shakespeare Road to its junction with North­ the centre-line of the highway from the south-western cote Road, a distance of approximately 22 chains). abutment of the bridge which crosses the Govern­ Dated at Wellington, this 10th day of June, 1941. ment railway-line at Longburn to a line across the said main highway at a distance of 7 chains D. WILSON, measured in a north-easterly direction along the For the Minister of Transport. centre-line of the highway .from its intersection with (TT. 9/15/210/1.) the prolongation of the centre-line of Reserve Road, the whole area being indicated by the plan marked TT. 1663, deposited in the office of the Transport Declaring Area to be a Closely Populated Locality for Department at ·wellington, and thereon coloured the Pwrposes of the Motor-vehicles Amendment Act, green. 1936, Section 3. Dated at Wellington, this 10th day of June, 1941. D. WILSON, For the Minister of Transport. N terms of section 3 of the Motor-vehicles Amend­ (TT. 9/15/57.) I ment Act 1936, the Minister of Transport does hereby declar~ the area described in the Schedule hereto to be a closely populated locality for the pmposes of the said sectio1: to the intent that a Approval of Testing Officers under the Motor-drivers person driving any mot(l)r-velncle on any road, street, Regulatioms 1940. or other place to which the _Public have ~cc_ess ther~in, shall be subject to the maximum speed limit of thirty miles an hour fixed by the said section. .N terms of regulation 5 of the Motor-drivers Regu­ I lations 1940, the Minister of 'rransport does SCHEDULE. hereby approve, until further notice, of the persons SITUATED within the Patea County- named in Column 2 of the Schedule hereunder being All that area including the Patea River Bridge Testing Officers under the said regulations for the from the eastern boundary of Patea Borough, as authority specified in Column 1 of the said Schedule. now constituted, to the eastern end of the said bridge; thence bounded by a line proceeding in an easterly direction along the southern boundary of Dart Street SCHEDULE. to its intersection with the western boundary of Column l. Portland Quay; thence first in a southerly and Column 2. then in an easterly direction along the said western Tahunanui Town Board . . Leonard Rees Stringer, of boundary of Portland Quay and the southern Nelson, Traffi e Inspector. , boundary of Somerset Street to the end of the said Ernest Randolph Neale, of Somerset Street near the -Patea Freezing-works; Nelson, Traffic Inspector. thence by a right line across Somerset Street; Dated at Wellington, this 6th day of June, 1941. thence first in a westerly and then in a northerly D. WILSON, direction along the northern boundary of Somerset For the Minister of Transport. Street and the eastern boundary of Portland Quay (TT. 9/4/3.) JUNE 12.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1579

Notice respecting Proposed Alteration of Boundaries, Borough southern boundary of Lot 9, D.P. 7182; thence westerly and of Feilding. northerly along the southern and western boundaries of the said Lot 9, D.P. 7182, and the production of that boundary across a road to the south-western corner of Lot 8, D.P. 7182; Department of Internal Affairs, thence northerly along the western honndarics of the sa.id Wellington, 5th June, 1941. Lot 8, D.P. 7182, a,foresaid, and Lots 85, 84, 83, 82, 81, 80, T is hereby notified that a petition has been presented to 79, and 78, D.P. 5960, to and by the western end of a road I His Excellency the Governor-General, under the to the northern side of the said road ; thence easterly along Municipal Corporations Act, 1933, praying tbat the area the northern s1d:c of that road to and across Centaurus Road described in the Schedule hereto mav be e:xclnded from the to a point on tho boumbrv of the Citv of Christchurch· thence Borough of Feil ding and included in the County of Orona. along that boundary to' ihe cmnmeilcing point.. ·· All persons affected are hereby called upon to lodge any W. E. PARRY, Minister of Internal Affairs. written objections to or petitions against the proposed alteration of boundaries which they desire to lodge within (I.A. 103/5/48.) one month from the first publication of this notice, such objections or petitions to be addressed to the Minister of Internal Afftiirs, Wellington. Appointing Saturday as the Stat1ttory Closing-day in the Borough of Lawrence. SCHEDULE. AREA PROPOSED TO BE EXCLUDED FROM BOROUGH OF FEILDING AND INCLUDED IN COUNTY OF 0ROUA. HEREAS a poll to determine the statutory W closjng-day in the Borough of Lawrence was ALL that area in the Wellington Land District, bounded by a duly taken under the authority of section 20 of the line commencing at the south-western corner of Suburban Shops and Offices Act, 1921-22, on the 17th day of Section 179 ; thence northerly along the western bonndaries May, 1941: of Sections 179, 180, 181, 182, and 183 to the northernmost And whereas the Town Clerk of the Borough of corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence easterly along Lawrence has notified me that the 'majority of the the northern boundary of Section 183 to its easternmost votes given at such poll were in favour of the appoint­ corner; thence south-westerly along the western side of ment of Saturday as the statutory closing-day in the Lethbridge Street to the sonth-eastern corner of Section 179 said borough; aforesaid ; thence westerly along the southorn boundary Now, therefore, I, Patrick Charles "Webb, Minister of Section 179 to its south-western corner, the place of of Labour, .in pursuance of section 20 of the Shops commencement. and Offices Act, 1921-22, do hereby appoint Satnrday W. E. PARRY, IVIinister of Internal Affairs. as the statutory closing-day in tbe said borough on (I.A. 103/5/46.) and from the 30th day of .June, 1941. Dated at Wellington, this 11th day of June, 1941. Notice respecting Proposed Alteration of Boundarie8, City of P. C. WEBB, Minister of Labour. Christchurch.

Department of Internal Affairs, Appointing Saturday as the Statutory Closing-day in Wellington, 5th J nne, 1941. the Kawakawa Town District. T is hereby notified that a petition has been presented to I His Excellency the Governor-General, under the Municipsil Corporations Act, 1933, praying that the area HEREAS a poll to determine the statutory described in the Schedule hereto may be excluded from the W closing-day in the Kawakawa Town District County of Heathcote and included in the City of Christchurch. was duly taken under the authority of section 20 of All persons affected are hereby called upon to lodge any the Shops and Offices Act, 1921-22, on the 17th day written objections to or petitions against the proposed of May, 1941: alterntion of boundaries which they desire to lodge vdthin And whereas the Clerk of the Kawakawa Town one month from the first publication of this notice, such Board has notified me that the majority of the votes objections or petitions to be addressed to the J\IIinister of given at such poll were in favour of the appointment Internal Affairs, Wellington. of Saturday as the statutory closing-day in the said town district: Now, therefore, I, Patrick Charles vVebb, Minister SCHEDULE. of Labour, in pursuance of section 20 of the said Act, do hereby appoint Saturday as the statutory closing· AREA PROPOSED TO BE EXCLUDED FROM THE COUNTY day in the said town district on and from the 30th OF HEATHCOTE AND INCLUDED IN THE CITY OF CHRIST­ day of .June, 1941. CHURCH. Dated at Wellington, this 11th day of .June, 1941. ALL that area of land in the Canterbury Land District, bounded by a line commencing at a point on the northern P. C. '.7EBB, Minister of Labour, side of Centaurus Road in line with the western side of Albert Terrace, being a point on the boundary of the City of Christchurch ; proceeding thence southerly across Centaurus Road to and along the said western side of Albert Terrace Appointing Wednesday as the Statutory Closing-day in to the sonthern boundary of Lot 3, D.P. 10297; thence the Combined District of Taumarunu~ and Mananui. westerly along the southern boundary of the said Lot 3, D.P. 10297, to a point on the eastern boundary of Lot 84, D.P. 7182; thence southerly along the eastern boundaries of the said Lot 84 and Lots 85, 86, 87, D.P. 7182, and W HEREAS a poll to determine the statutory Reserve 4109 to the south· eastern corner of the said closing-day in the Combined District of Reserve 4109 ; thence westerly along the southern boundary Taumarunui and Mananui, comprising the Boro11gh of of the said Reserve 4109 to and across Dry Bush Road ; Taumarunui and the Town District of Mananui, was thence northerly along the western side of Dry Bush Road duly taken under the authority of section 20 of the to the south-eastern corner of Reserve 4301 ; thence north­ Shops and Offices Act, 1921-22, on the 17th day of westerly along the south-western boundary of the said May, 1941: Reserve 4301 and Lots 63, 61, 60, 58, and 55, D.P. 7182, to And whereas the Town Clerk of the Borough of the westernmost corner of the said Lot 55, D.P. 7182; thence Taumarunui has notified me that the majority of the north-easterly along the north-western boundaries of the votes given at such poll were in favour of the appoint­ said Lot 55 and Lots 53, 50, 43, D.P. 7182, and north­ ment of vVednesday as the statutory closing-day in westerly along the south-western boundaries of Lots 42, -11, the said combined district: 39, and 36 to the westernmost corner of the said Lot 36, Now, therefore, I, Patrick Charles Webb, Minister D.P. 7182; thence north-easterly along the north-western of Labonr, in pursuance of section 20 of the said Act, boundary of the said Lot 36, to and across Reserve 4133 do hereby appoint Wednesday as the statutory closing­ to a point on the south-western boundary of Lot 2, D.P. 10625; day in the said combined district on and from the thence north-westerly and north-easterly along the south­ 30th day of .June, 1941. western and north-western bonndarv of the said Lot 2, and Dated at Wellington, this 11th day of June, 1941. north-easterly along the north-western boundary of Lot 1, D.P. 10625, to and along Dry Bush Road to a point on the P. C. WEBB, Minister of Labour. B 1580 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 47

The Shareqrokers Act, 1908.-Lfoensed Sharebrokers for the TAIIANAKI DrSTRIOT. Year 1941. Carroll, P. S. New Plymouth. Duff, V. Eberlet, F. F. W. Finnerty, C. R. Stratford." Office of the Commissioner of Stamp Duties, Gilmour, E. R. C. New Plymouth. Wellington, 29th May, 1941. Griffiths, E. T is notified that licenses under section 4 of the Share­ Laurence, G. Hawera.'' I brokers Act, 1908, to carry on the business of share­ McKenzie, T. F. broking in the Dominion of New Zealand for the current Morgan, D. Le. C. Nffw'.' Plymouth. calendar year, have been issued to the undermentioned Stainton, Fl. V. E. persons. Webster, C. B. P. G. PEARCE, Wynyard, C. H. Commissioner of Stamp Duties. POVERTY BAY DISTRIOT.' Ball, F. R .•• Gisborne. C!!,tO, C.H. AuoKLAND DrsTRioT. Clayton, W. L. Adams, 0. G. Auckland. Crawshaw, G; Bailey, F. Crawshaw, G. K. Baker, E.T. Taur'.:.Uga Dobson, M. G. Bell, G. Auckland. Dobson, R. B. Brickell, H. A. Haisman, J. Buddle, B. D. Nathan, S; D. Buddle, F. C. Nicolson, M. Buttle, G. R. Peach, J. Buttle, K. N. Smith, C. A. Cameron, H. Y. Carr, F; C•.. fuw1rn's BAY DrsTRIOT. Clark, G. I... Ham'ilton. Allen, L. F. Dannevirke. Colbeck, W. B. Auckland. Anderson, W. Napier, Colegrove, J. S. C. Angus, J.M. Wairoa. Cooper, M. J. Puk~kohe. Ashcroft, P. Napier. Creagh, G. C. Auckland. Ashton, F. R. S. Cryagh, G. E. Butler, J. S. Ha~tings. Crimp, G. S. Ham'ilton. Chapman, D. G. Napier. Day, E. C... Chapman, H. Z. Hastings. Deery, G.D. Aucltland. Denton, L. A. Elliffe, J. N. Dingle, H. R. Dannevirke." Frater, G. W. Dunn, F. A. G. Waipukurau. Frater, J. H. Edgley, H. E. Napier. Frater, J.M. Fippard, N. B. Hastings. Frater, J. W. Harker, H. L. Wairoa. Frethey, E. A. Harvey, W. Napier. George, S. T. Hetley, F. St. A. Glanville, P. T. Cambridge. Hobbs, W. B. Ha~tings. Glynn, H. W. Auckland. Hyde, A. C. A. Green, C.i. Loudoun,A. Napl~r, Griffiths, .tt. McCulloch, W:. Gui:t.son, W.W. Nesbitt, E. Haines, C. R. Nesbitt, E. B. Harrison, S. H. Purchase, A. D. Ha~tings. Hay, S. C... Quigley, H. S. McG ... Dannevirke. Hay, T. D. B. Hamilton. Rainbow, A. I. Hastings. Hay, W. P. C. Auckland. Retemeyer, A. M. Napier. Horrell, J. L. S. Whangarei. Rogers, G. E. G. Hastings. Hume,M.H. Te Aroha. Ruby,H. W. Dannevirke. Hutchison, G. W. Auckland. Smith, S. W. Napier. Jones, R.H. Spence, M. S. Kingston, J. R. Webley, N. Da~evirke. Law, C. G... MacDonald, H. R. WELLINGTON DIST.RIOT. Matthews, F. W. Allison, J. M. Wellington. McKean, N. I. Ham'ilton. Annand, E.W. McKenzie, A. Auckland. Bagnall, H. G. V. Palm~rston North. McKeogh, E. N. Ballingnall, T. Wanganui. McLeod, D. Birnie, W. L. Palmerston North. McLeod, I. D. Birnie, W. R. Meiklejohn; J. W .. Waihl., Blundell, P. W. Wellingt~n. Milburn, H. G. Auckland. Bolton-Moss, L. B. Nettleton, C. Brice, F. R.H. Mart~~­ Noakes, H. L. Brooks, L ... Wellingtori. Parkes, F ... Bucholz, E.W. P. Polson, A.G. Campbe.11, K. C. Richardson, E. J. Condliffe, T. Richardson, E. J, Coombs, F. W. Palm~rston North. Rogers, G. F. Cope, P. G ... Savage, P. C. Crewe, J. D. C. Pahiatu;'. Scelly, R. M. Daysh, H. E. D. Wellington. Schnauer, D. A. Duigan, C. L. Wanganui. Sead-Gowing, C. A. Duigan, H. J. Sead-Gowing, J. Dymock, E. R. McL. Welfugton. Shakeshaft, C. E. Hamilton. Eder, R. A. Shaw,A. W. Rotorua. Forster, W. Sheath, R. J. Auckland. Francis, J. H. Sheath, S. B. Glendinning,.G. D. P;lm~rston North. Shepherd, C. C. Glendinning, K. S. Speer, R. D. Whangarei." Greig, H. E. Wellingt~n. Stretton, F. H. Morrinsville. Hamilton, A. Tricklebank, S. Auckland. Harcourt, C. J. S. Wakeman, L. E. R. Harcourt, G. S. Williams, L. C. Haworth, A. Wang~nui. Woolven, W. Hamilton. Haycock, H. M. Wellington. Wright, G. W, " Heyman, 0, S, JUNE 12.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1581

WELLINGTON DISTRICT-Continued. CANTERBURY DISTRICT-Continued. Hill, F. J. Wanganui. Evans, W. F. Temuka. Hills, T. Wellington. Field, B. M. Christchurch. Hornabrook, E. W. B. . Fisher, K. W. ,, Hunt, A. L. Wellington. Foote, P. B. Timaru. Irwin, F. H. Gibbs, T. N. Christchurch. Keeble, G. C. Palm;,;,ston North. Goodman, R. S. Timaru. Keith, A. Masterton. Graham, F. E. Christchurch. Kirkby, R. W. Wellington. Gray, A. L. Lamb, S. G. Masterton. Hamilton, E. H. S. Lamb, W. G. Hamilton, T. G. T. Lawson, E. Welli~gton. Harman, M. T. Longuet, S. G. Hoare, D ... MacMorran, G. B. Holland, C. C. McCabe, U. F. Jameson, S. W. McCormack, B. J. King, C. G. B. Tim~. McDonald, P.A. Kitson, H ... Christchurch. Milne, J. Lawrence, C. H. Morpeth, W. G. Lawrence, J. W. K. Nathan, H. L. Lawrence, L. V. Nathan, S. G. Lewis, A. L. Nichols, J. T. Livingstone, H. G. Oswin, W. R. C. McKellar, C. G. Perry, N. S. S. McLeod, J. M. C. Timaru." Reiger, L. G. Palm;rston North. Martin, A. C. Robertshaw, W. H. Wellington. Mason, S. D. Robson, R. Wanganui. Middleton, J. S. Chri~tchurch. Ross, C. C. Masterton. Miller, J. C. Timaru. Saunders, I. Wanganui. Mitchell, R. H. Christchurch. Sawell, S. J. H. Wellington. Mitchell, R. D. Sclanders, A. R. Moore, J, H. A. Sellar, G. W. Mast;~ton. Neale, J.B. Sellar, W. M. Neale, R. B. Shields-Brown, E. W~ton. Newburgh, W. S. Silk, B. M.. . Wanganui. Penman, A. Waim;;te. Silk, E. M.. . Raymond, F. G. M. Timaru. Smart, L. H. Carterlon. Sams, C. K. Christchurch. Steed, A. J. Wellington. Satterwaite, J. S. Timaru. Stellin, J. . . Scott, A. F. Christchurch. Taylor, F. H. R. Scott, A. J. Teward, T. Sheppard, F. M. L. Tolhurst, G. G. Shirtcliffe, A. M. H ... Timaru." Tolhurst, G. M. Soanes, R. B. Christchurch. Tolhurst, R. E. Solomon, A. A. Q. Timaru. Turner, C. S. Stewart, A ... Christchurch. Watson, W. Stewart, J. M. Timaru. Webster, B. R. Thomas, W. B. Ashburton. Wilson, G. G. Palm;,;,ston North. Vincent, N. M. Christchurch. Woollams, A. F. A. Wanganui. Ward, G. W. Warren, M. B. " NELSON AND MARLBOROUGH DISTRICTS. Watkins, W. J. Timaru. White, A. J. K. Christchurch. Barclay, D. E. Nelson. Woolf, E. J. Fell, A. C. . . Blenheim. Kidson; A. B. Nelson. Lee (jun.), T. H. Reefton. OT.A.GO DISTRICT. Lewis, R. A. Nelson. Anderson, \V. Dunedin. Thompson, J. S. Blenheim. Barr, R. S. Booth, H ... WESTLAND DISTRICT. Burns, S. R. ,, Burton, E. R. Fogarty, M. J. Greymouth. Calder, D. J. Heaphy, P. C. Clark, A. Herring, H. H. Crooks, R ... Houston, M. H. Hokitika. Dawson, W. S. Jamieson, A. F. Greymouth. Familton, H. P. S. Oa~~ru. McLuskie, A. V. Blackball. Fisher, L. A. A. Dunedin. Radford, J. Westport. Grave, J. B. E. Oamaru. Slee, F. Hanning, W.R. Dunedin. Slee, W. J ... Harraway, A. E. Slee, W. T. Hartley, W. D. G. Warnes, E. Grey~outh. Hislop, J. S. Hudson, A. C. CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Hunter, D. Agar, P. Christchurch. Mcinnes, J. S. Aitken, G. G. Mcinnes, S. F. Algie, R. F. Waim;;t@. Mcinnes, W. J. Anderson, 0. W. B. Christchurch. McKinlay, A. J. La'\\'~ence. Baker, C. G. McLeod, W. H. Dunedin. Becket, J.B. Meikle, C. G. Oamaru. Bodley, G. la. M. Mulligan, P. T. Bowden, J. W. Ashburlon. Paterson, N. DW::;din. Bowker, D. B. L. Christchurch. Paterson, J. G. Brass, W. G. Penman, C. Bridge, H. P. Poppelwell, H. K. Brittan, F. A. Reeves, C. S. Browne, P. C. Reeves, H.J. Browning, R. Reeves, R. H. Byrne, P. J. Reid,G. W. Caygill, E. R. Reid, W. E. C. Clark, H. M. Ritchie, L. D. Cordner, E. J. O'C. Satterthwaite, L. McK. Dunn,F. G. Sligo, W. F. Enting, M. M. Timar~. Smeaton, J. W. Enting, P. S. Siuith, D. V. G. Oa~~ru. 1582 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 47

0TAGO Drs~·RICT-continued. Results of Elections of Members of Rivers Boards. Smith, E. R. Dunedin. Smith, F. Department of Internal Affairs, Sykes, H. R Wellington, 6th June, 1941. Walker, J. H. HE following results of elections of members of River Watson, 1V. J. T Boards have been received from the Returning Officers, and are published in accordance with the provisions of the River Boards Amendment Act, 1913. Sou~'HLA>

Notice to Persons affected by App/;ications for Licenses under Notice to Persons affected by an Application for a License under Part Ill of the lnd1t8trial Efficiency Act, l.936. Part Ill of the Industrial Efficiency Act, 1936. Taking of Fi~h f9r Sale. Refining of Used Oil. N application has been received from Warito Watarawi, A Whakatane, for a license to take fish for sale by means A PPLICATIO~S have been received from the following of the fishing-vessel "Hikahe," AK. 233, using hand-lines, to commence to carry on the above industry :- catches to be landed eat Whakatane . .Applicant. Location of Plant. Any person who considers he will be materially affected 1. Associated Motorists Petrol Co., Ltd., Waiwhetu. by the decision of the Bureau of Industry on this application, 110-116 Courtenay Place, Wellington and who wishes to make rep-resentations accordingly, must 2. The Tourist Motor Co., Ltd., 200 Hastings. furnish them in writing not later than the 26th June, 1941. Market Street, Hastings G. L. O'HALLORAN, Secretary. An application has been received from the undermentioned Bureau of Industry, G.P.O. Box 3025, Wellington. to continue to carry on the above industry :- Applicant. Location of Plant. Caltex Ltd., D.I.C. Building, Auckland, Wellington, Notice of Adoption under Part IX of the Native Land Act, 1931. Wellington Middleton, and Dunedin. Any person who considers he will be materially affected by Waiariki Native Land Court Office, th0 decision of the Bureau of Industry on this application, Rotorua, 28th ]\fay, 1941. and who wishes to make representations accordingly, must T is hereby notified that the order of adoption as set out furnish them in writing not later than the 26th June, 1941. I in the Schedule hereunder has been made by the N>ttive G. L. O'HALLORAN, Secretary. Land Court under the provisions of the Native Land Act, 1931. Bureau of Industry, G.P.O. Box 3025, Wellington. C. V. FORDHAM, Registrar. SCHEDULE. Notice to Persons 11

Taking of Fish for Sale. Whakaatu tangohanga Tamaiti Whangai i raro o Wahi IX o te Ture Whenua Maori, 1931. AN application has been received from J. Tait, Oaro, Marlborough, for a license to take fish for sale, using Tari Kooti Whenua Maori, Waiariki, crayfish pots, catches to be landed along tho Kaikoura Coast. Rotorua, 28 o nga ra o Mei, 1941. Any person who considers he will be materially affected by the decision of the Bureau of Industry on this application, E whakaaturanga tenei kia mohiotia ai kua hangaia e te and who wishes to make representations accordingly, must H Kooti Whenua Maori i raro i nga tikanga o te Ture furnish them in writing not later than the 26th June, 19'11. Whenua Maori, 1931, tetahi ota whakamana i te tangohanga o tetahi tamaiti whangai e whakaaturia nei e te Kupu Apiti G. L. O'HALLORAN, Secretary. i raro nei. Bureau of Industry, G.P.O. Box 3025, Wellington. TE POTAMA, Kai-rehita. KUPUAPITI. Notice to Persons affected by an Applicai'ion for a License under TE matua whangai: Makurata Anderson. Pa-rt III of the Industrial Efficiency Act, 1936. Tamaiti whangai: Rangitarahae Anderson, tamaiti a Manuera Anderson raua ko Kiritahanga Anderson.

Taking of Fish for Sale. N application has been received from S. E. Sarcich, 24 Engineers' Registration Act, 1924.-Examinations, October, A Ranui Crescent, Khandallah, Wellington, for a license 1941. to take fish for sale by means of the fishing-vessel" Seagull," WN. 171, using set-nets, drag-nets, long-lines, hand-lines, and NTRIES for the next cx>.tminations, to be held in accord­ crayfish pots, catches to be landed at Paremata. E ance with the regulations issued under section 16 of Any person who considers ho will be materially affected by the above Act, close on 30th June, 194 l. Entrance forms the decision of the Bureau of Industry on this application, received after that date cannot be considered. Entrance and who wishes to make representations accordingly, must forms will be supplied on request to the Registrar, Engineers' furnish them in writing not later than the 26th June, 1941. Registration Board, vVellington. Applicants shoulrl state whether they require forms for Civil, Mechanical, or Electrical G. L. O'HALLORAN, Secretary. Engineering. Bureau of Industry, G.P.O. Box 3025, Wellington. E. E. HENDRIKSEN, Registrar.

Public Trust Office Act, 1908, and its Amendments.-Election to Administer Estates.

OTICE is hereby given that the Public Trustee has filed in the Supreme Court an election to administer in respect N of the several estates of the persons deceased whose names, residences, and occupations- (so far as known) are hereunder set forth :- ··

Date Testate-Or Stamp Office No. j Name. Occupation. Residence. Date I Election I of Death. filed. Intestate. concerned.

1 Ashcroft, Maud Elizabeth Married woman .. Hastings .. 29/11/35 6/6/41 Intestate Napier. 2 Cameron, W ilfo,m .. Hospital attendant Dunedin .. 7/5/41 6/6/41 Testate I Dunedin. 3 Carter, John Thomas .. Pensioner .. Motueka . . 4/5/41 6/6/41 Nelson. 4 Cooke, Maria .. .. Widow .. New Plymouth . . 16/5/41 6/6/41 Int,~~tate New Plymouth . 5 Coombs, Ellen Margaret .. Married woman .. Riccarton .. 7/5/41 6/6/41 Testate Christchurch. 6 Fraser, :l\fary Julia .. Spinster .. Greymouth .. 29/4/41 6/6/41 Intestate Hokitika. 7 l\fattock, Elizabeth .. Widow .. Wanganui .. 14/5/41 6/6/41 Testate Wellington. 8 }fooney, Delia .. .. Auckland .. 21/4/41 6/6/41 ,, Auckland. 9 O'Grady, Thomas Alphonsus Re'tired Police ,, .. 19/4/41 6/6/41 Intestate ,, officer 10 Smith, Helen .. .. Widow . . Oamaru (formerly 14/5/41 6/6/41 Testate Christchurch. Sumner) ll Urquhart, Lydia .. Married woman .. Christchurch .. 9/5/41 6/6/41 ,,. 12 Watson, Henry Thomas .. Labourer .. Kirwee .. 14/4/41 6/6/41 Intestate " 13 Winship, Eli·sabeth .. Gentlewoman .. Auckland .. 21/4/41 6/6/41 Testate Auckla,nd," 14 Wright, Eliz abeth .. Widow .. Mangawhare . . 19/4/41 6/6/41 ,, " - Public Trust Office, Wellington, 9th June, 1941. E. 0. HALES, Public Trustee. THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 47

PubUc TrU8tee.-Deeea,8e,J, Persons' Estates u'flller AdminiBtration.


ARTICULARS of the Estates of Deceased Persons placed under the Charge of the PUBLIC TRUSTEE during the Mollth P of May, 1941 :- . ,

Date Residence. Occupation. of Remarks. Death. No.'·-~----N_ame__ ~_Dec __ eased__ ·_ 1 Anderson, Harriet Emma .. Havelock North Married woman 3/5/41 Testate. 2 Anderson, Hugh Dormer Gisborne Accountant 29/4/41 Intestate. 3 Andrew, Isabella Foxton Married· woman 5/4/41 4 Anderson, Mary .. Devonport .. Spinster 14/5/41 Test~te. 5 Aplin, William Auckland Farmer 16/12/40 6 Archer, Emma Wellington .. Married woman 5/5/41 7 Arnold, William Henry Napier Engine fitter 13/5/41 8 Ashcroft, Maud Elizabeth .. Hastings Married woman 29/II/35 9 Atkinson, George Makomako .. Farmer 23/3/41 ,, 10 Balkind, Lillias Baxter Esther Christchurch Widow 28/4/41 Testate. 11 Barrett, Richard James Timaru Retired schoolmaster 4/5/41 12 Barrett, Thomas .. Waimate Farmer 8/5/41, Int;~tate. 13 · Barthow, Anna Auckland Widow 3/5/41 Testate. 14 Beach, Charles Clare Tairua Storekeeper 27/4/41 16 Bennet, Kennet!,, William .. Dunedin Carpenter 1/5/41 16 Blick, Hannah Blenheim Widow 28/4/41 17 Bond, Alfred Herbert Wellington .. Railway employee 3/5/41 18 Broadway, Arthur Cyril .. Telegraphist 8/12/40 Intestate." 19 Brodie, Andrew Moore Gisb;,'rne Clerk .. 21/2/41 Testate. 20 Brodie, Joanna Widow 18/5/41 21 Brown, James William Masson W elllitgtori .. Clerk 13/5/41 22 Brown, Margaret Invercargill Married woman 19/5/41 Int;~tate. 23 Collins, Evele11n Maude Runanga Widow 21/5/41 Testate. 24 Brunsdon, George Henry Christchurch Brushmaker 15/5/41 Intestate. 25 Bryce, William Mosgiel Motor-driver 15/4/41 Testate. 26 Bull, Alfred William Auckland Manufacturer 9/5/41 27 Cameron, William Dunedin Hospital attendant 7/5/41 28 Carlyle, William McClennan Shannon Engine-driver 5/10/39 Int;~tate. 29 Carter, John Thomas Motueka Labourer 4/5/41 Testate. 30 Chick, Emily Mau(j. Tasmania Spinster 24/9/40 31 Clark, Nellie Frances Hastings Married woman 6/3/41 Int;~tate. 32 Clout, Thomas Herbert · Freezing worker 9/7/39 33 Coleman, William Harcourt Auckland .. Flying Officer, .. 25/7/40 Test~te. 34 Connell, Catherine Tapu Spinster 8/5/41 ,, 35 Cooke, Maria New Plymouth Widow 16/5/41 Intestate. 36 Coombs, Ellen Margaret Christchurch Married woman 7/5/41 Testate. 37 Dale, Ellen Woodstock 27/4/41 Intestate, 38 Dell, Kenneth James Auckland .. Labou~r 4/5/41 39 Don, John Frederick Nelson Storeman 26/4/41 Test~te. 40 Dyke, Frances Macy Greymouth .. Widow 13/5/41 Intestate. 41 Erickson, Esmond Alfred Bluff Fisherman 12/3/41 42 Feather, Jo.hn Henry Tuakau Retir<'\d farmer 15/5/41 Test~te. 43 Finlinson, Frances Helen Dunedin Spinster 29/4/41 44 Fowler, Harold John Levin Traffic Inspector 3/5/41 45 Fraser, Mary Julia Greymouth Spinster 29/4/41 Int;;tate. 46 Friel, Humphrey Pleasant Point Carrier 30/4/41 47 Gardner, Flora Hawera Widow 1 19/5/41 Test~te. 48 Graham, James Buchan Auckland Workshop-manager 15/5/41 49 Greenlees, Florence Wanganui .. Widow 6/5/41 50 Haines, William Stephen Clyde Labourer 1/5/41 Int;~tate. 51 Halse, Eva Maude Wellington .. Spinster 8/4/41 Testate. 52 Hansen, Laura Sophia Mangawhare Widow 5/5/41 53 Hayes, Macy Dunedin Married woman 28/4/41 54 Henderson, Herbert Thompson· Waimauku .. Farmer 22/5/41 Int;state. 55 Henderson, James Auckland 18/5/41 Testate. 56 Heslop, William .. Richmond .. 5/5/41 57 Hill, Elizabeth Palmerston Widow 20/5/41 68 Hodgson, Sarah Lenn.ox Christchurch Spinster '5/5/41 59 Hurley, Robert EdglLl' Dunedin Labourer 15/5/41 60 Hylton, Ivy Irene Wanganui .. Spinster 4/10/33 61 Hynes, Thomas Nelson Creek Labourer 20/5/41 62 James, Margaret Stewart Dunedin Spinster 4/5/41 63 J oh:iasetl, Frank William Police Sergeant .. 7/5/41 64 Kemp, Harriett Eliza Shead Brisbane Widow · 30/II/40 Int;~tate. 65 Kilgour, Henry Caleb Greymouth Night-watchman 17/5/41 Testate. 66 Krughti Margaret Steven .. Kaiapoi Married woman 8/5/41 67 Laiti,g, Robert Malcolm Christchurch Retired teacher .. 19/5/41 68 Lambeth, Katherine Grace Margaret Dunedin Married woman 14/5/41 Juie 69 Lang, Robert He:rizy Oust Retired coal-merchant 6/5/41 70 Laurenson, Gilbert TeMapara .. Farmer 29/4/41 71 Lillis, Thomas Wellington .. Labourer 25/4/41 Int.;;,tate. 72 McConnel, M11,ry Wakellllhaw Okains Bay Widow 13/5/41 Testate. 73 McFarlane, Florence Lovi.a!i, Gisborne 20/2/41 Intestate. 74 McFarlane, La~ ller~rt Fl;i.ng Officer 2/7/40 75 l\:Io0¢;tigan, Eib3en A.gaiha T~~ru Spinster 3/5/41 76 McGill, Frank Guy Christchurch Foreman 17/5/41 Test~te. 77 McIntosh, Samuel McDonald Fairfax Farmer 7/5/41 78 McIntyre, Annie .. Greymout4 Widow 4/5/41 79 McMurtrie, ]1)onald Sanson Farm harid 11/5/41 JUNE 12.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1585


Date No. Kame of Deceased. Residence, Occupation. of Remarks. Death.

80 McPherson, Douglas John Carterton Civil servant, later Sergeant 1/5/41 Testate. Observer in R.N.Z.A.F. 81 J\facdonald, John Alexander Timaru Clerk .. 26/3/41 Intestate. 82 Mackay, Robert .. Howick Bookseller 1/4/41 Testate. 83 MacKenzie, :Francis ,v allace Michigan, U.S.A. Engineer Before Intestate. 11/6/37 84 McMa,hon, Frank Riwaka Retired farmer 10/4/41 Testate. 85 Macrae, Elizabeth Ann Christchurch (formerly Widow 9/4/41 Seacliff) 86 n.1:aiden, :Frances Rose Auckland .. 16/5/41 87 D/[allctt, ,John Wi.lliam Wellington .. R;tired storeman 27/4/41 88 Ivfattock, Elizcibeth \Vanganui Widow 14/5/41 89 Maynard, George Thomas .. Oamaru Labourer 8/3/41 90 Melhorn, Carl Reefton Coal-miner 7/5/41 91 Melton, Ernest Frederick Auckland Retired steward 18/5/41 Int~~tate. 92 Moors, William .. Henderson .. Orchardist 10/5/41 Testate. 93 Nash, Bridget Lifford, Northern Ire- Widow 26/5/40 Intestate. land 94 Newth, Sarah Evelyn Tahunanui, Nelson Spinster 28/4/41 Testate. 95 O'Grady, Thomas Alphonsus Auckland .. Retired Police officer 19/4/41 Intestate. 96 Oliver, Philip Phillips Christchurch Joiner .. 30/4/41 Testate. 97 Oman, Catherine Louisa .. Gisborne Widow 30/4/41 98 Omond, Catherine Port Chalmers 11/5/41 99 Partridge, William Huntly R;tired farmer 3/4/41 Intestate." 100 PaUerson, Richard William Wellington .. Sales-manager , 5/5/41 101 Reeve, Harold Charles Richard Feilding Labourer 19/4/41 Testate. 102 Richardson, Mary Frances Auckland .. Married woman 5/5/41 103 Richardson, Percy Wellington .. City Council employee 1/5/41 104 Riches, Sidney George New Plymouth Railway shunter 19/5/41 Int~~tate. 105 Richmond, Thomas Martin borough Retired baker 11/4/41 Testate. 106 Robertson, George Thomas Courtenay, Canterbury Farmer 26/3/41 Intestate. 107 Robinson, Robert 1Vanganui .. Retired confectioner 18/5/41 Testate. 108 Rod, John William Wellington .. Tailor, member 2nd Killed in N.Z.E.F. action, 20/4/41 109 Rogers, William .. Kowai Bush Bushman 5/10/1889 Intestate. 110 Rutherford, Robert Dunedin Retired engine-driver 3/5/41 Testate. 111 Rvan. Annie Wellington .. Married woman 25/4/1900 112 Rvan, William Settler 1/4/38 Intestate." 113 s;ott, Helen Rangiora Widow 10/5/41 Testate. 114 Shaw, ~fory Ann Elizabeth Jane Auckland 2/5/41 115 Shepherd, Harry Arthur Wellington Company" secretary 5/5/41 116 Slater, }[able Ellen Auckland .. Married woman 15/5/41 117 Smart, Elizabeth Jessie Oamaru 4/5/41 118 Smith, Emily. New Plymouth 23/3/41 Intestate." 119 Smith, Helen Oamaru (formerly Widow" 14/5/41 Testate. Sumner) 120 Smith, Percy Koga.rah, N.S.\V. Not known 7/1/40 121 Smith, Robert Invercargill Retired farmer 20/5/41 122 Smith, Walter Ernest Wellington .. Retired labourer 14/5/41 123 Spidy, Edgar Thomas Ling Civil servant 8/5/41 124 Stewart, Helen Hawera" Spinster 17/5/41 125 Stokes, Elizabeth Ann Auckland 14/4/41 126 Sweetman, William Edward Otahuhu Sto~k a.gent 24/4/41 127 Thian, Francis Claud Christchurch Labourer 16/4/41 128 Urquhart, Lydia .. Married woman 9/5/41 129 Verdon, William Llewellyn Timaru" Soldier 7/4/41 130 V\Taller, George Robert .Alexander Auckland Retired Railway servant .. 17/4/41 131 Walls, Frederick Nelson Foxton Flaxmiller 29/3/41 Intestate." 132 Walls, Nellie Widow 21/4/41 133 Watson, George .. Cust" Farmer 16/5/41 Test~te. 134 vVatson, Robert .. Lower Hutt Engineer 22/4/41 135 vVeaver, Richard Ponting .. Whangarei .. Carpenter 1/5/41 136 Weniger, Phyllis Rose Auckland .. Spinster 7/2/41 Intestate" .. 137 vVightman, Andrew Waitahuna Retired miner 22/3/41 Testate. 138 Wilding, George Frederick Auckland Retired engineer 27/4/41 139 Wilkins, George Is>tae vVanganui .. Farm hand 9/4/41 Intestate." 140 Wright, Elizabeth Darga ville .. Widow 19/4/41 Testate. 141 VV y lie, J anies Anderson Port Molyneux Blacksmith 28/4/41

PL1blic Trust Office, Wellington C. 1, 6th June, 1941. E. 0. HALES, Public Trustee.

