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MAY 1, 2018 @ 10:12 AM 573  Free Webcast: Investing In Bitcoin & Crypto Assets South African Security Tycoon Ivor Ichikowitz On How Defence Effectiveness Drives Economic Stability

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Mfonobong Nsehe , CONTRIBUTOR I chronicle Africa's success stories and track its richest people FULL BIO 

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The United States has recently launched an investigation surveying the contemporary military footprint of China in Africa, the latter, well-entrenched superpower hosting a firm grip on world trade.

With a decorated career in the ever-evolving world of defence and security, the Founder and Executive Chairman of Paramount Group, South African businessman Ivor Ichikowitz, has first-hand knowledge of not only the impetus for enhanced American involvement in Africa's unbridled ascendance, but hosts compelling plans for Africa's autonomous industrialization through the defence industry, a model he believes to be applicable on a global scale.

Ichikowitz, recently named as one of Africa's '100 Most Influential People' by New African Magazine, continues to demonstrate commitment and determination to the continent’s industrialization, not dissimilar from what he has showcased in scaling Paramount Group to achieve dynamic, multinational success. Paramount Group was founded in 1994, following the demise of apartheid and at the genesis of the Rainbow Nation’s transition to democracy. From developing and deploying cutting edge defence and security solutions meeting Africa’s regionally-diverse challenges, Ichikowitz’s leadership has enabled Paramount Group to be transformed into what is today a global enterprise, comprised of over three thousand employees, working with sovereign Ivor Ichikowitz governments across five continents, Ivor Ichikowitz with manufacturing facilities in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

I recently caught up with him in where we talked about the exceptional opportunities for next generation industrialization alongside America's prospects at achieving success in partnership on the African continent.

Firstly, tell us about the correlation between defence and security and economic stability and growth…

The world goes through cycles. Those cycles tend to be economically driven, politically driven and typically periods of political or economic uncertainty drive periods of significant threats to democracies and to the very core of civilization.  / Lists / #BigBusiness

MAY 1, 2018 @ 10:12 AM 573  Free Webcast: Investing In Bitcoin & Crypto Assets South African Security Tycoon Ivor Ichikowitz On How Defence Effectiveness Drives Economic Stability

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Mfonobong Nsehe , CONTRIBUTOR I chronicle Africa's success stories and track its richest people FULL BIO 

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Continued from page 1

We are currently in a period of extreme uncertainty; a period of shifting allegiances, realigning alliances and a reopening of a historical conflict between east and west.

Many countries, especially in the developing world, are experiencing such extreme uncertainty and with it comes instability and insecurity both internally and externally. The world is also experiencing for the first time asymmetrical threats to security, something that’s been largely until this point ring-fenced to the so-called developed world. Sovereign states are now dealing with fundamentalist movements and are at war with ideologies, as opposed to historically under threat by those looking to capture land and pursue economic gain.

As a result of these evolving trends, governments are forced to think differently about defence and security. At the heart of any government’s ability to protect sovereignty and maintain a stable environment for economic activity and investment is a fundamental desire to have its own defence industrial capability, what we have foreseen for many years.

Governments want to control their own destiny as opposed to having it dictated to them.

This is why we have styled Paramount as an organization capable to support sovereign states in the rapid development of indigenous, industrial defence capabilities. From our proud heritage and vantage point of Africa, tackling the regionally diverse challenges that comprise it has put us in a strong position to deliver in the defence environment, not only in the developing world but also in the developed.

Traditionally, Africa has been a net consumer of the developed world’s technologies in the defence environment. We have been able to break that mould and have manufactured world beating technologies in Africa which bear huge relevance to the developed world and have been able to manufacture customized equipment and concepts of operation which are ideally suited to the kinds of non-conventional warfare most of the world finds itself faced with today.

We as a continent were once an importer; now we serve as an innovator and exporter.

We proudly bring next-generation, customized and localized solutions to the table for our partners, so as to ensure sovereignty is maintained alongside and aligned with economic trajectory; to counter threats and in doing do, aid not just the peace effort, but industrialization, economic development in all its forms.  / Lists / #BigBusiness

MAY 1, 2018 @ 10:12 AM 573  Free Webcast: Investing In Bitcoin & Crypto Assets South African Security Tycoon Ivor Ichikowitz On How Defence Effectiveness Drives Economic Stability

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Mfonobong Nsehe , CONTRIBUTOR I chronicle Africa's success stories and track its richest people FULL BIO 

Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

Continued from page 2

How does Paramount Group collaborate with sovereign governments in providing defence and security solutions?

