A combined list, collated by André Landman 2011

















J CLASS AND COLOUR IN 1850-1950 25


















W 80






Z1 1920-1939 102 Z2 1940-1949 102 Z3 1950S 103 Z4 1960S 106 Z5 1970S 109 Z6 1980S 115 Z7 1990S 124 Z8 2000S 134 Z9 UNDATED DOCUMENTS 136 Z10 PHOTOGRAPHS 138 Z11 DRAFTS AND TRANSCRIPTS 138



A1 Jack A1.1 Autobiographical sketch, interviews

ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. and profiles (1969-1996) Political background (1988-1997) (1f) A1.2 Academic particulars (1932-1990) (1f) Includes: o Academic contributions (1973-1976) o CVs o Profiles (1932-1965) o Testimonials (1932-1965) o The Jack Simons Bursary (1983) A1.3 Notes about the author, Jack Simons (1931-1995) (1f) A1.4 Employment correspondence and references (1933-1993) (1f) Includes: o Manchester University o ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Fellowship (1964-1965) Research Fellowship in African Studies (UCT) (1991-1993) o University of Cape Town o ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. (1938-1992) University of Zambia (1968-1980) o Visiting Associate in Centre for African Studies (UCT) A1.5 Banning orders (1953-1988) (1f) Includes information regarding the banning of: o Mary (1981) o Tanya (1976) o Ray (1953) A1.5.1 Response from academics to Jack’s banning (1964-1969) (1f) A1.5.2 Newspaper clippings regarding Jack’s banning (1964-1965) (1f) A1.6 Detention (1960) (1f) Includes Jack’s correspondence with his children from Worcester prison A1.7 Poems From Jack to Ray (1943-1990) (1f) A1.8 Application to register as a citizen of the (1966-1967) (1f) A1.9 Awards, honorary degrees and tributes (1965-1998) (1f) A1.10 Condolences, obituaries and tributes for JS (1995-1998) (1f)

A2 Ray A2.1 Biography recorded by Muff Anderson (2f) Includes: o Correspondence (1991-1992) A2.2 Autobiographical notes compiled between 1989 and 2002 (1f) A2.3 Autobiography: draft manuscripts compiled between 1989 and 1995 (1f) A2.4 Elections: Ray a candidate (1953-1954) (1f) A2.5 Transcripts of interviews (1970-1996) and articles based on interviews (1970-1996) (1f) A2.6 Profiles and articles (1968-2004) Draft profile for Who’s who in South African politics (1986) (1f) A2.7 Awards, honorary degrees and tributes (1969-2004) (1f) A2.7.1 Ray honoured by the High Commission of India (1998) (1f) A2.8 Poems, hymns and songs sent to Ray by comrades (1f) A2.9 Newspaper clippings (1953-2000) (1f) A2.10 Condolences, obituaries and tributes (2004) (1f)

A3 Jack and Ray A3.1 Exile: application for permits to leave South Africa (1964-1965) (1f) A3.2 Life in Zambia (1965-2004) (1f) Includes: o Application for residency permits (1965-1967) o Application for visas (1965) o Application for permits (1965) o Residents at 250 Zambezi Road (outlined in a 2004 publication) o Travel documents to Namibia for Jack (1984-1985) o Visitor’s pass to for Ray (1976) A3.3 Oxfam: Correspondence regarding the sale of the Zambian property (1984-1993) Includes: o Articles on an inquiry into Oxfam’s political role (1990) (1f) A3.4 Bank of Zambia (1990-1991) Standard Chartered Bank Zambia Ltd. (1990-1991) (1f) A3.5 National Westminster Bank (NATWEST): Correspondence regarding the sale of the Zambian property and the transfer of funds to Standard Bank (1990-1992) (1f) A3.6 Jack and Ray’s return to South Africa (1990-1992) (1f) A3.7 Ceremonies honouring Jack and Ray (1990-1999) Tribute to Ray and Jack: Keynote address by Raymond Suttner, UCT (1990) (1f) A3.8 Faxes and correspondence regarding travel arrangements (1980-1991) (1f) A3.9 Pensions (UCT) (1990-1996) Income tax (1991-1995) (1f) A3.10 Investment in the Cape Town property (1990-1996) A3.11 Invitations (1966-1999) (1f)

A4 Jack, Ray and the Alexander/Simons families A4.1 Family certificates and documents (1922-1979) (1f) Includes: o Allocation of artworks (1982) o Dora Nash’s will dated 1980 o Death certificate of Gertrude Mary Simons, Jack’s mother (1960) o Jack (1922-1951) o Johan (1960) o Ray (1940) A4.2 Family biographies and obituaries (1967-1995) (1f) A4.3 Financial documents and correspondence (1965-1994) (1f) A4.4 Investment in property: documents and correspondence (1990-1991) (1f) A4.5 Reports of Jack and Ray’s health (1980-1996) Health of family members (1992-1993) (1f)

A5 Diaries and notebooks Includes: o Jack’s diary (1992) o Martyn Green’s notebook (1929; handed to Ray 1940) o Notebook in a foreign language (1929) o Ray’s notebooks (1965-1967) o A6 Photographs (1930s-1990s) (5f) A6.1 Photocopies of photographs (1f)


B1 Jack and Ray (1943-1988) (1f) 1

B2 Jack and Ray with the children B2.1 Mary (1965-1989) (1f) B2.2 Tanya (1966-1990) (1f) B2.3 Johan and Rosalind (1965-1988) (1f)

B3 Jack and Ray with Jack’s family B3.1 Lynette (1977-1995) (1f)

1 Further family correspondence is also found in sections Y and Z. B3.2 Other family members (1941-1994) (1f)

B4 Jack and Ray with Ray’s family (1968-1994) (1f)


C1 Jack and Ray with friends and comrades C1.1 Jack and Ray with specific friends (2) 2 Includes: o Altman, Phyllis (1965-1983) o Bernstein, Hilda (1978-1983) o Bunting, Brian and Sonya Bunting (1968-1987) o First, Ruth (1965-1975) o Forman, Sadie (1965-1989) o Gottschalk, Keith (1967-1986) o Ridehalgh, Anna (1976-1989) o Roux, Winnie (1965-1972) o Turock, Ben and Mary (1967-1991) o Weinberg, Violet (1977-1990) C1.2 Jack and Ray with Phyllis Naidoo (1979-1993) (1f) C1.3 Jack’s correspondence with friends (1930-1993) (2f) C1.4 Jack with Julius Lewin (1942-1984) (1f) C1.5 Ray’s early correspondence (1941-1961) (1f) C1.6 Ray’s correspondence with friends (1963-1993) (7f) C1.7 Ray’s correspondence with special friends (arranged alphabetically by surname) (9f) o Andrews, W (1950) o Baard, Francis (1954-1988) o Bloch, B (1974-1985) o Goma family (1973-1979) o Hamel, Michael (1968-1974) o Joseph, Helen (1972-1988) o Kotane, Sam and family (1954-1985) o La Guma, Alex (1969-1970) o Lawrence, Lars (1957-1963) o Loza, Elijah (n.d.) o Loza, Funeka (1987-1988) o Loza, Henrietta (1974-1978) o Loza, Lulama (1977-1983) o Mabhida, Moses

2 Further general correspondence is also found in sections Y and Z. o Mafekeng, Elizabeth (1970-1988) o Marks, J B (1958-1972) o Martyn (CPSA) (1940-1951) o Matomela, Florence (1968-1971) o Mdinzi, Godfrey (1970-1983) o Ngoyi, Lilian (1964-1980) o Silinga, Annie (1954-1987) o Tamana, Dora and family (1971-1984) o Weinberg, Eli (1940)

C2 Academic correspondence C2.1 Correspondence with specific persons (2f) o Du Pre, M C F (1977-1978) o Jayaraman, R (1975-1979) o Mumeka, L (1969-1975) o Nelson-Richards, Melsome (1971-1993) o Seymour, A (1971-1979) o Suttner, R (1968-1970) o Turok, B (1978-1980) C2.2 References and CVs (2f) C2.3 As external examiner (1943-1964) (1f) C2.4 Union Department of Education (1940-1948) (1f) Includes correspondence pertaining to: o African studies (1940-1948) o Anthropology (1948) o Native Education Commission (1949) C2.5 UCT correspondence (1939-1992) (1f) C2.6 Correspondence pertaining to academic seminars and talks (1956-1994) (1f) C2.7 Academic works (by others) reviewed by Jack (1941-1988) (1f)

C3 Professional and political correspondence C3.1 Ray and Jack (1990-1994) (1f) Includes correspondence with: o Gottschalk, Keith (1990) o Hasson, Reuben (1994) o Kgomo, E (1991) o Schrire, R (1992) C3.2 Ray’s political and academic correspondence (1943-1994) (1f) Includes: o Jenny Schreiner (1989) o Requests for articles and publications (1966-1989) o Requests for articles authored by Ray (1966-1984) o Request for information from Ray (1966-1984) o Subscriptions to journals (1967-1984) C3.3 Jack’s political and academic correspondence (1966-1994) (1f) C3.4 Jack’s correspondence with publishers (1939-1994) (1f) Includes: o Publications co-authored by Jack and Ray (1971-1973) o Publishing of Jack’s manuscripts (1939-1994) o Request for articles from Jack (1959-1987) C3.4.1 Jack’s requests for books and journals (1944-1993) (1f) C3.5 Address books and lists (n.d.) (2f) C3.6 Visitors’ cards (1970s-1980s) (1f)

C4 Postcards (1936-1995) (3f)


This section overlaps with F1-F3.4

D1 School of African Studies, University of Cape Town D1.1 Research and notes (1937-1952) (1f) (Includes notes on the origin of race prejudice) D1.2 Lectures, research and notes (1948-1966) (1f) D1.3 African Studies lectures and course outlines (1969 -1970) Introduction to Africa (1991) (1f) D1.4 Poverty of philosophy in African Studies (n.d.) (1f) o What is African Studies? o Who should teach African Studies? o How should African Studies be taught?

D2 Archaeology (1938-1987) (1f)

D3 Comparative African Government and Law (CAGL) (1923-1969) (15f) Includes topics as follows: o Administration o CAGL: the discipline o Colonialism o Commonwealth o Africa general o Nigeria o Lecture notes o Native Administration o Native Authorities o Native Law o Theory of Government

D4 Social Anthropology (1932-1969) (4f) Includes: o Information regarding race and culture o Lectures o Working papers D4.1 Social anthropology: the discipline (n.d.) (1f) D4.2 Published anthropological articles (1922-1977) (2f) D4.3 An anthropological work (chapters 2-11; title unknown) (n.d.) (1f)


E1 Africans in the Western Cape E1.1 Research and notes (1887-1969) (1f)

E2 Africans in the Western Cape: Surveys E2.1 Community surveys (1937-1955) (1f) E2.2 Cost of living survey (n.d.) (1f) E2.3 Lobola and marriage surveys (1941-1953) (1f) E2.4 Labour survey (1927-1928) (1f) E2.5 Social services and security 1940s (1f) E2.6 Why families came to Cape Town Essays in response to survey questions (1941) (1f)

E3 Cape Malay Community (1990) (1f)

E4 Coloured people (1932-1999) (2f) Includes: The status of Coloured people in Britain by Eyo B Ndem Know this Brown South Africa Disqualified: a study of the effects of uprooting…, 1975 The Coloured people – political pioneers by Lionel Forman, 1950s

E5 Western Cape economy (1986-1991) (1f)


F1-F3.4 overlaps with section D

F1 Native administration law (1925-1964) (1f)

F1.1 Natal Black Code (1967) (1f)

F2 Native law (1923-1993) (2f) Includes: o Bantu law o Customary law o Tribal law

F3 Marriages and legislation F3.1 African marriages (1927-1993) (3f) Includes: o Customary Unions o Lobola F3.2 Family and marriage laws (1987-1995) (2f) Includes booklets: o “The future of Muslim family law in South Africa” (1991) o “Marriage and the law” (1987) F3.3 Matrimonial property acts (1960-1988) (1f) F3.4 Divorce legislation (1985-1987) (1f)

F4 Family issues (1949-1997) (1f) Includes: o Childcare o The elderly o Illegitimacy

F5 South African law (1956-1997) (2f) Includes: o Courts o Judiciary o Legal system o Magistrates and judges F5.1 Law and courts in a State of Emergency (1986-1989) (1f)

F6 Court cases (1889-1989) (1f) Includes: o Affidavits o Land claims o People’s court

F7 Appeals (1934-1965) (1f) Includes: o S Kahn vs Regina (1955) o E S Sacks vs Pirow (1934) o Regina vs Silinga (1955) o Letters of appeal (1942-1965)

F8 Inquiries (1922 and 1963) (1f) Includes: Martial law (1922) Paarl riots (1963)

F9 Trials (1931-1946) (1f) Includes: Rex vs Marks and others (1946) Sentences (1931-1944) F9.1 Sedition Trial (1946-1951) (1f) (Harry Snitcher and Jack Simons cross-examined) F9.2 Evidence of Harold Jack Simons in the case of the State versus R I Arenstein (14 May 1965) (1f) F9.3 Trials: treason and terrorism (1957-1989) (1f) Includes: o Breytenbach trial (1975) o Natal treason trial (1985) o Rivonia trial (1963) o Treason trial (ANC) (1957; 1969) o Yengeni trial (1989) F9.4 Political trials (1970-1989) (1f) Includes: ANC members on trial South African Congress of Trade Unions (SACTU) United Democratic Front (UDF) F9.5 Sources capturing and reporting on political trials (1936-1981) (1f)

F10 Death penalty (1982-1998) (1f)

F11 Detentions and imprisonment (1969-1989) (2f) Includes: o Deaths in detention o Restriction of persons o Torture

F12 Penal reform and prisons (1909-1998) (2f)

F13 Violence (1976-1991) (1f) Includes: o Draft National Peace Accord, 1991 o Police conduct o Unrest

F14 Crime (1926-1991) (1f) F14.1 Crime: newspaper clippings (1945-1946) (1f)

F14.2 Crime thesis: chapters 1-11; and 13 (3f) F14.3 Crime thesis: African law notes (1f) F14.4 Crime thesis: Notes I (1f) F14.5 Crime thesis: Notes II (1f) F14.6 “Crime and punishment with reference to the Native population of South Africa”. Thesis for the Degree of Master of Arts (Political Science) presented by H J Simons. University of South Africa, 1931 (1it) F14.7 “Contextualising criminology in contemporary South Africa” by Dirk van Zyl Smit

F15 State of Emergency (SOE) (1940-1990) (1f) Includes: o Legislation o Publications o State repression

F16 Human rights F16.1 Articles, extracts and reports (1983-1995) (1f) F16.2 Unpublished documents on human rights (n.d.) (1f) F16.3 Bill of Rights (1986-1993) Lawyers for Human Rights (1986-1989) (1f) F16.4 Booklets (1966-1990) (1f) Includes: Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1980s) Workers’ rights as human rights (1990s) F16.5 Sources (1973-1986) (1f) Includes: o United Nations hearings on (1986) o Working papers: Freedom in Society (circa 1970s) F16.6 Truth and Reconciliation Commission (1994-1996) (1f)

F17 Research and documentation: Jack Simons F17.1 Correspondence, sources and notes (1934-1991) (1f) F17.2 “African women: their legal status in South Africa” (3f, 1it) (draft chapters 1-29 and the book) F17.2.1 Reviews and correspondence (1960-1992) (1f) F17.2.2 Notes and sources (n.d.) (1f) F17.2.3 First draft chapters (n.d.) (1f) F17.3 “South Africa’s family and marriage law reformed” (n.d.) (1f) F17.4 Published articles by Jack Simons (1956-1966) (1f) Includes: o “African women and the law” (1956) o “Customary unions in a changing society” (1958) o “Marriage and succession among Africans” (1960) o “Politics, law and ritual in tribal society” (1966) o “The study of Native Law in South Africa” (n.d.) o “The status of customary unions” (1961) F17.5 Draft chapters and notes by JS (mainly undated): o “African family, marriage and gender in SA” o “African women” o “Africans and the law” o “Customary societies” o “Law in race relations in South Africa” o “Patriarchal rule” o “Social welfare and the law” o “South Africa and the rule of law” F17.6 Sources and notes (1925-1989) (1f)

F18 Conference papers “Social Change and Legal Reform in East, Central, and Southern Africa” (1987) (2f)

F19 Publications (1967-1989) (1f) (Sources on various legal issues)


G1 Agri-land: socio-economic factors (1949-1986) (1f)

G2 Land tenure and rural development (1986-1991) (2f)

G3 Forced removals and resettlements (1979-1989) (1f)

G4 Influx control (1980-1986) (1f)

G5 Squatters (1966-1996) (1f)

G6 Group areas (1955-1988) (1f)

G7 Housing (1901-1995) (1f)

G8 Provinces G8.1 Port Elizabeth (1989) (1f) G8.2 Natal and Transvaal (1903) (Photographic depictions of segregated conditions in 1885) (1f)

G9 Townships G9.1 Langa (1931-1991) (2f) Gugulethu Park (1998) Nyanga (1953) G9.2 Alexander (n.d.) Mamelodi (n.d.) Soweto (1980-1989) (1f)

G10 Local government G10.1 Sources and research (1961-1994) (2f) G10.2 “Does local government really matter?” Workshop held in Grahamstown September 1987 (1f)

G10.3 “Local government and planning in South Africa and Zimbabwe”. Workshop held in Harare, November 1989 (3f)

G11 Homelands\Bantustans G11.1 Homelands: general (1968-1990) (1f) G11.2 Homelands: specific (1970s-1980s) (1f) Includes: o Bophutatswana o Gazankulu o Lebowa o o Qwaqwa o Venda G11.3 Ciskei (1974-1991) (1f) G11.4 KaNgwane (1970-1989) (1f) Includes: o Report by Melsome Nelson-Richards titled “Evaluation of the Farmer Support Programme” (1989) G11.5 KwaNdebele (1983-1987) (1f) G11.6 KwaZulu-Natal (1968-1998) (1f) G11.7 Transkei (1907-1987) (2f)

G12 Urbanization (1945-1987) (1f)

G13 City of Cape Town Budget: Freedom of the City – Archbishop Desmond Tutu (1998) (1f)

G14 Publications pertaining to land issues (1944-1998) (1f)


H1 Unpublished manuscript (1955) (6f) Topics: o Bibliography o Cancer o Cape nutritional survey o Government policy o Health and race o Health services o Health and society o Heart disease o History of medicine o Hospitals o Housing and health o Industrial disease o Malnutrition o Mental illness o Nurses o Pneumonia o Polio o Population trends o Race and disease o Reference tables o Social pathology o Tribal medicine o Tuberculosis

H2 Unpublished manuscript on public health (n.d.) (1f)

H3 Health Department records: Tuberculosis (1938-1941) (1f)

H4 Articles and documentation (1950s-1991) (1f) Includes: o “The colour bar” o “Health under apartheid”

H5 Booklets, pamphlets, and extracts on medical matters (1921-1994) (1f)

H6 Journals (1955-1997) (1f)

H7 Notes and correspondence (1957-1997) (1f)

H8 Published journal articles by JS on mental disease and tribal medicine (1957-1959) (1f)

H9 Newspaper clippings (1995) (1f)


J1 Notes compiled (1963-1966) (1f) J2 Sources and notes consulted and compiled (1960s) (1f)

J3 Draft chapters and notes (n.d.) (3f)

J4 Foreword and chapters (n.d.) (9f) (Chapters 1-21; 23-25)

J5 Bibliographies, acknowledgements, and index (n.d.) (1f)

J6 Correspondence (1968-1990) (1f)

J7 Reviews (1969-1983) (1f)


K1 Ray’s research and publications K1.1 Articles, lectures and talks (1956-1993) (1f) Topics include: o Commentary on “Day of Peace” (1982) o “Cracks and cleavages in the racist structure” (1983) o “Farm workers in apartheid South Africa” (n.d.) o “Legalised murder” (1967) o “The nature of South African society” (n.d.) o Olive Schreiner (1965) o Orderly Movement and Settlement of Black Persons Bill (1982) o The Urban Foundation (1981) K1.2 Drafts and notes for articles, lectures and talks (1966-1991) (2f) K1.3 Incomplete pages and notes (1940-1996) (2f) K1.4 Soweto: drafts and notes (1976-1978) (2f) Includes: o Extracts from published sources (1976-1978) o Incomplete drafts (1976) K1.5 Reviews and comments by Ray (1971-1995) (1f) K1.6 Information disseminated to Ray by Phyllis Naidoo (1979-1989) (1f) Includes articles on the Maseru Raid and refugees K1.7 Sources analysed (1915-1996) (1f) K1.8 My Lithuania: memoirs1892-1913 by Solomon Buirski (Yiddish) (1f)

K2 Jack’s publications and research (Listed topics and titles are by JS unless otherwise indicated) K2.1 Thesis (1936) (1f) (Title not apparent. Probably PhD Thesis submitted to the London School of Economics, University of London, 1936. Includes correspondence with Lucy Mair and B. Malinowski.) K2.2 Addresses, talks and lectures, (1949-1988) (2f) Topics include: o Academic freedom and South African universities (1966) o Capitalism and imperialism (1954-1960) o Caste and class in South Africa (1965) o Colonialism (1970) o Historical materialism (1961) o Liberation struggle (1969) o Nationalism (1954) o Pass laws (1961) o People’s democracy (1958) o Power structure (S A) (1966) o Race (1954-1960) o Science and society (1952) o Slavery at the Cape (n.d.) o Social change (n.d.) o Socialism (1954) o Trade unions (1949-1988) o Wars of resistance (n.d.) o Women under the law (1970) K2.2.1 Lectures (1955-1964) (1f) (A series of typed lectures) Topics include: o Agrarian societies and reform (1962-1964) o Capitalism (1955) o Colonial economy (1955-1963) o Economic growth and resources (1957-1962) o Land reform (1963) o Land tenure (1962) o Pass laws (1961) o Peasant revolt (1961) o Peasant society (1962) o Traditional economies (1962) K2.3 Articles, essays and debates (1930-1988) (3f) Topics include: o Class conflict o Colonialism o Foreign investment and apartheid o Land policy o Labour laws (Jack and Ray) o Mixed economies o National liberation o Nationality of Natives o Pass laws o Racism o Revolution after June 1976 o Revolution in Southern Africa o Segregation o Science of society o Socialism for Africa o Sport without colour bars o State and ethnicity K2.4 Nation, nationalities and nationalism (1935-1990) (3f) (Drafts and published articles) Topics include: o African nationalism o Afrikaner nationalism o Afrikanerdom o National consciousness o The national question in South Africa o Race, class and nation in South Africa K2.5 Apartheid (1958-1992) (3f) (some manuscripts possibly co-authored by Jack and Ray) K2.5.1 African labour: legislation (1963-1975) (1f) K2.6 South Africa’s civil war: revolution and counter-revolution (1989) (1f) K2.7 Lectures on the South African revolution prepared for discussion in the German Democratic Republic (1988) (1f) K2.8 Common society (1960-1991) (2f) K2.8.1 Common society: drafts and notes, 1956-1990 (2f) K2.9 “The customary societies” (1992) (1f) (Paper for a seminar held at the Centre for African Studies) K2.10 Struggles in Southern Africa for survival and equality (4f) K2.10.1 Launch of Struggles (1997) Correspondence regarding publishing of the manuscript (1993-1997) (1f) K2.11 Conferences and workshops (1953-1992) (2f) K2.12 Seminars (1961-1991) (1f) K2.12.1 Seminar and course programmes and outlines (1989-1992) (filed with K2.12) K2.13 Published articles (1938-1977) (1f) Titles include: o African women and the law (1956) o Chief, council and commissioner (1971) o Disabilities of the native in the Union of South Africa (1939) o Harnessing the Orange River (1968) o How to breed a ‘pure’ race (1956) o Is there a common South African society? (1960) o Marriage and succession among Africans (1960) o Masters and servants (n.d.) o Mental disease in Africans (1958) o Perspectives on civilisation (1957) o Planning and control under capitalism (1944) o Politics, law and ritual in tribal society (1966) o The status of African women (1961) o The study of native law in South Africa (1938) o Tribal medicine: diviners and herbalists (1957) o We South Africans (1943) o What is apartheid (1959) K2.14 Reviews and comments K2.14.1 Jack of others (1958-1992) (3f) (Arranged by author’s surname) K2.14.2 Critiques, comments and reviews (1969-1990) (1f) (Jack of others) K2.14.3 Jack reviewed by others (1959-1979) (1f) K2.14.4 Research proposals and projects (1971-1993) (1f) K2.15 Correspondence (1948-1999) (1f) Includes: o Publishing of manuscripts o Request for various publications o Subscriptions to journals K2.16 Surveys and questionnaires (n.d.) Chronological diagram of political organisations (1966) Discussion with Jack (1975-1988) Jack on trade unions (1987-1988) Masawa Report (n.d.) Research notes: survey of race relations (1983-1985) Research queries about O.R. Tambo (1993) (1f) K2.17 Draft chapters K2.17.1 African women (n.d.) (1f) K2.17.2 The colour of skin (n.d.) (1f) K2.17.3 Repression, resistance and war (n.d.) (1f) K2.17.4 African family – marriage and gender in South Africa (1f) K2.17.5 Chapters for a book (title of the book is unclear) (n.d.) (1f) Chapter titles include: o From peasant to proletariat, chapter 1 o Masters and servants, chapter 2 o Job reservation, chapter 3 o Competing claims, chapter 4 o Labour and capital, chapter 5 o The struggle for recognition, chapter 6 o The 1946 strike of African miners, chapter 7 o Afrikaner nationalism and trade unions, chapter 8 K2.17.6 Various chapters and notes (mainly undated) (1f) Chapter titles include: o African marriages and legislation o African marriage under apartheid o Agrarian question in South Africa o Colour bar in industry o Identity policy in municipal administration o Science and social science o Social control o South Africa before colonialism K2.17.7 Prefaces, contents pages and appendices (1960-1991) (1f) K2.18 Incomplete manuscripts (n.d.) (6f) K2.19 Notes, incomplete drafts and odd pages (n.d.) (5f) K2.20 Notebooks (1982-1994) (4f) K2.20.1 Notebooks: sources analysed (1977-1986) (3it) K2.21 Sources consulted and analysed (1900-1992) (8f) (Various topics filed by dates of sources.) K2.21.1 Specific sources consulted and analysed (1940-1989) (1f) (Filed by dates of sources) Topics included: o Colour bar (1940-1961) o Comte (1961-1970) o Durkeim (n.d.) o Pluralism (1964-1968) o Underdevelopment theories (1986-1989) K2.21.2 Analyses of newspaper and journal articles (1968-1991) (1f) K2.22 Lists of sources (1938-1992) (2f) K2.23 Footnotes (n.d.) (1f) K2.24 References and bibliographies (n.d.) (2f)

K3 Research sources (Includes dissertations, extracts from books and journals, conference, seminar and workshop papers on a wide range of topics) (18f, 1it) K3.1 Authors: o Andersson, G (1989) o Bank, A (1991) o Bennett, T W (n.d.) o Booysen, S (1987) o Bunting, B (1928) o Burman, A (1981) o Castro, Fidel (1995) o Crawford, A (1909) o Davies, R (1988) o Davies, R H and Dan O’meara (1982) o Dubois, W E B (n.d.) o Edwards, I (1987) o Frost, M (1987) o Fredrikse, J (1989-1990) o Gluckman, M (n.d.) o Gottschalk, K (1970) (dissertation) o Harrison, W H (1921-1949) o Heisler, H (n.d.) o Kerr, A J (1960) o Keto, C T (n.d.) o Lewin, J (1939-1979) o Leonidov, A (n.d.) o Mafeje, A (n.d.) o Marquard, L (1957) o Marwick, B A (n.d.) o Mason, R J (1987) o Meli, F (1985) o Morris, M (n.d.) o Motshabi, J P (n.d.) o Mouat, J E (1961) o Mzala (1983) o Parker, Kenny (1992-1993) o Phillips, Ian (1990) o Research Dept. (Paris) (1965) o Rich, S G (1917) o Shell, R (1986) o Shimabale, S (n.d.) o Simson, H (1983) o Swilling, M (1988) o Tapscott, C P G (1983-1986) o Trapido, Stan (n.d.) o Turok, B (1974-1979) o Vale, P (1988) o Walton, J (n.d.) o Weinberg, Eli (1978-1981) o Wolff, R (n.d.) K3.2 Memorial Colloquium: “The possibilities of Radical Transformation in Southern Africa after Negotiation: Theory and Policy” (1992) (2f) K3.3 Unidentified articles and essays (n.d.) (2f) (Authors and/or titles not indicated) Topics include: o Apartheid o Franchise and the South African party system o History of South Africa o Imperialism o Integration and segregation in South Africa o Political history of South Africa o The struggle for non-European rights o Wars of resistance K3.4 Reviews and comments (1959-1998) (1f) (Various authorities review publications by others) K3.5 Articles in Xhosa with translations (1938) (1f) K3.6 Book collection: Jack and Ray’s library (2f)


M1 Labour M1.1 Domestic workers M1.1.1 Newspaper clippings (1980, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1993) M1.1.2 General M1.1.3 Domestic Workers and Employers Project. Sue Gordon, September 1981

M1.2 Employment in the Bantustans M1.3 Migrant labour Includes: o Influx control o Pass laws o Native labour regulations M1.3.1 International Labour Office (ILO) assistance to migrant workers project (1983) M1.3.2 Conferences/Meetings M1.3.2.1 Conference on migratory labour in Southern Africa, Lusaka, Zambia, 4-8 April, 1978 M1.3.2.2 Report on the Proceedings of The Second Consultation on Migration and Development, held at National University of Lesotho, 1-5 June, 1986. M1.3.2.3 Southern African Subregional Tripartite Workshop on Assistance to Migrant Workers. Gaborone, 27-30 October 1986. Provisional list of participants; Report submitted by Jack and Ray Simons M1.3.3 Papers/articles: o “Immigrant workers: an integral part of the working class” [1970s] o White, Reverend Dale St John: “South Africa: a host country?” Biblical and Social Perspectives January 1976 o Manganyi, Noel C.: “Reassessment towards a new consensus on migratory mine labour” o Schlemmer, Lawrence: “Sociological and cultural perspectives of migratory labour”. Paper prepared for consultation on the Churches’ role among migrant mineworkers, 18-19 January, 1976. o Moitse, J.R.: “The political economy of migratory labour” [1970s] o Weinberg, Eli: “Migrant labour in South Africa”. Written for New Outlook, Tanzania, March 1981 o Alant, C.: “Migrant labour and the church: has the church got any options?” 19 January 1976 o “Migrant labour to South Africa: the need for a common approach”. Recommendations by the Ministers of Labour of Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique and Swaziland, 2-3 November, 1977. o “Economic perspectives on migratory mine labour patterns” o Gandar, M.: “Rural development and the constraints of the migratory labour system in Lesotho” (n.d.) o Kruger, J.: “Migrant labour and Apartheid revisited” o Thabane, Motlatsi and Jeff Guy: “Unemployment and casual labour in Maseru: the impact of changing employment strategies on migrant labourers in Lesotho”. Paper presented to the Review of African Political Economy Conference on the World Recession and the Crisis in Africa, University of Keele, Staffordshire, 29- 30 September, 1984. o “Migrant Labour in South Africa” (possibly by Ray Simons) o De Vletter, Fiona: “An overview of events concerning foreign migrant workers in Africa for the period November 1984-October 1985” o Mitchell, Clyde: “Migrant labour in Africa South of the Sahara: 1: the causes of labour migration”. From: Abidjan Conference on unification, 1959. M1.3.4 Publications o Wrochno-Stanke, Krystina: Migrant workers and their problems. Prague: WFTU. 1976. o Whiteside, A. and C. Patel: Agreements concerning the employment of foreign black labour in South Africa. Geneva: International Labour Office. 1985. o Pillay, P: Future developments in the demand for labour by the South African Mining Industry. International Migration for Employment Working paper. July, 1987. o Centro de Estudos Africanos, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane: Mozambican migrant workers in South Africa: the impact of the expulsion order. International Migration for Employment Working Paper. October, 1987. o Majelantle, R. and X. Mhozya: Prospects for absorbing migrant miners into the Botswana economy. International Migration for Employment Working Paper. March, 1988 o De Vletter, Fion: Migrant labour on the South African Gold Mines: an investigation into black worker conditions and attitudes. ILO World Employment Programme. Migration for Employment Project. 1977 M1.3.5 Sources (ms and ts notes and fragments of papers on migrant labour). Includes: o “A select bibliography of references relating to the influence and effect of migrant labour on family and social patterns in Africa” for World Council of Churches, Geneva

M1.4 Farm labour M1.4.1 Commissions of enquiry, 1937-1938 M1.4.2 Conditions M1.4.3 Publications/Papers: o Marcus, Tessa: Restructuring in commercial agriculture in South Africa: modernizing super-exploitation. University of Amsterdam, 1986. o The Farmworkers Research and Resource Project: What is a trade union? o Farm workers: starving for work, working to starve. (TS. No author. 23.1.1987) o Farm labour (TS. “Issued by the SRC Wages Commission, University of Cape Town. 12.4.1973”) o Farm workers and domestics are ‘exploited’. Star, 20/3/1982 o Lipton, Merle: White farming: a case history of change in South Africa. South African Institute of Race Relations. 1975 o AFRA: Newsletter of the Association for Rural Advancement. No. 16, July 1992. o Theron, Jan: Farm labour in the Citrusdal Valley. Paper no.22 at the SALDRU Farm Labour Conference, September 1976 o Community Education Resources: It’s a struggle on the farms! A history of organising farmworkers in the Western Cape. SRC Press: University of Cape Town, 1989. o South African Institute of Race Relations: Farm labour in the Orange Free State: report of an investigation undertaken under the auspices of the South African Institute of Race Relations. April, 1939. M1.4.4 Mss and tss of documents (not published papers) on farm labour

M1.5 Unemployment Estimates of unemployment/underemployment in South Africa, 1976 Commission of Inquiry into the operation of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1946.

M1.6 Statistics

M1.7 Commissions of Inquiry into Native Labour

M1.8 South African Labour Party Advance (Organ of Berea-Yeoville Branch), no.3, April 1940

M1.9 Wages Commission, University of Cape Town

M1.10 Portuguese colonies, 1961

M1.11 Women

M1.12 Industrial health

M1.13 Industrial action

M1.14 Labour law

M1.15 Rally pamphlets 1909-1954

M1.16 Clippings/Press summaries

M1.17 Meetings M1.17.1 Second Meeting of the Southern African Labour Commission, 12-15 May, 1981, Zimbabwe: Report by Eli Weinberg, Administrative Secretary, South African Congress of Trade Unions M1.17.2 Minutes of a meeting of Representatives from the Industrial Aid Steering Committee, the Worker Education Group, and the Literacy Co-ordinators, 14 January 1975. M1.17.3 Sixth Meeting of the Southern African Labour Commission, 18-19 October, 1984. Maputo, Mozambique. M1.17.4 [Conference on Labour in South Africa] (n.d.)

M1.18 International Labour Office M1.18.1 Pamphlets and documents M1.18.2 Meeting of Heads of Official Services for Occupational Safety and Health. Geneva, 20-29 November 1967. M1.18.3 Publications sent to African Studies Library (See Appendix A)

M1.19 General: research sources Includes: o Address by M.A.O. Ndisi, Regional Coordinator for Africa, International Labour Office, to the Ninth Session of the Conference of African Ministers of Labour at Lusaka, 9-14 March 1970 o Fragments and damaged notes by Jack Simons on labour o 1 folder on job reservation

M1.20 Publications Books and periodicals sent to African Studies Library: See Appendix B Kangela, v.21(1), February 1945 Articles/Papers: o Katzen, L: The case for minimum wage legislation in South Africa. The South African Journal of Economics, v.29(3), September 1961. o Clack, Garfield: Industrial peace in South Africa. Reprinted from the British Journal of Industrial Relations, v.1, pp 94-106. o Mulima, Morris W.: Principles of collective bargaining. Outline of a talk given to the ILO/SADTU Workers’ Education Seminar, 5-11 November 1983. o Wilson, Francis: Bird’s eye view of contemporary labour problems. National Labour Conference, 29 April 1971. o Approach to the proposed jobs and skills programme for Africa: memorandum for the International Organisations, Governments, and Employers’ and Workers’ Organisations. 15 January 1969. o Jaffee, Georgina: Unemployment and social security: the UIF investigation. o An introduction to labour organisations in SA. (undated) o Meyers, George: Labor’s shift to the Left: reviewing events of the past year. In: Political Affairs. (undated) o South African Labour Education Project: Asinamali! The workers’ case: the bosses’ arguments exposed. o Ramahapu, T: The controlling mechanisms of the mine compound system in South Africa. Institute of Labour Studies: Lesotho. 1981. o Collective bargaining and settlement of disputes. Chapter 1 of ? o Swart, S M: A reappraisal of the industrial labour system in South Africa. o Andrews, W H: The African Workers struggle and the Communist Party of South Africa. (ts) o Brooks, Alan: Cheap Black labour: a note on the political economy of White supremacy and Colonialism in Southern Africa. United Nations Unit on Apartheid. Notes and Documents. August, 1974.

M2 Trade Unions M2.1 Ray Simons M2.1.1 Biographical M2.1.2 Notes and sources on trade unions M2.1.2.1 Notes and sources. Includes 1948-1958 notes on the outcome of parliamentary elections regarding Labour M2.1.2.2 Strikes (1980-1981) M2.1.2.3 Algiers M2.1.2.4 Text for leaflets and flyers M2.1.2.5 Biographies/background on trade union members (including: Oscar Mpetha, James La Guma, Neil Aggett) M2.1.2.6 Background on trade unions M2.1.2.7 Sources on trade unions analysed M2.1.2.8 Research on ICU M2.1.2.9 Trade unions in Russia and Europe M2.1.2.10 Fragments and incomplete documents M2.1.3 Correspondence: M2.1.3.1 General trade union correspondence (1931; 1939-1955; 1949-1996; 1970-1989; 1984; 1986-1988; 1991) M2.1.3.2 Coded letters with trade unions in South Africa (1967-1969; 1970-1973; 1974-1975; 1976-1979; 1980-1989) M2.1.3.3 Southern African trade unions M2.1.3.4 International trade unions (1953-1976; 1977-1989) M2.1.3.5 Norman Levy (1985-1987) M2.1.3.6 Sonia and Brian Bunting (1981-1982) M2.1.4 Writings on trade unions M2.1.4.1 General trade unions writings M2.1.4.2 MS notes for trade unions writings M2.1.4.3 Speeches and lectures

M2.2 Jack Simons M2.2.1 Lecture notes and papers on trade unions M2.2.2 Jack on trade union legislation (1930-1948) M2.2.3 Colour Bar