Mining Privileges struck off the Register.

]\![ining Registrar's Office, Westport, 29th ]\![ay, 1941. OTICE is hereby given in accord,mce with the provisions of section 188 (4) of the Mining Act, 1926, that the mining N priviieges mentioned in the Schedule hereto have been struck off the Register. W. J. BLACKLER, Mining Registrar.


License I No. Date. Nature of Privilege, Locality. Licensee. ------I 698 25/3/0:1 Residence-site Millerton Roy Ernest Dixon. 3115 10/1/11 Residence-site Millerton Mary Ann Nutt. 6:.!51 19/4/23 Residence-site Denniston John Colligan. 7030 19/5/25 Residence-site }fillerton William Falla and Walter Dolamore, 7684 16/11/27 Residence-site W aimangaroa Charles Nelson. 1586 ,THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 47

Notice calling up Reservists for, Service Overseas with :B'rancis George Chapman, Farm Manager, 94 William the Armed Forces. Street, Ashburton, Registration No. 449992, Roderick John Bartlett, Labourer, Post-office, National Service Department, Glenavy, Registration No. 449995, Wellington, 12th June, 1941. Merle Innes Davis, Labourer. care of Mr. .J. C. T is hereby notified for general information that, in 'rapper, 'i'apui Station, Tuai, Registration No. I pursuance of the powers vested in me by Regu­ 449988, lation 44 , of the National Service Emergency Regu­ Lovell Henry Edward Franklin, Joiner, Brookes lations 1940, I have this day issued to- Street, Inglewood, Registration No, 449987, John Leon de Luen, Tailor, Bridge Street, Te Aroha, notices calling them up for service overseas with the Registration No. 449991, Armed Forces as being reservists of Class A of the Raymond Samuel McWilliams, Farmer, Trig Road, FiTst Division of the General Reserve, such persons Waihi,' Registration No. 449990. having been severally convicted for that, being reser­ John Wright Nisbet, Farm Labourer, care of Mr. vists belonging to a. class of the Reserve the enrolment \V. H: Shute, Howden Road, Frankton .Tnnction, of which has been proclaimed, they did fail to make Registration No. 449989, application in writing for enrolment in that class of Alfred James Oxenham, Farm Labourer, Spl'ingdale, the Reserve as required by Regulation 43 ( 1) of the Waitoa, Registration No. 449994, National Service Emergency Regulations 1940. David Shepherd, Contractor, 20 Stewart Street, J. S. HUNTER, Marton, Registration No. 449993, Director of National Service.

Licenses issued fo Manufacturing Retailers under the Sales Tax Act, 1932-ii3. Customs Department, Wellington, 12th June, 1941. T is he,reby n,otified for public information that licenses to act as manufacturing I retailers under the Sales Tax Act, 1932-33, have been issued to the under­ mentioned persons, firms, and companies carrying on business at the places stated opposite the names of each respectively. E. D. GOOD, Comptroller of Customs,

Name of_Petson, Firm, Place or Places at whicll or Company. Business is carried on.

Awatoto Shingie Co, Ltd., The Napier. Birrell, W. Wellington. Cockerill, John Dunedin. Danby,A. W. Thames. " Exclusive Dressinakers " Christchurch. Felicity Jane Lower Hutt. Fowler, Drummond, and Waddell, Ltd ... Hastings. Furniture Specialists Auckland. ,Jordan, St. Clair, Mrs. Ashburton. J\foBurney, Geo. Invercargill. J\foGruer, Bone, and Co., Ltd ... Hawera. Moran, Jean Helen Wanganui. Newmodes .. Wellington. Pabco Products (N.Z.), Ltd. Auckland. Parson's Engineering, Ltd. Invercargill. Palmerston Ladder Works Palmerston North. Perm Reagents Wellington. Rogers, J. T. New Plymouth. Rolson Products Pty. Palmerston North. Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment League Wellington. (Inc.) Thompson and Sims, Ltd. Auckland. Wellington Concrete Roofing Tile Co. Hamilton. Wellington Scale Co. . . Wellington. Willerton Motor Engineering Co. Wellington. The licenses as manufacturing retailers issued to the undermentioned persons, firms, and companies have been cancelled :- Austin, V.A. Wellington. Belt and Novelties Co. Wellington. Brittain, H., Ltd. Wellington. Caisley, A. E., Ltd. . . Auckland, Campbell, St. Clair, Miss Ashburton. Carr, S. H., and Son, Ltd. Dunedin. Christie and Rae, Ltd. Hastings. Clipper Caravans Havelock North. Cobden Engineering Co., Ltd ... Cobden. Collier and Dee Nelson. Cuddon, W. G. G., Ltd. Blenheim. Daue, Carl Vigor Christchurch. Fowler, Son, and Drummond Napier. Fredric, G., Ltd. Invercargill. Garness Departmental ,Stores, Ltd. Palmerston North. Hargrave, J. F., Ltd. Wellington, Petonc. Holden, Donald Wellington. Jameson, Ailsa Harvey Christchurch. J orgensenll Ltd. Thames. Ketko, A. Wellington. Lomax Dressmakers .. Lower Hutt. Modern Sheet Metal vVorks, Ltd. Auckland. Money, W. H. Wellington. Pahiatua Herald Co., Ltd. Pahi.atna, Woodville. Pauline Gowns Auckland. Reliance Welding Co. Christchurch. Scott, J. and A. P., Ltd. Dunedin. Smith, Bertram Gisborne Dargayille. Southward Manufacturing Co. Wellington. Staff, W. Wellington. Taylor, Harry Hamilton. Universal Radio Co., The Auckland. JUNE 12.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1587

Memhe/1'8 of the New Zealand Society of Accountant8. Pinker, Ebenezer Giles, P.O. Box 668, Auckland. Postlewaite, Arthur Percy, Argus House, High Street, Auckland, C. l. Registrar-General's Office, Revell, Douglas Rollo, P.O. Box 562, Auckland. Wellington, 10th June, 1941. Robinson, Harry Charles, P.O. Box 1316, Auckland. compliance with section 34 (2) of the New Zealand Robinson, Harry Gordon, P.O. Box 1316, Auckland. r Society of Accountants Act, 1908, a list of the names and Rodger, William John, Station Road, Huapai. addresses of members of the New Zealand Society of Account­ Sanders, George William, 23 Shortland Street, Auckland. a~ts is published for general information. Seaman, Archibald Morris, P.O. Box 844, Auckland. Shove, Henry Walter, 3 National Mutual Buildings, 41 Short- G. G. HODGKINS, Deputy Registrar-General. land Street, Auckland. Simmonds, Harold Ernest, Queen Street, Auckland. Spinley, Robert Arthur, 67 Shortland Street, Auckland. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Spry, Theodore James, P.O. Box 1107, Auckland. Stedman, Arthur Lancelot, 707 N.Z. Insurance Buildings, PuBLIC AcoOUNTANTS. Queen Street, Anckland. Fellows. Taylor, Walter, Gifford's Building, corner High Street and Anderson, John, 608 Colonial Mutual Buildings, Queen Vulcan Lane, Auckland. Street, Auckland. Thomson, William John Alexander, P.O. Box 700, Auckland, Bates, Maurice Vincent, P.O. Box 1238, Auckland. Tiarks, Herbert, P.O. Box 679, Auckland. Beaumont, Bertie William, Yark Chambers, Street Twigden, Herbert Frederick 0., 308 N.Z. Insurance Buildings, East, Auckland. Queen Street, Auckland. Biss, Raymond Stanley Holm, 60-63 Yorkshire House, Voyce, Alan Keith, P.O. Box 487, Auckland. Shortland Street, Auckland. Whitton, Thomas Edward, P.O. Box 386, Auckland. Boyd, Edward Hallifield, P.O. Box 668, Auckland. Wilkinson, Ernest Dawson, P.O. Box 1398, Auckland. Butler, Percy Selwyn, P.O. Box 125, Auckland. Worth, William Valentine, Grey Building, Courthouse Lane, Cameron, Hector Yardley, P.O. Box 540, Auckland. Auckland, C. 1. Campbell, Malcolm Septimus, Legal Chambers, King Street, Young, William Crawford, P.O. Box 1481, Auckland, Pukekohe. Carless, Norman Powley, 44---45 Yorkshire House, 31 Short­ Ae8ociates. land Street, Auckland, C. 1. Alderson, James Richard, Hokianga Road, Dargaville. Chambers, Dudley Norton, Grey Building, Courthouse Lane, Anderson, William, 15 Wicklow Road, Devonport, Auckland. Auckland, C. 1. Angus, Bertram Stidolph, P.O. Box 29, Darga.ville. · Chambers, Stanley George, Grey Building, Courthouse Lane, Arnold, Charles Douglas, 120 Williamson Avenue, , Auckland, C. 1. Auckland, W. 2. Chinnery-Brown, Douglas Alexander, 507 Cooke's Building, Atkins, William Harold, P.O. Box 81, Kaitaia, Auckland. Queen Street, Auckland, C. 1. Barton, William Moore, P.O. Box 1541, Auckland. Christmas, Arthur Walter, P.O. Box 1413, Auckland. Basten, Alice Henrietta, 404 Victoria Arcade, Auckland. Coleman, John McDonald, 90 Cloubern Road, , Basten, Caroline Sarah Victoria, 318 Victoria Arcade, Auckland, S.E. 2. Auckland. Connor, John Ewart, P.O. Box 375, Auckland. Battley, Cecil Henry, 501 N.Z. Insurance Building, Queen Cummane, Esmond Montagu, P.O. Box 650, Auckland. Street, Auckland. Dawson, Leonard Claudius Hubert, 26 Empire Buildings, Beasley, Vincent Noble, R.D., Mangonui. Swanson Street, Auckland. Bennett, Eric Monckton Burlton, care of Messrs. Garrard and Dent, Hugh Waitara, P.O. Box 1097, Auckland. Bennett, 28--29 City Chambers, Queen Street, Auckland. Duncan, James Alexander, P.O. Box 524, Auckland. Birnie, William George, 15 Church Street, Devonport, Auck­ Duthie, Norman Alexander, Shortland Street, Auckland. land, N.1. Elliffe, John McFarlane, P.O. Box 540, Auckland. Boggs, William Thomas R., 12 Douglas Street, , Eyre, Fred Tempest, P.O. Box 1105, Auckland. Auckland. Fleming, George, Otara, Otahuhu. Booth, Charles Henry, P.O. Box 451, Auckland. Gentles, James Alexander, P.O. Box 1584, Auckland. Brown, Donald St. Clair, Acacia Building, O'Connell Street, Gilfillan, Henry, P.O. Box 1584, Auckland. ' Auckland, C. 1. Gilmore, John Barlow, Bank of New Zealand Chambers, Browne, Roland Henry, Government Life Building, 99 Queen Auckland, Street, Auckland. Gray, Maurice Donald, P.O. Box 1893, Auckland. Buddle, Basil Dixon, care of Messrs. J. F. Buddle and Son, Grierson, John, Government Insurance Building, Queen P.O. Box 701, Auckland. Street, Auckland. Buddle, Frederick Charles, National Mutual Life Chambers, Gyllies, Alfred , P.O. Box 524, Auckland. 41 Shortland Street, Auckland. Hemingway, Wilfrid Hubert, Endean's Buildings, Auckland. Buttle, George Raymond, care of ·G. A. Buttle, Esquire, Hutchison, George William, Premier Buildings, Durham Stock Exchange, Auckland. Street, Auckland. Caitcheon, Robert Hunter. 21 Miller Road, , Jonas, Ernest Lester, P.O. Box 288, Auckland. Auckland, W. 3. Kendon, Willia.in Archibald, care of Messrs. Kendon and Campbell, , Empire Buildings, Swanson Street, Mills, P.O. Box 261, Auckland. Auckland. Kirk, Valentine, P.O. Box 825, Auckland. Carlaw, John, Acacia Buildings, O'Connell Street, Auckland, Knight, Leonard Lloyd Samuel, P.O. Box 313, Auckland. C.l. Lock, Reginald Wauchop, 7 Marine Parade (P.O. Box 620), Cash, Wallace, 105 Sarsfield Street, Herne Bay, Auckland, W. l, Bayswater, Auckland. Cayley-Alexander, Gerald Gordon, P.O. Box 224, Auckland. Macky, John Victor, Empire Buildings, Swanson Street, Chambers, Ian McKenzie, Messrs. Chambers, Worth, and Auckland. Chambers, Grey Building, Courthouse Lane, Auckland, C. 1. Maguire, Hugh Peter, P.O. Box 1227, Auckland. Clark, John Keith, P.O. Box 1839, Auckland. ·Mason, William James, Horne's Building, Vulcan Lane, Clark, William Smeaton, P.O. Box 7, Thames. Auckland. Cooper, Mervin Jack, 3 and 4 Legal Chambers, King Street, Matthews, Frederick Waterston, National Bank Building, Pukekohe. 27-28 Second Floor, Fort Street, Auckland, C. 1. Cracknell, Vernon Francis, P.O. Box 14, Kaikohe. Mayo, Gilbert Charles, Argus House, High Street, Auckland, Crockett, Robert Murray, Alliance Assurance Buildings, C. 1. . O'Connell Street, Auckland. Mills, Charles Kingsley, Messrs. Kendon and Mills, P.O. Box Daniel, Walter John, Messrs. Wallace, Bruce, Duthie, and 261, Auckland. Voyce, P.O. Box 487, Auckland. Moore, Horace Arthur, City Chambers, Queen Street, Davies, Thomas, 6 Fernleigh Avenue, Epsom, Auckland. Auckland. Dear, William John F., Moerewa, Bay of Islands. Morris; George Charles Waudby, P.O. Box 524, Auckland. Death, Lucien Mark, 219 Gillies Avenue, Auckland S.E.3. Morris, George Nigel Gledstanes, P.O. Box 524, Auckland. De Mouncey, Desmond, 44 Campbell's Buildings (4th Floor), Newton, Herbert Moss, P.O. Box 1177, Auckland. High Street, Auckland. O'Halloran, Desmond Crichton, P.O. Box 192, Auckland. Ellery, Nolan Arthur, Kaikohe. O'Halloran, Gerald Richard, P.O. Box 192, Auckland. Falconer, John William, P.O. Box 1276, Auckland. Page, Alexander, 34 Security Buildings, Queen Street, Auck- Felton, Thomas Archibald, P.O. Box 1320, Auckland. land. Forgie, Kenneth James, 313 Cooke's Building, Queen Street, Penman, David, 6 Harold Street, Mount Eden, Auckland. Auckland, C. 1. Percival, Reginald Fred, P.O. Box 1857, Auckland. Fox, Albert Victor, King Street, Pukekohe. Perry, William, 88 Market Road, Epsom, Auckland, S.E. 3. Fraser, Harold Murdoch, P.O. Box 933, Auckland. Pike, Alfred Lambert, 4th Floor, Southern Cross Buildings, French, Nonnan, Winstone Buildings, 77 Queen Street, Chancery Street, Auokla.nd, C. l. Auckland. C THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No; 47

Fyfe, James, P.O. Box 5, Hikurangi. Wallace Kenneth, 244 Queen Street, Auckland. .Garrard, Derwent Raoul, P.O. Box ~17, ~u~kland.. Watkin; Ian Norman, 510-511 Cooke's Building, Queen Goodwin, Harold Eaton, Safe DepoBit Buildings, High Street, Street, Auckland, C. 1. . Auckland. White, Leonard Wilton, P.O. Box 46, Pukekohe. Gordon, Colin Macfarlane, 105 Southern Cross Buildings, Whitmore, Ronald Aston, Wellsford. Chancery Street, Auckland. Wylie, Ronald Keith, 89 Yorkshire House, Shortland Street, Gregory, Alfred Russell Washer, 52 Campbell's Buildings, Auckland. High Street, Auckland, C. 1. Young, Alexander Percy, Titirangi Road, Auckl~d, s.w;. 4. Gunn, Frank Leslie, Bank Street, Whangarei. Hargrave, Charles Russell, P.O. Box 43, Rawene. REGISTERED AooouNTANTS. Herrick, Douglas Bruce, P.O. Box 1337, Auckland. Fellows. Herrick Edwin William Bertram, P.O. Box 1337, Auckland. Horrell; John Lowther Selwyn, A.ll'LP. Building, Bank Armstrong Charles Edward, l Kapai Road, Devonport, Street, Whangarei. . Auckland, N. 1. · Hunter, William James, 201 Ponsonby Road, Auckland, W. l. Ashby, Thomas William Mark, Town Hall, Auckland, C. 1. Hyland, Joyce William, _60-63 Yorkshire House, Shortland Astley, William, 55 Allendale R:oad, Mount Albert, Auckland. Street, Auckland. ' Baragwanath, Alexander William, 165 Great South Road, Irving, Alexander Edward, P.O. Box 1324, Auckland. , Auckland. Johnson, Howard Nelson, P.O. Box. 1430, Auckland.­ Bassett, Edward John, care of Messrs. John Burns _& Co., Johnson, Mollie (Miss), 31 Security Buildings, Queen Street, I,td., P.O. Box 834, Auckland. Auckland, C. 1. Bollard, Albert Ernest, Campbell and Ehrenfried Co., Ltd., Johnston, Sydney Cuthbert, 713 Colonial. Mutual Buildings, Auckland. · Queen Street, Auckland, C. 1. . , *Burnett, Henry Beaumont, 62 Great South Road, Auck- Kelly, Cedric Armitage Morton, No. 704 N.Z. Insurance land, S.E. 2. · Buildings, Queen ·Street, Auckland. Capper, Percy John, care of Messrs. L. D. Na.than a,nd Co., Auckland . . Kemble, William Charles, Room No. 704, 5th Floor, N.Z. Ching, Nelson Ashley, 120 Queen Street, , Auck­ Insurance Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland, C. 1. land, S.E. 5. Leah, Samuel, Dilworth Building, Queen Street, Auckland. Congalton, Thomas Ralph, Town Clerk,. Mount Albert, Ling, Maurice William, P.O. Box 1238_, Auckland. Lorimer, John de Lennie, P.O. Box 1081, Auckland. Auckland. Cowan, William Andrew, 12 •Seymour Street, Ellerslie, McCombie, William Henry, care of A.U.F.S. Dispensary, Auckland. 447-49 , Auckland. Craig, Ernest Arthur, P.O. Box 587, Auckland. McNiel, Hugh Thomas James, 10 Palmerston Building, Queen Deuxberry, Charles Archibald, 3 Ranfurly Road, Epsom, ·. Street, Auckland, C. 1. Auckland, S.E. 3. Maher, Desmond Joseph, P.O. Box 1085, Auckland. Drake, George William Charles, 12 Mozley Avenue, Devon- Mander, Reginald Waterland, P.O. Box 1641, Auckland. port, Auckland. · Marfell, ]!'rederick John, 7 Bracken Avenue, Epsom, . Duncan, David, Messrs. John Chambers and Son, Ltd., Auck­ Auckland, S.E. 3. land. Masters Clarence, 12 Burgess Road, Devonport, Auckland. Fordyce, William Bruce, Marama Avenue, Epsom, Auckland. Mathie;ori, Stanley, 64 Power Board Buildings, Auckland, C. 1. , Galbraith, Raymond Frank, 7 Clovernook Road, Auckland, 1 Meltzer, Ieidor, Southern Cross Buildings, Chancery Street, ; S.E.3. , . Auckland. Hames, Thomas Leonard, care of Amalgamated Dairies, J:,td., Metge, Edwin Herbert William, 103 Yorkshire House, Short- i P.O. Box 865, Auckland. . • land Street, Auckland. Hargrave, Frederick Charles, P.O. Box 43, Rawene, Hokianga. Mills Harry James, P.O. Box 1434, Auckland. Harper, Herbert Benjamin,,Messrs. Samuel Vaile and Sons, Murphy, John Anthony, P.O. Box 154, Whanga~i: , 83 Queen Street, Auckland. Murphy, John Patrick, 707 N.Z. Insurance Bmldings, Queen , Hills, Frank l\,finton, 2 Arney Road, Remuera, Auckland. Street, Auckland. Holt, Laurence William, University College, Princes Street, Neal, Robert Dearnley, P.O. Box 207, Auckland. Auckland. C. I. , Orr, Hugh Stewart, P.O. Box 1565, Auckland. Hookham, ·Reginald Thomas, care of Auckland Electric Phillips, Charle.a Edward, H.B. Buildings, Queen Street, : Power Board, Auckland. , Auckland. Houghton, Charles Vince, 8 Gladstone Road, Parnell, Al.\cl<:- Porter, Nella, P.O. Box 516, Auckland. land. . Pqrter, Rolf, P.O. Box 544, Auckland. Jack, Alexander Douglas, care of Mount Eden Borough. Raff, William Watson, 206 Chancery Chambers, O'Connell , Council, P.O. Box 8, P.O., Auckland. Street, Auckland, C. 1. Leese, Arthur, 456 Manukau Road, Epsom, Auckland. ;&eid, James, P.O. Box 158, Whangarei. Lusk, John B., 76 St. Andrews Road, Epsom, Auckl1L11d, Robinson, Charles Douglas, P.O. Box 1316, Auckland. S.E. 1. Ross, Lewis Nathan, 708-9-10 Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Machattie, · Oswald George, 106 Queen Street, Northcote, Building, Queen Street, Auckland. Auckland, N. 4. Russell, John Saville, 2 Pukenui Road, Auckland. Mackie, Joseph, North Auckl_and Farmers' Co-op., Ltd., Sanders, Charles Franklin, Yorkshire House, Shortland Street, Whangarei. Auckland. Martin, Alison '.Rossmore, P.O. Box 1584, Auckland. Saunders, Gordon Francis, No. 26, 2nd Floor, Endean's Mason, Frank Ernest, Messrs. Buddle, Richmond, and Buddle, Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland, C. 1. Auckland. ·. Shenkin, Cecil, Southern Cross Buildings, Chancery Street, Meek, Bertram Arthur, Huapai, Auckland. .. • Auckland. *Messer, Andrew, 23 Allendale Road, Mount Albert, Auckland, Simmonds, Harold Neal, P.O. Box 993, Auckland. S.W.2. ·Speer, Robert Dennis, I'.0. Box 115, Whangarei. Miller,. John Rowley, care of Waitemata Electric-power Spencer, Harold Frederick, P.O. Box 168, Auckland. Board, Private Bag, Auckland, C. 1. Spencer, Hugh McCutchan, P.O. Box 1431, Auckland. Nightingale, Charles Holme, 113 Yorkshire Hol.\Se, Auckland, Stanley, Robert Harvey, P.O. Box 791, Auckland. C. l. Steen, Tholjlas Gordon, Messrs. Wilkinson and Campbell, Ridd, William Thomas, care of P.O., Auckland. P.O. Box 1398, Auckland. Robinson, Harold Deason B., N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Stewart, Noel Raycroft, "Rangimarie," Birkenhead, Auck­ Agency Co., Ltd., Auckland. land. Shaw, Qharles James, Fairview Road, Mount Eden, Auckland. Surman, Walter Thomas, P.O. Box 155, Whangarei. Sherrill, James Alexander, Secretary, New Zealand News­ 'Swan, Leonard Wesley, Lister Buildings, Victoria Street papers, Ltd., Auckland. East, Auckland. Sommerville, Harold Archibald, 48 Lake Road, Takapllll9,, Sweehey, Francis, P.O. Box 1107, Auckland. Auckland, N. 2. · Thompson, Liqnel Gilbert, Kaitaia, North Auckland. Steen, David Harvey, Messrs. R. and W. Hellaby, Ltd., P.O. Thomson; Alah Duncan, Messrs. Thomson and Rodger, Box 367, Auckland. · National Bank Chambers, Shortland Street, Auckland. C. 1. Stewart, Archibald David, Messrs. Sargood, Son, and Ewen, Thomson, James, 101 Cooke's Building, Queen Street, Auck- Ltd., Auckland: ' · land. Strickett, Harold Edward, P.O. Box 365, Auckland. Thomson, James David Gemmell, Sun Insurance Buildings, Stubbing, Paul Arthur, Native Land Court, Auckland. . 42 Shortland Street, Auckland, C. 1. Thomson, Hugh Gordon, care of Messrs. George Court and i:!on, Veni:i, Frederick Bowmont, 22 Winstone Building, Queen Ltd., Karangahape Road, Auckland. Street, Auckland. Verry, Reginald William, P.O. Box 586, Auckland,,

·~dmembe., JUNE 12.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 15$9 ·

Warnock, William Whittaker, L. D. Nathan and Co., Browne, Walter Clayton, care of Messrs. Frank M. Winstorl

• Retired member. 1590 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 47

Duncan,'Geoffrey Inglis, care of Messrs. Hesketh, Richmond, Herriott, Jack Owen Miles, Assistant Town Clerk, Mount Adams, and Cocker, P.O. Box 1559, Auckland. Albert Borough Council, 539 New North Road, Mount Durbin, Wallace Reginald, 6 Maxwell Avenue, Auckland. Albert, Auckland. Dykes, Alexander Oswald, 16 Great South Road, Remuera, Hewitt, Alfred Alan, care of The Dominion Motors, Ltd., Auckland, S.E. 2. 166 Albert Street,. Auckland, C. 1. Eccles, Jack Malcolm, 36 Banff Avenue, Epsom, Auckland, Hislop, Sidney, care of Claude Neon Lights of N.Z., Ltd., S.E.3. 91 Hobson Street, Auckland, C. 1. Elder, Arthur Wilson, Messrs. Seaman and Shove, P.O. Box Hitchon, Harold, 35 Ferryhill Road, Auckland, S. 1. 844, Auckland. Hockin, Noel Harry Eugene, Marna Road, Hikurangi, North Elliott, Edmund Drusdan, Education Board, Auckland. Auckland. Ellis, Cyril Halsey, Station Road, Otahuhu, Auckland, S.E. 7. Hogg, John, Dargaville. Elmsly, Trevor Raymond, P.O. Box 12, Newmarket, Auck- Holmes, John Heyward, Messrs. A. and G. Price, Ltd., land. P.O. Box 24, Thames. Emerson, John Stuart, 20 Martin Avenue, Remuera, Auck­ Hooper, John Philip, 29 Claude Road, Epsom, Auckland. land, S.E. 2. Hopkinson, Frank, care of Auckland Hospital Board, Kitchener Emery, Charles Harold, P.O. Box 395, Auckland. Street, Auckland, C. I. Evans, Anne Lilium, Messrs. Earl, Kent, Massey, and North, Horrocks, Herbert, 1 Watson Avenue, Sandringham, Auck­ N.Z. Insurance Building, Auckland, C. l. land. Everton, Edgar Harold, 12 Ewen Street, Takapuna, Auck­ Howell, Charles Ronald, Rangipawa Road, Auckland, S.E. 5. land. Hugill, Joseph Stanley; 24 Onslow Road, Mount Albert, Faulbaum, Greta Tui Ingham, care of Waitemata Electric­ 'Auckland, S.W. 1. power Board, Private Bag, Auckland. Hunt, Robert Gordon, Onewa Road, Northcote, Auckland. Fawcett, Ashley Hugh, care of The Fletcher Construction Co., Hunter, Peter Leslie, 16 Seacliffe Avenue, Belmont, Auck­ Ltd., P.O. Box 644, Auckland. land, N. 2. Fisher, Charles Gilbert, P.O. Box 1155, Auckland. Hunter, Raymond .. Dalrymple, care of Messrs. Chambers, Fletcher, James Muir Cameron, care of The Fletcher Con­ Worth, and Chambers, P.O. Box, 397 Auckland, struction Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 644, Auckland. Hurley, Cecil James, care of Valuation Department, Auckland. Fogerty, Alfred Percy, 3 Penryn Road, Mount Eden, Auck- Huston, Sidney John, 8 Haig Avenue, , land, S. 1. Auckland, S. 2. Foote, John Dee, 25 Dingle Road, St. Heliers Bay, Auckland. Insull, Robert Hugh John, Dilworth Trust Board, Hobson Fowler, William Kemp, P.O. Box 179, Auckland. Buildings, Auckland. Fox, Edward Morland, West Ro9;d, Pukekohe. Jackman, Charles Keith Quentin, care of Trustee Department, Fraser, Donald Elliot, 2 Ridings Road, Remuera, Auckland. The New Zealand Insurance Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 634, Fraser, George McKenzie, care of Fairhall Motors, Ltd., Auckland. Kaikohe, North Auckland. Jackson, Thomas Charles, P.O. Box 37, Auckland. Frear, John Gordon, 3 Rangitoto Terrace, Devonport, Auck­ Jarvie, Albert Alfred, P.O. Box 1826, Auckland. . land, N. 1. J ellie, Hilary Theodore, care of Cambridge Clothing Factory, Gallie, Phillip Neill, P.O. Box 35, Auckland. Ltd., P.O. Box 1209, Auckland. Gee, Horace Edmund, care of The Farmers' Trading Co., Ltd., Jess, William Charles McGregor, Warwick Tutorial Colleg0, P.O. Box 598, Auckland. British Chambers, High Street, Auckland. Gibb, William Farmer, P.O. Box 1519, Auckland. Johnston, John Francis, P.O. Box 1393, Auckland. Gibson, Noel Mackenzie Frederick, Messrs. A. and J. Grierson Johnston, Leigh Alexander, care of Office, Mental Hospital, and Browne, 99 Queen Street, Auckland, C. 1. Auckland, W. 3. Gick, Trevor Lewis, P.O. Box 1081, Auckland. Jonas, Charles Thomas, 85 Lorne Street, Auckland, C. 1. Gillett, Eric Thorne, Messrs. Smith and Brown, Ltd., 148-152 Jones, Fred, care of N.Z. Shipping Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 22, . Symonds Street, Auckland, C. 3. Auckland. Ginn, Leslie Edwin, Paparoa, North Auckland. Jones, Hugh Aled, Seddon Memorial Technical College, Godfrey, Alan John, Central Office, H.M. Naval Base, Devon­ Auckland. port, Auckland. Jones, Hugh Owen, care of )\'[rs. Chas. Whitley, 44 Coombes Road, Remuera, Auckland, S.E. 2. , Goodare, Alfred Chamberlain, care of Messrs. C. F. Bennett, Kay, Robert Macdonald, Officers' Mess, R.N.Z.A.F. Base, Ltd., P.O. Box 703, Auckland. Private Bag, Auckland. Goold, Athelstan Legge, care of N.Z. Insurance Co., Ltd., Head Office, P.O. Box 165, Auckland. Kay, Thomas Bowman, 122 Wheturangi Road, One Tree Gordon, Douglas, Messrs. S. Vaile and Sons, Auckland. Hill, Auckland. 52 Gould, Percy Lyndsay, care of Rayneon (N.Z.), Ltd., 29 Kean, Charles Henry Alexander, College Hill, Auckland, Chancery Street, Auckland, C. 1. W. l. Keeble, Francis Harold, care of Public Trust, Whangarei. Gover, Cedric Charles William, care of The Auckland Farmers' Kemick, James, P.O. Box 9, Thames. Freezing Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 113, Auckland. Graham, Alan Preston, 18 St. Albans Avenue, Dominion King, Howard Wilson, 11 Arawa Avenue, Devonport, Auck­ Road, Auckland, S. 2. land, N. l. King, William Ernest Allan, 6 Park Avenue, Takapuna, Gray, Herbert Malcolm, P.O. Bo.x 1817, Auckland. Auckland, N. 2. Gribble, Charles Raymond, care of Auckland Transport Knight, Alfred Edward, 16 Jesmond Terrace, Mount Albert, Board, P.O. Box 984, Auckland. Auckland, S.W. 2. Hackett, Frederick Charles, Prospect Road, Glen Eden, Knight, Vivian Roberts, 18 St. Luke's Road, Mount Albert, Auckland. Auckland; S.W. 2. Hadden, Desmond Alfred, care of The Auckland :Farmers' Knowling, James Edward, P.O. Box 764, Auckland. Freezing Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 113, Auckland. Laird, Harold Raymond, 7 Ocean View Road, Milford, Auck­ Hamilton, Owen Frank Ferguson, 31 Onslow Avenue, Epsom, land. Auckland, S.E. 3. · Laird, Melville George, care of Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., Hammond, Arthur Bedford, Atkin Avenue, Mission Bay, Auckland. Auckland. Lane, George Frederick, 35 Woodside Road, Mount Eden, Hanna, John Leslie, 13 Claude Road, Epsom, Auckland. Auckland. Hargraves, Morton John, Ohaeawai, Bay of Islands. Lane, John Vernon, P.O. Box 74, Auckland. Harrop, Reginald Stanley, 48 Kitenui Avenue, Mount Albert, Langsford, Edgar Arnold Richard, care of Messrs. Chambers, Auckland, S.W. 2. Worth, and Chambers, P.O. Box 397, Auckland. Harris, Vioto~ John, care of Messrs. Fairhall Motors, Ford Law, John Willson, care of Auckland Farmers' Freezing Co., Dealers, Ka1kohe. Ltd., P.O. Box 90, Auckland. Harton, Neil Wilfred, care of Tip Top Ice Cream Co. (Auck.), Law, Joseph Digby, care of Guardian Trust and Executors Ltd., 20 Dunkerron Avenue, Epsom, Auckland, S.E 3. Co., of N.Z., Ltd., P.O. Box 1934, Auckland. Hartshorn, George, care of Vacuum Oil Co. Pty., Ltd., P.O. Lawry, Hugh, care of Messrs. Bycroft Ltd., P.O. Box 170, Box 1709, Auckland. Auckland. Haszard, Robert Clive, P.O. Box 1936, Auckland. Lawson, Gordon Ernest, Royal Insurance Co., Ltd., P.O. Hawkins, Clifford William, 20 Warrington Road, Remuera, Box 175, Auckland. Auckland, S.E. 2. Leary, Ernest, 68 Rosebank Road, Avondale, Auckland. Hay, Arthur Norman, P.O. Box 1509, Auckland. Leatham, Samuel, 88 Kitenui Avenue, Mount Albert, Auck­ Haydon, Kenneth Frank, care of Messrs. James Hardie and land, S.W. 2. Co., Pty., Ltd., P.O. Box 1069, Auckland. Lemmon, George Arthur, Victoria Road, Takapuna, Auck­ Heaton, Stanley, Lands and Survey Department ··. Land land, N. 2. Drainage Branch, Private Bag, Auckland. ' Lennan, Leonard Michael, 9 Surrey Crescent, Grey Lynn, Remus, Harry Helli~r, Herne Bay, Ponsonby, Auckland. Auckland, W. 2. JUNE ~2.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1591