Paramount Group works side by side with sovereign governments around the world in enhancing our partners’ defence and security intelligence and capabilities. We do so all the while serving as a proud symbol of Africa’s contemporary technological stewardship and future potential.

Paramount owns most of its own technologies and within the confines of the legal framework in which it operates, we are prepared to utilize those technologies as the basis for the development of defence industrial capabilities in our customer countries, accomplished through long term partnerships with sovereign governments. Often, we work with these governments to enhance our intellectual properties and to then develop products which are customized for that country’s operational requirements. No two countries ever have the same operational requirements. We pride ourselves on developing highly customizable systems designed with flexibility in mind.

We are also unique in that we are quite happy to work with large and small customers on the same basis. Through being innovative, creative and by enhancing the art of the possible, Paramount is as comfortable working with the most sophisticated in the developed world, as it is collaborating with the smallest in the developing.

I’ll add that we at Paramount, as leading actors within defence and aerospace, serve as drivers of economic growth and the innovation culture of any country that embraces the industry. And the defence and aerospace industry is typically the incubator for some of the most important technologies that have impacted society in the last century, not only in the security sphere, but in environmental conservation, encryption technologies found within the banking industry and financial services sector (of which is so too a world leader). Any country that invests in defence or aerospace is nurturing and investing in an innovation culture.

Countries without a developed aerospace defence sector, tend to lack the skills and resources required to participate in the global technology revolution. These are the countries that will sadly stay in the third world.

So, there is inherent social footprint in your defence and security solutions?

No question. It’s an onus of responsibility I take very seriously.  / Lists / #BigBusiness

MAY 1, 2018 @ 10:12 AM 573  Free Webcast: Investing In Bitcoin & Crypto Assets South African Security Tycoon Ivor Ichikowitz On How Defence Effectiveness Drives Economic Stability

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Mfonobong Nsehe , CONTRIBUTOR I chronicle Africa's success stories and track its richest people FULL BIO 

Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

Continued from page 3

Having had the privilege of being brought up in Africa at a time of seismic change, having participated in South Africa’s transition to democracy which brought about a social, political and economic revolution, we’ve always seen our involvement in the defence and aerospace industry as being much more important than just the economic component. Our motivations are driven by a real mandate – To develop a business that will make a material impact to help governments innovate through infrastructure, protect sovereignty and the assets of their people. As we near 25 years of operation, the continent has seen significant successes, while the number of conflicts has diminished significantly. Due to a resurgence of fundamentalism and terrorist-related activity, conflict is unacceptably high, but today, most African governments have the ability to manage many of their own defence and security issues. This fact has taken a big load off developed economies who were previously forced to intervene, to help and support their allies in the developing world. In addition to that, I believe that the best way to resolve conflict is through effective dialogue. Both the African Oral History Archive of which I oversee and my Family Foundation play host to a number of initiatives underway to promote dialogue and foster understanding between individuals and between social and political interest groups worldwide.

One of our key initiatives was to set up and to capture original testimony of individuals involved in the political transformation of South Africa. This holds many lessons for future generations to come regarding the art of conflict resolution and the role of dialogue in achieving peaceful outcomes to major problems without bloodshed.

In addition to the roles that we have played in helping African governments across the continent and around the world, we use our experience in the defence environment to support conservation authorities to combat poaching and other wildlife crimes throughout the world.

Light aircraft, land and sea patrolling alongside tactical reconnaissance software has been effective in Pan-African anti- poaching activity. This variant of organized crime has gone unabated for far too long and was previously an unspoken security priority, as the illicit practice has become increasingly more violent, run by criminal outfits that also trade in drugs and human trafficking.

In Gabon, for example, nearly 90% of the country consists of rain forest, sheltering close to a remarkable 60% of Africa’s remaining forest elephants. We’ve worked alongside Gabon’s National Park teams making great strides in the anti-poaching of wildlife of all varietals, such as elephants and pangolins. This is again, a security concern - It’s tragically understood that poachers will fire on sight and often with automatic weapons.