M2.3 Unions M2.3.1 African Mine Workers Union (1943) M2.3.2 Black Allied Workers Union (1972; 1973) M2.3.3 Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers Union of South Africa (CCAWUSA) CCAWUSA News, v.1(3), September 1983; v.1(8), July 1985; v.1(10), November 1986 “OK cares for profit not people”. Pamphlet issued by CCAWUSA. nd “CCAWUSA Maternity Agreement” ts for South African Labour Bulletin, v.10(2), Oct/Nov, 1984. M2.3.4 Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) M2.3.4.1 Administration, policy documents M2.3.4.2 Publications o COSATU Education Department. Occasional Paper Number 1, May 1990. o COSATU News, no. 2, November 1986 o Campaign Bulletin, no1, 1990; no. 2, 1990, no.3, 1990; no. 4, February 1991, May Day Edition, April 1993. o Call for Unity: NACTU/ COSATU Bulletin, April/May 1992 o Information Digest, no. 10, 12 March, 1991 (copy); no.13, 19 April 1991(copy) o COSATU News, No.3, June 1989, Special Campaign Edition on Living Wage. March 1987 o Cultural Worker. nd o The Shopsteward, December 1995 (Special COSATU 10th Anniversary Edition) o Education: speeches by COSATU Office Bearers. COSATU Education, November 1986. o The new Labour Relations Act: a summary of important features. 1995. M2.3.4.3 Pamphlets M2.3.4.4 Papers (articles), Reports (1990s) M2.3.4.5 Women M2. Workshop on Women, 8 March, 1992 M2. Women’s Forum, July 1987; April 1988 M2. Women’s Conference, 22-24 April, 1988 M2. Women and the living wage campaign. COSATU (undated) M2. Papers collected by Ray on women in COSATU and other trade unions M2.3.4.6 Meetings/Conferences: o COSATU Workshop (undated, circ 1989) o Western Cape Region: REC, 19 September 1996 o Various meetings, 1980s and 1990s o Press statement on the Workers Summit, 7 March, 1989 M2.3.4.7 Newspaper clippings M2.3.5 Council of Unions of South Africa (CUSA) M2.3.5.1 Izwilethu, v.4(5), July 1986; v.3(4), May 1985; v.3(2), March 1985; v.3(1), Jan/Feb 1985; v.2(1), Jan/Feb 1984; May/June, 1985; Fragments from October and December, 1984. M2.3.5.2 Policy; History; Comments on Amendment to the Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956; List of CUSA affiliates, 1984 M2.3.6 Domestic Workers Association M2.3.6.1 Forward Worker, no.4, November/December, 1983; May/June, 1985; (undated) Forward Worker pamphlet M2.3.6.2 Correspondence; What is DWA? June 1986 (booklet) M2.3.7 Federation of South African trade unions (FOSATU) M2.3.7.1 FOSATU Worker News, no.40, August 1985; Special edition (undated); no. 39, July (no year) M2.3.7.2 Articles/papers o The Workers’ struggle: where does FOSATU stand? Keynote address by Joe Forster, FOSATU General Secretary, April 1982. o Nicol, Martin: Legislation, registration, emasculation (undated) o Social background of “working class leadership” (“summary of document on FOSATU”) M2.3.7.3 Meetings o Draft position paper for Joint Union Meeting (undated): early 1980s?) o Drafts for discussion of further resolutions to be tabled. 1979 M2.3.7.4 Reports o Executive Report o Report on a meeting of the ICFTU SA Coordinating Committee (attended by a representative of FOSATU) o Report on trip by T. Adler to Europe, 3-11 March 1981 o FOSATU Transvaal Region Report on E.A.W.U (undated) M2.3.7.5 Various documents (1979-1982) M2.3.8 Food and Canning Workers Union (FCWU) M2.3.8.1 FCWU History (Ray: Includes mss notes and sources and photograph of the 1945 Annual Conference) M2.3.8.2 Speeches/Talks (Ray): o 6th International Conference of the Trade Unions of Food, Tobacco, Beverages, Hotel, Café and Restaurant Workers o Lecture for FCWU/TandL Council, 1953 (ts) M2.3.8.3 Notes and correspondence on thesis on FCWU and women (possibly Jennifer Ann Schreiner, Women working for their freedom. UCT, 1987) M2.3.8.4 Richard Goode’s thesis: For a better life: the Food and Canning Workers Union, 1941 to 1975. University of Cape Town. April 1983. (ts) M2.3.8.5 Food and Canning Workers Union: Your agreement for the Fruit and Vegetable Canning Industry. (undated) M2.3.8.6 Fattis and Monis Strike (1979) M2.3.8.7 Minutes: M2. Management Committee Meeting (1970-1976; 1978; 1979; 1982-1983, incomplete) M2. Annual General Meeting (1975) M2. Annual National Conference (1967 (first page only), 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976) M2. Medical Benefit Fund (1972-1974; 1976) M2. Fish processing industry (1978) M2. National Executive Council of FCWU (1974, 1976) M2. FCWU, African FCWU and South African Fruit and Vegetable Canners Association. (undated); Consultative Council for the Food, Drink and Allied Trades Unions (1975) M2.3.8.8 Annual reports (1965; 1967; 1968; 1969-1977; 1978; 1981; 1982; 1983) M2.3.8.9 Financial statements (1952; 1972; 1974; 1975; 1976) M2.3.8.10 Correspondence, circular letters and memoranda M2.3.8.11 Newspaper clippings (1973; 1979; 1982-1983) M2.3.8.12 Ikwezi Lomso: Morning Star, v.1(1), October, 1953; v.2(4), October, 1954; v.3(23), July, 1957 (copy); FCWU Newsletter, November, 1976; no.1, August 1983; Handbook for Committee Members (undated) M2.3.8.13 Administrative. (Includes Interview with Frances Baard, factory worker) M2.3.8.14 FCWU and African FCWU, (circa 1982) M2.3.9 Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU) M2.3.9.1 Administrative and Financial M2.3.9.2 FAWU Building Trust M2. Minutes (21 June 1995; 15 November 1995; 9 February 1996; 19 April 1996; 6 September 1996; 9 September 1998; 1994-1997) M2. Administration and correspondence M2.3.9.3 Meetings 1990s M2.3.9.4 Spekenham Strike (1987) M2.3.9.5 Correspondence, circular letters and memoranda (1980s and 1990s) M2.3.9.6 Speeches and addresses M2.3.9.7 Reports to conferences and annual reports M2.3.9.8 Conferences/Workshops M2. 5th Annual Conference, 1989 M2. 6th National Conference, 1991 M2. Various fragments of workshops and conferences M2. Cape Regional Congress (June 1996) M2. Workshop (undated) M2. National Conference (1999) M2.3.9.9 Shop Stewards Manual M2.3.9.10 Publications o Update, no.2, October 1989; April, 1990 o 50 Fighting years: FAWU 50th Anniversary, 1991 o The Spear-Umkhonto: newsletter of FAWU. Number 1, March 1990; No 2, June 1990, Number 4, March/April, 1991; no. 6, February/March 1992; o New Life: FAWU Economic Development Report, v.1(1), January 1994. M2.3.9.11 Pamphlets M2.3.9.12 Articles and papers (published and unpublished) M2.3.9.13 Newspaper clippings M2.3.9.14 Fragments M2.3.10 Garment Workers Union M2.3.10.1 “Solly Sachs and the Garment Workers’ Union” in South African Labour Bulletin, v.3(3), 1976 M2.3.10.2 Dispute in the clothing industry, Port Elizabeth. Statement by the Garment Workers Union, 12th September 1941 M2.3.10.3 The Garment Worker, v4(20), 1 June 1962; v.7(13), 16 April, 1965; v.7(14), 23 April, 1965; v.8(11), 23 March 1956; v.14(8), 10 March, 1972; ts of v.17(12), 11 April, 1975. Clothes Line, v.10(22), 24 June, 1988 (photocopy) M2.3.10.4 Newspaper clippings (2 from 1980s; 1 undated) M2.3.11 General Workers Union M2.3.11.1 “GWU on the UDF” in South African Labour Bulletin, November 1983. M2.3.11.2 Pamphlets, reports on disputes (1980s) M2.3.11.3 Phambili Basebenzi, November, 1981; December 1982 (copies) M2.3.11.4 General Workers Union – background document M2.3.12 General and Allied Workers Union o Constitution M2.3.13 Industrial and Commercial Union (ICU) M2.3.13.1 Speech about Clements Kadalie (annotated ts. Incomplete) M2.3.13.2 Unpublished typescript by Clements Kadalie on history of the ICU M2.3.13.3 Ray: Research on the ICU M2.3.13.4 Holograph notes on the ICU M2.3.13.5 Sylvia Neame script and draft notes on ICU M2.3.13.6 Johns, Sheridan W III: Trade union, political pressure group, or mass movement? The Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union of Africa. nd. Incomplete M2.3.14 Media Workers Association of South Africa (MWASA) MWASA Workers News (undated); Appendix to 2 March 1981 issue of MWASA Workers News (copy); “A brief history of the Media Workers Association of South Africa” (2 page ts; no author, nd) M2.3.15 Motor Industry Combined Workers’ Union o Constitution; Motor Industry Workers Union of South Africa Introduction; Motor Assemblers and Component Workers Union of South Africa (2 letters: 1982 and 1983) M2.3.16 National Clothing Workers Union: Meeting on Apartheid, 15 June, 1973 M2.3.17 National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) o Worker, v.5(4), September/October, 1997 o Nehawu and others v Highlands House and Fedics: memorandum, 8 December, 1994 o Correspondence, nd. o Statement on Highlands House Strike, 1993 M2.3.18 National Union of Metalworkers/ National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa o One union, one history (booklet) o South African Metal Worker. v.2(2), May 1987 o Newspaper clipping and ts document on Moses Mayekiso trial, 1989 o Pamphlet: NUMSA campaign against BTR-Dunlop (undated) M2.3.19 National Union of Mine Workers (NUM) M2.3.19.1 Meetings National Congress, 4 and 5 December, 1982 M2.3.19.2 Administration Includes: o Constitution o Envisaged Secretariat structure (undated) o Intermediate Shaft Stewards Course, 9-13 March, 1992 o NUM/Anglo American Corporation Project, 1986 o The case for recognising the in-service qualifications of Black mineworkers. 1989 o Application form for NUM membership o NUM and CUSA part ways (2 November, 1984) M2.3.19.3 Reports, publications Includes: o NUM: A union fighting the miners’ cause. November, 1985 o A thousand ways to die: the struggle for safety in the gold mines (NUM. nd) o NUM against Apartheid (undated) o National Union of Mine Workers: Fifth National Congress: Annual Report. 25-28 February 1987. M2.3.19.4 Research sources and notes M2.3.19.5 Industrial health in mines M3.19.5.1 Diseases and accidents M3.19.5.2 Health and safety and the colour bar M2.3.19.6 Legislation relating to the mining industry M2.3.19.7 Anglo-American Corporation of South Africa M2.3.19.8 Gold mining M2.3.19.9 Mining industry strikes and industrial action M2.3.19.10 Articles by Jack and Ray M2.3.19.11 Incomplete and articles with unknown author – possibly by Jack and Ray M2.3.19.12 100 years of colour bars on South African gold mines. Book by Ray Simons M2. Drafts: chapters 1-12 M2. Ts: chapters 1-12 M2. Drafts and notes M2. References, sources and notes M2. African Unions and mine workers: notes and articles in preparation for a book by Jack and Ray Simons M2. Colour bar on the mines: an historical note, by Jack and Ray Simons M2.3.19.13 Publications on Mining Sent to African Studies Library: See Appendix C M2.3.20.14 Newspaper clippings and reports 1970s, 1980s and 1990s (Includes 1977 clipping on the Mine Workers’ Union) M2.3.20 National Union of Motor Assembly and Rubber Workers’ Union (NUMARWOSA) 4 Interviews with members of the Union M2.3.21 National Union of the Footwear, Leather and Allied Trades Letter to Bata Limited, regarding oppressive conditions of work. April, 1982 M2.3.22 National Union of Textile Workers Kwazulu Shoe Company (Pty) Ltd and the National Union of Textile Workers. Statement of complaint, May 1982 M2.3.23 South African Allied Workers Union (SAAWU) The Worker, no.2, September, 1981 (copy) Statement of Complaint regarding the detention of SAAWU leader, Thozamile Gqweta M2.3.24 South African Congress of Trade Unions (SACTU) M2.3.24.1 Constitution of the South African Congress of Trade Unions M2.3.24.2 Policy documents and statements M2.3.24.3 Reports M2.3.24.4 Press releases M2.3.24.5 Correspondence M2.3.24.6 Internal Committee/Industrial Sub-Committee (SIC/ISC) M2. Meetings, 1979; 1980; 1984-1987 M2. Correspondence, 1982; 1987 M2. Circular letters, 1980; 1982; 1986 M2. SIC and underground work (document outlining roles after the reconstitution of SIC. (n.d.)) M2. Report on the state of trade union movement in South Africa M2.3.24.7 Meetings (1974; 1979; 1980s) M2.3.24.8 Addresses to and Reports from meetings M2.3.24.9 SACTU and the International Labour Organisation M2.3.24.10 Pamphlets and newspaper clipping M2.3.24.11 Publications o SACTU News Flashes, no. 20 and 21, for the period ending 8 January 1987; nos 65 and 66, period ending 15 April, 1989; no. 69, period ending 30 May, 1989; no. 72, period ending 15 July, 1989 o Mosebetsi: the story of a South African Worker. SACTU Pamphlet no.2 o Worker’s struggle for freedom. 1977 o Workers Unity, v.1(5), September 1955; v.1(8). n.d.; no. 18, March, 1980; no.27, 1981 (copy); no. 48 and 49, 1985; no. 63, 1986; no. 64, 1986; no. 65, 1987; no.70, 1989; no. 72, 1989; Special Issue [1986?]; Special Issue, 1989: Documents of the SACTU Conference, 27-29 January; JB Marks as we knew him (undated) o Solidarité SACTU/SACTU Solidarity, no.2, April, 1986; no.4, November, 1986 o SACTU Newsletter, November, 1981; March 1983. o Special Inner-Party Bulletin, July 1980 o Looking forward: SACTU’s view of the political situation and the tasks facing the workers’ movement in South Africa. 1978 o Economic crisis in South Africa: the worker’s burden. 1977. o Workers in chains. 1976 o Mabhida, Moses: For International United Action to End Apartheid: The Curse of South Africa. WFTU Publications: London. [1961] o South Africa: the workers movement, SACTU and the ANC. A struggle for Marxist policies. (photocopy, n.d.) o A trade union handbook: organise or starve! (undated) o Calendars: 1982 M2.3.24.12 Ray’s research sources and administrative documents of SACTU M2.3.25 South African Clothing and Textile Workers’ Union (SACTWU) o Izindaba/SACTWU News, v.8(3), 26 March 1996; v11(3), May 1999; v11(7), December 1999; v.12(2), May/June, 2000; v.12(4), September/October 2000; o SACTWU, v.2(4), Wednesday 7 March 1990 M2.3.26 South African Domestic Workers Union (SADWU) o EKitchini. SRC Press, University of Cape Town. Cape Town (undated) o Three reports (1980s) M2.3.27 South African Trades and Labour Council Reports of the 8th and 9th Conferences (1938 and 1939) Minutes of inaugural meeting of trade unions (1949) Annual report and balance sheet (1950) Minutes of a meeting of the National Executive Committee, 19 April, 1951 Copies of correspondence (1950) M2.3.28 Trade Unions Council of South Africa (TUCSA) M2.3.28.1 Correspondence, circular letters (1972; 1973; 1979) M2.3.28.2 Meetings/Conferences o Tenth Annual Conference, 13th-17th April, 1964 o Eighteenth Annual Conference, 25 August, 1972 o Memorandum submitted to the 21st Annual General Conference [1975] o Resolution no.11 (Housing). 21st Annual Conference o Incomplete ts of “TUCSA Conference” (undated) M2.3.28.3 Policy and administrative documents M2.3.28.4 Pamphlets and newspaper clipping (advertisement for TUCSA General Secretary, Financial Mail, 7 March 1986) M2.3.28.5 Publications o A wealth of people: the story of the Trade Union Council of South Africa o TUCSA Newsletter, no. 62, July 1968; no. 63, August/September 1968; no. 64, October/November/December, 1968 o Labour Mirror, 2(2), April/May, 1980. (copy) M2.3.29 Transport and General Workers Union o Structure and resolutions (undated) o TandG News, no.5, July 1990 M2.3.30 Trade Union Unity and Federations M2.3.30.1 Newspaper clipping: “A guide to South African trade union federations” The Star, Friday, October 22, 1982 M2.3.30.2 Copy of a letter announcing the formation of the South African Trade Union Coordinating Committee. 14 September, 1927 M2.3.30.3 National Federation of Workers o Newsletter 1, September, 1981 o Circular on registration of trade unions. 1981 M2.3.30.4 Feasibility Committee o Minutes of the Feasibility Committee Meeting (n.d.) Fragment) o Minutes of the Feasibility Committee Meeting, 1 and 2 July, 1983 M2.3.30.5 International Confederation of Free Trade Unions Pamphlet on “Programme of action in support of the Independent Black Trade Union Movement in South Africa” Motion on the ICFTU (undated) M2.3.30.6 Various fragments and papers on trade union unity in South Africa (1940; 1949; 1980s and 1990s) M2.3.31 Trade unions and apartheid M2.3.32 Inkatha (regarding forming Inkatha Factory Committees) (1970s and 1980s) M2.3.33 African trade unions M2.3.33.1 Zambian Congress of Trade Unions Includes: o Constitution of the ZCTU 1(974) o The Workers’ Voice, v.1(33), 24 October, 1976 M2.3.33.2 Rhodesia (Jacobs, W. Richard: “Trade union formation and attempts at macro- mobilization in Northern Rhodesia”. Ts; Memorandum submitted on behalf of the Northern Rhodesia Mine Workers Union by Mr J Purvis. (n.d.) M2.3.33.3 Mozambican miners (1 item about wages in Maputo, 1977) M2.3.33.4 N.C.Z. Works Committee M2.3.34 Trade Unions International of Food, Tobacco, Hotel and Allied Industries’ Workers (WFTU) M2.3.34.1 Bulletin, no. 6, 1984; no. 5, 1987; no. 4, 1987; no.2, 1988 M2.3.34.2 Conferences, selected: 1965-1988 M2.3.35 International documents on trade unions M2.3.35.1 Documents M2.3.35.2 Publications M2.3.36 Conferences M2.3.36.1 International Trade Union Conference of Solidarity with the Workers of Southern Africa. Addis Ababa, April 14-16, 1980 M2.3.36.2 OAU Conference, Accra (Date? Notes on break-away group from conference; Meeting with ILO Delegation, 5/2/1985) M2.3.36.3 ILO Seminar on Equal Opportunity and Treatment in the Mining Industry in South Africa, (n.d.) M2.3.36.4 International Conference on Trade Union and National Development in Southern Africa, January 27-31, 1981 (two papers) M2.3.36.5 Sixth International Conference of the Trade Unions of Food, Tobacco, Beverages, Hotel, Café and Restaurant Workers, May 27-31, 1974 M2.3.37 Teaching and Training o Lecture: “Why Unions?” o Workers’ Library Newsletter, September, 1994 o Constitutional framework for manpower development in post-Apartheid South Africa (ts) o Letter from Mark Williams-Shope to Jack Simons regarding a meeting between the Education and the leadership of COSATU with Education and leadership of SACtrade unions o Trade Union Library/ Workers’ Library M2.3.38 Newspaper clippings on Unions M2.3.38.1 1950s M2.3.38.2 1960s M2.3.38.3 1970s M2.3.38.4 1980s M2.3.38.5 1990s M2.3.38.6 (undated) M2.3.38.7 On: o Garment Workers Union o NUFAWSA o NUM o NAAWU o MAWU o CUSA o MWASA o SARHWU o NUMSA o WFTU M2.3.39 Wiehahn Commission M2.3.40 Jack and Ray publications and writings M2.3.40.1 One hundred years of job reservation on the South African mines. International Migration for Employment Working Paper. May 1987. M2.3.40.2 Job reservation and the trade unions. Enterprise: Woodstock, Cape. 1959. M2.3.40.3 How to organise underground work: coordination and accountability. Paper delivered by Jack Simons at SACTU’s Internal Committee Workshop, 7-8 August, 1987. M2.3.40.4 Jack Simons: “Prologue” African Social Research, 24 December, 1977. Reprint. M2.3.40.5 Evidence given by Ray to The Commission on Human Rights, Lusaka, 1970 M2.3.40.6 1 file of tss of papers and speech M2.3.40.7 Bibliographies: Lists of books belonging to Jack and Ray M2.3.40.8 Historical view of the trade union movement. By Ray Simons (ts and ms) M2.3.41 Publications o Some sent to African Studies Library: See Appendix D o The Negro Worker v.6(8), October, 1936 (photocopy). o Articles from the African Communist, 1982-1983; 1986-1987; 1989 o Trade union history, by Mrs Mwendapole (Bound ts) Papers Including: o Matajo, R E: Black trade unions set the pace. o Johns, Sheridan W: The birth of non-white trade unionism in South Africa. Race, IX(2), 1967. o Harrison, Wilfrid H.: Waste and wantonness. Trade Union Bulletin, December, 1949. o Nyameko, R S: Racists change course on the trade union front. o Nyameko, R S: How the Emergency has hit the workers. African Communist, no. 108, 1/4/1987 o Nyameko, R S: Great advances on the trade union front. African Communist, no. 111. Fourth Quarter. 1987. o Matajo, R E: Black trade unions set the pace. M2.3.42 Trade union pamphlets M2.3.43 Trade union articles and off-prints M2.3.44 Various sources and fragments on trade unions consulted and used by Ray

Appendix A

Publications of the International Labour Office, 1954-1965. Constitution of the International Labour Organisation and Standing Orders of the International Labour Conference. 1971 Conventions and recommendations: 1919-1966. ILO New Publications. June 1967. Activities of the ILO, 1972. Report of the Director-General (Part 2) to the International Labour Conference, Fifty-Eighth Session, 1973. Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations. General Report and observations concerning particular countries. International Labour Conference, 58th Session, 1973 Social and Labour Bulletin. v.2, 1974 Organisations of rural workers and their role in economic and social development. Report IV. International Labour Conference. 60th Session, 1975. Apartheid and Labour. 1983. The rights of migrant workers: a guide to ILO standards for the use of migrant workers and their organisations. 1986. Womanpower: the world’s female labour force in 1975 and the outlook for 2000. International Labour Office, Geneva. 1975 Second African Regional Conference: record of proceedings. Addis Ababa, November-December, 1964 Fighting discrimination in employment and occupation: a workers’ education manual. Geneva, 1968. Labour Education. No.16, June 1969; No. 25, May 1974; No. 26, October 1974; No. 52, 1983; No. 41, 1979; no. 40, 1979 Employment policy in Africa: Part 2: Proposals for a jobs and skills programme for Africa. International Labour Organisation. Third African Regional Conference, Accra, December 1969. Apartheid in labour matters: ILO Policy Statements and Reports concerning Apartheid in labour matters in the Republic of South Africa, 1964-1966. ILO Information, v.24(3), August 1988, v.25(3), August 1989. ILO’s action against discrimination in employment. 1968. A set of flannelboard symbols: your role as shopsteward. 1972. Labour conditions and discrimination in (Zimbabwe). 1978. International Labour Office Official Bulletin. Second Special Supplement. v.LII(4), 1969. General examination of the problems arising in the food products and drink industries. Report prepared by the International Labour Office for the Tripartite Technical Meeting for the food products and drink industries. Geneva, 1963. Report to the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania on wages, incomes and prices policy. Geneva, 1967. Report on workers’ education in Malawi. Geneva, 1966. Equality of opportunity and treatment for women workers. International Labour Conference. 60th Session. 1975 Human resources for industrial development. ILO New Publications, no.26, June 1968. Robert, Marcel and Luigi Parmeggiani: Fifty years of international collaboration in occupational safety and health. Reprinted from the International Labour Review, v.99(1), January 1969. Evans, Archibald A: Work and leisure: 1919-1969. Reprinted from the International Labour Review, v.99(1), January 1969. Provisions of the ILO Conventions and Recommendations concerning migrant workers. nd. Second Special Report of the Director-General on the Application of the Declaration concerning the Policy of “Apartheid” of the Republic of South Africa. International Labour Conference, Fiftieth Session, Geneva, 1966. The ILO and Apartheid. 1971 ILO, 1919-1969: 50 years in the service of social progress. April, 1969. Report on the Seminar for Southern African Liberation Movements on Equal Rights in Labour Matters, Lusaka, 28 September – 6 October 1978

Appendix B

International Confederation of Free trade unions: African worker under Apartheid. Nd England: Department of Employment and the Central Office of Information: Industrial Relations Act, 1971: the Act outlined. Davis, David: African workers and Apartheid. Fact Paper on Southern Africa, no. 5. London: International Defence and Aid Fund. 1978 Wix, Ethel: The cost of living: an enquiry into the cost of essential requirements for African families living in , and the Reef towns, August-September 1950. South African Institute of Race Relations. 1951. The Mines, Works and Machinery Regulations, 1911. Johannesburg: Transvaal Leader. 1911. Union of South Africa. Bureau of Census and Statistics: Wage rates, earnings and average hours worked in the Engineering Industry. September 1959. South African Labour Education Project: Profiteering from cheap labour: wages paid by British companies in South Africa. August, 1990. South African Bureau of Information: Manpower and Industrial Relations: South Africa, 1987-1988. New condensed edition. International Labour Research and Information Group: To the last drop of our tears: workers in the struggle against the labour law and dismissals. Salt River: ILRIG. 1989. Andrew Levy, Johan Piron and Associates: Annual Report on Labour Relations in South Africa, 1989- 1990. Republic of South Africa. Department of Manpower Utilisation: Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Labour Legislation. Part 5. Government Printer. 1981 Republic of South Africa. Department of Manpower Utilisation: Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Labour Legislation. Part 6. Government Printer. 1981 (copy) Republic of South Africa. Department of Labour and of Mines: Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Labour Legislation. Part 1 Government Printer. 1979. AALC Reporter, v.19(2), March-May, 1984; v.23(1), 1988; v.23(3), 1988; v.23 (4), 1988; v.23(6)/v.24(1), 1988-89; v.24(2), 1989; v.24(3), 1989; Centre for Development Studies: Economy and Labour Study Commission. Labour Research Service. 26 April, 1990. The Marxist Quarterly, v.3(4), October 1956. Transvaal Chamber of Mines: The gold of the Rand: a great national industry: 1887-1927. Labour Monthly. June 1945; May 1945 International Labour Review. v. LXVII, no. 5, May 1953 New Politics (Special Issue on the American Labor Movement). v. VII, No. 3, Summer 1968. ANC News Briefing, v.10(17); v.18(10) The law and how it affects Black workers. Industrial Relations Department, Anglo American Corporation of South Africa. (n.d.) Laws against trade unions and political organizations. Conference proceedings, April 1998. University of Cape Town, Labour Law Unit. The politics of production: factory regimes under capitalism and socialism. Michael Burawoy. Verso: London. 1985 (photocopy) A survey of manpower training and development in South Africa. Manzini, Manala E. Factory and family: the divided lives of South Africa’s women workers. Institute for Black research. 1984. Labour Focus. v.3(2), May 1983 (A SASPU Affiliate) Mensch en Maatschappij: 9 Jaargang, no.1 en 2 Jones, Edith B.: South African Native Land Policy. Reprinted from Bantu Studies, v.XIV(2), June, 1940. Tevoedjre, Albert: A strategy for social progress in Africa and the I.L.O’s contribution. Reprint from the International Labour Review, v.99(1), January 1969.

Appendix C

Smith, A E: The “shamer” of mines. 1922 Moodie, Prof. T. Dunbar: Another blanket: report on an investigation into the migrant situation, June 1976. 1946: Five brave days. NUM Information Series. Nd Mining: a survey. Supplement to Financial Mail, October 30, 1981; 15 August, 1980; 13 July, 1990 Callinicos, Luli: A people’s history of South Africa. Volume One: Gold and workers. Johannesburg: Ravan Press. 1980. Anglo American Corporation of South Africa Limited: Chairman’s Statement, 1977 Yergan, Max: Gold and poverty in South Africa. International Industrial Relations Institute: New York. 1938. The Mining Survey, v.2(7), October, 1950. Northern Rhodesia mine workers Union. Rules. [1950?] South African Congress of trade unions: Basebetsi Mekoting: mine workers conditions in South Africa. [1970s?] Prevention of Accidents Committee: African tribes employed on the Witwatersrand Gold Mines. 1944. Agency for Industrial Mission. Another blanket: report on an investigation into the migrant situation, June, 1976. 1976. Miners’ trade unions International: Miners’ International News [1979?]

Appendix D

The Negro Worker, v.5(1), January 1935 - v.5(6), June 1935; v.5(9), September 1935; v.6(1), March 1936 – v.6(2), April 1946; v.6(5), May 1936; South African Labour Bulletin. v.11(2), Oct-Dec, 1985; v.8(4), Feb, 1983; v.13(1), 1987 (copy); v.2(1), May-June, 1975 World Federation of trade unions: Workers and Trade Union against Apartheid. Grobbelaar, J A: Trade Unionism and the economic future of South Africa. Topical Talks, no.15. 1968. Van Coller, D L: In-Company Industrial Relations: the committee system, part one: establishing sound structures. Institute for Industrial Relations. V.3, 1977. Hepple, Alex: Poverty wages. Wages Committee, June 1959 Hepple, Alex: The African worker in South Africa: a study of trade unionism. nd Trade Union Bulletin, v.9(5), January 1950. Liberation. Special Enlarged Issue: “trade unions face the future”, No.10, 1954. Nursing News, v.1(2), July 1958 Trade Union Council of South Africa: Eleventh Annual Conference held at East London: Report of proceedings. March 1965 Trade Union Rally and Pageant for a living wage. Thursday, February 22nd City Hall, Johannesburg. 1940. South African Congress of Trade Unions: Taking positions in the class struggle: organise or starve! Zambia: SACtrade unions. Nd Revolutionary Socialist Worker, no.7, March 1995. Hlanganani: Mazimbu Workers Monthly Bulletin, no. 42, April 1985. No turning back: fighting for gender equality in the unions. Lacom (Sached), Speak and COSATU Women’s Forum. Johannesburg, 1992. Communist Party of South Africa. A new Year's message to South Africa for 1942 Community Resource and Information Centre. May Day: Hlanganani basebenzi. (undated) Learn and Teach. We are the cleaners. May 1987 Tabata, I B. Industrial unrest in South Africa. London, 1973 Hepple, Alex. Trade unions in travail. Johannesburg: Unity Publications. 1954. Christian Concern for South Africa. Speaking out: secret interviews with black workers in South Africa. London: CCSA. 1982. The South African trade union movement. South African Studies 2. (undated) Southern Africa Report, v.11(3), April, 1996. (“Globalization: the trade union response”) SACtrade unions Solidarity Committee. Trafficking in Apartheid: the case for Canadian sactions against South Africa. South African Trades and Labour Council. National Joint Committee: The trade union movement in South Africa: during the years following inception. Johannesburg, 1939.


(Includes: Communism, Marxism, Leninism, Trotskyites, Capitalism, Imperialism)

N1 Biographies: Prominent socialist figures N1.1 Lenin and Krupskaya amongst others (1f) N1.2 Photocopy of Twenty years in underground Russia by Cecilia Bobrovskaya (1934)

N2 Socialist strategy and philosophy (1913-1994) (1f)

N3 African socialism, communism and Marxism (1946-1987) (1f) Includes: o Summer School: “The Changing African” (UCT 1961) o Dialectic between Marxism and religion in Southern Africa

N4 Communism and socialism (1944-1994) (1f) N4.1 Religion and communism (1944-1995) (1f) N4.2 Women’s equality under socialism (1971-1992) (1f)

N5 Marxism: articles and critiques (1970-1984) (1f) N5.1 Marxism: research (badly damaged) (1f) NOT AVAILABLE TO USERS N5.2 Marxism: sources and analyses (1930-1990) (2f) N5.3 “The World We Live In” – lectures on Marxism by JS (1f) N5.4 Marxism: lecture series (1969-1978) (1f) N5.5 Observations on Marxism: lecture series (1958) (1f) NOT AVAILABLE TO USERS N5.6 Bolshevik Party (n.d.) o The Communist Manifesto (1888) o Letters dictated by V. I. Lenin (1922-1923) o Leninism (1948) o Marxist-Leninist theory (n.d.) o Theses proposed by the Central Committee for Karl Marx year (1983) (2f)

N6 Democratic Left: Conference (1995) (1f)

N7 Cuban Revolution (1977-1997) (1f) N7.1 Women’s Equality in Cuba (1970-1986) (1f)

N8 USSR (1950s-1990) (2f) Includes articles on: o Socialism and the Eastern Block o Soviet Communist Party Control Committee meeting o Speeches by Mikhail Gorbachev o Perestroika N8.1 Sources and official documents: USSR (1921-1995) (1f) Includes: Relationship between USSR and SA (1989) N8.2 Pamphlets and booklets (1935-1989) (1f) Includes: Latvia (Novosti Press) Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic (Liesma) (1967) Relationship between USSR and SA (1989) Socialism in practice (n.d.) Soviet writers and readers (1943) USSR: history, health and politics (1935-1989) N8.3 Friends of the Soviet Union (1941-1942) (1f) N8.4 Our Friends Speak: 25th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1976 (1f)

N9 Capitalism (1935-1985) (2f) Includes: o Socialism vs capitalism o Imperialism

N10 Research and documentation N10.1 Articles and lectures by JS (1944-1991) (1f) N10.2 Notes and sources (1949-1991) (1f) N10.3 The Anniversary of the Russian (Great) October Socialist Revolution 1917 by Jack Simons (1990) (1f) N10.4 Articles, chapters and notes (1970s) (1f)

N11 Articles by others (1976-1980) (1f) N11.1 Writings of J.W. Musole (1979) (1f) N11.2 The Comintern and the National Question (1989) (1f)

N12 Publications/sources N12.1 Extracts from various sources (1940-1993) (1f) N12.2 Pamphlets (1934-1994) (1f) N12.3 Journals (1960-1987) (1f) Includes: o African Red Family, v.1, n.2, (n.d.) o New Left Review, Sept./Oct. 1978 o Perspective, Aug. 1987 o Studies on the Left, v.6, n.5, Sept./Oct. 1966 o Third World, v.1, n.4, Dec. 1972 N12.4 Journals (1970-1991) (1f) Includes: o ACTION: Labour Action for Peace, April 1998 o Marxism Today, 1970-1991 o New Communist Review, 1982; 1991 o New Times, June 1986 o Socialism, Oct. 1986 o Socialist Affairs, Nov./Dec. 1977 o The Workers’ Voice, v.2, n.1, July 1943 N12.5 Political Affairs (1984-1989) (1f) (Theoretical Journal of the Communist Party USA) N12.6 Information Bulletin: Extracts, 1982-1988 World Marxist Reviews, June 1987and Extracts 1981 (1f) N12.7 Booklets (1909-1995) (FRAGILE – HANDLE WITH CARE)


O1 Background information (1951-1991) (1f)

O2 Biographies (1960s-1995) (1f) Includes: o Obituaries o Profiles o Tributes Personalities include: o Bunting, Rebecca o Fischer, Bram o Forman, Lionel o Kotane, Moses o La Guma, Alex and Jimmy o Mabhida, Moses o Naicker, George o Nash, Dora o Nkosi, J W o Nkwe, Sam o Wolton, Douglas and Molly O2.1 Dadoo, Yusuf (1f) O2.2 Hani, Chris (1991-1998) (1f) O2.3 Slovo, Joe (1985-1996) (1f) O2.4 Roux, Edward (1964-1965)

O3 Constitutions and programmes O3.1 Draft constitutions and programmes (1944-1991) (1f) Includes: o Code of conduct o Membership rules O3.2 Programmes (1932-1988) (2f)

O4 Correspondence (1967-1998) (1f)

O5 Circulars and memoranda (1940-1991) (1f)

O6 Finance (1947-1995) (1f)

O7 Strategy and tactics O7.1 Party building: objectives and direction (1948-1995) (2f) O7.2 Discussion documents (1961-1993) (1f) O7.3 National liberation movement (1938-1983) (1f) Includes: o Role of the party o Planning for people’s war O7.4 National Interim Leadership Group (ILG) (1990-1991) (1f) O7.5 Manifesto of the SACP (1991-1997) (1f) (Mainly drafts) Includes: o Draft health document for SACP o SACP contribution towards an election manifesto O7.6 Economic policies (1990-1991) (1f) O7.7 Alliances (1987-1997) (1f) O7.8 Recruitment (n.d.) (1f) O7.9 Code names (n.d.) (1f)

O8 Central Committee (CC) (Formerly Central Executive Committee) 08.1 Meetings and minutes (1932-1995) (1f) Includes: o Minutes of the African Group of the CC 1982 o Minutes of the Communist Delegates meeting 1932 o Organising committee meetings 1991 O8.2 Reports and resolutions submitted to CC meetings (1949-1995) (1f) O8.3 Statements adopted at CC meetings (1981-1987) (1f) O8.4 Guidelines and statements of the Political Bureau (1978-1984) (1f) O8.5 Statements by the CC (1937-1990) (1f) O8.6 Internal reconstruction (1984-1985) (1f)

O9 Regions O9.1 Western Cape Region (WCR): Branch building (1987-1998) (1f) O9.2 WCR: Minutes and correspondence (1990-1997) (1f) O9.3 WCR: Members’ Letters (1991-1992) (1f) O9.4 WCR: Reports (1991-1992) (1f) O9.5 WCR: Conferences, congresses, and workshops (1950-1997) (3f) O9.6 Other regions (1990-1995) (1f)

O10 Lusaka Regional Committee (LRC) (1980-1987) (1f)

O11 Units O11.1 Minutes: units 2-7 (1980-1989) (1f) O11.2 Draft party programmes: unit 4 (1975-1988) (1f)

O12 Reports (1938-1996) (1f)

O13 Conferences and congresses O13.1 National Conferences (1938-1980) (1f) Includes: o The Communists’ reply by W.H. (Bill) Andrews, 1947 (1f) o The War and South Africa by J. Morkel, 1940 O13.2 National Congresses (1989-1995) (1f) Includes: o 7th Congress: July 1989, London o 8th Congress: Dec. 5-8 1991, Johannesburg o 9th Congress: Dec. 6-8 1995, Johannesburg O13.3 Anniversaries and commemoratives days (1944-1996) (1f) O13.4 International conferences (1982-1991) (1f) O13.5 Maputo Manifesto (1981-1983)

O14 Projects and issues O14.1 Education policies (1944-1992) (1f) O14.2 Youth and the Communist Party (1948-1990s) O14.3 Health documents (1991) O14.4 Gender issues (1990-1996) (1f) O14.5 Trade unions and the party (1936-1997) (2f)

O15 The International Socialist League (SA) (1917-1920) (1f) Includes: o Correspondence o Manifesto o May Day 1919 o Reports

O16 Articles, speeches, and lectures O16.1 Jack: articles, notes and lectures (1970-1992) (1f) O16.2 Ray: articles, sources, and notes (1949; 1971-1999) (1f) O16.3 : articles and speeches (1980-1995) (1f) O16.4 Response and debates regarding Slovo articles (1990-1992) (1f) Includes responses from: o Adams, H o Cronin, Jeremy o Gwala, T H o Nzimande, Blade o Simons, Jack o Suttner, Raymond O16.5 Martin Legassick: o “Class and nationalism in South African protest: 1928-1934” o “Guerrilla warfare in Southern Africa” (n.d.) (1f) O16.6 Bill Andrews (1923-1940s) (2f) Includes: Articles Biographical information Correspondence Diary Speeches O16.7 Articles and discussion papers by others (1967-1994) (2f) Includes: o Addresses o Speeches o Mandela’s speech at the SACP Rally 1990

O17 Trials: Communist Party 1947 and 1957

O18 Publications O18.1 Documents (1921-1995) (1f) (Drafts and published sources) Includes: o Socialists and the National Movement in South Africa: an analysis o 100 years “Emancipation of the Slaves” by John Gomas o The Communists Speak 1987 o Extracts from various sources O18.2 Journals (1974-1996) (1f) Includes: o Abasebenzi, 1975-1976 o Isisebenzi, 1974 o Umsebenzi 1931; 1987-1996 o New Age, V1, N6, Dec. 1954 o South African Socialist Review, Mar. 1958 o Attack: a journal of discussion, Sept. 1960 O18.3 The Bolshevik, 1919 (1it) O18.4 Freedom (1939-1949) (1f) O18.5 Inkululeko (1939-1977) (1f) O18.6 International (1915-1921) (in oversize folder) O18.6.1 War on War Gazette (1914) The South African Worker (1926) (bound in one cover; see oversize folder) O18.7 The African Communist (1960-1989) (3f) (in false covers) O18.8 Pamphlets (1940s-1989) (4f) O18.9 Booklets (n.d.) (1f) (in false covers) O18.10 Flyers, posters, songs (1938-1990) (1f) O18.11 Inner Party Bulletins (1970-1990) (2f) 018.12 Special Inner Party Bulletins (1979-1989) (1f) O18.13 Journal articles on the SACP (1971-1990) (1f) O18.14 Alice Harrison’s scrapbook (n.d.) (1f) O18.15 The Worker’s Voice, v.2, n1, July 1943 (1f)


P1 Biographical information of leading personalities (1940s-1990s) (3f) (Arranged alphabetically) Includes: o Families receiving aid: husbands/sons in exile/died o Obituaries o Profiles o Tributes P1.1 Nelson Mandela (1957-1999) (3f) Includes: o Bantu education goes to University (1957) o Mandela’s statement in court (1963) o Newspaper clippings (1970-1993) o References to Thabo Mbeki P1.2 Oliver Tambo (1972-1993) (1f)

P2 Background and historical information (1940s-1990s) (2f) P2.1 Lectures on the origins of the ANC (n.d.) (1f) P2.2 South Africa belongs to us, a history of the ANC by Francis Meli (1989) (1f) (Includes an appreciation of this work by Jack Simons) P2.3 Handbooks on the history of the ANC (1f)

P3 Freedom Charter (1955-1990) (1f) P3.1 A critique of an ideological trend against the Freedom Charter by Comrade Mzala, (1985) (1f) (dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Freedom Charter) P3.2 Publications on the Freedom Charter (1978-1989) (1f)

P4 Finance (1967-1990) (1f) Includes: o Fundraising o National fundraising workshop, 1986 o Treasury (structure; appeals; draft budgets)

P5 Correspondence P5.1 Correspondence with ANC comrades (includes correspondence with Thabo Mbeki) (1968-1998) (1f) P5.2 Correspondence to and from specific comrades (1969-1988) (1f) P5.3 Correspondence with Adelaide and Oliver Tambo (1970-1990) (1f) P5.4 General correspondence (1958-1991) (1f) P5.5 Correspondence between comrades and their family members (1980) (1f)

P6 Circulars (1942-1998) (1f)

P7 Organisation and structure (1968-1988) (1f) Includes: o Administration o Membership o Staff P7.1 Western Cape Region (1975-1996) (1f)

P8 Internal issues (1963-1990s) (1f) Includes: o Breyten Breytenbach versus comrades o Dissent and debate o Expulsion o Forgeries and action taken against forgers o Spies and dissidents o IUEF and Craig Williamson affair

P9 Strategy and tactics P9.1 Memoranda (1983-1990) (1f) P9.2 Statements (1970-1991) (1f) Includes: o Policies o Press releases o Proposals P9.3 National Executive Committee (NEC) statements (1954-1992) (1f) P9.4 Oliver Tambo: statements and speeches (1977-1989) (1f) P9.5 Discussion papers (1969-1994) (1f) P9.6 United front of anti-apartheid forces (1989) (1f) P9.7 Publications (1969-1994) (1f) Includes: o Strategy and tactics of the ANC (1969, 1994) o Forward to freedom (n.d.)

P10 Meetings and minutes (1950-1991) (1f) P10.1 National Executive Committee minutes (1950-1989) (1f) P10.2 Consultative meetings with various organizations (1939-1989) (1f) o Includes: o IDASA o INKATHA o INYUNDZA o PAC P10.3 Consultative meetings: universities (1986-1988) (1f)

P11 Situation in South Africa: reports (1960-1990) (1f) Includes: o Assessments from various perspectives on diverse issues received from inside the country o Alex La Guma’s report o Notes and profiles on individuals o Organizations and study groups

P12 Conventions, congresses, seminars (1928-1990) (1f) (includes in-house workshop 1990)

P13 Conferences P13.1 Regional and national conferences (1940-1991) (1f) P13.2 National conferences (1991-1995) (1f) P13.3 Consultative conferences (1965-1990) (1f) P13.4 Five Freedoms Forum/ANC Conference (1989) (1f) P13.5 International Conferences, 1973-1990 (1f) Includes: ANC speeches and statements (1975-1990) Conferences in Africa (1976-1989) Dworkin Conference (1987-1989) Migratory Labour in SA Conference (1978) World Peace Congress/Council (1973-1989) P13.6 World against Apartheid: ANC International Solidarity Conference, Arusha, 1-4 December, 1987 (1f) P13.7 Sanctions against apartheid South Africa (1973-1989) (1f) P13.8 Conferences held in Africa (1976-1989) (1f)

P14 International relations (1966-1995) (1f) (excluding Africa) Includes: o Anti-apartheid initiatives o International Year: Action to Combat Racism (1971) o ANC-Soviet scientists seminar and talks (1967-1989) o Relationship between USSR and SA (1989) o United Nations human rights seminars (1966) o Paper on apartheid by R.M. Resha on behalf of the ANC o Application of the Geneva protocols of 1977 and their impact P14.1 Visits and meetings: Reports (1969-1990) (1f)

P15 Africa-ANC Relations (1967-1987) (1f) P15.1 Organisation for African Unity (OAU)-ANC Relations (1966-1989) (1f) P16 Commemorative days P16.1 Speeches and messages (1959-1990) (1f) Includes: o Anti-apartheid messages o Battle of Isandhlwana (Jan 22, 1879) o Freedom Day speeches (June 26, 1959-1986) o Hero’s Day (1979-1982) o International Children’s Day o May Day (1980s) P16.2 Sharpeville Day (1971-1988) (1f) P16.3 Soweto Uprising (1977-1989) (1f)

P17 Anniversaries (1977-1996) (2f)

P18 Department of Education (Information pertains mainly to Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College, SOMAFCO) P18.1 Policy and structure (1966-1989) (1f) P18.2 Finance and funding (1982-1989) (1f) P18.3 Minutes P18.3.1 Lusaka Education Committee meetings (1979-1982) (1f) P18.3.2 Education Secretariat meetings (1980-1989) (4f) P18.4 National Education Council (NEDUC) meetings P18.4.1 NEDUC 2 and 3 (1979-1981) (1f) P18.4.2 NEDUC 4 (1981-1983) (1f) P18.4.3 NEDUC 5 (1983-1985) (1f) P18.4.4 NEDUC 6 (1985-1986) (1f) P18.4.5 NEDUC 7 (1988) (1f) P18.5 Correspondence (1979-1989) (1f) P18.6 Circulars (1980-1989) (1f) P18.7 Memoranda (1979-1990) (1f) P18.8 Staff (1980s) (1f) P18.9 Students and scholarships (1981-1987) (1f) P18.10 Courses (outlines, syllabi and curricula) (1979-1988) (2f) P18.10.1 Development of societies (1981-1987) (1f) P18.10.2 Elementary course on politics and economics (1f) P18.10.3 SOMAFCO course notes (1982) Agricultural Science syllabus (n.d.) (1f) P18.11 Reports (1979-1991) (4f) P18.12 Research and planning (1970s-1980s) (1f) P18.13 Seminars, conferences and workshops (1979-1989) (2f) P18.13.1 Moscow seminar (1989) (1f)

P18.14 People’s Education (1960-1989) (2f) Includes: o Alternative education o Education charter campaign o National Crisis Committee o Soweto Crisis Committee P18.15 International cooperation (1979-1989) (1f) (Reports of discussions, seminars and workshops) P18.16 Discussion papers and speeches (1979-1989) (1f) P18.17 Publications (1982-1989) (1f)

P19 Department of Political Education (DPE) P19.1 Policy (1985-1989) (1f) P19.2 Minutes (1986-1989) (1f) P19.3 Correspondence (1979-1992) (1f) P19.4 Circulars and memoranda (1986-1988) (1f) P19.5 Course outlines and syllabi (1978-1989) (1f) (Education training for cadres) P19.6 Lectures (1977-1978) (1f) P19.7 Reports and proposals (1977-1991) (1f) P19.8 Discussion papers and lectures (1970-1989) (2f) P19.9 Workshops and seminars (1987-1990) (1f) P19.10 People’s Power and Political Education Workshop (1988) (3f) P19.11 Miscellaneous (1987-1990) (1f) Includes: o Anti-labour Relations Bill o Briefing documents o Glossary: first draft o Research proposals o Statements P19.12 DPE publications (1990-1997) (1f) P19.13 Jack’s political education notebook (1977) (1f)

P20 Economics and Planning Unit P20.1 Policies and objectives (1983-1990) (1f) P20.2 Discussion documents (1971-1991) (2f) P20.3 Towards a post-apartheid economy (1990) (1f) P20.4 Publications (1991-1997) (1f)

P21 Department of Health and Welfare P21.1 Social welfare documents (1980-1991) (1f) Includes: o Job descriptions o Minutes o Reports

P22 Department of Information and Publicity (DIP) P22.1 Public relations (1968-1989) (microfilmed) (1f) Includes: o Correspondence o Conferences o Press statements o Press releases P22.2 Public relations (1980-1996) (not microfilmed) (2f) Includes: o ANC statement on the coloured liberation in the Western Cape o Library records o Publications o Staff issues o Statements o Songs P22.3 Media and propaganda (1974-1990) (1f) P22.4 Campaigns (1986-1995) (1f) Includes: Election campaign (1994) Local government elections (1995) Sanctions and boycotts (1986-1989) P22.5 DIP publications (1982-1989) (1f)

P23 Organising Department (Includes campaign section) P23.1 Reports (1991) (1f)

P24 ANC Manpower Commission P24.1 Minutes and correspondence (1979-1987) (1f)

P25 Department of Legal and Constitutional Affairs P25.1 Minutes (1975-1989) (1f) P25.2 Correspondence (1981-1990) (1f) P25.3 The Constitution of the ANC (1919-1991) (1f) P25.4 Constitutional guidelines (1958-1995) (3f) P25.4.1 In-house seminars: constitutional matters (1985-1988) (1f) Includes papers by: o Asmal, Kader o Jordan, Pallo o Sachs, Albie o Simons, Jack o Tambo, Oliver P25.4.2 Constitution-making (1986-1993) (1f) Includes: o Democratic Party policy position paper on the transition (1992) o PAC on the Constituent Assembly, 1993 o “Perspectives on constitution-making” by Robert B. Seideman o “Shaping the future: a citizen’s guide to constitution-making and democratic policies in SA,1990 P25.4.3 The New Constitution (1984-1996) (1f) Includes: o Thabo Mbeki’s speech on the adoption of the Constitution Bill (1996) o “Constitutional position of White South Africans” by Albie Sachs (1990) o The Constitution Committee (1986-1990) P25.5 Reports, memoranda, and statements (1986-1989) (1f) P25.6 Bill of Rights and human rights (1987-1989) (1f) P25.6.1 Booklets: “Bill of Rights and human rights” by Mandela, Nelson and Sachs, A P25.7 Negotiations (1984-1995) (2f) Includes: ANC Negotiation Bulletin (1991-1993) ANC Negotiation Commission (1992) Mandela’s full reply to President Botha’s offer (1985) Memo to F.W. de Klerk (1989/1990) Negotiation Task Force (1990) Pretoria Minute (1990) P25.7.1 Negotiations: publications (1989-1991) (1f) (Published by the ANC and others) P25.8 Alliances (1981-1997) (2f) P25.8.1 ANC-SACP alliance (1986-1995) (1f) P25.8.2 ANC-trade union alliances (1980-1996) (1f) P25.8.3 MDM-INKATHA alliance (1974-1991) (1f) P25.9 Local government (1990-1996) (1f) P25.10 Elections and post elections (1986-1999) (1f) Includes article by Dr Thomas G Karis: “A Small Miracle” continues: South Africa, 1994-1999” P25.10.1 Memorabilia and booklets (1994-1999) (1f) P25.11 Post-apartheid South Africa (1987-1997) (2f) P25.12 Truth and Reconciliation Commission (1997) (1f) (Submissions and responses) P25.13 Discussion documents (1980s-1994) (1f) Includes: o Crime o Repatriation P25.14 Publications (1989-1997) (1f)

