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Recording No. Description SR1 [Governor Muskie inaugural radio address] Date: [1954] Length: 14 min., 3 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. 7 in. reel. Content: Governor Edmund S. Muskie addresses the people of Maine by radio. Topics include development of industries within the state, overcrowding of Augusta State Hospital, balancing the budget, the state university system, and the environment.

SR2 [Governor Edmund S. Muskie on the Martha Deane radio program] Date: 1956 Length: 33 min., 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 10 in. reel. Content: Interviewer: Martha Deane; guest: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded February 16, 1956 in a New York radio studio. Radio host Martha Deane interviews Governor Edmund S. Muskie, who was visiting New York for the premiere of the movie Carousel. Topics include the fiftieth anniversary of the sinking of the Battleship Maine, Maine state political history, Boothbay Harbor, Aroostook County potatoes, Maine industry and economy, Muskie's children, and whether Muskie will run for reelection.

SR3 [Muskie campaigning for New Hampshire gubernatorial candidate] Date: October 1960. Length: 31 min., 20 sec. Format: 1 7/8 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Senator Muskie gives a speech in Manchester, New Hampshire on behalf of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bernard Boutin. Issues discussed include campaigning, constituent concerns, imports and economic problems with the manufacturing industry, strengthening the United States against Soviet threats, and what he witnessed in his 1959 trip to the U.S.S.R. Preserved as two digital files, SR003a and SR003b, representing the two sides of the tape. Continued on SR4.

SR4 [Muskie campaigning for New Hampshire gubernatorial candidate (continued)] Date: October 1960. Length: 23 min., 36 sec. Format: 1 7/8 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Continuation of SR3. Senator Muskie gives a speech in Manchester, New Hampshire on behalf of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bernard Boutin. Issues discussed include Soviet techological development and educational system, and why to support Kennedy for president.

SR5 [Three campaign commercials] Date: [1964] Length: 3 min., 7 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, and unidentified announcer. Three advertisements for Senator Edmund S. Muskie's 1964 reelection campaign, each approximately one minute long. Topics include Muskie's support for tax cuts, air and water improvement, minimum wage laws, equal pay for women, developing Quoddy, strengthening state and local government, hospital insurance for the aged, liberalized social security, urban development, education, and youth employment.

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Recording No. Description SR6 [Three campaign commercials] Date: 1964 Length: 3 min., 9 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, and unidentified announcer. Content identical to SR5, but quality noticeably poorer. Three advertisements for Senator Edmund S. Muskie's 1964 reelection campaign, each approximately one minute long. Topics include Muskie's support for tax cuts, air and water improvement, minimum wage laws, equal pay for women, developing Quoddy, strengthening state and local government, hospital insurance for the aged, liberalized social security, urban development, education, and youth employment.

SR7 [Speech on health care issues] Date: [1964] Length: 5 min., 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track(?), mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded May 26, 1964. Senator Edmund S. Muskie speaks about hospital care for the aged, the cost of health insurance for the elderly, and the King-Anderson bill.

SR8 [Speech on education issues] Date: [1964] Length: 5 min., 37 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track(?), mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded May 26, 1964. Senator Edmund S. Muskie speaks about development of vocational education, institutions of higher education, federal assistance to states, underpaid teachers, and overcrowded classrooms.

SR9 [Address to the Presidents of Augusta Service Clubs] Date: 1958 Length: 30 min., 4 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: unidentified; speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded August 21, 1958 in Augusta, Me. Governor and senate candidate Edmund S. Muskie addresses a meeting of the Presidents of the Augusta Service Clubs regarding the relationship between federal and state governments.

SR10 [Speech in Colorado] Date: 1970 Length: 33 min., 04 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track (?), mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in 1970, probably in Denver, Colorado. Edmund S. Muskie responds to President Richard M. Nixon's speech about concentrating on what is right with America by stating that it is more important to recognize and deal with what is wrong with America. Topics include unemployment, inflation, economic problems, and government spending on the war in Vietnam. Recording quality is poor, but improves later in the recording.

SR11 [Documentary on 1968 presidential campaign] Date: 1968 Length: 1 hr., 38 min., 1 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Broadcast in 1968. Topics include policies; campaigns of McCarthy, Nixon, Rumney and Robert Kennedy; Democratic primaries; crime rates, civil rights; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Humphrey; student riots; Robert F. Kennedy assassination; Republican primaries, campaigns of Rockefeller and Reagan; Nixon's victory and challenge of uniting a divided nation.

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Recording No. Description SR12a [Hubert H. Humphrey nominates Muskie for vice president] Date: 1968 Length: 8 min., 31 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Hubert H. Humphrey. Recorded August 29, 1968 in Chicago, Ill. Speech in which Hubert H. Humphrey nominates Edmund S. Muskie to run as the Democratic nominee for the vice presidency.

SR12b [Edmund S. Muskie accepts nomination for the Democratic vice presidential candidacy] Date: 1968 Length: 8 min., 11 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded August 29, 1968 in Chicago, Ill. Speech in which Edmund S. Muskie accepts Hubert H. Humphrey's nomination to run as the Democratic nominee for the vice presidency.

SR13 [News reports on Muskie and the campaign] Date: 1968 Length: 4 min., 4 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Morton Dean, Jane G. Muskie, Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast September 3, 1968. News report on Muskie visiting his children in Kennebunk Beach, Maine. Brief clip from Jane Muskie. Also, excerpts of interviews with Edmund Muskie on white backlash, George Wallace and the Republican party.

SR14 [1968 Democratic National Convention excerpts and news reports] Date: 1968 Length: 25 min., 42 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Hubert H. Humphrey, Edmund S. Muskie, CBS News Correspondent Morton Dean, and unidentified others. Recorded in Chicago, Ill. in Aug. 1968 and in Portland, Me. on Sept. 10, 1968(?). Excerpts from the 1968 Democratic National Convention including Hubert H. Humphrey's nomination of Edmund S. Muskie as his Vice Presidential running mate, Muskie's acceptance speech, a backstage interview with Muskie, and commentaries. Also, news clips from shortly after the convention.

SR15 [Press conference, Sept. 11, 1968] Date: [1968] Length: 29 min., 33 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded at the Statler-Hilton Motel Airport in Indianapolis, Ind. on Sept. 11, 1968. Press conference held by Vice Presidential candidate Edmund S. Muskie. Topics include disadvantages of the electoral college, national primaries, negotiations for ending the war in Vietnam, the United Nations, and racial unrest.

SR16 [Muskie on the Dick Cavett Show] Date: 1968 Length: 22 min., 3 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Broadcast September 17, 1968. Senator and Vice Presidential candidate Edmund Muskie appears on the Dick Cavett show, which was guest hosted by Henry Morgan. Topics include why Muskie wanted to be Vice President; the extent to which a Vice President can or should disagree with the President; crime in the cities; how to end the war in Vietnam; and the war on poverty.

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Recording No. Description SR17 [Speech to the National Association of Life Underwriters] Date: 1968 Length: 34 min., 02 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: unidentified man; speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded Sept. 18, 1968 in Los Angeles, Calif. Vice Presidential candidate Edmund S. Muskie addresses a convention of the National Association of Life Underwriters. Topics covered include his attitude toward his candidacy, problems with welfare and urban renewal, racial issues and the need for citizen participation in shaping their communities and the country.

SR18 [Interview with Muskie's mother and sister] Date: 1968 Length: 17 min., 22 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: unidentified; Speakers: Josephine Muskie, Lucy Paradis (nee Muskie). Recorded October 5, 1968. Voice of America interview with Edmund Muskie's mother (Josephine Muskie) and one of his sisters (Lucy Paradis). Mrs. Muskie talks about her husband, raising her children, and how proud she is of Edmund Muskie.

SR19 [Muskie speaking on racial problems] Date: 1968 Length: 3 min., 54 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast October 15, 1968. Two news reports on Senator and Vice Presidential candidate Edmund Muskie's speech on racial problems to the National Council of Women. Includes two excerpts from the speech.

SR20 [Muskie interviewed by Jim Conway] Date: 1968 Length: 27 min., 54 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: Jim Conway; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast by WGN-TV Chicago on October 17, 1968. Television anchor Jim Conway interviews Edmund S. Muskie. Topics include Muskie's busy campaign schedule; his personal friendships with John F. Kennedy and Chuck Spalding; differences between the Democratic and Republican parties; Jane Muskie campaigning; draft reform; the voting age; federal assistance to state and local governments; and hecklers.

SR21 [H. Allen Smith commentary on Muskie] Date: 1968 Length: 3 min., 18 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: H. Allen Smith. Broadcast October 21, 1968. Journalist H. Allen Smith comments on Senator Muskie and the campaign.

SR22 [News report on heckling incident at Boston College speech] Date: 1968 Length: 1 min., 30 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Broadcast October 22, 1968. News report of an incident in which a student, Ellen Miller, repeatedly interruped Muskie's speech at Boston College, demanding to know details about his position on Vietnam. Muskie invited Miller up to speak after him.

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Recording No. Description SR23 [News commentary and reports] Date: 1968 Length: 6 min., 7 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Marya Mannes, Edmund S. Muskie; Reporters: Jean Parr, unidentified man. Broadcast October 23, 1968. Includes portion of a speech recorded in Irvington, N.J. Marya Mannes outlines the characteristics of an ideal president. News report with excerpt from a Muskie speech in which he condemns George Wallace. Jean Parr of WCBS News interviews Muskie about the election.

SR24 [News story on handicapping the 1968 election] Date: 1968 Length: 6 min., 28 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: Charles Quinn; Speaker: Dimirius Synodinos (a.k.a. Jimmy "the Greek" Snyder). Broadcast October 1968. Charles Quinn interviews Jimmy "the Greek" Snyder, an oddsmaker, about handicapping the 1968 presidential election. Snyder predicts a Nixon win, and explains why Muskie's nomination was not a surprise.

SR25 [Stephen Muskie interviewed by Dan Bradley] Date: 1968 Length: 28 min., 34 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded October 25, 1968. Unedited telephone interview of Stephen Muskie conducted by Dan Bradley. Steve discusses his educational and career plans; his participation in the 1968 campaign; how and why he switched from admiring Eugene McCarthy to backing Hubert H. Humphrey for president; Humphrey's image among young people; political attitudes among college students; how his father explained the Chicago protests and police response to him; and the effect his father's position has had on some of Steve's dates.

SR28a [News report on Stephen Muskie traveling with his father during campaign] Date: 1968 Length: 4 min., 25 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: unidentified reporter, Stephen O. Muskie. November 3, 1968 News report on Steve Muskie's experiences traveling on the campaign trail with his father, Edmund S. Muskie.

SR28b [Issues and Answers with Humphrey and Muskie] Date: 1968 Length: 29 min., 16 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Hubert H. Humphrey, Edmund S. Muskie, and unidentified. Broadcast November 3, 1968 Humphrey and Muskie are interviewed, mainly on issues related to the Vietnam war.

SR29a [Edmund Muskie on the Today show] Date: 1968 Length: 11 min., 36 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie, unidentified. November 1, 1968 (? - date on box) Edmund Muskie appears on the talk show Today. Discussion topics include halting of bombing in Vietnam, the election, why young hecklers pick more on Democrats than Republicans, and what young people expect from Democrats.

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Recording No. Description SR29b [News clips related to bombing halt in Vietnam] Date: 1968 Length: 8 min., 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: October 29, 1968 (?) Montage of commentaries and news reports related to the news of a halt in U.S. bombing in Vietnam.

SR30 EEN Chronicle "One week from now" Date: 1968 Length: 58 min., 22 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: James J. Kilpatrick, Wayne S. White, Joseph Kraft, and unidentified. Recorded at the Washington Press Club on October 29, 1968. Five journalists discuss their predictions for the upcoming election, and their views of the campaigns. Produced by the Eastern Educational Network (EEN).

SR31 [Election Eve news] Date: 1968 Length: 25 min., 51 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: , John Hart, David Schumacher, Nelson Benton, and unidentified. Broadcast on November 4, 1968. News clips and commentaries recorded the evening before the 1968 presidential election.

SR32a [Election eve news] Date: Length: 14 min., 36 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 7 in. reel. Content: Recorded Nov. 4, 1968. Various news reports and commentaries broadcast the evening before the 1968 presidential election.

SR32b [Election Eve Telethon] Date: 1968 Length: 26 min.,42 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. 7 in. reel. Content: Broadcast November 4, 1968 from Los Angeles, Calif. Election eve telethon in which Vice President/Presidential Candidate Hubert H. Humphrey and Senator/ Vice Presidential Candidate Edmund S. Muskie answer questions from callers. Topics include Vietnam, Middle East arms race, law and order in modern society, and legalized abortion and birth control. Also features a call from Senator Eugene McCarthy.

SR33 [Election Day news reports] Date: 1968 Length: 1 hr., 5 min., 48 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: , Walter Cronkite, George Herman, Ike Papas, Roger Mudd, George C. Wallace, Hubert H. Humphrey, Spiro T. Agnew. Recorded November 5, 1968. Various news reports on the ongoing election and results, including speeches by Humphrey and Agnew.

SR34 [More Election Day news reports] Date: 1968 Length: 34 min., 9 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Walter Cronkite, David Snell, Bill Lawrence, unidentified reporters, Richard M. Nixon, Hubert H. Humphrey. Recorded November 4 and 5, 1968. Various news reports on the ongoing election and results, including a news conference by Nixon and Humphrey's concession.

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Recording No. Description SR35 [Election night news reports] Date: 1968 Length: 1 hour, 5 min., 59 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: George C. Wallace, Hubert H. Humphrey, Sprio T. Agnew, and unidentified others. Recorded November 5, 1968. Numerous news reports projecting the outcome of the election, commentary from the various different campaign headquarters, and speeches from Wallace, Humphrey and Agnew as the election results are coming in.

SR36 [More election night news reports] Date: 1968 Length: 33 min., 59 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: unidentified reporters, Richard M. Nixon, Hubert H. Humphrey, George C. Wallace. Recorded November 5, 1968. Continued election coverage, includes discussion of Muskie in Maine after the Democrats have accepted probable loss; Nixon's victory is called; Nixon's election night speech; Humphrey's concession speech; Wallace gives a short speech.

SR37 News in Perspective Date: 1968 Length: 59 min., 7 sec. Format: ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Lester Markell, Max Frankell, Edward Dale, Jr. Recorded November 6, 1968. NET News Network show "News in Perspective." Times reporters discuss the outcome of the election, and implications for the electoral process and foriegn policy.

SR38 [Post-election news reports about Muskie's popularity] Date: 1968 Length: 3 min., 18 sec.) : --analog,7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, David Burrington, unidentified other reporter. Recorded in November 1968. Several post-election news reports about Edmund S. Muskie's popularity and his future career.

SR40 [Nixon meets with Humphrey and Muskie] Date: 1968 Length: 6 min., 5 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: John Chancellor and unidentified man; Speakers: Richard M. Nixon, Hubert H. Humphrey. Broadcast in early Nov. 1968. News report about Nixon's meeting with Humphrey and Muskie shortly after the 1968 election. Includes statements by Nixon and Humphrey.

SR41 [News reports about 's run for Democratic Senate Whip] Date: 1968 Length: 3 min., 20 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Bob Gregory, Edmund S. Muskie, unidentified. Recorded December 30, 1968. Several news reports about Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy's bid for the position of Democratic Whip. Includes portion of an interview in which Edmund S. Muskie explains why he supports Kennedy's bid.

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Recording No. Description SR42 [Edmund Muskie on Mike Wallace Show] Date: 1968 Length: 19 min., 8 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Mike Wallace, Edmund S. Muskie, unidentified. Broadcast December 1968. Edmund S. Muskie as a guest on the Mike Wallace Show. Topics of discussion include Muskie's sewing skills; how his family reacted to his campaign for Vice President; being recognized by more people due to the campaign; his photography hobby; the heckling incident in Washington, Penn. during the campaign; an incident with 'negro' hecklers. Muskie reads an excerpt from Abraham Lincoln.

SR43 [Committee of Arts and Letters for Humphrey-Muskie campaign commercials] Date: 1968 Length: 23 min. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Agnes de Mille, Dore Schary, Claudia McNeil, Robert Merrill, Alexander Schneider, Shirley Verrett, S. Hurok, John Kenneth Galbraith, George Ball, Isaac Stern, Leonard Rose, Helen Gahagan Douglas, James A. Mitchner, Ralph Elliston, Charles Evers, Horace Julian Bond, Clarence M. Mitchell III, Betty Comden, and Adolph Green. Recorded in 1968. Campaign commercials produced by the Committee of Arts and Letters for Humphrey-Muskie. Actors, musicians, other members of the entertainment industry, writers and civil rights leaders speak earnestly about why they support Hubert H. Humphrey and Edmund S. Muskie. Topics include racial issues, the war in Vietnam, Humphrey's and Muskie's personal characters, and differences between Humphrey-Muskie and Nixon-Agnew.

SR44 [Congressional comments] Date: 1968 (?) Length: 4 min., 16 sec. Format: 7.5 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded 1968 (?) Edmund S. Muskie talks about world peace, NATO and other international treaties, inflation, and poverty at home and abroad.

SR45 [Senator Muskie profile] Date: 1968 Length: 13 min., 12 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie, Jane G. Muskie, unidentified. Recorded in 1968. Program or advertisement profiling Edmund S. Muskie. Topics include the Muskie children and how campaigning affects them, a history of Muskie's political career, and Muskie's views on current problems, including air and water pollution, the need for better law enforcement.

SR46 Spiro T. Agnew blues Date: 1968 (?) Length: 1 min., 20 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Performer: unidentified. Recorded in 1968 (?) A satirical song about Spiro T. Agnew.

SR47 Strom along with Dick Date: 1968 (?) Length: 1 min., 3 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Performer: unidentified. Recorded in 1968 (?) A satirical song about Strom Thurmund, and Spiro T. Agnew.

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Recording No. Description SR50 [Muskie for Senate commercial] Date: 1964 Length: 3 min., 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Recorded October 27, 1964. Campaign commercial funded by the Muskie for Senate Committee. Edmund S. Muskie speaks about changes in the Soviet Union, China's nuclear weapons capability, the Cuban missile crisis, the Gulf of Tonkin, and our own weapons development. Muskie calls for the public to vote for President Johnson.

SR51 [Muskie for Senate commercial] Date: 1964 Length: 4 min., 20 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Recorded October 27, 1964. Campaign commercial funded by the Muskie for Senate Committee. Edmund S. Muskie speaks about building a better Maine through economic development and expansion of industries, improving state government services, supporting a tax cut, how he developed the Department of Economic Development and Maine Industrial Building Authority, and how he helped farmers.

SR52 [Muskie for Senate commercial] Date: 1964 Length: 4 min., 29 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Recorded October 27, 1964. Campaign commercial funded by the Muskie for Senate Committee. Edmund S. Muskie speaks about his involvement in developing the Passamaquoddy and St. John's Rivers to produce electric power for Maine.

SR53 [Muskie for Senate commercial] Date: 1964 Length: 4 min., 43 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Recorded October 27, 1964. Campaign commercial funded by the Muskie for Senate Committee. Edmund S. Muskie speaks about improving farm income opportunities in Maine, nationwide crisis in farm income and the importance of family farms to the nation.

SR54 [Muskie for Senate commercial] Date: 1964 Length: 4 min., 26 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Recorded October 27, 1964. Campaign commercial funded by the Muskie for Senate Committee. Edmund S. Muskie speaks about Maine's exports, the shoe and textile industries, his support for harbor dredging, how imports from foreign industries were hurting Maine, and how his initiatives would fight this problem without imposing tariffs.

SR55 [Aroostook County campaign program] Date: 1964 Length: 3 min., 33 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. in. reel. Content: Recorded October 26, 1964. Incomplete campaign program sponsored by the Aroostook County Democratic Committee (?). Senator Muskie discusses problems in agriculture, and how he has worked to help farmers; contrasts his work to the efforts of Congressman (and Senatorial candidate) Clifford G. McIntire.

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Recording No. Description SR56 [Announcement of sugar beet allotment] Date: 1964 Length: 2 min., 37 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. 4 in. reel. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded April 19, 1964. Senator Edmund S. Muksie discusses the recent award by the Department of Agriculture of a sugar beet allotment to the state of Maine, the plan for Great Western Sugar Company to build a new refinery in the state, and how this "major new industry" will benefit Maine.

SR57 [Lyndon B. Johnson campaign commercials] Date: 1964 Length: 5 min., 13 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. 5 in. reel. Content: Speaker: unidentified Recorded in 1964. Series of 12 hourly commercials announcing how much time remains to vote for Lyndon B. Johnson.

SR58 [Three Muskie for Senate commercials] Date: [1964] Length: 3 min., 9 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie, unidentified announcer. Recorded in 1964(?) Three campaign commercial funded by the Muskie for Senate Committee. Duplicates of SR59, SR60 and SR61.

SR59 [Muskie for Senate commercial] Date: [1964] Length: 1 min., 5 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie, unidentified announcer. Recorded in 1964(?) Campaign commercial funded by the Muskie for Senate Committee. Features clip of a speech by Muskie.

SR60 [Muskie for Senate commercial] Date: [1964] Length: 1 min. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Recorded in 1964(?) Campaign commercial funded by the Muskie for Senate Committee. Announcer discusses Muskie's qualities and his accomplishments in the Senate.

SR61 [Muskie for Senate commercial] Date: [1964] Length: 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Recorded in 1964(?) Campaign commercial funded by the Muskie for Senate Committee. Announcer discusses Muskie's qualities and his accomplishments in the Senate.

SR62 [Muskie for Senate commercial] Date: [1964] Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Recorded in 1964(?) Campaign commercial funded by the Muskie for Senate Committee. Announcer discusses Muskie's accomplishments as governor and in the Senate.

SR63 [Muskie for Senate commercial] Date: [1964] Length: 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Campaign commercial funded by the Muskie for Senate Committee. Announcer discusses Muskie's military record.

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Recording No. Description SR64 [Muskie for Senate commercial] Date: [1964] Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Recorded in 1964(?) Campaign commercial funded by the Muskie for Senate Committee. Announcer discusses how Edmund S. Muskie and Lyndon B. Johnson assisted the people of Lisbon Falls, Me. following a manufacturing closure there.

SR65 [Muskie for Senate commercial] Date: [1964] Length: 33 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Recorded in 1964(?) Campaign commercial funded by the Muskie for Senate Committee. Announcer discusses how Edmund S. Muskie supports education, jobs and more income.

SR66 [Muskie for Senate commercial] Date: [1964] Length: 32 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Recorded in 1964(?) Campaign commercial funded by the Muskie for Senate Committee. Announcer discusses how Edmund S. Muskie supports jobs, and income opportunity.

SR67 [Muskie for Senate commercial] Date: [1964] Length: 33 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Recorded in 1964(?) Campaign commercial funded by the Muskie for Senate Committee. Announcer discusses how Edmund S. Muskie supports education, jobs, and income opportunity.

SR68 [Muskie for Senate commercial] Date: [1964] Length: 31 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Recorded in 1964(?) Campaign commercial funded by the Muskie for Senate Committee. Announcer discusses how Edmund S. Muskie has worked for preservation of natural resources.

SR69 [Muskie for Senate commercial] Date: [1964] Length: 4 min., 26 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Speaker: unidentified announcer, Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in 1964(?) Campaign commercial funded by the Muskie for Senate Committee. Edmund S. Muskie discusses how he has worked for development of Maine ports, and his proposals for protecting and supporting domestic industry without tariffs.

SR70 [Senator Muskie on "Issues and Answers"] Date: 1969 Length: 19 min., 34 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. 5 in. reel. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie; Interviewers: unidentified. Broadcast January 5, 1969. Edmund S. Muskie appears on the talk show "Issues and Answers." Topics include Democratic party leadership roles for Muskie and Senator Kennedy; Senator Eugene McCarthy; a case questioning the rights of Presidential electors to vote contrary to party lines; abolition of the electoral college; and how Muskie expects the Senate to work with President Nixon.

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Recording No. Description SR71 [News report on Kennedy winning Senate whip] Date: Jan. 5, 1969 Length: 12 min., 55 sec. Format: 1 7/8 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Jack Cole reports on Edward Kennedy winning the position of Democratic whip in the Senate; ESM mentioned at the end of the story.

SR72 [News report on Muskie challenge to electoral vote] Date: 1969 Length: 7 min., 13 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Broadcast January 7, 1969. News report on challenges to the counting of the electoral vote made by Senator Edmund S. Muskie and Representative James M. O'Hara.

SR74 [Speech and question and answer session on education] Date: 1969 Length: 42 min., 13 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. 6 in. reel. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie, unidentified others. Recorded January 11, 1969 at the Hartford Hilton Hotel in Hartford, Conn. Senator Edmund S. Muskie speaking on education at a conference, followed by a question and answer session.

SR75 [Press conference] Date: 1969 Length: 20 min., 3 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. 6 in. reel. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie, unidentified others. Recorded January 11, 1969 in Conn. Senator Edmund S. Muskie press conference. Topics include legislation on racial integration, Nixon's proposed elimination of the surtax, education, and Muskie's choice for President in 1972.

SR76 [Muskie interviewed about Nixon inauguration] Date: 1969 Length: 4 min., 49 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Interviewer: Dan Shore; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast January 20, 1969. Dan Shore interviews Edmund S. Muskie immediately following the inauguration of President Richard M. Nixon on his opinion of Nixon's speech and what Muskie would have done differently.

SR77 [News reports on fund raisers to pay off Robert Kennedy campaign debt] Date: 1969 Length: 5 min., 46 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Speakers: Edward Kennedy, Rose Kennedy; Reporters: John Hart, Charles Quinn. Broadcast January 22, 1969. Three news reports on Democratic fund raisers to pay off the campaign debts of Robert F. Kennedy. First two reports feature excerpts from a speech by Edward Kennedy in which he joked about a Kennedy-Muskie ticket in 1972. Third report includes Rose Kennedy eulogizing Robert Kennedy.

SR78 [News reports on Muskie's '72 prospects] Date: 1969 Length: 6 min., 11 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast January 23, 1969. News report on Edmund S. Muskie's prospects for a 1972 Presidential campaign, featuring portion of a speech by Senator Edward Kennedy. Also, brief post-election interview with Muskie.

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Recording No. Description SR79 [Muskie interviewed on Today show] Date: 1969 Length: 13 min., 11 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. 7 in. reel. Content: Interviewer: Bill Monroe. Broadcast February 4, 1969. Edmund S. Muskie interviewed by Bill Monroe on the Today show. Topics include Muskie's increased popularity; George McGovern; possibility of a Kennedy/Muskie ticket in 1972; first impressions of the Nixon administration; Muskie's support for abolishing the electoral college; Muskie's opinion of Nixon's proposal to move to a volunteer army; Muskie's thoughts on deployment of an anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system, as opposed to continued negotiations with the Soviet Union.

SR80 [Speech at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Tokyo] Date: 1969 Length: 33 min., 37 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. 7 in. reel. Content: Introduction: President of the Foreign Correspondents' Club. Recorded February 11, 1969. ESM speaks to the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Tokyo, Japan. Continued by SR82.

SR82 [Speech at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Tokyo (continued)] Date: 1969 Length: 29 min., 50 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. 7 in. reel. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded February 11, 1969. Edmund S. Muskie speaks to the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Tokyo, Japan. Includes a question and answer session. Continuation of SR80.

SR83 ["Highlights from the world of labor" special report on proposal to abolish the electoral college] Date: 1969 Length: 4 min., 35 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. 1/4 in. reel. Content: Speakers: Gordon Cole, Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast February 17, 1969. Features portions of a speech by Muskie on problems with the electoral college.

SR84 [Charter Day speech at Miami University] Date: 1969 Length: 54 min., 45 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Recorded February 17, 1969 at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Muskie's first speech to an audience of young people after the 1968 defeat. Topics include the legacy of public education in the United States; the role of education in a free society; the need for skepticism, cynicism and protest in public discourse; intolerance shown by Americans for the opinions of others; reform of military service; problems for a democracy of having a volunteer professional army as opposed to a drafted citizen army; and inequalities in the current draft system and proposed changes.

SR85 [Speech on creating meaning in modern life] Date: 1969 Length: 28 min., 59 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. 7 in. reel. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded March 7, 1969. Senator Edmund S. Muskie speaks at a dinner held by an unidentified Jewish organization. Topics include Israel, "building people," how a free society requires an enlightened citizenship, how how public institutions address modern disenfranchisement, and that economic well-being is not sufficient to provide meaning to life.

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Recording No. Description SR86 [Muskie at LaSalle College] Date: 1969 Length: 1 hr., 4 min., 2 sec. Format: ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded March 7, 1969 at LaSalle College in Philadelphia, Pa. Senator Muskie speaks to students and answers questions. Topics include anectdotes from Muskie's school days, the role of students in campaigns, and continued involvement in politics, campus life, community, etc.

SR87 [Hubert H. Humphrey on "Night Call"] Date: 1968 Length: 59 min., 33 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. 7 in. reel. Content: Interviewer: Del Shields; Guest: Hubert H. Humphrey. Broadcast October 27, 1968. Hubert H. Humphrey appears on the call-in talk show "Night Call." Topics include civil law and order, the Chicago protests, the arms race and missiles in the Soviet Union, Humphrey's support for a volunteer army, reduction of nuclear and other weapons, and the bombing halt in Vietnam.

SR88 [Muskie and Strom Thurmond debate the electoral college] Date: 1969 Length: 2 min., 11 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. 1/4 in. reel. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Strom Thurmond, unidentified news reporter. Broadcast in March 1969. News report featuring clips of Senators Edmund S. Muskie and Strom Thurmond debating proposals to reform the electoral college.

SR89 [Muskie on racial difficulties] Date: 1969 Length: 1 min., 40 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. 1/4 in. reel. Content: Reporter: Melba Tolliver; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast March 31, 1969. News report on Muskie's speech on racial difficulties to the Anti-Defamation League.

SR90 [News report on 1972 Democratic front runners] Date: 1969 Length: 2 min., 19 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 1/4 in. reel. Content: Reporter: Bill Lawrence; Speakers: Edward M. "Ted" Kennedy, Edmund S. Muskie, Hubert H. Humphrey. Broadcast June 5, 1969. News report on potential 1972 Democratic candidates for President, including Ted Kennedy and Edmund Muskie.

SR91 [News report on Muskie commencement speech] Date: 1969 Length: 2 min., 26 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. 1/4 in. reel. Content: Reporter: unidentified; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast June 7, 1969. News report including a portion of a commencement speech given by Muskie at the University of .

SR92 [News report on Edward M. Kennedy commencement speech] Date: 1969 Length: 1 min., 03 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Reporter: unidentified; Speaker: Edward M. Kennedy. Broadcast June 7, 1969. News report including a portion of a commencement speech given by Edward M. Kennedy at Fordham University.

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Recording No. Description SR93 [News report on Democratic fundraiser] Date: 1969 Length: 2 min., 37 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. 3 in. reel. Content: Reporter: unidentified; Speakers: Hubert H. Humphrey, Edward M. "Ted" Kennedy, Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast June 12, 1969. News report on a Democratic fundraiser, including portions of the speeches given at that event by Humphrey, Kennedy and Muskie.

SR94 [Muskie on the Tonight Show] Date: 1969 Length: 23 min., 32 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. 1/4 in. reel. Content: Host: Johnny Carson; Guest: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast June 12, 1969. Audio recording of Muskie's appearance on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Topics include the incident at Midway; Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh's form of Communism; national defense and military spending; free elections in Vietnam; speeches on college campuses; and the defeat in 1968.

