If \C II \Ccl( tl ddlilll/111 1/ c wlio f Ctlr~ bcmg Wll /'Clllllmlt!, lool( allout )1111 (jltcrccl i1 wrc of clcfcat l - Me ll J of M1cl11~ Ill ING·HAM==---=====:==:::::-; INGHAM COUN'l'Y NI~WS, MASON, MICHIGAN, 'liiUUSDA Y, .JULY 2, 1930

S'J'ANDS ON IU~COUD MASON AMONG ~ITifS TO Home T~tin6~o~~c!~~sto~~ty Fair!l NtW WRtE~EAIVREES~AETP~PURPOVAl Cash Buried By RecltiSe HAV f NEW POSTOffiCES Ingham rurm hmscs will tultc the Clllnngo the events Owncts or ra~t IJ Joles at BalY an Who W.ts StiiCIICII I Ilc Im 1 c d 1 n lhc gcncwl appwptl!lt Ion Anot!lol feature Of the l un3n " fait Is M!lmous t!s Ia aspt Jeref lgh-whe artist mat Ion of county we If ute comm 1ss Ions I n \V 001I S LoiS t 'v Ill t el. 0 0 81 11 1 f 01 new pastaf ,'l co b u lid! ngH tl 11 oug1 1· lite .."UtOJnobllc 1aces No ca1 B valued beingany booltedtor uc s m nt met t urc approved b y tl10 govern at an d a d op t cc 1 ----- out tho United Slrttes Is nn !tern of at more than $25 will be allowed fm by a majority vote of supervls01s Hens of .John Iltnllnnt, M.1son tecluse ,Jlld liiOJICY leJJrlct, \VIJosn $70 000 for a building and site at Mu· onl!y Winners w!ll receive cash Wotlt Is progressing on the grand· meeting ln Lunslng last wcclt was b I f " son and nn cquul amount for Eaton prizes stand and recreation center being con- adopted by the Ingham county !Joard oc Y W,JS otmd 111 the woodlot on Ius fatm nem D.msvtllc Jnlllldl y Rapids Accotd!ng to Information to· Farm h01scs given n day's vacation stJUctcu under WPA The gtnnclstnnd Wednesday Undel this plan the chah· 13, uncoveted cnchcs contammg $12,900 the past wcel< C,1sh 111 lensed ftom Washington this wcclt f1om plows and wagons and the an· wlll be completed before fait time It man or the board becomes ox cfflclo the amount of $1500 WdS found undct one stone pile ,mel c.tsh 111 proposals f01 sale or donation of a slto clcnt automobiles will be used to dcd· Ia also expected that the racing oval membct of the relief bo!ltd while the the sum of $1200 was found beneath anothet stone pile Two home- In Mason will be opened by agents or !cute the half-mile traclt being con- will be fenced and the baseball and aupcrvlsot• have the tight to pklt a made Vdlllts bmlt below the S\ll'f,Jce of til" grottllcl .tt t!Je II!Sirle the U S Tteasuty depa1tment at the structcd under WPA softball diamonds and tennis comts second man either ftom their own ~ office of the poHtmnstet hmc on Mon- Lloyd R Doane Is secretary of the will be completed before the opening numbm or from outside Its tnnlts The ,mglcs of a tml fence Yielded $10,200 m govellllll

lnghtuu 'l'otvriHh\1• ShttiVN 1:hc \Vay once mot·o-ft•om Lrtn~lng und Wash· INGI-IAM NEWS A gt'Otlt doni o1 monoy hau boon lngton. ,apont fat• "t·olicf" uinco tho dotll'cHslon In tho mountlmo nmny of those on bllgrm, and mrUly people hrwo r·uthct• reilof lllced It so well that thoy t•cfusod Mcmhcr oi mn tared au socond to wot•lc-und · aro stlll doing so. Thoy PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON IN THE given up llntl udmlttod that tho pra~­ BIRTI-IDAY c Ia B s matter at ont wolfai'O load Is, ot nocc~slty, pcr­ will not wot•lc fot• fut•nwrs, anti thoy CITY' OF MASON, MICHIGAN postoii'Ico, Manon, will not worlc for· others, na wltnoss a Michigan, un d or lllllnont. Thla Is tho attitude tnlcon by stulo olrlolrliR In Lansing, nntl by fotl­ man who told us this wcolc tlmt he V. J. DRoWN, & SoN, Publishers act oC Marcil 3, wished to hire alx to ton mon for com­ 1870. cr·nl o!l'lclula In Wnshlngton, Ie It truo V. J. DROWN and NELSON D. DROWN, Editors that forever und over, Amen, we must mon lnbot•, and just couldn't find them, Of A Nation! continue to support so grout n num­ o.lthouglt he searched dlllgently. ber as uro now on relief rolla ? Somo day we're going to have to SUIUSOIUI'TION JtA1'E5! (l'uyrtblo In Allvun~o) AUVEitTISING ltATES quit spending so much on relief, and One o.nswet• to that question acoma the Ingham township board should One yoar In Ingham und udjoinlng Countles ...... $1.50 Display advertising rates on application: Business lo­ to lie In n story wo road in tho Ing­ have credit for showing that it co.n be cals o.nd roudlng notices on firul and local pages, l5e a hnm County Nows, published ut Mu· dono'-Tuscola County (Carol Adver­ July 4, 1936, marks the 160th Anniversary of om· Six months In Inghnm nnd adjoining Counties.... .75 son by V. J, Drown. tiser. line; No rending or business advertising loss than 2llc; American Independence. When we realize that I'hruo Months ------.40 Crud of Thanlcs, lc a word; Obituary notices of 125 It acorns that Ingham township, In tho county of tho sarno name, decided Sou~!~ llrLVon's SILIJI Oorue., In words free, more than 125, 1c 11 word. Announcemcnt.ti Single Copies ------.05 to try put·ing down the relief rolla. Ail The band played and South Haven our Nation has grown from thirteen scattered of onterto.lnments where admlaslon Is charged or of o.ny supposedly ubic-bodlcd men wct·e em­ Outsldo Ingham und adjoining Counties ------2.00 citizens turned out cnmasse last Sun­ plan to rulso funds mu~t be paid In advance at regular ployed on the WPA worlc, and olrlcluls day to hoot their auto horns and oth· colonies to the greatest Nation in the world in the All papers mulled outside tho U. S. one yeur ----- 2.50 rates. of the townsblp thougbt they were orwiae accord a noisy hut-and-hand· being o.sscssed too heavily for the re­ lcerchief;wavlng welcome to the s. s. short period of 160 years, well may we pay tribute maining families who wore on direct Roosevelt, tho first passenger boat to to the wisdom, courage, and high ideals of the KEISTER SIGNS "30" mcnt. In many of these counties this added expense is a rellof. The .January blll for five fum­ enter tho South Haven harbor In serious matter indeed, Genesee county, among this num­ llics was ~220. In February the sup­ years. Its appearance marlcod tho re­ Fred D. Keister, rcrhaps the hcst known among Mich­ port of the same fumlllea came to Patriots \~ho, in 1776, signed the Declamtion of ber, finds itself expending at least $50,000 a year to house &umptlon of steam ship po.ssengcr sot·· igan editors, is <.lead. In the parlance of the craf: he h~s $212. In Murch the cost for five fam­ vice between Chicago, St. Joseph o.nd and sup port insane and mentally deficient persons for Ilies part of the time and slx the bal­ Independence. signed "30" to his last hit of copy. A host of fnends m South Ho.ven. whom the county authorities arc not able to find admis­ ance of tho month was $256. In April anJ out of the publishing fic!J mourn his passing. Hun­ South Haven memories hurlced bnclc sion to state hospitals. Ingham county has paid a consid· the cost wo.s $258 for seven fumilles to the pre-depression days when dreds found their way to his bier anJ stood with bared erahle sum likewise. the first half of the month and certain steamers piled Its harbor o.nd thou­ heads while his body was lowered to rest Items for the lust 15 days. Those cost But the expense is not all by any means. Not so long sands wnllced the gungplanlcs to spend In observance of Independence Day, this under the oaks in a rurar cemetery ncar Items were in addition to government u day or a weelc or a· month In South ago in our own county jail at Mason there was 'confined food supplles without cost to the town­ where he began his career aml among the Raven's resort urea, Much of South bank will trunsact no business on Sat­ for months a young woman who was so violent that she ship. The Ingham County Emergency Haven's fruit products went to mur­ folks he loved best. Relief Commission was In chnrge lcct In tho holds of tile same passenger urday, July 4, 1936. could not be safely held elsewhere and yet could not be when these o.mounts were paid. Fred Keister was not without his faults ships. . admitted to Kalamazoo because there were no vacant .The township boat·d protested tbat 'file bout industry wo.s a thriving nor without weakness-he himself would beds and each county in turn is given the openings as the amounts were too high. Nothing one In tho pre-automobile days, o.nd he the first to proclaim that truth. Per­ they occur. Just recently a brilliant young woman, as the was done about It, so on April 15 the both South Haven and St. Joseph wm·c haps because of this Fred was over-gen­ result of ovcrstudy in college, became mentally unbal­ township determined that It would as­ dependent upon It througl1 the sum­ erous to others. He never spoke ill of any, anced. Several weeks of home care resulted only in her sume responsibility for all the costs In· mer seasons. When summer visitors stead of paying 40 per cent of what begun unlvlng by motor the human rather he was wont to go far to find some becoming more unbalanced until finally stark violence tile county relief commission was cargoes on steamship declcs grew thin· good in all. I-Ic was a colorful writer. Hi~ . . resulted. Could any normal person have seen this young spending. What has been the result? ner and thinner. When the depression The Dart National Bank cheery disposition and keen wit won him friends and woman, held under opi;ttcs in a padded cell as the only Since Aprll 15 until the present, the fastened Its grip upon the country, the Oldest NATIONAL Bank in Ingham County gained for him an entre into circles impenetrable to possible available relief, as did this writer, then indeed township has spent just $41.25. It is passenger vessels disappeared. Member of Federal Reserve System many. As a columnist his words were read in every sec­ admitted, of course, that more families Now lo.lce tro.vel Is ugaln popular, would they, like this writer, have become disturbed. Only might have come onto the relief rolls, and passenger stenmshlps o.re plying Under Government Supervision tion of the state. As an editorial writer he was discern­ by the utmost cooperation by Judge McArthur and the and it is lllcewise true that there has the Greo.t Lulces. Whether their re­ ing, analytical and concise. As a political writer he had hospital authorities was it possible to gain admission to a been less fuel to buy in the spring turn Is permanent will be determined few equals. In his own newspaper under his own column months. But, says the News, It bolls by tile volume of the public's po.tron­ hospital for this young woman. Under the care there the board of supervisors of VanBuren sors have rejected WPA o.ld in con­ labeled, "The Single Top Trail" he became the small down to this: that the township is now age. given and by virtue of the facilities available only at a spending about $20 for relief where, South Haven is VanBuren county's county rejected the proposal of the structing ll. new county infirmary nnd town philosopher, frequently pouring into his lines his mental hospital, was a useful life saved. She is now on. under the old plan It would buve been port city. The incrense in the num­ state ERA to appoint o. supervisal will construct on their own account very soul laid hare. Devoted to his family, to his com­ her way to full recovery. Had not heroic measures been forced to pay about $200, And that's ber of freighters discharging their member of the county commission and with county money and with no munity, to his state, Fred D. Keister by his service be­ a cut of 90 per cent! cargoes there in recent yeo.rs bus been demanded u portion of the state mon­ strings on those to be employed. resorted to her death would probably have resulted and if ey be returned to the county for dis· came an institution. Few men enjoyed wider experience The township board says that they a stimulus to the county's business o.c­ not her death, then a living hell. tlvity. Successful resumption of bursement by the superintendents of or possessed more genuine rriends. ho.vc cro.clced down and made the "re­ the poor. Yes, Michigan needs more hospitals. The delay to this liefers" work. Stele o.nd aged have re­ steamship passenger service will prove .r------·· -0- hour can be excused because of lack of funds. Such an ceived the co.re they needed. Farmers even more beneficial. Therefore, other A WORD TO YOUTH alibi is no longer possible. Further delay in the face of now have some badly needed farm VanBuren county towns are ltopeful MIDLAND-An old fasqloned barn WE OFFER AS .A SAFE raising, the first In many years In this existing conditions and existing revenues can only reflect help. At the same time, government that South Haven will continue to Judge Kelly S. Searl of the Clinton-Gratiot circuit food has been cut off, the county com· greet its po.sscnger ship on a regular locality, brought 125 men to the INVESTMENT FOR court may be by some considered old fashioned but to rank indifference to the cries of humanity. Boasting of mission apparently resenting whnt ho.s schedule.