[Tvn] Directv Schedule (7.23~7.29)
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[tvN] DirecTV Schedule (7.23~7.29) Time Time 7/23/Mon 7/24/Tue 7/25/Wed 7/26/Thu 7/27/Fri 7/28/Sat 7/29/Sun KOR WT ET WT ET KOR Street Food Fighter Taste of Wednesday Comedy Big League Hot Comedy Big League Hot Hot Clips Chasing A Better Worldwide Hot Clips Clips Clips Grandpas Over Flowers Correspondence 19 3 6 30 (스트리트 푸드 파이터 Tomorrow 3 6 19 (수요미식회 맛집안내서) (코미디빅리그 핫클립) (코미디빅리그 핫클립) 외계통신 30 미식로드) (오늘 내일) Season 4 ( ) 꽃보다 할배 리턴즈 Glass Mask Glass Mask Glass Mask Glass Mask 10 ( ) 2 (유리가면) (유리가면) (유리가면) (유리가면) 5 20 21 22 23 20 4 7 30 4 7 20 Cheers to My Life Thrifters' Guide to 30 Glass Mask Glass Mask Glass Mask Glass Mask (인생술집) Luxurious Travels 유리가면 유리가면 유리가면 유리가면 Hot brain Man ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 81 (짠내투어) (문제적 남자) 21 22 23 24 34 165 21 5 8 30 30 5 8 21 Let's Eat About Time About Time About Time About Time (식샤를 합시다) (어바웃 타임) (어바웃 타임) (어바웃 타임) (어바웃 타임) Taste of Wednesday 16 1 2 3 4 (수요미식회) Mix & Mash Saturdays 22 6 9 30 놀라운 토요일 6 9 22 179 ( ) 30 17 Lawless Lawyer Lawless Lawyer Lawless Lawyer Lawless Lawyer Lawless Lawyer (무법 변호사) (무법 변호사) (무법 변호사) (무법 변호사) (무법 변호사) Let's Eat 3 23 7 10 30 8 9 10 11 12 7 10 23 (식샤를 합시다3 : 비긴즈) 30 3 Grandpas Over Flowers Season 4 Oh My Ghost Oh My Ghost Oh My Ghost Oh My Ghost Drama Stage (꽃보다 할배 리턴즈) 24 8 11 30 8 11 24 (오 나의 귀신님) (오 나의 귀신님) (오 나의 귀신님) (오 나의 귀신님) (드라마 스테이지) 5 30 Let's Eat 3 13 14 15 16 1 (식샤를 합시다3 : 비긴즈) 4 1 9 12 9 12 1 30 Because this is my first Because this is my first Because this is my first Because this is my first Because this is my first 30 The Great Escape time time time time time Worldwide (대탈출) (이번 생은 처음이라) (이번 생은 처음이라) (이번 생은 처음이라) (이번 생은 처음이라) (이번 생은 처음이라) Correspondence 4 11 12 13 14 15 (외계통신) 2 10 13 10 13 2 30 2 30 Street Food Fighter Comedy Big League Hot Clips Chasing A Better Let's Eat 3 Let's Eat 3 Mother's Touch (코미디빅리그) Tomorrow Leaving the Nest 3 (식샤를 합시다3 : 비긴즈) (식샤를 합시다3 : 비긴즈) Taste of Wednesday : Korean Side Dishes 3 11 14 272 (오늘 내일) (둥지탈출 3) 11 14 3 30 3 4 (수요미식회) (수미네 반찬) 30 10 15 179 8 The Great Escape What's Wrong with 4 12 15 The Teenager Farmer Grandpas Over Flowers Secretary Kim 12 15 4 30 (대탈출) What's Wrong with Grandpas Over Flowers Thrifters' Guide to 30 (풀 뜯어 먹는 소리) Season 4 (김비서가 왜 그럴까) 4 Secretary Kim Season 4 Luxurious Travels 5 (꽃보다 할배 리턴즈) (김비서가 왜 그럴까) 16 꽃보다 할배 리턴즈 (짠내투어) 4 ( ) 15 5 34 5 13 16 30 30 13 16 5 Road to Ithaca Taste of Wednesday Comedy Big League (수요미식회) (이타카로 가는 길) 코미디빅리그 Leaving the Nest 3 From the Ground Up ( ) 179 What's Wrong with Mix & Mash Saturdays 2 (둥지탈출 3) (식량일기 닭볶음탕 편) 272 Secretary Kim (놀라운 토요일) 6 14 17 30 15 8 30 14 17 6 (김비서가 왜 그럴까) 17 Worldwide 15 Correspondence Cheers