SR95a [Muskie interviewed about the Apollo 11 launch] Date: 1969 Length: 7 min., 15 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. 1/4 in. reel. Content: Interviewer: unidentified; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast on or around July 16, 1969. Edmund S. Muskie interviewed on NBC following the launch of Apollo 11. Topics include whether the launch was "worth it," and comparing it to other national priorities.

SR95b [Apollo 11 news clips] Date: 1969 Length: 10 min., 55 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. 1/4 in. reel. Content: Speakers: Niel Armstrong, Richard M. Nixon, unidentified. Broadcast on or around July 16, 1969. News clips of the Apollo 11 launch, including speaking with Neil Armstrong as he lands on the moon, and President Nixon's telephone call to the astronauts.

SR96 [Press conference following Ted Kennedy Chappaquiddick incident] Date: 1969 Length: 13 min., 26 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. 1/4 in. reel. Content: Speakers: R. Vance Hartke, Birch E. Bayh II, Edmund S. Muskie, Lee H. Hamilton. Recorded July 25, 1969 in New Albany, Ind. Press conference held by Senators Vance Hartke, Birch Bayh and Edmund Muskie, and Congressman Lee H. Hamilton following the incident involving Senator Ted Kennedy's car wreck in Chappaquiddick. Topics include Kennedey's character, how people of Massachusetts reacted to the accident, Kennedy's ability to continue to function as a senator, and Muskie's support for Kennedy.

SR97 [News report on Kennedy wreck at Chappaquiddick] Date: 1969 Length: 3 min., 44 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Robert Shackney of CBS News, Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast July 26, 1969. News report on Kennedy wreck at Chappaquiddick. Notes that Senator Edmund Muskie was one of the few politicians who would comment, includes portion of an interview with Muskie.

SR98a [Theodore White on the Tonight Show] Date: 1969 Length: 13 min., 34 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Johnny Carson, Theodore White. Broadcast July 28, 1969. Political journalist Theodore White speaks about his work, including covering Richard M. Nixon, and the 1968 election. Continued by SR98b. Edmund S. Muskie Papers Page 16 of 125 Container List for Series XVII.B Sound Recordings: Open Reel Tapes

Recording No. Description SR98b [Theodore White on the Tonight Show (continued)] Date: 1969 Length: 11 min., 36 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Johnny Carson, Theodore White. Broadcast July 28, 1969. Political journalist Theodore White speaks about his work, including covering Richard M. Nixon, and the 1968 election. Continuation of SR98a.

SR100a [Democratic Senators on Vietnam] Date: 1969 Length: 1 min., 42 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Albert A. Gore, Sr., Frank F. Church III, Edmund S. Muskie, unidentified reporter. Broadcast July 31, 1969. News report on Vietnam talks; includes clips of Senators Gore, Church and Muskie speaking about the Vietnam War as a mistake and a tragedy.

SR100b [Muskie on the Ted Kennedy accident] Date: 1969 Length: 2 min., 06 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, unidentified reporter. Broadcast July 31, 1969. News report in which Edmund Muskie is questioned about the political impacts of Ted Kennedy's accident in Chappaquiddick.

SR101 [News report on the political impact of the Chappaquiddick accident] Date: 1969 Length: 2 min., 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edward M. Kennedy, Robert Shackney, Theodore Sorenson, Edmund S. Muskie, and an unidentified reporter. Broadcast August 2, 1969. News report in which Ted Kennedy is questioned about his political future, and Muskie is questioned about his ambitions for the 1972 nomination. Hubert H. Humphrey is also mentioned as a potential 1972 candidate.

SR102 [Apollo 11 takeoff] Date: 1969 Length: 5 min., 30 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Recorded July 16, 1969. Recording of the Apollo 11 takeoff.

SR103 [Edmund S. Muskie on the David Frost Show] Date: 1969 Length: 36 min., 07 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: David Frost; guest: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast Aug. 11, 1969. Senator Edmund S. Muskie appears on the David Frost Show, a British television program. Topics include why the Democrats lost the election, the convention in Chicago, Vietnam, and if Muskie would like to see Humphrey run again in 1972. Track 1 of this tape contains a recording of the evening news, which was not digitally preserved since Muskie is not mentioned and the box label only mentions the David Frost appearance, not the news reports.

SR104 [Edmund S. Muskie on the David Frost Show] Date: 1969 Length: 35 min., 18 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Broadcast Aug. 11, 1969. Senator Edmund S. Muskie appears on the David Frost Show, a British television program. Topics discussed include why the Democrats lost the election, the democratic convention in Chicago, the war in Vietnam, and whether Muskie would like to see Humphrey run for president again in 1972. Edmund S. Muskie Papers Page 17 of 125 Container List for Series XVII.B Sound Recordings: Open Reel Tapes

Recording No. Description SR105 [Witchita State University press conference] Date: 1969 Length: 32 min., 7 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded September 15, 1969 at Witchita State University. Senator Muskie is questioned by reporters on a cease fire or troop withdrawal in Vietnam due to Ho Chi Minh's death; civil rights and desegregation; nuclear missles; tax reform; price control and inflation; pre-marital sex; and farmers.

SR106 [Muskie gives Dwight Eisenhower lecture] Date: 1969 Length: 1 hr., 14 min., 11 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded September 15, 1969 at Wichita State University in Wichita, Kans. Muskie gives the first lecture in the series, on the topic of Eisenhower and environmental conservation. Introduction by Robert Ducking, Governor of Kansas. Question and answer session follows; topics include inflation, government spending, Vietnam, marijuana and other drugs, and recognition of Red China.

SR107 [Hubert H. Humphrey on the David Frost Show] Date: 1969 Length: 38 min., 28 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: David Frost, Hubert H. Humphrey. Broadcast September 16, 1969. Hubert H. Humphrey appears on the David Frost television show. Topics include arms control; the Middle East; MIRV missiles in the United States and Soviet Union; Vietnam; and the race for the U.S. President in 1972.

SR108 [News report on Democratic Party meeting and the NDPA] Date: 1969 Length: 2 min., 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Bruce Morton, Fred Harris, Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast September 20, 1969. News report on meetings of the Democratic National Committee. Includes portion of a speech by Muskie. A major topic of the meeting was the National Democratic Party of Alabama (NDPA) and who would be selected to represent Alabama at the National level.

SR109 [Muskie on the Merv Griffin show] Date: 1969 Length: 17 min., 52 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Host: Merv Griffin; Guest: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast September 30, 1969. Senator Edmund Muskie appears on the Merv Griffin television program. Topics include Vietnam, unemployment, inflation, the 1972 Presidential race, and the Muskie family.

SR111 [Muskie remarks on Constitution Day] Date: 1969 Length: 15 min., 16 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Frank Blair; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded September 17, 1969 in Washington. Senator Muskie discusses tax reform, inflation, the environment, threat of nuclear war, the distance between the people and the government, and problems with society.

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Recording No. Description SR112 [Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. on the David Frost show] Date: 1969 Length: 18 min., 39 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Host: David Frost; Guest: Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. Broadcast in Great Britain on September 23, 1969. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. is interviewed about great political speeches, his time in the White House with John F. Kennedy, 1972 Presidential race expectations, and Ted Kennedy's situation and speech.

SR114 From here to the 70's [Part 1] Date: 1969 Length: 1 hr., 10 min., 46 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Multiple speakers. Broadcast/recorded October 7, 1969. Collage of sound clips and music from the 1960s. Political issues covered include: space program, moon walk, Cuban missile crisis, Berlin Wal, Vietnam, campus outrages, racial tension, presidential races, Ted Kennedy scandal in Chappaquiddick, Middle East, China/Russia tension, peace.

SR115 From here to the 70's [Part 2] Date: 1969 Length: 58 min., 1 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Multiple speakers. Broadcast/recorded October 7, 1969. Collage of sound clips and music from the 1960s. Social issues covered include: technology, environmental degredation, the generation gap, Woodstock, medical innovations, the arts, John F. Kennedy.

SR116 [Theodore White on "Book Beat"] Date: 1969 Length: 27 min., 41 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Host: Robert Cromie; Guest: Theodore H. White. Broadcast October 10, 1969. Interview with Theodore H. White, author of "The Making of the President 1968." Topics include the candidates, Vietnam, and America needing responsible leadership.

SR117 [News Conference at University of Tennessee] Date: 1969 Length: 42 min., 07 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, unidentified reporters. Recorded October 13, 1969 at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. Senator Muskie answers questions. Topics include: withdrawal from Vietnam, the cease fire and moratorium, the 1972 election, Supreme Court nominee Clement F. Haynsworth, Jr., welfare, the role of youth in a presidential campaign, the 1970 Senate elections, and post-war policies.

SR118 [Muskie on "Issues and Answers"] Date: 1969 Length: 24 min., 32 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewers: Bill Gill and John Scally; Guest: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast October 19, 1969. Senator Edmund S. Muskie interviewed by Bill Gill and John Scally on the show "Issues and Answers." Topics include the Vietnam moratorium and withdrawal, and stumbling blocks to peace in Vietnam, use of U. Thant to negotiate peace.

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Recording No. Description SR119 [National news reports] Date: 1969 Length: 45 min., 34 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Jim Jenson. Broadcast October 19, 1969. Series of news reports on banning of cyclamates (an artificial sweetner); Nixon plans to withdraw troops from Vietnam; the killing of four Americans by North Koreans; South Vietnam firing on a Soveit ship; inflation and Nixon; space voyages of the Soviets; and Lou Alcindor.

SR120 [University of Michigan Moratorium Day news report] Date: 1969 Length: 6 min., 19 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Roger Mudd Broadcast October 19, 1969. News report on the observance of Moratorium Day on the University of Michigan campus to protest the Vietnam War.

SR121a [News reports on Social Security and new German Chancellor] Date: 1969 Length: 3 min., 41 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Broadcast October 22, 1969. News reports on Social Security and the election of a Socialist Chancellor in West Germany.

SR121b [News report on arms race] Date: 1969 Length: 3 min., 39 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, unidentified reporter. Broadcast October 22, 1969. News report including Senator Edmund Muskie speaking on the arms race, negotiations with Russia, and a proposal to postpone weapons testing.

SR122 [News report on Muskie proposal to halt testing] Date: 1969r Length: 1 min., 19 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie, unidentified reporter. Broadcast October 23, 1969. News report including a clip of Senator Muskie explaining his proposal to unilaterally halt MIRV (multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle) testing.

SR123 [News report on Muskie support for NJ gubernatorial candidate] Date: 1970 Length: 3 min., 1 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Bob Young; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast in 1970. CBS news report on Senator Muskie's appearance at an event supporting the Democratic candidate for governor of New Jersey, Miner. Muskie speaks at a news conference about the public's reaction to President Nixon, and how this may affect the vote. Mention of Muskie's potential run in 1972.

SR124 A timetable for Vietnam Date: 1969 Length: 51 min., 31 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Charles Collingwood; Speakers: multiple, including Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast October 31, 1969. News report on the beginning of United States' troop withdrawal from Vietnam. Muskie speaks on U.S. involvement in the goal of free elections in South Vietnam.

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Recording No. Description SR125 Hunger: a national disgrace Date: 1969 Length: 51 min., 31 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Dave Dugan, Elizabeth Farmer; Speakers: multiple, including Richard M. Nixon, George McGovern and Robert D. Price. Broadcast December 2, 1969. Part 1 of a NET TV special on hunger in the United States. Visit to Tuba City, Arizona, where malnutrition is a serious problem. "Town meeting" with panelists and audience members discussing hunger and malnutrition.

SR126 [Muskie speech in Florida] Date: 1969 Length: 29 min., 36 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded November 13, 1969 in Orlando, Fla. Senator Muskie speeks on Vietnam war policies, the need for unity among Americans, Nixon's difficult role, and problems facing the Earth. Continued by SR127.

SR127 [Muskie speech in Florida (continued)] Date: 1969 Length: 15 min., 6 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded November 13, 1969 in Orlando, Fla. Senator Muskie speeks on environmental protection, political parties, the fragility of the Earth and problems with providing food sources for the Earth's population. Continuation of SR126.

SR128a [Theodore White interviewed by William F. Buckley, Jr.] Date: 1969 Length: 50 min., 17 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: William F. Buckley, Jr.; Guest: Theodore H. White. Broadcast November 9, 1969. William F. Buckley interviews Theodore White, author of "The Making of the President, 1968." Topics include Vietnam, foreign policies of Japan and Germany, urban slums and federal troops, college campus protests, the Democratic convention in Chicago, the power of the media, and conservatism and liberalism in the United States.

SR128b News in perspective Date: 1969 Length: 57 min., 53 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters/Speakers: Clifton Daniel, Tom Wicker, John A. Hamilton, Richard Reeves, and others in news clips. Broadcast November 5, 1969. Commentary on 1969 elections for mayors and municipal officers. Topics include: urban problems and importance of mayors; numerous election results; racial issues among candidates; public polls; partisan issues; Vietnam timetable for withdrawal.

SR129a Challenge '69: the urban crisis, the students' response Date: 1969 Length: 46 min., 4 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Recorded November 23, 1969 at the Wake Forest University Symposium on Contemporary Affairs, Challenge '69. Senator Muskie gives the keynote address at Challenge '69: The Urban Crisis, the Students' Response. Topics include the role of students as citizens and voters; the generation gap and racial tensions; mutual distrust and potential onfrontation between groups; the role of government and the private sector; and student social action.

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Recording No. Description SR130 [News report on prisoner of war from Maine] Date: 1969 Length: 2 min., 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Lee Sommers; Speaker: Roger Ingleson. Broadcast December, 1969. News report about attempts to find the Maine family of a prisoner of war, Roger Ingleson, whose Christmas message was broadcast on Vietnamese radio; Muskie's office was involved in the search.

SR131 [Apollo 11 launch] Date: 1969 Length: 7 min., 14 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Broadcast July 16, 1969. Recording of the Apollo 11 take off and shortly after.

SR132 [Muskie interviewed about space program] Date: 1969 Length: 3 min., 35 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Broadcast July 16, 1969. Senator Muskie interviewed from the V.I.P. section where he watched Apollo 11 take off. Topics include the tradeoff between issues on earth and issues in space; the launch as a testament to man's capacity for accomplishment; and how Americans and others will react to the launch.

SR133 [Muskie interviewed following Moon landing] Date: 1969 Length: 6 min., 50 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: John Chancellor; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast July 20, 1969. Senator Muskie interviewed following the Moon landing about the U.S. space program. Topics include spending priorities fo the Federal government, domestic problems and the relevanc of the space program to poverty and other issues.

SR134 Meet the press Date: 1969 Length: 23 min., 48 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie; Interviewers: Lawrence E. Spivak, David S. Broder, Stewart Alsop. Broadcast August 17, 1969. Senator Muskie appears on the television show Meet the Press. Topics include congressional accomplishments; Democratic party spending; military spending, taxes, campaign '72, Vietnam, pollution control; and welfare.

SR135 [Muskie on Today Show] Date: 1969 Length: 12 min., 32 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: Bill Monroe; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast October 29, 1969. Bill Monroe interviews Senator Muskie on the Today Show. Topics include disarmament, SALT treaty, Vietnam, MiRV, and the 1972 presidential campaign.

SR136 [News reports on hurricane Camille hearings] Date: 1970 Length: 6 min., 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Craig Spence, Ed Grabel; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, unidentified others. Broadcast January 9, 1969. News reports about senate hearings into Hurricane Camille disaster relief. Includes several clips of Senator Muskie speaking about the disaster relief and alleged racism in those efforts.

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Recording No. Description SR138 [Letter from Joe DiBois] Date: Jan. 31, 1970. Length: 44 min., 58 sec. Format: 1 7/8 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Joe Di Bois and friends dictate a letter to ESM from Ft. Myers, Florida. Topics include desegregation of schools and busing; DiBois feels that ESM should be focusing on busing instead of environmental issues in his campaign for the 1972 presidency.

SR139 [Muskie on Nixon and environmental law] Date: 1970 Length: 32 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast January 22, 1970. Brief excerpt from an interview (?) with Senator Muskie in which he speaks about environmental law and President Nixon's commitments.

SR140 [More news reports on hurricane Camille hearings] Date: 1970 Length: 3 min., 48 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Craig Spence, Don Palmer. Broadcast January 7, 1969. News reports about Hurricane Camille and senate hearings into disaster relief.

SR141 [Even more news reports on hurricane Camille hearings] Date: 1970 Length: 3 min., 1 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Broadcast January 1, 1970. News reports on Senate subcommittee hearings into Hurricane Camille and alleged descrimination in the relief efforts. Senator Muskie criticizes housing relief thus far.

SR142 [News report on responses to state of the union address] Date: 1970 Length: 2 min., 32 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Edward W. Brooke III, Carl Albert, Strom Thurmond. Broadcast January 22, 1970. News report on responses to President Nixon's State of the Union address. Includes sound bites from Senators Muskie, Brooke and Thurmond, and Congressman Albert.

SR143 [One more news report on hurricane Camille] Date: year Length: 26 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Charles Quinn. Broadcast January 22, 1970. Newscast on Hurricane Camille and the resolution of insurance claims; reporter quotes Senator Muskie's previous statements.

SR144 Capitol hill today Date: 1970 Length: 35 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded January 23, 1970. Brief clip of Senator Muskie speaking about Federal spending.

SR145 [Muskie on State of the Union speech] Date: 1970 Length: 11 min., 32 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: Bill Munroe; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Robert P. Griffin. Broadcast January 23, 1970. Senators Muskie and Griffin speak with Bill Munroe on the Today Show in response to President Nixon's State of the Union speech. Topics include the environment, pollution, Vietnam, and President Nixon's efforts to deal with these issues.

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Recording No. Description SR146 [George Wallace interviewed on Nixon speech] Date: 1970 Length: 30 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: George Wallace. Broadcast January 22, 1970. George Wallace reacts to Nixon's state of the union address, argues that Nixon over-emphasized the environment at the expense of school bussing issues. Interview continues on SR148

SR147 [News report on environmental hearings] Date: 1970 Length: 2 min., 24 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Charles Luce, Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast in January 1970. News report on Senate environmental hearings. Features testimony by Charles Luce, Chairman of Consolidated Edison energy company, with question from Senator Muskie.

SR147b [News report on Muskie response to Nixon environmental statements] Date: 1970 Length: 2 min., 12 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Bruce Mortenson. Broadcast in January 1970. News report on Senator Muskie's response to Nixon statements about the environment in the state of the union and budget addresses. Senator Muskie accuses Nixon of failing to provide adequate funding to back up the environmental statements in his state of the union address.

SR148 [Continuation of George Wallace interview] Date: 1970 Length: 10 min., 15 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: George Wallace. Broadcast January 22, 1970. George Wallace reacts to Nixon's state of the union address, argues that Nixon over-emphasized the environment at the expense of school bussing issues. Interview is apparently a continuation of SR146. Recording also includes partial interview with a banker about higher interest rates.

SR149a [Democratic Senators respond to Nixon speech] Date: 1970 Length: 9 min., 17 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Howard K. Smith; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Howard H. Baker, Gaylord Nelson. Broadcast January 22, 1970. Interview with Senators Muskie, Baker and Nelson about President Nixon's state of the union address. Topics include the environment and the war on crime. Interview is continued on the second side of the tape, in SR149b.

SR149b [Democratic Senators respond to Nixon speech (continued)] Date: 1970 Length: 5 min., 4 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Howard K. Smith; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Howard H. Baker, Gaylord Nelson. Broadcast January 22, 1970. Interview with Senators Muskie, Baker and Nelson about President Nixon's state of the union address. Topics include the environment and the war on crime. Continuation of SR149a.

SR150 [News summary of Nixon state of the union address] Date: 1970 Length: 3 min., 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Commentators: Herbert Caplow, Paul Duke. Broadcast January 22, 1970. Summary of the contents of President Nixon's state of the union address, and discussion by commentators.

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Recording No. Description SR151 Meet the Press Date: 1970 Length: 23 min., 46 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie; Interviewers: Lawrence Spivak, Paul Duke, James J. Kilpatrick, John Finney, and Bishop. Broadcast February 1, 1970. Senator Muskie appears on Meet the Press. Topics include industrial pollution, automobiles and air pollution, and Nixon's use of the television media.

SR152 [Muskie interviewed about the environment] Date: 1970 Length: 29 min., 32 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 4 track, mono. Content: Broadcast on WNET on February 11, 1970. ESM interviewed about the environment, Nixon's commitment to pollution control, air pollution and the automobile, oil spills.

SR152 [WCBS newscast, editorial] Date: 1970 Length: 8 min., 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 4 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Peter Kohler, Spiro T. Agnew, and others. Broadcast on WCBS around February 11, 1970. News broadcast featuring a speech on Vietnam by Spiro Agnew, and a pro-Nixon editorial, along with commercials.

SR154 [News commentary comparing Muskie and Nixon estimates of cost for environmental cleanup] Date: 1970 Length: 1 min., 30 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Howard K. Smith. Broadcast February 11, 1970. ABC news editorial comparing estimated costs for environmental cleanup proposed by Senator Muskie and President Nixon. Commentator supports Muskie's estimate.

SR155a Technology and human environment Date: 1970 Length: 1 hr., 2 min., 6 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie; Introduced by: Jesse Arnell, Dr. Stanley Paulson. Broadcast February 13, 1970. Speech given by Senator Muskie at Penn State University; followed by a question and answer session, which is continued in SR155b. Topics include U. S. environment and the impact of technology, Nixon policy towards the environment, Spiro T. Agnew, the U. S. space program, Vietnam, and the nomination of Carswell to the Supreme Court.

SR155b Technology and human environment Date: 1970 Length: 10 min., 3 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast February 13, 1970. Continuation of question and answer session following speech given by Senator Muskie at Penn State University; continuation of SR155a.

SR156 Capitol Hill Today Date: 1970 Length: 48 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Broadcast February 24, 1970. Sound bite of Senator Muskie speaking about taking risks, setting goals, and the nation's "capacity" for doing so.

SR157 Today show Date: 1970 Length: 13 min., 22 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie; Interviewer: Bill Munroe. Broadcast February 25, 1970. Bill Munroe interviews Senator Muskie on the Today Show. Topics include the Democratic party and election '72, the federal budget and environmental programs, defense spending, Spiro T. Agnew, and a timeframe on Vietnam. Edmund S. Muskie Papers Page 25 of 125 Container List for Series XVII.B Sound Recordings: Open Reel Tapes

Recording No. Description SR158 Capitol hill today Date: 1970 Length: 39 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded March 5, 1970 Brief clip of Senator Muskie speaking about Nixon's commitment to the Paris peace talks.

SR159 [News report on Michigan environmental teach-in] Date: 1970 Length: 3 min., 50 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Broadcast February 14, 1970. News report on an environmental teach-in at the University of Michigan. Senator Muskie speaks about the importance of environmental education.

SR161 Capitol hill today Date: 1970 Length: 41 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded April 9, 1970. Brief clip of Senator Muskie speaking about SALT talks, deployment of MIRV's, and the six-month freeze.

SR162 [Muskie speaks to New England Labor Council] Date: 1970 Length: 8 min., 11 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded April 15, 1970. Senator Muskie addresses the Conference of the New England Labor Council via audio tape (he did not attend). Topics include New England labor, shoe and textile industries, impacts of Federal government regulations on the New England economy, technological improvements to supplement resources, the impact of rising inflation on employment, and actions required.

SR163a Contemporary America: society in the seventies Date: 1970 Length: 1 hr., 9 min., 15 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Recorded April 17, 1970 at McAlister Auditorium at Tulane University in New Orleans. Senator Muskie speaks on change at "Directions '70," a symposium. Topics include degradation of the environment, schools, politics, how the wars on poverty, crime, hunger and pollution all require cooperation, and global survival. Question and answer session follows, during which topics include the volunteer army, Vietnam, environmental policy. Continued by SR163b.

SR163b Contemporary America: society in the seventies Date: 1970 Length: 7 min., 49 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Recorded April 17, 1970 at McAlister Auditorium at Tulane University in New Orleans. Continuation of SR163a. Senator Muskie speaks on change at "Directions '70," a symposium. Topics include degradation of the environment, schools, politics, how the wars on poverty, crime, hunger and pollution all require cooperation, and global survival. Question and answer session follows, during which topics include the volunteer army, Vietnam, environmental policy.

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Recording No. Description SR164 [News report on Muskie space program comments] Date: 1970 Length: 1 min., 14 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie, unidentified reporter. Broadcast April 18, 1970. News report featuring portion of Senator Muskie's comments from a Conference on the Environment held at Riverside Church. Topic is spending on the space program and military versus domestic spending.

SR165 [Muskie and Russell Train on the Today Show] Date: 1970 Length: 14 min., 8 sec. Format: 71 /2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Broadcast April 23, 1970. Senator Muskie and Chairmain of the Council on Environmental Quality Russell Train are interviewed by Bill Munroe about environmental issues and the government. Topics include the creation of a new government agency, air pollution, the relationship between environmental and local economic issues, waste treatment facilities, phosphate detergents, automotive exhaust, oil, and water quality standards.

SR166 [Speeches at the Economic Club of New York] Date: 1970 Length: 1 hr., 26 min., 09 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Gavin K. MacBain; Speakers: Zbigniew Brzezinski, Edmund S. Muskie; Questions panel: Whitman Bassow, Marshall Loeb. Recorded April 28, 1970 in the Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in . Brzezinski and Muskie make individual speeches before the Economic Club of New York, followed by a question and answer session. Brzezinski speaks on "Global Politics in the Technotronic Era," focusing on U.S./U.S.S.R. relations. Muskie speaks on "Challanges to Economic Policy," focusing on Nixon economic policies and the cost of the war in Vietnam.

SR167 You can quote me Date: 1970 Length: 28 min., 13 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Host: Charles Lewis; Interviewers: Norman James, Kenneth Roberts, Richard Gallagher; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast May 3, 1970. Senator Muskie is a guest on the television program, "You Can Quote Me." Topics include Vietnam, troops in Cambodia, the Nixon administration, Ralph Nader, the environment, and the youth vote.

SR168 Statement for WCSH Date: 1970 Length: 4 min., 9 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded March 28, 1970. Statement recorded by Senator Muskie for broadcast on WCSH. Topics include elections and Maine, Vietnam War, inflation and unemployment.

SR169 Statement for WCSH Date: 1970 Length: 4 min., 9 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded March 28, 1970. Duplicate of SR168. Statement recorded by Senator Muskie for broadcast on WCSH. Topics include elections and Maine, Vietnam War, inflation and unemployment.

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Recording No. Description SR170 Speech for bond issue Date: 1970 Length: 1 min., 23 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded some time prior to June 15, 1970. Senator Muskie statement advocating support of bond issues to be voted on June 15, which would give money to University of Maine campuses.

SR171 [Muskie speech at Saint Anselm College] Date: 1970 Length: 27 min., 31 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded June 14, 1970 at Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire. Senator Muskie speech upon receiving honorary degree. Topics include disagreement and dissent, youth movement, Vietnam, tolerance and trust of others.

SR172 [Muskie statement on Maine statehood stamp] Date: 1970 Length: 2 min., 7 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded July 7, 1970. Senator Muskie statement on a new stamp that depicts a Maine lighthouse, in honor of the sesquicentennial of Maine statehood.

SR174 [Muskie statement for radio and television] Date: 1970 Length: 1 min., 54 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded July 16, 1970. Senator Muskie statement recorded for Maine television and radio, sent to Emmanuel Baptist Church in Bangor, Maine. Topics inlcude Vietnam, labor, economy, health care, the need for strong leadership, balanced budget, and fighting poverty.

SR176 [News report on automobile industry] Date: 1970 Length: 3 min., 56 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Broadcast August 19, 1970. News report on the U. S. automobile industry making smaller cars, mention of Senator Muskie's bill requiring a non-polluting engine by 1975.

SR177 [News report on pollution legislation] Date: 1970 Length: 3 min., 42 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Bob Clark. Broadcast August 19, 1970. News report on pollution legislation, particularly Senator Muskie and the Senate subcommittee on automobiles.

SR179 [Muskie endorsing Bill Zurick for Congress] Date: 1970 Length: 2 min., 47 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Recorded August 8, 1970. Statement by Senator Muskie endorsing the campaign of Bill Zurick (D-Penn.) for Congress.

SR180 [News report on Muskie endorsing Adlai Stevenson III] Date: 1970 Length: 1 min., 51 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Broadcast September 17, 1970. News report with portion of a speech made by Senator Muskie at a fund-raising dinner for the campaign of Adlai Stevenson III (D-Ill.). Topics include the importance of "plain talk" in politics.

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Recording No. Description SR181 [News report of Senator Tydings speech] Date: 1970 Length: 1 min., 51 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Joseph D. Tyidings; Reporter: unidentified. Broadcast September 17, 1970. News report with portion of a speech made by Senator Tydings in which he discusses Nixon's mistakes.

SR182 [News report on Muskie's 1972 potential] Date: 1970 Length: 3 min., 47 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Bill Lawrence. Broadcast September 24, 1970. News report on Senator Muskie's roles in the 1972 presidential election, the Democratic party, and campaigning for other Democrats.

SR183 [Muskie speaking on something distasteful] Date: 1970 Length: 27 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded October 29, 1970. Brief clip of Senator Muskie speaking about something he found very distasteful; not clear what topic is.

SR184 [NBC news report on Paris peace talks] Date: 1970 Length: 6 min., 13 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Reporter: . Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, George S. McGovern, Mike Mansfield. Broadcast October 8, 1970. News broadcast about the latest Nixon peace plan for Vietnam, and bipartisan support for it. Senators Muskie, McGovern and Mansfield speak about the initiative.

SR185 [ABC news report on Paris peace talks] Date: 1970 Length: 2 min., 21 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Bob Clark. Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Mike Mansfield. Broadcast October 8, 1970. News broadcast about the peace talks and Nixon. Senators Muskie and Mansfield praise the peace efforts.

SR186 [CBS news report on Paris peace talks] Date: 1970 Length: 2 min., 42 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, George S. McGovern, Mike Mansfield. Broadcast October 8, 1970. Newscast on the Paris peace talks and Nixon; Senators Muskie, McGovern and Mansfield speak about the president's plan.

SR187 Election '70: what happened last night Date: 1970 Length: 24 min., 58 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Mike Wallace, Roger Mudd, Dan Rather, Walter Cronkite, Bill Stowe, David Shumacher, Eric Sevareid, George Herman, Bruce Morton; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Spiro T. Agnew, James L. Buckley. Broadcast November 3, 1970. CBS News special broadcast on the 1970 elections. News summary and commentaries about the election results; includes brief interviews with Spiro Agnew and Senators Muskie and Buckley.

SR188 [News report on Maine election results] Date: 1970 Length: 2 min., 1 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Bill Walker; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast November 3, 1970. News report about the Maine election results. Senator Muskie speaks about the election and his prospects for the presidency in 1972. Edmund S. Muskie Papers Page 29 of 125 Container List for Series XVII.B Sound Recordings: Open Reel Tapes

Recording No. Description SR189 [News report on Muskie re-election campaign] Date: 1970 Length: 4 min., 34 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Reporter: unidentified; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast November 3, 1970. News broadcast on Muskie's re- election campaign. Senator Muskie is interviewed on topics including why he spent so much time campaigning for other Democratic party members.