-Ho.rtford Day Spring. Thompson farm near LaPorte. In two those who know his past life from boyhood to his present cash surpluses while hundreds of helpless victims languish been done by the township. hours the frame of the 40x92 structure YOUR FUNDS in padded cells belies the good citi::enship of which we So it appears that something renlly Fool's Gold was In place. Ice cream o.nd pop dur­ high position among the judiciary of Michigan, what he Ing the afternoon topped by o. com· has to s;ty on any subject is worthy of attention. Re­ boast. can be done about relief, if township The great majority of polltlcluns officials ho.vc the nerve to go at it. who run for oii'Ice solicit votes on u munity supper at evening paid the cently he spoke before a group of business men in his Moreover, let not the taxpayer be fooled. He is paying helpers. his county in property tax or paying extra in his house­ Ingham townshiphllS done what we tax reduction and economy planlc In home tow11 of St. Johns. His subject was on the ways to hoped, a couple of years ago, that Tus- their platform. Local chambers of be successful and how to get along in life. While those hold expense for confinement awaiting hospitali;:ation colo. county us o. whole would do. commerce whoop it up for tu.x econ· STANDISH-George Earl, Hale farmer, was strlclccn with a heo.rt at­ 4% to whom he addressed his remarks were beyond the age more than he would pay in sales tax for adequate and omy, keep government out of business, proper psychopathic treatment. If our r·ecollcctlon Is not ut fault, etc. Leading citizens In local com· tnclc and fell from the tractor he was NOTES OF THIS COMPANY of youth, he chose to direct his remarks to any imaginary this county was spending about $50,· munltles demand retrenchment In pub- opemtlng. His head WllS severely cut youth rather than to the st~id business men before him. One of the first acts of the 1937 legislature should b~ 000 or $60,000 u year In relieving dis· lie expense and bo.lunced budgets. when a disc harrow attached ran over MATURING IN ONE YEAR Among the sound bits of advice he gave to this ima­ an appropriation sufficient to begin a program of con­ tress o.nd while lt was a stiff burden, But how many of these proponents him. He died soon after his pllght ginary youth he said: struction first, and restoration second, to add at least nobody was starving or freezing. of tax reduction and public economy WllS discovered. institutional beds within the next two years and Along came the state and federal gov- refuse to grub for a cbunlc of free 3%NQTES "Get the best education possible; high school 3 500 ernrnents with a lot of money, o.nd the "porlc" In the shape of public funds during the following two year period to reconstruct ex· HARTLAND -The sixth o.nnuul and college if possible, but if you fail in this re­ result was that this county began (mortgage on ever-y man, woman and session of the Ho.rtlund school of sac· MATURING IN spect, do not be discouraged. Educate yourself. isting structures now crumbling with the years and pre­ spending between $120,000 lllld $150,· child in the nation) when offet·ed to a red music will open July 6. The school It can be dane. senting a fire 01nd health hazard which the people of the 000 yearly for relief-just about loco.! community In tbe form of u more Is open to church musicians and class· SIX MONTHS double the amount previously spent by elubol'll.te postofflce than needed, u "Establish a library-the first book should be state cannot safely ignore. es In chorus conducting, choir mnnnge· -o-. the county. Nobody can tell us that more expensive school house than jus· mont and severo.! other bro.nches of the Bible because it contains so much of funda­ almost overnight the need was twice tlfled, or un unnecessary municipal sacred music w111 be offered. A feat­ Funds· may be withdrawn at mental law, of art, and of general educational in­ EATING CAKE as bad us It had been. power plant to duplicate existing !neil- ure of the event will be the presenta· maturity plus Interest and with­ terest you cannot afford to be without a know­ There is an old aqagc about cake. It has something tC'J Then the county officials got Into a !ties? tlon of the Messiah In Wuiden)VOOds ledge of it. say about being able to have one's cake and cat it too. tangle over the county o.dminlstrut'or, It Is amusing to see the politico.! by a chorus of 100 trained voices on out notice. and decided to handle their own relief Hag-wavers grab for a handful of "Marry and raise a family. It is your duty to Roscommon county folks are just learning about this July 10. Prominent vocalists will as· problem alone. We hoped that when "fool's gold" because they think It sume the solo parts. your God, your parents, to your country and the truth. this was done, it would be possible comes out of their neighbor's pot in­ white race. Houghton Lake for years has been known all over th~ again to support the poor with the Istead of their own.-Leslle Local-Re­ LAPEER-Little Mlsiuh Basenlcoff, "Join a church, or attend and support a church. middle west as one of the finest fishing lakes in the land sume old $50,000 or $60,000. But what publlcllll. two years old, followed her father, DART happened wo.s that the county tried to It is the church which furnished the high ideals of Pike fishers especially have made Houghton their favorite Nich Basenkoff, to the hay field. Be· pay just o.s much for r·el!ef as county, Kisses were harder to get in the the founders of this great free land of ours. fishing ground. As a consequence around this, the largest fore he could stop the team she stumb­ National Company state and federal governments !tad olden days, but when you got one It led in front of tbe cutting bar and one "Take sides on issues. Belong to a political inland lake in Michigan and one of the largest in the done before, and we just didn't have wusn' t becnuse the girl was too drunlc leg WllS cut off above the lcnee. party and believe in it. Take a positive stand on country with the exception of the Great Lakes, have been that much money. So the result WllS to give a dam.-Rochester (Mich.) Mason, Michigan anything and everything that is of importance in built hotels, hunting and fishing camps, cottages and re­ that we had to co.ve in and get help Clarion. BAD AXE-Huron county supervi- your community. Don't be a straddler; don't con­ sorts, the investment in which runs into impressive totals. ,...... Ten Years AgG stantly compromise. De positive. Upon this summer fishing

,...... ~:::..~~~~~ .. ~~:.. ~: .. ~!~:~~~:~...... HOlD AU SABl.[ COU 0TJ}:~t ~~~~.:·~~.cr:~~b~.~~~~~~~:;~r,,::~~~n.~·~~~·~ 0 q Arlcl1t Almrl11nd upent lnst weolt In [ (\ In 10110, hu•goat In tho Unltocl SlitteR. / Lrmuh1g with her cousin, PhylliB All deprtt·tnwnts 11 t tho collogo wilt Down. VACIA'fiONI!l'l'l'! JUWJ,A(JID LU~l· pru·tlclputo In the celobl'lltlon. Agrlcul· Mr. unci Mrs, Guel'(]on Usher spent Imlt ,JACms Olf Jl'OJ~UI~It DA xs: tural onglncot·lng, rurm crops, poul- Saturcluy In the northom pnrt of tho try, ltnlmctl huubnnclry, dairy, uolls, We're Declaring a utctlo. 'l'rlho or GhlpJ1ow11 lmllttn~ 'J'n Slugo hortlculturo, forcstt·y, botnny, velerl· Mr. and Mrs. Wn.rron Proper from II , nary und cntotnolo"y will offer •pc"iltl I'll t t s d ltl M d M 111 awa 111 1 oll{llllll,1 ,1 u 1 y •,2 9, 1, n, o " • The Nature of the Order ' n , a pen .un 11y w I r. nn rs, •Flm Scmltl~ nf HH l, IIIHmuclci!. clcparlmcntal progmms In tho rnorn- NEW Independence FI'IInciH Jesse. ' lng nflor the llt·st spechtl event IH con- Lest lhe Orcler of the Golden llulo Mrs. 0, N. Hngue was In Lansing Tho culmlncttlon of a CJUnrtor con- dueled at 0 11. m. lc1st Friday. ------be misunderstood, permit us to cx­ Mrs. Bruce Howlett spent Frldny tury of cffol't estllbllshlng n summc1· plaifl that this is an honorary ot·gnni­ 'l'oday, the pCOJJle of these United States are declaring· for afternoon with her mother, Mrs, Earl resort town on tho lim scarred pine Fowlerville Will w11u1er, nellr Mlllvllle. utumpago left by the dev11sl11llng Os· zatioJl, with members upon five of the a new independence, an independence from the dnys of de- codii·AuSablo lire of 1011 wlll be ccle· Hold Celebration six continents, nnd thut atliliation ,...... " ...... " ...... , bmtcd In those Lnlw Huron summer pcndence-the days when one's earning power slackens or 2 4 with the Order is a distinction con­ ~ South Aurelius and North vncn.tlon cities .July • 3, • 0· IIAltNI~SS ItAOI~S AND UASIOIIALL I Once n. lumbct·lng center with n. 1FEA:l'Uit~a 'l'WO-nAY EVENT. ferred which docs not in any way af­ ceases altogether. Lilw the boys of '76 they nrc dcclm·ing population of 5,000, today Oscoda Is a popular resort town of nn equal sum- A two-dn.y event of harness racing fect the manag·ement, ownership, con­ their independence but this time it is based upon a better ~·······~···~: .. ~~~~~!~!.