Lenny, Rex, 58 Gordon Road, Mount Albert, Auckland, Owen, John Ira, P.O. Box 540, Auckland. S.W. l. Palairet, John Gwalter, 201 British Chambers, High Street, Leys, Eric Tiki, care of Council, Auckland. Auckland. Lilly, Ian McLaren, Chief Clerk, Mental Hospital, Auckla~d. Palmer, George Hartnell, care of Messrs. Stan Andrew, Ltd., Lindberg, Francis Victor, 1 William Avenue, One Tree Hill, Pukekohe. Auckland, S.E. 4. Palmer, Keith James, care of The Guardian Trust and Litt, Eric Morice Jones, care of A. M. Seaman, Esquile, Executors Co. of N.Z., Ltd., P.O. Box 1934, Auckland. P.O. Box 844, Auckland. Parker, Harold Lynton, care of Guardian Trust and Executors Little, Clement Arden, Onehunga· Woollen Mills, Ltd., One­ Co. of N.Z., Ltd., P.O. Box 1934, Auckland. hunga, Auckland, S.E. 5. Peace, Malcolm Richard, care of British Traders' Insurance Livesey, Arnold, care of Messrs. John Burns and Co., Ltd., Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 964, Auckland. P.O. Box 834, Auckland. Peck, Edwin Basil, 371 Mount Eden Road, Auckland. Lock, Albert Edgar, P.O. Box 934, Auckland. Penman, David, 10 Douglas Avenue, Mount Albert, Auckland. Longbottom, James Alexander, care of Auckland Electric- Penrose, Herbert Errington, Farmers' Trading Co., Ltd., power Board, Private Bag, P.O., Auckland. Auckland. Lott, John Stanhope, ~39 Great South Road, Auckland, S.E. 4. Perry, William Christopher John, 21 Momona Road, Green Lovett, John Blaikie, l Mason's Avenue, A1,1ckland, W. 1. Lane, Auckland. Lunn, Lionel Victor, care of Auckland Electric-power Board, Peters, Clifford George, 37 Hardington Street, Onehunga, Private Bag, Auckland. Auckland. }Iabee, Milton Grosvenor, P.O. Box 1220, Auckland. Phillips, Joseph, Messrs. L. Lichenstein and J. Paykel, Ltd., MacCormick, Donald Francis, P.O. Box 627, Auckland. P.O. Box 1242, Auckland. MacKay, Alister Menary,. South British Insurance Co., Philpot, Ernest Walker, P.O. Box 5, Newmarket, Auckland. Auckland. Piesse, Norman Leslie, care of Mrs. W. G. Franklin, 34 Macken, Thomas Victor, care of National Bank of New Altham Avenue, Sandringham. Auckland, S.W. 1. Zealand, Ltd., Auckland, C. 1. Pilcher, Harold Leofric, care of Auckland Electric-power MacKenzie, John William, Canteen Manager, H.M.S. Board, Private Bag, Auckland, C. 1. "Leander," care of P.O., Auckland. Playle, Arthur Edward, care of Messrs. Henderson and Mackie, William Noel, care of Diocesan Office, P.O. Box 652, Macfarlane, Ltd., P.O. Box 1909, Auckland. Auckland. Pledger, Vincent James Hayward, Lands and Survey Marks, Robert Willmot, 11 Ngauruhoe Street, Mount Eden, Department, Private Bag, Auckland, C. 1. Auckland, S. 1. Pollock, Thomas McDonald, P.O. Box 147, Kaikohe, Bay of Marshall, Cecil Alfred G., P.O. Box 27, Auckland. Islands. Martin, Robert Harry, Audit Inspector, Auekland. Pool, Donald, care of Messrs. Henderson and Pollard, Ltd., Matthews, Ruxton Delahunt, care of The Northern Co-op. Enfield Street, Mount Eden, Auckland, S. 1. Terminating Building Society, P.O. Box 645, Auckland. Porteous, Anne Semple (Miss}, 43 Codrington Crescent, Mission Maxwell, Thomas Ivan, 10 Belmont Avenue, Mount Albert, Bay, Auckland, E. 1. Auckland, S.W. 2. Porter, Edgar Russell, care of Hemingway's Correspondence McArthur, Kenneth, care of The Northern Investment Trust, Schools, P.O. Box 516, Auckland. Ltd., P.O. Box 645, Auckland. Potter, Arthur Augustus, Northern Steamship Co., Ltd., McDonald, Colin Phillips, care of Auckland Savings Bank, Kohukohu. P.O. Box 35, Auckland. Prescott, Philip Fredrick, P.O. Box 313, Auckland. McDowall, Archibald John, Private Bag, Puk:ekohe. Prickett, James, Marama Terrace, Birkenhead, Auckland, McElroy, Henry Michael, 15A Princes Street, Northcote, N.5. Auckland. Pullen-Burry, Hubert Ian, care of The Alum Electrical Co., McFadden, John Harold, Central Office, H.M. Naval Base, Ltd., P.O. Box 769, Auckland. Auckland. Pulman, William James, 358 Sandringham Road, Sandringham, McIntosh, Donald, 16 Glanville Terrace, Parnell, Auckland, Auckland, S. 2. C.4. Rae, John, care of Messrs. McCallum Bros., 60-61 Endean's McIntyre, Arthur, Native Department, Auckland. Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland. McKain, James Anderson, care of Native Department, Reid, Alfred Sangster, P.O. Box 516, Auckland. Auckland. Renaud, Ian Ferguson Neville, Stamp Duties Office, Auckland. McK.instry, Athol Turner Leigh, 195 Balmoral Road, Mount Rhodes, Jonathan Stuart, care of Messrs. Adams Bruce, Ltd., Eden, Auckland, S. 2. P.O. Box 9, Ponsonby, Auckland. McLachlan, John, care of Wilsons (N.Z.) Portland Cement, Richards, Jack Longton, care of J. M. Richards, Esq., P.O. Ltd., P.O. Box 1359, Auckland. Box 959, Auckland. McLennan, Daniel, 24 Mains A venue, Whangarei. Richardson, George Walter, Seaview Avenue, Northcote, McNeilly, Adam Rae, Public Trust Office, Auckland. Auckland. McSkimming, Rawlings William, P.O. Box 1623, Auckland. Rice, Leslie Caleb, P.O. Box 87, Auckland. . Mohr, Phillip Henry, P.O. Box 7, Auckland. Roach, William John, care of N.Z. Co-operative Dairy Co., Moore, Richard Arthur, 11 Halston Road, Mount Eden, Ltd., P.O. Box 115, Auckland. Auckland, S. 2. Roberts, John, 19 Kenyon Avenue, Mount Eden, Auckland. Morris, William Frederick, P.O. Box 279, Auckland. Robertson, Gordon David, 81 Shelly Beach Road, Ponsonby, Morrison, Edward Lloyd, P.O. Box 1413, Auckland. Auckland, W. 1. Morton, Jean Park (Miss), care of J. Phillips, Esquire, 10 Mont Robertson, James Hope, care of Native Land Court, Auckland. le Grande Road, ]\fount Eden, Auckland. Morton, Thomas Frank Foster Ward, care ofL. D. Nathan and Robinson, Douglas Lister, The City Treasury, Town Hall, Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 190, Auckland. Auckland, C. 1. Mulvihill, Dennis Brassil, care of N.Z. Perpetual Forests, Ltd., Russell, Robert George, Public Trust Office, Auckland. P.O. Box 672, Auckland. Rutland, Walter Charles Penn, care of Messrs. Radio (1936), Murray, Ralph Michael, L. D. Nathan and Co., Auckland. Ltd., P.O. Box 1166, Auckland. Newbold, Norman Murray, Takutai Avenue, Bucklands Salmon, Eric Percy, 64 Fort Street, Auckland, C. 1. Beach, Auckland. Scully, Patrick Felix, care of Naval Base, Devonport, Auck­ Newman, Henry Richard Nathaniel, 7 Sinclair Street, Devon­ land. port, Auckland. Self, Stanley Reeford, 53 Shelly Beach Road, Ponsonby, Nichol, John William, 219 Victoria Arcade, ~uckland. Auckland. Nicholls, Edward Benjamin Howard, Public Trust Office, Sharples, Harry, 233 Great South Road, Green Lane, Auck­ Auckland. land, S.E. 4. Nicholson, Gordon Francis, 45 Hackett Street, Ponsonby, Sharples, Ronald Jackson, 59 Kitenui Avenue, Mount Albert, Auckland, W. 1. Auckland, 8.W. 2. Nicholson, Victor Trevarthen, 5 Kotare Avenue, Herne Bay, Sheffield, Joseph Thomas, 506 Dilworth Building, Queen Auckland. Street, Auckland, C. 1. Noble-Beasley, Francis Vincent, R.D., Mangonui. Shields, Norman Louis, care of Technical High School, Norman, Norman Leslie, care of Onehunga Borough Council, Pukekohe. Onehunga. . . Simpson, John, 38 Rocklands Avenue, Mount Eden, Auckland. Odlin, Alfred Ernest, care of C. and A. Odlin Timber Co., Simpson, Reginald Samuel Porter, 3 John Street, Ponsonby, Ltd., Broadway, Newmarket, Auckland. Auckland, W. 1. Oliver, James Allan, care of Messrs. S. A. Smith and Co., Ltd., Sims, Alexander James Wavell, 33 Mountain View Road, P.O. Box 843, Auckland. Morningside, Auckland. Ormsby, John Takiari, care of Automobile Finance Co., Ltd., Simmons, Francis Frederic, care of Messrs. Rendells Ltd., Safe Deposit Building, High Street, Auckland, C. 1. Karangahape Road, Auckland, C. 2. 1592 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZET't'E. [No. 41

Sinclair, James Andrew Cook, Huia Road, Otahuhu, Auck­ *Waters, Charles, 46 Cromwell Road, Mount Eden, Auckland. land, S.E. 7. Waters, Walter, Town Hall, Glen Eden, Auckland. Sinclair, Oliver 'Wendall Holmes, 22 Waterview Road, Devon­ Watson, Lewis Hay, P.O. Box 52, Auckland. port, Auckland, K 1. Watters, Arthur William, Official Assignee, Auckland. Sinclair, Robert Gordon, P.O. Box 16, Auckland. •Watts, George Bertram, Traders' Finance Corporation, Ltd., Smith, Alfred Raymond, care of Messrs. G. S. Lintott and Co., Auckland. P.O. Box 877, Auckland. Wedderspoon, Robert Sandilands, P.O. Box 1637, Auckland. Smith, Bruce Henderson, care of Bank of New Zealand, P.O. Weir, Arthur Joseph, care of Parisian Neckwear Co., Ltd., Box 13, Auckland. P.O. Box 11, Auckland. Smith; Ian Sheldon, Felix Street, Onehunga, Auckland, S.E. 5. Wharfe, Wilfred Howard, 217 Great South Road, Green Smith, Patrick Godwin, Waitemata Electric-power Board, Lane, Auckland, S.E. 4. Private Bag, Auckland, C. 1. White, Edward Thomas, 48 _Fort Street, Auckland. Smith, Vernon Stanton, care of Messrs. Alpe Bros. and Co., White, Harper Spencer Kitchener, care of Messrs. A. and T. Ltd., P.O. Box 698, Auckland. Burt, Ltd., Auckland. Smith, Wilfred Norman, 5 Inverness Avenue, Dominion Whitelaw, William Hutton, 146 Gillies Avenue, Epsom, Road, Auckla,nd. Auckland, S.E. 3. Smith, William Murray, P.O. Box 10, Maungaturoto. vVhite-Robinson, Edwin John, care of Messrs. Robinson and Smytheman, Thomas Richard, Shirley Road, next Post-office, Co., Panguru, Hokianga. Papatoetoe, Auckland. Whittome, Roderick Counsellor, 5 Church Street, West Snelling, George Herbert, care of Valuation Department, Law Onehunga, Auckland, S.E. 5. Court Buildings, High Street, Auckland. Wilkins, Arthur Eustace Newton, Audit Office, P.O. Box Snoad, :Frank, Messrs. Briscoe and Co., Ltd., Customs Street, 144, Auckland. Auckland. Wilkinson, Henry Bruce,·" Valpre," corner St. Andrew's Sommerville, Horace Wycliffe, 10 Trinity Street, Auckland, Road, Mount Albert Road, ]\fount Roskill, Auckland. w. 1. Williams;· Ralph Peter, Messrs. C>tvanagh and Co., Ltd., Speer, Norman McLeod, care of Auckland Electric-power 108-112 Symonds Street, Auckland, C. 1. Board, Private Bag, Auckland. Williamson, Victor, care of Auckland Co-operative Termi­ Spence, William Stanley, P.O. Box 852, Auckland. nafang Building Society, P.O. Box 578, Auckland. Spicer, John Alexander King, 20 Mainston Road, Remuera, Wilson, Alfred Ernest, P.O. Box 3, Devonport, Auckland. Auckland, S.E. 2. Wilson, Austin George, care of Messrs. Th. de Schryver, Ltd., Spittal, Philip Charles, ca,re of Messrs. Kempthornc, Prosser, P.O. Box 326, Auckland. . and Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 809, Auckland. Windsor, Albert Edwin, 829 New North Road, Mount Albert, Spoor, Herbert, care of District Engineer's Office, Post and Auckland, S.W. 2. Telegraph Department, P.O. Box 1034, Auckland. Wink, John Ronald, 4 Roskill Way, Mount Roskill, Auckland, Stedman, Alan Christie, P.O. Box 1733, Auckland. s. 1. Stedman, John Eric, P.O. Box 1733, Auckland. Winks, Alfred Francis, P.O. Box 27, Auckland. Stevens, Alexander Leslie Gibson, 42 Shackleton Road, ,vinn, William John, care of Messrs. R. S. Newcomb, Ltd. Moun.t Eden, Auckland, S. 1. Brunswick .Building, Queen Street, Auckland. Stevens, Arthur Stanley, H St. Aubyn Street, Dcvonport, Winter, Lindsay Cuthbert, care of l\Iessrs. A. and J. Grierson Auckland. and Browne, 99 Queen Street, Auckland, C. 1. Stevens, John Leonard Beaney, 35 Woodward Road, Mount Woollams, Ronald Stewart, care of Wilson's (N.Z.), Portland Albert, Auckland, S.W. 2. Cement, Ltd., P.O. Box 1359, Auckland. Stewart, Percy Henderson, care of Lands and Survey Depart­ ,vordsworth, Walter Allan, care of Auckland Farmers' ment, Auckland. Freezing Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 90, Auckland. Stirling, Rebecca (Mrs.), care of Mrs. John Walton, Oruru, Wotherspoon, Louis Grogan, P.O. Box 1214, Auckland. North Auckland. , Wylie, Hugh, Audit Office, Auckland. Stotter, David George, P.O. Box 897, Auckland. Yolland, Dudley Henry, 1 Hillcrest, Hillside Crescent, Monnt Strong, James Blackburne, care of Atlantic Union Oil Co., Eden, Auckland. Ltd., P.O. Box 1059, Auckland. Sullivan, John Francis, Messrs. J.B. MacEwen and Co., Auck­ CANTERBURY DISTRICT. land. PUBLIC AoooUNTANTS. Sweetapple, Walter Robert, 3A George Street, Newmarket, Auckland, S.E. 1. Fellows. Takle, Ivan James, 21A Mount Albert Road, Mount Albert, Abbott, Hedley Roy, Messrs. H. R. Best and Co., P.O. Box Auckland, S.W. 2. 965, Christchurch. Tatton, Norman Alexander, care of Messrs. Watkin and Wallis, Ainger, James, Messrs. Hicks and Aingcr, P.O. Box 707, Quay Street, Auckland. . Christchurch. Taylor, Douglas Alexander, 10 Burwood Crescent, Remuera, Anderson, Oscar Wilfred B., P.O. Box 930, Christchurch. Auckland. Beckett, , P.O. Box 387, Christchurch. Taylor, Douglas Pettigrew, Office, Mental Hospital, P.B., Bernt, Harry Ramskill, P.O. Box 965, Christchurch. Te Awamutu. tBest, William Ernest, P.O. Box 221, Christchurch. Thompson, Andrew Stuart, care of Bank of New Zealand, Bicknell, Herman, P.O. Box 1022, Christchurch. Auckland. Bridge, Henry Poynton, Cathedral Square, Christchurch. Thomson, Neville Alexander, P.O. Box 113, Auckland. Cordery, Lionel Lingwood, P.O. Box I24, Christchurch. Thorpe, Wallace Spencer, Bay of Islands Electric-power Dunn, Frederick George, P.O. Box 711, Christchurch.· Board, P.O. Box 147, Kaikohe. Gibbs, Theodore Nisbet, P.O. Box 394, Christchurch. Tolich, Joseph Francis, Public Works Department, P.O. Gilby, Charles Horace, 93 Worcester Street, Christchurch. Box 46, Auckland. Godfrey, Stuart Palairet, 139 Hereford Stroot, Christchurch. Tomlinson, Levi Hird, " Crofthurst," 21 Curran Street, Gray, Arthur Lansdcl, P.O. Box 877, Christchurch. Herne Bay, Auckland, W. 1. *Hicks, Randal Leonard, 6 Cumberland Street, Christchurch. Tuck, Harold James, 25 Disraeli Street, Mount Eden, Auck­ Hoare, Denys, P.O. Box 373, Christchu,ch. land. Holland, Clarence Cyril, P.O. Box 1264, Christchurch. Turley, Albert Kempton, 48 St. George's Road, Avondale, Hutchins, James, Commerce Building, 187-89 Hereford Auckland, S.W. 3. Street, Christchurch. Turley, Osborne Edwin Birks, 48 St. George's Road, Avondale, Jameson, Stanley Wynne, 213 Manchester Street, Christ­ Auckland, S.W. 3. church. Turnbull, Henry Inglis, 10 Tudor Street, Devonport, Auck­ Lawrence, John William Kenneth, Federal Chambers, Here­ land, N. 1. ford Street, Christchurch. Turner, Arthur, 14 Seaview Avenue, Northcote, Auckland. Mitchell, Robert Huntly, Messrs. Mitchell and Son, 135 Turner, Leslie George, Camp Paymaster, Military Camp, Hereford Street, Christchurch. Papakura. Moore, John Harold Aubrey, Messrs. W. J. Moore and Son, 'furner, Percival Edward, 17 Mount Street, Auckland, C. 1. Cathedral Square, Christchurch. Twigden, Garth Hopton, care of Messrs. Fisher and Paykel, Neale, Joseph Bertram, 79 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Ltd., P.O. Box 841, Auckland. Newburgh, William Samuel, Messrs. W. S. Newburgh and Verry, Reginald Bruce, 18 Raurenga Avenue, Epsom, Co., Christchurch. Auckland, S.E. 3. Nioholls, Frank, P.O. Box 1116, Christchurch. Ward, John, care of Messrs. Ross and Glendining, Ltd., Auck­ Nicholls, William Henry, P.O. Box 1116, Christchurch. land. North, Harold Alexander Charles, P.O. Box 1116, Christ- Ward, Maurice Eugene, New Lynn, Auckland, S.W. 4. church. Ward, Thomas Charles, care of Messrs. Leonard and Dingley, Perkins, Carleton Hunter, Epworth Chambers, Hereford Ltd., Endean's Buildings, Auckland. Street, Christchurch. "

• Retired member. t Life member. JUNE 12.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1593

Pickles, Jack Hamer, Epworth Chambers, Hereford Street, Scott, Archibald James, P.O. Box 920, Christchurch. Christchurch. Smith, Joseph Holdsworth, 143 Hereford Street, Christ, Prosser, Walter Cook, P.O. Box 4, Rangiora. church, C. 1. Quartermain, Percy Norman, 93 Gloucester Street, Christ­ Smith, Turner, P.O. Box 279, Christchurch. church. Sturge, Cyril Luton, Messrs. Sturge and Bashford, P.O. Box Smith, John Roy, P.O. Box 187, Christchurch. 208, Chri•tchurch. Stewart, Arthur, Messrs. Stewart, Beckett, and Co., Christ­ Symington, Robert Henry, P.O. Box 1235, Christchurch. church. Tolmie, Frederick Gourlay, High Street, Rangiora. Stewart James Mawson, 152 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Wa,lker, William James Henry, P.O. Box 918, Christchurch. Twyford, Frederic Edward, Epworth Chambers, 176 Here­ Watkins, Arthur Stanley, 96 Hereford Street, Christchurch. ford Street, Christchurch. White, Cyril Henry Wyatt, 368 Papanui Road, Christchurch, Tyers, William Morris, P.O. Box 1002, Christchurch.. . N.W.2. Wilkiru!on, Alfred Owen, Messrs. W. E. Best and Wilkinson, Widdowson, Edward Upstone, Norwich Chambers, 162 Christchurch. Manchester Street, Christchurch, C. 1. Wood, Walcot John, 19 Manning Street, Riccarton, Christ­ Wilkins, Claude Emilius, 89 Gloucester Street, Christchurch, church. C.l. Woolf, Ernest Julius, P.O. Box 551, Christchurch. Wilkinson, Herbert Leslie, P.O. Box 828, Christchurch. Asseoiate8. Wilkinson, Lila Myrtle (Miss), T. and G. Building, Hereford Street, Christchurch. Armitage, Hubert Wallace G., 213 Manchester Street, Christ­ church. Wilson, Isaac James, P.O. Box 788, Christchurch. Ballantyne, Harold Henry Poynton, P.O. Box 249, Christ­ Woodfield, Mark William, 91 Slater Street, Richmond, Christchurch. church. Bascand, Andrew William, 77 Bealey Avenue, Christchurch, Wright, Frank Blundell, P.O. Box 923, Christchurch. Wyles, Ernest Henry, 152 Hereford Street, Christchurch. C.l. Bashford, Conrad Joseph Penberthy, P.O. Box 208, Christ- REGISTERED AooOUNTANTS. church. Black, Herbert Radcliffe, P.O. Box 228, Christchurch. Fellows. Brass, William George, P.O. Box 594, Christchurch. Anderson, James, 336 St. Asaph Street, Christchurch. Brittan, Francis Arthur, 154 Hereford Street, Christ- Bottrell, Wm. Thos. Victor Immanuel, 8 Chapter Street, church, C.l. Christchurch. Browne Percy Collins, P.O. Box 567, Christchurch. Bowie, Edgar Stirling, P.O. Box 535, Christchurch. Bruce, Arthur Ambrose, 213 Manchester Str~t, Christchurch. *Bowie, James Stirling, 44 Chester Street W., Christchurch. Bullock, Garnet Thomas, P.O. Box 704, Christchurch. Brown, William James, P.O. Box 325, Christchurch. Burtt John Keith, P.O. Box 367, Christchurch. Byers, Leonard Charles Aitken, P.O. Box 622, Christchurch. Bush,' Ralph Leslie,· 183 Manchester Street, Christchurch. Callender, George, 15 Webb Street, Christchurch. Caygill, Ernest Robson, 176 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Cook, Herbert Stuart, P.O. Box 636, Christchurch. Clarkson, William Paul, P.O. Box 707, Christchurch. Cooper, George Henry, care of Messrs. Wyn-Williams, Brown, Donovan, Brian Gerald, Somerset House, 153 Hereford and Gresson, corner of Manchester and Cashel Streets, Street, Christchurch. , Christchurch: Evans, Claude Whitney, P.O. Box 555, C~stchurch. Cordery, Hugh, Sherwood, 27 Stapleton's Road, Chpstchuroh, Fisher,. Thomas Edwin, P.O. Box 1032, Christchurch. N.E.1. Ford, Arthur Douglas, P.O. Box 37, Christchurch. Cree, Albert Edward, 2 Merlewood Avenue, Cashmere Hills, Fountain, Havelock Russell, P.O. Box 394, Christchurch. Christchurch, S. 2. Gale, Frederick Humphrey Dare, P.O. Box 721, Christ~hurch. Dench, John Richard, P.O. Box 1280, Christchurch. George, Alan Burton Wilford, Messrs. R. T. Tosswill and Eames, Augustus Webber, 36 Heywood Terrace, Richmond, Co., 116 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Christchurch, N.E. 1. Hamilton, Edwin Henry Staples, P.O. Box 1098, Christchurch. Graham, Frank Edward, 107 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Henry, John Arthur, 165 Hereford Street, _Christchurch. Hamilton, Victor Eustace, care of Messrs. Mason, Struthers, Hudson, Joseph Harry, P.O. Box 394, Christchurch. · and Co., Ltd., Christchurch. Kerr, John Lambert, P.O. Box 1264, Christchurch. Harkness, John Tinline, P.O. Box 6, Christchurch. Kirby, Norman Sydney, P.O. Box 443, Christchurch. Heney, William Robert, P.O. Box 46, Christchurch. Lake, Harry Robson, P.O. Box 555, Christchurch. Hester, Alfred Munt, 34 Colombo Street, Christchurch. Laurenson, Robert Linsday, P.O. Box 985, Christchurch. Howard, Arthur Spencer, 25 Repton Street, Merivale, Christ'. Lawrence, Llewellyn Vigers, 154 Hereford Street, Christ- church. church. Hutcheson, Robert, P.O. Box 1293, Christchurch. Luttrell, Ernest Edgar, 95 Gloucester Street (P.O. Box Jarman, Hedley Elworthy, Tramway Board; Christchurch. 958), Christchurch. Jones, Leonard Llewellyn, P.O. Box 922, Christchurch. Lyttle, Alfred Ernest Garfield, P.O. Box 639, Christchurch. IUllner, Henry, 78 Riccarton Road, Christchurch. Lyttle, Herbert Gardiner Gladstone, P.O. Box 639, Christ- Lawrence, Frank Netherton, P.O. Box 90, Christchurch. church. Lewis, Charles Howarth, 88A Dyers Pass Road, Cashmere McCullum, Walter Robert, P.O. Box 122, Christchurch. Hills, Christchurch, S. 2. MacGibbon, William Smith, P.O. Box 794, Christchurch. Maddren, Richard, Messrs. W. S. Newburgh and Co., Christ- MacRae, Kenneth Bruce, 12 Clissold Street, Christchurch, church. N.W.l. Metcalfe, Richard Grierson, P.O. Box 276, Christchurch. McGillivray, John Orr, P.O. Box 755, Christchurch. Morrison, James, P.O. Box 112, Christchurch. McGillivray, Karl Neil, P.O. Box 367, Christchurch. Rennie, John, P.O. Box 89, Christchurch. McKellar, Cecil George, P.O. Box 704, Christchurch. *Sharp, James Rollo, 499 Manchester Street, Christchurch, Maples, Frederic William, P.O. Box 789, Christch~ch. C.l. Marris James Arthur Sydney, P.O. Box 505, Christchurch. Smith, William Archibald, P.O. Box 445, Christchurch. Miller,' Otto Martell, P.O. Box 809, Christchurch. Symes, Robert Cracraft McLean, Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Mitchell Edwin Glasson, 119 Worcester Street, Christchurch. Ltd., Christchurch. Mitchell; Russell D'Renzy, 135 Hereford Street, Christchurch. *Tait, James, 21 Kilmore Street, Christchurch. Neale Richard Bertram, 79 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Veale, John Percy Edwin, P.O. Box 883, Christchurch. Norr~h Vernon Augustus, P.O. Box 1100, Christchurch. · Wakely, John, Kaiapoi Woollen Co., Christchurch. Osment: Leonard George, Liverpool Chambers, Liverpool Warren, Frederick Maurice, P.O. Box 112, Christchurch. Street, Christchurch. Worrall, Henry, Te Maratau, Mount Pleasant, Sumner, Owen, Alexander Milsted, 183 Colombo Street, Christchurch. Christchurch. O'Neill, Mervyn Clarence (Lieut.), No. 2 Training Battalion, Associates. Military Camp, Burnham, Christchurch. Parish, Charles Godfrey, P.O. Box 443, Christchurch. Allen, Arnold Charles Ophir, 25 Carrington Street, St. Albans, Pitcaithly, William Williamson, P.O. Box 392, Christchurch. Christchurch. Pomfret-Dodd, George Lewis, P.O. Box 989, Christchurch. A!lott, Frederick Spencer, 34 Ngaio Street, St. Martins, Powrie, Malcolm Angus, P.O. Box 775, Christchurch. Christchurch, S.E. 2. Preston Joseph Melmer, 185 Manchester Street, Christchurch. Anderson, Norman John Cuningham, care of The Perpetual Pure~, John Edward, 59 North Parade, Christchurch, Trustees Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 1121, Christchurch. N.E. l. *Anderson, Thomas, 124 Straven Road, Fendalton, Christ­ Quarrell, Hubert ,Tames, 166 Manchester Street, Christchurch. church. Rhodes, Frank, P.O. Box 413, Christchurch. Arnold, George Hendry, 489 Manchester Street, St. Albans, Robilliard, Ronald de Garis, 176 Hereford Street, Christ- Christchurch. church. · Auton, Thomas, Public Trust Office, Christchurch.

• :Jl,etlre4 ID~ber. 1594 THE NEW ZEALAND 'GAZETTE. [No. 47

Ballan, Howard Humm Bickerdike, 400 Hereford Street, \ Drummond, Gertrude Duthie (Miss), P.O. Box 1116, Christ­ Christchurch. church. Banks, Bernard Wilson, Public Trust Office, Christchurch. Dunkley, Walter .William, 89 Fendalton Road, Christchurch, Banks, Wilfred Henry, care of Papanui Timber Company, N.W.1. . Christchurch. Duthie, Robert, P.O. Box 861, Christchurch. Barnett, ·Wyndham, 457 Hereford Street, Christchurch .. Ellis, Alexander Leslie, P.O. Box 923, Christchurch. Barrs, Herbert Harold, P.O. Box 50, Darfield. England, Benjamin, P.O. Box 1006, Christchurch. Barry, William, Woolston Tanneries, Ltd., Christchurch. Erikson, Robert Campbell, Shell Co: of N.Z., Ltd., Bates, Robert Edwin, care of Audit Office, P.O. Box 2, Christchurch. Christchurch. Espiner, Eric William Arnold, Christchurch West High Bedwell, Vernon, 37 Somme Street, St. Albans, Christchurch. School, Christchurch. Bennett, John Roberts, care of Employment Bureau, Evans, Cyril Edward, care of Messrs. Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Christchurch. Ltd., P.O. Box 112, Christchurch. Best, Leslie Maxwell, care of N.Z. Farmers' Co-operative Fairbrother, Monty Claude, D. Coy., 20th Battalion, Burnham. Association of Canterbury, Ltd., Rangiora. Falloon, Reginald Albert, care of J\IIessrs. Rhodes, Ross, and Bishop, Helyar Annesley, 9 Straven Terrace, Christchurch, Godby, P.O. Box 91, Christchurch. W.l. Ferguson, Charles Alex. E., Messrs. Harris Bros., Christchurch. Boland, Raymond Cuthbert, P.O. Box 283, Christchurch. Fineran, George Ernest, 7 The Spur, Sumner, Christchurch. Booker, Herbert Elwyn, 25 Woodchester Avenue, Shirley, Finlayson, Hector John, P.O. Box 172, Christchurch. Christchurch, N.E. 1. Fisher, Alan Frederick, care of Messrs. J. Rattray and Son, Bowbyes, Lyall Robert, 67 Weston Road, Christchurch. Ltd., P.O. Box 235, Christchurch. Bowie, Colin Stirling, 14A Westenra Terrace, Cashmere, Forward, Harry Hill, Stamp Duties Department, Christchurch. Christchurch, S. 2. Foster, Harold Clarence, care of Messrs. Foster and Pan!, Bradshaw, Edward James, care of Messrs. Duncan, Cotterill, Ltd., 200 Madras Street, Christchurch. and Co., Barristers and Solicitors, P.O. Box 5, Christchurch. Foster, Trevor.Jlugh, Messrs. Rocke and Sons, P.O. Box 961, Bretherton, Arthur Charles, P.O. Box 1121, Christchurch. Christchurch. Brough, William Ward, 110 Rose Street, Qhristchurch, S.W. 1. Francis, CecilHngh, 11 Hardwicke Street, Sumner, Christchurch Brown, Frederick Harold, care of Messrs. Fletcher, Humphrey,, Fraser, James J\IIuir, P.O. Box 102, Rangiora, Christchurch. and Co., Ltd., Cathedral Square, Christchurch, C. 1. Free, Robert Eric,.P.O. Box 1121, Christchurch. Brown, Norman, care of D.I.C. Ltd., Christchurch. French, James William, P.O. Box 834, Christchurch. Bruorton, Maui John Hanslip, care of R.N.Z.A.F. City Frew, John Terrill, care of District Engineer, Post and Headquarters, Christchurch. Telegraph Department, Christchurch. Buchanan, Charles, Messrs. R. Buchanan and Sons, Ltd., Froud, Reverend John Dakers, care of 136 Southampton Christchurch. Street, Svdenham, Christchurch, S. 1. Buddle, G

Hulme, Norman, care of Education Board, P.O. Box 349, Neale, Thomas Percival, P.O. Box 221, Christchurch Christchurch. Newburgh, Keith William, care of Messrs. Armst~ong and Hutchens, William Kemp, 150 Kilmore Street, Christchurch, Springhall, Ltd., 127 Worcester Street, Christchurch, C. I. C.l. Niven, James Walter Scott, 652 Barbadoes Street, Christ­ Hyland, Evelyn Margaret (Miss), 221 Rolleston Street, church. Christchurch, E. I. O'Com1ell, Peter, Messrs. A. J. vVhite, Ltd., Tuam Street, Jackson, John Douglas, 6 Roker Street, Spreydon, Christ- Christchurch. church, S.W. I. Ollivier, Keith Morton, Bank of New Zealand, Christchurch. Jameson, Keeley Selwyn, P.O. Box 696, Christchurch. Packer, Charles Cecil, care of Messrs. N. M. Peryer, Ltd., Jamieson, William, Moncks Spur, Redclill, Christchurch. 157 Hereford Street, Christchurch, C. I. Jarrett, Francis Arthur, P.O. Box 523, Christchurch. Packer, Charles Henry, care of Messrs. Beath and Co., Ltd., Jay, Robert Oscar James, P.O. Box 555, Christchurch. P.O. Box 270, Christchurch. Johnstone, Cecil Henry, Messrs. Sargood, Son, and Ewen, Pargeter, Aubrey Huia, Christ's College, Christchurch. Ltd., P.O. Box 913, Christchurch. Patrick, John, P.O. Box 506, Christchurch. Jones, Leslie Keith, Canterbury (N.Z.) Seed Co., Ltd., Pearce, Rita Wilkins (Miss), 62 Burke Street, Sydenham, P.O. Box 204, Christchurch. Christchurch. Joyce, William Henry, Technical College, Christchurch. Peate, Cecil Scott, 38 Bennett Street, Christchurch, N.W. 2. Keen, ,vmiam Leonard, care of State Advances Corporation, Perkins, Olive Nelly Louisa (Mrs.), 57 Dyer's Pass Road Christchurch. Cashmere Hills, Christchurch. ' Kemp! Charles Clifford, Canterbury College, P.O. Box 1026, Perry, Stewart Noble Clements, P.O. Box 994, Christchurch. Christchurch. Petre, Joseph Austin, Government Audit Inspector, P.O. Ker, Thomas Hindmarsh, P.O. Box 248, Christchurch. Box 2, Christchurch. Kingscote, Geoffrey Ernest F., Messrs. Fletcher, Humphreys, Petrie, Leslie Harry, P. 0. Box 40, Christchurch. and Co., Cathedral Square, Christchurch. Phillips, Reuben Stanley, Public Trust Office, Christchurch. Kirkness, James Andrew Stanley, Lincoln College, Private Procter, Maurice George, care of Messrs. A. M. Satterthwaite Bag, Christchurch. and Co., Ltd., 193 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Larcombe, William Henry, Miro Street, Riccarton, Christ­ Quirk, William Grant, P.O. Box 440, Christchurch. church. Redwood, Charles Henry Gerard, P.O. Box 2, Christchurch. Lee, Arthur Henry, 19 Whitmore Street, St. Albans, Christ­ Ridley, Archibald Ernest, 192 Hereford Street, Christchurch. church. Lewington, Ernest 1Villiam, care of Messrs. Papprill, Son, and Robson, Thomas William, 24 \Vroxton Terrace Fendalton Christchurch. ' ' Corcoran, Christchurch. Livesay, Arnold, care of Messrs. John Burns and Co., Ltd., Rofe, Reginald William, care of K.Z. Refrigerating Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 642, Christchurch. 159 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Lynch, John McKenzie, 381 Madras Street North, Christ- Rogers, Ernest Henry, P.O. Box 960, Christchurch. church. Rountree, Raymond Adams, The Canterbury Engineering McCallum, William Lyall, 56 Knowles Street, Christchurch. Co., Ltd., 66-68, Kilmore Street, Christchurch, C. I. McClure, Alfred, 186 Fitzgerald Street, Christchurch, N. I. St. Paul, Garland Clifford Henry, care of City Headquarters, McDonald, Samuel, 53 Cashmere Road, Christchurch. R.N.Z.A.F., Lichfield Street, Christchurch. McDougall, John William Alexander, 35 Fuller Street, Savage, Stanley George, care of Vacuum Oil Co. Pty., Ltd., Kaiapoi. P.O. Box 186, Christchurch. McEvedy, Cecil Patrick, 9 Rotherham Street, Riccarton, Searell, Ernest Carlyle, care of Messrs. W. S. Newburgh and Christchurch, W. I. Co., Christchurch. McGregor, Catherine Jean (Miss), care of Messrs. Brown Senior, Robert Roy, care of Christchurch Drainage Board Bros., P.O. Box 548, Christchurch. P.O. Box 406, Christchurch. ' McGregor, Roy, P.O. Box 827, Christchurch. Seton-Kellaway, Garth d'Enys, P.O. Box I, Waikari, North McI!raith, Hugh, P.O. Box 524, Christchurch. Canterbury. l\foKernan, James Stuart, 6 Tanner Street, Christchurch, Shanks, Thomas Gray, Messrs. Suckling Bros., Ltd., P.O. S.E. l. Box 358, Christchurch. McLaren, Richard James, Technical College, Christchurch. Sharp, Francis Lawes Percival, P.O. Box Il16, Christchurch. McLeman, Hugh Lewis, 28 Plunket Street, Spreydon, Christ­ Sheppard, Joseph Hadfield Westby, P.O. Box 736, Christ­ church, S.W. I. church. McLeod, William Douglas, Bank of New Zealand, Christ­ Sherris, Arthur Robert, 65 Innes Road, St. Albans, Christ­ church. church. McNish, Ronald Bruce, Department of Industries and Sherris, William, 497 Worcester Street, Linwood, Christ­ Commerce, Christchurch. church. l\focDougall, John, P.O. Box 139, Christchurch. Simes, Richard Francis, 139 Hackthorne Road, Christchurch. Mackenzie, Maurice Waiterc, 8 Marlborough Street, Christ­ Skelton, George Arthur, care of Messrs. Booth, Macdonald, church, W. I. and Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 99, Christchurch. Mi'ckenzie, Thomas, care of British Pavements, Ltd., P.O. Skelton, Gordon Winter, Shell Co. of New Zealand, Ltd., Box 1173, Christchurch. Christchurch l\foddren, Cecil Charles, P.O. Box 458, Christchurch. Smith, Colin Selby, care of Messrs. Sims, Cooper & Co. (N.Z.) Mander, Stanley Augustus, care of Messrs. Thos. Perry and Ltd., P.O. Box 595, Christchurch. Sons, Ltd., P.O. Box 508, Christchurch. Smith, Eden William, care of Riccarton Timber Company, Mansell, Philip Lionel, care of N.Z. Wheatgrowers' Co-op. 33 Riccarton Road, Riccarton, Christchurch. Association, Ltd., 82 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Smith, Ernest Ivan, care of J. G. Ward and Co., Ltd., P.O. Mason, ,villiam, care of Valuation Department, Christchurch, Box 861, Christchurch. C.l. Smith, Leslie Leonard, P.O. Box 526, Christchurch. Matson, Harold Mervyn, care of Bell Cycle and Motor Co., Smith, Percy Robert, care of Messrs. Kinsey and Co., Ltd., Ltd., llO Lichfield Street, Christchurch, C. I. P.O. Box 245, Christchurch. Matthews, Gordon James, Randolph Terrace, Lytteltou. Smith, Ralph Every, P.O. Box 1121, Christchurch. Middleton, James Seymour, 14 Gloucester Street West, Smith, Stewart Wright, IO Averill Street, Shirley, Christ- Christchurch. church, N.E. I. Miller, Alan, 580 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Somerville, Walter Stewart, P.O. Box 201, Christchurch. Miller, Graham Monteith, care of Messrs. J. Tait, Ltd., 24 Spiller, Cyril Osmond, 262 Selwyn Street, Christchurch. Dundas Street, Christchurch, C. I. Standring, Ernest, care of Alliance Assurance Co., Ltd., Miller, Percy William, 33 St. Andrew's Square, Strowan, P.O. Box 194, Christchurch. Christchurch. Stephens, Keith Osborne, P.O. Box 380, Christchurch. Milne, George Ashley, care of Land and Income Tax Depart­ Stonyer, Cyril Haste, P.O. Box IO, Christchurch. ment, Christchurch. Stringer, Gilbert Henry, care of Public Trust Office, Christ­ Moody, Clive l\fontagu, 7 Rutland Street, St. Albans, Christ.­ church. church. Stringer, Thomas William Arthur, P.O. Box 945, Christ­ Morrison, Leslie Andrew, 18 Eversleigh Street, St. Albans, church. Christchurch. Sullivan, vVilliam John Russell, care of Todd Motors, Ltd., Mowat, Leonard William, care of Shell Co. of N.Z., Ltd., Christchurch. P.O. Box 81, Christchurch. Swanston, Noel Edmund, care of Arthur L. Cray, Esquire, Munro, Thomas Henry, care Blackwell Motors, Ltd., P.O. 187 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Box 716, Christchurch. Taylor, Edward Albert, care of Vacuum Oil Co. Pty., Ltd., Murphy, John Hunter Michael, St. Bede's College, Christ­ P.O. Box 186, Christchurch. church. Taylor, James Basil, P.O. Box 373, Christchurch. D 1596 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 47