P26 Research Unit/Department P26.1 Articles and seminar proceedings (1970-1993) (1f)

P27 Radio Freedom and varia (1968-1986) (1f) P28 Luthuli Memorial Foundation (1967-1998) (1f) P28.1 Albert J. Luthuli publications (1f) Includes: “Luthuli speaks” (1982) (addresses from 1952-1967) “The road to freedom is via the cross” (statements 1952-1963)

P29 Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) P29.1 Armed struggle: strategy and tactics (1968-1991) (2f) Includes: o People’s war o Negotiations and armed struggle (1990-1991) P29.2 Military theory (n.d.) (1f) P29.3 Military operations (1967-1988) (1f) P29.4 Reports and statements (1967-1988) (1f) Includes: o “Freedom fighters in Southern Africa” (1968) o “NEC statement: 20th anniversary of MK (16 December 1981) P29.5 Discussion documents and articles (1978-1990) (1f) P29.6 Cadres (1966-1988) (1f) (Information pertaining to the location and well-being of cadres) Includes: o Biographical notes o Deployment o Detentions o Dissent P29.7 Courses for cadres (1988-1991) (1f) P29.7.1 Course of instruction for freedom fighters (1969) (conducted in the Simons’ home) (2f) P29.8 Lusaka Regional Political Committee (1974-1989) (1f) P29.9 camps (1977-1979) (1f) P29.9.1 Lectures, exams, assignments (1977-1979) (Angolan camps) (1f) P29.9.2 Scientific socialism for South Africa: a series of lectures by Jack Simons to MK cadres in Angolan camps (1977/1978) (2f) P29.9.3 Scientific socialism for South Africa: a series of lectures by Jack Simons to MK cadres in Angolan camps (1977/1978) (2f) P29.9.4 Scientific socialism: draft worked on by Marion Spark (includes handwritten comments to HJS) (n.d.) (1f) P29.10 “Political sociology for Umkhonto students” by Jack Simons. Foreword by Oliver Tambo (1f) P29.10.1 “Political sociology for Umkhonto students” (daft typescripts of some chapters) (n.d.) (2f) P29.10.2 Correspondence regarding the publication of the book (1981-1992) (1f) (Political sociology for MK Students was published in 2001 as Comrade Jack) P29.10.3 “South Africa’s civil war: revolution and counter-revolution” by Jack Simons1(989) (1f) P29.10.4 Diaries and lecture note books (1975-1979) (kept by JS while teaching and training cadres in Angolan camps) P29.11 Dawn: MK Journal (1968-1986) (1f) P29.12 Journals (only issues pertaining to MK) (1f) Includes: o ANC Weekly News Briefing (1980-1989) o Forward to Freedom, (n.d.) o Mayibuye (1979-1985) o Sechaba (1970-1989) P29.13 Pamphlets and leaflets (1968-1988) (1f) P29.14 Publications (1983-1993) (1f) Includes: o ANC: a political or military option? by B Barrett (1989) o Extracts from Armed and dangerous by R Kasrils (1993) o Extracts from journals (1983-1988) o Newspaper clippings (1988)

P30 Youth League (ANCYL) P30.1 Correspondence (1973-1985) (1f) P30.2 Personal correspondence (1967-1982) (1f) (Includes mainly Refiloe Manana’s letters to Pauline, his fiancée) P30.3 Background (1984) (1f) Includes: o “’The hour of youth has struck’: The African National Youth League and the struggle for a mass base, 1943-1952” by Chris Giffard; BA Honours in Economic History, UCT, 1984 P30.4 Structure (n.d.) (1f) P30.5 Minutes (1984-1985) (1f) P30.6 Memoranda (n.d.) (1f) P30.7 Circulars (1980-1985) (1f) P30.8 Conferences and seminars (1966-1987) (1f) P30.9 Reports (1981) (1f) P30.10 Discussion papers (1963-1976) (1f) Topics include: o Education crisis and youth organisation (n.d.) o Emergence of a new intellectual (1973) o Guerrilla warfare (n.d.) o Historical role of the South African youth in the struggle (n.d.) o Ideas from the ANCYL on negotiations (n.d.) o Students’ strikes and demonstrations (1972) o Two decades of Bantu Education (1972) o Our necks are under persecution (1963) o Workshop on the situation in African schools P30.11 Statements and speeches (1972-1985) (1f) P30.12 Afrika: Journal of the ANCYL (1953) (1f) P30.13 Forward: Journal of the ANC Youth (1981-1988) (incomplete) P30.14 Various journals (1f) o ANC Weekly News Briefing (1984-1989) (only issues pertaining to ANCYL) o Challenge: Bulletin of the ANCYL (1984) o Fighting talk (1984) o Sechaba (March 1982 and June 1989) P30.15 Poems by Refiloe Manana (Vulindlela Phenduka Mashaba) (n.d.) (2f) P30.16 Poems by various ANCYL comrades (n.d.) (1f)

P31 Articles, essays and speeches P31.1 Papers on various issues (1944-1998) (2f) Includes authors: o Pallo Jordan (1988) o Govan Mbeki (1944) o Mac Maharaj (1988) P31.2 Nelson Mandela: articles on and by him (1962-1991) (1f) P31.3 Albie Sachs: articles by him (1973-1994) (1f) P31.4 Violet Weinberg: articles and speeches (1982-1988) (1f) P31.5 Jack’s ANC notes (1970’s-1996) (1f) P31.6 Ray’s ANC notes (1940s-1990) (1f) P31.7 Mark William Shope: lectures and talks (1970-1984) (2f) P31.8 Articles and extracts from various sources on the ANC (1984-1995) (1f) P31.9 Essays by others on the ANC and some reviewed by the ANC (1967-1990) (1f)

P32 PUBLICATIONS P32.1 Booklets (some in false covers) (1963-1989) (1f) P32.2 Journals (various titles) (1955-1998) (1f) P32.3 Mayibuye (1969-1989) (1f) P32.4 Hlanganani (1984-1985) (1f) P32.5 Department of Religious Affairs journals (1987-1990) (1f) P32.6 Extracts from journals (1960s-1990) (1f) P32.7 Newsletters (1953-1987) (1f) P32.8 Pamphlets (1968-1989) (1f) P32.9 Flyers and handbills (1939-19980 (1f) P32.10 Poems, songs and stories (1969-1987) (1f)

P33 Sources on the ANC P33.1 Publications by others on the ANC (1978-1996) (2f) P33.2 Newspaper clippings (1984-1998) (1f)

P34 Women’s League (ANCWL) P34.1 Structure and organisation (1979-1991) (1f) P34.2 Strategy and policy (1984-1992) (1f) P34.3 Correspondence with specific comrades (1966-1992) (1f) (arranged alphabetically) P34.4 Correspondence between Ray and comrades in ANCWL (1953-1998) (1f) P34.5 Circulars (1973-1991) (1f) P34.6 Meetings and minutes P34.6.1 Women’s Secretariat meetings (1976-1991) (2f) P34.6.2 Women’s Internal Subcommittee (1982-1989) (1f) P34.6.3 Women’s Council minutes (1983) (1f) P34.6.4 Meetings with branches and organizations (1979-1989) (1f) P34.6.5 Meetings with comrades (1984-1989) (1f) (includes profiles) P34.7 Reports P34.7.1 Annual reports (1972-1982) (1f) P34.7.2 Internal Women’s Sub-Committee reports (1983-1990) (1f) P34.7.3 Reports from comrades (1984-1987) (1f) P34.7.4 Reports on meetings (1985-1992) (1f) P34.7.5 Reports on women’s organisations (1983-1987) (1f) P34.7.6 Debriefing reports (1981-1989) (1f) (includes profiles) P34.7.7 Reports on international tours and visits (1973 -1986) (1f) P34.7. General reports (1979-1989) (1f) P34.8 Statements (1974-1990) (1f) P34.9 Women’s role in the liberation struggle (1978-1998) (1f) P34.10 Women in detention (1985-1989) (1f) P34.11 Emancipation and enfranchisement (1980s) (1f) P34.12 Women’s Day 9 August (1970-1999) (1f) P34.13 Year of the Women (1984) (1f) P34.14 Conferences P34.14.1 First Conference – External Mission, Luanda, Sept. 1981(1f) P34.14.2 First ANCWL National Conference, April 1991 (1f) P34.14.3 Programme of action for the Second ANC Women’s Conference, 1987 (1f) P34.14.4 Report of the Second ANC conference, 1987 (1f) P34.14.5 Messages and reports (1987) (1f) P34.14.6 Constitution adopted at the Second ANC Conference, 1987 (2f) P34.14.7 Western Cape ANCWL conferences (1991-1998) (1f) P34.14.8 Other conferences (1974-1997) (1f) P34.15 International conferences and initiatives P34.15.1 Malibongwe Conference (1989-1990) (2f) P34.15.2 Women’s International Democratic Federation (WIDF) (1974-1987) (1f) P34.15.3 International Women’s Day/Year (1975-1978) (1f) P34.16 Seminars and workshops (1970-1993) (1f) P34.17 In-house seminars (1989-1993) (1f) P34.18 Articles and talks P34.18.1 Addresses and articles by Ray (1974 -1990) (2f) P34.18.2 Notes and drafts by Ray (1970s -1992) (1f) P34.18.3 Jack’s contribution to ANCWL (1979-1993) (1f) P34.18.4 Speeches and articles by Frene Ginwala (1988-1996) (1f) P34.18.5 “Paarl: the hidden story” by Lydia Kasi (1987) ANCWL Paarl Branch Report (1991/1992) (1f) P34.18.6 Speeches and articles by various authors (1973-1990) (2f) P34.19 Rebuilding ANCWL (1990) (1f) P34.20 Gender issues P34.20.1 Constitutional guidelines (1989-1991) (1f) P34.20.2 CODESA (1992) (1f) P34.20.3 Gender empowerment (1990-1997) (1f) P34.21 Publications P34.21.1 Journals and newsletters (1971-1992) (1f) P34.21.2 VOW Magazine (Voice of Women) (1972-1989) (1f) P34.21.3 Pamphlets and leaflets (1980) (1f) P34.21.4 Booklets and books (1980s) (1f)


7th November Committee (n.d.)

A Action Group (n.d.) African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) (1994) African Democratic Party (A.D.P.) (1943) African People’s Democratic Union of Southern Africa (APDUSA) (1943-1997) (1f) African Peoples’ Organisation (APO) (1906-1959) African Political Association (APA) (1906) African Political Organisation (1910) African Teacher’s of the Transvaal Province (n.d.) African Vigilance Federation (1938) Afrikanerbond / Afrikaner Broederbond (1935-1972) All African Convention (AAC) (1941-1966) (1f) All African People’s Conference (1958) Anti-Christian League (1942) Anti-Pass Committee (1945) Anti-Slavery Society (1943-1960) (1f) Azanian Students Movement (AZASM) (1990) Azanian Students Organisation (AZASO) (1983)

B Black Community Programmes (1976-1978) Black Consciousness Movement (BCM) (1960s-1991) (1f) Black Peoples’ Convention (BPC) (1970-1977) (1f) Black Sash Black Students’ Society (B.S.S.) (1988) Blackout Bond of New Africa (BNA) (n.d.) Boy Scouts Movement (n.d.)

C Campaign for Right and Justice (1944) Cape African Congress (1942) Cape Democrats (n.d.) Cape Peninsula Students’ Union (CPSU) (1958-1962) Cape Youth Congress (CAYCO) (1990) Civil Rights League (1954-1986) Coloured Representative Council (1972-1974) (1f) Commission on the Socio-economic Development of the Native Areas (1952) Community Health Education and Reconstruction Training for Southern Africa (Community Heart) (1994) Congress of Democrats (Oct. 1959) Congress of South African Students (COSAS) (1985) Constitutional Socialist League (1944) Consultative Conference of African Leaders (1960-1961)

D Defend Free Speech Convention (1950) Democratic League (1941) Democratic Party (1980s) District Six Civic Association and Museum Foundation (1994) Durban Indian Municipal Employees’ Society (1943)

E Education League (n.d.)

F Federation of Student Societies (n.d.) Forum Club (1951-1952) Frances Baard Community Centre (n.d.) Franchise Action Council (1951) Freedom of the Press Committee (n.d.) Friends of Africa (1939-1943) Friends of the Soviet Union (1941-1942)

H Herenigde Nasionale Party (1941) Herstigte Nasionale Party (1986-1987) Human Rights Commission (1988) Human Rights Welfare Commission (n.d.) (publication titled “The forgotten men” which includes a message and tribute to exiles by G. Mbeki)

I Inkatha Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (IDASA) (1987-1995) (1f) Institute of Administrators of Non-European Affairs (1953-1954) International Committee of the Red Cross (1975) International University Exchange Fund (IUEF) (1977-1981) (1f)

J Johannesburg International Club (1949) Joint Committee of European and African Women (1937) Joint Councils (1927-1962) Joint Passive Resistance Council (1942)

L Labour Party of South Africa (1971-1974) League for the Maintenance of Democracy (1939) Legal Aid Bureau (1942) Lenasia Youth League (1989) Lenin Club (1934) Liberal Party of South Africa (1954-1963)

M Mass Democratic Movement (1988-1989) Matla Trust (1992) Modern Youth Society (n.d.) Multi-Racial Conference of South Africa (1957)

N Natal Convention (1961) Natal Indian Congress (NIC) (1947-1982) National Council for Social Research (1949) National Liberation League of South Africa (1938-1943) (1f) National Party (NP) (1914-1991) (2f) National Union of South African Students (NUSAS) (1955-1989) (2f) National Volunteer Corps Afrika (1953) Non-European United Front (NEUF) (1939-1942) (1f) Non-European Unity Movement (NEUM) (1943-1969) (1f) Nurses from the Western Cape (n.d.)

O Orange Free State (1913) Ossewabrandwag (1940-1947)

P Pan African Congress (PAC) (1959-1993) (3f) (The) People’s Club (n.d.) People’s Progressive Party (1988) Pietermaritzburg Democratic Association (PDA) (1989) Port Elizabeth Action Committee (n.d.) Progressive Party of South Africa (1959-1982) (1f) Protection of Political Prisoners’ Committee (n.d.)

S Social Democratic Federation (1906-1908) Society of Young Africa (1953-1958) South Africa Club and the Forum Club (1954) South African Coloured People’s Congress (1953-1966) South African Committee for Higher Education (SACHED) (1975-1976) South African Congress of Democrats (1961) South African Democrats (1981) South African Freedom Association (n.d.) South African Indian Congress (SAIC) (1926) South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR) (1934-1962) (4f) South African Labour Party (SALP) (1903-1965) (3f) South African Liberal Association (n.d.) South African Liberal Group (1952-1953) South African National Convention Movement (1961) South African National Student Congress (SANSCO) (1988) South African Peace and Arbitration Society (n.d.) South African People’s Congress (1953) South African Students’ Organisation (SASO) (1970-1976) South African Youth Congress (SAYCO) (1990) Soweto Youth Congress (SOYCO) (1990) Springbok Legion (n.d.) Students Democratic League (SDL) (1960) Students for Social Democracy (SSD) (1976)

T Teachers’ League of South Africa (1959-1961) Transvaal Indian Congress (1942-1946) Transvaal Peace Council (1951)

U United Democratic Front (UDF) (1983-1991) (3f) United Party (UP) (1943-1963) Unity Movement of South Africa (UMSA) (1945-1985) (1f) United Workers Union of South Africa (UWUSA) (n.d.) Unlawful Organisations Bill Conference Committee (1950) Urban Foundation (1976)

W War on War League (1914-1915) Western Cape Students Congress (1989) Western Province (Bantu) Sports’ Board (n.d.) Western Province Joint Vigilance Association (1943) Workers’ Civic League of Cape Town (n.d.) Workers Party of South Africa (1938) Workers’ Library: Resource Centre and Museum (1991-1998) (1f) Workers’ Voice (organ of the Fourth International) (1943)

Y Youth Action Council of South Africa (1966)

Z Zimele Trust Fund (1970s) Zenzeleni Community Centre (n.d.)

Q1 Indexes (n.d.) (Collected and compiled by Jack and Ray Simons) Includes: The struggle for South Africa: a reference guide


R1 Biographies R1.1 Profiles and interviews (1f) R1.2 Obituaries and memorials (1f) R1.3 Tributes and commemorations (1980-1999) (1f) R1.4 Baard, Frances (1986-1997) (1f) R1.5 First, Ruth (1982-1995) (1f) R1.6 Joseph, Helen (1992-1995) (1f) R1.7 Mandela women (1970s-1990s) (1f) R1.8 Ngoyi, Lilian (1973-1996) (1f) R1.9 Tamana, Dora (1960-1993) (1f) R1.10 Weinberg, Violet (1983-1993) (1f)

R2 Correspondence (1954-1993) (1f)

R3 Anti-pass campaigns (1945-1985) (1f)

R4 Women’s Day (1950-1999) (2f)

R5 Women’s rights (1985-1998) (1f)

R6 Women’s law in Southern Africa Workshop held in Zimbabwe, August, 1988 (2f)

R7 Violence against women (1987-1997) (1f)

R8 Gender agenda R8.1 Gender equality (1989-1995) (1f) R8.2 Gender empowerment: post-apartheid South Africa (1996) (1f) R8.3 Beijing conference (1995-1996) (1f) R8.4 Booklets and pamphlets (1995-1996) (1f) R8.5 Newspaper clippings (1986-1998) (1f)

R9 Women’s organisations R9.1 General (1977-1990) (1f) R9.2 Black Sash (1958-1996) (2f) R9.3 Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW) R9.3.1 Aims, historical background and publications (1954-1991) (1f) R9.3.2 Correspondence, conferences, reports, and publications (1954-1984) (1f) R9.3.3 Report by Women’s International Democratic Federation (1f) (pertains to FEDSAW) R9.4 Federation of Transvaal Women (FEDTRAW) (1978-1990) (1f) R9.5 Natal Organisation of Women (NOW) (1983-1989) (1f) R9.6 New Women’s Movement (1996-1999) (1f) R9.7 United Women’s Organisation (UWO) (1980-1986) becomes United Women’s Congress (UWC) (1987-1990) (1f) R9.7.1 UWO historical background (n.d.) (1f) R9.8 Women’s Democratic Federation (1953-1954) (1f) R9.9 Women’s National Coalition (1992-1996) (1f) R9.10 Other women’s organizations (1940-1993) (1f) Includes: o African Women Association o Atlantis Women’s Organisation o Basutoland Congress of Women o Black Women Unite o Black Women’s Federation o Gompo Women’s Congress o Local Bantu Women’s Association o Nasionale Vroueraad van S A o National Assembly of Women o National Council of Women of South Africa o National Women’s organisation o National Women’s Structure o Non-European Women’s Franchisement League o Oranje Vroue Vereniging: Bloemfontein o Port Elizabeth Women’s Organisation (PEWO) o South African Association of University Women o UCT Women’s Movement o University Women’s Association o Women’s Alliance o Women for Peace o Women’s Group

R10 Addresses and articles R10.1 Talks, articles and drafts: Ray (1954-1996) (1f) R10.2 Articles and sources analysed: Jack (1971-1991) (1f)

R11 Articles and talks (1977-1992) (2f) Includes contributions by: o Bernstein, Hilda o Marcus, Tessa o Mompathi, Ruth o Sachs, Albie o Volbrecht, Ginny

R12 Women in Africa R12.1 Women’s role in the liberation of Africa (1970s-1988) (1f) R12.2 Speeches and articles (1969-1988) (1f) R12.3 Sources and extracts (1954-1994) (1f) R12.4 Booklets (1955-1987) (1f)

R13 Conferences and seminars R13.1 Conference, seminar, and workshop papers (1954-1996) (1f) R13.2 Africa conference papers (1968-1991) (1f) R13.3 All-African Women’s Conference (1964-1974) (1f) R13.4 Pan-African Women’s Organisation (PAWO) conference papers (1989) (1f) R13.5 Women under apartheid: seminars and sources (1971-1984) (1f) R13.6 International conference and seminar papers (1974-1995) (1f) R13.7 International Seminar on Women and Apartheid: Helsinki May, 1980 (1f)

R14 International movements and initiatives R14.1 Decade for Women (1970-1986) (1f) R14.2 Elimination of all forms of discrimination (1968-1995) (1f) R14.3 International human rights initiatives (1980-1995) (1f) R14.4 Women’s International Democratic Federation (WIDF) R14.4.1 Constitution, meetings and reports (1967-1991) (1f) R14.4.2 World Congress of Women (1969-1987) (1f) R14.4.3 Bulletins and documents (1947-1989) (1f) R14.4.4 WIDF Journal: Women of the Whole World (1967-1991) (2f) R14.4.5 WIDF publications: general (1958-1984) (1f) R14.5 International Women’s Day/Year (1938-1998) (1f) R14.5.1 World Conference/Congress of the International Women’s Year (1975) (1f) R14.5.2 Booklets (1974-1987) (1f)

R15 Women and labour R15.1 Women in employment: Ray (1980-1988) (1f) R15.2 Economically active women: sources (1978-1992) (1f) R15.3 Women as a work force (1933-1980) (1f)

R16 Publications (National and international published sources on and by women) R16.1 Articles (1980s-1990s) (1f) R16.2 Journals (1967-1997) (1f) R16.3 Extracts from journals (1970-1993) (1f) R16.4 Booklets (1959-1998) (1f) R16.5 Thesis titled “The need of South African women in and for national liberation” by M.A. Kwadi, 1987 R16.6 Newspaper clippings (1960s-1990s) (2f)


S1 Politics S1.1 Parliamentary debates (1910-1925) (1f) S1.2 Statements and memoranda (1939-1989) (1f) (Includes a memo to Prime Minister B.J. Vorster) S1.3 Church and state (1940-1990) Church and church bodies (1909-1979) (1f) S1.4 “Race to power: the struggle for Southern Africa” (published by African Research Group, 1971) (1f) S1.5 Afrikaner and right-wing politics (1978-1995) (1f) S1.6 Apartheid (1964-1990) S1.7 Elections: apartheid era (1953-1992) (1f) S1.8 Anti-apartheid publications (1964-1995) (2f) S1.9 Canadian policy towards South Africa and Southern Africa (1973-1988) (1f) S1.10 Post-apartheid South Africa (1987-1995) (1f) S1.11 Journals (1968-1996) (2f) Includes: o Free Azania (1988) o The Journal of Negro History (April 1971) o Radical (1968, 1970) S1.12 Journal: The State (Feb-March 1909) (1f) S1.13 Journal articles (1978-1990) (1f) S1.14 Extracts from books, magazines, and newspapers (1952-1993) (1f) S1.15 Discussion papers (1965-1991) (2f) Includes: o Afrikaner politics and history o Black opposition o De Klerk era o Five Freedoms Forum o P.W .Botha reforms o National question o Shaka Zulu o South African expansionism (R. Molteno) o South African Indian and political franchise o Southern African policy S1.16 Newsletters (1944-1990) (1f) Includes: o CAASA (Nov 1986) o CAYCO – Mowbray (Vol.3/1 Apr 1990) o JODAC News (Feb/March 1985, Spring 1987) o Patriot (Vol.9/21 1 June 1990) o Press Digest (1969-1970) S1.17 Booklets (1911-1988) (4f) S1.18 Flyers and leaflets (1900-1994) (1f)

S2 Economics S2.1 Standard of living (1942-1987) (1f) S2.2 Monopolies (1966-1988) (1f) S2.3 Financing apartheid (1963-1984) (2f) S2.4 Sanctions (1973-1990) (2f) S2.5 Privatisation (1989-1990) (1f) S2.6 Agriculture in South Africa (1984-1988) (1f) S2.7 Economic policy for a post-apartheid South Africa (1987-1998) (2f) S2.8 Discussion papers (1974-1991) (2f) S2.9 Published documents (1936-1987) (2f) S2.10 Journals and reprints (1971-1998) (1f) S2.11 Extracts from magazines (1971-1989) (1f) S2.12 Newspaper clippings (1982-1994) (1f)

S3 South African Defence Force (SADF) S3.1 Strength of apartheid’s defence force (1978-1987) (1f) S3.2 Militarization (1981-1989) (1f) S3.3 National security (1980-1989) (1f) S3.4 Budget: financing defence (1981-1996) (1f) S3.5 Arms embargo (1979-1981) (1f) S3.6 Nuclear capability (1970-1995) (1f) S3.7 Destabilisation (1987-1989) (1f) S3.8 “The art of counter-revolutionary war” by John McCuen (1966) (1f) S3.9 Resister (1980-1987) (1f) (Journal of the Committee on South African War Resistance) S3.10 Extracts from newspapers and magazines (1970-1995) (1f) S3.11 End Conscription Campaign (ECC) (1984-1989) (1f) S3.12 Security forces in a democratic South Africa (1992-1993) (1f) S3.13 Church and low intensity conflict (1f) S3.14 Discussion documents (1986-1988) (1f) Includes: o “Black defenders of apartheid”

S4 Race and racism S4.1 Drafts and notes (1961-1987) (1f) S4.2 Discussion papers (1947-1990) (1f) S4.3 Journal articles (1974-1995) (1f) S4.4 Reprints and published articles (1958-1984) (1f) S4.5 Booklets and leaflets (1938-1970s) (1f) S4.6 “The race question in modern science” – Series, 1951-1953 (1f) S4.7 Newspaper clippings and extracts (1971-1989) (1f) S4.8 Analysis of sources consulted (1967-1977) (1f)

S5 Education S5.1 Apartheid education (1953-1989) (1f) S5.2 Bantu education (1934-1987) (1f) S5.3 Education crisis (1976-1995) (1f) S5.4 Soweto 1976: publications (1976-1987) (1f) S5.5 Teachers (1937-1997) (1f) S5.6 Financing education (1989-1990) (1f) S5.7 Black and white universities – challenges (1958-1989) (1f) S5.8 Universities and other learning institutions (1934-1991) (1f) S5.8.1 University of Cape Town (1951-1998) (1f) S5.8.2 University of the Western Cape (1973-1996) (1f) S5.8.3 University of the Witwatersrand (1937-1994) (1f) S5.8.4 University of Natal (1960-1988) (1f) S5.8.5 University of Durban-Westville (1991-1996) (1f) S5.9 Media (1944-1994) (1f) S5.10 Discussion papers (1978-1990) (1f) S5.11 Education in a post-apartheid era (1990-1991) (1f) S5.12 Booklets (1933-1983) (1f) S5.13 International publications (1931-1995) (1f) S5.14 Newspaper clippings (1981-1987) (1f)

S6 International sources (Arranged by the country where the source originated from) S6.1 Australia (1998) Britain (1976-1996) Canada (1971) Finland (1995) United States of America (1961-1994) (1f) S6.2 Germany (n.d.) (1f) S6.3 India, Bengal, and Pakistan (n.d.) (1f) S6.4 Latin America (1981-1985) (1f)


T1 Art, theatre and culture T1.1 Literature (1988-1998) (1f) Includes: African Eden: cultural nationalism in the African novel T1.2 Poetry, poems and poets (1959-1998) (1f) T1.3 Theatre (1940-1991) (1f) Includes: o Alhambra (1941) o Bantu People’s Theatre (1940) o The Peoples Theatre (1941) o Theatre and the struggle for national liberation (1987) T1.4 Music (1940-1990) (1f) T1.5 Art and artists T1.5.1 Artists against racialism (1965) Working paper and articles (1980) Newspaper clippings (1992-1996) (1f) T1.5.2 Illustrations (n.d.) (1f) T1.5.3 Exhibition programmes and invitations (1988-1996) (1f) T1.6 Film and visual arts (n.d.) (1f) T1.7 Sport (1976) T1.8 Culture and heritage (1982-1993) (1f) T1.9 Archives, museums and libraries (1f) T1.10 Game reserves and maps (n.d.) (1f)

T2 Jewish concerns T2.1 Articles and talks (1941-1991) T2.2 Pamphlets (1917-1998) (1f) T2.3 Booklets (n.d.) (1f) T2.4 Published sources (1939-1997) (2f) T2.5 Newspaper clippings (1954-1999)


W1 Historical background (1964-1974) (1f)

W2 Zambia African National Congress Detention of Kenneth Kaunda (1952-1959) (1f)

W3 Chiefs and traditional leaders (1965-1975) (1f)

W4 Legal matters (1965-1987) (1f)

W5 Housing and urbanization (1969-1980) (1f)

W6 Health and social welfare (1974-1976) (1f)

W7 Politics (1960-1987) (1f)

W8 Nation and nationalism (1969-1974) (1f)

W9 Party politics and national liberation (1967-1977) (1f)

W10 Policy and strategy (1968-1995) (1f)

W11 Organization and re-organization (1976) (1f)

W12 Constitution guidelines and moral code (1975-1987) (1f)

W13 Correspondence (1965-1990) (1f)

W14 Minutes and meetings (1976-1987) (1f)

W15 Humanism and socialism (1960s-1981) (1f) Includes: o Humanism workshops designed for government officials o Workshop on constructing a humanist state

W16 Humanism and religion (1979-1982) (1f)

W17 Party programme: Road to humanism (1975-1980) (1f)

W18 Humanism articles by Jack Simons and others (1967-1977) (1f)

W19 J.W. Musole’s lectures on humanism and UNIP (1979-1982) (1f) Includes: o Autobiographical notes o Imperialism and nationalism o Lectures for the certificate course in political education o Problems of economic social and political development in Zambia

W20 Dr Kenneth Kaunda (1964-1989) (1f) Includes: o Addresses o Lectures o Speeches

W21 Education W21.1 Education for liberation (1974-1989) (1f) W21.2 Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation (1969-1975) (1f) W21.3 President’s Citizenship College (1960-1985) (2f) W21.4 Political education: workshops and training programmes for government employees (1968-1985) (2f)

W22 Rural development W22.1 Transforming agriculture and assessments (1969-1992) (1f) W22.2 Farming (1f) o Vegetable and citrus production (1971-1972) o Crop and livestock (1969) W22.3 Tobacco farming and industry (1971-1976) (1f) W22.4 Observations on the Ministry of Rural Development: a criticism of some of the policies of the Ministry. Published by the Research Bureau 24 March 1975 (1f) W22.5 Co-operative Movement (1976) (1f) W22.6 Social action in Lusaka (1972-1973) Self Help Development (SHD) 1985-1986 (1f) W22.7 Projects surveys and workshops (1966-1976) (1f) Includes: Human settlement (1975) Urban situation by JS (1970s) W22.8 Agrarian transformation and the peasantry (n.d.) (1f)

W23 Demographics (1929-1975) (1f)

W24 Economic development (1969-1986) (1f)

W25 Corporate sector (1974-1976) (1f)

W26 Mining industry: The Copperbelt (1972-1976) (1f)

W27 Trade unions W27.1 History of trade unions in Zambia (1947-1970) (1f) W27.2 Labour and the state (1948-1981) (1f) W27.3 Employment and Industrial Relations Act (1965-1977) (1f)

W27.4 Labour force (1973-1976) (1f) W27.5 Wages and incomes (1969-1977) (1f) W27.6 Workers’ education (1968-1976) (1f) W27.7 International trade union seminars (1971-1977) (1f) W27.8 International Symposium on Multinationals and Employment (1976) (1f) W27.9 Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (1972-1978) (1f) W27.10 Mineworkers Union of Zambia (1969-1973) (1f) W27.11 Transport unions (1967-1980) (1f) W27.12 Articles reports and projects (1958-1976) (1f) W27.13 “Trade unions in Zambia”. Drafts: Ray Simons (1925-1970s) (1f) W27.14 Newspaper clippings: Labour, mines and industry (1960s-1980s) (1f)

W28 Youth league (1978 -1981) (1f)

W29 Women W29.1 Conferences and consultations (1970-1989) (1f) W29.2 Women’s rights conference (1970) (1f) W29.3 Women’s rights conference (1985) (1f) W29.4 Publications on and by women (1969-1986) (1f) W29.5 Photographs of UNIP women (1979) (1f)

W30 Research W30.1 Projects and reports (1968-1986) (1f) W30.1.1 Regional panning North Western Province report: Mukumbi area August 1968 (1f) W30.2 Political economy: Ben Turok’s proposal (1978-1980) (1f) W30.3 Diaries on Zambia: Jack Simons (1977-1987) (1f) W30.4 Reviews (1960-1981) (1f) W30.5 Notes: Jack and Ray Simons (1979) (1f) W30.6 National Archives of Zambia (1960-1985) (2f)

W31 Sources W31.1 Road to independence (1953-1972) (1f) W31.2 UNIP publications (1963-1968) (1f) W31.3 Publications (1960s-1970s) (1f) W31.4 Maps (1967-1975) (1f) W31.5 Newspaper clippings (1968-1988) (1f)

W32 University of Zambia W32.1 Administration: Planning and Development Report and Guidelines (1971-1981) (1f) W32.2 Correspondence (1968-1999) (1f) W32.3 Minutes (1970-1974) (1f) W32.4 Students (1969-1980) (1f) W32.5 UNZA in crisis (1970-1982) (1f) W32.6 Research W32.6.1 Agriculture field research (1970-1973) (1f) W32.6.2 Research projects (1969-1974) (1f) W32.6.3 Research projects and papers (1969-1975) (1f) W32.6.4 Research reports (1970-1972) (1f) W32.7 Institute for African Studies W32.7.1 Correspondence (1966-1979) (1f) W32.7.2 Submissions to African Social Review analysed critiqued and reviewed 1973-1980 (1f) W32.7.3 Research proposals and reviews (1974-1975) (1f) W32.7.4 Discussion papers (1972-1976) (1f) W32.7.5 Publications (1971-1980) (1f) W32.8 Language in education (30-31 August 1975) (1f) W32.9 Seminars (1967-1980) (1f) W32.10 Discussion papers (1970-1976) (1f) W32.11 Jack’s analysis of sources, lectures and notes (1972-1980) (1f) W32.12 African studies (1968-1974) (1f) o Includes: o Course A210 o Lectures and articles o Outline for MA degree in African Studies o Some comments on African social sciences W32.12.1 African studies course A110 (1969-1971) (1f) W32.13 Economics course EC100 (1974) (1f) W32.14 Extra Mural Studies, Dept. of (1969-1977) (1f) W32.15 Department of history W32.15.1 History, Dept. of (1970-1975) (1f) W32.15.2 History staff seminar (1969-1982) (1f) W32.15.3 Historical Association of Zambia (1969-1980) (1f) W32.16 Political studies W32.16.1 Political and administration studies (1968-1984) (1f) W32.16.2 Political science (1968-1975) (1f) W32.16.3 Political science lectures (1969-1970) (1f) Lectures by: o R. Jolly (1970) o R. Molteno (1969) o E.E. Welch (1970) W32.17 Social Work, Dept. of (1970-1973) (1f) W32.18 Medicine (1971-1974) (1f) Includes: o School of Medicine o Medical sociology W32.19 Social science and sociology W32.19.1 University of Zambia Sociological Association (UNZASA) (1969) (1f) W32.19.2 Social Science Foundation (1974) (1f) W32.19.3 Industrial sociology lectures: course IS910 (1972-1975) (1f) W32.19.4 Sociology lectures: course S110 (1967-1972) (9f) W32.19.5 Sociology correspondence studies: course S110 (1972-1974) (1f) W32.19.6 Sociology lectures: course S210 (1969-1970); course S220 (1970-1971) (1f) W32.19.7 Sociology lectures: course S310 (1969-1970) (1f) W32.19.8 Sociology lectures: course S410 (1968-1972) (1f) W32.19.9 Sociology lectures: course S450 (1969-1971) (1f) W32.19.10 Sociology lectures: course S920 (1971-1973) (2f) W32.19.11 Sociology lectures: course S950 (1973-1974) (1f) W32.19.12 Sociology lectures by Dr. Alexander Matejko (1966-1969) (1f) W32.19.13 Sociology working papers (1966-1968) (2f) W32.20 UNZA magazine and newsletters (1964-1976) UNZA Women’s group magazine (1968) (1f) W32.21 Newspaper clippings on UNZA (1973-1984) (1f)


Angola (1925-1997) (1)

Algeria (1984)

Belgian Congo (1955-1960) (1f)

Botswana (1971-1990)

Congo, Republic of (1966) (1f)

Ghana (1963-1984)

Guinea (1966-1969) (1f)

Kenya (1933-1980)

Lesotho (1932-1988)

Libya (1966) (1f)

Malawi (1970-1979) (1f)

Mozambique (1929-1998) (2f)

Namibia Includes: o Companies and industries (1969-1980) (1f) o Economy (1973-1995) (2f) o International conference (1972) (2f) o Labour and trade union issues (1949-1995) (1f) o Law (n.d.) o Lectures (1980-1990) (1f) o Mines and mineworkers (1968-1995) (1f) o National Union of Namibia Workers (1980s) (1f) o Newspaper clippings (1968-1987) (1f) o Notes Jack and Ray (1982-1989) (1f) o Ovamboland and the Ovambos (1957-1972) (1f) o Politics (1969-1987) (1f) o Sources (on Namibia) (1954-1990) (7f) o United Nations Institute for Namibia (1974-1985) o Women (1980-1982) (1f) o SWAPO (South West People’s Organisation)

Nigeria (1952-1996) (1f)

Reunion Island

Rwanda (1966) (1f)



Swaziland (1960-1984) (1f)

Tanzania (1965-1988) (3f)

Uganda (1953-1972)

Zaire (n.d.) (1f)

Zimbabwe Includes: o African Peoples’ Union (1963-1970) (1f) o Discussion papers (1959-1989) (1f) o Education (1982-1983) (1f) o Research (1937-1973) (1f) o Sources (1919-1987) (1f) o Trade unions and labour (1955-1988) (1f) o Women (1978-1991) (1f) o Zimbabwe African People’s Union (1963-1970) (1f)

Africa: General Includes: o Conflict and change (1971-1992) (1f) o Constitution making (n.d.) (1f) o Economy (1969-1995) (1f) o Economy: UN Economic Commission for Africa (1979-1982) (1f) o Education and training (1970s-1982) (1f) o Industry (1968-1982) (1f) o Labour issues (1966-1984) (1f) o Liberation movement (1946-1994) (1f) o Organisation of African Unity (1975-1989) (1f) o Political economy (1978-1980s) o Politics (1970s-1990s) (1f) o Population and migration (1973-1980s) (1f) o Sources (1971-1990) (1f) o Sources: booklets (1933-1990) (1f) o Sources: draft of Book (n.d.) (1f) o Sources: journals (1970-1995) (1f) o United Nations initiatives (1960-1988) o Women (1985-1987) (1f)


Y1 Awards and honours Y1.1 Clipping titled "UWC honours 4 top women" (Northern Echo 12 August 1992) Y1.2 Speech by S.J. Saunders at the launch of the Simons Papers (1995) Y1.3 Programme for the launch of the Simons Collection (the donation of the Simons' library to the Robben Island Museum) (undated) Y1.4 Invitation to attend Heritage Day celebration on Robben Island, 1997 Y1.5 City of Cape Town Civic Honours Book, 2000, featuring RS Y1.6 Award for Outstanding Contribution to the SACP, awarded to Ray at the 11th Congress of the SACP, 24-28 July 2002 (wooden trophy; Box 1A) Y1.7 Award inscribed “In appreciation of your participation in the South African Jewish Museum 13 December 2000” (small wooden case, glass topped; Box 1A) Y1.8 Walter Sisulu Honorary Life Membership Award presented to Ray by the African National Congress Youth League, 27 October 1996 (wooden plaque; Box 1A) Y1.9 Framed Presidential Award (2004; Box 1A) Y1.10 Canisters containing honorary degree certificates (4 items; Box 1B)

Y2 Bannings Y2.1 Government Gazette, 6 November 1964, in which HJS is cited as having been served notice in terms of the Suppression of Communism Act Y2.2 University of Cape Town (UCT) SRC President's Report to Student Body, August 1965 (contains report on banning of JS) Y2.3 Transcript of interview with Raymond Suttner following banning of JS from UCT, March 1969