~~...... ~. mer population but a yenr·nround bnb- and baseball games Is announced by trol, or personnel of the member, and more businesslilw method of saving und utilizing their Mesdames Mary Ketchum and JoB· ltatlon of little more than live hundred, tho Fowlot-vllle Agricultural Socloty sic Gardner of cast of MUilon, were It's the successful establishment of for tho July 4th nnd 5th celebmtlon to 'l'hat we are Mason's member is a savings. Over and above all other plans, fanciful or other- Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Geot·ge nn industry to replace the lumber the be held nt the Fowlcrvlllc fnlr significant fact which ihqsc acquaint­ Covert. /twin cities of Oscoda and AuSnblc nrc grounda. wise, the one sure WilY to accomplish this worthy purpose is About 70 were pt·esent Sunday nt celebrating curly In July with an np· It Ia Interesting to note that the ed with the Order and its work regard the 20th Century club of the Aurelius proprlnte fcstlvnl, celebration will be held on n Saturday as a suflicient recommendation in to save a portion of the income as it is earned. Let this Ccntet• school nt the Jncl[son county Over the fen.t, n. Goddess of Flrc and Sunday. This Is the llrat time that itself. pari[, Pleasant Lnlte. will rnle this "resort risen from ruin" that a Sunday program lll£C this has strong bank help you save and provide the security all crave. Mr. and Mrs. Thei'On Shnvet• of Lan· from "A Throne of Flame." She is 19 been attempted In Fowlcrvllle, nnd it sing, nnd mother, Mrs. R!lla Shaver of year old Isla Adams, a high school Is believed that many pcl·aons who arc Holt, were Sunday evening callers at junior from Oscoda. Her "Court of unable to leave their worlt during the the B. H. Field home. I Flames" consists of Genevieve Hat·l wcelt, w!ll talte advantage of this op- Glen Todd and two sons and B. H. Marcella DecJ[er, Rosemary Fletchc; portunity to see some of the best trot- 'l'his bank will not be open for business Field visited Maurice Todd Sunday at and Trudie Wolf, all of Oscoda tcrs and pacers In the state rnce on the Sparrow hospital, who has been : The Throne or Flames will be ere t- the half·mlle trncJ[, ' on Independence Day, a National Holiday, there since December 30, with bone cd on the Oscoda bathing bench ~n More than 60 horses, many of them disease of hlp und anldc, He Ia now I Ln.ke Huron just north of the point winners In the big race meet at Davi· slowly Improving it Is reported as he Where the 'long winding AuSabl son, at·e expected here on July 1th and has the cast off nod is on bls crutches j empties into the blg Jaltc after its 27g 5th. Many race funs who sn.w the ------~:------___ now. I mile com·se through the famed East races at Dn.vison predict that the traclt '"''""'"'"'"'"'"'"'"0 "'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"' Mr. n.nd Mrs, Everett Belt of Lan- Mrs, Anna Hall nnd fnmlly of St., Mlchlgun cutover lands from Gaylord records at Fowlerville will be brol[cn, I Clal'l' Center t sing, culled on Mr. nnd Mrs. Rn.ymond First State Savings Bank Johns, were callers Monday afternoon n.nd Grayling and Roscommon it The Fowlet·v!llc program includes: Uy Florence Olnrl[ t Belt and fnm!ly, sunday afternoon, nt the home of Wells Cl!clmer and B. headwaters, ' s 2:24 puce, 2:19 trot, and 2:16 pace on '"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"•""''"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"' Member Federal DeJiosit Insurance Col'!IOl'ation H. Field. A highlight of the festival will be Saturday; 2:24 trot, hnndlcap pncc Mrs. George N. Clurk returned Surr. Member of the Federal Reserve System the staging of the great Lon fellow and handicap trot for Sunday, wlth Lucille Fisher of Westgate, spent day evening from her trlp to Califor­ Mason, Michigan t·•·•·•·•·•·"'''""'"''""'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"•"'"'"''""' I "I-Ii th " b t lb gf Cl I purses totaling $900, Races start at nia. 1 N ·tl t 1 1 f ep c, nwa a , y a r c o 1 P· 1 3 the week end with Florence Clark. 1 01 lWCS ng 1am pewa Indians from Garden River : 0 p, m. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cahoon cnllod Mrs. Flossie Dalrymple of Alma, t By Mrs. Ami Tc-rrlll , Ontario. ' Baseball games will be played be- 011 Mrs. Inn. Clarlt and family W0 d • sp?nt last week with her sister, Mrs ...... -. •·•·•··•· ..··•·'"'"'"''''"'"''''"'"''''"' I The Oscoda fit•c is 11 definite chapter tween F~wlcrvlllc nnd Charlotte on day. ' ncs 1 Wtll!itm Loscney. -- in the historic annals of Michigan Saturday' Fowlervllle vs. Howell on Mrs. Wlngad Eames was brought Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm Lescney call- M~. and M~s. John Barnes and fam- lumbering. It occurred In July, 1911. Sunday. Ball games start at 3:00 p. m. lly flom neat Onondaga, were S~nday Though the built of the Michigan · from the hospital to her mother's cd on. Mr. nnd Mrs, Frnnl< Geiscnhnvcr vl~ttors n.t the Osborne home. Mt. nnd pine had been harvested in lower , .... ., .. ,.,.,.. , .. , ...... ,.,.,.,.. ,.,.,.. ,.,.. ,.,.. ,.,.,.,., home Wednesday. She is much lm- of Gtovcnburg, Sunday night. Mts .. Clnrcn~e Adlof, who hnve return· Michigrm at thnt time, Oscoda enjoyed t South Leroy t proved. · Miss Edna Lcscney attended a class Wlngad Eames, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- reunion at Laltc Ln.nsing, Sunday. ,...... , charge of the church services at the ed fwm their wedding trip spent the n. population of ncar " 000 , 'r I t By ~Irs. \V, L. ltlce 1· Wcelt cncl tl1ct·e also "· pet sons, or . Felt Plains f F• eIt Pl n lns c h urc h one wee 1< f rom nex t · it wns here at the mouth or the Au- '"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'" ... ~ .... ,.,.,.,.,.,..,.. , ...... , .. , .. , arcl Bullen and Mr. nnd Mrs, John Mrs, John Avery entertained at n. i Uy ~lrs. Non1Jl Hnrt Sunday. M~·· nnd Mrs. Nathan Ellis and Fred Sable great booms of logs had been En.mes were Sunday callers of Mrs. reception for Mr. and Mrs, Dean Av- ...... Mr. and Mrs. George Higdon called Dav•s of East L~tnslng, spent Friday floated down to the mills at 0 d Mrs. Pearl DcWntcrs and Inez of Wlngn.d Eames. cry, Thursday evening, Jnly 2. evening at the Terrill home, . sea II, on Mrs. Inn Smlth in Jncl

~~,.,.. , ...... ,.,.... ,.. , .. , .. , ...... ,... "'"'"'"'"'"'"."'"' t~OR~at~cw~~~ort~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rage cl y. I Onondaga 1 But the wlnd shifted again to the t By ~Irs. Ella Groome t north, retracing lts north-south course ...... , ~~~o~f:.veling down the main street of WARE'S. ' cu t R' ate Mr. and Mrs. Vern Glover and In total it is estimated by Mrs. Mar: daughter Phyllis and Mrs. Bert Glovel' vel Stickney, life-time resident of Os­ was In Jackson, Saturday. : coda, more than n thousand homes Mr. and Mrs. John Terry and Mr.' were burned with only 70 left stand· OPEN I I D and Mrs. A. R'osenbroolt spent Sunday ing on the high hills and ridges which s with relatives and friends in Fremont,' nrc the western boundary of the city SUNDAYS rug tore Phone 303 Ohio. i today, Mrs. Frank Noble and daughter Oscoda-AuSable then, ns today, was We Deliver Joyce and Miss Rose Vnlsecl1 of To· one. of the Great Laltcs most popular lcdo, Ohio, are visiting at the home of 1 fishm¥ P?rts, To~ay there arc seven THERE is a reason·. why Mrs. Ella Groome, 1 flsher1cs m the twm towns. · louis Meyer won tfie 500-mile Merton Lawn and Alvln Shat·p and I The jubilee this summer is a cele· son Clarence of Jackson, were Sunday I brat!on of resurrection of the to1~n Indianapolis race this. year-and visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I which seemed destined to go down m Friday-SaturdaySpecialsOnly why he is the only man ever to Bort Glover. early Michigan history us a "lumber win this gruelling race three times. Mr. and Mrs. Ridley, Mt•, nncl Mrs. 1 town of the pnst." He always used Firestone Robert Bnnninger and family and Mr. The first p~·esent":d an Immediate Gmn·DiJJJJed Tires, ancl ncve1· and Mrs. Millard Taylor and family 1 problem. Rellcf trams, Great Lakes Doctor Praises El Aguinaldo Cuban Honey were entertained at the cottage of Mr. 1 shipping f1·clghtcrs and every concelv- 512.E I'RICE cxJJcricnccd tire trouble of any ldnt!. F•·ens Sanitary Napldns and Mrs, Byswinger nt Pleasant Luke I able conveyance was used to transport "I have used with unusual success the honey of bees "EI 4.5o.21...... :s: e.f;.o Louis Meyer knows tire construction. 1 Sunday, June 28. the. homeless to safety and shelter, One 17c Aguinaldo" in the treatment of multiple organic processes such 5.50·17 .. -. 11.90 He also knows that to drive for sao / Mrs. Alice Corwin ente1·tained the! ft•etghtcr took a load to Port Huron. as nervous fatigue with UJISetting· of the digestive tract· in cons~cutive miles over this hot brick . L. A. S. at her home Wednesday aft-~ where many of the refugees still re· 6.00-16...... u.zs emoon July 1. side, . ane~1il~ and. chlorosis of varying degt·ees and CSJiecially ~s a track, negotiating the dangerous curves $1.00 Vitalis. Hair 6.oo.17 Ho xs.c;o Mrs. Mal'l·lett Hnlr who has been A story IS told of the woman who t~mc tood tor the general Jlhysical powers of the adult and 7.00·17 HD ~1.30 800 times at the record-breaking average visiting at the home' of Mrs. Mary· saved her canary bir~, only, after the Tonic 69c of the aged." 7.50·17 HD :U.'7S speed of 109 miles an hour, requires Hampton fat· the past weel<, has re-I excitement had subsided, to find she Signed: OC'l'AVIO i\lANALICH Y. CAN'fON, tires of super strength and greatest turned to the home of hct· daughter had no place to lteep lt. She wrung FOR TRUCKS and fnmlly, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hat·· Its nee][, ...... Doctor of Surget·y, 26 Palma Road, Havana, Cuba. blowout protection, as a blowout on any Ovaltine 31c, 53c, $2.6!1 S1gnature of Doctor Canton is certified by Sanitary Depart­ 6.00·20 ... _1S16.49 one of the dangerous curves would man at Jncltson. Another survivor sn.ved only a croclc 30x5 r.r..... 16.41 The F. & A, M. worked the Muster of butter from the inferno n.nd it is ment, Havm1a, Cuba. likely mean instant death. By the Mason degree last Friday night, June i.estingly said about Oscoda today, 32x6Ho .... 3$.~:.1t Firestone patented Gum-Dipping E1 Aguinaldo. ~ub~n Honey i~ a plll'e natural product, safe 26, on the following candidates: W!l- Butte,t; must have been $1.00 · n a~d very beneflcml m overcommg Stomach Ulcers, Stomach Olhor Sires r,o~culional~ly Low process every cord in the tires on Louis l!am .Jacobs, Dennis Underwood Wll- pound. Meyer's car was soaked and coated with llam Bush and Robert Byrum. The En· Mrs. Sllclmey, whose part in the fire D1stress, Bowel and Colon Troubles, also Asthma and Bron­ chitis. liquid rubber, thereby preventing internal friction and heat. ton Rn.plds lodge put on the work. bas given het· a mental and scrapboolt Choice Wool Sponges This is the secret of Jhe extra strength and reserve safety built Supper was served to about 100 history of this great tragedy, relates, Miss Murna VanRipet· Ronald "I was working in a photographer's 25c, $1.00 WARE'S DRUG STORE into Firestone Tires. Crltcs, Ivan Doxlader, Rub~n Crites, studio at that time. We were located ha_s secured ~he agency for this wonderful natm·al product in When you make your holiday trip this week-end, you of Raymond Bartlett and Junior Crites on Oscoda's main street and did not tlus commumty. course will no! drive 109 miles per hour, but at today's higher were in Jacltson, Sunday, leave until we saw the fire burning th~ Hygrade Chamois speeds you do need tires that will give you greatest blowout Mr. and Mrs. A. Rosenbroot1 were plan![ sidewall[ In front of the store. 79c, 98c in Jacltson last Friday. So, It's a "resort arisen from ruln," FILMS! FILMS! FILMS! protection and will stop your car up to 25% quicker. Mrs. Mary Hampton Mrs, Marriett that will stage one of East Michigan s Take no chances! Let us equip your car today with Firestone Tennis Balls Get your supply for the Fourth of July -======'r ====~ formost the alluring entertainment festivals of thisthe vncntion·summer Gum-Dipped Tires, the safest Jires built. It costs so little to land visitor. 25c, 49c protect lives worth so much! PICNIC SUPPLIES Here's Your Plates, Spoons, Forks, Napkins and 'l'hct·mos Bottles THE?kwfi ff$fOn~ Farmers Will Invade East Lansi~g July 31 STANDARD Travel Bargains 25c Ex-Lax 17c SPRAY MATERIALS Designed nnd constructed by Firestone l\IICHIGAN NOW LEADS NATION A full line of them, Pl'ices are right! tire enJlineers for long mllcn~e nnd IN ALF.o\I,FA ACREAGE. dcJ'cndable service-a first quality tire 25c :Mcl{esson's Shaving built of hit:h grade materials by skilled Celebration of the state's supremacy WHITE SHOE CLEANERS workmen, embodying the Firestone In the growing of alfalfa on more than Cream l!lc. patented construction features of Gum• a million acres of land will be one of Shu-Milk, Griffins and Shinola •...... •. ~ ....•... 