SR190 [Muskie post-election news conference] Date: 1970 Length: 1 min., 30 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded November 4, 1970. Senator Muskie answers questions from reporters about the election and Nixon campaign tactics.

SR191 Meet the Press Date: 1970 Length: 23 min., 24 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewers: Lawrence Spivak, Herbert Kaplow, John W. Finney, Paul Hope. Broadcast November 8, 1970. Senator Muskie is interviewed on the 1970 election, Muskie's prospects for the presidency in 1972, Democratic party unity, the economy, unemployment, and Nixon.

SR192 Washington Week Date: 1970 Length: 21 min., 14 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Journalists: Dan Rather, Neil Strawser; Speakers: Gerald Ford, John McCormick, Richard M. Nixon, Spiro T. Agnew, Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast November 7, 1970. News program about the 1970 elections. Topics include which party won, Republican party chances in the South, Muskie chances for the presidency in 1972, and Muskie response to Nixon's election-eve speech.

SR193 [News reports on lame duck Congress] Date: 1970 Length: 10 min., 51 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Roger Mudd, Walter Cronkite, Bob Clark; Speakers: Hugh Scott, Mike Mansfield. Broadcast November 16, 1970. News reports from CBS, ABC and NBC about the 'lame duck' congressional session.

SR194 [Commentary on Muskie-Lincoln comparisons] Date: 1970 Length: 1 min., 25 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Al Capp. Broadcast November 18, 1970. Al Capp discusses comparisons of Muskie to Lincoln, particularly in light of Muskie's private and public stances on the war in Vietnam.

SR195 Dick Cavett Show Date: 1970 Length: 19 min., 4 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Host: Dick Cavett; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast November 25, 1970. Senator Muskie is interviewed on the Dick Cavett Show. Topics include Maine accents, history, and sense of humor; Muskie's childhood, his visit to Poland and his parents' heritage; state of the economy; elections; and bringing the troops home from Vietnam.

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Recording No. Description SR196 [News report on Kennedy and Muskie prospects for presidency] Date: 1970 Length: 2 min. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Bob Clark; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Edward M. Kennedy. Broadcast December 7, 1970. News report about Senators Muskie and Kennedy's prospects for the presidency in 1972. Includes brief clips of speeches by both senators.

SR197 [Partial interview with Walter Hickel] Date: 1970 Length: 1 min., 56 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Walter J. Hickel. Broadcast in November or December 1970. Brief portion of an interview with Walter Hickel, in which he discusses his political career and his plans until the governorship opened up again in 1972.

SR198 [Muskie speech at Truman Commendation Award banquet] Date: 1970 Length: 26 min., 52 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded December 13, 1970 in Kansas City, Missouri. Senator Muskie, recipient of the Truman Commendation Award, speaks about President Truman, Israeli independence, the importance of providing assistance for Mid-East peace, and his own plans to visit Israel in January 1971.

SR199 [News report about Bob Hope USO tour] Date: 1970 Length: 2 min., 5 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Bob Hope. Broadcast December 24, 1970. News report about Bob Hope's annual tour of Vietnam; includes joke about Senator Muskie leaving a tent set up in the White House driveway.

SR200 [Muskie clip about U.S.-Soviet relations] Date: 1971 Length: 32 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded January 19, 1971. Brief sound bite of Senator Muskie speaking about relations between the U.S.S.R. and the United States, and the nature of power.

SR201 [News report on Muskie trip to Cairo] Date: 1971 Length: 2 min., 8 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Peter Jennings; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Jane G. Muskie. Broadcast January 12, 1971. News report about the Muskies' trip to Cairo and Egyptians' responses to his previous statements about the Middle East crisis. Includes brief clip of Senator and Mrs. Muskie with camels.

SR202 [Muskie interview about meeting with Soviet Premier] Date: 1971 Length: 12 min., 51 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: Bill Munroe. Broadcast January 26, 1971. Interview from the Today Show with Senator Muskie. Bill Munroe asks Muskie about his trip to Egypt and the U.S.S.R., particularly his four-hour meeting with Soviet Premier Alexey Kosygin.

SR203 [Muskie clip about continued U.S. engagement in Vietnam] Date: 1971 Length: 26 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded February 8, 1971. Brief sound bite of Senator Muskie speaking about South Vietnamese allies and continued U.S. engagement in Vietnam. Edmund S. Muskie Papers Page 31 of 125 Container List for Series XVII.B Sound Recordings: Open Reel Tapes

Recording No. Description SR204 [Muskie press conference in Nigeria] Date: 1971 Length: 20 min., 17 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 7, 1971 at Ikeja Airport in Lagos, Nigeria. Press conference held by Senator Muskie upon his arrival for the African- American Dialogue. Topics include U.S. relations with African nations, foreign aid to Africa, Vietnam, and the 1972 presidential election.

SR205 [Voice of America recording of Muskie speech in Nigeria] Date: 1971 Length: 29 min., 2 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 8, 1971 at Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria. Address by Senator Muskie on the opening of the third session of African-American dialogues. Topics include U.S.-Africa relations, economic assistance, Vietnam and lessons learned there about U.S. aid, education in Africa, trade and tariffs, and apartheid.

SR206 [Muskie press conference about Nigerian trip] Date: 1971 Length: 37 min., 33 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 10, 1971 in Lagos, Nigeria. News conference held by Senator Muskie at the end of his trip to Nigeria. Topics include Muskie's meeting with Nigerian leaders, South African liberation movements, trade and protectionism in the U.S. economy, and aid to Africa.

SR207 [News report on Senate hearings on water pollution] Date: 1971 Length: 1 min., 53 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Daniel Shore; Speaker: William Ruckelshaus. Broadcast March 15, 1971. News report on Senate hearings held by Muskie on water pollution. Includes portion of an interview with William Ruckelshaus, the first head of the Environmental Protection Agency, about the Alaskan pipeline.

SR208 The Mike Douglas Show Date: 1971 Length: 22 min.,10 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Mike Douglas, Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast April 27, 1971. Senator Muskie appears on The Mike Douglas Show. Topics include the 1972 presidential campaign and Muskie's 1971 world tour.

SR209 [Muskie clip about drug use among U.S. servicemen] Date: 1971 Length: 37 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded in July 1971. Sound bite from Senator Muskie about heroin use among U.S. servicemen in Vietnam, the need to reduce supply and increase prices of drugs in Southeast Asia, and the need for addiction treatment in the services and at home.

SR210 [Muskie clip about witness on drug trafficking] Date: 1971 Length: 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded July 30, 1971. Sound bite from Senator Muskie about his request that the administration provide a witness on international drug trafficking.

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Recording No. Description SR211 [Muskie clip about comments made in meeting with Black leaders] Date: 1971 Length: 37 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded September 8, 1971. Sound bite from Senator Muskie about comments he made in a meeting with Black leaders.

SR212 [Muskie clip about John Lindsay] Date: 1971 Length: 19 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded October 13, 1971. Quip by Senator Muskie about why John Lindsay switched political parties.

SR213 Face the nation Date: 1971 Length: 26 min., 3 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast October 24, 1971. Senator Muskie is interviewed on television program "Face the Nation". Topics include the 1972 campaign, the Nixon administration, the U.S. economy, liberal politics in the U.S., Vietnam veterans, draft registers and amnesty, Judge Rehnquist, Edward Kennedy, urban peace keeping and violence, and the decision to run for Presidential election.

SR214 [Muskie clip about industrial pollution goals] Date: 1971 Length: 26 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded November 2, 1971. Sound bite from Senator Muskie about proposed goals and requirements for industrial pollutors.

SR215 Merv Griffin Show Date: 1971 Length: 34 min., 32 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Host: Merv Griffin; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Jane G. Muskie. Broadcast November 10, 1971. Senator and Mrs. Muskie are interviewed on the Merv Griffin show about how they met, politics and campaign '72, and a black presidential ticket. Also includes interviews with Carol and Dom Delouise.

SR216 Today Date: 1971 Length: 15 min., 46 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Anchor: Frank Blair; Guest: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast November 15, 1971. Senator Muskie interviewed on "Today". Topics include Campaign '72, the delay in Muskie's announcement, the economy, Nixon, Vietnam, troop withdrawal, and the Mansfield ammendments.

SR217 [William King news conference] Date: year Length: 18 min., 23 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: William King Recorded November 18, 1971. Bill King, an attorney from Los Angeles, announces his support for Senator Muskie against Nixon; talks about the other candidates; and commends Muskie's character, leadership, integrety and decency. King also answers questions from the press.

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Recording No. Description SR218 [News report on Muskie fundraiser appearance] Date: 1971 Length: 2 min., 22 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Gabe Pressman. Broadcast November 29, 1971. News report on Senator Muskie's appearance at a New Jersey fundraiser. Includes portion of his question and answer session, where he focused on President Nixon's lack of credibility, and quips about appropriate campaign theme songs for his Democratic party rivals.

SR219 [News reports profiling Muskie and his campaign] Date: 1971 Length: 11 min., 12 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast December 8, 1971. Multiple news broadcasts about Senator Muskie and his Presidential campaign, Senators Kennedy and Tunney backing him. Includes multiple sound bites from Muskie on various topics, including his position on Vietnam.

SR220 [News reports about Muskie visit to Atlanta] Date: 1971 Length: 4 min., 2 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Frank Reynolds, David Schumacher; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Coretta Scott King. Broadcast December 12, 1971. Two news reports about Senator Muskie's visit to Atlanta, where he spoke at the church of Martin Luther King, Jr. and visited his grave. Includes portions of speeches by Muskie, and a statement by Coretta Scott King that Muskie was right about the potential for a Black Vice President.

SR221 [McIntyre Endorsement] Date: 1971 Length: 1 min., 20 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Thomas J. McIntyre. Recorded December 16, 1971. Recorded endorsement of Senator Muskie's presidential campaign by Senator McIntyre of New Hampshire.

SR222 [Muskie clip about his campaign] Date: 1971 Length: 28 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded December 22, 1971. Sound bite from Senator Muskie about his campaign for the presidency.

SR223 [Muskie clip about ending the war in Vietnam] Date: 1971 Length: 55 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded December 28, 1971. Sound bite from Senator Muskie about the bankruptcy of Nixon's policy of Vietnamization, and Muskie's goals for the future of U.S. involvement in Vietnam.

SR224 [Muskie clip about Paris peace talks] Date: 1972 Length: 25 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded January 5, 1972. Sound bite from Senator Muskie on Nixon's confusing statements about what is going on in Paris peace talks.

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Recording No. Description SR225a [Geoff Stirling on Bangladesh] Date: 1972 Length: 30 min., 16 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Geoff Stirling, Doug (surname?), Swami Shyam. Broadcast January 10, 1972. Geoff Stirling discusses Bandladesh, war between India and Pakistan, and U.S. support for Pakistan. Continued on SR225b.

SR225b [Geoff Stirling on Bangladesh (continued)] Date: 1972 Length: 14 min., 8 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Geoff Stirling, Doug (surname?), Swami Shyam. Broadcast January 10, 1972. Continuation of SR225a. Geoff Stirling discusses Bandladesh, war between India and Pakistan, and U.S. support for Pakistan.

SR226 [Muskie clip about Nixon speech] Date: 1972 Length: 22 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded January 20, 1972. Sound bite from Senator Muskie on a speech given by Nixon (possibly State of the Union speech).

SR227a [News reports about Muskie response to Loeb] Date: 1972 Length: 13 min., 53 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Sam Donaldson, Gary Cutley, , Bernard Shaw; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie, William Loeb. Broadcast Febrary 26, 1972. News reports about Senator Muskie's response to newspaper publisher William Loeb, who published a letter alleging Muskie was prejudiced against French-Americans, and referred to Mrs. Muskie as "Sweet Daddy's Jane." Also, some reports about Nixon's trip to China.

SR227b [More News reports about Muskie response to Loeb] Date: 1972 Length: 4 min., 5 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Sam Donaldson, Gary Cutley, Douglas Kiker, Bernard Shaw; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie, William Loeb. Broadcast Febrary 26, 1972. News reports about Senator Muskie's response to newspaper publisher William Loeb, who published a letter alleging Muskie was prejudiced against French-Americans, and referred to Mrs. Muskie as "Sweet Daddy's Jane."

SR228 [Paul Stewart's prize-winning Toastmasters speech] Date: year Length: 7 min., 40 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Paul Stewart. Recorded February 29, 1972. Prize-winning speech by Toastmaster Paul Stewart. Speech is about what a great politician Senator Muskie is.

SR229 [News reports on New Hampshire primary] Date: 1972 Length: 25 min., 59 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Frank Reynolds, Bud Lewis, Bruce Morton, Roger Mudd. Broadcast March 2-3, 1972. News reports about Senator Muskie and the New Hampshire primary, with an emphasis on the origin of the "Canuk" letter, reactions and analysis by reporters.

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Recording No. Description SR230a [News reports before New Hampshire primary] Date: 1972 Length: 30 min., 40 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Douglas Kiker, Bill Mattley, Frank Tomlinson, Sherwood, Mike Wallace. Broadcast March 6, 1972. News reports in anticipation of the Democratic Party New Hampshire primary election; includes a number of citizen interviews and opinions about the candidates, analysis of the campaigns, and poll results. Continued on SR230b (side 2 of tape recording).

SR230b [News reports before New Hampshire primary (continued)] Date: 1972 Length: 29 min., 50 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Tim O'Donnell, Rebecca Bell, Michelle Clark; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, George S. McGovern, George C. Wallace, Jr. Broadcast March 6, 1972. Continuation (side 2) of SR230a. News reports in anticipation of the Democratic Party New Hampshire primary election. Also includes interview with governor Wallace from the Today show.

SR231a [News reports following New Hampshire primary] Date: 1972 Length: 23 min., 34 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Frank Reynolds, , R. W. Apple, Jr., Mike Wallace, David Schumaker; Jack Perkins, Catherine Mackin; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, George S. McGovern. Broadcast March 8, 1972. News reports and analysis following the Democratic Party primary election in New Hampshire. Includes discussion of the candidates, Senator Muskie's possible weaknesses, and the upcoming Florida primary. Continued by SR231b (side 2 of audio tape).

SR231b [News reports following New Hampshire primary (contined)] Date: 1972 Length: 26 min., 43 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Sam Vanoker, Robert McNeil; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, George S. McGovern. Broadcast March 8, 1972. Continuation of SR231a (side 2 of audio tape). PBS program "A Public Affair" on 'What does New Hampshire mean?'

SR232 [News reports on Democratic primary elections] Date: 1972 Length: 23 min., 7 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Bill Munroe, Irving R. Levine, R. W. Apple, Jr.; Speakers: Patrick Edell, Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast in March, 1972. News reports and commentaries about the Democratic Party primary elections. Includes interview with Senator Muskie, interview with McGovern's main pollster, commentary about the importance of labor to the Democratic Party, and discussion about whether McGovern has the election "sewn up".

SR233a [News reports on Florida primary elections] Date: 1972 Length: 29 min., 17 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Walter Cronkite, David Dick, Bruce Morton, David Schumacher, Hal Walker, Morton Dean, Michelle Clark, Jim Jensen; Speakers: George Wallace, Hubert H. Humphrey, Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast March 14, 1972. News reports about the Democratic Party primary elections in Florida. Includes interview with George McGovern, and briefer clips from Muskie and Humphrey. Continued by SR233b (side 2 of tape recording). Edmund S. Muskie Papers Page 36 of 125 Container List for Series XVII.B Sound Recordings: Open Reel Tapes

Recording No. Description SR233b [News reports on Florida primary elections (continued)] Date: 1972 Length: 43 min., 18 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Sander Vanocur, Robert MacNeil; Speakers: George Wallace, Hubert H. Humphrey, Edmund S. Muskie, others. Broadcast March 14, 1972. Continuation of SR 233a (side 2 of tape recording). News reports about the Democratic Party primary elections in Florida. Includes interviews with campaign workers for each candidate.

SR234 [NBC news special report on Florida primary] Date: 1972 Length: 24 min., 49 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: John Chancellor, David Brinkley, John Dancy; Speakers: Hubert H. Humphrey, Edmund S. Muskie, George C. Wallace, Jr., George S. McGovern. Broadcast May 14, 1972. NBC News special report on the results of the 1972 Florida Democratic party primary elections. Includes discussion of the various candidates, implications of the election results.

SR235 [News reports on Florida primary] Date: 1972 Length: 42 min., 13 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: John Chancellor, Harry Reasoner, Bob Lape, Howard Case Smith, Catherine Mackin, David Dick, David Schumacher, Michelle Clark, Morton Deane, Clifton Daniels. Broadcast May 14, 1972. NBC, ABC and CBS news reports about the 1972 Democratic Party primary election results in Florida. Includes discussion of the results and their implications, and portions of speeches from each candidate.

SR237a [More news reports on Florida primary] Date: 1972 Length: 1 hr., 13 min., 53 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Howard K. Smith, Frank Reynolds, Steve Bell, Sam Donaldson, Scoop Jackson, Gregory Jackson, Roger Peterson, Clifton Daniels, R. W. Apple, Jr., Jack Perkins, Douglas Kiker, Derrick Uttley, Dan Rather, Bruce Morton, David Dick, Michelle Clark, Horton Dean, John Hart, David Schumacher, Frank McGee, , Richard Scanlon. Broadcast March 15, 1972. News reports from NBC, CBS and ABC broadcast the day after the 1972 Democratic Party primary elections in Florida. Includes discussion of the significance of the results, and reactions from the major candidates. Continued on SR237b.

SR237b [More news reports on Florida primary (continued)] Date: 1972 Length: 1 hr., 12 min., 11 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Frank McGee, Barbara Walters, John Palmer, David Dick, Bruce Morton, David Schumacher, Jerome Wilson, I. A. Lewis, George Herman, Steve Flanders; Speaker: Hubert H. Humphrey. Broadcast March 13-15, 1972. News reports from NBC and CBS televison, and CBS radio on the 1972 Democratic Party primary elections in Florida. Includes continuation of Today Show interview from SR237a, also discussion about the race from before the election.

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Recording No. Description SR238 Face the nation Date: 1972 Length: 26 min., 29 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewers: Bruce Morton, R. W. Apple, Jr., George Herman; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast March 26, 1972. Senator Muskie appears on the CBS television program "Face the Nation". Topics include Muskie's strategies in the campagin, the Wisconsin and Florida primaries, George Wallace and Hubert Humphrey, Nixon's economic policies, price control, and campaign contributions.

SR239 [Critique of campaign television advertising] Date: 1972 Length: 9 min., 38 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Alan Gardner. Broadcast March 26, 1972. Advertising expert Alan Gardner critiques the campaign television advertisements of the Democratic presidential candidates. Includes clips of commercials.

SR240a [News reports on Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Indiana primaries] Date: 1972 Length: 9 min., 34 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Douglas Kiker, Catherine Mackin, ; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, voters. Broadcast April 12, 1972. News reports about the later Democratic Party primary elections. Includes analysis of the Muskie campaign performance throughout the primaries, and reports about voter concerns.

SR240b [News commentary on Agnew and Rockefeller as candidates for Vice President] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 16 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Broadcast April 12, 1972. News commentary about potential vice presidential candidates Spiro Agnew and Nelson Rockefeller.

SR241 [Muskie election committee spot #1: "Jobs, inflation, Vietnam"] Date: 1972 Length: 4 min., 25 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded April 13, 1972. Audio from videotapes of Massachusetts television commercials. Senator Muskie speaks about Maine and Nixon's policies on inflation, unemployment, and Vietnam.

SR242 [Muskie election committee spot #2: "Vietnam"] Date: 1972 Length: 28 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded April 13, 1972. Audio from videotapes of Massachusetts television commercials. Senator Muskie speaks about Nixon and Vietnam, and Presidential credibility.

SR243 [Muskie election committee spot #3: "Phase II"] Date: 1972 Length: 28 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded April 13, 1972. Audio from videotapes of Massachusetts television commercials. Senator Muskie speaks about Nixon and the U.S. economy, and a price/wage freeze.

SR244 [Muskie election committee spot #4: "Unemployment"] Date: 1972 Length: 30 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded April 13, 1972. Audio from videotapes of Massachusetts television commercials. Senator Muskie speaks about Nixon ecomonic policies and unemployment. Edmund S. Muskie Papers Page 38 of 125 Container List for Series XVII.B Sound Recordings: Open Reel Tapes

Recording No. Description SR245 [Muskie election committee spot #5: "Specific jobs"] Date: 1972 Length: 28 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded April 13, 1972. Audio from videotapes of Massachusetts television commercials. Senator Muskie speaks about jobs and unemployment in Massachusetts.

SR246 [Muskie election committee spot #6: "Pride"] Date: 1972 Length: 30 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded April 13, 1972. Audio from videotapes of Massachusetts television commercials. Senator Muskie speaks about pride in the Presidency.

SR247 [Muskie speaks on Vietnam plan] Date: 1972 Length: 12 min., 24 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded April 17, 1972. Senator Muskie speaks about the resolution to end U.S. involvement in Vietnam that he submitted to the Senate on the previous day, and what he would do in this area if elected President.

SR248 [News reports on Massachusetts and Pennsylvania primaries] Date: 1972 Length: 1 hr., 7 min., 6 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: John Chancellor, David Brinkley, Walter Cronkite, David Schumacher, Michelle Clark, Ike Pappas, Bruce Morton, Morton Dean, Douglas Kiker, Steve Delaney, Harry Reasoner, George Herman. Broadcast April 24, 1972. ABC, NBC and CBS television, and CBS radio news reports about the results of the Democratic Party primary election results in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. Includes discussion of the significance of the results, and reactions from the candidates.

SR249 [WNET-TV news program on Massachusetts and Pennsylvania primary results] Date: 1972 Length: 58 min., 40 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Robert MacNeil, Bob Healy, Alan Lupo, Joe Donne; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Hubert H. Humphrey, George C. McGovern, Jr., Gary Hart, Bill Peach. Broadcast April 24, 1972. WNET-TV special news program on "Election '72", specifically, the results of Democratic Party primary elections in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. Topics include the significance of the results. Interviews are conducted with the major candidates, as well as individual voters.

SR250 [More news reports on Massachusetts and Pennsylvania primary results] Date: 1972 Length: 1 hr., 15 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Ike Pappas, David Dick, Barbara Walters, Bill Monroe, David Schumacher, Michelle Clerk, Bruce Morton, Morton Dean, Lowell Thomas, Jerome Wilson; Speakers: George C. McGovern, Jr.; Hubert H. Humphrey. Broadcast April 26, 1972. News reports from the day after the 1972 Democratic Party primary elections in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. Topics include the significance of the election results, with interviews with some candidates. Continued by SR251 (side 2 of recording).

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Recording No. Description SR251 [More news reports on Massachusetts and Pennsylvania primary results (continued)] Date: 1972 Length: 57 min., 17 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Robert MacNeil, Bill Zimmerman, Steve Bell, Harry Reasoner, Bernard Shaw, George Morton, Eric Seburide, Walter Cronkite, Steve Delaney, David Brinkley; Speaker: Hubert H. Humphrey. Broadcast April 26, 1972. Continuation of SR250 (side 1 of tape). News reports from the day after the 1972 Democratic Party primary elections in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. Includes "Political Polls with Robert MacNeil," followed by clips from ABC, CBS and NBC.

SR252 [Press conference and news reports on Muskie withdrawal] Date: 1972 Length: 35 min., 13 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Broadcast April 27, 1972. ABC, CBS and NBC interviews and commentary on Senator Muskie's announcement that he will not run in any more primary elections but that he is still a candidate for President. Questions and comments follow. Continued on SR253 (side 2 of recording).

SR253 [Press conference and news reports on Muskie withdrawal (continued)] Date: 1972 Length: 33 min., 44 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: James M. Norton, R.W. Apple, Clifton Daniels, David Schumacher; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast April 27, 1972. Continuation of SR252 (side 1 of recording). News reports and commentary on Senator Muskie's announcement that he will not run in any more primary elections but that he is still a candidate for President.

SR254 [ABC News special report on Indiana and Ohio primary results] Date: 1972 Length: 12 min., 24 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Harry Reasoner, Howard K. Smith, Sam Donaldson, Steve Bell, Bill Matiney; Speakers: George C. Wallace, Jr., Hubert H. Humphrey, George S. McGovern. Broadcast May 2, 1972. ABC News special report on the results of Democratic Party primary elections in Indiana and Ohio. Includes interviews with Humphrey, Wallace and McGovern.

SR255 [More news reports about Indiana and Ohio primary results] Date: 1972 Length: 51 min., 2 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Catherine Mackin, Jack Perkins, David Brinkley, Walter Cronkite, Michelle Clark, David Schumacher, David Dick, Theodore White; Speakers: George S. McGovern, Hubert H. Humphrey, George C. Wallace, Jr. Broadcast May 2, 1972. NBC and CBS news reports and commentary about the results of Democratic Party primary elections in Indiana and Ohio. Continued by SR256 (side 2 of recording).

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Recording No. Description SR256 [NPACT program on Indiana and Ohio primary results] Date: 1972 Length: 1 hr., 11 min., 12 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Sander Vanocur, Robert MacNeil, Gary Laffulett, David Murrayy, Gordon St. Angelo, Bruce Biosette; Speakers: George S. McGovern, Hubert H. Humphrey, George C. Wallace, Jr. Broadcast May 2, 1972. Continuation of SR255 (side 1 of recording). National Public Affairs Center for Television (NPACT) program on the results of Democratic Party primary elections in Indiana and Ohio.

SR257 [News reports on Democratic primaries] Date: 1972 Length: 6 min., 58 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Frank Reynolds, Steve Delaney, Douglas Kiker; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast May 20, 1972. News reports about Senator Muskie's trip to Rhode Island following his announcement that he is no longer campaigning, and other candidates' activities. Muskie speaks about the shooting of George Wallace and Muskie's candidacy.

SR258 Election '72 Date: 1972 Length: 26 min., 50 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Robert MacNeil. Broadcast May 24, 1972. National Public Affairs Center for Television (NPACT) program on McGovern and Humphrey campaigns going into the convention, convention proceedures, campaign strategy in non-primary states, and analysis of convenion prospects.

SR259 [News reports on primary elections in Oregon, Rhode Island and California] Date: 1972 Length: 31 min., 49 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Harry Reasoner, Bill Matney; Speaker: George S. McGovern. Broadcast May 23, 1972. ABC and CBS news reports on 1972 Democratic Party primary elections in Oregon, Rhode Island, and California. Includes interview with George S. McGovern, and a story about movie stars canvassing in California.

SR260 30 Minutes Date: 1972 Length: 28 min., 51 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: Elizabeth Drew; Speaker: George S. McGovern. Broadcast May 25, 1972. NET TV program in which Elizabeth Drew interviews George S. McGovern, who was then seeking the Democratic Party nomination for the presidency. Topics focus mainly on McGovern's economic policy proposals, but also include potential cabinet members and running mates.

SR261 [ABC news report on Humphrey campaign] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 21 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Sam Donaldson. Broadcast May 25, 1972. ABC news report on the presidential campaign of Hubert H. Humphrey. Includes discussion of his positions on issues, and campaign stratetgies.

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Recording No. Description SR262 [News reports on Democratic primary elections] Date: 1972 Length: 1 hr., 16 min., 29 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: James Norton, others; Speakers: George S. McGovern, George C. Wallace, Jr., Edmund S. Muskie, Hubert H. Humphrey. Broadcast June 8, 1972. "TV Capsules" regarding Senator Muskie and the Democratic primary elections of 1972. Topics include the California primary election, the 1968 Democratic National Convention, perceptions of George McGovern, the Vietnam War, Senator Muskie's future plans, George Wallace visited in the hospital by Shirly Chisholm, events at each candidate's headquarters, fundraising techniques, and interviews with Humphrey and McGovern. Continued by SR263 (side 2 of recording).

SR263 [More news reports on Democratic primary elections] Date: 1972 Length: 1 hr., 05 min., 56 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Sander Vanoker, Robert MacNeil, others; Speakers: George S. McGovern, others. Broadcast June 8, 1972. Continuation of SR262 (side 1 of recording). "TV Capsules" regarding Senator Muskie and the Democratic primary elections of 1972. Topics include the California primary, McGovern and Humphrey prospects, Wallace as a write-in candidate, Nixon strengths in California, Muskie's fall from popularity, mistakes candidates have made, and an interview with George McGovern.

SR264 [Muskie speaking on the selection of a presidential candidate] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 44 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded June 9, 1972. Brief portion of a speech by Senator Muskie in which he argues that the Democratic National Convention is where the candidate for president will be chosen, and that despite his wins in primary elections, McGovern has not yet won the nomination.

SR265 [News reports on campaigns for the Democratic Presidential nomination] Date: 1972 Length: 40 min., 6 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Frank Reynolds, Len Tucker, Stephen Gere, Clifton Daniel, R. W. Apple, Jr., Frank Lynn, David Schumacher, and others; Speakers: Henry Jackson, Merv Griffin. Broadcast June 9, 1972. News reports on campaigns for the Democratic Party Presidential nomination. Topics include Muskie's announcement that he will not be supporing McGovern, and will remain in the race; rumors of a "Stop McGovern" movement among Democratic leaders; bomb threat to McGovern campaign airplane; and George Wallace Jr. on his father's continuing campaign.

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Recording No. Description SR266 [Muskie speech at National Press Club] Date: 1972 Length: 1 hr., 2 min., 2 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Warren Rogers. Broadcast June 9, 1972. National Public Radio broadcast of a National Press Club Luncheon at which Senator Muskie was expected to withdraw from the race for the Democratic Party Presidential nomination. Instead, he stated that he would not be backing McGovern, and would not be dropping out of the race. Lengthy question and answer session follows. Topics discussed include the campaign, faulty strategies, mistakes, views on abortion, and William Loeb, editor of the Manchester Union newspaper.

SR267 [Muskie speaking about staying in the race] Date: 1972 Length: 33 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded June 14, 1972. Brief portion of a speech in which Senator Muskie states why he is remaining in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

SR268 [News reports on presidential election campaigns] Date: 1972 Length: 26 min., 42 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Bob O'Brien, Steve Bauman, Sarah Pence, Herbert Kaplow, John K. Jessup, Bill Curtis, Ron Nesson, John Dancy, Jack Perkins. Broadcast June 15, 1972. "TV Capsules" on the 1972 Presidential campaign. Topics include Spiro T. Agnew's "Law and Order" speech, reactions of New York's Jewish community to George S. McGovern, Senator Muskie's campaign for delegates and financial problems; Humphrey's problems. Continued by SR269 (side 2 of recording).

SR269 [More news reports on presidential election campaigns] Date: 1972 Length: 16 min., 26 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Doug Johnson, Bob Miller, Jim Lawrence, Jim Jenson; Speakers: George S. McGovern, others. Broadcast June 15, 1972. Continuation of SR268 (side 1 of recording). "TV Capsules" on the 1972 Presidential campaign. Topics include McGovern show at Madinson Square Garden, McGovern's stance on crime and drugs, Senator Muskie's search for delegates, reasons for continuing the Muskie campaign, and the New York primary elections.