to My Life Road to Ithaca Mother's Touch (인생술집) (외계통신) 7 15 18 30 (이타카로 가는 길) Hot brain Man : Korean Side Dishes 30 15 18 7 문제적 남자 2 The Teenager Farmer 80 2 ( ) (수미네 반찬) What's Wrong with (풀 뜯어 먹는 소리) 165 8 Secretary Kim (김비서가 왜 그럴까) 5 Cheers to My Life 16 8 16 19 30 16 19 8 Taste of Wednesday (인생술집) 30 (수요미식회) Let's Eat 3 Taste of Wednesday 식샤를 합시다 비긴즈 Let's Eat 3 수요미식회 81 178 ( 3 : ) ( ) Cheers to My Life (식샤를 합시다3 : 비긴즈) 3 179 The Teenager Farmer (인생술집) 4 (풀 뜯어 먹는 소리) 81 9 17 20 30 30 17 20 9 What's Wrong with 5 Secretary Kim Grandpas Over Flowers What's Wrong with The Great Escape (김비서가 왜 그럴까) Season 4 The Teenager Farmer Secretary Kim 대탈출 Road to Ithaca (꽃보다 할배 리턴즈) ( ) (풀 뜯어 먹는 소리) 16 Mother's Touch 10 18 21 30 (김비서가 왜 그럴까) (이타카로 가는 길) 30 18 21 10 4 4 : Korean Side Dishes 5 15 3 (수미네 반찬) 8 Grandpas Over Flowers 11 19 22 Mother's Touch Chasing A Better 19 22 11 30 The Teenager Farmer Leaving the Nest 3 Season 4 30 : Korean Side Dishes Tomorrow (풀 뜯어 먹는 소리) (둥지탈출 3) (꽃보다 할배 리턴즈) Comedy Big League 수미네 반찬 오늘 내일 Mix & Mash Saturdays ( ) ( ) 4 (코미디빅리그) 5 15 놀라운 토요일 8 10 ( ) 273 17 12 20 23 30 30 20 23 12 What's Wrong with What's Wrong with Let's Eat 3 Let's Eat 3 Secretary Kim Secretary Kim Grandpas Over Flowers (식샤를 합시다3 : 비긴즈) (식샤를 합시다3 : 비긴즈) Season 4 Grandpas Over Flowers (김비서가 왜 그럴까) (김비서가 왜 그럴까) The Great Escape 3 4 (꽃보다 할배 리턴즈) Season 4 13 21 24 30 15 16 (대탈출) 꽃보다 할배 리턴즈 21 24 13 5 ( ) 30 4 5 Comedy Big League Hot brain Man From the Ground Up Cheers to My Life (코미디빅리그) (문제적 남자) (식량일기 닭볶음탕 편) (인생술집) 14 22 1 30 What's Wrong with 30 22 1 14 272 165 8 81 Secretary Kim Thrifters' Guide to The Great Escape (김비서가 왜 그럴까) Luxurious Travels 짠내투어 (대탈출) 15 ( ) Worldwide 5 15 23 2 Taste of Wednesday 34 23 2 15 30 The Teenager Farmer Correspondence 30 The Great Escape (수요미식회) (풀 뜯어 먹는 소리) (외계통신) (대탈출) 179 5 2 What's Wrong with 4 Secretary Kim Let's Eat 3 What's Wrong with 16 24 3 (김비서가 왜 그럴까) (식샤를 합시다3 : 비긴즈) 24 3 16 30 Secretary Kim 30 Hot brain Man From the Ground Up 16 3 Cheers to My Life (김비서가 왜 그럴까) (문제적 남자) (식량일기 닭볶음탕 편) (인생술집) 15 80 165 8 17 1 4 Road to Ithaca Worldwide 1 4 17 30 Let's Eat 3 30 (이타카로 가는 길) Correspondence (식샤를 합시다3 : 비긴즈) 2 Mother's Touch (외계통신) What's Wrong with Taste of Wednesday Leaving the Nest 3 4 : Korean Side Dishes 2 Secretary Kim (수요미식회) (둥지탈출 3) 김비서가 왜 그럴까 (수미네 반찬) ( ) 18 2 5 178 15 2 5 18 8 16 Road to Ithaca Worldwide Let's Eat 3 (이타카로 가는 길) Correspondence (식샤를 합시다3 : 비긴즈) 2 Mother's Touch (외계통신) What's Wrong with Taste of Wednesday Leaving the Nest 3 4 : Korean Side Dishes 2 Secretary Kim (수요미식회) (둥지탈출 3) (김비서가 왜 그럴까) 18 2 5 (수미네 반찬) 2 5 18 30 Street Food Fighter 178 15 Taste of Wednesday Comedy Big League Hot 16 30 Hot Clips 8 Hot Clips Clips (스트리트 푸드 파이터 (수요미식회 맛집안내서) (코미디빅리그 핫클립).