10c, 25c Dipping nnd Two Extra Lovers of tile .highlights ln the annual Farmers' Gum-Dipped cords under the tread. Day program nt Michigan State col· Its exceptional quality nnd service nt lege, Friday, July 31, on the campus 5 lbs. Epsom Salts 19c these low prices nrc made pos!lble by at East Lansing. lar~e volume production in the world's Farmers from nll sections of the most efficient lire factories. Made In all stnte are being Invited to partlclpn.tc Bl:es for passenger cnrs, trucks, and buse11o $7.50 In the progl'llm, to view the latest cx- pcrhnents under way in test plots and Sec this new Firestone drc todoyl . experlmepts, and to benr 0. E. Reed, Buys $10.00 worth of tickets chief of the Bureau of Dairy Industry, 60c Jayne's Vermifuge THE LEADER IN THE United States Department of Agricul· 49c LOW PRICE FIELD good between all points on en· ture, Washington, D. C. Reed participated in the history tire Short Way lines, mulling development of dairying nnd crops and alfalfa growing in Mlchlgnn 60c Eno Ft·uit Salts 49c Here's your chance to cut dollars when several serles of "barn meet· from your travel cost-tlcl10ts good ings" were held beginning in 1921 In for one year-use them any time Allegan county. He then was head of $1.00 Unguentine 89c FOUNTAIN SPECIALS for yourself nnd frunlly. Hnlr and Mrs. Ray Dwight visited In Fresh Uaspberry Btick .. ."., ...... 17c Lansing lnst Wednesday at tbe home Butter Pecan Pint Pails ...... •• , ....•...•.•• , •....•• 15c Buy. these hooks from agent or of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Potter. Try a Fro1.en Power House Candy Bat· • , •••.•.•....•••.•• 5c driver, Mrs. Georgia Bender met with a very painful accident !Uilt Thursday evening 'when Wendel Hale, who wns d r I v 1 n g lost control of the car. 60c BK Solution 49c FOURTH OF JULY SPECIALS It went In a ditch and over a stone St. Regis one gallon Thet·mos Jug ...... • , ..•.•••.•. $1.39 fence Into a cornfield. The car was Goggles •.••..••.•••••.••.••...••••••.•••.• ..t9c to $1.00 wrecked and both were hurt quite bad· Bathing Caps •...•..••...•••••••• , , •• , • , ••.. , • lOc to 50c ly, especially Mrs. Bender. She Is at 60c Bromo Seltzer 49c tbe home 'of her mother, Mrs. Floyd Sun Tan Oil •.•.•••.•••...•.•• ;·, ••.•. , ••.•...•• , ••• , • 49c Iehrun, Sunex (the pain relieving antiseptic cream) .•••••• , ••••• 55e. Bus Depot at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baldwin are HOT~L MASON !fe~~:fa.~ ~k:,aym at their cottage 60c Alka·Seltzer 49e We carry a full line of Daily and Sunday Phone 9103 ahower party at her home lut Friday • aftel'JiooD~~~~~~~~ali~=;:::::::=••••~N:e:w:•:~a::e:r~a~u=d~M:a:u:a~z:i:n:e:~---J for Kn. W, :U:onroe. t•ugo I•'our INGIIAM COUN'I'Y NBWS, MASON, MICIUGAN, 'l'HUUSDAY, .TUI...Y 2, 1936 ...... ;;..:;.::.:_:..:.::.: ______~ ...... ~--,.~----~----=-~---~--~---~-~-----~---~------~------=-~---.-___ ------. ------·------,------·-- Legion T earn Defeated f...... - ...... , i Lrumatllln Bpont tho woolc ond ut Dullll ~------~------~--·--·--·- ·--~~------~--·-~-~---·---:::::! [,rliW Oil /~ 11Hhlng tt•ltl, hnrdy band 111'0 ~tlon ll'llvollng In tho forllUI'o nttl·nctlon noltt 'l'hut•ut!rty, In First League Tilt H 0 L T Mr. und Mrn. Loon Cr·owl rmd rum- guliw of 11 mmllolno uhow to got thu Bnnlc Night., wm1 mndo for lllUifhlug t , By IUra, J11ruu3 1'. 1\lng t lly r1pont Mondr1y ovcnlng with Mt•, ovldcneo on n dospomt!l 1{/Ullr oC crtttln llllt'pouou only, nnr.l It c01tnlnly fulllllH SIIIJ'I'OU'I.' HUS'l'AINEU AOAINH'l' t t lind Mt·u. Wurd Vlcury, t'llatlom, After much h11rd t·idlng, tu mluBion, It'n 11 npccd,v r.ollogli1to ~SPORTS l~XCJ1Cl 1 1,1GN'l' l'I'J'CJJIINU, "'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'__ , Mlllll Mut•lol Burr ontortalncd tho shooting r1nd llghtlng, vh·tuo triumphu, fmllo, with an11ppy dlrL!oguo and llltlug college club 1111d lhol!• mothoi'U 11t hor nud Ken not only IIndH romnnco, but tnnoa, conco!'lllng tho ntlomptu or Mtwcm's ontt·y In tho Lrmuing JuntO!' l~•·csbyhlrlun UhUI'llh homo I~rldny ovcnlrrg, All onjoyod 11 locatou hl:r long lout alntor whom he conch li'mnlt McHugh to whip tho VIII'· vlllo HCOI'Od ngrtln when Bulttll' was hit I.oglon Jmsobull loop wns forcod to ac­ Chuij, P. Andmws, Pusto1· vury Uno progrmn. hr1s sought fo1• muny yorll'B, Lucile ulty rowing crow Into uhupo, nnd the by 11 pitched lmll and tmttod home on cop t a 2 to 0 llofollt at Mni'Uhnll Flold . Scrvh:cs next Sunday will bo ns fol­ Mt·a. aoy Hunt Ia 11ttondlng unmmor Browne playu tho romantic loud, unr.l cffortH of Pntt•Icla JOIIIu to usulst him. I'oclwns' uocond ll'lplo or the gnme, FOWlERVIllE WINNER in Lansing •ruesday night 11t tho hands lows: Mo!'nlng wot•shlp 11nr.l junior· school. 11 str•ong Cllllt. mulwu tho most or tho A Silly symphony c111·toon nnd JGd- MllHOn went nho11d In tho olghtll by of Donstrtodt's mvoretl tonm. nodoclt· chm·ch 11L 10:30 n. m. wllh a junlO!' supportlng roles, ·gar llm·gcn, voutrlloqulnt, In "'fho Ail mnlclng tht·oc runs on llvo solid hits, or, tho Jevet·ott hU!'le!', throw his stot•y, MuRic by tho choh· unr.l 11 ser­ ~ Ed·~~-·-·----·-····--·- 'l'hroo uhort subjects 111'0 nlso on this Amo!•lcnn Dl'llwbnclt" comploto thla cu!·vou nnd rust balln past 13 Mnson mon by tho pustm· on tho CJUostlon: r...... progmm; lll'Bt Is "Hmulu-Up Buuolmll" bill. OVER MASON OUHIT dou!Jios by Bullen, Cohan and Br1rhol' and slngloa !Jy Hull rmd MIZCI', Tho bntsmon In a seven-Inning game, Hu "What Mann or of Man Ia This 'I" 'fho folltUl'ing auch fnmouu pltch.Jt•a ns ------­ wont until tho siKth before yielding n Stmdr1y school will moot nt 12 o'cloclt Schoolboy Rowo, 'fommy Bridges, LIVINOS'l'ON ''riMM Ul'SIIJ'l'S !\fA· loud melted awny tho sumo Inning ...... ~:..~~:~ .. ~~:.~:~~~;~~:~~~:...... J Lefty Grove lind others, then comes hit. In tho seventh he was touched wlth music by lho orchestra and tho SON I.ICA 01' VAilii'1'1F.S hulk 10c team has a game Thursday with the of the bride, Judge and Mrs. B. D. Lansing Red Arrows nt Marshall Chandler, of Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. SMALL FRANKS lb. 25c J.'ltt-:SII SIIII'.IIEN'I'S Ih. CANDY 10 111-:I.ICIOUS VAitlli'l'IES bulk 10c Field. No game Is scheduled Tues­ Clayton Powell of Detroit, Dr. and SIVIF'I"S l'ltEMIUll day. On next Tllursday the Mason Mrs. C. L. Bt·own, D1·. and Mrs. S. M. ·PORK & mnnl team will again swing In to action. Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. Louts Greenlee, MEAT LOAF tb. 19c BEANS 3 25c Mr. and M1·s. George O'Meara and COUNTI!Y CLUII - MICIIJ(;AN I'ACK """" COUN'I'IIY CLUB - 'I'IIUili:';I;En • SCORES JUNE 28 Miss Adellne O'Meara, William Prld­ East Lansing 7, Charlotte 2. enul( and William Stumpf, nil of Hills· SUMMER SAUSAGE tb. 25c Slriclly }1rcsh l lb. 6 5 dale. BUTTER. l'lfichiguu Mnid roll Eaton Rapids, 9, Holt 4. AII~IOUII'S S'I'Ail C You can work blarvels with a brush and a can of Fowlerville 13, Mason 10. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chappell, Ar­ lOWE BROTHERS QUICK-DRYING ENAMEL! thut· and Geraldine, returned Sunday 'COOKED SALAMI tb. 29c IIOJ.L\'\I'OOD 3\4·••· fl'om n trip to Mnclclnnc Island and St. QUEEN OLIVES 1111,\NU 2 buliiCII 17c G.<\CniES JULY 4 For here's enamel that brushes on ilnything a 1 1 Ignace, where Mr. Chappell attended AIIMOUII'S STAll IIONELI·:SS SELEC'l'liiJ S'I'UI'FIIIJ OI.IVI\S 3J,4·oz. bolllc IDe Mason nt Eaton Rapids. n meeting of the Michigan Banlters woodwork, furniture, glassware, metalware, pottery, Holt vs. East Lansing at Lalte Lan­ PICKLED PIG FEET 2u-uz. I•• 33c 12-oz, sing, association. • CORNED BEEF ARliOUII'S S'l'Ail plaster. anything about the home. Mrs. Scott Armstrong of Chicago, can 19c Charlotte at Fowlervllle. PICKLED PIG FEET tb. t.utk 10c AIIMOUli'S COU:'iiW liEEI' IIASII lb. can 15a It Bows on smoothly and doesn't leave a brush mark, returned to ber home Sunday after be· ,...... , lng here for several days to care for All!fOUJt'S 1,4'• It hides so well that one coat is usually enough, And her sister, Mrs. James King, who Is SWIFT'S PREi\llmi POTTED MEATS For Sund·h'ldu~s 3 CROll 10c t Vantown t convalescing at her home, fl'om a re­ it dries so quickly. that you can paint after luncheon By 1\lrs. L. P. Williams CA~mLS, OLO GOLII, l.UCI\IES, IIALEIG!J, CIIES'J'Eill'lllW, f t cent operation. Mrs. A. R. Austin, a COOKED ANI> KENTUCKY WINNI>Il and use the finished pieces in the evening! slster-ln·law, was with Ml's. King enrlon We can supply in a I···;~::~~~··;:;;~::: .... : ... ~:;::;·zs from Sunday, June 21 to Thursday, CIGARETTES $1.15 QUICK-DRYING ENAMEL June 25. (WINGS, 'l'WI\N'I'\' GllAND OR MARVEL carton 9;,.,) wide range of attractive colors. grandmother, Mrs. Alfred Mo!'gan, nt Howell. The 4-H glt·ls club gl'oup this year HAM (KOOL, l'llli.Lil' MOitltiS AND Sl'UIJS curlon $1.39) have taken the name of Peppy Deb­ READY TO SEUVE Fred Glll'ot•d of Grand Rnplds, at­ bies and elected these officers: Pres I· 11' WONT llllll O.'F - F. II. C. ALASKAN tended the Cady school reunion, Sat­ Wlwle or Shunk Hoi{ urday. dent, Thelma Klelnhenn: vice pres!· WHITE SHOE POLISH 3-oz, boUle dent, Jerry Chappell; secretary, Grace 10c C. W. Couch & Son Ml's. Gerald Allen of Kalamazoo, O'Connor; treasure!', Marjorie Rich­ I'UIIE IIEFINEI) has been visiting her sister, Mrs. True lb. LARD lb•. Phone362 Martin. mond; and committee, Frances Shel­ (IJAG I.AIW lb. hug 13c) 2 bulk 2.5c Mason, Michigan den and Margaret Cbamberlnln. Their JSc CAH'I'ON I,ARI> Jh. r:uton l3c - 2 IIJ, rurlon 2Gc Mrs. Bruce Grange!~ and Mrs, Geo. Haire were Saturday callers at Dr. lenders nrc Mrs. Carl Johnson and BUTT HALF lb. 37c l'ENN IIAD gal. Albers at Enst Lansing. Mrs. Gower Chapman. The guide MOTOR OIL 100\1(> I'UIIE cun book Is 4-H club girl entertains. 2. 91 C Severn! members of the extension (PLUS tk l'l>lllil!AI, '1',\X) group enjoyed a trip to Mlller's Dairy The next regular meeting of Rebek· A New Rudy Furnace at Eaton Rapids, Wednesday. ab Lodge No. 446, will be on Monday Largo 2.5 "hold yom· bonds if you can-but if evening, July 6, In tbe r. 0. 0. F. hall. BEEF CANADA DRY GINGEll ALE 2. hulllc• C Ol' A i r Conditioning Het·bert Allen, wbo has been spend· you must cash them, lng some time with bls aunt, Mrs. G. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jones and family POT ROAST lb. 16c (PLUS IIO'I"I'Lil I)El'OSI'l'J System will contl'ibute spent Sunday nt a picnic birthday par­ 0.' IIEEII Martin, has returned to hls home at ty In Dlmondnle. SCRATCH FEED WESCO DII,\NO 100-llt. to health, comfort, and Kalamazoo. bug $1.69 "THINI\ OF YOUU'HOME FIRST" Frank Allen of the Holt Dairy com­ CHUCK ROAST llo, 19C • STAil'I'ING & GIIUWING MASII 100-Jb. bag 82.25 economy in the borne ,...... pany and Miss Irene Denby, of South CIIOICE CUTS Lansing, were married Tuesday, June WESCO IIIIAND Millville l 23. ECC MASH ~~~~"· $1.99 f By 1\lrs. 1\laggle Burden 1 ovsnm SIIHLS IOO-lb. ltug 79o ,...... ~ ...... , , ~ ...... LATONIA CLUB 100-lb...... 16~& 1'1101'mN Lott District DAIRY FEED bog $1.2.5 Preaching Sunday, July 5, at 10 a. f ~0% I'JIOTJ>:IN DAIIt\' FEED 100-lb, 1'"8 et.3~ It's "Air Conditioning" Time m. Sunday school nt 11. f By 1\ln. William Blnldey CINCERALE Mr. and Mrs, Will Clarlt entertained ...... ':" ...... Sc PER BAG DISCOUNl' IN 10 BAG LOTS her niece and fnmlly from Fenton, lurgc 2•1--oz, FREE ~ -and time to think of furnaces and Sunday. Community club meets with Mr. and 2 hollies Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Williams and Mrs. George Gruhn In West Alaledon WITII 'l'JIE I'UIICII,\SE OF .