The Curse of Fatal Non-Monotonicity: Time-Travel Narratives in Steven Moffat’s Doctor Who, 2010–2017 © 2018 Paul Bailey |
[email protected] Bailey / The Curse of Fatal Non-Monotonicity / 1 I should explain. This is a blog post that got out of hand. The starting point was straightforward enough. In November 2013, the BBC broadcast Steven Moffat’s ’The Day of the Doctor’, the centrepiece of its year-long programming to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. In the episode, Moffat, at the time the ‘showrunner’ of Who, takes a position with respect to existing story content established during the tenure of previous showrunner Russell T Davies — and to a degree even earlier — that struck me as deeply unsettling, in a number of ways. It has something to say about the nature of information as presented in narrative form, what it means for this information to be seen as mutable, and how mutability might affect the reader’s1 response to narrative. It also relates to the very idea of ownership of fictional work. Rather than shout into the abyss a few tweets apparently loaded with fan-entitlement — Moffat isn’t doing Doctor Who my way! — I wanted to step back and make a real case for my unsettlement, partly to put my thoughts into some sort of order, 1. Without getting too precious, by ‘reader’ I mean the human processor of a narrative, whatever form it’s in. I will also use ‘viewer’ when I’m specifically referring to the act of viewing an episode of Doctor Who.