Y3 Correspondence Y3.1 Correspondence between Jack and Ray (1966-1988) (9 files) Y3.2 Correspondence with their children Y3.2.1 Mary (1965-1988) (1 file) Y3.2.2 Tanya (1965-1990) (4 files) Y3.2.3 Johann (1967-2000) (1 file) Y3.3 Correspondence with extended family Y3.3.1 Lynette Simons (1985-2000) (1 file) Y3.3.2 Simon, Agi and Zelda Simons (1990-1999) (1 file) Y3.3.3 Bill and Betty Simons (1 file) (1980-1985) Y3.3.4 Eric Simons (1 file) (1968-1985) Y3.3.5 T.E. "Twinkle" Brugge (1 item) (undated; circa 1994) Y3.3.6 Bill and Miriam (8 items) (1995-1997) Y3.4 General correspondence Y3.4.1 Abdelkrim, A.K. (2 items) (1987) Y3.4.2 Abdullah, Rashida (1 item) (1997) Y3.4.3 Abrahams, Asa (2 items) (1996) Y3.4.4 Abrahams, Liz (25 items) (1991-1995) Y3.4.5 Achenbach, Seka (2 items) (1997) Y3.4.6 Adams, Annie (1 item) (1993) Y3.4.7 Adams, Esther (1 item) (1994) Y3.4.8 Adelstein, Cynthia (1 item) (1992) Y3.4.9 African National Congress (ANC) (11 items) (1985-1996) Y3.4.10 Afrika-Studiecentrum, Leiden (1 item) (1992) Y3.4.11 Alberts, Marilyn (10 items) (1997-1998) Y3.4.12 Ames, Frances (4 items) (1995-1996) Y3.4.13 Anderson, Muff (23 items) (1989-1992) Y3.4.14 Anonymous letters (for security; usually addressed to "Friend") (1 file) (1976-1981) Y3.4.15 Arenstein, Roly (1 item) (undated) Y3.4.16 Asmal, Kader (1 item) (1990) Y3.4.17 Atwell, Eric (2 items) (1997) Y3.4.18 Australian Embassy Pretoria (1 item) (1990) Y3.4.19 Baard, Francis (3 items) (1986-1989) Y3.4.20 Barnett, Naomi (1 item) (1986) Y3.4.21 Bekker, Rose (3 items) (1996) Y3.4.22 Bennun, Mervyn (24 items) (1990-1997) Y3.4.23 Berger, Iris (19 items) (1988-2000) Y3.4.24 Bouchier family (Jack, Frances, Ian, Pat, Charlotte) (21 items) (1985-1998) Y3.4.25 Braam, Conny (2 items) (1990-1997) Y3.4.26 Bunting, Brian (10 items) (1979-1992) Y3.4.27 Bureau of Information (1 item) (1942) Y3.4.28 Büttner family (7 items) (1985-1997) Y3.4.29 C. Hurst Publishers (30 items) (1988-1994) Y3.4.30 Cape Times (4 items) (1993-1999) Y3.4.31 Carstens, Peter (1 item) (1977) Y3.4.32 Chauncey, G (1 item) (1977) Y3.4.33 Chimowitz family (1991-1998) (50 items) Y3.4.34 City of Cape Town (2 items) (1994-2000) Y3.4.35 Clarke's Bookshop (1 item) (1989) Y3.4.36 Communist Party Archives, Moscow (1 item) (undated) Y3.4.37 Cooper, Ian and Valerie (5 items) (1993-1997) Y3.4.38 Cronin, Jeremy (3 items) (1993) Y3.4.39 Cross, Sholto (3 items) (1990-1991) Y3.4.40 Cupido, Sophia (1 item) (1994) Y3.4.41 Dadoo, Yusuf (1 item) (1979) Y3.4.42 David Philip Publishers (2 items) (1996) Y3.4.43 Davidson, Apollon (2 items) (1982-1997) Y3.4.44 Davies, Debra and John (5 items) (1995-1997) Y3.4.45 De Goede, Patric (2 items) (1981) Y3.4.46 Deacon, R (2 items) (1988) Y3.4.47 Dennis, Emily (2 items) (1991) Y3.4.48 Diamond, C (1 item) (1968) Y3.4.49 Drew, Alison (3 items) (1994-1995) Y3.4.50 Edgar, Bob (2 items) (1986-1989) Y3.4.51 Emdan, Clive (1 item) (1990) Y3.4.52 Everatt, David (1 item) (1991) Y3.4.53 Favis, Merle (1 item) (undated) Y3.4.54 Festenstein, Iris (2 items) (1997-1998) Y3.4.55 Fester, Gertrude (6 items) (1997-1998) Y3.4.56 Fichman, LG (Yiddish) (4 items) (1997-1996) Y3.4.57 Filatova, Irina (8 items) (1989-1998) Y3.4.59 Forman, Sadie (1970-1998) (2 files) Y3.4.60 Foundation for Peace and Justice (2 items) (1991) Y3.4.61 Fraser-Moloketi, Geraldine (11 items) (1987-1999) Y3.4.62 Gage-Colley, Ruth (1 item) (1976) Y3.4.63 Gatt, Josephine (1 item) (1989) Y3.4.64 Gay, Lionel (1 item) (1977) Y3.4.65 German Democratic Republic (1 item) (1988) Y3.4.66 Gertzel, Cherry (5 items) (1982-1988) Y3.4.67 Ginwala, Frene (4 items) (1994-1997) Y3.4.68 Gordon, Barney and Sonia (12 items) (1982-1988) Y3.4.69 Gordon, Robert (includes article by Gordon titled "Where will the buck stop? Can the Namibian bushmen stop the dispossession of their land?” (2 items) (1985) Y3.4.70 Gottschalk, Keith (7 items) (1980-1982) Y3.4.71 Granada Publishing (1 item) (1971) Y3.4.72 Haddon, Michael and Eileen (1 item) (1996) Y3.4.73 Haffinley, Beryl (1 item) (1997) Y3.4.74 Halfkenny, Polly (1 item) (1994) Y3.4.75 Hall, Charles (13 items) (1990-1998) Y3.4.76 Hancock, Sonia (1 item) (1996) Y3.4.77 Hasson, Reuben (38 items) (1992-1998) Y3.4.78 Haworth, A (2 items) (1975 Y3.4.79 Hemson, David (2 items) (1976-1977) Y3.4.80 Hepner, Bill and Miriam (1 item) (1994) Y3.4.81 Herman, David (5 items) (1976-1977) Y3.4.82 Hintze, Henning and Almut Hielscher (16 items) (1989-1998) Y3.4.83 Hira, Dr P (2 items) (1991) Y3.4.84 Horvitch, Mitzi and Ike (2 items) (1992-1994) Y3.4.85 Huffinley, Beryl (2 items) (1996-1997) Y3.4.86 Indian High Commission (1 item) (1998) Y3.4.87 International Defence and Aid (3 items) (1990) Y3.4.88 International Labour Office (1 item) (1987) Y3.4.89 Jacobson, Naomi (2 items) (1996) Y3.4.90 Johannesburg Art Gallery (3 items) (1998) Y3.4.91 Johannesburg Democratic Action Committee (JODAC; includes report on a delegation to Moscow) (1 item) (1989-1990) Y3.4.92 Jonathan [Bloch] (36 items) (1976-1978) Y3.4.93 Jones, George (3 items) ((1991) Y3.4.94 Joseph, Helen (2 items) (1989-1991) Y3.4.95 Kalk, Margaret (13 items) (1975-1993) Y3.4.96 Karis, Tom (26 items) (1986-1998) Y3.4.97 Kaska, Irene (2 items) (1982-1988) Y3.4.98 Kgosana, Philip (1 item) Y3.4.99 Khulu, Zakes (3 items) (1987) Y3.4.100 Klugman, Barbara (1 item) (undated) Y3.4.101 Kodesh, Wolfie (1 item) (1984) Y3.4.102 Kotane, Moses (4 items) (1972) Y3.4.103 Land Claims Commissioner (2 items) (1998) Y3.4.104 Langa, Humphrey (1 item) (1995) Y3.4.105 Laughlin, Richard (2 items) (1986) Y3.4.106 Lazerson, Joshua (3 items) (1988) Y3.4.107 Letters of condolences following Jack's death (1 file) (1995) Y3.4.108 Levy, Norman (7 items) (1992-1994) Y3.4.109 Lewin, Julius and Eleanor (23 items) (1975-1987) Y3.4.110 Liberty Life (2 items) (1996) Y3.4.111 Lihua, Yang (4 items) (1996-1998) Y3.4.112 Loza, Lulama (1 item) (1991) Y3.4.113 Luthuli Memorial Foundation (1 item) (1972) Y3.4.114 Mabhida, Moses (9 items) (1977-1983) Y3.4.115 Macmillan, Hugh (15 items) (1990-1994) Y3.4.116 Madikizela-Mandela, W (1 item) (1996) Y3.4.117 Maduna, P (1 item) (1990) Y3.4.118 Mail & Guardian (1 item) (1998) Y3.4.119 Makhubalo, Malima (1 item) (1976) Y3.4.120 Mandela Foundation of Australia (1 item) (1990) Y3.4.121 Mandela, Nelson (copy of letter from NM to Barbara Lamb, undated) Y3.4.122 Marcus, Gill (2 items) (1988-1991) Y3.4.123 Marcus, Tessa (9 items) (1989-1993) Y3.4.124 Marks, Shula (2 items) (1982-1985) Y3.4.125 Marriotti, A (1 item) (1975) Y3.4.126 Masekela, Barbara (1 item) (1996) Y3.4.127 Mayibuye Centre (1 item) (1999) Y3.4.128 Mbeki, Govan (1 item) (1998) Y3.4.129 Mdingi, Lydia (1 item) (1997) Y3.4.130 Meer family (1 item, with clipping relating to death of Rashid Meer) (1995) Y3.4.131 Meli, Frances (1 item) (1989) Y3.4.132 Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation (1 item) (1975) Y3.4.133 MK MVA (Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans' Association) Y3.4.134 Modise, Thandi (1 item) (1990) Y3.4.135 Molteno, Frank (1 item, enclosing speech made at the installation of Mamphela Ramphele as UCT VC) (1996) Y3.4.136 Molteno, Robert and Marion (32 items) (1984-1998) Y3.4.137 Mompathi, Ruth (8 items) (1989-2000) Y3.4.138 Moonsamy, Kay (4 items) (1972-1990) Y3.4.139 Motsoalede, Caroline (1 item) (1999) Y3.4.140 Mpheta, Oscar (1 item) (1993) Y3.4.141 Mthintso, Thenjiwe (2 items) (1992-1998) Y3.4.142 Mtshali, Ben (2 items) (1974-1975) Y3.4.143 Mtshaluana, P M (1 item) (1990) Y3.4.144 Mudaley, Krishna (1 item) (1998) Y3.4.145 Mujoni, V (1 item) (1984) Y3.4.146 Mukula, PM (1 item) (1996) Y3.4.147 Munachonga, Monica (1 item) (1975) Y3.4.148 Mwiyeriwa, Steve (1 item) (1976) Y3.4.149 Mzala (Jabulani Nxumalo) (3 items) (1989-1990) Y3.4.150 Naidoo, Phyllis (1 file) (1979-1998) Y3.4.151 Nelson-Richards, Melsome (3 items) (1982-1985) Y3.4.152 Niehaus, Carl (1 item) (1994) Y3.4.153 Nkadimeng, John K (1 item) (1982) Y3.4.154 Nokwe, Sam (2 items) (1983) Y3.4.155 Nordiska Afrikainstitutet (correspondence relating to the Simons Project, and subsequently with Annica van Gijlswyk) (3 files) Y3.4.156 Nsingbe, Philip (1 item) (1975) Y3.4.157 Nujoma, Sam (1 item) (1996) Y3.4.158 NUM (National Union of Mineworkers) (2 items) (1992-1997) Y3.4.159 NUNM (National Union of Namibian Workers) (1 item) (1989) Y3.4.160 O'Dowd, Tony (2 items) (1988) Y3.4.161 Oglethorpe, Ann (1 item) (1996) Y3.4.162 Oxfam (Robin Palmer) (2 items) (1991) Y3.4.163 Paarl Museum (1 item) (1996) Y3.4.164 Paarl Post (1 item) (1998) Y3.4.165 Pampallis, John (3 items) (1982-1991) Y3.4.166 Parker, Kenneth (1 file) (1966-2002) Y3.4.167 Peltola, Pekka (8 items) (1996-1999) Y3.4.168 Pemba, George (5 items) (1996-1997) Y3.4.169 Penguin Books (1 item) (1997) Y3.4.170 Perez, Gonda (1 item) (1995) Y3.4.171 Philips, Ian (1 file) (1986-1989) Y3.4.172 Ponnusammy, Dr S (1 item) (1990) Y3.4.173 Popham, Mike (2 items) Y3.4.174 Prinsloo, Kate (6 items) (1992-1994) Y3.4.175 Public Protector's Office (1 item) (1996) Y3.4.176 Quaker Peace Service (1 item) (1985) Y3.4.177 Ramphele, Mamphela (1 item) (1996) Y3.4.178 Ramsammy, Ginette (1 item) (1996) Y3.4.179 Rasool, Ciraj (1 item) (1993) Y3.4.180 Ridehalgh, Anna (19 items) (1982-1998) Y3.4.181 Russel, M (2 items) (1975) Y3.4.182 Schreiner, Jenny (13 items) (1983-1993) Y3.4.183 Shubin, Vladimir (4 items) (1998) Y3.4.184 Sijake, Nobonke (16 items) (1996-1998) Y3.4.185 Simpson, Mrs R.C. (4 items) (1970) Y3.4.186 South African government departments and officials (28 items) (1992-1999) Y3.4.187 Tamana, Dora (31 items) (1970-1983) Y3.4.188 Tapscott, Chris (5 items) (1983-1984) Y3.4.189 Tebbs, Elizabeth (12 items) (1994-1998) Y3.4.190 Toivo ya Toivo, Andimba (5 items) (1989-2000) Y3.4.191 University of Cape Town (1 file) (1963-1994) Y3.4.192 (1 item) (1965) Y3.4.193 University of Namibia (3 items) (1996) Y3.4.194 University of Natal (8 items) (1991-1994) Y3.4.195 University of South Africa (18 items) (1989-1995) Y3.4.196 University of Stellenbosch (3 items) (1990-1994) Y3.4.197 University of the Western Cape (1 item) (1995) Y3.4.198 University of the Witwatersrand (8 items) (1977-1993) Y3.4.199 University of Zambia (8 items) (1968-1985) Y3.4.200 Van Onselen, C (2 items) (1982) Y3.4.201 Van Tonder, Anna (1 file) (1971-1984) Y3.4.202 Weinberg, Sheila and Violet (8 items) (1988-1989) Y3.4.203 Wilson, Francis (1 item) (1990) Y3.4.204 Wood, Eric (6 items (1977-1982) Y3.4.205 Zambian government (8 items) (1977-1990) Y3.5 Cards and postcards Three archival boxes of cards (seasonal, celebratory, birthday etc.) and one archival box of postcards

Y4 Diaries Y4.1 Journals (2 volumes) kept by JS from 15 May 1965 to 4 June 1965 and 15 June 1965 to 15 July 1965 Y4.2 Diaries (1971, 1972, 1980, 1981, 1988, 1999) and single address book

Y5 Course materials Y5.1 Incomplete ts notes for a talk on development theory to the District Governors at NIPA (23 June 1977) Y5.2 Notes for a lecture on socialization (24 July 1970) Y5.3 Notes for a lecture titled "Traditional solutions for modern problems" (undated)

Y6 Writings and presentations Y6.1 Article by JS titled "Perspectives on civilization" by (UCT Winter School, 1957/8) Y6.2 Paper titled "South Africa's crisis, a factual survey" (about Sharpeville and the aftermath; anon., 18 April 1960) Y6.3 Lecture by JS on a common South African society (UCT Winter School, 1960-1961) Y6.4 Ts notes titled "A note on the "Unity Movement" (N.E.U.M.) of South Africa" (1965) Y6.5 Ts transcript of a speech by JS to the Information Committee of the ANC on the 1970 election in SA (1970) Y6.6 Ts copy of notes prepared by JS for a speech to be presented at the Bandung 26th anniversary meeting, Colombo, 1980 Y6.7 Address by JS at a memorial service for Moses Mabhida, 29 March 1986 Y6.8 Ts document titled "The African National Congress" (describes differences between the various liberation movements; circa 1962) Y6.9 Untitled ts notes on the Pan-African Congress (PAC) (undated) Y6.10 Ts notes titled "The Pan African Congress" (undated) Y6.11 Ts notes titled "PAC Speeches, Cape Town, 1959-1960" Y6.12 Copy of leaflet titled "Defend the municipal vote" (ms notation indicates that it was written by RS) (1956) Y6.13 Ms notes for a speech by RS to the Democratic Party (DP) on the topic "South Africa – its present and future seen from a Communist perspective" (1990) Y6.14 Lectures by JS prepared for publication by Mervyn Bennun. Lectures included: 1) The anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917; 2) The rise and fall of the USSR; 3) Address at a meeting of Indian Ratepayers Association, 23 July 1961; 4) Communists in national liberation movements; 5) From colonial capital to industrial capitalism in South Africa – a case study in developmental theory; 6) African women; 7) Repression, resistance and war; 8) A response to Joe Slovo’s ‘Has Socialism Failed?’ (Floppy disk with text files included) Y6.15 Articles and clippings by Julius Lewin on bannings (1964-1965) Y6.16 One box of reference cards for JS’s PhD (O/S)

Y7 Labour Y7.1 Deed of Sale between Drakenstein Estate Company and Food and Canning Workers’ Union (FCWU) for lots 39 and 40, Paarl Township Ext 8 (1956) Y7.2 Government Gazette of 7 January 1966 relating to Fruit and Vegetable Canning Industry Y7.3 Memorandum on the fruit and vegetable canning industry (anon., circa 1967) Y7.4 Government Gazette of 7 January 1972 relating to Fruit and Vegetable Canning Industry Y7.5 Government Gazette of 10 January 1975 relating to Fruit and Vegetable Canning Industry Y7.6 News Bulletin of the Trade Unions International of Workers of the Food, Tobacco and Beverages Industries and Hotel, Café and Restaurant Workers (WFTU), 1968, and Special Issue (1984) Y7.7 Article titled "The voice of Oscar Mpetha" (with a photograph of RS), Learn and Teach 6, 1983 Y7.8 Clipping titled "Oscar [Mpetha] has his moment as award goes to Tambo" (Sunday Times 27 October 1991) Y7.9 Northern Rhodesia Government Gazettes 23 and 24 of 1949, dated 19 July 1949, dealing with trade union matters Y7.10 Report of the Select Committee on Subject of Native Industrial Workers' Unions Bill (Southern Rhodesia, March 1956) Y7.11 Publication of an award made by the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Commission, Australia, in a dispute in the food preserving industry in Australia (1967)

Y8 Socialism Y8.1 Paper by Neville Alexander titled "For a socialist Azania" (Africa Seminar, Centre for African Studies, UCT, 1985)

Y9 Organisations and political parties Y9.1 African National Congress (ANC) Y9.1.1 Petition by ANC submitted to The Special Committee on the Situation With Regard To the Implementation of the Declaration of the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, Tanzania, 6 June 1965 Y9.2 Black Consciousness Movement (BCM) Y9.2.1 Programme for memorial service for Steve Biko held in Lusaka, 25 September 1977 Y9.3 (IFP) Y9.3.1 Statement to members of the KwaZulu Legislative Assembly on the events of 29 October 1983 at the University of Zululand by the Chief Minister Y9.4 Natal Indian Congress (NIC) Y9.4.1 Pamphlet titled "Solidarity with M. Naidoo, " (issued by the Natal Indian Congress, May 1982) Y9.5 National Seoposengwe Party Y9.5.1 Agenda for Special National Convention, National Seoposengwe Party, 1983 Y9.6 South African Communist Party (SACP) Y9.6.1 Covering letter dated 4 December 1968 plus transcript of courses passed by Chris Hani at Fort Hare, 1959-1961 Y9.6.2 Copies of documents pertaining to a case of public violence perpetrated against Africans at a mass rally of the Communist Party, 1929 Y9.6.3 Bill to declare the CPSA an unlawful organisation (9 June 1950) Y9.6.4 Act to declare the CPSA an unlawful organisation (11 August 1950) Y9.6.5 Bill on unlawful organizations (10 May 1950) Y9.7 South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR) Y9.7.1 Clipping from Race Relations News citing Jack Simons as a friend of SAIRR, March 1965

Y10 Source material on special topics Y10.1 Anthropology Y10.1.1 Article titled "A preliminary genetic study on the osteology of the Griquas" by V.H. Brink (Proceedings of the South African Royal Society 1923) Y10.1.2 Reprint of article titled "The status of women among the Nilotics and Nilo-Hamitics" by J.H. Driberg (Africa V/4) Y10.1.3 Reprint of article titled "New ways for old in the treatment of adolescent African girls" by G.M. Culwick (Africa XII/4) Y10.1.4 Article by Moloja titled "The story of the Fetcani Horde by one of themselves" (undated) Y10.1.5 Minutes of Proceedings of Royal Society of SA, 19 October, 1927, highlighting four papers on the physical characteristics of Bushmen Y10.1.6 Pamphlet titled "Exhibition of prehistoric art in Southern Africa" (South African Association of Arts, 1946) Y10.1.7 Pamphlet titled "Hunt and die. The prospect for the aborigines of Australia" by M.M. Bennett (The Anti-Slavery Society, 1959) Y10.1.8 Partial ts paper detailing aspects of leadership among the Lozi people (anon; undated, circa 1940s) Y10.2 Children Y10.2.1 Papers from the International Conference on Children, Repression and the Law in Apartheid South Africa, Harare, 24-27 September 1987 (1 file) Y10.2.2 Papers from the FEDTRAW Malibongwe Conference (1990) Y10.2.3 Copy of an APS feature titled "Child labour in South Africa" (Anti Slavery Society, 1981) Y10.2.4 Reprint of an article titled "Child maintenance in a small South African town" by D.G. Bettison (reprinted from African Studies 15/2, 1956) Y10.2.5 Report of the Inter-Departmental Committee on Native Juvenile Unemployment on the Witwatersrand (1951) Y10.2.6 Incomplete paper titled "Children and the law in South Africa: the child in the dock" (anon., undated) Y10.2.7 Memorandum on the suffering of children in South Africa (Black Sash, April 1986) Y10.2.8 Paper titled "Rape and child sexual abuse in Soweto: an interview with community leader Mary Mabaso" by Diana Russell (UCT CAS Africa Seminar paper, 1991) Y10.2.9 Discussion paper on the welfare of children in exile (presented by Lyndall Shope- Mafole at an in-house seminar on women and children in a future democratic order, Lusaka, 1989) Y10.2.10 Draft of a paper on women and children under apartheid (anon., undated) Y10.2.11 Article titled "Starvation in South Africa" (anon., circa 1969) Y10.2.12 Newsletter Interracial Books for Children 3/1, 1970 Y10.2.13 UN declaration of the rights of the child (1973) Y10.2.14 Clipping titled "The children who face bullets" by Nadine Gordimer (The Observer Review 12 December 1976) Y10.2.15 UN Report: "Detention of children is South Africa" (Centre Against Apartheid, July 1978) Y10.2.16 UN pamphlet titled "Children under apartheid" (UN Centre against Apartheid, 1979) Y10.2.17 Pamphlet on the UN Proclamation on the Rights of the Child issued by the Women's International Democratic Federation (1979) Y10.2.18 Declaration of International Conference on Children, Repression and the Law in Apartheid South Africa, 24-27 September, Harare Y10.2.19 Article titled "The stolen generations: the removal of aboriginal children in New South Wales 1883-1969" by Peter Read (1996) Y10.2.20 Carry It Forward and Pass It On – newsletter of the Rosenberg Fund for Children (1996-1998) Y10.2.21 Rosenberg Fund for Children Progress Report no. 4 (undated) Y10.2.22 Pamphlet titled "Where is my child?" issued by Molo Songololo (on street children; undated) Y10.2.23 Flier titled "Mother of 11 banished" (issued by Congress of Democrats, undated) Y10.2.24 Pamphlet issued by Network Against Child Labour (undated) Y10.2.25 Pamphlet titled "Citizenship: will my child become a Botswana citizen?" issued by The Women's Affairs Unit, Ministry of Home Affairs, Botswana (undated) Y10.3 Death penalty and other legal matters Y10.3.1 Ts document listing people on death row as at 5 May 1988 Y10.3.2 Transcript of sentencing in case CC86/87, The State and Lizo Bright Ngqungwana and 14 others Y10.3.3 Transcript of sentence in case SS221/87, The State and Mxolisi Edward Petane Y10.3.4 Ts document titled "South Africa’s hanging judges" (1989, autographed by Phyllis Naidoo) Y10.4 Economics Y10.4.1 Consumer Price Group Index news releases, Bureau of Statistics (1968-1969) Y10.4.2 Paper titled "Western Cape labour force and employment structure" by Wolfgang Thomas (presented at the Roots and Realities Conference, UCT, 1986) Y10.4.3 Paper titled "The impact of restructuring public pension debt" by glassbox consulting (1997) Y10.4.4 Paper titled "The economics of South Africa's public debt problem" by glassbox consulting (1997) Y10.4.5 Article titled "South Africa: investment in apartheid" by Denise Kessler (undated) Y10.4.6 Paper titled "South Africa's potential sensitivity to sanctions" (anon., undated) Y10.5 Education Y10.5.1 Clipping titled "Unisa non-whites lose reps" (Varsity 15 March 1967) Y10.5.2 Collection of ms and ts notes extracted from various sources relating to education in Africa (1970) Y10.5.3 Extracts from newspapers on education (1981) Y10.5.4 Clipping titled "Invitation to Naude" (undated) Y10.5.5 Clipping titled "Intellectual freedom in crisis" (undated) Y10.5.6 Undated memo from Professor Cowen to Prof Monica Wilson, with ms reply from Monica Wilson Y10.6 Obituaries and tributes Y10.6.1 Tributes to Mr J.T. Bain, Labour Party stalwart (Labour News, 1919) Y10.6.2 Obituary of Dr William Alpheus Hunton (Sechaba 4/6, June 1970) Y10.6.3 Obituary of Dr William Alpheus Hunton (source unknown) Y10.6.4 Obituaries for Debi Singh and Rebecca Bunting (source unknown, undated) Y10.6.5 Tribute to Norma Christiansen (1989) Y10.6.6 Tribute to Trevor Huddleston on his 80th birthday (14 June 1993) Y10.6.7 Tribute to John Brink (91997) Y10.7 Poetry Y10.7.1 Poems by James Pitsi (Angola) (1982) (one in honour of Neil Aggett) Y10.8 Political matters Y10.8.1 Photocopy of ms notes for a speech titled "The existing franchises of the South African Union" (anon., circa 1912) Y10.8.2 Partial copy of letter titled "A cry for freedom, liberty, justice and fair play" regarding African deputation to London, dated September 1919 Y10.8.3 Annual Report, Director of Prisons, Union of SA, 1919 Y10.8.4 Government publication titled "Punishments: General and miscellaneous provisions" (Circular 15, circa 1921) Y10.8.5 Text of speech by the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations replying to debate on SA in House of Commons on 22 March 1961 (UK Information Office Press Note 134) Y10.8.6 Text of speech by the UK Prime Minister replying on SA in House of Commons on 22 March 1961 (UK Information Office Press Note 133) Y10.8.7 Summary of speech by leader of the opposition on SA in House of Commons, 23 March 1961 (UK Information Office Press Note 132) Y10.8.8 Ts notes titled "Government and politics in Indonesia" (1964) Y10.8.9 Ts notes titled "Government and politics in Burma" (1964) Y10.8.10 British government publication titled "Prisons" (1964) Y10.8.11 Ts notes titled "South Africa's power structure" (1966) Y10.8.12 Discussion paper titled "John Tengo Jabavu and Cape party politics 1893 to 1898" by Stanley Trapido (1967) Y10.8.13 Notebook containing ms notes taken during various lectures at University of Zambia (1970-1971) Y10.8.14 Ts document analysing the content of several issues of The Voice (1978) Y10.8.15 Extracts from Grassroots, a community newspaper, April 1980 Y10.8.16 Summaries of various newspaper articles relating to Indian and Coloured affairs (1980) Y10.8.17 Notebook containing ms summaries of news items Y10.8.18 Summaries of South African newspapers received (undated) Y10.8.19 Ts document titled "Government and administration" (undated) Y10.8.20 Ts notes titled "The government of South Africa" (undated) Y10.8.21 Ts document relating to the history of Robben Island (anon., undated) Y10.8.22 Copy of paper titled "Years of reaction" (undated) Y10.8.23 Ts paper titled "John Tengo Jabavu and Cape party politics 1893-1898" by Stanley Trapido (1967) Y10.8.24 One file of clippings on a variety of political issues (1938-1955) (1 file) Y10.9 Race, racialism Y10.9.1 Report of the Native Economic Commission (1930) Y10.9.2 Copy of flyer titled "The Indian people betrayed" (issued by CPSA, 1944) Y10.9.3 Ts notes on Indian caste and race by A. Beteille, March 1966 Y10.9.4 Ms notes on legal disabilities of Indians (undated) Y10.9.5 Ts piece titled "Indians attacked" (undated) Y10.9.6 Ts piece titled "Indians" (undated) Y10.10 Religion Y10.10.1 Ts document titled "The role of the church" (undated) Y10.11 South African Defence Force (SADF) Y10.11.1 Summaries of press reports and other sources relating to the SADF

Y11 Women Y11.1 Ts transcript of keynote speech at University of Durban-Westville by Phyllis Naidoo, 14 May 1999 Y11.2 Speech by Phyllis P. Jordan at the University of Fort Hare (Commencement Address, 19 April 1996) Y11.3 Newsletter Voice of Women 13/2, 1974 Y11.4 Newsletter Voice of Women 2nd Quarter 1977 Y11.5 Newsletter Voice of Women 2nd Quarter 1978 Y11.6 Newsletter Voice of Women 1st Quarter 1979 Y11.7 Ts notes on women and apartheid (anon., undated) Y11.8 Paper titled "Women in a changing society" (paper prepared for Mindolo Consultation: Women's rights in Zambia, 1970)

Y12 Other countries Y12.1 Namibia Y12.1.1 Notebooks (3 ms notebooks) containing analyses of source material on Namibia (1984) Y12.1.2 One file of political pamphlets relating to Namibia Y12.2 Bulgaria Y12.2.1 Ts document titled "The People's Republic of Bulgaria and decolonization" (anon., undated) Y12.3 Cuba One file of newspaper clippings from Cuban newspapers

Y13 Photographs, identity documents and miscellany Y13.1 One file of photographs Y13.2 Passports and identity documents (13 items) Y13.3 One file of keepsakes – campaign buttons, delegates’ cards, mementos, etc. Y13.4 Commemorative medallions Y13.4.1 Ernst Thalmann (silver medallion in case) Y13.4.2 Julius Fucik (glass medallion in case) Y13.4.3 Silver medallion in case inscribed in Cyrillic letters Y13.4.4 International Labour Organisation (ILO) 50th Anniversary medallion (loose) Y13.4.5 Silver medallion with Cyrillic inscription and depiction of a warship (loose)

Y14 Magnetic storage items Y14.1 Cassette tapes Y14.1.1 Interviews with and presentations by Jack and Ray (1986-1993) (11 cassettes) Y14.1.2 “Mandela speaks” (Cape Town, 11 February 1990) Y14.1.3 Nelson Mandela press conference (1990) Y14.1.4 “Poetry that thunders” (poems read by poets inter alia Breyten Breytenbach and Antjie Krog) Y14.1.5 Defiance campaign (1989) Y14.1.6 Speeches by inter alia Frene Ginwala and Sonia Bunting at the ANC Year of the Women conference (1984) Y14.1.7 “Daddy what did you do in the strike?” (Musical commemoration of 1984 UK miners’ strike) Y14.1.8 Music tapes (3 cassettes) Y14.2 Microfilms Y14.2.1 Guardian 1940, 1942 (1 reel) Y14.2.2 APO documents (2 reels) Y14.3 Computer disk Y14.3.1 Floppy disk titled “Ray bk 1991-1992)” Y14.4 Record Y14.4.1 331/3 rpm record “All God’s children” by John Baptiste Y14.5 Magnetic sound tapes (2 reels) Y14.6 Video cassettes Y14.6.1 Video cassette (damaged casing) titled “Michal Tal for Dora” [Nash] Y14.6.2 Concluding ceremony of Indian High Commission’s commemoration of South African women (1998) Y14.6.3 “South Africa and the world in the 1990s” Y14.6.4 Presidential award ceremony Y14.6.5 “Speak to me sisters” (Swedish film about women in the New South Africa) Y14.6.6 Series titled “Ulibambe Lingashoni – Hold up the sun – The ANC and popular power in the making” (5 episodes)

Y15 Personal effects Y15.1 Academic vestments (2 boxes) Y15.2 Hair brushes (4 items; includes two gifts of silver brush sets from Jack to Ray) Y15.3 Wooden pyrographic piece depicting an African mask (signed “Coba”) Y15.4 Assortment of buttons and brooches in small green plastic container, as well as an old watch face, a small silver note-book and pencil inscribed with “ORT Chevra” (dated 1929) and other personal items Y15.5 Folding fan Y15.6 Letter openers (3 items, wood and ivory) Y15.7 Name-plate from the Simons’ home in Cape Town “Entabeni”


Z1 1920-1939 Z1.1 Organisations, unions and political parties Z1.1.1 Communist Party of South Africa Z1.1.1.1 Document outlining activities of the CPSA during the 1920s (anon., undated) Z1.1.1.2 CPSA newsletter: Umsebenzi 644, 12 December 1930 Z1.1.1.3 CPSA newsletter: Umsebenzi 645, 19 December 1930 Z1.1.1.4 CPSA newsletter: Umsebenzi 650, 6 February 1931 Z1.1.1.5 Booklet titled ‘100 years emancipation of slaves’ by John Gomas (published by CPSA, 1934) Z1.1.2 Federation of Labour Unions Z1.1.2.1 List of delegates to All-in Conference to be held 4-6 October 1930 Z1.1.3 International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers Z1.1.3.1 Newsletter: The Negro Worker 6/8, October 1936 Z1.1.4 Railway and Harbour Workers Union Z1.1.4.1 Copy of pamphlet titled ‘We want to live!’ (n.d.; circa 1938) Z1.1.5 Non-European Trade Unions Coordinating Committee Z1.1.5.1 Presidential address to second annual conference (26 November 1939; ms note ascribes speech to G. [Gana] Makabeni) Z1.1.6 International Class War Prisoners' Aid Z1.1.6.1 Booklet titled ‘Lest we forget’ (regarding the execution of Sacco and Vanzetti, published by International Class War Prisoners' Aid, 1927)

Z1.2 Personalities Z1.2.1 Charlotte Manye Z1.2.1.1 Booklet titled ‘Charlotte Manye, or What an educated African girl can do' by Alfred Xuma (published by American Methodist Episcopal Church, 1930)

Z2 1940-1949 Z2.1 Organisations, unions and political parties Z2.1.1 Communist Party of South Africa Z2.1.1.1 Copy of report presented by RS at the Party Conference, April 1940, Cape Town Z2.1.1.2 CPSA flyer advertising a rally in support of a second front (Woodstock, circa April 1942) Z2.1.1.3 Pamphlet titled ‘We South Africans’ (published by the CPSA, 1943) Z2.1.1.4 Flyer advertising the opening of ‘People's College’ at which courses on scientific socialism would be taught (Ray and Jack listed among the teachers) (circa 1944) Z2.1.1.5 Partial and fragile copy of newsletter Party Organiser January 1945 Z2.1.1.6 Press release titled ‘First steps against democracy’ signed by Moses Kotane, dated 14 June 1948 Z2.1.1.7 Press release titled ‘The lesson of the election result’ dated 1 June 1948 Z2.1.2 Food and Canning Workers' Union Z2.1.2.1 Ts letter from Port Elizabeth branch of FCWU to RS dated 24 February 1942 Z2.1.2.2 Photocopy of newsletter dated 7 March 1942 Z2.1.2.3 Photocopy of minutes of Central Committee meeting, 3 July 1943 Z2.1.2.4 Photocopy of minutes of Executive and shop stewards meeting, 16 August 1943 Z2.1.2.5 Photocopy of minutes of Central Committee meeting, 2 October 1943 Z2.1.2.6 Photocopy of minutes of Central Committee meeting, 6 November 1943 Z2.1.2.7 Minutes of the 2nd Annual Conference, 1944 Z2.1.2.8 Ts letter from the mayor of Luderitz to FCWU dated 21 March 1944 Z2.1.2.9 Afrikaans newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1946 (focusing on unemployment insurance) Z2.1.2.10 Minutes of a Central Executive Committee (CEC) meeting, 18 May 1947 Z2.1.2.11 Minutes of a special CEC meeting, 8 June 1947 Z2.1.2.12 Minutes of general CEC meeting, 10 April 1949 Z2.1.2.13 Annual Report of the General Secretary, 15-16 January 1949 Z2.1.2.14 Partial ts copy of annual report of the general secretary, FCWU, to the 7th annual conference, 15-16 January 1949 Z2.1.2.15 Various items of general FCWU correspondence (1949) Z2.1.3 South African Institute of Race Relations Z2.1.3.1 SAIRR publication ‘Indian life and labour in Natal’ by H.R. Burrows (Race Relations X/1, 1943) Z2.2 Writings3 by RS and/or JS Z2.2.1 Ts paper titled ‘Unemployment Insurance Bill’ (undated; circa 1943) Z2.3 Writings by others Z2.3.1 Anthology of poems by Peter Abrahams titled ‘Here friend’ (1941) Z2.3.2 Article titled ‘Sacco and Vanzetti – twenty years after’ by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn (Political Affairs, circa 1947)

Z3 1950s Z3.1 Correspondence Z3.1.1 Ts letter from JS to The Minister of Justice, dated 11 October 1954, in response to a demand from the ministry that he resign from various organisations in terms of the Suppression of Communism Act (notice signed by CR Swart dated 15 September 1954 enclosed) Z3.2 Funerary matters Z3.2.1 Address at the Masonic memorial service of H.L. Simons, 30 April 1952 Z3.2.2 Last will and testament of Doba Alexander, 1957 Z3.3 Clippings Z3.3.1 Clipping regarding RS's banning (Advance 24 September 1953) Z3.3.2 Cartoon featuring Ray Alexander's candidacy in the Cape by-election (Advance 11 Feb 1954)

3 Included under the rubric ‘Writings’ are papers, articles, books, book chapters, and reviews as well as oral presentations such as speeches, lectures and so on. Z3.3.3 Various clippings regarding RS, Oscar Mpetha and Liz Abrahams (circa 1956) Z3.4 Thematic documents Z3.4.1 Organisations, Unions and Political Parties Z3.4.1.1 Liberal Party of SA Z3. Liberal News 1/1 February 1954; refers to Ray Alexander's position in the by- election vis-à-vis her banning Z3.4.1.2 Open Door International Z3. Pamphlet containing statement on working women by Open Door International (1956) Z3.4.1.3 FCWU Z3. History of FCWU Z3. Booklet titled ‘New life’ by Rex Close, published by FCWU, May 1950 Z3. Annual Conferences Z3. Ts notes on the 11th Annual Conference, 17-18 January 1953 Z3. Ts notes on the 12th Annual Conference, 14-15 November 1954 Z3. Copy of resolutions submitted by FCWU branches, 18th Annual Conference, 13- 14 September 1958 Z3. Report on the 13th Annual Conference, 29 August 1954 Z3. Minutes Z3. Minutes of emergency meeting, 11 February 1953 Z3. Minutes of FCWU and AFCWU CEC meeting, 15 March 1953 Z3. Minutes of FCWU and AFCWU CEC meeting, 17 May 1953 Z3. Minutes of FCWU and AFCWU CEC meeting, 14 June 1953 Z3. Minutes of FCWU and AFCWU CEC meeting, 21 June 1953 Z3. Minutes of FCWU and AFCWU CEC meeting, 26 July 1953 Z3. Minutes of meeting of PE branch, 22 July 1953 Z3. Minutes of CEC meeting, 26 July 1953 Z3. Minutes of quarterly branch meeting, 22 August 1953 Z3. Minutes of FCWU and AFCWU CEC meeting, 19 September 1953 Z3. Minutes of FCWU and AFCWU CEC meeting, 20 December 1953 Z3. Transcription of minutes of FCWU and AFCWU CEC meeting, 20 December 1953 Z3. Transcription of minutes of FCWU and AFCWU quarterly branch delegates conference, 11 April 1954 Z3. Minutes of FCWU and AFCWU CEC meeting, 9 May 1954 Z3. Transcription of minutes of FCWU and AFCWU CEC meeting, 13 June 1954 Z3. Transcription of minutes of FCWU and AFCWU quarterly branch delegates conference, 27 July 1954 Z3. Minutes of FCWU and AFCWU CEC meeting, 8 August 1954 Z3. Transcription of minutes of FCWU and AFCWU NEC meeting, 8 August 1954 Z3. Transcription of minutes of FCWU and AFCWU quarterly branch delegates conference, 11 August 1954 Z3. Minutes of a Conciliation Board meeting, 30 October 1956 Z3. Minutes of a Conciliation Board meeting, 1 November 1956 Z3. Minutes of a Conciliation Board meeting, 10 December 1956 Z3. Minutes of a Conciliation Board meeting (undated, circa December 1956) Z3. Transcription of minutes of FCWU and AFCWU CEC meeting, 31 January 1953 Z3. Transcription of minutes of FCWU and AFCWU CEC meeting, 9 September 1954 Z3. Reports Z3. Annual report, 10th annual conference, 5-6 January 1952 Z3. Annual report by F.E. Marquard, 13th Annual Conference, 28-29 August 1954 Z3. Annual report by Acting General Secretary, Lionel Abrahams, 27 August 1956 Z3. Annual report by Acting General Secretary, Lionel Abrahams, 21 August 1957 Z3. Annual report by General Secretary, Lionel Abrahams, September 1958 Z3. Annual report by General Secretary, Lionel Abrahams, September 1959 Z3. Annual report to Annual Conference, 27-28 August 1955 Z3.4.1.4 Fruit and Vegetable Canning Workers' Union Z3. Newsletters Z3. Morning Star 2/2, February 1954 Z3. Finance Z3. Audited Income and Expenditure Account, 31 March 1954 Z3. Audited Income and Expenditure Account, 31 March 1955 Z3. Audited Income and Expenditure Account, 31 March 1956 Z3. Audited Income and Expenditure Account, 31 March 1958 Z3. Audited Income and Expenditure Account, 31 March 1957 Z3.4.2 Women Z3.4.2.1 Ts document titled ‘Call for the World Congress of Women’ (Vienna, 20 December 1952) Z3.4.2.2 Clipping and transcript of a report titled ‘New horizons for South African women: Historic inter-racial conference’ (ms note indicates source as Women of the whole world 10, 1954) Z3.4.2.3 Photographic copy of clipping showing women being arrested for pass law transgressions (New Age February 1957) Z3.4.3 Racialism Z3.4.3.1 Article titled ‘More African taboos’ by F. Rodseth (Optima September 1958) Z3.4.4 Personalities Z3.4.4.1 Lord Simon of Wythenshawe Z3. Privately printed 80th birthday book for Ernest Emil Darwin Simon (Lord Simon of Wythenshawe), 9 October 1959 Z3.4.4.2 Lilian Ngoyi Z3. Sketch of Lilian Ngoyi (1957) Z3.4.4.3 Mafekeng, Elizabeth Z3. Pamphlet issued by SA Congress of Democrats regarding the banning of Elizabeth Mafekeng (1959) Z3.5 Writings by RS and JS Z3.5.1 Ms notes titled ‘June 26 1950’ Z3.5.2 Paper by RS titled ‘South African trade unions fight against the Industrial Conciliation – trade union destruction Bill’ (circa 1954) Z3.5.3 Article titled ‘South African workers fight for their unions’ (WTUM 12, August 1954 Z3.5.4 ‘New anti-trade union law meets resistance’ (RS writing as E. R. Braverman, 1956; publication unknown, possibly Fighting Talk) Z3.5.5 Ts draft of untitled article by RS writing as E. R. Braverman for Fighting Talk 1956 Z3.5.6 Photocopy of article titled ‘Perspectives on civilisation’ `by Jack Simons (from a series of lectures at the Winter School, U.C.T., July 1957, published by NUSAS) Z3.5.7 Ts piece with ms title ‘SA in the 20th century – 1900 onwards’ (ms note dates it to Jan 1958 written by HS and RES) Z3.5.8 ‘South African trade unions face the terror’ (RS under the by-line ‘Our South African Correspondent’, 1958; publication unknown, possibly Fighting Talk) Z3.5.9 Pamphlet titled ‘Job reservation and the trade union’ by JS and RS, 1959 Z3.5.10 ‘South Africa – white and coloured population victims of unemployment’ (by RS under by-line of ‘Special Correspondent’, 1959, publication unknown, possibly Fighting Talk) Z3.5.11 ‘South African workers will triumph with help from trade unionists all over the world’ (by RS under by-line of ‘A Correspondent’, 1959, publication unknown, possibly Fighting Talk)

Z4 1960s Z4.1 Correspondence Z4.1.1 Family Z4.1.1.1 Ms letter from Johan to his parents dated 20 June 1965 Z4.1.1.2 Ms poem to RS on her birthday, dated 31 December 1968 (anon.) Z4.1.1.3 Ms letter from RS to Tanya dated 28 August 1966 Z4.1.1.4 Ms letter from RS to Tanya dated 29 May 1969 Z4.1.1.5 Photocopy of a ts letter signed ‘Eric’ [Simons] to ‘May’ dated 26 November 1964 Z4.1.2 General Z4.1.2.1 Unsigned ts letter dated 24 May 1960 addressed to the Minister of Justice regarding the detention of Dora Hartheimer Z4.1.2.2 Unsigned ms letter dated 13 May 1965 (addressee unnamed) Z4.1.2.3 Letter from the University Library, The University of Zambia, dated 5 August 1966, thanking JS for the donation of his library Z4.1.2.4 Ts letter from the president of Zambia's private secretary to RS dated 19 September 1966 Z4.1.2.5 Ts letter from The Rt. Hon. Mr M. J. Chimba, Minister of Commerce, Zambia, to RS dated 20 November 1967 Z4.1.2.6 Copy of ts letter from RS to The Rt. Hon. Mr M. J. Chimba, Minister of Commerce, Zambia, dated 29 November 1967 Z4.1.2.7 Copy of ts letter from JS to the University of Zambia dated 23 January 1968 Z4.1.2.8 Ts letter from RS to the ANC regarding her inability to attend the ANCSA Consultative Conference, dated 22 April 1969 Z4.2 Clippings Z4.2.1 ‘Author among 36 freed Cape detainees’ (Cape Times, 7 July 1960; mentions release of Dora Hartheimer) Z4.2.2 Clippings pertaining to JS leaving SA (1965) Z4.3 Diary Z4.3.1 RS’s 1966 diary Z4.4 Biographical documents Z4.4.1 Biography of Harold Jack Simons 1968 Z4.5 Miscellaneous family documents Z4.5.1 Certificate for athletics, J Simons (9 years old), South African College Junior School, 1960 Z4.5.2 Collection of poems by Johan Simons (undated, circa 1965) Z4.5.3 Student card for RS, University of Manchester, 1966-1967 Z4.6 Thematic documents Z4.6.1 Organisations, unions and political parties Z4.6.1.1 Food and Canning Workers’ Union Z4. Correspondence Z4. Ts letter from Barnet Zetler Attorneys to FCWU dated 8 September 1960 regarding transfer of erven 39 and 40 Drakenstein Estate Township Z4. Circular dated 17 December 1968 Z4. Memorandum dated 9 August 1968 to the Minister of Labour objecting to the Wage Board's recommendations vis-à-vis wages in the fishing sector Z4. Minutes Z4. Minutes of the third Conciliation Board meeting in the matter between the S. A. Fruit and Vegetable Canners' Association and FCWU, 27 August 1963 Z4. Minutes of the fourth Conciliation Board meeting in the matter between the S. A. Fruit and Vegetable Canners' Association and FCWU, 17 September 1963 Z4. Conciliation Board minutes for a meeting held on 4 August 1965 Z4. Reports Z4. Annual Report by General Secretary L. Abrahams, 1960 Z4. Annual Report by General Secretary L. Abrahams, 1961 Z4. Annual Report by General Secretary L. Abrahams, 1963 Z4. Annual Report, 28th Annual Conference, 21-22 September 1968 Z4. Annual report, 1969 Z4. Agreement between various employers and FCWU, 1968 Z4.6.1.2 Fruit and Vegetable Canning Workers' Union Z4. Circular to members dated 24 October 1962 Z4. Resolution regarding the establishment of a Trade Union Trust (undated; circa 1962) Z4.6.1.3 South African Congress of Trade Unions Z4. Memorandum by SACTU submitted to the UN Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts, Commission on Human Rights, August 1968 Z4.6.1.4 International trade unionism Z4. Ts copy of an appeal for united action made to workers of the food and tobacco industries at a conference held in Berlin, December 1969 Z4. Copy of short profile, and photograph, of Lizzie Abrahams (source unknown; circa 1967) Z4.6.1.5 African National Congress Z4. Report on the resignation of James Hadebe from the ANC External Mission, dated 12 January 1968 Z4. The ‘Hani Memorandum’: memorandum regarding the crisis in the ANC in exile and in MK; signed (original) by Chris Hani et al. (undated, circa 1969) Z4. Newsletter: Sechaba (Women's Day edition) 3/8, August 1969 Z4.6.2 Labour Z4.6.2.1 Memorandum by B. J. M'nyanda, member of the New Brighton Location Advisory Board, to The Hon. A. van der Sandt Centlivres, Chairman of the tribunal investigating the dispute between workers and management of the Bay Transport Company, Port Elizabeth, dated 10 April 1961 Z4.6.2.2 Incomplete ts seminar paper titled ‘Present conditions, structure and development prospects of food, tobacco, cafes, hotels and restaurants industries and their relation to agriculture and commerce’ (anon., undated) Z4.6.3 Women Z4.6.3.1 Ts paper by T. X. Makiwane, ANC representative in Lusaka, titled ‘August 9: day of solidarity with and support of the struggle of South African women’ (9 August 1965) Z4.6.4 South West Africa Z4.6.4.1 Article titled ‘The South West Africa case: what happened?’ by Ernest A. Gross (Foreign Affairs October 1966) Z4.6.4.2 Conference programme, International Conference on SWA, Oxford, 23-26 March 1966 (paper presented by HJS ‘Techniques of white rule’ Z4.6.5 Racialism, apartheid, discrimination Z4.6.5.1 Newsletter: Contact 9/5, September 1966 Z4.6.5.2 Final edition of Spark (1/22, 28 March 1963) following banning orders on all its personnel in terms of the Suppression of Communism Act Z4.6.5.3 Focus '64 news service, May-June 1964 Z4.6.5.4 Ts discussion document titled ‘A single society’ (anon., 1968) Z4.7 Writings by JS and RS Z4.7.1 Chapter by RS titled ‘Olive Schreiner’ written in 1965, later published in Until the heart changes: a garland for Olive Schreiner (edited by Zelda Friedlander. Cape Town, Tafelberg, 1967) Z4.7.2 Incomplete ts copy of BA Hons dissertation titled ‘A short history of South Africa's unique labour relations’ (Manchester University, April 1966) Z4.7.3 ‘Techniques of domination: South Africa's colonialism’ from Segal and First 1967, South West Africa: travesty of trust (Andre Deutsch, London) Z4.7.4 Ts draft piece dealing with literacy and education (circa 1969) Z4.7.5 Ms notes titled ‘Are Lesotho, Botswana and Swaziland truly independent African states?’ dated 22 December 1968, and notes on a paper by the Rev M. Scott on an economy of permanence for SA Z4.7.6 Ts paper by RS [writing as R.E. Matajo] titled ‘Forced labour’ (1968) Z4.7.7 Review of JS's African women (African Communist 36, 1969) Z4.7.8 Ms notes titled ‘Report on the Mongwe Seminar’ dated 28 August 1969