------· furnace work. Friday evening, July 3. Ice cream and son Donald called on Mrs. Burden and lnrgc 2·1-oz, Everett Harwood, Monday evening. cnlte wlll be served. Leo Underhill drives a new Ford 6 bollles WATERMELONS. About 80 attended the Sunday V-8. SOc Veterans are invited to see the Rudy heating equipment on school picnic nt Plensant Lnke, Satur­ 1'11111 2c per Dotllo llclundublo Dcpooll day and report n nice time. Mr. and Mrs. F. Weaver visited her (Including Frco llotUceJ EXTRA LARGE parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C)latfield 5 9 Free Olfor lndudco Latonia Club Limo RED RIPE display at this address. Install NOW and pay when you get Richard WllcoK was In South Bend, at Leslie lnst Sunday. c Indiana, Monday to a farm machine lltckey ond Corbonatc1l \Voter, AL!o Every ~felon Guarnnlced EACH _ _ your BONUS money, meeting. Mrs. Katherine Binkley spent Sun­ lloekr lllvcr Oovcrul!c• Word wns received here of tile dealh day nt the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ill. L. of Charles Fortman of Dansvllle. The Surato at North Aurelius. % MELON 30c % MELON 1 5c Fortman's were residents of White Mr. and Mrs. Orla Mingus and son Rudy Furnaces and air conditioning equipment are installed of Lansing, visited Mr. and Mrs. Allen Oa.k for many years. They ~old tllelr CANTALOUPES 2 lor 25c farm and moved to Dansville this Mingus lnst Sunday, according to the requh·ements of the engineering. department spring, Ted Weaver of Charlotte, Is visiting LAIIGE SIZE - VINE llll'llNED of the Rudy Furnace Company of Dowagiac, Michigan. Mrs. Bravendcr . called on Alfred at the home of his uncle, F. Weawt'. SAVE 14c Brnvender of Dansville, Sunday. fllllllollllll II Olltillltf lhs. Mrs, Flora Moncrief! of Webberville CLIP THIS COUPON BANANAS 4 l5c You KNOW you are right with a Rudy System, You KNOW Is helping Mrs. Bravender. This Coupon Eulillcs You lo GOLDEN RIPE - FOR THE PICNIC Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall attend· 1 11, 1,, 1 Purchaec Our Regular cd the opening of the Re11 church on I. ~~}~~a~~~!~~~~ J YOU will be ·satisfied with om· work. We are Rudy-approved. ORANCES MEDIUM SIZE doa, 17%c Monroe circuit Sunday, wben Rev. c. CALIFOIINIA 5UNKIS1' - NE'A' CROI' Stanridge is pnstor. Mrs. Addle C~en nne! Addison I 49c -13 ECC Last Thursdny Miss Gladys Wilcox and Eural Royston and Helen Laun­ stein attended a picnic at Miller's nnd Miss June Slleathelm had a birth­ ANCEL FOOD for day party at tbe home of the former grove ne11r Eaton Rapids, Wednesday LEMONS with tbe home furnishing members 6 19c AUSTIN & HILL celebrating her 13tb birthday llnnlver­ and their famllles. CAKE LARGE SIZE - CALIFORNIA SUNKIST snry, June 12. Gladys received sev· eral gifts. A supper was enjoyed, Leslie Hodgson nnd Arthur were "Rudy Heating Specialists" which Included Ice cream and birth· Sunday guests of Ills parents In La· FOR lba. day cake. peer. ONLY 35. C POTATOES 6 l9c Phone 316 Junior Vi cary spent the Week. end NEW WIIITE CODDLERS. 153 W. Maple Street Mrs. Adah Brown spent two days with Colon Crowl. 'A'o'•o Redn.eed the l'rlea But Not tho last week visiting her sister, Mrs. Ira (lnnllly or tho Sl1e Osborn, and family in Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Launsteln and Complete Assortment of Garclen Fresh. Vegetables Ardella and Mr. and Mrs. _ Fmnlt in all Stores. INGHAM COUN'fY NI~WS, MASON, MICIIIOAN, 'J'IJUUBDAY, .JULY 2, Hma -'--·------~------·------·--·----- ...... --.. --.. ---~------·-Ando!'uon----~·-----·--···---·-··--· and Mru, Andm·uon, ·-·~---~~- J)oi'Olhy---·---·---~----..------~~------~------~·--·-----··-----~--·-----...... ------~-----~-~--··-··------·~---.---..!' !hero when 11 nmr1ll boy, coming wiUl Vollor, who hun been lwre for flOVCll'UI ...... E;:~i'Ai~i~;i;;; .. ··········'"J N~i:ti~·ii~it'"'"'"'··········J oompnuy of l'olr\tiVliH nnd frloncln, wcol111, t•eturned to f•'llnt with them, hlu parcntu to Mlohlgnn when ho WfiH ...... , .. _.. DANSVILLE NEWS Uy 1\ln, ,John 8]H!or 12, He found ct·opu Jmcltwm·d there 'J'hotJo from nwny cruno fi'Om Detroit, M1•, rmd Mt·u, George Dtwon uro f...... Jly ~lr~. Wm. llhlltott .TtlClltton, Damtvlllo, Lnnulng rmrl In­ for tho wnnt of rnln rmd urLid rnnuy f.. ... , .....e .. , ...... ,..,._.,,.... ,.. ... , .. , .. ,,.,.. , ...,,, .. ,.,,.,,., spending u J'ow clnyH thltt wcclt wllh frmncm wore huul!ng wutct· from Lhn dlrml\polln, Iucllann, 'l'hc young couple l ------~------Jl Mr. uud Mm, Will Qu1·ne1' of Stool!· Mr. rmd Mrn, Clr1yton I

l1'0lt RA!,Jtl Antique~ Hplnclhl h

(slnglo nlr.u) 1 rmllu wuluul dlnlnfl' ttthlu, a llltlVuH dlnlnrr '111111~ to mttll•h, um1 with tltlglmtl 11nat, four l'ilfllt fiiLIIH J IOiltly for ~o~tn; HCJHIIIll plnno, mtu hlo Lop pod Lnhlo (owl I then, thenceforth 111 "nltftt•tl tahlo (dtop h111fJ, •ll(!lmlrs HOI VII! Chlill'Htl ted ifli'CjHilJCJ; !;"I COil and forever liiiLmtlll'd hod, tlwsH• he abandoned the nntl ncct ucJ Inlet cut thereon due \~hlch clccttcm of Its amendment, which had been a it c.loc~ hmcby cxctchw llUIKUIIIlt to \\luch miles V>est of Mason on Columbia Ud~ra, a doctor's prescription at ber 1Jf states and cet tamly would Republican party m 1932 and was shll BEER subject of•hot debate in the subcom­ thctc I!~ elmmcd to be due nnd Ulllmld on ~md l'Oad Phone 80F12 27wlp Ware's Drug Store. 1w27p draw heavily from the New Deal vote mittee's deltberatlons a Democrat nun t~mi{C ut the dntc of thiK notice fm tum unless something were done about rt ct)ud tUIJ intCie~t the uum of T\o;o lhmumntl TO As to Constitutional Changes Keynoting by Barkley Sax HunUted Sc\cntyRSevcn rmd l~·IOOth:-~ Dol Many thought the best plan was a lntl'l t$.!677 1.!) nntl no Hult 01 JHot'ectlinl{ nt decided hberahzatron of varrou.s parts The plank adopted is strikmgly Then came Senator Alben W Bark­ l!uv oz In equity hnvlnJ.t been lnHtttutl:'tl to zc. of the platform though this would ne­ slmtlar to Governor Landon's inter­ ley, stentonan orator from Kentuclty, covet the debt f!Ccurcd by llalll mot bmgc or 4 nny mu t thou~or Take Out r· ... ·····l\1rs;~ii~;;~~;··...... 1 cessitate movmg Mr. Roosevelt quite pretahon of the corresponding plank With his keynote speech, he havmg Now 'Ihctefme hy \htue of tho fJO\Wt of a distance from the "httle to the !eft m the Republican platform. Detailing been selected as temporary chan man snle contninL>U in tmld mmtgnRe nnd JIUtllUHill ...... to the StntutcH of lhc Str1tc of Mlchu~nn In FOR SALEl-110 feet 1'" inch rope, of center" pos1t1on he had cho,en some of the problems that "cannot be He lost no hme m setting forth the Kuch cr~c mnJo nnd tUo\uJcd, Notice Is Hctch~ $4 00, new last summer Harvey Conservatives who have opposed adequately handled exclusively" by pratseworthy accomplishments of the Given thnt on Fzldny. Su!Jlcmbct .. 5 11136, nt Jennie's Lunch Owen, 1¥.! miles east of Eltchell's many of the New Deal domgs but the states, It says· New Deal and the sins of those who ten o cloct~ forenoon, EnHtCIIl Strmdn1d Time Corners, R. 2, Mason 27w1p nt the narlh front door of the City Hnll In the CARD OF THANKS-I wish to thank sttll remain m the party ranks fought "If these problems cannot be effec­ oppose it. Hts phrll8es were neatly City of Lruudng, County of Inghn.m, Mlchhmn. stubbornly agamst thw shift to the tively solved by legislation wlthm the turned and hts style often elegant. (thut hcing one of the allnceR of holding Ch ~ FOR SALE-Red currants, plclt them the Pythlan Sisters, the Methodist cult Cout t in zmlU County) Rnld 1n01 tgaR"Q "ill yourself. Furntsh contalne1s and L A S , the Methodist church, the left, and the subcommittee that had Constitution, we shall seek such clarl­ Especially notable WllB the fact that be fm cclo~ed by n stLio nl 1mb lie nuctlon to the pay Oc per quart Bashford's Nur- Michigan Bell telephone operators the bmldlng of the platform 111 hand ' fying amendment ll8 wtllassure to the the senator almost rgnored Landon hiRhcst l:Jlddut of the tHemlllcH Ller~crlbcd In ~nltl MANAMAR MASH spent long and weary hours debatmg legiSlatures of the several states and and Knox, dtrectmg most of hw keen mottgngc, or ~o much thctcof n~ mny be nee. sery. wl and friends for flowers and other esi\1\IY to !lilY tho nmonnt duo Ill'! nfo1C11nld, nnd gifts sent me during my recent Ill· the proper wordmg ot the resolutions to the congress of the United States, thru.sts at Herbert Hoover and the uny tum 01 sums which mny ho JltuU by the fed flocks me not troubled with American Lrberty League Denymg undN~htncd nt or bcfo1 e Bnld Hnlc for tnxes FOR SALE-Beginning July 6, cur­ ness Mrs Oren Hall 27w1 Gives President Wide Scope , each wtthm Its proper jurisdiction, Coccidiosis, the power to enact those laws which any mtenhon at attacking the Su­ nnU!01 lnHUtnnca on snhl IJrcmlscH, nnd nil oth.. rants Plclt yom own, two quarts CARD OF THANICS-Words fall to As finally Qg_c1ded !.IPOJ1 repQ.tte~ to er ttums Jlnld by tho underHigncd with lntcteHt for 15c, bring containers. W. V express how gtateful I am for the 1 the stnte and federal legislatures, preme Court, the orator yet expressed thetcon pu11mnnt to lttw nnd to the tcrnlli of We have yet to receive the first within thmr respecttve spheres, shall keen dlsappomtment wrth its rulings snul mortgngc, nnd nil lcgnl cost.ll, chnrRell nnd repot't of Coccidiosis among us­ Waltm!ln, 1~~ miles north of Mason gifts, friendly calls, beautiful flow- CARD OF 'rHANKS-We extend our that krl!ed so many New Deal enter­ l!X(Hm~tcs inclutlln.: nn attorney's fee, \\hich on Waterworlu road. 27wlp ers and the many acts of ldndness heartfelt thanlts to all who were so find necessary, in order adequately to tncmiiiCII ntc dcsclibctl nl:! followll• ers of Manamar Mashes. regulate commerce, protect publlc prises "Is the Court beyond crttl· 'lhnt certain pleca 01 Ptuccl or land sltuntetl FOR SALEl-Traller box, 4x6 feet, extended to me during my ill ness, one'skind andsickness helpful and duringdeath. Weour espe·dear health and safety and safeguard eco· crsm?" he shouted rhetorically, and In the City of Lnn,lntr, County of Ingham, Give your chicks a chance by with set of springs, Lyons, to the neighbors for caring for our clally thank the Rev Fockler and Michhmn, mm'C tl!u tlculn!ly dcsclibcU ns ) Eu~rene nomic security Thu.s we propose to replled that Jefferson, Jncltson, Lin· 1 Lot Number Two Ifund1cd Slxtr·Ono (261 feeding Manamar Mashes from one mile west of golf course, phone hay we are greatly Indebted, We the Rev, Dtxon, the ladles who sang, maintain the letter and spirit of the ~oln and Theodore Roosevelt did not of Excelsl01 Lnnd Company 11 Subdhll!ion In start to finish. They Wtll prove 13B-F21, 27w1p thanlt you. Mr. and Mrs. Irven Mrs, Mary Clements for her com· Constitution." think so I Rnld City of Ln.nslng, County of Inghnm, Mich .. Holmes 27w1 lgtLn. to be cheaper in the end, The merit system Is lightly touched Senator Barltley gave the conven­ Dated. July 2, 1030 CHERRIES-We expect to pick next forttng presence and Clyde Titus for HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION Monday, they arc nice but tho crop CARD OF THANKS-I wish to ex- his patient and loving care of Mr upon wtth a promise to put all non· tion the krnd of speech It wanted, and / MottKagce. We also carry: Scmtch Grains, ts lighter this year so leave your or- press my thanks to tho Presbyter· andFortman, family. Mrs. Samantha Fortman27wlp pollcy-makmg federal positions un­ it WllB really a fine example of pohll· SHIELDS, SILSBEE, BALLARD & JEN. Ct·acked Corn, Dried Buttermilk, der the civil service Ia w cal oratory, sarcasm, satire, den uncia· NINGS, Attorn(!)'JI fat Mothmr;reo DUidne~t~ Ad der at once Wednesday will llllow !an church and Its various organlza- drc-~!P 1400 Olda To\\et, Lon!!lng, Mich ...7wl3 Dried Skim Milk in fact evel'Y plcklng by tho quart Dr, Freeland, tlons, the American Legion Post and CARD OF 'l'HANKS-I wish to ex- "Permanently Sound Currency" !ton, pathos and argument being slnl· fully mingled That he often left him­ thing in poultry feeds. 