Upper Palaeozoic Flora of Kashmir Himalaya

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Upper Palaeozoic Flora of Kashmir Himalaya The Palaeobotanist, 30(2): 185-232, 1982. UPPER PALAEOZOIC FLORA OF KASHMIR HIMALAYA GOPAL SINGH,* P. K. MAITHY** & M. N. BOSE** *Geological Survey of India, Northern Region, Lucknow-226 007, India **Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53 University Road, Lucknow-226 007, India ABSTRACT The paper deals with plant fossils collected from the Upper Palaeozoic rocks of Kashmir Himalaya ranging in age from Upper Devonian to Permian. The distri• bution of plants, so far collected in the various formations, is as follows: Aishmuqam Formation (Upper Devonian)- ?Taelliocrada sp. and ?Protolepidodelldroll sp. Syringothyris Limestone and Fenestella Shale formations (Lower Carboniferous)• Arclzaeosigillaria minuta Lejal, Lepidosigillaria cf. quadrata Danze-Corsin, Lepidodendropsis cf. peruviana (Gothan) Jongmans, L. fenestrata Jongmans, Cyclostigma cf. pacifica (Steinmann) Jongmans, Rhacopteris ovata (McCoy) Walkom, Triphyllopteris lecuriana (Meek) Jongmans, RllOdea cf. subpetio• lata (Potonie) Gothan and Palmatopteris cf. furcata Potonie. Nishatbagh and Mamal formations (Lower Permian)-(a) Nishatbagh Formatioll• Gangamopteris kashmirellsis Seward, Glossopteris IOllgicaulis Feistmantel, G. lIishatbaghensis sp. novo and ?Nummulospermum sp. (b) Mamal Formatiolt - Parasphenophyllum tllOnii val'. minor (Sterzel) Asama, Trizygia speciosa Royle, Lobatanllularia ensifolia Halle, Rajahia mamalensis sp. nov., Glosso• pteris intermittens Feistmantel, G. cf. communis Feistmantel, G. cf. feist• mantelii Rigby, G. cf. taeniopteroides Feistmantel, G. angustifolia Brang• niart, Glossopteris sp., ?Cordaites sp., Ginkgophyllum haydenii (Seward) Maithy, G. sahnii (Ganju) Maithy and a cone-like organ. In the Upper Devonian the plant fossils are extremely rare and very badly preserved. The Lower Carboniferous flora shows a remarkable resemblance with the assem• blage described from Peru and is in general agreement with the rest of the Lower Carboni• ferous floras known from other parts of the world. The Permian flora has two distinct elements, one present in the Nishatbagh Formation and the other in the Mamal Formation. The former is dominated by the presence of Gangamopteds, whereas, the latter is domi• nated by Glossopteris. Moreover, at Mamal there are two genera, viz., Lobatannularia and Rajahia which are typically Cathaysian elements. Some of the species of Glossopteris, too, seem to be distinct from all the species of Glossopteris reported from the Lower Gondwana of the Peninsular India. Key-words - Upper Palaeozoic flora, Glossopteris, Gangamopteris, Lobatannularia, Rajahia, Permian, Upper Devonian, Kashmir Himalaya, India. ~nu~ 'fi~ f~ fr ;jtff<:~ ~fCf"f1cf - rftcm;rf~Q:,lNm ~ ~T l1.<f$ 'lTq "1m ~ mu -r.rvf 'fi~ fQ:l1ffil1'fiT ;jtfn: fucIT;ftfr 'l"OO' WI! Cf'fi'fiT ;jtff<:~ ~ if; 'lJ:,;ffirR'fi ~ ~fu'fi >;ft;I1!1rffr ~mr ~ I fcrf~ m,~T fr >;f'+ITCf'fi~ 'lT~ 'fiTfcrcr<:ur f~~: ~ m,-~Q: (~ f~T) - ?c;1f.f'l--T~ ;jjTo ~ m~l.gr~I'1 ;jjToI ~fw~ '!'1TJfl1 ~ ~-!iT<'f m,-1I~ (>;fUn: m'1'T) - m-.::f'fimfuFir(OrRlfTl1~~CT ~, ~Tfu~ ;jjTo mTI1 ~ ~"'FJf-'lilfu;r, ~ml.gr~IfCl:f'1 ;jjTo lI"fT~ 'lT~fcrlfT'1'T(tl)qFf) I1TlfllrlI, ~o ffi;f~C;T lfT~, mwftftc;n:rr ;jjTo WirlcfTlf lITo iffirf'li'fiT (~) lfTlfllr'1, ~ >;f)~ (*""11) 'fT(''fllJ:,~r:;:fuw<1lc2f<tf~lI~jf<:m ( m'fi ) lf~, <:lf~ ;jjT0 lI"fmT1Tl:f"!f'rtTIiT~ ('l1mfrrit) 'lTqrrr ~ 'lR'?ri(c2f<:ff ;jjT0 mT1T g;oifuT 'l)cftf.1it I 189 186 THE PALAEOBOTANIST PHlld.WI ~ci l11+l'<'l'W<;~ (mm: troft) - (.