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Recording No. Description SR270 ["Issues and Answers", "Face the Nation" and "Washington Week in Review"] Date: 1972 Length: 1 hr., 10 min., 49 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Edward P. Morgan, Frank Reynolds, Christopher Lydon, George Herman, Michelle Clark, Robert MacNeil; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Hubert H. Humphrey. Broadcast June 23-24, 1972. Senator Muskie's appearance on "Issues and Answers," where topics included his candidacy for the Presidency, his prospects at the convention, and Muskie's opinion of George S. McGovern. Also, Hubert H. Humphrey's appearance on "Face the Nation," where topics included McGovern's electability and Humphrey's feelings about McGovern. Clip from "Washington Week in Review" about McGovern's status at the convention, a plot between Muskie and Humphrey to stop McGovern, Senator Muskie's speech against McGovern, the Democratic Party's Platform Dracting Committee, the Rules Committee, and women in the Democratic Party.

SR271 [CBS special "Democrats" and news reports] Date: 1972 Length: 1 hr., 4 min., 34 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Daniel Schoer, Hal Walker, Morton Dean, Bill Plant, Walter Cronkite. Broadcast June 24, 1972. CBS News Special report "Democrats," on issues within the Democratic Party, reforms, McGovern support in the Democratic party. Also includes news clips on the Democratic National Convention.

SR272 [Muskie speaks on Nixon tax proposal] Date: 1972 Length: 55 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded June 27, 1972. Brief clip from a speech by Senator Muskie in which he condemns Nixon's proposed tax on production.

SR273 [Muskie speaks on "red flags of warning" in Nixon administration] Date: 1972 Length: 46 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded June 27, 1972. Brief clip from a speech by Senator Muskie in which he discusses four "red flags of warning" he sees in Nixon policies, including militarization, concentration of executive power, the failure to consider the welfare of all Americans, and disregard for racial prejudice.

SR274a [News reports on Democratic Party] Date: 1972 Length: 33 min., 59 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Bob Clark, Charles Murphy and others; Speakers: George S. McGovern, Rev. Ralph Abernathy, and others. Broadcast June 28, 1972. News reports on proposed Democratic Party reforms including quotas for minority involvement; McGovern's campaign; Resurrection City II; strategy of George C. Wallace, Jr.; conflicts with Mayor Daley on Chicago delegates. Continued on SR274b (side 2 of tape).

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Recording No. Description SR274b [More news reports on Democratic Party, and James Michener on Muskie] Date: 1972 Length: 31 min., 49 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Paul Duke, Barbara Walters, Geraldo Rivera, and others; Speakers: James A. Michener, Julian Bond, Hubert H. Humphrey, George S. McGovern, Richard J. Daley, George Meany. Broadcast June 28, 1972. Continuation of SR374a (side 1 of tape). News opinion piece. James Michener discusses his perceptions of Muskie's "crying incident" and Muskie's campaign. Interview with Julian Bond about Black political movements. News reports about controvesy in the Democratic Party credentials committee, George Meany's speech about liberal Democrats, analysis of Democratic Party platform, etc.

SR275a [News reports on the Democratic Party] Date: 1972 Length: 28 min., 10 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: John Chancellor, David Brinkley, Catherine Mackin, Jack Perkins, David Schumacher, Walter Cronkite; Speakers: George Meany, Richard L. Daley. Broadcast June 27, 1972. News reports on the Democratic Party and its members. Topics include Party reforms, the Chicago delegates, McGovern support and prospects, credentials committee hearings, and the formation of party platforms. Continued by SR275b (side 2 of tape).

SR275b [More news reports on the Democratic Party] Date: 1972 Length: 25 min., 9 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Joel Daly, Frank Reynolds, Howard K. Smith, Frank McGee, and others; Speakers: George S. McGovern, John Herbess, Paul Sandoval, Walter E. Fauntroy, and others. Broadcast June 27, 1972. Continuation of SR275a (side 1 of tape). News reports on the Democratic Party and its members. Topics include Party reforms, the Chicago delegates, McGovern support and prospects, credentials committee hearings, and the formation of party platforms.

SR276a [News reports about Democrats] Date: 1972 Length: 41 min., 23 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: David Schumacher, Nelson Benton, and others. Broadcast June 29-30, 1972. Interviews with George McGovern and Hubert H. Humphrey about recent events, including Democratic Party Credentials Committee decision, results of California primary election. Also opinion piece by Nick Timish about the Democratic Party platform, a news report with a portion of an speech in which Spiro T. Agnew attacks George McGovern, and an interview with Anthony Scotto about why he stepped down from being a delegate. Continued on SR276b.

SR276b [More news reports about Democrats] Date: 1972 Length: 20 min., 27 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Morton Deane; Speakers: Patricia Harris, Hubert H. Humphrey, Warren Weaver, Jr., and others. Broadcast June 29- 30, 1972. Continuation of SR276a (side 1 of tape). News reports on challenge to California primary election results in the Democratic Party credentials committee.

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Recording No. Description SR277a Democrats: a prelude to Miami Date: 1972 Length: 49 min., 49 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Walter Cronkite, Morton Dean, Bill Plant, Roger Mudd, David Schumacher, Burt Quint, . Broadcast July 2, 1972. CBS News television special on the 1972 Democratic National Convention in Miami, Fla. Topics include McGovern's problems, the Credentials Committee's decision to strip McGovern's California delegates, Muskie's strategy, Humphrey's prospects for nomination, Democratic chances for beating Nixon, and convention security.

SR277b [News reports about Democratic National Convention] Date: 1972 Length: 20 min., 34 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Jack Perkins, David Brinkley, Tom Pettit, Walter Cronkite, Morton Dean, David Schumacher, David Dick. Broadcast July 2, 1972. News reports mainly about George McGovern, the California and Chicago delegates, and the Democratic National Convention in Miami, Fla. Continued by SR278 (side 2 of recording).

SR278 [More news reports about Democratic National Convention] Date: 1972 Length: 1 hr., 2 min., 5 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Stephen Gear, Bill Mackney, Charles Murphy, Hugh Hill, Jim Jensen, Ralph Pinza, Tom Pettit, Roy Neil, Jack Perkins, Morton Dean, Herbert Kaplow. Broadcast July 2, 1972. Continuation of SR277b. News reports about the 1972 Democratic National Convention in Miami, Fla. Topics include Credentials Committee's decision on California delegates, Rules Committee's decision to unseat Richard Daley and his delegates from Chicago, and McGovern's stance on Vietnam. Also includes interview with McGovern on "Issues and Answers" television program.

SR279a [News reports on upcoming Democratic National Convention] Date: 1972 Length: 37 min., 50 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Victor Riesel, Bill Zimmerman, Len Tucker, Charles Murphy; Speakers: Joseph Calafano, Jerome Torshon, Chuck Hall, Rennie Davis, others. Broadcast July 3-4, 1972. News reports about the upcoming Democratic National Convention. Specific topics include court decisions supporting the convention credentials committee, George Wallace's physical condition, and pre-convention activity, including compromises reached between Yippie leaders and Miami Beach officials. Continued by SR279b (side 2 of tape).

SR279b [More news reports on upcoming Democratic National Convention] Date: 1972 Length: 376 min., 49 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Morton Dean, Bill Plant, Larry Pomeroy, David Dick, Rebecca Bell, Walter Cronkite, Harry Seraphin, Mariah McLoughlin, Harry Schwartz, and others; Speakers: Hubert H. Humphrey, Jesse Jackson, and others. Broadcast July 3-4, 1972. Continuation of SR279a (side 1 of tape). News reports about the upcoming Democratic National Convention. Specific topics include break-in at Democratic National Headquarters at the Watergate, and continuing controversies about the credentials committee. Also includes interviews with Hubert Humphrey and Jesse Jackson.

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Recording No. Description SR280a [News reports on the Democratic Party] Date: 1972 Length: 32 min., 24 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: John Chancellor, Frank Mankowitz, Carl Stern, Ann Medina, Steve Delany, Connie Chung, Hal Walker, Robert Shagney, Walter Cronkite, Ben Silvers, Warren Weaver, Jr., Steven Gere, Bill Zimmerman, Frank Reynolds, Len Tucker, Harry Reasoner. Broadcast July 5, 1972. News reports about the Democratic Party and its members: restoration of McGovern's California delegates, federal appeals court decision to reverse rules committee vote, and campsites for protest groups at the convention. Continued by SR280b (side 2).

SR280b [More news reports on the Democratic Party] Date: 1972 Length: 32 min., 56 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Bill Munroe, Robert McCormick, Ron Nesson, Paul Duke, Howard K. Smith, Harry Reasoner, Charles Murphy; Speakers: Kathy Flemming, Bill France, Ben Logan. Broadcast July 5, 1972. Continuation of SR280a (side 1 of recording). News reports about the Democratic Party and its members. NBC reporters discuss the Democratic candidates' campaigns and standings going into the convention. Three "New Conventioneers" are interviewed.

SR281 McCaffrey at large Date: Jan. 17, 1973 Length: 27 min., 45 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Senator Muskie is interviewed about Nixon, price control, relationship between the executive and legislative branches, Hanoi bombing, his treatment by the press during 1972 campaign, Vietnam, the environment, cities, human resources, and the future of the country.

SR282 Issues and answers Date: 1973 Length: 28 min., 17 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Interviewers: Sam Donaldson, Bob Clark; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, E. William Proxmire. Broadcast February 4, 1973. Senators Muskie and Proxmire are interviewed. Topics include Congress vs. the President, the economy, social service programs, foreign aid and other possible budget cuts, and the problem of poverty.

SR283a [Muskie statement on Nixon budget and press conference] Date: 1973 Length: 28 min., 12 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded February 9, 1973. Senator Muskie gives a prepared statement and answers questions at WGAN Radio in Portland, Maine. Topics include Nixon's budget proposal, the economy, general political development, new housing costs, the oil industry in Maine and oil consumption in the United States, automobile pollution and efficiency, and power production. Continued by SR283b (side 2 of recording).

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Recording No. Description SR283b [Muskie statement on Nixon budget and press conference (continued)] Date: 1973 Length: 7 min., 29 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded February 9, 1973. Continuation of SR283a (side 1 of recording). Senator Muskie gives a prepared statement and answers questions at WGAN Radio in Portland, Maine. Topics include Nixon's budget proposal, the economy, general political development, new housing costs, the oil industry in Maine and oil consumption in the United States, automobile pollution and efficiency, and power production.

SR284 Today Show (continued) Date: Feb. 19, 1973 Length: 6 min., 28 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Continuation of interview begun on SR286. Senators Edmund Muskie and James Buckley appear on the Today Show. Topics include corporate farms, the environment, potential creation of an Environmental Protection Agency, and Nixon's action on air pollution.

SR285 [Democratic National Convention] Date: 1972 Length: 6 min., 07 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Mike Wallace, Bob Clark, Herbert Kaplow; Speakers: Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson, Leonard Woodcock. Broadcast in July 1972. News reports on "Unity Night" at the 1972 Democratic National Convention. Includes interview with Scoop Jackson about the chance of a McGovern/Eagleton ticket, and a partial interview with labor leader Leonard Woodcock.

SR286 Today Show Date: 1973 Length: 6 min., 46 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, James L. Buckley. Broadcast February 19, 1973. Senators Muskie and Bradley are interviewed about Nixon's environmental recommendations to Congress. Continued by SR284.

SR287 Washington Scene Date: 1973 Length: 21 min., 37 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: Hyman Bookbinder; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast February 21, 1973. Senator Muskie is interviewed by Hyman Bookbinder, Washington Representative of the American Jewish Committee. Topics include the Nixon budget and economic policies, welfare programs, and revenue sharing.

SR288 [News reports about Nixon sabotage of Muskie campaign] Date: 1973 Length: 6 min., 31 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporter: Lou Davis, David Brinkley; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast May 3, 1973. News report on revelation of Nixon campaign's efforts to hurt Muskie campaign during the Democratic Primary elections. Senator Muskie speaks about the sabotage and espionage. Specific topics include the "Canuk" letter, Muskie's statement on the steps of the Manchester Union Leader, an incident where a Muskie campaign dinner in Ohio was mysteriously canceled, and an incident involving cash delivered to the Nixon campaign.

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Recording No. Description SR289 Today show Date: 1973 Length: 14 min., 15 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Ed Newman, Bill Munroe. Senator Muskie is interviewed on the Today show. Topics include the Watergate scandal, looking at tactics Nixon used agaisnt Senator Muskie including possible sabotage in New Hampshire and elsewhere, the indictment of Segreti, and the possibility of a Muskie campaign in 1976.

SR290 [News reports about Senate secrecy hearings] Date: 1973 Length: 10 min., 2 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Fred Graham, Bob Clark, Catherine Macken; Speakers: Daniel Ellsburg, Strom Thurmond, Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast May 16, 1973. News reports about confrontation between Senators Muskie and Thurmond in secrecy hearings at which Daniel Ellsburg testified.

SR291 [News reports about Muskie Memorial Day speech] Date: 1973 Length: 6 min., 35 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Gregory Jackson, John Johnson, and others; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast May 28, 1973. News reports about Senator Muskie's Memorial Day speech at the grave of Franklin D. Roosevelt in Hyde Park, N.Y. Speech focused on the importance of honesty and integrity in government, obliquely condemning the Nixon administration's secrecy and deception.

SR292 [Muskie's Memorial Day speech] Date: 1973 Length: 53 min., 25 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 4 track, mono. (?), Content: Introduction by: Bernard Kessler, Franklin Roosevelt, Jr.; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded May 28, 1973 in the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Auditorium of the Franklin D. Roosevelt library. Senator Muskie speaks about Franklin D. Roosevelt and his commitment to honesty and openness in government; indirectly refers to and condemns the Nixon administration's practices, including Watergate. Box indicates this is a duplicate of SRT 73-26 from the FDR library.

SR293 [Muskie interviewed about U.S. and Japanese environmental affairs] Date: 1973 Length: 39 min., 39 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: Buichi Oishi; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded June 6, 1973. Buichi Oishi, former Director General of the Japanese Environmental Agency interviews Senator Muskie on environmental affairs in the United States and Japan. Specific topics include the Clean Air Act's impact on Japan, the international nature of environmental impacts, vehicle pollution and the need for more public transportation, land use controls to distribute pollution, and Tokyo's traffic and railways. Interview is conducted in Japanese and English through a translator.

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Recording No. Description SR294 [Muskie interviewed by Takeo Miki about environmental affairs] Date: 1973 Length: 57 min., 5 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: Takeo Miki. Recorded June 6, 1973. Takeo Miki, then-Director General of the Japanese Environmental Agency, interviews Senator Muskie on environmental affairs domestically and globally. Specific topics include domestic and global environmental hazards, laws and regulations, cooperation between the United States and Japan, automobile and industrial pollution, the role of government in regulation, and ocean pollution. Interview is conducted in Japanese and English through a translator.

SR295 [Muskie interviewed about Watergate issues] Date: Sep. 27, 1973 Length: 11 min., 23 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Connie Chung interviews Senator Muskie about "dirty tricks" by the Committee to Re-Elect the President. Topics include Patrick Buchanan's comments about fair campaign practices, Nixon efforts to sabotage the Muskie campaign, the "Canuk" letter, and Muskie's statement at the Manchester Union Leader.

SR296 [Muskie speech on Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act] Date: Oct. 28, 1973 Length: 1 hr., 25 min., 51 sec. Format: 1 7/8 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Recorded at the Housatonic Valley Association annual meeting in Newtown, Conn. ESM speaks about air and water pollution; industrial, automotive and municipal pollution; the "Muskie Law" in Japan, and the U.S. Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.

SR297 [Beginning of Nature Conservancy interview] Date: [1973] Length: 1 min. Format: 3 ¾ ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Short recording at the start of side 2 of SR296. Beginning of interview with Thomas Games, Chairman of the Nature Conservancy.

SR298a Today Date: Dec. 3, 1973 Length: 10 min., 23 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: Frank Reynolds; Speakers: Senator Muskie is interviewed on NBC's Today show about a Harris poll measuring citizens' perceptions and trust of government, which was conducted at the bequest of a Muskie-led Senate committee on inter-governmental relations. Continued by SR298b (side 2 of recording).

SR298b Today (continued) Date: 1973 Length: 6 min., 25 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: Frank Reynolds; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Lou Harris. Broadcast December 3, 1973. Continuation of SR298a (side 1 of recording). Senator Muskie is interviewed on NBC's Today show about a Harris poll measuring citizens' perceptions and trust of government, which was conducted at the bequest of a Muskie-led Senate committee on inter-governmental relations. Also includes another news clip on the poll, featuring Lou Harris.

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Recording No. Description SR299a [Muskie interviewed by William F. Buckley] Date: 1974 Length: 26 min., 39 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: William F. Buckley; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast February 10, 1974. Senator Muskie is interviewed on William F. Buckley's program on WNET regarding a Harris poll measuring citizen's attidues toward government, which was conducted at the behest of the Muskie-led Senate committee on inter-government relations. Continued by SR299b (side 2 of recording).

SR299b [Muskie interviewed by William F. Buckley (continued)] Date: 1974 Length: 29 min., 33 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content:Broadcast February 10, 1974. Continuation of SR299a (side 1 of recording). Senator Muskie is interviewed on William F. Buckley's program on WNET regarding a Harris poll measuring citizen's attidues toward government, which was conducted at the behest of the Muskie- led Senate committee on inter-government relations.

SR300a Conversations in American Government Date: 1974 Length: 19 min., 47 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded February 27, 1974. Senator Muskie is interviewed by James Meyers, of the University of South Carolina, on the future of politics. Topics include the leadership role and effectiveness of Congress, budget reform, the present energy crisis, oil prices, Presidential emergency authority, and secrecy in the Nixon administration compared to the Roosevelt years. Continued on SR300b.

SR300b Conversations in American Government (continued) Date: 1974 Length: 8 min., 10 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded February 27, 1974. Continuation of SR300a (tape 1 of 2). Senator Muskie is interviewed by James Meyers, of the University of South Carolina, on the future of politics. Topics include the leadership role and effectiveness of Congress, budget reform, the present energy crisis, oil prices, Presidential emergency authority, and secrecy in the Nixon administration compared to the Roosevelt years.

SR301 Capitol cloakroom Date: 1974 Length: 6 min., 13 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Interviewers: Neil Strausser, Bruce Mortain, Lesley Stahl; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast March 27, 1974. Clip of Senator Muskie on Capitol Cloakroom. Topics include campaign contributions, particularly from the dairy industry; Muskie in the 1976 elections; and Watergate.

SR302 [Muskie on override of Ford veto of G.I. bill] Date: 1974 Length: 53 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded December 3, 1974. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie expresses his approval of the vote to override President Ford's veto of the G.I. bill for Vietnam-era veterans.

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Recording No. Description SR303 [Muskie on proposed heating assistance bill] Date: 1974 Length: 1 min., 8 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded December 4, 1974. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks about his proposal to provide government assistance to those who cannot afford to heat their homes.

SR304 [Muskie introducing heating bill] Date: 1974 Length: 2 min., 8 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded December 4, 1974. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks about his proposal to provide government assistance to those who cannot afford to heat their homes.

SR305 [Muskie on benefits to Maine fisherman from 200-mile limit] Date: 1974 Length: 42 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded December 11, 1974. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks about benefits to Maine fishermen from the "200-mile limit" bill which would reimburse them for gear seized by foreign governments.

SR306 [Muskie on bill to reimburse fishermen for gear seized by foreign governments] Date: 1974 Length: 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded December 11, 1974. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks about benefits to Maine fishermen from the "200-mile limit" bill which would reimburse them for gear seized by foreign governments.

SR307 [Muskie on his tax reform proposal] Date: 1974 Length: 1 min., 55 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded April 11, 1974. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks about the need for meaningful tax reform behind his bill.

SR308 [Muskie on cost of living act of 1974] Date: 1974 Length: 1 min., 6 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded April 11, 1974. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks about the "Cost of Living Act of 1974".

SR309 [Muskie budget committee opening statement] Date: 1974 Length: 6 min., 53 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded August 14, 1974. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie makes his opening statement regarding the budget reform bill and inflation at the Senate budget committee.

SR310 [Muskie reaction to Ford budget proposal] Date: 1974 Length: 1 min., 18 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded August 12, 1974 (?). Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks about inflation in response to a speech by President Ford.

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Recording No. Description SR310b [Muskie on inflation] Date: 1974 Length: 33 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded August 12, 1974 (?). Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks about the need for Congress to lead in the fight against inflation.

SR311 [Muskie at fuel cost subcommittee hearing] Date: 1974 Length: 1 min., 10 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Recorded November 18, 1974. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks about budgeting, management and expenditures at the subcommittee hearing on fuel costs.

SR312 [Muskie at secrecy hearing opening] Date: 1974 Length: 1 min., 3 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Recorded May 22, 1974. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks at the opening of the Senate committee hearings on secrecy.

SR313 [Muskie secrecy hearing opening statement] Date: 1974 Length: 4 min., 16 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded May 22, 1974. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks at the opening of the Senate committee hearings on secrecy, arguing that government agencies cannot be their own judges of what needs to be kept secret.

SR314 [Muskie revenue sharing hearing opening statement] Date: 1974 Length: 1 min., 9 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks at the opening of the Senate committee hearings on revenue sharing.

SR315 [Muskie statement on budget committee chairmanship] Date: 1974 Length: 5 min., 19 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Recorded July 23, 1974. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks about chairing the budget committee at the opening of the Senate committee hearings on revenue sharing.

SR316 [Muskie on imposing controls] Date: 1974 Length: 14 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in 1974. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks about the powers of congress and providing a tool (to the President?).

SR317 [Muskie on using budget to control inflation] Date: 1974 Length: 49 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in 1974. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks about inflation, and Congress' ability to use the budget as a tool to control it.

SR317b [Muskie on unidentified issue] Date: 1974 Length: 36 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Senator Muskie speaking about an undientified issue, and the need to gather more information before deciding. Recorded on side 2 of the tape containing SR302 through SR317. Edmund S. Muskie Papers Page 53 of 125 Container List for Series XVII.B Sound Recordings: Open Reel Tapes

Recording No. Description SR317c [Muskie preparing statement on Watergate] Date: 1974 Length: 1 min., 37 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Senator Muskie dictating or preparing a statement on Watergate. Recorded on side 2 of the tape containing SR302 through SR317.

SR317d [More of Muskie preparing statement on Watergate] Date: 1974 Length: 1 min., 39 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in 1974. Senator Muskie dictating or preparing a statement on Watergate. Recorded on side 2 of the tape containing SR302 through SR317.

SR318a [Interview with Theodore White about "The Making of the President"] Date: 1974 Length: 32 min., 14 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: Barry Gray; Speaker: Theodore M. White. Broadcast August 3, 1974. Theodore M. White is interviewed about his book, "The Making of the President 1972". Topics include the candidates, welfare, Watergate, Muskie's speaking style in public and private, the Pentagon budget and national defense, cities, the "Black problem", and the role of the press. Continued on SR318b (side 2 of tape).

SR318b [Interview with Theodore White about "The Making of the President" (continued)] Date: 1974 Length: 32 min., 11 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: Barry Gray; Speaker: Theodore M. White. Broadcast August 3, 1974. Continuation of SR318a (side 1 of tape). Theodore M. White is interviewed about his book, "The Making of the President 1972". Topics include the candidates, welfare, Watergate, Muskie's speaking style in public and private, the Pentagon budget and national defense, cities, the "Black problem", and the role of the press.

SR319 [Muskie interviewed by John Tunney] Date: 1973 Length: 4 min., 55 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: John V. Tunney; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded August 23, 1974. Senator John Tunney interviews Senator Muskie for his weekly radio report to California. Topics include the budget committee, inflation, the budget reform bill, and Vietnam.

SR320a Options Date: 1974 Length: 30 min., 11 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: Barbara Newman; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast on National Public Radio on June 20, 1974. Senator Muskie is interviewed on the NPR program "Options", hosted by Barbara Newman. Topics include conflicts and alliances within the Democratic party, the Nixon impeachment process and its implications for Democrats, the balance between public and private life, and his reaction to his 1972 defeat. Continued on SR320b (tape 2 of 2).

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Recording No. Description SR320b Options (continued) Date: 1974 Length: 27 min., 39 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Broadcast on National Public Radio on June 20, 1974. Continuation of SR320a (tape 1 of 2). Senator Muskie is interviewed on the NPR program "Options", hosted by Barbara Newman. Topics include conflicts and alliances within the Democratic party, the Nixon impeachment process and its implications for Democrats, the balance between public and private life, and his reaction to his 1972 defeat.

SR321 [Muskie interviewed about Caracas trip] Date: 1974 Length: 18 min., 39 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Bob Rose, Jerry Mackey. Senator Muskie is interviewed by telephone about his trip to Caracas to attend a conference on maritime laws. Topics include a 200-mile limit economic zone, poollution, rights of costal states to manage fisheries resources, and the unlikeliness of a treaty.

SR322 [Muskie speaks at energy hearing] Date: Jan. 20, 1975 Length: 1 min, 32 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Clip of Senator Muskie speaking at an energy hearing about the impact in New England of the previous year's oil shortage, and the current year's rises in oil prices.

SR323 [Muskie speaks about budget reform act] Date: 1975 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded March 4, 1975. Clip of Senator Muskie speaking about budgetary planning and the proposed budget reform act.

SR324 [Muskie budget committee opening statement] Date: 1975 Length: 2 min, 49 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded March 16, 1975. Clip of Senator Muskie's opening statement to the Senate budget committee. Topics include various proposed plans for taxing and curtailing consumption of oil and gas, and the potential impact on OPEC.

SR325 [Muskie clean water hearing opening statement] Date: 1974 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in 1974. Clip of Senator Muskie's opening statement at the clean water hearings of 1974. Topics include impoundment, increasing costs of projects, and the effects of poor implementation of earlier goals and committments.

SR326 [Muskie on the economy and environment] Date: 1974 Length: 1 min., 24 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Oerlapping clips of Senator Muskie speaking about the environment and need for conservation; and the economy and the President's tax proposals.

SR327 [Muskie on the disruption of heating fuel distribution] Date: 1974 Length: 21 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Brief clip of Muskie speaking about potential problems in the heating fuel distribution system. Edmund S. Muskie Papers Page 55 of 125 Container List for Series XVII.B Sound Recordings: Open Reel Tapes

Recording No. Description SR328a [Muskie reaction to Ford budget proposals] Date: Feb. 3, 1975 Length: 17 min., 55 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Senator Muskie speaks about defense spending, recession, social programs, inflation, deficit, and income control. Continued on SR328b (side 2 of recording).

SR328b [Muskie reaction to Ford budget proposals (continued)] Date: Feb. 3, 1975 Length: 4 min., 8 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Continuation of SR328a (side 1 of recording). Senator Muskie speaks about how President Ford's oil proposals will lead to inflation.

SR329 Behind the lines Date: Feb. 5, 1975 Length: 26 min., 56 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Narrator/reporter: Harrison Salisbury. WNET television program about the relationship between the press and Presidential candidates early in the election process. Interviews with numerous men who have run for President, and analysis of elections since 1960.

SR330 Today Date: Feb. 4, 1975 Length: 9 min., 20 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Bill Monroe, Douglas Kiker; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, John W. Dean III. Senator Muskie is interviewed on Today, the NBC television program. Topics include the recession, President Ford's economic plan and energy program, the federal deficit, and getting into the presidential race. Also, news report on John Dean lecture tour about Watergate.

SR331 A.M. America Date: 1975 Length: 4 min., 27 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Hosts: Bill Butell, Stephanie Edwards. Broadcast February 3, 1975. Clips about American culture and Norman Rockwell's paintings, from a morning television program.

SR332 [News reports] Date: 1975 Length: 8 min., 29 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Peter Jennings, Dan Rather; Speaker: Victor Zorza. Broadcast February 4, 1975. Clips from unidentified news programs. Peter Jennings interviewes Victor Zorza about shifting power structures in the Soviet Union. Dan Rather comments about Presidents Nixon and Ford, and the impact that their budgets and deficits will have on the Republican party.

SR333 [News report about Sam Ervin] Date: 1975 Length: 2 min., 4 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Broadcast February 4, 1975. News report about the retirement of Sam Ervin, Chairman of the Watergate Committee.

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Recording No. Description SR334a [Muskie speaks at student legal forum] Date: Mar. 18, 1975 Length: 33 min., 44 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded at the University of Virginia, in Charlottesville. Senator Muskie addresses the University of Virginia's Student Legal Forum. Topics include campaigning, the federal budget, government-held information about citizens, the public's right to know about government actions, Presidents Ford, Nixon and McGovern, Hubert Humphrey, the Cold War, Equal Rights Amendment, the Budget Reform Act, Privacy Act of 1974, and Watergate. Continued by SR334b and SR334c.

SR334b [Muskie speaks at student legal forum (part 2)] Date: Mar. 18, 1975 Length: 34 min., 8 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded at the University of Virginia, in Charlottesville. Continuation of SR334a (tape 1 of 3). Senator Muskie answers questions from the Student Legal Forum. Topics include gay rights, Vietnam and Cambodia, extra money found in the Federal budget, Watergate's effect on Muskie's 1972 campaign, the 1976 elections, public access to information, recession, Presidential war power, equal rights, and President Ford. Continued by SR334c (tape 3 of 3).

SR334c [Muskie speaks at student legal forum (part 3)] Date: Mar. 18, 1975 Length: 34 min., 8 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded at the University of Virginia, in Charlottesville. Continuation of SR334a (tape 1 of 3) and SR334b (tape 2 of 3). Senator Muskie answers questions from the University of Virginia's Student Legal Forum. Topics include President Ford's character and personality, and being a President of the people.

SR335 [Environmental Pollution Subcommittee hearing in Gardiner, Me.] Date: April 5, 1975. Length: 2 hr., 41 min., 1 sec. Format: 1 7/8 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Hearing held by U.S. Senate Public Works Committee Subcommittee on Environmental Pollution in Gardiner, Maine on April 5, 1975. Chaired by Senator Muskie. Topics include human waste treatment in Maine, construction of water pollution control facilities, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, and effects of pollution control on industry.

SR336 [Muskie on CBS morning news] Date: 1975 Length: 9 min., 56 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Broadcast in June 1975. Senator Muskie is interviewed on the CBS Morning News. Topics include the deficit, recession, Congressional disagreements about fixing the economy, Ford raising oil prices, mandatory conservation plans, energy efficiency in construction, and public transportation. Also, news stories on the shooting of two FBI agents on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, and a report to be released about assassination plots against foreign governments.

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Recording No. Description SR337 [Muskie statement on court decision in oil case] Date: 1975 Length: 1 min., 2 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in August 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" from Senator Muskie about a circuit court decision in a case brought by the Governors of Maine and other states over a

SR338 [Muskie statement on solving energy problems] Date: 1975 Length: 42 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in August 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" from Senator Muskie about approaches by the Congress and the President to solving the energy crisis.

SR339 [More of Muskie statement on solving energy problems] Date: 1975 Length: 28 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in August 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" from Senator Muskie which is a continuation of SR337, his statement about approaches by the Congress and the President to solving the energy crisis.

SR340 [Muskie statement on running for re-election] Date: 1975 Length: 2 min., 21 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in August 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" from Senator Muskie discussing his intention to run for re-election. Also, portion of Muskie statement about President Ford's veto of a budget measure, and the Congressional response.

SR341 [Muskie statement on President Ford's unemployment prediction] Date: 1975 Length: 51 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in August 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" from Senator Muskie discussing President Ford's budgetary predictions of high levels of unemployment.

SR342 [Muskie statement about Maremont contract for Biddeford/Saco] Date: 1975 Length: 1 min, 34 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in August 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" from Senator Muskie discussing a meeting between the Mayors of Biddeford and Saco, Maine, and President Ford. Muskie urges Ford to award a contract to the Maremont Corporation.