Taylor, Osborne Richardson, 28 Rochester Street, Christ­ Beuth, Cyril William Wagstaffe, P.O. Box 78, Napier. church. Bickerstaff, George Ian, P.O. Box 88, Napier. Taylor, Tasman Thorpe, P.O. Box 1240, Christchurch. Bourgeois, Horace Edgar Keith, Harston's Buildings, Hastings Thompson, John, 18 Therese Street, Spreydon, Christchurch, Street, Napier. S.W. l. Carr, Harold George, P.O. Box 305, Hastings. Thompson, Liddell James, Messrs. W. E. Best and Wilkin­ Chapman, Douglas Gordon, P.O. Box 20, Napier. son, P.O. Box 221, Christchurch. Corbin, Frederick Henry, P.O. Box 126, Hastings. Thorn, Cecil Walter, care of Stamp Duties Department, Denton, Owen Ackworth, P.O. Box 18, Hastings. Christchurch. Dingle, Harry Rowe, Messrs. Webley and Ruby, P.O. Box Triggs, Reginald Albert, 56 ]\fay's Road, Christchurch. 32, Dannevirke. Turnbull, Andrew Rutherford, care of the State Advances Fippard, Norman Basil, P.O. Box 146, Hastings. Corporation, Christchurch. Gardiner, George Falkland, P.O. Box 192, Napier. Turner, Arnold Robert, 404 Avonside Drive, Christchurch, Gleadow, John Emery, P.O. Box 5, Napier. N.E. 1. Green~ George Francis, HendersOn Street, Dannevirke. Turner, Harold, 339 Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch. Kay, Percy, Market Reserve Building, Tennyson Street, Turner, Marjorje (Miss), Bursar's Office, Christ's College, Napier. Christchurch. Millar, Jack Jules, P.O. Box 92, Wairoa. Waller, George Nelson, P.O. Box 954, Christchurch. Nesbit, Edwa.rd, Hastings Street, Napier. Ward, Garner Wakefield, P.O. Box 322, Christchurch. Nesbitt, Edward Borid, P.O. Box 236, Napier. Ward, Ronald, care of Audit Office, P.O. Box 2, Christchurch. Palmer, Albert Edgar, P.O. Box 105, Hastings. Warren, Harman, P.O. Box 112, Christchurch. Pether, Stanley .George, P.O. Box 34, Wairoa. Watkins, Norman Frederick, 34 Barbour Street, Christchurch, Retemeyer, Alfred Mynhard, P.O. Box 145, Napier. S.E. l. . . Ruby, Harold William, P.O. Box 32, Dannevirkc. Watkins, Stephen Chisenhall Wynne, care of National Runciman, Archibald John Carson, P.O. Box 10, Hastings. Commercial Broadcasting Service, Station 3ZB, 740 Colombo Street, Christchurch. Stanton, William Edwardes,. 208 Victoria Street, Hastings. Watts, Peter Belford, care of Messrs. W. S. Newburgh and Tabley, Reginald Passy, Ebbett's Buildings, Queen Street, Co., P.O. Box 458, Christchurch. Hastings. Webb, Edward Rogers, Christ's College, Christchurch. Thomson, Vivian Arthur Duckers, P.O. Box 193, Hastings. Webley, Lewin Ronald, care of Messrs. Bunting and Co., Watson, Claude Richard, P.O. Box 60, Waipukurau. Ltd., P.O. Box 268, Christchurch. Webber, Arthur James, P.O. Box 36, Dannevirke. Williams, Frederick, Public Trust Office, Christchurch. Wilsori, Douglas Alexander, P.O. Box 78, Napier. Williams, Thomas Henry, Messrs. Williams and Williams, P.O. Wishart, Albert Eric, P.O. Box 13, Hastings. Box 610, Christchurch. Wills, Alan John, care of Messrs. Beath and Co., Ltd., Christ- REGISTERED AocouNTANTS. church. Fellows. Wills, Eric Philp, P.O. Box 800, Christchurch. Lawford, Edward Harrison, Union Bank of , Napier. Wilson, Dudley Venna, P.O. Box 396, Christchurch. Wilson, Quinten Marquick, care of Messrs. T. H. Green and Mackay, William Norman Jersey, Messrs. Sainsbury, Logan, Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 229, Christchurch. and Williams, Napier. Wilson, Trevor, Hutchinson Motors, Ltd., P.O .. Box 440, Rowe, Thomas, P.O. Box 175, Napier. Christchurch. Simpson, Frank Henry, Messrs. Williams and Kettle, Ltd., Wood, Gertrude Maitland (Mrs.), 11 Hamilton A venue, Napier. Fendalton, Christchurch. AssociateA. Wright, Charles Albert, care of Land and Income Tax Depart­ Anderson, John, Havelock Road, Napier. ment, Christchurch. Bauckham, Keith Wycliffe, P.O. Box 261, Hastings. Wright, Charles McAuley, 452 Hagley Avenue, Christchurch. Bell, Cervantes Jason, P.O. Box 3, Dannevirke. Wright, Sydney Launcelot, 49 Hartley Avenue, Papanui, Bickerstaff, George Herbert, P.O. Box 88, Napier. Christchurch. Bisson, Clarence Henry, P.O. Box 40, Napier. Wyber, Norman Shcddan, P.O. Box 29, Kaiapoi. Bradley, Harry Thomas, Messrs. Kennedy, Lusk, and Morling, Young, Jack Ivan, P.O. Box 794, Christchurch. Napier. Brenton-Rule, Henry, P.O. Box 251, Hastings. HAWKE'S BAY DISTRICT. Brew, Cecil Arthur, care of Audit Office, Napier. PUBLIC AccoUNTANTS. Butcher, Lewis Frederick, P.O. Box 100, Wairoa. Fellows. Clark, Percy Octavius, P.O. Box 109, Dannevirke. Cooper, Arthur Douglas, Land and Income Tax Depart- Anderson, William, P.O. Box 201, Napier. ment, Napier. Brown, Robert Douglas, P.O. Box 287, Hastings. Cowan, William Bruce, P.O. Box 112, Hastings. Bull, Henry, P.O. Box 58, Napier. Dcwcs, Henry Hayes, P.O. Box 314, Napier. Butler, John Sherwin, Messrs. McCulloch, Butler, and Spence, Douglas, Charles, P.O. Box 45, Hastings. P.O. Box 146, Hastings. Drury, ,Tohn William, care of Hawke's Ba.y Farmers' Co-op. Denton, Laurence Ackworth, P.O. Box 18, Hastings. Association Ltd., P.O. Box 261, Napier. Dobson, Walter, High Street, Dannevirke. Egan, Robert Martin, P.O. Box 17, Hastings.· Dunn, Francis Arthur George, P.O. Box 122, W'aipukurau. Gahagan, Ernest Mackie, 59 Marine Pamde, Napier. Edgley, Harold Edgar, P.O. Box 145, Napier. Galyer, Raymond Frank, P.O. Box 38, Dannevirke. Fraser, John Augustus, Hastings. Gardner, Charles, McLeod and Gardner, Hastings. Harker, Harry Lionel, P.O. Box 24, Wairoa. Hampton, Leonard Renwick, 11 Burn's Road, Napier. Harvey, William, P.O. Box 26, Napier. Hannah, John, care of Land and Income Tax Department, Hobbs, William Barton, P.O. Box 46, Hastings. P.O. Box 261, Hastings. . Hyde, Aubrey Cyrll Anderson, P.O. Box 146, Hastings. Hannah, Thomas Adam, care of Pnhlic Trustee, Hastings. Laws, Gordon Cosgrove, P.O. Box 26, Na.pier. Hay, Charles James, Public Trust Office, Waipukurau. McCulloch, 'William, Messrs. McCnlloch, Butler, and Spence, Heath, John Hawarth, H.M. Customs, Napier. P.O. Box 146, Hastings. Holloway, William George, P.O. Box 180, Dannevirke. McLennan, John, Messrs. Robert Dobson and Co., P.O. Holt, Frank, County Clerk, Waipawa. Box 114, Napier. Hulston, \Villiam George, Commercial Bank of Australia, Mitchell, William Peter, 6 Gladstone Road, Napier. Ltd., Dannevirke. Rainbow, Algernon lnstone, P.O. Box 46, Hastings. Inglis, Stewart Neill, care of Bank of New Zealand, Takapau, Sandtmann, Julius Winfried, P.O. Box 111, Napier. H.B. Spence, Morris Stewal't, Messrs. McCnlloch, Butler, and Kean, William, P.O. Box 146, Hastings. Spence, P.O. Box !94, Napier. Lee, Allan ]'rederiuk, 157 Kennedy Road, Napier. Webley, Korman, P.O. Box 82, Dannevirke. McConchie, Stewart.Donald, Ruataniwha Street, \Vaipukurau. Wilson, Charles Douglas, P.O. Box 78, Napier. McIntyre, Henry Fawcett, Public Trust Office, Dannevirke. McKay, Neville James, P.O. Box 15, Waipawa. A 88ociates. Matt,bews, William Reginald, care of Public Trust Office, Allen, Lancelot Fitzgerald, P.O. Box 38, Dannevirke. Hastings. Anderson, Eric Dudley, P.O. Box 77, Hastings. Melhuish, Frank William, Ed1fcation Board Office, Napier. Angus, John Morven, P.O. Box 100, \Vairoa. Newton, Charles, 502 Charles Street, Hastings. Ashcroft, Poter, P.O. Box 86, Napier. Pickering, Joseph Bramwell, 310 Knight Street, Hastings. Ashton, Frank Randolph Seaton, P.O. Box 194, Napier. Pirie, Edwin Charles, C. H. Cranby and Co., Ltd., P.O. Bayliss, Kenneth Howard, P.O. Box 238, Hastings. Box 120, Napier.

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Plitnk, Vernon Dudley Montague, care of Messrs. McCulloch, Associatea. ?3utler, and Spence, P.O. Box 146, Hastings. Armstrong, Jeffery Philip, care of Public Trust Office, Plimmer, Claude Harold, care of Public Trust Office, Wai- Blenheim. pukurau. Priest, Peter John, P.O. Box 34, Hastings. Auld, William Bain, P.O. Box 75, Reefton. Reaney, Thomas Philip Lewis, P.O. Box 201, Napier. Bell, James Allan, P.O. Box 171, Blenheim. Blake, George Edward, P.O. Box 13, Picton. Renouf, Arthur Ernest, P.O. Box 261, Napier. Richdale, Henry Wallace Hewton, care of Bank of Australasia Bone, Edgar Alfred, National Bank of New Zealand, Ltd., Napier. ' Nelson. Ross, Irene (Miss), P.O. Box 123, Napier. Bryce, James Miller Alexander, care of Government Employ- ment Bureau, estport. Rowe, Cecil Tasman, P.O. Box IOO, Wairoa. ,v Runciman, John Merrilees, P.O. Box 244, Napier. Bunt, Martin Raymond, P.O. Box 72, Greymouth. Simpson, Eric Volkmann, Hastings. Cannington, Sydney, Totara Street, Nelson. Sin?lair, Ar?hib'.'ld, _care of Post Office Savings-bank, Napier. Clark, Reginald Hawes, The New Zealand Farmers' Co­ Smith, Leslie Diedrich James, P.O. Box 31, Dannevirke. operative Association of Canterbury, Ltd., P.O. Box 177, Steele, Harry, 1 Bracken Street, Napier. BlenheinI. Stiles, George Eric, P.O. Box 122, Waipukurau. Craddock, Jolm Joseph, Gold Mines of N.Z., Ltd., P.O. Box 138, Greymouth. Tarrant, Jack Saywell, P.O. Box 88, Waipukurau. *Crowe, William, MoIIDt Street, Nelson. Trewby, Harold, care of Wairoa Co-operative Dairy Co., Ltd., Dawe, Maurice, care of R. Wild, Esquire, Public AccoIIDtant P.O. Box IO, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. Hokitika. · ' Von Dadelszen, Henry James, Te Mata Road, Havelock North. Dobbs, Harold William Kitchener, Aerodrome, Blenheim. Walls, James Reginald, care of Public Trust Office, Hastings. Eastwood, Oswald William, care of Messrs. T. B. Baty, Ltd., Webb, Leonard Joseph, P.O. Box 287, Hastings. Greymouth. White, Cedric William, Messrs. Humphries and Humphries, Ferguson, Trevor Menzies, care of State Advances Corpora­ Solicitors, P.O. Box 50, Napier. tion, Nelson. Williams, Edgar Grant, care of Messrs. McCulloch, Butler, Gardiner, David Andrew, care of Public Works Department, Westport. and Spence, P.O. Box 146, Hastings. Hamon, Martin Clive, Audit Department, P.O. Box 13, Williams, Edward Powell, care of N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Nelson. Agency Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 593, Hastings. Willis, Lawrence William, P.O. Box 104, Napier. Heath, Jabez, 95 Kawai Street, South Nelson. Hodgson, Arthur Wellington, 75 Peel Street, Westport. Wilson, Adam Horne, "Tapui," 40 Thompson Road, Napier. Hulme, Charles Percy, Whitney Street, Blenheim. Wilson, Frederick, P.O. Box 205, Napier. Worley, Albert Alexander, Public Trust Office, Hastings. Jenkins, George William, care of Public Trust Office, Grey. mouth. Kidson, Alfred Benny, care of Messrs. F. and D. Edwards, MARLBOROUGH-NELSON-WESTLAND DISTRICT. Ltd., P.O. Box 57, Nelson. PuBLIO AooouNTANTS, Lake, John David, care of Messrs. John F...ilkenny, Ltd., Palmerston Street, Westport. . Fellows. Lamb, Francis Henry Arthur, Land and Income Tax Depart­ Bunt, John Martin, P.O. Box 72, Greymouth. ment, P.O. Box 82, Nelson. Callwell, John Wellington, P.O. Box 52, Greymouth. Leask, Lloyd Samuel, care of Public Works Department, Farmer, Kenneth Stuart, 204 Hardy Street, Nelson. Nelson. Griffin, William Biss, P.O. Box IO, Nelson. McCaskey, Dugald, care of Messrs. H. R. Dix and Sons, Ltd,, Harvey, Edward John, Blenheim. P.O. Box 10, Blenheim. Hodgson, Charles Bertram, P.O. Box IO, Nelson. llfoClymont, William Stewart, P.O. Box 67, Greymouth. Hunter, James, P.O. Box 109, Nelson. ' McIntosh, John Grant, care of Post-office, Greymouth. Jaques, William Roland Pierce, P.O. Box 46, Nelson. Miller, Stephen Cathcart,, 43 Cowper Street, Greymouth, Lee, Thomas Hubert, Bridge Street, Reefton. Neale, Benjamin Charles, P.O. Box 81, Nelson. MacLaine, Alexander J., P. 0. Box 19, Blenheim. Ogilvie, William Thomas, Private Bag, Greymouth. Neale, Edgar Rollo, P.O. Box 114, Nelson. Oliver, John Richmond, P.O. Box 136, Nelson. Slee, Wilfred Thomas, Westport. PaJk, George, Public Trust Office, Blenheim. Souter, Eric, Mackay Street, Greymouth. Parr, William Henry, care of Nelson City Council, Nelson. Thompson, Joseph Samuel, P.O. Box 54, Blenheim. Pyne, Henry Nicholas, P.O. Box 13, Nelson. Wanden, Richard, Queen Street, Blenheim. Reynolds, Clifford Raymond, P.O. Box 3, Greymouth. White, William Richard Tempest, P.O. Box 124, Blenheim. Sinimonds, Frederick Hector, Rai Valley, Nelson. Struthers, Percy Alfred, P.O. Box 2, Westport. Associates. Taylor, Arthur, P.O. Box 21, Westport. Thomson, Ernest Harold, Messrs. J. H. Cock and Co., Nelson. Clark, ·Frederick, P.O. Box IOO, Westport. Thomson, Harold Reader, P.O. Box 85, Nelson. Dee, William Arthur (jun.), P.O. Box 74, Nelson. Trathen, Ronald Voss, 14 Collingwood Street, Nelson. Fell, Anthony Charles, Monro Street, Blenheim. Turner, Lyle Poulter, State Advances Corporation, Nelson. Fletcher, Hugh Campbell, Hardy Street, Nelson. Webb, Owen Andrews, P.O. Box 114, Blenheim. Fogarty, Michael Joseph, Messrs. Fogarty and Co., Mackay Webb, Walter Keith, P.O. Box 97, Nelson. Street, Greymouth.. West, Herbert George, care of Messrs. Griffin and Hodgson, Gay, William Edgar Leslie, P.O. Box 63, Westport. · P.O. Box 10, Nelson. Gilbert, William Stanley, Queen Street, Richmond, Nelson. Wishart, Arthur Edward, Denniston, via Westport. Hargrave, John Boyd, P.O. Box 46, Nelson. Heaphy, Philip Courtenay, P.O. Box 2, Greymouth. OTAGO DISTRICT. Leppien, Leslie William, High Street, Motueka. PuBLIO AooouNTANTS. McAuliffe, Joseph Horace, P.O. Box 2, Murchison. Fellows. Mogridge, Frank, P.O. Box 17, Blenheim. Porter, Winton Gore, P.O. Box 41, Reefton. Bamfield, Frederick William, 7--8 Public Trust Building, Slee, Wilfred John, P.O. Box 9, Westport. Moray Place, Dunedin. . Taylor, Frederick Charles Dawson, Hamilton Street, Hokitika. tBarr, Peter, Messrs. Forsyth, Barr, and Co., P.O. Box 751 Thompson, George Watson, P.O. Box 47, Hokitika. D=edin. Thompson, Hugh McGlashan, P.O. Box 54, Blenheim. Brown, William Richmond, P.O. Box 509, Dunedin. Vercoe, Norman Arthur, P.O. Box 74, Nelson. Burgess, Robert Cephas, P.O. Box 254, DIIDedin. Warnes, Ernest, Greymouth. Cooke, Frank, P.O. Box 63, Balclutha. Wicks, Henry James Frederick, P.O. Box 178, Greymouth. Davidson, George, P.O. Box 509, Dunedin. Wild, Richard, Revell Street, Hokitika. Davies, Wilfred John, 49 Thames Street, Oamaru. Wilson, John Hamilton, Revell Street, Hokitika. Finch, Rhoderic, P.O. Box 87, Oamaru. Grace, Edmund Robert, P.O. Box 557, DIIDedin. REGISTERED AooOUNTANTS, Grater, Charles, P.O. Box 509, DIIDedin. Hamann, John Thomas, P.O. Box 341, Dunedin. Fellows. Hanning, Robert, Dowling Street, Dunedin. Chisholm, William DIIDcan Alfred, Messrs. Levin and Co., Harraway, Albert Ernest, Bank of Australasia Chambere, Blenheim. 3 Bond Street, DIIDedin. Milner, Charles, Examiner Street, Nelson. Hislop, John Stuart, 105 High Street, DIIDedin. Priddle, Robert Frederick Charles, Messrs. W. E. Clouston Hopcraft, John Armour, M.U. Oddfellows Hall Building,,, and Co., Blenheim. 137 Stuart Street, Dunedin.

• Retired member. t Llfo member. 1598 · THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 47

Kirby, George Stanley, P.O. Box 588, Du:1edin. Hogg, James, McLeod Bros., Ltd., Dunedin. Little, James Stuart, P.O. Box 65, Dunedm. Howden, James Alexander, 4 :Meridian Street, Port Chalmers. Mirams, Samuel Philip, Crawford Street, D'.'nedin. Jeavons, Alfred 'William, Messrs. Ross and Glendining, Ltd., Mcinnes, John Stuart, P.O. Box 56, Dunedin. Dunedin. McLean, Alexander, Ross Place, Lawrence. Marshall, Herbert D., Messrs. Chas. Begg and Co., Ltd., Noble David Ritchie, P.O. Box 646, Dunedin. Dunedin. Pater~on, Thomas Dundas Bonnar, P.O. Box 335, Dunedin. Milne, J·ames, Messrs. Milne, Bremner, Ltd., Dunedin. Patterson, James Gibson, 41 ·Dowling Street, Dunedin. Renfree, Harry, care of J. Wilkinson, Esq., 26 Dowling Street, Power, Pierce Herbert, P.O. Box 174, DunP;din. Dunedin. Reid Geor

* Retired member. JUNE 12.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1599

Falck, George Brian, Public Trust Office, Dunedin. McLean, Lachlan, Social Security Department, Dunedin. Fiddes, James Henry Victor, 7 Benhar Street, Dunedin, W. 1. McLeod, William Henry, P.O. Box 348, Dunedin, Field, Stanley Edward, care of Co-op. Dairy Co. of Otago, Ltd., McNamara, John Percy, Messrs. Romisons Confectionery, P.O. Box 430, Dunedin. Ltd., King Street, Dunedin, N. 1. Fraer, Arthur Hedley, Inspector, Land and Income Tax McNaughton, John Douglas, Messrs. Barr, Burgess, and Department, Dunedin, C. I. Stewart, P.O. Box 254, Dunedin. Francis, Alan Thomas, P.O. Box 100, Dunedin. MacGregor, Alexander Duncan, care of Messrs. W. E. C. Reid Fraser, Colin Wilson, Messrs. James Wren and Co., Ltd., and Co., P.O. Box 302, Dunedin. Princes Street, Dunedin. Mackay, Kenneth Mcindoe, 127 Bedford Street, St. Clair Fraser, Rossallan, King's High School, Dunedin. Dunedin. Galloway, William Becket, Palmerston South. MacLean, Walter Ewing, Public Trust Office, Dunedin, C. 1. Gapper, Gordon Saywell, care of Audit Office, P.O. Box 232, Macomish, Peter Alston, Public Trust Office, Dunedin. Dunedin. Malthus, Leonard Gregory, care of Messrs. Ross and Glen- Gardiner, Reginald Keith, 61 Wansbeck Street, Oamaru. dining, Ltd., Dunedin. Gemmell, Wilfred James, P.O. Box 24, Alexandra. Masters, William Hall, care of Messrs. Burton and Patterson, Gilkison, James Hogg, P.O. Box 522, Dunedin. Albion Chambers, 41 Dowling Street, Dunedin. Gilkison, Walter Scott, 29 Highgate, Roslyn, Dunedin. Mathewson, Russell Arthur, care of Messrs. Wright, Stephen- Grant, Thomas, care of Bank of New Zealand, P.O. Box 320, son, and Co., Ltd., Kelso. Dunedin. , Mitchell, , Pukeuri, Oamaru. Gray, Arthur Wilson, care of Messrs. Andrew Lees, Ltd., P.O. Morgan, Richard James, 21 Alva Street, Dunedin. Box 439, Dunedin. Morrison, Frederick John, Messrs. Ross and Glendining, Ltd., Gray, Gordon, Public Trust Office, Dunedin. Dunedin. Gray, Hugh Colin, care of Messrs. Burroughs, Ltd., P.O. Box Mulholland, Thomas Henry, 9 Massey Avenue, St. Clair, 23, Dunedin. Dunedin, S. 2. Grenfell, Lewis Harvey, Gas Department, P.O. Box, 48, Munro, Donald McLean, Logie Street, N.E. Valley, Dunedin, Oamaru. Nees, Berthold Ridley, 4 Willowbank, Dunedin. Halligan, Angus Chisholm, P.O. Box 526, Dunedin. Neilson, Lindsay, Quality Bottled Milk, Ltd., 6 David Street Hanning, William Riddell, P.O. Box 720, Dunedin. Caversham, Dunedin. ' Harland, Thomas, Messrs. Thomson and Co., Dunedin. Nimmo, Robert David, Messrs. Nimmo and Blair, Dunedin. Henderson, James Gibb, care of Trustees, Executors, and Notman, George Goldie, care of Acme Supply Co., Ltd., 103 Agency Co. o'f N.Z., Ltd., P.O. Box 760, Dunedin. Bond Street, Dunedin, C. 1. Henderson, Robert Henry, P.O. Box 215, Punedin. O'Dea, John Joseph, P.O. Box 495, Dunedin. Hilliker, William George, Dunedin Savings-bank, P.O. Box Orr, Ronald Bishop, P.O. Box 529, Dunedin. 475, Dunedin. Parcell, James Crombie, P.O. Box 45, Cromwell. Hogg, Hugh William Murray, care of Messrs. A. and T. Burt, Parker, Francis William, Messrs. Fairburn and Parker, Ltd., Ltd., P.O. Box 77, Dunedin. P.O. Box 253, Dunedin. Hood, John Murray, care of Perpetual Trustees Estate and Paterson, Mary Doretta (Miss), P.O. Box 486, Dunedin. Agency Co. of N.Z., Ltd., P.O. Box 897, Dunedin. Patterson, Brian Wallace, care of Oamaru Worsted and Howatson, George Macgregor, care of Stationmaster, New Woollen Mills, Ltd., P.O. Box 66, Oamaru. Zealand Railways, Dunedin. Pearce, Alfred Henry Hugh, care of D. V. G. Smith, Esquire, Hudson, William, 45 Fitzroy Street, Caversham, Dunedin. Thames Street, Oamaru. Hunter, Eric Oscar, 35 Grandview Crescent, Opoho, Dunedin. Pearson, George Andrew, care of Messrs. Wright, Stephenson, Ibbotson, Arthur Kay, care of Messrs. W. E. C. Reid and Co., and Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 452, Dunedin. P.O. Box 302, Dunedin. Poppelwell, Henry Cairns, P.O. Box 217, Dunedin. Irvine, John Arthur, Social Security Department, P.O. Box Portman, William Lundie Bennett, Messrs. Bing Harris, and 885, Dunedin. Co., Dunedin. Irvine, Thomas, Trustees, Executors, and Agency Co., Price, Herbert Cowan, P.O. Box 119, Oamaru. Dunedin. Pritchett, Cuthbert Keith Torlesse, Bank of New Zealand, Jackson, Frank, P.O. Box 386, Dunedin. Dunedin. Jackson, Thomas, Messrs. Maude Bros., Ltd., P.O. Box 18, Purvis, Irene Ida, McGeorge Avenue, Eglinton, Dunedin. Oamaru. Reid, Alister John, P.O. Box 302, Dunedin. Jamison, Francis Ritchie, Peel Street, Mornington, Dunedin. Reid, Donald Geoffrey McMillan, 4 Sargood Street, Roslyn, Jones, Charles Francis, Waitaki Electric - power Board, Dunedin. Thames Street, Oamaru. Reid, Peter Ronald Talbot, care of Bank of New Zealand, Kane, John Watson, care of Public Trust Office, P.O. Box Cromwell, Otago Central. 429, Dunedin. Reid, Winston George Sainsbury, Messrs. Mackintosh, Caley, Kearney, John Harold Alexander, care of Income Tax Phcenix, Maclaggan Street, Dunedin, C. 1. Department, Dunedin. Routledge, Lewis Edward, care of Messrs. John Edmond, Kelly, Edward Henry, Department of Industries and Ltd., P.O. Box 138, Dunedin. Commerce, Dunedin, C. 1. Roxburgh, Rymall Stuart, P.O. Box 588, Dunedin. Kelman, Raharuhi Raymond, care of Town Hall, Dunedin. Ruffell, Ernest George Harold, 42 Filleul Street, Dunedin. King, Wallace Watson, care of Perpetual Trustees Estate and Sellar, William Robert, P.O. Box 558, Dunedin. Agency Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 897, Dunedin. Shand, Henry John, care of Bank of , Kitchen, Charles Henry, Perpetual Trustees Co., Ltd., Dunedin. P.O. Box 897, Dunedin. Sim, Ralston Fairlie, Heriot. Knewstubb, Eric Osborne, 12 Burns Street, Port Chalmers. Simmonds, Albert James, care of Shell Co. of N.Z., Ltd., Laing, Stanley Lockhart, 4 Pollock Street, Dunedin. P.O. Box 671, Dunedin. Lane, John Janes, Messrs. J. A. Duthie and Co., Milton. Simpson, John, Messrs. G. Simpson and Co., Dunedin. Lane, Stanley Ewen, P.O. Box 362, Dunedin. Smellie, Hector Norman, care of Messrs. Sharland and Co., Larsen, Hans Fuglestad, care of Department of Industries Ltd., P.O. Box 16, Dunedin. and Commerce, Dunedin. Smith, Gordon Sievwright, 74 Evans Street, Opoho, Dunedin. Laughton, Ivan Charles John, P.O. Box 714, Dunedin. Smyth, Ernest David, 53 Rutherford Street, Caversham, Lee, Charles Tasman, D.I.C., Dunedin. Dunedin. Lindley, Garnett Zellig Leventhorpe, 19 Lawson Street, Spence, John Adam Crombie, Messrs. Paterson and. Barr, Dunedin. Dunedin. Logan, Leonard Watson, care of Messrs. Cadbury, Fry, Spiro, Joseph, 68 Queen's Drive, Musselburgh, Dunedin, S. 2. Hudson, Ltd., Dunedin. Spite, Walter Garfield, National Mortgage and Agency Co. Long, James, City Corporation, Dunedin. of N.Z., Ltd., P.O. Box 3, Oamaru. Longworth, Frank, care of Messrs. John Mill and Co., Ltd., Stabb, Percival Walter, Messrs. J. Samson and Co., Dunedin. P.O. Box 257, Dunedin. Stevenson, William, Messrs. Irvine and Stevenson, Dunedin. *Low, Arthur Robert, P.O. Box 25, Hawea Flat. Strang, Charles John Rankin, 76 Highgate, Roslyn, Dunedin. Lucas, John Colin, Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Dunedin, Sydney, John Michael, P.O. Box 474, Dunedin. C.l. Taylor, Arnold James Goodsir, care of National Mortgage Lyon, Herbert Edgar, Tramways Department, P.O. Box 549, and Agency Co. ol ~.z., Ltd., P.O. Box 275, Dunedin. bunedin. Taylor, Basil Napier, care of Public Trust Office, Dunedin. McArthur, Edward ,Hamilton, 10 Ings Avenue, St. Clair, Taylor, Frank Cecil, 127 Highgate, Dunedin. Dunedin. Taylor, John, 41 Highgate, Mornington, Dunedin, N.W. 1. McKenzie, James, care of National Insurance Co. of N.Z., Thomas, Alfred, P.O. Box 475, Dunedin. Ltd., P.O. Box 539, Dunedin, *Thompson, Andrew John, 53 Manor Place, Dunedin. McKenzie, Murray, 31 Coughtrey Street, St. Clair, Dunedin. Thomson, William, P.O. Box 224, Dunedin.