-.r) PIQlld<ll', !!TOf~-~vfur 'fiT"!/lftUllf.mrfucri, "'ITm"fur OfTf1r'fiTf<rn!firw:;f~vOf, "'ITo f"1Qlld<li~f.tH'.,0 ;;rro ~ Tr• ~;;rro I (m) l11+l'<'l'W<;~-chlf\hl.i'lf'fl",<1'J. ~ ~ ~ (~) m, ~~llT fitvlmffirr~, ffi~c;~'1Otf(lll q'f.tl!hlf"'!11~, ~f~ >ii>iOtf.tltl.,0 ;;rro, "'IT• ~vfur ~,c;(f~2'"t1!fi1~fc;4',2vOf,"'ITo;;rro ~"'IT0 ~f.,tr !fi1~wi,2vOf,"'ITo;;rro ~ !fi1~fC4',2v<11irom, "'ITo ;;rro ~ alf">;llc2d!1f~ !fi~~vOf, "'IT0 ~TfullT mmrr, "'ITo ;;rro, ?,,;l('Si!1f~tl ;;rro, 111 ''fi'n Eti"'<1'!,~'lr{ (ftrGli) +rr~d"T,1<'fTo~ (~) lfmIT dln ~ m~w ~I ;ffi( fu<it;ft if ~ f.mT;:a'¥~~ ~ 'lft<feT(1"~ I .-.raf<'fiI<f;ftq;wrfu;;rnr ~ e• ~ ~ e- \3",Ot'Sl.,I!1dln fCf!f<fif; W!1' m<Ti e- fcrncr llft'i .-.rl:lf"('fiI<f;ftcl'H'qfCl"lIClIe- mli'll tl"llal!1dl srmm'f;"(dl~ J troft'l'1f'1fCl"lld if~1!"!iWfqq ~ ~ ife-~ f"1Qild.WIW<;~ if dllT ~ l11+l'<'l'm;-fIl!~ if ~ ~ I ~ m;"fIl!~ *nm"fur e- ~ ~, ~ ~ if ~v_ fur 'liT ~ ~ I ~if; ~ l11+l'<'l'if ~ ~ - <1l<1~?t"fw ~ ~ ;;ft f'!; tfl"lI"Pf ~ QcCf & - ~ ~ I ~"f<tr 'liT ~ ;;rrfulfi m ~ 'l1TUf if; .-.rU"(~ e• .-.rfl1f",ftiild~~vfur 'liT trm mfd'liT e- fu"f srffid' ~ ~ I INTRODUCTION An attempt has been made here to delineate the different plant bearing horizons developed in the Upper Palaeozoic sequence exposesthe oneHimalaya,of the Kashmirbest developedregion of Kashmir Himalaya. Besides, a syste• INPalaeozoic sequences. Palaeobotanically matic account of their floral contents has this sequence is well known since long also been given. In all, six horizons (Table as it contains the Permian plant fossil 1) have been recognised at distinct strati• bearing strata sandwitched between marine graphic levels, out of which four show the fossiliferous sequence. These Permian plant presence of Pre-Gondwana or Devonian• bearing horizons have been variously named Carboniferous flora and two Permian flora. as Lower Gondwana Bed, Gangamopteris The latter are somewhat similar to the Bed or Permian Gondwana in the geo• Lower Gondwana flora of Peninsular India. logical literature. Recent discovery by Pal However, within the Permian the upper (1978) and Pal and Chaloner (1979) of plant horizon has also elements of Northern bearing beds from the Lower Carboniferous Hemisphere. The oldest plant bearing sequence of Kashmir region has opened horizon, i.e. horizon no. 1, represents B a new field of palaeobotanical study Member of the Aishmuqam Formation involving Carboniferous or Pre-Gondwana (Upper Devonian); horizon no. 2 is deve• flora in Kashmir. The earlier know• loped in the basal part of C Member of ledge of Pre-Gondwana flora in Indian Syringothyris Limestone (Tournasian: Lower subcontinent was negligible and restricted Carboniferous); horizon no. 3 represents to Spiti in Himachal Pradesh (Gothan & A Member of the Fenestella Shale Forma• Sahni, 1937; H~eg, Bose & Shukla, 1957; tion (Lower Carboniferous); horizon no. 4 Dhar, Ram & Rao, 