3 Er.o m t he.D e..a.n Steven Rosenstone looks to the future, now. 4 Crossing Boundaries, .B..ull dlnq _B.rld..Q..e.s As we face a new century, what's required fo r CLA to lead the way? Faculty, administrators, students, and Twin Cities professionals offer ideas for leadership. C a m p u s._Ule Statistics and grandchildren, the White House press office, and filmmaking in France. College of liberal Arts 12 WINTE R 1998 fa c u J t.y_S.p_ojJJ q.h t VOLUM E 1 NUM BER 1 A faculty member who has contributed Dean mightily for nearly 40 years-after he nearly Steven J . Rosenstone didn't unpack in the fi rst place-and a new Director of External Relations faculty member with an eye to the future. Mary Hicks Coordinator of Communications Eugenia Smith e-mail
[email protected] 16 Editor, CLA Today Awards and Accolades Ma r y Gustafson A flurry of unusual recognition for staff, Writer alumni, and students. Ann Roehl Photographers Greg Helgeson, page2 John Noltner, pages 3, 4, 10, 14 1I Sara N. Thomalla, page 15 Alumni Dan Vogel, page 6 News from the Alumni Society. Designer Barbara Koster CLA Today is published by 18 the University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts for alumni, Notable Alumni faculty, staff, and friends of the college. Thomas Jefferson and satellite networks: just Send correspondence to the editor at CLA Office of External Relations, what can happen with a liberal arts degree? University of Minnesota, 225 johnston Hall, 101 PleasantStreetSE, Minneapolis, MN 55455.