SR343 [Muskie weekly report on budget reform] Date: 1975 Length: 1 min. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in August 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie makes his first weekly report on budget reform.

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Recording No. Description SR344 [Muskie on bill to study tidal power] Date: 1975 Length: 55 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in August 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses the bill proposed by himself and Bill Hathaway to study tidal power as an alternative energy source in Passamaquoddy Bay.

SR345 [Muskie on bill to provide interpreters in court proceedings] Date: 1975 Length: 1 min., 20 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: unidentified; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in August 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses his bill to provide interpreters to non- English speakers involved in federal court proceedings. Introduction in French.

SR346 [Muskie on bill to reform lobbying laws] Date: 1975 Length: 43 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in August 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses a bill proposed by himself and Jacob Jovitts to reform federal lobbying laws.

SR347 [Muskie on bill to aid local governments affected by the recession] Date: 1975 Length: 48 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in August 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses a bill proposed by himself, and approved by the Senate, to provide assistance to state and local governments most severely affected by the recession.

SR348 [Muskie on his opposition to building the strike cruiser] Date: 1975 Length: 48 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Recorded in August 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses his opposition, based on budgetary concerns, to building the "strike cruiser," a new type of nuclear ship.

SR349 [Muskie Labor Day speech] Date: 1975 Length: 19 min., 28 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded September 1, 1975. Senator Muskie speaks at an event on Labor Day 1975. Topics include unemployment, energy, imported oil and gas, President Ford, and the economy.

SR350 [Muskie on closing of Maine hospitals] Date: 1975 Length: 50 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded October 6, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses the closure of community hospitals in Dexter and Milo, Maine.

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Recording No. Description SR351 [Muskie on bill to allow Congress to regect federal agency rules] Date: Oct. 6, 1975 Length: 1 min., 3 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses a bill he proposed with Senator Bill Brack, that would ensure that federal agencies don't distort Congressional intention through rules. The bill would allow Congress to reject rules that are contrary to the intent of the law. Muskie provides as an example the closure of community hospitals in Dexter and Milo. Duplicate of SR350, with additional material.

SR352 [Muskie on credibility in the budgetary process] Date: 1975 Length: 54 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded October 6, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses the need to establish credibility in order to successfully enforce fiscal discipline and budgetary control.

SR353 [Muskie on the need for economic recovery] Date: 1975 Length: 1 min., 11 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded October 6, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses problems with the economy, and the need for stimulating recovery without accelerating inflation.

SR354 [Muskie on Ford energy proposal] Date: 1975 Length: 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded October 6, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie expresses pleasure that President Ford has agreed to compromise on his energy proposal, and discusses how heating prices have increased for Mainers.

SR355 [Muskie on GAO oversight of Maremont machine gun tests] Date: Oct. 6, 1975 Length: 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses plans by the General Accounting Office (GAO) to oversee Army tests on a Maremont machine gun.

SR356 [Muskie on importance of industry testimony at budget hearings] Date: 1975 Length: 1 min., 9 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose. Recorded October 6, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses the importance of testimony from business leaders to the work of the Senate budget committee.

SR357 [Muskie announces hearings in Lewiston] Date: 1975 Length: 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded October 6, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie announces hearings that his Senate Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations will be holding in Lewiston, Maine.

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Recording No. Description SR358 [Muskie speaking at hearing for citizen complaints] Date: 1975 Length: 3 min., 23 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded October 6, 1975. Partial recordings from Senator Muskie's statement at public hearings in Maine to hear citizen complaints about problems with the government. Topics include inflation, the federal debt, and the purposes of the hearing.

SR359 [Muskie on the upcoming Presidential election] Date: 1975 Length: 1 min., 7 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded November 24, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie passionately discusses the upcoming Presidential election year, and reflects back on the 1968 election.

SR360 [Muskie on proposed review of federal programs] Date: 1975 Length: 4 min., 4 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded December 11, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks about his proposal to determine how effectively, in addition to how much, the federal government spends through regular Congressional review of every federal program.

SR361 [Muskie on Dickey-Lincoln and Passamaquoddy tidal project] Date: year Length: 1 min., 5 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduced by: Bob Rose. Recorded December 12, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses the approval of funds for the Dickey-Lincoln project and for the Passamaquoddy tidal project.

SR362 [Senator Muskie on funding for Passamaquoddy tidal project] Date: 1975 Length: 1 min. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Recorded December 11, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses the approval of funding for the Passamaquoddy tidal project, and the importance of it as a source of renewable energy.

SR363 [Muskie on opponent Monks' position on public works jobs] Date: 1975 Length: 1 min., 15 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Alice Bouchard. Recorded October 15, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie states that his challenger for his Senate seat, Bob Monks, has switched positions on the benefits of public works jobs to Maine.

SR364 [Muskie responds on Social Security and Medicare] Date: 1975 Length: 2 min., 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Recorded October 15, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie responds to his opponent Bob Monks' challenges regarding Social Security and Medicare.

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Recording No. Description SR365 [Muskie on deregulation of oil prices] Date: 1975 Length: 1 min., 13 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Alice Bouchard; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded October 15, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses the effects of oil price deregulation, as proposed by his Senatorial opponent Bob Monks. Muskie likens the probable effects to those of the 1974 Arab oil embargo.

SR366 [Muskie on opponent Monks' oil policy proposal] Date: 1975 Length: 18 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded October 15, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses the proposed oil policies of his Senatorial opponent, Bob Monks. Muskie states that Monks' policies would benefit the oil companies rather than individual citizens.

SR367 [Muskie on opponent Monks' proposed oil and methanol policies] Date: 1975 Length: 8 min., 43 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded October 15, 1975. Poor-quality duplicate of Senator Muskie speaking about oil and methanol production policies proposed by his Senatorial opponent Bob Monks.

SR368 [Muskie on 200-mile limit] Date: 1975 Length: 50 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded November 10, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses House approval of the 200-mile limit bill to protect the fishing industry.

SR369 [Muskie on tax cut recommendations] Date: 1975 Length: 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded November 10, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses various tax cut proposals.

SR370 [Muskie on legislation of interest to fishermen] Date: 1975 Length: 1 min., 52 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded November 10, 1975. Brief portion of a press conference at which Muskie speaks about recent legislation relating to fishermen, including the Stern Man bill and the 200-mile limit.

SR371 [Budget interview clip] Date: 1975 Length: 11 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Recorded November 10, 1975. Extremely brief clip of an interviewer asking Muskie a question about the budget.

SR372 [Muskie on tax cut extension] Date: 1975 Length: 45 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose. Recorded November 10, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie states that he doesn't think President Ford would veto an extension of tax cuts into next year, thereby imposing a tax increase.

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Recording No. Description SR373 [Muskie on housing and community development act] Date: 1975 Length: 53 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded November 10, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses potential fiscal savings from the new Housing and Community Development Act.

SR374 [Muskie on budget process] Date: 1975 Length: 1 min., 5 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded November 10, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses Congressional need to know the President's budget before establishing a spending ceiling.

SR375 [Muskie supporting current budget process] Date: 1975 Length: 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded November 10, 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie argues for following the current budget process, rather than implementing spending ceilings that would short circuit it.

SR376 [Senator Muskie promoting WSME radio station] Date: 1975 Length: 32 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded November 10, 1975. Promo recorded by Seantor Muskie welcoming WSME FM 92 to York County.

SR377 [Muskie on importance of defense spending to Maine] Date: 1975 Length: 51 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded November 10, 1975. Senator Muskie discusses the Senate appropriations committee's decision to fund the Navy's new missle research, which will be carried out by Fiber Materials, Inc. of Biddeford, Maine.

SR378 [Muskie on need for lobbying reform] Date: 1975 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded November 10, 1975. Senator Muskie argues for a bill to make lobbying activities in Congress more transparent.

SR379 [Muskie on open Congressional meetings] Date: 1975 Length: 1 min., 2 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded November 10, 1975. Senator Muskie argues in favor of an act to make Congressional meetings public.

SR380 [Muskie on proposed energy policies] Date: 1975 Length: 37 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded November 10, 1975. Senator Muskie discusses an energy price policy agreed to by Senate and House conferees, and the need for the President to lift a tariff on foreign oil.

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Recording No. Description SR381 [Muskie on anti-recession aid program] Date: 1975 Length: 1 min., 7 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded November 10, 1975. Senator Muskie discusses the Senate Budget Committee's approval of his Anti-Recession Aid Program for State and local governments.

SR382 [Bob Rose discusses Muskie trip] Date: 1975 Length: 1 min., 26 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Bob Rose, unidentified woman. Recorded November 10, 1975. Recording of a telephone call in which a woman asks Bob Rose questions about a trip Senator Muskie and his family took to Bath Iron Works for a keel-laying ceremony.

SR383 [Congressman Bill Cohen announces he will not run against Muskie] Date: Jan. 2, 1975 Length: 14 min., 53 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Alice Bouchard, William S. Cohen, unidentified others. Poor-quality duplicate of Bill Cohen's announcement that he would not be running for Senate against Muskie. Cohen makes a statement, followed by press questions. Significant feedback at the start of the recording.

SR385 [Muskie Senate reelection announcement] Date: 1976 Length: 4 min., 56 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: unidentified; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded January 5, 1976. Senator Muskie formally announces his candidacy for reelection to the Senate.

SR386 [Muskie interviewed by reporter] Date: 1976 Length: 5 min., 51 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: unidentified; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded January 5, 1976. Senator Muskie is interviewed by a local reporter. Topics include whether Muskie will agree to debate Robert Monks and Muskie's relationship to the Environmental Protection Agency.

SR392 [Bob Monks announcement of candidacy] Date: 1976 Length: 17 min., 3 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Robert A. G. Monks. Recorded January 22, 1976. Poor quality duplicate of speech and news conference in which Bob Monks announced that he would run for Senate against Muskie. Continued on SR393.

SR393 [Bob Monks announcement of candidacy (continued)] Date: 1976 Length: 12 min., 27 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Robert A. G. Monks. Recorded January 22, 1976. Continuation of SR392. Bob Monks answers questions from the press following his announcement that he will run for Senate against Muskie.

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Recording No. Description SR394 [Muskie promotes the Maine Cancer Crusade (full length version)] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 16 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded March 16, 1976. Advertisement recorded by Senator Muskie to promote the Maine Cancer Crusade, a fundraiser for cancer treatment and research.

SR395 [Muskie promotes the Maine Cancer Crusade (mid-length)] Date: 1976 Length: 52 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded March 16, 1976. Advertisement recorded by Senator Muskie to promote the Maine Cancer Crusade, a fundraiser for cancer treatment and research.

SR396 [Muskie promotes the Maine Cancer Crusade (short version)] Date: 1976 Length: 30 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded March 16, 1976. Advertisement recorded by Senator Muskie to promote the Maine Cancer Crusade, a fundraiser for cancer treatment and research.

SR397 National town meeting Date: 1976 Length: 1 hr., 1 min., 39 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Charles Cobb; Moderator: Leslie H. Gelb; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, David Manker Abshire; Questions from: Milton Berle and other audience members. Broadcast April 14, 1976 from the John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts. One in a National Public Radio series of National Town Meetings. Topic of this meeting is "Defining National Security: what military needs, what domestic needs, striking the right balance." Senator Muskie and Dr. David Abshire make presentations, then answer questions from the audience. Topics include national debt and budget, national health insurance, Soviet military build up, nuclear weapons, detente, Middle East concerns, and the volunteer army.

SR398 Follow up Date: 1976 Length: 29 min., 18 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewers: Gordon Manuel, Jonathan Levine; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded April 21, 1976 at WABI-TV in Bangor, Maine. Senator Muskie appears on a local television news program to answer questions about federal spending, and whether Maine is getting its fair share of federal military contracts. Recording includes long silent periods for commercials, etc.

SR399 [Muskie on need to protect Maine industry] Date: 1976 Length: 3 min., 51 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Recorded April 28, 1976. Portion of a news conference at which Senator Muskie extemporaneously discusses the negative impact that Treasury Secretary William E. Simon has had on Maine industries, particularly the shoe industry.

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Recording No. Description SR400 [Democratic state convention] Date: 1976 Length: 14 min., 19 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Kenneth M. Curtis; Speakers: Jane G. Muskie, Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded May 7, 1976. Speeches at the Maine Democratic State Convention. Senator Muskie was not present due to an injury; Kenneth Curtis introduced Jane Muskie, who spoke on his behalf. Senator Muskie telephoned in to speak.

SR401 [Muskie at the Democratic Platform Committee] Date: 1976 Length: 25 min., 2 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded May 20, 1976 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Washington, D.C. Senator Muskie testifies before the Democratic Platform Committee by giving a prepared statement, then answering questions from delegates. Topics include the sunset bill, taxation, clean air and water, Americans' lack of confidence in government, spending priorities, and budget reform.

SR402 [Muskie on committee approval of order for ships] Date: May 31, 1976 Length: 40 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie comments on the Senate Armed Services Committee's approval of an administration request for eight ships of a type built at Bath Iron Works.

SR403 [Muskie on amendment to require Congressional approval of military installment cutbacks] Date: May 31, 1976 Length: 1 min, 2 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Muskie comments on the Senate Armed Services Committee's approval of his proposal to require Congressional approval to close or severely cut back military installments, devised in response to the threatened closure of Loring AFB.

SR404 [Muskie on approval of funds for military facilities in Maine] Date: 1976 Length: 45 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded May 31, 1976. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie comments on the Senate Armed Services Committee's approval of

SR405 [Muskie on approval of funds for clean water] Date: May 31, 1976 Length: 1 min., 8 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose. Sound Bite or "Beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses the Senate Public Works Committeee's approval of funds for water clean-up in Maine and other states who will use up their funds.

SR406 [Muskie on Bath Ship Yard] Date: May 31, 1976 Length: 6 min., 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Recorded at Bath Iron Works. Portion of a Memorial Day speech at Bath Iron Works in which Senator Muskie speaks about its importance, and reads words from Aaron Copeland's musical tribute to Abraham Lincoln. Edmund S. Muskie Papers Page 66 of 125 Container List for Series XVII.B Sound Recordings: Open Reel Tapes

Recording No. Description SR407 [Phil Hart testimonial by Muskie] Date: June 3, 1976 Length: 3 min., 30 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: At Hart's request, Muskie records a version of a speech he gave at a party honoring Hart. Muskie describes seagulls as a symbol of the grace and compassion of Senator Hart.

SR408 Capitol cloakroom Date: July 1, 1976 Length: 22 min., 56 sec. Format: ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewers: George Herman, Connie Chung, Bernard Shaw. Senator Muskie interviewed on CBS Radio program "Capitol Cloakroom” on Carter's strengths and weaknesses as a candidate; Muskie as a potential vice- presidential candidate; Muskie's Senate re-election campaign; President Ford; Ronald Reagan; anti-establishment attitudes; tax reform debate; and disagreement among Democrats.

SR409 [Muskie on his proposed tax cut amendment] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 3 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Alice Bouchard. Recorded July 4, 1976. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses his proposed amendment to extend tax cuts for individual tax payers, while closing tax loopholes to pay for it.

SR410 [Muskie on his proposed tax cut amendment (shorter version)] Date: 1976 Length: 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose. Recorded July 4, 1976. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses his proposed amendment to extend tax cuts for individual tax payers, while closing tax loopholes to pay for it.

SR411 [Muskie Father's Day message] Date: 1976 Length: 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Alice Bouchard; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded July 4, 1976. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie sends a Father's Day message to the citizens of Maine.

SR412 [Muskie withdraws tax cut amendment] Date: 1976 Length: 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded July 4, 1976. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses why he withdrew his proposed amendment to extend tax cuts for individual tax payers.

SR413 [Muskie requests hearing on Maine potatoes] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 9 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded July 4, 1976. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses his request that the Commodity Futures Trading Commission hold a hearing in Maine on futures trading rules for potatoes.

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Recording No. Description SR414 [Muskie on funding approval for Maine public works projects] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 4 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded July 4, 1976. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses the approval of a public works bill to fund study of the Dickey-Lincoln project and the Passamaquoddy St. John River study.

SR415 [Muskie on Congressional approval to buy ships built in Maine] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 3 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded July 4, 1976. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses House and Senate approval of the purchase of eight patrol frigates made by Bath Iron Works.

SR416 [Muskie on his proposed ROTC amendment] Date: 1976 Length: 34 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded July 4, 1976. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses his proposed amendment to encourage the Navy to continue its ROTC program at Maine Maritime Academy.

SR417 [Muskie on jobs bill] Date: 1976 Length: 54 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded July 4, 1976. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie encourages President Ford to sign the jobs bill, and explains the bill's importance.

SR418 [Muskie on results of budget process] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min, 23 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded July 4, 1976. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie describes the successes of the recent Congressional budget processes.

SR419 [Muskie bicentennial message] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min, 48 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded July 4, 1976. Senator Muskie's bicentennial message, in which he discusses the nation's history and human progress.

SR420 [Muskie on jobs bill] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 2 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded July 25, 1976. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie argues in favor of the Senate overriding President Ford's veto of his jobs bill.

SR421 [Muskie on vote to override jobs bill veto] Date: 1976 Length: 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded July 25, 1976. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses the successful Congressional override of President Ford's veto of the jobs bill.

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Recording No. Description SR422 [Muskie on water pollution act and jobs] Date: 1976 Length: 9 min., 34 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded July 25, 1976. Poor quality duplication of a recording of Muskie speaking at an unidentified event. Topics include the Congressional overturn of President Ford's veto, the jobs bill, and the economic impacts in Maine of the Water Pollution Act of 1972.

SR423 [Muskie on Bob Monks and jobs bill] Date: 1976 Length: 4 min., 12 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded July 25, 1976. Poor quality duplication of a recording of Senator Muskie speaking at an unidentified event. Muskie respond to his opponent Bob Monk's allegations that the jobs bill will create "leaf raking" jobs.

SR424 [Muskie on Bob Monks and oil] Date: 1976 Length: 46 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded October 15, 1976. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie challenges his opponent Bob Monks' claim that he does not know much about the oil industry and oil prices.

SR425 [Muskie on Bob Monks' oil price proposal] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Alice Bouchard; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded October 15, 1976. Sound bite or "beeper" from a news conference in which Senator Muskie discusses his opponent Bob Monks' proposal for oil prices.

SR426 [Muskie campaign press conference] Date: 1976 Length: 7 min., 13 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded October 15, 1976. Portion of a news conference in which Senator Muskie discusses his opponent Bob Monks' proposal for oil prices; unemployment; inflation; Presidents Nixon, Ford, Kennedy, and Johnson; the budget; and grain sales.

SR427 [Muskie campaign interview] Date: 1976 Length: 6 min., 41 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded October 15, 1976. Poor quality recording of part of an interview with Senator Muskie in which he discusses the economic benefits to Maine of the Clean Water Act, Bob Monks, revenue sharing, and the public works program.

SR428 [Muskie on Indian land claims suit] Date: 1976 Length: 56 sec. Format: ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Alice Bouchard; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded January 5, 1976. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie urges the treasury department to take steps to avoid financing problems as a result of the Indian land claims law suit.

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Recording No. Description SR429 [Muskie on inflation and unemployment] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 14 sec. Format: ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Alice Bouchard; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded January 5, 1976. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie argues that the federal government needs to take action to combat inflation and unemployment.

SR430 [Muskie on government subsidies] Date: Jan. 5, 1976 Length: 3 min., 33 sec. Format: ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Poor-quality recording of a clip of Muskie speaking at an unidentified event about government subsidies, including at Bath Iron Works.

SR432 [Muskie speech on economy and environment] Date: Dec. 9, 1976 Length: 1 hr., 3 min., 45 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Muskie speaks to a group of economists, followed by question and answer session. Topics discussed include voter apathy, Presidents Carter and Ford, inflation, unemployment, government spending, tax cuts, the Arab oil embargo, the federal budget, exports, welfare reform, revitalization, environment, and automobiles and gas mileage.

SR433 [Muskie on federal budget] Date: 1976 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie, speaking at the state AMVETS convention, discusses cuts in the federal budget.

SR434 [Muskie on primary election results] Date: 1976 Length: 48 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Muskie discusses that day's primary election results.

SR435 [Portion of Muskie commencment speech] Date: 1976 Length: 7 min., 20 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in 1976 in Waterville, Maine. Portion of a commencement speech given by Senator Muskie, in which he discusses the pursuit of happiness, making mistakes, enduring values, and his homecoming to Waterville.

SR436 [Muskie on lobbying reform bill and 200-mile limit] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 19 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Portion of two sound bites or "beepers" in which Senator Muskie discusses the lobbying reform bill, and implementation of the 200-mile limit.

SR437 [Muskie on lobbying reform bill] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 10 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Alice Bouchard; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses the lobbying reform bill. Same as part of SR436, but with introduction.

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Recording No. Description SR438 [Muskie on lobbying reform bill (full version)] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 18 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Alice Bouchard; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses the lobbying reform bill. Same as part of SR436 and SR437, but with introduction and sign-off.

SR439 [Muskie on support for Maine Maritime Academy] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 4 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Alice Bouchard. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Muskie discusses a bill he and Bill Hathaway proposed that would provide increased federal subsidies for students at Merchant Marine schools, including Maine Maritime Academy.

SR440 [Muskie arguing against tax bill] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 4 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Alice Bouchard; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie argues against a tax bill being considered in the Senate, which would get rid of a tax cut for average workers, while continuing to allow tax breaks and loopholes for special interests.

SR441 [Defense of Muskie from Bob Monks' attacks] Date: 1976 Length: 2 min., 14 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Unidentified speaker defends Muskie record against attack advertisements by Bob Monks that allege it was Muskie's fault that Loring Air Force Base was not funded.

SR442 [Muskie speech at Bath Iron Works launch] Date: 1976 Length: 4 min., 28 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: unidentified; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Extremely poor quality recording of a speech given by Senator Muskie at the launch of a ship built by Bath Iron Works.

SR443 [Unidentified dictation] Date: 1976 Length: 55 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Extremely poor quality recording of what is apparently the dictation of a letter in response to concerns about an unidentified issue.

SR444 [Early portion of Muskie speech at Bath Iron Works launch] Date: 1976 Length: 15 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Extremely poor quality recording of probably the early portion of Senator Muskie's speech at the launch of a ship built by Bath Iron Works, in which he welcomes some distinguished guests by name.

SR445 [Clip from Muskie speech at Bath Iron Works launch] Date: 1976 Length: 54 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Louder, but still poor quality recording of a portion of Senator Muskie's speech at the launch of a ship built by Bath Iron Works. Partial duplication of SR442.

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Recording No. Description SR446 [Another clip from Muskie speech at Bath Iron Works launch] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 54 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie, Alice Bouchard. Louder, but still poor quality recording of another portion of Senator Muskie's speech at the launch of a ship built by Bath Iron Works. Alice Bouchard does a sign-off.

SR447 [Muskie challenges Bob Monks on Social Security] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 18 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Alice Bouchard; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Sound Bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie challenges his opponent, Bob Monks, to specify how he would have voted differently than Muskie on Social Security.

SR448 [Muskie campaign press conference] Date: 1976 Length: 8 min., 25 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Poor quality recording of statement by Senator Muskie in response to Bob Monks' attacks on his social security record. Muskie also discusses the campaign, public jobs, and the price of energy.

SR449 [Muskie interview] Date: 1977 Length: 13 min., 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: unidentified; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast January 12, 1977. Senator Muskie is interviewed on an unidentified program. Topics include his expectations of the Carter administration; whether he views himself as liberal or conservative; the economy; government programs; sunset legislation; Bob Monks; and Congress.

SR450 [Muskie at hearing on military staffing] Date: 1977 Length: 3 min., 35 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie, unidentified military witnesses. Recorded April 13, 1977. Portion of a hearing in which Senator Muskie questions witnesses about military pay and benefits, and their effects on recruitment and retention.

SR451 [Muskie at sunset legislation hearings] Date: 1977 Length: 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded April 13, 1977. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie, at the start of hearings on his sunset legislation, speaks about the importance of such a law.

SR452 [Muskie on Dickey-Lincoln] Date: 1977 Length: 55 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded April 13, 1977. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie argues for the completion of environmental impact studies on Dickey-Lincoln dam, so that an informed decision can be made on the project.

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Recording No. Description SR453 [Muskie on inflation, unemployment, and Carter's tax rebate] Date: 1977 Length: 3 min., 2 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded April 13, 1977. Senator Muskie speaks about inflation, unemployment, and President Carter's proposed tax rebate.

SR454 Maine things considered Date: 1977 Length: 12 min., 22 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Richard Hill. Broadcast September 19, 1977. Radio news program, Maine Things Considered, discussing the environmental impact statement produced by the Army Corps of Engineers on the proposed Dickey- Lincoln project, and the surrounding debate.

SR455 What makes you so sure? Date: 1977 Length: 28 min., 54 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie and unidentified others. Broadcast by MPBN on November 30, 1977. MPBN television program "What Makes You So Sure?" on the proposed Dickey-Lincoln dam project. Includes very brief quote from Senator Muskie.

SR456 [Bill to reduce taxes on poor home owners] Date: 1977 Length: 1 min., 8 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Brief clip of unidentified man arguing in favor of a bill that would reduce taxes on poor home owners.

SR457 [Muskie on sunset legislation] Date: 1977 Length: 45 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose. Recorded in November 1977. Sound bite or "beeper" featuring a clip of Senator Muskie's testimony before the Senate rules committee regarding his Sunset Bill.

SR458 [Muskie on privacy act] Date: 1977 Length: 1 min., 4 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in November 1977. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks about the need for increased protection of individuals' privacy, particularly with regard to privately-held records.

SR459 [Muskie on privacy act (duplicate)] Date: 1977 Length: 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose. Recorded in November 1977. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks about the need for increased protection of individuals' privacy, particularly with regard to privately- held records. Duplicate of SR458.

SR460 [Muskie on Panama treaty] Date: 1977 Length: 1 min., 1 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in November 1977. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks to the Senate about considerations that should be made in Panamanian treaty.

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Recording No. Description SR461 [Muskie on Panama treaty as Carter win] Date: 1977 Length: 50 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose. Recorded in November 1977. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie describes the passage of the first Panama Canal treaty as a victory for the Carter administration, and predicts passage of the second treaty.

SR462 [Muskie speaking to "rather slow" students] Date: 1977 Length: 1 min. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in November 1977. Joke (?) sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie informs some "rather slow students" that he will be answering questions after his speech.

SR463 [Muskie on 1976 Republican campaigns and Panama Canal treaties] Date: 1977 Length: 47 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in November 1977. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses 1976 Republican campaigns in relation to the Panama Canal treaties.

SR464 Focus on youth Date: 1978 Length: 4 min., 51 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewers: unidentified; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded March 3, 1978. Senator Muskie is interviewed by youth. Topics include whether he cried on the steps of the Manchester Union in the 1972 race; and why Muskie enjoys bird hunting, but not deer hunting.

SR465 [Muskie on Indian land claims] Date: 1978 Length: 1 min., 1 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded on or before December 31, 1978. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie disucsses the possibility of settlements in the Indian land claims.

SR466 [Muskie speaks to Save Loring Committee] Date: 1978 Length: 53 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded on or before December 31, 1978. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks to the Save Loring Committee about the possibility of saving Loring Air Force Base.

SR467 [Muskie on oil spill laws] Date: 1978 Length: 53 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded on or before December 31, 1978. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses the need to re-write federal oil spill laws.

SR468 [Muskie on oil spill laws -- Muskie only] Date: Dec. 31, 1978 Length: 13 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses the need to re-write federal oil spill laws. Same as SR467, but without introduction.

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Recording No. Description SR469 [Muskie on inflation and his sunset bill] Date: 1978 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses inflation and his sunset bill.

SR470 [Muskie on Mideast peace and arms sales] Date: 1978 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses the possibility of peace in the Middle East, and arms sales in the region.

SR471 [Muskie on the economy] Date: 1978 Length: 36 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Muskie discusses the current national economy, especially inflation.

SR472 [Muskie on California proposition 13 and his sunset bill] Date: 1978 Length: 1 min., 1 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses the recent passage in California of Proposition 13 to slash property taxes, and the support it has generated for his sunset bill.

SR473 [Muskie on the economy and federal budget] Date: 1978 Length: 1 min., 4 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses the impact of the national economy, especially unemployment and inflation, on the federal budget.

SR474 [Muskie on Indian land claims settlements] Date: 1978 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie discusses pending settlement of Maine Indian land claim cases, and congratulates Senator William D. Hathaway for his work in negotiating the settlements.

SR475a [Muskie interviewed by Dennis DeConcini] Date: Jan. 23, 1979 Length: 16 min., 36 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Senator Muskie, as Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, is interviewed by Senator DeConcini of Arizona. Topics include restraint and austerity in President Carter's budget proposals, the history of the budget committee, budgetary problems caused by unemployment and inflation, fiscal relationships between the different levels of government, and Muskie's proposed sunset legislation. Continued by SR475b (tape 2 of 2).

SR475b [Muskie interviewed by Dennis DeConcini (continued)] Date: Jan. 23, 1979 Length: 10 min., 45 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Continuation of SR475a (tape 1 of 2). Topics include restraint and austerity in President Carter's budget proposals, the history of the budget committee, budgetary problems caused by unemployment and inflation, fiscal relationships between the different levels of government, and Muskie's proposed sunset legislation.

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Recording No. Description SR476 [Bob Monks interview] Date: [1976] Length: 3 min., 53 sec. Format: 1 7/8 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Robert Monks, Wilbur D. Mills. Monks and unidentified candidate are questioned about issues. Tape includes Rep. Wilbur D. Mills (D-Ak). Incomplete recording of television or radio show. Topics include federal benefits for Maine, contracts, and gun control.

SR477 Reporters roundup Date: [1976] Length: 26 min., 6 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Moderator: Robert F. Herley; Reporters: David Nyhan, Haynes Johnson. Broadcast March 15, [1976]. Senator Muskie is interviewed on topics including potential Democratic candidates in the upcoming Presidential election; the Senate budget committee; what he would have done differently in the 1972 campaign; and the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Bill. Continued by SR478 (tape 2 of 2).

SR478 Reporters roundup (continued) Date: [1976] Length: 19 min., 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Moderator: Robert F. Herley; Reporters: David Nyhan, Haynes Johnson; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast March 15, [1976]. Continuation of SR477 (tape 1 of 2). Senator Muskie is interviewed on topics including why Muskie wants to be Senate Majority Leader; potential reforms in the Presidential primaries process; Hubert Humphrey as a candidate for the 1976 Presidential election; gun control legislation; marijuana laws; George Wallace; public disillusion with the media and politics; Muskie's disagreement with the Presidential pardon of Richard M. Nixon; and the future of the two-party political system.

SR479 [Muskie reflecting on USSR trip] Date: [1959] Length: 13 min., 51 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded October 27, [1959]. Senator Muskie speaking from his home following his trip to the Soviet Union. Topics include Clayton Laverdiere, hydroelectric power in the Soviet Union, and his visit to Poland.

SR480 [Muskie Senate campaign radio series: week 2, cut 1] Date: [1958] Length: 4 min., 45 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: First cut of the second in a series of three weekly radio broadcasts produced for Governor Muskie's 1958 Senate campaign. This cut focused on domenstic issues, including education, inflation, the federal budget, and the military.

