Agenda Item 7.1 REPORT Report No
Agenda Item 7.1 REPORT Report No. 144/17cncl TO: ORDINARY COUNCIL – MONDAY 11 SEPTEMBER 2017 SUBJECT: MAYOR’S REPORT 1. MEETINGS AND APPOINTMENTS 1.1 Lord Mayor of Darwin Katrina Fong Lim 1.2 Kerry Moir and Tony Tapsell, CEO LGANT 1.3 Terry-Ann Maney, Australian Institute of Company Directors 1.4 Stephen Nugent , Advisor to Minister for Tourism and Culture 1.5 Gary Powell, Regional Manager of Central Australia Indigenous Affairs Department, Prime Minister and Cabinet 1.6 Chief Minister Michael Gunner 1.7 Gary Higgins MLA, Leader of the Opposition 1.8 Steve Moore, CEO Barkly Regional Council 1.9 Tony Tapsell, CEO LGANT 1.10 Mayor David O’Loughlin, ALGA President 1.11 Steve Edgington, President Barkly Regional Council 1.12 City of Darwin Lord Mayor Kon Vataskallis 1.13 The Hon. Nicole Manison, NT Treasurer and Richard O’Leary, Advisor 1.14 Alice Springs Town Council – Planning for Great Northern Clean Up 1.15 Ian Coleman, Curator Olive Pink Botanic Garden 1.16 Craig Markham, Paul Tottani, Councillor de Brenni and Dale McIver 1.17 Susan Bradbrook, Governance Institute Australia 1.18 Judith Dixon – Central Australian Development Office 1.19 The Hon. Lauren Moss, Minister for Tourism and Culture 1.20 Chansey Paech MLA, Member for Namatjira 1.21 Litchfield Council Mayor Maree Bredhauer 1.22 Steve Hennessy, Northern Territory Grants Commission 1.23 Boulia Shire Mayor Rick Britton – Outback Way AGM 2. FUNCTIONS ATTENDED 2.1 Red CentreNATS – Volunteers and Officials Welcome, Star of Alice 2.2 Welcome Reception – Red CentreNATS, Alice Springs Convention Centre 2.3 St Philip’s College Musical – Little Women 2.4 Heritage Council Lunch, Mercure Hotel Alice Springs 2.5 Charles Darwin University Campus Industry night 2.6 Reception for Aboriginal Rangers hosted by The Hon.
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