Z5 1970S Z5.1 Correspondence Z5.1.1 Family correspondence Z5.1.1.1 Ms letter from RS to Tanya dated 19 March 1971 Z5.1.1.2 Ms letter from RS to Tanya dated 28 November 1971 Z5.1.1.3 Ts letter from JS to Tanya dated 28 June 1974 Z5.1.1.4 Ms letter from RS to Tanya dated 28 November 1974 Z5.1.1.5 Ts letter from JS to Tanya dated 21 February 1975 Z5.1.1.6 Ms letter from RS to Tanya dated 10 June 1975 Z5.1.1.7 Ts letter from JS to Tanya dated 11 June 1975 Z5.1.1.8 Ms letter from RS to Tanya dated 19 July 1975 Z5.1.1.9 Ms letter from RS to Tanya dated 10 November 1975 Z5.1.1.10 Ms letter from RS to Tanya dated 14 November 1975 Z5.1.1.11 Ms letter from RS to Tanya dated 16 December 1975 Z5.1.1.12 Ts letter from JS to Tanya dated 17 December 1975 Z5.1.1.13 Two ms letters from Tanya to her parents dated 3 April 1976 Z5.1.1.14 Ts letter from JS to Tanya dated 21 April 1976 Z5.1.1.15 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 28 April 1976 Z5.1.1.16 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 29 April 1976 Z5.1.1.17 Ms letter from RS to Tanya dated 30 May 1976 Z5.1.1.18 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 29 June 1976 Z5.1.1.19 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 19 July 1976 Z5.1.1.20 Ms letter from RS to Tanya dated 20 August 1976 Z5.1.1.21 Ts letter from JS to Tanya dated 6 September 1976 Z5.1.1.22 Ts letter from Tanya to her parents dated 27 September 1976 Z5.1.1.23 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 6 October 1976 Z5.1.1.24 Ts letter from Tanya to her parents dated 14 October 1976 Z5.1.1.25 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 16 October 1976 Z5.1.1.26 Ts letter signed ‘Eric’ [Simons] to ‘May’ dated 19 November 1976 Z5.1.1.27 Postcard from Mary to her parents dated 22 November 1976 Z5.1.1.28 Ms letter from RS to Tanya dated 27 November 1976 Z5.1.1.29 Ts letter from Tanya to The Magistrate's Court dated 30 November 1976 (regarding banning order) Z5.1.1.30 Ts letter from Tanya to her parents dated 2 December 1976 Z5.1.1.31 Ts letter from Tanya to her parents dated 4 December 1976 Z5.1.1.32 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 13 December 1976 Z5.1.1.33 Ts letter from RS to Tanya dated 14 December 1976 Z5.1.1.34 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 20 December 1976 Z5.1.1.35 Copy of ts letter from JS to Tanya (May 1977) Z5.1.1.36 Ms letter from RS to JS dated 17 April 1977 Z5.1.1.37 Ts letter from Mary to her parents dated 22 May 1977 Z5.1.1.38 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 16 August 1977 Z5.1.1.39 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 4 September 1977 Z5.1.1.40 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 6 September 1977 Z5.1.1.41 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 9 September 1977 Z5.1.1.42 Ts letter from RS to Mary dated 22 October 1977 Z5.1.1.43 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 22 November 1977 Z5.1.1.44 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 21 December 1977 Z5.1.1.45 Postcard from Tanya to her parents dated 29 March 1978 Z5.1.1.46 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 19 June 1978 Z5.1.1.47 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 27 June 1978 Z5.1.1.48 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 3 July 1978 Z5.1.1.49 Ts letter from JS to Tanya dated 16 August 1977 Z5.1.1.50 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 7 April 1978 Z5.1.1.51 Ts letter from JS to Tanya dated 14 September 1978 Z5.1.1.52 Ms letter from RS to Tanya dated 21 September 1978 Z5.1.1.53 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 29 September 1978 Z5.1.1.54 Ms letter from RS to Tanya dated 14 October 1978 Z5.1.1.55 Copy of ts letter from JS to Tanya dated 15 October 1978 Z5.1.1.56 Ts letter from JS to Tanya dated 15 October 1978 Z5.1.1.57 Ms letter from RS to Tanya dated 25 October 1978 Z5.1.1.58 Ms letter from RS to Tanya dated 31October 1978 Z5.1.1.59 Postcard from Tanya to her parents dated 31 October 1978 Z5.1.1.60 Ms letter from RS to Tanya dated 22 November 1978 Z5.1.1.61 Ms letter from Tanya to RS dated 4 December 1978 Z5.1.1.62 Ms letter from Tanya to RS dated 23 December 1978 Z5.1.1.63 Ms letter from Tanya to RS dated 6 February 1979 Z5.1.1.64 Ts letter from Mary to JS and RS dated 7 February 1979 Z5.1.1.65 Ms letter from Tanya to RS dated 11 February 1979 Z5.1.1.66 Postcard to RS and JS from Mary dated 15 March 1979 Z5.1.1.67 Ts letter from JS to Tanya dated 3 April 1979 Z5.1.1.68 Ts letter from Mary to her parents dated 1 July 1979 Z5.1.1.69 Ms letter from JS to Tanya dated 12 July 1979 Z5.1.1.70 Ms letter from RS to Tanya dated 10 July 1979 Z5.1.1.71 Ts letter from JS to Tanya dated 31 October 1979 Z5.1.1.72 Ms letter from JS to Tanya dated 1 December 1979 Z5.1.2 African National Congress Z5.1.2.1 Ts letter from RS to Maggie Resha, ANC Algeria dated 28 February 1970 Z5.1.2.2 Ts letter from ‘Magdeline’ [Resha], ANC (Algeria) to RS dated 3 April 1970 Z5.1.3 Edelman, Fanny Z5.1.3.1 Two telegrams from Edelman to RS regarding attendance at an experts' meeting (November 1977) Z5.1.4 Kotane, Sam Z5.1.4.1 Ts letter from Sam [Kotane] to ‘My dear friend’ dated 4 October 1975 Z5.1.5 Mabhida, Moses Z5.1.5.1 Copy of ms letter from RS to Moses [Mabhida] dated 5 January 1977 Z5.1.5.2 Ms letter from Moses Mabhida to RS dated 29 August 1977 Z5.1.5.3 Ts letter from Moses Mabhida to RS dated 10 May 1978 Z5.1.5.4 Copy of ms letter from RS to Moses [Mabhida] dated 7 April 1978 Z5.1.6 Sinclair, John Z5.1.6.1 Ms letter from John Sinclair to RS and JS dated 14 December 1977 Z5.1.7 Swai, Fidellis Z5.1.7.1 Ms letter from Fidellis Swai, UN, to RS dated 8 April 1975 Z5.1.7.2 Ts letter from Fidellis Swai, UN, to RS dated 14 August 1975 Z5.1.8 Unknown correspondents Z5.1.8.1 Ts letter from JS to ‘May and Duke’ [Boucher] dated 25 December 1970 Z5.1.8.2 Ts letter from JS to ‘May and Duke’ dated 25 August 1973 Z5.1.8.3 Ts letter from ‘Flo’ dated 13 July 1975 Z5.1.8.4 Ms letter from ‘Florence’ dated 6 August 1975 Z5.1.8.5 Ms letter from ‘Florence’ dated 21 September 1975 Z5.1.8.6 Ms letter from ‘Florence’ dated 23 September 1975 Z5.1.8.7 Ms letter from ‘Florence’ dated 24 September 1975 Z5.1.8.8 Ms letter from ‘Florence’ dated 26 September 1975 Z5.1.8.9 Ms letter from RS to ‘Flo’ dated 27 September 1975 Z5.1.8.10 Ts letter from Simons address to ‘John’ dated 5 November 1975 Z5.1.8.11 Copy of ms letter from RS to ‘Tom’ dated 12 April 1977 enclosing a previous ts letter dated 28 February 1977 regarding comrades in need of assistance Z5.1.8.12 Copy of ts letter from RS to ‘Dan’ dated 1 September 1977 Z5.1.8.13 Ts letter signed ‘Eric’ [Simons] to ‘May’ dated 23 May 1978 Z5.1.8.14 Copy of ts letter to ‘Eleanor and Julius’ [Lewin] dated 22 October 1978 Z5.1.8.15 Two ts letters from ‘Sonia’ to RS regarding the African Communist (14 and 15 June 1979) and a ts letter from RS in response dated 26 June 1979 Z5.1.8.16 Ts copy of letter from RS to ‘friend’ dated 27 November 1979 Z5.2 Diary Z5.2.1 Photocopy of diary kept by JS during his second visit to MK camps, December 1978-March 1979 (See P29.10.4 for original) Z5.3 Thematic documents Z5.3.1 Organisations, unions and political parties Z5.3.1.1 African National Congress Z5. ANC membership card 1970 Z5. Report by ANC Women's Section at All Africa Women's Conference, Lusaka, 4-8 May 1970 Z5. Booklet titled ‘Trial by torture’ produced by the ANC Women's Section, Lusaka (undated; circa 1970) Z5. ANC newsletter Voice of Women 2, September 1972 Z5. Incomplete ts draft of a press release by Oliver Tambo dated 10 August 1976 Z5. Discussion paper on the South African economy (anon., undated, circa 1977) Z5. Discussion document on the ANC's policy towards Bantustans (undated, circa 1978) Z5. Ts notes on comments by ANC on the Wiehahn Commission's report (1979) Z5. Newsletter: VOW Voice of Women Second Quarter 1979 Z5. Newsletter: VOW Voice of Women Third Quarter 1979 Z5.3.1.2 Food and Canning Workers’ Union Z5. Correspondence Z5. Memorandum submitted by FCWU to the Wage Board, Fish Processing Industry, dated 18 March 1973 Z5. Ts letter from General Secretary of the FCWO to workers pertaining to Wage Board recommendations for minimum wages, 12 November 1974 Z5. Ts form letter dated 30 May 1974 enclosing a memorandum on the expiration of Conciliation Board agreement Z5. Ts unsigned letter enclosing ts notes on the history of the FCWU (for Jack Cope) (anon., undated; circa 1974 Z5. Minutes Z5. Minutes of Management Committee meeting of FCWU, 22 August 1971 Z5. Minutes of Management Committee meeting of FCWU, 17 October 1971 Z5. Minutes of Management Committee meeting of FCWU, 5 December 1971 Z5. Minutes of Management Committee meeting of FCWU, 22 October 1972 Z5. Minutes of Management Committee meeting of FCWU, 3 December 1972 Z5. Minutes of meeting of management committee, 23 January 1972 Z5. Minutes of meeting of management committee, 20 February 1972 Z5. Minutes of NEC meeting 25 March 1973 Z5. Minutes of Management Committee meeting of FCWU, 15 April 1973 Z5. Minutes of Management Committee meeting of FCWU, 13 May 1973 Z5. Minutes of Management Committee meeting of FCWU, 10 June 1973 Z5. Minutes of Management Committee meeting of FCWU, 22 July 1973 Z5. Minutes of Management Committee meeting of FCWU, 27 October 1974 Z5. Minutes of inaugural meeting of Consultative Council, 3 December 1974 Z5. Minutes of Management Committee meeting of FCWU, 8 December 1974 Z5. Minutes of 31st Annual National Conference, 11-12 September 1971 Z5. Reports Z5. Annual report, 1971 Z5. Annual Report, 32d Annual Conference, 15-16 September 1973 Z5.3.1.3 Fruit and Vegetable Canning Workers' Union Z5. Circular letter dated 13 December 1971 Z5. Minutes of a Conciliation Board meeting between various fruit growers and members of FVCWU, 16 August 1971 Z5. Minutes of a Conciliation Board meeting between various fruit growers and members of FVCWU, 1 September 1971 Z5. Conciliation Board Agreement on wage rates from 1 November 1971 Z5. Minutes of 22nd Annual General Meeting Medical Benefit Fund, 13 May 1972 Z5. Minutes of Special Central Committee meeting 19 July 1972 Z5. Minutes of a special meeting, 15 July 1976 Z5.3.1.4 South West Africa People’s Organisation Z5. Memorandum submitted by SWAPO to the Third Non-Aligned Conference, Lusaka, 6 September 1970 Z5. Document titled ‘The roads to freedom in Namibia’ (undated; circa 1972) Z5.3.1.5 South African Congress of Trade Unions Z5. Report by RS to SACTU Management Committee meeting, 26 July 1975 Z5. Presidential address, SACTU NEC Meeting, April 1979 Z5.3.1.6 South African Fish Canners’ Association Z5. Weekly wage scales November 1972 Z5.3.1.7 Frelimo Z5. Booklet titled ‘Mozambique Revolution’ (published by Frelimo, 1974) Z5.3.1.8 International trade unionism Z5. Draft ts copy of report to the Eighth World Trade Union Congress (anon., undated, circa 1973) Z5. Newspaper clippings from Cuban papers relating to Cuban trade unions (1978) Z5. Paper titled ‘History of trade unions in Zambia’ by Dr D Konkola (1975) Z5.3.1.9 Congress of South African Trade Unions Z5. Pamphlet titled ‘Do not apply for registration’ (vis-à-vis the Conciliation Amendment Bill) (COSATU, circa 1979) Z5.3.1.10 United Nations Z5. An open letter to a South African churchman by Rev. Dr. A.H. van den Heuvel (United Nations, Unit on Apartheid, November 1970) Z5.3.2 Apartheid Z5.3.2.1 Information Bulletin dated 19 August 1971 Z5.3.2.2 Press statement concerning a speech by RS on ‘Is apartheid crumbling?’ given to Africa 2000 (24 September 1971) Z5.3.2.3 Paper titled ‘Britain's stake in apartheid’ by John Sprack, AAM, 13 March 1972 Z5.3.2.4 Apartheid 1/2 July 1977 Z5.3.2.5 Pamphlet titled ‘Day of solidarity with South African political prisoners’ (origin unknown, circa 1977) Z5.3.3 Personalities Z5.3.3.1 Hani, C Z5. Ts piece titled ‘Bantustans’ (1970); ms note attributes it to Chris Nkosana [Hani] Z5.3.3.2 Tambo, O Z5. Ts copy of speech by O.R. Tambo, March 1970 (possibly penned by RS for 100th anniversary of Lenin's birth, March 1970) Z5.3.3.3 Tamana, Dora Z5. Article on Dora Tamana (Spare Rib 1975) Z5.3.3.4 Marks, Gladys Z5. Article titled ‘Gladys Marks remembers’ (Drum, 22 April 1975) Z5.3.3.5 Robeson, Paul Z5. Article on the life of Paul Robeson (New Perspectives 5/78) Z5.3.4 Women Z5.3.4.1 All Africa Women's Conference programme of activities 1970-1971 Z5.3.4.2 Article titled ‘50 years of woman's suffrage’ by Billie Portnow (Jewish Currents, September 1970) Z5.3.4.3 Pamphlet titled ‘9th Aug 1970’ [Women's Day] Z5.3.4.4 Speech by Mrs Vuyiswa Nokwe to the Women's International Democratic Federation (WIDF) Council meeting, Warsaw, 20-23 May 1974 Z5.3.4.5 Ts notes of a speech on women in South Africa delivered in the GDR (anon., circa 1975) Z5.3.4.6 Poem ‘Who are these unsung women’ by Verano (autographed by Verano, World Congress, GDR 1975) Z5.3.5 Socialism Z5.3.5.1 Paper on the Arusha Declaration by Nyelwa Kisenge (1971) Z5.6 Writings by JS and RS Z5.6.1 Transcript of speech on International Women's Day (1970) Z5.6.2 Lecture notes titled ‘What are industrial relations?’ (1971) Z5.6.3 Notes for an article on agriculture in South Africa (1971) Z5.6.4 ‘The pits of horror’ (Zambia Daily Mail 26 November 1971) Z5.6.5 Ts notes for a speech on Women's Day (undated; circa 1971) Z5.6.6 Ts copy of paper titled ‘Agriculture in South Africa’ (July 1972) Z5.6.7 Piece titled ‘Freedom not charity for Zimbabweans’ (undated; circa 1972) Z5.6.8 ‘Apartheid, industrialisation and the trade unions’ by RS writing as R.E. Braverman (AC 50/3, 5, 1972) Z5.6.9 Untitled and incomplete report by RS on labour matters in South Africa (circa 1972) Z5.6.10 Paper titled ‘South Africa's labour market’ (1972) Z5.6.11 Photocopy of ts article titled ‘The Namibian challenge’ by RS (1972) Z5.6.12 Article titled ‘Apartheid in the pillory’ by RS [writing as E.R. Braverman] (World Trade Union Movement 9, December 1973) Z5.6.13 Report titled ‘World Trade union Conference against Apartheid’ by RS [writing as E.R. Matajo] (African Communist, 1973) Z5.6.14 Ts draft of untitled piece on Anglo-American and unions dated 15 August 1974 Z5.6.15 ‘The African working class: recent changes, new prospects’ by RS [RE Braverman] (African Communist 1974) Z5.6.16 Brief ts paper titled ‘Passes’ (1974) Z5.6.17 ‘African trade unions and the liberation struggle’ by RS [writing as E.R. Braverman] (African Communist 1975) Z5.6.18 Ms notes for a Freedom Radio broadcast, 22 September 1975 Z5.6.19 Letter by JS to the editor of Times of Zambia in response to alleged comments about missionaries colluding with colonialists, June 1976 (includes original article plus letters objecting) Z5.6.20 Ts draft of untitled article written by RS under the name of E.R. Braverman and intended for the World Trade Union Movement (1976) Z5.6.21 Ts draft of untitled article regarding the disaffiliation of the SA Boilermakers' Society from TUCSA (1976) Z5.6.22 Ts draft of untitled article written by RS under the name of R.E.S. Nyameke for African Communist (1976) Z5.6.23 ‘Prologue’ by Jack Simons to African Social Research 24, December 1977 Z5.6.24 Ts copy of piece titled ‘Unemployment in South Africa’ by RES (22 October 1977) Z5.6.25 Copy of ts untitled piece by RS concerning all-white election in SA (dated 20 November 1977) Z5.6.26 Short untitled piece possibly addressed to women concerning the militarisation of South Africa (4 December 1977) Z5.6.27 Ts paper by RS titled ‘South Africa's working class’ (1977) Z5.6.28 Ts untitled piece by RS comparing the Soweto uprising of 1976 with the Russian revolution of 1905 (undated, circa 1977) Z5.6.29 Ts draft of fact sheet for workers titled ‘How to claim unemployment benefits’ (undated, circa 1978) Z5.6.30 Speech by RS titled ‘South Africa's labour market and African trade unions’ (1978) Z5.6.31 Ts piece titled ‘The 'New Era', new look labour policy – the euphoria which greeted it was false and premature’ (undated, circa 1979) Z5.6.32 Ts transcript of speech by JS titled ‘The Battle of Isandhlwana’ (22 January 1979) Z5.6.33 Ts notes of a lecture by RS titled ‘The international trade union movement’ (1979) Z5.6.34 Article titled ‘State plan to shackle African trade unions’ by RS writing as R.S. Nyameko (African Communist 79) Z5.6.35 Ms draft of article on a Mine Workers' Union strike (for Mayibuye 1979) Z5.6.36 Article on the Wiehahn report by RS writing as R. S. Nyameko (AC 79, 1979)

Z6 1980S Z6.1 Correspondence Z6.1.1 Family Z6.1.1.1 Ts letter from JS to Tanya dated 11 December 1980 Z6.1.1.2 Ts letter from JS to son Johan dated 14 April 1980 Z6.1.1.3 Postcard from Tanya dated 26 July 1980 Z6.1.1.4 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 14 November 1981 Z6.1.1.5 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 8 December 1981 Z6.1.1.6 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 9 December 1981 Z6.1.1.7 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 2 May 1982 Z6.1.1.8 Copy of ts letter from RS and JS to Eric and Cath Simons dated 27 November 1982 Z6.1.1.9 Ts letter from JS to Mary dated 20 January 1983 Z6.1.1.10 Letter from JS to Tanya dated 15 March 1983 Z6.1.1.11 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 18 March 1985 Z6.1.1.12 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 15 May 1985 Z6.1.1.13 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 19 May 1985 Z6.1.1.14 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 29 May 1985 Z6.1.1.15 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 17 June 1985 Z6.1.1.16 Ts letter from JS to Mary dated 26 January 1985 Z6.1.1.17 Ms letter from Tanya to her parents dated 23 December 1985 Z6.1.1.18 Ts letter from JS to Tanya dated 3 January 1986 Z6.1.1.19 Birthday card to JS on his 80th birthday from ‘HQ’; encloses a poem written by JS in response (1 February 1987) Z6.1.1.20 Poem by JS on RS's birthday, 1988 Z6.1.2 African National Congress Z6.1.2.1 Ms letter from ‘Sizakele’ dated 2 April 1981 Z6.1.2.2 Ms note from O.R. Tambo to RS dated 26 May 1985 Z6.1.2.3 Ts copy of letter from RS and JS to the resident of the ANC [Oliver Tambo] enclosing a ts draft copy of a statement by Tambo to the 1986 ILO conference as well as notes on the ILO Z6.1.2.4 Ms letter from JS and RS to Moses Mabhida (undated) Z6.1.2.5 Letter from to RS dated 25 January 1988 Z6.1.2.6 Ts letter from ANC National Women's Secretariat to RS dated 25 July 1989 Z6.1.2.7 Ts letter from ANC DPE to JS dated 25 October 1989 Z6.1.2.8 Copy of ts letter to the president of the ANC dated 1 June 1989 Z6.1.3 Büttner family Z6.1.3.1 Ts copy of letter from JS and RS to the Büttner family, 1 January 1986 Z6.1.4 Communist Party Z6.1.4.1 Ts letter from Political Bureau to RS dated 30 August 1980 Z6.1.4.2 Copy of ms letter by RS to General Secretary [Moses Mabhida], Political Bureau, CP, Maputo, dated 25 April 1983 Z6.1.4.3 Copy of ms letter to Moses [Mabhida] dated 25 August 1980 Z6.1.4.4 Copy of ms letter from JS to Baba Moses, dated 8 March 1983 Z6.1.4.5 Letter from RS to G.S., C.P.South African dated 30 October 1982 Z6.1.4.6 Ts letter to G.S., P.B. dated 14 December 1982 Z6.1.4.7 Ts letter to G.S., P.B. dated 14 December 1982 enclosing minutes of Lusaka Centre group Z6.1.4.8 Ts letter from Moses Mabhida to RS dated 15 December 1982 Z6.1.4.9 Ts letter from Moses Mabhida to RS dated 8 January 1983 Z6.1.4.10 Ts note from RS to Moses Mabhida dated 4 February 1983 Z6.1.4.11 Ms note from RS to Moses Mabhida dated 8 February 1894 Z6.1.4.12 Ts letter from Moses Mabhida to ‘Comrade Pat’ dated 18 February 1983 Z6.1.4.13 Ts letter from Moses Mabhida to ‘Comrade Pat’ dated 20 February 1983 Z6.1.4.14 Ts letter from RS to Moses Mabhida dated 7 March 1983 Z6.1.4.15 Telegram from Moses Mabhida to RS dated 16 March 1983 Z6.1.4.16 Ts letter from Moses Mabhida to RS dated 17 March 1983 Z6.1.4.17 Ts letter from Moses Mabhida to ‘Comrade Pat’ dated 24 April 1983 Z6.1.4.18 Ts letter from ‘Pat’ to Moses Mabhida dated 9 May 1983 Z6.1.4.19 Ts letter from Moses Mabhida to RS dated 1 July 1983 Z6.1.4.20 Ts letter from Moses Mabhida to ‘Comrade Pat’ dated 21 July 1983 Z6.1.4.21 Ms note from RS and JS to Moses Mabhida dated 16 December 1983 Z6.1.4.22 Copy of ts letter to Moses Mabhida dated 8 March 1984, enclosing minutes of ISC meeting Z6.1.4.23 Ts letter from Moses Mabhida to ‘Comrade Pat’ dated 24 March 1984 Z6.1.4.24 Ts note to Moses Mabhida dated 24 April 1984 Z6.1.4.25 Ts note to Moses Mabhida dated 24 April 1984 Z6.1.5 Ngoyi, L Z6.1.5.1 Ts note from RS to Lilian Ngoyi dated 20 February 1980 Z6.1.6 Forman, Sadie Z6.1.6.1 Ms letter to RS dated 4 October 1981 Z6.1.7 Gottschalk, K Z6.1.7.1 Ts letter to Keith Gottschalk, dated 16 January 1986 Z6.1.8 Meli, F Z6.1.8.1 Ms letter from Francis [Meli] to RS dated 19 January 1982 Z6.1.8.2 Ms letter from Francis [Meli] to RS dated 24 April 1982 Z6.1.8.3 Ms letter from Francis [Meli] to RS dated 4 January 1985 Z6.1.8.4 Ms letter from Francis [Meli] to RS dated 10 April 1985 Z6.1.8.5 Ms letter from Francis Meli to RS dated 16 December 1988 Z6.1.9 Namibia Food and Allied Workers' Union (NAFAU) Z6.1.9.1 Copy of ms letter from RS to NAFAU, Namibia, dated 1 April 1989 Z6.1.10 Purkey, Colin Z6.1.10.1 Ts copy of letter to Colin Purkey dated 28 March 1989 Z6.1.11 South African Congress of Trade Unions (SACTU) Z6.1.11.1 Copy of ts circular from SACTU Internal Committee, 2 January 1980, by RS Z6.1.11.2 Copy of ts letter from RS to SACTU dated 28 December 1981 Z6.1.11.3 Copy of ts letter from RS to SACTU dated 18 February 1982 Z6.1.12 Sibandze, M Z6.1.12.1 Copy of ts letter from RS to Michael Sibandze dated 29 March 1989 Z6.1.13 Tambo, O.R. Z6.1.13.1 Ms letter from RS to O.R. Tambo dated 10 July 1980 enclosing a copy of PNS magazine regarding Craig Williamson and the IUEF Z6.1.13.2 Ms letter from O.R. Tambo to RS dated 11 July 1980 Z6.1.13.3 Ms note from O.R. Tambo to JS dated 4 August 1983 Z6.1.13.4 Ms note from O.R. Tambo to JS dated 21 April 1984 Z6.1.13.5 Ms note from O.R. Tambo to JS dated 21 April 1984 Z6.1.13.6 Ms note from O.R. Tambo to JS dated 18 February 1986 Z6.1.13.7 Ms note from JS to O.R. Tambo dated 1 June 1986 Z6.1.13.8 Ms note from O.R. Tambo to JS dated 1 June 1986 Z6.1.13.9 Ms note from O.R. Tambo to JS dated 12 June 1989 enclosing partial ts speech regarding Socialist Internationale, 12 June 1989 Z6.1.13.10 Ms note from O.R. Tambo to JS dated 16 June 1986 Z6.1.13.11 Ms notes from O.R. Tambo to JS asking for comments on a speech by Chris Heunis; enclosed is a ts copy of JS's comments on Heunis's speech, May 1989 Z6.1.13.12 Copy of ms letter from O.R. Tambo to JS dated 29 December 1987 Z6.1.13.13 Ts copy of letter from RS and JS to O.R. Tambo dated 19 August 1989 Z6.1.13.14 Ms note from O.R. Tambo to JS dated January 1985 Z6.1.14 Van Gylswyk, Annika/Nordiska Z6.1.14.1 Ts letter from Annika to RS dated 16 December 1987 Z6.1.14.2 Ts letter from Annika to RS dated 30 October 1989 Z6.1.14.3 Ts letter signed by Annika to Mary and Ray Simons dated 11 August 1989 Z6.1.15 Khanyile, W Z6.1.15.1 Ts letter from William Khanyile to RS dated 19 July 1980 Z6.1.15.2 Ts letter from William Khanyile to RS dated 23 July 1980 Z6.1.17 Unknown correspondents Z6.1.16.1 Copy of ms letter from RS to ‘Sonia and Brian’ dated 29 February 1980 Z6.1.16.2 Copy of ms letter from RS to ‘Eleanor’ dated 29 February 1980 Z6.1.16.3 Copy of ts letter from RS to ‘Brian and Sonia’ dated 8 April 1980 Z6.1.16.4 Copy of ts letter from RS to ‘Amy’ dated 9 April 1980 Z6.1.16.5 Ts note from ‘Sonia’ to RS dated 16 April 1980 Z6.1.16.6 Ts letter from ‘Alan’ to JS and RS dated 24 April 1980 Z6.1.16.7 Ts letter from ‘Sonia’ to RS dated 1 May 1980 Z6.1.16.8 Copy of ms letter from RS to ‘Alan’ dated 19 May 1980 Z6.1.16.9 Ms note from ‘Alan’ to RS dated 3 May 1980 Z6.1.16.10 Copy of ms letter from RS to ‘Lulama’ dated 16 May 1980 Z6.1.16.11 Copy of ts letter from RS to ‘Brian and Sonia’ dated 6 November 1980 Z6.1.16.12 Ts letter from ‘Sonia’ to RS dated 5 August 1980 Z6.1.16.13 Ts letter from ‘Sonia’ (The African Communist) to RS dated 12 August 1980 Z6.1.16.14 Copy of ms letter to ‘Allan’ from RS dated 19 May 1980 Z6.1.16.15 Undated ms letter from ‘Sonia’ to RS Z6.1.16.16 Copy of ms letter addressed to Comrades M and J, dated 6 January 1981 Z6.1.16.17 Ts letter addressed to ‘Dear Friend’ regarding monitoring of mail [by security police] (anon., undated, circa 1981) Z6.1.16.18 Note from ‘Sonia’ to RS dated 7 October 1981 Z6.1.16.19 Ts letter from unknown sender dated 6 October 1981 Z6.1.16.20 Ms letter to RS from ‘Francis’ dated 27 October 1982 Z6.1.16.21 Ms letters from unknown source [‘granny’; ms note inserted to read ‘from Dora's daughter’]. August to October 1983 Z6.1.16.22 Ms letter from RS to ‘Comrade Bernard’ dated 25 February 1983 Z6.1.16.23 Ts letter from RS to the family of Joseph Bothwell dated 6 May 1984 Z6.1.16.24 Copy of ts letter from JS to ‘Kay’ regarding an article on the formation of SACTU in 1955, dated 18 February 1985 Z6.1.16.25 Exchange of unsigned ts letters dated 23 March 1986 and 11 April 1986 Z6.1.16.26 Ts letter from ‘Tom’, Rhodes University History Department, to JS and RS dated 26 May 1986 Z6.1.16.27 Ts letter from Bank for Foreign Trade of the USSR to JS (undated; circa June 1986) Z6.1.16.28 Copy of ts letter from RS to ‘Comrade Mittah’ dated 1 November 1988 Z6.1.16.29 Ts letter from RS to ‘Vilma’ dated 24 October 1988 enclosing previous correspondence Z6.1.16.30 Ts letter from RS to ‘Liz’ dated 24 October 1988, enclosing previous correspondence Z6.1.16.31 Copy of ms letter from RS to ‘Miranda’ dated 3 June 1989 Z6.1.16.32 Copy of ms letter from RS to ‘Miranda’ dated 24 May 1989 Z6.1.16.33 Ms note from Sipho Dlamini to JS enclosing notes on an article (July 1989) Z6.1.16.34 Various items of correspondence collected together under the rubric ‘Underground trade union correspondence’, spanning 1982-1983 Z6.2 Clippings Z6.2.1 Interview with RS titled ‘Take-away tea with Miss Ray’ (Learn and Teach 2 1986) Z6.2.2 German piece on Ray Simons, Lernen und Handeln 5/86 Z6.3 Thematic documents Z6.3.1 Organisations, Unions and Political Parties Z6.3.1.1 African National Congress Z6. Newsletter: Weekly News Briefing 4/2, January 13, 1980 Z6. Press Digest covering 6-29 January 1981 Z6. Newsletter: Weekly News Briefing 5/32, 5 August 1981 Z6. Conference pack for International Conference on Women and Apartheid (Brussels, 17-19 May 1982) Z6. Circular from ANC NEC regarding ANC organisational structures (1983) Z6. Ts copy of statement by ANC to the International Conference of Trade Unions (June 1983) Z6. Newsletter: ANC Women's Bulletin Vol 1 1984 Z6. Newsletter: Mayibuye 7, 1984 Z6. Draft statement by ANC Women's Section to the 17th Congress of the Social Democratic Federation of Sweden, August 1984 Z6. Copy of discussion document on deployment of ANC cadres and manpower policy (undated; circa 1984) Z6. Report by RS titled ‘Appraisal by the ANC Women's Section of progress achieved and obstacles encountered in attaining the goals and objectives of the UN Decade for Women’ (NGO Forum, 10-19 July 1985) Z6. Documents of the Second National Consultative Conference of the ANC, Zambia, 16-23 June 1985 Z6. Report by RS on a ‘mission to P (24 May to 3 June 1985)’ Z6. Minutes of meetings to discuss constitutional developments in SA (January 1986) Z6. Report written by Pallo Jordan titled ‘Commentary on the documents’ (concerning correspondence between the Eminent Persons Group and the apartheid regime) dated 14 May 1986 Z6. Ts copy of discussion document titled ‘The Freedom Charter and the Constitution’ (1986) Z6. Report on Second Women's Conference (undated; circa 1986) Z6. Discussion paper titled ‘Women and labour in SA’ (ANC Women's Conference, September 1987) Z6. Discussion paper titled ‘Women in the trade union movement’ (ANC Women's Conference, September 1987) Z6. Discussion Paper titled ‘Women and education in South Africa’ (1987) Z6. Ms copy of a vote of thanks by JS on behalf of the Constitution Committee to the president [of the ANC], March 1988 Z6. Newsletter: Voice of Women 1, 1988 Z6. Paper presented to an ANC Workshop on political education by the ANC Women's Section, titled ‘Political education of women’ (1988) Z6. Newsletter Sechaba June 1988 Z6. Ts copy of report by Nelson Mandela to the NEC of the ANC, 19 December 1989 Z6. Statement of the ANC NEC on the tri-cameral elections of 1989, dated 22 September 1989 Z6. Statement by the ANC NEC regarding the announcement of the release of Walter Sisulu and others, dated 11 October 1989 Z6. Report on women's conference, 19-22 April 1989 Z6. Draft copy of document titled ‘A look into the South African situation’ (anon., undated, circa 1989) Z6. ANC discussion document on negotiations, 16 June 1989 Z6. Newsletter Voice of Women 4/1989 Z6. Discussion document titled ‘Programme of action for 1984 – Year of the Women’ Z6.3.1.2 South African Communist Party Z6. Document titled ‘The South African working class and the national democratic revolution’ (anon., undated; circa 1980) Z6. Report by RS on industrial work, 15 June 1982 Z6. Draft statement of the Political Bureau of the SACP for discussion, titled ‘The South African revolution, crisis of capitalism and offensive against apartheid’, 10 September 1984 Z6. SACP pamphlet titled ‘Women of South Africa. Organise, Unite and Defy!!’ (undated; circa 1984) Z6. Directive of the Central Committee concerning security measures dated September 1985 Z6. Document titled ‘The history of the Communist Party’ (anon., circa 1989) Z6. Report by RS to party congress in Lusaka, 14 March 1989 Z6.3.1.3 Solidarity News Service Z6. SNS newsletter dated 24 December 1983 Z6. SNS newsletter dated 25 January 1984 Z6. SNS Bulletin 10/85, 19 June 1985 Z6.3.1.4 United Nations Z6. UN discussion paper titled ‘The role of women in the South African trade union movement’ by Shirene Carim (Centre against Apartheid, April 1980) (contains a section on Ray Alexander) Z6. Booklet titled ‘I have done my duty to my people and to South Africa. Statement from the dock, 7 November 1962 by Nelson Mandela’ (published by the UN Centre against Apartheid, 1982) Z6. Copy of UN disbursement voucher in favour of JS, 17 October 1985 Z6. Statement by Thomas Karis at the Joint Hearing of the House Subcommittee on Africa and on Economic Policy, 12 March 1986 Z6.3.1.5 Food and Canning Workers’ Union Z6. Ts letter from Jan Theron, General Secretary, advising RS that she had been elected honorary life president of the union, dated 4 November 1986 Z6. Copy of ts letter from RS to FAWU dated 18 December 1986, thanking FAWU for making her honorary life president Z6. Ts letter from RS to John Pendleni dated 3 April 1989 Z6. FCWU calendar 1985 Z6.3.1.6 COSATU Z6. Workshop programme for a workshop to develop a national women's organisation (25-26 November 1989) Z6. Ts report titled ‘The present position in regards to the peace talks in Natal. The position of COSATU and the UDF’ (undated; circa 1989) Z6.3.1.7 National Union of Mineworkers Z6. Ts list of questions for NUM (anon., 20 June 1985) Z6.3.1.8 National Union of Namibian Workers Z6. Ts letter from NUNW to RS dated 18 August 1987 Z6.3.1.9 University of Cape Town Women’s Movement Z6. Pamphlet titled ‘Introducing the Women's Movement’ (1981) Z6. Newsletter Women’s Voice (1985) Z6.3.1.10 United Democratic Front Z6. Transcript and notes on an unsigned and undated memorandum on the UDF's opposition to the President's Council, dated 24 April 1983 Z6.3.1.11 Natal Organization of Women Z6. Pamphlet titled ‘Organizing women now’ (Natal Organisation of Women, 1985) Z6.3.1.12 Conservative Party Z6. Ts notes on the Conservative Party of South Africa (circa 1982) Z6.3.1.13 National Party Z6. Text of speech by PW Botha before the President's Council, 15 May 1986, with notes and summary by JS Z6.3.1.14 South African Congress of Trade Unions Z6. Circular dated August 1988 enclosing a discussion document on the role of SACTU in the democratic struggle Z6. Iliso la Basebenzi (undated; circa 1980) Z6. Pamphlet issued by SACTU titled ‘Don't cross the South African picket line’ (undated; circa 1980) Z6. Report on the situation in South Africa (August 1980) Z6. Statement by SACTU on unity talks (17 May 1984) Z6. Statement by SACTU on proposed miners' strike (7 August 1985 Z6. Draft programme for SACTU/FAWU meeting with ms notes attached (1989) Z6. Paper titled ‘Working women and the struggle for trade union rights’ by Maud Manyosi (1980) Z6.3.1.15 International Trade Unionism Z6. Ms notes on ICFTU conference, January 1984 Z6. List of participants at ILO workshop on assistance to migrant workers, Gaborone, 27-30 October 1986 Z6. Letter from WFTU to RS dated 19 December 1988 Z6.3.2 Apartheid Z6.3.2.1 Draft discussion paper on Group Areas with request for comments by JS; annotations by JS (anon., circa 1988) Z6.3.2.2 Partial ts paper titled ‘The tri-parliamentary hoax’ (anon., undated, circa 1983) Z6.3.2.3 Report titled ‘Notes on the current situation’ pertaining to the state of emergency (anon, May 1987) Z6.3.2.4 Ts notes titled ‘Local government in African townships’ (anon., undated, circa 1986) Z6.3.2.5 Ts copy of notes on detentions (8 December 19860 Z6.3.2.6 Ts document titled ‘June 26th South Africa Freedom Day’ (anon., circa 1983) Z6.3.3 Labour Z6.3.3.1 Article titled ‘Trade unionism and the liberation struggle’ by Andile Maqoma (Dawn 6/2, 1982) Z6.3.3.2 Supplement to Financial Mail (16 September 1983) dealing with industrial relations Z6.3.3.3 Ts discussion document titled ‘Some questions facing the TU Movement and our union’ (anon., undated, circa 1983) Z6.4 Personalities Z6. 4.1 Baard, Francis Z6.4.1.1 Clipping relating to Frances Baard (source unknown; 2 February 1986) Z6.4.2 Bunting, SP Z6.4.2.1 Ts copy of tribute to Sidney Bunting (1989) Z6.4.3 Dadoo, Y Z6.4.3.1 Tributes to Dr Yusuf Dadoo, including statements by the ANC and SACP (1983) Z6.4.4 Tamana, Dora Z6. 4.4.1 Obituaries (1983) Z6.4.4.2 Memorial service programme and tributes for Dora Tamana (undated) Z6.4.4.3 Statement by ANC Women's Section following the death of Dora Tamana (undated) Z6.4.4.4 Ts notes on the life of Dora Tamana (undated) Z6.4.5 Mxenge, N Z6.4.5.1 Obituary for Nonyamezelo Mxenge (9 August 1985) Z6.4.6 Oscar Mpetha Z6.4.6.1 Pamphlet issued by FAWU titled ‘Oscar Mpetha – 80 year-old prisoner of apartheid’ (undated; circa 1989) Z6.4.6.2 Ms notes for a speech at Oscar Mpetha's 85th birthday (6 August 1984) Z6.4.7 Sparg, M Z6.4.7.1 Article titled ‘A freedom fighter's letter to mum’ (about ; source unknown; circa 1986) Z6.4.8 Tambo, O.R. Z6.4.8.1 Statement by O.R. Tambo at the World Consultation of the WCC, Holland, 16-21 June 1980 Z6.4.8.2 Statement by O.R. Tambo at the ANC Women's Conference, Lusaka, 14 September 1981 Z6.4.8.3 Notes for a speech by O.R. Tambo on constitutional matters (1988) Z6.5 Writings by JS and RS Z6.5.1 Article by R.S. under the name of R.S. Nyameko titled ‘Trade union movement at the crossroads’ (African Communist 82, 1980) Z6.5.2 Article by A. Reader [RS] titled ‘Role of trade unions in the South African revolution’ (African Communist 82, 1980) Z6.5.3 Ts copy of piece titled ‘Note on Urban Foundation’ (1981) Z6.5.4 Ts paper on the draft Industrial Conciliation Amendment (ICA) Bill, 1981 Z6.5.5 Article by RS writing as R.E. Matajo titled ‘Workers take the revolutionary path’ (African Communist 85, 1981) Z6.5.6 Article by RS writing as R.S. Nyameko titled ‘Fight US subversion of trade Union Movement in Africa!’ (African Communist 87, 1981) Z6.5.7 Ts copy of paper by RS titled ‘The developing situation -’ presented to the Conference of ANC Women, Lusaka, 10-14 September 1981 Z6.5.8 Article by RS writing as R.S. Nyameko titled ‘US bid to derail South African trade union movement’ (African Communist 92, 1983) Z6.5.9 Ms notes for three public talks, Mazimbu, 1982, dealing with national unity, Bantustan fragmentation, and after liberation Z6.5.10 Incomplete ts notes on the Labour Amendment Act 1981 (circa 1982) Z6.5.11 Ts paper titled ‘The new labour laws’ by JS and RS (1982) Z6.5.12 Ms notes for speech on trade unions on 1 September 1982, declared by the Congress of the World Federation of Trade Unions as a day of action for peace Z6.5.13 Ts copy plus ms notes titled ‘Trade unions and politics’ (circa 1982) Z6.5.14 Copy of ts piece titled ‘Commentary on 'Day of Peace'‘ (1982) Z6.5.15 Reprint of article by R. Matojo [RS] titled ‘Stop repression of trade unions’ (Sechaba August 1983) Z6.5.16 Copy of ms notes for a speech by RS to the 8th International Trade Conference of Food, Tobacco, Hotel and Allied Industries' Workers, Moscow, 27-30 September 1983 Z6.5.17 Article by RS writing as R.S. Nyameko titled ‘Workers' militancy demands trade union united front’ (African Communist 95, 1983) Z6.5.18 Ts notes for an open letter to ‘Lewis’ replying to a report of an interview with him in Work in Progress (11 January 1984) Z6.5.19 Ms notes for speech titled ‘Observations on our present position resulting from the Maputo-Pretoria pact’ (21 April 1984) Z6.5.20 Draft ts paper titled ‘The position of women in the Transkei’ (undated, circa 1984) Z6.5.21 Draft of speech by RS to the inaugural conference of the African Workers Federation of Food Industry in Algiers, 12-13 March 1984 Z6.5.22 Brief entry by RS on trade unions in South Africa (Trade Union International Food Industry Bulletin, No. 6, 19840 Z6.5.23 Notebook containing ms notes for One hundred years of job reservation on the South African mines dated 1986 Z6.5.24 Speech titled ‘The sceptre of Communism’ by JS at the 65th Anniversary of the SACP, Lusaka, 23 November 1986 Z6.5.25 Untitled ms piece on unemployment (undated; circa 1986) Z6.5.26 Ms notes for a speech on May Day (28 April 1986) Z6.5.27 Ts piece by R.S. under the name R.S. Nyameko titled ‘Notes on strikes in the present situation’ (undated, circa 1986) Z6.5.28 Paper titled ‘One hundred years of job reservation on the South African mines’ by RS and JS (International Migration for Employment Working Paper, May 1987) Z6.5.29 Paper by JS and RS together with Khosi Msimang on behalf of the Women's Section of the ANC, Workshop on Women's Law, 22-26 August 1988 Z6.5.30 Ms notes titled ‘Marxism today’ (16 May 1988) Z6.5.31 Ts copy of paper titled ‘South Africa's working class – a pillar of the revolution’ by Ray Simons (seminar on constitutional guidelines, ANC Lusaka, 1-4 March 1988) Z6.5.32 Ts copy of short piece titled ‘South Africa's national question’ (undated; circa 1989) Z6.5.33 Ts copy of paper by JS titled ‘Women in urban and rural areas’ (February 1989) Z6.5.34 Paper titled ‘African urban local government in a state of emergency’ (1989) Z6.5.35 Paper titled ‘South Africa's law and courts in the state of emergency’ (undated, circa 1989) Z6.5.36 Notes for a conference titled ‘South Africa and the rule of law’ (23-26 June 1989) Z6.5.37 Article titled ‘Victory will be ours’ (source unknown; circa 1989) Z6.5.38 Paper prepared for workshop on women’s role in a democratic SA (1989) Z6.6 Writings by others Z6.6.1 Article by Ruth Nhere titled ‘Portrait of a Bantustan’ (African Communist 82, 1980) Z6.6.2 Various extracts from African Communist 83, 1980 Z6.6.3 Reviews of Class and colour in South Africa