• Retired member. 1600 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 47

Todd, Thomas Frederick Davies, Benhar, Otago. Buddle, Joseph Hewitt, Fenton Street, Rotorua. Townsley, Alan Douglas, P.O. Box 232, Dunedin. Cl\ampion, Leslie, P.O. Box 56, Hamilton. Tucker, William Harry, P.O. Box 94, Dunedin. Earp, Horace William, P.O. Box 37, Te Puke. Turner, Henry, P.O. Box 53, Dunedin. English, Richard, P.O. Box 17, Hamilton. Turpin, Thomas Edward Verdun, Messrs. Cadbury, Fry, Jourdain, Godfrey Owen, Te Awamutu. Hudson, Ltd., P.O. Box 256, Dunedin. Lnxford, Frank William, Hamilton. Vivian, Alan, 22 Chambers Street, Dunedin. Malins, Douglas Edgar David, Wesley Buildings, Hamilton. Wakefield, James Howard, care of Trustees Executors and Prideaux, Francis, Whakatane. · Agency Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 760, Dunedin. Reynolds, Thomas Gordon, P.O. Box 76, Hamilton. Wakelin, George Douglas, care of Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Ryan; Leo Cyril, P.O. Box 5, Rotorue.. Ltd., Dunedin. Ryan, Thomas Joseph, Studholme Street, Morrinsville. Weir, Henry Thomas, care of MeBBrs. McLeod Bros., Ltd. Smith, William Aubrey, P.O. Box 17, Hamilton. P.O. Box 229, Dunedin. Wilks, Matthew Harold, Taumarunui. Wellington, , P.O. Box 620, Dunedin. Wright, George William; 137 Victoria Street, Hamilton. White, Henry Harper Spencer, care of Vedic Cafe, Princes Street, Dunedin, A••ociates. Woodhead, Henry Elam Read, 22 Springhill Road, Morning­ ton, Dunedin. Allen, Gerald Ernest, Belmont Road, Paeroa. Wornall-Smith, Bruce Edmund, Public Trust Office, Dunedin. Armstrong, Ralph Ferrers, P.O. Box 52, Te Awamutu. Young, Arnaud· Mortimer, Public Works Office, Dunedin. Bartlett, John Henry, Theatre Building, Paeroa. Beaumont, Horace, P.O. Box 41, Tauritnga. Brenton-Rule, Colin, P.O. Box 31, Taumarunui. POVERTY BAY DISTRICT. Bridger, Thomas Alan, P.O. Box 16, Whakatane. BrownleBB, Redvers George Powell, McDonald's Building, PUBLIC AocouNTANTS. · Bryce Street, Hamilton. , ·Fel'/ows.. Budd, Arnold Ford, P.O. Box 71, Rotorua. Ball, Frederick Robert, P.O. Box 60, Gisborne. Buddle, Keith Forster, P.O. Box 70, Rotormi,. Blackburn, Charles, P.O. Box 51, Gisborne. Callaghan, John Louis, Security Buildings, Te Awamutu. Il_ull, Charles Henry, P.O. Box 293, Gisborne. Challiner, Royle Richard Victor, P.O. Box 54, Hamilton. Chapman, Arthur, Whakatane. Dobson, Ralph Boyd, P.O. Box 92, Gisborne. Clark, Malcolm James, Tudor Theatre Building, Cambridge. Dodd, Horace Earle, Harris Street, Gisborne. Davey, Edwin John, 7 Wesley Chambers, Victoria Street, Edwards, Robert William James, P.O. Box 293, Gisborne. Peach,. John, Score Road, Gisborne. ' P.O. Box 265, Hamilton. Piesse, Christopher Gisborne, P.O. Box 67, Gisborne. Day, Eric Charles, P.O. Box 181, Hamilton. Piesse, Reginald Craig, P.O. Box 130, Gisborne. Dukeson, Alfred Henry, P.O. Box 73, Rotorua. Porter, Herbert Mus~grove, Gisborne. Gallagher, Alfred James, Security Buildings, Tauranga. Smith, Charles Alfred, Messrs. McCulloch, Butler, and Spence, Gilling, Herbert Trevor, P.O. Box 17, Hamilton. P.O. Box 169, Gisborne. · Greenslade, Albert Ernest, Lafferty Street, Frankton, Waikato.. White, Mackenzie John, P.O. Box 198, Gisborne. Hamill, Miles, Messrs. Hamill Bros., Whakatane. Harris, Richard Allan, care of Tauranga Harbour Board, Aeeociatee. Tauranga. Hazard, Reginald Percy, Victoria Street, Hamilton. Bain, John Walker, Messrs. Irvine and Bain, P.O. Box 167, Hume, Murray Hamilton, Whitaker Street, Te Aroha. Gisborne. 1 Jones, Edward Llewellyn, South British Buildings, Hamilton. Blackburn, Charles Archie D'Arcy, P.O. Box 51, Gisborne. Kelly, Kenneth Stewart, P.O. Box 1-3, Te Awamutu. Chamberlain, William Edinburgh, P.O. Box 252, Gisborne. Leitch, Walter, Messrs. Bindon, Champion, and Leitch, News Chaplin, Reginald Wilfred, P.O. Box 63, Tokomaru Bay. Buildings, Te Aroha. Dobson, Malcolm Graham, P.O. Box 92, Gisborne. McKean, Neville Irving, P.O. Box 187, Hamilton. Haisman, Jack, P.O. Box 169, Gisborne. Meiklejohn, John William, P.O. Box 120, Waihi. James, Edward Frank, P.O. Box 65, Gisborne. Niblock, Karls Campbell, P.O. Box "11, Paeroa. James,'Reginald William, P.O. Box.58, Ruatoria, E:C. O'Meara, Edward Harding, Hamilton. Moore, Louisa Lissa, 41 Lowe Street, Gisborne. Pearson, Thomas Henry, P.O. Box 32, Opotiki. Nicholson, Magnus, P.O. Box 6, Gisborne. Porteous, John, P.O. Box 4, Huntly. Robinson, Montagu Frederick, Security Buildings, Peel Riesterer, Edmund Vincent, P.O. Box 191, Hamilton. Street, Gisborne. 1 St. George, William Vivian Thomas, 150 Victoria Street Wilson, Edward Kipping, Te Karaka, Gisborne. Hamilton. Seath, David·Coutts, Miriama Street, Taumarunui. REGISTERED AOOOUNTANTS. Spring, Leicester Russell, P.O, Box 69, Whakatane. Fellow, Thomas, Rhys Llewellyn, Whakamarama, Tauranga. Tnoker, Clive, Tuhoro Street, Otorohanga. Maude, Harold Evitt, Messrs. D. J. Barry, Ltd., Gisborne. Wakefield, .Morris Alfred, P.O. Box 293, Hamilton. Westwater, William Wallace, P.O. Box 21, Morrinsville. ABBoeiatee. Williams, William Harold, P.O. Box 186, Hamilton. Appleton, John Guy, P.O. Box 17, Te Karaka. Wyatt, James Temple, Jubilee Building, Te Aroha. Baigent, Walter Ronald P., P.O. Box !ns, Gisborne. Bean, Frederick Walter, Union Bank, Gisborne. REGISTEBED AccouNTANTS. · Bilham, Ernest Walter, 345 Aberdeen Road, Gisborne. Chrisp, Eric Townley, P.O. Box 108, Gisborne. Fellow•. Chrisp, Walter Henry, P.O. Box 40, Gisborne. Bushell, Albert Charles, P.O. Box 130, Hamilton. 'Dyer, Douglas George, care of Native Department, Gisborne. Kennedy, Edwarjl James Fletcher, P.O. Box 27, Can:ibridge. Elliott, Percival Cumming, Masonic Hotel, Gisborne. McArthur, Duncan Thomas Bilston, Te- Awamutu Electric- Finnigan, John Dennis, Land and Income Tax Department, power Board, Te Awamutu. P.O. Box 160, Gisborne. McKerrow, Allan Brunlees, Morris Street West, Tauranga. Foster, Mainland Lewis Monat, P.O. Box 15, Gisborne. Mountfort, Edward Plumer, Nau-Ngarongo, ·Cameron Road, Harold, Christopher Boyle, 5 Wi Pere Street, Gisborne'. Tauranga. Jenkins, Robert, Messr.s. F. Hall and Son, Gisborne. Wallace, Thomas Frederick, care of Grande Vue, Rotorua. Lysnar, Wathen Hilton, 59 Russell Street, Gisborne. McCormick, Newton William, care of Borough Council Chambers, Gisborne. A•socia~. Mantle, Edgar Leonard, Messrs. D. J. Barry, Ltd., Gisborne. · Andrews, William John, Native Department, Rotorua. Muis, Eric Alfred, care of Messrs. Adair Bros., Ltd., P.O. Atkinson, Noel Henry, No. 1952, " C " Troop, 24th Battery, Box 147, Gisborne. Military Camp, Ngaruawahia. Thomson, Malcolm Graham, Tikitiki, East Coast. Banks, Marjorie Alice (Mrs.), Mount Maunganui, Bay of Plenty. Bayne, John Douglas, care of Land Development Offl.ce, SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Te Kuiti. PUBLIC AccOUNTANTS. Beeche, Henry James, the Central Waikato Electric-power Board, Hamilton. Fellows. · Blair, Robert Ewen, Rangitaiki Dairy ,Co., Ltd., Priva~e Armstrong, Clarence William, P.O. Box 191, Hamilton. Bag, Whakatane. Bindon, Guy Howard Vereker, P.O. Bcix 56, Hamilton. · Blyth, Wilfrid Douglas, Bank of New Zealand, Te Aroha. JUNE 12.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1601

Bradley, Henry Arthur George, care of Te Aroha T.V. Co-op. Sommerville, Reginald Gordon, care of Tauranga Electric• Dairy Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 41, Te Aroha. power Board, Private Bag, Tauranga. Burton, Frederick, Messrs. Sharpe, Tudhope, and Auld, Spragg, Robert Fenwick, care of State Advances Corporation, Tauranga. of N.Z., Hamilton. Butler, James, Audit Department, P.O. Box 256, Hamilton. Sunley, Robert Charles Maxwell, care of Messrs. Newton Cartwright, Thon;tas Leslie, P.O. Box 224, Hamilton. King, Ltd., Hamilton. Chambers, James Herbert Roy, P.O. Box 24, Tauranga. *Tamblyn, Edward, Devonport Road, Tauranga. Clarke, Francis Ivan, P.O. Box 26, Te Aroha. Taylor, Murray George Hickson, P.O. Box 41, Rotorua. Coleman, John Gwynne, care of Golden Cross Hot.el, \Vaihi. Thomson, Francis Clark, care of Native Department, Private Coombe, Keith John, P.O. Box 187, Hamilton. Bag, Rotorua. Davis, Gerald Bruce, P.O. Box 21, Otorohanga. Thomson, George William Gordon, care of N.Z. Co-operative Duff, Donald Clinton, care of Public Works Department, Dairy Co., Ltd., Private Bag, Hamilton. P.O. Box 33, Te Kuiti. Tietjens, Avis Margaret, 1 Jlfarama Street, Frankton Junction. Eagles, Marshall Jack, Military Camp, Ngaruawahia. Tietjens, John Herman, P.O. Box 325, Hamilton. Earle, John, care of Land Development Branch, P.O. Box 75, Tregear, Lance Neville, care of Tourist Department, P.O. Te Kuiti. Box 27, Rotorua. Edwards, Clement Roy, 20 Thackeray-Street, Hamilton. Voisey, David John, care of Advance Cars, Ltd., Te Awamutu. Elliott, Philip Lancelot, P.O. Box 7, Hamilton North. Wallace, William, care of N.Z. Co-operative Dairy Co., Ltd., Finlinson, John Hewson, care of Land and Income Tax Hamilton. Department, Hamilton. Webster, Alice Hilda (Miss), P.O. Box 100, Hamilton. Flint, Douglas Wilson, care of Land Development Office, Wild, Frederick William, Te Aroha. Te Kuiti. Williams, William Bryan La Mothe, P.O. Box 210, Hamilton. Fowler, Noel Xavier, "D" Troop, .6th Regiment, N.Z.A., Military Camp, Ngaruawahia. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Fraser, Whampoa, Technical High School, Hamilton. Frew, James Francis, P.O. Box 239, Hamilton. PuBLIO AooouNTANTS. Gelston, Robert Boag, P.O. Box 8, Matamata. Fellows. George, Athol Maxwell, care of Ruakura Animal Research Algie, Robert Forrester, P.O. Box II, Waimate. Station, Private Bag, Hamilton. Bowden, John William, P.O. Box 86, Ashburton. Gilbertson, William Charles, care of State Adances Corpora­ Cook, Frank Joseph, P.O. Box 190, Timaru. tion, of N.Z., Victoria Street, Hamilton. Grut, d'Auvergne Stanley Leigh, P.O. Box 64, Waimate. Good, Charles William George, care of Messrs. Armstrong and Hickman, Frederick Albert, 127 Burnett Street (P.O. Box Co., Ltd., Commerce Street, Whakatane. 23), Ashburton. Hagen, Gerald Maurice Keith, care of A.M.P. Society, Leggott, John, P.O. Box 206, Timaru. Hamilton. Martin, Alfred Charles, P.O. Box 58, Timaru. Harding, John Classon, P.O. Box 201, Tauranga. McKennah, John, 131 Stafford Street,-Timaru. Harland, Thomas Robert, care of Messrs. Prideaux and Thomas, Walter Buchanan, 138 Burnett Street, Ashburton. Bridger, P.O. Box 16, Whakatane. Woods, William Horace, P.O. Box 118, Ashburton. Hillier, Charles Ge.,rge, P.O. Box 8, Taumarunui. Lamb, Sidney George, care of Public Trust. Office, Hamilton. Associates. Langton, Clifton Frederick, care of Whakatane Paper Mills, Ltd., Private Bag, Whakatane. Allport, William, P.O. Box 206, Timaru. Lear, Thomas Rashleigh, Messrs. Lear and Costley, Otoro- Foote, Percy Barnes, P.O. Box 219, Timaru. hanga. Goodman, Russell Stanley, P.O. Box 219, Timaru. McDell, William John Alexander, P.O. Box 10, Hamilton. Johnson, George, P.O. Box 234, Timaru. McEwen, Robert Lachlan, care of Audit Office, Hamilton. Mason, Searle Dwyer, P.O. Box 109, Timaru. McPherson, Annie May (Mrs.), care of 9 Hardley Street, Raymond, Francfo George Macdonald, P.O. Box 40, Timaru. Hamilton. · Robertson, Frederic James, P.O. Box 33, Temuka. Magill, Brian Creagh, care of Public Works Department, Solomon, Arthur Allan Quenel, P.O. Box 132, Timaru. Hydro-electric Branch, Hamilton. Marbrook, Harry Latchford, P.O. Box 256, Hamilton. REGISTERED AocOUNTANTS. Miller, John Sydney, care of Messrs. C. P. and P. D. Smith and Fellows. Co., P.O. Box 47, Taumarunui. Bruce, Murdoch, P.O. Box 4, Ashburton. Monaghan, Thomas John, care of Messrs. William Fleming Irwin, William George, Messrs. J. Jackson and Co., Timaru. and Son, Ltd., P.O. Box 2, Paeroa. Raymond, William Chute, Timaru. Moor, Carlton Norman Thomas, care of Public Trust Office, Hamilton. Associates. Mouat, Arthur Wood, Judea R.D., Tauranga. Mountain, Noel Stewart, State Forest Service, Whaka- Abernethy, Lindo Stuart, care of Perpetual Trustees Co., rewarewa, Rotorua. Timaru. Muirhead, Peter, Whitehall, Cambridge. Aitken, Frederick Richard George, High School, Waimate. Mulcahy, James, Audit Inspector, P.O. Box 41, Rotorua. Allport, Albert John, care of The Timaru Herald Co., Ltd., Murphy, Edmund Kevin, P.O. Box 61, Hamilton. P.O. Box 46, Timaru. Nash, Leslie Richard, care of Audit Department, Rotorua. Baird, Eric Tennant, care of Perpetual Trustees, Ltd., P.O. Box 75, Timaru. Nicoll, Arthur Hammond, Messrs. Speight, Pearce, Nicoll, Ball, Richard Offwood, 12 Jackson Street, Timaru. and Davys, Ltd., Cambridge. - Broom, John Robert, 34 Middle Road, Ashburton. O'Keefe, Albert Henry, Public Trust Office, Hamilton. Brophy, Edward, 26 Cox Street, Ashburton. Oliver, Nigel William, care of Native Department, Rotorua. Burrow, Vera Muriel (Miss), P.O. Box 206, Timaru. Patterson, William James Campbell, P.O. Box 14, Otoro- Carter, Harry Garlin, care of Technical College, Timaru. hanga. Chapman, John Harold, Ashburton Hospital Board, Randerson, Cedric Willis, 20 Anglesea Street, Hamilton. Ashburton. Reason, William, P.O. Box I, Morrinsvi!le. , Cox, Robert Donald, District High School, Pleasant Point. Reid, George Paterson, Edgecumbe Private Hotel, Edge­ Cretney, William Edward, 154 Victoria Street, Ashburton. cum be. Haworth, James Randel, care of Timaru Motors Ltd., P.O. Rex, Eric Douglas, care of Hamilton Borough Council, Box 122, Timaru. Hamilton. Lee, Gordon Rufus, 67 Beverley Road, Timaru. Ross, Colin Campbell, Messrs. Barton and Ross, Ltd., P.O. Lennon, John Webster, P.O. Box 234, Timaru. Box 116, Hamilton. Lewis, Herbert Norman, Bleak House, Ashburton. Saunders, Daniel Victor, P.O. Box 28, Whakatane. Loy, Robert Harding, P.O. Box 93, Ashburton. Senior, Stanton Eastgate, 3 Faw Street, Hamilton. Marshall, Colin Brereton, Messrs. Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Sheaf, Selwyn Samuel James, care of N.Z. Co-op. Herd­ Ltd., Timaru. testing Association (Inc.), P.O. Box 311, Hamilton. Mullan, Donald Sinclair, Timaru Motors, Ltd., Timaru. Simmonds, William Rupert, Secretary, Tauranga Co-op. McDuff, Horace Leslie, care of Messrs. Foote and Goodman, Dairy Association, Ltd., P.O. Box 95, Tauranga. P.O. Box 219, Timaru. Smeaton, Wallace James Colquhoun, Bank of New Zealand, McNab, Donald Gordon, P.O. Box 27, Timaru. Cambridge. Naylor, Horace Garfield, Secretary, South Canterbury Hospital Smith, Henry John, P.O. Box 30, Moninsville. Board, Timaru. Smith, Henry Knowles, Bank of New Zealand, Hamilton. Newton, Edward James, P.O. Box 27, Timaru.

• Retired member. 1602 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 47

Parr, Kenneth Rice Patterson, 6 Elizabeth-Street, Timaru. Malcolm, Donald Thornton,. care of Perpetual Trustees Parry, Agnes Catherine, 64 Shearman Street, Waimate. Estate and Agency Co. of New Zealand, Ltd., P.O. Box 57, Price, Frederick Reuben, Wairnataitai School, Timaru. Invercargill. Sarney, William Henry Gray Russell, P.O. Box 6.8, Ashburton. McClean, Alfred Abram, care of D. M. Malloch, P.O. Box 134, Shillito, George Archie, 5 Richmond Street, Timaru. Invercargill. Shrimpton, Sidney Allan, P.O. Box 29, Timarn. McKewen, Terence Mortimer, Southland Hospital Board; Smith, William John, Beverley House, Wai-iti Road, Timaru. P.O. Box 39, Invercargill. Spencer, Elisabeth Margaret (Miss), P.O. Box 43, Tim.am. Neil, Arthur·James, care of Land and Income Tax Department, Stanton, Leslie John Summerfield, Public Trust Office, P.O. Box 319, InvercargHl. Timaru. Raines, Lloyd Edwin, care of Messrs. Moffett and Co., Esk *Taylor, William, Willowbridge, South Canterbury. Street, Invercargill. Truman, Sydney Harold, care of Ashburton Electric-power Robertson, James, 8313, care of Battalion 4, N.Z. Infantry Board, Ashburton. Bde., Special Force. Wakefield, Alfred Albert, care of Mount Cook and Southern Routle

• &tired mem Iler. JUNE 12.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1603

Foggin, Robert Middleton, care of Taranaki Education Board, Hunt, Arthur Leigh, P.O. Box 783, Wellington. P.O. Box 64, New Plymouth. . Hunt, Ernest William, Phrenix House, Featherston Street, Fox, Andrew Lewis, care of Public Trust Office, Stratford. Wellington. , • Gunn, Athol John, care of Taranaki Hospital Board, P.O. Jack, James Whitson, Messrs. Pattrick, Feist, and Jack, P.O. Box 95, New Plymouth. Box 542, Wellington. Harding, John William James, P.O. Box 5, Hawera. James, Norman Howard, P.O. Box 145, Masterton. Hayton, Gilbert McLean, care of E. C. Hayton, Esquire, Johoston, Donald Gordon, Messrs. Watkins, Hull, Wheeler, 3 Fillis Street, New Plymouth. and Johnston, Accountants' Chambers, 39 Johoston Street, Hewitt, William Alfred, Real Estate Agent, Stratford. , Wellington. Hunter, Alexander Stuart, care of Messrs. Govett, Quilliam, Jolly, John, Naples Street, Martinborough. and Hutchen, P.O. Box 23, New Plymouth. Kellaway, George Thomas, 4th Floor, Courtenay Chambers, Huston, Joseph Frederick, Public Trust Office, New Plymouth. Courtenay Place, Wellington. Innes, William John Weymouth, P.O. Box 78, New Plymouth. Kellow, Ernest William Abraham, Bank of N.S.W. Chambers, Latham, Victor Sydney, care of Messrs. Horner and Burns, Wellingtcn. Solicitors, Hawera. Kember, Oscar Gerald, 324 Lambton Quay, Wellington. Littler, Edward John, 12 Weymouth Street, New Plymouth. Lambert, Edward Percival, 146 Featherston Street, Welling- Lloyd, Leonard Vincent, care of Eltham Co-op. Dairy Co., ton (P.O. Box 1268), Ltd., P.O. Box 24, Eltham. Lambert, Stanley Eustace, P.O. Box 1313, Wellington. McRae-Fittall, Richard Edward, Public Trust Office, Hawera. Little, Allen Thomas, P.O. Box 877, Wellington. Massam, Henry George, Messrs. Duff and Wynyard, P.O. Low, Arthur David, P.O. Box 165, Masterton. Box 69, New Plymouth. McAllister, Campbell, National Bank Chambers, 49 Cour- Morine, Francis Victor, care of Messrs. Duff and Wynyard, tenay Place, Wellington, C. 3. P.O. Box 69, New Plymouth. McIntosh, James, 5th Floor, D.I.C. Building, Wellington. Muirhead, Frank Hugh, Public Trust Office, New Plymouth. McKay, Duncan, National Mutual Building, Wellington. Neild, Patrick Wreford, care of Phillipps Motors, Ltd., P.O. McLennan, Alexander Joho, P.O. Box 1446, Wellington. Box 199, New Plymouth. Mackersey, Ivan James, Messrs. Petherick, Webb, and Nixon, Allen William Heathcote, P.O. Box 41, New Makersey, Bank of New Zealand Chambers, 79 Manners . Plymouth. Street, Wellington. Pascoe, William Arthur, care of Public Trust Office, New Meek, Harold Sidney, P.O. Box 173, Wellington. Plymouth. Menzies, Duncan Robertson, Messrs. Clarke, Menzies, Griffin, Rea, Elebie Stanley, Public Trust Office, Stratford. and Co., Wellington. Reid, Robert Bruce, P.O. Box 68, New Plymouth. Morpeth, Charlton Douglas, P.O. Box 857, Wellington. Rutherford, John Spencer, care of E. S. Rutherford, Esq., Nankervis, William Henry, P.O. Box 348, Wellington. Solicitor, Stratford. ·Pattrick, Percival Ernest, P.O. Box 542, Wellington. Shaw, Stanley Eric, P.O. Box 100, Plymouth. Rose, Henry Cates, P.O. Box 716, Wellington. Stubbs, George Worcester, care of Messrs. Newton King, Ross, George, 9 Braemar Flats, The Terrace, Wellington, C. l. Ltd., New Plymouth. Ross, Robert Craib, Messrs. Ross, Purdy, and Co., National Thomas, John Hawkin, Ngaere, Taranaki. Bank Chambers, Wellington. Warner, John Emmett, Lemon Street, New Plymouth. Rowden, Henry Wells, P.O. Box 848, Wellington. Wilson, Horace George, Public Trust Office, New Plymouth. Salter, James Broom, P.O. Box 584, Wellington. Wilson, James Hamilton, care of Stationmaster, Railways, Sclanders, AD.drew Richmond, Grey Street, Wellington. Hawera. Scott, Robert Alfred, P.O. Box 547, Wellington. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Sellar, George William, Masterton. Shaw, Kay Errol, Messrs. Watkins, Hull, Wheeler, and John­ PUBI.IO AooOUNTANTS. ston, Accountants' Chambers, 39 Johnston Street, Welling­ Fellows. ton, C. l. Allen, William Henry, care of Army School, Trentham Stewart, Gordon Drummond, P.O. Box 243, Wellington. Military Camp. Suisted, Charles Henry, 5th Floor, Prudential Building, Anderson, Arthur Maurice, Huddart Parker Building, Lambton Quay, Wellington, C. l. Wellington. Sutton, George Oswald, National Bank Chambers, Feather­ Arcus, John Lawrence, Featherston Street, Wellington. ston Street, Wellington. Barnett, John Howard, Featherston Chambers, Featherston Talbot, Wilfrid Goodman, Southern Cross Building, Bran­ and Brandon Streets, Wellington. don Street, Wellington. Bass, Frederick Harold, P.O. Box 986, Wellington. Thomson, Keith Ormston, P.O; Box 1227, Wellington. Black, Joseph Bower, P.O. Box 1546, Wellington. Turner, Joho Herbert, Phrenix House, Featherston Street, Bolton, Herbert, P.O. Box 178, Te Aro, Wellington. Wellington. Bowden, Charles Moore, Messrs. Bowden, Bass, and Cox, P.O. Vickery, Herbert Douglas, P.O. Box 848, Wellington. Box 986, Wellington. Ward, Thomas Lindsay, Messrs. Clarke, Menzies, Griffin, and Bucholz, Ernest William Phillip, 13 Grey Street, Wellington. Co., P.O. Box 486, Wellington. Buxton, Thomas J. L., P.O. Box 9, Wellington. · Wheeler, William Stanley, Messrs. Watkins, Hull, Wheeler, Cannons, Ernest, P.O. Box 1400, Wellington. and Johnston, Accountants' Chambers, 39 Johnston Street, Chancellor, Harold William, P.O. Box 766, Wellington. Wellington. Cox, Cecil Turnley, P.O. Box 986, Wellington. Wise, Frederick Henry, 21 Ross Street, Kilbirnie, Wellington, Crimp, Gordon Sidney, P.O. Box 620, Wellington. Worth, Charles Frederick, P.O. Box 486, Wellington. Cunningham, Fergus McNeil, P.O. Box 165, Masterton. Yeatman, John Francis Pym, P.O. Box 1097, Wellington. Dymock, Edward Russell McLean, P.O. Box 193, Wellington. Falconer, Charles Stuart, Druids' Building, Lambton Quay, Associates. Wellington, C. l. Feil, Gustav James J., Suite No. 400-1-2, T. and G. Building, Aickin, James Carlisle, 3 Lower Athens Street, Miramar, Lambton Quay, Wellington. Wellington, E. 4. Feist, Frank Eric, Messrs. Pattrick, Feist, and Jack, A.M.P. Anderson, Paul Chambers, Messrs. Rowley, Gill, Hobbs, Building, Wellington. and Glen, l'.0. Box 527, Wellington. Forsyth, Thomas, National Mutual Buildings, Wellington. Arens, John Arnott, P.O. Box 1283, Wellington. Gellatly, Alexander Anderson, Messrs. J. H. Bethune and Co., Arens, William John, P.O. Box 1283, Wellington. Wellington. Avery, Henry Esau, P.O. Box 585, Wellington. Gillingham, Paul, Stafford, Kelvin Chambers, The Terrace, Balharry, John Bruce, Messrs. Wilberfoss, Harden, and Co., Wellington, C. 1. P.O. Box 347, Wellington. Glen, Robert Arthur, Messrs. Rowley, Gill, Hobbs, and Glen, Bardsley, Ernest Milton, P.O. Box 1473, Wellington. Featherston Street, Wellington. ' Barnett, David Thompson, P.O. Box 1327, Wellington. Gold, Henry Arthur, Brandon Street, Wellington. Benjamin, Joseph, T. and G. Building, Lambton Quay, Griffin, John Leslie, Messrs. Clarke, Menzies, Griffin, and Wellington. Co., P.O. Box 486, Wellington. Berry, Gordon Younger, P.O. Box 1546, Wellington. Harle, Peter George, P.O. Box 859, Wellington. Bradley, Joseph Clifford, P.O. Box 1559, Wellington. Harris, Fredric Henry, Messrs. Watkins, Hull, Wheeler, and Bradshaw, Robert Colville, Messrs. Wilberfoss, Harden, and Johnston, Accountants' Chambers, 39 Johnston Street, Co., P.O. Box 347, Wellington. Wellington. Brinsden, James Berry, 18 Matai Street, Lower Hutt, Heslop, Leslie Harwood, Phrenix House, Featherston Street, Brown, Duncan Bell, P.O. Box 1324, Wellington. Wellington, C. l. Brown, Sydney Ernest, Bethune's Building, Featherston Hobbs, Stephen Maundrell, Messrs. Rowley, Gill, Hobbs, and Street, Wellington, C. 1. · Glen, Wellington. Brunton, Walter Thomson, Room No. 4, National Mutual Hull, Geoffrey Benson, Messrs. Watkins, Hull, Wheeler, and· Building, 98-104 Customhouse Quay, Wellington. Johnston, Accguntant11' Olw,mbers, 31) JoMston Street, Cameron, Peter Macarthur, A.M.P. Building, 2nd Floor, Wellington, 011~tomhouse Quay, Wellinstoll, · lll 1604 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No ..47.

Clark, Gilbert Ralston, Southern Cross Building, Brandon Ryan, Bernard Daniel, 157 Featherston Street, Wellington,. Street, Wellington. C.l. Clarke, .Spencer Bruce, care of Messrs. Clarke and Mullins, Sellar,-William Michael, P.O. Box 54, Masterton.. Hamilton Chambers, Wellington. Sincock,· Edwin Delbridge, Brandon House, Featherston· Collins, Rupert Yeoman, Room 170, A.M.P. Building, Wel- Street, Wellington, C. 1. lington. · Smart, Leslie Horton, High Street, Carterton. Cook, Ian Thomas, P.O. Box 1685, Wellington. Steed, Arthur John, P.O. Box 524, Wellington. Crombie, David Alexander Ford, P.O. Box 4&6, Wellington. Tarrant, Alfred Edward, P.O. Box 1412, Wellington. Curry, David Bartholomew, P.O. Box 180, Masterton. Teward, Thomas, P.O. Box 1633, Wellington. Davies, George Henry Lloyd, Messrs. Rowley, Gill, Hobbs, W addilove, William Wardrop, 4 Maida Vale Road, Roseneath, and Glen, P.O. Box 527, Wellington. Wellington, Davison, Robert Allan, P.O. Box 486, Wellington. Walton, Oliver, Main Street, Eketahuna, Duncan, Alfred Clifton, P.O. Box 270, Wellington. Watt, James Robert, P.O. Box 40, Masterton. Dunderdale, Harold Arthur Roland, P.O. Box 125, Masterton. Wilson, , 155 The Terrace, Wellington, Eastwood, Ernest Keith, Bank of Australasia Chambers, Masterton. REGISTERED ACCOUNTANTS Fairchild, Hector Snowdon, P.O. Box 895, Wellington. Fairchild, Henry Joseph, 207 Queen Street, Masterton. Felwws. Falconer, Keith Alexander, P.O. Box 1189, Wellington. Fanning, Hugh Stephen, 1 Western Hutt Road, Lower Hutt. Appleton, Will, Bethune's Buildings, 154 Featherston Stre;t,. Gladstones, Vernon Talbot, Messrs. Flack and Flack, 119 Wellington, C. l. Customhouse Quay, Wellington, C. I. · Barber, Charles Hubert, P,O. Box 13, Carterton. Glover, Norman James, P.O. Box 450, Wellington. Bayfield, Arthur George D'Oyly, Federal Steam Navigation Gray, Lewis Frederick, 20 Hessey Street, .Masterton. Co., Ltd., Wellington. Greig, Harry Esmond, P.O. Box 831, Wellington. Bradley, Clement Newsome, 21 Ranni Crescent, Khandallah,. Harden, George Samuel Thorpe, Huddart Parket Buildings, Wellington. · Wellington. Brash, Thomas Cuddie, P.O. Box 866, Wellington. , . Hayward, Frederick Howard, D.I.C. Building, Wellington. Brown, Harold John, Messrs. J. H. Bethune and Co,, Welling- Hayward, Reginald George, A/Sergeant, No. 6378, Battalion ton. · H.Q., 22nd (Rifle) Bn., Trentham. Buck, Horace. John, 92 Glenmore Street, Wellington. . Hazelwood, Thomas Walter, Howell Avenue, Wellington, Carter, Frederick John, 20 Mulgrave Street, Wellington. S. l. *Collins, Charles, 19 Ariki Road,. Haitaitai, Wellington, C. 2.• Henderson, Tom Kinley, P.O. Box 1439, Wellington. Collins, Cyril George, Audit Office,. Government Buildings. Hicks, Warren James, P.O. Box 173, W'ellington. Wellington. Hogg, Cuthbert Stuart, 4th Floor, Seater's Building, 105 Courtney, Charles Hargrove,. P.O,, Box 866, .Wellington. Customhouse Quay, Wellington, C. 1. Dalley, Stanley George, 62 Ohan Street, Wadestown,. Wel. Hogg, Stanley George Henry, Third Floor, T. and G. Building, lington, N .2. La.mbton Quay, Wellington. Dalziel, Jeremiah, Messrs. Findlay, Hoggard, and Morrison, Hollings, Alfred William George, P.O. Box 83, Masterton. Wellington. · Hoskins, Stanislaus Francis, 61 Dixon Street, Wellington. Dewhurst, Francis Claude, 79 Monro Street, Seatoun; ·Welling­ Hollis, Raymond Arthur .Charles, P.O. Box 145, Masterton. ton. H:ull, Thomas Geoffry, P.O .. Box 1527, Wellington. Domie, Alfred Ernest, P.O. Box 963, Wellington. Hume, Keith Hamilton, P.O. Box 299, Wellington. :Enting, Edmund Laurenz, Enting's Co=ercial College, Ltd., Irwin, Donald Leolin, P.O. Box 783, Wellington. P.O. Box 826, Wellington. hory, Arthur Henry, P.O. Box 328, Wellington. Fleming, James Martin, 21 Blair Stmet, Wellington. Jackman, Arthur Townley, T. and G. Building, 28 Grey Fowler, James Henry, 206 The Terrace, Wellington. Street, Wellington. Frew, James Leslie, P.O. Box 1668, Wellington. James, Griffith Davies, P.O. Box 1420, Wellington. Green, Walter, 22 Brooklyn Road, Wellington, C. 2. Judd, George Leigh, P.O. Box, 19, Wellington. Jackson, Thomas Arthur, P.O. Box 921, Wellington. Keith, Alexander, P.O. Box 63, Masterton. Kennedy, Matthew Joseph, Gas Co., Ltd., Wellington. Kellow, John Arthur, P.O. Box 321, Wellington. Lang, Arthur Hicknian, care of Messrs. Sargood, Son, and Keniber, Francis Henry, 324 Lambton Quay, Wellington. Ewen, Ltd., Wellington. · Knight, Francis Alexander, National Mutual Building, Long, Daniel, care of G. M. Wilson, Esq., P.O. Box 1199, - Customhouse Quay, Wellington, C. l. Wellington. · MacDonald, Charles Douglas, D.I.C. Building, Wellington. Mackisack, Jasper Wills, care-of N.Z. lpspection Department, MacMorran, George Brown, Messrs. Dymock, MacShane, and N.Z. Loan and. Mercantile Agency, Ltd., Box 1498, Wei: Sclanders, P.O. Box 193, Wellington. lington. Madden; Walter Victor, Leecroft Chambers, Lincoln Road, Marshall, Arthur; 8 Bloomfield Terrace, Lower Hutt. Masterton. Mason, George Thomas, Messrs. Johnston and Co., Ltd., Markham, David, Levy Building, Wellington. P.O. Box 1493, Wellington. · Metge, Percy Roland Lewis, care of Reliance Butchery, 156 Mirams, Edward Stanley, Messrs. John Duthie and Co., Ltd., Cuba Street, Wellington, C. 2. Wellington. Middlebrook, Cyril Chapple, P.O. Box 542, Wellington. Nagle, Richard Henry, Room o, Bowen House, Wellington, C. I. Miller, Harold Henry, Brandon House, Featherston Street, ·Nichol, Robert Hugh Davidson, P.O. Box 1520, Wellington. Wellington. Pacey, Herbert Edward, P.O. Box 1509, Wellington. Morpeth, Richard Carroll, P.O. Box 857, Wellington. Pacey, Thomas McKenzie, care of Messrs. Jos; Nathan and Morrison, Matthew, P.O. Box 1262, Wellington. Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 1509, Wellington. · · Mullins, Frank Hume, P.O. Box 778, Wellington. Park, Alexander Dallas, Mortgage Corporation of N.Z., Murphy, John, 2 Donald Crescent, Karori, Wellington. Wellington. McAllister, Ian David, 49 Courtenay Place, Wellington, C. 3. Port, John Campbell, Paraparaumu Beach. llfolntosn, Graham, P.O. Box 281, Wellington. Reid, William, Messrs. C. Smith, Ltd., Wellington. McKenzie, John McGregor Graham, P.O. Box 33, Featherston. Rodda, George Charles, M.B.E., Aurora Road, JohnsonTille, McLean, Archibald Louden, 127 Featherston Street, Wellington. . · Wellington, C. 1. Scott, George William, Public Trust Office, Wellington; Nankervis, Richard John, P.O. Box 348, Wellington. Scrimshaw, Harry Neill, care of Colonial Motor Co., Ltd., Nisbet, Leslie Carrick, P.O. Box 243, Wellington. Courtenay Place, Wellington. · Page, Thomas William, P.O. Box 674, Wellington. Smith, George Corser, P.O. Box 121, Wellington. Perston, John . Roberton, 80 Seatoun Heights Road, Smith, James Gordon, care of Messrs. James Smith, Ltd., Wellington, E. 5. Cuba Street, Wellington. Philip, William Shearer, Messrs. Flack and Flack, 117-123 Tennent, Oswald Kesteven, Bank of Australasia, Wellington. Customhouse Quay, Wellington, C. l. Thurman, Thomas James Codd, 68 Majoribanks Street, Phillips, Leslie Vaughan, 38 High Street, Lower Hutt. Wellington. · Porter, Dudley Reginald, Dominion Farmers' Building, *Tripe, William Archibald Dampier, 23 Bolton Stre,et, Wel- Featherston Street, Wellington, C. 1. lington. ' · Purdie, James Keith, Messrs. Ross, Purdie, and Co., National Turner, Frank, Union S.S. Co., Ltd., Wellington. · ·Bank Chambers, Wellington. Valentine, Henry, N.Z. Railways, Wellington. Renner, Geoffrey Thomas Martyn, P.O. Box 1094, Wellington. Ward, William Fox Longley, care of Reserve. Bank .of N.Z., Richardson, Claude Ronald, P.O. Box 1685, Wellington. Wellington. Robson, William John, P.O. Box 1168, Wellington. Webster, Henry Arthur, 127 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn Russell, Norman Henry, P.O. Box 657, Wellliigton. Wellington. · '

