Mcclellan Redux? the Often- Reported, Imminent Return of Little
McClellan Redux? The Often- Reported, Imminent Return of Little Mac GEORGE C. RABLE Only days after the disastrous Union defeat at the Battle of Freder- icksburg, General George B. McClellan was returned to command of the Army of the Potomac. There was cheering in the camps around Falmouth, Virginia, and soldiers eagerly reported sighting a familiar figure on horseback. Of course, they were mistaken and the reports of McClellan’s restoration to command proved false, but in this case surely the wish was father to the rumor.1 Ironically, ever since President Abraham Lincoln removed McClel- lan in early November 1862, the general’s political and military crit- ics had worried about reports of his imminent return. Although the Chicago Tribune had once trumpeted McClellan as the savior of the Union, that sentiment became, as the soldiers would have said, “all played out.” Or at least the editor hoped so, for the fear remained that the general’s still loyal and sizable following might be hell-bent on overturning the president’s decision, giving aid and comfort to the Confederates, or even sparking an army mutiny. Republican losses in the fall elections had only compounded these worries, as did reports of New York Democrats assiduously courting McClellan. For sure, with General Ambrose Burnside commanding the Army of the Potomac, by 1. Zerah Coston Monks to Hannah T. Rohrer, December 21, 1862, Monks-Rohrer Let- ters, Special Collections, Emory University; William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry, December 19, 1862, William Wirt Henry Family Papers, Vermont Historical Society; James Jenkins Gillette to his mother, December 17, 1862, Gillette Papers, Library of Con- gress (hereinafter, LC); Baltimore American and Commercial Advertiser, December 19, 1862; Marsena Rudolph Patrick, Inside Lincoln’s Army: The Diary of Marsena Rudolph Patrick, Pro- vost Marshal General, Army of the Potomac, edited by David S.
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