SR481 [Muskie Senate campaign radio series: week 2, cut 2] Date: [1958] Length: 4 min., 31 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Second cut of the second in a series of three weekly radio broadcasts produced for Governor Muskie's 1958 Senate campaign. This cut focused on domestic economic issues, particularly inflation.

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Recording No. Description SR482 [Muskie Senate campaign radio series: week 2, cut 3] Date: [1958] Length: 3 min., 50 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Third cut of the second in a series of three weekly radio broadcasts produced for Governor Muskie's 1958 Senate campaign. This cut focused on using natural resources to build a stronger national economy.

SR483 [Muskie Senate campaign radio series: week 2, cut 4] Date: [1958] Length: 3 min., 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Fourth cut of the second in a series of three weekly radio broadcasts produced for Governor Muskie's 1958 Senate campaign. This cut focused on elements in Muskie's proposed program, including schools, family farms and soil conservation, the New England economy, atomic energy, fishing, the textile industry, small business, and foreign policy and defense.

SR484 [Muskie Senate campaign radio series: week 2, cut 5] Date: [1958] Length: 4 min., 40 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Fifth cut of the second in a series of three weekly radio broadcasts produced for Governor Muskie's 1958 Senate campaign. This cut focused on ways of reaching "full consumption" and a "full economy" by 1960, including an increased personal income tax exemption; relaxation of the "tight money" or "hard money" policy; increased minimum wage; a new farm program; and increase funding for education, the elderly, and families.

SR485 [Muskie Senate campaign radio series: week 3, cut 1] Date: [1958] Length: 4 min., 55 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: First cut of the third in a series of three weekly radio broadcasts produced for Governor Muskie's 1958 Senate campaign. This cut focused foreign policy issues, including Maine's vulnerability to Soviet ICBMs, Presque Isle air force base, Russian technological superiority, and the space program.

SR486 [Muskie Senate campaign radio series: week 3, cut 2] Date: [1958] Length: 4 min., 16 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Second cut of the third in a series of three weekly radio broadcasts produced for Governor Muskie's 1958 Senate campaign. This cut focused on obstacles in foreign policy and defense issues, particularly as they related to the Soviet Union and the global spread of communism.

SR487 [Muskie Senate campaign radio series: week 3, cut 3] Date: [1958] Length: 5 min., 26 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Third cut of the third in a series of three weekly radio broadcasts produced for Governor Muskie's 1958 Senate campaign. This cut focused on solutions to foreign policy and defense issues, including ensuring that aid reaches people not governments, and winning the ideological aspect of the cold war.

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Recording No. Description SR488 [Muskie Senate campaign radio series: week 3, cut 4] Date: [1958] Length: 5 min., 19 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Fourth cut of the third in a series of three weekly radio broadcasts produced for Governor Muskie's 1958 Senate campaign. This cut focused on how individual citizens should regard federal foreign policy, and problems with the current administration's foreign policy.

SR489 [Muskie Senate campaign radio series: week 3, cut 5] Date: [1958] Length: 4 min., 34 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Fifth cut of the third in a series of three weekly radio broadcasts produced for Governor Muskie's 1958 Senate campaign. In this cut, Muskie continues the discussion of foreign policy, re-caps his previous broadcasts, and describes himself as a Jeffersonian.

SR495 [Muskie interviewed about Nixon dirty tricks] Date: 1973 Length: 12 min., 47 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewers: Connie Chung, and unidentified others; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in 1973. Senator Muskie is interviewed about Nixon Committee to Re-Elect the President (CRP) dirty tricks, information theft, espionage, and infiltration in his 1972 Presidential campaign.

SR496 [Muskie Senate campaign program] Date: [1958] Length: 7 min., 37 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in [1958] Campaign radio broadcased produced for Muskie's first Senate campaign. In this broadcast, Governor Muskie demands explanations from incumbent Senator Frederick G. Payne about 15 of his votes as Senator.

SR499 [Muskie response to Ford economic speech] Date: [1974] Length: 24 min., 47 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Probably recorded October 22, [1974]. Senator Muskie responds to a speech on economic policy by President Ford, most likely his October 15, 1974 speech to the Future Farmers of America in Kansas City.

SR500 [Muskie on environmental legislation] Date: [1976] Length: 2 min., 42 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in [1976]. Poor quality recording of Senator Muskie speaking about cross-party support for environmental legislation, and the need to provide additional funding for states that have already used up their initial funding allotments provided under the 1972 legislation, like Maine.

SR501 [Muskie casts Maine's ballots for John F. Kennedy] Date: 1960 Length: 54 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in Los Angeles, Calif. in July 1960. Senator Muskie casts Maine's ballots for John F. Kennedy to be the Democratic Presidential candidate.

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Recording No. Description SR502 [Muskie on qualities needed in an elected official] Date: ? Length: 30 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Date and location of recording unknown. Sound bite in which Senator Muskie speaks about the need for people to select a candidate who will be able to undertake difficult negotiations.

SR503a [Apollo 11 recordings] Date: 1969 Length: 10 min., 41 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Neil Armsotrong, Richard M. Nixon, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins, and unidentified others. Recorded in July 1969. Tape recordings of the Apollo 11 launch, Neil Armstrong on the moon, Nixon talking to the astronauts, etc. Note with the tape reads, "Apollo 11 tapes are for the children." Continued by SR503b (side 2 of recording).

SR503b [Apollo 11 recordings (continued)] Date: 1969 Length: 10 min., 14 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Neil Armsotrong, Richard M. Nixon, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins, and unidentified others. Recorded in July 1969. Continuation of SR503a (side 1 of recording). Tape recordings of the Apollo 11 launch, Neil Armstrong on the moon, Nixon talking to the astronauts, etc. Note with the tape reads, "Apollo 11 tapes are for the children."

SR505 [Muskie Reelection Commercial: education and economy] Date: 1964 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Recorded in 1964. Advertisement from Senator Muskie's first reelection campaign. Announcer touts Muskie's accomplishments as Governor and Senator, particularly in the areas of education and economic development.

SR506 [Muskie reelection commercial: peace and freedom] Date: 1964 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Recorded in 1964. Advertisement from Senator Muskie's first reelection campaign. Announcer states that Muskie, as a veteran and friend of President Johnson, "understands the world today as it really is."

SR507 [Muskie reelection commercial: Worumbo Mill closure] Date: 1964 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Recorded in 1964. Advertisement from Senator Muskie's first reelection campaign. Announcer describes the economic assistance Muskie was able to get from President Johnson following the closure of Worumbo Mill in Lisbon Falls, Maine.

SR511a [ABC news coverage of 1972 Democratic National Convention] Date: July 1972 Length: 14 min., 24 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Harry Reasoner, Bob Clark, Steve Bell, Ted Koppel, Frank Reynolds, and others. ABC News television broadcast of the 1972 Democratic National Convention. Bob Clark interviews Senator Muskie on the convention floor, and DNC Chairman Larry O'Brien speaks. Continued by SR511b (side 2 of recording).

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Recording No. Description SR511b [ABC news coverage of 1972 Democratic National Convention (continued)] Date: July 1972 Length: 14 min., 33 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Harry Reasoner, Herbert Kaplow, and others. Continuation of SR511a (side 1 of recording). ABC News television coverage of the 1972 Democratic National Convention. Henry Spannaus nominates Endicott Peabody for Vice President; Herbert Kaplow interviews Hubert Humphrey; Endicott Peabody is interviewed; and Ken Gibson nominates Thomas Eagleton for Vice President.

SR512 [Muskie interviewed about FBI Earth Day report] Date: 1971r Length: 7 min., 48 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: Bill Monroe; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast on April 15, 1971. Senator Muskie is interviewed by Bill Monroe about the FBI spying on Earth Day 1970 activities. Topics include unauthorized surveillance, free speech, secret files, "chilling effect", wiretapping, and fear.

SR513 [Muskie congratulating McGovern] Date: July 11, 1972. Length: 31 sec. Format: 3 ¾ ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Senator Muskie states he is no longer a candidate, and congratulates George McGovern on winning the Democratic Party nomination.

SR514 [Muskie does not withdraw his candidacy] Date: [1972] Length: 37 sec. Format: 3 ¾ ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Senator Muskie states he does not withdraw his candidacy, and explains why.

SR515 [Clifford McIntyre on Margaret Chase Smith as a Republican Presidential candidate] Date: 1964 Length: 2 min., 45 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded in June 1964. Maine Congressman Clifford G. McIntyre is interviewed on the floor of the Republican National Convention about plans to nominate Margaret Chase Smith as a Presidential candidate.

SR516 Today Date: [1977] Length: 8 min., 54 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Tom Brokaw, Bob Abernethy; Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Robert Giaimo. Broadcast January 22, [1977?]. Senator Muskie and Congressman Giaimo, heads of the Senate and Congressional budget committees, are interviewed by Bob Abernethy on the Today show about President Carter's upcoming budget proposal, particularly about defense spending.

SR517 [Muskie reelection spot 1: Sanford] Date: 1976 Length: 47 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. Testimonial about how Muskie worked to help the town of Sanford, Maine.

SR518 [Muskie reelection spot 2: fair share] Date: 1976 Length: 36 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man from Sanford speaks about how Muskie helped them receive their "fair share". Edmund S. Muskie Papers Page 80 of 125 Container List for Series XVII.B Sound Recordings: Open Reel Tapes

Recording No. Description SR519 [Muskie reelection spot 3a: Kennebunkport bridge] Date: 1976 Length: 37 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A Selectman from Kennebunkport, Maine speaks about how Muskie helped the town obtain necessary permits to build a bridge.

SR520 [Muskie reelection spot 3b: Kennebunkport bridge] Date: 1976 Length: 37 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A Selectman from Kennebunkport, Maine speaks about how Muskie helped the town obtain necessary permits to build a bridge.

SR521 [Muskie reelection spot 4a: Bath Iron Works] Date: 1976 Length: 36 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man speaks about how Muskie has helped secure contracts for Bath Iron Works.

SR522 [Muskie reelection spot 4b: Bath Iron Works] Date: 1976 Length: 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man speaks about how Muskie has helped create jobs at Bath Iron Works.

SR523 [Muskie reelection spot 5: Westbrook] Date: 1976 Length: 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man from Westbrook, Maine speaks about Muskie's personal qualities.

SR524 [Muskie reelection spot 6: Farmington] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 5 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man from Farmington, Maine speaks about how Muskie helped him get Social Security benefits.

SR525 [Muskie reelection spot 7: Rumford] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 4 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A woman from Rumford, Maine speaks about how Muskie helped her husband get his passport in time for the couple to travel to Spain for their 50th wedding anniversary.

SR526 [Muskie reelection spot 8: Waterville] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 6 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man from Waterville, Maine speaks about how Muskie helped him get information about family members in a foreign country that was undergoing a civil war.

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Recording No. Description SR527 [Muskie reelection spot 9: veterans] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A woman speaks about how Muskie helped her husband receive his veteran's 100% disability status.

SR528 [Muskie reelection spot 10a: Livermore Falls] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 2 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man speaks about how Muskie helped the town of Livermore Falls cut through red tape in order to get a new building constructed.

SR529 [Muskie reelection spot 10b: Livermore Falls] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 2 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man speaks about how Muskie helped the town of Livermore Falls cut through red tape in order to get a new building constructed.

SR530 [Muskie reelection spot 11: Livermore Falls] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 6 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man speaks about how Muskie helped the town of Livermore Falls.

SR531 [Muskie reelection spot 12: veterans] Date: 1976 Length: 36 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man speaks about how Muskie has helped the 15% of Maine's population who are veterans.

SR532 [Muskie reelection spot 13: veterans] Date: 1976 Length: 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man from Waterville, Maine speaks about how Muskie helped him receive his veteran's benefits.

SR533 [Muskie reelection spot 14: keeping Maine informed] Date: 1976 Length: 36 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man speaks about how Muskie sent him a letter with information about his benefits hearing.

SR534 [Muskie reelection spot 15a: Waterville vocational school] Date: 1976 Length: 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man speaks about how Muskie helped the town of Waterville, Maine start a vocational school.

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Recording No. Description SR535 [Muskie reelection spot 15b: central Maine] Date: 1976 Length: 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man speaks about how Muskie helped a central Maine town start a vocational school.

SR536 [Muskie reelection spot 16: veterans] Date: 1976 Length: 36 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man speaks about how Muskie helped him receive veteran's benefits.

SR537 [Muskie reelection spot 17: Aroostook County] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 6 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man speaks about how Muskie helped him return to Aroostook County to help his ailing father with the farm.

SR538 [Muskie reelection spot 18: Fort Kent] Date: 1976 Length: 37 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man speaks about how Muskie helped Fort Kent receive funding for its dikes project.

SR539 [Muskie reelection spot 19: helping people] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 8 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man speaks about how Muskie helped him receive money following his departure from the State Department.

SR540 [Muskie reelection spot 20: environment] Date: 1976 Length: 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man speaks about how Muskie has helped preserve Maine's unique natural environment.

SR541 [Muskie reelection spot 21: human welfare] Date: 1976 Length: 37 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A woman speaks about Muskie's concern for human welfare.

SR542 [Muskie reelection spot 22: ecology and people] Date: 1976 Length: 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A woman speaks about how Muskie has concern both for the natural environment and the people who live in it.

SR543 [Muskie reelection spot 23: getting mail delivered] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 5 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. An older man speaks about how Muskie helped him get the postmaster to deliver mail to his apartment.

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Recording No. Description SR544 [Muskie reelection spot 24: Milo credit union] Date: 1976 Length: 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man speaks about how Muskie helped him get reimbursed by federal insurers when a credit union closed in Milo, Maine.

SR545 [Muskie reelection spot 25a: Vietnam mail] Date: 1976 Length: 37 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man from Bangor, Maine speaks about how when he was serving in Vietnam, his unit did not receive mail for several weeks, until his wife contacted Muskie.

SR546 [Muskie reelection spot 25b: Vietnam mail] Date: 1976 Length: 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man from Bangor, Maine speaks about how when he was serving in Vietnam, his unit did not receive mail for several weeks, until his wife contacted Muskie.

SR547 [Muskie reelection spot 26: Loring AFB] Date: 1976 Length: 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man from Aroostook County speaks about how Muskie has worked against the closure of Loring Air Force Base.

SR548 [Muskie reelection spot 27a: Aroostook County agriculture] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 4 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man from Aroostook County speaks about how Muskie worked to help Maine farmers.

SR549 [Muskie reelection spot 27b: Maine agriculture] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 5 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man speaks about how Muskie worked to help Maine farmers.

SR550 [Muskie reelection spot 28: child meets Muskie] Date: 1976 Length: 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. Sherrie Levitt, a child from Calais, Maine, speaks about her impressions upon meeting Muskie.

SR551 [Muskie reelection spot 29: veterans] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 6 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A Washington County man speaks about how Muskie helped him get answer from the VA.

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Recording No. Description SR552 [Muskie reelection spot 30: helping people] Date: 1976 Length: 35 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man speaks about how Muskie has helped people with their individual problems, while also addressing major problems.

SR553 [Muskie reelection spot 31: what Muskie has done for Maine] Date: 1976 Length: 35 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man speaks about how Muskie has done more than anyone else for Maine.

SR554 [Muskie reelection spot 32: Vietnam casualty information] Date: 1976 Length: 36 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Regional/local commercial for Senator Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. A man speaks about how Muskie helped his family during the Vietnam Conflict to get information about an injured son.

SR555 Issues and Answers Date: [1971?] Length: 24 min., 39 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewers: Bill Gill, Bob Clark. Senator Muskie is interviewed on Issues and Answers. Topics include Cambodia, arms aid, Nixon's policies, the arms race with China, a possible Muskie candidacy in 1972, SALT talks, MIRV testing, the crime rate, environment, and the administration attacks on Muskie's plurality in Maine.

SR556 [Announcement for a book about environmental clean-up] Date: [1970] Length: 5 min., 32 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Richard M. Nixon, and unidentified others. Broadcast around 1970. Annnouncement for a book about what people can do to help clean up the environment. Includes interviews with Senator Muskie and citizens who live in a Chicago ghetto, and a portion of a speech by President Nixon.

SR557 Mission: possible, they care for a nation Date: [1970] Length: 8 min., 2 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Dr. Gates, Allan Shugerman, Dr. Dubridge, Dr. Shultz, Frank Borman, and unidentified others. Broadcast around 1970. Experts speak about environmental concerns and what can be done to combat them. Continued on SR558.

SR558 Mission: possible, they care for a nation (continued) Date: [1970] Length: 29 min., 22 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Frank Borman, Dr. David Gates, Sol Olinsky, Ralph Nader, Thomas Airs, Edmund S. Muskie, Edward Cole, Gaylord Nelson, and unidentified others. Broadcast around 1970. Continuation of SR557. Experts speak about environmental concerns and what can be done to combat them.

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Recording No. Description SR559a Mike Douglas show Date: 1970 Length: 29 min., 18 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Mike Douglas, Arthur Godfrey, Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast in 1970. Arthur Godfrey and Senator Muskie are guests on the Mike Douglas show. Topics include Earth Day, the history of ecology, and environmental policies. Continued by SR559b.

SR559b Mike Douglas show (continued) Date: 1970 Length: 21 min., 37 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Mike Douglas, Arthur Godfrey, Edmund S. Muskie. Continuation of SR559a. Arthur Godfrey and Senator Muskie are guests on the Mike Douglas show. Topics include Earth Day, the history of ecology, and environmental policies.

SR560 Contact Date: [1972] Length: 49 min., 16 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Host: Marie Torre; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast around 1972. Senator Muskie is interviewed by Marie Torre on her talk show, "Contact". Topics include Muskie's private life; his immigrant father; his quick temper; pressures of the political life on a family; impressions of President Nixon; media and the role of television in the primary elections; George Wallace's prospects; Muskie's resemblance to Lincoln; Vietnam; tax reform; social security; prayers in schools; and popular elections.

SR561 [Muskie radio spot 1a: pollution] Date: 1972 Length: 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Unidentified announcer discusses the impacts of pollution, and Muskie's environmental record.

SR562 [Muskie radio spot 1b: pollution] Date: 1972 Length: 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Unidentified announcer discusses the impacts of pollution, and Muskie's environmental record. Different take of same spot as SR561.

SR563 [Muskie radio spot 2: space program] Date: 1972 Length: 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Unidentified announcer and Senator Muskie question the amount of money spent on the space program, when issues such as hunger and homelessness go unsolved.

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Recording No. Description SR564 [Muskie radio spot 3: senior citizens] Date: 1972 Length: 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Unidentified senior citizen discusses the problems of income and health, and that the Nixon administration is not addressing them.

SR565 [Muskie radio spot 4: credibility of the Presidency] Date: 1972 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Senator Muskie and others discuss the crisis of credibility in the Presidency, and the need to re-establish popular confidence in the office.

SR566 [Muskie radio spot 5: credibility of the Presidency] Date: 1972 Length: 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Senator Muskie and others discuss the crisis of credibility in the Presidency, and the need to re-establish popular confidence in the office.

SR567 [Muskie radio spot 6: inflation] Date: 1972 Length: 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. People discuss the effects of inflation, and the wage-price freeze.

SR568 [Muskie radio spot 7: elderly housing security] Date: 1972 Length: 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. People discuss the effects of inflation, unemployment, and property taxes on the elderly and families; Senator Muskie discusses the need for elderly housing security.

SR569 [Muskie radio spot 8: students and the war] Date: 1972 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. An unidentified man discusses the opinions of students about the war in Vietnam, and Senator Muskie discusses how he would end it.

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Recording No. Description SR570 [Muskie radio spot 9: defense spending] Date: 1972 Length: 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Unidentified people and Senator Muskie discuss the amount of money spent on national defense, and what else that money could be used for.

SR571 [Muskie radio spot 10: property tax] Date: 1972 Length: 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Unidentified people and Senator Muskie discuss the need to reform the property tax system, so that the burden is spread fairly and equitably.

SR572 [Muskie radio spot 11: unemployment policy] Date: 1972 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. An unidentified man discusses Muskie's working-class roots, and Senator Muskie discusses the negative effects of current unemployment policy.

SR573 [Muskie radio spot 12: economy and environment] Date: 1972 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. An unidentified engineer discusses a lack of jobs, and describes environmental problems as engineering problems; Senator Muskie discusses the need to properly manage the economy, so that there is sufficient capital to address environmental and social problems.

SR574 [Muskie radio spot 13: unemployment] Date: 1972 Length: 55 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Unidentified people discuss the lack of jobs; Senator Muskie discusses the need to properly manage the economy.

SR575 [Muskie radio spot 14: Vietnam] Date: 1972 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. An unidentified man describes Muskie's position on Vietnam, and his admission that his previous position was wrong, as very honest; Muskie discusses the need to end the war.

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Recording No. Description SR576 [Muskie radio spot 15: rising prices] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. An unidentified woman discusses the problem of rising prices.

SR577 [Muskie radio spot 16: inflation] Date: 1972 Length: 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. An unidentified woman discusses the problem of rising prices, and Senator Muskie describes President Nixon's economic policy as a disaster.

SR578 [Muskie radio spot 17: senior citizens' housing security] Date: 1972 Length: 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. An unidentified elderly woman discusses the problem of rising property taxes; Senator Muskie discusses the need for housing security for senior citizens.

SR579 [Muskie radio spot 18: Muskie's Depression memories] Date: 1972 Length: 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Senator Muskie discusses his memories of the Great Depression, and the negative impacts it had on American families.

SR580 [Muskie radio spot 19: people for Muskie] Date: 1972 Length: 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Unidentified people discuss why they want Muskie for President.

SR581 [Muskie radio spot 20: young people for Muskie] Date: 1972 Length: 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Unidentified young people discuss why they want Muskie for President.

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Recording No. Description SR582 [Muskie radio spot 21: George Wallace and Florida] Date: 1972 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie and unidentified others. One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Unidentified people discuss why they don't think George Wallace should be President; Senator Muskie discusses wanting to reach out to all people.

SR583 [Muskie radio spot 22: Hispanic woman] Date: 1972 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. An unidentified woman with a Spanish accent discusses why she believes Muskie should be President.

SR584 [Muskie radio spot 23: trust] Date: 1972 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie and unidentified others. One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Senator Muskie discusses being called the "candidate of trust" and re- establishing the credibility of the office of President.

SR585 [Muskie radio spot 24: meaning of the Presidency] Date: 1972 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie and unidentified others. One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Senator Muskie discusses what the Presidency represents to the American people, and the need to re-establish the credibility of the office.

SR586 [Muskie radio spot 25: Florida] Date: 1972 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie and unidentified others. One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Senator Muskie discusses why he is campaigning in Florida, despite being told that the state is only interested in regional issues and a regional candidate, George Wallace.

SR587 [Muskie radio spot 26: primary voting] Date: 1972 Length: 10 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Announcer states that when you vote in a primary election, you're voting for who you want for President.

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Recording No. Description SR588 [Muskie radio spot 27: primary voting] Date: 1972 Length: 10 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Announcer encourages people to vote in the primary elections.

SR589 [Muskie radio spot 28: primary voting] Date: 1972 Length: 28 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Announcer discusses various reasons why people vote in primary elections.

SR590 [Muskie radio spot 29: New Hampshire primary] Date: 1972 Length: 30 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Announcer discusses how the New Hampshire primary elections can impact the final elections.

SR591 [Muskie radio spot 30: Muskie can beat Nixon] Date: 1972 Length: 28 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. An unidentified man describes Muskie as the Democrat's best chance to defeat Nixon.

SR592 [Muskie radio spot 31: trust] Date: 1972 Length: 29 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. An unidentified woman states that she's voting for Muskie because she trusts him.

SR593 [Muskie radio spot 32: housewife] Date: 1972 Length: 29 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. An unidentified woman discusses how inflation is making her job as a housewife more difficult.

SR594 [Muskie radio spot 33: inflation] Date: 1972 Length: 29 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. An unidentified woman discusses inflation, and why she's voting for Muskie.

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Recording No. Description SR595 [Muskie radio spot 34: people for Muskie] Date: 1972 Length: 29 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Various unidentified people discuss why they're voting for Muskie.

SR596 [Muskie radio spot 35: people for Muskie] Date: 1972 Length: 27 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Various unidentified people discuss why they're voting for Muskie.

SR597 [Muskie radio spot 36: New Englanders for Muskie] Date: 1972 Length: 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Various unidentified people discuss why they're voting for Muskie, including because they think he would help New England.

SR598 [Muskie radio spot 37: people for Muskie] Date: 1972 Length: 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. Various unidentified people discuss why they're voting for Muskie.

SR599 [Muskie radio spot 38: news casts on pollution] Date: 1972 Length: 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: One in a series of radio commercials produced by People for Muskie for his runs in the Democratic Presidential primary elections in New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin. A collage of "actual news casts from five eastern states" about terrible pollution.

SR600 Evening Edition Date: 1973 Length: 28 min., 10 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Martin Agronsky, Bob Kirk; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast in 1973. News reports about Vietnam, budgetary conflicts between President Nixon and the congress, Cambodia bombings, Watergate, and a meat boycott. Senator Muskie is interviewed about the Paris Peace Accords, the War Powers Resolution, Cambodia bombings, and the role of media in politics.

SR601 Jim Johnson's Iowa spots (1) Date: [1971] Length: 29 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded around 1971. Brief sound clip in which Senator Muskie condemns Nixon for failing to mention the farm problem in his State of the Union address, and for proposing the elimination of the Department of Agriculture.

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Recording No. Description SR602 Jim Johnson's Iowa spots (2) Date: [1971] Length: 28 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded around 1971. Brief sound clip in which Senator Muskie discusses the war in Vietnam as a "moral issue" and a "mistake".

SR603 Jim Johnson's Iowa spots (3) Date: [1971] Length: 37 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded around 1971. Brief sound clip in which Senator Muskie discusses his "open" plan for peace in Vientam.

SR604 Youth Point Date: [1978] Length: 16 min., 21 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Seth Lerner, Michael Morris, Lisa Minnin; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded around 1978. Senator Muskie appears on the program, "Youth Point", where he is interviewed on terrorism, the life of a politician, his wife, his temprer, the importance of personality in elections, the death of Hubert H. Humphrey, and campaigning with Humphrey. Continued on SR605 (reel 2 of 3).

SR605 Youth Point (Part II) Date: [1978] Length: 17 min., 26 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Seth Lerner, Michael Morris, Lisa Minnin; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded around 1978. Continuation of SR604 (reel 1 of 3). Senator Muskie appears on the program, "Youth Point", where he is interviewed on his public image, his sense of loss over the 1972 election, watching movies with Lyndon B. Johnson, and the design and layout of the oval office. Continued on SR606 (reel 3 of 3).

SR606 Youth Point (Part III) Date: [1978] Length: 15 min., 55 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Reporters: Seth Lerner, Michael Morris, Lisa Minnin; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded around 1978. Continuation of SR605 (reel 2 of 3). Senator Muskie appears on the program, "Youth Point", where he is interviewed on his father's attitude toward politics, breaking his back in 1953, growing up in the depression, Jimmy Carter, the Budget Committee, and the New Hampshire crying incident.

SR607 [Muskie election eve speech] Date: 1970 Length: 15 min., 19 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Broadcast November 2, 1970. Senator Muskie's Election Eve speech from Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Topics include campaigning, ethics in politics, and why people should vote for Democratic candidates. Paid for by the Committee for National Unity.

SR608 Muskie from Maine Date: [1972] Length: 5 min., 30 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Singers and Musicians: unidentified. Recorded around 1972. Two versions of a campaign jingle for Muskie for President; features a group of singers and a polka band.

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Recording No. Description SR611 [Muskie staffer negotiates for Kyros tape recorders] Date: [1976] Length: 1 min., 43 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Larry and Robert, otherwise unidentified. Recorded around 1976. Telephone conversation between Larry, from Peter Kyros' office, and Robert, from Senator Muskie's office, in which Robert attempts to negotiate the donation of some tape recorders that were used in Kyros' election recount. At the end of the conversation, Larry asks if Robert has seen Charles from Kennebunk, because Larry wants to know if he's aware someone's been doing some "undercover shit."

SR612 Rep. McIntire 3 Spots (Program I) Date: [1964] Length: 4 min., 5 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Clifford G. McIntire Recorded during a presidential year, possibly 1964, the year McIntyre challenged Muskie for his Senate seat. Representative Cliff McIntire (R-Maine) reads historical information on United States political parties and convention procedures. Apparently recorded for broadcast during a Presidential convention.

SR613 Rep. McIntire 3 Spots (Program II) Date: [1964] Length: 2 min., 33 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Clifford G. McIntire Recorded during a presidential year, possibly 1964, the year McIntyre challenged Muskie for his Senate seat. Representative Cliff McIntire (R-Maine) reads historical information on United States political parties and convention procedures. Apparently recorded for broadcast during a Presidential convention.

SR614 Rep. McIntire 3 Spots (Program III) Date: [1964] Length: 6 min., 35 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Clifford G. McIntire Recorded during a presidential year, possibly 1964, the year McIntyre challenged Muskie for his Senate seat. Representative Cliff McIntire (R-Maine) reads historical information on United States political parties and convention procedures. Apparently recorded for broadcast during a Presidential convention.

SR615a [Muskie reelection campaign speech] Date: 1976 Length: 10 min., 45 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in November 1976. Senator Muskie gives a speech during his reelection campaign of 1976. Topics include health care costs, social security, Postal Service problems, politics as a way of shaping government, Jimmy Carter's record, and responding to his opponent, Mr. Monks. Continued on SR615b (side 2 of recording).

SR615b [Muskie reelection campaign speech (continued)] Date: 1976 Length: 11 min., 52 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in November 1976. Continuation of SR615a (side 1 of recording). Senator Muskie gives a speech during his reelection campaign of 1976. Topics include the challenges of running a senate reelection campaign, recession, inflation, unemployment, and heating oil costs.

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Recording No. Description SR616 [Muskie re-election campaign speech to Democrats] Date: 1976 Length: 15 min., 7 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Senator Muskie speaks to a group of Maine Democrats, possibly in Hancock County, about Democratic Party history in Maine, Muskie's entry into politics, and the current oil crisis.

SR618 [Muskie on citizens' loss of faith in government] Date: 19-- Length: 45 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Date and location of recording unknown. Senator Muskie speaks about citizens' growing loss of faith in the ability of government to perform the duties they expect of it.

SR619 [Muskie on unidentified bill] Date: 1976 Length: 30 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Date and location of recording unknown, but on the same tape as recordings related to Muskie's 1976 reelection campaign. Extremely poor quality recording of Senator Muskie speaking about an unidentified bill. Mostly unintelligible.

SR620 [Muskie on opponent Monks' public works position] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 20 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Alice Bouchard; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks about how his opponent, Bob Monks, has switched positions on public works projects.

SR621 [Muskie on Monks' proposal to remove oil price limits] Date: 1976 Length: 1 min., 17 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Alice Bouchard; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie speaks about why a proposal from his opponent, Bob Monks, to lift restrictions on oil prices would be bad for Maine's economy.

SR622 [Muskie interviewed about Monks debate and the economy] Date: 1976 Length: 7 min., 2 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: unidentified; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Portion of an interview with Senator Muskie. Topics include enforcement of environmental laws on private and public sector pollutors; his second debate with his opponent, Bob Monks; and various aspects the economy, including welfare, jobs, health care, energy costs, unemployment and public service jobs.