We invest in tangible initiatives and intervene to make a real difference, be it through the donation of patrol vehicles, to the training of park rangers to up-skill them to be more effective against poachers or to deploying K9 units. Intriguingly, the deployment of well-trained dog units has proven to be one of the most effective methods of deterring poaching activity – one dog in particular in Kruger Park, aptly named ‘Killer’, of whom the United Kingdom’s Prince Harry decorated with an Award, has caught over 100 groups of poachers.

We believe wildlife conservation is to-date in crisis, the fight against poaching is in fact, a war and must be treated as such and that taking action is critical to preserving our ecosystems, our heritage and our future - and those of our neighbours as well.  / Lists / #BigBusiness

MAY 1, 2018 @ 10:12 AM 573  Free Webcast: Investing In Bitcoin & Crypto Assets South African Security Tycoon Ivor Ichikowitz On How Defence Effectiveness Drives Economic Stability

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Mfonobong Nsehe , CONTRIBUTOR I chronicle Africa's success stories and track its richest people FULL BIO 

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Continued from page 4

We come to the question of American integration in to Africa on the backdrop of a recent probe undertaken by the U.S. House Intelligence Committee as to China’s military footprint on the continent. How can America hope to ‘compete’ with China in effective African partnership?

For many years the United States has been absent from the African landscape; the only countries the U.S. engaged on the continent were known terrorism incubators, which directly threatened sovereign interest. As the U.S. remained absent, a vacuum has been created which has been ably filled by the Chinese.

The Chinese for many years have seen African countries as important allies and partners and China has invested significantly in these partnerships. Much of the growth spurt that Africa has experienced over the last decade has been almost entirely due to China’s aggressive policies towards building these African partnerships at a time when the U.S. looked inward.

However, I do not believe that the Chinese influence in Africa should be seen as a threat to the United States. I believe that instead the U.S. should follow China’s lead and look towards complimenting their engagement by partnering with African governments, sharing strategic skills and expertise and supporting the further growth and development of the African continent, to date only scratching the surface of its true potential.

From a foreign policy standpoint, Africa offers the U.S one of the most underdeveloped consumer bases for American products. The continent is a source of significant human capital, millions of hectares of undeveloped land suitable for agribusiness and the custodian of some of the most important natural resources in support of U.S. tourism.

The current rhetoric around an ‘either or’ strategy in relation to the U.S and China on Africa is simply unfounded.

Most African governments remain open to and highly supportive of the notion of closer association with the U.S., from a strategic and commercial perspective. Over the last few years however, their stories have changed. Now, most are no longer simply recipients of aid. They are today able to stand toe to toe with the United States, strategic partners in the fight against terror, partners fostering significant economic activity which has the potential to benefit the continent and the globe.

Ultimately, there is much in-turn that Africa can do to help, as President Trump would say, ‘Make America Great Again’. And as recent history indicates, such investment considerations are long overdue.  / Lists / #BigBusiness MAY 1, 2018 @ 10:12 AM 621  South African Security Tycoon Ivor Ichikowitz On How Defence Effectiveness Drives Economic Stability

Mfonobong Nsehe , CONTRIBUTOR I chronicle Africa's success stories and track its richest people FULL BIO 

Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

Continued from page 5

Where do you envision Paramount Group in future?

Paramount Group is a good example of a proudly African organization that has justifiably found global relevance. Our Group has expanded way beyond the African continent and today has partnerships with Asia, the Middle East, Central Asia and Eastern Europe.

We are one of the first companies in the defense industry worldwide to embrace the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ with conviction; pioneering the concept of portable production and leading innovative thinking sector-wide. We see the Group expanding significantly in to more developed markets around the world in future, while continuing to maintain our proud, African heritage, significant brain trust and manufacturing base.

A prime example of our evolution is found within our BRONCO II program which involves the introduction of our advanced high-performance reconnaissance light aircraft (AHRLAC) in to the U.S. in partnership with several major companies, including Boeing subsidiaries like Aviall.

This revolutionary concept is just one example of an African company leveraging its true potential; more enterprises have the power to do similarly in their specific areas of expertise.

With regard to the continent, we envision, in future, an ever vigilant, Pan-African defense industry, with unabated opportunity to prosper. We’ve set our minds to accomplishing this. African industry is heeding the call of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to ‘adapt or be left behind’ – and many of the initiatives we have undertaken in the continent’s industrialization have been bold and pioneering in this regard. But we live by President Mandela’s credo, that “…it always seems impossible until it’s done”. I trust our efforts serve in some part as a continuation of his vision.

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