27wlp Auxlllruy, and all the other friends press my appreciation for the fruit Coming to "Government Finances,' TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Pll>lh Intello1 lot• lent condition. Also some used elec- acts of kindness extended to us by Red kidney beans, dark __ 6.50 as permanent chairman, he dellvered 145 foot frontnge 110 foot depth Site• hnvlnK senate, Dow's Special Potato trlc pumps, Mason Plumbing & friends and neighbors during our re- Red kidney beans, llghL_ 4 50 the natl()nal debt at the ear he•t pos­ his address as a delegate becau.se the dilfcrcnt fltlcct i'1ontngc dlmcnl'lon.'! \\111 he Spray, Bug Dust for cucumbe1·, Heating co, Pbone 309, Mason, wl cent bereavement of our loving bus- oats ------.25 con~ldet'Cd Ill ovlded the men I~ ntltno:dmnWiy sible moment Detmls of proposed credentrals commtttee had not re­ the 11nme. In all cni!CI! "here llD~~t!!lhlc hldK melon and squash vines. band and father, for the beautiful Uye ------54 methods are om1tted There is no meu­ ported and the radio broadcast hme should be Bubmlttl!tl b): n~tunl O\\ nc:n I! of lllnJl· FORSALE-Very sllghtly used Delco music and flowers, Rev. James Bow- Feedln!l' barley ------.80 .80 tlon of gold or silver was at hand The speech was carefully ct tlc~t nnd not by nft('nts Documontnry C\i• Wire Fence - Barb Wire lighting plant. Used kerosene and ker for bls comforting words and Molting barloy ------.80 80 tlcncc or auth01lty mlli'Jt be nttnched to 111opo· The policy of the "Good Nelghbot" written but was too ponderous to be ' ttnls submitted by ngcnlth Upon Rt1Jlltcntlon led Top Posts. gas pressure st.:lves Also used the W. A, L. A. for fruit, Mrs Etta Cream ------3lc Is to be contmued in foreign relations; really effechve It repeated much that tho Po11tmnstct \\ill BtliJlliY llt'O!Ipecthc bldde~to1 washing machines Mason Plumb· H. Benham, Perry V, Benham and Eggs ------18c with llrOtJO:ml blnnks nnd a clrculat glvlng tml· lng & Heating Co , Pbone 300, Ma· Mr, and Mrs William R. Benham. Rocks ------heavy hens, lBc war ll8 an instrument of national pol­ Senator Barkley already had said, 1 tlculnu n" to \t:£lqulrementK nnll ln!lti1Jctlons fm icy ls condemned, and the nn hon Is and the delegates and guests be~ame prepnl ntlon of bldo nnd data lo nccompan) Bement Feed & Supply son 27wl 2'1'wlp Legllorns ------14c M.me c J Peotllcs, Dlrecror of PtocurC!ntent. to be kept out pf any \l'ar wh1ch, may (Continued on Page 12, Col. 3) ' • .. 27w2 Se..Vice INGIIAM COUN'l'Y NI~WS, MASON, M lCHIGAN, 'l'IIUUSI>A Y, JULY 2, 19:1(1 Page Seven -~--~-..,------~----·-· -·------·------... ·------·------·····-·--· ------Mr. ltnd Mrs. w. m. !{lnuoy IVOt'O In II[ Townsend Clubs To · l'OUNO l'l•lOl'LIC'S ZONJlJ ItA.[,),\' Irs or Mt·. and Mrs, 'l'ho fullowshlp .or tho chut·ch ttnd Shlrloy, Pt•lrlay, 'l'ho Hov, l!Jl'nost Mllt•tln or ltitlph Adums Sund11y, county Sent Gmngo will meol ut Momlng service 10:00. Sot•mon by Sunrlny HChool EU'o or definite vuluo Aut•ollus Center hy tlw Townaond lho Nuutrcno church t'Oild tho mar· M1·. nnd Mt•s, G. L. Bnlluy und lam· tho homo of Mt•, tmd Mt'S, I-IELI't'Y the RllV, lilmest Martin, and need not be missed by lhoso who clubs of tills uoctlon, 'l'ho Aut·ollua ------·------­ l'ingo am· vice, A rtor upending 11 uhorl lly vlslled Mt•, und Mrs, Stan loy Alst- Ft·cshout· Jttly 8. nerrcshmcnts or Icc Sundny school ut 11:00, romttln Itt horne dtl!'lng tho vacation ciUil, oncl or tho strongest in point or t11lto plnco 11t 3:30 hctwoon two good tlmo on l"lllto Mlchlg!tn, neat· Good· on in Detroit Sunday, cro11m rmd cnltu will hu sot·ved, 'l'hosc [llll'lod,' Our chot•us cholt' Is rondor· numbel'H In this locnllty, Is Hponsot· of tenmA nnd 11t 8:00 o'cloclt In lilll eve­ hat·t, Mt•, 11nd Mrs. Wlegmrm will bo ut A son, Phillip Oordm1, wnH born to not sollcltod lot' leo cronrn nrc uslwd 1 "'"'"'c!;~i~j;'~f"ti;~··N~;;~:~·;~·~•·•"•"! lng good music ouch Sunday, o,nd cnp· tho aUitit·. nlng, Hev, !Ct!stmltn of must Lansing homo In Eden, Mt•, nnd Mrs, A. H. Miller Ill the City to bt•lng cnltc, Bring own table sm·· t I ttblc mlnlstet·s will conduct tile ser· Sporls ovcnts will open the colebm­ will spe111t, • • • hocsp 1tntl Ju ~e 27. d t t vtlco, much mcmboil'dls todbrlng somo !.,.., ••• ,.. ~.~.~-~~~ .• ~:.:~~!~.~:.~::~::~.~ ...... , .. ,J vlcTes durlng om· pastot··s 11bsetnce. til tlon ut noon. At one o'cloclt Rev. W, Besides the achcdulod events tho nft. 8und~VtLy-lllul.rlelt 11 n on 1 u 1 met· un Cl'Wcn n ons 11 1 em con corn 1ng n open once Dny, 1wt·e w1 11 1le no c1 10 1t' prnc 1ce 1111 Hnlph .Tonos will spenlt. A howory et·noon will be filled with otltcrtaln­ Announcement. Ia m11dc of· tho mut'• opel'lltlon 11t lhe City hospltul em June This meeting bus been changed ft•om Sunday school Rally fo:OO. All ure August 19, dance opens ut two o'cloclt wllh music mont fentut·cs or high Ol'dcr. A cor­ rl11gc or Mrs. Blnnchc Dietrich to 30, .July 15 to July 8. Invited to attend this service, Speclnl by tho famous Qunclt Gruss llClnd, Pro. cllnl lnvlllltlon Ia cxlendcd 'to nil to ...... , ...... " ...... Hlchni'CI sundw11y, which loolc place ut John Dart, Mrs. R. C. Durt unci Mrs, music by the evangelists. , ,' cccllng this will occut· u purndo by !.he come and multo this event 11 real In­ tho Molhodlst parsonage In Mnson .Ta~~tJOtto Hitchcock spent Monday In 'rile Mttson 4·!-I club met at the Sunday morning service 11:15 In Stocltbridge First Baptist t assembled clubs, A bitll g11me will dcpendcnco Dtty celobrutlon . Detroit, home or Bette, Gcmld and Marjorie 1 f R R d 1 h 1 SntUl'dny morning, the nov. James '", Mlnu (llls visited Mt·s, Lottie Elf t J 26 It! 1 1 b c turge 0 cv, aymon Sm t lllH Church J Bowker performing the ceremony, Mr. •Mt " ' er une • IV 1 c g 1t mem crs Rev, Vernon Shirley, evangelists. f UaiJlh !II. Oompso11, l'u~tor und Mrs, Roland Delrmo wm·o tho nt­ Kent und Mrs, Ellen Crossnmn Wed- present, V11rlous questions were dis- Great uftct·noon gospel service at ,...... , tondants, Mr. Snndwny Is the stone nesday, cussed by the membet·s present. It 2:30 In the tent on w. Elm street. HERE ARE THE Mrs, Clifford Sible Is visiting hot· was delclded that the next meeting Come to this Rally service, Sunday, July 5, morning service at cutter nt tho L. L. Kelly Monument 10:30. The pus tor will speult on the Worlts. ptu·cnts, Mr. and Mrs, Glen Coon, this IJo bold wltb. ·Luelle Laycock on July N. Y, P. s. set·vlce ut 6:30 omitted week, 17, After tile meeting wus udjourned, bec use of afternoon service. subject, "The Abundant Llfo In Christ 11 Jesus." Sheer and Jacket Frocks Ellf.s.

Flunday I noon In tho noonep 1pet n~olhot I 1on nonoyvolt nor C uvcn 1 L n n I c n tint r1 going to p tclt mmeu n Lx allttcs n c01 den to PoatmnsLCJ Fru Joy & 1 1 od hodded gent 11om Kr11 s a whose nr1mo I fCJ glt & 1190 Willlll both & neetl et wJII get the oftls of tl o Pre• I dont ace how fill of th 1! en 1 be tl c fuels Monduy As for I mo & Juno (I be !cove I e m SJ celt for her) fnvers doelttor Townscnt & his plan We fig get 400 $ $ per mo wlll cum In handle for us when we get to be 60 years of old age maybe Tuesday Pa WllB out to a partie with some men Just nltc & this a m sed he bud n offel !Jed nlte Ma sed abc hopes Pa wood sbnlte It off What abc mcnt I dont ptczactly no Mebby her meaning was hid Sumllow Wednesday Ma ast Mistress Gillem does Mister Gillem ever play CL rus for munncy & Mister Glllems better 1;1 repl!dc & sed no but them as plays with lim does To deep for me to figger out In slch hot wether Th trsday Pa got off 1 o 1 Ma that I Xpect I un Jcr stand They are 11 ladle dentist In town & M11 sed why do so mcnney men go to Ito & Pa tcplldc & sed Mebhy becos they want to here a woman tell them to open thc10 mouth lnstcd of shot It Friday It Is hot & swetty & d 1sty out under the tt cc whnlr us It! Is 1 Jay at & when I cum In to supper tonitc ~ Unite! Hen glnnct at my ncclt (, cats & sed cud I spell sopc & wattct Lool

M and Mrs W Parker of Ann \r bot visited Mr null Mts F C Ket dticlt Monday Mt and Mts Patl

An Added Service Because we arc Interested In farming equipment and because we have been of service to you In the past we have added n BLACK SMITH to om staff that we may A Btltlsh physician has summed up assist you by ltecplng your plo11. the hygiene of old age as Fresh air points sharpened and your tools In meagre fare freedom from care repair Thus It may be seen t11at a certu n philosophy of life Is necessary In order 0 W COUOII & SON to 1 ve long This philosophy must n !IInson elude mental as well as physical at tributes We cannot accomplish much '------J by a single fad such as drinking so much water each day 01 eating only certain articles of diet Mode~ at on Is LOANS ON IMPROVED a word full of meaning and an even temperament us well us a moderate FARMS appetite ate Included The organs of the body do not all Interest Rates as low as start to grow old at the same time and If adjustments of activity arc made to favot wealt structures as determined by physical examination bodily age can be greatly deferred DEAN 'I AYLOR ...... , Real Estate Insurance I Dart D1str1ct t By !\Irs Rattle Godley i ...... , "CHORE BOY" Tile \\ orld s FIJtest Portable Milker

INIJIV.IDITAL:=\JACUU~t OONTUOL Operates from ELECTRIC LIGHT SOCICET Delivered COMPLETE and READY for usc NO PIPE LINES to Install WRITE TODAY for FREE INFORMATION t•gcss und three daughtOI'S or Mu­ from n largo ot•gunlzntlon, Tbo pro­ Uw roar of tho rosldenco or Husseli J. gram wau ua follows: Oponlng ~ong by lenux. Shu was united In mut'l'lugo to ning of .July 0, 'I'hlo Is a dlstt•lct Othcr purohaaos wero by Daniel Wulltot' nnd Lncilc Downs, 'I'ho stnnd- ulth, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. B. Dnylls nnd Goot·go VanOt·don of Leroy township, meeting 11nd many from a dlstnnco 11ro Dc1ggorly on West Dollovuo stroot, us Perry, Jaspet· Wolcott and Joseph lngs of these young women are do· son Dilly or Ann Arbot·, wo ·e dlnnet• nsoombly; t·oudlng of oct•lpturo nnd It Is tho oldest building In tho com­ 1 pt•uycr by Mt·s. Snthorlund; aongs by ubout 15 ycnt·n ugo nnd thoy lmmod­ touting on tho grounds. Perry, Theodore Clurlt, Austin Church, pendent upon tho number of wooden guosts.suudny of Mr. und Mt·s. Munly lntely toolt up thoh• rosldonco pn Ills nov. A. F. Nlomnn, who wont to tho munity, It sot·vcd Leslie n~. its llrst Frcdorlolt Clnrlt, Denzil P. Hlce, quurtot·a they have sold. Gilman of Ann At·bor. Mrs. Gilman Mt•s, Holen lrrcderlclt, uccompunled by school und hns since sct·vcd !lB u resl­ Mt·s. Jewell on tho plano; n comedy pnronts fnrm, whore she was lctltcn llllnunl M. IC. conforoncc lust week nt Henry Mooltct•, Joduthnn Wnldo 11nd wus fot·mm·Jy Miss Der·thu Christy of nct•lously Ill three wcolu JH'cvlous to Hoyul Oalt, wus tmnsfenod fmm tho dlinco, carriage house und now us u Sylvunns P, Jct·mnln. 