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Williams, Patrick George Edward, The Charles Haines Boyd, John Alexander Macdonald, " Luneta," Wairere Road, Advertising Agency, Ltd., Wellington. Lower Hutt. *Wilson, David, 46 Grafton Road, Roseneath, Wellington. Boyes, Gerald Cave, Woodland Road, Johnsonville, Wellington. Wilson, William Littster, care of Messrs. Smith and Smith, Bradley, Walter Prentice, P.O. Box 588, Wellington. Ltd., Wellington. ' Brewerton, Nelson Valentine, 225 Clyde Street, Island Bay, Withers, Bernard Stanley, care of Messrs. Laery and Co., Wellington. ' P.O. Box 13, Wellington. Brian, Alan, care of Census and Statistics Department, Wright, Samuel Fortescue, P.O. Box 443, Wellington. Wellington. Broad, Geoffrey Charles, 8 Raroa Crescent, Kelburn, Welling­ Associates. ton. Aburn, Frederick Benjamin, Land and Income Tax Depart­ Brocklehurst, George James, Social Security Department, ment, Wellington. Private Bag, Wellington. Adams, Gerald William Howard, P.O. Box 1685, Wellington, Brook-Taylor, Arthur Howard, H.M. Customs, Wellington, . C. l. C.l. Adams, John Clillord, P.O. Box 1679, Wellington. Brown, Charles John, care of Dyes and Chemicals, Ltd., P.O. Adams, John Stanley, care of Messrs. Wilberfoss, Harden, Box 1486, Wellington. and Co., P.O. Box 347, Wellington. Brown, Jo4n Kerr, 35, Roberts Road, Landsowne, Masterton. Ahearn, Harold Hector Henry, Messrs. Peter Jackson, Ltd., Browning, Lawrence Maxwell, Waerenga Road, Days Bay, corner Featherston and Panama Streets, Wellington, C. 1. Wellington. Alington, Edward Hugh, care of Chief Accountant, N.Z. Bryden, William Arthur, care of Messrs. R. Hannah and Co., Railways, Wellington. Ltd., P.O. Box 125, Te Aro, Wellington. Allard, Gordon Laidlaw, care of Messrs. Flack and Flack, 117 Budge, Eric Gabriel, Education Department, Wellington. Customhouse Quay, Wellington. Bullock, John Boisleux, care of Boots The Chemists (N.Z.) Allen, Alfred Vincent, Burnell Avenue, Wellington. Ltd., P.O. Box 160, Wellington. Allen, Rosa Mary (Mrs. K. Rodway Allen), P.O. Box 202, Burge, Archer Edward, care of D.I.C., Wellington. Wellington. Burge, Archer Richard, 29 Ngaio Road, Kelburn, Wellington, Amos, William Henry Neville, P.O. Box 695, Wellington. W. l. Anderson, Albert Boyd, 48 Cuba Street, Petone. Burton, Robert Christian Cooper, care of Messrs. Burton and Anderson, Alexander, 334 Adelaide Road, Wellington, S. 1. Meltzer, P.O. Box 683, Wellington. Anderson, Arthur Eric John, care of Chief Accountant's Butcher, Edward Lewis George, care of Chief Accountant, Division, Public Trust Office, Wellington. New Zealand Railways, Private Bag, Wellington, C. 1. Andrew, Jeffery Mervyn, P.O. Box 1498, Wellington, Button, Garth Edward, P.O. Box 244, Wellington. Archibald, Charles Ian Warwick, care of International Paints Campbell, Henry Colin, P.O. Box 698; Wellington. of N.Z., Ltd., Weka Street, Miramar, Wellington, E. 4. Campbell, James Samson, 25 Birdwood Road, Lower Hutt. Arnold, Eric Macdonald, care of Transport Department, Carey, Arthur Hirzel, 8 Monro Street, Seatoun, Wellington. District Office, Wellington. Carlyle, Leslie George Smith, care of Chief Accountant's Ashbey, Gerald Arthur Chester, P.O. Box 1498, Wellington. Office, N.Z. Railways, Wellington. Ashbridge, George Richard, N.Z. Educational Institute, P.O. Carlyon, Clement Ian, Land and Income Tax Department, Box 466, Wellington. Wellington. Ashwin, Bernard Carl, The Treasury, Wellington. Carnachan, Kenneth Fria.rs, ·care of Messrs. Warner Bros. Astbury, Charles Norman, 50A Brittania Street, Petone. Pictures (N.Z.) Ltd., P.O. Box 1308, Wellington. Atkinson, John Howard, care of Commercial Bank of Carnie, George Colin, P.O. Box 438, Wellington. Australia Ltd., P.O. Box 1489, Wellington. Carr, John Thomas, 82 Sydney Street, Petone. Austad, Harold Iver, P.O. Box 1491, Wellington. Cass, Richard Denis, care of Messrs. Lewis Berger and Sons Austin, Frederic Ormond, care of Comptroller of Stores, (N.Z.), Ltd., P.O. Box 759, Wellington. N.Z. Railways, Wellington. Cater, Claude Allan Culpan, care of Examination Battery, Avann, Leonard, Head Office, Lands and Survey Department, Fort Dorset, Wellington, E. 5. Wellington. Cattanach, Charles Gordon, Land and Income Tax Depart­ Bailey, Neville George, P.O. Box 1504, Wellington. ment, Wellington, C. 1. Baker, Frederick, 19 Austin Street, Wellington, E. 1. Caughley, Robert Henry, 67 Overtoun Terrace, Hataitai, Baldwin, John Jackson, 57 Severn Street, Wellington, S. 2. Wellington. Ballinger, Henry Norman, care of Internal Affairs Depart- Caverhill, Kenneth John, State Advances Office, Wellington. ment, Wellington. Challis, Reuben Lyonal Grover, 37 Clifton Terrace, Wellington. Bamford, Arthur Robert, care of District Engineer, P. and T. Champion, Gwenyth Mary (Miss), care of Harle College of Department, Wellington. Accountancy, P.O. Box 859, Wellington. Bannerman, Alfred James, 15 Maarama Crescent, \Vellington. Chandler, Philip Thomas, 16 Cruickshank Street, Wellington, Barnett, James, P.O. Box 1615, Wellington. E.3. Barnett, Stanmore Harper, care of Messrs. Izard, Weston, Charles, William Collier, P.O. Box 1484, Wellington. Stevenson and Castle, 161 Featherston Street, Wellington, Charlton, Fabian, 19 Wade Street, Highland Park, Welling- C.l. ton, N. 2. Barr, Wm. Seymour, Dental and Medical Supply Co., Ltd., Chatterton, Richard Nathan, P.O. Box 32, Petone. P.O. Box 1531, Welliugton. Clapham, William, 543 Adelaide Road, Wellingt.on. Barrow, Thomas Abrani, Air Department, Wellington. Clark, David, P.O. Box 237, Wellington. Barry, Ernest James, P.O. Box 1122, Wellington. Clark, Gilbert Leslie, care of Messrs. Murray, Roberts, and Barton, Thomas Percy, care of Public Trust Office, ,vollington. Co., Ltd., Featherston Street, Wellington. Batenburg, Raymond, Tramways. Clarkson, Cranleigh Phippard, P.O. Box 1685, Wellington. Department, Head Office, P.O. Box 390, Wellington . Clements, James Athol, Education Department, Wellington. . Bear, Winton Graham, care of L,:md and Income Tax Depart- Clouston, John Alan, Bank of Australasia, P.O. Box 1470, ment, Government Buildings, Wellington, C. 1. Wellington. Beatson, David Reynolds, P.O. Box ll80, Wellington. Coad, Arthur Reginald, Public Trust Office, Wellington. Beaven, Edwin Thos., P.O, Box 9, Carterton. Cocker, Thomas Clifford, care of The Treasury, Wellington, Beeson, Gordon Ivan, care of Lands and Survey Department, C.l. Wellington. Cocks, Donald Arth!lr, P.O. Box 3, Te Aro, Wellington. Bennett, Jeanie Lowther (Miss), 40 Garden Road, Northland, Cole, Alfred Benson, Internal Marketing Division, P.O. Wellington. Box 1500, Wellington. Berry, Leonard James, Newspaper Proprietors' Association, Collings, Charles Owen, Accounts Branch, P.O., ,vellington. Wellington. · Cook, Howard Railton, P.O. Box 101, Wellington. Bilby, Mark Rider, care of Meat Producers' Board, P.O. Cook, V\Tilliam Chester, care of Correspondence School, Box 121, Wellington~ Education Department, Wellington. Bishop, Allan, care of Public Trust Office, Wellington. Cooke, William Douglas, P.O. Box 6, Te Aro, Wellington. Bishop, Clifford Lyle, P.O. Box 424, Wellington. Coombe, Frederick Chas., care of Public Trust Office, Bishop, William, Head Office, Railways, Wellington. Wellington. ·Black, James Palmer, Census and Statistics Office, Wellington. Cooper, Cyril Francis Pedder, P.O. Box 986, Wellington. Blakeley, Jack Compton, care of Shell Co. of New Zealand, Cooper, Harold Llewellyn, P.O. Box 1566, Wellington. Ltd., P.O. Box 1663, Wellington. Cording, Leslie Nelson, care of New Zealand Educational Bloxham, Henry R., Bank of New Zealand, Featherston. Institute, P.O. Box 466, Wellington . . . Boc)rntt; Herbert Leslie, care of Social Security Department, Corser, Douglas James, care of (Jqsting Office, City Council, Private Bag, Wellington, C. 1. Wellington . . Bowen, Llewellyn Rutherford, P.O. Box 1401, Wellington. Corser, William Robert, care of Messrs. Joseph Nathan and Bown, Ernest Leonard Guy, Main Ordnance Depot, Military Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 1509, Wellington. Camp, Trentham. · Couchman, Alfred ,John, P.O. Box 1209, Wellington.

* Retired member. 1606 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. tNo. 47

Craig, Alexander Leslie, 149 Clyde Street, Island Bay, ·Falconer, James Edwards, care of Messrs. John Chambers and Wellington. Son, Ltd., P.O. Box 463, Wellington. Craig, George, care of Boots The Chemists (N.Z.) Ltd., P.O. Falla, Norris Stephen, care of Union Steam Ship Co., Ltd., Box 160, Wellington. Wellington. Craven, John Barrington, 6 North Terrace, Kelburn, vVel­ Ferguson, John Alexander, 14 Puriri Street, Lower Hutt. lington, W. l. Finch, Thomas Sefton, care of Dominion Motors, Ltd., Cour­ Crawford, Charles Edward, 48 Waterloo Road, Lower Hutt. tenay Place, Wellington. Crawford, John Power, Head Office, Customs Department, Fisher, Arthur Owen, Land and Income Tax Department, Wellington. Wellington, C. 1. Croft, Eric Vernon, care of Chief Accountant's Office, N.Z. Fisher, Leslie Vincent, care of N.Z. Guarantee Corporation, Railways, Wellington. P.O. Box 921, Wellington. Croft, Ivan Chapman, General Motors Acceptance Corpora­ Fitzgerald, Bernard Derwent, 5 Hay Street, Oriental Bay, tion, P.O. Box 1418, Wellington. Wellington, E. 1. Crowther, ,v alter James, National Commercial Broadcasting Fitzsimmons, Joseph, 2 Kauri Street, Eastbourne, Welling­ Service, Private Bag, \Vellington. ton. Cull, John Caleb, 15 Liffey Street, Island Bay, Wellington, S. 2. Flannery, Charles James Laurence, care of Avery Motors, Culleton, John, 1 Akatea Street, Wellington, S. I. Ltd., 89 Courtenay Place, Wellington, C. 3. *Cumming, Ernest John Robert, 605 High Street, Lower Hutt. Fletcher, Robert Ingleton, care of Messrs. Teagle, Smith, and Cummings, William Augustine, Public 1Vorks Department, Sons, Ltd., P.O. Box 405, Wellington. Head Office, Wellington. Foley, Charles Thyne Thomas, National Bank, Wellington. Cunningham, John Henry, care of The Wairarapa ·Farmers' Foley, David Elie!, care of Union Airways of New Zealand Co-operative Association, Ltd., P.O. Box 442, Masterton. Ltd., Wellington. Cunningham, John Thomas, care of Native Department, Foley, Henry, 142 Ghuznee Street, Wellington. Wellington. Foley, Norbet Gerard, care of Government Audit Department, Curtis, Arthur John, 97 A Tinakori Road, Wellington. P.O. Box 14, Government Buildings, Wellington. Cutforth, Percy, Calway Street, Ngaio, Wellington. Foot, Patrick Francis, P.O. Box 702, Wellington. Dallard, Berkeley Lionel S., Under-Secretary of Justice, .Foote, Graeme Alexander, R.N.Z.A.F. Station, Levin. W elliugton. , Ford, Reginald Jack, care of Bank of New Zealand, Wel­ Dalmer, Norman Eric, care of Industries and. Commerce lington. Department, D.I.C. Building, Wellington, C. l. Foss, Frank, 61 Freyberg Street, Lyall Bay, Wellington, E. 3. Daniels, Edward, P.O. Box 1418, Wellington. Foster, George David, care of Locomotive Superintendent, Darling, John, care of Messrs. Wm. Haughton and Co., P.O. New Zealand Railways, Wellington. Box 459, Wellington. Foster, Howard Francis, care of British Buttons and Buckles, Darroch, Armstrong Brian vVynne, P.O. Box 243, Wellington. Ltd., P.O. Box 1583, Wellington. Davey, Francis Joseph, care of Internal Marketing Division, Fox, Henry Francis, care of Internal Marketing Division, 107 P.O. Box 1500, Wellington. Thorndon Quay, Wellington. Davies, Avon David, care of Ford Motor Co. of-New Zealand, France, Arthur Butler, 47 Mornington Road, Brooklyn, Ltd., Seaview Road, Lower Hutt. Wellington, S.W. I. Davis, Frederick Arnold, Burgess Road, Johnsonville. Fraser, Charles Napier, Messrs. Bing, Harris, and Co., Ltd., Davys, Andrew Charles, care of Price Investigation Tribunal, P.O. Box 1472, Wellington. P.O. Box 1320, Wellington. Fraser, William Allan, The Colonial Motor Co., Ltd., Dean, John Mervyn, Public Trust Office, 1Vellington. Wellington. Denniston, John FitzGerald, P.O. Box 849, Wellington: Frederikson, Reuben Arthur, Horowhenua Electric-power Denton, George Henry, P.O. Box 358, Wellington. Board, P.O. Box 2, Levin. Dixon, Alan Bogle, Fort Dorset Sergeants' Mess, Seatoun, Frethey, Albert Roy, Bank of New Zealand, Wellington. Wellington, E. 5. Futter, John Charles Mafeking, 12 Ribble Street, Island Dobbs, Arthur Newman Vickery, care of Department of Bay,· W cllington. Labour, Private Bag, Wellington, C. l. Garbett, Albert Lester, care of Royal Insurance Co., Ltd., Douglas, Harold King, Public Trust Office, W cllington. P.O. Box 619, Wellington. Du Chateau, Victor Henry, care of Aspr~, Limited, 15-17 Gaustad, Robert Martin, 52 Todman Street, Brooklyn, Marion Street, Wellington. Wellington, S.W. I. Duignan, John Edward, 17 Ascot Terrace, Wellington, N. 1. George, Thomas (Rev. Father), St. Patrick's College, Silver- Duncan, Alfred William, 224 Willis Street, Wellington. stream, Heretaunga. Duncan, George Andrew, care of Executive Commission of Gibb, Walter Oswald, P.O. Box 1458, Wellington. Agriculture, P.O. Box 1148, Wellington. Gibbins, Leslie Charles, P.O. Box 267, Wellington. Duncan, Kenneth Douglas, Messrs. Levin and Co., Ltd., Gibbons, Alfred Barton (jun.), P.O. Box 1660, Wellington. Wellington. Gibbs, William Henry, Shell Co. of New Zealand, Ltd., P.O. Duncan, Walter, P.O. Box 1513, Wellington. Box 647, Wellington. Durbin, Louis Gilbert, care of Government Life Insurance Gillies, Robert P., Head Office, Railways, Wellington. Department, P.O. Box 563, Wellington. . Gilmour, James Boyd, P.O. Box 1520, Wellington. Dwyer, Cecilia, Enting's College, P.O. Box 826, Wellington. Glackin, Ronald Dudley, care of N.Z. Woolbuyers' Associa­ Dwver, Francis Bernard, 73 Todman Street, \Vellington. tion, P.O. Box 554, Wellington. Dyson, Hubert Weston, P.O. Box 1410, Wellington. Goddard, Claude Berkley, 137 Barnard Street, Highland Eade Stanley Grenfell, Reserve Bank of N.Z., W cllington. Park, Wellington, N. 2. East,'Mrs. A'. G., P.O. Box 397, Wellington. Gordon, Charles de Lautour, care of Dominion Motors, Ltd., Edgecombe, Eric Moyle, Accounts Division, Department of Courtenay Place, Wellington. Agriculture, Wellington. Gordon, Donald, care of Mortgage Corporation of New Edwards, William Leslie, care of Lands and Survey Depart­ Zealand, Ltd., Head Office, Wellington. ment, Government Buildings, ·wellington, Gormack, , 255 The Terrace, Wellington, C. 1. Eekhoff, Daniel Meyers, Public Trust Office, Wellington. Eggers, John Frederick, Ford Motor Company of New Zea­ Graham, William Henry Alexander, P.O. Box 588, land, Ltd., Seaview Road, Lower Hutt. Wellington. Elder, Mary Christina (Miss), care of Messrs. Wright, Stephen­ Grandison, Archibald Thomas, care of Social Security son, and Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 1520, \Vellmgton. Department, P.O. Box 1504, Wellington. Engel, John Edmond, care of Public Service Commissioner, Grant, Colin Barron, 28 Hautana Square, Lower Hutt. Wellington. Grant, Lewis Claude, care of Mr. A. E. Farrant, 229 Upper Enting, Laurenz Montague, care of N.I.M.U. Insurance Co., , Wellington, C. 2. Huddart Parker Building, Wellington. Gray, William Leonard, Public Trust Office, Wellington. Esquilant, William Robert, care of Messrs. Burroughs Ltd., Greenwood, Ronald David, National Carbon Pty. Ltd., P.O. Box 146, Wellington. 7 Vivian Street, Wellington. Evans, Henry George, 21 Austin Street, Wellington. Greenwood, William, care of Native Land Court, Wellington. Evans, John Alfred, 56 Kauri Street, Wellington, E. 4. Greig, Bernard David Arthur, 3 Upland Crescent, Kelburn, Wellington, W. l. h:vans, Leohard James, 5 Epuni Street, Lower Hutt. Griffin, Donald Hollis, care of Messrs. Woolworths (N.Z.), Evans, Owen Glynn, Messrs. 0. T. Evans and Co:, Ltd., P.O. Ltd., P.O. Box 538, Wellington. Box 112, Welli.'1gton. Gunn, Donald Keith Newman, care of Messrs. Gollin and Co. Evans, William Thomas, Audit Office, Wellington. Pty., Ltd., P.O. Box 913, Wellington. Eves, John Dovms, 54 Lavaud Street, Wellington, S. l. Gunn, Robert William, care of Messrs. Reginald G. Kain, Ltd., Eville, Claude Kirkwell, Lands and Survey Department, P.O. Box 452, Wellington. Head Office, Wellington. Gyles, Alfred William, 28 Cooper Street, Karori, Wellington. Fairhall, . Valentine, care of Government Life Insurance Hale, Harold Charles, P.O. Box 241, Wellington. Department, P.O. Box 352, Wellington. Haley, Arthur, Technical College, Wellington.

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Hall, George On.slow, care of Social Security Department, Johnstone, Ian Thomas George, P.O. Box 1385, Wellington. Private Bag, Wellington. Jones, Raphael Vincent, care of Radio Corporation of New Hall, Robert Preston, care of Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., T. and Zealand, Lt.d., 80 Courtenay Place, Wellington. G. Building, Wellington, C. 1. Jones, Rex Worner, Inspector's Department, Union Bank of Hall, Roland Henry David, 12 Marion Street, Wellington, Australia, Ltd., Wellington. C. 2. Jordan, Percival Clifton, Public Trust Office, Wellington. Rambling, Frederick David, 18 Royal Street, Berhampore, Jupp, George Cunningham, care of Internal Marketing Wellington. Division, P.O. Box 1500, Wellington. Hamilton, Arthur David, care of Public Trust Office, Wel­ Jupp, William James, care of Accountant's Office, Wellington lington, C. l. Harbour Board, Wellington. Hamilton, Frederick John James, Land and Income Tax Kay, Kenneth Reid, care of Audit Inspector's Office, 125 Department, Wellington. Lambton Quay, Wellington. Hammond, William August, New Zealand Loan and Mer- Keisenberg, Arthur Otto Von, care of Department of Health, cantile Agency Co., Ltd., Wellington. Parliamentary Buildings, Wellington. Hand, Hugh Smythe, P.O. Box 942, Wellington. Kelleher, Hugh William, care of Chief Accountant, New Hanlon, Henry Thomas, P.O. Box 653, Wellington. Zealand Railways, Wellington. Harcourt, John Gordon, P.O. Box 1380, Wellington. Kelly, David, P.O. Box 918, Wellington. Hardwicke, FrBJ1cisJoseph, P.O. Box 1133, Wellington. Kelly, Hugh William, 50 Freyberg Street, Lyall Bay, Welling­ Hardy, Burnby, 58 Nairn Street, Wellington. ton. Harper, Colin , Webster, Transport Department, James Kemp, Russell William, 95 Elizabeth Street, Wellington, E. 1. Smith's Building, Wellington. Kennedy, Matthew Joseph (Jun.), 21 Monaghan Avenue, Harrison, John Stanley, P.O. Box 1458, Wellington. Wellington, W. 3. Harriss, James George, Education Department, Wellington. Kenning, Gerald William, P.O. Box 1348, Wellington. Hartley, Joseph, care of Harbour Board Office, Wellington, Kent, Harold Oh,;.rles, P.O. Box 918, Wellington. C.l. King, Leslie Harding, P.O. Box 242, Wellington. Harvey, Roy Norman, P.O. Box 1044, Wellington. King, William Ivor Norman, care of Land and Income Tax Hatherly, Douglas Mark, P.O. Box 1527, Wellington. Department, Wellington. Hawken, Harold Tolmie, P.O. Box 1685, Wellington. Kinloch, William John Connelly, care of State Forest Service, Hearn, Sidney John, 28 Ponsonby Road, Karori, Wellington. Wellington. Heath, Ramie, Chief Accountant's Office, N.Z. Railways, Kinross, Stewart Miller, 40 Duncan Terrace, Kilbirnie, Wellington. Wellington. Henderson, David John, Audit Office, Government Building, Kirkoaldie, Norman Mervyn Kebbell, care of E. K. Kirk­ Wellington, 0. 1. caldie, Esquire, Messrs. Buddle, Anderson, Kirkcaldie, and Hendren, Leslie Clarence, care of Messrs. A. and T. Burt, Ltd., Parry, Johnston Street, Wellington, C. 1. P.O. Box 1226, Wellington. Knight, Francis George, P.O. Box 663, Wellington. Herrick, Harold Ranfurly, Land and Income Tax Depart­ Knight, Joseph James, Accountant's Branch, P.O., ment, Wellington. Wellington. Herron, Ernest Arnold, 0. and A. Odlin Timber Co., Ltd., Lambert, Alan Murdoch, 12 Pytnam Road, Northland, Wellington. Wellington. Heys, Ernest Solomon, 65 Owen Street, Wellington, S. l. Lambie, Ian William, 6 Duthie Street, Karori, Wellington, Hickin, Russell James, care of Lands and Survey Department, W.3. Wellington. Langridge, James Frederick, P.O. Bo:i< 1520, Wellington. Hickmott, John Francis, Census and Statistics Department, Laurenson, Douglas, care of Messrs. J. Gilliand and Co., Ltd., 39 The Terrace, Wellington, 0.1. Waterloo Quay, Wellington. • Hicks, Murray, care of Land and Income Tax Department, Lawless, Michael Joseph, Native Department, Invicta House, Wellington, 0. 1. Wellington. Hickson, Frederick Edward Louis, care of. National Bank of Lawson, Alexander, 7 Percival Street, Wellington. New Zealand, Ltd., P.O. Box 1508, Wellington, Lee, Arthur Joseph James, Dominion Motors, Ltd., 63 Higgins, Ernest Compton, Assistant Secretary, New Zealand Conrtenay Place, Wellington, C. 3. Standards Institute, Lambton Quay, Wellington. Lee, Norman, P.O. Box 96, Masterton. Hill, Huia, care of Messrs. C. and A. Odlin, Ltd., P.O. Box Lennie, John McDonald, care of District Public Trustee, 1532, Wellington. Wellington. Hill, John Ivan Millington, Accountant's Branch, G.P.O. Levick, Henry Russell, care of Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., Wellington. Wellington. Hitchins, Henry, care of New Zealand ~oan and Mercantile Levien, Robert Pratt, care of Shell Co. of New Zealand, Agency Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 1498, Wellmgton. Ltd., Wellington. Hocking, Bertram, care of Messrs. Dymock, MacShane, and Longmore, Keith Bell, 8 Junction Street, Lower Hutt. Sclanders, P.O. Box 193, Wellington. Lough, Ernest, Brien, P.O. ·Box 1663, Wellington. Hodgson, Sinclair Whynn, 7 Havelock Street, Mornington, Louisson, Ian Alfred Melville, care of Bank of New South Wellington, S.W. 1. Wales, Wellington. Hodson, NathBJ1iel Edmund, care of Messrs. Murray, Roberts, Luke, James Hency, 16 Levy Street, Wellington. and Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 1519, Wellington. Lynneberg, Birger Johannes L., P.O. Box 1064, Wellington. Hoffmeister, Gordon Albert, P.O. Box 1505, Wellington. Lynskey, Arthur Laurence, Alliance Finance Corporation, Hogan, Joseph Denis, care of Publi<: Trust Office, Wellington. Dominion Farmers' Building, Wellington. Hollis, Clifford, P.O. Box 422, Wellington, Lythgoe, Ian Gordon, The Treasury, Wellington. Horne, William Guy, care of P. S. Gillingham, Esq., Kelvin McAuley, Francis Henry, care of Chief Accountant's Office, Chambers, Wellington. New Zealand Railways, Wellington. Hunter, Kelvin Bransby, care of Messrs. Pinchin, Johnson, McBride, Thomas Chalmers Glen, 15 Buick Street, Petone. 8Jld Co. (N.Z.), Ltd., Miramar, Wellington, E. 4. McOaul, Ian Halse, 66 Onepu Road, Kilbirnie, Wellington, Hutchens, Edward Leslie, National Commercial Broadcasting E.3. Service, Wellington, N. 4. Hutchinson, George Frederick, P.O. Box 391, Wellington. McCormick, William Wilson, Land and Income Tax Depart­ llott, John Virtue, 246B The Terrace, Wellington, C. 1. ment, Employment Tax Division, Wellington, C. 1. Irving, Raymond, 37 Crofton Road, Ngaio, WellingtoII;, N. 4. McCracken, Ronald James, care of R. P. McCracken, Esquire, Ivil, William George (Jun.), 290 Lambton Quay, Wellmgton. 63 Willis Street, Wellington. Jackman, Cyril Howard, care of Shell Co. of New Zealand, McCullough, William Errington, care of Audit Department, Ltd., P.O. Box 1663, Wellington. . P.O. Box 14, Government Buildings, Wellington. Jackson, George Frost, Department of Labour, Wellington. McDermont, John Gilchrist, Colonial Mutual Life Building, Jackson, Philip Reginald, care of Messrs. A. S. Pa,terson and Customhouse Quay, Wellington. Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 438, Wellington. McDonald, Alexander John, care of National Bank of New Jackson, Reginald Victor, 14 Kauri Street, Lower Hutt, Zealand, Ltd., P.O. Box 1508, Wellington. James, Thomas Leonard, Technical College, Wellington. MoDougall, Allan, 13 Putnam Street, Northland, Wellington. Jellicoe, Roland Leigh, care of Native Department, Wellington. McFarlane, Gordon Munro, P.O Box 193, Wellington. Jewell, Arthur Thomas Harding, State Forest Service, P.O. McFarlane, Norman Hugh Graha,m, P.O. Box 319, Wellington. Box 1, Government Buildings, Wellington. McGillivray, Rohert David, Department of Scientific and Johnson, Frederick, care of Department of Industries and Industrial Research, Wellington. Commerce, D.I.O. Building, Wellington. McGlynn, Michael Bernard, Housing Construction Depart­ Johnston, Allan Gordon, Troon Crescent, Lower Hutt. ment, Wellington. Johnston, Clifton Clyde Norforrl, 39 Barnard Street, Highland McGrath, Hugh· Redmond Hamilton, Bank of New South Park, Wellington, N. 2. . Wales, Wellington, C. 1. Johnston, Guy Featherston, Messrs. Johnston and Co., Ltd., McHugh, Neil John, 28 Abbott Road, Wellington, N. 4. P.O. Box 1493, Wellington. J\follra.ith, David John, P.O. Box 1663, Wellington. 1608 THE :NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 47

Mclnnes, Ian Douglas, care of Messrs. Pizzey, Mclnnes, Ltd., Monat, George Douglas, care of Pensions Department, ,vel- P.O. Box 111, Tc Aro, Wellington. lin.gton. · Mclnnes, Ralph Saxeby, P.O. Box 1520, Wellington. Muir, Percy Manning, Head Office, Railways, Wellington. Mclnnes, William, Messrs. Pizzey, Mcinnes, Ltd., P.O. Box Mullins, Oscar James, Accounts Branch, P.O. Wellington. 111, Te Aro, Wellington. Murch, George Maynard, care of Messrs. Luke, Cunningham, McIntosh, Samuel George, Census and Statistics Office, and Clere, Solicitors, Wellington.. Wellington. Murray, Ernest Thomas, Accountant's Branch, P.O. Wel- McKenzie, Ian Fraser, University of New Zealand, P.O. lington. Box 1524, Wellington. Murray, Harry Gregory, care of }fessrs. MacDuffs Ltd., P.O. McKinney, Colin Frostick, P.O. Box 492, Wellington. . Box 634, Wellington. McKinnon, Allen Ernest, Education Dept., Wellington.. Mushet, Lancelot Buchanan, Presbyterian Church Office, l'vicKissock, James Lanyon, P.O. Box 1685, Wellington. P.O. Box 573, Wellington. McLachlan, Allan Percival, Audit Office, Government Neal, Russell Leslie, Public Works Department, Wellington. Buildings, Wellington, C. 1. McLeod, Donald Frederick, care of New Zealand Investment Nevitt, Edward Gerald, care of Treasury Office, P.O. Box 22, Government Buildings, Wellington, C. l. Trust Ltd., P.O. Box 16.16, Wellington. McMillan, Hugh Drummond, care of Customs Department, Nicholls, Harold Gisborne, Department of Industries and Head Office, Wellington. Commerce, D.I.C. Building, Wellington.. · McNaughton, Arthur, P.O. Box 647, Wellington. Nichols, William Edward, Messrs. James Smith, Ltd., P.O. McNeil, Alexander, care of Messrs. L. M. Silver and Co., Ltd., Box 1666, Wellington.. Lucas House, Wakefield Street, Wellington. Nissen, John Wilbur, Public Works Department, Wellington. McQuillan, George Murray, Public Trust Office, Wellington. Nola, David. Leo, care of Audit Department, Government Macfarlane, Allan Edward, P.O. Box 1527, Wellington. Buildings, Wellington. Macfarlane, Fergus Kenneth, care of Union Steam Ship Co. Norman, Edward Robert, Messrs. R. Hannah, Ltd., Welling. of New Zealand, Ltd., P.O. Box 1521, Wellington. ton. Mackay, Athol Reay Ferguson, Treasury Departme11t, Norman, George Howard, Head Office, "C'nion Steam Ship Co­ Wellington. of New Zealand, Ltd., Wellington. MacMillan, Lindsay Gordon, care of Todd Motor Co., Norman, ,Harold Francis, Un.ion Steam Ship Co. of New Wellington. Zealand, Ltd., Wellington. Madd.cvor, John Coombe, 16 Lindum Te1Tace, Roseneath, Northern, Frederick George, 153 Marine Parade, Eastbomne, Wellington, E. I. · Wellington. Mahood, Thomas Stanley, Head Office, Social Security Norton, Garnett Richard Albion, Public Trust Office,' Wel­ Department, Aotea Quay, Wellington. lington. Malcolm, Harry Sedcole, Royal Exchange Assurance, Norton, Laurence Hicks, care of Messrs. Reckitts (Oversea) Wellingtou. _ Ltd., P.O. Box 422, Wellington. Malloch, Edward Archibald, 21 Motueka Street, Ngaio, Wellington, N."4. Oborn, Frederick George, Income Tax Department, WeUing- Malone, Robert Austin, 50 Ottawa Road, Ngaio, Wellington. ton. Marshall, Elsie Elizabeth (Miss), P.O. Box 146, Wellington. O'Connell, Bernard Thomas, P.O. Box, 211, Wellington. Martin, Chr_istina Louisa J. (Mrs.), 12 Bridge Street, Lower O'Flaherty, Patrick Noel, Martin Street, . Hutt. O'Hara-Smith, George Talbot, Town Clerk, Masterton. Martin, Christopher, Messrs. Armstrong and Springhall, Ltd., Ollier, John Maurice, care of Messrs. S. W. Peterson and Co., 40 Waring Taylor Street, Wellington, C. l. Ltd., P.O. Box 574, Wellington. Martin, Henry Bowden, care of Messrs. Clarke, Menzies, O'Shea, Alexander Paterson, care of New Zealand Farmers' Griffin, and Co., P.O. Box 486, Wellington. Union (Inc.), P.O. Box 715, Wellington. ]\l[artin, Ian Keir, care of Reserve Bank of New Zealand, O'Sullivan, Cyril, care of Audit Office, Government Buildings, Wellington. Wellington. _ - Martin, James Thomas, Messrs. Ross and Glendining, Ltd., O'Sullivan, Jack Goldsmith, 65 Garden Road, Wellington, Wellington. W.2. Mason, Malcolm John" care of Education Department, Oakes, William Rabone, P.O. Box 766, Wellington. W cllington, C. 1. Osborne, James Stafford,· care of Messrs. Osborne's Ltd., 68 Matheson, Ian Meiklejohn, P.O. Box 1043, Wellington. Willis Street, Wellington, C. l. Mathieson, William Robert; Meat Control Board, Wellington. Overbye, Douglas Lancelot, Public Trust Office, Wellington. Meakin, l'ercy Henry, P.O. Box 1418, Wellington.. Oxenham, William Osborne, Land and Income Tax Depart- Menneer, Frederick, Public Trust Office, Wellington. ment, Wellington. · Merchant, Anthony James, Messrs. W. D. and H. 0. Wills Palliser, Ernest Scott, The Automobile Association (Welling. (N.Z.), Ltd., P.O. Box 34, l'etone. ton) Inc., D.I.C. Building, Wellirigton, C. 1. }foyers, Leslie Charles, 32 Charlotte Street, Wellington, l'ark, Stanley, l'.O. Box 964, Wellington. S.W. l. Parsons, Geoffrey Arnold, P. 0. Box 1527, Wellington.. Middlebrook, Hugh Cowley, P.O. Box 486, Wellington. Pasley, Philip Gilbert, care of :'.'1Iessrs. Hunt, Turner, and Millen, William ,fames, P.O. Box 627, Wellington. Heslop, P.O. Box 1685, Wellington. Miller, Arthur Vaughan, care of Bank of New Zealand, Patchett, Noel Orlando, Treasury Department, Government Wellington. Buildings, Wellington, C. 1. Miller, Edward Keith, care of National Bank of New Zealand, Paterson, John Bruce, care of -Chief Accountant, Railway Wellington. Head Office, Wellington. · Millow, Arthur Edwin, care of Chief Accountant, New Paterson, William John, care of Audit Office, Wellington. Zealand Railways, Wellington. Paul, Ernest Victor, Government Printing and Stationery Mills, Edward William, 20 Rodney Street, Woburn, Lower Department, Wellington. Hutt. Pearce, Henry William S., Public Trust Office, Wellington. Mitchell, Frederick William Eric, care of State Advances Pearce, Rupert George, P.O. Box 163, Te Aro, Wellington, Corporation of New Zealand., Ltd.., Wellington. C. 2. Mohr, Francis John, care of New Zealand Railways, Pearce, Walter Hambley, Public Trust Office, Wellington. Wellington. Pearson, Percy William Caroll, care of A.M.P. Society, Wel­ Montgomerie, John Edward, 29 Beauchamp Street, Karori, lington. Wellington., W. 3. Montgomery, Thomas, care of Atlantic Union Oil Co., Ltd., Penlington, John Robert, care of Union Steam Ship Co. of Wellington.. New Zealand, Ltd.., Wellington. Moody, Thomas Kelly, care of Leyland Motors, Ltd., Welling­ Perry, Frederick Colin, Rangiom Street, Lower Hutt. ton. Perry, Selwyn Henry, care of Audit Office, WeUington. Morgan, Edward Frederick Norman, 26 Totara Street, Peterson; Basil Otto, Town Hall, Wellington. Eastbourne. Pettit, Harry.Seddon, P.O. Box 1440, Wellington. Morgan, Jack James, care of Government Health Department, Picton, Keith Augustus, Shell Co. of New Zealand, Ltd., P.O. Wellington. Box 1663, Wellington. Moriarty, Michael James, care of Customs Department, Head Picton, Ronald Anaru, care of Messrs. Smith and Smith, Office, W cllington. Ltd., Wellington, C. 1. Moroney, Denis, Treasury Department, Government Build­ Piercy, George Alfred, Audit Department, Wellington. ings, Wellington. Piper, Leslie George, Head Office, N.Z. Breweries Ltd., Morrah, Felix Wakefield, care of Messrs. Rowley, Gill, Hobbs, Murphy Street, Wellington. and Glen, P.O. Box 527, Wellington. Pirie, Charles John, Union Clothing Co., Wellington. Morris, Walter Charles (20125 Lieut.), Assistant Paymaster, Plank, Charles Stephen, 15 Braithwaite , Street, K.arori, Base Pay Office, 2nd N.Z. Expediticmary Force, P.O., Wellington, W. 3. W e_llington, C. 1. Playne, Clarence John, Public Trust Office, Wellington. JUNE 12.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1609

