June 2018 Contents

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June 2018 Contents June 2018 Track and Field Contents Writers of P. 1 President’s Message America P. 3 Opinion: UO, City Go Off Track at Hayward Field (Founded June 7, 1973) P. 5 USATF Warned Mt. SAC on Olympic Trials Six Months Before Reopening Bids P. 6 Opinion: Why the AIPS Sports Media Awards are an Insurance Policy for our Profession PRESIDENT Jack Pfeifer P. 8 Opinion: We’re Living in the World That Klout Built 216 Ft. Washington Ave., P. 9 IAAF Schedule for Doha’s 2019 Worlds Admits Track & Field is Boring NY, NY 10032 P. 11 Galen Rupp is Hard to Love Office/home: 917-579- 5392. Email: P. 13 Opinion: Michan State Will Pay $500 Million to Abuse Victims. What Comes Next? [email protected] P. 15 Mt. SAC Won’t Bid for 2020 Olympic Trials, Ending Silence, Uncertainty P. 15 Russian Hurdlers Banned for Evading Drug Tests VICE PRESIDENT Doug Binder P. 16 Diack Cancels Paris Meeting with Coe Citing Medical Reasons Email: P. 17 Austin Meek: A Reunion Under the Hayward Rafters [email protected]. P. 18 Will Ashton Eaton and Jackie Joyner-Kersee’s World Records be Buried in Berlin? Phone: 503-913-4191 P. 21 Tinker Hatfield Blasts Hayward Field Design Adopted by the University of Oregon TREASURER P. 23 Nike Cofounder Phil Knight Breaks His Silence on Hayward Field Renovation Tom Casacky P.O. Box 4288 P. 27 Partial Fixtures List Napa, CA 94558 Phone: 818-321-3234 Email: [email protected] President’s Message - June 2018 SECRETARY NCAA, Eugene, Hayward Field Jon Hendershott These will be the final Championships in Eugene until 2021, as Hayward Field is (1946-2018) scheduled to be razed this summer and replaced by a new stadium that is set to open by FAST April 2020, if all goes according to plan. Dave Johnson A series of news reports appear in this Newsletter on the background of the Hayward Email: [email protected] Field situation. They appear chronologically, the most recent at the back, not the front. Phone: 215-898-6145 In 2019 and 2020, the NCAA meet moves to the University of Texas in Austin. It is to WEBMASTER return to Eugene for ’21 and ’22. Michael McLaughlin Email: [email protected] Parking – As of June 1, a few of TAFWA’s parking spaces remained to members for Phone: 815-529-8454 the four-day run of this year’s meet, at the Central Lutheran Church on 18th Street. First-come, first-served, $20. Press parking in Eugene continues to be a contentious is- NEWSLETTER EDITOR Shawn Price sue. We hope to make progress on this in the two off-years. Email: [email protected] Phone: 979-661-0731 Breakfast – 9 AM Friday June 8, Gerlinger Hall on campus, 2nd floor. Awards will be presented followed by a Memorial to the late Jon Hendershott, who passed away sud- denly this spring in Salem. Breakfast is $10. Please arrive no later than 9:15. Hayward Field – So far as we know here at the Home Office in Portland, no last- minute legal proceedings are likely, meaning the historic East Grandstand is to be torn down not long after the NCAA meet is completed on Saturday afternoon. We do not know the time schedule for breaking ground on the new buildings. The newer West Grandstand and Bowerman Building are also scheduled to come down. We have not seen detailed plans for the new structure that show the Press Area. TAFWA was not consulted on the new building. Neither was anyone else! We do not know what the name will be of the new complex. This has not been announced. 2020 Olympic Trials Mt. SAC officially announced that it would not submit a new bid to host these Trials, in light of USATF’s move to rescind its earlier decision to put the 2020 event there, and instead to reopen the bid process. That process was given virtually no time to prepare a bid, presumably limiting the bidders to the other two finalists, Eugene and Sacramento. An announcement was to be made June 8. Stay tuned. USATF Nationals Will be held at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, this year and next. This year’s Juniors meet -- the selec- tion meet for Worlds -- will be held in Bloomington, Ind. TAFWA has no plans for a get-together at these meets. We do expect to find a suitable location for an event in Austin at the 2019 NCAA meet, and at the 2020 Trials, wherever they are held. Pre Classic With the closure of Hayward Field in 2019, the prestigious Prefontaine meet must relocate for one year. No of- ficial announcement has been made, but it is expected to remain in the State of Oregon, possibly elsewhere in the Eugene area. Because of the lateness of the Worlds that year, the meet is scheduled for late June, the Nationals for July or August. Credential Information USATF Junior Championships - Bloomington, Indiana - June 15-17, 2018 Deadline: Friday, June 8, 2018 at 5 p.m. ET Online: https://usatf.wufoo.com/forms/w1ibuoxh1r8gv62/ USATF Outdoor Championships - Des Moines, Iowa - June 21-24, 2018 Deadline: Friday, June 15, 2018 at 5 p.m. ET Online: https://usatf.wufoo.com/forms/wxylvpr004goho/ National Records After six years, a new edition of National Athletics Records is now available, listing the national records for all countries. Price is 30 Euros by Paypal to [email protected] or cash to Winfried Kramer, Kohlrodweg 12, 66539 Neunkirchen-Kohlhof, GERMANY. The Sky’s the Limit - The Joe Dial Story TAFWA member Doug Eaton has written a book with Joe Dial. Information on purchasing the book is avail- able at www.GoldMedalPublishingLLC.com and copies can be purchased online. A portion of the sales proceeds from the book goes to a youth track program. TAFWA Membership Dues for 2018 TAFWA dues for 2018 will remain at $30, and will buy you a series of excellent newsletters, the 2018 FAST Annual, and privileged entry to special TAFWA social events at New York’s Millrose Games in February, the NCAA Championships in Eugene (our yearly breakfast with athletes and coaches), and at the USATF meet. Don’t miss out! You can send a check, payable to TAFWA, to PO Box 4288, Napa, CA 94558, or use PayPal, to the ad- dress [email protected]. TAFWA Newsletter - Page 2 - May 2018 Opinion: UO, city go off track at Hayward Field By Peter Thompson in The Register-Guard http://www.registerguard.com/opinion/20180513/uo-city-go-off-track-at-hayward-field Over the past several weeks, the quickly formed never about our aggrieved memories. Our concern East Grandstand Supporters has worked tirelessly to has always been about the future. Preserving the East promote the preservation of Hayward Field’s signature Grandstand would have been our generation’s gift to architectural feature, the historic 1925 grandstand, future athletes and fans, not some sort of nostalgia conceived by Bill Hayward himself and the host to trip, as has been depicted. countless historic track and field meets. The red herring of the structural integrity of the We have attempted to get the community refocused historic building was never finally dispelled. After the upon the best design for the venue — the design public and even university maintenance staff were all already approved in 2015, for which permits were told it was “falling down,” on May 9 the East Grand- already issued, and which might have been almost stand Supporters came into possession of the mysteri- completed by now: Tinker Hatfield’s stunning concep- ous and heretofore unavailable structural report via tion. Unfortunately, under the University of Oregon’s communication with the UO architect who received it influence as a public property trustee that has con- that same day. tinually mismanaged its mandate to conserve historic It is just as all the contractors, structural engineers resources, the Eugene City Council fumbled in its and architects who have worked on the building in the response at its May 9 work session. past and who we have consulted have said, and just as On the table was a proposal to consider the East the UO itself has recently admitted: The East Grand- Grandstand for city landmark designation. Instead, stand is eminently repairable, and deterioration is not the UO, through private meetings, steered the conver- especially extensive, contrary to the false claims made sation toward off-topic considerations such as salvage to roll out the new design. And frankly, the structural options, parking and traffic, some of which are already report also shows the UO has been a lax steward when covered by city ordinances. it comes to repairs. The East Grandstand Supporters did not get a Instead, the new design forced upon us — grand, return to our emails. The UO president met behind to be sure — is an all-encompassing concept that closed doors with the council, and we were not in- presents a rigid stadium with little ability to expand formed. We were actually told by the mayor’s office it and contract its seating capacity – the No. 1 design was not to be a voting meeting, and the university was parameter. It will leave Hayward Field with an inap- told the opposite. propriately sized and inflexible space that will be a Much of the meeting veered into discussions about poor container for more than 90 percent of the events the myriad ways the building could be moved, sliced hosted there. And the inclusion of the horrid nine- up or put in a museum. Given the lack of planning, story Tower of Bowerman is an affront to his heirs, all none of these ideas will likely happen.
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