'I'ho first settle- l'llny Uall Dccld this place, altlt by Mrs. V. E .. Covert; Miss Cuth­ private gumge, 'l'ho school dlslrlct erlne Arndt, sevornl selections on tho hor doctth. Sm·vlvlng nro the husband, M. Ill, chnrch here, where ho hnd beou waH orgcmlzetl tho year urter tho llt·st mont W!lB made by Amos Wortlunun, Pliny Hull, 01, died ut hls homo fout· Mr. und Mrs, Claude Yonng and Mr. pinna accordion; rccltutlon by Mnr­ ono son, Humid, tho fnthm•, one alstcl', the past tht•co ycurA, to Davison, und settlers nrrlvcd, tho llrst school meet­ who wll11 lillljr1h Woodwot'lh, built tho miles south of Onondaga In 'I'omp- and Mt·s. A. K Tucker will cntct'tuln gurct Boylo; snxophono solo by Mr~. Mrs. Gertie Mills, of near Okemos, ono Hev. •r. S. DCJutwell of Davison, wlll first tlwclllng In tills section, Other ltlns township Sunday evening, Tho the following members of their fumll­ Bluncho Ingulls, accompunlcd by Mrs. brotbor, LoHtcr Lnhorteaux, of Lan­ come here and to Wllllnmston Ccntot•. Ing being held In the log house of lund owners during the spt•lng und funeral wus held ft•om the resldeneo lcs ut dinner to be hold on tbelt• Homy Ji'lslte on August 12, 1837. 11 Jewell; recitation by Rumonu Ewald; sing, and sovm·al nieces and nephews, Rev, Boutwell will 1111 tho pulpit hero Nulhun Rolfe und James Royston were summer were Wllllum W. Dewey, Mil- 'l'ucsduy afternoon ut two o'clock, wllh lawns the Fourth of July: Mt•. and songs by Mrs, Christine Hcn:lg, ac­ beside a host of friends. Funeral set·· nnd at Wllllnmston Center nex:t Sun­ the school lnspcctot·s ut tbat tlmo, It ton D. Adams, William Doty, Henry the Rev, W. A. Ex:ncr, of Banfield of- Mrs, Bruce Young or Jucltson, Mt·. nnd companied by Mt·s. Jewell; rending or vices were held ut tho late homo ut duy morning. wus In the sumo full of 1837 that the Finn, Nathaniel B. IicDII!I] Ohurch project worlt In connection with the sister, Mrs. Jay Boyle. R. M. Lawrence, pnstor. home economics dep.artment of the Henry Hltchcoclt was a culler at the OKEMOSELEVATORCOMPANY Windstorm Season! Chnrch school, 10:30. Leslle high scbool. Boyle home lust Frlduy night. Mol'lllng worsblp, 11 :30-Set·mon Mrs. Helen Robinson, who is un in- Miss Nllu Teed, Miss Norma Hay­ Are You Protected? subject, "The Battles Of Jehovah." A structor in dramutlcs at tbe Coloro.do hoe and Mllbut·n Hart spent Sunday Lansing Phone 24047 Ol•cmos, Michigan patriotic service. Vocal duet by Miss Women's college, Denver, will be the evening at Fred Huphoe's. Our rates will save you money. Emmogene Parsons und Mrs. R. M. speaker snnday evening at the Leslle Lawrence. Baptist clmrch. McCOWAN, Abstract Office Epworth League, 6 :15-An espec- The congregational Sunday school Lally Interesting service for young plcnlclwd Tuesday ut Pleasant Lalte. 125 W. Ash Street, Mason people, wltb u most Interesting topic, The Baptist school wlll have their pic­ capable leadet·, und special muslcul nlc Tuesduy, July 14, at the sume number. place. Mid-week prayer and Bible study, The church women of Leslie huve Thursday, 7:15. three meetings this weelt. The Bup- Epwotth League cabinet meeting tlst Missionary society met Wednes- Farmers and Dairy Men follows the prayer service ut 8:00. duy ufternoon ut the churcb where Felt Plains-Morning worship 9:30. they considered the White Cross quota A patriotic service. Speclul musical for the year. The same afternoon tbe numbers. Church school 10:30. Royal Dunghters of the Congregntlon­ NOW I lilden-Mornlng worship 10:30. An al chnrch met with Mrs. Rebecca Den­ especially interesting patriotic service nls. The United Missionary societies with emphasis made upon tbe spiritual of the Methodist church will meet Frl· You can buy Stock Spray and Fly Spray phases of our national und other prob- duy afternoon at the home of Mrs. Iems. Church school 11:30. Evening Klttl B 11 young people's und adult service 7:30. e a ey. COME BET THOSE NEW at a price so low you can afford to tJse it freely Mld-weelt prayer service, Wednesday, 8:00, with Miss Amell a Kirby In ...... , FLY SPRAY STOCK SPRAY cllut·ge. South Delhi I GOODYEARS YOU NEED f Uy l'lllss H11Zcl Neal Qts. in your container __ 25c Gal. in your container __ 60c An Inventory of tbe Red and Whtto ...... Wo'll show you why thoy•ro tho J936 Gals. in your container_70c 2-gal. can ------$1.45 I grocery wns talten Wednesday. The Qts. in bottles ______40c store was operated by Rny Sticltle un­ The J oily Bunch met at the home of 5-Jl'al. can ------$3.90 til Monday when It wus closed by an Mr. and Mt·s. Guy MacMlllan, Friday BLUE RIBBON VALUES order ft•om the Ingham county circuit night, June 26. Prize Oualitr at Everr Price court, given ln behalf of Roscoe Ed­ Dr. and Mrs. Louis Boello of Chi­ NOW Made and Guaranteecl by wards, who sold tbe store to Mr. cago, visited Mrs. George Nice last Sticltle three months ugo. The Inven­ Suturduy. All ~ive you the GOODYEAR MARGIN OF INGHAM FARMERS SUPPLY tory was made under the direction of Mrs. Wlll Stld spent several days of Deputy Sheriff Tom Howard und last weelt with Mrs. Ford Hayhoe of SAFETY -Center Traction for ·quicker• Phone 48 Lloyd Pixley of Leslie, und Jay Dun­ Dansvllle. lela und A. C. Sweet of Jackson, The Mrs. C. W. I<:ester of East Lansing, stopping (let us show you!) ~orner Okemos .and Rogers Streets Mason Red and White grocery truclt whlcb and Hazel Nenl spent lust Thursduy in has been making rurnl deliveries is Detroit. All are BLOWOUT PROTECTED IN EVERY now being stocked by tile Pixley store. Fred Rowland is enjoying a weelt's ;======~ · Tbe funeral of Edward Fonner, 64, vacntlon from the woolen mllls. PLY by patented SUPER· who died at bls home at the M-14 Mr. und Mrs. J nmes Flnch und fam­ street bridge Wednesday morning was Ily spent Sunday in Eaton Rapids. TWIST Cord-extra springy, held ut the Behrens funero.l home Fri­ Tbe Plnk Community club surprised Don't Let an Old Binder day afternoon at two o'cloclt wltb the Mr. und Mrs. H. N. Hamilton on tbelr lon~er lasting (ask us to Rev. lil. L. Sutherland officiating. ,In· 20tb wedding anniversary Thursday terment wus made In Woodlawn cem­ night. ' .demonstrate!) Delay Your Harvest etery. Mr. Fenner bas been u resi­ Lawrence Hlller of Eureka, visited dent of Leslie for about a half a cen­ Mr. und Mrs. Ervin Neal and family All built to deliver LOWEST See our New tury. He is survived by his son Earl. lust Tuesday. A cur dt·lven by Wendell Hule of The 4-H food preparation club met COST PER MILE service by Lunslng, fulled to make u curve on the IOIILE DOUBLE EAGLE ut the home of Connie Brown last Frl­ lAUE Rlves-Onondnga roa:d, Thursday night. dny, Mrs. Benedict wns u guest. world's largest rubber com· Rldlng with Hule wns Mrs. Georgia lliDIEL' AIRWHEEL* Bender, who operutes un lee cream ,...... , uu... pany-maker of the most -theTIRE of Tires costs parlot· at Onondugu. Hule's leg nnd amm ltnee were Injured, Mrs. Bender suf­ Williamston Ccntet• I tires by millions. surprisingly little more fered severe neclc nnd scalp luceru­ I By IUrs. Olmrles Hart ramt ... than a regular tire. tlons. Hule was talten to the home of ...... Ills slstm•, Mrs. Lllllan Stone, In Onon­ •Roalotercd daga, und Mrs. Bender to her llome ln Mr. and Mrs. Ellns Bnbbltt spent tbe same vlllugo where they were Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Bub- treated by a physician. bitt und family. Frlduy evening witnessed the crnsh- A number of tbc bome furnlsblng lng of three curs on the main street of group of this vlclnlty attended tbe Onondagu. A car driven by Harry Inghum county picnic ut the Miller I mortgagees and the at tot neys In foreclosures occurring wlthln the have many ftlcnda In Leroy where mlllt 401 1 pounds fat Ellswm th & lng weclt ending ~londay before they have lived mnny yem s The bus Mts Bet tine Benedict home demon dute or publlcutlon Woodman, 10 0 cows putcbred and next thirty days Wbllc great cure has been talwn In the compiling I band two sons a daughter several sttatwn agent called Satmday on grnde Oumnsey 8 051 pounds mlllt of this summaty the publlsllers of the Inghnm County News do not t gtandchlldren smvlve She hns al Bernice Otts Bernice ts to be county ...... 31J8 5 pounds fnt Norman Dart 20 83 delegate at the 18th annual 4 H club guarantee Its accuracy and will accept no responslblllty thcrefot Tbls ways been ve1y nctlve In church and cows purebt ed und grade Holstein social wotlt and always ready to lend weclt nl Mtchlgun Stntc college July summary Is complied nod published for the protection and conven­ Clmncer~ a helping bnnd 10 384 pounds milk 385 4 pounds fat 6 to 10 Ience of botll mortgagors and mortgagees and other lntereste~ parties Rena M Crawford vs David C Fire of undetmmlned ot!gm destroy Harley Roclmell 7 62 cows purebred Mt and Mrs Robert Ballatd unci Crawford divorce Hubbmd Ratllbun ed the bu!ldlcg used by Clarence Shop­ and grade Holstcm 1 801 pounds mill! son spent Sunday evening at the Otis & At vldson Attys bell as a garage and all station Three 385 2 pounds fnt Burdette Bateman home July 3 at Lansing Umon Building Dorothy L Lorgham vs Jobn J cuts were bmned and supply of all 15 13 cows pmebrcd and grade Hal nod Loan Association Limited vs D Lorgham dtvorce Rex A Spafford nnd tires The building11 was owned by stein 9 889 pounds milk 377 3 pounds L Pmtt and Fem L Ptatt Lot 35 Atty out of town parties fat Wntren BytUm 17 88 CO\\S pure­ of Wcbstet Farm Subd Townslllp of Russell V Mtblcthnlet vs Mary 0 Vctnon VanRiper of Belle Oalt nnd bred and gtadc Holstein 9 93! pounds Delhi Ingham County Mlchlgnn $2 of Mthlcthnlct dtvorce Hubbard Rath Ftances White of this place were te millt 376 0 pounds fnt Wheclct & 520 36 c F & E T Hammond, Attys bun & Arvidson Attys ccntly married ut the home of the Lyons 21 cows pU!ebred and gmdc July 3 at Lansing Home Owners Matgatet Penoyer vs H ury H Pe brides parents Rev Camburn of Jersey 7 221 pounds mlllt 382 4 Loan Corporation vs J Jultus Cool! noyet d!vmce H II Partlow Atty Stockbridge tending the cetemony pounds fat Raymond Elfet t 15 cows ancl Armcda Cool' Lot No 3 of bloclt Hemy T Crawtod vs Katherine V Sll b s purebred and gtude Holstein 8 844 1 5 of :';!cPherson s Michigan Ave Addt Hlchatcls lnJunct10 n Pletce Pltnck da~he rna s Y wus 11 ome ovet un pounds mill! 369 5 pounds fnt Jnmcs tlon to City of Lansing Ingllam Coun & Ramsey Attys Thurlow Williams vlstted his moth- C Jacltson 14 42 cows purebred and ty Michigan $3 160 34 Shields Slls Luc lie M Denney v. Harry R ct Sunday grade Oumnscy 7 771 pounds mill' bee Bnllmd & Jennings Attys Denney dtvotcc Thomas J Tears Tile Marigold Kitchen Coolwrs met 3611 pounds fat Cha1lcs Davis 10 25 July 11 at Lansing Robert Sam Atty at the school last Monday A demon cows pmelHcd and grade Holsteins et vtlle FloiCncc So met vtllc Cullen and Holand E Jaeltson vs Ruth E Jack h blt 1 1 8 788 pounds nullt 332 0 pounds fat Emma Shafer vs Alvin J Linn and June ' son d votcc Pterce Pinnell & Ram stratton on Welc rate was giVen noath f o L dom ol tho City Hallin the c ty of Beeman & Rodman 16 41 cows put c Norman B Cove and Ftank undm the cltection of Mrs Mytl Gta Laming County of ln~lnm Mlcl gnn rtlanl b1 ed and gt ade Holstein 8 694 pounds Ecln l Lmn rho SE I' of the SE II Thomas rccc vets a! Hugel & Cove scy Attys fat plalnttff MillS hall hum as a smprlsc to the second year I hcl g 0 c ol the places ol I 0 llnrr Corcult Co art milk 326 1 pounds fat Beeman & Wtl ofContalnlll Sec 25 T3N R2W Ingllam county L 1 C0 s Freel Shaheen et al Scat! & Dean Attys for defendant gnls TheLC weLC two Vtsltms pte , ani I County) snld mo tg "" "11 be fo c ~ 10 l"rcs ll!Ote Ot less ex um let v l0 aletgll D Bclltn'lp vs Maty L dl f M d M clo"d I y n snle nt public ctaon to the biola son 26 74 cows putebted and grade "' " Concluswn of tun! ·• ' sent Mts Bene ct 0 as on an tss c•t buller ol the nrcmlscs lesclihe 1 In a~ld Holstem 7 784 pounds mill' 30G 0 cept 1 acte m the SW cotnm Also June q) Ntchols Btll lot m,unctwn Shields j Thelma Smltll of Pcny Aftct the mo !gage m ch thcacof'"' may be ncco• 0 80 pounds fat cet taln lands Jn Sec 36 of T4N R2W ~~ Stlsbcc Ballarcl & Jennings Attys /business meeting games were played s ,., to ny the mno nt lac