Z7 1990S Z7.1 Correspondence Z7.1.1 Family Correspondence Z7.1.1.1 Ts letter from RS and JS regarding their return from exile, 5 September 1990 Z7.1.1.2 Ts poem from JS to RS on her birthday, 31 December 1990 Z7.1.1.3 Copies of letters to friends and family regarding the Simons' plans to return to SA, 1990 Z7.1.1.4 Ms note from JS to RS on her birthday, dated 31 December 1992 Z7.1.1.5 Copy of ms letter from Ray to Mary dated 28 October 1995 Z7.1.1.6 Ts letter from Highlands House to RS on the death of her sister Mrs Deborah Nash, dated 1 December 1998 Z7.1.1.7 Ms copy of letter to John and Vera Gray regarding the death of Dora, dated 12 January 1999 Z7.1.1.8 Ms letter from John and Vera Gray regarding the death of Dora, dated 21 January 1999 Z7.1.1.9 E-mail from Simon Alexander to RS dated 27 January 1999 Z7.1.1.10 Ms letter from Lynette Simons to RS dated 30 January 1999 Z7.1.1.11 E-mail from Mary Simons to family, 15 October 1999 Z7.1.1.12 Ts letter from Agi and Simon Alexander to RS dated 28 August 1999 Z7.1.1.13 E-mail from Simon Alexander to RS dated 28 August 1999 Z7.1.1.14 Ts letter to Agi and Simon Alexander dated 26 February 1999 Z7.1.1.15 Ms note from son Johan to JS (undated; circa 1990s) Z7.1.1.16 Ts compilation of some birthday poems JS wrote to RS (undated; circa 1990s) Z7.1.1.17 One file of birthday and other cards Z7.1.2 Academic matters Z7.1.2.1 Ts letter from Monique Vajifdar, University of the Witwatersrand, to RS dated 23 September 1991 Z7.1.2.2 Ts letter from UCT Centre for Russian Studies to RS dated 25 August 1995 Z7.1.2.3 Copy of ts letter from RS and JS to Dr Saunders, UCT, dated 16 February 1990 Z7.1.2.4 Copy of ts letter from JS and RS Simons to Dr Brenda Cooper, Centre for African Studies, UCT, dated 16 February 1990 Z7.1.2.5 Ts letter from RS and JS to Centre for Africa Studies, UCT, dated 5 September 1990 Z7.1.2.6 Copy of ts letter applying for 6 month fellowship at Centre for African Studies, enclosing CV, dated 18 October 1991 Z7.1.2.7 Ts letter from UDW inviting RS to deliver a speech at a graduation ceremony dated 5 February 1996 Z7.1.2.8 Ms letter from Helena Filatora (UDW) to RS dated 29 March 1999 Z7.1.2.9 Ts letter from RS to Prof James Wilmot dated 13 May 1999 Z7.1.3 Albert, Marilyn Z7.1.3.1 Ts letter from Marilyn Albert to RS dated 25 August 1999 Z7.1.4 African National Congress Z7.1.4.1 Copy of ts letter from RS and JS to The Secretary-General, ANC, dated 8 February 1990 Z7.1.4.2 Copy of ts letter from RS and JS to The Secretary-General, ANC, dated 27 February 1990 Z7.1.4.3 Ms letter from RS to ANCWL dated 9 September 1990 Z7.1.4.4 Ts letter from RS to Joel Netshtenzhe dated 24 January 1999 Z7.1.5 Bennie, Alven Z7.1.5.1 Letter from RS to Alven Bennie dated 28 April 1996 Z7.1.6 Bouw- en Houtbond Z7.1.6.1 Ts letter from Bouw- en Houtbond (Dutch trade union) to RS dated 29 March 1990 Z7.1.7 Büttner, Hans Z7.1.7.1 Ts letter from Hans Büttner to RS dated 1 April 1998 Z7.1.7.2 Ms letter from RS to Hans Büttner dated 18 April 1998 Z7.1.7.3 Ts letter from Hans Büttner to RS dated 1 April 1998 Z7.1.8 Five Freedoms Forum Z7.1.8.1 Ms letter signed by Cecily Singer, Five Freedoms Forum, to RS dated 2 March 1990 Z7.1.9 Filatova, Irina Z7.1.9.1 Ts letter to RS dated 15 September 1998 Z7.1.9.2 Ts letter to RS dated 14 March 1999 Z7.1.9.3 Ts letter dated 29 September 1999 (identified from response of 13 December 1999) Z7.1.9.4 Ts letter from RS dated 13 December 1999 Z7.1.9.5 Ts letter from Irina Filatova dated 31 July 1999 Z7.1.10 Galagan, Maria Z7.1.10.1 Ms letter from Maria Galagan to RS dated 23 June 1999 Z7.1.11 Gevisser, Mark Z7.1.11.1 Copy of ms letter to Mark Gevisser from RS dated 11 January 1999 Z7.1.12 Hani, C Z7.1.12.1 Copy of ts letter signed by Chris Hani to JS dated 16 October 1992 Z7.1.13 Hepner, M and B Z7.1.13.1 Ts letter from RS to Miriam and Bill Hepner dated 25 May 1999 Z7.1.14 Hintze, Almut Z7.1.14.1 Ms letter enclosing photograph to RS from Almut dated 13 December 1998 Z7.1.14.2 Ts letter from RS to Almut Hintze dated 23 December 1998 Z7.1.15 Hopes on the Horizon Z7.1.15.1 Undated ts letter from Cheick Oumar Sissoko to RS (circa July 1997) Z7.1.15.2 Ts letter from Cheick Oumar Sissoko to RS dated 27 August 1997 Z7.1.15.3 Ts letter from Rosemary Davis to RS dated 1 September 1997 Z7.1.15.4 Release form dated 21 May 1997 Z7.1.16 Howitch, M and I Z7.1.16.1 Ts letter from RS to Mitzi and Ike Howitch, dated 23 December 1998 Z7.1.17 Huffinley, B Z7.1.17.1 Ts letter signed by Beryl Huffinley, Labour Action for Peace, to RS, dated 7 December 1998 Z7.1.18 Isaacson, Zelda Z7.1.18.1 E-mail from Zelda Isaacson to RS dated 1 August 1999 Z7.1.19 Karis, Tom Z7.1.19.1 Ts letter from Tom Karis dated 22 December 1997 Z7.1.19.2 Ts letter from RS to Tom Karis dated 15 January 1998 Z7.1.19.3 Ts letter from Tom Karis dated 27 October 1998 Z7.1.19.4 Ts letter from RS to Tom Karis dated 23 December 1998 Z7.1.19.5 Ms letter faxed from Tom Karis to RS dated 23 March 1999 Z7.1.19.6 Ts letter from Tom [Karis] to RS dated 15 July 1999 Z7.1.19.7 Ts letter from Tom [Karis] to RS dated 25 August 1999 Z7.1.20 Kasrils, R Z7.1.20.1 Ts letter from Ronnie Kasrils (Ministry of Defence) to RS dated 25 January 1999 Z7.1.21 Kiloh, Margaret Z7.1.21.1 Ts letter from Margaret Kiloh dated 4 November 1997, enclosing a transcript (primarily about NURAHS and Archie Sibeko) Z7.1.22 Kotane, Sam Z7.1.22.1 Ms letter from Sam Kotane dated 22 June 1999 Z7.1.22.2 Ts letter from RS to Sam Kotane dated 19 July 1999 Z7.1.22.3 Ms note from Sam Kotane to RS dated 3 August 1999 Z7.1.23 Krakower, J Z7.1.23.1 E-mail from Jean Krakower to Tanya dated 28 August 1999 Z7.1.24 Kurira Films Z7.1.24.1 Ts letter from Kurira Films to RS dated 29 May 1997 Z7.1.25 Abrahams, Liz Z7.1.25.1 Ms letter from Liz Abrahams to RS dated 26 February 1992 Z7.1.26 Malepe, P Z7.1.26.1 Ts letter from RS to Peter Malepe dated 30 September 1997 Z7.1.27 Mandela, N Z7.1.27.1 Copy of ts letter from RS to Graca and Nelson Mandela, dated 24 January 1999 Z7.1.28 Marcus, Gill Z7.1.28.1 Ts letter from RS to Gill [Marcus] dated 25 May 1999 Z7.1.28.2 Ts letter from Gill Marcus to RS dated 3 August 1999 Z7.1.29 Mayibuye Centre Z7.1.29.1 Ts letter from The Mayibuye Centre dated 20 April 1993 Z7.1.30 Mbeki, Zanele and Thabo Z7.1.30.1 Copy of ms letter from RS to the Mbeki family dated 12 January 1999 Z7.1.30.2 Ts letter from Zanele Mbeki's PA dated 6 July 1999 Z7.1.30.3 Ts letter from RS to Zanele Mbeki dated 19 July 1999 Z7.1.30.4 Ts letter from RS to Zanele Mbeki dated 29 October 1999 Z7.1.30.5 Ts letter from RS to Zanele Mbeki dated 13 December 1999 Z7.1.31 Modise, J Z7.1.31.1 Copy of ms letter from RS to Joe Modise in which she mentions MK training in 1978, dated 20 April 1998 Z7.1.32 Molteno, Marion and Robert Z7.1.32.1 Correspondence with Robert Molteno, Zed Books, 1991 Z7.1.32.2 Ms letter from Marion Molteno to RS dated 1 March 1998 Z7.1.32.3 Ms letter from Robert Molteno dated 11 January 1999 Z7.1.32.4 Ts letter from Robert Molteno dated 15 January 1999 Z7.1.32.5 Copy of ms letter from RS to ‘Marion, Robert, May and Sharon’ dated 29 December 1992 Z7.1.33 Mothlanthle, Kgalema Z7.1.33.1 Ts letter from RS to Kgalema Mothlanthle dated 30 September 1997 Z7.1.34 Naidoo, Phyllis Z7.1.34.1 Ts letter from Phyllis Naidoo to RS dated 18 March 1999 Z7.1.34.2 Ts letter from RS to Phyllis Naidoo dated 19 July 1999 Z7.1.34.3 Newsletter from Phyllis Naidoo, 31 December 1999 Z7.1.35 Annika Van Gyswyk/Nordiska Afrikainstitutet Z7.1.35.1 Ts letter from Annika, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, to RS and JS dated 8 June 1994 Z7.1.35.2 Ms letter from Annika to RS dated 12 February 1998 Z7.1.35.3 Ms letter from Annika to RS dated 1 May 1998 Z7.1.36 National Union of Mine Workers Z7.1.36.1 Ts letter from NUM to RS dated 3 March 1992 Z7.1.36.2 Ts letter from NUM regarding publication of ‘African miners' diseases’ dated 10 October 1997 Z7.1.36.3 Ts letter from RS dated 21 October 1997 Z7.1.37 Oxfam Z7.1.37.1 Ts note on sale of house to Oxfam (undated, circa 1990) Z7.1.38 Pillay, Narvi Z7.1.38.1 Ms letter from Krishna [Pillay] to RS dated 2 July 1998 Z7.1.38.2 Ts letter from RS to Narvi and Krishna [Pillay] dated 26 February 1999 Z7.1.39 Letters to the press Z7.1.39.1 Incomplete copy of ms letter by RS to The Editor, Umsebenzi, dated 2 February 1992 Z7.1.40 Prinsloo, Kate Z7.1.40.1 Ts letter from Kate Prinsloo to RS dated 7 February 1995 Z7.1.41 Kagiso Publishers Z7.1.41.1 Ts letter from Kagiso Publishers to RS dated 25 October 1994 inviting her participation in a book project to be titled ‘Voices of liberation’; plus ms letter of response accepting invitation dated 14 November 1994 Z7.1.42 Ramphele, M Z7.1.42.1 Ts letter from RS to Mamphela Ramphele dated 26 October 1995 Z7.1.43 Robben Island Museum Z7.1.43.1 Ts copy of letter from RS to RIM regarding the donation of her and Jack's library to RIM, dated 18 March 1999 Z7.1.43.2 Ts letter from RIM to RS dated 7 May 1999 Z7.1.43.3 Ts letter from RS to RIM dated 19 July 1999 Z7.1.44 Rosenberg Fund for Children Z7.1.44.1 Ts letter from RFC to RS dated 12 May 1997 Z7.1.45 South African Council of Churches Z7.1.45.1 Ts letter from SACC signed by Brigalia Bam to JS and RS welcoming them back to South Africa, dated 2 March 1990 Z7.1.46 South African Communist Party Z7.1.46.1 Copy of ts letter from JS to The Chairman, SACP, dated 9 February 1990 Z7.1.46.2 Ts letter from SACP to RS dated 28 May 1996 Z7.1.47 Shevelev, R Z7.1.47.1 Ts letter from Raphael Shevelev to RS dated 5 February 1999 Z7.1.48 Shope, G Z7.1.48.1 Copy of ms letter to Gertrude Shope dated 2 February 1991 Z7.1.49 Shubin, Vladimir Z7.1.49.1 Ts letter to RS from V Shubin dated 2 September 1999 Z7.1.49.2 Ts letter from RS to Vladimir Shubin dated 26 February 1999 Z7.1.50 Smith, Susie Z7.1.50.1 Ts letter from RS to Susie Smith dated 23 December 1998 Z7.1.51 Swiegelaar, Betty Z7.1.51.1 Copy of ts letter from RS to Betty Swiegelaar dated 19 November 1990 Z7.1.52 Toivo ha Toivo, Andimba Z7.1.52.1 Ms letter from Andimba Toivo to RS dated 1 February 1998 Z7.1.52.2 Ts letter from Andimba Toivo to RS dated 4 December 1997 Z7.1.53 Tebbs, Elizabeth Z7.1.53.1 Ts letter from Elizabeth Tebbs to RS dated 23 May 1999 Z7.1.54 Unknown correspondents Z7.1.54.1 Ms letter from ‘Becky’ dated 26 April 1997 Z7.1.54.2 Card from a group of people thanking RS for assisting them in visiting the USSR, dated January 1990 Z7.1.54.3 Copy of ts letter from RS and JS about returning home, addressed to ‘Jessy’, dated 17 February 1990 Z7.1.54.4 Ts letter from ‘Vilma’ to RS dated 27 December 1990 Z7.1.54.5 Ts letter from ‘Vilma’ to RS dated 4 April 1991 Z7.1.54.6 Ms letter from ‘Sadie’ to RS and JS dated 19 November 1991 Z7.1.54.7 Ts letter from ‘Vilma’ to RS dated11 April 1991 Z7.1.54.8 Copy of ms letter from RS to ‘Phyllis’ dated 17 October 1992 Z7.1.54.9 Copy of ms letter from RS to ‘Norman’ dated 9 August 1992 Z7.1.54.10 Copy of ms letter from RS to ‘Norman’ dated 15 May 1992 Z7.1.54.11 Ts letter from ‘Norman’ to RS dated 3 May 1992 Z7.1.54.12 Copy of ms letter from RS to ‘Norman’ dated 1 July 1992 Z7.1.54.13 Ts letter from ‘Norman’ to RS dated 23 July 1992 Z7.1.54.14 Ms letter from RS to ‘Peggy and Sandy’ dated 2 June 1993 Z7.1.54.15 Copy of ms letter from JS and RS to ‘Simon and Agnes’ dated 5 June 1994 Z7.1.54.16 Copy of ms letter from JS and RS to ‘Zelda’ dated 5 June 1994 Z7.1.54.17 Copy of ms letter from RS to ‘Frances’ dated 7 July 1994 Z7.1.54.18 Ts letter addressed to ‘Dear Comrade’ from RS outlining the history of May Day, dated 4 May 1995 Z7.1.54.19 Ms letter in Yiddish, Cyrillic and English from unknown creator dated 19 December 1996 Z7.1.54.20 Ts letter from ‘Ruth’ (SA Embassy, Switzerland) dated 6 January 1998 Z7.1.54.21 Unsigned ms letter (possibly a draft) dated 5 June 1998 addressed to ‘Comrade Jeremy’ regarding Muff Anderson's biography of the writer Z7.1.54.22 Copy of ms letter from RS to ‘Zarina and Mac’ dated 20 January 1999 Z7.1.54.23 Ts letter signed by ‘Lynette’ (Australia) to RS dated 22 August 1999 Z7.1.54.24 Postcard from ‘Su’ (Cuba) to RS (undated; circa 1999) Z7.1.54.25 Ts letter to ‘Beryl’ dated 26 February 1999 Z7.1.55 Volit, P Z7.1.55.1 Ts letter signed by Pingla Volit to RS dated 14 February 1994 asking for information regarding gender aspects of the struggle in the 1940s and 1950s; plus copy of ms reply from RS dated 20 March 1994 Z7.1.56 Waschefort, C Z7.1.56.1 Ts letter from RS dated 1 December 1999 Z7.1.57 Western, John Z7.1.57.1 Ms letter from John Western, Syracuse University, to JS and RS dated 6 March 1990 Z7.1.58 White, Henry and Joan Z7.1.58.1 Copy of ms letter to Henry and Joan White following the death of Dora, dated 12 January 1999 Z7.1.59 Zambian government Z7.1.59.1 Copy of ts letter from JS and RS to the Minister of State of Zambia, Nephas Tembo, dated 1 March 1990 Z7.1.59.2 Copy of ts letter from JS to The Governor, Bank of Zambia, dated 28 February 1990 Z7.1.59.3 Copy of ts letter from the Simonses to President Kaunda dated 14 May 1990 Z7.1.59.4 Copy of ts letter from the Simons to President Kaunda dated 20 February 1991 Z7.1.60 Zukas, Simon Z7.1.60.1 Ms letter from Simon [Zukas] dated 15 March 1998 Z7.2 Diary Z7.2.1 1996 pocket diary Z7.3 Awards and honours Z7.3.1 Honorary degrees Z7.3.1.1 One file of clippings, correspondence, citations, speeches and other documents relating to honorary degrees bestowed on JS and RS, 1993-1995 Z7.3.2 Other awards and honours Z7.3.2.1 Invitation to opening of the Ray Alexander Clinic, in Paarl, 8 June 1993 Z7.3.2.2 Ms notes for address delivered at the opening of the Ray Alexander Clinic in Paarl, 8 June 1993 Z7.3.2.3 Article on artwork at UCT honouring JS (Monday Paper 17/2, March 1998) Z7.3.2.4 RS honoured along with other women as part of India's 50th independence celebrations; includes commemorative booklet, clippings and photographs (1998) Z7.3.2.5 Transcript of a speech by Govan Mbeki at the 50th celebration of Indian independence, 19 August 1998 Z7.3.2.6 Correspondence relating to RS being nominated for the Duma Nokwe Human Rights Award Ceremony (1999) Z7.3.2.7 Copy of Thabo Mbeki's inaugural speech, in which RS is mentioned (1999) Z7.3.2.8 Copy of programme, Presentation of National Orders, 10 June 1999 Z7.4 Genealogical documents Z7.4.1 Genealogical notes on family tree of Aleksandrovitsch, Bravarnik, Soroko and Tschesno families (1998) Z7.5 Clippings Z7.5.1 Interview with RS titled ‘Mother of the Union speaks’ (The Spear 1 March 1990) Z7.5.2 Photograph of JS and RS at a social function (Cape Times 16 April 1994) Z7.5.3 Photograph of RS at unveiling of tombstone of Annie Silinga (Weekend Argus 2 March 1996) Z7.5.4 Photograph of RS and JS (Trouw, 3 March 1990) Z7.5.5 ‘Simon is van Riversdal’ (Die Burger 3 March 1990) Z7.5.6 ‘Euphoria as the Simons' come home’ (Weekly Mail 9-15 March 1990) Z7.5.7 Afrikaans article on returning exiles, featuring RS (Die Suid-Afrikaan Aug/Sep 1991) Z7.5.8 Profile on RS (JFJ Newsletter 1991) Z7.5.9 Photograph of RS at ANC's 80th birthday (Cape Times 9 January 1991) Z7.5.10 Clipping featuring an interview with RS titled ‘Women's victories must not make us sit on our laurels’ (Argus 10-14 August 1996) Z7.5.11 ‘A far cry from the days of Mama Ray’ (Business Report 4 July 1997) Z7.5.12 ‘A perfect Passover present for Mama Ray’ (1999) Z7.6 Obituaries and tributes to Jack Simons Z7.6.1 Tribute to JS titled ‘A committed Marxist intellectual’ (source unknown, July 1995) Z7.6.2 Compilation of extracts from tributes to JS, compiled by Pauline Podbrey (undated, circa 1995) Z7.6.3 Obituary (source unknown) Z7.6.4 Record of memorial gathering for JS held at Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London, 10 August 1995 Z7.6.5 Obituary notice, Monday Paper July 31-August 7, 1995 Z7.7 Thematic documents Z7.7.1 African Renaissance Z7.7.1.1 Cabinet memo 9 of 97 on the African Renaissance Z7.7.1.2 Cabinet notes on African Renaissance (1997) Z7.7.2 Organisations, unions and political parties Z7.7.2.1 District Six Museum Z7. District Six Museum Newsletter 4, October 1999 Z7.7.2.2 African National Congress Z7. Circular from the ANC Women's League task force tasked with restructuring the ANCWL, dated 6 September 1990 Z7. Report on women's workshop, Lusaka, 31 March 1990 Z7. Ts copy of statement by O.R. Tambo to the African National Conference, 1 July 1991 Z7. ANC statement on President de Klerk's statement, 6 April 1991 Z7. Open letter to President de Klerk from the ANC NEC, 5 April 1991 Z7. Pamphlet titled ‘Umkhonto we Sizwe. 30 fighting years’ (ANC Department of Information and Publicity, 1991) Z7. Newsletter: ConstitutionNews 6, 17 April 1996 Z7. Promotional booklet ‘Inside the ANC Archives’ (1996) Z7. Working document titled ‘Sub-committee on National Women's Unity’ (circa 1990) Z7.7.2.3 South African Communist Party Z7. Ms report by RS to the Regional Committee (undated, circa 1992) Z7. Ts statement in response to the collapse of the Soviet Union (anon., April 1992) Z7.7.2.4 Food and Canning Workers’ Union Z7. Booklet about The Vuyisile Mini Centre, home of FAWU (1990) Z7. Ts letter from RS to Oscar [Mpetha] asking him to write a piece on the history of FAWU, dated 19 November 1990 Z7. Copy of ms letter from RS to FAWU dated 28 December 1990 Z7. Ts letter from RS to The General Secretary, FAWU, dated 25 January 1991 Z7. Ts letter from FAWU inviting RS to the National Conference, dated 17 May 1991 Z7. Pamphlet advertising rally to be held in Umtata on 8 June 1991 in celebration of the FCWU (now FAWU) 50-year celebrations Z7. Draft communication from RS to the 6th FAWU National Conference dated 8th June 1995 Z7. Ts letter from RS to Commission on Restitution of Land Rights, North and Western Cape, 20 April 1998 Z7. Secretariat report to the First Executive Council of FAWU, 25 April 1998 Z7. Ts letter from RS to the Land Claim Commissioner dated 25 May 1999 Z7. Ts letter from Minister for Agriculture and Land Affairs regarding FAWU land claim, dated 27 August 1999 Z7. Correspondence and other documents relating to a restitution claim for a section of land in Paarl (1995-1997) Z7.7.2.5 Jews for Justice Z7. Flyer advertising the presence of RS at JFJ's annual Freedom Seder, 25 March 1991 Z7.7.2.6 Ilitha Labantu Z7. Annual report 1994 Z7.7.2.7 Movement for the Afro-Asian People's Co-operation and solidarity Z7. Ts Cyrillic script letter enclosing ts text of a speech by Vyatcheslav (Slava) Tetekin, 23 July 1997 Z7.7.2.8 National Institute for Public Interest Law and Research (NIPILAR) Z7. Booklet titled ‘Human rights protection. The African regional system’ by Arusha Makin Karim (published by NIPILAR, 1998) Z7.7.2.9 Western Cape Workers' College Z7. Ts letter from Pregs Govender, Western Cape Workers College, to RS inviting her to speak at the opening of the college, dated 25 July 1991; encloses cuttings related to the college Z7.7.3 Personalities Z7.7.3.1 Abrahams, Liz Z7. Clipping, Cape Argus 21 August 1995 Z7.7.3.2 Diedericks, L Z7. Partial transcript of an interview with Lilian Diedericks (1991) Z7.7.3.3 Kathe Kollwitz Z7. Text of speech delivered at exhibition of artist Kathe Kollwitz' work (anon., undated; circa 1995) Z7.7.3.4 Sisulu, W Z7. Speech by Walter Sisulu at the opening of an exhibition at Museum Africa (1996), forty years after the 1956 arrest of 156 people on charges of treason Z7.7.3.5 Tambo, O.R. Z7. Paper titled ‘Oliver Tambo: a reluctant president?’ by Dr Vladimir Shubin (International Conference on ‘Reflections on Leadership in Africa’, Dar es Salaam, 16-16 December 1997) Z7.7.3.6 Guevara, Che Z7. Tribute written by Phyllis Naidoo, 14 July 1997 Z7.7.3.7 Brink, John Z7. Ts eulogy for John Brink by Richard Buchhorne (1998) Z7.7.3.8 Castro, F Z7. Speech by Fidel Castro at the welcoming ceremony for Pope John Paul II, 21 January Z7.7.3.9 Mandela, N Z7. Ms translation of an Afrikaans document written by Nationalist spokespeople reflecting negotiations with Nelson Mandela regarding finding a constitutional solution to SA's problem (September 1989) Z7. Booklet titled ‘Parliament's tribute to Nelson Mandela, 26 March 1999’ Z7. Copy of a speech by Nelson Mandela at a farewell banquet in his honour, 16 June 1999 Z7. Clipping from The big issue (June 1999) regarding the retirement of Nelson Mandela Z7.7.3.10 Karis, T Z7. CV and report on visit to Cuba Z7.7.3.11 Mpetha, O Z7. Obituary (Sunday Times 20 November 1994) plus ms copy of eulogy by RS Z7.7.4 Women Z7.7.4.1 Resolutions of the Malibongwe Conference, Amsterdam, 13-18 January 1990 Z7.7.4.2 Opening address by RS at launch of ANCWL, Western Cape, 1990 Z7.8 Writings by JS and RS Z7.8.1 Ts piece titled ‘Joe Slovo's pamphlet and Jack Simons' response’ (15 January 1990); enclosed is a copy of the pamphlet Z7.8.2 Statement by RS and JS on their return to South Africa, dated 2 March 1990 Z7.8.3 Partial draft piece titled ‘Notes on the history of the South African Congress of Trade Unions’ dated 29 May 1990 Z7.8.4 Copy of ms notes for a speech by RS to the NUSAS 9th festival, 3-7 July 1990 Z7.8.5 Ts notes of a speech by RS to constitutional law students at UCT, 16 August 1990 Z7.8.6 Ms notes for a speech by RS on ‘The origins and growth of trade unionism in SA’ dated 23 August 1990 Z7.8.7 Paper by JS titled ‘From colonial capital to industrial capitalism in South Africa – a case study in development theory’ (Unisa, 20 September 1990) Z7.8.8 Ms notes for a speech dated 29 September 1990 Z7.8.9 Article jointly authored by RS and JS titled ‘The Communist Party's commitments’ (SASH September 1990) Z7.8.10 Ms notes reviewing Johnny Gomas: Voice of the working class by Doreen Musson, 15 October 1990 Z7.8.11 Ms notes reviewing aspects of Yours for the union by Baruch Hirson (1990) Z7.8.12 Ms notes for a speech to Jews for Justice, 25 March 1991 Z7.8.13 Ms notes from a speech by RS on the occasion of FAWU's 50th anniversary (1991) Z7.8.14 Ts copy of address by RS to FAWU Conference, 3-7 June 1991 Z7.8.15 Ms notes for a speech by RS titled ‘Building non-racialism on the shop floor’ (Wits Spring Festival, 15 September 1991) Z7.8.16 Ms notes for a speech titled ‘Women in the economic structure’ to be presented to the FAWU Women's Forum (undated, circa 1992) Z7.8.17 Ms notes for a speech on party organisation and campaigning, 7 March 1992 Z7.8.18 Ms notes for a speech titled ‘Women's role in the trade unions’ for International Women's Day, 8 March 1992 Z7.8.19 Ms notes for a lecture on race, class and nation building, UWC, 23 April 1993 Z7.8.20 Address by RS to graduands at University of Durban-Westville, 3 August 1996 Z7.8.21 Ts letter from Macmillan (London) to RS following the London launch of Struggles in Southern Africa dated 27 June 1997 Z7.8.22 Notes for a speech by RS to FAWU National Conference, July 1997 Z7.8.23 Programme for launch of Struggles in Southern Africa (22 August 1997) Z7.9 Writings by others Z7.9.1 Ts piece by Tanya Barben regarding the return of JS and RS, titled ‘Stay well, partner’ (undated, circa 1990) Z7.9.2 Ts report by Jeremy Cronin on the Ray Simons biography project, dated 25 August 1993 Z7.9.3 Copy of anthology of poetry ‘Saturday in Africa’ by Patricia Pinnock with a ms letter on the inside front cover to RS following the death of JS, signed ‘Patch’, dated July 1995 Z7.9.4 Photographic copies of a letter by Olive Schreiner to Dr Abdurahman, with a ms note to Hugh Macmillan dated 16 April 1999

Z8 2000S Z8.1 Correspondence Z8.1.1 Family correspondence Z8.1.1.1 Ts newsletter from Mary in Canada, dated 13 November 1981 Z8.1.2 Asmal, K Z8.1.2.1 Ts letter from Kader Asmal dated 26 September 2000 Z8.1.3 Macmillan, H Z8.1.3.1 E-mail from Hugh Macmillan to Tanya dated 13 June 2000 Z8.1.4 Hintze, A Z8.1.4.1 Ts fax from Almut Hintze, 1 March 2001 Z8.1.5 Kasrils, R Z8.1.5.1 Ms letter from Ronnie Kasrils dated 25 October 2002 Z8.1.6 Naidoo, P Z8.1.6.1 Ts letter from Phyllis Naidoo dated 30 October 2001 Z8.1.7 Shope, G Z8.1.7.1 Ts letter from Gertrude Shope dated 8 June 2001 Z8.1.7.2 Ts letter from Gertrude Shope dated 16 October 2001 Z8.1.8 Vidler, F Z8.1.8.1 Ms letter from Felicity Vidler dated 2 December 2001 Z8.1.9 Unknown correspondents Z8.1.9.1 Ms letter to RS from ‘Narai’ dated 4 January 2000 Z8.1.9.2 Ts letter from ‘Anna’ dated 31 October 2000 Z8.1.9.3 Ts letter from ‘Shehaan’ to RS dated 15 November 2001 Z8.1.9.4 E-mail from ‘Judy and Alec’ (undated, circa 2002) Z8.1.10 Berger, Iris Z8.1.10.1 Ts letter from Iris Berger dated 10 June 2002 Z8.2 Honours and awards Z8.2.1 One file of documents relating to civic honours bestowed on RS by the City of Cape Town (2000) Z8.2.2 Copy of covering letter from ANC Archives dated 29 October 2001 enclosing transcript of an interview done with RS as part of an oral history project conducted by the ANC and University of Connecticut Z8.2.3 Transcript of speeches made by Ronnie Kasrils, Pallo Jordan and Ben Turok at the launch of Comrade Jack (2002) Z8.3 Thematic documents Z8.3.1 Organisations, unions and political parties Z8.3.1.1 AFRA Z8. Newsletter: AFRA News (March 2001) Z8.3.1.2 Helen Suzman Foundation Z8. Focus March 2001 Z8.3.1.3 Robben Island Museum Z8. Newsletter Ilifa Labantu 5/1, September 2001 Z8.3.1.4 Rosenberg Fund Z8. Carry it Forward (, 2000) Z8.3.1.5 Women Living Under Muslim Law Z8. Newssheet 12/2, 2000 Z8. Newsletter 13/3, 2001 Z8.3.2 Personalities Z8.3.2.1 Aupa Frans Indongo Z8. Citation for honorary doctorate, University of Namibia, 2001 Z8.3.2.2 Kodesh, W Z8. Funeral service of Wolfie Kodesh Z8.3.3 Women Z8.3.3.1 Magazine: International Feminist Magazine 14 (Nov 2000-Apr 2001) Z8.3.3.2 Clipping from Sunday Tribune (5 August 2001) celebrating prominent South African women – Annie Silinga, Dulcie September, Ruth First and Poomoney Moodley Z8.3.3.3 Invitation to a conference ‘Celebrating Women in South Africa’ (2003)

Z9 Undated documents Z9.1 Correspondence Z9.1.1 One file of undated correspondence Z9.2 Biographical information Z9.2.1 One file of biographical documents, including birth certificates, CVs and interviews Z9.3 Thematic documents Z9.3.1 Organisations, unions and political parties Z9.3.1.1 African National Congress Z9. Draft ts discussion document titled ‘The NP pull-out of the Government of National Unity and its implication for the Eastern Cape’ (undated) Z9. Discussion document titled ‘Unbanning of ANC: Some strategic considerations’ (undated) Z9. Draft document titled ‘The Non-European Unity Movement in SA and its place in the political structure’ setting out the ANC's objections to the NEUM's application for recognition by the OAU (undated) Z9. Ts document titled ‘Notes on 'Strategies for change'' (undated) Z9. Collection of discussion papers on intensifying the struggle and other struggle- related topics (undated) Z9. Discussion document – ANC WL programme of action (undated) Z9.3.1.2 South African Communist Party Z9. Ts document titled ‘On the trade union movement in SA. Its role in the struggle for national democracy and for socialism’ (undated) Z9.3.1.3 South West Africa People’s Organisation Z9. Document titled ‘Bantustans in Namibia as viewed by SWAPO’ (undated) Z9.3.1.4 Food and Canning Workers’ Union/Food and Allied Workers’ Union Z9. Ts document titled ‘History of FAWU’ (anon., undated) Z9. Ts copy of FCWU Deed of Donation and Trust (undated) Z9. Ts notes on biographies of some individuals who played a part in the early history of FCWU (anon., undated) Z9. FAWU Constitution (undated) Z9. Ts transcript of interview with Liz Abrahams (undated) Z9. Ts document titled ‘Briefing on the current trends in the trade union movement at home’ (anon., undated) Z9.3.1.5 Red International of Labour Movements Z9. Booklet titled ‘Breaking through’ (published by RILU, undated) Z9.3.1.6 South African Congress of Trade Unions Z9. Transcript of an interview with a SACTU spokesman (undated) Z9. Document titled ‘SACTU appears on the scene’ (undated) Z9.3.1.7 United States Communist Party Z9. Masses and Mainstream April, May, June 1951 and June 1960 Z9.3.1.8 Solidarity News Service Z9. Press statement by Solidarity News Service regarding the death of Jeanette and Kathryn Schoon (undated) Z9.3.1.9 Nordiska Institute Z9. Brochure promoting the microfilmed Simons Papers (undated) Z9.3.1.10 The African-American Labour Centre Z9. Ts copy of paper titled ‘The African-American Labour Centre and their collaborators in South Africa’ (anon., undated) Z9.3.2 Lesotho Z9.3.2.1 Ts notes on the situation in Lesotho (anon., undated) Z9.3.3 Women Z9.3.3.1 Women's Voice (published by Natal Organisation of women; undated) Z9.3.3.2 Ts document titled ‘The history of the United Women's Organisation’ (undated) Z9.3.3.3 Poem on women of the world by Beulah E Richardson, New York (undated) Z9.3.3.4 Ts notes titled ‘Notes on the draft statement on women’ (anon., undated) Z9.3.3.5 Report titled ‘The annual report on mobilisation of women at home’ (anon., undated) Z9.3.3.6 Draft Women's Charter (undated) Z9.3.3.7 Notes for an address by RS on Women's Day (undated) Z9.3.3.8 Ts documents titled ‘Role of women’ (anon., undated) Z9.3.3.9 Ts document titled ‘The petition that the women took to Strydom’ (undated) Z9.3.4 Personalities Z9.3.4.1 Tambo, O.R. Z9. Photocopies of ms notes, identified by annotation as being by O.R. Tambo (undated) Z9.3.5 Socialism Z9.3.5.1 Photocopy of ts article titled ‘Socialism, the Church and religious tolerance’ (anon., undated) Z9.4 Writings by RS and JS Z9.4.1 Ts copy of article regarding Trade Union Council of South Africa (undated) Z9.4.2 Ts lecture notes titled ‘World History’ Z9.4.3 List of unpublished essays of JS (undated) Z9.4.4 Review by JS of Southern Africa in crisis by Carter and O'Meara and The tradition of resistance in Mozambique by Isaacman (source unknown, undated) Z9.4.5 Ms draft of article on May Day by RS [R.E. Matejo] (undated) Z9.4.6 Ms notes for a speech at the opening of a Readers' Club (library) (undated) Z9.4.7 Draft article titled ‘South Africa's working class’ (undated) Z9.4.8 Ts copy of piece titled ‘The struggle for trade union unity’ by RS [R-E. Matago] (undated) Z9.4.9 Ts paper titled ‘Democracy in trade union work’ (undated) Z9.4.10 Ts copy of piece on Aliens and Immigration Laws Amendment Act (undated) Z9.4.11 ‘Why I joined the Communist Party’ by RS writing as E.R. Braverman (AC) Z9.4.12 Untitled notes on trade unions in South Africa (undated lecture notes) Z9.4.13 Draft of paper titled ‘The Namibian challenge’ (undated) Z9.4.14 Article titled ‘Don't buy food produced by slaves!’ (publication unknown; undated) Z9.4.15 Carbon book of notes for union book Z9.5 Writings by others Z9.5.1 Ts book chapter titled ‘Chapter Four: Comrades Jack and Ray Simons’ (Hugh Macmillan, undated) Z9.5.2 Copy of ms notes of speech by Ike Horwitz remembering the (undated) Z9.5.3 Inventory of documents updating From Protest to Challenge

Z10 Photographs Three files of photographs including family, political and trade union figures, honours and awards, some press clippings

Z11 Drafts and transcripts Z11.1 Muff Anderson biography project Z11.1.1 Correspondence Z11.1.1.1 One file of correspondence between RS and Muff Anderson (1988-1992) Z11.1.2 Draft chapters Z11.2 Autobiography Z11.2.1 Transcripts of tapes Z11.2.1.1 Two files of taped interviews transcribed (1999) Z11.2.2 Draft chapters Z11.2.2.1 Five files of draft chapters Z11.2.2.2 Bound draft of entire book


Pamphlet Collection Film 1 Political parties Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: An African speaks By J E N Tchamase Year: 1945

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: 'n Afrikaner vertel waarom ek 'n Kommunis is deur Danie du Plessis Year: 1944

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Citizens' guide to municipal affairs Year: 1946

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Communism for South Africa by Sacks Year: 1942

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Communist Party policy on India by H.A.Naidoo Year: 1944

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Conscription of labour – Workers defend your liberties Year: n.d.

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Defend your trade unions – The menace of the I.C. (Native) Bill by Ray Alexander Year: 1947

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Food and the land by E.Roux Year: 1945

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Living Costs A Lot Year: n.d.

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Ma-Afrika Le Lehatshe ka M.N.Kotane Year: 1943

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Must We Fight Year: 1943

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: The Nats Exposed! Year: n.d.

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: New Homes For Old! Year: n.d.

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: A New Year's Message for South Africa 1941 Year: 1941

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: A New Year's Message for South Africa 1942 Year: 1942

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: The Non-Europeans and The Vote Year: 1946

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Organise a People's Front in South Africa Year: 1936

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Protect Cape Town! Year: 1942

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Put An End To This – We want a National Health Service Year: 1944

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Russia – Land Without Colour Bar – The race problem solved by M.S.Kruger Year: 1945

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Smuts, Malan and the Colour Bar Year: 1945

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Soviet Russia – Liberator of the Peoples Year: 1940

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: South Africa Can Be Safe from Invasion, An Analysis By "Strategist" Year: n.d.

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: The Starvation Line – Some facts you should know Year: 1942

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: They Marched to Victory – The Story of the Alexandra Bus Boycott Year: 1945

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: They served their country by A Scholtz Year: 1945

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Two faces – new light on Smuts and the United Party Year: n.d.

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Vereeniging – who is to blame: The Communist? The Police? The Liquor Barons? The Government? Year: n.d.

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Vorster's Nazi Law can never Destroy Communism Year: n.d.

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: We South Africans Year: 1943

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: What next – a Policy for South Africa Year: 1944

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Yeza ipickup van Year: 1944

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: 6 point communist programme Year: n.d.

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Education – The Communist Party and its programme Year: 1944

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Away Away with Passes – Free the Africans to build South Africa Year: 1944

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: The African Worker – Communists demand Trade Union rights for Africans Year: 1944

Author: COMMUNIST PARTY OF SA Title: Homes For All – Communists on the housing shortage Year: 1944

Author: SACP CENTRAL COMMITTEE Title: Are The Communist To Blame? A reply to warmongers Year: 1947

Author: SACP CENTRAL COMMITTEE Title: Bar The Road To Fascism! A call to the people of South Africa Year: 1948

Author: SACP CENTRAL COMMITTEE Title: A Call to Action! Workers and people of South Africa... Smash fascism now! Year: 1941

Author: SACP CENTRAL COMMITTEE Title: Dictatorship Threatens You! Stop Swart's Gestapo Bill! Year: 1950

Author: SACP CENTRAL COMMITTEE Title: Group Areas Bill – An Act Of Robbery! Year: 1950

Author: SACP CENTRAL COMMITTEE Title: Ilizwe Elingena Mvalo We Bala Year: n.d.

Author: SACP CENTRAL COMMITTEE Title: Facts about the Ghetto Act by Dr. Y.M.Dadoo Year: 1946

Author: SACP CENTRAL COMMITTEE Title: The Nat. Attack on the Trade Unions Year: n.d.

Author: SACP CENTRAL COMMITTEE Title: Sam Kahn speaks – the parliamentary record of South Africa’s first Communist M.P. Year: 1949

Author: SACP CENTRAL COMMITTEE Title: Trade unions and you by Ray Alexander Year: 1944

Author: SACP CENTRAL COMMITTEE Title: Trade Union democracy in Danger – Communist Party replies to Mr. Moore's accusations Year: n.d.

Author: CAPE TOWN DISTRICT COMMITTEE OF THE CPSA Title: Sitting on Top of the sorrowful world Year: n.d.

Author: CAPE TOWN DISTRICT COMMITTEE OF THE CPSA Title: They Fight for Trade Union Rights! The case for the recognition of African Trade Unions Year: 1943

Author: CAPE TOWN DISTRICT COMMITTEE OF THE CPSA Title: Meet the Communists Year: n.d.


Author: JOHANNESBURG DISTRICT COMMITTEE OF THE CPSA Title: Die Boer en die Kapitalis Year: n.d.

Author: JOHANNESBURG DISTRICT COMMITTEE OF THE CPSA Title: C.P.S. The Air Raid Danger – What has to be done (Civilian Protection Services) Year: n.d.

Author: JOHANNESBURG DISTRICT COMMITTEE OF THE CPSA Title: Kommunisme en die Afrikaner Year: n.d.

Author: JOHANNESBURG DISTRICT COMMITTEE OF THE CPSA Title: Malanazi menace Year: n.d.

Author: JOHANNESBURG DISTRICT COMMITTEE OF THE CPSA Title: The pass laws and you Year: n.d.


Author: JOHANNESBURG DISTRICT COMMITTEE OF THE CPSA Title: Werkers en bywoners Year: n.d.

Author: JOHANNESBURG DISTRICT COMMITTEE OF THE CPSA Title: 10 000 000 for freedom Year: n.d.

Author: PRETORIA DISTRICT COMMITTEE OF THE CPSA Title: "Hampering The War Effort" – An examination of industrial struggles in war times Year: n.d.