SR623 [Muskie on reelection campaign against Bob Monks] Date: 1976 Length: 4 min., 54 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Senator Muskie interviewed about his reelection campaign against Bob Monks. Topics include revenue sharing, and Monks' allegations that Muskie is "out of touch".

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Recording No. Description SR624 [Muskie for President commercial against Humphrey] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded for Muskie's 1972 bid for the Democratic Party nomination for President. An unidentified man speaks about how Hubert H. Humphrey is taking a "middle of the road" approach to the election in an effort to win votes, while Muskie provides direct answers to questions. Box labeled "Hughes, Rose, Davis / Master / Muskie for President".

SR625 [Muskie for President commercial portraying Muskie as sincere] Date: 1972 Length: 57 sec.. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded for Muskie's 1972 bid for the Democratic Party nomination for President. An unidentified man states he is voting for Muskie because he is direct, sincere, and does not change his opinions or statements to suit different audiences. Box labeled "Hughes, Rose, Davis / Master / Muskie for President".

SR626 [Clinton Rose commercial for Muskie] Date: 1972 Length: 56 sec.. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Clinton Rose. Recorded for Muskie's 1972 bid for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Supervisor Clinton Rose states that, as a Black man, he is voting for Muskie because he believes that Muskie is honest and sincere. Box labeled "Hughes, Rose, Davis / Master / Muskie for President".

SR627 [Adrienne Davis commercial for Muskie] Date: 1972 Length: 57 sec.. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Adrienne Davis. Recorded for Muskie's 1972 bid for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Adrienne Davis, of the Central City Co-op states that, as a woman and as a Black, she is voting for Muskie because he is the one who can beat Nixon. Box labeled "Hughes, Rose, Davis / Master / Muskie for President".

SR628 [Adrienne Davis on Muskie's consistency] Date: 1972 Length: 58 sec.. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Adrienne Davis. Recorded for Muskie's 1972 bid for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Adrienne Davis, of the Central City Co-op states that Muskie is honest and has held consistent positions on issues important to Black people, including busing, education and housing. Box labeled "Hughes, Rose, Davis / Master / Muskie for President".

SR629 [Commercial for Muskie as best White man for President] Date: 1972 Length: 57 sec.. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Clinton Rose (?). Recorded for Muskie's 1972 bid for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Clinton Rose (?) discusses how Black voters have to choose the White man who will best represent their concerns as President, because there will not be any Black candidates. Box labeled "Hughes, Rose, Davis / Master / Muskie for President".

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Recording No. Description SR630 [Muskie for President Vietnam commercial for Wisconsin] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded for Muskie's 1972 campaign for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Muskie for President commercial focusing on Vietnam; apparently tailored for airplay in Wisconsin.

SR631 [Muskie for President commercial] Date: 1972 Length: 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded for Muskie's 1972 campaign for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Muskie for President commercial depicting Muskie as forthright, consistent and for the "little man".

SR632 [Muskie for President undecided Wisconsin voters commercial] Date: 1972 Length: 55 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded for Muskie's 1972 campaign for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Muskie for President commercial directed at undecided Wisconsin voters, reminds people of how Muskie addressed the nation on election eve 1970.

SR633 [Muskie for President space shuttle commercial] Date: 1972 Length: 30 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded for Muskie's 1972 campaign for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Muskie for President commercial stating that Muskie took an unpopular stand against the space shuttle program in Florida, and lost votes because of it.

SR634 [Muskie for President space shuttle commercial (longer version)] Date: 1972 Length: 54 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded for Muskie's 1972 campaign for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Muskie for President commercial stating that Muskie took an unpopular stand against the space shuttle program in Florida, and lost votes because of it.

SR635 [Muskie for President commercial for Wisconsin on property tax relief] Date: 1972 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded for Muskie's 1972 campaign for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Muskie for President commercial tailored for Wisconsin, discussing Muskie's plan to provide property tax relief.

SR636 [Muskie for President commercial for Wisconsin on unemployment] Date: 1972 Length: 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded for Muskie's 1972 campaign for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Muskie for President commercial tailored for Wisconsin, discussing Muskie's plan to address unemployment through jobs, not welfare.

SR637 [Muskie for President commercial on needs of seniors] Date: 1972 Length: 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded for Muskie's 1972 campaign for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Muskie for President commercial discussing Muskie's various proposals to help senior citizens, including social security and property tax relief. Edmund S. Muskie Papers Page 97 of 125 Container List for Series XVII.B Sound Recordings: Open Reel Tapes

Recording No. Description SR638 [Muskie for President commercial on giving everyone an equal chance] Date: 1972 Length: 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded for Muskie's 1972 campaign for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Muskie for President commercial discussing Muskie's desire to end barriers to a better life that still face many Americans, similar to the barriers that once faced him as the son of Polish immigrants.

SR639 [Muskie for President anti-Humphrey commercial] Date: 1972 Length: 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded for Muskie's 1972 campaign for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Muskie for President commercial stating that Muskie can "say no to special interests", while Humphrey's record shows that he won't.

SR640 [Muskie for President commercial for Wisconsin on family farms] Date: 1972 Length: 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded for Muskie's 1972 campaign for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Muskie for President commercial tailored for Wisconsin, focusing on Muskie's policies with regard to family farmers.

SR641 [Leonard Woodcock commercial for Muskie #1] Date: 1972 Length: 31 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Leonard Woodcock. Recorded for Muskie's 1972 campaign for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Leonard Woodcock, President of the UAW [United Auto Workers], discusses why he quit President Nixon's Pay Review Board, and why he supports Muskie for President.

SR642 [Leonard Woodcock commercial for Muskie #2] Date: 1972 Length: 28 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Leonard Woodcock. Recorded for Muskie's 1972 campaign for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Leonard Woodcock, President of the UAW [United Auto Workers], urges Wisconsin voters to vote for Muskie, and to join him at a meeting in Sheboygan.

SR643 [Leonard Woodcock commercial for Muskie #3] Date: 1972 Length: 55 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Leonard Woodcock. Recorded for Muskie's 1972 campaign for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Leonard Woodcock, President of the UAW [United Auto Workers], discusses why he quit the President's Pay Review Board, and urges working people to vote for Muskie and to attend a Muskie rally in Sheboygan.

SR644 [Leonard Woodcock commercial for Muskie #4] Date: 1972 Length: 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Leonard Woodcock. Recorded for Muskie's 1972 campaign for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Leonard Woodcock, President of the UAW [United Auto Workers], discusses Muskie's proposed unemployment program.

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Recording No. Description SR645 [Muskie interviewed about Vietnam, pollution] Date: 1970 Length: 7 min., 23 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: unidentified; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast on or around April 21, 1970 (estimate based on reference during interview to Henry Lodge's resignation 150 days earlier, and to President Nixon's troop withdrawal announcement the night before). Sentator Muskie is interviewed on current political topics, including Nixon's Vietnam policies, the Paris talks, the Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution, and Earth Day.

SR646 [Commercials, news report about Israel] Date: 1970 Length: 2 min., 35 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: unidentified Date of Broadcast unidentified, probably around date of other recording on tape (April 21, 1970). Miscellaneous commercials, and a news report about Israel.

SR647 [Muskie on televising Congress] Date: 1974 (?) Length: 52 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded around 1974. Sound bite in which Senator Muskie speaks in favor of televising Congressional proceedings.

SR648 [Muskie on alienation of citizens from their government] Date: 1974 Length: 1 min., 46 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in 1974. Sound bite in which Senator Muskie speaks about the problem of citizens feeling alienated from government, and the President's veto of the Freedom of Information Acts.

SR649 [Muskie on St. John River issues] Date: 1974 Length: 3 min., 32 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in 1974. Poor quality and interrupted recording of Muskie speaking about the Dickey Lincoln School project, and the Fort Kent Dykes.

SR650 [Muskie on impounding of fisheries funds] Date: 1975 Length: 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in 1975. Sound bite in which Senator Muskie discusses his and Senator Hathaway's efforts to get fisheries management funds released, which had been impounded by President Ford.

SR651 [Muskie on budgetary process] Date: 1975 Length: 51 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in 1975. Sound bite in which Senator Muskie discusses the potential for cooperation between the Congress and the President on budgetary matters.

SR652 [Muskie at clean air hearings] Date: 1975 Length: 1 min., 13 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in 1975. Sound bites from the Clean Air Hearings, in which Senator Muskie speaks about the need to protect public health from pollutors. Edmund S. Muskie Papers Page 99 of 125 Container List for Series XVII.B Sound Recordings: Open Reel Tapes

Recording No. Description SR653 [Muskie on the economy] Date: 1975 Length: 1 min., 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in 1975. Senator Muskie speaks about the economy, specifically about the recession and the tax cut about to be enacted.

SR654a [Muskie questioned on GAO monitoring of tests] Date: 1975 Length: 2 min., 13 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in 1975. Senator Muskie is questioned about a Belgian contract, and testing that will be overseen by the GAO [Government Accounting Office]. Tape is of poor quality, and incomplete.

SR654b [Muskie on court decision overturning oil tariff] Date: 1975 Length: 44 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie approves of a circuit court decision overturning an oil tariff.

SR654c [Muskie calling for administration cooperation on economy] Date: 1975 Length: 45 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Bob Rose; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in 1975. Sound bite or "beeper" in which Senator Muskie, speaking in Portland, calls for the President to cooperate with Congress to find solutions to the current economic crises.

SR655 [Muskie North Carolina primary announcement] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 34 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in or around 1972. Senator Muskie announces that he will be running in the Democratic primary election in North Carolina.

SR656 [Muskie Tennessee primary announcement] Date: 1972 Length: 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in or around 1972. Senator Muskie announces that he will be running in the Democratic primary election in Tennessee.

SR657 [Muskie Michigan primary announcement] Date: 1972 Length: 58 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in or around 1972. Senator Muskie announces that he will be running in the Democratic primary election in Michigan.

SR658 [Muskie Georgia primary announcement] Date: 1972 Length: 43 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded in or around 1972. Senator Muskie announces that he will be running in the Democratic primary election in Georgia.

SR661 [Muskie for President New Hampshire commercial] Date: Feb. 2, 1972. Length: 59 sec. Format: 15 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Senator Muskie discusses why he is beginning his campaign for the presidency in New Hampshire. Edmund S. Muskie Papers Page 100 of 125 Container List for Series XVII.B Sound Recordings: Open Reel Tapes

Recording No. Description SR662 [Muskie for President New Hampshire commercial 2] Date: Feb. 2, 1972. Length: 57 sec. Format: 15 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Senator Muskie speaks to the New Hampshire legislature.

SR663 [Muskie for President New Hampshire commercial -- taxes] Date: Feb. 2, 1972. Length: 58 sec. Format: 15 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Senator Muskie discusses why tax reform is particularly important to New Hampshire.

SR664 [Muskie for President New Hampshire commercial -- unemployment] Date: Feb. 2, 1972. Length: 1 min. Format: 15 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Senator Muskie speaks about his unemployment policies and listeners are encouraged to write to him if they don’t know how he stands on any issue.

SR675 [Muskie speech at Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner] Date: 1964 Length: 1 hr., 10 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Esther Peterson. Recorded September 26, 1964. Senator Muskie's speech at the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner. Topics include campaigning; Republican accusations that the Lisbon Falls Mill closure was Muskie's fault; Barry Goldwater; and his accomplishments as Senator. Esther Peterson speaks on the economy, and freedoms; generally anti-Republican.

SR676 [Democratic National Convention Day 5] Date: 1968 Length: 9 min., 34 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded in Chicago on August 29, 1968. Roll call vote in which various states' delegates cast their votes for Senator Muskie as Vice President; Muskie accepting the nomination.

SR677 [Humphrey-Muskie campaign commercials] Date: 1968 Length: 9 min., 10 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded in 1968. Multiple campaign advertisements for Hubert H. Humphrey and Edmund S. Muskie as President and Vice President in 1968. Topics include "toughness", equal education, George Wallace, and television debate.

SR678 Speaking freely Date: 1969 Length: 57 min., 52 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: Edwin Newman. Broadcast May 7, 1969. Senator Muskie interviewed on the WNBC-TV program "Speaking Freely". Topics include the possibility of Senator Muskie's candidacy for the Presidency in 1972. Poor quality recording; muffled, but intelligible.

SR679 [Mansfield statement on 1972 Presidential candidates] Date: 1972 Length: 21 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Broadcast May 31, 1969. Brief news report about Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield's pick of Hawaii Senator Inouye as his favorite for the 1972 Democratic Presidential nomination. Mansfield stated that Kennedy could have the nomination for the asking, but that Muskie could not be Kennedy's running mate because both are New England Catholics.

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Recording No. Description SR680 [NBC News report on solid waste management problems] Date: 1969 Length: 5 min., 43 sec. Format: acetate open reel audio tape recorded at 1 7/8 ips and 3 3/4 ips (switches midway through recording). Content: Broadcast July 13, 1969. John Masterson reports for NBC News on waste management problems near Washington, D.C. Senator Muskie comments briefly on the amount of waste.

SR681 [Muskie on the Phil Donahue show] Date: 1969 Length: 21 min., 11 sec. Format: analog 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Broadcast October 31, 1969. Senator Muskie is a guest on the Phil Donahue show, and takes questions from the audience. Topics include the 1968 election, Muskie's possible 1972 candidacy, and Vietnam.

SR682 [Muskie on expected outcry over air pollution proposal] Date: Aug. 20, 1070. Length: 44 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Senator Muskie states that he expects some outcry from the automotive and manufacturing industries over proposed air pollution legislation, and that the Senate will have to "see who blinks".

SR683 [Muskie supporting initiative] Date: 1970 Length: 26 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded October 8, 1970. Senator Muskie expresses support for an unidentified "initiative", urges people to "rally behind it as a nation" and to take advantage of the opportunity.

SR684 [Muskie congratulates California Democrats] Date: 1970 Length: 4 min., 14 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded November 24, 1970. Senator Muskie congratulates California Democrats for electing Congressman John McFall and Senator John Tunney, and for electing a Democratic legislature.

SR685 Capitol Hill Today Date: 1971 Length: 46 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded April 29, 1971. Senator Muskie speaks about F.B.I. surveillance, J. Edgar Hoover. Originally filed in Series 1, Box 1855, Folder 10.

SR686 Muskie feed for Thursday November 18, 1971 Date: 1971 Length: 2 min., 24 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: William King. Recorded November 18, 1971 Three cuts of William King speaking about his decision to switch political parties and support Senator Muskie, rather than President Nixon.

SR687 Muskie feed for Tuesday November 23, 1971 Date: 1971 Length: 2 min., 34 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Frank Moss, Calvin L. Rampton. Recorded November 18, 1971 Three cuts related to endorsements of Muskie for President by Democratic Utah Governor Calvin L. Rampton and Senator Frank Moss.

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Recording No. Description SR688 Muskie feed for Wednesday November 24, 1971 Date: 1971 Length: 1 min., 13 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded November 24, 1971 in Chicago, Ill. Portion of Senator Muskie's speech in Chicago in which he critiques President Nixon's unclear leadership.

SR689 Muskie feed for Wednesday November 24, 1971 [Wisconsin] Date: 1971 Length: 2 min., 42 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Patrick Lacey, Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded November 24, 1971 in Milwaukee, Wis. Wisconsin Governor William Lacy speaks about Muskie's prospects as a Presidential candidate; portion of Senator Muskie's "Freeway Speech" to a Milwaukee neighborhood on the impact of public policy.

SR690 Muskie feed for Thursday November 25, 1971 Date: 1971 Length: 2 min., 9 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded November 25, 1971 Senator Muskie speaks to Wisconsin Democrats on America's fading reputation as a "sick man of the West", the need to live up to American values, and Nixon's response to the problems of farmers.

SR691 Muskie feed for Tuesday November 30, 1971 Date: 1971 Length: 2 min., 6 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded November 30, 1971 in Boston, Mass. At a Boston press conference, Senator Muskie speaks on Nixon's foreign policy and a campaign spending bill.

SR692 Muskie feed for Tuesday November 30, 1971 [New Hampshire] Date: 1971 Length: 1 min., 16 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded November 30, 1971 in Dover, New Hampshire. Senator Muskie speaks passionately to students at St. Thomas Aquinas Regional High School in Dover, New Hampshire about using their right to vote.

SR693 Muskie feed for Tuesday November 30, 1971 [University of New Hampshire] Date: 1971 Length: 1 min., 13 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded November 30, 1971 in Durham, New Hampshire. Senator Muskie speaks to students at the University of New Hampshire about the water pollution bill.

SR694 Muskie feed for Thursday December 2, 1971 Date: 1971 Length: 2 min., 18 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded December 2, 1971 in Washington, D.C. Senator Muskie speaks about Nixon's refusal to sign an agreement similar to the one signed by him and four other Democrats to limit the amount of money they spend on Presidential primary elections.

SR695 Muskie feed for Friday December 3, 1971 Date: 1971 Length: 2 min., 9 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded December 2 and 3, 1971 in , Maryland. Senator Muskie speaks at a fund raiser about the Democratic Party's need for creative and effective leadership.

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Recording No. Description SR696 Muskie feed for Friday December 3, 1971 [D.C.] Date: 1971 Length: 1 min., 56 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded December 3, 1971 in Washington, D.C. Senator Muskie states that he will vote against Nixon's Supreme Court nominee, William Rehnquist.

SR697 Muskie feed for Wednesday December 8, 1971 Date: 1971 Length: 2 min., 54 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: John Tunney, Bob Moretti. Recorded December 8, 1971 in Washington, D.C. California Senator John Tunney and Speaker of the House Bob Moretti announce their support for Senator Muskie's bid for the Democratic Party Presidential nomination.

SR698 Muskie feed for Friday December 10, 1971 Date: 1971 Length: 2 min., 8 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded December 9 and 10, 1971 in Houston, Tex. Senator Muskie speaks about President Nixon's veto of the childcare bill.

SR699 [Muskie apologizes for canceling North Florida trip] Date: 1971 Length: 40 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded December 10, 1971. Senator Muskie apologizes for canceling his planned trip to North Florida due to Senate business.

SR700 Muskie feed for Saturday December 11, 1971 Date: 1971 Length: 3 min., 3 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded December 11, 1971 in Jacksonville, Fla. Three cuts of Senator Muskie speaking at a Democratic Breakfast about Nixon and crime, Nixon dividing the country, and Nixon and the economy.

SR701 Muskie feed for Sunday December 12, 1971 Date: 1971 Length: 2 min., 9 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded December 11 and 12, 1971 in Atlanta, Georgia. Two cuts of Senator Muskie speaking about Nixon and peacekeeping between India and Pakistan.

SR702 Muskie feed for Monday December 13, 1971 Date: 1971 Length: 3 min., 2 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Coretta Scott King. Recorded December 12 and 13, 1971 at Ebeneezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Senator Muskie speaking at Martin Luther King, Jr.'s church, and Coretta Scott King speaking about Senator Muskie and the end of racism.

SR703 Muskie feed for Wednesday December 15, 1971 Date: 1971 Length: 2 min., 20 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded December 15, 1971 in New York City. Senator Muskie, recipient of the ILITIS-COLITS National Humanitarian Award, speaks in favor of national healthcare, and in two clips speaks about re- valuation of the American dollar on international markets, and on American warships moving toward India and Pakistan.

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Recording No. Description SR704 [Pete McCloskey nearly endorses Muskie] Date: 1971 Length: 1 min., 10 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Paul Norton "Pete" McCloskey Jr. Recorded December 15, 1971 at the University of Maine at Gorham. Republican Paul Norton "Pete" McCloskey, Jr. speaks about the need to support the best candidate for President, regardless of party loyalties, and his respect for Senator Muskie.

SR705 Muskie feed for Thursday December 16, 1971 Date: 1971 Length: 3 min., 39 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Thomas J. McIntyre. Recorded December 16, 1971 in Manchester, New Hampshire. Senator McIntyre (D-N.H.) endorses Muskie for President, and Muskie speaks about the Presidency as a chance to serve.

SR706 Muskie feed for Friday December 17, 1971 Date: 1971 Length: 1 min., 10 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: David Obey, Henry Reuss. Recorded December 17, 1971 in Washington, D.C. Wisconsin Congressmen David Obey and Henry Reuss endorse Muskie for President.

SR707 Muskie feed for Friday December 17, 1971 [Nashua, N.H.] Date: 1971 Length: 2 min., 10 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded December 17, 1971 in Nashua, N.H. In two clips from a speech to the Polish-Americans Club, Muskie speaks about the importance of being cautious about Presidential candidates, and of his desire for voters' support only if they believe he has the capacity to effectively lead.

SR708a Muskie feed for Friday December 17, 1971 [Kansas City, Mo.] Date: 1971 Length: 3 min., 23 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded December 17, 1971 in Kansas City, Mo. In three cuts from a speech to the National Farmers' Association conference, Muskie criticizes the Nixon administration's agricultural poilcies, and speaks of the need to protect small farms.

SR708b Muskie weekend feed Date: 1971 Length: 5 min., 20 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded December 17, 1971 in Kansas City, Mo. Five minutes of Senator Muskie's speech to a national farmers' association, for editing at will.

SR709 Muskie feed for Monday December 20, 1971 Date: 1971 Length: 2 min., 24 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Richard C. Armendirhaz. Recorded December 20, 1971 in Los Angeles, Calif. Chicano lawyer Richard C. Armendirhaz endorses Muskie for President in two cuts, one in English and one in Spanish.

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Recording No. Description SR710 Muskie feed for Wednesday December 22, 1971 Date: 1971 Length: 3 min., 17 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, John Gilligan. Recorded December 22, 1971 in Columbus, Ohio. Ohio Governor John Gilligan endorses Muskie for President; Muskie speaks about the goals and values he shares with Governor Gilligan.

SR711 Muskie feed for Tuesday December 28, 1971 Date: 1971 Length: 2 min., 53 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded December 28, 1971 Three cuts of Senator Muskie speaking about Nixon, the increased bombing in Vietnam, and the Paris talks.

SR712 Muskie feed for Wednesday December 29, 1971 Date: 1971 Length: 1 min., 56 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: James Hudson. Recorded December 29, 1971 in Washington, D.C. Washington D.C. attorney James Hudson speaks about being named the out-of-state campaign coordinator for Muskie's campaign in Michigan.

SR713 Muskie feed for Monday January 3, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 7 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Robert Raiche. Recorded January 3, 1972 in Concord, N.H. Minority Leader of the New Hampshire State House of Representatives Robert Raiche endorses Senator Muskie for President.

SR714 Muskie feed for Tuesday January 4, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 4 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded January 4, 1972 in Kennebunk, Maine. Three cuts from Senator Muskie's announcement of his candidacy for President: explaining why he is seeking the Presidency, on problems with America, and criticizing Nixon.

SR715 Muskie feed for Wednesday January 5, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded January 5, 1972 in Washington, D.C. Three clips from a press conference at which Senator Muskie responded to Bob Dole's reaction to the negativity of his announcement speech; spoke about Jack Anderson and India-Pakistan; and spoke about Vietnam and P.O.W.'s [prisoners of war].

SR716 [Muskie endorsement of Randy Major] Date: 1972 Length: 43 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded January 6, 1972 in Washington, D.C. Senator Muskie endorses Vermont candidate Randy Major.

SR717 Muskie feed for Thursday January 6, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 21 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded January 6, 1972 in Concord, N.H. Report about Senator Muskie filing paperwork to appear on the primary ballot in New Hampshire; two cuts of Muskie speaking to the New Hampshire state legislature.

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Recording No. Description SR718 Muskie feed for Thursday January 6, 1972 [second feed] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 22 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded January 6, 1972 in Concord, N.H. Senator Muskie campaigns in New Hampshire and criticizes Nixon in two cuts from a press conference.

SR719 Muskie feed for Friday January 7, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 5 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded January 6 and 7, 1972 in Manchester, N.H. Two cuts from a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, in which Muskie states that Nixon has mis-handled the Nation's problems, and that Vietnam has dragged on too long.

SR720 Muskie feed for Friday January 7, 1972 [Florida] Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 27 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded January 7, 1972 in Tallahassee, Fla. Three cuts from a speech Senator Muskie gave at the Tiger Bay Club, in which he spoke about India and Pakistan, the Kissinger papers, state and local government in Florida, sunshine laws, and the space shuttle program.

SR721 Muskie feed for Friday January 7, 1972 [Connecticut] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 18 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Anne Wexler. Recorded January 7, 1972 in Westport, Conn. Political activist Anne Wexler announces that she will work on Muskie's campaign for President.

SR722 Muskie feed for Saturday January 8, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 20 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie, W. Averell Harriman. Recorded January 8, 1972 in Miami, Fla. Muskie campaigning in Florida is questioned by a Black audience about his statement that a Black person could not become Vice President; W. Averell Harriman endorses Muskie.

SR723 Muskie weekend feed Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 26 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie, W. Averell Harriman. Recorded January 8, 1972 in Miami, Fla. Senator Muskie and W. Averell Harriman speak at a press conference in Florida about Israel and Russian refugees.

SR724 Muskie feed for Monday January 10, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 25 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Adlai Stevenson III. Recorded January 10, 1972 in Springfield, Ill. Two cuts of Stevenson expressing his support for Muskie as President; one cut of Muskie speaking against Nixon.

SR725 Muskie feed for Monday January 10, 1972 [second feed] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 20 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Adlai Stevenson III. Recorded January 10, 1972 in Springfield, Ill. Adlai Stevenson III speaking about Florida and the space program. A cut of Stevenson endorsing Muskie for President is introduced but not present; a cut of Muskie speaking against Nixon is also introduced but not present.

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Recording No. Description SR726 Muskie feed for Tuesday January 11, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 11 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded January 10 and 11, 1972 in Milwaukee, Wis. Three clips from Senator Muskie's speechs at the Mulwaukee Performing Arts Center on ending the war in Vietnam, unemployment, and Nixon's plan to free the P.O.W.'s [prisoners of war].

SR727 Muskie feed for Tuesday January 11, 1972 [Connecticut] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 16 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Joseph Duffey. Recorded January 11, 1972 in Hartford, Conn. Two clips of Joseph Duffey endorsing Muskie for President, and discussing Muskie's record on Vietnam.

SR728 [United Steel Workers local endorses Muskie] Date: 1972 Length: 44 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Announcer: Bill Kiss; Speaker: Gordon Richards. Recorded January 12, 1972 in Milwaukee, Wis. Gordon Richards, President of United Steel Workers Union Local 1404 announces that the members of his union voted unanimously to endorse Muskie for President.

SR729 Muskie feed for Thursday January 13, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 26 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Alcee Hastings. Recorded January 13, 1972 in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Four cuts of Alcee Hastings, attorney and Black political leader, endorsing Muskie for President.

SR730 Muskie feed for Thursday January 13, 1972 [New Hampshire] Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 23 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded January 14, 1972 in Berlin, N.H. Senator Muskie speaks on potential conflicts between water pollution laws and local industry, Nixon's troop withdrawal announcement, and Melvin Laird's accusations of partisanship.

SR731 Muskie feed for Friday January 14, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 16 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded January 14, 1972 in Berlin and Concord, N.H. Three clips from a news conference and rally at which Senator Muskie spoke on Vietnam, Nixon's proposed nationwide sales tax, and Nixon's economic policies.

SR732 Muskie feed for Monday January 17, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 1 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Mike Gravel, Quentin Burdick, Lee Metcalf. Recorded January 17, 1972 in Washington, D.C. Senators Mike Gravel of Alaska, Quentin Burdick of North Dakota, and Lee Metcalf of Montana endorse Muskie for President.

SR733 Muskie feed for Monday January 17, 1972 [Ohio] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 33 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded January 17, 1972 in Cleveland, Ohio. Three cuts of Senator Muskie speaking from the bank of the Cuyahoga river about the problems of pollution and Nixon.

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Recording No. Description SR734 Muskie feed for Tuesday January 18, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 44 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie, Harold Hughes. Recorded January 18, 1972 in Des Moines, Iowa. Senator Harold Hughes endorses Muskie for President; Muskie accepts the endorsement, and comments on speculations that Hughes might become his Vice Presidential candidate.

SR735 Muskie feed for Wednesday January 19, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 51 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie, Jerry Wurf. Recorded January 19, 1972 in Washington, D.C. Jerry Wurf, President of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, endorses Muskie for President on behalf of his union. Muskie speaks about getting grassroots support.

SR736 Muskie feed for Wednesday January 19, 1972 [youth coalition] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Lanny Davis. Recorded January 19, 1972 in Washington, D.C. Lanny Davis, head of the Youth Coalition for Muskie, speaks about Senator Muskie; Muskie speaks about young people and the status quo.

SR737 Muskie feed for Thursday January 20, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 22 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded January 20, 1972 in Philadelphia, Penn. In three cuts, Senator Muskie speaks at the Philadelphia City Council on a Nixon tax proposal and urban problems, and responds to Nixon's state of the union address at a press conference.

SR738 Muskie feed for Friday January 21, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 31 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Robert Quinn. Recorded January 21, 1972 in Exeter and Portsmouth, N.H. Massachusetts Attorney General Robert Quinn endorses Muskie for President; Muskie accepts the endorsement and speaks about fuel oil prices.

SR739 [Muskie remarks on small towns] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 55 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded January 21, 1972 in Hudson, N.H. Muskie speaks about small towns, and why he vists them instead of focusing on large cities.

SR740 Muskie weekend feed [January 22, 1972] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 45 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Harold Hughes. Recorded January 22, 1972 in Washington, D.C. Three cuts in which Iowa Senator Harold Hughes endorses Muskie for President and urges Iowa voters to turn out for the caucases.

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Recording No. Description SR741 Muskie feed for Monday January 24, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 45 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Harrison Williams, Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded January 24, 1972 in Washington, D.C. Three cuts in which New Jersey Senator Harrison Williams endorses Senator Muskie for President and speaks against Nixon, and Muskie accepts the nomination.

SR742 Muskie feed for Monday January 24, 1972 [Nixon budget] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 48 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded January 24, 1972 in Washington, D.C. Three cuts in which Senator Muskie reacts to Nixon's budget proposal, and discusses Nixon's fiscal policies.

SR743 Muskie feed for Monday January 24, 1972 [Boston] Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 22 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Kevin White. Recorded January 24, 1972 in Boston, Mass. Three cuts in which Boston Mayor Kevin White endorses Muskie for President, and discusses the campaign.

SR744 Muskie feed for Tuesday January 25, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 50 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Milton Shapp, Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded January 25, 1972 in Harrisburg, Penn. Three cuts in which Pennsylvania Governor Milton Shapp endorses Muskie for President, and Muskie thanks him.

SR745 Muskie feed for Tuesday January 25, 1972 [on Vietnam] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 16 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded January 25, 1972 in Harrisburg, Penn. Muskie speaks about his desire for a complete withdrawal of troops from Vietnam, and his hope that Nixon will move in that direction.

SR746 Muskie feed for Wednesday January 26, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 7 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded January 25 and 26, 1972 in Carbondale, Ill. Muskie speaks at Southern Illinois University about Nixon's initiative to end the war in Vietnam, and his own criteria for a Vice Presidential running mate.

SR747 Muskie feed for Wednesday January 26, 1972 [Kentucky] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 32 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded January 26, 1972 in Frankfort, Kentucky. Muskie speaks about Nixon's call for a cease-fire throughout Indochina, and his own committment to ending the war in Vietnam.