ns 11lo csnld nn 1 S7 232 01 Shtclcls S Is bee Ballard & John F Beuy vs Glenn E Pulver I Zachanah Bristol vs Ruth Enstol ny a m1 o , ms wllcla mny be pall by 11 c In production of lncllvtdual cows Mr Jenntngs Attys Judgment iot plalnttff $1000 Costs dtvotcc Jason E Nichols Atty fot - unle sagncl t oa bclmc s11ld •ale for t.L''" Harlow again tnnlted high with 20 332 July 11, at Lansu g Home Owners Ito be tn.xcd plamtllf John McClellan Atty for de Legal Notice e ~~~~~m~npni'~"b'; ~~ ~~n,\e~:f~~~~· w'i~~ ~~::~'st pounds of mtlk and 705 9 of fat ftom Loan Corporal on vs Not man N In the mattet of the contempt pta fondant the con ""'" annt to In v and to the term• of a mature grade Holstcm The five Cot yell ancl Maud Cot yell Lots G at!d ccecllngs Wayne G R ce Sentence Joseph G Johnson et al vs Amy snld moatgngc nnd nil legal costs chnrgCB nn I lughest anunals m the four age chvt· 7 of block 1 of Laltevlcw Meudmnl abrogated Jespondent hav ng ptud Ptuddcn Turnm InJunction Oteenc ~·g;~:~~ ~·:;;,!c"fbc\"o,"~~~~~~· fcc wl el swns nrc as follows township, Ingh 1m county Mtclugan $GOO 00 & Bud Attys Thnt cc 0 tnln piece o nnrccl ol Inn I situate 1 Five yeats and over (1) Charles $1359 17 J Eat! Brown Atty L B MeAt thm Juclbc of Ptobatc Clyde Ftshct vs Carrie Paulina I tl e City or Lnns ng County of ln~hnm Hat low grade Holstein 20 332 pounds 0 Ell t 1 July 17 ut Lansmg Home wncrs vs swot i C D unnmg an d Natton· Ftshct dtvot ce Gerald F Haskell MThe clugn We•t • moo 73 >\a1 nlcct tlculn of lyLot lcserabed 20 Dloci< ns 7 ol mill! 705 9 pounds fat (2) R Dntltng Loan Corp vs Rosie B Evans The ul S nety Cotp Vcrdtct fat platntlff Atty R"h Dutlca anal Spna o a Add tloa to tic gtade Holstein 16 959 pouncls nuil< W 73' feet of lot qO bloclt 7 of Bush $2719 19 of wluch $327 01 Is to be Roy E Sltckle et al vs Roscoe 0 City of Lnusln~ County of Ingl nm 580 pounds fnt (2) Clyde Snow Tt \l: Bullet ~ & Spun ow~ s Addition to the pateI b ) N altona l S me t Y C orp Edwatds Btll to void lease and m HOMEDnto I AOWNERS pall '3 1030LOAN CORPORATION Sons gtndc Jersey 11 613 pounds Ctty of Lansmg County a! Ingham June 23 JUncttOn Greene & Btrd Attys Mo tHnReo nullt 575 7 pounds fat ( 4) J W \\ 1 $2 680 20 Shields Sllsbee Ballard & People vs Wllllnm Albert Arta!gn Lma Myttle Penner vs Aunust Pen Sll!ELDS SILSBEE MLL\RD & JEN fot d pm cbred !Iolstcm 15 418 pounds Jennmgs Attys ed pleaded guilty plea accepted Pto ncr dtvorce Btown Gteggb Thomp- f,~~,as ci"~ 1 ~~YTJ~~rMLnt~:,~~ ~r.~n"t ,~ 1 milk 571 4 pounds fat (5) Clyde July 18, nt Lansing Josepll W buttOn 2 yeats Restttut10n of $5 50 son & Glasson Attys 11 01 7 1 3 Snow J1 & Sons grade Jetsey 10 l !7 Gleason vs Alfred c M Johnson et and costs of $10 00 to be paid by Sep Henrtctta Apple vs Cloyd Edison pounds mill> 561 3 pounds fat al Lot 13 and tile N '- of lot 14 of tcmbcr 1 1936 Apple dtvorce Pterce Plat!Cll & Ovet 4 and undet fl years (1) i.\lodel Iiluslrated, UIU.t•·Ull Otto s Addition to the said Ctty of In the matter of the pctllton of Dan Ramsey Attys Wheelet <;, Lyons g1 ado Jersey 9 891 All prl~,cs Include Delh or~ Lnnsmg Shields Sllsbec Ballard & S Colter for the Jestoratlon of duv Fred stotey and Hazel Storey vs pounds milk 560 6 pounds fat (2) Inslallntlon Flvo-ye tr Jcnn 1 gs \tlys et s hccnse Ordct tcsto11ng dt!var s Geotgc Sfmlnburg Btll for lnJUnctton Chatles Harlow gt ade I.r'olstcln 16 Free Sol"ilcc July 18 at Lnnslng E Hatllson license Rtchard K Amctson Atty 069 pounds millt 552 6 pounds fat (3) Powell vs William Collet and Ben June H Gladts M Helcer vs Wllhnm B He! Ralph Durling purebred Holstem 11 ttice Cotter Lot 3 bloelt 13 Elm People vs Frede!lck R Seth Otdet cct dtvotce Harry H Hittle Alty 134 pounds mill! 538 8 pounds fat ( l) hmst Subdtv!slon of part of the NE lot ex pet t wttness fees Mnty Tllornbury vs Wilham Tllorn J H Under wood grade Hoi stem ll 1 1 of Sec 21l T1N R2W Michigan In the matter of the contempt pro bury dtvmce w J Catbuugh A tty 332 pounds mill' 511 3 pounds fat (c) Motley E Keyes Atty ceedtngs Ralph Slec Guilty of con Irene L Donahue vs Robert J Don- R Dntllng grade Holstein 14 951 July 18 at Lansing Molly Grove tempt of coUit State prison of South ahuc divorce Hurty F Hittle Atty pounds mtlk 509 5 pounds fat Wood vs Paul Chetlitcld and Mat· ct n Mlclngan until order s compiled LtL\1 Ovet 3 and under 4 yeats (1) Thos gatet Cberhtckl 'Ihe N '- of the S wttll but not exceeding one year Roscoe 0 Edwards vs Roy E Haggcr ty g1 ade Holstein 12 254 C. W. Couch & Son l£ of lot 1 In block 10 of Handy Juno 26 , Sttcl!le and Get tmdc Stlcl!le Replevm pounds mtll! 520 4 pounds fat (2) ~las on Homes Addttlon to the City of Lun Norman B Cove et al vs Fred w s Seelye Atty sing Ingham county $1 396 12 Rich· Shaheen and Snlcna Shaheen Verdict F H McCitntoclt vs Wilham L atd K Amerson Atty for plaintiffs ~342 96 with mterest Ross Appeal WilHam Sessions Atty July 20 nt Lansing Tbc Mlcblgan Ray W Pecl>ham et al vs Martha fm plalnttff Greene & Bird Attys for Ttust Co vs H 0 Cllrlstman Co et A Noble Verdict fot plaintiffs defendant al The W 96 feet of lot 2 of College Jesse DeFotest vs Stanley Soules c N Wilson vs A M Smtth Trcs Gtove Plat East Lnnslng Mlchlgnn Mot10n for new trial denied pass on the case upon ptomlses El- JULY BARGAINS! Tra\ts Metrick & Johnson Attys cited & Gemuend Attys July 24 nt Lansing Home Owners M • L' Andtew J Edwards vs Lansmg Loan Corpmatlon vs Howard Rey- arr1age ICeDSeS Realty Co Ttespass on tlJe case upon Summer Necessities Fishermen's Specials nolds and Hazel Reynolds Lot 329 of promises T Rogets Lyons Atty Urbandale Subdivision No 1 Town- Wayne A Colby Owosso -----25 Grace M Knight vs John Merlgnac sblp of Lansing County of Ingham Donnn L Myers East Lnnslng ____ 26 Ttespass ol} the case Clny camp $773 34 Shields Silsbee Bullard & Mer1ell C Neal Knoxville Tcnn ___ ao bell Atty 3 gallon Ptessme Spta~er Jennings Attys Madge Wmdham Memphis Tenn _19 Bessie M Hlclts vs Fred Witt As July 25, nt Lansing Julia A Ne Rtcllatd Oxley Lansmg______21 sumpslt c F & E T Hnmmond $4.25 value, special met, Admx vs David Frledlnnd, In Constance Cotton Lansing______20 Attys dlvldunlly nnd doing business us Fried Lyle Gnmertsfelder Lansing___ _ 21 land !ton and Metal Co lots or pa1ts Alvina Lehman Lansing 20 $3.79 of lots In bloclt 14 block 20 and blocl> Hobert F Donley Lnnslng ____ 20 censcd hearing on appointment of nd 23 according to the mlglnnl plnt of Allee L Hillman Lansing __ 19 mlnlstrntot the City of Lnnslng Sheriffs snlc Stephen Jarecl!l Lansmg ___ 36 Estate of Elizabeth Scott deceased t gallon exha heavy July 25, at Lnuslng Home Owners Sopll1a P Urbanovicz Lanslng ____ 3Q henrlng on final account Loan Corporation vs Jay J LeRoy Dclv!n A Landes Lansing ------20 Estate of Susie M DeWttt cleceas Open Head Ptessme Sprayer and Lam n B LeRoy Lot 239 City Julia L Badge row Lansing ------19 ed bent lng on will Park Subdivision City of Lnnslng R Wayne Onrloclt Lnnslng ______32 Estate of Benjamin F Davis de­ $1 372 69 J Earle Brown Atty Dorothy M Majchrzalt Lansmg___ 27 ceased henrlng on petition for exten $5.49 July 25 nt Lansing Home Owners Warren Woodard Lnnslng______20 sian of time In wlllcb to close estate Loan Corporation vs Florence Me· Isabell A Simons Lansing___ 1D Estnte of Anna Caroline Stopple Louth Lawrence Wtlgllt Lot 87 of Charles E Henton Kalamazoo _ 29 deceased hearing on license to sell Assessors Plat No 9 on SE ¥1 of Sec Lot rnlnc I Wells Lansing 26 real estate 6 qt. Heavy Freezer $1.85 17 T4N R2W County of Inghnm, $2 • Luman E Grace Okemos_ _ 31 Estate of It vic C Sutton deceased Come m and see our new 588 4li J Ea1le Brown, Atty Doris A Hnvilnnd Lnlngsburg ____ 1G hcnrlng on appointment of administra­ 4 qt. Heavy Freezer $3.35 and comolete !me of fishet­ July 25 nt Lansing Home Owners Vernon R Otto Lansing _ ----23 tor Loan Corporation vs Scott W Rose- Bermea M Hetncr Lnnsing __ ----19 Estate of William J Redman, de- mens' supplies, evetythmg fm crnnce Lot 72 of Assessors' Pint 42 Wnync T Banner, Lnnsing ______zo ceased, hearing on wlll 5 foot Jamesway Feedet fm the lalte and camp at the low­ of tile rcplat of Dlclteiman s Addition Lucille Drexler Lanslng __ ~------18 Estate of Addle Evety, deceased laymg hens. Complete \Vlth est pnces. on the SW 1, of tile SE '4 of Sec 17 Patsy Longo Lansing ______~-- 30 hearing on license to sell real estate T4N R2W, City of Lansing, $1,72317 Beulah Chauncey, Lnnslng______25 Estate of AleXILildrla U:edrock de· stand, capacity 50 lb dry mash J Eatle Brown, Atty John s Piddington Lnnslng 25 cenBed, bearing on license to sell rcnl SPECIAL July 25, ut Mason Dnrt Nntionnl Pauhnc E Spratt Lansing___ _ 20 estnte Le\el Wtnd Ueel 79c and up Banlt vs B Fran!! Stevens Certain Archie c England Lansing_ _ __ 20 $4.19 lands In Sec G, T2N R1W, $82163 HllZel V LnBnrr Carson City _ 17 3-legged camp stools 50c, 65c E A Densmore, Atty Leo R Mntcllecl!, Lnnslng -----27 Complete assortment of the July 28 1936 at Lansing Barbnrn Gerlt udc E Ollm, Mason _ -----21 latest fltes for bass and blue Shl! ts vs Ida Peltrul Tbc W 1h of the Donald E Hutson, Lnnslng_ ------20 gills. SW '• of Sec 35, T4N R2W except Vlrglnln E Seger Lansing ______18 GULF SPRAY 17 acres of the E and S sides $4,• Wlllnrd V Chambers Gallon Ohlo-21 324 48 Hubbard Ratllbun & Arvid· Mary McDonald, Gallon Ohlo _____ 19 Mr and :Mrs George Corwin and Bob spent the lust of the week In Pe­ INSECT liiLLER NEW ITEMS son, Attys Harold C Gardner, Lanslng______19 tosltey, vlsl tlng relntlves ------Betty Lucllle Gackley Lanslng ____ 20 L1ve F1sh Bag 49c Nye Sllephcrdson has been lll with DIVORCE DECREES GRANTED James S Wiegman Mnson ______21 Quarts 85c The fish don't even know Raynale A Whitehead vs Grace G Bessie M Stevens, Leslle~------18 a severe cold Whltellead William L Klum EnBt Lllllslng____ 22 A new tennis court Is being bunt on they ate caught when you use VIvian Ill Barbour vs James L Bur- Bernice V Krieger, Enst Lnnslng_~22 tbe school grounds Be sure to get your Free full one of these. bour. Elmer DeGroot Lanslng______27 Mr nod :Mrs Asa :Moore spent Sun· s1ze Moth Bag wlth eaclt quart Rosebud Andrews vs Lloyd A An· Mabel Flynn Grund Raplds ______32 day with Jim Hulett and family of drews Mason FOR THE CAMP Ellen E Cramer VB Jay H Cramer Elizabeth Momany VB Floyd :Me­ Friday afternoon :Mrs Agnes Bald· Coleman Instant Light many Probate Hearings wln gave a shower at her home In hen· Croquet seta $1.89 up Camp Stoves Ada L Baker vs Stanley H Baker or of Retha :Monro $1.45 $6.45 $9.90 :Marie Bertha Phillips VB Walter C Mr and :Mrs A Rosenbrook spent ""'."'"''"' Phllllpa Friday with relatives In Jackson Tennis Rackets To appreciate the conven· Irene Peek vs Floyd A Peek :Mrs :Mertle Hunt of Jackson, for­ 1ence of one of these, drop m :Maude Wood va John D Wood merly of this vlllage, Is quite Ill at her $1.79 up for a demonstration. home with undalent fever Larry Howe of Mason, bas been spending a few daya wltb hia grand· parents, Mr and Mra Mel Clay. Mason Plumbing & Heating Co. Mrs Mel entertained COUIIDI of her Harwood, at a Logul No Lice Jla"e 'I'welvc INGHAM COUN'l'Y NI~WS, MASON, MICIIIGAN, 'I'IIUUSI>A Y, .JULY 2, 1!l:lll & -· .

~.. ~~;~;::;~1 fJ~i;~1:;;J;!:h~f:.,~f:i:~,~:9 Oem;;B~~~~~:~~e~elt I COUNTY PURGHAStS PIT---~u~iBccc-ln-Mca0tnhcSyt-·F 0~~P~I- -;..-:::~::.W.... ~E~-A:T.~:~H:_E_R;:~.::.:~--- ... ·-- .. -.w- ·: ·-F--~-A--T·-·-u··-R~·--· f (light lfi'!Lrulohiidt'on, fOUl' I:I'UILt gmnd- one I cs • J c 1: 1: !...... , .. , .. , .... ,..,.. , .. , ...... , .. , .. , .. , .. ,.,..... ,.,,., chlldmn, threunhJtcm, nnd muny other n -r· --., AND GR'AV[l EijUIPM[NT - OBSERVATIONS