F-Project 03 2001/2002 Informal Settlements Development on Zanzibar A Study on the Community Based Provision of Storm Water Management Participants: Ameyibor, Steve Basteck, Timo Bierbaum, Claudia Frommeld, Nadine Giaourakis, Nike Hackenbroch, Kirsten Kirchberg, Axel Kutsch, Alexander Mendel, Maximilian Schlichting, Silke Schmelz, Sebastian Schoppengerd, Johanna Schulitz, Antonias Schützendorf, Judith Sufryd, Christian Vorberg, Thorsten SPRING WORKING PAPERS No. 21 Dortmund 2003 SPRING Studies in Regional Development Planning and Management in Developing Countries Revision of layout and content Bierbaum, Claudia; Frommeld, Nadine; Giaourakis, Nike; Hackenbroch, Kirsten; Kirchberg, Axel; Schlichting, Silke; Schoppengerd, Johanna; Schulitz, Antonia; Vorberg, Thorsten Project Supervisor Univ.-Prof. Dr. Volker Kreibich MA, University of Dortmund, Germany Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Scholz, University of Dortmund, Germany Project Advisor Dr. Ute Middelmann, University of Dortmund, Germany External Examiner Yao Yeboah, University of Dortmund, Germany Distributor SPRING Centre University of Dortmund Baroper Str. 291 44227 Dortmund Tel.: +49-231-755-2543 Fax: +49-231-7554398 E-Mail:
[email protected] I Acknowledgements This report represents the outcomes of a student-project at the University of Dortmund, Faculty of Spatial Planning. For one year 16 students worked together on the topic of informal settlements and tried to answer the question how to provide basic infrastructure in those settlements. Besides this, one aim of the project was to reflect the German understanding of plan- ning and to get an impression of the completely different conditions in which planning has to take place in developing countries. During the work the project dealt with prob- lems of urbanisation in developing countries and the inability of the government to re- spond to it.