SR748 Muskie feed for Wednesday January 26, 1972 [Kentucky endorsement] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 43 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Wendell H. Ford.. Recorded January 26, 1972 in Frankfort, Kentucky. Governor Wendell Ford and Lt. Governor Julian Carroll endorse Muskie for President, and vow to work on his behalf; Muskie congratulates Ford on his leadership, and speaks about Nixon's peace plan for Vietnam.

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Recording No. Description SR749 Muskie feed for Wednesday January 26, 1972 [Pensacola] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 19 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded January 26, 1972 in Pensacola, Fla. Senator Muskie speaks about his Water Quality Act of 1971, and Nixon's hostility to it.

SR750 [Muskie on George Wallace] Date: 1972 Length: 36 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded January 26, 1972 in Pensacola, Fla. Senator Muskie speaks about George Wallace's slim chance of winning the Democratic Presidential nomination.

SR751 [Muskie eulogizing Carl Hayden] Date: 1972 Length: 30 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded January 26, 1972 in Pensacola, Fla. Senator Muskie speaks in rememberance of Arizona Senator Carl Hayden.

SR752 Muskie feed for Thursday January 27, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 23 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded January 27, 1972 in Jacksonville, Fla. Senator Muskie proposes funding daycare centers in federally subsidised housing projects, and speaks about Nixon's veto of the Child Development Act.

SR753 Muskie feed for Thursday January 27, 1972 [Daytona Beach] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 14 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded January 27, 1972 in Daytona Beach, Fla. Senator Muskie speaks about George Wallace, and the need to bring home Prisoners of War.

SR754 Muskie feed for Friday January 28, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 20 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Leonard Woodcock. Recorded January 28, 1972 in Washington, D.C. Leonard Woodcock, President of the United Auto Workers (U.A.W.) endorses Muskie for President.

SR755 Muskie feed for Thursday January 27, 1972 [Washington] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 3 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Robert Scott. Recorded January 27, 1972 in Washington, D.C. North Carolina Governor Robert Scott endorses Muskie for President, and vows to campaign for Muskie in both Florida and his own state.

SR756 Muskie feed for Friday January 28, 1972 [Miami] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 5 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded January 28, 1972 in Miami, Fla. Senator Muskie speaks about the need for Federal aid in the preservation of the Florida Everglades, and for real commitment to protecting water.

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Recording No. Description SR757 Muskie feed for Monday January 31, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 26 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Herman Goldner. Recorded January 31, 1972 in St. Petersburg, Fla. Senator Muskie speaks about his tax reform proposals, including property tax relief for the elderly. St. Petersburg Mayor Herman Goldner, a Republican, speaks about his decision to support Muskie. Muskie speaks about George Wallace's failure to be a nationally unifying force.

SR758 Muskie feed for Tuesday February 1, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 53 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Rudolph L. DiTrapano. Recorded February 1, 1972 in Charleston, W. Va. West Virginia State Democratic Party Chairman Rudolph L. DiTrapano endorses Muskie for President.

SR759 [Muskie statement to WTRL] Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded February 1, 1972 in Bradenton, Fla. Statement of Senator Muskie for a program broadcast in Florida of candidates speaking on the issues. Muskie speaks about trusting the President and having faith in government.

SR760 Muskie feed for Wednesday February 2, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 26 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded February 2, 1972 in Washington, D.C. In a speech to the United Church Women, Senator Muskie criticizes Nixon's actions with regard to Vietnam.

SR761 Muskie feed for Wednesday February 2, 1972 [National Citizens' Committee] Date: 1972 Length: 3 min. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie, John Pastore. Recorded February 2, 1972 in Washington, D.C. Muskie announces that Rhode Island Senator John Pastore will head his National Citizens' Committee; Pastore speaks about supporting Muskie for President.

SR762 Muskie feed for Thursday February 3, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 56 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded February 3, 1972 in Madison, Wis. Senator Muskie speaks at a Student Union Rally at the University of Wisconsin on Nixon and secrecy in government, voting rights, and Vietnam.

SR763 Muskie feed for Thursday February 3, 1972 [Nixon response] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 22 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded February 3, 1972 in Madison, Wis. Senator Muskie responds to allegations by Secretary of State William Rogers that he is undercutting the Paris peace talks on Vietnam.

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Recording No. Description SR764 Muskie feed for Friday February 4, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 13 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded February 3 and 4, 1972 in Madison, Wis. Senator Muskie responds to hecklers at a rally in the Lorraine Hotel in Madison, Wisconsin.

SR765 Muskie feed for Friday February 4, 1972 [Eau Claire] Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 20 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded February 4, 1972 in Eau Claire, Wis. Senator Muskie speaks at Wisconsin State University about the effect of the Vietnam War on national resources, the value-added tax, and property taxes.

SR766 Muskie feed for Tuesday February 8, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 26 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Donald Mannis. Recorded February 8, 1972 in New York City. Queensboro President Donal Mannis endorses Muskie; Muskie responds to charges by H.R. "Bob" Haldeman.

SR767 Muskie feed for Wednesday February 9, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 48 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded February 9, 1972 in Claremont, N.H. Senator Muskie responds to Nixon's State of the World address, criticizes Nixon on Vietnam and unemployment / welfare.

SR768 Muskie feed for Tuesday February 1, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie, Art Barker, "Ann". Recorded February 1, 1972 in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. In three cuts, Senator Muskie listens to the head of "The Seed", a drug rehabilitation center, and "Ann", one of the former drug users at the center, and speaks about the drug problem.

SR769 Muskie feed for Thursday February 10, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 50 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded February 11, 1972 in Dover, N.H. In three cuts, Senator Muskie speaks about increasing Medicaid to cover prescription drug costs for the elderly.

SR770 Muskie feed for Friday February 11, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 15 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded February 11, 1972 in Manchester, N.H. In three cuts, Senator Muskie responds to attacks from the Nixon administration, particularly Herbert Klein, on his Vietnam stance.

SR771 Muskie feed for Monday February 14, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 23 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Dan Chandler. Recorded February 14, 1972 in Versailles, Ken. Dan Chandler is announced as the Vice- Chairman of the National Financial Committee for Muskie's campaign.

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Recording No. Description SR772 Muskie feed for Monday February 14, 1972 [Florida] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 45 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded February 14, 1972 in Miami, Florida. Three cuts from Senator Muskie's speech to the Dade County Senior Citizen Council in which he outlines his health care proposal based on a Healthcare Maintenance Organization [HMO] system.

SR773 Muskie feed for Tuesday February 15, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 40 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Robert F. Wagner, Jr. Recorded February 15, 1972 in Miami Lakes, Florida. In two cuts, former New York Mayor Robert Wagner endorses Muskie for President.

SR774 Muskie feed for Wednesday February 16, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 50 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded February 16, 1972 in Tallahassee, Florida. In two cuts, Muskie responds to Defense Secretary Melvin Laird's announcement that he will be seeking increases in defense spending.

SR775 Muskie feed for Wednesday February 16, 1972 [NH bombings] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 30 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded February 16, 1972 in Tallahassee, Florida. In two cuts, Muskie reacts to bombings of public buildings in Manchester, New Hampshire.

SR776 Muskie feed for February 18, 1972 [in Spanish] Date: 1972 Length: 5 min., 25 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Luis Nino, Ramon Anices, Alejandro Garcia, Pedro Chacon. Recorded February 18, 1972 in Sacramento, Calif. and New York City. Leaders of the Mexican-American and Puerto Rican-American communities in Sacramento and New York, respectively, announce the formation of "Viva Muskie", an organization of Spanish speakers supporting Muskie for President.

SR777 Muskie feed for Friday February 18, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 14 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie Recorded February 18, 1972 in Jacksonville and DeLand, Florida. Two clips from Muskie's whistle stop tour of Florida, in which he speaks about the campaign and George Wallace.

SR778 Muskie feed for Friday February 18, 1972 [Winterhaven, Flordia] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 7 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie Recorded February 19, 1972 in Winterhaven, Florida. In a clip from Muskie's whistle stop tour of Florida, he speaks about the environment, distrust, and fear.

SR779 Muskie feed for Saturday February 19, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie Recorded February 19, 1972 in Hollywood, Florida. In a clip from Muskie's whistle stop tour of Florida, he speaks about U.S. involvement in Vietnam and a political settlement to the war.

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Recording No. Description SR780 Muskie feed for Sunday February 20, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 11 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Cecil Andrus, Frank Church. Recorded February 19 and 20, 1972 in Boise, Idaho. In three cuts, Governor Cecil Andrus and Senator Frank Church endorse Muskie for President, and Muskie acknowledges the endorsement.

SR781 Muskie feed for Tuesday February 22, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 9 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, John Tunney. Recorded February 21 and 22, 1972 in Los Angeles, Calif. In three cuts, Senator John Tunney introduces Muskie, and Muskie speaks about negative impacts that the Vietnam war has had domestically, both on people's beliefs and on the economically.

SR782 Muskie feed for Wednesday February 23, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 33 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded February 23, 1972 in San Francisco, Calif. At a fundraising dinner in San Francisco, Senator Muskie speaks about defense spending.

SR783 Muskie feed for Thursday February 24, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 4 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Dan Stoddard. Recorded February 24, 1972 in Milwaukee, Wis. After going grocery shopping with a Milwaukee housewife, Muskie comments on rising costs and Nixon's poor economic policies, and Dan Stoddard, the store owner, comments on price increases.

SR784 [Muskie at Cook County Democratic Central Committee] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 45 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Richard J. Daly. Recorded February 24, 1972 in Chicago, Ill. In three cuts, Richard Daly introduces Senator Muskie, and Muskie speaks about campaigning and Democratic Party unity.

SR785 Muskie feed for Friday February 25, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 3 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded February 25, 1972 in Sarasota, Fla. Senator Muskie proposes a program to protect the elderly from crime.

SR786 Muskie feed for Friday February 25, 1972 [Clearwater, Florida] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 15 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded February 25, 1972 in Clearwater, Fla. Senator Muskie discusses the problems surrounding public access to beaches.

SR787 Muskie feed for Saturday February 26, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 40 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded February 26, 1972 in Manchester, N.H. Senator Muskie responds to attacks by William Loeb, on the steps of the Manchester Union in Manchester, New Hampshire. Edmund S. Muskie Papers Page 115 of 125 Container List for Series XVII.B Sound Recordings: Open Reel Tapes

Recording No. Description SR788 Muskie feed for Wednesday March 1, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 24 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 1, 1972 in New York City. Senator Muskie speaks about incidents of the Army spying on senators and governors.

SR789 Muskie feed for Thursday March 2, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 22 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 2, 1972 in Portsmouth, N.H. Senator Muskie speaks to workers at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard about government layoffs.

SR790 Muskie feed for Thursday March 2, 1972 [Portsmouth and Dover] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 22 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 2, 1972 in Portsmouth and Dover, N.H. Senator Muskie speaks about the challenges of campaigning in his neighboring state, and on leadership qualities as a criteria for President.

SR791 Muskie feed for Friday March 3, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 20 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 2, 1972 in Manchester, N.H. Senator Muskie speaks about past victims of publisher William Loeb, and of his own humble background and ability to run for President.

SR792 Muskie feed for Tuesday February 29, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 11 min., 20 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: John Brademas, J. Edward Roush, Lee Hamilton, Andrew Jacobs, Jr. Recorded February 29, 1972 in Washington, D.C. Four U.S. Congressmen from Indiana endorse Muskie for President.

SR793 [Muskie announcement for North Carolina] Date: 1972 Length: 34 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded March 3, 1972 in Washington, D.C. Senator Muskie announces that he will run in the North Carolina Democratic presidential primary.

SR794 Muskie feed for Friday March 3, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 47 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 3, 1972 in Manchester, N.H. Four clips of Senator Muskie speaking to senior citizens, in which he outlines his "4- point proposal for increased benefits to the elderly", including a 20% increase in social security benefits, a housing security system, new health programs, and a personal security system to protect the elderly from crimes.

SR795 Muskie feed for Saturday March 4, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 17 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 3, 1972 in Suncook, N.H. Senator Muskie argues that Nixon's reported decrease in unemployment is not the good news it appears, and that there is no excuse for not offering employment to Vietnam veterans.

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Recording No. Description SR796 Muskie feed for Sunday March 5, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 50 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, George S. McGovern. Recorded March 5, 1972 in Durham, N.H. At a candidates' debate in New Hampshire, McGovern and Muskie address each other on disclosure of campaign funds, and when each adopted a stance against the Vietnam war.

SR797 [Tunney stumping for Muskie in Miami] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 5 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: John V. Tunney. Recorded March 5, 1972 in Miami, Fla. Senator Tunney speaks about why he supports Muskie for President, based on his personal experiences with Muskie in the Senate.

SR798 Muskie feed for Monday March 6, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 52 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 6, 1972 in Manchester, N.H. Senator Muskie responds to McGovern's allegations that he should reveal the sources of his campaign funding by stating that he has already done so.

SR799 Muskie feed for Tuesday March 7, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 50 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 7, 1972 in Manchester, N.H. In three cuts from an interview with Frank McGee on the NBC Today show, Senator Muskie speaks about the New Hampshire primary, and the campaign funds disclosure issue.

SR800 Muskie feed for Tuesday March 7, 1972 [Indiana] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 21 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Robert McKinney. Recorded March 7, 1972 in Indianapolis, Ind. Robert McKinney speaks about being chosen to head the "Hoosiers for Muskie" campaign committee in Indiana.

SR801 Muskie feed for Wednesday March 8, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 1 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 8, 1972 in Manchester, N.H. In three cuts, Senator Muskie discusses the importance of his victory in the New Hampshire primary.

SR802 Muskie feed for Wednesday March 8, 1972 [on Florida] Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 51 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 8, 1972 in Manchester, N.H. In four cuts from a press conference in Mahcester, New Hampshire, Senator Muskie discusses his strategies for the Florida primary, a tax reform proposal he will give in Miami, and the benefits of personalized campaign strategies.

SR803 Muskie feed for Friday March 10, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 8 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 9 and 10, 1972 in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Senator Muskie expresses disappointment over Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz's decision to lower price supports for milk, and Nixon's failure to care for the family farmer.

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Recording No. Description SR804 Muskie feed for Friday March 10, 1972 [Miami] Date: 1972 Length: 4 min., 20 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 10, 1972 in Miami, Fla. In four cuts, Senator Muskie describes his tax reform plan, which according to the introduction, "incorporates nearly every major liberal tax reform proposal made in the last decade".

SR805 Muskie feed for Friday March 10, 1972 [Tampa] Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 15 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 10, 1972 in Tampa, Fla. In three cuts from a speech at the University of South Florida, Senator Muskie discusses George Wallace's inadequacies, and the need for a "fair share" program for the nation.

SR806 Muskie feed for Saturday March 11, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 8 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 11, 1972 in Miami, Fla. In three cuts, Senator Muskie attacks George Wallace for catering to big business and supporting unequal tax systems.

SR807 Muskie feed for Sunday March 12, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 15 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 12, 1972 in Tampa, Fla. In three cuts, Senator Muskie announces that he will resume full disclosure of his campaign donors, and urges other candidates to do likewise.

SR808 Muskie feed for Monday March 13, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 56 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 13, 1972 in Orlando, Fla. In three cuts from a speech at a senior citizens' center, Senator Muskie discusses drug patent laws, and his reform plan for lowering drug prices.

SR809 Muskie feed for Tuesday March 14, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 28 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 14, 1972 in Miami, Fla. In two cuts from an interview on the Today show, Senator Muskie discusses potential harm that disclosing donors can do to a campaign, and expresses hope that Nixon will disclose his donor list.

SR810 Muskie feed for Wednesday March 15, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 13 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 15, 1972 in Miami, Fla. Senator Muskie discusses George Wallace's victory in the Florida Democratic primary.

SR811 Muskie feed for Thursday March 16, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 21 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, Birch Bayh. Recorded March 16, 1972 in Indianapolis, Ind. Birch Bayh endorses Muskie for President; Muskie accepts the endorsement.

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Recording No. Description SR812 Muskie feed for Thursday March 16, 1972 [on Florida] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 32 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 16, 1972 in Indianapolis, Ind. In two cuts, Senator Muskie discusses the implications of his loss in the Florida Democratic primary, and comments on Nixon and Wallace.

SR813 Muskie feed for Thursday March 16, 1972 [East Chicago] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 43 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 16, 1972 in East Chicago, Ill. In three cuts, Senator Muskie "continues to expose the hypocrisy of George Wallace's claims to be a friend of the working man".

SR814 Muskie feed for Friday March 17, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 17, 1972 in East Chicago, Ill. Senator Muskie reacts to Nixon's statement on school busing and discrimination in education.

SR815 Muskie feed for Friday March 17, 1972 [Springfield] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 55 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 17, 1972 in Springfield, Ill. Senator Muskie discusses big business, and argues against corporate expansion and the consolidation of wealth in the hands of the few.

SR816 [Muskie Polish-language commercial] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 1 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 18, 1972. A Polish-language commercial for Muskie for President.

SR817 [Polish-language report on Josephine Muskie] Date: 1972 Length: 5 min., 33 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 18, 1972. A news feed in Polish about Josephine Muskie, Edmund Muskie's mother.

SR818 Muskie feed for Saturday March 18, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 51 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 18, 1972 in Joliet, Ill. In three cuts, Muskie attacks Nixon's economic policies and George Wallace.

SR819 Muskie feed for Sunday March 19, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 9 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 18 and 19, 1972 in Niles and Chicago, Ill. In three cuts from a speech before Polish-Americans, Senator Muskie discusses the threat of big business.

SR820 Muskie feed for Monday March 20, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 57 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 20, 1972 in Ottawa, Ill. In three cuts, Senator Muskie discusses the threat of big business and his farming proposals.

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Recording No. Description SR821 [Polish translation of cuts from Muskie speech on March 18, 1972] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 16 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Translator: unidentified. Recorded March 20, 1972. Polish translation of portion of Senator Muskie's speech in Niles, Illinois on March 18, 1972 [SR819] at which he spoke about the threat of big business.

SR822 Muskie feed for Tuesday March 21, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 6 min., 50 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 20, 1972 in Ottawa, Ill. Three different versions of cuts from a press conference, at which Senator Muskie challenged Hubert H. Humphrey and Henry M. Jackson about their voting records on the Space Shuttle and Lockeed.

SR823 Muskie feed for Wednesday March 22, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 10 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie Recorded March 22, 1972 in Chicago, Ill. In three cuts, Senator Muskie discusses his victory in the Illinois Democratic primary, his previous performance in primaries, and the "new Muskie".

SR824 Muskie feed for Thursday March 23, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 39 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Birch Bayh. Recorded March 23, 1972 in Los Angeles, Calif. In three cuts, Indiana Senator Birch Bayh discusses Muskie and his ability to beat Nixon.

SR825 Muskie feed for Saturday March 25, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 27 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie Recorded March 25, 1972 in Madison, Wisc. In three cuts from a speech, Senator Muskie attacks Nixon and Republicans on their environmental record, and blames them for Americans' cynicism about politicians.

SR826 Muskie feed for Monday March 27, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 22 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie Recorded March 27, 1972 in Milwaukee, Wisc. In three cuts from a speech, Senator Muskie discusses the Nixon wage-price freeze, property taxes, and his proposal for pension plans.

SR827 Muskie feed for Monday March 27, 1972 [Kleindienst] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 16 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 27, 1972 in Milwaukee, Wisc. Senator Muskie states that he could not support Nixon's nomination of Richard Kleindienst as Attorney General.

SR828 [Muskie speaking on need for effective national leadership] Date: 1972 Length: 4 min., 39 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded March 27, 1972 in Madison, Wis. In excerpts from a speech given to the League of Women Voters in Madison, Wisconsin, Senator Muskie speaks about the need for a President with integrity, and with the right national priorities.

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Recording No. Description SR829 Muskie feed for Tuesday March 28, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 45 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 28, 1972 in Oregon, Wis. In three cuts, Senator Muskie describes his proposed education program.

SR830 Muskie feed for Wednesday March 29, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 41 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 29, 1972 in Kimberly, Wis. In three cuts, Senator Muskie discusses Nixon's inability to end the Vietnam war.

SR831 Muskie feed for Thursday March 30, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 11 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 30, 1972 in Racine, Wis. In two cuts, Senator Muskie takes issue with George S. McGovern's campaign slogan "Right from the Start", comparing his war stance to McGovern's, and discussing McGovern's inconsistency.

SR831a Muskie feed for Friday March 31, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 5 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded March 31, 1972 in West Alice, Wis. In three cuts from a speech to the West Alice, Wisconsin City Council, Senator Muskie discusses several of his economic plans, including decreasing property taxes, funding schools through a "fair-share" tax program, and making money available for small business and individuals, not the space shuttle program or corporations.

SR831b Muskie feed for Saturday April 1, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 5 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded April 1, 1972 in Eau Claire, Wis. In three cuts, Senator Muskie attacks George S. McGovern, his Democratic rival.

SR832 Muskie feed for Monday April 3, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 31 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded April 2 and 3, 1972 in Milwaukee, Wis. In two cuts from his Wisconsin election-eve broadcast speech, Senator Muskie discusses the availability of money for new government programs, and the need for a Presidential candidate who can follow through on his promises.

SR833 Muskie feed for Wednesday April 5, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 42 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded April 5, 1972 in Milwaukee, Wis. Despite his 4th-place finish in the Wisconsin Democratic primaries, Muskie vows not to quit his campaign for President.

SR834 Muskie feed for Friday April 7, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 46 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded April 7, 1972 in Pittsburgh, Penn. In three clips from the opening of his Pittsburgh campaign headquarters, Muskie discusses Nixon's "secret plan" to end the war in Vietnam, the need for a "people's victory" in 1972, and the need for delegates to the Democratic National Convention who represent a cross-section of Allegheny county.

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Recording No. Description SR835 Muskie feed for Friday April 7, 1972 [Harrisburg] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 39 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded April 7, 1972 in Harrisburg, Penn. In three clips, Muskie states he is opposed to renewed bombing in Vietnam.

SR836 Muskie weekend feed Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 12 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded April 8, 1972 in Eerie, Penn. In three clips, Muskie discusses the need for phosphate controls in cutting Great Lakes pollution, and links Nixon's support from detergent manufacturers to his failure to enact controls.

SR837 Muskie feed for Monday April 10, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 4 min., 2 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded April 10, 1972 in Pittsburgh, Penn. In three clips from a speech before a group of labor leaders, Muskie discusses the problems of big corporations, Nixon's ineffective economic programs, and his own plans for reducing unemployment.

SR838 Muskie feed for Tuesday April 11, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 23 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded April 11, 1972 in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, Penn. In three clips from a Pittsburgh news conference and the opening of his Philadephia campaign headquarters, Muskie discusses his plans to continue campaigning in both Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, and the worsening situation in Vietnam.

SR839 Muskie feed for Wednesday April 12, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded April 12, 1972 in Quincy, Mass. In two clips from a speech at Fore Rivers Shipyard, Muskie discusses campaign strategy and the Vietnam war.

SR840 Muskie feed for Wednesday April 12, 1972 [Boston] Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 9 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded April 12, 1972 in Boston, Mass. In three clips from an interview on WNAC-TV, Muskie discusses the reluctance of troops to fight in Vietnam, Nixon's current actions in Vietnam, and war as an election issue.

SR841 Muskie feed for Thursday April 13, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 8 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded April 12 and 13, 1972 in Boston, Mass. In two clips from a speech to his delegates and supporters, Senator Muskie pledges his support for Massachusetts citizens, and discusses his chances of defeating Nixon.

SR841a Muskie feed for Thursday April 13, 1972 [press conference] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 52 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded April 13, 1972 in Boston, Mass. In three clips from a press conference he called at the Boston State House, Senator Muskie condemns Nixon's Vietnam policy as "bankrupt".

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Recording No. Description SR842 Muskie feed for Friday April 14, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 8 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded April 14, 1972 in York, Penn. In three clips , Senator Muskie discusses inflation and his proposed food price freeze.

SR843 Muskie feed for Sunday April 16, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 55 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded April 15, 1972 in Washington, D.C. In three clips from his appearance on the ABC-TV show "Issues and Answers", Senator Muskie discusses the measure he plans to introduce urging Nixon to stop all military activity against North Vietnam and to resume negotiations at the Paris peace talks.

SR843a Muskie feed for Saturday April 15, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 56 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded April 15, 1972 in Cleveland, Ohio. In two clips, Senator Muskie discusses the need for a consumer-farmer coalition to address problems related to rising food prices, and condemns Nixon's failure to take responsibility.

SR844 Muskie feed for Tuesday April 18, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 20 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded April 18, 1972 in Washington, D.C. In two clips from a fundraiser, Senator Muskie discusses Nixon's failure to justify renewed bombing in Vietnam.

SR845 [Muskie Polish-language commercial for Pennsylvania and Massachusetts] Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 20 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Recorded around April 18, 1972. Polish-language commercial for Muskie for President, designed to run in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts.

SR846 [Mayor Gribbs endorsing Muskie in Polish] Date: 1972 Length: 34 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Roman Gribbs. Recorded around April 18, 1972. Detroit Mayor Roman Gribbs endorses Muskie for President in Polish.

SR847 Muskie feed for Tuesday April 18, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 7 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie Recorded April 18, 1972 in Altoona and Johnstown, Penn. In three cuts, Senator Muskie speaks about Nixon's Vietnam policies and ending the war, economic policies that favor big business, and the need for jobs.

SR848 Muskie feed for Wednesday April 19, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 15 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie Recorded April 19, 1972 in Newcastle, Penn. In three cuts, Senator Muskie speaks about the need to reform a tax system that unfairly favors big corporations and the rich.

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Recording No. Description SR849 Muskie feed for Wednesday April 19, 1972 [on Vietnam] Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 13 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie Recorded April 19, 1972 in Boston, Mass. and Cleveland, Oh. In three cuts, Senator Muskie speaks about escalation of the war in Vietnam, and criticizes Nixon's policies and actions with respect to the war.

SR850 Muskie feed for Thursday April 20, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 28 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie Recorded April 20, 1972 in Philadelphia, Penn. In three cuts, Senator Muskie speaks about corruption in the Nixon administration, calls for the withdrawal of the nomination of Richard Kleindienst as Attorney General, and calls Presidential Assistant Peter M. Flanigan "Mr. Fix-it" for finding legal loopholes to help big business.

SR851 Muskie feed for Friday April 21, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 2 min., 55 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie Recorded April 21, 1972 in Cincinnati, Oh. In three cuts, Senator Muskie speaks about the need for renewed hearings into the Nixon ITT case, campus demonstrations against Nixon's war policy, and grants to parochial schools.

SR852 [Muskie on mining-related issues] Date: 1972 Length: 1 min., 36 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie Recorded April 21, 1972 in New Eagle, Penn. Portion of a speech in which Senator Muskie discusses mine safety, black lung, and the need for more mine safety inspections.

SR853 Muskie feed for Sunday April 23, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 6 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie Recorded April 23, 1972 in Philadelphia, Penn. Portion of an interview on WIAU-TV in which Senator Muskie attacks Nixon's actions with respect to the war in Vietnam.

SR854 Muskie feed for Sunday April 23, 1972 [endorsement] Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 14 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Speakers: Edmund S. Muskie, John White. Recorded April 23, 1972 in Philadelphia, Penn. John White, President of Philadelphia's Black Political Forum, endorses Muskie for President; Muskie speaks about his support of rank-and-file labor.

SR855 Muskie feed for Tuesday April 25, 1972 Date: 1972 Length: 3 min., 25 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: Ira Apple; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded April 25, 1972 in Philadelphia, Penn. In three cuts from an appearance on a talk show, Senator Muskie speaks about his concern for serving the interests of the people, how Nixon lost a chance to end the war in Vietnam, and the need for tax reform.

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Recording No. Description SR858 [Jane Muskie interviewed in Blaine House] Date: 1958 Length: 10 min., 59 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: Dorothy Campbell; Speaker: Jane G. Muskie. Recorded in or around December 1958. Jane Muskie is interviewed in the Blaine House by Dorothy Campbell, for a radio broadcast. Topics include Christmas decorations at the Blaine House, the Muskie children (Jane is expecting), plans for moving to Washington, Edmund Muskie doing housework, involvement at the children's schools, her role as First Lady of Maine, friends in Waterville, and plans for Christmas.

SR859 [News report from Harvard University News Office] Date: 1958 Length: 4 min., 27 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Reporter: unidentified; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded November 19, 1958. News report about the large number of Democrats elected to office in Maine, including the new Senator, Muskie. Recording is at a speed slightly faster than 7 1/2 ips, so sounds distorted.

SR860 [Muskie interviewed on his career, speeches] Date: 1968 Length: 4 min., 23 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Interviewer: Richard Randell; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Broadcast in Summer or Fall 1968. Senator Muskie, the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee, is interviewed about his career and current topics. Features clips from his speeches on Vietnam, disarmament, Nixon, and social legislation.

SR861 [Muskie speech at Jefferson-Jackson Dinner] Date: year Length: 53 min., 42 sec. Format: 3 3/4 ips, 1 track, mono. Content: Introduction by: Frank Edward "Ted" Moss; Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded April 19, 1969 at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. Senator Muskie's speech at the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner. Topics include losing the vice presidential race, Ted Moss' campaign for reelection, Muskie's disappointment in the Nixon administration, and the moon landing.

SR862 [Muskie party commercial for Richard Trafton] Date: [1982] Length: 38 sec. Format: 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. Content: Speaker: Edmund S. Muskie. Recorded around 1982. Democratic Party commercial for Richard Trafton, in which Muskie endorses him as the type of "crafty and wealthy" leader needed.

SR863 [Wire recording of Stephen O. Muskie's first birthday] Date: [1950] Length: 30 min., 32 sec. Format: Wire recording transferred to cassette tape by NARA. Content: Home recording of first birthday party for Stephen O. Muskie. Includes greetings from his grandparents and other family members. Closes with the one-year-old Stephen O. Muskie saying "happy birthday". Blank from 21 min., 11 sec. to around 28 min. Brief office dictation by Edmund S. Muskie around 28 min.

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Recording No. Description SR864 [Wire recording of Republican and Democratic party campaign broadcasts featuring candidates] Date: [Sep. 1954] Length: 56 min., 11 sec. Format: Wire recording transferred to cassette tape by NARA. Content: Apparently recorded live from WGAN TV-13 broadcast. 27 minute recording of broadcast by the Republican State Committee of Maine: Fred C. Scribner, Jr., committee member from Maine and General Counsel to the Republican National Committee introduces vice president Richard M. Nixon, who was vacationing in Maine. Nixon introduces congressional re-election candidates Robert Hale, Charlie Nelson and Cliff McIntire, Senator Margaret Chase Smith and Governor Burton Cross, each of whom speak urging a straight Republican ticket vote.

Gleem toothpaste advertisement, 5 minute news broadcast (including ending of phone operators switchboard) between Republican and Democrat presentations.

23 minute recording of Democratic State Committee broadcast: Democratic State Chairman Frank Coffin makes comments about the heated campaign then ongoing and the political problems of the Republican party. Coffin introduces Democratic candidates Edmund S. Muskie (candidate for governor), Thomas E. Delahanty (candidate for Congress), James C. Oliver (candidate for Congress), and Paul A. Fullam (candidate for Senate), who discuss the issues of the campaign including environmental pollution, industry, unemployment, cost of living. Recording ends suddenly during Fullam's speech.