Durham Public Schools Welcomes You and Your Child to Our Schools! the Months Leading up to the Kindergarten Year
Durham Public Schools welcomes you and your child to our schools! The months leading up to the Kindergarten year are an amazing time. Children are curious about their world, anxious to learn new things, and excited about going to school. We are excited your children are starting Kindergarten and we hope you are, too! The calendar we have created provides fun and educational ways for your children to begin to develop and enhance the skills they will need to succeed in school. On the month page, we have detailed easy and enjoyable activities you can do together that connect to the month and season. On the date page, we have listed simple things you can do daily to help prepare your child for Kindergarten and beyond. These activities focus on pre-reading and writing skills, math knowledge, science inquiry, social awareness, fine and gross motor skills, self-help skills, and social skills. On the next page we have selected a classic picture book of the month and provided some supplemental activities to support your child’s learning. We hope you enjoy using this calendar to support your child’s learning and we welcome you to DPS! Reading Drawing and Writing Reading aloud to your child is the single most important For young children, drawing is a stepping stone to writing. If activity you can do to develop and enhance your child’s a child can put her thoughts down in a picture, soon the learning. When you read to your child, not only are you words will follow. Just as your child followed predictable introducing him to quality books, you are modeling being a steps in walking (crawling, pulling herself up, standing on good reader! The magic of print, language, and knowledge her own, taking a few wobbly steps), she will follow steps in comes to life through read-alouds.
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