Dr. Seuss Collection
http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf1000043t Online items available Dr. Seuss Collection Special Collections & Archives Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego Copyright 2005 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla 92093-0175 spcoll@ucsd.edu URL: http://libraries.ucsd.edu/collections/sca/index.html Dr. Seuss Collection MSS 0230 1 Descriptive Summary Languages: English Contributing Institution: Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla 92093-0175 Title: Dr. Seuss Collection Identifier/Call Number: MSS 0230 Physical Description: 197.7 Linear feet (25 archives boxes, 7 records cartons, 4 card file boxes, 2 phonograph disc boxes, 559 mapcase folders, 75 flat box folders and 35 art bin items) Date (inclusive): 1919 - 2003 Abstract: Manuscripts and drawings of Theodor S. Geisel, author and illustrator known internationally as Dr. Seuss. The collection (1919-1992) includes early drawings, manuscripts and drawings for the majority of his children's books, scripts and storyboards for Dr. Seuss films, television specials and theatre productions, advertising artwork, magazine stories, speeches, awards, memorabilia, fan mail, Dr. Seuss products and photographs. Also included are videorecordings and cassette audiorecordings of UCSD events held to commemorate Geisel's life and work. The collection is arranged in twelve series: 1) BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL, 2) BOOKS, 3) SCRIPTS, SCREENPLAYS AND ADAPTATIONS, 4) ADVERTISING ARTWORK, 5) MAGAZINE STORIES AND CARTOONS, 6) WRITINGS, SPEECHES AND TEACHING PROGRAMS, 7) AWARDS AND MEMORABILIA, 8) FAN MAIL, 9) SEUSS PRODUCTS, 10) BOOK PROMOTION MATERIALS, 11) PHOTOGRAPHS, and 12) UCSD EVENTS. Scope and Content of Collection The Dr. Seuss Collection documents the artistic and literary career of Theodor Seuss Geisel, popularly know as Dr.
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