1980). represents C Member of the Fenestella The investigation by Pal (1978) was Shale Formation (Lower Carboniferous); restricted to a single horizon in the Fenestella horizon no. 5 represents the Nishatbagh Shale Formation (Lower Carboniferous). Formation (Lower Permian); and horizon Since then several new plant bearing hori• no. 6 represents the Mamal Formation zons in Aishmuqam Formation (Upper (Lower Permian). Devonian), Syringothyris Limestone For• Within these six horizons, five plant fossil mation (Lower Carboniferous), and the assemblages have been recognized, in which upper part of Fenestella Shale Formation two horizons have similar assemblages. (Lower Carboniferous), have come to light Assemblage 1 is supposed to be of Upper in the Upper Palaeozoic succession of Devonian age, assemblages 2 and 3 from Liddar Valley, Kashmir. A and C members of Fenestella Shale are SINGH et al.- UPPER PALAEOZOIC FLORA OF KASHMIR HIMALAYA 187 TABLE 1- UPPER PALAEOZOIC SUCCESSION IN KASHMIR SHOWING PLANT BEARING HORIZONS AGE STRATIGRAPHIC UNIT MAl LITHOLOGY Formation Member UPPER D Calcareous sandstone with bands of limestone. C Arenaceous and calcareous shale. ZEWAN B Limestone shale intercalation. PER• A Massive limestone with shale partings. MIAN 1/ 1// / / / / !// I / III 1// Novaculite, limestone, tuffaceous shale, / / 111/ / MAMAL / 111/ I / carbonaceous shale, purple and pinkish shale with arenite. PANJAL VOLCANIC Mainly basic rocks-basalt and andesitic LOWER basalt and a few intermediate and acidic rocks. / / / I NISHATBAGH / 1111 Black shale/slate, siltstone and bands of II / II / I I I I I I 1/ / / //1/ arenite. D Ash colour tuffaceous shale with volcanic bombs lapillae, etc. Clasts rare. C Dominantly quartz-arenite with lenticular conglomerates and clasts. AGGLOMERATIC --- UPPER SLATE B Dominantly shale and siltstone with abun- dance of clasts. CARBO• A bandsDominantlyDominantofofof Dominantshale/siltstonequartzshale-siltstoneshalewithandarenitequartz-arenitebandssiltstone.with lenticularwith /1///11NIFER• quartzarenite. conglomeratearenite. and clasts. OUS /IICII BD FENE• STELLA SHALE /1/11/1 II/AI! Dominant quartz-arenite with intercalation of shale siltstone. LOWER IIIC / / Limestone shale/siltstone/arenite intercala• tions. SYRINGOTHYRIS LIMESTONE B MaSSive and thickly bedded limestone. A Limestone and arenite. /11//1/ DEVO· UPPER AISHMUQAM III B 1/ Yellowish-green siltstone-shale with bands NIAN of quartz-arenite. A Quartz-arenite with intercalation of blotchy siltstone. MUTH-QUARTZITE Milky white orthoquartzite 11111/ Indicate plant bearing horizon 188 THE PALAEOBOTANIST similar and are of Lower Carboniferous SYRINGOTHYRIS LIMESTONE FORMATION age. Assemblages 4 and 5 are of Lower Permian age (Text-fig. 1). On the basis of dominant lithology and sedimentary sequence this formation is divisible into three distinct members - A, Band C. STRATIGRAPHY OF THE UPPER PALAEOZOIC ROCKS A Member - It consists mainly of arena• ceous limestone which is hard and compact The Upper Palaeozoic sequence in with partings of shale and intercalations Kashmir is represented by several forma• of quartz-arenite. Thus this unit essentially tions, namely Aishmuqam, Syringothyris
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