Author: YOUNG COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF SA Title: Youth in a new world Year: 1945

Author: DOMINION PARTY OF SA Title: Empire Unity – with a brief account of the objects and work of the Dominion Party of South Africa by C.W.A. Coulter Year: 1942

Author: HERENIGDE NASIONALE PARTY Title: Segregasiebeleid – Werkers en Werksters! Year: 1944

Author: HERENIGDE NASIONALE PARTY Title: Die Republikeinse Orde Year: 1941

Author: HERENIGDE NASIONALE PARTY Title: Ons Party en die A.B.-Samewerking Misluk Year: 1940

Author: HERENIGDE NASIONALE PARTY Title: Nasionale Party Se Kleurbeleid – Handhawing van Blanke Ras as hoogste taak Year: 1948

Author: HERENIGDE NASIONALE PARTY Title: Apartheid and guardianship Year: 1948

Author: LIBERAL PARTY OF SOUTH AFRICA Title: Blueprint for Bondage – South Africa's Bantu in European Areas Bill Year: n.d.

Author: LIBERAL PARTY OF SOUTH AFRICA Title: Co-operation or chaos Year: n.d.

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: Advent of the Republic Year: 1960

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: Africa for the Africanders Year: 1920

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: Apartheid – Is beloftes Uitgevoer – ja, ja, ja Year: 1957

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: 'n Verduideliking van Apartheid Year: 1954

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: "Bring bymekaar war deur innerlike oortuiging bymekaarhoort" Year: 1954

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: Common ground for National Unity Year: 1950

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: For Their Sake... Vote for Apartheid vote National Year: 1953

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: Fruits of the National Regime – 1948-1966 Year: 1966

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: Die feite – Antwoorde op SAP-stories Year: 1956

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: Die Groot Beslissing – Die Afrikanerdom en die Kleurvraagstuk Year: 1938

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: Intergrasie Year: 1954

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: The Menace! Year: 1953

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: Naturelle – Onderwys Year: 1954

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: Campaign of slander and vilification Year: 1952

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: Democracy in danger! Year: 195?

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: The road to a new South Africa Year: 1948

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: The Senate Bill – 1955 Year: 1955

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: Separate Development "Apartheid" – Have promises been kept? Yes, yes, yes. Year: 195?

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: 1957 Volksdiens – Landsdiens – Pragtige Prestasie Year: 1957

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: Verdeeldheid in Afrikanergeledere Year: 1945

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: Vrugte van die Nasionale bewind Year: 1953

Author: NATIONAL PARTY Title: Die Werker se Ware Vriend – die Nasionale Party Year: 195?

Author: National Party (Greyshirts) Title: Programme of principles Year: 1936

Author: PROGRESSIVE PARTY OF SOUTH AFRICA Title: Betrayal of Coloured rights Year: 1968

Author: PROGRESSIVE PARTY OF SOUTH AFRICA Title: If you were born between 1948 and 1953 ... This is your age! Year: 1970

Author: PROGRESSIVE PARTY OF SOUTH AFRICA Title: The Progressive answer Year: n.d.

Author: PROGRESSIVE PARTY OF SOUTH AFRICA Title: Safeguard your future Year: 1964

Author: PROGRESSIVE PARTY OF SOUTH AFRICA Title: The real meaning of the Bantu Amendment Bill Year: n.d.

Author: PROGRESSIVE PARTY OF SOUTH AFRICA Title: Shares or shambles! – Aspects of the policy of the Progressive party Year: n.d.

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN LABOUR PARTY Title: The case against reduction of White wages on the mines Year: 1930

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN LABOUR PARTY Title: The freedom and dignity of the Individual Year: n.d.

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN LABOUR PARTY Title: Labour stands for bread and butter politics Year: 1938

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN LABOUR PARTY Title: The Labour Party's duty in the war – a reply to the "See it through" policy Year: 1915

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN LABOUR PARTY Title: Never Again! Year: 191?

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN LABOUR PARTY Title: Why the Labour Party? Year: 1945

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: Dr. Malan se Kleurbeleid Year: 1953

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: The Freedom and Dignity of the Individual Year: n.d.

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: A grave miscarriage of justice Year: 1953

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: The Nationalist Party's Great Political Fraud Year: 194?

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: The new Indian legislation – How it affects the Europeans and the Indians Year: 194?

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: The law of our fathers Year: 195?

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: Meet the Nationalist Party – A guide to purified nationalism Year: 194?

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: Nationalist Party policies? A series of extracts from the speeches of its leaders Year: 194?

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: The Native and Coloured Peoples Policy of the United Party Year: n.d.

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: The Native and Coloured Peoples Policy of the United Party Year: 1954

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: The Native Policy of the United Party Year: 1959

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: The Policy of The United Party Year: n.d.

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: Sir de Villiers Graaff explains his policy for ordered advance Year: 1960

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: South African “nationalism”: its black record in the 1939 war Year: 1945

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: South African "Nationalism" Year: n.d.

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: Together We Grow – The policy of the United Party Year: n.d.

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: The United Party in the Present Crisis – an alternative government for racial peace, international goodwill and prosperity Year: 1960

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: The United Party – its re-statement of policy Year: 1949

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: The United Party, the Natives and the Coloured people Year: n.d.

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: A united South African Nation Year: n.d.

Author: United Party of South Africa Title: Workers Charter – The United Party's guarantee to the workers of South Africa Year: 1952

Trade unions Author: AGRICULTURAL WORKERS' FEDERATION Title: They grow your sugar Year: 1946

Author: CAPE WORKERS COUNCIL Title: We don't want apartheid in the trade union movement Year: 1959

Author: TRADE UNION COUNCIL OF ACTION Title: Trade union rally and pageant for a living wage Year: 1940

Author: TRADE UNION UNITY COMMITTEE Title: Fellow trade unionist, What does the Industrial Conciliation Bill mean to you? – Security or Catastrophe? Year: 1954

Author: COUNCIL OF NON-EUROPEAN TRADE UNIONS Title: Road to higher wages – better conditions Year: n.d.

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS (SACTU) Title: R2 a day minimum wage Year: 1963

Author: SACTU Title: Working men and women – Unite to stop the slave labour bill – Industrial Conciliation Bill! Year: n.d.

Author: SACTU Title: A Trade Union Guide for South African Workers – by Alex Hepple Year: 1957

Author: SACTU Title: Land and Labour in South Africa Year: 1978

Author: SACTU Title: Know the past: houses for L4 19. 5 per week Year: 1956

Author: SACTU Title: Every Worker Must Ask -"Which course has my union followed" Year: n.d.

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL Title: Does Your Liberty Means Nothing to You? Year: 1935

Author: CENTRAL STRIKE COMMITTEE OF THE BUILDING TRADE UNIONS Title: We Build Your Houses for L4 19.5 per week. Year: 1946

Author: FOOD AND CANNING WORKERS' UNION Title: New life Year: 1950

Author: FOOD CANNING AND ALLIED WORKERS UNION Title: The food we eat – Some sensational disclosures Year: 1941

Author: NON-EUROPEAN AND HARBOUR WORKERS Title: The Answer is No! Year: 1944

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN RAILWAY & HARBOUR WORKERS' UNION Title: We Want to Live! Year: n.d.

Author: TEXTILE WORKERS' INDUSTRIAL UNION AND OTHER UNIONS Title: Facts and Your Trade Union Year: 1950

Author: TOBACCO WORKERS UNION Title: Tobacco Workers Appeal to the Mineworkers Year: 1940

Author: TRAMWAY AND OMNIBUS WORKERS' UNION (CAPE) Title: The case for the men – why the Road Passenger Transport Workers demand an immediate wage increase Year: 193?

Author: MEMBERS OF W.P.BUILDING, ELECTRICAL AND ALLIED TRADE UNION Title: Open letter to all members – Know the truth Year: 1956

Extra-parliamentary organizations Author: THE NATIONAL JOINT COMMITTEES Title: The Trade Union Movement in South Africa. During the years following inception Year: 1939

Author: NATAL INDIAN ASSOCIATION Title: Statement of The Nationalist Block of The Natal Indian Association Year: 1940

Author: NATAL INDIAN CONGRESS Title: Why Another Political Body? Year: n.d.

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN INDIAN CONGRESS Title: Onward to Freedom – A Call To The People Of South Africa by Dr. Dadoo Year: 1952

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN COLOURED PEOPLES CONGRESS Title: Let us defend our homes!! Year: 1958

Author: AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS Title: African National Congress Handbook Year: 1958

Author: AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS Title: Our Chief Speaks Year: 1952

Author: NON-EUROPEAN UNITED FRONT Title: Statement of Dr. Y.M. Dadoo before the court on Friday 6 September 1940 Year: 1940

Author: NON-EUROPEAN UNITY MOVEMENT Title: The boycott as weapon of struggle by I.B. Tabata Year: 1952

Author: NON-EUROPEAN UNITY MOVEMENT Title: The Pan African Congress Venture In Retrospect Year: 1960

Author: NON-EUROPEAN UNITY MOVEMENT Title: To the People of Natal – Race riots and the nation Year: 1952

Author: NON-EUROPEAN UNITY MOVEMENT Title: What has happened in the Non-European Unity Movement? Year: 1959

Author: NON-EUROPEAN UNITED FRONT Title: Who Caused The Riots? Mass Assaults on Non-Europeans – Brutal attacks at Stellenbosch Year: 1940

Author: ALL AFRICAN CONVENTION Title: The Rehabilitation Scheme "The New Fraud" by I.B. Tabata Year: 1945

Author: ALL AFRICAN CONVENTION Title: Self Rule In The Transkei – A Monstrous Fraud Year: 1962

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF DEMOCRATS Title: Are You Still Eating Potatoes? Year: n.d.

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF DEMOCRATS Title: Banishment by decree Year: n.d.

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF DEMOCRATS Title: Batustan bluff Year: n.d.

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF DEMOCRATS Title: Educating for ignorance – The South African Congress of Democrats' view of the Bantu Education Act Year: 195?

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF DEMOCRATS Title: Face the Future Year: 1960

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF DEMOCRATS Title: National Crisis In Pondoland Year: n.d.

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF DEMOCRATS Title: Stop slave Labour Bill – An exposure of the draft bill to amend the Industrial Conciliation Act Year: 1954

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF DEMOCRATS Title: The threatened peoples Year: 195?

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF DEMOCRATS Title: The Real choice before White South Africa – to fight and lose or to negotiate and live in Peace Year: n.d.

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF DEMOCRATS Title: South Africa's Propaganda Schools: An urgent warning to parents Year: n.d.

Author: AFRIKA PUBLICATIONS Title: South Africa's Treason Trial Year: 1957

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN COLOURED PEOPLES CONGRESS Title: Alliance for Freedom – For the unity of the coloured people with all the oppressed people in South Africa Year: 196?

Author: CAPE PASSIVE RESISTANCE COUNCIL Title: Resist... Indian ghetto act Year: n.d.

Author: JOINT PASSIVE RESISTANCE COUNCIL Title: 5 Months of Struggle Year: 1946

Author: FEDSAW AND ANC WOMEN'S LEAGUE Title: Women in Chains Year: 1956

Institutes, agencies, cultural organizations Author: ALGEMEEN NEDERLANDSCH VERBOND Title: Toespraak van Generaal J.B.M.Hertzog te Potchefstroom Year: 1911

Author: ALL-IN-AFRICAN NATIONAL COUNCIL Title: People of South Africa – Citizens of all races Year: 1960

Author: ASSOCIATION FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF WAGES OF BANTU WORKERS Title: Poverty Wages by Alex Hepple Year: 1959

Author: BREE KERKLIKE KOMITEE Title: Blank Suid-Afrika Red Uself!! Year: 1945

Author: CAMPAIGN FOR RIGHTS AND JUSTICE Title: Against Fascism Year: 1944

Author: CAMPAIGN FOR RIGHTS AND JUSTICE Title: The Shape of the Future Year: n.d.

Author: CHRISTEN-STUDENTEVEREENIGINGMAATSKAPPY VAN SUID-AFRIKA Title: Ons rassevraagstuk, die wereldmening en ons toekoms Year: 1955

Author: CIVIL RIGHT LEAGUE Title: What is the Civil Rights League Year: 1958

Author: COUNCIL FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Title: Asiatic Land Tenure and Indian Representation Act Year: n.d.

Author: DEMOCRATIC LEGUE Title: Rule By Sjambok – An explanation of the Public Safety Act and the Criminal Law Amendment Act Year: 1953

Author: THE EDUCATION LEAGUE Title: Blueprint for Blackout Year: n.d.

Author: THE EDUCATION LEAGUE Title: The 13th Step? Year: 1961

Author: FREEDOM OF PRESS COMMITTEE Title: "Press freedom is the lifeblood of democracy" Year: 1952

Author: FRIENDS OF CHINA SOCIETY Title: New Life in China by Ruth First Year: 1955

Author: FRIENDS OF THE SOVIET UNION Title: Russia – our ally Year: n.d.

Author: JOHANNESBURG JOINT COUNCIL OF EUROPEANS AND NATIVES Title: The native in industry Year: 1925

Author: JOINT COUNCIL FOR EUROPEANS AND NATIVES Title: Who Pays For Bantu Progress? Year: 1941

Author: LEGION OF FRONTIERMEN Title: The Legion of Frontiermen Year: n.d.

Author: LIGA VIR DIE INSTANDHOU VAN VOLKSREGERING Title: Die Nazi Internasionaal – Suid-Afrika en Duitse Imperialisme Year: 1939

Author: LIGA VIR DIE INSTANDHOU VAN VOLKSREGERING Title: Vakunies en die Afrikaanse Werkers Year: n.d.

Author: NATIONAL LIBERATION LEAGUE OF SOUTH AFRICA Title: Cape Town: City of rich and poor by Mrs Z. Gool Year: n.d.

Author: NATIONAL LIBERATION LEAGUE OF SOUTH AFRICA Title: Memorandum of the General Council – The National Liberation League of South African on the Policy of "Lower Wages for Coloured Artisans” Year: n.d.

Author: NON-RACIAL FRANCHISE ASSOCIATION Title: The Native Franchise Question Year: 1930

Author: THE PROGRESSIVE FORUM Title: Human Culture and Bantu Education Year: 1954

Author: NED. GEREF. KERK, OVS Title: Die Rassevraagstuk en die Toekoms Van Die Blankes In Suid-Afrika Year: n.d.

Author: DIE REDDINGSDAADBOND Title: Die Reddingsdaadstrewe Year: 1939

Author: DIE REDDINGSDAADBOND Title: Reddingsdaad en Volkopbou Year: 1941

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN BUREAU OF RACIAL AFFAIRS Title: The Native in the Western Cape by Dr.W.W.M.Eiselen Year: 1955

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS Title: Africans and the police by Julius Lewin Year: 1941

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS Title: Disabilities of The Native In The Union Of South Africa by H.J.Simons Year: 1939

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS Title: How to Get Higher Wages by A. Lynn Saffery Year: 1941

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS Title: Our Indian People – "Where no one knows, who can be wise?" Year: n.d.

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS Title: The Western Areas – mass removals? Year: n.d.

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS Title: White civilisation by Dr. E. E. Harris Year: n.d.

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN LAND VALUES LEAGUE Title: Robbed through the rates Year: n.d.


Author: SOUTH AFRICAN PEACE COUNCIL Title: Soon the jackboots will be marching again... Year: 1954

Author: SOUTH AFRICAN SOCIETY FOR PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP Title: Life is more joyous by Brain Bunting Year: 1954

Author: SA VRIENDE VAN DIE SOWJET-UNIE Title: Afrikaanse volkleiers oor die Sowjet-stelsel Year: 1936

Author: DIE SUID-AFRIKAANSE VRYHEIDPERS Title: Waarheen Gaan Suid-Afrika? The crisis call from the Springbok Legion Year: n.d.

Author: SPRINGBOK LEGION Title: Action stations! A crisis call! Year: 1952

Author: SPRINGBOK LEGION Title: "D"-day for democracy – another crisis call Year: n.d.

Author: SPRINGBOK LEGION Title: No. 9 Pill Year: 1941

Author: SPRINGBOK LEGION Title: Services Security Code – The basic and minimum demands for security Year: n.d.

Author: SPRINGBOK LEGION Title: Soldiers attitude to liberty cavalcade Year: n.d.

Author: TORCH COMMANDO, SOMERSET WEST Title: Constitutional Crisis Year: 1952

Author: UNITED MAY DAY COMMITTEE Title: May Day ... Day of Labour Solidarity Year: 1937

Author: VELDTOG VIR REG EN GEREGTIGHEID Title: Vir gesondheid en wysheid, regverdige pryse en ordentlike lone, ons land en vooruitgang teen hunger en siektes, onkunde en ongeleerdheid, rassehaat en anargie Year: n.d.

Author: DIE WARE REPUBLIKEIN Title: Die Afrikaner En Britse Imperialisme deur Franz Boshoff Year: n.d.

Individual South African authors Author: PETER ABRAHAMS Title: A black man speaks of freedom Year: n.d.

Author: P.S AIYAR Title: Conflict of races in South Africa: Long range segregation programme Year: 1946

Author: W.H.ANDREWS Title: Class struggles in South Africa Year: 1941

Author: W.H.ANDREWS Title: The Communists’ reply Year: 1947

Author: REV. RAMSDEN BALMFORTH Title: Unjust economies – and how their enforcement is affecting the life of the sick, the poor, and the aged of South Africa Year: 1923

Author: BUNTING, BRIAN Title: Who runs our newspapers? The story behind the Non-European press Year: 1959

Author: BUNTING, S.P. Title: An African prospect – and appeal to young Africa – East, West, Central, South Year: 1933

Author: PROF.A.C.CILLIERS Title: Die stryd om volkseenheid Year: 1941

Author: JAMESON GILBERT COKA Title: "Friends or foes?" – The cry of Black Africa Year: n.d.

Author: FINDLAY, GEORGE Title: Communist practice and theory Year: 1944

Author: FINDLAY, JOAN Title: A reader for Africans Year: 1939

Author: FIRST, RUTH Title: Exposure! – The farm labour scandal Year: 1959

Author: FORMAN, LIONEL Title: Chapters in the history of the march to freedom Year: 1959

Author: PROF. J.L.GRAY Title: The Jew in the economic life of South Africa Year: n.d.

Author: HAARHOF, T.J. Title: Waarom nie vriende wees nie? – Natuurlike apartheid en natuurlike vriendelikheid in Suid-Afrika Year: n.d.

Author: WILFRED H.HARRISON Title: Socialism will end poverty and war Year: n.d.

Author: WILFRED H.HARRISON Title: What's up with the movement? Year: 1912

Author: HEPPLE, ALEX Title: Trade union in travail Year: 1954

Author: DAVID IVON JONES Title: Communism in South Africa Year: 1921

Author: DR. ABR.H. JONKER Title: The Nazi within or foe? Year: 1943

Author: KOTANE, MOSES Title: The great crisis ahead – a call to unity Year: n.d.

Author: KOTANE, MOSES Title: Japan – friend or foe? Year: 1942

Author: KOTANE, MOSES Title: South Africa's way forward Year: 1954

Author: JULIUS LEWIN Title: The rise of Congress in South Africa Year: 1953

Author: F.A.W.LUCASE Title: ‘n Praktiese ekonomiese program om armoede uit to roei Year: 1935

Author: M.P.A. MALAN Title: South Africa and Commonwealth preferences Year: 1960

Author: DR.E.G.MALHERBE Title: Die outonomie van ons universiteite en apartheid Year: 1957

Author: J.M.MOHAPELOA Title: Africans and their chiefs Year: 1945

Author: ALAN PATON Title: The people wept ... The story of the Group Areas Year: 195?

Author: H.J.POUTSMA Title: Which party? The need of a national party Year: 1915

Author: GEORGE SINGH Title: The Asiatic Act. The Asiatic Land Tenure and Indian Representation Act of South Africa Year: 1946

Author: I.B.TABATA Title: Education for barbarism Year: 1959

Author: I.B.TABATA Title: Letter to Mandela on the problem of the organisational unity in South Africa Year: 1948

Author: Ben Turok Title: The Pondo revolt Year: 1960

Author: M.J.VAN DEN BERG Title: A republic for South Africa Year: n.d.

Author: A.B.XUMA Title: Kaffir beer Year: n.d.

Author: C.ZIERVOGEL Title: Know this, brown South Africa Year: n.d.

Author: 3513/6354 Title: Prisons and prisoners in South Africa Year: 1946

Author: Lionel Forman Title: Black and White in South African history Year: n.d.

Author: A.B. XUMA Title: Bridging the gap between white and black in South Africa Year: 1930

Author: NELSON MANDELA Title: I accuse! Speeches to court Year: 1962

Author: JEAN VAN DER POEL Title: Education and the native Year: 1934

Author: AFRIKA PUBLICATIONS Title: Man of the people. Chief A.J.Lutuli – African patriot – world statesman Year: n.d.

Author: TRADE UNION AND LABOUR PARTY Title: Our common enemy – A warning to South-African workers Year: n.d.

Author: NATIONAL PARTY OF SOUTH AFRICA Title: The UP produces a Workers' Charter. Election promises – are they worth anything? Year: n.d.

Author: NATIONAL PARTY OF SOUTH AFRICA Title: United Party's political plan for Natives and Indians Year: 195?

Author: Title: What I did was right. Statement from the dock. Year: 1966

Author: UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA Title: What do you think? Year: 1944

Film 2 Langa social survey (access restricted) 3.1.1 LANGA SOCIAL SURVEY. PLANNING, ADMINISTRATION Outline of planned survey (incl. linguistic survey); correspondence; progress reports; expenditure; interdepartmental committee of inquiry into the conditions of natives in urban areas VOLUME: 30 PERIOD: 1937-1941; 1949 3.1.2 UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN HOUSEHOLD SURVEY Cards relating to Langa; Sample card, instructions to investigators; circular to householders; miscellaneous other surveys - odd items VOLUME: 16 PERIOD: 1939; 147 3.1.3 DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION AND HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Langa community - people, origin, employment, housing, trade; 1936 and 1938 census; historical background; local government; J. Simons' notes from research in South African Public Library (not MF) VOLUME: 20 PERIOD: n.d.; 1937-38 3.1.4 CITY OF CAPE TOWN Regulations re terms under which Langa falls under C.T. municipality; statement by Superintendent; Govt. Gazette, 1931 (not MF); City of Cape Town reply to question on urban area; extracts from City Engineer's reports, etc. VOLUME: 11 PERIOD: n.d; 1923-1938; 1945 3.1.4 CITY OF CAPE TOWN (CONT.) C.T. City Council - resolutions to be moved; Native Affairs Committee - reports, replies; financial statistics; Native Affairs Committee – estimates of revenue; Medical Officer of Health reports, evidence VOLUME: 17 PERIOD: 1931-1947 3.1.5 REGISTRATION OF MALE NATIVES Historical background; registration regulations in C.T.; miscellaneous documents referring to registration and restriction of entry into C.T.; schedule of workers on service contracts VOLUME: 21 PERIOD: 1931-156 3.1.6 EDUCATION List of schools; essays by Langa school children VOLUME: 50 PERIOD: n.d.; 1940 3.1.7 HEALTH

2 Copied references from Medical Officer's reports; Cape nutrition survey - list of pupils examined & corr.; lists of new admissions to clinic; misc. odd documents VOLUME: 15 PERIOD: 1903-1927; 1938-40; 45; 60 3.1.8 HOUSING City of Cape Town vol. of corr. relating to land surveys and erection of buildings, Langa; rentals with test case; papers on segregation and housing, home ownership schemes; misc. documents on housing, incl. lists on fowl runs VOLUME 19 PERIOD: n.d.; 1923-1935; 1941-1951 FIELD WORKER'S REPORT. J. SIMON'S QUESTIONS SET FOR FIELDWORKERS MS numbered questions VOLUME: 6 sets PERIOD: n.d.; 1941 FIELDWORKER'S REPORTS. MS AFRIKAANS Dec.1939-Febr.1940; LI V/40 May 1940; N111/40 May-Sept.1940 VOLUME: 6 PERIOD: 1939-1940 FIELDWORKER'S REPORTS. MAINLY TS ENGLISH Short MS on various subjects; March-Nov,1940; LV/40 Aug.-Oct.1940 VOLUME: 9 PERIOD: 1940 FIELDWORKER'S REPORTS. TS ENGLISH SI11/41 - SX/41 Jan.-Dec.1941; SV/41 Initiation - Boys; MS Umgayo Kwa Langa 19.Dec. 1941 VOLUME: 11 PERIOD: 1941 FIELDWORKER'S REPORT. TS AFRIKAANS NO-40 June 1941; NOVI-Vlll/41 Aug.,Sept. 1941; NOX1/41 VOLUME: 9 PERIOD: 1941 FIELDWORKER'S REPORT. TS ENGLISH S1/42 Jan.,Febr. 1942; SWIII/42 March 1942 VOLUME: 3 PERIOD: 1942 FIELDWORKER'S REPORT. MS AND TS ENGLISH. LANGA AT LEISURE Dan Kunene, Dec.1950-Febr.1951; D. Kunene essay on Langa; J. Simons' comments and correspondence VOLUME: 19 PERIOD: 1950-1951 3.1.10 LANGA ADVISORY BOARD AND LOCATION ADVISORY BOARDS’ CONGRESS J. Simon’s notes; corr. with various authorities; notices of meetings and agendas; annual report, resolutions etc.; memoranda. Location Advisory Boards' Congress – notices of motions and resolutions; agenda VOLUME: 25+7 PERIOD: n.d., 1940-1946 3.1.11 LANGA VIGILANTE ASSOCIATION Constitution; lists of office bearers; corr.; memoranda and report VOLUME: 13 PERIOD: 1940, 42, 47 3.1.12 LANGA ADVISORY BOARD AND LANGA VIGILANTE COMMITTEE Minute book of joint meetings; special meetings; reports (in Xhosa) with translation of some meetings); Joint Vigilante Association et al. Reports and minutes of meetings. VOLUME: 5 PERIOD: 1930; 1940-44 3.1.13 LANGA BEERHALL ISSUE City of Cape Town report of "Municipal manufacture and sale of Kaffir Beer"; reports and resolutions from mass meetings; statements and memoranda; letters to the press; corr.; etc. VOLUME: 15 PERIOD: n.d; 1938; 1940; 1954 3.1.14 LANGA CHURCHES List of churches in Langa; Bantu Presbyterian Church of South Africa - correspondence, statistics and 2 chapters on the history of the church VOLUME: 6 PERIOD: n.d; 1939; 1942 3.1.15 LANGA ASSOCIATIONS Minutes of meetings; memoranda and statements; correspondence etc VOLUME: 19 PERIOD: 1935-1938; 1940-1948; n.d 3.1.16 LANGA. CORRESPONDENCE Letters written by inhabitants in Langa; letters in Xhosa from other areas in translation VOLUME: 25 PERIOD: 1932; 1939-41; 1946; 1960 3.1.17 LANGA. SOCIAL GATHERINGS Invitations, programs. VOLUME: 24 PERIOD: 1935-1946;1950

Films 3, 4, and 5 Labour

WAGE BOARDS WAGE BOARDS Reports and recommendations to the Minister of Labour, minutes VOLUME: 16 documents REMARKS: The last document incomplete PERIOD: 1940-1959 WAGE BOARDS Reports and recommendations to the Minister of Labour on the Fish processing industry, fruit and vegetable industry and the clothing industry VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: 1956-1968 4.1.2 INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL Reports to the Minister of Labour, memorandum submitted to Industrial Tribunal VOLUME: 5 documents PERIOD: 1957-1962 4.1.3 ADVISORY COUNCIL OF LABOUR Notice of meeting, recommendation, memoranda, draft bills, minutes VOLUME: 8 documents PERIOD: 1940 4.1.4 INDUSTRIAL LEGISLATION COMMISSION Memoranda, correspondence, questionnaire and replies to questionnaire and transcripts of evidence VOLUME: 10 documents PERIOD: 1934 and 1949 4.1.5 CONFERENCE CALLED BY MINISTER OF LABOUR, 27 OCTOBER 1943, PRETORIA Memoranda and minutes of the conference. VOLUME: 7 documents PERIOD: 1943 1.1.6 INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL INVESTIGATION-WESTERN CAPE INDUSTRIES Reports and questionnaires. VOLUME: 2 documents REMARKS: 1 p. missing PERIOD: ND; 1960 4.1.7 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Memoranda, reports, minutes, findings and recommendations, schedules VOLUME: 11 documents PERIOD: 1938-1960 and n.d.

SEMI-GOVERNMENT BODIES 4.2 EMPLOYERS AND SEMI-GOVERNMENT BODIES Minutes of meetings, report, agreements, draft research findings. VOLUME: 16 documents REMARKS: Dates not complete PERIOD: 1937-1978 and n.d.

TRADE UNIONS-GENERAL 4.3.1 TRADE UNOINS-GENERAL Lists of unions and membership statistics. VOLUME: 8 documents PERIOD: 1952-1981 4.3.2 INTERVIEWS AND INDUSTRIAL STATISTICS Transcripts of interviews with various trade unionists, Ray Simons and statistics of labour force in various industries VOLUME: 10 documents PERIOD: 1957-1961 4.3.3 RALLIES Posters, leaflets and press cuttings VOLUME: 6 documents REMARKS: 2 of the documents are big posters and press cuttings not MF PERIOD: 1937-1941 4.3.4 STRIKES Reports, statements, leaflets and newsletters. VOLUME: 16 Documents PERIOD: 1913-1980 4.3.5 INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT Declarations, speeches, resolutions, reports, questionnaire, etc. VOLUME: 18 documents PERIOD: ND; 1965-1987 4.3.6 MISCELLANEOUS New Labour Relations Act, memoranda, report, minutes of liaison committee, education material, etc. VOLUME: 19 documents PERIOD: 1941-1983

LABOUR FEDERATIONS 4.4.1 CAPE FEDERATION OF LABOUR UNIONS (EST. 1913) Correspondence, circulars, minutes, (annual) reports, conference reports, newsletters and memoranda. VOLUME: 26 Documents REMARKS: Printed matter not MF. Some documents badly spoilt PERIOD: 1928- 1953 4.4.2 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION CONGRESS Annual report and balance sheet, minutes, correspondence, policy document on affiliation of unions. VOLUME: 6 documents PERIOD: 1926-1931 4 4.3 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION CO-ORDINATING COMMITTEE Correspondence and draft constitution VOLUME: 101 documents PERIOD: 1927-1930 4.4.4 JOINT COUNIL OF NON-EUROPEAN TRADE UNIONS Membership list, draft constitution, correspondence, annual report, resolutions, news cutting, leaflet. VOLUME: 10 documents PERIOD: 1941-1953 4.4.5 BLANKE WERKERS FEDERASIE Statement VOLUME: 1 Document PERIOD: 7 June 1947 4.4.6 CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL FOR FOOD AND ALLIED UNIONS Draft Constitution VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD; n.d. 4.4.7 CONGRESS OF SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNIONS (COSATU) Minutes of executive committee VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 22/03/1988 4.4.8 FEDERATION OF SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNIONS (FOSATU) Keynote address, minutes, circular, evaluation paper of Fosatu. VOLUME: 3 documents REMARKS: Secretarial report has a bad print PERIOD: ND; 1980-1982 4.4.9 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF BLACK WORKERS (SA) Resolution of Durban and Empangeni branch meeting in Durban, 30 August. VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1980 4.4.10 SOUTH AFRICAN FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS Minutes of meeting 13 August, Johannesburg. Minutes of meeting, 29 October, Johannesburg. VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1951-1952 4.4.11 W.P. FEDERATION OF LABOUR UNIONS Conference report, opening address, leaflet. VOLUME: 5 documents PERIOD: 1943-1954

UNITY EFFORTS TRADE UNIONS-UNITY COMMITTEE 1954 Agenda, minutes, standing orders, draft constitution, opening address, financial statement, press statement, report, memorandum. VOLUME: 10 documents PERIOD: 1954 UNITY EFFORTS-ALL-IN CONFERENCE OF TRADE UNIONS Resolutions, minutes, chairman's opening address, constitution. VOLUME: 12 documents PERIOD: 1927; 1930; 1952 UNITY EFFORTS-NATIONAL JOINT COMMITTEE Minutes, correspondence, memoranda, reports, document on South African trade union movement. VOLUME: 54 documents REMARKS: Some printed matter not MF PERIOD: 1938-1942

SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL SOUTH AFRICA TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – CONSTITUTION Constitution and amendments VOLUME: 16 documents REMARKS: Dates not complete. PERIOD ND; 1904-1949 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – AFFILIATED MEMBERSHIP Affiliated membership lists, credentials, list of NEC. VOLUME: 5 documents REMARKS: Not complete PERIOD: ND; 1946-1950 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – LOCAL COMMITTEES Regional constitution and by-laws. Reports, memorandum, circular and leaflets. VOLUME: 7 documents REMARKS: Not complete PERIOD: ND; 1937-1950 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Minutes VOLUME: 16 documents REMARKS: Not complete PERIOD: ND; 1930-1946 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Minutes of ordinary and special meetings. VOLUME: 16 documents PERIOD: 1949 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Minutes of ordinary monthly meetings and special meetings. VOLUME: 25 documents PERIOD: 1950 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Minutes of ordinary, special and adjourned meetings. VOLUME: 22 documents PERIOD: 1951 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Minutes of ordinary, adjourned and special meetings. VOLUME: 17 documents PERIOD: ND; 1952-1954 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – SUB COMMITTEES Minutes. Other committees reports to NEC. VOLUME: 13 documents REMARKS: Not complete PERIOD: 1931-1952 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – JOINT SECRETARIAT Reports VOLUME: 12 documents PERIOD: 1951-1953 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – CORRESPONDENCE Letters to FCWU and appendages. VOLUME: 63 documents PERIOD: 1930-1953 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – CIRCULARS NEC Circulars to affiliates VOLUME: 22 documents PERIOD: ND; 1942-1949 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Circulars to National Executive Committee, affiliated unions and local committees. VOLUME: 87 documents. PERIOD: 1950 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Circulars to affiliated unions, local committees, National Executive members and other circulars. VOLUME: 88 documents. PERIOD: 1951-1954 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – FINANCE COMMITTEE Reports and balance sheets VOLUME: 11 documents PERIOD: 1942-1952 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 1st Annual Conference, 4-5 April, Durban Agenda VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1931 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 7th Annual Conference, 29 March-2 April, Port Elizabeth Report of conference, annual reports and balance sheet. VOLUME: 2 documents REMARKS: Printed matter not MF PERIOD: 1937 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 8th Annual Conference, 18-22 April, East London. Report of Cape District Committee to conference. Report of conference and balance sheet VOLUME: 3 documents REMARKS: Printed matter not MF PERIOD: 1938 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 9th Annual Conference, 10-14 April, Kimberley. Report of conf., report and balance sheet VOLUME: 1 document REMARKS: Not MF PERIOD: 1939 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 10th Annual Conference, 25-29 March, Cape Town. Annual Report and balance sheet VOLUME: 1 document REMARKS: Not MF PERIOD: 1940 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 12th Annual Conference, 6-10 April, Port Elizabeth. Annual report, agenda and balance sheet. VOLUME: 3 documents REMARKS: Printed matter not MF PERIOD: 1942 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – ANNUAL CONFERENCES Annual Conference, 26-30 April, Johannesburg. Reports and balance sheet, VOLUME: 3 documents REMARKS: Printed matter not MF PERIOD: 1943 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 14th Annual Conference, 10-14 April, Cape Town. Reports, balance sheet and agenda. VOLUME: 3 documents REMARKS: Not MF PERIOD: 1944 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 15th Annual Conference, 3-6 April, East London. Reports and balance sheet. VOLUME: 2 documents REMARKS: Not MF PERIOD: 1945 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 16th Annual Conference, 22-26 April, Durban. Report and balance sheet. VOLUME: 1 document REMARKS: Not MF PERIOD: 1946 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 17th Annual Conference, 7-11 April, Port Elizabeth. Reports, balance sheet and agenda. VOLUME 3 documents R EMARKS: Not MF PERIOD: 1947 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL (1949) 19th Annual Conference, 25-30 April, East London. Minutes, report, balance sheet and agenda. VOLUME: 4 documents REMARKS: Printed matter not MF PERIOD: 1949 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL(1949) 1st Annual Conference, 18-22 April, Durban. Agendas, resolutions, report and balance sheet. VOLUME: 4 documents REMARKS: Printed matter not MF PERIOD: 1950 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL (1949) 2nd Annual Conference, 16-19 July, Cape Town. First agenda, final agenda, resolutions, reports, balance sheet and minutes. VOLUME: 7 documents REMARKS: Printed matter not MF PERIOD: 1951 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL (1949) 3rd Annual Conference, 21-25 April, Durban. Minutes, agenda, corrections to annual report and balance sheet. Annual report, balance sheet and resolutions VOLUME: 6 documents PERIOD: 1952 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL (1949) 4th Annual Conference, 13-17 April, Port Elizabeth. Agenda, presidential address, annual report and balance sheet. VOLUME: 3 documents PERIOD: 1953 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCI L(1949) - ANNUAL CONFERENCES Annual Conference, 6-9 October, Durban. Presidential address, proposed amendments to the constitution, annual report and balance sheet. VOLUME: 3 documents PERIOD: 1954 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – SPECIAL CONFERENCES Special Conference, 7-9 December, Johannesburg. Report VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1948 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – SPECIAL CONFERENCES Special Conference, 31 October-2 November, Durban. Reports, agenda and circulars. VOLUME: 5 documents PERIOD: 1949 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – SPECIAL CONFERENCES Special Conference, 30 June, Johannesburg - minutes VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1951 SOUTH AFRICANTRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – SPECIAL CONFERENCES Special Conference, 29-30 September, Cape Town - agenda and minutes VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1951 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – SPECIAL CONFERENCES Special Conference, 12-13 January, Johannesburg. Agenda, report, resolution and minutes. VOLUME: 5 documents PERIOD: 1952 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – SPECIAL CONFERENCES Special Conference to deal with recommendations of the Industrial Legislation Commission, 12-13th September, Trades Hall. Minutes. VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1952 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – SPECIAL CONFERENCES Special Conference, 14-15 August, Johannesburg - minutes VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1953 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – EMERGENCY CONFERENCES Minutes and resolutions - Public safety bill, suppression of communism act, 14th February VOLUME: 3 documents PERIOD: 1953 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – MEMORANDA Various memoranda VOLUME: 16 documents REMARKS: Memoranda to the Industrial Legislation Commission Dec. 1948-July 1949 in 3 versions (2 not MF) PERIOD: 1931-1953 [End Film 3] SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – INDUSTRIAL LEGISLATION COMMISSION Comments and evidence submitted to the commission and recommendations as well as report of the commission. VOLUME: 8 documents PERIOD: ND; 1950; 1952 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – REPORTS Reports of delegations and others not falling within other categories VOLUME: 8 documents PERIOD: ND; 1942-1953 SOUTH AFRICANTRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – PRESS STATEMENTS Various press statements VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: ND; 1950-1951 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – CAMPAIGNS AND PROJECTS Leaflets. VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: ND; 1952 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL – INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Reports, letters and memorandum VOLUME: 8 documents PERIOD: 1949; 1951; 1952 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL - MISCELLANEOUS Workers charter, minutes, résumé of activities of Alexander Forsyth and resolutions VOLUME: 7 documents PERIOD: ND; 1942-1947 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION COUNCIL/TRADE UNION COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA (SATUC/TUCSA) - AFFILIATED UNIONS Membership list VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1962 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION COUNCIL/TRADE UNION COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA (SATUC/TUCSA) – NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Minutes of NEC VOLUME: 20 documents PERIOD: 1957-1959 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION COUNCIL/TRADE UNION COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA (SATUC/TUCSA) – POLICY COMMITTEE Report and recommendations VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD; 1969 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION COUNCIL/TRADE UNION COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA (SATUC/TUCSA) – CIRCULARS Circulars VOLUME: 9 documents PERIOD: 1959-1976 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION COUNCIL/TRADE UNION COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA (SATUC/TUCSA) – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 1st Annual Conference, 2 May - presidential address VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1955 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION COUNCIL/TRADE UNION COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA (SATUC/TUCSA) – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 2nd Annual Conference, March - presidential address VOLUME: I document PERIOD: 1956 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION COUNCIL/TRADE UNION COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA (SATUC/TUCSA) – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 4th Annual Conference, March, East London - resolutions VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1958 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION COUNCIL/TRADE UNION COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA (SATUC/TUCSA) – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 5th Annual Conference, 27 April - 1 May, Durban. Reports and resolutions. VOLUME: 3 documents PERIOD: 1959 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION COUNCIL/TRADE UNION COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA (SATUC/TUCSA) – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 6th Annual Conference, 14-18 March, Cape Town. Proposed resolutions and report. VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1960 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION COUNCIL/TRADE UNION COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA (SATUC/TUCSA) – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 7th Annual Conference, April, Port Elizabeth – report of proceedings VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1961 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION COUNCIL/TRADE UNION COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA (SATUC/TUCSA) – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 8th Annual Conference, 19-23 March, East London. Extract from proceedings, report and amendments to constitution. VOLUME: 3 documents PERIOD: 1962 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION COUNCIL/TRADE UNION COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA (SATUC/TUCSA) – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 15th Annual Conference - discussion document VOLUME: I document PERIOD: 1969 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION COUNCIL/TRADE UNION COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA (SATUC/TUCSA) – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 17th Annual, 13-17th September. Presidential address VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1971 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION COUNCIL/TRADE UNION COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA (SATUC/TUCSA) – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 18th Annual Conference, 21-25 August, Cape Town. Supplementary report, presidential address and report of the Housing Campaign Committee. VOLUME: 3 documents PERIOD: 1972 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION COUNCIL/TRADE UNION COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA (SATUC/TUCSA) – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 19th Annual conference, 13-17th August, Durban. Final agenda. VOLUME: 1 Document PERIOD: 1973 4.4 14.6 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION COUNCIL/TRADE UNION COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA (SATUC/TUCSA) – FACT PAPERS Fact papers on trade unions and industrial councils VOLUME: 3 documents PERIOD: 1966-1977 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION COUNCIL/TRADE UNION COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA (SATUC/TUCSA) – PUBLICATIONS Newsletters: 1966:37-1968:63 and Economic Newsletter 1966:1 VOLUME: 12 documents PERIOD: 1966-1968 SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE UNION COUNCIL/TRADE UNION COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA (SATUC/TUCSA) – MISCELLANEOUS Supplementary report of NEC and speeches. VOLUME: 5 documents PERIOD: 1961-1966 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS (SACTU) – CONSTITUTION Constitution VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1955 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS (SACTU) – FINANCE Financial statements, budget, funding, correspondence. VOLUME: 51 documents REMARKS: Petty cash slips not MF PERIOD: 1975-1980 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS (SACTU) – NEC MEETINGS Minutes, reports and resolutions VOLUME: 7 documents PERIOD: 1960-1975 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – N.E.C MEETINGS Resolutions VOLUME: 2 documents REMARKS: Two documents of the resolutions, one TS other MS. PERIOD: 1976 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS - NEC MEETINGS Report of extended meeting; Agenda & minutes of meeting; Resolutions. VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: 1977 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS- NEC MEETINGS Report to NEC VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1978 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – NEC MEETINGS Agenda, reports and minutes VOLUME: 6 documents PERIOD: 1979 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – NEC MEETINGS Reports and speech. VOLUME: 3 documents PERIOD: 1980 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – NEC MEETINGS Minutes, circular and reports. VOLUME: 7 documents PERIOD: 1981 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – NEC MEETINGS Discussion document on Labour Relations Amendment Act (1981) VOLUME: 2 document PERIOD: 1982 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – NEC MEETINGS Draft agenda. VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1983 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – NEC MEETINGS Resolutions, reports, chairman’s comments. VOLUME: 9 documents PERIOD: 1986 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – NEC MEETINGS Draft resolutions, resolutions and minutes VOLUME: 3 documents PERIOD: 1988 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – SECRETARIAT Agendas and minutes. VOLUME: 32 documents REMARKS: Inclusive: PERIOD: 1977-1981 1-6 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Agenda, minutes and reports VOLUME: 16 documents REMARKS: Inclusive: PERIOD: 1974-1981 The following divided into two folders:  SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – INTERNAL COMMITTEE Minutes, reports, agendas & notes. VOLUME: 25 documents PERIOD: 1977-1979; 1988  SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – EXTERNAL UNITS – ZIMBABWE Notes VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1980  SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – EXTERNAL UNITS – BOTSWANA Membership list, reports, minutes. VOLUME: 20 documents PERIOD: 1977-1981  SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – EXTERNAL UNITS – SWAZILAND Report VOLUME: 1 document REMARKS: Document incomplete PERIODS 1980  SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – EXTERNAL UNITS – ZAMBIA Lusaka local committee, minutes and report. VOLUME: 5 documents PERIOD: 1973-1981  SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – EXTERNAL UNITS – LESOTHO Maseru local committee, reports, information sheet, address by Alven Bennie and minutes. VOLUME: 15 documents PERIOD: ND, 1980-1982  SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – EXTERNAL UNITS – TANZANIA Dar es Salaam. Minutes. VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1979  SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – EXTERNAL UNITS – LONDON Reports and minutes. VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: 1971-1986  SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – SUB-COMMITTEES – ANTI REPUBLIC DAY SUB-COMMITTEE Minutes VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1981  SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – SUB-COMMITTEES – RESEARCH COMMITTEE Minutes, memorandum on research. VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1981  SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – SUB-COMMITTEES – PRESS AND INFORMATION UNIT Memorandum VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1982 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – CORRESPONDENCE Lusaka office and Eric Mtsholi, administrative secretary. VOLUME: 75 documents PERIOD: 1971-1983 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS - CORRESPONDENCE Dar es Salaam secretarial office; Eli Weinberg VOLUME: 226 documents REMARKS: Correspondence mainly between Ray Alexander and Eli Weinberg PERIOD: 1977-1981 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – CORRESPONDENCE Dar-es-Salaam office, general correspondence. VOLUME: 39 documents PERIOD: 1976-1981 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – CORRESPONDENCE London office. John Gaetsewe. VOLUME: 179 Documents REMARKS: Inclusive: and PERIOD: 1975-1989 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – CORRESPONDENCE London Office - General VOLUME: 51 documents PERIOD: 1972-1988 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – CORRESPONDENCE London office. Zola Zembe. VOLUME: 65 documents PERIOD: 1970-1981 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – CORRESPONDENCE Regional office Botswana VOLUM1 121 documents REMARKS: Note - Part 1 of correspondence with Botswana Office ( PERIOD: 1975-1981 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – CORRESPONDENCE Botswana regional office. Dan Tloome. VOLUME: 47 documents REMARKS: Note – Part 2 of Botswana office correspondence. PERIOD: 1974-1983 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – CORRESPONDENCE Regional office Lesotho VOLUME: 12 documents PERIOD: 1979-1981 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – CORRESPONDENCE Regional office Mozambique VOLUME: 16 documents PERIOD: 1978-1981 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS CORRESPONDENCE Regional office Swaziland VOLUME: 7 documents PERIOD: 1979-1981 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – CORRESPONDENCE Special persons: Moses Mabhida VOLUME: 11 documents PERIOD: 1973-1979 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – CORRESPONDENCE Special persons: Eric Mtshali VOLUME: 43 documents PERIOD: 1978-1982 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – CORRESPONDENCE Special persons: John Nkadimeng VOLUME: 10 documents PERIOD: 1979-1988 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – CORRESPONDENCE Special persons: Marius and Jeanette Schoon VOLUME: 25 documents PERIOD: 1977-1979 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – CORRESPONDENCE Special persons: Mark Shope VOLUME: 36 documents PERIOD: 1968-1989 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – CORRESPONDENCE Special persons: John Motshabi and others VOLUME: 13 documents PERIOD: 1976-1987 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – CIRCULARS Circulars to NEC members and others VOLUME: 12 documents PERIOD: 1973, 79, 81, 88 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS ANNUAL CONFERENCES Second Annual Conference, 12-14th April, Johannesburg. Presidential address and draft resolutions VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1957 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – ANNUAL CONFERENCES. 8th Annual Conference, 13th-14th April, Johannesburg. Report of NEC. VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1963 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – ANNUAL CONFERENCES 29th December-2nd January, Maputo. Report of the Internal Unit (Botswana region) VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: n.d. SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – STATEMENTS/MEMORANDA General and press statements. Memoranda VOLUME: 41 documents PERIOD: 1955-1987 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – SPEECHES Speeches by various persons. VOLUME: 7 Documents PERIOD: 1975-1989 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – SPEECHES Speeches and addresses by Mark Shope. VOLUME: 16 documents REMARKS: 1 document incomplete. PERIOD: 1965-1987 a SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – PUBLICATIONS Newsletters VOLUME: 9 documents PERIOD: 1955-1961 b SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – PUBLICATIONS Pamphlets VOLUME: 8 documents PERIOD: 1970-1980 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – PUBLICATIONS Leaflets, flyers and draft leaflets VOLUME: 20 documents PERIOD: 1975-1986 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – PUBLICATIONS Handbooks VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: n.d. SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – BROADCASTS Broadcast bulletins VOLUME: 11 documents PERIOD: 1971-1980 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – PRESS CUTTINGS Secondary source material on SACTU VOLUME: 4 documents REMARKS: Not MF PERIOD: 1977 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS EDUCATION AND TRAINING Discussion documents, lectures by Mark Shope and comments by Jack Simons. VOLUME: 18 documents PERIOD: 1979-1988 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – JOINT CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE Correspondence, speeches, minutes and motions. VOLUME: 52 documents REMARKS: Inclusive: Some documents incomplete. PERIOD: 1976-1980 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – RELATIONS WITH THE ANC Correspondence, memorandum and minutes VOLUME: 41 documents REMARKS: Inclusive PERIOD: 1970-1986 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – SITUATION INSIDE THE COUNTRY Information reports on the situation inside the country VOLUME: 48 documents REMARKS: Many documents incomplete. PERIOD: 1970-1987 [End Film 4] SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Correspondence VOLUME: 58 documents PERIOD: 1971-1984 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Circularised correspondence VOLUME: 13 documents PERIOD: 1959; 1963; 1971; 1980 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Memoranda VOLUME: 32 documents REMARKS: Information divided into two files, (1959-1977) and (1977-1982) PERIOD: 1959; 1961; 1975; 1982 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Discussion papers and speeches VOLUME: 22 documents PERIOD: 1971; 1976; 1980; 1988 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Reports VOLUME: 39 documents PERIOD: 1970-1988 SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS – INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous, biographies, correspondence with Canadian affiliates. VOLUME: 26 documents PERIOD: 1978-1983