Porteous, Robert McConnell, 107 Waipapa Road, Hataitai, Savage, Winifred (Miss), P.O. Box 559, Wellington. Wellington. Sayers, Harry Charles, care of Messrs. Cathie and Sons, Ltd., Porter, Reginald James H., Messrs. T. Ballinger and Co., II Marion Street, Wellington. Wellington. Scadden., William Leslie, care of Telegraph Engineer's Office, Pottinger, George Morison, P.O. Box 866, Wellington. Stout Street, Wellington., C. I. Poynter, Dick Middleton, care of Messrs. Burroughs Ltd., Schischka, John. Fergus Youn.g, care of Faber's Furnishing P.O. Box 146, Wellington. Co., Ltd., Courtenay Place, Wellington. Priestley, Horace George Minett, Public Works Department, Schneider, Jonathan. Charles, 59 Sefton Street, Wellington, Wellington. N.2. Quayle, Jack Douglas, 129 Daniel Street, Wellington, S. 1. Scott, George Ewen., P.O. Box 193, Wellington. Quigg, John Berchams, care of Audit Department, Wellington. Scott, John White, 68 Wade Street, Wadestown, Wellington. Radcliffe, Miles Herbert, Alliance Finance Corporation (N.Z.), Setter, William Robert, 10 Apu Crescent, Lyall Bay, Wel- Ltd., P.O. Box 918, Wellington. lington. Radford, Maxwell Bowden, care of Messrs. Flack and Flack, Shale, Michael Patrick, care of Messrs. A. H. Herbert and P.O. Box 766, Wellington. Co., Ltd., Eketahuna. Radford, Spencer George, care of Messrs. Radford and Co., Shepherdson, Herbert Bishop, 52 Cooper Street, Karori, Ltd., 33 Manners Street, Wellington. Wellington, W. 3. Read, Cecil John, care of Social Security Department, Private Sheppard, David James, 54 Victoria Street, Lower Hutt. Bag, Wellington. Sherring, Walter William, care of Messrs. J. H. Bethune and Read, Harold Ernest, Commercial Bank of Australia, Ltd., Co., 154 Featherston Street, Wellington. P.O. Box 1489, Wellington. Sherwood, Neville John, 18 Victoria Street, Lower Hutt. Reaney, Robert Hamilton, Messrs. Clarke, Menzies, Griffin, Sidford, George, P.O. Box 1251, Wellington. and Co., P.O. Box 486, Wellington. Simpson, James Keir, care of Messrs. Whitcombe and Tombs, Reid, Francis Bruce, P.O. Box 1520, Wellington. Ltd., Wellington. Reid, George Guynon Chester, Headquarters Divisional Units, Simpson, Richard Lawrence, care of General Motors (New Hutt 256, Military Camp, Trentham. Zealand), Ltd., Petone. Reid, Ian Duff, care of Messrs. Watkins, Hull, Wheeler, and Simpson, Victor Milton, care of Faber's Furnishing Co., Ltd., Johnston., 39 Johnston. Street, Wellington, C. I. 106 Courtenay Place, Wellington, C. 3. Reid, Lester Herbert, care of Bank of New Zea.land, Welling­ Sine!, Roy, Superintendent, National Provident Fund, and ton. Registrar, Friendly Societies, P.O. Box 813, Wellington. Renai, Hector Henry Archemede, 161 Featherston Street, Slater, Percy James, Crieff Street, Northland, Wellington, Wellington. W.2. Renner, Herbert Colin Martyn, care of Messrs, Radcliffe and Sloan, William Humphrey, care of Messrs. Watkins, Hull, Renner, P.O. Box 1683, Wellington. Wheeler, and Johnston, P.O. Box 1527, Wellington. Renshaw, John Henry, care of State Fire Insurance Depart­ Smallbone, Cyril Trevor, 63 Duncan Terrace, Wellington, E. 3, ment, Private Bag, Wellington. Smart, Edwin Winston, care of Air Department, Wellington, Ren.ton, James Alexander, 12 Kings Crescent, Lower Hutt. C.I. Reviers, Royston. George, care of Messrs. R. Hannah an.d Co., Smith, Hector Baden, care of Transport 'Department, Private Ltd., P.O. Box 125, Te Aro, Wellington. Bag, Wellington. Rhodes, Harry, Superannuation Office, Wellington. Smith, Raymond Douglas, care of Messrs. Levy Ltd., Riach, William, State Forest Service, Wellington. Wellington. , Rich, Lewis Arthur Griffin, care of Public Works Department, Smith, Sydney Harold, Accountant's [Branch, P.O., Head Office, Wellington, C. I. Wellington. Richards, William Charles, care of Messrs. Wright, Stephen­ Smyth, Edward Cyril, P.O. Box 10,. Wellington. son, and Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 1520, Wellington.. Smyth, Joseph Alfred, 21 Goa Street, Hataitai, Wellington. Richardson, Frank William George, care of British General Smythe, Maurice Barrington, P.O. Box 12, Lower Hutt. Electric Co., Ltd., 31-37 Taranaki Street, Wellington.. Sneddon, Raymond William, care of Messrs. MacDuff's Ltd., Rickett, Alfred Raymond, P.O. Box 352, Wellington. P.O. Box 634, Wellington. Rickett, George Ernest, 86 Rakau Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Soper, Jack Richard, care of The Texas Co. (Aust.), Ltd., P.O. E. 2. Box 2004, Wellington. Ritchie, James Graeme, P.O. Box 1055, Wellington.. Spackman, Frank Orsborn, care of Customs Department, Roberts, Bert Layton, care of Harbour Board Office, Welling­ Wellington. ton.. Spencer, Harold, P.O. Box 625, Wellington. Roberts, Guy Frederick, 127 Hataitai Road, Hataitai, Wel­ Spolsky, Choony Aby, care of Wellington City Corporation lington, E. 2. Milk Department, Wellington. Roberts, Ian McLaren, care of Y.M.C.A., Willis Street, Stacey, John Samuel, care of Audit Office, P.O. Box 14, Wellington, C. I. Government Buildings, Wellington. Roberts, Stephen, Public Service Commissioner's Office, Staples, Charles Albert, 78 Northland Road, Wellington, W. 2. Wellington. Stark, Herbert Allan, care of D. G. Stark, Esq., Commercial Robertson, Alexander Baxter, care of Messrs. John Duthie Travellers' Club, Customhouse Quay, Wellington. and Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 1482, Wellington. Staveley, Mary Brenda (Miss), 37 Pretoria Street, Lower Robertson., Francis Robert Andrew, 41 Charlotte Avenue, Hutt. Brooklyn, Wellington, S.W. I. Stenhouse, Albert Lawrence, care of Land and Income Tax Robertson, John Maurice, care of B.A.L.M., Gracefield Road, Depatrment, Wellington. Lower Hutt. Stephens, Thomas Martin, care of G. T. Kellaway, Esquire, Robertson, Neil George, The Treasury, Government Build­ Courtenay Chambers, Courtenay Place, Wellington, C. 3. ings, Wellington. Stephenson, , 43 The Parade, Island Bay, Robinson., Isaac Richard, Hydro-electric Branch, Public Wellington. Works Department, Wellington. Stevens, Oscar James, City Treasury, Town Hall, Wellington, Robson, William Roy, Messrs. Levin. and Co., Ltd., Welling- C.I. ton. · Stevens, Peroy Farquharson, Donald Street, Karori, Rodda, Adrian. George, care of Land and .Income Tax Depart­ Wellington. ment, Wellington, C. I. Stevenson, George Joseph, 183 Melbourne Road, Island Rodger, William Glen.dinning, P.O. Box 472, Wellington. Bay, Wellington, S. 2. Rodway, Francis Haydn Harris, care of Land and Income Stewart, James Lockie, Messrs. Sladden and Stewart, 39 Tax Department, Wellington, C. 3. Johnston Street, Wellington, C. I. Rose, Robert Leonard, care of General Motors Acceptance Strang, Bruce Allan, care of The Union Bank of Australia Corporation, P.O. Box 1418, Wellington. Ltd., Inspector's Office, P.O. Box 1492, Wellington. Rosen, Abraham, P.O. Box 813, Wellington. Stuart, Andrew Gordon, dare of Messrs. Whitcombe and Rosen, Charles, care of Land and Income Tax Department, Tombs, Ltd., Wellington;C. I. Wellington. Styles, Ernest, 318 Adelaide Road, Wellington, S. I. Rosoman, Geoffrey Henry Arthur, ·care of Ford Motor Co. of Suckling, Bertha M., care of P. E. Pattrick, A.M.P. Building, New Zealand, Ltd., P.O. Box 12, Lower Hutt. Wellington. Rudman, Brian Edgar, 44 Hay Street, Oriental Bay, Wel- Summers, William, P.O. Box 477, Wellington. lington. Sutherland, Arthur Francis Humphries, National Distributors, Russell, Charles Arthur, P.O. Box 108, Te Aro, Wellington. Ltd., 292A Taranaki Street, Wellington. Rutherford, John Porteous, Audit Office, Wellington, C. 1. Sutherland, William .Alexander, The Automobile Association Ryan, George Theodore, Land and Income Tax Department, (Wellington) Inc., P.O. Box 1053, Wellington. Wellington, C. 3. Syme, John Gilbert, 287 The Terrace, Wellington, C. 2. Sage, Albert Henry, care of Comptroller of Stores, New Tailby, William, ca,re of External Affairs Department, ;?;eii,!!l,nQ Railways, Wellington, Wellington. · 1610 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 47

Tait, Francis Brown, care of John Dickinson and Co. (N.Z.), Woodward, Donald ·walter, care of Department of Industries Ltd., Frederick Street, Wellington. and Commerce, D.I.C. Building, vVellington, C. 1. Tangney, Bartholomew, care of District Engineer's Office, Warboys, Albert Gordon, 47 Patanga Crescent, Wellington, Railways, Wellington. N. I. Tayler, Derek de Preston, 69 Wellington Road, Kilbirnie, Wright, Edward Fortescue, Bank of New Zealand, Head Wellington, E. 2. Office, Wellington. Taylor, Arthur Frederick, care of Head Office, N.Z. Railways, Wright, Ian Stevenson, care of Reserve Bank of New Zealand, Wellir1gton. Wellington. Taylor, George Bertram, Reserve Bank of New Zealand, Wyness, Alfred, care of His Master's Voice (N.Z.), Ltd,, Wellington. Wellington. Thodey, William Henry, care of Messrs. Flack and Ffack, Yates, William, care of National Broadcasting Service, P.O. Box 766, Wellington. Fea,thcrston Street, Wellington. - Thomas, Adhur Hugh, \Yhite's Line Store, Lower Hutt. Young, Alfred, 12 Motueka Street, Ngaio, Wellington. Thomas, Arthur Rees, Crescent Road, Wellington. Young, Denis Middleton, !l J oil Street, Karori, Wellington. Thomas, James Ewing, Internal Marketing Division, P.O. Young, Henry Harben Austin, Income Tax Department, Box 1500, Wellington. Wellington. Thomas, Owen Gwyn, 17A Ellice Street, Wellington. Thompson, Henry James, Supreme Court Library, Wellington. WELLINGTON NORTH DISTRICT. Thomnson, Herbert Percival, care of Messrs. J·ones Bros., Ltd., PunLic AccoUNTANTS. P.O'. Box 407, Wellington. Fellows. Thompson, Howard Charles James, 81 Hamilton Road, Ballingall, Thomas, P.O. Box 446, Wangamri. Kilbirnie, Wellington, E. 2. Burdekin, Hugh Blake, Levin. Tipping, .Tohn Robert, care of ~ational Bank of New Zealand, *Davis, Reginald, Palmerston North. Ltd., P.O. Box 1508, Wellington. Falconer, William Mowat, P.O. Box 59, Wanganui. Tobin, Norman John, care of Land and Income Tax Depart- Harrington, Wilfred Catlin, 49 Rangitikei Street, Pahnerston ment, Wellington, C. 3. . North. Tomlinson, Ernest S., Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., Haworth, Arthur, 44 Maria Place, vVanganui. Wellington. Hill, Frederick Joseph, Messrs. Silk and Hill, 44 l\faria Tregurtha, Clarence Victor, !l Riddiford Street, Lower Hutt. Place, W anganui. Trott, Charles John Lloyd, Audit Department, Wellington. Holhmd, Leslie Harold, P.O. Box 46, Wanganui. Tucker, Kenneth Guilfoyle, Tramways Head Office, P.O. Jennings, Ernest Bertram, P.O. Box 34, Palmerst.on North. Box 390, Wellington. Larcomb, Philip Samuel, P.O. Box 381, Palmerston Nori;h, Tunnington, John Edward, care of Messrs. 'vV. D. and H. 0. Litchfield, Frank Cummins, P.O. Box 31, Palmerston North. Wills (N.Z.), Ltd., P.O. Box 1467, Wellington. Maguire, Alfred Hugh, 63 Kimbolton Road, Feilding. Tuohy, John Henry, .Public Trust Office, Wellington. Priest, Roy William, P.O. Box 187, Palmerston North. Turner, Harold Harcourt, 14 :1/Iessines Road, vVellington. Robson, Roderick, P.O. Box 290, Wanganui. Turner, Henry, Army Headquarters, Featherston Street, Silk, Edwin Martell, Messrs. Silk and Hill, 44 Maria Place, Wellington. 'vVanganui. Turney, George Edward, .Public Trust Office, Wellington. Sim, Peter Lockhart, Palmerston Buildings, Palmerston Tyrrell, Gordon Rossiter, P.O. Box 71, Wellington. North. Underhill, Hubert Thomas, P.O. Box 649, Wellington. Smith, Frank :F!beling, P.O. Box 150, Wanganui. Vickerma.n, Brya,n Nelson, 16 Upland Road, Kelburn, Spencer, Robert Hatfield, P.O. Box 299, Palmerston North. Wellington. . Taylor, George Godfrey, ]\fain Street, Pahiatua. Waddell, Gordon vVcntworth, 24B Portland Crescent, Wellington, N. 1. ABsociates. Wansbrough, Alexander Osborn, P.O. Box 1475, Wellington. Aird, James, "Oa.klands," Pipirild Road, Raetihi. Ward, Arthur Hugh, care of N.Z. Dairy Board, P.O. Box 866, Ashenden, Noel, P.O. Box 46, Taihapc. Wellington. · Birnie, William Lockhart, P.O. Box 248, Palmerston North. Warden, Andrew Leonard, Messrs. Art,hur Cocks and Co. Birnie, William Rankin, 38 Rangitikei Street, PaJmerstonNorth. (New Zealand), Ltd., Wellington. Brace, Roy Alfred, P.O. Box 22, Palmerston-North. Warring, ,Jeffrey John, care of Plumbers Ltd., P.O. Box 190, Brown, Alan Mackechnie, P.O. Box, 46, Wanganui. Wellington. Coombs, Frederick William, 88 Rangitikei Street, Palmer- V\Taters, Barnum Fred, care of Social Security Department, ston North. Private Bag, Wellington. Day, Cyril Vere, P.O. Box 2!l, Palmerston North. Watkinson, William Pomfret, P.O. Box 244, Wellington. Dearsley, Mervyn Thomas, P.O. Box 363, Palmerston North. Watson, 1Villiam Herny ·John, care of Wairarapa Hospital Dunkley, Winifred (Mrs.), P.O. Box 400, Wanganui. Board, 1\fasterton. Fuller, Robert Andrew, P.O. Box 146, Palmerston North. Watson, William Lockhart, Social Security Department, Geary, Alexander James, P.O. Box 124, Beilding. Wellington. Glendimring, Donald George, National Bank Buildings, Webb, Philip Edward, care of Norwich Union Life Insurance, Rangitikei Street, Palmerston North. P.O. Box 79, Wellington. Glendinning, Kenneth Scott., P.O. Box 148, Palmerston Webb, Roland Dudley, care of The Shell Company of J\LZ., North. Ltd., Wellington, C. I. Jones, Joseph, Clyde Street, Ohakune. Webber, John Gerard, Accounts Branch, Housing Construction Keeble, George Clisham, P.O. Box 117, Palmerston North. Department, vYellington. , Lee, Frederick Lloyd, Raetihi. Wellings, Geoffrey George, care of Land and Income Tax McCallum, Stanley Ruscoe, P.O. Box 346, Wanganui. Department, Wellington. McDowall, Samuel, P.O. Box 121, Fei!ding. Wells, Frank Edward, P.O. Box 442, Masterton. McKenzie, Stuart Ian, P.O. Box 105, Palmerston North. Wesney, George Victor Huia, 57 Falkirk Avenue, Seatonn, Mansford, Augustus Edward, P.O. Box 148, Palmerst.on Wellington, E. 5. North. Weyburne, Bernard Augustus, Messrs. J. :Fanning and Co., l\fowett, ,James Edward Hedley, P.O. Box 318, Palmerston 74 Manners Street, Wellington, C. I. North. Wheeler, Albert William Hawtin, 18 Glasgow Street, Kelburn, Miers, August Roy, P.O. Box 117, I<'eilding. Wellington, W. l. Moir, John Scott, Public Accountant, Levin. Wills, Kenneth Arkliss, Industries and Commerce Depart­ Mullaney, Harold William, P.O. Box 314, Palmerston North. ment, Wellington. Nielsen, Niels Israelsen, P.O. Box 35, Palmerston North. Wilson. Allan Vernon, care of 21 Devon Street, Wellington. Priest, George Gordon, P.O. Box 99, Palmerston North. Wilson, Donald J\fars~ll, care of Public Trust Office, Welling-­ Rees, Hector Vivian John, P.O. Box 80, Pa.lmerston Nort,h, ton, C. I. Rodden, Joseph Frederick, 88 Russell Street, Palmerst-0n Wise, Henry Leslie, care of Department of Industries and North. Commerce, TouristandPublicity,P.O. Box 1679, Wellington. Ryan, Alfred l\'[ervyn, P.O . .Box 81, Taihape. Wise, Robert James, care of State Fire Insurance, P.O. Box Sewell, Robert Ian, 44 Mari,1 Place, Wanganui. 1672, Wellington. Siccly, Arth11r ,John Baynton, P.O. Box 62, Marton. Withers, Geoffrey Tyndall, Messrs. Young, Courtney, Silk, Bryan Martell, P.O. Box 43, Wanganui. Bennett, and Virtue, Wellington. Sinclair, Norman Herbert, Waldegrave's Buildings, The Withy, Locksley, Social Security Department, District Square, Palmerston North. Office, Wellington, C. 1. Smillie, David Fulton, P.O. Box 28, Palmerston North. Wood, Sidney Keith, 91 Duthie Street, Karori, Wellington. Smillie, John Baxter, P.O. Box 28, Palmerston North.

* Life member, JUNE 12.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. mu

REGISTERED AooOUNTANTS. McManus, James Kerrin, care of Public Trust Office, Palmer­ Fellows. ston North. Newlands, William Alan Sutherland, P.O. Box 7, Palmer­ Coleman, Alfred, care of Magistrates' Court, Wanganui. ston North. Hunt, Neil Allen, 12 Manapouri Crescent, Palmerston North. Oliver, Athol Bertram, care of Westport Coal Co. Ltd., P.O. Kellow, Albert James, Messrs. Levin and Co., Ltd., Feilding. Box 17, Wanganui. Murch, George, Wanganui. Peacock, Alfred William James, Public Trust Office Wanganui. *Penny, Walter Thomas, P.O. Box 75, Palmerston North. Poppelwell, Ronald Ashford, Crofton Road, Marton. Veitch, Henry Charles, The Collegiate School, Wanganui. Price, Raymond Alfred, 5 Falkland Street, Wanganui East. Ward, Thomas Compton, Messrs. Ward Motors, Ltd., P.O. Purnell, Frederick, Marton Junction. Box 19, Marton. Readman, Kenneth Hector, Public Trust Office;Wanganui. Regan, Arthur Joseph, care of Palmerston North Hospital, Associates. Board, P.0; Box 382, Palmerston North. Ammundsen, George Albert, P.O. Box 11, Wanganui. Searby, George Wallis, Audit Office, P.O. Box 51, Palmer­ Andrew, Leicester Selwyn, care of Messrs. M. A. Eliott, Ltd., ston North. P.O. Box 342, Palmerston North. Seymour; Lance Mervyn, P.O. Box 405, Palmerston North. Arlidge, Thomas Bolton, Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., Spring, Dudley Walter, care of Messrs. Plimmer and Rees, Palmerston North. Ltd., P.O. Box 80, Palmerston North. Armstrong, Kenneth Henry, Wangaehu, Wanganui. Tait, Robert, Messrs. Hodder and Tolley, Palmerston North. Baigent, Claude Hern, care of R.N.Z.A.F. Station, Ohakea, Tasker, James Francis, Dairy Research Institute, P.O. Box Private Bag, Palmerston North. 367, Palmerston North. Bailey, Ray Hugh, Feilding. Taylor, Alan Wilton, care of Messrs. McIntyre, Taylor, and Barclay, Frederick Arthur d'Epinay, A.M.P. Society, Wa- Seddon, P.O. Box 11, Feilding. nganui. Telford, Stuart Henry, P.O. Box 369, Palmerston North. Beard, Clifford Ernest, care of Native Department, Wanganui. Thompson, Joseph Henry, P.O. Box 35, Feilding. Best, Francis Jethro, P.O. Box 87, Wanganui. Trevithick, Alfred Stevens, care of Messrs. Child Bros., Bethwaite, Francis Haddon, Messrs. Levin and Co., Ltd., 6 George Street (P.O. Box 223), Palmerston North. Wanganui. Tuck, Francis Claude, care of Registrar of Social Security, Billing, Francis Henry, care of Bank of New Zealand, Kim­ P.O. Box 66, Wanganui. bolton. Walker, Hugh William Scott, care of Public Trust Office, Blackwood, James, P.O. Box 212, Palmerston North. Palmerston North. Blake, Gordon Charles, Public Trust Office, Palmerston Watts, John Murray, P.O. Box 613, Palmerston North. North. Whisker, David, care of John Graham, Esquire, Feilding. Boulton, George Noble, Education Office, P.O. Box 79, Whitlock, Howard Percival, care of Messrs. F. Whitlock and Wanganui. Sons, Ltd., Wanganui. Bush, John Alfred, Wellington Road, Marton. Wilson, Athol Bracken, P.O. Box 68, Wanganui. Caddy, Herbert George, Brunswick, via Wanganui. Winter, David James, Department of Agriculture, Flock Carey, Dennjs Keeble, 224 College Street, Palmerston North. House, Bulls. Christie, Ettrick Haine, P.O. Box 116, Wanganui. Yates, Charles Cecil, 53 Featherston Street, Palmerston Christmas, Harry, P.O. Box 135, Palmerston North. North. Cleland, William McKeown, N.Z. Refrigerating Co., Ltd., Young, John Carville, P.O. Box 135, Palmerston North. P.O. Box 40, Wanganui. Clinkard, .Cecil Henry, Solicitor, Wanganui. BEYOND NEW ZEALAND. Cronquest, . Charles Magness, P.O. Box 25, Shannon. Cullen, Norman Dudley, 107 Liverpool Street, Wanganui. PUBLIC AooouNTANTS. Dean, William Thomas, High Street, Bulls. Fellows. Dromgoole, Leo Steve, care of Public Trust Office, Wanganui. Dunn, David William, H.M. Customs, Wanganui. *Beere, Alexander Gerald, care of A. Beere, Esquire, 203 Dykes, John Bernard, care of New Zealand Railways, P.O. Military Road, Rose Bay Heights, Rose Bay, Sydney. Box 98, Wanganui. Robertson, Charles Victor, Bank House, Bank Place, Eccles, Hugh Samuel, care of Public Trust Office, Wanganui. Melbourne. Associates. Fitzsimons, Leslie, care of Wanganui Hospital, Wanganui. Forbes, ·Norman, 65 Victoria Avenue, Palmerston North. Aidney, Cyril William, Suva, Fiji. Fraser, Thomas Kenneth, P.O. Box 175, Palmerston North. Gibson, Walter Trevor, "Tranby Croft," 77 Darlinghurst Freyberg, Cuthbert, Public Trust Office, Palmerston North. Road, Potts Point, Sydney, N.S.W. McGregor, Douglas Dunedin Nithsdale, P.O. Box 3900, Galbraith, William Henry, Palmerston North Hospital Sydney, N.S.W. Board, Palmerston North. Mirams, Hugh Norman Heywood, Messrs. Cook, Tomlins, and Gardner, Walter John, P.O. Box 1, Castlecliff, Wanganui. Mirams, Collins House, 360 Collins Street, Melbourne. Glenny, Douglas Francis, 37 Alexander Street, Wanganui. Mourant, Herbert Philip, care of New Zealand House, The Goddard, William' Francis, 51 Russell Street, Palmerston Strand, London, W.C. 2. North. Paterson, Alexander Keith, Mercantile Mutual Buildings, 117 Goldstone, Jolm, P.O. Box 184, Wanganui. Pitt Street, Sydney. Grigor, Alexander, National Bank, Palmerston North. Pollock, David, Royal Societies' Club, St. James's Street, Haddon, Roy Owen, care of Messrs. Goldingham and Beckett, London, S.W. 1. Ltd., P.O. Box 130, Palmerston North. Wilkie, Alexander Herbert, pare of Bank of New South Wales, Hansen, Leslie Carsten, P.O. Box 51, Palmerston North. Suva, Fiji. Harris, Keith, P.O. Box 382, Palmerston North. Wylie, Douglas Stuart, Yorkshire House, Spring Street, Hewlett, David Andrew, 280 Featherston Street, Palmerston Sydney, N.S.W. North. Horsfall, William Huia, 395 Ferguson Street, Palmerston REGISTERED ACCOUNTANTS. North. Hulbert, Edwin James, P.O. Box 446, Wanganui. Fellows. James, Arthur, P.O. Box 120, Wanganui. Cachemaille, Victor Louis, care of Poste Restante, Kuala Jamieson, Allan John, care of Rennies Bakeries, Ltd., P.O. Lumpur, Federated Malay States. Box 21, Wanganui. *Duncan, Ronald Ogilvie, care of Messrs. Willis, Barrett, ai;id Johnston, John Charles, care of Public Trust Office, Palmer­ Duncan, Ltd., Mason's Building, Sugden Place, Melbourne. ston North. Evans, Charles Hellier Davis, Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Jolly, Francis Leslie Gordon, Messrs. Jolly and Mills, Ltd., Ltd., 461 Bourke Street, Melbourne. P.O. Box 63, Palmerston North. Harle, Thomas George Aubrey, Union Bank, Haymarket, Lomas, George Frederick, 21 Campbell Street, Wanganui. Sydney. Ludbrooke, Frank George, 19 Gonville Avenue, Wanganui. Holst, Olaf, care of Australian Newsprint Mills Pty. Ltd., Mancer, Jack, 39 Koromiko Road, Wanganui. Private Bag, Boyer, Tasmania. Markland, Osmund Herbert, Tiratu Sawmilling Co., Macgregor, George Robert, care of S.S. White Co., of Aust., · Palmerston 'North. Ltd., T. and G. Mutual Life Building, corner Park and Murray, Eric Oscar, P.O. Box 113, Wanganui. and Elizabeth Streets, Sydney. Mcinteer, Walter David William, Native Department, Reid, Howard Dudley, care of Commercial Bank of Australia, Wanganrii. 273 George Street, Sydney, N.S.W.

• Retired member1, F 1612. THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 47

'fenne:nt, Hugh Cowper, Messrs. Tennent and Greaney, 428- Hepburn, Philip Joseph, Audit Office, Apia, Samo11,. 433 Dillingham Transportation Building, Honolulu, Hawaii. Herbert, Horace Walter, P.O. Box 441F, Brisbane. Walkley, William Gaston, P.O. Box 4090w, Sydney. Hooper, Aston Seldon, P.O. Box 242, Accra, Gold Coast, West Africa. Associates. Ingham, Alan, care of New Zealand Government Offices, 415 Anderson, Keith Douglas, Junior House, Church of England The Strand, London, W.C. 2. Grammar School, North Sydney, N.S.W. Inglis, John Bethune, care of Messrs. Price, Waterhouse, anq Arthur'., Frederick Stanley, care of International W Ool Co., 56 Pine Street, New York. Secretariat, Bush House, Aldwych, London, W.C. 2. Larsen, Harold William, care of New Zealand House, 415 Barton, Terence Moore, care of Audit Department, Lagos, The Strand, London, W.C. 2. Nigeria. Lauder, John Robert, P.O. Box 79 C.C., Sydney. Beckingsale, Arthur Bromley, ·care of Bank of New South Leddra, ,Tohn Henry, care of A. V. Jennings Construction Wales, P.O. Box 22720, Sydney, N.S,W. Co., 189 Lower Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe,•N, 21, Victoria, Benge, Thonias Ilyffe, Audit Office, care of High Commis­ Australia. sioner's Office, 415 The Strand, London, W.C. 2. Lindop, Alfred Benjamin, care of N.Z. Liaison Officer, Air Bowling, Francis Gerald, R.A.F. Station, ·Peterborough, Ministry, Adastral House, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2. N orthants, England. Luke, Ronald Stark, care of The Irish Linen Spinning and Buck, Esther (Miss), care of Newcastle Girls' High School, Weaving Co. Pty., Ltd., P.O. Box 4247Y, Sydney, N.S.W. Hamilton, N.S.W. McClatchie, John, care of Messrs. Price, Waterhouse, and Co., Burlinson, Maurice Alfred, care of Messrs. Price, Water­ Chartered Accountants, Royal Bank Building, Toronto, house and Co., 506 Olive Street, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. Canada. Cairns, John Robert, care of Bank of New South Wales, Mclvor, Hector Maximilian Ivor, Box 19, llfaroubra, Sydney. Perth, Western Australia. N.S.W. Collett, Raymond Leonard, care of Messrs. Lybrand, Ross McKechnie, Roderick Drummond, care of Messrs. Yarwood, Bros., and Montgomery, 90 Broad Street, New York City. Vane, and Co., Chartered Accountants, 28 O'Connell Connor, George Sherwood, care of South British Insurance Street, Sydney. . Co.; LW:, 2 Finlayson Green, Singapore. McMillan, Leslie Thomas, care of Me•srs. J. B. David Cooke, Gordon Campbell, The Delaware, Lackawana and and Co., 10 Malacca Street, Singapore. Western Coal Co., 120 Broadway, New York. llfoNair, William Allan, care of Messrs. J. Walter Thompson Corkill, Francis John, care of Bank of New Zealand, Box and Co., Asbestos House, 65 York Street, Sydney. 507 A.A., Sydney. McParland, Eneas James, care of Treasury Department, Dalziel, Robert Thomas, Union Steam Ship Co., P.O. Box Apia, vVestern Samoa. 534B, Sydney, N.S.W. Milligan, Robert Gracie, P.O. Box 1571 E., Sydney, N.S,W. Daniel, John Vincent P., Terrace Street, Newcastle, N.S.W. Mules, John Philip, 35 Mornington Crescent, Marrogate, *Donohue, William Lawrence, 8 Inverness Terrace, Bays­ Yorks, England. water, London, W. 2. Pinker, Clifford Henry, care of Messrs. Cooper Bros. and Co., Dromgoole, Ian, care of New Zealand House, 415 The Strand, Chartered Accountants, 14 George Street, London. London, W.C. 2. Piper, Horace Wensley, care of A.M.P. Society, Brisbane, Eastgate, Geoffrey Lanc.elot, care of South British Insurance Queensland. Co., LW., Prince's Building, P.O. Box 227, Hong Kong. Read, Cyril }fartin, care ·or Messrs. Morris Hedstrom, Ltd,, Ebert, Arthur Frank, Trade (Distribution) Branch, Ministry of Suva, Fiji, , Food, Thames House, Millbank, London, S.W. 1. Rigby, William Frederick, care of National Insurance Co. of Fleming, John, New Zealand House, 415 The Strand, N.Z., Ltd., 164 Margaret Street, Toowoomba, Queensland. London, W.C. 2. Rodden, .John William. Folkard, George D'Arcy, P.O. Box 5944, Johannesburg, Steele, Clive Cunninghame, care of New Zealand House, South Africa. 415 Strand, London, W.C. 2. Gallery, John William, care of Tritth and Sportsman Ltd., Sutch, Edward John, care of The Treasnry, Apia, Samoa. Brisbane. Taylor, William, N.Z. Trade and Tourist Cmnmissioner, Gillies, Keith, care of The Treasury, Apia, Samoa. Martin Place, Sydney, N.S.W. Gould, Trevor Jack, Crown Counsel, Supreme Court, Valentine, William Maxwell, care of Airzone (1931) Ltd., Hong Kong. Camperdown, Sydney, N.S.W. Grantham, Thomas Elmer, Balneath, South Common, Waldrom, Benjamin Frederick, care of Keira Trading Co., Nr, Lewes, Sussex, England. 104 Keira Street, Wollongong, N.S.W. Gray, Douglas Errol, 50 Speer Road, Thames Ditton, Surrey, Walker, Howard Bernard Gregson, A.M.P. Society, P/lrtb, England. Western Australia. Hall, Charles Leslie, ca,re of Inspector's Office, Bank of New Walker, Noel, P.O. Box 2442, MM., Sydney, N.S.W, South Wales, Melbourne. Wallace, Edward Geoffrey, care of Messrs. Burroughs, Ltd., Harper, Donald Edward, care of The Treasury, Apia, Samoa. P.O. Box 3902 TT., Sydney, N.S.W. Helfer, Thomas Baker, Bank of New South Wales, Perth, Webster, Colin Keith, care of High Commissioner for '!!,ew W.A. Zealand, 415 The Strand, London, W.C. 2.

* Retired member.


8TATEMEN'f Ol' AsSETS AND LliBILITIES OF THE RESERVE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND AS AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON MONDAY, 9th JUNE, 1941. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. 7. Reserve- £ ·S. d. 1. General Reserve Fund 1,500,000 0 0 {a) Gold 2,801,874 10 0 2. Bank-notes 21,760,707 10 0 (b) Sterling exchange* .. 21 , 411 , 437 12 6 3, Demand liabilities­ (c) Gold exchange (a) State 11,014,596 19 11 8. Subsidiary coin .. 75.,465 17 2 (b) Banks 12,092,458 17 4 9. Discounts- (c) Other 418,227 14 0 (a) Commercial and agricultural 4, Time deposits bills 5, Liabilities in currencies other than (b) Treasury and local-body bill;· New Zealand currency 37,067 3 9 10. Advances- 6.. Other liabilities .. 1,257,031 8 1 (a) To the State or State undertakings- 0.) Marketing Department 4,810,717 17 3 (2) For other purposes 13,500,000 0 0 (b) To other public authorities (c) Other 11. Investments 3,772,569 9 I 12. Bank buildings 13. Other assets 1,708,024 7 £(N.Z.)48,0S0,089 13 1 £(N.Z.)48,080,089 13

* Expres~_d in New Zealand currency. Proportion of reserve (No, 7 Jess No. 5) to notes and ot4er demand liahilites, 53·386 per cent. W, R, EGGERS, Chief Accountant. JUNE 12.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1613

Licenses issued to Wholesalers under the Sales Tax Act, 1932-33.

