Atuatuca 4 binnenwerk_J_Roman Glass A4-2 5/10/12 10:54 Pagina 1 ATVATVCA |4 Atuatuca 4 binnenwerk_J_Roman Glass A4-2 5/10/12 10:54 Pagina 2 Colofon De deputatie: Herman Reynders, gouverneur Marc Vandeput, Walter Cremers, Gilbert Van Baelen, Frank Smeets, Jean-Paul Peuskens, Mieke Ramaekers, gedeputeerden Renata Camps, provinciegriffier Cover Image Guido Schalenbourg, Gallo-Roman Museum 19th Century bronze statue of Ambiorix, central Market Place, Tongeren Print …. Edition limited to 500 copies Paper …. ISBN 9789074605618 D/2012/5857/60 Atuatuca / Publications of the Gallo-Roman Museum Tongeren, Under the supervision of Guido Creemers Kielenstraat 15 B-3700 Tongeren Tel 0032 12 670330 e-mail:
[email protected] All rights, including translation, reserved in all countries. No part of the text or illustrations may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher Any reproduction by any means including photocopy, photographing microfilming, taping, recording or otherwise is an offence liable to be pun- ished by law Tongeren, 2013 Atuatuca 4 binnenwerk_J_Roman Glass A4-2 5/10/12 10:54 Pagina 3 Archaeological Contributions to Materials and Immateriality Edited by G. Creemers ATVATVCA |4 Publications of the Gallo-Roman Museum Tongeren, 2013 Atuatuca 4 binnenwerk_J_Roman Glass A4-2 5/10/12 10:54 Pagina 8 Four remarkable socketed axes from the Geistingen hoard Janneke Nienhuis,1 Hans Postma,2 Guido Creemers3 This article describes research on four Late Bronze Age Geistingen axes from the Gallo-Roman Museum in Tongeren, based on two kinds of measurements: 1) neutron resonance capture analysis (inventory numbers BH74-BH77) and 2) microscale analysis with X-ray fluorescence and electron probe microanalysis (BH76).