TRADE UNIONS 4.5.1 BLACK ALLIED WORKERS UNION Constitution, trade union contact list, report, memorandum, financial statements, speech and correspondence. VOLUME: 12 documents PERIOD: 1977-1980 4.5.2 BAKERS', CONFECTIONERS' AND CONDUCTORS' UNION Strike leaflet and notice. VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1940; 1947 4.5.3 BREWERY EMPLOYEES' UNION Letter VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1943 TRADE UNIONS – BUILDING INDUSTRY. Constitution, memoranda, correspondence, minutes and circular. VOLUME: 8 documents PERIOD: 1939; 1951-1958 TRADE UNIONS – BUILDING Conciliation Board: transcript of evidence VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1907 4.5.5 TRADE UNIONS – FURNITURE WORKERS' UNION Memoranda, letter VOLUME: 3 documents REMARKS: Includes Furniture Workers' Industrial Union (Natal) and Cape Furniture Workers' Union. PERIOD; 1957-1958 4.5.6 TRADE UNIONS – CLOTHING WORKERS UNION Report VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1988 4.5.7 TRADE UNIONS – EXPLOSIVES AND FERTILIZER WORKERS' UNION (CAPE) Memorandum VOLUME: I document PERIOD: 1949 8.4 FISHING INDUSTRY Correspondence, minutes, report, employee statistics, wage board investigation. VOLUME: 25 documents REMARKS: See also bound book. Includes Trawler and Line Fishermans' Union. Inclusive: PERIOD: 1942-1969 4.5.9 GARMENT WORKERS UNION Reports, 'correspondence, press statement, leaflets and newsletters VOLUME: 15 documents REMARKS: Some documents incomplete. Not all printed matter MF. PERIOD: 1941-1969 4.5.10 GAS AND POWER WORKERS UNION, GAS WORKERS UNION Strike leaflet VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1930; 1944 4.5.11 HOTEL, BAR AND CATERING TRADES EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION Notice of meeting, constitution. VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1958 4.5.12 INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL WORKERS UNION Correspondence, memo, financial statements VOLUME: 8 documents PERIOD: 1925-1930 4.5.13 IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY Minutes and circular VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1945; 1954 4.5.14 METAL AND ALLIED WORKERS UNION Constitution VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: n.d. 4.5.15 MILK DISTRIBUTION TRADE Questionnaire. Inquiry, papers relating to inquiry VOLUME: 3 documents PERIOD: n.d. 4.5.16 MINING INDUSTRY (M.W.U. & NUMSA) Report, memorandum and speech, correspondence VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: 1954; 1969; 1974; 1989 4.5.17 NATAL SUGAR INDUSTRY EMPLOYEES' UNION Secretary's Annual report submitted to Fourth Annual General Meeting, 26 October. VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1941 4.5.18 SOUTH AFRICAN ALLIED WORKERS UNION (SAA.W.U.) Newsletter, annual report, financial statement. VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: 1979-1981 4.5.19 SOUTH AFRICAN BOILERMAKERS' SOCIETY Information leaflet VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: n.d. 4.5.20 SOUTH AFRICAN POST AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION Report, 7th Biennial Congress, 8-10 August, Durban VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1987 4.5.21 SOUTH AFRICAN ELECTRICAL WORKERS ASSOCIATION "Power": official journal. VOLUME: 13 documents REMARKS: Printed matter not MF PERIOD: 1940-1954 4.5.22 SOUTH AFRICAN RAILWAY AND HARBOUR WORKERS UNION [NON-EUROPEAN] Living wage campaign, correspondence, memorandum. Report to 2nd General Members Meeting 14 June, Cape Town. Report of 1st National Conference, 3-4 August, Cape Town VOLUME: 6 documents PERIOD: 1936 4.5.23 SOUTH AFRICAN TIN WORKERS' UNION Minutes, letter VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: ND;1968;1969 4.5.24 SOUTH AFRICAN TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION Newsletter and letter VOLUME: 2 documents REMARKS: Newsletter not MF PERIOD: 1943; 1957 4.5.25 SOUTH AFRICAN WOODWORKERS UNION Circulars, meeting notice and correspondence VOLUME: 6 documents PERIOD: 1959-1960 4.5.26 STEVEDORING AND DOCK WORKERS' UNION Constitution, leaflet, transcript of evidence before commission VOLUME: 3 documents PERIOD: 1938 4.5.27 SWEET WORKERS UNION Notice of meeting VOLUME: document PERIOD: 1941 4.5.28 TEXTILE WORKERS' INDUSTRIAL UNION Report, leaflet and representation made to industrial tribunal. VOLUME: 6 Documents PERIOD: 1935-1960 4.5.29 TOBACCO WORKERS' UNION Correspondence VOLUME: 3 documents PERIOD: 1939-1952 TRANSPORT INDUSTRY Supreme Court judgement, minutes, statements, and correspondence. Includes: Tramway and Omnibus Workers Union and Johannesburg Municipal Transport Workers Union, VOLUME: 13 documents REMARKS: 6 documents undated; 1931-1980 labelled Road Transportation mixed. PERIOD: 1931-1980 4.5.31 WESTERN PROVINCE MOTOR ASSEMBLY WORKERS UNION Memoranda, agreement with B.M.C., document on provisions for sick fund, membership and unemployment card. VOLUME: 6 documents PERIOD: 1961-1978

FILM NUMBERS 6 & 7 AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS (ANC) 5.1 AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS CONSTITUTION Draft and adopted constitutions VOLUME: 10 documents REMARKS: Structure 1983 PERIOD: ND; 1919; 1943; 1955; 1958 5.2.1-3 ANC NEC MEETINGS Rules and regulations; NEC minutes; reports of meetings VOLUME: 13 documents PERIOD: 1940; 1955; 1968; 1974; 1981-89 5.3.1 ANC REGIONAL POLITICAL COMMITTEES, DAR ES SALAAM Agenda; circular; reports VOLUME: 6 documents REMARKS: All documents written by Violet Weinberg. Not MF PERIOD: 1988 5.3.2 ANC REGIONAL POLITICAL COMMITTEES, LUSAKA Minutes and reports VOLUME: 24 documents PERIOD: ND; 1974-1978; 1980-1989 5.4.1 - 3 ANC TREASURY Structure, appeals, draft budget, appeals and funding. VOLUME: 14 documents REMARKS: 5.4.3 not included (not microfilmed). PERIOD: 1954; 1967; 1969; 1972; 1981-1986 5.4.4 ANC TREASURY: NATIONAL FUNDRAISING WORKSHOP, 1986 Minutes of workshop planning committee; reports; discussion papers; memoranda VOLUME: 32 documents PERIOD: 14-20 March 1986 5.5.1 ANC CORRESPONDENCE Personal correspondence of Jack and Ray Simons VOLUME: 32 documents PERIOD: 1972; 1979; 1983; 1989; ANC CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence between Ray and Jack Simons and special persons within the ANC VOLUME: 140 documents PERIOD: 1968-1989 5.5.3 ANC CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence with Jack and Ray Simons from others in the ANC VOLUME: 35 documents PERIOD: 1969; 1972; 1978; 1983; 1989 5.5.4 ANC CORRESPONDENCE General letters: London, Lusaka, Dar Es Salaam VOLUME: 41 documents PERIOD: 1968; 1969; 1977; 1980-1989 5.5.5 ANC CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence of a very personal nature not involving Ray and Jack Simons REMARKS: Not MF VOLUME: 22 documents PERIOD: 1967; 1980; 1982; 1983; 5.6 ANC CIRCULARS Circulars to units, members, chief representatives, etc VOLUME: 19 documents PERIOD: 1942; 1953/1954; 1970-1989 ANC ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERENCES Bloemfontein, 15-17th December 1940. Draft agenda and annexure VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1940 ANC ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERENCES 38th Annual National Conference, 1950, NEC report VOLUME: 1 document REMARKS: MS PERIOD: 1950 ANC ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERENCES 41st Annual Conference, Queenstown, 18-20 December 1953, notice and resolutions (incomplete) VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1953 ANC ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERENCES 42nd Annual Conference, 16-19th Dec. 1954. Annual Report of the National Executive Committee and messages VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1954 ANC ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERENCES 46th Annual General Conference, Durban, 13-14 December 1958. Annual Report of the National Executive Committee VOLUME: 1 document REMARKS: document is extremely fragile and damaged PERIOD: 1958 ANC ANNUAL PROVINCIAL CONFERENCES, CAPE 40th Annual Conference, 14 February 1953, addresses VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1953 A.N.C PROVINCIAL CONFERENCES, CAPE Cradock, 15-16th August 1953. Presidential address and resolutions VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1953 ANC CONSULTATIVE CONFERENCES, MOROGORO 2nd National Consultative Conference, May 1965. Message of support to ANC leaders and members in prison and to two ANC leaders who are ill VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1965 ANC CONSULTATIVE CONFERENCES, MOROGORO Morogoro, April 1969. Political report of NEC Directives for preparation of conference VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: 1969 ANC CONSULTATIVE CONFERENCES June 1985. Suggestions for an agenda Report from NEC Discussion guidelines VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: 1985 15.7.4 ANC ARUSHA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, TANZANIA 1- 4th Dec. 1987 Arusha. Addresses, reports, statements etc VOLUME: 35 documents PERIOD: 1987 5.7.5 ANC REGIONAL CONFERENCES, LUSAKA Draft agenda, address and report VOLUME: 3 Documents PERIOD: Undated 5.8.1-2 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, POLICY AND STRUCTURE Departmental constitution and documents on organisational structure including job descriptions VOLUME: 13 documents PERIOD: 1978; 1981; 1988 5.8.3 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, FINANCE AND FUNDING Financial statement; funding project proposal, policy document on recipients of funds and expenditure proposal document VOLUME: 20 documents PERIOD: 1982-1989 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, EDUCATION SECRETARIAT Lusaka Education Committee etc. minutes VOLUME: 10 documents PERIOD: 1979 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, EDUCATION SECRETARIAT Lusaka Education Committee etc..Agendas and minutes. VOLUME: 12 documents PERIOD: 1980 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, EDUCATION SECRETARIAT Lusaka Education Committee. Minutes of meetings VOLUME: 16 Documents PERIOD: 1981 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, EDUCATION SECRETARIAT Lusaka Education Committee. Agendas, meeting notices and minutes VOLUME: 29 documents PERIOD: 1982 ANC - DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - EDUCATION SECRETARIAT Various committee meetings. Minutes VOLUME: 36 documents PERIOD: 1983 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, EDUCATION SECRETARIAT Various committee meetings. Agendas, meeting notices and minutes VOLUME: 24 documents PERIOD: 1984 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, EDUCATION SECRETARIAT Various committee meetings. Agendas, meeting notices and minutes VOLUME: 6 documents PERIOD: 1985 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, EDUCATION SECRETARIAT Minutes of meetings and agenda. VOLUME: 45 documents PERIOD: 1986 ANC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, EDUCATION SECRETARIAT Notice of meetings VOLUME: 4 Documents PERIOD: 1987 ANC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, EDUCATION SECRETARIAT Minutes of meetings, notices of meetings and minutes VOLUME: 25 documents PERIOD: 1979 ANC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, EDUCATION SECRETARIAT Minutes, agendas, notices of meetings and minutes. Includes meeting of National Board VOLUME: 29 documents PERIOD: 1989 5.8.5 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence VOLUME: 89 documents PERIOD: 1978-1989 5.8.6 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CIRCULARS Circulars and Internal memoranda VOLUME: 101 documents PERIOD: 1980-1989 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, NEDUC 2 Meeting minutes VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1979 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, NEDUC 3 Report, agenda and minutes VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: 1980 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, NEDUC Special meeting, staff application form and minutes VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1981 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, NEDUC 4 Morogoro: reports, proceedings and policy VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: 1981 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, NEDUC 5 Agendas, reports, policy statements and briefings VOLUME: 40 documents PERIOD: 1983 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, NEDUC 6 Message, draft report and reports VOLUME: 7 documents PERIOD: 1986 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, NEDUC 7 Meetings, discussion papers, draft agendas, draft programme, reports VOLUME: 28 documents PERIOD: December 1988 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, REPORTS Progress reports and a travel report VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD 1979 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, REPORTS Workshop, syllabus, evaluation and progress report VOLUME: 6 documents PERIOD: 1981 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, REPORTS SOMAFCO structure report VOLUME: 3 documents PERIOD: 1982 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, REPORTS Curriculum development report, SOMAFCO report and other departmental reports VOLUME: 9 documents PERIOD: 1983 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, REPORTS SOMAFCO primary school report, London Education committee report VOLUME: 3 documents PERIOD: 1984 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, REPORTS SOMAFCO progress report VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1985 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, REPORTS National scholarship report, conference and other departmental reports VOLUME: 7 documents PERIOD: 1986 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, REPORTS Academic report of SOMAFCO departmental and commission report VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: 1987 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, REPORTS Conference report, education committees reports, departmental travel report and other departmental reports VOLUME: 10 documents PERIOD: 1988 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, REPORTS Departmental travel reports, SOMAFCO progress report, disciplinary report and other departmental reports VOLUME: 10 documents PERIOD: 1989 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, REPORTS SOMAFCO crisis report VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1990 5.8.9 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, MEMORANDA Memoranda prepared by the various regional education committees, the department of education and various other educational bodies VOLUME: 26 documents PERIOD: 1979 - 1990 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS Staff seminar VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1979 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS 4-12 Jan, Curriculum Development Workshop. VOLUME: 14 documents PERIOD: 1982 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS 27-28 August, workers seminar, agenda and submissions Staff seminar VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1983 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS 1-4 November, seminar on the education orientation centre and vocational training centre VOLUME: 3 documents PERIOD: 1984 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS Education conference VOLUME: 1 document REMARKS: Hand written PERIOD: 1985 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS 2-3 August, education workshops. Programme and presentation papers VOLUME: 5 documents PERIOD: 1986 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS 27-29 March, seminar and workshop People’s education and seminar on Dakawa VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1989 5.8.11 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, Course outlines, syllabi and curricula VOLUME: 38 documents PERIOD: 1984 - 1988 5.8.12 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Reports, discussion papers obtained and presented to international seminars including those held in Africa VOLUME: 19 documents PERIOD: 1979-1989 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, MISCELLANEOUS Papers VOLUME: 13 documents PERIOD: 1979-1984 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, MISCELLANEOUS Ceremonies and speeches, programme for the opening of Solomon Mahlangu College VOLUME: 6 documents PERIOD: 1985; 1989 ANC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous, poem collection, application form VOLUME: 6 documents PERIOD: 1980; 1986 5.9 ANC ECONOMICS AND PLANNING UNIT Papers presented at seminar on Social Welfare, 27-30 July 1988. Objectives of department VOLUME: 5 documents PERIOD: 1983; 1988 5.10 ANC DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Reports, minutes and job description VOLUME: 5 documents PERIOD: ND; 1986-1988 5.11.1 - .5 ANC DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION AND PUBLICITY Correspondence, conferences, press statements and releases, programmes, library records. VOLUME: 35 documents PERIOD: 1989 5.12.1 ANC DEPARTMENT OF LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS Agendas and minutes of meetings VOLUME: 32 documents PERIOD: 1986-1989 5.12.2 ANC DEPARTMENT OF LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS Correspondence VOLUME: 54 documents PERIOD: 1986-1989 5.12.3 ANC DEPARTMENT OF LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM In house seminar, 1-5 March. Constitutional Guidelines for a Democratic South Africa VOLUME: 11 documents PERIOD: 1988 5.12.4 ANC DEPARTMENT OF LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS Memoranda and reports VOLUME: 7 documents PERIOD: 1986-1987 5.12.5 ANC DEPARTMENT OF LEGAL AND CONSTITUITONAL AFFAIRS Papers on constitutional guidelines VOLUME: 5 documents PERIOD: ND; 1986 - 1987. 5.12.6 ANC DEPARTMENT OF LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS Comments on the draft Bill of Rights prepared by the SA Law Commission VOLUME: 3 Documents PERIOD: 1989 5.12.7 ANC DEPARTMENT OF LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS Miscellaneous VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: 1986-1988 5.13.1 ANC POLITICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, POLICY Policy document, paper on structure and draft political programme of the department VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: 1985-1986 5.13.2 ANC POLITICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, MINUTES DPE Secretariat meetings VOLUME: 21 documents PERIOD: 1986-1989 5.13.3 ANC POLITICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, CORRESPONDENCE Departmental and private correspondence VOLUME: 11 documents PERIOD: 1986-1988 5.13.4 ANC POLITICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, CIRCULARS Internal departmental circulars VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: 1986-1988 5.13.5 ANC POLITICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Reports and proposals VOLUME: 10 documents PERIOD: 1978-1989 5.13.6 ANC POLITICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, SYLLABI Syllabi, course outlines and political education workshop VOLUME: 13 documents PERIOD: 1986-1989 5.13.7 ANC POLITICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Discussion papers VOLUME: 9 documents PERIOD: 1987-1989 5.13.8 ANC POLITICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, MISCELLANEOUS Briefing document, application form, research proposal, etc. VOLUME: 10 documents PERIOD: 1987-1988 5.14.1 ANC RESEARCH DEPARTMENT Seminar proceedings, 21- 23 November VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1989 5.14.2 ANC RESEARCH DEPARTMENT Pallo Jordan et al. VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: 1980-1988 5.15 ANC MANPOWER COMMISSION Agenda, minutes of meeting and proposal of Commission VOLUME: 6 documents PERIOD: 1979-1982 5.16 ANC NEC STATEMENTS ANC presidential and other NEC statements VOLUME: 32 documents PERIOD: 1969-1989 5.17 ANC MEMORANDA Memoranda to members for discussion relating to political issues in SA; work and wages; strategy of ANC VOLUME: 6 documents REMARKS: One memorandum is incomplete PERIOD: 1971; 1984-1989 5.18 ANC SPEECHES Speeches made mainly by NEC members VOLUME: 23 documents PERIOD: ND; 1967 - 1988 5.19 ANC DISCUSSION PAPERS Various discussion papers relating to the political situation inside and outside SA; also papers dealing with issues relating to the ANC VOLUME: 18 documents REMARKS: Includes discussion papers on homelands (10 items) PERIOD: 1969-1989 5.20 ANC REPORTS Reports to headquarters pertaining to different aspects of the ANC, e.g., anniversary preparatory committee, political reports, report of ANC delegates to the 5th congress of FRELIMO VOLUME: 23 documents PERIOD: 1966-1989 5.21 ANC, SITUATION INSIDE THE COUNTRY Interviews, political assessments, memoranda, speech, reports VOLUME: not given (under embargo) REMARKS: Not all documents MF PERIOD: 1958; 1971; 1978; 1984; 1989 5.22.1 ANC CONSULTATIVE MEETING ON THE PAN-AFRICANIST CONGRESS Correspondence and position papers VOLUME: 6 documents PERIOD: 1968-1971 5.22.2 ANC CONSULTATIVE MEETING WITH INKATHA Minutes and discussion papers VOLUME: 5 documents ERIOD: 1979 5.22.3 ANC CONSULTATIVE MEETING, INYANDZA List of delegates to the Inyandza/ANC consultative talks, 28 Feb-3 March and hand written CV and project proposal of Frank Molteno VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1986 5.23.1 ANC CONSULTATIVE MEETINGS, SOUTH AFRICAN GROUPS Meeting with law professors, position paper and meeting with University of Cape Town VOLUME: 7 documents REMARKS: One document not MF PERIOD: 1986 5.23.2 ANC CONSUTATIVE MEETING WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF NATAL Background discussion papers, correspondence, memoranda, minutes, meeting notes VOLUME: 25 documents PERIOD: 12 October 1988 5.24.1 ANC INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, ORGANISATION FOR AFRICAN UNITY Correspondence, reports, conference paper, position paper, memoranda VOLUME: 12 documents PERIOD: 1966-1982 5.24.2 ANC INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, OTHER LIBERATION ORGANISATIONS Nkomati Accord, joint communiqués, statements VOLUME: 17 documents PERIOD: 1968; 1984 5.25.1 ANC INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, UNITED NATIONS Correspondence, evidence submitted to U.N. commissions, memoranda VOLUME: 17 documents PERIOD: 1968-1984 5.25.2 ANC INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, SEMINARS Report on the social scientists seminar, paper presented at seminar on apartheid and discrimination in SA VOLUME: 7 Documents PERIOD: 1967; 1986-1989 -7 ANC PUBLICATIONS, NEWSLETTERS Newsletters: Analysis (No.1:1958), Vukani/Awake (No.1 & 2), Hlangani, Inyaniso, News and Views, Works Committee Information Bulletin, Mayibuye (No. 3), Spotlight VOLUME: 25 documents REMARKS: Holdings incomplete PERIOD: 1953-1987 5.26.2 ANC PUBLICATIONS Various pamphlets including draft pamphlet VOLUME: 13 documents REMARKS: All in printed form. PERIOD: 1963-1989 5.26.3 ANC PUBLICATIONS Flyers and Handbills: Text of pamphlet bomb 1976, flyer on the situation in 1964, handbills announcing public meetings VOLUME: 9 documents REMARKS: Some flyers stencilled PERIOD: 1939; 1964; 1976 5.26.4 ANC PUBLICATIONS, OCCASIONAL RESEARCH PAPERS Occasional research paper publications, ANC diary 1982, advice when arrested VOLUME: 6 documents PERIOD: 1981-1984 5.27 ANC DISSENT Correspondence, memoranda, statements newsletter, speech VOLUME: 8 documents ERIOD: 1975-1979 5.28 ANC FORGERIES (AND ACTION TAKEN AGAINST) Forged letters, envelopes and a record of forgeries contained in a chart drawn up by the ANC VOLUME: 33 documents REMARKS: Please note that the above persons’ signatures were forged. Not all documents microfilmed – some are too dark PERIOD: 1963-1968 5.29.2 ANC MISCELLANEOUS: OBITUARIES Obituaries of members compiled by the ANC and relatives VOLUME: 16 documents PERIOD: 1964-1968 5.29.3 ANC MISCELLANEOUS: CEREMONIES Funeral programme, programme of memorial meeting, programme of SA Freedom Day celebration VOLUME: 6 documents PERIOD: 1974-1978 5.29.4 ANC THE LUTULI MEMORIAL FOUNDATION Correspondence, memoranda and guidelines VOLUME: 5 documents PERIOD: 1973 and 1975 ANC RADIO FREEDOM Commentaries and manuscript of a play VOLUME: 3 documents PERIOD: 1968-1986 5.30.1 ANC YOUTH LEAGUE, STRUCTURE Draft documents on structure and organisation VOLUME: 2 documents REMARKS: Document incomplete. Structure not for ANC YL generally. PERIOD: Undated 5.30.2 ANC YOUTH LEAGUE, MINUTES Minutes of National Youth Council meetings VOLUME: 3 documents REMARKS: Minute book is incomplete PERIOD: 1984-1985 5.30.3 ANC YOUTH LEAGUE, CORRESPONDENCE A letter requesting financial aid from the ANC Correspondence of a more personal nature between Refiloe Manana and his wife Pauline and others VOLUME: 10 documents PERIOD: 1975; 1982-1985 5.30.4 ANC YOUTH LEAGUE, CIRCULARS Circulars from Youth Secretariat VOLUME: 3 documents PERIOD: 1980-1981 ANC YOUTH LEAGUE, REGIONAL AND NATIONAL CONFERENCES Opening address, resolutions, report and discussion paper, 17-23 August, Mazimbu, Morogoro VOLUME: 5 documents PERIOD: 1982 ANC YOUTH LEAGUE, REGIONAL AND NATIONAL CONFERENCES Extract from paper presented 11 March, regional conference VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1984 ANC YOUTH LEAGUE, REGIONAL AND NATIONAL CONFERENCES Draft report for regional conference held 18 March VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1985 ANC YOUTH LEAGUE, REGIONAL AND NATIONAL CONFERENCES Recommendations and three part political guideline paper from second national youth conference, August 1987 VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: 1987 ANC YOUTH LEAGUE, REGIONAL AND NATIONAL CONFERENCES Discussion paper VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: [1987] 5.30.6 ANC YOUTH LEAGUE, REPORTS Reports on organisational structure, ANC position in Swaziland and of SA agent activity VOLUME: 3 documents PERIOD: 1981 5.30.7 ANC YOUTH LEAGUE, MEMORANDA Youth Secretariat memorandum on education and publicity sub-committee VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: Undated 5.30.8 ANC YOUTH LEAGUE, DISCUSSION PAPERS Discussion papers on Bantu education, youth struggles etc. VOLUME: 6 documents PERIOD: 1972 5.30.9 ANC YOUTH LEAGUE, STATEMENTS/SPEECHES/TALKS Statement on the death of J.B. Marks, radio talk by Relifoe Manana and speech by Alfred Nzo to ANC National Youth Council VOLUME: 6 documents PERIOD: 1972; 1983-1985 5.30.10 ANC YOUTH LEAGUE, PUBLICATIONS The official organ of the ANC Youth League i.e. Africa and New Afrika VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: 1953 5.30.11 ANC YOUTH LEAGUE, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES Speech and report on Tripoli Youth Festival, report on Moscow Youth Festival, report on international youth seminar held in Tanzania VOLUME: 5 documents PERIOD: 1966 5.30.12 ANC YOUTH LEAGUE, MISCELLANEOUS Student/youth delegation, draft for the Radio Youth Programme. VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: circa 1986 ANC MISCELLANEOUS: BIOGRAPHIES Personal and political biographies of ANC members VOLUME: 27 documents REMARKS: Under embargo PERIOD: 1964; 1971; 1981; 1984; 1988

Please note that African National Congress Women's League (ANCWL) is separately filmed. ANCWL is filmed together with other women’s organizations and archival material of Ray Simons concerning women (Film no 14).

Film 8 South African Communist Party 6.1.1 CPSA/SACP CONSTITUTION Constitutions (and rules) VOLUME: 3 documents PERIOD: 1984 6.1.2 CPSA/SACP AIMS Aims and programmes VOLUME: 5 documents PERIOD: 1932; 1938; 1988 6.2 CPSA/SACP FINANCES Receipts VOLUME: 4 documents REMARKS: Incomplete PERIOD: 1976; 1980; 1982 6.3 CPSA/SACP CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Agenda, Minutes, Reports, Resolutions VOLUME: 11 documents PERIOD: 1949/06/28-1949/10/07 6.4 CPSA/SACP REGIONAL COMMITTEE (LUSAKA) Minutes of meetings VOLUME: 43 documents PERIOD: 1980; 1983 6.5.1 CPSA/SACP (UNIT 7) Minutes of meetings VOLUME: 40 documents REMARKS: One document PERIOD: 1980 Unit 3 6.5.2 CPSA/SACP (UNITS) Minutes of meetings VOLUME: 11 documents REMARKS: Unit numbers not indicated PERIOD: 1981 6.5.3 CPSA/SACP (UNITS 3, 6, 7 AND SUBCOMMITTEE) Minutes of meetings VOLUME: 32 documents PERIOD: 1982 6.5.4 CPSA/SACP (UNITS 3, 5, 6, 7) Minutes of meetings VOLUME: 26 documents PERIOD: 1983 6.5.5 CPSA/SACP (UNITS 4, 5) Minutes of meetings VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: 1984-1988 6.5.6 CPSA/SACP (UNIT 4) Minutes of meetings VOLUME: 15 documents PERIOD: 1989 6.5.7 CPSA/SACP (UNITS) Minutes of meetings VOLUME: 5 documents PERIOD: 1980-1981 6.6.1 CPSA/SACP CONFERENCES. JOHANNESBURG MEETING Minutes with annexures, Johannesburg, 1938/12/29-1939/01/01 VOLUME: 9 documents REMARKS: Fragile material PERIOD: 1938; 1939 CPSA/SACP CONFERENCES. NATIONAL CONFERENCE Johannesburg, 14-16 January, 1944 VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1944 CPSA/SACP CONFERENCES. NATIONAL CONFERENCE Johannesburg, January 1943. VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1943 CPSA/SACP CONFERENCES. NATIONAL CONFERENCE Johannesburg, January 1948 VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1948 CPSA/SACP CONFERENCES. NATIONAL CONFERENCE Cape Town, 8-10 January VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1949 CPSA/SACP CONFERENCES. NATIONAL CONFERENCE Johannesburg, 6-8 January VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1950 6.6.3 CPSA/SACP CONFERENCES Miscellaneous resolutions VOLUME: 5 documents PERIOD: 1936-1967 6.7 CPSA/SACP Correspondence, Lusaka, Mozambique VOLUME: 35 documents PERIOD: 1943; 1978; 1981-1986 6.8 CPSA/SACP Circulars VOLUME: 14 documents PERIOD: 1939; 1950; 1980 6.9.1 CPSA/SACP REPORTS Discussion papers VOLUME: 12 documents PERIOD: ND; 1938; 1943; 1961 6.9.2 CPSA/SACP REPORTS Challenge of the 80s VOLUME: 7 documents PERIOD: 1970; 1978-1979 6.9.3 CPSA/SACP REPORTS Unit and Central Committee reports VOLUME: 29 documents REMARKS: Maputo document PERIOD: 1980 - 1989 6.10 CPSA/SACP MEMORANDA Memoranda VOLUME: 11 documents PERIOD: 1948-1958; 1982-1990 6.11 CPSA/SACP STATEMENTS Statements VOLUME: 12 documents REMARKS: Extended Central Committee meeting, including draft statements. PERIOD: 1942; 1981-1984 6.12 CPSA/SACP SPEECHES Speeches VOLUME: 16 documents PERIOD: 1949; 1967; 1975-1984 6.13.1 CPSA/SACP DISCUSSION PAPERS Discussion papers VOLUME: 8 documents REMARKS: Marked for "discussion" PERIOD: 1979; 1980-1986 6.13.2 CPSA/SACP DISCUSSION PAPERS Discussion papers. Planning for people's war VOLUME: 3 documents REMARKS: From Central Committee PERIOD: 1983-1984 6.13.3 CPSA/SACP DISCUSSION PAPERS Discussion papers VOLUME: 10 documents PERIOD: 1962; 1981-1984 CPSA/SACP PUBLICATIONS Abasebenzi/Isisebenzi VOLUME: 13 documents REMARKS: Abasebenzi/Isisebenzi no number - 1976:1 PERIOD: 1974-1976 CPSA/SACP PUBLICATIONS Freedom VOLUME: 11 documents PERIOD: 1939-1949 6.14.1 CPSA/SACP PUBLICATIONS Internal party bulletins VOLUME: 19 documents PERIOD: 1979-1988 CPSA/SACP PUBLICATIONS (I)Nkululeko VOLUME: 4 documents PERIOD: 1940-1945 CPSA/SACP PUBLICATIONS The Party Organiser VOLUME: 2 documents PERIOD: 1939 CPSA/SACP PUBLICATIONS The Transvaal Communist VOLUME: 1 document PERIOD: 1939 CPSA/SACP PUBLICATIONS Various newsletters VOLUME: 6 documents PERIOD: 1943-1989 6.14.2 CPSA/SACP PUBLICATIONS The African Communist and other literature VOLUME: 6 documents REMARKS: Literature in false covers PERIOD: 1984-1987 6.14.3 CPSA/SACP PUBLICATIONS Monographs VOLUME: 13 documents PERIOD: 1932-1934; 1945; 1961; 1981-1989 CPSA/SACP PUBLICATIONS Leaflets and flyers. Party as publisher VOLUME: 15 documents REMARKS: Fragile material PERIOD: 1924-1984 CPSA/SACP PUBLICATIONS Flyers and leaflets from Central Committee REMARKS: Fragile material PERIOD: 1948-1949 CPSA/SACP PUBLICATIONS Flyers and leaflets. Cape district VOLUME: 4 documents REMARKS: Fragile material PERIOD: 1936-1944 CPSA/SACP PUBLICATIONS Flyers and leaflets from Cape Town committee VOLUME: 3 documents REMARKS: Fragile material PERIOD: 1939-1941 CPSA/SACP PUBLICATIONS Flyers and leaflets, Johannesburg district VOLUME: 4 documents REMARKS: Fragile material PERIOD: 1940-1941 CPSA/SACP PUBLICATIONS Flyers and leaflets in manuscript form VOLUME: 2 documents REMARKS: Fragile material. PERIOD: 1976 6.15 CPSA/SACP NEWSPAPERCUTTINGS REMARKS: Not MF 6.16 CPSA/SACP OBITUARIES Obituaries VOLUME: 6 documents PERIOD: 193(?); 1975; 1982-1986 6.17 CPSA/SACP MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous. Pamphlets and publications. VOLUME: 19 documents REMARKS: Documents in approximate date order PERIOD: Undated

Select Subject Index

Rebecca, 52, 98 A Bushmen, 91 Abrahams C Liz, 89, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 127, 132, 136 Capitalism, 27, 29, 49, 51, 95, 120, 134 African Studies, 16, 84, 85, 96 Castro African women, 22, 28, 29 Fidel, 31, 133 and marriage, 22 Commissions of Enquiry, 34 and the law, 21 Wiehahn Commission, 112, 115 Aggett COSATU, 37, 38, 45, 49, 113, 121, 170 Neil, 36, 99 Cronin Alexander Jeremy, 55, 90, 134 Neville, 96 CUSA, 38, 41, 46 Anderson Muff, 11, 89, 129, 138 D Armed struggle, 64 Dadoo Arms embargo, 78 Yusuf, 53, 90, 142, 153 Asmal Davidson Kader, 63, 89, 134 Apollon, 90 De Klerk B F.W., 63, 131 Baard Death Row, 98 Francis, 14, 39, 70, 89, 122 Detention, 11, 20, 65, 97 Bantustans, 112, 113, 136 Diaries, 13, 94, 107, 111, 130 Bennun Domestic workers, 32, 34 Mervyn, 90, 95 Bernstein E Hilda, 14, 75 Elections, 12, 36, 62, 64, 77, 120 Biko End Conscription Campaign, 78 Steve, 96 Exile, 12, 57, 97, 108, 124 Black Sash, 69, 74, 97 Bloch F Jonathan, 91 Farm workers, 34, 161 Botha, FCWU, 39, 95, 103, 104, 105, 107, 112, 121, P.W., 77, 121 132, 136, 152, 172 Breytenbach Fester Breyten, 20, 58, 101 Gertrude, 90 Bunting First Brian, 30, 90, 159, 160 Ruth, 14, 31, 73, 157, 161 Brian and Sonia, 14, 37 Fischer INKATHA, 59, 64 Bram, 52 International Labour Office, 32 Five Freedoms Forum, 59, 126 Interviews, 11, 12 Forman Lionel, 17, 52 J Sadie, 14, 90, 117 Jabavu FOSATU, 38 John Tengo, 99 Freedom Charter, 57 JODAC, 91 Frelimo, 113 Jordan Fucik Pallo, 63, 67 Julius, 100 Joseph Helen, 14, 73 G

Ginwala K Frene, 68 Karis Gomas Tom, 64, 91, 121, 126, 127, 133 John, 102 Kaunda Gottschalk Kenneth, 80, 130 Keith, 14, 15, 31, 91, 117 Kodesh Group Areas, 122 Wolfie, 136 Gwala Kotane T.H., 55 Moses, 52, 91, 102, 162 Sam, 14, 127 H Krog Hani Antjie, 101 Chris, 53, 96, 108, 113, 126 Hasson L Reuben, 15, 91 La Guma Hepple Alex, 14, 52, 59 Alex, 49, 151, 155 Lenin Homelands, 23, 199 Vladimir, 50 Huddleston Lewin Trevor, 98 Julius, 14, 31, 92, 95, 158 Human rights, 21, 60, 63 Liberation struggle, 27, 32 Lobola, 17, 18 I Luthuli ICU, 36, 40 Albert, 64 Imperialism, 32, 51, 82 India M High Commission, 12, 91, 101 Mabhida Indians, 100 Moses, 14, 43, 53, 92, 94, 111, 116, 117 Inkatha, 44, 70, 96 Mafeje Archie, 31 Ngoyi Maharaj Lilian, 15, 73, 105, 117 Mac, 67 Nkomati Accord, 200 Mandela Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 93, 118, 128, 137 Nelson, 56, 57, 63, 67, 92, 101, 121, 127, Nujoma 133, 163, 164 Sam, 93 Winnie, 73, 92 NUM, 41, 45, 48, 121, 128 Marcus NUMSA, 41, 46, 188 Gill, 92, 127 Nzimande Tessa, 75, 92 Blade, 55 Marquard Leo, 31 O Marriage, 17, 18, 21, 22, 29, 30 Obituaries, 11, 12, 13, 52, 57, 73, 98, 122, 131, Marxism, 49, 50, 52, 124 133, 201, 208 Maseru Raid, 26 Organisation for African Unity, 60 Mbeki Oxfam, 12, 93, 128 Govan, 67, 70, 92, 130 Thabo, 57, 63, 127, 130 P Zanele, 127 Pan Africanist Congress, 59, 63, 71 Meli Paton Francis, 31, 57, 92, 117 Alan, 163 Migrant labour, 33 Philips Molo Songololo, 98 Ian, 93 Molteno Photographs, 13, 83, 100, 138 Frank, 92 Poems, 11, 12 Robert, 77, 85, 92, 127, 199 Poetry, 79, 99, 101, 106, 116, 124, 196 Mompathi Poets Ruth, 75, 92 Breytenbach, Breyten, 101 Mpetha Krog, Antjie, 101 Oscar, 36, 95, 104, 122, 123, 132, 133 Verano, 114 MWASA, 41, 46 Politics, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 29, 33, 36, 41, 43, Mzala 48, 51, 61, 62, 66, 77, 82, 96, 99, 100, 102, Nxumalo, Jabulani 93 107, 111, 113, 120, 123, 131, 135, 136, 138, 148, 164, 198, 199, 202, 203 N Right-wing, 77 Naidoo Phyllis, 14, 26, 93, 98, 100, 128, 133, 135 R Nash Race Dora, 13, 53 Cultural aspects, 17 Natal Indian Congress, 71, 96, 153 Prejudice, 16, 28, 78, 99, 140 Native Economic Commission, 99 Relations, 22, 28, 29 Nelson-Richards Revolution, 28, 51, 95, 113 Melsom, 15, 23 Riots, 19, 153 Oliver, 29, 57, 58, 63, 65, 112, 113, 116, 117, Rosenberg Fund for Children, 97, 98, 128 123, 131, 133, 137 Roux Toivo ya Toivo Eddie, 53, 139 Andimba, 94 Winnie, 14 Torture, 20 Tribal medicine, 24, 29 S Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 21 Sacco and Vanzetti, 102 TUCSA, 44, 115, 177, 178, 179 Sachs Turock Albie, 63, 67, 75 Ben, 14, 31, 163 SACTU, 20, 42, 43, 46, 107, 113, 117, 118, 121, Tutu 122, 137, 151, 179, 184 Desmond, 24 SADF, 78 U Sanctions, 59, 62, 78 Schreiner Umkhonto we Sizwe, 40, 65, 92, 131 Jennifer, 15, 39, 93 Angolan camps, 65, 111 Olive, 26, 108, 134 United Nations, 88 Sharpeville, 60 University Shope Cape Town, 1, 11, 12, 34, 39, 43, 48, 50, 66, Gertrude, 129, 135 75, 89, 92, 94, 96, 97, 98, 121, 125, 130, Mark, 45, 67, 183, 185 133, 200 Simons Durban-Westville, 79, 100, 134 Lynette, 13, 89, 125, 130 Manchester, 11, 94, 107, 108 Slavery, 27, 69, 97 Namibia, 94, 136 Slovo Natal, 94 Joe, 53, 55, 95, 133 Stellenbosch, 94 Socialism, 50, 51, 96 UNISA, 21, 94 SOMAFCO, 60, 61, 194, 195 Western Cape, 94 South African Institute of Race Relations, 34, 48, Witwatersrand, 94, 125 72, 96, 103, 158 Zambia, 11, 85, 94, 99, 106 South African Labour Party, 34 Urban Foundation, 26, 72, 123 Soweto Crisis Committee, 61 USSR, 51, 60, 95, 119, 129 Soweto Uprising, 60 State of Emergency, 19, 46, 124 V Strikes, 30, 36, 39, 41, 42, 66, 101, 122, 169 Vorster Suttner B.J., 76 Raymond, 12, 15, 55, 89 W T Weinberg Tamana Eli, 15, 31, 33, 35, 182 Dora, 15, 73, 93, 113, 122 Sheila, 94 Tambo Violet, 14, 67, 73, 94, 190 Wiehahn Commission, 46 Tony, 20 Williamson Craig, 58 Z Zambia Y Life in Zambia, 12 Yengeni Zambian Congress of Trade Unions, 44