Customs Department, Wellington, 12th June, 1941. T is hereby notified for public information that licenses to act as wholesalers I nuder the Sales Tax Act, 1932-33, have been issued to the undermentioned persons, firms, and companies carrying on business at the places stated opposite the names of each respectively. , E. D. GOOD, Comptroller of Customs.

Name of Person, Firm, Place or Places at which or Company. Business is carried on.

A. Abbott Laboratories (N.Z.), Ltd. (from Wellington. 1st May, 1941) Andrews and Beaven, Ltd. In vercargill. Atlas Shovel Works (N.Z.), Ltd. (from Wellington. 1st May, 1941) B. Berry, William James, and Sons (from 1st Christchurch. May, 1941) Bloch, J. (from 1st May, 1941) Wellington. Broadway Manufacturing Co. (from 1st Auckland. May, 1941)

C. Couriers (N.Z.), Ltd ... Stratford. Craighead, D.S. (from 1st April, 1941) Wellington. Crocombe, W. R. (from 1st June, 1941 Dunedin. E. Ethel Kav Mantles, ,Ltd. (from 20th Wellington. April, 1941) Ewing, H. C., and Co. (from 12th May, Christchurch. 1941) F. Flintoff, E. (from 1st May, 1941) Wellington. G. Gilbert Lodge and Co. Pty., Ltd. (from Wellington. 1st May, 1941) G1ttos and Barker, Ltd. (from 1st April, Auckland. 1941) Gordon and Adams (from 1st May, 1941) Auckland, H. Hatmakers' Materials, Ltd. (from 1st Auckland. May, 1941) Hibberds Foundry, Ltd. (from 1st May, / Petone. 1941) I. Iona Manufacturing Co. (from 20th April, Auckland. 1941) L. Kay, t. (from 1st April, 1940) Auckland. Levy, Charles (from 26th May, 1941) Christchurch, Lofts (N.Z.), Ltd. (from 1st May, 1941) .. Auckland. Lynn Laces, Ltd. (from 1st May, 1941) .. Auckland.

l\L Mouritsen, Kathleen (from 15th April, Dunedin. 1941) N. N.Z. Forest Products, Ltd. (from 27th Putaruru, Penrose. May, 1941) P. Pahiatua Herald Co., Ltd. (from 1st June, Pahiatua. 1941) Paterson, J. S. (from 1st April, 1941) Auckland. Pope, C. (from 1st May, 1941) Timaru. s. Scott, J. and A. P., Ltd. (from 1st June, Dunedin, Invercargill. 1941) Smith, V. L. (from 1st April, 1041) Kaikoura. Southern Pacific Trading Co. (from 1st Auckland. May, 1941) Sunola Laboratories, Ltd. (from 4th April, Dunedin. 1941)

T. Taylor, A. C., and Co. (from 16th De­ Christchurch. cember, 1940) u. Underwear Manufacturers, Ltd. (from 20th Wellington. l\fay, 1941) w. Wadely Hats (from 11th May, 1941) Auckland. Webb, C. M. (from 1st June, 1941) Wellington. Wellington Leather Goods, Ltd. {from 1st W eliington. June, 1941) 16'1.4 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 47

Name of Person, Firm, Place or Places at whlch or Company. Business Is carried on.

The licenses as wholesalers issued to the undermentioned persoM, firms, and companies have been cancelled :- Adams, Gordon Auckland. Ande~son, Alexander Auckland. Astra Agency Co. Christchurch. Brodie, J. D., and Co., Ltd. Wellington. Burbank and Co. Auckland. Davies, Robert W., Ltd. Wellington. Dinwoodie Timber Co., Ltd. Erua. Faulkner, James Auckland. "·Frances Louise" Auckland. George, Thomas Hamilton. Gilbert Lodge and Co. Pty., Ltd. Auckland. Gittos and Barker Auckland. Imperial Radio Manufacturing Co. Auckland. loua Manufacturing Co. Auckland. James, A. Auckland. Lynn Laces Auckland. Mooney's Ltd. Dunedin, Christchurch. Oriental Art Manufacturers Co. Auckland. Power, R. J. Aickcns. Russell Bros. Raurimu. Simpson, James Timaru. Sorensen and Henderson Hamilton. Tuwharetoa Timber .. vVaihi, near Tokaanu. Walker and Hall (N.Z.), Ltd. Dunedin. Wright Mop "co., Ltd. Auckland.

O.fficiating Ministers fo,r 194.l.-Notice N~. 15. Weighted with £410 for improvements, compnsmg dwelling, 28 ft. by 12 ft., of three rooms and lean-to, Registrar-General's Office, washhouse, shed, cow-byre, and separator room, 58 Wellington, 10th June, 1941., chains of fencing, 12 chains shelter trees, bridge, 14 URSUANT to the provisions of the l\farriage Act, 1908, acres ploughed and grassed, 20 acres grassed and P the following names of officiating ministers within the reverting, and 4 acres ploughed only. This sum is meaning of the said Act are published for general informa-' payable in cash, or after payment of a deposit of .£35 tion :- the balance may be repaid over a period of twenty The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. years by half-yearly instalments of principal and interest amounting to £14 18s. 9d., interest at 5 per The Reverend John Butler Davies. cent. Situated on the Birdwood Road, one and a half miles United Evangelical Church. from Birdwood, and two and a half miles from Swan· Mr. Joseph Wesley Buchanan. son Railway-station, and four miles from Henderson. Access- is by metalled road one and a half miles from G. G. HODGKINS, the Main North Road. The section is undulating, Deputy Registrar-General. about four-fifths ploughable, and is subdivided into five paddocks with some gorse in places. Soil is clay on sandstone; watered by swampy streams, and the pro­ perty is suitable for dafrying. CROWN LANDS NOTICES. S.O. plan No. 25823. Any further particulars required may be obtained Land in North Auckland Land District for Selection from the undersigned. on Renewable Lease. L. J". POFF, Commissioner of Crown Lands. North Auckland District Lands and Survey Office, (H.O. 34/145; D.O. I.D.P. 644.) Auckland, 11th June, 1941. OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned N property is open for selection on renewable lease Land in Southland Land District for Selection on under the Land Act, 1924; and applications will be Renewable Lease. received at the North Auckland District Lands and Survey Office, Auckland, up to 4 o'clock p.m. on District Lands and Survey Office, Monday, 14th July, 1941. Invercargill, 11th June, 1941. Applicants should appear personally for examination OTIQE is hereby given that the undermentioned at the North Auckland District Lands and Survey N property is open for selection, on renewable lease Office, Auckland, on Wednesday, 16th July, 1941, at under the Land Act, 1924, and applications will be 10 o'clock a.m., but if any applicant is unable to received at the District Lands and Survey Office, attend he may be examined by any other Land Board Invercargill, up to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, 12th August, or by any Commissioner of Crown Lands. Applicants 1941. are required to produce documentary evidence of their Applicants should appear personally for examination farming experience a:i,d financial position. at the District Lands and Survey Office, Invercargill, The ballot will be held immediately upon conclusion on Thursday, 14th August, 1941, at 10.30 o'clock a.m., of the examination of arplicants, and the successful but if any applicant is unable to attend he may be applicant is required to pay immediately at conclusion examined by any other Land Board or by any Com­ of ballot a deposit comprising the first half-year's rent, missioner of Crown Lands. broken-period rent, lease fee, and deposit in reduction Applicants are required to produce documentary of weighting for improvements. evidence of their financial position and farming experience. SCHEDULE. The ballot will be held immediately upon conclusion NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT-FIRST·CLASS LAND. of the examination of applicants, and the successful W aitemata County.,-W aitemata Survey District. applicant is required to pay immediately at conclusion of ballot a deposit comprising the first half-year's rent, (Exempt from payment of rent for three years.*) broken-period rent, lease fee, and amount of weighting SECTTION 8, Block XIII: Area, 78 acres 2 roods 34 for improvements. perches. Capital value, £480. Half-yearly rent, £12. This property is situated within the Otago Mining *Exemption is conditional upon improvements to the District and is offered subject to section 153 of the value of £50 being effected annually during the con­ Land Act, 1924, which provides that no right to any cession period in addition to the, improvements required mineral under the surface shall pertain to the lessee, by the Land Act, 1924. - whose rights shall be to the ,surface soil only. JUNE 12.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1615

SCHEDULE. Settle'ment Lands in Otago Land District for Seleotion SOUTHLAND LAND DISTRICT,-SEOOND-CLASS LAND. on Renewable Lease. Wallaee County.-Jacob,s River Hundred.-Otago Mining District. District Lands and Survey Office, SECTIONS 24 and 31, Block XVII: Area, 277 acres Dunedin, 11th June, 1941. 2 roods 33 perches. Capital value, £210. Half-yearly OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned rent, £4 4s. N sections are open for selection on renewable lease. Weighted with £302 (payable in cash) for improve­ under the Land Act, 1924, and the Land for Settlements ments, comprising dwelling, sh,ed, fencing, felling, and Act, 1925; and applications will be received at the grassing. District Lands and Survey Office, Dunedin, up to The property is an undulating partly developed bush 4 o'clock p.m. on Monday, 7th July, 1941. farm situated at the junction of Wards and Centre Applicants should appear personally for examination Road, three miles from Colac and Longwood Townships at the District Lands and Survey Office, Dunedin, on by good gravelled roads. There is practically no Wednesday, 9th July, 1941, at 10.30 o'clock a.m., but steep land, the soil being from light to medium quality. if any applicant is unable to attend he may be Approximately half the area has been felled and examined by any other· Land Board or by any Com­ surface sown, and about 20 acres of this has been missioner of Crown Lands. stumped, cultivated, and sown out. The pasture on The ballot will be held immediately upon conclusion the 20 acres is only of medium quality, while the of the examination of applicants, and the successful surface-sown area has reverted to rushes and scrub. applicants are required to pay immediately at con­ Buildings are in poor repair, and fences for the most clusion of ballot a deposit comprising the :first half­ part are not stock proof. year's rent, broken-period rent, lease fee, and deposit Any further particulars required may be obtained in reduction of weighting for improvements. from the undersigned. THOS CAGNEY, SCHEDULE. Commissioner of Crown Lands. 0TAGO LAND DISTRICT-SETTLEMENT LAND, (H.O. 22/4094; D.O. R.L. 144.) Waitalci County-Maruwewua Survey District...:... Otelcailce Settl=ent. Education Reserve in Southland Land District for SECT]ON 26A: Area, 391 acres 3 roods 35 perches. Lease by Public Auction. Capital value, £1,545. Half-yearly rent, £38 12s. 6d. Y".eighted w~th £1,678 5s. for improvements, com­ District Lands and Survey Office, pnsmg a dwelling of four rooms, kitchenette, and bath' Invercargill, 11th June, 1941. room; huts, washhouse, and storeroom; garage; stable; OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned loose-boxes and implement shed; barn, wool-shed a.nd N land will be offered for lease by public auction c~"'.·shed ; pigsties, fowlhouse; yards; windmill, at the District Lands and Survey Office, Invercargill, p1pmg, &c., and fencing. This sum is payable in cash on Tuesday, 22nd July, 1941, at 11 o'clock a.m., under or by a cash deposit of £178 5s., and the balance the provisions of the Education Reserves Act, 1928, (£1,500) payable over a period of thirty years with and the Public Bodies' Leases Act, 1908. interest at 5 per cent per annum; the half-yearly mstalments of combined interest and principal being SCHEDULE. £48 10s. SOUTHLAND LAND DISTRICT-SOUTHLAND 00UNTY. Situated two miles from the Otekaike Post-office, School, and Railway-station; access is by good metalled Town of Lumsden. road. Some 40 acres in front are fair quality SECTION 7, Block X: Area, 1 rood. Upset annual downs, remainder steep, light and stony, with 150 rental, £1. acres unploughable. The soil is fair to light resting. Weighted with £125 (payable in cash) for improve· on shingle formation. Fairly clear of noxious weeds, ments, comprising house, orchard, and garden. but rabbits are rather plentiful. Section 48A: Area, 408 acres 2 roods 19 perches. Abstract of Conditions. Capital value, £1,205. Half-yearly rent, £30 2s. 6d. 1. Possession will be given on the day of sale. Weighted with £1,684 17s. 6d. for improvements, 2. Six months' rent at the rate offered, rent for the comprising dwelling, :five rooms, bathroom, and scullery; broken period, lease and registration fees ( £2 2s.), men's mom, dairy, washhouse and coalhouse, and con­ and weighting for improvements must be deposited on crete yard; cow-shed; garage; small shed; barn the fall of the hammer. and shed; fowlhouse and run; yards; garden, planta­ 3. Term of lease: Twenty-one years, with perpetual tion; water troughs, &c., and fencing. This sum is right of renewal for further similar terms at rents payable in cash or by a cash deposit of £184 17s. 6d,; based on fresh valuations under the provisions of the and the balance (£1,500) payable over a period of Public Bodies' Leas.es Act, 1908. thirty years with interest at 5 per cent. per annum; 4. Rent payable half-yearly in advance. the half-yearly instalments of combined interest and 5. Lessee to maintain in good substantial repair principal being £48 10s. all buildings, drains, and fences; to keep clear all Situated three miles from Duntroon Post-office and creeks, drains, ditches, and watercourses; to trim all School, and adjacent to Waikaura Railway-station; live hedges, and, to yield up all improvements in good access is by good metalled road. The greater area is. repair and condition at the expiration of the lease. steep hilly ground, while the balance comprises steep 6. Lessee not to carry on any noxious, noisome, or faces and rough gullies. Approximately half of the. offensive trade upon the land. section is ploughable. The soil is light and stony 7. Lessee not to transfer, mortgage, sublet, or sub­ res~ing on gravel formation; watered by . creeks . and. divide without consent of the Land Board. sprmgs. Clear of noxious weeds, but rabbits rather 8. Lessee not to use or remove any gravel without plentiful. consent of the Land Board. Section 52A: · Area, 188 acres O roods 22 perches. 9. No liability is accepted on the part of the Crown Capital value, £1,225. Half-yearly rent, £30 12s. 6d. or of the Land Board to pay to the lessee any com­ Weighted with £1,628 for improvements, comprising pensation for improvements, but if the lease is not dwelling, six rooms, bathroom and scullery; outhouses; renewed upon expiration, or if it is sooner determined, i fowlhouse; stable, barn, wool-shed, and utility shed; the new lease offered for disposal by public com­ yards; plantation; windmills, &c., and fencing. This petition will be subject to payment by the incoming sum is payable in cash or by a cash deposit of £128, tenant of an amount equal to the value of the build­ and the balance (£1,500) payable over a period of ings and improvements effected by or paid for by the thirty years with interest at 5 per cent. per annum; original lessee, and the amount when received shall the half-yearly instalments of combined interest and be paid to the original lessee without any deduction principal being £48 10s. except for rent or other payments in arrear. Situated two miles from Duntroon Post-office, School, 10. Lessee to keep buildings insured. and Railway-station; access is by good metalled road. 11. Interest at the rate of 10 per centum per annum Some 65 acres are flat, balance fairly steep face. All to be paid on rent in arrear. ploughable except about 20 acres broken ground. The 12. Lease liable to termination if conditions are soil is good, resting on limestone formation. Clear violated. of noxious weeds, but a few rabbits at the back. Form of lease may be perused and any further Any further information required may be obtained particulars required may be obtained at the. office of from the undersigned. the undersigned. W. E. SHAW, THOS. CAGNEY, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Commissioner of Crown Lands. (H.O. 9/1076; D.0. E.R. 509.) (H.O. 19368; D.O. R.L.S. 19, 36, an'\ 40.) '-,, '.rHE NEW z:fijALAND GAZETTE.- [No. 47

µt1,rul, in_ th~_ North A ,wklattd Land-_ District fiJtfiiited.

_ _ Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, 7th June, 1941. - tl'i'fdE is hereby given that the lease of the. undermentioned land having been declared forfeit by resolution 01 N th~ North Aucklahd tand Board, the said land has thereby reverted to the Crown under the provisions of the btnd Aot, 1924. _ . .


'l'eniltij, .\ tease No. · 1- SectWh. Block. District. Lessee. Date of Forfeiture.

B. T. Price 23rd April, 1941. R.L, rll9 _I __l_l _____~IV----M-otatau ~------/L. aritl s. ll/2li!io.) J. G. BARCLAY, For the Minister of Lands.


Land in tl/e North Auckland_Larul, District acquired to provide The' successful tenderer shall supply a bond of indemnity access to a. State Forest. against fire for the sum of £500. ,Terms arul, Conditions. State J!\Jtest Service, Wellington, 6th June, 1941. 1. All instalment-payments shall be secured by " on demand " promissory notes made and endorsed to the satis­ -OTICE is h!!reby given that the land described in the faction of the Commissioner of State Forests, and interest N. Schedule heteto has been acquired Ulider the Forests at th,e rate of 1 per cent. per annum in excess of .current ..wt, l!llll'"llll, for the purpcJso of prbvidilig access to a State bank overdraft rates will be charged on .all notes overdue forest. from the date of maturity to the date of payment. 2. 'The right to cut and remove the timber will be sold in SCHEDUtE. accordance with the provisions of the Forests Act, 1921-22, NORTH AucKLAND LAND DtSTRitJT.~AuCKLAND FoR!lST- the regulations in force thereunder, and these conditions. CONSERVATION REGION. 3. The aforementioned quality, quantity, and kind as to ALL that area in the North Auckland Land District, Bay of the said timber shall be taken as sufficiently accurate for Isfarids County, - bontainihg by ad.measurement 2 acres the purposes of this sale, and no contract for the purchase 1 rood 21 perches, nlbr~ or less, ~ituated in Block I, Omapere shall be voidable, nor shall the successful purchaser be en­ &ttvey pistrict, and being part .of the block called Whakanc­ titled to any abatement in price, by reason of the said timber klitreke D No. lln, As the same is mtire particularly delineated being of less quantity, quality, or kind as stated herein or in on plah No, 5/28, deposited in the Head Office of the any advertisement having reference to the said timber. Stll:te Fofe~t 8\!rviue at Wellington, -and thereon boi:'tlered 4. A return giving the number of logs cut of each species _ red. Certificate of title, Vol. 741, folio 40. and their contents must be made quarterly by the licensee on the last days of March,, June, September, and December, ALEX, R. ENTRICAN, Director of Forestry. respectively, in each year. A return must also be made on ------the same dates showing the output of Sawn tiinber df each species. These returns may be ascertained and verified by MilUn,7-iimber for Sale by Public Tender. inspectiOh of the books of the mill, or by such other means. as the Conservator may require, and for this purpose the State Forest Service. accounts and books shall be open to the· inspection of th,1 Palmerston North, 11th June, 1941. Conservator, a Forest Ranger, or other duly authorized officer. OTitlE! is hereby giv~n that ~'!tten. tenders _for the sale 5. The attention of all tenderers is drawn to the fact thatihe N of the undermentioned milling-tnnber will close at local controlling body may require the successful tenderer the oftice of the State Forest Service, Palmerston North, at to pay any claims or charges which may be inade by that 3 o'olock 011 Friday, the 27th June,. 1941. body for the maintenance of the road over which. the timber may be transported, and befote a sawmill license Is issued a letter indicating that satisfactory arrangements have beeil SCHEDULE. made in this connection must be produced to the undersigned_. WEbMNGTDN FimEST•OONSERVATION REGION.-WELLINGTON 6. Intencling tenderers are expected, to visit the locality LAND DISTRICT. and to satisfy themselves in every particular on all matters At!:,. fhe nullimi:-timbet - on that piece of land containing relative to the sale. a,l:ipfox:irftately 107 acres in Block V, Wakarara Survey 7. Each tenderer must state the tbtal price that he is­ being .Lot lo, State Forest 24, about thirty miles Dl.stl:ict, prepared to pay for the timber. The highest or arty tender ftdili ·Waipll:wa Railway -station. will not necessarily be accepted, and the timber described is Tht, estim!J,ted quantity of timber in cubic feet is 149,300, submitted for sale subject to the final acceptamie of the 01' ifi board feet 1,000,000, made up as follows :- tender by the Commissioner of State Forests, Species. cubic Feet, Board Feet. 8. The right is reserved tti the Commissioner State Maliai 500 3,000 of-. 138,900 931,000 Forests to withdraw trom sale any ot all of the said titnbet ltimu either before or after the closing date for receipt l)f teildets . . Kahikatea 6,100 42,000 Miro .. 3,800 24,000 9, i:f no tender is accepted for the timber herein mentioned it will remain open for application for three months from the 149,300 1,000,000 date tenders close. . tJpsei_price: £1,600. 10. Tenders should be on the special form obtainable from 'rime foi· removal: 'l'wo years. any office of the State Forest Service, and shortld be enolosed in envelopes addressed " Conservator of Forests, Palmel'Sto.n Terms of Payment. North," and endorsed" Ten

Milling-timher for Sal,e' by Public Tender. BANKRUPTCY NOTlCES.

In Bankruptcy. State Forest Service, .f Hokitika, 10th June, 1941. In the Estate of F. V. HILLIARD, of Kaikohe, Radio-dealer. OTICE is hereby given that written tenders for the OTICE is hereby given that a first and ~l dividend N purchase of the undermentioned milling-timber will N of 3fd. in the pound is now payable at Jlly office· on close at the office of the State Forest Service, Hokitika, at all accepted proved claims. ,3 o'clock p.m. on Friday, the 27th day of June, 1941. T. P. PAm, Olficia,l Asaignee. · Courthouse, Whangarei, 6th June, 1941, · SCHEDULE. W;ESTLAND FOREST-CONSERVATION REOION.-WESTLAND In Bankruptcy.-ln the Supreme Court of Ne'/}) Zealaru.l. LAND DISTRICT. ALL the milling-timber on that piece of land containing OTICE is hereby given that EDWARD Ca~r,Es N,u,1n 258 acres, situated in Block IV, Kopara Survey District, N STRJN(lER, of 68 Volkner Road, Reniuera, MotonniuJ 'State Forest 26, approximately twenty-one miles from was this day adjudged bankrupt ; and I hereby summon ; Rotomanu Railway-station. The total estimated quantity meeting of creditors to be holden at my office, Law Oourt of timber in cubic feet is 387,900, or in board measure Building, High Street, Auckland, on Tuesday, the 17th d4y 2,414,000, made up as follows :- of June, 1941, at 10.30 o'clock a.m. Species. Cubic Feet. Board Feet. Dated at Auckland, this 9th day of June, 1941. Rimu 280, 900 1,772,000 A. W. WATTERS, ...• Kahikatea 107,000 642,000 Official Assignee.

387,900 2,414,000 In Bankruptcy.--In the Supreme Court of New Zealand, Upset price : £2,328. Taranaki District. Time for removal : Two years. Terms of Payment. OTICE is hereby given that GEORGE liARRoP, of Hurford N Read, Omata, Farmer, was this day adjudge.


VIDENCE of the loss of certificate of title, Vol. 484,: OTICE is hereby given that at the expiration of three ·..E folio 186 (Auckland Registry), for Lot 237 on Deposited N months from this date the name of the undermentioned Plan 11377, being portion of Allotment 38, Parish ofWaiheke, company will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be lin favour of MARSHALL COCHRANE CLELAND, of struck off the Register and the company dissolved :- Auckland, Carpenter, having been lodged with me together Robert W. Davies, Limited'. 1927/200. with an application for a new certificate of title in lieu thereof, and evidence of the Joss of memorandum of mortgage Given under my hand at Wellington, this 10th day of June, No, 1112016 affecting the above certificate of title, Vol. 484, 1941. folio 186, given by the said Marshall Cochrane Cleland, as H.B. WALTON, .mortgagor, to JEAN CHALMERS, wife of Nathaniel Stuart Assistant Registrar of Companies . Chalmera, of Ba, Fiji, Barrister and Solicitor, as mortgagee, 1 having b.ee:O. lodged with me together with an application for a provisional copy of the mortgage in lieu thereof, notice THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (6). :is hereby given of my intention to issue such new certificate _of title and provisional mortgage after fourteen days from 42th June, 1941. OTICE is hereby given that the names of the under. , ·., Dated this 6th day of June, -1941, at the Land Registry N mentioned companies have been struck off the Register :Office at Auckland. and the companies dissolved:~ R. F. BAIRD, District Land Registrar. Egyptian Lacquers (N.Z.), Limited. 1930/13. Cyril Jennings, Limited. 1929/77. Given under my hand at Wellington, this loth day of June, 1941. ADVERTISEMENTS. H. B. WALTON, Assistant Registrar of Companies. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (4). THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (6). '·-·.N·· OTICE is hereby given that at the expiration of three . , . i;nonthli from this date the name of the undermentioned OTICE is hereby given that the name of the under­ :·


-N· OTICE is hereby given that the names of the under- AKE notice that at the expiration of three months -··· mentioned companies have been struck off the Register T from the date hereof the names of the undermentioned and the companies dissolved :- companies will, Unless cause is shown to the contrary, be Barrat. and Phillips, Limited. 1929/59. . struck off the Register and the companies dissolved :- The Carrington Land Company, Limited. 1930/207. International Varieties, Limited. 1939/68. · North Auckland Peninsular Land Syndicate, Limited. Maerewhenua Goldfields, Limited. 1932/53.. 1931/88. Hillsborough Water and Drainage Company, Limited. 'TrnsetLimited. 1936/297. 1925/69. The Coromandel Timber Company, Limited. 1937 /5. Auto Instruments, Limited. 1937/4. J?arenga Stores, Limited. 1937 /34. .. NeWJI1arket Rentals, Limited. 1938/228. Given under my hand at Christchurch, this 4th day of · Anckla.nd Press, Limited. 1939/173. June, 1941. . ,, Crystal Aerated Waters, Limited. 1940/101. J. MORRISON, Assistant Registrar of Companies. Given under my hand at Auckland, this 3rd day of June, 1941. L. G. TUCK, THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (3). Assistant Registrar of Companies.

AKE notice that at the expiration of three months from THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (6). T the date hereof the name of the undermentioned company will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register and the company dissolved :- :N"·()TICE is hereby given that the names of the under­ Grenfell Smith and Company, Limited. 1937 /60. . mentioned companies have been struck off the Register Given under my hand at Dunedin, this 6th day of June, and the companies dissolved :- 1941. . Utility Machines, Limited. 1930/107. The Acme Engineering Company, Limited. 1932/10. E. G, FALCONER, Assistant Registrar of Companies. -·.Given-under my hand at Auckland, this 9th day of June, 1941. L. G. TUCK, Incorporated Societies Act, 1908.-Declara;tion by Assistant Assistant Registrar of Companies. Registrar dissolving Societies.

THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (3). ERNEST CLAUDE ADAMS, Assistant Registrar of I , Incorporated Societies, do hereby declare that, as it has been· made to appear to me· that the societies hereinafter :•,NOTICE. is hereby given that at the expiration of three named have ceased to carry on operations, the aforesaid months from this· date the names of the undermentioned societies are hereby dissolved in pursuance of section 28 of '·companies will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be the Incorporated Societies .Act, 1908 :- . .. ,struck·oJi the Register and the companies dissolved:- Hastings Choral Society, Incorporated. 1915/4. H:amilton Implement Works, Limited. 1921/72. Kaiwaka Rabbit Trust Association, Incorporated. 1920/15. · Wharepaina Timber Company, Limited. 1937 /142. Woodville Municipal Band, Incorporated. 1924/3. , . .Given u11der my hand at Auckland, this 9th day of June, "Dated at Napier, this 5th day of June, 1941. .19.41, . L. G .. TUCK, E. C. ADAMS, Assistant Registrar of Companies, Assistapt R~trar of Incorporate<;[ Societies, JUNE 12.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1619


OTICE is hereby given that Quarrie's Quality Stores, RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATES. N Limited, has changed its name to Casson and Company, Limited, and that the new name has been entered ALBERT LESLIE BURK, Commissioner for the on my register in place of the former name. I , Borough of Thames, hereby certify that the following Dated at Napier, this 4th day of June, 1941. resolution was passed on the 1st day of May, 1941 :- E. C. ADAMS, The resolution referred to is as follows :- 88 Assistant Registrar of Companies. " The Commissioner for the Borough of Thames, in pursuance of the powers vested in him in that behalf by Part I of the THE GOLDEN CROWN GOLD MINING COMPANY Thames Borough Commissioner Amendment Act, 1940, and NO LIABILITY. the Thames Borough Loans Conversion Order 1941, and all other powers enabling him in that behalf, hereby makes IN LIQUIDATION. and levies the two following special rates for the purpose of providing the interest, sinking fund, and other charges on In the matter of the Companies Act, 1933, and in the the new debentures authorized to be issued by the Thames matter of THE GOLDEN CROWN GOLD MINING COMPANY Borough Council under t,he above-mentioned Act and Order No LIABILITY (in Liquidation). in conversion of existing debentures issued in respect of the loans set out in the First Schedule to that ·Order, that is to OTICE is hereby given that by a special resolution to say- N shareholders, as provided by section 221 of the Companies Act, 1933, and passed at a duly convened meeting " 1. A special rate of one shilling and twopence (ls. 2d.) on the 2nd day of June, 1941, it was resolved that the in the pound(£) upon the rateable value on the basis company be wound up voluntarily, and the undersigned was of unimproved value of all rateable property of appointed liquidator for the purposes of such winding up. the Borough of Thames : Dated at Auckland, this 4th day of June, 1941. "2. A special rate of one penny (Id.) in .the pound (£) upon the rateable value on the basis of capital R. C. REID, value of all rateable property of the Borough of Liquidator. Thames. 409 South British Building, Shortland Street, Auckland C. 1. "The above-mentioned special rates shall be anually 89 recurring rates during the currency of such securities and be payable yearly on the 1st day of April in each and every ALFRED IBBOTSON, General J\fanager of the Per­ year until the last maturity date of such. securities, being the 1st day of April, 1978, or nntil all such securities are fully I ' petual Trustees Estate and Agency Company of New Zealand, Limited, do solemnly and sincerely declare :- paid off." 1. That the liability of the members is limited. Dated at Thames, this 5th day of June, 1941. 97 l!. That the capital of the company is £106,250 divided into 25,000 shares of £4 5s. W AIMATE COUNTY COUNCIL. 3. That the number of shares issued is 25,000. 4. That calls to the amount of 18s. (eighteen shillings) per LOWER W AIHAO W ATER-RACE.-APPOINTMENT OF MANAGING share have been made under which the sum of £22,500 has RATEPAYERS' COMMITTEE. been received. 5. That the amount of moneys received on account of N accordance with the provisions of section 5 of the ·water­ Estates under Administration during the half-year ended I supply Amendment Act, 1913, it is hereby notified 30th April, 1941, is £315,250 4s. 5d. that the Waimate County Council has duly appointed tb.e 6. That the amount of all moneys paid on account of following to be members of the Lower Waihao Water-race Estates under Administration during the half-year ended Managing Ratepayers' Committee, and that it has conferred 30th April, 1941, is £354,961 I5s. 4d. on such committee all the powers of management it possesses 7. That the amount of the balance held to the credit of in respect of all water-races supplying the Lower Waihao Estates under Administra,tion during the half-year ended Water-race District, viz.:- 30th April, 1941, is £80,516 16s. IO

WORKSOP EXTENDED GOLD·DREDGING COMPANY, ZEALAND GCWERNMENT .PUBLICATIONS. Ll.i\HTED.· NEW TROUT-FISHING AND SPQRT IN MAORILfilrdinary resolution for MINING HANDBOOK OF· NEW ZEALAND: the disposal of the books and papers of the company and of With maps and illus(ratioµs. Demy Svo. Quarter the liquidator, and. will be. held at the Dalefield Buildings, cloth, 3s. lld.; postage 7d. Carterton, on the 4th day of July, !941, at 1.30 p.m. C. H. BARBER, 103 Liquidator. E. w ZEALAND' jouRNAL OF SCIENCE N. AND TE q II N O L O G Y.

DOMINION CATERERS, LIMITED. SUBSCRIPTION, 15s. PER ANNUM ('2.VOLS.) IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION. (POST FREE). Agricultural Section: Section A Ws. per annum. In the matter of the Companies Act, 1933, and in the matter of Do.TuII)'!TON CATERERS, LIMITJilD (in Voluntary General Section : Section B !Os. per annum. Liquidation). OTICE is h. ere.. by given that th. e.fin al meeting of the TONGARIRO NATIONAL PARK. N above company will be held at my office, No. 196 Featherston Street, W cllingt,;>n C, I, at 2.30 p.m. on Monday, BY JAMES COWAN, F.R.G.S. 14th July, 1941, for the purpose ofJaying before the share­ l . THIS publication contains. 156 pages of · letterpress, holders an ·account of the winding up. I . together with 39 full-page illustrations, and gives an a.. ccount. of its Topograp. hy, Geology; .Alpine, and Volcanic W. H. NANKEJWIS, .. Liquidator. Features, History and Maori Folk-lore. 9th June, 1941.. 104 ' Price : 3s. 6d., plus 4d. postage. ' l' J"UNE 12.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1621


HE following Scientific Works, published under the GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No. 1: The Geology of T authority of. the Government, are now obtainable the Malvern Hills. 4s. 6d, . ,Postag~, 3d. from the GOVERNMENT. PRINTER, WELLINGTON, to whom ~11 orders should be addressed:- GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No ..2: The Geology of the Lower Awatere Distri.ct. Price, 2s. 6d. GEOGRAPHICAL REPORT ON THE FRANZ Postage, 3d. · JOSEF GLACIER. By J. M. BELL. ls. Postage, 2d. GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No. 3: The Geology of th(l Mount Somers District. Price, 5s. Postage, 4d. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. l: The Geology of the Rokitika Sheet, North Westland Quad­ GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No. ~: Experiments µi, rangle. By D.R. BELL.. 2s. 6d. Postage, 6d. Geophysical Survey in New Zealand. Price, 7s .. 6d. Postage, 4d. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 2: The Geology of the Area covered by the Alexandra Sheet, GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR, No. 5: Metamorphism in Central Otago Division. 2s. 6d. Postage, 6d. the Lake Wakatipu Region, Western. Otago, N.Z-,r ,By C. 0. HUTTON, Price, 6s. Postage; 3d. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 4: The Geology of the Coromandel Subdivision, Auckland. By GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF. NEW ZEALAND: , C. }'RASER, assisted by J. H. ADAMS. Cloth, Reports for 1881-82 (postage, 7 d.), J887-:-8f 6s. 6d.; }-calf, lOs. Postage, 6d. postage, 6d.), 1888-89 (postage,· 7d.), and 1892-93. Royal Svo. 2s. 6d. each. Later reports GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 16: The Geology are contained in Mining Reports each year. of the Aroha Subdivision, Hauraki. By J. Postage, 3d. HENDERSON, assisted by .T. A. BARTRUM. 2s. 6d. Postage, 6d. ART ALBUM OF NEW ZEALAND :E'LORA: A Systematic and Popular Descriptio:n of the GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 26: Geology and Native Flowering Plants of New Zealand and t116' Mines of the Waihi District, Hauraki Goldfield. Adjoining Islands. By Mr. and .,Mrs. E. H. By P. G. MORGAN. Paper, 10s.; ,!;-cloth, 12s. 6d.; FEATON. Vol. i, ·£3. Postage, ls. 2d. cloth, 14s. Postage, 6d. · BIOLOGICAL EXERCISES. (1 and 2 ou:t'· of GEOLOGICAL BUIJLETIN No. 27: Geology of print.) 3. The Anatomy of the Common Mussels. the 'IVlmngarei - ·Bay of Islands Subdivision, 4. The Skeleton of the New Zealand Crayfishes. North ·Auckland. By IL T. FJ£RRAR. ,!;-cloth ls. each. Postage, ld. only, His. Postage, 6d. ECONOMIC MINERALS IN NEW ZEALAND, GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 28: Geology of and other Papers. By FRANK REED, M.Inst.M.E. Jiuntly-Kawhia Suhdivision, · Pirongia Division. 6_d. Postage, ld-, .i-cloth, price 20s. Postage, 6d. ·" •ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE NEW .ZEALAND GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 29: Geology of FLORA. Edited by T. F. CHEESEMAN, F.L.S., the Bgniont Subdivision, Taranaki. By P. G. F.Z.S. Full-page illustrations. Vols i and ii. MORGAN and w. GIBSON. ,!;-cloth, 15s. Postage, Cloth ,boards, £2. Postage, ls, 9d. 6d. INTRODUCTORY CLASS-BOOK OF BOTANY GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 30: The Geology FOR USE IN NEW ZEALAND SCHOOLS. of Waiapu Subdivision, Raukumara Division. By By G. M. THOMSON, F.R.S. Demy Svo. 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